Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 10, 1881, Page 7, Image 7

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    . /-1
010 harnham , bet. Oth and lOlh Streetl.
opy 1 year , In kd\nnc ( postrntilftO.K
.nonOn " i' . . . . , ! f..OC
months " " . J.OC
TIXR CAHU ClllCinO , KT. TAVL , MUt.NtArolm AX
I.fnve Om hNo. . 2 throujh jx mcr ( , 11
* . in. No. 4 , O.tkl.Miil pnictKcr , 8 JO v m.
Atrhe OnmhaNo. . 1 , through i V ) cncr ( , 3 p.
m. No , 3 , Oakland inttcncur , 4:10 : | > .m.
C. , II. & O. B A. m. 3:10 p. rn. <
C. & N. W. , 0 n. m.-3:40 p. in.1
O. , U. I. ft I' . , ( I n. ni. 3:40 : \ \ m.
K , C. , St. J , i U. II. , S n in. c.M : p. la , Artho
tt St. Louis at C:2j : a. in. and 7U : a. ui.
n. & M. In Neb. , Through , 8:35 : n. ra ,
n. & M. Lincoln KrclRht , 7:00 : p. m.
U. I' n , 12:16 : p. m.
O. & n. V. for Lincoln , 10:20 . in.
O. & It. V. for Osccola , 0:40 : ft. in
U. P. freight No. B , 6:30 ft. m.
U. P. ( night No. 0 , 8:16 : ft. m.
U. P. trck'ht No. 7 , 6:10 : p. in. emigrant.
U. P. Irclirht No. 11 8:2fi : u. rn.
ARsivixo rnoii KABT AXC WCTII.
C. II. h O. , 5:00 a. in. 7:25 p. m.
C. k N. W. , 0:46 : ft. m. 7:25 p. m ,
C. H. I. &P..DI6 : ft. in. 0:0 : p. m.
K. C. , St. Joe & 0 II. , 7:40 n. m.-fl:46 : p. m.
W. , St. L. & I1. , 10 : 6 ft. m. 4:25 : p. m.
ARRtVINo'rilOM till ! MT AND BOVtltHUT.
O. & 11. V. from I.lnosln 12li : ! p. m.
U. P. Kxprcm 3:25 : p. in.
n & II. In Neb. , Tluoush K prcss 4:1B : p. m1
11. li SI. Lincoln Frcijlit S:35 a. lu.
U. P. Freight No. 101:40 : p. in.
No. G 4:25 : p. in. i'
No. S 10:50 ) > . in ,
No 12 11:35 o. in.
O. & U. V. mlxml , nr. 4:35 : p. m. ]
'Nokraska Dhitlon ol the St. Paul & Sioux City
H > vul.
No. 2 Icnvci Onihhft 8ft. in ,
No. 4 lea\cn Oinih.t 1:50 : p. in.
No. 1 arrives nt Omaha Rt 4:30 p. m
r * * No. , 3 nrrhcs nt OnuhA at 10.45 n. m ,
Lvavo Omaha nt S.OO , 0:00 : nnd 11:00 n. m. ;
1:00 : , 2:00 , 3.-00 , 4:00. 6:00 : nnd 0:00 : p. m.
Leave Council 8:2u , 0:25 : , 11:25 : a. m. ;
1.-2C , 2:25 : , 3:25 : , 4:2fl : t:25nml : 0:25 : p. in. '
fjuiiftaj H Tlic iluicniy lca\cs Omaha at 9:00 :
tnd 11:00 n. in. ; 2:00. : 4:00 niul 6:00 : p. in , Lcaici
Council Illuffs at 9:26 and 11:25 : a. ra. ; 2.-25 , 4:25 :
and 6:25 : p. in.
Opening and Oloilnc of Malls.
ROUIR. Orit.t. CLOflR ,
. m. p. m. ft. in. p. m.
Chicago &N.V . 11.00 0:30 : 4:30 2:40 :
Chicago , I. & l'a lfic.ll:00 : 0:00 : 4:30 : 2:10
Chlcasro , U. & ( J . 11:00 n.-OO 4:30 2:40
Walioah , . 12:30 : 4:30 : 2:40 :
Bioux City nnd 1'aclflc. . 11:00 4:50
Union Paclllu . 6X0 11:40 :
Orr.aha&H. V . 4:00 : 11:40
II. &M. In Neb . 4:00 : 8:40 : C:30
Omaha t Northwestern. 4SO 7:30
Local math for State of to\\n lea\ bu t once n
day , \lz : 4:30. :
A Lincoln Mall li al o opened at 10:30 : n. m.
Olllco open Sundajn from 12 m. tel p. in.
Business Directory.
Art tmporlum.
U. ROSE'S Art Emporium , 1610 Dodge Street ,
Steel EnKra > lngs , Oil Palntln a , Chromes , Fancy
Frames. Framlni ; Specialty. Low 1'rlcci.
BONNEK 1309 Uouiclas Street. Good Stiles.
Abstract nnd Real Eitate.
JOHN L. UcCAQUE , opposlto Post Ofllco.
W. H. BAUTLKTT 317 South 13th Street.
Uooml4 Crcighton Block.
A. T. LAnOE Jr. , Room 2. Ciclshton Block.
Doots and Shoes.
Fine Boots nnd Shoes. A good assormont of
homo work on hand , corner 12th nnd Harnoy.
TIIOS. EH1CKSON , S E. cor. 16th and Douglas.
COS 10th street , manufactures to order good itork
at fair prices. Repairing done.
Bed Springs.
J. F. LARRIMER Manufacturer. 3517 Douylasst.
Dooks , News and Stationery.
J. I. FRUEIIAUF 1016 Farnhara Street.
Butter and Eggs.
McSHANE & SOHHODIU | : , the oldest B. and E.
botiso In Nebraska rstablMiod 1875 Omaha ,
southwest corner IGthand Doljjc.
Ucst Board for the Monoy.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Meals at all Hours.
Board by the Day , Week or Month.
Good Terms for Cash.
Furnished Tlnnm Supplied. _
\ . Carriages and Road Wacom ,
WU. SNYDF.U , No. 131h 14th and Harncy Streets
Civil Engineers nnd Surveyors.
Town Sunejs , Gnulu and Sowvrago SjBtLma a
Specialty. _
Commission Merchants ,
JOHN O Vfll , LIS.llll DO < IKO Street ,
D B.4EEMEH. . For details see larfo advertise-
mcnt In Ijftllv and Weekly.
Cigars and Tobacco.
WEST & riUTSCHUR. manufacturers of Cigars ,
and Wholesale Dealers In Toixiccos. iW5 : Douglas.
W. f. LOIIUNZKN nianuficturcr
Cornlco Works.
WoUrn Cornlco Works , Manufacturers Iron
Cornice , Tin , Iron and tilata Roofllni ; . Orders
from any locality promptly cxtcuted in the best
manner. Factory and OlL'ca 1310 Dojgo Htrctt.
aaltanlzc < l Iron Cornices , Window Caps , tie. ,
manufactured and put up In any part of tlio
country. T. B1XHOI.U 410 Thirteenth btrcct
Crockery ,
J. 1309 Dou ua street Good lino.
Clothing and Kurnlshlng Goods.
OEO. It. 1'ETERSON. Also Hats , Caps , BooU ,
Shoti , Notions and Cutlery , 804 S. 10th street.
Clothing Bought.
0 .SHAW will pay hltchcst Cafh prlco for second
hand tlothliiK. Corner 10th arid Varnham ,
DR. PAUL , Williams' I'lock , Cor. 16th & Dodge.
, Drugs , Halnts and Ulls.
Pharmacists , Fine ratio DooJi , Cor , 15th and
Doutii * ktrcets.
W. J. WHITEHOUf E , Wholesale & Retail , 16th t.
O. 0. FIELD , 2022 N ( th Hide Cumlny Strttt.
M. PARR , Urutk'lst , jntn and Howard Streets.
Dry Qoods Notions , Etc.
New York Dry Good * Svoro , 1310 and 1312 Farn-
turn vtrvct.
L , C , Enewold ftlso boots and shots 7th & Pttiflc.
A F. GROSS , New and Sjcond H&nd Fiiriiltiire
uid kto\va , 1111 IJOUCIM. lll.'hcat cash pries
paid for second liana iruo'is.
J. 1IONNER 1309 Douru tt. Fine goods , A.C ,
Fence Workt.
OUST , FRIES & CO. , 1213 Jlarney St. , Imiiroio.
od Ice Jtoifs , Iron arid Won < | Fences , Onico
lUllliiKi , Counters of Cine and Wslnut.
A. Donagliue , plants , cut flo vn , tuods , Ixxiucts
ttc. N. W. tor. Ifith an I Uou > la treeU.
r-onndry ,
JOHN WKARNE SOHS , cor , 14th A Jackson sU
Hour and Feed ,
GHAUA'CITY MILLS , 8th and Farnham 8U. ,
WeUhsni llroj. . .ropnttorn ,
Urocers ,
Z. STEVENS , 81st between Cumlnff and Irard.
T. A. McSHANE , Corn. 23d and Cumin ; fitrcets.
W. L. PARROrrE & CO. ,
fjM Douglas Street , Whohule Eiclunhtly.
Hardwaie , Iron and Steel ,
DOLAN & LANOWORTHY , Whok-uJf , 110 and
16tb street.
A. HOLMES corner IGtn and CalllornU.
Harneis. Saadles , Ac.
MISthSt. ht
Hat and Donnet Bleachers.
Ladles jet youi Straw , Chip and Felt list * done
up t north-can corner Sotntwnth snJ Cnplto
Atcnuc. WM. DOVE Proprietor
Hitelj ,
CANFini.nIIOUSEOoj. Canfleld.Mh k FurnK'xro
DORAN HOUSE , P II Oio1. 818 Famham St ,
SLAVEN'3 HOTEL , F. Shvcn , 10th Strtet.
Southern Hatcl Otis. I limd , h & L xvcnworth ,
ron l-encinp ; <
Thd Western Corniro Works , Aitenti ( or Ihc
Chtmplon Iron Fence &e , , ha o on lisnd 11 kltul
ot Fancy Iron Fences , Crestliigs , FincAh , lUxlliiiRi.
ct.1310 Uoiliro strce. npl'j
Intelligence Office ,
MKS. I.IZZIK UKNP 217 10th Street.
Oewellers ,
JOHN BAUMKU 1314 Farnham Street.
It. BERTHOL1) , R.\n and Mtital.
Lumber , Llmo and Cement ,
FOSTER & QUAY corner tith and Douglas Sin.
Lamps and ulniiwaro.
J. I10NNER 1SOU Uiiulwi St. Good Variety.
Merchant Tailors.
One of our most popular Merchant Tailors Is n-
celvinir the htptt dcslgm for Spring and Summer
Hoods for Kontlcmon'H vear. StjIUh , iluraklc ,
nnd urlecs lowascnr 215 13th bit ,
MRS. C. A. KINGKK , Wholewle nnd Retail , Fan
cy Cloodfi In grratnrlcty , Xtphjrs , Crtnl Iloard ,
Hosiery , Glo\c , Corsets , kc. chmpcst llou o In
the West , I'urtlui c K O 30 per cent. Order
liyMall. 115 Fifteenth Stu-et ,
Physicians an I Surgeons ,
W. S. ainilS , SI. D. , Iboui No 4 , CHghton
lllotk , 16th Street. _
P. H. LE1HEN111NO , J. 1) , Stamnlo Block.
C. L. HART , M. D. , \c and Ear , opp. postoHico
Ull. L. B URADDY ,
Oculist and Aurlst , S. W 15th and nuntnm Stx.
OEO. Iir.YN. 1'ROP. ,
Grand Central Onllcrv ,
212 Sixteenth Street.
near Masonic Hall. First-claw Work and Prompt-
11 ess ginrantccn.
Plumbing , Oas and Steam Fitting.
P. W. TARPY & CO. . 210 12th St. , b t Farnham
and Douglas , Worn promiuly attended to.
D. FITZPATR1CK , 1400 DouKlog Street.
Painting and Paper Hanging.
HENRY A. " > srER3. 1412Do lfo Street.
Planing Mill.
A. MOYER , manufacturer of saoh , doon , blinds ,
molding * , ncwtU , olustcre , hand rail * , furnishing
scroll sawing , & < : . , cor. Dod o and ttth strecU.
J. ROSENFELD , J22 10th St , bet. Far. & liar.
' '
Rctrlcrntor [ , Can'tield't Patent. ,
C. F , GOODMAN llth St. bet. Farn. & llarney.
Show Cnio Manufactory. ,
0. J. WILDE ,
Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds of Show
Casis , Uprleht CakC3. a . . 1317 Ci a St.
FRANK L. GERHARD , proprietor Omaha
Show Cas iiinnufactdry , 818 South 16th ttreet ,
uetvvccn Loiucnworth and Mnrcy. All goods
Qtovcs ana mwaro ,
Dealer In Stoves and Tinware , and Manufacturer
of Tin Roofs nnd all kinds ot Building Worl. ,
Odd Fellow ' Block.
J. BONNER. 1303 Douglas St. Good nnd Chcp. .
J. EVANS , Wholwle and HcUll Semi Drills nnd
Cultivators , Odd Frllons ilall.
Shoo oiorcs.
Phillip Lantr. 1320 nt. , bet. 13th & 1 1th.
Second Hand Store.
PERKINS & LEAR. 1410 Douglas St. , New and
Second Hand Furniture , House Furnishing Oomls ,
ic. , bought nnd gold on narrow martrns.
In the new brlik Mock on Donglni ) Strnot , has
Juet opened a most elegant lli'CJ II.ill.
Hot Lunch from 10 to 12
c\ cry day ,
On Fanihnm , next to thn II. & M. headquarter * ,
ha.s rc-opciivd a neat and complete cstabltahinont
which , barring FlKb. and Mothertihlptnn's Proph
ecy , u 111 bo opened tor the boju with Hot Lunch
on and after present date.
" Caledonia " J. FALCONER. 070 ICth Street.
CHAS. RIEWE , 101'J Farnhara hot. 10th & lltd.
P. PEMNEIt , S03J Tenth street , between Farn-
ham and Hnnicv. locs good and cheap work.
09 Uent Stores.
HENRY POIILMAN. toys , notions , plctuies
jewelry , &c. , 613 14th bet. Farnham and Douglas
P O. ItAOKim. I''ITi Farnhain < < t Fnni-y Ono.l *
Sioux City & Pacific
St. Paul & Sioux City
and all points In Northern low a , Minnesota and
Dakota. This line U e < | uii | | > til w'tli the improi cd
Wcbtlnghousc Automatic Alr-hrako nnd Miller
I'latfonn Counlea and Duller ; and for
Is unsurpassed. FJcgant Drawing Room and
Sleeping Cam , ownid and roiitrollni by the com
pany , run through \VIT"OUT CHANGE between
Unloii Pacillo Transfer uepot at Council BluIId ,
nnd St. Paul.
Trains leave Union Pacific Transfer dcixt nt
Council Bluffs nt fi-15 p. m. , reaching Sioux City
at 10:20 : . in. nnd St. Paul at 11:05 a. m. making
Returning , learc St. Paul at 8:80 : p. m. , nrri > lng
at Pioux City 4:45 : a. in. , and Union I'.icIllcTraiH'
i dc ) > ot , Couneil Uliilfs , at 0:50 a.m. Bo urc
t at your tickets roailla "S , C , k P. II. II , '
F , C. HILLS , Superintendent ,
T. E. ROBINSON , Missouri Valley , ia.
Ant. Uri Pun , Agent.
J , H. O'UIrt AN , Pawugcr Agent.
nouncll IllnCfi , lows.
SO ? . 3C.OT7XES
217 and 219 North Main St. , St. Louli ,
NEWS , f r/Artno i WRAPPING ,
Printers Stock.
JCTCash paid for Rapi and Paper Stock , Scrap
Iron and Metals.
Paper Stock Warehouse * 1229 to 1237 , North
Sixth ktn-ct
Notice io Nou-Roslilout Dofoudnuta
K. D , Lanofull name unknown ) will take no-
tleo that hu has been sued by Dudley M , Ntecle ,
Samuel R. Johiitun and Sanford W. hpratlln , 10-
partnvn , doing butlniiu under thu linn name of
btuilo , Jolinson It Co , lit thu District Court of
Douv-lai county , Nebnuka , to rteoitr & , OSl. ' ) ,
and interact from Ottoinr IX , 18oO , due them on a
pramUiory note Uaririg data April " 0 , Ib7b. AIM
lliat an attainment has huu made on certain
fund * In thu Fint National' bank of Omalia , Ne-
bratka , bclonirin ; to ) ou and w tilth the said par-
til * alx o named > eek to obtain to apjily In ] iay-
laentof thcirbaldeUlin.
You are rcqulrul to answer said petition on or
Kfore Monday 1 tlie 22d day of Augunt , A. D. 1&S1 ,
WAIIUEN awrrzLEit.
Vt4t. . Attorney for Pltlntlff.
jot. K. ctiKKsox. o. J. n tar.
Glarkson & Hunt ,
Successors to Richards & Hunt ,
S. HthStrtet Om ha Neb.
The Country , the Olinmto and
the Inhabitants.
.Soiuo Noteworthy Tilings Hint
Moot a Traveler' * Eye The
Rnilrond System.
Corrvfpnn < ! ence Vhtt.vlil } > litn Record.
At the present thuo , when tlicro is
BO much excitement nnd enthusiasm
in this country in regard to Mexico ,
any reliable information nntl stale-
mont of actual facts cannot bo other
wise limn desirable. So much has
been written in Howory praise of that
Eldorado that the writer determined
to proceed then ) . The following
gleanings are from personal observa
tion nnd information obtained from
others long resident in the country ,
and are thoroughly reliable :
1 landed at Vorn Cruz , that hot-bod
of yellow fever , a eity that this dis
ease did not leave lost after it
died out as usual in the colder months
of the year at Now Orluans , Havana
and other infected ports of the West
India islands. Vera Cruz is the ter
minal port agreed upon * in the recent
concessions secured by General Grant
from the Mexican government , for
tbo Southern railroad. Leav
ing at midnight , wo proceeded to the
City of Mexico , by the Vuni Cnm it
Mexico railway , it distance of 2)3 ! )
miles , through the wildest and grand
est mountain scenery yet traversed by
rail. The journey consunica about
sixteen hours.
The ascent to Orizaba is about 8,000
feet , and then the train moves over
a lovely and fertile plain , continuing
into the City of Mexico. But how-
was this fcrtilu plain utilized ? Not a
blade of any cereal growing on it ,
nothing but plantations of the pulque ,
or maguey plant , an immense de
scription of the cactus , which after
four years growth yields a semi-milky
fluid much prized by the natives for
its intoxicating qualities. It is fer
mented , alid to a novice has an offen
sive smell and disgusting taste. An
inquired taste must certainly in time
bo had for it , judging from its great
popularity. These pulqilo plantations
yield far' moro profit than would any
description of grain or ordinary farm
produce , and BO it monopolizes the
land to the exclusion of everything
else. An idea of its importance maybe
bo gamed from the fact that there tire
special trains run daily for its convey
ance to the city. All along the ronto
through the elevated plateau natives
are to bo seen' whoso condition for the
most part bears ample testimony to
the inebriating properties of this
drink. They were collecting the
juice , superintending its fermentation
end tilling hoiiskins , in which it is car
ried. The skin is removed from the
animal entire , and when full resembles
the living animal , the extremities of
the legs being tied with fibre obtained
from the same plant.
One startling feature of the journey , of the state of the country ,
is the fact that ut each station a com
pany of mounted soldiers stand mmrd
over the train , while for additional se
curity a body of military accompanies
each train. At thu dilforent stations u.
number of Indian women offer for
sale to the passengers small burnt-
clay images and relics of the Aztecs
dug from the graves of their ancestors ;
also a variety of fruits oranges , ba
nanas , chiiinioyaa and edibles cooked
in the fashion ot the country , promi
nent among which is the "tortilla , " a
corn cake baked in fat. It is a long ,
fatiguing and extremely dusty ride ,
and yon arrive in the City of Mexico
in the evening of the second day , cov
ered with dust , thoroughly exhausted
and crampud from sitting in the con
fined English coaches , locked in be
tween stations , while the train is
winding its way over frightful chasms ,
where you can look down from the
windows thousands of feet below until
aiaht is lost in the misty distance.
There are no conveniences. It was
torture to us men ; how the ladies of
the party must have suffered none but
thenibelvcs know. Leaving Vera
Cruz the temperature is tropical ,
but as wo ascend the mountains
the cold becomes intense. Not ex
pecting any such change of temperature -
ture , most of our party had allowed
their overcoats to bo stowed away with
the rest of their baggage in the lug
gage van. And hero vo were Hindu
acquainted with the aptness of the
iiativo officials to discipline ; upon no
account wcra wo allowed to take our
eoats out.
This railroad was constructed by
English capitalists , and completed in
about ten years. It cost $10,000,000.
Upon SL'0,000,000 of this it pays n
dividend of pur cent , per annum ;
upon the other § 10,000,000 nothing.
This road quito recently , I am in
formed , has been purchased by Ameri
cans , and will form part of the new
American enterprise. There is only
one passenger train each way per day.
The faro , first class , is 91(1 ; second ,
$12 , and third class , $8. Th obMffM
for freight are exorbitant , in some
case * amounting to as much as 70
per ton , What the prospects are for'
thu now roads , in the matter of
patronage and dividend , running , as
they will , through a country wln > ro
nothing is yet produced , is dillicult to
conjecture. The land , I am in
formed , is not adapted to the growth
of BUgur-cnno or coffee , two of the
commoditicii largely advocated , The
bolt where these can bo profitably
grown is confined to a lower , hotter
icgion and nearer the coast , called
Sierras Callontcs ,
Insecurity of life is ono of the
great drawbacks to settling in Mexico ,
.It in not hafo for u person to move
outoido of the city of Mexico unless
going with a party well armnd , not
alone with revolvers but with repeat
ing rifles. Kvery engineer who goes
out in thu field is thus equipped , but
even then they are sometimes waylaid
and murdered , or , at least robbed and
maltreated by thu hordes of bandito
who infest the outskirts of the princi
pal towns. It will take yoara to make
Mexico a pleasantly habitable country
for any but those of lawless proclivi
ties. Immigration to the country will
now do for these who like frontier
life , but not for people seeking quint
homos. The government ia powerless
to correct the evil for the chiefs of the
present bandits may bo in power them
selves any day.
Walking on the sunny side of the
street in the City of Mexico the nun's
rays nro so powerful ai to nml > o it un
comfortably hot ; crossing t the shady
side produces a decided chill , Mhilu
the nfr itself is so oxtmarly dry and
possesses such ft capacity fur absoib-
ing moisture that ix person beconiinc
oicrheatcd on Iho sumij Rit > ] , aa tjlu
perspiration absbrbed from tl,0 hody
so rapidly that frequent oohu ntv ju.
evitable , while noumkiaaiid rheuma
tism nro very coiiumni , ai are all the
class of kindred mnladipo proceeding
from the same came The rarillod
condition of thontinoipluMo from the
high elevation also lm s , mething to
do with the > ' , , . chilly fuel
ing experienced. 1 w mi my
heaviest winter under , Intlijng and
heavy winter overcoat , sm-h us 1 used
in Now York with the tluM-inoiuctcr
down to zero , and ln\i-ri-d with
cold in the City , , f Mexico ,
while all Iho time tin- thermometer
provokingly indicated c.ti Fahrenheit.
Nearly every American 1 know Hud'or-
cd more or less from the same causoj
and there was no reined , fur not a
stove , nor any means f.r , . producing
artificial heat , exists in the uholo city
Another remarkable etlect produced
from the high altitude is the inabilty
to perform unusual oxercisu ; rtninim ;
up a few stops causes a shortness of
breath nnd difliculty m respiration.
The natives do not seem to mind it.
or at least have become HI accustomed
L ) it that you will see them crowded
upon doorstops at early iliwn and late
of nights , mnllling up thuir mouths in
a u retched scrap of old carpet or sack ,
cut in the poncho shape , so prev
alent in the southern luti-
Ludes. So much real misery is not
to be found in the nlmlo coast
region of South Aineuca. 1 have
traveled through , Peru , Chili ,
Ecuador , Arenc2uela , I'mti-d Status of
Columbia , and all through thu West
India Islands , and I never met with
so much abject poverty as m the City
of Mexico. The inhabitants seem to
liavo fallen to such it depth of human
degradation as to have lost all hope of
any better existence , or to buliuvo
that there could bo anything different.
Can wo wonder , then , at their bandit
life ? I do not remember of seeing it
aoggar , as such , in Mexico. There
wcro thousands nil around you , but
: hey asked for'nothing.
The sanitary condition uf the city islet
lot favorable to health. The site bo
ng lower than the surrounding lakes
mperfect drainage is the result.
Water can bo obtained anywhere in
the city by digging a few feet in the
{ round. Were it not for the high el-
) vation it would possess all the re-
juircinonta for a lirst-clns.i yellow fever
vor district. Of coursu this valley
: ould bo drained , and many proposals
mvo been submitted to that effect.
Iho amount of land which coulct bo
ccoverodwould bo about TJ,000 acres ,
laving a value at present prices of
about § 100,000 , but it would cost
about five times that amount to drain
t , and hence the delay.
The population of Mexico is about
9,500,000 , three-fifths of whom are
Indians. The City of Mexico is esti
mated to bo the homo of 225,000 , per
sons. The mortality , compiled from
statistics extending over a period of
tun years , is very nvuiily distributed
throughout the four seasons , averag
ing about 4 per cent , of the population
| ) oraiimunor about 0'dOO , deaths from
all causes. The average duration ol
lifo ia 2C.4 years. The most frequonf
and fatal diseases are pneumonia and
dmrrhuia , which carry off fully one'
half of those who die : next come pul
monary consumption and typhus and
intermittent fevers. About 3,000 died
from smallpox from Iho year 1800 t < :
1872. In thg year 1870 there averaged
one death pur day from bronchitis ,
and the samo. from whooping-cough ,
April is the warmest month , the
temperature rising to 00 Fahrenheit ,
the minimum temperature showing
48. December is the coldest month ,
ranging from iJO to a maximum ol
72. The general yearly average if
The total annual imports into I\lu.v
ice , reduced to the standard of Amur *
can gold , amount in gross to § 10,010-
000. There in , however , considerable
contraband trade carried on all alonjj
the American frontier , particular ! )
across the Itio Grande. The value ol
goods smuggled into Mexico has been
computed at about § 1,000,000 pei
annum , and there n probably a mil'
lion and a half of Mexican silvci
dollars smuggled out of the countrj
each year. Travelers are not permit'
ted to takeulli them ovei
§ ! ) ! ) .0 ! ) in Mexican silver. Any ac
unlucky as to have over this amounl
will have the whole confiscated , am
there in no remedy. The law permit ?
its seizure , and the Mexicans are nol
slow to act , taking it by force. Tin
average exports fiom Mexico for i
number of years lmn not reached $25 , '
000,000 , and this is mostly io oagh
dollars. Quite a trade is Rpringingui
all along the coast of Yucatan in Sisa
hemp. The principal port , or , rather
open roadstead , where this is taken it
1'rogrcso ; thu plant w called hone
( [ lion. The hemp costs thuro from ( Ij
to ( U cents per pound. It is of tin.
same family as thu pulque plant be
fore mentioned. There is still anoth
er plant of thu same species called pita ,
yielding a stronger and bettor clans ol
fibre than the henequun , This tradi
wili increase the exports , but gonorallj
speaking , nothing is now "exportei
from Mexico except silver. Ameri
can drafts last February were worth t
premium of 20 per cent , in the Oilj
of Mexico. Mexican dollar * a
Havana exchange fur American g h
at 90 cunts , while in Now Yoik thej
are worth but about 85 cents ,
There is a great amount of romanci
about Mexico. The repoits as to tin
great wealth of that country are great
ly oxagqoratcd. The amount of woil
laid out by the United Statun to 1
executed in Muxico , in the mattur o
railroads , amounts to over § 100GUO , ,
000. It will bo curious to obsorvi
who will muko and lose in this specm
lation. '
A friend in need is u friend indeed
This none can deny , espcciall whoi
assistance is rendered when one i
eorely afllictcd with disease , more par
ticulary these complaints and weak
nesses BO common to our female pop
ulation. Every woman should kno\
that Electrio Bitters nro woman's tru
friend , nnd will positively restore lie
to health , even when all other remu
diea fail. A dingle trial will ulway
prove our ussoitian , The are pleaa
ant to the taste and only cost 50 cent
a bottle Sold by lull & McMa
hon. (1) (
Rnilronil Right * nnd Almno * .
Tho' railroad papers are falling
swiftly into line to convince the pub
lic that the ground taken by ono or
t\u > railroad magnates during the past
few months , that ownership in rnil-
roads ir procUoly like ownership in
any prixato busmcisj that the mangers
\gers of railroads have no more re
straints than the managers of a gro
cery store. This theory is not only
contrary to law , but it is a direct in-
suit to the intelligence of the people.
To admit such a "proposition is to as
sort that it is possible for a combina
tion of wealthy mon to deliberately
tnd persistently ruin individuals anil
communities , to build up the Mnvu
uid destroy the independent man ;
anil that there is no redress. When
i state grants a charter to a railroad
company , what is given up ? The
state in oiled nays : This company is
icreby given the following privileges :
The light of way wherever it may
iloaso to run its track.
The right to enter any man's premi
ses , to go through his lawn , between
lis house and front gate , or cut oil'
ho corner of his barn , or to destroy
lis garden , by paying thu market value
if the laud nnd such damages as it
nay inflict upon structure.1) .
The right to destroy the business of
ill teamsters along the line of road.
The right to crush out all stage and
vxprcsn lines.
The right to crush or drive away
ilacksmiths , wagon-makers and various
) thcr mechanics.
The right to crush out prospoious
mulcts andconcentrato , trade in great
The right to locale towns , which
carries with it the right fo crush other
owns and compel the people to pur-
fclwso new hniiH'H and places of bus- ! .
less from thu railroad company ,
Thu right fo protection from law-
cssncss , and the ritiht io collect dam-
iges in e.isii of loss of property
hrough mobs or ntrikes.
These are only a part of the privi-
ogcs granted by a railroad character.
So other form of corporation has
uch privileged. DOPS any ono sup-
Mso the fmvgningnvfl tlio free gifts of
i statul Not At all. They are simply
> art of the terms of an implied con-
ract. In conaulcration of thu foru-
; oing and ether privileges thu railroad
sompauy is bound utidor that law to
ho following :
To perform perfectly the duties of a
common carrier. '
That includes the duty of dealing
jy A precisely as B is dealt by.
To deal by ono town precisely as
> tlier towns on the same line are dealt
And as states have often , and always
egally , restricted banks and interest
o a certain per centago per annum ;
so thu railroad , which draws its pat-
onago from the entire community ,
s by the same rule public
)0licy restricted from charging
nero for faroa and freights than will
, 'ipld working oxpunsoa , repairs and u
'air interest on the actual cost of the
road. What more than that is exacted
s an infringement upon a well catiib-
.ishcd law and is robbeiy of the pub
lic. The itbiiBou which have grown up
are due to thu ignorance of the people
ple touching their manitcat rights ,
and to their carelessness. And so ,
little by litth' , railroads have boon
permitted to watur their stocks to
represent from throe and live times
thu original cost of the roads : to evade
the payment of quito two-thirds of
their honest taxes ; to discriminate
against individuals and commu
nities ; to charge rates on freight
which absorb all the profits of the
produces ; to rival stage lines and sad
dle trains in fares in short , to become -
come cngincs.of terror and oppression they wore intended for blessings.
Through their ill-gotten gains they
have corrupted legislatures and con
gress ; they have judged in every state
who are bound to them ; somu of thu
mumborH of the supreme court of thu
United States aio not above suspicion ,
and now in the pride of their power
they have struck at the fountain-head
of public opinion , the press ; and in
every state are ready and gifted pens ,
daily through thu journals , flooding
thu country with railroad special plead-
mg.s , disguised in the form of edito
rials. If these cormorants wore wise
they would not forget themselves ;
would nol forgot that behind legisla
tures , congress , the courtw and thu
press , the pcnplo are watching and
waiting , and dcflpito thu efforta Io
keep ifiom befogged , they are slowly
being educated up to the point when
they will fully understand their rights ,
When that time contra it will bo bad
for any who may bo in the way of
public opinion , whether they bo higher
or low.
Kldnoy Complaint Cnroil-
U. Turner , ltoche ter , N. Y. , wiilcHt
" 1 hi\o lict-ii fur over a year iilijcct to
HcrhtiH disorder uf thu kldiioyx , urn ! often
unable to attend to IJUHIII | > HH ; I iiioonrcd
your JlrimnuK Itioon HinriiM , nnd was
lelieuil liefdiH half a hottlo wan uwd , J
Intend to continue , : w 1 fuel confidunt that
they will entirely enrn me , " 1'rlco 81.00 ,
trial H/.U 10 cciitH. auK7-eixllw.
If yon are Hiilloring from a severe
cough , cold , iiHtlitmi , bronchitis , con-
Hinnption , Ions of voice , tickling in
thu throat , or any affection of thu
throat or lungx , wu know that Du.
KIVII'S Niw : DirfcoVKHY will give you
immediate know of Jam
dreds of CIISCM it has completely cured
and that where all other mcdicincii
had failed. No other remedy cat
nlio\v uiiu half as many purinanon
CIIIUH. Now to give you Hatisfactori
pi oof thai Ir , KINCI'H Niw : Dist.-ov
IHYill ; euro you of Asthma , Urnn
chilis , Hay Fever , Consumption , So
veru Cdiighu and Colds , HoaisuncbH
or any Tin oat or Lung Disease , if yoi
will call at J. K. JHH t MI-MAHO.V'H
Drug Store you can gut 11 trial bottle
free of cobl , or u tegular si/.o bottln
for $1.00. jiuil(51y(2) ( ( )
ly .
iil nil to Friday. hu mil d y ol Aujfuvt , A. 11
mi , at 4 o'duik p. in. , for fimiUliIni ; kluty ( GO
ton * of hay ( or thu use uf tlio fire itcmi tmcnt ( fur
Hiif thu Uiunvo of I lie miacnt lUcal jcar. An >
Information muli l uill l > v turnUlitxl l > y J , J
Oalllgaii , ililtf IIJKIIIW.T :
Thu right it run. " i l to reject hny nnd all ) > iiU
Knuloimi containing yrojiosiU snail bo mirk
wl "Proposal * lor furuUhtng ll y' ' and be aJ
drc cil tu the uuiJciilKiiul. . .
Omaha , Aur. ( < , Jafil. Mll ; k ,
A , G. TROUP ,
Tobacco from 25c , per pound upwards. "
Pipes from 25c. per dozen upwards.
Cigarsfroni $1 5.00 per 1,003 upwards.
The Largest Store in the West , ( Except Oruickshank
& Go's , , ) will Re-open
With a Complete Stock of
I tl I l II
} - M
rfP..G. . IMLAH , Manager- - ; - , * ,
r , * M < ' ' "Leader of PopulafiPrices
. . . , , , ,
Vi'l.t. , , * " -i * (
ii i u iitui > : i < k t M
. . , .
J ' ! ( IK. ltl.,1'
ii , - < vlj , .
' ' ' * ' I' '
v llt llfll I [ „
S- ' i\ i ah fT j rf ! ! > ' lt.ll' , > > < ( !
' } ' , Ofi Vii
i ! ! ; J 1'n * i
r i ' , ; - iOi
i i , 't 'n , J f
Choice Oigars I ' * U'I .
Can bo obtained at KUIIN t CO.'S
by Iho box lor Loss Money thnn at rr
ttiiy wholesale tobacco IIOUHO , for the
reason thuy Hull cigars in commotion
with thuir buHinosH , without
dnig any .1
oxpoiiHU to the Cigars. TRY THEM. t'f
All Cigarn not oaticfactory exchanged
or money refunded.
A line lOc Cigar , longllavananilcr , 0 ti\ \
for 'Joe. Never has there been any
Cigar in Omaha equal tothom for the
i From § 0.25 per hundred up. .
"Atlantic" best.lOc OigarBtn Oity
t I' '
11 * l ! ' / ' . '
Dealer in [ Hardware ,
Stove Eepairer , Jol ) Worker and lannfaoturer
. : > J3
Tenth and Jackso" c + c . Omaha , Neb
Feathers , Window Shades ,
And Everything pertaining to the Furniture and Up-
Trade. A Complete Assortment of
ew Goods at the .Lowest Prices.
CHAOHIOTMOSaii 1210 Farn. S
apr24 mon ( lisit
Lath and Shingles ,
Yard and Office 15th and Cumings Street , two blocks
north of
jyl-ood-Sm ,