Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 12, 1881, Page 8, Image 8

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8 riU OMAHA DAILY Btifi : FRIDAY , AUGUST , 12 1381. ! I
Friday Morning , Aug. 12.
VralerlcV , Lending Hatter. Mf
PaUenwn wlln coal.
Get your hal at Doan&'n.
-.Nindell ft Krollc , Practical Hatter * .
COO business lots. Call on BemU.
Bwnls1 real entaU boom. First page
250 TiouMvi and lot * . BemU' apency.
A. W. Nanon , DcntUt , Jacob' * block.
Warranted Tooth Brushes at Kuhn'n.
Brmit' new rnsp of Omaha , 35 oenU.
' llichard'n restaurant
l'reh oyntera t
MXX ) residence lot * , Ikralu , agent ,
For m * Conimorolal Job Printing ,
All at THE HER Job rooms.
The Lion continue ! to roar for Moore1 *
Ilornosi Mid Saddlery. '
200 ( arms and 000,000 BCTM of land
BcmW , agent. > ,
pVcscriptioiu a specialty , Opera House
Pharmacy , 211 S. 15th Street.
Fresh supply of imported Key Wed
nnd Dometlo Cifeurs atf SAXK'B.
iV rare chance to obtain a ( jood paying
liiiainess. SPO special column. Knquira at
ai7 South 1 Itli utrcbt. tf
Two > ncn who had tmn ? re ed the
fllowtrnbjlaw , were tent to Jnll by Ju go
The fir t nnniml picnic of Ktirolta
Temple , , No. 71 , Knights of Tabor , of
tiin'aha , .will bo given nt Boulh binaha
] ) &r\i \ , ( August 17th ,
The western bound pan rngor train
cm the U. 1' . yoUerday waa the hoavlost
tJiat hw yet fr > no tVroiifih. ItwaH utter
ly Impossible for many to R t teats In thi
T/n. A. 1'HLi went west yesterday.
Tie IJIerlxmcr left for .Sidney yor
torday moniin ? .
if. ,0. Kilth , of North J'lntlo , left foi
111) liomont noou yontcrday.
Mm. William A. iVxton started for n
jile.vuro tflur of Co tirodo yesterday ,
jTJbyl''Carter Btnrted for Salt Lalcoycii-
M. L. 'White of I'lnttsmoutli , Is a guest
i& tbo Crol hton houa .
n.JL ? Cnrpcntcr , of the rnpillionTimo ,
it at the Witlincll.
Judge K. Wnlcly , Jj. CJrolT , and E. V.
fiuiytho arrlvul howe from Lincoln yes-
Lcrdny uinruin' .
Senator Alvin Saundow , accompanied
by Mliw Mauiiu and Mr. Chirlca Snundorii
loft yoterduy fora phaiuro trip tj Col
orado. '
frnlm A. CrelghUm and wlfo left for n
wostojn trip. They | wlll visit SaltLalco
nnd other western ro'orU before thuir 10-
Aim. L Lynch , of Hot Springs , Ark. ,
who has been > l > Iting the family of K.
Conklin , left for North Platte ycxtunluy.
Hov. Mr.-ilcCaadliflh went west yonter-
day. „ t i \
Connc'lmau nfcGavock and family re
turned from tholr eastern trj ! yesterday
Hov. John I'Lawlens , of Jacknon , llov.
WAWnJf of Crete , and Hoy. H. Schoof.of
St. Ilelona , are rc'ststered nt the Crelli -
ton holiso. They will leave for thuir liomen
MM. OCD. Dodge nnd party passed
tliroujjh ; Omaha. < yc > tcrday homeward
bound. The party had the director * car
of tlio M , , K. Si T. , and haveuudo a tour
ef California.
[ John - LjfThaypr,4oJ Giand [ Inland , la
hi the city.
J. F. Kdgerly , A Chlcago.capitalliit , . ! !
' 1 < ' , , { \ \ /f /
P. Beokcr , nn t.\tcn iva grain dealer
of Culuuibua , Nebraska , ia In the1city. . ' ' '
0. W. Mend , p ciident ol the smelting
works , lias n turned homo from Chicago.
J. A. Grimlso'i ' , editor nnd publlnher of
the Schuyler News , was in the city yester
Htm. J. T , Clarkhon , president of the
tatu board of Qf iculturo arrived in the
city jcbtorday afternoon.
1L H. Porter , J. II. Swan , 0.1' . Hatch ,
E. W. Winter , J. W. Johnum and O. W.
Purler , of the St. Paul & Omaha-line ,
arrived yeaterday and are r > t tho'Witir
Alex Polack and \vifo left.for the east
jcsterday afternoon. While eaH Mr.
1'olack will purchi o an iinmenie Block of
lotiln ! ? aaJ farntdhlu go < U for hit elegant -
gant new store. '
Borioaut Z.OWD "
Tl o members of Compnny'O hold a
compwtitivo drill for a sHvor modal at
Uiolr nnory , last night. Thi-ro vrorp
only two contestant * , Sergeant F. B.
Ijowo and Corporal I' . oj8ont Aftoy
n vj rom contest the prlzij rta
awnrdud to Sergeant IflYfQTlio cnn\t \
pany are now tjuito nctivo in their
drill exorcises , rut they intend goint ;
to Lincoln on the occasion of the ru
\ \ union of the ( } . A R. , which will be
hold September 5 , The resignation
ot Second Lieutenant E D. MuL < iugh
1m has , been received and accepted by
the Adjutant General of the State.
-Misi Ella Torrance Bolioita nowinf
ty thtdity or week. Call or nddrese
her , 4th 'Btreot. cor ? " Worth. Couno
V-r '
B .
Pleasant Picnic-
The Bajitiat Sunday school pnjoyot
a duy out jesterday at Iluuseom park ,
and , as far.Yj could be luari'ied , had c
r very , pluaimt time. iTJio anat eLy
Ly W. T Seaman , thosuperintendeu
of the ftchool ( xnd n committee , A <
nothinj ; w.ia left undone tlmt woiik
. . . .
wmitous , uiAOcta. etc , , cleared t b ;
"Roush on Kats. " 16c boxes B
(6) ( )
A Score of Thorn on Their
Way Homeward.
Recalled From America by Tholr
A party of Iwonty-ono Chinese stu-
Icnta , nccompaniod by nn instructor ,
arrived nt the depot yesterday morning
rorn Hartford , Connecticut. Thu
party left Hartford on last Monday ,
and have had a very pleasant trip
hu far. They stopped at Niagara
falls for a day , nnd they express
homsolvoR na delighted with that
wonderful freak of nature.
They are all bright , intelligent look-
ng young men , and are ablu to speak
English tlusntly. They range in ages
rom sixteen to twonly-two years.
The instructor , Professor Yun # , is
ab'ont forty years old , This party is
the first delegation of Cliincso ntu-
dcnls in Aineiicn which IIIIH boon re
called homo b'y the Uhini-flo govern-
mfiit The reasons forjtlio recall arc
unknown to the students , hut they
oflor various conjectures upon thouiat-
.cr , onu of which ia this :
Homo of the young men wished to
ontur the navnl school ut JVuiiupulia ,
BInryland , nnd BO signified their
wishes to their homo government.
Their request wan refused by the
government , nnd it is thought for the
reason that England , Ucrmtny and
Franco , having olloruil plucos in thuir
various naval schools , the Chinese
government , not wishing to discrimi
nate in favor of any one liation , de
cided to reject the olfurn of all the
different nations.
There are two morn dolcg.itions to
follow this one. The next one will
contain thirly-six students , nnd they
will start noon. After them the third
and last will embrace a party of about
eighty. They are now satttured
throughout > ho eastern waleriut , '
nlacus. As soon as they o in bo assem
bled at Ilurfford they will bo stint
homo. Tlio intention and purpose of
the Chinese government , in sunding
these young men to thin country i- ,
I hut they may be inxtiucted
in the English liingtmgo , and
also to guin a knowludgo
of American institutions. Thu dele
gation which passed thiough to-diiy
will all bu assigned dipionmtio poMn
in this country and Europe upon thuir
arrival home , and then utart for their
vnritnia postn of duty.
Tim members of this paity have at
tended the'diilcient ] ii > nciptl se.its of
education , huuh as lliirv.iid , Yale ,
Piincuton , Am'heist , Columbia , I'nr-
nell and the Boston technical school.
With tlio exception of tiu | instruc
tor , the students nro nil ( dres > od in
the American style , and wear the
latest style straw huts. Upon their
arrival in their own counMy they will
again don the national pub. Thuy
have a college or school in Hartford ,
whore , dtuini ; ovury long vac.ition ,
they are instructed in their native
In a conversation with' ono of the
party , Wing 0. Toiitf , he B.iid
that ho had been much pleased
with his sojourn in America. His ad
miration for the nuttvo American was
unbounded , while his opinion of the
foreign American was not very high.
Jn answer to the question'wi'.ut Jio
thought of American institutions , ho
replied that ho was much impicssud
witli the system of government. Ho
said that he preferred the English sya-
tain'tPthc oiuiitt , use heir for the
reason tlmt it d"es not allow an indis-
crimiuato iiiimiuriitiiiii of foreiunerd.
Tfio p. ty will tail from San 1'ratl-
cisco Augu t 10th , on the to.imur
Dolgioi nd will land * at , Shanghai , '
China , where some of them live. Most
of thorn , however , are natives of
They Are on Their Way Hero
Thin present disasrooablo condition
of the ntreets will soon bo a feature of
the past. Mr. C. J. Westordahl re
ceived a telegram from St. Joe
yesterday to the effect that five or six
sprinkling wagons , built after the
model on exhibition at Max Meyer's ,
had boon shipped from St. Louis.
They ivill anivo in Omaha either to
duy or to-morroiv. Mr. Westerdah
has charge of the matter for Fair
childs , thn gentlemtn who owns tlu
wagons , and will BOO that they tire a
once put upon the streets. Ho hur
already bouuht n suuiciont number o
horse * to haul the wagons , and then
Vfill bo no delay. The water supplj
will , bo taken , from the city wutoj
U i V
A Fractured Foot-
W. S. Edwards , the conductor o
'the ' mixed ( rain on tlio Omaha A Re
publican Valley railroad , which loft
Omaha yesterday noon , met nith r
serious accident at Millard Station
Ho was on the engine , assisting whih
it was taking water , when his fee
slipped and he fell to the ground. He
broke his loft foot near the ankle , Hi
was immediately taken into the nta
tion and properly attended to. He
was brought into Omaha on the pas
aengfr train. The fracture haslbee'i
" 'Leave of absence for ono month i
Rr nti > d Cuptaijv Gcorgo A. Drew , 3i
cavalry , Fort JJcKinney , W , T. , t (
tuko.uiTv'ct on or about tlio 20th i )
5th car ftlrv , Fort Laramie , W. T. , be
ginning Sejitembcr , 1 ? t.
The decUion of the general of tlu
this ; "After the piece 1ms been in
Bpucfldfretunfla to' 'thefecruit , nm
tJio umm r..la6 | . | fciij th/
notcl hl W llahd U UlK
to the side before lowering the piece
with the left hand , but it ia passed a
once directly to 'near the middle
wild' and tha piece lowered to the
; round , "
The secretary of war directs that no
man over thirty jear * of ago or who is
married bo recommended or examined ,
and that no non-commissioned officer
of the general service serving in a
lopartment ho examined unless his
promotion shall have been recom
mended by his department or division
A recent decision is that two con-
ecutivo target scores authorized by
ho same order need not necessarily bo
at the same practice on the same day ,
or oven consecutive days of the month.
It is only required that the scores
hall bo made at consecutive practices.
Some of Those in the City
Treasurer's Report.
Money Paid Out nnd Coin Still on
Some facts that will be of general
ntorust are gleaned from the foith-
coming report of the city treasurer.
PliO balance in the general fund July
1st of last year $25 53 1 27.
Through taxes collected and premiums
on bonds thcuo figures were increased
to $103,008.10. Warrants have boon
ptid out to the amount of $03,413 83 ,
leaving a baliuco of $10,191.23 in the
fund Juno JJOtli of the present yuan
Tlio lul.mco in the sinking fund July
1 , 1880 , was $20,70 i. 02. The amount
credited sincu brings the fund up to
$101,270 03. ThoVo is still a balance
in thu fund of $10 , : iGO 05. For the
school fund $3fi,019.28 wore
collected in taxes , licenses ,
and fines from the p6licu
court. There was a balance of
$710.72 on hand List in the
library fund , to which his buun added
what has tnudo $1,114.83. Warrants
to the amo'unt of $3,322.78 weic
paid , caving a h.ilunco of $782.07 tu
the credit of the fund on Jtnio 30th.
Tli6ro is n bilanco of $ l.2Jl 01 in tht
sidou.ilk fund. To the Hpicul cash
fund there is wtill audited $3Jt.l)0. )
In the sewer fund , district No. ] ,
there is $1,320 , 03 ; in the Foiutccnth
struct grade fund $170 88 ; in the
Dodge sheet fund $18.53 ; in the
I'mUli nti oft gr.ule fund $ . ' 1.21 ; in
ho Thittcunth street grade fund
? 3U,30 ; ii | the Donglax street , grade
fund $24 11 ; in ihe Eighteenth stioot
gmdo fulid $17.05 ; in the 1'ifteunth '
itreet gr.ulo fund there is no balance ;
n the fund for nucadami/.ing
? urimm ) ! street tlieru is still a balance
) f $200.33 ; in the Furn-
lam street grade fund $207.21 ;
n the Twenty-Cist street grade funu
hero is no balance lelt ; $370.09
weio spent curbing and gut-
crinjr Douglas , and there
s no balance in the fund ; there is no
Jaluncu iu thu iuud for curbing and
juttei ing cross strouts ; $108.27 were
spent for this purpose dining the
r'uar ; $315 02 was spent in grading
Oavunpurlr street , leaving a balance
of $17.01 in thu fund.
The total delinquent taxes collected
since I860 amounta to $11)0,4,01,28 ) , ,
enviiiK a balance of $10- , 300.49 still
o collect. The special tuxes levied
ijnnuntcd , lo $408,808 53 ; of thit
uiiQUiit $1(13,911.70 ( Jwvo been col-
icted leaving a balance of S212-
J50,70. _ . _
Mrs O'Connor's Ftuioral
Yesterday afternoon at twc
D'clock the fimoral of Mrs. Bridget
3'Connor took plac6 fnim St. Tltilo-
munn'a The late Mrs.
O'potinor tlio wife of Patiicli
O'Conjior employed in the U. P.
foundry. She 'was only thirty-seven
years of ago. For the past year slu
had been ailing and thu last tw (
Weeks she was obliged o keep to hci
bed , ' The disuaso which cairied lioi
off was brain fever Quito a numbei
of the moulders und others omployot'
in the U. P. shops , attended tlu
Overeomo liy Heat.
An unknown man was found yester-
dayaf ternoon lying in I ho shade near Ik' '
W , Kennedy's , overcome by the heat
His name or residence could not hi
learned and n policonlan being sen
for lie wus taken to the city jailwhcr <
lie received treatment ,
A man giving the name of Owei
Jpo tHe wit was found wandoriii }
about the sticot yesteulay , supposablj
in adomentod.condition. . . Ho .tspickei
up nnd taken to the police station
Ho claimed to bo worth $30,000
which hi ) ' was milling to squander 01
the affictions of n young lady.
Advertising lor Bids-
Bids for the \ > oH ( on the now and
old plans for the court houaonro ngaii
being advurtuod for. All bids will hi
closed by September 1. It i not yo
known how much leas the buildin ;
according the modified plan will cost
113 the ions liavo not ye
reached herp. They aio expected t <
arrive wj thin a week.
Surprise Party.
Hiss Elsie Hurpsler was surpnsoc
n\ \ her homo on Fourteenth and Chi
< ugo stivets last evening , on the anni
ivuisary of her birthday. The oveninj
wa passed very plena uitly and evoiy
body was delighted with the rocoptloi
" ' '
i-u dyspeji
sin , indigestion' uml lii'Htiburn.
C. F Goaimtnu.
WANTKD at Bixby & Wood's , cor ,
Bancroft street and BroadwajV Coun.
oil Bluffs , u good Plumber , steam 01
fitter ,
Items of Interest From Over
the Way.
The Other Side of the Bail-
real Question.
Minor Event * of n DAJ- Grouped
Tliero has hardly boon a week
olapaod since John T. Baldwin outwit
ted the colonel over the way , in the
choice of dclegattk to the state con
vention nt DCS Monies , but that his
; ) apor has como out with an article
Derating the street company for their
lorilection of duty in operating their
cars on thu at i cats of the city , unfolding -
ing the cruel manner the compuiy1
liad buen serving thu poor. Now bu-
'ore the citizuns take too much stock
in thcsu accus.Uiani let them reason a
moment. The ptcsuilt stroiit railway
ms bt-cn in operation since 1803 , and
all thin time , if thu Nonpareil can bo
relied upon , has boon grinding in nti
unmerciful manner the Door mechan
ics of this city , and yo the paper over
the way has either boon ignorant as to
what has helm going on or they have
been tardy ill coming to the rescue of
the downtrodden and abused laborer.
Now if they really buliovo the present
system of street railway is and has
buen ciushing and grinding
the mechanic oven .16 this late hour
thuir act is commendable. But does
it not strike the average citizen that
there is a matured kitten under the
me it ? Dues it not look as if the at
tacks madij upon the company are
altogether for the bent-fit of thu me
chanic and laborer. The street rail-
xvay company , diiectly and indirectly ,
feudd and clot hey more than 1,000 cit
izens , a uumba- far exceeding imy
number that Mould be supplied miii-
tuiiunce from nny one single enter-
prisd over O-stablishOd hero. Now to
it the mjtiaie thini { to , drive this com-
p-iny to thu wall by exacting unporai-
bilities. The duiuund is made that
the Htreut car company bo compelled
to run a car to the transfer ovury fif-
tcon minutes. This they never , can
do unlusa they ky a double track , njul
this they never do because the
pcoulo ha\u too much seiibo to milnnit
to such a pioposiliiui. Juh T. Bald
win is a man of wealth , and could live
handsomely without the assistance of
the income of the Ogduu Hotel or the
Council Blufid street railway. "A
biid iii the hand is wortli two in the
bush. " Lut us treat Mr. Baldwin
fairly in this matter. In this personal
quarrel the people should stand aloof
and look to their interest.
All glad to note that the city 1ma
men at the helm who are not factional ,
neither are they fanatical. We be
lieve thu interests of the city are siifu
in their keeping , that no leading man
Or set of men can make a uinyle
member u\\eivo one iota from thu duty
they owe t the people , Wo do not
HCJU30 Mr , Chapman of fighting the
pieaent street ruihruy systemfor the
puipose of satiating a spiteftll nppctite
that he may have , but it lool ; * that
wny , \Vu lusk what bentfic would
accrue to thu mechanic or any ono ulsa
to load the railroad company d6wn
with demands that they could not pos
sibly accede to just to | tlcine ! someone
who would like to bo pleaded "awful
ly" well.
To Dr. John Green , L. F. Mnrnhy ,
M. P. Brewer , awlE. E. Aylusworth ,
inonibeis of the school board , Tin ;
would respectfully Ciill your single
and undivided attention to the condi
tion of thu well that the children who
attend the Mill Kchool house , in Ward
No. 2 , uru compelled to look to for
water. It is not fit to drink. It
smells to heaven and tastes well ,
very much as if a young skunk had
Rtraycd there. This well needs clean
A. W. Covalt , the enterprising car
penter ami builder , has juat com
muted a line icaidunco for Mr. J. Do-
liunoy. Mr , Covnlt has n Inrgo num
ber of men in his employ on buildings
in the process of erection in dilR-ront
pints of the city , nnd informs us tliut
thtTo never wm so much building
gtiing mi in Council Btills ! us there ie
at thu pivsent tiuio.
A. S. Bi > nham , the fruit dealer on
Uppur Broadway , has heel ) tu
hiH bud for some time allljcted with
what is termdd acute rhcumiitisin. Hu
maimgod , yesterday , with thu aid of n
cane to bu at hU'phice ' of business , but
ia still buflorilig from the 'pailiful '
malady ,
N. W. Williams , the builder mid
plasterer , is put ting up another neat
residence oil 'Graco ' htieet for rent.
This niakca the fourth building that
Mr. Williams has recently built on
this street. These homes add very
maturiidly to the general appearancu
of Grace street , und makes it adesira- _
bio lesidenco locution.
A innn over hero , yesterday fioni
our beloved sister across the "Bin
Mudd > " roporta that that great city
was distntbud by the prosunco of a
gt'iitlemun ' from Council Mlnfli who
WM bent nn murryjng every t-irl he
met and for fear he might accomplish
his purpose thu police dup.irtmunt
turned out , and surrounding the sup
posed would-be ton much married
man , cant tired him-aml lodged hiin in
jail. The subject of all the excite
ment ua no rttjiur Jimn Ooiiticil
Blud's' poor , harmlebs Idiot , Orange
Uuwit , who pnibably Jus had'mare
nmrringo certificates made out and
ntvBunud to the cotujs than Brigha'm
Voung himself. Wo hope they will
consider poor Ho wit's condition , take
good rare of the unfortunate ono and
Bend him back to thb city , where ho
has A mother living , who' is , a' highly
respectable woman. ' "
Thieves attempted last night to
break into the residonca of W. A ,
Mynster , nt Mynstcr Springs. They
had nearly made an ontr.uico when
Mr. Mynster's dogs discovering them
frightened thMn away.
It wns dUarrnfrd from his own
statcmonU thk Joha Malloy , who
was injured b/ having his fingers
crushed Wednesday , is a wanderer
upon the face of the earth , homeless
and penniless , having but thirty cents
ho could call his own. After his
fingers had been amputated ho was
tnrnnd over to Mayor Yautrhan , who
will care for the poor unfortunate
until ho can find out if tlio man h&s
any relatives , when he will bo tent
to them or turned over to the county.
William Marshall , of Tabor , Fre
mont county , was in the city and
brought a line load of chickens. Ho
found a ready Bale at $2.75 per dozen ,
The final result of the case of the
State of Iowa vs. Win. Smith , who was
charged with an assault with intent
to kill made upon a man by the name
of Omeg at Croscpnt , in this county ,
was iv complete vindication ot the net
of Smith , and ho was acquitted. Col.
John Hi Keating appeared for Smith
and Anieiit nnd Sims lor the stntc.
Tlio silk nnd alpaca case was cillod
in JudKcBurku'acotirtyesterdayn suit
ing in the ucquittal of Mrs. Kilh'foy ,
who WIIH arrested a few days ago , ac
cused of stealing the aforesaid mate
rial from n neighbor.
"An "aiiel ! of the alley" named
Laura Sheldon is reported nearly approaching
preaching her end from the ettects of
u dose of self-ndmitiistered poison.
Mrs. Stevens , wife of Hon. S. S.
Stevens , of the 0. , H. I. & P. rail
road , inriyod at the Ogden hotel , in
this city , yesterday , direct from Lt < n-
don. Mrs. Slovens has been on an
extended tour through Europe.
Mnj. A. 11. Anderson , ono of the
' 'big" nloii of thu state , took in the
' 'big' ' city ycstoiday.
Now potatoes wuro fetching in the
CouncilBluflsmarket jcsturuay $1.25 ;
sweet potatoes , 4 cents ; apples , $1 ;
euus , 10 cents ; butter , 15 cunts ; ho B ,
$5 to $5.nO ; hay , $7 ; wood $5 to $0.
A splendid now cross walk has been
put in on Main street , between the
two laryQ buildings occupied respec
tively by Smith & Crittonden and E.
L Shugart
A tramp called nt a saloon on
Broadway to get u drink. Having no
nloitey lie took fiom his vest pocket n
locket with a nicture in it , chaining
that it wnn his mother's aud tlmt ho
hud caniud it until he had spent his
last cent for liquor. Ho wanted , u
drink lucily and ollbicd the precious
Keepsake for it. It is hoped for thu
K\ko of the wretch that he w.w this
time trying to obtain a drink under
fahtu pleteliSL'H.
There is abiidge in oed condition
near thu Council Bluffs end of the U.
P. bridge , about seventy five feet in
leiiL'th : uid twenty feet in width. It
floated there during tlio flood last
spiing. The county suporvisOtsshould
captuie it at oiieo.
On gi > in < ; the rounds > of the city wo
find that nearly ono bundled build
ings are in process of erection. Wo
doubt if there is a city in this state
that can prodticusuch a showing.
The mercury at JJJ. Atkins drug
store reached lOOdegress Tuesday.
Wall MoFaddon lias posted through
out the county some very line and
expensive posters announcing the
giand reunion to take place nt Sheti-
andouh. August 29 , 30 and 31. It is
expected that 30,000 people will oo
Next Saturday afternoon there will
bo a matinee ut the Dnying' Park.
The admission uill be twenty-livo
cents. AH of our citizens should at
Thirty cars of cattle- received at tlio
Union s oekyards , went east over the
old reliable 0. , U. & Q. route.
Hov. Father McMcnomy has gone
to St. LOIIID on a short visit.
E. E Harkno3S , of the extensive
dry goods firm of FJiirknuss , Orcutt &
Co. , started for New York Wednes
day evening and before ho returns
will purchase a large stock ot goods.
Mrs. Gen. Dodge and dutiuhtcrti
and the vocalistMiss Fannie Kcllrigtr ,
have returned to Council Blulfs , after
an cxtpnded pleasure trip throughout
the west.
The funeral of the mother of Dr.
W , B. Lyintin will take plnco at 5
o'clock this afternoon frpm the resi
dence of Dr. Lyman on Ndrth Muin
_ _ _ _
SCOTT-.TPHN80N At the residoiice
of And row How til. August 10th , 1881 ,
by Hov. U. Manjuett , .Mr. William W.
.Scott and Minx Liziio Johnson , all of
Lutheran Snntlay School Picnic.
The picnic of the Lutheran Sunday
school will take ) pluco to-day in
Goodman's grove , npd every arrange
ment U completed for having a good
time. 1 he imiinbere of the Sunday
school will moot ut thu church to
morrow at half past 8 o'clock sharp ,
tlienco , proceed to the grove.
Worthy at Praise.
As n rule wu do not recommend pa
tent medicines , hut when wo know pf
onu that teally is a public benefactor ,
and dpea positively cure , than wo con
sider it our duty to impart that information
mation to all , Electiio bitters are
tnily n niost ' valuable medicine , and
will mue'ly cure Biliousness , Fever
and Ague , Stomach , Liver and Lidnuy
complaints , oven whore all other rem
edies fail. Wo know whereof we
speak , and can freely recommend to
all. [ Ex. Sold at 50 cents a bottle
Ish & McMahon. (4) ( )
Take " " and
Will ncvi'iI I HI biliniiK ,
C K. floiMini n' .
Michael Ley oilers his two-thirds
interest in the old California hou u ,
situated near the 0. & N. W , railway
depot , on lower Broadway , Council
Uluift , for sale cheap. The house Is
in a desirable location and can bo
purchased at u great bargain und on
easy terms. metf
Tboro i * Na Happier1 Man
in Rochester than Mr. Win , ' M. Ann-
'strong. With n countenance beaming
with Batistactlbn ho remarked,1 recently , -
contly , "blessinpa upon the proprietor
ot Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver
cure. It saved me. " !
The Route Taken by a Su'roris-
od Lovor.
Bucket * of Qoro Will Probnbljr 1 > o
the Rcaalt-
A certain man of town has got
himself into n snarl. The gentleman
referred to is quite popular wherever
known , and while not old is not ns
young ns ho used to bo some ycar >
Ago. If ho has ono weakness and
like most mortals ho has his
shore it is an ovcr-wooning re
gard for lovely woman. Ho
is quito n favorite among the sex and
his propensity in this respect han got
him into trouble. Ho is ono of a
number in this city who has the jumo
weakness , and can work up as much
enthusiasm for n given amount of
cause as any of them. Scino lima
ago it seems ho made the
acquaintance of an nitractivo
iniiriied lady nnd his affections at
onca became ultra-pl.itoitic. Hu
roomed around in the vicinity of
the house , nnd ns the story goes , even
invaded the domestic hOarthstonu. It
seems the lady herself was by no
means oblivious of the attentions
heaped upon her and took ns kindly
to the idea as tile gentleman. It so
happens that her husband is away a
good deal in thu evening , but lately
the lady has not been obliged to pine
for company. Last night her lover was
on hand na usual , nnd , unfortunately
lingered about until an unusual hour.
The hushntul arrived at homo very
unexpectedly whether because his
suspicions had been aroused or not is
unknown but ho surpiisedtho couplu
under circumstnnccs which would
cause the hair of the nverago culprit
BO caught to stand on end. There
was a lively scufllo for a fuw minutes ,
then n hasty exit through n
window , without the formal
ity of raising the sash , it is said. An
indifferently clothed figure was soon
afterward dodging in thu direction of
his homo. Whit the ultimate out
come of the nllair will bo is unknown ,
but there was onu mm walking about
town fueling rather uncomfnitablu
this morning , tad it wasn't ' the in-
jtued husband cither.
'WINE OF CArtDUl" for Ladies only
At C F. Ootxlman'o.
NOflUK Ailicrltaiiuciu To Loan , For hale , , round , Wants , Uoirillnc , &c. . will belli-
tertcd tn thcio ( .oilman once for Tl'.N CCNT >
per line ; each nub cijucnt Insertion , KIVUCK.STS.
per line. The llrst Insertion never let * than
O.VBY TO LOAN Uall nt LiwOlhceof D.
M Thnmai Room 8. CrcL'liion Illwk.
"l\/l / ONfVTO.OAN i'n real cfcUto beciiritj.
ill. Inquire ot 0. II Kallou , 16th and uniliiR
Itnut. C07-10
G * "M
3 > cMr , on good real o > tatc4ecuriti , J.y
I'll IiAAC EDWARD1109 Karnl.ain . > t.
CS ) A fl/W\TO LOAN At S per centln-
W/iOlMUU ) teir-it In sumsof 62M)0 , ) anil
up anlii , for 3 to B yoarn. on flrat-clam city und
farm property , llruis RKAL LHTATK and LOAN
ABKNCY. ifith anil Ponalan St
ONEY TO LOAN on real wtato , at
M 190 eod-10 UPXTClt L 1 UOM AS & DUO.
) - D.At the store oj J. M. 1'hllllps
WANT- 4U llroadna } . Council lllnrt * . a
first cltx-t uoot and i-lioe maker , CIO tf
A elrl , S. W. corner lath nti < \
WANTED MritU. ( Jood ua cs to a good glil.
Nor.o other mod npply. *
-TTrANTKIi-Six po-d lnborfr , ? l.'fi per day
VV for ( rood rucn. frnqulrulvt 1 > . ntzoatrli-lr ,
HOJ DouplOH St. 1)28-17
A place liy a Danish girl In feian-
WANTED family. liaHon Laundry. 13th
ktree' . t.2T 11
'I ii : > MtuatU u li } two rc-pt-ctali e tfrli
WA Jo general liousenork In private family.
I'lKjulrcat-cnn.lln.uiun . liottl , llth bt. C32 U
To rtnt u liou-c , c tin r larpo or
WANTED uizu , fiirnlshcd or unfiirnl hed , from
about 1 ittcr i art of Aiigiut or middle of Scptcin
her , Unat bo ctntr lly located. Anv ono liavlnp
above can finilo prompt and re i ix-table tenant
"araj the , " llco Offltc , 02M3 (
AMKH Airlrlfor Renerol hout Mnrlt at
W the Western Hoiu , near the null wiirka.
WANTI'.D A clrl t S. Darnabw lloctory ,
19th nnd C'al fornla rta. oodwouMgh.
en to a thoroiifhly c-ompetent trlrl. UlT-tf
ANT ! D0 carpcntur * ftt 1110 Frrnham St.
W a F. OOOUMAN. eia tf
AN ! KD I ining room girl at re taur n ( ,
W Cor. 13th an I JackH n his. 010-13
- - room with or without
WANTKIl-Furnt-lied man In a prhatu ( ami-
It ; location an near puollile to 13th and Farn-
ha i' . Adiln.s .i.O. > i .thUolIlce. U13-U
"XAT A woman cook at the Unmet
\ V oute. _ .Mt.ll )
ANTK.D- thainbirmald at tli Einnuti
W Hou'.e 035 17
A ANTFU At tlio ( IrandCentrnl.
IAllOltKllS - in.rd&y , KtTClli-.N HHOd.
' U3110
\7 A.VriiA : girl at 005 i > orth
ANTKD Mout li y who has had some ex.
perleuca tu an all prm oj. H. K K1.
A.NT D-Ily . J , Charlton , Or'tans , Neb ,
W a good b act. mlth and \tood orltr.
. \jTf t.lrl for u'ene al homework In
W mull faiuil ) at W ) W > h St. fcii tf
\ \ ANTF.D Cook n > id dining room girl at the
> Dorau Huuie. op o lU He HtHio. 675 tf
\TrANTED 'Ivrojrlrlf at Kronen Coffw House ,
VY I0th riwt. " " "
ANTfcD-A pool table to rent ; with privi
W lege of punha tnc ; . btaU price.
, ,
4M.H Vai. CrattfordUo. . lona.
T FOnJIATION wanted of Mlchaol Dtvjer liu-
I oHdiat ly dj , hn | mother , Margaret I'wjer ' ,
< 7u.aha ; eb. , between tin and Jth nn M ircv St ,
cow of Vatrick llugao Weitoru pap M pleoi-e
copv , 43 If
ANTED Fuiidlui ; bridge and wheel bolide
H , T. U L , Uf ll
AT MRS. U. E. OLAllKE-S No. l" Board
CALL llouie , cor. 13th aud I > O.IK ht . llt i
liithuclt ) . i r " * '
l'6ll KbNT House with 3 oiuud liftclion ,
on CMcuo St , bet. 10b audU 1) ) 4U. tJJl-U
. ' . , . . . . ! ii i i i . . . .
"ITIOU REST \ ni w cotUge , \ rodm and
Jj kt Vcn , on UlvUlon t..o , bvUocn Cum-
ing aiui ludlaju lret ( , tor a iinill .imil y. in *
< julr.Jfir door nouth. ijl" ' " ffJ
KENT Thrte furulfhel ur mlurnl hcd
EOR uti th I' , I * , depot , uqulrit Iito4
gtv OUtb i the , A. M . U. R M3 U
. - \ KENT A neat cotUie with 6 roonu ,
1.-\6ll , will and cUttm ; flrat-claai locatlo . .
Inquire t.No. 131U dJl'ornlabt. , between 13iu
and 14th. JOHN MCvONN. C30-U
St.A home , fl. E. cotn t 10th and
Pacific St. (20-.S
TftOIl11KNT A houie with four r Joins cellar ,
JU rntry and clooet , Cor. 2Uhond Leuvtn-
worth. II. T. V 13s. 610-11
r < x > nu In Ma onlc
block. Enquire at. John Helng Machlns
offlc . .
1OH KENT A small hounc , corne ll t&ev and
1 22dSt . Apply vOS llo am ( old number ) .
771 Admirable furnl he.l . room , fl.
L' floor , bay-window , pritato entrance * . S219
California kt
ha rattling lonif lint ! ol nouwn , low1
B land * aiid tanut for le. Call and get
FOU IlKST A nicely furnljhed front room far
one or two Rtntltmcn , at 1210 lorml ( ntrvet.
( S3 U
T7IOK KENT New house Dattnport and llth
' * tre t , Jt Johnnon , 14th and Famhara tta.
00 U
"T7IOU RENT A hon * * of wren room * on bout
JL1 atcnue , next to Woolwortli'a retldenco , i
Johnnon.llthahil Farntiam. 4 tl
T.10H KENT 2 furnUlicd room * oter lej.
L1 cliinu' ExLhange.N. U. cor. luth and lodge-
SALE. ' 1 at
T70II HALE.-A1I the Machine Shop * and
JU Koundr ) , centrally located In 'Council '
U.uffi , doing a good luminous. AJclrrM i >
M. U. K . J II'M'KIN- ' ,
930-1S i Council Bluffs , Iowa.
TjlOK SAIX-Flna tiofk farm of 4fO ncrwt ,
JJ good lieu c , cattlu died , orchard Ac , with-
> n caiy rcich of rnllrond. I'rhc. 9'ROO , part
time at t5J. JUIIN U McOACJUE. lpp Post
Olllie. tu Lit
SAI.K-Ncit cotlagoand good lot at
3110. JOHN L..MCCIUUI : , Oip. P o.
SAI.K ON KASY THU S.-flooa T'otel
EOll Unill CIU' , Null. , will locjtcrl I'cur.A. &
N. dipoi , plenty of room , ROD I accnmmo Utions ,
fnur lots , and eoid barn. Can bo hod fit A'bar
Kiln. For pirtloiiUrs , Inq lira o. or uiUicsaO.
II. Ford , Lml.i Citj , .Nebraska.
AUjf. 11 , DalljSteod.wZt.
1710H SAI.K At ft sacrifice , n ncweiilt of ) r-
JL1 lor lurnltur. ' , black nd rrcnc I walnut oil
polMicd , iiLhthti n In cherry rep. Diqulro nt
20l3ta sSt. ii tf
SAMOn reasonable tomi. A buslncni
FOK - l < imjln < ; $400 n month. I UAnuituos
glen ai to titlu of nropertt nnd It o o of prcmlacg.
tiqnlraatotllccof hixmJ. Howol,2l7h. 14 list. ,
Om i ha. U12-tf
nou SALE- Homo flrst-cIasiKtoilonhd ) < onda.
/ . S ELTON ,
5SC-11 1513 raruham St.
I70II 8ALK-A line rldlnjf pony , nt 412 10th
U St. r-74-tf
. . . W..LE Her o , buirjry and harneij. Can
JL ; bu seen at Hti\uii < i m's Capliol Avtnue barn
1'rlce , Win. E. U. I LLIS. SttJ-lf
17(011 ( SALE Four 8 II I' . cnslnc < , two IS II
JJ 1" . engines , one IS II. I' , xtrticul liiiilt.r , one ,
a It. I' . , unxll ) II I * , and IS i. P. horizontal
boiler , all new. My Omiha Foundry tuiil Ma-
ililno Compiny Omaha , cb. innslT5-n2j
1,1011 HALU A titit Class milk dairj , Inqulro
JL1 at thin o lice. _ 617 aug it
I . OH SAtilJ A blaik poiuy , gentle nnd In teed
JJ lOtinltion ; imuitunu'd to biiiflc hiriiu : < s nnd
dillo. A | > plat Itluo Uirn , luth ktrutt , ur at
City Kngineer s otllcu.
SA1 K C1IBVP TUoonlt hot I In North
Fci I.oup , Valley County , Xtb. SdmllLH from St.
I'.m ! , U > nil'cH ' ( roni OrJ. ( Jood location , 'ood
trade and ImproUni , ' . Tor pnrtltulaM write A.
J. C. . N'oith Loup. ho9. . _ 371-tugll
AND LAND IJtinis rents hon-m.
tonx , hutcN farms , lots , landn , olico' !
rcininscte ,
Mill.M.I.As AIIU lummjik > o > i.
U SUIiriT llth nnil FmiiiuitK. 7fcOtf
1 .lOi : SALE AHrsc twoetory Iranio shliiRlcJ
y roof Hotel and ono btory Utchen ; also one
storj frame , Hhlnile < l r < of , hall room for ten sets
to dance , and barn largo enough to hold twenty
teaim- All Kituatod on comer-of Itrnail and 4th
itnet , Fremont , Dodge Co. , tcKur \ fuithor
Inforinatloii npplj to C. C. TH Mi SON.
35J-10 B-S Fremont. I'od o Co. . Neb
T7101KAIK ! Good hoimi ! n 1th four rooms and
L1 half tot , No.-2013 I > od'o bu cen 2 tli nnd
2Tth strutt. Good < iull and shade trtc.i ; lioiixe In
ndition. Inquire on preinlxia 221-U
203 tf nSTARIlOOK i. COE.
SALE A small inglnc. II. W. Pajno V
FOIl ' make. In perfect osder , Inqulro of II.
( ) . Clark t Co. 3fl-tf
! SAliE Lease and furniture of -
hotel In a town of 1SOO InhabTtAiiU , in c
of Nebraska ; his 21 IjcJi ; the tret elliiir.mcn's ro-
mrt. Inquire ntnr.Korllte. 2lPf
. SAI.KlIiip of non anil barpj c oun-
1.10K . A. llO-ir.WATnit , ' in xtreol
120 tf
* D tvio horses , a luy and a itrav , left
STRAY Monday morning ; the ) had \vh n laut
H in leat cr h'lltcrn with lunilopcau'laclud.
llrturn lo cor. 2Ut nnd > lilioaa ] St. ' HlUn.
rp LET El jant'room ' , fiirnlnhed-or unfur-
JL nithed. JlciBonalilo pr.ces , brlcki house ,
2UI3 UaM St. (123 tf
Sunday afternoon on llouard St. ,
LOST Id s uolii bracelet , inaned"it ct. " Find-
t-r will plcaw lca\unt 11-c I'like. ' 673 tf
NBW CITY JIAl'd.Sic. 3oe Ut pig.
I nnity itroet Jnly 28
ono Inrgobrindla cow , Qjtargold , lirindc < l un
ip Ith letter "O. " Has name uhlto spots on
her. Any ono gh Ing Information where the IB
r return her will be suitably rewarded. '
648 tf A. M. CLAIIK.
A NVONU ha\Ing work fora iyjc writer ran
Jlw accommodated by telephoning the BEH
nllk-e. 4 3tf
lit page.
T IOHTMNO-J. J , McLaJn U still in Lne
lj Lightning Ked bu-lnc * , wholesale and re-
tall. Itods put up or repalrud on short notice.
Order * by mall nr otherwl.o will rcteltc prompt
attention. Batlnfactlon guarauUicii Call or ads -
s tr et. 4 4 a22
rrIHKK | or four young men can be aceommoda-
_ L to-J with board , i efcren.e cxcl > ange < l Ap
ply iillCawmtrcot , 4th 'loor west of : tthH- >
or aildretn "ot 3L7 , p utotncu. SI3f
> l. nilOWN Corner 12th and Chnngo
§ . .tn rcta , is ready to t > ere or rieipen ell .
ifactk guaranteed. routr
fMIJAMR Can bo got at John Itarr ttMilc for
1 all kluil ol work > t rea onitl > le tijtunw , nvu-
nr Kth nnd Lnatriitvnrth ktreitu. 7Btl
' FOIJOCT The nucce > or or the Amer
ican House , on pouglaii ktrct-t , bctwiunOth
mil IPth , for board , lodgiiix and transient cm
lomcrx. lteHpeitfull >
SH4-II JI'l.lUS A I nl'lSK 1U.KR.
Absolutely Pure.
ll d ttym Grap Creira TwUr. No other prt-
arpatlon uuke * luch llxht , flakr hot breadi. o
uxurioui iNuuy. Cap ) < r ien by Uyipeptlc
without fear of thoilU rdultlnir from heaty Indl
d. Hold O..T Ir car.t. by all Orow.nk
Nrw York