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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1881)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : JFIUDAY AUGUST a issi. IRELAND'S WRONGS s Described by an Americ Gentleman Who Has Traveled Extensively'in That Oonntry , Almost Incredible Cruel ' Practiced Upon Poor Tenants. No Such a Human Being as Good Landlord Known in Ireland. A Description of How the Pen nntry nro Trotvtcd- Spoclil Corrc | > onilcrico Chicago Trlhunc. Dt'iiLiN , July 19. I saw in Sac villo street the other day a ttil swarthy gentleman who was makii himself unconsciously conspicuous 1 wearing a soft felt hat the nacre emblem of our nationality abroad , could not decide from his lool whether ho waq a westerner or southerner , and so I made his acquaii tanco , nnd found that both gucsni were correct : that ho was Capt. Bel of Dixon , 111. , who had been a shar ) shooter in our army , while his fatlu had been a brigadier-general in th southern army. Ho is a man of odi cation and intelligence , and I loarne that , like myself , he had boon both journalist and lecturer nt homo. H has been in Ireland two months trai cling about all the time , mostly o jaunting-cars , in the south and soutl west , Ho came to Ireland as I came firs and KT all English deputation confci that they came with a very scat flupply of'sympathy for the politic : uprisings of the Irish people , nnd wit th6 fooling that while tlio Irish migl have eomo wrongs , their Englu rulers were probably in no way n sponsiblo for them. But , like tli rest of us , the scales have fallen froi his oycs. "What do you think of Irish lam lordism , " I asked , "and English nil in Ireland now ? " "I think injustice , " bo replied , "i n very mild name for it TIIH WHOLE THINO IB BASED OX CHIME. I could not believe that any poop ] would endure such wrongs patient ! ) Talk about the clamor , the discontent iho impetuosity of the Irish ; d n il no people on earth could bo more sul missive under such atrocious tyrannj Those people , the real peasantry , ar on the verge of starvation. None c thorn over pretend to taste moat , c use their own butter or eggs , or an other marketable produce that the raise. Their food is sour milk an potatoes. Their huts are worse tha the huts of Hottentots , and thoi clothes well , they arc just a Httl better than our first paronta' , yet thea poor creature are 'villificd , botli c homo and abroad , because they dai oven to complain ! " "How about the lawlcssncsn in In land , what counties have you see most of it in ? " "Well , " replied Capt. Bell , "I'v boon pretty well through the Countic of Cork , Kerry , Waterford , Limcricl Clare , Tipnorary , .Oalway and lloj common , and I only saw 6110 act c violence on the port of the people , only saw the finale of it , so to spcali and to offset it , I saw what I coi tainly regarded aa a deliberate eflbi on the part of the government trooj to incite an insurrection , and such provocation would have boon sure t load to the annihilation of the trooj in any part of America. Nowhere is life and property hoi more sacred. I felt aa safe union those wild mountains of Western In land as on my own farm near Dixoi 111. Every reported crime or outrugi whether true or bogus , nnd nvhatovi it cause , is not only ( grossly oxaggo atod but attributed to political disa foction. If a cureless boy shies a pel bio at a window treason must bo lurl ing about. If an old woman drops atone from a window on n policomi the district must bo proclaimed ! If drunken brawler gets into n row wil a neighbor , in a personal difficult ; tuo country is overrun with troop and some land leaguer must i inarched to prison. " "What was the act of violence th you saw ? " "I was at Blarney village , na Blarney castle. I was walking 01 from Cork to BOO the castle , and was quite near the village when I sn laboring men running dowq from tl fields to the roads , and hoard shou from the direction of the village ; ar then I saw a man running , or rothi pacing as near a run as no could go ho Boomed tired out , and ho was stni naked , with the exception of one stoc oh his loft foot. Ho was covered wil blood and dirt. As ho passed mo 1 waa panting , nnd lookoa frightened i death his look of terror romindc mo of pictures of the dethroned iioiu in Milton , Ho paused in silence. ' (1 wont on to the vjllago nnd foun that ho was a process-server. Ho lit uspd his power , they said , in a voi insolent way , nnd suddenly TUB KXA.HFEUATEI ) WOUEK ATTACK ) f -1UMJ literally tore h'u clothes from him , ai then whipped him with f urse. Ho w flurroundcd by hundreds of furio women. The men took o part ; tli iuit stood aloof and shouted ai lauchod at the women. J undorstoi afterwards that the landlord compi inised with those tenants , " t'Wliat about the troops ? " .i'AJand-leaguo mooting wasndvc tisod to bo held at "Millstreot , a to\ i of 7,000 inhabitants , about thirty forty miles from Cork. There h boon no outrages } n that * district , ji there waa no uretonsd that there M any danger of an outbreak. Yet t British government , under Mr. Fo : tor's advice , arbitrarily prohibited t mooting two days before , or 'pi claimed' it , aa they call suppress ! free speech in Ireland. The count people of course did , uot hear of t proclamation , and 20,000 or me came in. Tlio streets wore pack ( The loaders did not intend to hold t meeting , and both the people and t military and Jho police ! oflicors D dorstood it. Yet , without aski the people to disperse , or , wil ' out asking tlio lenders to tell tli to go homo quietly , n company fifty-two dragoons , nrmccl with nbr carbines , and revolvers , supported both nidca by companies of regular fantry , caino from within tlio wnl incloiuro of the barracks , rode n inarched into the center of the era in the most insolent fashion , n formed in line of battle in tlio thi < cst part of the dense throng. Itecum to mo to bo tmtlBKIUTKLY I.NTKNriEtl TO I'llOVO THE I'EOrtE , Hut the people understood it , and r a Iiisivos heard nor an excuse giv for n inasnacrc. But the scowl ! faces of the people revealed thi thoughts clearly enough , " "Did you hear of any landlord 01 rages ? " "I consider all the evictions as Ian lord outrages , In every county have traveled I Imvo heard tales the cruelty and oppression of Ian lords which seem incredible ; that would hot have believed if I hadhca ihom in America ; and that I won not have believed even hero , if it h not been for the tangible ! evidences ruin and poverty that Ho scatter ) vor the whole country. ' ' "flivo mo an illustration rr two. " "Well , take Uenco Jones , who hi > oen described as a martyt in En and , and who has 'written a book lofenso of the landlords. I hoard i natty stories of his cruelty that vendor how ho has ever been allowc o live at all I will give you on old by Mr. Hurley , at Clonakilt ) no peasant family had occupied arm near Clonakilty for suvcraVgo rationn. During the lost famine tl ild people > IEI > OP ItAUDSIIIl1 ANN 8TAUVATIO Before the surviving son 'was ' t owed to keep the littloi farm lie hi 0 pay a heavy fine as the Irish c : 1 bonus to Banco , lone for the priv 6go. Bonce Jones , every one the ays , did not give a pinny' towan ho relief fund m the time of the far no , or towards the relief of the tui mts in any way. This poor folio ind to Hell his little farm stock to pi his fine. Ho had a groyru sister an wo little orphan children , a brothi , nd sister , I think , to support. Thci ender children yielded , to the wai .nd . hardship of their lot and sickonc , nd died. During their sickno Bonco Jones craftily asked the so tow much it cost to support thoi hildrcn. The tenant said 10 a yea la soon as the children died Bent Tones raised the rent of the lilt arm 10 per annum , as ho clalmc hat by their death the nroflts of tl onant would bo increased to tin mount. "That's n sample , " continued tli aptain ; "it is the deliberate policy o ho Irish landlords to allow the tonat ust enough to keep body and soul tether < other , but to keep him too poor t ducato his children , too poor to o : anizo , too poor to.fight . , and too poc o run away. " < "Bonco Jones' rents wore all vor "Yes , very high. Mr. Ilurloj rho told mo this story , said that i ook all the products of his farm an portion of the profits of shop to pa lin rent. " "Why do the pca auta pay auo onts ? " "They have nowhere else in God vorld to go if they arc turned out Evictions mean death or starvatioi Jon like Hurley keep their farn ivon when they have a business , bi uuao their , ancestors have alVaj ived on thorn , and they hope by-am > y to ovffi them , I suppose. ' "LOUI > lANHDOWNE , IN KE11RY , " s another Irish landlord , like Bone Tones , who has posed as a goo nndlord. Did you sco any of hi .enants ? " "I traveled extensively in Kerry , aid Cant. Boll , "and I saw n goo uany or his tenants. While some c hem spoke of him as n good landlon . ' saw a great many cases of hardshi tml oven cruelty. " "What did they mean by Landi lowno being u good landlord/ / " "T , flnd in Irolanjl , everywhere , tin f the landlord simply allows them t ivo and doesn't1 evict thom.'tho toi mts talk of him aa a good landlon [ Imvo gene through tlio estates i .hcso men who are called good lam lords , and I have fully made up in mind that there is no such thing as ? oed landlord in Ireland. I foun Landsdowno'nironta to bo very high- jut of all proportion to the produ live capacity of the land. The into ligont people I mot in Kerry clmr ; turn not only vith giving nothing i the relief of his tenants during tl famine , but with making money out < the government advances , " I omit Capt. Boll's statement Lansdowne'a methods of turning go urnmont advances intended for tl tenantry to his own personal adva tago , as I explained and exposed the in an elaborate series of letters pu lishod last Bummer in The New Yo Tribune. These letters wore ropu lishod in the Counties Kerry ai Mayo , and neither Lansdowne uorli mont Trench dared to deny their a : urnoy , although Lord Lansdowne , 1 ; rickory worthy of a Tombs lawyc mdortook to impeach the tttatomon > f my first letter , which related to 1 nfamous father and grandfather , 1 intending that I wrote them abe liimeolf. A "Ireinombor , " continued Oapt. Be "when in the mountain districts b twoon Dmitry mid Konmaro , I was d nounclng the wrongs of the peasant that I had scon. The two young E glish gentlemen on tho" car with i were , defending the lamllords. Tin denied , with the usual arrogance Englishmen , that such wrongs oxisto I pointed to a miserable hovel on t mountain side as A 81'ECIMKN Of THE THE J'KOl'LK. Tlio Englishmen said of course the was no rent paid for that. Ich longed them to go nn with mo. V stopped the car aim ascended. T cabin was ao low that wo had to sto to got in ; thodqorwos not over fo and a lialf foot high ; there was chimney only a hole in the that the Uoor was the earth ; there were few chicken * and ducks in the da cabin for it had no window ; it v wretched beyond my power todescril I atkod tlio woman if she paid a rent , She- said indeed she did ; tl she hod enriched her little plot ground by , carrying manure up t mountain side on her back , but 1161 she said , bursting into tears , 'I ho to leave it , as they've raised the ri . ; a. I'A - ) i , ; rv * and I cannot pay it. ' She said s was one of Lord Lonsdownc's tcnan The Englishmen went back In silent greatly moved , and made no furth defense of the Irish landlords. " Lord Lansdowne has recently giv notice of his intention to seek to t feat Gladstone's scheme to give a f < crumbs of justice to the peasantry Ireland ! No Matter Wlmt Hnpponii You may rest luwtired that you arc nfn being speedily cured liy THOMAS' Kcu Tiilo On. In all cawn of rheumntiftm , n < rnlna , toothvhc , otc. One trial only nccemary to prove IU efficacy. nugl Iw Capturing a Boar- It will bo remembered that a s : and fatal accident occurred atModisi a few years ago , by a team beii frightened at fiperformingFrenchmi and a grizzly bear , and that it costtl city n good deal of money to oott the costs. Other towns resolved th they would not have any morn be performances in the streets. Tin1 was no town that was loaded f bears , after that accident , any heavi than La Crosso. The mayor , < I Clark , was red hot , and ho told tl chief of police , Hatch , never to allc \ man with a performing bear to con into the town. Hatch didn't ua mything better than a bear fight , ai ic said he should smile to i > co a Can ilian Frenchman get tiji a bear dan n that town , as long as ho walked tl streets. When the now mayor , Sir oy , took the oflico , he had only 01 ardor to give the police , and that w .o keep an eye out for bears. Tim : was consternation in La Orosso t Tuesday when a boy camu up to tl > olice oflico and said there wofl a nir lown town with a performing bea nnd Hatch spit on his hands nnd to Pcrnue Clark to follow him. Tl boar was hitched to the hind axle of wagon , and the owner was i x saloon taking n drink. Hat ( ( aid ho would go in tl saloon and capture the man , and tel ? ornuo to bring the bear right up I .ho station. Pcrnuo didn't exact ! iko the way the thing was-divided t ind lie suggested that maybe ho hn letter go In after the man , and h latch take the bear , as he was n > ld bear hunter , but Hatch said tl nan was a desperado , and ho betti unround him. So Hatch went in an ; ot the unresisting Frenchman , an tartcd offj telling Pernue to hun ip with the bear. Pcrnuo is a ran hat , if ho wanted n bear , had rntlu lire a man to go after it , but the ej ) f the chief was on him , and he wall : d up to the bear and took hold < he chain and said , "Come along , M ; Icar. " The bear reached up on law and took hold of Pcrnue's clothe ibout the small of the back and close lis clawa and twisted a little and thoi vos about n pound of coat tail an mntaloons cloth and shirt that a amc oil together in a wad , and Vith > alc faced Pcrnuo started up towar ho lockup to help Hatch nold th nan. Ho overtook them as they in ivcd at the calaboose , nnd Hate iskcd him why he didn't bring th ) eur , and he said hi ! came up to fin > ut of the Frenchman'what the bear lame was. Ho said he never coul ako a bear if he didn't know its nam < lo put on a rubber coat to cover th > lacc where the bear had stepped o lim and by this time Sam Campbc ind Dave Littlojohn , the other police ncn , had arrived , end they a vent down after the bear. Tli joys made a good deal of fun of Pui IUO'H clothes , and Sam gaid the wn jo handle n bear was to look hii igjit in thcj oyojand paralyze hin iVriiuo said lie would lot'Satn paralyj he bear , but before he got him pan yzod on more than one aide the be : rould rip all the clothes off bin Arriving nt thu wagon , Hatch said 1 : vould jstnnd on thu 'wagon tongui ind hold'it down , and they could s'u : ound the bear. The bear was layiii n thu sand asleep , and they got a iround him , and were just going I lounco on him , when lu rose up an ho nir soi'incd full of bears. The a L'L'ini'd fairly fixed. With ones paw 1 : [ rubbed Campbell by the slack of tl rouscrs , and with the other he clav d Littlojohn on thu shoulder , and 1 ippcd tliL'ir clothes scandalous , whi : > ernuo got behind a dry goods bo .ndtHatch . held to the wagon tongui Clio bear stood up on his hind fui vith both paws full of blue flanm slothing , nnd the police held a counc > f war on the wagon tongue. Final ] hey nil got hold of thu wagon an muli'd it to the lockup , thu bear fo owing , nnd they gave tlio Frt'nchmi ; lis liberty and thrcu dollars if 1 ivould taku his bear and get of toni uid thu last they saw of him hoi . oing towards " \Vinona locked arn rtith thu bear , laughing , and tl ) olicu went to thu tailor shop to ecu t would cost morn to mend the clothes than it would to get a nc auit. Now they got together evonini md talk over thu bear business , ni Hatch asks them why they did m chloroform the bear , and usu son ' Sun. judgmcnt.--fPcck'8 Buoliliu'i Arnica Salvo , The best salvo in the world for out bruises , soren , ulcers , salt rheui fever sores , totter , chapped hand chjllblains , corns and all kinds akin eruptions. This salvo is gun antood to give perfect satisfaction every case or money refunded. Pric 250 per box. For sale by IHH & MoiAiio.s' , Omaha. NetekaLandAgenc DAVIS & SHYDER , 1605 Farnhum Bt. , , . . Omah * . Nebrail 400,000 . Carefully ttlcctoj UnJ In Kastern Nclira k Halo. Urtat llaivnln * In luijiroruJ lariiu , i Onmh& city I'roiwrty. 0. V. DAVIS , WEDSTEU SfJYDJ ! I taLandCom'rU.r , IV , K , 4pjebt Geo. P. Bemis REAL ESTATE AGENC' 10th and Dodte 8ti' , 'Omaha , Neb , Thlt agency doei nucrLTa brokerage biun < DOCK not ipoculntv , autl thercloto any barg * on 1U booki uru Imured to 111 introni , Initi ol btlng gobbled uu by thn a/ent _ John G. Jacobs , ( Formerly ol CUh & Jacob * , ) UNDERTAKEF : Ko. H17 FarnhamSl. , CM Stand ot Jacob ( MTOrdcr * by Telegraph Sollcitei ) t.yil-1 .fH 'r lii l WAJ TV : Mother , Wlve , DauRliten , Son * . Father Mlnlttert , Teachcri , Builnesi Men , Fan era , Mechanics. ALL MliouM I'O wnrnfil avail ) using and Intralutltij ; Into their HOMES Nc tmnn and Alcoholic rciTiotlle" . Hare no fu tirejudlco afaln ! t , or fear of "Warner's 8n Tonic Dltten " tlicy nr o w hat they arc ilitnv to beliarnilcx' ' ) n < milk , mid contain only me < . Kxtract of pure They do not tnlom , ' to that cl.xm known as "Cm All < , " liut onlj ) ) tolc' to rra h cases w here tl illittMo originate * I" dcbllltatrd frames nnd li pure Mood A perfect Spr'ng ' And Summ medicine. A Thorough Clootl Purifier. A Tonic App tlzer , I'lcaiant to the Imtc , ln > ljorntlnif to the ! > od llie inoit eminent ] > h > ilclans recommend the for their nirathop'rojiertleii. Once used alwa preferred. . For tha Kidneys. Liver nnd Urinar HBO nothlnif "WARHEtra SAFE KID I.IVER CUnE. " It Btondu Unrivalled , Tlioi : Midjowc thdr licalth and hnpplticni to It. 1'ric M.25 per iKjttlc. W6 offer "Warner's Rite Ton Hitters" with iutl confidence. H. H , WARNER , Rochester , N. Y. fclB-tii th mt-lv _ United States Depository NationalBanl - OF OMAHA. - Oor. 13th and Farnam Sts. JLDE8T BANKING KSTAnLlailUENT I OMAHA. SUCCESSORS TO KOUNTZE BROTHERS niBuaiiKo I860. DrgnnUtJ u n National Bank August SO , 186 : APITAL AND PROFITS OVER . 3oooc , onions AXD DIRKCTOU : illBUAM KOCXTIR , President. Auomnis KOTOTTK. Vice President. U. W. YATES , Cuhtcr. A. J. ForrLffroN , Attorney. Jou.x A. CREionnm. F. H. DAVIS , Asst. Cuhle This bank receives Jsposlta without regard i .uiounta. IMUCI time certificates hcarinp Interest. Draws drafts on San Kraiiclico and prlnclp ( ties ol the United Stated , also London , Dublii Ulnliunh and the principal cities of th * conl lent of Ktirope. Sells passenger tickets for emigrants by the Ii nan line. mavJJ'.t The Oldest Kstar-lished BANKING HOUSI IN NBBBASKA. 3aldwell , Hamilton & Co Dullness transected same as that of an Inco 10 rated uanlc. ACCOURU kept In currency or gold subject I tpht check without notion Certificates of deposit issued payable In thrc Ix and Uelv months , bearing Intercut , or c eraand without Interest. Advances mode to customers on approved soci Itlcs at market rates of Interest. Buy and sell gold , bills of exchange , uoveri lent , state , county and city bonds. Dmw slrit ( urafta on England , Ireland , Sco ind , and all parts ot Europe. Sell European passage tickets. COLLECTIONS PUOMPTLV MABK. aui'ldt HCUESIOI TICKET IHIOABO SB1O-OC EOUMD TRIP , $19.00 First-class and good through thp jear. AI 'ow York. Boston and all Eiutcrn iralnU , at pr Kirtlonatcly low rates. On sale ONLY at HOODIE lIHOTIlEim1 Kallroad Ticket OlHee. dme-twlm SOO Tenth bt. . Orualial Seamless Evaporate AND "SOUTHERN "CANE MILL FIRST CLASS SOROHO HACHDIH AT TERX LOW FRICtS. Bind for Dticrlptlrt fries 111 TH08. SCANTUN & SON , EVANSVJLLE. IND. Ailtnttvn UU l\iftr. To Nervous Sufferers THE OREAT EUTJOPEAN REMEDY. Dr. J. B. Simpson's Specif ] . It Is a posU\ocura ( or Si rnmtorrhM , Setnln kVeokneoa. Impotancy , and all dlaoason rciulth Irom ficlf-Abuse , au Mental Anxiety , Loss Memorv. I'alnii In thu Hack or Hide , and dlsou ' - that load Couiumptli Insanity ai anoarlyirra The bpccl Uedlclno beln ; ui with wendi ful success , _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ I'amphU lent fri-o to all Write for them and get lull ) x tlcuhrs. ' " 'rrlce , BpoclBe , tl.OO per package , or lx pat ffc lor $5.00. Addrcu all orders to U. HISIbON HKUICINB CO. Nos. 104 and 100 Itiln St , Uuffalo , N. Y , Sold in Omaha by 0. t. Qoodnuui , J. W , ll < J. K Isbiuidall drUnUUarcry where. Business College , THE GREAT WESTER ] GEO. R , RATHBUN , Principal. Creighton Block , OUAUA , NEDHASK X2TSeud for Circular , uov.SOdiv Oornell College The Claullcal , rhllotophlcal , Scientific and C 11 Engineering Gpun < * compar * fa\orally w : the licit college , la the country. Special advantage * areB'uen in the Trepu * ry and Normul DqiutniuiU , aud In thu Cou e story ol Mutlc. Twenty Profo.ior * and Teachers. Superior Uulldlnja , iluscuui , labantory a Apraratus. Expeniei Low. Fall terra opens Sept. 16. For catalogue * or other Information , oddrro I'Eta.'U. . F. KINO , U. 1) . , Jy -dSw2w Mt. VcruoU , low. P. MORSE & GO. , Cash Jobbers and Retailers of 1319 FARNHAM STREET. DUBING THE COMING WEEK OUR GREAT SALE OP DOIVlESTi S , PRlilTS AND Lonsdale , Fruit Hitf , and other well-known brands of Muslin at 8 l-2c a yard. Best quality unbleached muslin , 7 l-2c , PiUow case muslins , lOc. Wide sheeting mualins , at wholesale prices , Linen sheetings from from $1.00 to $1.60 per yard. Very best prints , fast colors , 5c. Very best ginghams , 8 l-2c. Another .Case . Black .Bunrtmgs , 8 l-2c. Thirty pieces new dress goods , I Oc. RIBBONS ! RIBBONS ! RIBBONS ! 700 PIECES ALL SILK RIBBONS 10 CENTS PER YARD. n this lot will be found all desirable colors in ALL SIEK GROS GRAIN , SAWES AN3 > GKOS GAIN.A\N'D'F3EfII ' ; SILK BSJOOADED RIBBOH r Jrom one to four inocs wide- . No Such Ribbom Bargaiirts were evsr before Sfoo BTTTTO353T .2,000 dozen fine Dress Buttons at lOira card two and'tliree dozen on n cnrdr allokes and ) < wer a thounand difforontJ , ' designs ; worth from fromi thirty to fifty cents acard. . S. P. MORSE & COi - \ D.T. MOUNT . . , DKALKK in SADDLES AND HARNESS , 1412 Farn. St. Omaha , Neb , ionrvi roR7M CKLURATSO CONCORD HARNESS Two Modali and a Diploma ot Honor , with thi ery hUlict a-ward the judges could bestow wn a > varde > l this harness at the Centennial Kxhlbi Ion. Common , alto Ranchmen's and Ladlci' BAD DLES. Wo keep the hrycut ttock In thewti ) and Invite all who cannot examine to lend fs prices. an9t LEGAL NOTICE. n the Circuit Curt of the United St tc , ( op t2u tha Dlbtrict of Neknuksi : At a twision ol the Circuit Court ot the Uiilbx States lor the DUtrlct of Netraski , centinuei nnd laid pursuant to adjournment , ai the UnLtw Hlatcs court room bi the city of Omaha , n tbi Mil day of June , 1S31 , the lion. Klmer H. Dund ; icInLprenent and prcsldlns , ' In ald' coujt he folloulni ; nmoisf other procecdlnga'Jre hoi aud done , to-wlt ; No. 63 0. Sherman W. Knevils , complainant , \ . Fxlwwc 11111. M eh In lim , Apes 11111 , Ah In Hill , Iton IIIU , John Hill , inurdlan of minor defendants. la chancery. Order on nhsont dcfcndanbi. Aiul now , on tills l&th day of June .V. I ) . 1331 lnL' at thu Mar tenn , A. U. 1831 , of tha rah ccurt. It having iKXJii made to apptan to the Hat l I ctlon of th laid court , that this U a ml commenced t enforce an onultatUa oUUm uim > uxl property within the laid dlttrkt. uju ! tha Edvtard Hill , Mehln Hill , Atln * Hill , Ahli Hill , flora Hill , John Hill , RUirdlan o minor defendants herein ore no Inhabitants ot. and hate not been found nlthli the raid district , and hate \oluwUrily ap peart J In thUimlt , on motion cl Junes it. Wool crtli , ! > ] . , hollcitor for Uio eald conipliiiiant , t ll connljf rctl b.v the court and ordervd that thi eald dffendarU abe > o named be and they ar hereby direcd to appear and. plead , answer , o demur to the compl lrunt'i Mil oi con plolnt , 01 or before the first day of Aum t , 1881 , and tha In default thereof , an ordir be cuttiwl In cause , taking the told bill pro confess. It It further ordered by be court that twenty da } before the vald first day el At , g-ust , 1831 , a copy of thla-order lt wned unoi r luard Hill , Mehtn 11111 , AnM Hill , Ahli I'll ) , llora Hill , John Hill , guardian c the uid defendarjti. Kh n * > er found II practicable , and aUo upon the pu eoiiorijKTsoru In ixxacsslon or charge ol th real property dtscnbid In cotnUalnant'8 ) bill c complaint. If any then be , and tint a ccrtlfif oepyof thu order ktipublUhxl for four couscev U > vceki In o "Omaha Ik * . ' ELMER E. DUNDY , Tils UNrru ) Stira or Auaroci , ) DuTBicror NKBRUKJL , I ' I , WaUon a Smith , clerk ol the Circuit com ol the United &tatea for the dUtrlct ot Ka sWi do hereby certify , that the ubo\ and for < Kolnz I a true copy ot an order entered vjwn th journal of the proceeding ol oalil cotvt , In th cauia thtrvtn entitled ; that I hat e cocnparu ) tli narno 1tU th original entry ol bald order , and. U a true > tnui crli > therefrom , anief the who ! thcnxt ) . Witness , my official Kirii&ture , and tr [ SKAL1 seal of uld court , aV Onmlji , In al dUtrlct , thi * 15th dav ol June , A. p.'S WATSON b. SMITH , 0 . JAMES M. WOOLWQ11T1I. MAX MEYER & BRO , , the Oldest Wholesale and Retail Jewelry House in Omaha. Visitors can here find all novelties in Silver Ware , Clocks , Rich and Stylish Jewelry , the La test , Most Artistic , and Choicest Selections im Precious Stones , and alL descriptions of F i n e ? Watches , at as Low Pidr ces as is.compatible with honorable ; dealers. Call , and see our Elegant New- Store , Tower Building , corner Hth and I&rn- iiam Streets MAX MEYER & BRO. rvTI1'D ffl MIL < X > IDI .A. 33C THE LEADING ! U IN THE WEST I General Agents for the- ; Pineatand Best Pianos-and Organs manufactured. 5ar prices ara as Low as- any Eastern Manufacturer and Dealer. Pianos and Organs sold , foe cash or insSiallmenbs- Bottom Prices. A SPLENDID stosk or Skeinway Pianos , Knabe Pianos , Vose , & Son's Pi- aaos.and othar makes. Also Clou i & Waameu Sterling , Inperial , Smith American Ozgans , &c. Do ; notfail to see us before pnr- chasin ? . IWDONALD AND HARRISON , 3E > AJcC,3cnrT : > TVT ABE NOW OFFEREES ; FOR ONE MONTH ONU DECIDED BARGAINS I3BST Lates' Suits , Cloaks , Ulsters , Circulars , Etc. , 200 > Handaome Suits , at $6.00 ; 30Q Stylish Suits , $10.00 ; 75 Black Silk Suits , . $17.00. "Wo Imvo & * voral lots of staple good * which will bo offered at SEVENTY-FIVE GENTS ON THE DOLLAR. All Indies should avail thomsoJres of this great sale ofj BORSETS AND UNDERWEAR , 'LINEN AND MOHAIR ULSTERS , SILK AND LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS , LAWN SOITS AND SACQUES. * MCDONALD & HARRISON. POWER AND HAND Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , IIUUKQ MACIUNKIIY , BELTINO , HOSE. IIUASS AND JUON VJTniiOS , PlPt HALUDAYWIHTMlii CHURCHAND SCHOOL BELLS. A. L. STRANG , 206 Farnam St. , Omaha.