Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 09, 1881, Page 2, Image 2

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Loading Oity of Franklin
Shows Sips of
Improvement ,
Remarkable Growth Since
the Town Was Stnrt-
, od in 1874.
The Crop * Not in Very Good Cati-
tlltion Another Rnllrond
" CorresK | > ndonce ot The Dtc.
BLOOMI.VOTO.V , Nob. , Aug. G , The
i city of Bloomiiigtoii HOW has the
U. S. land office , the court noiiao of
Pranklln county , and best nnd moat
' 'important , its tributary country Jms
good crops. The town was storied in
-1874. In 1878 the county scat was
The railroad caino the next year.
.7. D. ( Jalhoun , now on The State
Journal , brought in the first newspa
per press mid ho also built the first
mill in the uhole Republican Vnllcy
region. He fouqht the grasshoppers
for thrco years nnd then loft Bloom-
jngtpn for the luxuries and refinement
of lifo at the capital.
The first fair in the valley was hold
at Bloomlngton in the year 1874. Ex-
Oov. Furnas was the orator.
-i/ The first celebration of the 4th of
July that tfyo llepublican Valley had
was given at Bloomington in Pugsloy's
grove on Bi Cottonwood Creek in the
' year 1871.
- Speaking of Pugsloy's grove reminds
> ino of the fact that ono of the best
known men in the sin to of Nobnwka ,
and ono whom every ono of Omaha's
old1 settlers trill [ remember in connec
tion witli good faro nt the Florence
hotel , is ono'of the men who fought
ih'o battle for Bloomington. I refer
to Mr. J. F. Pugsloy'now landlord of
i the Franklin house nt Hi vorton.
, Pranklin county for thzoo years
took the first premium for farm nnd
' 'garden prdducts at the Nebraska state
' 'fair ' and the soil is just ns good now as
> than *
The state encampment of Qood
Templars was held nt Bloomington in
1' ' This record shows nothing very
striking , but crimes nnd convulsions dot
t- not add honor to any community ,
' though without them history may
soon tame , but the heroism of those
5 who , through long years of toil and
privation battled with frontier liard-
flhips , insect pests and drowthy sea
sons to founu homes wlioru the geog
raphers hid written desert across the
face of the country , was such
that the mural crown should
bo theirs , and now that the
unoccupied quarter sections are very
scarce and sod huta equally so , with
waving corn fields everywhere and
fifteen bushels to the aero gleaned
. from the wheat Holds they can fool a
pride nnd n satisfaction in the remits ,
such ns are only felt by the most suc
cessful consequences ,
There are dark shades in all pictures
and there are ono or two in this. The
first spot where I liavo hoard com
plaint on the crop question was at this
town , and certain it is that many Holds
of wheat nnd corn in this immediate
vicinity were severely injured by the
terrible heat of that
momborod Wednesday , Aug , 2d , but
on the high divides no injury what
ever resulted therefrom , and there
the crop is above the nvorngo. Haiti
is badly needed now , and without a
good show or soon serious damngo will
11 bo done to the rapidly maturing
/ corn.
' ' ' Away in Kansas there is n branch
of the Control Branch 11. R. that starts
north nnd stops short nt Burr Oak.
Certain railroad officials , with n view
1 to feeling the Bloomington pulsohnvo
boon corresponding with leading men
of the town nnd now there nro great
hopes of securing this protected road ,
' for it is the design of its owners to
push through to a connection with the
17. , ? . at Plum creek , Howfvor , I
Tiavo found that projected railroads
nro first cousins to the lion Paddy
owned. When you put your finger on
them they Bay "good eve , " nnd
off they go to another town.
A first class ilouring mill lias just
.Ixton completed on the Big , Cottonwood -
wood creek near town. A fall of
lifty-fivo feet gives great power to the
. \ etream at this point.
' . ! There is hero ono of the largest
nnd uost elevators on the line of the
road. A big business will bo done by
it this season.
' Building stone is quarried only thrco
miles from Bloomington. It is sawed
out being soft and easily worked , but
it hardens with exposure. It belongs
to the magnesia family of limestone.
The Bloomington bank building is of
> tlus material and is both substantial
and ornamental.
is doing a very fair business consider
ing the fact that July is not the month
when land oflico business is booming ,
The following exhibit kindly furnished -
ed by Mr , Switzcr tolls the whole >
atory ;
v. H. j4Ni > orncK IIKPOKT ww JULY.
3'reemjiUons . . . . . -12
Holdier'nHomestead Declaration * , , , . . 42a
Home tead Kntrie * , , . . . . , , , . . 115
rjnnl Homestead Kntrie 153
yiiwl Cash Uutrlen . . . . , . , 04
" Timber Culture Kntricu 64
"Warrant Locations. 1
The work amounted to over 910,000 ,
The prettiest court house in the
volley is Bloomington's , and under its
eaves thousands of swallows find flhol-
k tor. Around the building is n park
i planted w ith forest trees and kept in
very fair condition , something that is
uncommon in w eatern towns.
The trains have again abandoned
tRepublican City as a dining place , but
really it is doubtful if the quality of
> 'tho fare is not improved at the
* Uloomington dining cabin whether
the passengers will aland the racket
or not. They are now doing some
loud swearing.
H The Republican river bridge went
out loaf spring andjlhis cuts oft" trade
to 'tho" south , bul X new ono will bo
built in time for next season's trade.
For business directory see 5th page.
The Stnto
DCS Molncslowatc lst < ; r.
Mr. II. 0. Wheeler , ono. pf the
directors of the state fair , and O. W.
Munsoll , Iho superintendent of the
fine art department , made a visit to
the grounds and buildings last neck ,
and Imvo concluded to make some
changes in Iho fine art hall. Tlu
largo doors' will bo taken oft nnd hung
on the outside for moro safety , and
also transom lights will bo put in oxer
the doors , windows for light
and ventilation will nlso bo placed in
the building. The scientific depart *
inont , which was BO badly crowded
last year , will bo enlarged. Many
other improvements will bo
tnado for the comfort > f visi
tors as well as exhibitors.
Thcro will bo an especial effort to
make the picturoijallory | attrnctho , BO
that the people will see the finest dis
play of paintings o\or exhibited in
DCS Moincs. Tno premium list of
both amateurs as well at professionals
is enlarged , so all can have a chanco.
The boys' and girls' department will
have a long premium list also , and it
is expected they will have a nice dis
play of their work , and fill the de
partment. The ladies will have moro
room to display their work than last
year. The oflicors of the society say
the prospects are bettor for a largo
fair than last year , nnd hope
that the people of Dos Moines will
help make it boom in this ns well as
other things in our city.
i'ho Death Rote Assuming
Alarming Proportions.
i _ _ - - ,
Laying of a Corner Stone A Tame
Election Movement of
Troops Other Items.
Corrfsponilcnco of The Dec.
SALT LAKH CITY , Aug. 0. The
mortality in Salt Lake city during the
month of July was 70 , or moro than
double the nvorngo of the last ton
years , The cause of this high death
rate baffles oiir physicians , but it
must bo local , ns Ogden is exceedingly
health. Amongst those lately de
ceased nro Obod Taylor , Esq. , the
leading architect of this city , and Mr.
William 0. Staines. The latter gen
tleman , sometimes styled Bishop
Stainos , is well known to the business
nnd railroad men of Omaha , having
boon for many years the Now York
ngont of the Mormon church in emi
gration matters , and it is estimated
that , fifty thousand passengers have
passed through his hands whilst act
ing in this capacity. Ho was a gen
tleman of great conversational powers ,
pleasant address , business tact nnd
undoubted integrity ; nnd hns boon
almost ns highly esteemed by the non-
Mormon element in Utnh as by his co-i
religionists. Ho will bo nccordod a
public funeral nt the now .assembly
hall , the moHt commodious nnd beau
tifully finished house of worship in
Salt Lake.
To-day thocornor stone of the Acade
my of Music nnd Temperance Itoform
Club building was laid under the
direction of the Masonic fraternity
with elaborate ceremonies. This is
only ono of the numerous public
buildings now in course of erection in
this city. Among the most prominent
nro the Mormon temple , the universi
ty of DcBotot , the St. Mary's hospi
tal ( Roman Catholic ) , and various
blocks of business buildings , especial
ly thcso on Main street the property
of Hon. W. II. Ifo9por nnd Gen. II.
S. Eldridgo
Sir Samaol Baker and his lady , the
well known African
explorers , nro
now in this city on their way to the
Powdcr Hivor country. The number
of tourists passing through hero has
boon very largo this season.
Two cpinots are now plainly isiblo
to the naked eye in the northern
heavens during the very oaily mor
ning , ( say 2 n. m. ) Wo know not if
Omaha it equally blessed. Some
however Imvo nn inclination to attri
bute the present lontr continued
stretch of oppressive weather to thesu
unexpected heavenly visitors.
The election last Monday was n
most spiritless affair , in almost uvory
portion of the territory. Neither
party made liny effort. As an ex
ample , only about ono hundred votes
were polled for iho libenil ticket in
the wliolo of this , the most populous
county in the state.
Your Ogdou correspondent a few
weeks ngo , chronicled the visit of the
old folks annual excursion to that
burg , nnd the generous hospitality
that was extended to them by its cit
izens. Also a mark of the apprecia
tion felt by the people of Salt Luke
for the kindnesses , done to their aged
friends on that occasion ,
The Tabonwjlo Choir , cansldorod
by some the best in America , will , on
the 10th inst. , proceed to Ogdou and
give an open nir concert in the public
park. Those mutual courtesies will
do much to increase the cordial fooling
of the two cities , between whom there
is BO mo alight rivalry Aa Salt Lake
is the ecclesiastical capital , so Ogden
desires to bo considered the commer
cial centra of this loeion. The now
developments in railroad matters will ,
however , lend to strengthen Salt
Lake's grasp of the business of the
territory ,
The electric light , of which wo have \
been deprived for several weeks ,
through leakage of the boilers , again l'1
illuminated the city on Monday uvoii-
ing and burned steadily.
Ou the oveiling of the 1st inst , ,
telegraphic orders woru received at
Camp Douglas to dispatch four com
panies of troops to tlu > Uncompahgro
Indian agency in Colorado. Thcso
will bo engaged iu assisting in the re
moval of the Utos , and will not eo
turn here. It is understood the Sixth
Infantry will exchange posts with the
Fourteenth , when the White River
and other Utes are removed to the
neighborhood of the
Uintah reserva
tion. Northeastern Utah will abe
crowded with Indians ; most of them
of kindred tribes , and some pretty
ugly customers. BIUKORU.
A Lively Campaign Between
the Several Candidates
.For Assistant Treasurer. .
Three Convict * From the
Stnto Penitentiary.
LIMCOLS , August 8. Wurl Ooro !
First blood for the . "Democrat. " The
ball has been opened and Victor 0.
has dropped the first shell into the
camp. The fur will soon begin to fly.
Candidates for county treasurer begin
to bow and shake hands with those
they moot , and enquire particularly
after your health nnd that of your
family. Those whoso names are nt
present before the people ( quietly ns
it wore ) , are Messrs. Hardonbergand
McClay on the republican side of the
house , and Messrs. Cnynoy nnd Brock-
staff , Djmocrntio candidates , and it is
whispered amongst the knowing ones
that II. B. Grnham will bo an indc-
pcndant candidate. Wo may oxpcct
to see the mercury in the thermome
ter go up to 120 in the shade soon at
Lincoln , notwithstanding Vernier's
predictions to the contrary , as soon as
the friends of the several candidates
begin to got in their work , for there
is every appearance that hot times
will bo in order.
The surveyors on the Lincoln et
Fremont road are at it in good earnest.
Eleven took n conveyance Saturday
morning at the comer of 110th nnd 1' .
streets , and started out for the coun
try , where stakes nro being diivcn ,
and surveying being pushed forward
The Harmonic singing society have
a very fine hull on Tenth , between 0.
and P. streets , which they have re
cently dedicated. It is elegantly
furnished , the side walls nro 'nearly '
covered' with pictures and decorations ,
nnd altogether is the finest society
ro6m in the city. Our German friends
do nothing by halves. They , with
the co-operation of the other societies ,
never have selected a committee for
the purpose of soliciting aid for the
BnllorcrH by the cyclone , which lately
devastated the town Now Uhlm ,
Minn. This is a worthy object , and
ought to awaken the sympathy and
open the purse strings of nil.
A largo amount of now hay 'WAS ' of
fered for sale on our streets on Satur
day and sold readily for ? . ' ! per load.
Warden Nobos has returned to Lin
coln nftcr his second unsuccessful
suarch after the escaped comict
Poolo. It is a little discouraging , to
say the least , uhon wo consider that
the warden is expected _ to liquidate
all expenses from his own pocket.
But friend Nobcs never says die , and
if the man Poole is in the land of the
living and an inkling to his wherea
bouts can bo obtained , no money or
time will bo spared until ho is again
nn inmate of the penitentiary.
Manager Church , of the opera
house , is compiling a list of the enter
tainments to uo given hero this com
ing season , and from what ho says wo
can make up our minds that wo shall
bo royally entertained.
Building still continues with una
bated mal. Ground is being broken
for the second wing to the now capi
tal building and woik will bo com
menced on the foundation walls early
this wook. Wo hope there will bo no
drawbacks similar to those encoun
tered on the first wing to retard the
early completion of the second.
Humphrey Brothers' now building
is gradually assuming shape and the
iron front of the first story is all in.
It will occupy two full lots fronting on
Ninth street and rim back to the al
loy on 0. street. It is to bo three
stories high , with two stores belowof-
llco in second story nnd n largo store
loom will comprise the entire third
story , which will bo used . for storing
. .
-----I l--T-l r-- P.
- - - - -
1 carriages , wagon material , etc. etc.
When finished it will bo nn rnnmcnt
to that part of the city.
Burr's block , corner ! > th nnd 1 ?
street is rapidly nppi caching comple
tion nnd will be another fine building
to bo added to the catalogue of those
already finished.
The Journal building is not finished
yet nnd it is a monument
illustrating the tnct that there is no
end to the amount of time whih can
bo consumed by contractors in erecting
a building of ordinary si/.o. Wo do
not know as wo ought to complain if
The Journal proprietors do not , and
so will rest quietly for another year ,
nnd by that time , wo trust , it will bo
finished , or nearly so.
Littlo'u block , Twelfth and N
streets , will ( although only two stories !
high ) bo nn addition to that vicinity.
It contains seven stores on the first
floor , nnd the second story is divided
into a largo hull nnd oflico. Mr.
Little , out of the kindness of his
heart , has given the frcu use of the
hall to the Y. M. 0. A. of this city. 10d
The foundation walls of the Odd
Follows building are nearly completed ,
This will bo a line structure. The
corner stone is to bo laid the first 10f f
next month. Wo understand that the
Knifthts of Pythias ( who will occupy >
tholinll with the Odd Fellows ) have
boon invited to participate in the
ceremonies upon that occasion. The
building is on the corner of B. and
Eleventh streets , and occupies n full
The building which is being orrccted
on the corner of 21. and Eleventh
streets , is moat ready for occupation.
The county oliiccs nnd court rooms
nro to Lo located hero , the building
has boon planned with that object :
in view , and is commodious and con
venient in every respect. Our ty
officer will now Imvo room to ro
about , and tlioso in search of infoima-
tion obtained only huro will find much
better accommodations , The building
ii very neat in appearance throe
stories high and trimmed with to
stone sills , doors and window ps
nnd iron cornice ,
Three convicts escaped from the
penitentiary last night. They were
what in called brickmon and attended
the kilns at night. The report is that
the guard wont to sloop and the con
victs took advantage of it and skipped.
Their names are : 6. M. Goddard ,
Lancaster county , horse thief ; James
Kennedy , Richardson county , horse
thief ; George Davib , Douglas county 'l
I *
grand larceny. A rownrd of $50 is
offered for the capture of CAch.
H. F. D.
Nil Dospcrandnm.
When your girl l\e you the inlttcu , and
_ . you feel your henrt is broke.
Don't plve wAy to black despair , but trent
it as a Joke , ,
uet In fint claw order , a Iwttlo
of HpRtNii BLOSSOM buy ,
And gilly Join n ringing class , nnd for an *
other sweetheart try.
Price to cent" , trUl bottle 10 centa.
ffourafgia , Sciatica , Lumbago'
fiaofacho , Soreness of iko C/iett ,
Gout , Quinsy , Sorg Throat , Smotf-
ings and Sprains , Burns anil
1 Scalds , General Bodily >
Pains ,
'footh , Ear and Headache , Frosted
Foot and Ears , and all other
Pains and Achos.
PC Preparation on rttth * qui1i ST.
n . in future , Imflf nd tlitap Extern * )
Bamrdy. A trUI tnUllt tut the compmtlTtly
titling outlay of { 0 Ontn , and er r7 one luffcr *
Uf with fain un bits cUttp Ddpc ; lUT oroof
criUclaltni. tJA
Dlrtctloni In Eltren taneutE . V *
JJa/Mmor" _ * .
If TouArenmnnX 1C you are n
efLu.sUirtx.wcik ' mm of lot-
encd by the ctrnln of tpnttcUlDBoTerniie
your ilutlcn inrolcl nluht vroili , to re--
HlmuUntntvnd uio tore brain iierre anil
Hop Bitters. , Ube Hop B.
If you nro younif and I suffering from any In-
dlw.-h.llon or oTralnnf lion I If Tounromar-
tied or ulncle , old orl VOUDR , eilttcrljig from
poor health or loupuUh D Intr oa a IKX ! of tick-
now , rely on Hop ! Blttore.
WhMTtryouoro. * Tliouunaf ale &n-
hencvfr you reel mullyfrom tome
that Bjftcm form of Kidney
your '
nrtxla clcatipinff , ton. illxua liiat iDlKl't
Ina or rtlnmlAtlng , h o bocn prci entrd
wltboutdiioriral 1 I bra timely \JMO (
tnUo Hop HopBlttera
prptla D. I. O.
or urinary earn-
. absolute
plaint , dUcuM.
and IrrrsiMa.
fem ,
oftho I met li , blood , HOP drunkennoBB bio cure for
u o of opium ,
You will be tobaccoor
curcdlf 5'ouuw ) .narcotic * .
Hop Bitten
Ifyouarenlra Bold hydras-
( Hits. Bead fur
nlr c n Ic and
lonttilrllcd.try NEVER Circular.
iti ( t may 1 nor DMTEKS
eave life. Ittfiaa your FAIL H'PQ CO. ,
oavod hun | | BMknltrS.Ti
dreds. nlo.Qnt.
The Only Machine that Will
Do just as is Advertised.
It Will Wash Faster
It Will Wash Gleaner ,
It Will Wash Easier ,
It Will repire no
It will do a large family
Washing in 30 Minutes ,
It Will IWnuli Equally well ] with
Hard or Soft Wfttcr-
It doei an ay \ \ ithvasli bollcruand wash lioanli ,
and will ] > a ) forltsilf In full and the \\car of
clothes In n Mionjh.
No utenin In the kitchen. A child 10 jean ol
uui ilo the wimlilnu fasttr than an v woman can
nrln ana handout thoclotlies-
DAN. bUf.UV.VN & SOKH' ,
ill in 1410 rarnham Street ,
ROUND TRIP , $19,00
First class and srool through the icur , AUo
New York , lioiton and all Eutcrn nolntu , at pro-
liortlon&tuy law rate * . On cala ONLY at
ItallroaU Ticket Olllce ,
ilmo-iulin BOO Tenth tt. Omaha1
To examine the stock of
House 1422 Douglas St. , near 15th
is largo nnd alw-ays the lowest prices.
A , I , H18lffl , Dentist ,
Ornci Jacobn1 Hlock , co ner Cajiltol avcuuo
nd nitctmb. t re it. Omaha Neb
If 3 on DufTcr from I > ) PrK'p 1a , IIRO
If } on arc nfRlcttcl with IllliomncM , tuo
II j on ore urostfatoil with ! ck' Ifcnd'tclip ,
II j our Row cljnrc"llrilcfplrfftihto ! them w llh
Ifjoiir Iltotxt Is linpurr , purifj It with
IIUilDOCK 111.001) niTTEHS.
II j mi have lmllgctloti , jon will flinlmi antidote
in nuitbocK iti.ooi ) nm r.its ,
II \ on nro troubled with Hprlns Comii1alnt , cr-
adlrato thorn nlth IIUHUOCK I1I.OOK JUTrr.US.
Ifjour I. her I ? torpid , restore It to health ) notion
Vlth lIUltDOCK 1IL001) UlTTi.llH.
If } our I.hcr Is offcctcJ , joit will find a litre re-
etontth c In 1IUUUOCK IH.OOI ) 1IITTKI1S.
If jon rmeniiy rpcelcs of Humrfr or Pimple , ( all
not to take IIUKDOCK ULoou
If 3 on ln\o nny K inptomi of Ulccri or Scrofulous
Sorcn , a uiratlvc remedy \\111 bo found In
For Imparting strength and 'vitality to
ttm , nothing cn'iiciinnl
Kor Kcrxouiaiid nciiernl Debility , tone tip the
sjit m with imilUOCK 1ILO01) lllTTEUg.
Price , * I.OO per Dottle ! Trial Dottles 10 Cti.
, , Props ,
'Sold ' at uholcsalo 1'y ' Ieh H Mcil&hon nnd d h
Goodman. _ 2 _ ] 8iiZ7 ced mo
' , WAI IvS. ( \
Be It resolved hy the ttty C6din.ll of lho < .H > of ,
Oinahati < I > t
That a sidewalk lie , Mltliln ifittccn ilafroiri
thlidatc , ( constnictcdjamljald to the established
grade In fulddt } . lit front of and'ailjolnliu ' the
folloultig prcmlm. ) , > lz : ' ( -it
Jjot 1. ntst side of nth strict , In block 200 , 0
feet wide. ' ' '
\ftnt I lot 7 , north si Jeof G > i > Ucl A\tmel ) > Io.k
74 , Ufectttldu. j
South , i lot 4 , coat Blile of Sherman Avenue
and Horbiik'H 1st addition , 0 kctuldc. '
Said eiilewnlks to be constructed at 1 Imh plno
plank and to bo In width , as nbo\ ispcdllctl , and
the respective ] owner or onnirs of the aborb * clo-
scrlbed prtinlgf ) arc hereby teqlilred to construct
the eania. > <
Parsed Autf. % 1881. '
I H . . J. J. I0. JKWETT ,
i j ' . ,0lt ) Clerl.
\J QINEERINQ at the Rcnsselear Polytech
nic Institute , Troy , N. Y. The oldc t cnglneerj
Ing school In America , Next tcnn hcglna Sep
tember IMll. The JtcgUtcr 18SO 81 i ntalnB a
Hat of the graduates for the past C4 > earn , < dlh
their positions ; alio , i oiireo of btudy , require-
incuts , expuusiB , stc. Addrcsa '
JI 14-deodailgU Director. t
M E ; D iCI : N E < Jvl OCT5iAV'I > IN
Mothers , Wives , Daughters , Sons , Fathers ,
Ministers , Teachers , Business Men , Farm
ers , Mechanics , ALL should be warned neralnit
lining and Introdudii' ' Into tlulr HOMER Nos
trums and Altoholli ) remedlt . Have no nuih
prcjudleo ap xlnst , or fear ol "Warner's Safe
Tonic Bitters. " The\ are what they are claimed
to to harmless as milk , nnd contain only medl-
rliwllrtucH. . KAtract of pure vegetable * only.
They do not belong to that c lass known as "Cure-
Alia , " but only profit to rctu h LOWS hen ) the
illmiisaork-limtiH In debilitated ( raniiu and Ini-
puru blood. A pcrftc Gprlpg and Summer
A Thorough Dlood Purifier. A Tonic Appe
Pleasant to the tatte , I in Uoratlng to the bed ) .
The mott eminent phjulclani rccoinincnd them
for their curatho properties. Oni used al nj
prclerrctl. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ & * - ? * T-F-H H-33MC.
For the Kidneys. Liver and Urinary organs ,
LIVER CURE. " It stands Unrivalled. Thous
ands ou e their health anil happiness to it. 1'rliv ,
V1,8S per bottle. Wo offer "Warncr'i , Saf9 Tonic
Ultters" with equal confldciiec.
H. H. WARNER , Rochester , N. Y.
OKAIM , AugiutS , 184 > 1. f
In arcnrdanut ) w Ith eoctlcn SO of the Omalm rlt >
charter notlte Is hereby gh en that HLD ill ) coun
cil of the ill ) of Oinalia , will tit at a board of
eqnallzatl nfor lite da > 9 , commencing on Tues-
Jaj. Aiyiu Oth , A. I ) . ISdl. bald Dittlrgwill be
held In the council chamber and commence at 0
o'clock a. in .each da ) , Fectlon 17 of Uieilty
chatter Ii as folio * ;
" 8BCTIU.V 17. lliectuntlll shall liMe power to
act as a board ol diuallratlon for the illy , to
equalize all assessments , and to correct any error
In the listing or valuation of property , and to
supply an ) omissions In the eame , and shall hai e
the same poHtn u county comiiilibloiiers lia\o
In similar cagca. " . J , J. L. U , JKUISTT.
City Clerk.
, XASH Hill take notice that on the l.'th
AK ) of Jill ) , 1881 , Charles llrandw. Justice
ol the pt-uci > . nret precinct , Uouglaicomi ) , } cb ,
Issued an order of attaihmint for US GO In an ac
tlon pending before himvrhirein U. H. Ilaman I *
plalntlrt and A , K. Nash defendant That uionci
duo ) ou IIM been attached under tald order.
Said cause v. as continued tothc Dth of Aiigxut ,
1W > 1 , at 1 o'clock p. in.
iHtou4w. C. F. HAilAK , PlaliitilT.
For terms Address Dr. Stevens
Parker , warden of Racine College ,
Racine. Wie. jy 22-lu >
Graduate of the St. L u I School of Mldult cs , at
1600 OallfornU Street , Between Fifteenth
and Sixteenth ,
north side , where calls will be promptly respond
ed to at any hour during the uay or nit'ht.
Special attention | rUen to collections In Outlet
county. J > lluiem
' ' * * =
'GunsAmmunitionSporting ' Goods
j / i
\ FISHING4 TACKLE , BASE BALLS , and a . " .
MAX JIY1EYER & CO. , Omaha , Ne
The Largest Store in the West , ( Except Cruickshank
& Go's , , ) will Re-open
With a Complete Stock of
P. G. IMLAH , Manager ,
Leader of Popular Prices ,
- 3C-30- -
Ladies' ' Suits , Cloaks , Ulsters , Circulars , Etc.r
200 Handsome Suits , at $5.00 ; 300 Stylish Suits , $ lOOOi
76 Black Silk Suits , $17.OO.
Wo have several lots of Btnplo goods which will bo offered at
All ladies should avail themselves of this great sale of
Ohas. Shiverick.
Feathers , Window Shades ,
And Everything pertaining to the Furniture and Up-
Trade. A Complete Assortment of.
"Hew Goods at tHe owesf Prices , ' j t
CHiS , SHIVERICK , 1208 ani 1210 Warn. S