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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1881)
TIIK OMAHA DAILY BDE : EMOAY , AUGUST 5 , 1381 , THE JAILY BEE. Friday Morning , August 6 , LOOAL BREVITIES. Frederick , LeaHIng Hatter. l.lf Pattenun nells coal. Get yonr hats at DoaneV. Nlndell & Krcllc , Practical Halter * . Elegant Pocket-Hooks at Saxe's. 000 business lot * . Call on Bern Is. Don't fall to drink SAXR'S cream od . Beml1 real estate boom. First pag A. W. Nnson , Dentist , Jacob's block. Warranted Tooth Urushes at Kulm's. Bemia1 new map of Omaha , 25 cents. Natural Mlntral Water on draught at Kuhn's drug store. For XI.VI Commercial Job Printing , all at TUB UEK Job rooms , The Lion continues to roar for Moore's Hut-ness nnd Saddlery. 'JUO farms and 000,000 acres of land iBomli , agent. Prescriptions a specialty , Opera Houto Pharmacy , 211 8. Ifith Street. Kresh supply of imported Key We t onil Domestic Clears at SAXK'S. Dresi Goods are going fa * ' at Atkin son & Co.'n. Low prices will tell , lie- nicmbcr we have Bunting In all colors. Safes , machinery , nnd all kinds of heavy hauling done by Brlsco & Co. , the t.nfc men. w&s-tf Any one lint Ing work for a type writer can be accommodated by telephoning TIIK llKF. office , tf Aih ertlsemcnts for the Saturday eight piu'c edition of TIIR BKK'must bo in by niwn of that day. Another coDslgnment of brick for the opera house arrived from St. Louis yester day nnd mason work will bo resumed at once. The American express office and nil the company's wagons were draped In mourning yesterday on account of the death of James 0. Fargo , of Wells , Fargo & Co. Ed. E. Howell , having attained his majority to-daylwill to associated here after with his father In the iNHl'KANOK Etrni.VK.HR , under the firm name of Samuel .T. Howell & Son. Agency established in 1875. Office 217 South Fourteenth street. Ir. S. J. Chambers , \etcrlnarysur geon , Is making a fine reputation for him- nelf in his line of bunincst. One of his re cent canes was that of n colt which wan almost disemboweled by striking the top of a paling fence. Dr. Chambers has .completely cured him. The doctor may be reached at nny hour of the day or night by telephoning to the Checkered barn , his headquarters. Yesterday morning ns Mr. J. S. Mil ler was sitting in front of the Herald office , a man named Theodore Hutt step ped up to him nnd without the slightest provocation deliberately struck him n blow nn the face. Hutt will be tried in the police court this evening. PERSONALS. Mm. S. T. Slbliert left the city yesterday fur Pittsburg. Harold Hilton , of Council Bluffs , was in the city yesterday visiting his father. Mr. Connelly , of Fceney ff Connelly , leftyeUorday for Chicago ovcrthe Wnbanh route. j George K. Goodman , a California bank' er , wltli his family , Is a guest of F. I ) , ( .iillmore. .T. fi. Mitchell and M. L. Haywood , of Nebraska * City , nro registered nt the ' house. C'Jrelglitpn * TJ.'W. Funk , of Hed Cloud , through the city yesterday on his way to Greenville , Ohio. , John P.-Breltling , of Carroll , ' Iowa , in the city , n guest of Theodore K. Syl- . . vauus , of the wnter department , t'D. . W , Haxo and his brother , A. W. iSaxe , of the auditing department of the U anil M. , left yesterday for nn extended trij c to the cost nnd their old home In Vermont While there Mr. S xe will fix upon the decoration * for his ne * establishment In lioyd'H opera house. , F , J. Boot leaves to-day for Salt Lnk City. City.Hon. Hon. Charles Lamb , of Stanton , Is ii the city. Thomas Palmer , of North llend , is stny ing at thu Metroiwlltan. Henry Fletcher and wife , of Chicago are In the city on a visit , M. Jl. Murphy , of Plattsmouth , is stay lag at the Canfield House. OrlandTeUt , of Cass county , Neb. , nr < rived In the city yeitertlay. John McKwcn , of The Kansas Git ; .four-mil , is auiong the gtiestn nt tlio With nell. Washington II. Wood has returnei from a trip out west , nnd is Maying nt th Chan. J , Greenof Cinahn , wits register t St , Paul , Wednesday , on his way t < L.ike Minuetonka. Tbo Now Oar Shops ' Work is progressing rapidly on tnu tracks for the now car shops of the Union Pacific company. Councilman O'Kcefo is the foreman in charge and is working about fort } * men , When it cornea to superintending a job of track laying Mr. O'Kuefo has u reputation equal to any ouo between hero and ipgden. So Wl o and Happy- If you will stop all your extravagant and wrong notions in doctoring your * nelf and families with oxpensivu doc tors or humbug euro-all , that do harm always , and use only nature's simple remodiea for all your ailments yet will bo wise , well and happy , ant nave great expense. The greatest remedy for this , the great , wise and good will tell you , is Hop Bitters- rely on it. [ Press. al-sl5 v "WINE OF CARDUI" for Lndiea onjy. * . . . 0. P. QooJunus. t SILVER WATCHES , that keep best of time , at prices that can't bo beat , at EDHOLM ttEiacKsoN'8 Fresh butler , eggs and vegetables always on hand at 0 W Schluip'fl , 'JMorri pu t Co'a , old aland , llth st. BRICK FOR BLOCKS , Or Private Residoncos'as the .Case Mny Bo : Over Sixteen Millions to bo Made Here This Soason. A BEE reporter paid a visit to the various brick yards yesterday in order to ascertain what was being done in this line of industry. It was indeed surprising to see what vast proportions the manufacture of this indispensable article of building ma terial has grown in Omaha. The ex traordinary demand for brick in Omaha this year has caused the own era of the different yards to enlarge them and to work them to their utmost capacity. It has also resulted in the cslab- ishmciit of a now yard in the north i.irt of the city , on the bench just cost of Sherman avenue. Brick- nakcrs say that the clay hero is of a first class quality , and that generally the brick turned out is of a superior quality , The most important part in tno manufacture of brick is the burn ing , and in order to have them prop erly burned all the fires must bo kept up to an oven temperature until the brick arc done. The different qual ities "sand " " " " are , "stock" and "press ed. " They are graded as written , the > rcsscd being thu finest quality. They ro first moulded aa common brick nd then put into a machine nd pressed , so as to give them an von surface and a inoro compact orin. There is a good outside marketer or Omaha brick , but it cannot bo sup- > lied , as this city will consume all that an bo made hero this year , and more jcsidos. The estimates given below will show what Omaha is doing in the uilding way. This year the severe rains in the spring interfered mate- lolly in brick making. Through rainy weather and other causes , about our and a half days is the average lumber per week that work can be lone at tno yards. Withnoll Bros.1 yard is probably ho most extensive in Omaha. They are now turning out 30,000 bricks per [ ay. To do this six moulders are ro- [ uirod , each of whom make 0,000 ) ncks a day. This yard will , during ho season , make between four and five million bricks. The Withnolls miploy forty men and boys. Bailey & Oleaon are making 25,000 > or day at their yard , nnd will make luring the season three million > ricks. They employ thirty-five men and boys. Ittnor Bros , will make about four million bricks this year. They give work to about forty men. Henry Livespy is manufacturing 10,500 per day , and will make about ono million during the year. Ho em- > loys twenty-six men and boys. The Sixteenth street yard will have dlnn containing between ono and two nillions at the close of the season. This yard gives employment to twenty men and boys. Hunter & Hoyd are putting out 11- )00 per day , and expect to have made tjy the end of October a million and a iialf of brick , They have sixteen men and boys. SanrCaffcrty was a little late in starting in the spring , but will doubt less turn out over a million. Ho liires twelve or fourteen men and boys. John Koonil has made between throe und four hundred thousand up to this time , and expects to make up tb the close of thu season between 800,0000' and 1,000,000' . Ho has eighteen men and boys. From these estimates it will bo scon that the eight brickyards in Omaha will make during the yenr 1881 over sixteen million brick. They pivc em ployment tq ono hundred and sovcnty- tivo men and boys , besides a largo number of'toams and men in handling the brick. That brick making is a largo factor in Omaha's manufactories is apparent. All the brick being used hero allows thnt there is still room for inoro in the same business , as the outside trade in this state creates u largo demand. Omaha brick is the best that is made in Nebraska on account of the superior rior clay to bo found hero. THE LION TAMERS. They Are Fined For Cruelty to Animals. Horace King and J. C. King , the two men who have been exhibiting three mountain lions at dilForon places in the city , woru brought up before Judge lionolcu on a charge ol f ruolty to animals , in having fed th ons with live cats and dogs. The ; leaded guilty to thu charge , nit they did BO because they 1m old the lions to some ono in N v ork and they had to convoy then liero forthwith. They declare liut it is absolutely nocoa ary to give tliuso lions hvu nn mils at least once a wouk , and thu n Hoverul cases tried in courts i few York and Philadelphia it wai Iccidcd that the practice was not ui : awful. They further argued that the uanagora of the zoological gardens in York and Philadelphia main tained that live animals were an indispensable - dispensable food for lions. They were fined ten dollars and costs , which they immediately paid , A Bottling Wall- Lost evening the west wall of the brick etoro house occupied by Sir. [ Sharp , wholesale 4cather dealer , gave signs of weakening. A crack in the masonry on the Farnham street front caused considerable alarm and thu parties who had excavated the adjoining ground and are building a brick block adjacent to the Sharr building at oncu placed strong propi ngainst the 'endangered wall. It ii ? m..r.7 8'.81 ' Ji . . . . gotitTally thought that nothing serious will occur and the new foundation - dation of the brick block under construction will soon render any further settling of the wall of Mr. Sharp's building impossible. The west wall of this building was part of the old pioneer block erected omc twenty years ngo. When the block burned clown two years ago the front and rear part of the building wort ? re constructed , but this wall was TO tained. It has always been rather dangerous. SOMETHING WONDERFUL Distinct Yet Combined Piano and Organ. One of thu most unique things in the way of n musical instrument is something recently invented by Wm. 0. Woodward , of Marseilles , LaSallo county , 111. As described by Prof. Tollcs , in a letter to Mrs. Bishop , of this city , it consists of a piano and organ combined in the name space ns is usually occupied by an up right piano. Either instrument can bo played separately or both can bo played together. The change from one to the other is effected without a break in the music. The combined sound of the piano and organ is peculiar in effect , representing - ing every instrument in n full orches tra. Both are played from the same kcy.board and the organ having the same length in this respect aa the is given qualities and advan- tagcs that the ordinary in strument does not possess. Another peculiarity of this strange instrument is that , while the piano and organ arrangements are on- tiroly distinct , any part of either in strument may bo played with a part or the whole of the other. A full description of this musical wonder would provo of great interest. A Trifling Fire. A telephone alarm brought out the fire department at 12:30 : o'clock this afternoon. The alarm was caused by a little blaze in the chimney of Thomas Boilly's residence on Casa street between Seventeenth and Eighteenth. Some of the burning material in the chimney dropped down upon an un used hearthstone in the basement setting fire to some papur which had been thrown there. This created a good deal of smoke and made it ap pear that the lire was more serious than it really was. The incipient blaze was soon 'squelched after the ar rival of Chief Gallitran and his men. THE PEOPLE'S MONEY. Whore and How it Was Spent For a Month Fast. At the last meeting of the council an ordinance was passed appropriat ing about § 14,539.9,4 to defray current expenses. It may bo of inlorost to citizens to know just where the money wont. It was distributed in this way : The salaries of the city ollicials amounted to § 941.GO ; the councilmen got § 200. The salaries of the police department for the month of Juno was $844.00 ; for the month of July § 944,25 ; the miscellaneous bills of the police department wore § 206 18. The paid men of the fire department re ceived $1000 , for Juno and $1,000 , for July. The mis cellaneous expenses of the depart ment amounted to $1,9C5.4U. The expenses connected with Hanscom park wore $541.90. General miscel- laanous bills footed up the comfortable - able amount of 83,009.20. The judges and clerks of the election hold May 31 , received $44. The expenses con nected with the public library for January , $339.88 ; f r July , $82.70. In the First wiird $391.49 were spent in street repairs ; in the Second ward I $030.03 ; in the Third ward $011.30 ; in the Fourth ward $019.20 ; in the Fifth ward $034.50 , and in the Sixth ward $449.81. Besides this the mis cellaneous street expenses amounted to $217.08. Quo Hundred and TMTO in the Shade Thohoat yesterday was intonsoondcit- izuns generally have begun once more to carefully note the changes in the thermometer. Wednesday the ther mometer did not range above 99 de grees in the nliadu along Farnlmm street. Yesterday , according to Max Meyer's thermometer , it stood 90 in the shade at 10 o'clock and 90 by noon , At 2 it had jumped up to 100 end at 3 o'clock 102 was indicated. Runaway- Ono of the double teams belonging to Goodman's drug store ran away yesterday , Koarjtho corner of Fftoenth and Douglas streets ono of the animals attached to the vehicle fell , nnd dragging - ging its companion with it , upset the wagon. The tongue of the vehicle nas broken but otherwise it wus not seriously damaged. The' driver was pitched put and escaped with a severe shaking up and a few minor bruUcs. "BLACK-DRAUGHT" cures dyspeji- Kin , indigcdlion nud hourtburn. OK. Ooodiui n't. - - - - - , ' ) For Qhoomakor's 'loathor.niul ' find , ings , bo sure and BOO Schmidt & lias- 1UU8SOU bofor-i purchasing ulsowliero , 211 South 14th .street , botveen Doug- lia ui'iVl Funuvm. ' aO-tf F , , ' IOWA'S METROPOLIS. Occurrences , of Intoratt In Council Bluffs. Decided Movement to Build a Levee Thore. A Pish Stsrjr and Sn 4r7' Other Mutton. A LANDMARK , IT IS TOR.V AWAY AND 1)UTTK7 OUT OF KXIBTBXCE. The old log house which ha * stood for 85 yearn on the cast side of North Broadway has been torn domi to make room for the fast growing Ihui- ness interests of this city. This "loot print on the sands of timo" erected during the fall of 18-10 . * md : thu ! winter following , at the srarie time Hint the old house that stood so long where Pinnoy & Lyman's hos pital now fitands wn built. That bo- caino noted in history as the scene of the shooting of an old Indian , ono of the Potlawattamies , whoso family , once occupied it. The old building ' written about was first occupied by a Mormon . named Compton , who sold the promises to the first Methodist preacher , who located in Council Bluffs. This gentleman was named Simpson. After Simpson , Moses Shinn , a highly respected citizen now residing . in Omaha , occupied the building . , and in all probability had he knunrn that it was being torn down would have come over to the Bluffs to take a lost look at the old roljc. After Elder Sbinn , J. K. Dye , Bori'-in-law of. the present owner , Mrs. ! Amy , owned and occupied it. Mr , Dye wont west , joined the Mor mon army and never cnnw back. The property soon afterwards fell into the hands of his inotheriu-law , Mrs. L. S. Amy , who lias owned it for about . . thirteen years. The task load of the old house was taken away yesterday. When taken down the old cottonwood logs out of which the walls worn con- structod appeared in a good aiatn of preservation. Tims ono by one these old landmarks are being swept away and ore long there will bo none left to toll the tale of years and scenes long gone , Mrs. Amy does not intend to boild a dwelling house on the old lot. She believes it too valuable. She will use it for a business blockwhich _ sbe in tends to erect next year. It will bo three stories high. She says she will dispose of all the cheap property ane bos and put the proceeds into first- class business houses , as she believes each year will bring n demand for such buildings. She says first-class hottsns pay better than cheap ones , and that the era of cheap buildings in Council Bluffs has , passed away for ever. A LEVE& JfBKD OF ONE llKINd CONfiTUUCJTHW. Few people seem to realize the im portance of action. Before another spring Hood comes the bottom lands should bo made secure from another overflow. No man can predict what next spring may bring forth in the way of damaging Hoods. Then people seem to forgot that every spring thny are threatened.with high water. During the flood of last spring everybody talked in favor of n lovoo. Now that it has subsided the interest seems to have died out and but little is said about it. Recently the citizens of this city have expended $12,000 on ns fine a driving park as can bo found anywhere in this coun try. Now it is u well known fact that should a flood of even one-half the volume of the ono last spring como again at any time in the fu ture all this vast expenditure would bo swept away. When Col. Cochran was mayor and before the late flood ho called the people's attention to the importance of constructing a levee to protect property. It is to bo hoped that the board of trade will push this matter until the levee is built and the people living on the bottoms are freed from anxiety in this respect. The board mot at their rooms on Pearl street on Wednesday evening for the purpose of taking into consid eration the importance > f immediate action in the construction of the long talked of lovoo. A. 0. Graham , from the committee appointed to look after the mailer of constructing the levee , reported that the Union Pacific rail- mad company had run a line of survey along the Missouri river northwest of this oily for the purpose of estimating tlie cost of constructing iv levee and to ascertain the best route for the protection - toction of property from the annual overflows ; that the engineer had not as yol submitted u report of the survey to the committee. This report was received and Iho committee instructed to obtain such report from the Union Pacific officials immediately , that the board may take utops toward the con struction of the levee as they should doom proper. The following were elected members of the board ; Joel Eaton , J. Muolor , J. 0. DoIIaven , J. T. Hart , M. G. Griffin. THE iiturra IN BIUKP. The following article appeared in yesterday morning's BEE : "Mr. John Dohanoy , his daughter Maggie Dohanoy and Mrs. M. G. Grifhn , Imvegono on a visit to Colfax Springs. " It should have staled that instead of Mr , it was Mrs , John Dohaney. Mr. John Dohanoy is too busy with his homo affairs to leave at the present time and says that Council Bluffs is healthy enough for him. Theodore Laskowskip , late cleric in the Council , Bluffs savings bank , has entered into partnership with \N m. u.CQ Siodentopf , in Iho general insurance ) and real csUto bualncss , It will bo remembered that Laskowskio is the * young man who a short time ago cnmo near losing his life by an accidental discfiargo of a revolver , while dusting off the o unter at the savings bank. Hon. W. F , Sapp lias trimmed the trees on his property on Oakland avcnuo and improved its appearance very materially. Mr. French , ono of the wideawake men of Iowa , who resides in I'orcival , Fremont county , on noticing the ac count of the mammoth elevator , pub lished in Tin ; BEK , determined nt once to visit this city and look up a location for going into the grain business , Altliou h ho will bo a lively competitor for the trade , Mr. T. J. EVans conducted him over the city. Mr. French thinks this city will in time b the leading flhippiiw point for grain in the norlh- west. TUic. BKE welcome * him as ono of the caning business men. The atticlw on "Water Worls" found on pngo sixth of 'Jluirsday'o ' BEE , written bjr ono of lb loading merchants nfi lhk city , shoulH bo rend by every cificcna of Council Btuflij. The drivi ? < j < park will bo ready Sat urday afternoon- general inspec tion. Every fmo stopper in tHe cily will be there , but ihoy will fool so pFMid of the irnck that they 'nmke very fast time , Tie ? Council Blliffn broom fcntory 'disposed ! of ovur - BCO brooms the first two days of the present vwck. Tllero is not n sinfdu enterprise started in Conncil Bluff * tiul foiled so fatr-ns inct cam bo learned. The Broadway and : Main front * of the American1 express coo - pany's office in thi ortywaa decorated yesterday in black eat of respect to the memory of Wm. Gi Fargo , presi * dent of thu American express compa ny wht died yestordavtnt liis home iit > , the city of Buffalo. All the teamo belonging to the company were doe o- ratcd with crape also. A two-horso team found ) sit largo on Broadway was taken up-and cared for by Chief of Police Field yesterday. AnniouToatur and Mary Hall , two "angelstof the alloy , " got intoxicated yesterday. They began to-kick up a disturbance and finally it ended in a set-to between them , at a Itouso in the rear of Hanoy's aalooni. Annie struck Mtoy and Mary struck Annie. They quarreled and used profane lan guage to auch an extent that the at tention of ooo of | the poliee-wos at tracted tortho alloy and ho walked in , tiP put bothi under arrest ami trotted them to police hoadquartoro , where they woro- fined eight dollauj each , including costs. G. II. Williams , who was arrested yesterday and lodged in the calaboose in default 06 fine and costs , was re leased yesterday. Williams was ar rested for an- assault upon his- wife , who ho claimed was a thoroughbred from the plains of Mexico , and had attempted to put the Mexican' lasso about his neek. Ho had protested , and they had. trouble in which. Wil liams got the best of it. Hfo wife had him anrested , convicted- and jailed , but yesterday morning cbo ap peared before ; Judge Burke and of fered toido almost any thinin the way of work to earn tho. wherewith to pay her dear husband's fine iS the judge 'Would * only let him go back again to lns family. Judge liurko , who is extremely sympathetic ; felt something salt trickle down his'oheek and ordered tli-o man released on the promise of tire wife that slip would certainly return sometime withu the fine. . Dr. Stillman's house on' Willow avenue is nearly finished. An ordinance will bo presented to the city council this evening to bo acted upon. It will require that the city street railway company shall teep their track always in good condition ; that they will stop at public crossing and run cars more frequently over their route ; nnd that the track atoor- tain points shall bo planked. It would seem as if this was not asking too much nnd these who own antUcon- trol the road will probably accede to this demand chorfully. Thocitynow has reached that population that they must have street cam run for their accommodation and the company should lose no time in extending hpir line so ns to roach the people who live in the Fourth-word. It would pay te run a track down Willow avenu * by the Bloomer Boaool house , thence over Kighth and Ninth streets to Broad way. It is estimated that it will require two million of brick to construct the walls of the new packing establish ment. , J. A. Chuoch returned last uight from an extended eastern trip. W. W Wallace's house has- begun to loom up above the hills oni Bluffs street. Dan Elwell , of Big Grove.took in the "Dip ; ' ' city yesterday. W. B. Marshall , of St. PamV was at the Ogden yesterday. He says next year ho will como over the St. Paul & Council Binds road. Curio M ers , of Calhoun , was in the city yesterday , stopping with. Land lord Wheeler , of the llovonu C. A. Cronoy took in Imva's me tropolis yesterday. Mr. Cronoy has just started a paper in Ulonwood , .Mills . county. New potatoes in this , market yes terday were bringing $1.25 , apples $1.26 , . awoot potatoes U cants , butter 15 coots , eggs 12i cents , chickens 30 cents , live hogs $5.10. to $5.00 , hay $5 to.$0 , wood $4.50 to. $0. A. A. Hazard ia quito ill with cholera. The streets presented a lively ap pearance yesterday. The Council BluJtts shooting clul > met last evening on call of their prea- idont , John W. Chapman. Charley BOURUU , who will die in the act of building a tenement IIOKSO in this city , has purchased the old buildings that stood on the property where Mr. Hood is to erect a fmo business block on middle Broadway. Mrs. E. S. Plainer , of Harden township , called at/ this oilic * Satur day. Hold your horses until next Satur day. The driving park not being in readineas lost Saturday the opening was postponed until to-morrow after noon. Gen. B. F. Shawiho fat and social Btato fish couunissionor , will b < pleased to hear , the following rcsul , of his labors ; The following nccouu is i related by Mr. Walter Young , one i' of the clerks in the wholesale drug house of A. D. Foster & Bro ; lie , in company with a small party , were at Han thorn's lake , situated about six milo.i Jiorth of this city , one day last week. While fishing they saw A black bass over two feet in length. This fish Hon. B. JP. Shaw planted. Mr , Young Bays that the bass must certainly have weighed Fif teen pounds and ho wts not prepared to let it go. The party shot at him ovcral tinioa but failed to hit him. If this etory is tree , as it certainly is , Mr. Shaw should be encouraged in his efforts. IlBAt , KSTATB TRANSFERS. The following real estate traiio/era were filed in the county recorder's of fice , ro reported by lira title , abstract , real e-jtnto and loan ofllco of J.V. . SquireC. . , Council Bluffs : J. F" Van Patten to JTiels Hanson , nndividVxl J o J sw no SO. 77 , 48 , $00. D. B. 3)rury"to Noils Hanson , un divided fle i sw no 3(5 ( , Tf , 43 , $90. S.V. . Wheelock to Noils Hanscn , BO no 30/77 , 53 , $300. J. Ferrill to M. A. Dthhoyd , so so 23 , 77 , 42 , 1,100. W. Collar ; ? . t Frank Collard , n i nw 31 , 70 , iWJ , SI. Miss Ella ILoTonco solieitn- sewing j the clay or week. Call rr address her , 4th street , , aor. Worth. mctf Michael Lacy offers his tnro-lhmls in the old Cnliforniiv home. - - * - - * - ' noartliciO. &N. \ \ ' , " dbjot , on lower' Broadway , 6p sale chnapv Thehoiiiw is in n iesiraMe looa oo and can bo purchasadl at groa bftTgain anil an easy term. Worthy o < Praise. At > aimno wo do r.4 recommend tont'anorltidncs ' , but ' .then wo kaorfof pnelfmti really is a public benefactor , cave , than wa.-ton- to unpart that - * ' - - tionto' all. Elc toic bittora-aro truljonmosfc valuable medicine , and' ' will serely euro BiW usness , FJnrcp 3nd < A'gn j.tomach , Lever and Lifiroy oompmratB ) . ercn whcrr.tall other ram * frtill Wo know' whereof rrpnk , .and' can f rooly recommend to- aJ > [ Eiw Sold nt 50 cenU a botaM- ' lah" & MVfllahon. _ (4J ( ) EDUCATION " daughter to educate ? Dcn't''fa.illttj'B ' nd for nei ? * circular of i CallanamGollttga , Dea Mdines , lowni Address ; < . R. POMEP.&Y , Pros. j30-De&mmGt Beauty , " HealHV , and hnppintssforladio t in"WrNB-'OFCARDUI. " ( At C. F ' SPECIAL NOTICES. ; . NOTICK Advcrtistment To Loan , For Sale , ' n Lost , Founiy Vnnte ) lioardln ; , &c , , will be in serted In thcN columns once for TEN CENTS per line ; ccch > rubs qu nt Insertion , K3VECEKT8 per line. Tbo flnt Innortlon never leaa than TWENTY-FOT } OBMTS TO' LOAN MONEY. < > .To.liutittt Irom 8 to Iflporcent. ' ' oni oul real i tatC8Cturit.kT DK. ISAAC HOWAD6,1109 Farnlm " TO LOAN At 8 per ccntln- In sums of 2BOO'anU upnanla , for S to 5yu\r . on Hnt-clasB city and ( arm propettrjj Ilkwi * llKAb ESTATB and LOAN AUKNCT , 16th c. U'IotuJiaSU. TO-LOAN Call at Law Office of D. MONEY ItoomS. Crelirhton lilock. IONEY 7O'IX > iWf on real estate , at M 290-cod-IO" DE.TTEII L. THOMAfU : BKO. MEUP WANTED. ANTED Imiiiccljitely a good Klrt'orgen eral hot ic x > rk. at Dr. II. I' . JensenvN. K. corner 14th.nCll ( Jntkton. 67S-10 WANTED rrat-ula ! servant girl forpeneral lioustvodv. Nona otlicn ncedapoly. 1009 I'acine Stl GIT-C : ) - ' - inan , one that has exrxirleiue In she biiMiicpd and cnn ni'o goodrrc- ference. II. lOHr < K & CO. 680-4) ) - * - ' , , active boy , from 10 to 18 WANTKD--A'Kood j earn who U not afraid to work , Good uagt" ) . Enquire at thl ollicc. 672-4 ] " \TfTANTKDM3lrl for general housework In YV email fzinlly : munt be good took'end woslicr.'HKV > I $4.00 per wc k. 211d Hurt bt. B7CO WANTKIXA'lior8oPhamcHs and bupjy top- Veil jhintoiu AdJress A. AnUro , * 05 18th St. SBi-A- " \T/"ANTED An oxpnienccd girl for an VV placo'Cfld'jood wages. Inquire tttt olllce of Orolt & McntKomury , over Ouiaha Matlvial Hank. _ Hank.V % V ANTED Cook and dining room uirlat the llee Olllce. . " \TrANTEn-Two gbla at French Coffin House , YY 10th sfceet. . 519-U At woman vook at the California WANTED Good * gcs i ld. 5SSH1 ( A btaMcman In prnatu WANTFD ' corner of 8th anJ.How ard Btree& . 5JU-0 " \TrANTMl > A flrst-cla84 meat cook t > KO'to W Lara l * City. Ap ] > ly flrst dcwi.-eabt of. FJkhorn ValHiy House , Iod Ht. 542-4 AMT lr-A.K0cii solnuruui to Uko.charg- , . 'of coU.etlon au 1 make Balm for the Wheel * er & WllKtviilanufatrtarln ? Co. Nona but com petent nun and' tbcao having ioovl ! rvferenoui neodappl * . Call on or addrenn Wlutler & \ Wilson son ) Ianiturine Co. , No. 121 U > th eUvtt.Ia , cobs , lllo * . B104t \TtTANTKD-Klfty t ann at upper , rtsen olr. . VV * Si0.ptrda/ \TTANTKD-A S xl blacksmith. Applyftt.T. ; VV XtTrevott , southeast cornjtrol 14th nnd : Harnuybtret. Coinjittcnt cook rj > l. . ecaavl'idrl WANTED ChfaktfO ttreot. Oooduoje . 400f. . i'li A"poortablo"fo"rfntriitlr. , . . of noKhanltii ; . Btati.iixlco , A'Wrcsii OKW. INJJAJf , . wanted of HlOhacI D j > er JL uitdiutely * y hi mother , JUnDWit" Pw Omilu ; Nub. , between Cth anllTthou Muruy S . , can of I'atrMk llonin. W > Urii Copt. Copt.WA.NT1U > i One nan in ivcauiity luaKe * . mo- WA.NT1U ' ; our ( | ) r'J > a for nj ; * . StnO t.iiii ] > jor HTOIS ajdlmit tr ( r- uiw k a mlr , toanti-lUttlcr Safe ) By roan a-.Jiwlfe , isard * d room WANTia In ptitatofamily. Jrtler | kXco them are no utKur boanlern. Axidris * . .A- Due ortito. HI EMIS' ItK-ILFJTAIUJ UOOM. S * lit page. irANTED-Fundlip brldjre uwj chool bf nds , Y .T. Clark , ttU ue. itf i W 'ANTED A putncr oi bukr. Inquiry 1'hllidelphia.CoHee Itouw. 10th kUeet , \TTANTE0 ToboarAir . Young men pre- \V fmed. Addrwu "A. " Bee offloe. UO-tf AI'IAT MLb. K. K. 01-AlUiE'a No. J jloard Vj Ing Houu. cor. IStb and Dodge SW. Beat In the city. 310-tt > Infornutlon of the tthcrcabouti WANTFJ * . Johanna lUUih , who llted In Omaha , Ntb. , from 1SST till IbCl , and In 8t. Jo- ihiph , ilo. , ( a $ Mrs. Blmltz ) In IbOJ. Informa tion u more particularly desired of her two son § , Jullut anil fleoree Itaush , ( M U will be U their interest ) by their father , In Helena. Montana. A liberal compensation will be paid to any one a&Utln ? in obtaining the require J Intoniution. (09-8 FOR RENT HOUSES AND LAND. 17 0 ItltmiT Furnish edroomi ndbo rJ , north : IJ tat wrner Ct > pll l > cnue H9-0 SPECIAL flOTIOES-Orjntinueir T 710R RKNT Aclrli M furnished room , flrsl J floor , bijlndow , fritftte entrances. 2Z19 'allfornl * St. tei-tt moHKNl A new ihtht-nwtn l | ioti e , latli JL nd Ltarenworth St. BJHjuIro of n. Uookf. seo-s OOKtllNDKnV * 'Olt SALB-A excellent op- portunlty for a joutitf m n wfthlntfto ttart n.i-w , For furthrr particulars * pplr t thU office. MM tf. TflOU ItEST Dwelling of 7 room * \i \ > flrrt-cluw Jt orOf r. Inquire it Uw office ol L. Ft SUfrmn Crrighton Iflotk. (00-4 TjlOIl KENT DwelKnir corner 18th nnd lurd JL1 BtreetB , $2f per month , 8 rooms , iroocf rell , cistern , cellar. < < < r , O. C. HOlltfR. 5J7-4 BEMIS hai rntRlntt lontf tlt of hoti8 > , Utidi niid firm.1 for nle. Call nJ thorn. TTlOn HKNT A nVftlf funJphttt front room tor X one or two ffcntUmcn , nt IflO Ilonnnl > trceV 533 tf RENT New > tmre I > TeTrp rt and IHhf FOll rtrccts , J. JohnsHll Htlt ft Farnliam ( U. KO-tf 11ENT A lion't.nPre\en rsom'on Sout _ ftvcnuo , next to Woilwortli' * rtsideucc , J Jctinmn , lull And K/wnhnni 4OT t ( ItKNT I furnliibpfl roon oxr MCJ- chant * ' Exchikiigc.N. 2. cor. lAh ( an * Uodfre. BtrcttJt. FOR DALE. SALK-A flne riJlng-t nY FOfl at , . At.Cllortc , bnssy ixta'hnrnt-s ' ; Can EOU tern fltcicninn'ji CnLnot ie'hirn I'rlif ' , f&ll. K. C. 60f ! | T10Il.H.vm5 CHEAP A Rood iiWIo 1nnmV L1 In rulrin ; onlcr. I * . MANN IK U CM-tf 13th and ti3 hrd ttrtct. SA > . ; rCJIE\P Th flxtur rr > f Ihollth FOIl nf-wktMoeVi't. Apply ot hM prcml 09. 514-0 W. -COOMBS. . . IK lit' K M S * 'E Slxlocn hundred | 1VOOI SI Iinpro\nl'tlirc > o 10 ! foirrjear iiH'lw-etNnn Call on or nddffM O11MON ItcCOMII.- 513-4 Kl sahridK * . Fujrw * fb : ) R SALE fbnr > H ; P. radne * , * V16 III 8II. 1' . , ° oiia lr ( > II V w.-i I 1& ll r. virlrontaU Uoiler , all new : By 3hraha . " chine Company , OYrmliB,3cb. TTWIl 8ALK-\ifi 9t BwiuiIk dairy. jd : Btthtoffice ? 6i7- TjTUK 8A1.K A lMktpmwr , rvtloMid ti/KOodcl Jf condition ; inrmrtfniinlltoeinKlo harrtManiL' Wltfit , Apply ivtt Blttw Bte , leth itrccr/or MJ- Cibr Engineer s olttln l up , Valley Oomty4 ! K I'arJ 15 miles fror > OW. ' . K od location , rood trmUr and Imnroilur . FOIT nKrtlouIiu-j wrlWA , JJ Ci. Sorth Louj ) , it * C 1. 371U9U > "TTOUSKS AND LAND a n Sj rcnta hoa vi stores , liotcl Affirms , ' : b ( , lands , iiaKKLI.Ati A-vl iu-Mom repured oy SOL. ) sciiirrr nthA-ntrtimvunu. SALE Alarje'tr.rwBtftTsrfnuno ' ehtnxlsi * rot/ Hotel and co.'i-story fiTtkficn ; also onS" r Itninc , hln led4l | < litiatiW ) n for ton scto1- to dttDt * , and barn laiytjcncxr Hitaholil twenty ' i nw- All tltuntcd mioomtn of Bread and 4th street ) . Fremont , DodJpe < Coir.Xebi. For furthei- ' Infonnnflion apply to C. 0. THOMPSON , 3S3-ton-8 _ Fhanont..Poil > Co. . Nch. InjS TTIOI'.SAI.E Good hxjt with four rooms and U tolMot , No.3113 IXXhJebtt cn 2Uth and iTth ettnxt. Good wuUctxi bhiuH > .trres ; htfUnc In good ttmdltlon. Inquli an prca.niH . 221tl * > nioic n SALE. t COB. T70n.aAT.iE A Bmall tnfin ( > 3. W. Payne 4. Jj' Son' inivko. In ntrtefrtMwkirIrxiuire of II. U. Clltk A Co. 30-tf T70) : S LE Lcaso arvllurnituj ol a i J3 hotarin a town of lXO1nrevU& U , in state i Ntbra Vn ; ha * 24 1 > eOJ-tho-trawlinf ) inen'fl ro- or . Inquire at DEE ontg 218-tf Feit'SiUiE Two ntoriiouM-aulj ; art lot , nea dt iet. Location gcod. Jo/in f. . .McCo uo Oyp Pout Office. _ 068tf "E5 R SALE MMM of DoiMjl" atubSnrpy coun- 1T tie * A. UOhCWAlTat ; ICZ&FuTnruim direct _ _ | _ 320-tf MISCELLANEOUS. . UP Baymar3iabo 6'isar 15 yean * JL > eIflL hlte Btar In tirehead 'said' one wlilto hin-l.t'CoOa d hotter on , iMistnbr : > k. ! .rarn , 10th ve. 681-C IOSlV-Suiiday aftefnoon ion , Hon-ard St. , jjchlld'HKoM bracclet janrkcd f3ait. " Find- a\o ut Iiee Oftlcei 573-U no LEASE Large hiuie an * IB acren of L * irroonil , 2 } inllein < nth' < oi' tKxt olrlce. SHEECV DUOS. 571-8 TltAYEU A large lisy. hnrso.wttt' white star ' ' , tniocehcadand onc-wiatchtndftK. Wclfihi about 1000 pounds. A llbcial.record ullllm paid/or-bis return to WJiiAust , ICth and \Veb- 670-8 OeuthlOthA black peny. . Bnnwatlc Uakery , Ji OeuthlOth 660-4 _ ri > AUCIHTECTS-'tinted ib ? . ' a * TO practical uian of 2tviara cuvv-riontr , a oltu- alien a foreman or gupyrintoudtuitr. i * a good htmnan. Salarjc ulrcd , mocktit.1. Ad- "Foreman , " lice oUlsa Chuiha. 6C2-8 LiTHAYED From Z < MJIarnf , > strest Julj-28 JC omrlargebrindle < : > > Oy ? cJil.linnded on Icp with letter "O. " Iftikionuwlilt * poU on hri Any one ( flIng inicmiatcti \ < h rt shu 1 aretum her Kill be e-attbly .r B rdliL ! A NVONK ha\lnff'ortfor./utrF > wjiter can / U beivccominodatij.kyitul0i > hlxiihc ; the liiB otaou. 48S-U HEAL E3XA1E > Si 1st page. T lailTN'INa J. J.IMcUhv.U-sKa In tfle . 1JX tfehtnlntr Ilod IfwInciw.wholoaJo nd re- ralll Kodi put up cmrepalrdioai ehct notice. JrUera by mall or o'JUtwUo , < , rer ir < e prompt RtUiation. BatUfactiai ) KUaiuut < viJ > Call or ail- dioj1011 Saunder struct. IIKWAIID L t , l.liunair * , ' case stop * watch , go' t , row in.ttjui ijuirifct at- The auoi ruwari2 > \ < illl % u. pnid on re turn erf the watch to. II BOH U cCAKFKBY , _ J5th aodi _ PFVllKEF or fouTjjvunjf nancan.t acco'nnio-ll-v. JL tl with boaiii.'l. Apj- ply 3011 Casa etitut * 4th , door w.rt of ZOth ht. > . ' 31 , IHibtoliM. 34 ? f ! . BUOWiiCoEU > r. 12K and Chii a > . street ) ! , i - ready ' ' ( o bora or deepen - . tujll . . . ifactlo WStl M1EAMS Caa boot ( at Jobs U.-irrii'UI.U.tM * JL all klms ! iiti\vork ii rnanccAbl * flifureie * - LOOT ISthwid rn o\ciiw iUiiitr l . S'J-H \J lean Ilcjua , on ttrect , betwuui Oth. nd 10tbfcrboardi i and tr n ibn-cus tomur * . IlMuactfullv J4L1U3MDISKKCSS. ! POWDER Absolutely Pure. ll de from Grap * Citua Tartar. No other prq armtlon uiake * uch light , flaky hot bri d.i uxurlou3 pastry. C n becateJiby l ) > jHntk Hhout fear of the lilt rcaultln ; from hca > y Indl d. Bold only Iniaiii. by nil Clrtxcre. KOYAL DAKlNOJ'OWDEU CO New York.