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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1881)
F'r. < rr HIE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY AUGST 4 , 1881. THE DAILY BEE. Thursday Mornlnpr ; , August 4. LOOAL BREVITIES. 1'rederlck , Leading Halter. Fatterfm sells coal. Get your hnta at Donne' * . NIndell k Krcllc. Practical Hatter * . Blcpant Pocket-Hook * nt Saxe' * , COO business lot * . Call on Bcmts. Don't fall to Mnk SAXK'S cream soda. Bemls' real estate boom. First page A. W. Noson , Denllit , Jacob' * block. Bemls' new map of Omaha , 25 cent * . Natural Mineral Water on draught at Kuhn's drug ( store. For ri.VB Commercial Job Printing , all at THE BKB Job rooms. The Lion continues to roar for Moore' * Harness and Saddlery. 200 farms and 000,000 ncrci of land Beml , agent. Prescriptions a specially , Opera House Pharmacy , 211 S. Ifith Street. Krcsh supply of Imported Key Went i nnd Domestic Cigars nt HANK'S. Dresn Goods arc Koin ; fait at Atkin son & CO.'H. Low prices will tell , lie- member wo liavo limiting In all color * , Safe1" , machinery , and all kind * of licnvy hauling done by Brlnco & Co. , the safe men. Wits-tf Any one having work for a typewriter can bo accommodated by telephoning TllK 3Ur. : olflcc. tf A tltimc * yesterday Afternoon 1'ainham street wo * entirely blotted out of night by heavy cloud * of dust. Douglas i tree t between Twelfth ami V fifteenth looked like an oasis in a desert i yesterday. A little sprinkling Is n wonder ful thing. The body ol Jonas A. Fry , who died nt tlio hospital , will boHhippcd to ItUMscll- vllle , Pa , , to-tiny , his brother lia\ing nrrivcd hero to remove It there , Preparations are being mode for an ex cursion from Plattsmouth to Omaha and 1'ricBt Lake. It will take plnco teen but the date has not yet been fixed , Win. Lampe is charged with going * into tlio residence of J. C. Lucax and raising - * ' ing a'broad.Buage howl. Ho will bo tried in the police court for the offense to-day. . . The U. S. custom house hero ban been * receiving ipalto A number of direct Impor tation * lately. This week three different lota of merchandise have been received from Kuropo. .Tohik Campbell , collector of customs , received yesterday bids for tlio fuel for tlio , ' cnBiiing.ycar for the U. S. custom hoimo anil postollico. Tlio amount of coal ncces nary to run the building the winter Is ono hundred and twenty-five tons of hard coal nnd ten tons of soft con ] , J. KasimiSHcn , of the ( inn of llamnux- 1 Men Bron. , Chicago , is at the Withnell House , with samples of ladles' and gents' ' line shoes , of which they make a specialty. Mr. BaimuRsen invites the people of Oma ha to call and see Ills goods. Ordcro can bo left with him and sent by mall or ex prcHB. Mr. HasimisHcn will remain tinti ! . , 1'riday noon. ; f The waterworks company arc laying . pipes on Seventeenth and Eighteenth Htrecta. Two new engines for the Utah and . Northern railway are in the. Union Pa cific yard * and will bo Bent west to-day , The Union Pacific company received two new engines Nos. 249 and 250 ton wheelers. They are now being set up _ at the shops preparatory being sent out on lie road for work ; ' B- & MPromotions. . George- . Harris lias been promoted meted from the position of asaistanl goiipralifroight'agont-of the B. & M , 3 t jj > o .general 'freightagent of tlio roadi jit Ura deserved compliment tip Mr HafrujVability as ta'railroadfinan ] and ono which his friends generally will.loom with pleasure. P. , S. Eustis , formerly of 'tho ' B. & M. , has received the appointment ol general ticket agont. Hid many warm friends hope to DOC him continue his / upward course. , and Happy. . If you will stop all your extravagant l wrong notions in doctoring your- coif nnd families with expensive doc tors or humbug cure-all , that do harm always , and use -only nature's simple remedies for all your ailments you .will bo wise , well and happy , nnd Have 'great expense. The greatest remedy for this , the great , wise and good will toll you , is Hop Bitters rely on it. [ Prons. al-slO "WINEOFCARDUI" for Ladies only. 0. F. GooJmxa s. Military Matter * . Lieut. L. A. Levering , 4th infaiv try , is relieved from duty in the do " imrtmcnt of tno Platte and reports to Iho commanding genontl at West Point. Only four companies of the 14th infantry go to the cantonment Un- coinpuhgro , Col. They proceed by way of Cheyenne and Denver. Capt. Jno.(0. Thompson and Liout. Arthur 0. Ducat , jr. , are detailed as gmembers ! of the court martial convened venod at Fort D , . A. Russell. Cupt. A. E. Woodson , 6th cavalry , ' * ' IB given a month's leave of absence. Worthy ot Prais * . As a rule we do not rocomuiQnd pa 1 lent medicines , but when wo know o ono that really is a public benefactor juid does positively euro , than wo con aider it our duty to impart that infer motion to all. Electric bitters arc truly a most valuable medicine , HIM will surely cure Biliousness , Fove and Ague , Stomach , Liver and Lidne ; complaints , even where all other rein odies fail. Wo know whereof w upeak. and can freely recommend t < all [ Ex. Sold at 50 cents a bottle I h & McMahon. (4) ( ) f , . . , I . "Tlio Boston Storo" will bo reopen cd in a fovv days. Workmen are bus waking alterations. 2-t Parties wishiiur booth stands dur ing State Fair , address E. P , Davis Omaha , Nob. jy28-sop2 A CROOKED CLERK. lo Bloods His Employer Out of Pour Hundred Dollars lars , Dohle , the Faniham street shoo calor , has been the victim of mis * ilaccd confidence in ono of his clcrka , 'or a month or six weeks past , he IOA been missing goods from his store ml lately has suspected 'ono of his Icrks named Wells. . This man has > con in Dohlo's employ about four months , having como . hero a trnngor from Pennsylvania , incc ho has been in Omnha it is said lint Wells 1ms led n rather profligate fo. Ho carried the only key to the toro , and was in the habit of open- ng nnd closing the establishment , ' 'or six weeks pact , it is charged , lie ias been taking dnily moro or less ods from the store. The goods elected have all been of the best uality. Over $400 wortli of boots ml shoes were thus purloined. Wells was assisted in the tlioftn by a man atned Crock. The past week moro linn the usual quantity worotakonout nd Dolilo's suspicions were BO vull defined that he determined hargo Wells with stealing them. Ac- ordingly ho called Wells to ono side cstorday and accused him of taking ds from him. At first Wells do- lared his innocence of anything of ho kind , but Dohlo's ' porsistint nccti- ations were too much for him , and ho onfesscd. Ho said that ho had boon aking goods from the store for about ix weeks and had secreted them in lis own room and the room of Crock. Io also stated that it had boon his in- cntion , when lib had stolen a largo mough quantity of goods to o over into Iowa and start a store of lis own. Ho begged pitcously for norcy and finally touched Dohlo , who ) romiscd that ho would not prosecute natter in the courts. A search developed that a trunk full of boots and shoes nnd also n largo > ox well filled were stored in Crock's room on the corner of Sixteenth and Chicago streets. Wells' room , at Tenth nnd Douglas streets , was also visited and two trunks well filled , up with goods were discovered. Wells departed for Iowa yesterday after noon. ANOTHER INDUSTRY. Omaha Eapidly Becoming a Manufacturing Oontro. Articles of incorporation were filed yesterday for the Turner Windmill and Agricultural company of Omaha. Tlio incorporntors nro W. Tumor , James E. Boyd , Ezra Willard , Web ster Snyder , 0. F. Goodman , Max Meyer , Dr. 0. S. Wood , F. D. Cooper and E.1 F. Test. Tlio capital stock of the company is placed at $60- 000 , with the privilege of incroos ing it .to 9200,000. About'two months ago it was learned that Mr. Turner , who comes from abroad , waa looking about for n suitable location in this vicinity for the establishment of n wind-mill manufactory. Several pub. lie spirited citizens atonco entered into ' to correspondence 'with ' Mr. Turner in regard to the matteranil received ft promise' that ho would canvass the availability of Omaha before lo cating elsewhere. When ho came here ho conciudod that Omaha was emi nently adapted for the purpose nnd received sufficient substantial oncour- ngomont from the gentleman named in tlio articles of incorporation to warrant him in deciding in 'favor ' of this city. It is understood that Mr. Turner himself advanced $30,000 of the amount. A foundry will bo run in connection with the manufactory. . Yoar'i Basluen la the U. 8 Court. U. S. District Attorney Lambert- son has just made a report to the at : ornoy general of the amount of buei ness transacted in the United States court for the iiscal year ohding July 1. There were seven civil cases tormi- latod during the year to which the United States was u party. The a - jregato amount of judgments rendered in favor of the United States in civil cases was § 8,372.09. The number of criminal cases terminated was ninety four , of which number sixty-oight were convicted. Three were acquitted and the remainder discontinued. The to tal amount of fines and penalties im posed waa2,944.25 ; the amount of fines , penalties , etc. , collected was $1,385.47 , The total amount of moneys collected to which the United States -was a party was 80,027.47. The number of suits to which the Un'tod ' States was not a party com menced during fiscal yer in the Uni ted States court was 235 , and the number transacted ICO. Of them there were judgments for plaintiffs 84 ; for the defendants 70. The number still pending is 170. Tlio judgments for plaintiffs amounted to $102,827.41 and the judgments for defendants to $0,903. "WINEOFCARDUI" four times r day luukm a luppy ( household. First-class No. 8 Wash Boiler § 1.75j each next grade , $1.26. Eacl will bo sold for those low figures only this'week. WM. F. STOKTZEL , 10th and Jackson , opp. S. P. Morse & Co. n2-Ut Accident at the Elovixtor- A carpenter named John F. Daley , unploycd nt the elevator , met with an accident yesterday nt ten o'clock. iVlnlo using n snokc shave it slipped ml cut his right knee cap open , Ho was immediately convoyed to his resi- lonco , on Howard street , where the wound was dressed. The injury is not a serious ono. THE LEAGURES. They Discuss Various Important - ant Matters. Last evening the land league hold heir regular weekly meeting in Clnrk' s hnll. Mr. F. W. Gray pro- lided. There wns a good attendance , ilr. Mullaiiy , of Dubuque , being in- reduced by the president , said ho could not help feeling some surprise hat there were not moro members in Jmalm. In Duhiiquo , where ho caino rom , the land loagne had some five or six hundred members , nnd in 'lintun ' , n very small town , .hero were three hundred numbers whereas in Omaha ; n much larger city than either of these two , 10 understood there were only about : lirco hundred members. Mr. John Hush moved Hint there bo n proces sion to start nt ! l o'clock on Saturday , the 20th of August next , from Clark's tall to the picnic giound , nnd that Messrs. Gray , Hnnloy and O'lvecfo shall bo the marshals of the day. The notion was carried. Mr Patrick Ford was appointed , o take charge of the gates ind ho wns empowered to choose loptities. Messrs. Donohuo , Lcary nnd Bronnan were appointed a upecial committee to arrange for games and athletic oports. It was decided to send special invitations to all neigh boring land leagues. Mr. John Hush suggested that the picnic bo adver tised in THE Buu and other papers. After the announcement of the amounts collected , the meeting wan adjourned. PERSONALS. J. A , Dod 'c arrived home from Lincoln last evening. Col. .Hiinc ! W. Korsytli , U. S. A. , is at the Witlincll. C. W. Cain and wife left for Chicago over the AVabash last evening. Horace Nmvnmti , accompanied by liU son , left for Denver yesterday. Miss Ida Scxauer ImB c/ne to Grand Inland , She will remain there about three muntliH , T. J. Kot'ors , of Milton lingers k Son , and bride arrived homo yesterday Irom their bridal tour. K. K. Ivfyerii , architect of the now conn ty court house , left yeiitenlay for De troit. lion. 1C. C. Clinics , of Seward , ex-lieu tenant-governor of Nebraska , ia nt the Withnell. Col. Luke VoorhicR , mi ] > crintondcnt ol the Cheyenne and Black Hills stage line , arrived in Omaha yesterday . 12 , Wilson , of Fremont , has been'visit- ing'frieiuU in Omaha for a day or two. lie left for home yesterday. J. II. Bacon , an extensive nliec | > miner of Wyoming , ix in thu city. Ho went cast to Boston , Mass. , yesterday. Ocorge W , lloldridpe , miperintcmleiil of the B , and M. railroad , vyent west t < KawliiiM yesterday. W. T. Dodge and family ntnrted t < Portland , Maine , yesterday * over the cannon ball route. Adoljih Meyer , of Max Meyer anil Bro. , will arrive homo from his European trij by Saturday. Ho wan in Chicago yester day. day.A. A. B. Warrackvifo and son , who re side near Blair , passed through the city yesterday. They were on theirwayto their old home in Altoona , 1'a. , which the ) have not visited for twenty-two years. Mrs. Joe Blake nnd Miss Preston started yesterday for Boston over the Wabash lino. Miss Preston expects her father am mother to nrrlvu in Boston from Kuropo on Friday. Harry Haskell , the day foreman of TUP BKK establishment , took the afternoon train for the eastyestcrday. He will take a month's vacation amid the scenes of hi early days in Khoclo Island. If tlio fore , men of any of the great eastern metropolitan - tan dailies want n point or two on making up forms rapidly Mr , Haskell wonlil be tlio man tocivothem tlio information , Tom. Connelly , of Dnbiuine , Iowa , is In town. Trunk Payne left lust evening for Ht , Louis , John 8 , Collins has arrived homo from his trip to Kurujie. Judge J. S , McClary , of Xorfolk , Neb. , U at the Withnell. F , M. France , of West Point , Neb. , in in the city on business , J , Bleckeimlerfer , chief engineer of tlio U , P. , went west yesterday. Miss Gallic McConnull arrived homo yesterday from her visit to North Platte. Paul Harback arrived yesterday after noon from his western trip. He is look ing hardy and nun-browned from the trip , Geo. F , Brown , general superintemleni of the Pullman Palace Car company , pass , ed through Omaha yesterday ou his way to Chicago , Mis * Lottie Larson , of this city , accoiu panted by MIw Jennie Mauon , of LaBallc , Illi. , left yesterday for Denver. They wtl remain away two w eks. On yesterday Lect i Co. sold to Mr. I < ouis Doll the Tregoning mansion , on Deer and South Sixteenth streets , for § 0,000. Mr. DolPi many friends who congratulated him recently on obtaining his new wife , will now congratulate hiii upon having installed her iu an elegant new home. Denver Tribune , August JM Mr. Louis Doll is a brother pf Augusl and William Doll , of this city , anil 01 Leoj old Doll , of West Ouialm , all ol whom \vill doubtless be pleased to join in these congratulations. OVER THE WAY. 'ouncil Bluffs' Budget of Local News. Another Brilliant Lawn Party in the City. Prof. Page has Something to Say About Porihelions , Point * of Intercut for Dog Dny RcndlnR- ELEGANT PARTY AT TUB IlESlDKNCE OK MB. .1OI1.N T. STr.WAUT , As TUB UKB reporter was "doing" the city Inst evening about ton o'clock li.s car caught the mimic of Prof. Olkcr's band. Wishing to know whence it caino lie passed down Ban croft struct to Fifth nvonuo nnd came into one of thu most brilliant lawn parties ever given in the northwest Passing through the throng of unin vited guests who had boon attracted to the scene by the brilliant display of Chinese lanterns and engine head lights , the reporter found that John T. Stewart , the influential citizen , was the cause of it nil. The party was given by Mr. Stewart in honor of his son , Charles Stewart , who has ro- conlly returned from the far west. The wealth and fashion of Council 131ufTs society were invited to the number of about two hundred and fifty. Nearly all responded. Con spicuous among them were noticed Hon. W. U. M. Pusoy , Hon. W. F. Siipp , and their ladles , M. E. Smith and wife , N. M. Pusoy and wife , Dr. Woodbury and wife , Mr. Barnard , of the St. Joe railroad , nnd wif 3 , J. N. Baldwin and wife , W. S. Amcnt and wife , Joseph Stewart nnd wife , Hon. J. P. Cassady and wife , Dr. Hart ana wife , Dr. Pinnoy and wife , T. lien- drio , wife and daughter , Mr. Harry and Miss Mamio Noit , of Chicago , Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lawrence , Red Oak , son of Dr. Lawrence , of this city , and n daughter of E. Cady Stanton of oratorical fame , John Y. Fuller , of Chicago , and Miss Stone , of St. Joseph , Mo. , wore among the distinguished guests from abroad. Three hundred Chinese lanterns and four headlights reflected up in a spacious platform erected on the lawn at the west side of the houso. The floor was as smooth as glass and was approached from the house through a stairway loading from the largo double parlors , where the guests assembled. The music on the plat form commenced at an early hour and it was a magnificent spectacle to see the richly attired dancers as they filed down the long stairway and took their places for the "Lancers. " The re freshments prepared were elaborate. Mr. Stewart was found for a moment mont at leisure , and said that the party was an "impromptu" affair. When it is known that it took thirty five hundred foot of lumber to con struct the dancing platform ono would imagine ho would like to drop in aonio time when Mr. and Mrs. Stowarl took time to prepare an entertainment for their friends. PROF. PAGE. A SHOUT UHAT WITH HIM ON TUB I'KUI- HELION QUESTION. Judge E. B , Page , was called upon on Sunday at his residence and fouiu : in his front yard reclining in an easy chair reading .tho now revision. His attention was called to an article in the Saturday's issue of TUB BUB and ho was asked what ho had to say in an swer to it. Alter remarking that thcro was no bettor paper printed in Iowa than THE BEE said that ho ad mired it for the stand it had taken in President Garficld's administration ho claimed that TJIK BUB misunderstood stood his position on the perihelion question. ( Ho says that his theory in regard to this subject is not n now ono , but has long been advanced bj all the great loading astronomers and scientists of. the ago. "TiiB BUB seems to think , " ho said , "that I endorse dorso the preachings of nstrologists who predicted dire calamities , oven to the destruction of the earth. " In answer to the question , "Whal did you predict would bo the result of the approach in a direct line with the sun of all these seven planets } " ho said that it would have a tendency to ratify thu atmosphere surrounding the earth to such a degree as to pro duce extreme lipt and cold weather for a period of three years and also unusual cyclones and perhaps fronuontcarthquakcs. Ho had said and still believed that if such 'floods aa lias visited the west this s6a son has occurred in a densely populat ed region during the Fourteenth cen tury it would have caused a sweeping pestilence. "Judgo , do you believe the comets that have boon prowling about lately have anything to do with the paat cold winter or present hot summer ? " was asked. "I do not believe the comets affect the earth in the remotest degree , ' said the judge , "but have no doubl the planets , by reason of being at their perihelion , efloct the earth's atmosphere phero very materially , for while I can see that of the moon has only ono-oiKhtioth of the power of attraction of the earth that the earth lias for the moon , it can heap up the great waters producing our lu nar tides. It is easy to believe thai all the planets end the sun pulling ir the same direction may neap up ant rarify the atmosphere to the extent ol producing extremes in climate. " "What do you think of Tico am Vonnor as prophets ? " "They have no foundation upor which to base their theories any more .han . old Mother Shipton had. " The leporlcr took the judge's sub- icription , to dale from Monday , and lepartcd , TUB ni.KFKS IX IllUEK , Hon. C. W. Mills , of Columbia , o. , who has been spending a few lays in this city , in company with Mr. M. F. Ilohror , of insurance fame , iaid n flying visit yesterday to the : ity over the river. They feel much nuebtcd to AI. D. Morris , of the in- .crnnl rovcnuo collector's ofllco , for showing them in nnd around thn CUB- : om house ; also to Mr. J. J. Oalligan , ; hicfof the , Omaha flro department , ror showing them with what lightning rapidity they hitch and unhitch horses : o their fire apparatus. Mr. Ilohror ias been interested for years in the Ire department in this city and is al ways found at his post when duty calls. Mr. Mills is largely interested in real estate in Missouri. Ann Buttorfiold , who keeps n den on upper Broadway where "angels of Lho alloy" congregate , was arrested yesterday by Constable liosoncrantz on i warrant charging her with making an assault upon a worn who hangs out at thu Butteifield mansion. The judge , after hearing the case , find Mrs. Buttpifield § 3 and costs , which was very light and for the reason that the judge thought the Williams wo man gotno more than shu deserved. The colored glee club ot this city were out on the streets last night , giving the public the benefit of their vocal culture. They/proceeded / to the residence of Judge A. J. Abbott and serenaded him as n slight token of their appreciation of his services ren dered during the morning of vho day on which occurred "that picnic. " Mr. John Dohnnoy and his daugh ter Maggie and Mrs. M. G. Grillin liavo gone on n visit to Colfax Springs , partly for health nnd partly for recre ation. Attorney A. J. Hart has returned from Omaha yesterday , where ho has been on business. . Misses Elsie and Dolly Harpstor , who have been visiting the family of Hon. J. II. Keatloy in this city , re turned homo yesterday , much delight ed with Council Bluffs. A man yesterday who was so drunk that ho could not tell a mule team from a pair of scissors was making himself numerous on Broadway , trying to sell two boxes of axle Ygroaso for a quarter. Ho claimed to have a factory for the manufacture of the article over at Omaha and said ho could refer to Mayor Boyd. Mrs. Maria Mystor has entirely re covered and was in the city yester day.David David Hnincs , who fell from a team n short' time since and injured his ankle , is out again and will soon have entirely recovered. Theodore Hesscl has rented the frame building belonging to John Morgen & Co. , near Morgon & Co. 's store on lower main street and will immediately occupy the same as a temperance saloon. C. C. Chamberlain ox-high school teacher returned yesterday from a business trip to Dallas county. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Corov gave a party Wednesday evening to their niece Miss Fannie Corey. It was quite a grand affair. About (50 invita tions were issued. J. M. Campbell and lady of Sioux City , are visiting with Mrs. J. T. Hart. Hart.N. N. E. Coffen , of Sioux City , came to Iowa's metropolis yesterday on a flying business trip. The teachers' mooting at the Bloom er school building is not Tory fully attended. Prof. Farnuni had about thirty-five of them up in ono corner of the auditorium room yesterday , trying to instil into their minds some idea of the proper-method of teach ing the young idea how to shoot. These exorcises are quite interesting and should bo attended by the citi zens of our city who are interested in the subject of education , which all should bo. The Bloomer school building where the institute is held if simply immense. It will bo completed in about throe weeks nnd ready for dedication. , 'JL'lip entire inside of the structure is being finished in red wood brought hero from California. Chickens in this market yesterday brought $2.50 per dozen ; now potatoes $1.25 ; annlos 81.25 ; eggs 12k cents , musk melons $2 per dozen. C. E. Dix , assistant cashier ol Council Bluffs savings onnk , returned from an extended trip to Clear Lake , looking very much improved. Boat ing and fishing agrees with him bettor than handling gold and silver. There was a professional beggar on the streets yesterday wearing nn Odd Follows pin in a conspicuous place on his coat and claiming to belong to that order , who was soliciting rild. The man is no Odd Fellow but nn impos tor , as it is well known that Odd Fel lowship does not tolcrato begging. They care for all their needy ones and no man who would bo received into fellowship would take such a course to get subsistence. In the case of the city versus An derson , who was arrested for refusing to pay his poll tax , Judge Burke , after hearing the case , fined Anderson $3.35 , including costs. Orrel Wheeler was arrested yester day for unnecessarily driving a mule team. Ho was taken before Judge Burke and had to hand up $3.35 , in eluding costs. W. S. Pottibone says ho feels like a free man since he sola out his exprcss business. Ho will celebrate immedi ately. The Williams woman who had Mrs. Butterfield arrestoa for an assault upon her was found on upper Broad way , lying in the gutter beastly drunk. To make her debauchery more disgusting to this community , she had her babe in her arms. There was quite a collision at the transfer freight house yesterday morn ing , A train struck a car loaded with machinery , capsizing it on to another car. There was some damage done , but no ono injured. Judge Samuel Clinton , who fell short time since at his residence , on Willow avenue , lias so far recovered from the injury then received as to bo about again. Mrs. Jane Baldwin , the postmis tress , is having the rooms occupied by the United States Express company , on the corner of Broadway and Pearl streets , thoroughly renovated and newly papered. II. H. Mctcalf has returned homo again. Mis ? Lulu Jones , who has been taking in the sights in the great lake city has returned homo again. Miss Stone , of Chicago , is in the city.B. . B. M. Sargent , of Omaha , is about : o take up his residence in this city. 'Uncle John" always selects clerks who have more- than ordinary sonscj nnd this ono I displays the quality in a remarkable degree. Homer , engineer of the "Bluffs City , " has gone to Colfax Springs. Hon. L. 0. Kinncy , democratic candidate for governor , will speak in this city _ about the 24th of August. [ Io certainly deserves the sympathy jf the citizens of Council Bluffrt. Question : If the younp man trios real hard "Kin ho" carry the state this fall ? W. A. Mynstor returned , from the country yesterday where ho has been on business connected with his firm. There was quite a fracas in the "Cincinnati" between Lawyer Smith , of Logan , and the bar tender named Wagner. Wagner , it seems , accused Smith of not paying for drinks that lie hud ordered for the houso. Smith denied that ho had ordered moro than five drinks , which ho had paid for , Mid if Wagner hud treated the house lie must stand it. Whereupon Wag ner sprang upon Smith and struck him several blows. Smith considered ho had a duty to perform in self protection and to keep up the reputation of the Smith family and he performed it well. How well can bo found out by inquiring of Wagner. All wo can say is that when he attacks mother man it won't bo a certain legal gentleman who lives up in Harrison risen county. ItBAL KSTATK TKANSKKKS. The following real estate transfers were tiled in the county recorder's of fice , as'reported by the title , abstract , real cstto and loan oflico of J. W. Squire & 0. , Council Bluffa : A Hansbcrgor to H. E. Ramsay. 10 , 20. 21 , 22 , 23 in 88 , all in E , E add city $1,500. Henry Farnam to C. , B. it Q. R. R. Co. , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , G in 75 , sub of Riddle tract-l,300. J. M. Palmer to J. S. Kennedy , 0 , 7 in 55 , R R add city $200. J. A. Chuchill to M. A. Burgess , lot 29 in Johnson's add city $1,000. C. M. Burgess to J. A. Churchill , 10 in 31 , Everetc's addcity-$900. C. M. Bono to J. J. Newton , 51 in Johnson's add citv $500 W T. Thornton to J. F. Peterson , pt s w n w 30 , 74 , 43 8(500 ( , W. T. Henderson to J. M. Palmer , ino34 , 75 , 44-$3,200. Miss Ella Lorenco solicits sowing by the day or week. Call or address her , 4th street , cor. Worth. Michael Lacy offers his two-thirds interest in the old California house , situated near the C. & N. \ \ , railway depot , on lower Broadway , for sale cheap. The house is in a desirable location and can bo purchased nt a great bargain and on easy terms. SPECIAL NOTICES. HELP WANTED. WANTED A good , active boy , from 10 to 18 years old , ono who Is notafrald to work , Oood Wttgcu. Enquire ot thlaolHce. 572-4 WANTED Olrl for general housework In small family ; must he good cook and washer. Wages , $4.00 per w e k. 2118 Hurt St. 670-0 WANTKD A horse , harness and buggy top ped phaeton. Address A. Andrews , COS 18th St. 505-5 WANTED An experienced girl for nn easy place and good wajrcs. Inqulru nt otlUi of Graft Is Montgomery , o > er Omaha National Hank. 508-4 WANTED Olrl forecnernl housework. $5.00 per week will be paid to a thorough ! ) competent girl coining with good recommenda tion. Apply tt southwest corner of California anl21ststs. 507-3 W ; ANTED Cook nnd dining room girl at the Dorau House , opposite Hen Ollicc. 575-tl "ITTAXTED Two girls at French Coffee House , YV 10th street. 510-tf A girl for general housework WANTKD $1.00 per w cck' . Cor. 16th and I-ako street 655 3 A woman cook at the California WANTED ( lood wages paid. 5h8-0 "ITfTANTED Room and Hoard by a gentleman YV and wife on St. Marj'sa\cnuoor vicinity , HUtanto out no objection , Addresa "F. D. " Iteo ollice. 601-3 ANTED To exchange a gold watch ( Amer a lean Watch Co. ) fora 10 or 12gauge lircach 11 ; double t > hot gun , not o\cr BJ pounds weight. Will exchange fora well broke tetter or pointer dog. Address "Niagara , ' ' lice ollice. 55U II WAN FED One or two girls for general house work at Helnelie's restaurant , 13th and Jackhon streets. 652-3 WANTFIJ A stableman in pmato family. Apply at nonthcast corner of 8th and How ard ttrcets. 640-U "X17ANTED A tint-class meat cook to go to YV Laramia City , Apply first door east ' Elkhorn Valley House , Uodgo St. 612-4 "AirANTKD A No. 1 woman cook. AppljHo I YV McCoy , I'oppleton street , nuir Government corral. Wages , 25a month. 637-a3 WANTKD A good fcalcbiuan to take charge of collections and make Bales for the Wheel cr & Wil on Manufacturing Co. None hut com pctcnt men and those ha\lng good references need apply. Call on or address Wheeler & \VII- neil Manufacturing Co. , No. 121 15th ttrcet , Ja cobs , Illock. 6 < 0-tf Fifty tjams at upper reservoir , WANTED . A. 11. HOEL 620-aug 7 'ANTED A good blacksmith. Apply at T. ' M. Tre\ctt , southeast corner of 14th nnd ll'arncy street. 471-tf "ITrANTEDConi | > eteiit cook nnd second lrl VV atiaiBCIilcaifortreet. Good wages. 400-tf lee : of imrcnaslnir. State price. AJdrcss QEO , INMAN , 451-tf _ Vail , Cr * fordCo.Jo . TNFOHSf ATIOJf wanted of Mlchaef Dwjer Inr J mediately bj his mother , Margaret Dwjer , Utnaua ; Neb' , between Oth and 7th on ilnrcy St. , care ol 1'atrlck Ho an. Western papers please copy. 4&3-tf i One m n in a county nukes rao- uey veiling our springs for buggy 'haft couplings. Bond stamp jor terms and cut or 1C * Inktomi * fora pair , toantl-ltattlerSafety Sprli * . Company , * ) lUndolph St. , Chlcago.m-Ui-s tj | ; By man and wife , board and room WANTKD family , Prefer place where there are no other boarders. Address 8. Alice offlte. 452.U B Kills' REAL ESTATE BOOM. See 1st page. ANTED Funding bridge and school bonds. W H. T. Clark , BtUevue. S8-tf ANTED A partner or buyer. Inquire W Philadelphia Coffee House , 10th street. " \X7 ANTED Two boarders. Young men ore- W Imed. Addrtss "A. " Bee office. UO-tt . AT MKa , B. K. OLAHKE-H No. 1 Board ing Iloute. cor. 13th and UoUge Sts. Best In the city. 610-tt Information of the whereabouts WAITED . Johanna Itaiub , who live. ! in Omaha , Neb. , from 1S57 till 1601 , and in St. Jo se | > h , Mo. , ( a * Mrs. ShulU ) iu 1SOJ. Inform * tlouis moro particularly desired o ( her two com , Julius and George Haukh , ( ai it will be ta their Intcrf.t ) by their father , in Helena , Montana. A liberal compensation will be paid to any ono auijtliiK In obtaining the require J information , & 09 8 SPEIJIAL NOTIOES-GontmuBtf FOR RENT-HOUSES AND LAND. MU > KENT A new el ht-roomed liotw. 19th nnJ LoMcMwotth St. Enquire of I ) , Cooke. BOOKHINDKIIY KOI1 SALE An excellent op- portunlty for ftjounir man whhlnirto start InislnsM. For further i > rtlcvilan apply at this ollicc. WI4 tf. "I7IOII IlENT DvvelllnR ef 7 roonn In first-doit Ij orJcr. Inquire nt liw olflco of L. K. Mrifrinn ' ' niock. K-4 II EXT Ihvclllnjr corner 18th and Itnrd FOIl street' , $2.1 per month , 8 rootin , treed well , cistern , t-cllikr , etc. 0. C. 110I1I1IE. 557-4 his rattllnic lonif lists of houm * . loti * lands and fanuj for al . Call and get them. BENT A nicely furnished front room for 11011 1 one or two gentlemen , at 1210 Howard street. f > 33tf I Olt 11EST New lionso Davctitxsrt nnrf lllh _ L streets , J. Johnson. 14th nnd Knrnham tts. BOOtf 710U HKST A hon e of seven roonn on Sout _ J avenue , next toVool orth's lusldencc , J Jolmsoti , Htlinml Karnliam. 499-tf I7IOU KENT S furnished rooinx ou-r 3lei * lj chants' Exchange , ! ? . E. cor. 10th and Dodge streets. 23 ! ) tf FOR BALE. ITUMl SALE A line riding pony , at 412 10th JU St. 674-tf 171011 SAI.I ! llor .o , ImirR.v and harness , Uixn 1 lie --cen at Stm cnoti' Capital Ainuo liixrn I'rli'c , sJJO. E. I * . H.L1S. cw-tr TTWIldALKl'IIEAl' Auood slnslo hung } ' , all I1 In running order. I' . MAXNIXU , 6.M-tf 13th nnd Uounrd street. [ SALE ( MIIUP Die fixture * of the 14th I10H 1 streit Meat Market , Aiinly on the premises. 514-0 \ ' . U. COOM1I1X StIEEl1 roil SAI > i-S\tccn : ! hundred 11COO > hnprotul three mil fourcar old wethers , Cull on or addles * OIDSO.V * JUCO.M11 513-4 OnnhrlilKCi Fujnan C'o. Xeb. EOH SALE Four 8 II' 1 * . ciiKlnug , tno 16 II' 1' . engines , Ono 18 II. 1'crttcnl boiler , oneS S 11. T. , one 10 U I' , nml 1 15 II. l > . horizontal holler , all now. Ily Omaha Foundry and Ma- chlno Company , Omaha , Xeb. inu * ! 75-n23 I7IOR SALE A tlrsU.las milk dairy. Inquire JJ nt this ollicc. 517-nug 27 T71OU SALE A lilaikljioncy , gentle and In ( 'Ood JL condition ; accustomed to silicic harness and fiddle. Apply nt Blue Darn , luth ttrcct , or at City Engineer otllcc. sii-tt Axunny IIOSEWATER. ' FOil SALE CHEAP The only'hote ! In Xorth Loup , Valley County , Xeb..30 mile * from 81- I'.ml , 15 miles from Ord. Good location , good trade and Inipnnlng. For particulars write A. J. C. . Xorth Loup , box 9. 371-nuj-ll HOUSF.S AXD LAXD Bemls rents houses , stores , hotels , farms , late , lands , otllceef rooms , etc , See 1st page , , , And 1'nrasois repaired tiy M UMI1HKIIAS and Famam its. 780tf " 17IOH SALhJ A lar o two story frame shlnglcJ JJ roof Hotel and ono story kitchen ; also one story frame , shingled raof , hell room for ten sets to UaiK-o , and barn largo enough to hold tw cnty teams- All situated on corner of Dread and 4th street , Fremont , Dodge Co. , Neb. For furthei- informitloii apply to C. C. THOMPSON. 853-to s-8 Fremont , Dodge Co , . Neb. "IT10IISALE Good house with four rooms and JL1 half lot , Xo. 2013 Dodire between 20th and 27th btrcct. Good ucll and sh.ido trees ; hou o in good condition. Inquire on premises. 2 1-tt HUCK It SALE. ) 203-tf SALE.ESTAISUOOK & COE. "I7IOH SA'.E A Minll cnfftue , II. W. I'ajncfc JL1 Sou's make. In perfect osdcr. Inriuire of II. U. Clark & Co. SQ-tt SALE Lease and furniture ol a 'Irst-claw- FOIl In a tenn of 1SOO Inhabitants , in state of Nebraska ; has 24 beds ; the traveling men's re sort. Inquire at DEE olllce. 218-tf POK SALE Two-story house and part lot , nea depot. Location good. John L. McCoL-uc Opp PostOflUe. 05S-tf TJ10R SALE 2 acres ground In West Omaha. Jj Inquire of .T. Henry , No. Ill ) 10th. 873-tf "I710II SALE Maps of Douj.'lan and Sarpy eoun- JC ties. A , KOSEWATElt , 1520Karnlmni street 320-tf MISCELLANEOUS. Sunday afternoon on lionaru St. , . child's gold bracelet , marked "Etliet. " Find er will please leave at lice Office. 573-tf TO LEASE Large home and 10 acres of ground , 2J miles north of post ollicc. SHEELYI1HOS. 571-8 CJTRAYED A large bay horse with white star O In forehead nnd one white hind foot Weigh * about 1000 pounds. A libcml reward will ho paid for hb return to Win. Aust , 10th and Web ster. 570 8 rrUKEN UP A black jxjny. Domestic Ilakcry , J , South 10th street. 659-4 rpAKEN UP Near my house on Saturday , nn JL old whlto horeo wjtli blnck epotsbllnd ; In the nglitcje. 1' . 0. IJojson , north side Ltaicnworth street , bet. 7th and 8th. 503-2 TO ARCHITECTS-Wanted by a thoroughly practical man of 25 ytars experience , n hitu- atlon as foreman or superintendent. IB a good draughtsman. Salnrj uqulrid , moderate. Ad dress "Foreman. " lice offlco Omnha 502-8 From 2416 Hnrncy btrect July 28 one largebrlndlo cow , 0 years old. brindcd on hip wIth letter "O. " Hax homo white bpoU on her. An > one giving Information uhcre she Is r return her will be suitably rewarded. 548 tf A. M. CLARK. A XY ONE ha > Ing work for a typo writer can XV. bo accommodated by telephoning the HKII ollice. 4S3-tf EMIS1 REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE. SIn B In page. T KSHTX1NO J. J , McLaln Is still In tno .Lj Lightning Rod business , w liolet > ale and re- tall. Rods put up or repaired on short notice. Orders by mall or otherwise will receive prompt attention. Satisfaction guaranteed Call or ad- druu 1011 Saundcrs street. 4U4-a22 QKf\ \ REWARD Lei > t , gold hunting htop 'ViJw watch , gold rope chain and nugget at tached. The above reward will be paid on re turn of thu watch to HUGH UcOAFFREY , _ 884-tf 15th and Douglas streets. fTVIIKEE or four young men can bo accommoda- .L ted with board. References exchanged. Ap ply 2011 Cass street , 4th door west of 20th bt. , or address llox 337 , iK'ttolllcc. 343f f TT M. BROWN Comer 12th and Chicago -Li. streets , Is ready to bore or deepen wells , batlifictlon guaranteed , 603tf > rilCAMS Can be got at John llarrs ttahlo for JL all kinds of work at reasonable figures , near tor ISthand Lravrnnorthbtrccts. 378-tf DONT FOIIOET The succtwuors ot the Aincr. lean House , on Douglas ttrcct , between Oth and 10th , for board , lodging and transient cus tenters. ltcsp itfully 564-tl JULIUS t LOUISK ROSS. POWDER Absqlutely Pure. Made from Orape Cream Tartar. No other pro arpation makes suih light , flaky hot breads , ! uxurious pastry. Can be eaten by Dtineptlc without fear of t lie Ills resulting from heavy Fndi gestlblc food. Sold only In can . bv all Grocers. UOVAL BAKING J'0\VlEU CO NewYort.