' 13-
Mo 1 let on lUrncy street , near new court
-fcoufo , F2500.-
No 2-Let on Cmw etrrct now 22d , > K > 0. ,
NoS Lot on Cairornln'street near 22dlK00.
No 6 Lot on Marcj ; Itrcct near U. I1 , depot ,
No B I blade In Bhlim'a 3d addition hear Coo-
cnt. em * < w
NeB TV loU onDocatur neat Campbell fit ,
TOO. ' > ; ' f
No 10 SUM on Collax street near Itanvom
Park , at reasonable prices.
100 choke residence lotsIn Credit Fonder and
fl randilow Additions a thort dlitaneo southeast of
U. P. nnd Di & M. depots , prices from $100 up
wards , ,
IS lot * on 2Utj 22J , 23J and S&undcrs streets ,
north of and adjoining K. V. Smith's addition ,
WOO ? terms easy. ,
No (59 ( Full corner lot on Douglas street near
10th , 82600.
'No TV Corner 06x110 feet lot on Douglas nmr
near llth street , $3100.
No. 71 Three lot * In OUe'i addition near Saun-
den ct root , $1000
7 * Lot on Vccatur street , near Irene Sblnn'i
! d addition 9115.
JNe. 76-7-82x00 feel on Pactflo street near U. P ,
Md B. . & M. depot * , 8300. . ) .
> No.7eV Splendid warehouse lot 77x132 fc t Oth
r ttrect.near Jones , * 3600. . ,
No 78 3 lots on llarncy street near lOih.SiOdO.
NoM-jiLot In Gtoe'i Addition near jSaunJcra
I No.-2-r.ot in Ulses'.addition ncar-8und ri
strootwoor > ; i t * > -j - )
"No83 2 Idts on10tHncar 'Pacific * and N lt
Works , $1600.
"No SC Lot on CharlctTttrect near 8aundej ,
J500.No 87 Lot'on LcavcnworUfincar lIUi , ' 1.100.
NeBS LotoriCalducIl Street near SaUnden ,
No 89 Lot'on Chicago near 2'dstrect.1 ! 1600. ' '
No 00 Lot on Dlondo near Campbell street
$78. " . " - K. . ' „
SllofclnMIIUrdstCnldwcirs addition , Sher
man avenue , lOUYfttrcct , Spring , Saratoga and
Florence streets. , 8700 anJiupwarug.
No 122 2 lots on 18th street ; nouPoppleton'e
new residence , 81000.v * " * ' 1 L
No 123 Lot ,71x310 feet on Sherman , avenue ,
Ifith' street , $1100 ' t\
iNo-124 8 lota on Delta ua street , near shot
tower , $50 to 875'each.
No 125 Full bloek on Clinton street , near
ehat tower , (50 to $76 each.
No 120 Lot on Ibtli street , nojj uhltek&d
works. 8525
No 127 2 lots , 3 ] acres near head of St. Mar > 's
orenuo , on rood to Park , $2500.
No 120 Lo on California near Crelfthton Col-
ego , $371) .
No 130 4 loU near new government corral , 82J
5207J acrc each , $300
No 161 Lot In Ciiso'rt addition on Cameron St.
near Sanndcrs , make an Oder.
No. 160 Lot In Glsc'H a < Ultlon on Casslus St. ,
near State , make an oiler.
No 102 Lot InGtaa'gaddltlon on Caaslua near
Saundcrs , make an offer.
No 103 1 block In Uod' addition addition
near Omaha Darrackn , make an offer.
No 101 7 lots In Henry k Khclton'fl addition
near hiffh school , price from 81250 upward.
170 Lot on Pacific gtrcet , near Ifith , make an
offer. '
No 171 2 lota on Webster street , near 21nt ,
both $33iO or S2000 for corner and $1800'for In-
do.No 173 I lot on Casa near Uth street , JIOOQ
No 175 Lot on Shcnuan a\enuo IDth street
near Izard , 44x132 , S1404.
No 177 3 lots In Grandviow. make an offer.
NoltiO Lot In 8ni n' addition on Pier tit. ,
near end street car track , < 52fi.
No 181 Two lots , ln Nelson's addition , 1 on
Idaho street , 1 on Center utrtwt , near Cumin ; ; ,
No 183 Two gilt cdfc lots on Ca-ss street near
21st. on a corner , 6000.
No 185 Lot on Scward street , ucar Saundem ,
make an offer.
No ISO 3. lota , on ScwarJ street , near Irene ,
make on offer
No 180J , lot'on rfcucnportncar 2fith$500.
No 187) , lot on DUIdon near Cuinin st , $200.
'No ' 1SSI , Mock In Iojd < ti addition , mar Omalia
barracks , WOO. J <
NolSO ) , 4 lot on Pleroo near 6th street , $550.
No 18IJ * . J lot on llth near Kariihain , 21 )
No 191 J. 2 beautiful lota in bbiuu'a addition ,
81200. ' " '
No 192) ) , 2 lots on 18th street near white lead
works , 1UW.
No 10J1 , lot on 2QtliKtxcot near Sherman , $400 ,
No 101 * , 2 Iota on 22d Hircut , near Clark ; $000.
No lOd ] , 3 beautiful loii on baunden t. near
street car turn table , 4135. * . ' < tj < i
' No Htyj , Jot on Uth ucar J'icJco it. $500.
No 201 Lot In eilMi'i addition on CamiTon st ,
near Sauiidcru , 500.
No Mi Lot on Cameron trcet near Saunders.
J900.No 203 Lot In Bhuio's addition on Saundcra
Btrect , ile vr > tr ( ! t car tnr.table. . $850. .
No 204 itc-iutiul [ lo | in > 'el * > n'jl addition , on
DU Won stroet5 near CunUng , * a5Ux in'
No. 205 Two lota on Cautellar street , near 10th
No'200 Two lota on Sixteenth Btrect , near the
nail works , S1DOO.
No 2tW One-hull lot on California ttrcet near
21st , WOO.
No 200 Lot on 18th street near Nicholas , $600.
Nd'210 Lot on Capitol a\cnuu near 23d. U > 00.
Na 212 Lot 148x600 ( cct on Xlalfax street , near
Il&iwcora Park , with ImproteuuinU , 2700. '
No 213 Two acre * on Cuinkw street , f 1000.
No 215 One-half aira on California , near Ken
nedy street , 9350 ;
No 218 Beautiful lot on Hamilton ttrcet near
etrcct car turn table , tlOOO.
No 217 Lot on 23d street , tuoji Clark. $500.
A few acre lota only remain uuuold In "Park
IPlace" little west of Crclghtoo Collegt , prices
raiding fioiu $275 to 830Ucai.h ii4 on easy terms.
LoUIrt Horbacn's lit'and 2d additions ; al.o
loU In Parker'iiShtnn'i ; Nelson' * , Terrace's. K.
V. Binlth's. ItedlcWa , and all th tlar addition *
At any price and at any tcrruj.
y Ten acre * In tlio city llruiU on UM road to tlio
barracks at 375 per acre.
y ur beautiful residence lot * In front of
CrclKHton Collegi ! ; will cut them up to null.
Mno rcnldenra lota north at CnJgUton College
ground * , from < 700 toSlOOO eacn.
Xliirty resident lota In Parker's addition , six
blacks north of the end of the streca car track
xm iiiuiidcra street , f300 each,8.10 douti , tmlanio
ito kult , at 4 per cent interest.
A few loin left In Terrace addition on the road
to the Park , near head of tit , -ii. , , . . . -.u , vi.u
each. To those who ill build a * 12UO retidtuco ,
7 yciritlme at 8 pT cvn ( intcrvst.
LoU in Uku's addition at $3M | to $ bW each , 10
yewsUiuo atU prrcvnt Intercut , to ttioua who
"lheoIdTous1ey40-aere trtut with house and
all Improi cmeiiti , adjoining race courw ar.d fair
ground * * for&SuOO.
TracUof 6lli , IB , 20 , 40 or bO acres , with hull-
dlngj and other Imjiroi tnifiita and'adjoluini ; the
city , at all price * . .
35UOofthu brat redldencn loti In the city .f
Omaha any location you dcbiro north , cast ,
south or west , and at bud rock prlcru.
250 choice bu lnc Iota In all the principal hu .
int a tr .U In Omaha , marling from JSOU to
* 7000e ch.
Two hundred hoiuot and loU naiflng from
600 to 116,000 , and located In e\ cry part of the
city ,
Large number of excellent arms In Douglas ,
Birpy , Saundem , Dodge , Washington. Hurt , and
oUier good counties In eastern Nebraska.
12,000 acrt best land * In Douglas , 7000 acres
best landu hi Sarny county , and Urge traits In
11 the eastern tier of counties.
Over 1)00,000 ) acres of the bottland In the No-
nska for sale by this agency.
Verj Urge amounts of suburban property [ n
one to ten , t cnty arut f ) rty acre pieces , located
t.ithln one to three , four or flto mllea of the
l stotrice some > cry diiap pieces. .
New Maps of Omaha , publiihed by dccrge P
Btmia plain , unmounted mips 60 ccnta each ;
mountcJ , colored and with cloth back , $1.50
llousustores , hoteln , fannsloUl , andj. otl'.ccs
rooms , etc. . to nut or Icwo ,
Taxes paid , rents collected , dccdi , mortiraKe < ) ,
ind all klndu of real tuUte documeuU made out
en thort notice.
Eeal Estate Exchange
15th and Douglas Street ,
OMAHA , - - NEB.
The ProBiflonfc Takes a Nap ol
Kloyen Hbors Yesterday ,
And Awakes Fooling Oonsicl
oraMy Refreshed
ThorelVom. . „
Ho Loses Forty Pounds- Dur
ing His'Sickness.-
I --V
Admiral Eortor to Oommanc !
the Navftl ( 'Yosaols 4 nt „ tlio
1 ' < T . '
Yorktown Colobrtition
, , , i
- - -
5An Expedition ! to"bo 1ItTod ; Oul
7 to Observe ! { ho Transit df/
* 1
n "
' 1882.
't ; .
Mlioollanooni Ate From tkoNa- ,
, ,
National Associatca FraaF
WASHINOTON , 13. CX , Augilst R.
Dr. Blisi6ayS't4iait the 'President ii
doing os'Iwoll this kftornoon as any one
could wiali. Hia rAilso n [ thcla3t'ux ,
animation was OO. jth teinporaUjn
and respiration normal ZAlLthb in'
'dicatlons ' a
J WAiir OToiS ! r\SguStj 51 The
prcsidont had" slept * up"to ' 7 p. m ,
about- eleven hours of-th < Hnsfc-twcnty
, four. The , .ovoning ejxainijiAtipii ro
vo'alod a Blight increase of ! eniperatur <
over lhat'outhc sainrjchourjlast/ /
but his pulaoand rcspirntioiUrcmaincc
abouftho same. . ,
, ,
was asked ! re nlmgr thorinorjaso o
two or more tenths of adogVcp pn esacl
bf the last throo' rifour oy nings dvoi
tholtbnipotatUro fttliu inrnit preodel
ing Ho said 'tliis waa"probablj
caused by a granulation of'tl o wounu
channel. This process has the ofl'oct
of contracting the ch.tnnol sc
tliatf it-n is diilicult to kco |
the elrftiiiago tube free and COIIHU <
qucntly tlio tcinper.xturo was slight ! ;
incrcaoed. Tliis , cpuplctV with thu
fpbrilo HHO as is us\ial with the pa
tient's , wound , ought to bo a satisfac
tory explanation -of'the matter. Us
was further asked .if. there was any
danger of the channel contracting
sufficiently to hinder the How of puss
in addition to affecting the tempera
ture. He replied that the channel
.would . not bo likely 1U ) .contract much ,
but if it did the chzuigo of they tube
might meet the emergency. The
president is doing rery nicely. Hi :
was given no morphirifat all , and 'dbee
not.go to , sleep' iiiliijijp. rejidily tiul
sleeps quietly and sufficiently. Ho said
also that the excestrivo heat of to-day
was noticeable even < in the siik room ,
where the ventil&ting * apparatus was
worked to good advantage ) . The
president remarked 'once this after
noon , 'lit must bo very hot outside. "
Thu president liun lost forty pounds
during his sickness and presents n
vory' emaciated iippuuranco compared
with his usual grand physique. Hu
U now eating morei than enough to
allow him to Kohl his own and will
eloubtluss gain llesh before long. Hu
full asleep before 0 o'clock and rcsteel
quioUy/ail of , the evening .JJomJof
tho/cabinot ofllcois'butiiho postmaster .
* i 111 * * t *
general ciillcd.
The report ( hut the { president was
iuduoud to sii'ii sundry commissions
after ho was woundejl' ' on .July 2 is
still feppatcd in'car&ujr fpapo'rs. , Tlio
afteriioon and night 'before iho at-
teuiptod assassination , in view of his
expected absence , the president made
a [ < Qed many wpointments , wJiich did
not got formerly published until after
the hootint . After hu was wounded
tlio president lias not exchanged a
word on public business with any hu
man being.
WIIITI : House , August 0 9:15 : a.
m. The president slept 'naturally '
during 'tho greater part of thij ! night ,
although no morplniion has been' , ' ad
ministered in the lust'24 ' hours/ > His
improved condition has warranted for
several days a diminution in thu
epuantity of mornliinu ndniinistorcd
tiYpodcnnically at bedtime , and it was
reduced to i and afterward to 1-10 of
a grain in ; the 24 hours wjthout 'any
unpleasant reatiHs , and fiinilly has
lieeu altogether discontinueil. Ilia
condition this morning exhibits con-
tinuuel improvomunt anel another good
day is anticipated. At proBimt his
pulse is 88 , temperature 08 4-10 , res-
jiration 18.
[ Signed. ] F. H HAMILTON.
D. W. Hum ,
J. J. WoomrAUD ,
llOIJT. 1KV1UUN { ! ,
WHITE Hounn , August 5-1250 : p.
in. All the president's symptoms rp-
main favorable and hu is doing well in
every respect.
WASHISUTOK , August 7 7 p. m.
The president passed ' another good
day , The appearance of thu wound
and the character and amount of the
discharge of pus continues satisfactor
ily. Ho has taken an adequate quan
tity ot nourishment and has had sev
eral pleasant naps during the day ,
At 12:30 : p. in , his pulse was 08 ,
temperature U8.4 , respiration 18. Af
ter 4 p. in. his temperature began to
rise as usual , but to a moderate de
gree and without perceptible dryncss
of akin. At present his pulse in
102 , respiration 1 ! > , temperature
100.4.Signed ( ) F. II. HAMILTON.
D. W , UI.IHS ,
J. \Vooo\VAiti ) ,
Hour , lluvjiiw.v ,
WASHINGTON , August 5 'J p , in.
The president hiss gene to sleety with
out the help of anything and the fob *
rite rifto is slowly subsiding.
Augusts Midnight. The president
is resting quito well , notnitnatntuUng
the great heat nnd the omission of the
usual injection 'of morphia. The
prospecte nrp gvoA for a favorable
progress during the night.
WASHINGTON , August 0. Socrotarj
Hunt to-day issued nn order direct'
ing Admiral Porter to lake commander
or the navid vessels which will assem
ble at Yorktown. Admiral Portot
will have the general management ol
the nnval part of the celebration. He
will hoist the ilag en the torpedo rani
"Alarm. ' > t
It is proposed to send out an'ox-
pcdition , or ; oxpc"elltu5n , of obsofVft-
tion of the transit of'Venusvhich
occurs again in 1882. < > Ncthing.dofi-
nitu has been arranged , howovrr. 'An
appropriation will hare to bo miuk
by coiigrcs's before ) lhowotk"cnn * be
undertaken. . ii- ) , > ' ' ;
1IAUTHANN , T ifc NjltlJJaT
NumortAis < inquiries have 'boon
inadu nt the state department in re !
garel to Uartmaiin , the nihilist , aiiel
[ What Our government will 'do'in'liia
case if liis extradition is nskodliy thfa
RuBsinii government The 'ofllclala
dcclino to announce the poliiy of 'tho
government in advance. 'No request
has heoii preferred 'by Iho Russian
governimmt to have oyon an exami
nation of the case by < the Btato de
partment , and there is not likely to
bo as ho haa gene to Canada.
Illinois nnd Mlxutotota Crops.
National Aswclatctl I'rwi.
I ST. PAUL , August G. The state
commissioner of statistics has fi report
showihg that th6 acroilgo'plan'te'a i'n
iwheotin 188.1 JB Slt50tl7.8 , aqainst
2,9GO/07y last year ; corn , 475,847
acres , against 422,507 last year ; oats ,
737,907 acres , against 082,831 last
year. Reports regarding this year's
'wheat ' prop Hitler considerably , but
the latest ones are favorable , espe
cially in' the * northern part of the
state. The prospects now are that
the state will probably have an aver
age enip of'wheat ; while other cereals
will yield moro than average.
UIIIOAOO , August 5. Dispatches re
ceived from over txvonty-fivo towns in
the principal wheat and corn growing
districts of tlio State agree that - the
long continued drought 13 working
very disastrously to Into planted corn.
The oat crop has been harvested and
is rather above the average. Wheat
is poor both in acreage and yield. A
gooel rain hax nOt fallen in any part of
the Stale for three weeks.
Groonflald Garrotod.
National Associated 1'rusii.
SYRACUSE , N. Y. , August 5. At
10:45 : o'clock QrocnHolelai5Condcdthc ,
stops of the gallows aad stepped under
the nuoso. Ho did not exhibit any
agitation , although his face waa
slightly fl-ished. The chnplain began
to pray , and finished at 10:55. : When
thu chaplain had finished Under Sher
iff Bennett stepped forward nnd pin
ioned the prisoner's arms and logs anel
adjusted the uoose. Ho wiis asked by
tlio aheriff and chaplain'if he Imd/any
thing to say , and ho 'replied , ' 'No.1
The trap was sprung and the drop fell
alf 1Q:58 : a.m. . His nock was notjiro-
ken , anil sifter , luuighigjthirteenmm'
tites the doctors pronounced lifo ex
National AtvxjiaicU Press.
KANSA CITY , Augustf > ( Gon. John
A. . Clark , land cotninission'er of the
ICansas City , For ( , Scott & Gulf railroad -
road , died to-day. Ho Was govern
ment surveyor of Minnesota , during
Piorco'a administration , anel after
wards appointed surveyor-general of
Now Mexico , Arizona , and Lower Cali
fornia. In 18CJ9 lie was appointed
land commissioner of the Fort Scott
Michigan' * Ex-Governor.
National AiuocUted 1'rw * ,
DuTitoir , August 5. The remains
of the late ox-Gov. John J. Baaloy
reached here this morning and wnon
the casket was opened at' the house
they worn found in an. almost perfect
fltato'eif preservation , j They , will pk'-
cprdingly lie in state to-morrow nt the
city hall. The funeral takes place
Sunday afternoon. It will undoubt
edly bo thu largest and inost imposing
ever witnessed in Detroit
A Law That Every State NoooU.
Mutioiifl woclattid 1'fuM.
ATLANTA , Ga. , August 5 , A bill
lias been introduced and will pass the
legislature tp suppress Monnonism in
Georgia. It jrovdes that any person
convicted of touching such principles
sf endeavoring to decoy emigrants to
Utah ahull bu fined not exceeding 8100
or imprisonment for moro than ono
year or both at the discretion of the
Hot "Weatlier In New York-
National AwociatvU 1'rcM.
NKW YOIIK , August 4. The heat
to-day was oppressive , rivalling the
hottest day in May A number of
cases of prostration were reported.
1'ho thermometer at 3 a. in. was 72 ;
at 3 p. m. , 1)2 ) ; at midnight 77 ,
NEW YOUK , August C. Twonty-ono
cases of prostration by heat were ro-
mrted by the police to-day , three
cases fatal. The range of the thor-
noinuter to-day was ; Three o'clock
a. in 93 , noon 85 : a:30 : p. in. 91 , mid
night 78 _ _ _ [ _ _ _
The Heat in Now York.
National A aoclato4 1'ruu.
NEW YOUK , August D. The heat
eflocts , first perceptible on Wednes
day , still continues. Last night will
: eng bo remembered for its sultriness ,
which rendered sleep almost impossi
ble ) . The humidity of the atmosphere
was the cause of great depression. To-
lay ia the hottest of the season. Tlio
thermometer was 91 at 3:30 : p. in.
Many persons were Bunstruck anel
several fatnl cases are reported.
The House of Lofts Dot Through
With the Amendments to
the Land Bill ,
It Will Oomo Up For a Third
. . . . , ,
The CaAr ARatn in Danger of
Hia Ii.fb.-4
Ho Receives nfrhroateulnr * Letter -
tor From the 'Nihilists.
_ < _ . . . .
poviVal Persons of HJjjh Rank
i i piscovorod in
( A Mnfiintrnto RofrtieJjfto Grnttt
' 'UitulirmKU , n Snmmea *
< 'tlio Polloo
NatUnal AteWatc. ! Prow.
OPENING OK Tlin' rnoVitfc , ? * ! , PAUUA-
MKLHOUKNK , August 5-rTho pro-
jvindal parliament opened , hero yen-
jtordny. The session - , projiilsoa to bo
[ nu interesting but not' ] very pro-
truct'cd one.
vEoNDpN , lAugust-5 , The niagis-
trtucs havu ro'flisod to' grant llrael-
lauglt'tho summons nskuel for tlto of
ficers \ his cntr.-uico to
| tlo.commons'on \ . ' WoelncsdKy.
( ST. PETKiisnuuo , August 5. Dos-
tutu tliu watchful precautions tlmt
jlinvo boon tnkun it has ] ) con ncjaiu
iinado sbirtingly corUin.thfj ! tlio Nihi
lists nro uvuu now closo'toiliu porsun
ef tlio cmporor ' nnd they
are liable to inako tin attack
upoi his lifo nt any moment.
Last 'night a lot tor threatening the
czar's dunth was found on a table in
itho ennporeir's bed room uhich wns
'supposed to bo tliorolighli'guarded ,
anel to which access can. bo had only
b 'tho ' most thoroughly trusted of
Itho czar's attendants. The ollicor who
< waa on guard anel four servants of the
'palace ' have boon arrested.
VIENNA , Aucust 5. A band ot fifty
'brigands ' recently attacked , a mail carrier -
| rier near , Iolclc , in Thorzoyovinno ,
killing two soldiers of the escort and
'stealing ' the money from thu mail bags.
LONDON , August C. The niagistrato
to whom Bradlaugh applied for a sum
mons , against Police IiiaKctor Dun
ning for an assault committed upon
him whilu entering the Hbby of the
li'ouBb of "commons liius rciTftiea tograhl
the summons. Bradlaugh will now
ask the court of Queen's bench for n
writ of mandamus to compel the
magistrate to grant the summons.
The magistrate takes the ground that
the inspector was right in obeying the
orders of the speaker of the ) house ol
commons. If Bradlaugh had any
grievance to rutlross hu must look tei
the , speaker.
JjoyuoN , August 5. Tlio house ol
lords got through with all the claiiRei
of ( bo land bill in committee- the
whole at midnight. ' A reporl'will bu
made on Memday , when n tliird reading -
ing of thu bill will be taken. In con
sequence of the amendments to the
land bill by thu housei of lords 1'arnoll
urges his party to muster strongly on
Tuesday , when the bill will bo returned -
turned to > the house of commons.
j . ,
LONDON , August 5. A public com <
pany has b&oii formed hero with n
capital of 4,000,000 , with the aid of
several largo financiun , for acquiring
and roclaiming'wasto lands in Ireland ,
' -Tlio Telegraph and Standard'this
morning speak : in thu warm est tornu
of America's offbr to hunt down the
authors of the internal machines.
Tlio Russian ambassador , nqw at
Berlin has boon appointed to tho. em
bassy in thin city.
* BELflRAnK , August fi. Two nihilist
agents , entrusted with commissions
to murder the czar , have boon arrostoel
LONDON , August 5. Sir Win. Vor-
lion Ilarcourt,1 homo secretary , an-
ifouncudin the housu of commons this
afternoon 'that , respecting- the com-
niuniciitiim to the Ambncan government -
mont on the /manufacture / of thu ex
plosive machines , a most frlandly and
.satisfactory reply had boon received
from Secretary llliiino , who telu-
graphed , saying that the national , state
and municipal authorities of America
would span ) no expense to discover
the wicked authors of the crime.
Sr , IV.TEiwnujui , August 5. A con
spiracy. wide in r.imiiications , has
been discovered in this city , the ob
ject of which was the surprise and
assassination of the imperial family at
midnight in their rcnicfoiico at Peter-
liof. Tlio police ] arrested a boat which
had succeeded in passing a cordon of
the Russian guard hip ( and a search
disclosed papers showing that sixty
conspirators , somu of high rank , were
involved in thu plot.
Murclorouu Apaches-
Natlorml I'rim.
BOUOIIKO , N. JI. , August fi. The
murderous red devils nro now ravag
ing in this neighborhood and killing
oil'pcoplo by the score. Last night
an engagement occurred between them
and the Mexicans at 1'arajo and re
sulted in thirteen of the Mexicans being -
ing killed. Two of the Indians that
were cjpturod wcro mrnod alive , lie-
ports are coming in every hour of
homo fresh ravages of the murderers
and a party is being hastily
raised and armud to go to the icscuo
of the minors tit I'uublo Springs , who
are surrounded and in danger. Last
evening a minor and his wlfo arc
supposed to have boon surprised by
the red devils while the former
were returning to their mine and
probably tortured. The band is a
part of Victoria's old band , now under
the leadership of Niim ( who Ls oven
more murderous than his predeccKsor.
A general Indian war will doubtless
result unless they direct their attack
NallonM Aiwoctitnl I'rrM.
NKW YOUK , August ft. The reports
by wire to Bradstrretn from forty
cities throughout the country indi
cate no material chnngo In the gener
ally natisfactory condition of trado.
The industries of thu country also
continue to receive orders in excess
of thu supply. No improvement is
reported from Butl'alo as to the de
pression in canal trntlio consequent
upon the railway freight war. Late
loporta from the northwest confirm
previous estimates of the crop , while
other loading grain states will un
doubtedly give a reduced yield. The
corn product of Kentucky , Tennessee
and Kaunas has BUll'erod fronvdrouyhU
Without ram soon serious damage
must ensue. During the past year
there were roportodeighty-sfx failures
in the United States and Canada , a
decrease of _ throe comparoel with the
week previous.
iwuiirroN niiAcic HACKS.
NKW YOUK , August fi. The racon
at Brighton Beach were continued to
The lirsl race , sovoii furlongs , was
won by Statesman , Tarry 0 , second ,
Soda third. Time , 133 ; | .
The second race , seven furlongn ,
waa won by Clam A. llelloim second.
Time , I ; ! } ! ] .
The , third race , one mile , was won
by Dodctto , Darden second. Time ,
1:44 : $ .
The fourth race , a handicap steeple
chase , was won by Strychnine , Miss
Molly second. Time , 2:51. :
The fifth race , two miles , over live
hurdloi , wan won by Strychnine ,
Frank Short second. Time , ! ) : G1.
BUFFALO , August 5. There were
7,000 people present at the races to
The 2:1 : ! ) race , purse of 83,000 div
ided , waa won in three straight hoata
by Trinket , Wedgowooel second , ami
Alexander third. Time , 2:18 : ? , iL8L ! :
The 2:1B : class , for a pnrsoof § 3,000 ,
was won by Midnight , who took the
second , fourth ami fifth heats , So-So
winning the first ami Charley Ford
the third. Time , 220l ; , 2:11) : ) , 2lA : ! ) ,
2:20 : , 2:21 : , 2:25. :
The nice for iv purse of § 1,500 , waa
postponed after four heats had boon
trotted. Joscphino won the first ami
second heats , and Fanny Weather-
spoon " thp".thirdnnd > fourM'- " - Time ,
2:20 : , 2:202,2:10 : : ] , 2:20. :
SAiiATemA , N. Y. , August 5. The
first race for a purse of 8300 , for
horses beaten and that had not won
a race at Saratoga , distance three-
quarters of a milo. It was won by
Bootjack , with Ccmstantina second ,
and Bunhoincr third. Time , , ' .lilCU.
The second race was for a purse
of ? 100 , all ages , distance , one milo
and 500 yards. It was won by Get
away , with Dauntoror second and Bal
tic third. Time , 2:05. :
The third race , for a purse of § 300 ,
for two-year-oldH that have never won
a sweepstakes , three furlongs , watt won
by Olivia , Macbeth second , Capias
third. Time , l:01j :
The fourth race , purse 8150 , milo
and a furlong , was won by Lucy
Walker'Gov. ' Hampton second , Ter
ror third. Time , 1:55. :
NKW YORK , August 4. Metropoli
tans 10 , Allan tics 8.
Hnrtmann , the NlhllUt , Leave * for
National AuwKlatoil I'tua ,
NKW YOIIK , August fi Leo Hart-
maun , the Russian nihilist , who has
boon in Now York over ft week post ,
has gone to Canada. The cause of his
departure was the declaration by As
sistant Secretary Hill , of the depart
ment of state , that , in his opinion , hu
would bo liable to extradition if the
Russian government Hhoulel ask for his
return to be tried on thu charge of
OMjoary AooopU.
National AHWclat.utl 1'iowi.
NKW YOUK , August 5. Daniel
O'Lcary , the pedestrian , him accepted
tlio challenge yesterday made by Jas ,
F. Connelly , who olfcrod to rule his
maio Betsy Baker , thirty miles
agains any horse for § 1000. O'Leary
proposes to ridu his mare Thought ,
now in New Yoik city. The time and
place has not yet been decided ,
Striking Now York'Prlnton.
National AmxHlaUtl I'rcw.
NKW YOHIC , August fi. The strike
of the union printers of the city was
set down at a meeting hold last May
for September 1st and Typographical
Union No , 0 is now preparing for the
event. The coming strike will not af
fect the newspapers , all of whichjWith
the exception of two or throe after
noon papers , nro now paying more
than thu union dunmndH ,
Letter Carrier Fouud Douil-
National Auodatul I'mta
OnioAoOjAugustO. JohnG. Smith ,
who bus been a letter earner on the
same route in this city since 1873 , was
found dead in South Park this morn
ing with a hole through his head and
an empty revolver by his aide ,
The Rullrouil War.
National AwoUatul 1'rwu.
NEW YOUK. August 4. Tlio rail *
road faro to Chicago continues at ? 7 ,
Passenger agents and scalpers charge
the same for tickets. The demand
continues brisk ,
Lincoluitos Excitotl Over the
Prospoots of Having An-
otlior Railroad.
The Subject ot Water Works
Also Being Seriously
Indications That the Grand
Army Reunion Will Bo
a Success.
Other Itout * of Interest From tlio
Stnto Cntltnl >
LINCOLN , Auguit 4. Lincolnitos
are greatly exorcised at present over
the prospect of having another rail-
reap into Lincoln , and have bce'n on
the nnxious-seat since < lay Gnuld paid
us a visit laet June. It is very ap
parent that , if the MinBjuri Pacific
railroad promised that for a reason
able amount of bonds voted by Lan
caster county they would make Lincoln
the initial point of their last and now
project , the bond would bo forthcom
ing. The idea is to get it road into
Lincoln that cannot be swallowed
down by the B. & M. railroad.
Next in' drder is the waterworks
question. You are undoubtedly nwaro
that wo voted down the question of
bonding the city for $75,000 to build
waterworks as an experiment. There
fore our business men have taken thu
subject matter in hand and are giving
it sober and serious consideration , ami
are disciiBsing several plans by which we
may secure n permanent supply of
water. One plan in ty bring it in
pipoa from thu Blue river at Milford.
Another plan , from the 1'latto river ,
Which would bet thu most fcafdblo has
not us yet beondetornnmul. But this
much is a fact , wo are to have water
works of some kind in the near fu
ture.ThcB. . it , M. rftilrpad arthorities
take posscsttion of their new depot on
Saturday anil on Monday the trains
will run to and from it. The depot is
a model of neatness in structure and
commodious as t > waiting , baggage
and dining room ! ) and oHicus , and is a
great addition to Lincoln. After it is
{ 'unshod wo shall have the finest depot
in the state
Subscriptions lor the Grand Army
reunion are coming in quite fast and
the proHpootH of having iv grand time
ijrow more llattering every day. Tno
leading men of our country ava not
all heard from an yet but the indica
tions are that a great many , incluel-
inK Goncral Grant , will .bo present.
Thofio wlio'lmvo c'liargtVHjiJftf inattci ;
here are very enthusiastic and are
sparing no time or pains which will
tend to make the reunion ft success.
Our now fountain on Government
square is gradually approaching com
pletion. There is nothing gaudy or
jlimsy about it , but on the contrary it
is a substantial looking piece of ma
sonry and when finished will bo an
ornament to the square. Superinten
dent Smith says hu intends that it will
stand for years. Well , itn looks verify
what ho says. We have been waiting
four yearn for this fountain and at
hist our patience is to bo rewarded.
The Pomological society mot yester
day afternoon at the Y. M. 0. A.
rooms and displayed some very line
fruit , illustrating the fact that just
as line fruit can bo raised
in Nebraska as in any other
state in the union , and why not ] We
were greatly surprised -to-soo so fine a
display , it being superior to tlio ox
bibitat our last state fair in that lino.
There were four'orfivo wagon loadr
of apples on our streets to-day , some
of which were raised in Nebraska and
aomo in Kaunas. It was very nice
fruit , the preference being in favor of
that raised in Nebraska , the fruit being -
ing larger and more perfect.
The contracts for furnishing gov
ernment coal were opened yesterday
and the award made to A. D. Mark-
all , his bid being the low
est , 813.08 per ton of 2,240
pounds , and just ono cunt below
the AVhitobrcast company. This is
hardly a criterion for ( ho consumers
of anthracite to go by , as to price ,
for the indications are , if wo read thu
signs of the time , aright , that coal
will reach 815 per ton at retail hero
before the season is over.
Lincoln merchants , as a general
thing , are much pleased at the pro
motion of our former townsman , Goo.
B , Harris , and wish him all the suc
cess imaginable in his new oflico of
general freight agent of the B , & M ,
Ho is worthy of tlio position ,
Tlio Democrat intimates that the
B , & M , railroad company are after
the wells which were sunk in
the > city paik , and that
no money consideration is to bo given
in return for the transfer made. II
such is the case wo have not been in
formed of the fact through the of
ficial organ. Why this is thusly we
cannot conceive.
Ilerdio coaches are discussed on the
street corners and in front of busincsu
houses , something new for Lincoln.
Brinv on thu Herdio's , as Kunnard't
horse cars have not put in an appearance -
anco and the probabilities are that
they will not for some time to come.
National Auwxiatal 1'rcM.
SAHATOOA , August fi. Jay Gould
arrived hero to-night. Chauncoy M ,
Uopow is also hero. W. II. Vanderbilt -
bilt , Mcburs. Garrett , Roberts and
other prominent railroad inun are ex
pected to-morrow. The conference
is likely to bo hold in a day or two ,
possibly to-morrow ,
NKW YOUK , August 5. A meeting
of the freight agents of the four grout
trunk lines leading from this city , and
their representatives from the Boston
it Albany railroad , the eastern con
nection of the Now York Central , won
hold to-day nt the oflico of Commis
sioner Fink , and decided upon the
establishment of a now tarilf , com
mencing to-morrow , on west-bound
CHICAGO , August fi. The grand
trunk road has sold 805 five dollar
tickets to Boston since it began sell
ing them on Wednesday. The Michi
gan Central and other trunk lines also
claim that their passenger business is
larger than common , although they
are not cutting rates. Thrco hundred
Canadian prospectors passed through
Chicago to-day for Winnipeg. .
Imltontlon * .
National AuwctitcU I'rctw.
WAHIII.VCITO.V , 1) . 0. , August B. ' '
For thoi upper lake region ) tho'i
upnrr Mississippi and lower Missouri ,
valleys : Colder and p.\rtly cloudy *
weather , with local rains , variable "
winds shifting to northerly , and
higher pressure.
' . * .
Virginia DomooraU , -
KfttlonM Amoclatcd I'roM.
UiuiiMONii , . "Vix. , August 0. The
democratic conservntiro convention
reassembled at noon to-day. Hon. "
JamoR Barbour , of Culpoppor , was '
nominated for lieutenant-governor by
acclamation. Phillip W. McKinney. '
of Prince Edward , was nominated
for attorney-general. The convention
then adjourned sine dio.
Kttlonul Annomtixl I'mu.
NKW YOIIK , August B.Tho vari
ous Methodist churches of this and
neighboring towns are to unite * in n
meeting to bo hold this evening in
the old John street church , to extend
greeting and say farewell to - nearly
two hundred delegates and > their
friends Who nro to nail to-morrow to >
nttond the Methodist ecumenical
conference ) in London , September 7th. ,
How Their Movement .For
Shorter Hours is
Progressing. . ,
_ .
Last evening the dry goods clerks ,
who have formed themselves into an
association for the purpono of in
ducing their employers to close at mi'
earlier hour , held another meeting , in
the board of trade room. Mr. Murray - ,
ray presided. The committee op-
pointed to wait ouf1ho merchants ,
Messora. MoKonzio , lloynold and
Williams , reported [ that they had ,
done BO , and that all the merchants
would close up , with the exception of
Mr. Morse and Mr. Lehman , and
that Mr. Morse would close up if Mr
Lehman would do BO. The ropturtr.
was received and the committee d'is-
lHs -
After seine discussion , in which-
Messrs. Anderson , Reynolds , Cannot ,
Murray , and others took part , it was :
decided that a committee ) , consisting
of Mo3 rn. Iloynolds , Hejlst , and
Mitchell again wait on Mr. Lehman
and Mr. Morse. Mr. Cowio m6ved
that a committee of three bo ap
pointed to prepare an article for pub
lication in thu local newspapers. Thu
motion was carried and . 'ho following
gentlemen were selected tt * form the
committee ; Messrs. Brown , Cowio
and Williams. Mr. Iloynylds , the ;
president , reminded the members that
in order to attain success every mom-
bo r iriast put forth energetic individ
ual effort. If they would only p'or-
severe they were bound to''succeed. ' .
The mooting adjourned at an early
The Hotteat Day With a Sin
gle Exception.
The average ] man felt a little
limpid yesterday. With ono exception
this has boon the hottest day experi
enced hero thin season. At 0:45-
o'clock yesterday the signal ser
vice thormsmoter showed 78 degrees.
At 01Q | when the next observation
was taken it indicated 02 and nt 145 ;
this afternoon it had reached 08. At
y o'clock the same thermometer stood
ut 100 decrees in the shade. At 145 ;
o'clock Max Meyer's thermometer in
dicated a triilo less than
100. At Saxo's a little later it stood
at 102 , and on Davenport street ami
in other portions of the city ther
mometers indicated about the same ,
even earlier in the day. The highest
point reached by the signal norvico
thermometer Thursday was 97 de
grees ; the lowest point 7G.G degree * .
Severe Drought-
National Associated 1'rcus.
NEW YOIIK , August 5. Private advices -
vices received by telegraph from con
servative houses in Chicago nnd Gin-
cinnati report that the drought is very
serious with no signs of ruin. The
corn crop in Ohio , Indiana , Illinois ,
Kentucky and Iowa , if the dry weath
er continues thu remainelor of the
week , will bo ruined.
Messrs. Marchand & Bro. , Charles
ton , Iowa , communicate the following ;
\Vo keep n full line of moat of the
principal medicines. St. Jacobs Oil
thus far is leading all others , and in
no inHtnilco have we hoard ono word
of dissatisfaction ; nil speak out like a
Methodist class-meeting , of their own
personal pxperieneo with it , and of its
nigh intrinsic value ns a liniment ,