Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 05, 1881, Page 7, Image 7

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013 harnnam , bet. Oth and 10th Streets.
cry 1 jcir , In inhanco ( postpaid ) . (1000
.noiithi " " . MX )
months " " . . . . . . S.OO
hii niir\no , T. rtn ,
Onmtifi No. 2 through ] nssrn > fcr , 11
A. in. No. 4 , OAklnucl iwfiwr , S.SO t. in.
Arrhu Omnlm No , \ , through ixMScngir , 3 ) > .
in , Ho , 8 , Oikltuid in&singi r , 1:10 : p. in.
C. , U. t O. 6 a. m. 3:10 : p. m.
C. & If. W. . C ft. ra. 3:40 : n. tn. '
C. , II. I. & P. , 0 a. m. 3:40 : p. m.
K. C. , St. J. i C. II. , 8 ft m. il:30 : p. m. Arrho
it St. Louis at 0:25 : a. in. mid 7:45 : ft. in.
on eoCTim MTS.
II. & M. In Noli. , Through l pre s , 8:35 : ft. tn.
II. & 21. Lincoln Freight. 7.00 p. m.
U. 1' Exiiren , 12:15 : p. in.
O. ft ; n. V. for Lincoln , 10.20 ft. m.
O. & It. V , tor OjecoU , 0:40 : a. m
tl. 1' . freight No. 6 , fi:30 : n. m. ,
U. I1. freight No. 0 , 8:15 : n. m.
U. 1' . freight No. 7 , 0:10 : p. m. emigrant.
U. P. frclrht No. 11 8:25 : u. in.
O. II. & O. , 6:00 : a. in. 7:28 : p. ra.
C. k N. W.P:45 : . ro. 7:25 : p. m.
C. II. LftP..9:45ft. : in. 9.03 p. ra.
K. 0. , St. Jou & C 1) ) . , 7:40 : a. in. 0:45 : p. m.
W. , St. I * 1 1' . , 10:15 : ft. m. 4:25 : p. m.
O. & H. V. from Llnoaln-12l'J : p. tn.
U. V. Kxpress 3:25 : p. In.
II & M. In Ncli. , Thtoiiifh ExprcM-4:15 : p. in'
I ! . & M. Lincoln Krcliht 8:35 : ft. m.
U. I1 , rrclght No. 101:40 : p. m.
No. 0 4:25 : p. tn. Kmltfnuit.
No. 8 10fO : p. in.
No 12 11:35 : n. in.
O. & 11. V. uilxol , or. 4:36 : p. w. |
Ncbrn kn Division ol tno St. Paul ft Sioux City
No. 2 leaiM nmhha 8 a. in.
No. 4 liaxci Onnlm lSO ! p. m.
No. 1 arrives at Onialn at 4:30 : p. m
No. 3 nrritcs at Onuha nt 10:46 : ft. ra.
coustit. Biurrs.
Ia\o Omaha at 8.00 , 0.00 ami 11:00 : a. m , ;
1:00 : , 2:00. 3:00. : 4-00 , 6.00 nrnl 0.00 p. m.
Leuu Council 8:25 : , 0:25 : , 11:26 : ft. m. ;
1:26 , 2:25 : , 3:25 : , 4:25 : 4:25 : and 0:25 : n. tn.
Sunday * The dummy lciuc.1 Omaha at 9.00
and 11:00 : a. in. ; 2.00 , 4:00 and 6.00 p. m. I.erucn
Council BluITs at 9:25 : and 11:25 : a m. ; 2:25 : , 4:25 :
Mid 6:26 : p. m.
_ _
Opening and Closing of Malli.
a. HI. p. m. a. in. p. m.
Chlcauo&N. W . 11.00 0.30 4:30 : 2:40 :
ChlcftRO , H. I. & Pnclfic.ll:00 : 0.00 4:30 : 2:40 :
Chicago , li. & 0 . 11:00 : 11.00 4:30 : 2:40 :
Wabash . 12:30 : 4:30 : 2:40 :
Blonx City and ruciflc. . 11:00 : 4:30 :
Union Pacific . 6:00 : 11:40 :
Omaha & IL V . 4:00 : 11:40 :
B. AM. in Neb . 4:00 : 8:10 : 6:30 :
Oinahfti Northwestern. 4:30 : 7:30 :
Local malli for Stato'of Iowa Ica > o but oiico a
day , viz : 4:30.
A Lincoln Mall i * nl'O opened at 10:30 a. m.
Olllce open Sundays from 12 m. to 1 p. in.
Business Directory.
Art hmporlum.
U. HOSE'S Art Kmpoimm , 1510 Dojyo Street ,
Bteel Enjrrovlnifs , Oil Paintings , Chromon , Fancy
Frames. Framing Specialty. IXDW Prices.
DONNKK 1309 Uoufflas Street.
Abstract ar d Real Estate.
JOHN L. JIcCAOUE , opposite Post Omco.
W. R. BAnTLETT 317 South 13th Street
Architect * .
Room Crelghton Block.
A. T. LAKOE Jr. , Room 2 , Ciclsthton Block.
Boots and Shoes.
Fine Boots and Shoes. A food aftsormcnt of
homo work on hand , corner 12th and Harncy.
JUGS. ERICKSON , 8 E. cor. 10th and Douglas.
605 10th street , manufactures to order good work
at fair prices. Repairing done.
Bed Springs.
J. F. LARRIMER Manufacturer. J517 Dowlas st.
Books , News and Otattonery.
J. I. FRUE1IAUF 1015 Farnham Street.
Butter and Eggs.
McSHANE & SCIIROEDER. the oldest I ) , and E.
bouse In Nebraska established 1875 Omaha.
southwest corner ICthaml Dodifo.
Best Board for the Money.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Hcalj at nil Hours.
Board by the Day , Wock or Month.
Good Terms for Cash.
l llnom Kupplicd.
Carriages and Road Wacons.
WM. SNYDER , No. 131h 14thand Harnoy Street
Civil Engineers nnd Surveyors.
ANDllHW nOSEWATEU , Crcljfhton Block ,
Town Sunoye , Grade und Sewerage Sjitcms a
Commission Merchants.
JOHN G. WIT , US.1414 Dodge Street.
D n BEEMER. For details nee larjfo ajcrtlse -
ment in Daily and Weekly.
Cigars and Tobacco.
WEST & FRITSCU Ell. manufacturers of Clears ,
and Wholesale Dvalen In Tonatcos , 1806 Doui-n. ]
W. K. LOItKNZKN manufacturer 61410th strut.
Cornice Works.
Western Cornice Works. Manufacturers Iron
Cornice , Tin , Iron and Ulato Uoofllng. Orders
froiiinny locality promptly executed in the heat
l\ manner. Factoranil Ollico 1310 Doilgo Street.
OaUanlzed Iron Cornices , Window Cape , etc. ,
manufactured nnd put up In any part of the
country. T. BlNHOLl ) 16 Thirteenth Btrcet
Crockery ,
J. BONNEH 1300 Dougus street. Good line.
Clothlnc and furnishing Goods.
GEO , II. PETEIIRON. Also Hats , Caps , Hoot ,
Stiot-s , Notlona and Cutlery , bOI S. 10th vtrcct.
Clothing Qouglit.
C .SHAW'vrill pay lil.-htfct Caih prlco for second
hand ilothinK. Corner 10th and i'aruliara.
Dentists !
DR. PAUL , Williams' "lock , Cor , 1Mb & Dodge.
Drugs , Faint * ana Oils.
Pharmacists ' , Fine vunc Uoods , Cor , 16th and
< POUZIM ktxccui ,
W. J. WHITEIIOUf K , Wholesale & Retail , 16th St.
C. 0. FIELD , 022 M ila Side Cumins Street.
M. I'AHR. Drugget. HUB and HoftarJ BtreeU.
Dry Qoorls Notions , Etc.
New York Dry Goodi B.ore , 1310 and 1812 Farn-
ham utrect.
L. C. EncwoM al o booU and klioca 7Ui & Pacific.
t-uruuure ,
A F. GROSS. New and Second Hand Furniture
and Stolen , 1114 Iraueui. lllghott cash price
paid for kccond liana gooit.
J. nONNEIl 1500 DoueU et Fine goods , &c.
Fence Works.
OUST , FIUE3& CO. . 1213 Harncy St. , Improtc-
ed Ice IJonca , Iron and Wood Fvnuci , Offlco
luillntci , Counters of Pine and Walnut.
Florlit. " "
A. Donajhue , plants , cut flow crs , scods , boqueU
etc. N. W. cor. Itith anl DouitUi titrccta.
l-oimdry ,
JOHN WEAUNE & SONS , cor. 14th & JacVban its
Hour and Feed.
GHAHA CITV UII.LS , 8th and Farnham Sts. ,
WeUuui Uros. . '
Uroc r .
Z. STEVENS , 21st Utvu'cn Cumin ; and Izard.
T. A. McSHANE , Corn. 23d and Cmnlny Street * .
W , L. PAIlllOTTE & CO. ,
TJOfl DoiijUs Street , Whokale Exclu l > tJy.
Hardwaie , Iron and Bteel.
DOLAN & LAKQWOIITIIYVtolcsaIe , 110 and
Htb street.
A. IIOUIK3 corner KHb and CalllornU.
Harness. Saddles , &e.
n. WF.ISY 2013th SU bet Farn. A Htrnev.
Hal and Bonnet Bl nehers.
I/iillc get yctii Straw , Chip and Mt Hats don
up M nortli v t corner Se ent eIlth and Capitol
A einte. WJL DOVB froivrlctor
Hotels ,
CANFIF.LD HOUSF.Ooj. Cftnndd.Oth .t Farnliara
DORAN HOtlSF. , P. II. dry , 013 Farnham St.
SLAVI--N'S HOTKL , F. SUxcn , loth Stnct ,
Southern HoUl ( Ins. Iiamel , Mh &
ron hencinc.
The We t rn Cornlco Work * , Aircntj for the
Chimplon Iron Fence He. , Ime on tm-d All ] tndi |
ot Faner Iron Fences , Cresting , 1'ii.eali , lt.tilliir | > ,
ctv. 1310 Dcvliro slier. npl J
Intelligence OITice.
MKS LIZZIE HF.NT 217 ICth Sfrcet.
JOHN nAUMHR 1311 Farnhnm Street
It. IIERTIIOLD , lUts and Mttal.
Lumber , Lime and Cement.
FOSTER A GRAY corner Utli and Douglas St * .
Lamps and Ulasswara.
J. I10NNKH 1SO < J Doujlas St. Goo < l Variety.
Merchant Tailors.
Ono of our most popular .Merchant Tailors It re-
cchlntf the latest dcsiens for Siirinjmid Summer
Good ) for pentkincn a near. Stjlldi , durable ,
and iirlcca low as eicr 21513th bet. Douir.&Farn.
MRS. C. A. HINDER , Wholesale an.l . Refill , Fan
cy Ooodn In ( 'rcataricty , JCephjrs , Can ! Iloinl' ,
llo itry , Ula\uK , Corsotn , Ac. Cheaicit | Homo In
the West. Pimln < cr * n.\\o 30 per tint. Order
by Mill. 116 Fifteenth Mrrct.
Physicians an I Surgeons ,
W. S. OIBB3. M. D. , R > om No 4 , Crdshton
Block , 15th Street.
P. S. LEISENR1NG , M. D. Masonic lllocli.
C. L. HART , M. D. . Ejt and Ear , opp. poetolllco
Oculist and AurM , S , W 16th and Farnham SH.
Grand Central Gallery ,
212 Sixteenth Street.
near Masonic Hall. First-class Work and Promptness -
ness guanintocn.
Plumbing , Gas and Steam Fitting.
P. W. TA11PY & CO. . 21(112th ( St. , bet. Farnham
and Douglas. Worn promptly attended to.
D. FITZPATRICK , 1400 Dou la3 Street.
Painting and Paper Hanging ,
HENRY A. "ASTERS * 1412 Dolge Street.
Planing Mill.
A. MOYER , manufacturer of nsh , doors , bllmli ,
inoMlnirti , newels , alustcrshandrails , funilslilnt ;
scroll law In ; ; , ka. , cor. DodKo and Oth streets.
J. ROSENFELD , 322 10th St. , bet. Far. & Har.
Refrigerators , Canfleld's Patent.
C. K. GOODMAN llth St. bet. Farn. .V Harncy.
Show CASH Manufactory. ,
0. J. WILDE ,
Manufacturer and Dealer in nil kinds of Show
Cases , Upright Cases , a' . . 1317 Cisa St. " ' "
FRANK L. GERHAKn , proprietor Omaha
Show Ci e maiiufactory , 818 South Kith street ,
between Luuenuortli and Marcy. All
warranted llrst-class.
Stoves Olio inwaro.
Dealer In Stoves and Tinware , and Manufacturer
of Tin Roofs and all kinds of BulMiii ; Worl. ,
OJd Fellows' Block.
J. BONNER. 1300 Douelas St. Good and Cheap.
J. EVANS , Wholesale and Retail Scud Drills and
Cultivators , Odd Fellows' Hall.
Shoe Stores.
Phillip Lane , 1320 Farnham et. , bet , 13th & 14th.
Second Hand Store.
PERKINS & LEAR. 1410 Dondas .St , New and
Second Hand Furniture. House FurnUhini ; Good ,
&c. , boui'ht and Bold on narrow
In the new brick block on Douglas Strict , has
lust owned a most elegant Bcai Hall.
Hot Lunch from 10 to 12
t\ cry day.
On Farnham , next to the U. & M. headquarters ,
has rc-opcncd a neat and complete cRtahllnhmcnt
which , barring FIRR and MothcrShlpton's Proph
ecy , il ) be opened lor the boja with Hot Lunch
on and alter present date.
11 Caledonia " J. FALCONER. 073 10th Street.
CHAS. RIEWE , 1011 ! Farnham bet. 10th & 11 td.
P. PEMXEIt , 303 } Tenth street , between Fnrn-
ham and Harncy. Itocs good and cheap work.
OQ Cent Stores.
HENRY POHUIAN , to-s , notions , plctuics
Jewelry , & .C. , M3 14th bet. Farnham and DouKlaa
I * 0 IIAfJKUH. laiS Knrnham St. Kanrv rioo-lii
In the district court , Dou l.aiCounty. .
To faaiiuel 0. Davis , Carollno Ia\U , Elizabeth
B. Tomllnson and thu heirs or de\Ises ef Henry
T , Tomllnson , dctcnecd hose real named nro unknown -
known , non-reiilileiit defendants
You aru hereby notified that John T , Dai l ,
jilalntllT and present owner of thu land hereinaft
er described , did on the 17th day of June , A. I ) .
1SS1 , tile his petition In the dUtrlct court in and
for Doujslas county , Neb. , nnaln t jou an defen
dants betting forth that on the 12th duv of Janu
ary A. D. l&CO , the said Henry T , Tomllnson ,
and Elizabeth 11 , , liU wlfu , c\oeutcd and delher-
ed to the uiil Samuel U. Dat U a deinl of lands
situated in said county In which a portion of the
landu Intended to bo com cjixluai by a clerical
error erroneously described M the north * liiattail
of the wu > t J of the southwest 1 of we. No , 1 , In
toun hlp No , 14 north of rangu No. 11 cast ac
cording to the trim Intent of thu parties thereto , ,
uhlili deed U duly rccoidcd In the ollko of the
clerk of the county of Douglas In book M of deeds
The object and prayer of fiaid petition Is that
Kald error bo torrocted and that Mild dcul bu con-
btrnctl as come ) ing the west j of the southwcat
quarter of Kald section No one , und that thu tltlu
thinto bo adjudged tabo In aH plalntlrf or in
those lawfully tlalmlns under him the eamc as If
bald .trrorliml not been nmdo and that jou and
tach of jou bo former excluded from any Inter
est In naid land on account of t > ald trror and for
such other to further relit ! as may bo lut and
right In the prcmUcs. And jour uru anil cauh of
jou Is htrtby riotincd foapjiuir and aiiiwcmald
Ultlon on or before the 1st dny of AUL'imt , A
. ,18S1.
Dated Juno 3. 1S81. Plaintiff.
Wrf , K , MIU-KII lila
- Attorney i c\-sat-5t
Notion toNon-Residont Defendants )
E. D. Lana ( full name unknown ) will take no
tice that he has been sued by Dudley M. hteele ,
Samuel R. Johnson and Saniord W. tipratlln , eo-
lutrtnurs , iloin buelneaj under the firm naino of
btcilc , Johnson & Co , In thu District Court of
Douiflaa county , Nebraska , to rcroicr $3,031.20 ,
and Inturast from October 18 , IbbO , due them on a
promissory notu bcarlni ; date April 20 , 1K7B , Also
that an attachment has been mode on certain
funds In the r'lrtt National bank of Omaha , Ne
braska , belonging to jou and which the said jar-
tk < aliOicnaniul suck to obtain to apply In pay *
mint of their wld claim ,
You ore required to answer eald petition on or
before Monday , thu 22d day ol Auiruit. A , D. 1E81.
_ ev. _ t.4t _ Attornov for Plaintiff.
Master'o Sale
In the Circuit Court of the ITiiltnl States for the
district of Nebraska ,
Augustus 8. Klddcr )
\ . VIn Cbancerj' ,
Nelson Feauteau. )
Public notice Is larebj ( 'i'cn that In punuanco
of a docrcu cntired In thu klifne cause on the Ibth
day of Noitmber , 1K 0 , I , Ellis L. Ulerbowcr ,
Matter In Chancery In oald court , will on tlio 2ath
day of A tru t , ISsl , at the hour of U o'clock In
the afternoon of the nald day at the w e t door of
thu United States court houke and pottoltlco
bulldlnjf In the city of Lincoln , Lancaster coun
ty , htatu and DUtrHot .Nebraiku , nil at public
auction the follow imr described property , to-wjt :
Tlie northwest quart * rot thu northfa.t quarter ,
and loU Nos. three (3) ( aud four (4) ) of Hoctlon No.
four (4) ) . tow imhlp Np. thirty-one ptl ) , ranao No.
(6) ( ) e-iut. AUo the uut half of thu southweii
quarter and lot thrce(3) ( ) and the northucat iinnr-
Ur of the noutlmot quarter of witloii No , Thlr-
ly-thix-c , (33)lntowmhlp ( thlrtt o , ran eNo.
(6)fhueat ( conUIidtiir In all two hundred and
scicnty-threvaml 101007U 10-100) acres ull In
Dlxon eouuty , Nt.brat.ka.
BKO S& CAVI-HXLL , MaiUr In Chancery.
hollc'torK ' for Complainant. jy so-wlt
Edward W. Simeral ,
"OR-R-R'E-R.R.ABS ! "
The Experiences of Doujrinilii B
Diehl , Who Hna Potlilloa Crnb
lu Slimmer ami Hominy
lu Winter for Flftr
PhllidclpMa Vre j.
" . ' ' '
"C-r.r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-nbs H'Vfcr's
C'r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-o-o-tili-ynli-nlm ! Ilcd *
ripo-i-nni's horn. Toll 'cm ' I cowiu' ,
O-o-o-o Dnltiiiio * cr-i--r-ul ) , Itnltimo'
cra-nbs ! "
Along thu strc-ct tliorc comes nil
old , slnutybuilt no ii ) , c.\rryiuij nu
hi * nnn n liig mhrkut-bnskdt cororcd
with nlnto cloth. Althoiu'h the
snowy wool on his head nml chin < lo-
note liim to bo well on the oxtrcino of
life , tlu-ro is liltlo to roinmtl onO of
ago in lu's sturdy g\it nud powerful
lungs. Presently the old fellow halies
hia hotid violently , vhilo his fiico
twists into all sorts ( if ludicrous con *
tortions nnd then thoabovo cry bursts
forth afresh and echoes from block to
block as it dies away in the distance.
Nor has ho failed to obtain customers ,
for many a Uoor has opened io the
crab-man's ' call , and a good natured
laugh at something lie a iys iuviuially
concludes the mirclutse. Of Into yeais
ho has confined himself to the north
ern portion of the city , seeking his
buyers from llaco street to Port Richmond
mend , but there nro few native i'hila-
delphiaus who have not seen ur heard
of the crab and hominy-man crabs
in fiumnuir nnd hominy inNntor bo *
ing bin wares. For more than half u
century ho has peddled his goods
through the streets of the city until
ho and his distinctive cries have be
come classed among the eccentric
characteristics of Philadelphia , and
the old crab-man is only rivaled in
his celebrity by his equally-aged Co-
temporary , the blind swoop.
Along the ( tormaiiiown and Xorrii-
town branch of the Reading ,
between Ninth and Tenth above Co
lumbia avenue , there still remains a
small row of dilapidated tenements ,
and in one of these resides licnjamin
11. Diehl , for thus is the venerable
vendor of crustacean delicacies defined
among his fellow men whenever ho
retires for awhile to the bosom of his
family. Here ho WIIH found yesterday
afternoon by : i Pi-ess reporter , seated
on the threshold of his dwelling , in
dulging in the dulcet weed and all the
luxury of the dolce far niento , while
contemplating with placid content *
mont the animated panorama afforded
by long trains of laden coal-cars with
a background of immcnso factories.
"llow are you , Mr. Crabmani" said
the reporter. ,
"Dit ; am not my name , sub ! You
h'ycr boholo Benjamin Jlarachiaa
Diehl , sab , and , and don't you forgit
it. Benjamin war bestowed on mo by
do miniater when ho baptized me ,
liarachias I give tor myself because it
means in do Hebrew 'bressed by do
Lor" , and Diehl am do patriomio ob
my family , sail. No , sah , I am not a
relashuu of lawyer Diehl , dero is no
'semblance 'tween us ; but stop on
deck , sah. I am happy tor discuss any
thing wild any gcm'man as circum
stances son'rt tor mo for informashun ;
take a char. Do history ob my lifo ,
sab , am a' somplification ob do words
ob do minister dat do biggest chicken-
roost 1mb not always do most oggn.
An" provous to continuing do opisodn
I shall bo happy tcr drink do gem'-
man's good fortun in do favorit tipple
obdo Germantown young men. "
The visitor took the hint , and while
the old fellow went to bring some
whisky ho looked around with some
curiosity at the contents oi Mr. Diehl's
parlor. In ono corner were the tools
and customary collection of antique
boots , appertaining to a cobbler's pro
fession , and framed on the wall above
was an illuminated conundrum :
"What is homo without a mother ? "
On the chimney piece were sjvoral
shells and a picture or two of the
crab-seller at different periods of his
career and a f rained chromo represent
ing a plantation scene adorned another
portion of the wainscot. The place
did not appear either dirty or uncom ,
fortablo , and a comoly-colored girl
was busily ironing in the adjoining
" 1 war born , " said Diehl , after ho
had refreshed himself with a copious
draught of whisky , on do Kustern who'
ob Maryland , ' Worcester county , on
March 4 , 180 ! ) . My father was a
free nigger an' my mudder a slave ,
but she war sot free shortly afpro my
birth. My parents died when I war
< iuitu a piccaninny no I was taken in
charge by do oberseers ob do Poor ,
who at the ago of 10 boun' mo' till dor
ago of 21 , to a man named Joshua
Hammond. Ho war a schoolmaster ;
an' fanner , an * I tended the farm to-
gedder wid his son Xedekiah an * three
slaves. My master was not xac'ly
kin" o1 man calculated to raise 'spcet
in do bopsum ob youth cos lip got
drunk six and an * a-hulf days in do
week , and do odd half day he devoted
tor wollopping dis chil1 an' Xadokiah.
Howsomeber ho died after 1 had been
dero five years , an1 dero war ( juito i
collection of bottles foun' under his
bcz bed. As I had been boun' by de
oborsoorB til I war 21 , I had to stay
wid Zedekiab , who 'horited do farm.
I soon made do discobery dat a young
man os 'tended ' church regular could
wallop harder an * oftener dan an ole
man as got drunk all his time , and do
way dat Xodekiah marked my back
wid a hickory stick war a corahun to a
Jail road true * . So ono fine mornin' I
run away , and after a tramp of many
weary days I found mysol1 in Phila
delphia , war 1 took to do whitewashin' '
bizJicss in Hpring and summer und to
hominy selling in winter. Dat began
in November 10,1810 , I boon obtain
ed a regular supply of customers , uu'
all amonjr do moat respectable poojilo.
I allus shun de common folks as du
debblo ulimiB holy water , for a moan
white man is a deal more contempti
ble dan a dead nigger. "
"Day soon loams to know do hominy
iny man by liez cry.
Old hoiniiiiii' man came cut !
Cold frosty mornjn' , will my good huinioy.
Oh its good furde llt'le boyn an * mulct ) Ym
Krow ,
] ) oNnvy [ Yard de hominy man bu hab
been below.
Ho-o-o-o , da hominy man.
"Den I shakes my head and dat
creates 'tention , and den I aignu do
follerin' : . ,
Kbery mornin , ' night an' day ,
Da hominy man in on hU way ,
White gnl run along wid liur inn
When nhu hVerf do nuiig ob d t hominy
man , i
Hay , whar'd dat hominy man ;
Il'yer coinw dat hominy man ,
Match Mm llji nobody can ,
When he nin 'n de nonguf the hominy man ,
Oh-o-o-o-oh. Hte me comln'l
"Dell t slmkos luy brad oiico
which "tracts moro. 'tcntioiij an do
populace cloy crowds round me wid
dero kettle. * . Itnr not till .hmo Ifi ,
dat 1 'gaii Bollin' crabs , nnd 1 10011
made my crab call as well known t ( lo
public as do homing cry. Plenty b
people hab asked mo bow J nmna r
ter make do noun1 wid do roll > b my
tongue , but wh6l doy'poars in tin , ]
much ditlhully iu'do-'imitashun. For
beauty < > h melody I link it takes aM do
sunshine out ub do.hymn bo di-l0 ,
blind swcfcp rtn' his'boj's. 1 hab | ul
seVeral profealiunal cngagoinont to
perform 1113 * holler on do singe. Mr.
Slocum , do eminent actoi' , 'instrucird
mo to cnmo to his thoaytor. at 'IViiili
and Arch , ono cvenin , nnd Iw.-ntn
gib do call and sing do sontf bohin' do
scene. Ho forgot to shnrodo prodd
ob de ( iccasluui on dat night , BO 1 did
not appear on do next , in 1 objecti'd to
boat no bush for Slocum to git de nl > -
Ills I' I
' 'Anuddcr time 1 sang do son ; ; an'
. ib do crab call at a performance nb
do Youn' Mivenncrchor , when 1 nlsn
gabo a reptesentation ob do lubly
melody invented by a colored gcininsm
entitled Peppa-ry Pot a proleahnu 1
had much inclinashun tor foller. At
do Ceulennial dey sold my portrait by
do bushel , and Dr. Seaforil ob dis city
ho had mo in oil. All ! dat am
fame. I am nuber sick , sab , an' feel
as hearty as ubor. 1 'tend chapel
regular and I'm a Methodist , say. 1
voted for Mayor Stokloy and do He-
publican ticket. "
"Wero you in Iho war , Mr. Diehl' "
"That 1 war , nab. I served in do
army nn' in do navy , an' I had my
honorable discharge , up , stairs from
both services. "
"llow was thatwnn / asked.
"I gabo up my bmiess , nab , an' en
tered do navy August 27 , ItiOlt. 1
shipped at Now York 'in do , gunboat
Norwich , Captain Merriman , an'wo
jincd the squadron under Admiral
John Dahlgreu , cruising in St. .lolm's '
river , Florida. 1 had three responsible
positions in de navy. First , 1 was
cap'cn's cook , und don 1 was placed in
do powder magazine , an * aftorwaid I
was promoted to the dignity ob pike-
man , to stick out do eyes ob do rubs
when doy come on boar' , but 1 nebcr
hj\d occashun to show my bravery , no
after stayin * ono year an'two mouths
in do navy T got my discharge , but a
mouth after I 'listed in do army ; dat
war on December 4 , 184. ( ! 1 jinod do
24th Itogimont , , an'woasstationud '
nt Port Chester to guard do 'JL',000
rebels dere , but 1 got my discharge nt
do close ob do war , October 1 , IHIlii ,
an' returned at once to Philadelphia ,
an' hab iollowed my bizucss elier
since. "
"Are you married , Mr. Diebl | "
"I war , sah , but the late lamented
Mrs. Diehl is now in do bosom ob
Abraham. I bad four children ; tno
are livin' . My darter you see in do
udder room ironin' do clowo. She am
married to a colored gomman who
follors do profoslum ob mender ob
shoes ; dcro's he/ tools in do coiner.
My son bos a 'spousiblo posislum un
der do local oxocutif , sab. Ho cleans
out do cuspadores in do Mayor's
Ollico , sah ! Wo all lib in cis house
togeddcr , an' I biles my crabs in do
kitclun' ob do 'tablishment. "
"Where do you buy your crabs ? "
"I got up early ebory morning , sab
about 4 o'clock and I go to do
Dock-street market. I hab do facility
ob picking out do boat crabs. 1 holes
'em up by < ie claws an' smells 'em
brcf. 1 am glad to 1mb mot you , sah.
Kemombcr do hominy man , sah.
C-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-r-abs. "
Recollections of Iiifo on the Fron-
During the great rush to the min
ing regions of the Black Hills ,
Choycnno was perhaps the liveliest
town on the American Continent ,
Prom HunriBO until late in the night ,
the main street was literally packed
with as motley a mass ( it excited
humanity an was over congregated to
gether on God's footstool , Hero the
prince and the p.iupur , the minister
and the cut-throat , the man of integ
rity nnd the thief , jostled each other
upon the crowded thoroughfare , while
within the wide open doors of u legion
of saloons ; the clinking of glasses nud
the sharp voices of the gnmefitora
around the various tables blended in
strange melody. Almost
m r.VEIlY OAMI5 IN Till : ( JAT.U.OOUE
Was hero produced to tempt ( ho in
nocent or nlluro the professional , and
the amounts of money continually
.changing hands were almost fabulous ,
The professional gambleia con fined
themselves oxclimivoly t j the games of
faro , poker , euchre , soven-np , etc , ,
but the "tenderfoot" was over ready
to risk the loss of his cash upon the
"snap" games in which the proprietor
made it appear that the bank must
IOHO or bad but u decidedly slim
chance to win. Many a poor dupe
ban excitedly reached into Jus pocket
for the little pile for which ho labored
for months , nnd in a , moment trans
ferred it to the clutches of thu polite
gambler under thu impression that he
could not fail to pick out a certain
one of three cards in the Hoductivo
game of monte. w * *
It WIIH in this lively city that I first
met the famous French femalu gamb
ler ,
She wan a tall , dark comploxionad ,
koen-oyed woman , with let black hair ,
and ever were upon her fnco a win-
niii'jr sinilo for all who approached bur
table , A delicate inustacho graced
her upper lip , the haim black and
silken , and from thin unfeminine
adornment nho gained her nobrirjuot
She was dealing the game of "Vingt-
un" ftwentyrtinu , ) and her table was
surrounded by n crowd of players
drawn thither by the Mndumu'B allur
ing uiiiilu. Money ilowcd into her
coll'erH rapidly , and I have heard it
asserted , that she could , at any time ,
Jiavu retired from business ( / ) with a
fortune ample enough to enable her
to live in grand style the icmaindcr of
her lifo. The madame , invariably ,
dresBod in u neat fitting t > uit of black ,
and always conducted herself in a lady
like manner. Bhe handled her caidu
with small , shapely , jeweled hands
and with a dexterity any gambler
might envy. At intervals when her
game was in progress she would touch
a small card boll and when the waiter
appeared would pleasantly ask : "What
will you drink , gently men/ / " bur in
variable custom being to keep her
dupes well primed with the villuinoun
whisky tliun dispensed in such ro *
aorta. Kor years llio madame flour
ished , wandering .hero and tlioro
through tlio innous mining ( camps ,
Init bad luck overlook her at Inst , nnd
tliu largo sum which she had accumu
lated bewail to slip ? npidly through
her liiijrcis , She soon found herself
friendless nnd penniless in nn Idaho
town , where ndoib of poison admin
istered by licr own 1'ftM ' bloltcil out
her lifo. . i
Quo of the most flourishing iuslilu.
tions of Cheyenne dining those o\eil *
ing days w.-w ; t ,
M'lHxiiii.sIIIKT \ Tin : u Kit ,
Tlio only place of nmuscmont in the
city. Upon entering the huildingyou
found yourself in a largo und elegantly
furnished saloon whore u host of bar
keepers were kept busy in supplying
tlto thiiity crowd with drinks" .
Passim ; through nn arch at the southern -
orn mul of the saloon the visitor oil-
tered a largo gambling room where a
scot oof games were ever in progum.
In thin palnco of sin victims were
lleeced ami sent nwny penniless , tlleir
only convolution being that they could
walk to the Hills or else write back to
friends at homo tolling of n desperate
conflict with highway robbers tuul tlio
losing of their funds and winding up
with an earnest appeal for a speedy
At the opporito end of the saloon
liar a door admits nn to thu theater.
The puruhiuso of a drink at the bar
entitled the pnruhaser to a ticket of
admittnnco otherwise twenty-live
cents must bo p.iid at the entrance.
Instead of the usual FOWH or semi
circles of seata the largo hall was tilled
with circular tables , around each ono
of which four chairs \voro placed. Up
staim were rowH of jtrivnto boxes ;
where persons could Hit and nip their
wines unobserved by tint oroivd below ,
and it wat a standing rule of the
establishment that whim not on the
stngo every ncttvHi engaged at the
theater must bo in theao boxes , in
stage , to 'ntoilain visitors and
"honey" them into purchasing all the
wino possible. 1'ivo dollars per bottle
WAS elmrgod for an inferior article ,
nnd it was not at all an unuinal occur-
cncu for a befuddled individual to
spend $50 or § 100 in treating the
siroim clad in tiglita whom lie foolish
ly imagined hud fallen di'sooraloly in
love with him. These "stais" were
woinun of the vilest character , usually
the oll'-scourings of the free-and-eaHy
shown of Chicngo , St Ijouis erin -
cinnali. ] n addition to their salaries
of § 2 or $3 per night they were al
lowed a percentage upon the wine
which they induced their male com
panions to purchaxo , their combined
carningu often amounting to a snug
In the main hall below games of all
kinds were in progress at the tables ,
the stakeH usually being the drinks ,
An act waa placed upon the stage
every thirty minutes , and in the inter
vals the motley crowd gave itself np
to drinking , gamine and carousing , the
lifjuid refreshments being served by
gaudily-dressed waiter girls. The
actoia were applauded vociferously ,
and honored with encores until they
positively refused to respond.
A common tirck with an actor or
actress who had become a favorite wan
to station about a dozen friends in the
audience supplied with ono or two
silver hnlf-dolla s each. At iho first
thcso encore friends would throw their
coin upon the stage , when the audience
would catch the hint and oftentimes
hurl a perfect
around the favorito. A favorite female
clog dancer secured as much as § lf > 0
in coin in a single night , and was re
warded every night by Bums ranging
from 85 to § 100. The theatre opened
at 0 p. in. and cloned at 2 or It n. m. ,
the crowd sometimes i omnium' ; until
breakfast time.
The proprietor of this theater , .1.
W. McL/anioln / , has been Hingularly
unfortunate in his career in the west.
His placu wan twice burned to the
'ground in Uhoyonno nnd a theater
established ! by him at Dead wood shared
the same fate. When the Leadvillo
excitement swept the country , \w \
packed up and fell in with the singing
tide of silver-crazed pilgrims and BOOH
ciccted a building and opened out bin
theater in that now camp. Fortunu
again smiled upon him , for a time , but
a few months since the liro-liund once
mdi'o swooped down upon him nnd
Bwallowed np hi nil. Whether erne
no ho again built ] cannot nay , but in
all probability hi ? illuminated trans-
pari'ttcics ' are nightly tolling the masses
that by stopping inside they can wit
ness "tho greatest show on earth , "
Virtue Aolcaowlodod | , .
.Mrs. Iia MuHiolJaii'l , Albany , N , Y. ,
wrltun : " 1'or tuM-ral yuan * I liavo suf-
fuicd from oft'iecunlnx' hiliriaH licadaclnw ,
dyniiujHiu , run ! complaint * peculiar to my
MX. iSincu mill } } your Jsiirdnck Jllood
liittem J am ntfruly luliau-il. " 1'rico
81.00 , tilulni/u IQccnU. au Mw
DY1N(5 ( HVINOHIfti.
Very olten wo see a person suller-
ing front KOIIIO form of kidney coin-
jilaint and ia giadually dying by
inches. Tina no longer neiid tobo _ no ,
for Klectric JJHtu'H will positively
curu IJright'a disease , or any disease of
the kidneys oruriniary organs , They
mo especially adapted to this class of
dibe.ifieH , acting directly on the
Stomach and Liver at the mime time ,
nnd will upeedily euro where oveiy
other remedy him failed. Sold at
fifty cents a bottle , by Ish & Me.
Mahon. W
Rev , RDOHERTYM , , A , , Rector ,
As lht l ) > ) an alilu cnr ) > 8 ol leathern In Knylluli
I.aiiiuigii ) , Hdinios anil Flue Art *
833ElX > TXr. * 7 , 3LSO3Li
Fur partlcnUni , apply to
) eai-ooa-m ! ! 1IIK UIXTOIS
" " "
tu-cccsorto J. H. TliUle ,
No. IM DoutiUi Street Oiuihl Neb.
J. a RUSSELL , M , D , ,
ol Children n < | Quranic Il a ci
Olllce at Iktliltnie , iiOOU t'nmittrict.
llouri a to 10 a , ui , , 1 to it p. ui , , nJ alter t p
Omaha , , - , A PAT A PIT Collins ,
Cheyenne , A. 4. U J XU v Colorado.
'Spring and Summer
Hats , Caps , Trunks , Yalises.
" 37O
Satisfaction Guaranteed. Prices to Suit all !
IV / <
" -HXU1
J ,11 Choice Cigars I n * t > ; ,
Can bo obtained at KUUN * CO.'s' Ml
by the box for Losa Money than at
any1 wholesale tobacco house , for Iho
reason they neil cigars in connection
with their drug bnsiuosn , without any ' f I
raiKinso to the Cigars. TRY THEM. 'i iftl
All Cigala not satisfactory exchanged
or money refunded.
A line lOo Cigar , long Havana filler , 5
for 25e. Never him there been any
Cipir in Omaha equal to them for the
Prom ? ( ! .25 per hundred up.
"Atlantic" bost.lOo Oigarjn Oity
I Mil
Dealer in [ Hardware ,
Stove Eepairer , Job Worker and Manufacturer
Tenth and Jackso" cc Omaha , Neb
The Largest Stock and Most Com
plete Assortment in
The West.
. .
Jj * )
, \ f
> , se
We Keep Everything in the Line of Carpets , Oil
cloths , Matting , Window-shades , Fixtures
and Lace Curtains.
1313 Farnham St. , Omaha.