Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 04, 1881, Page 6, Image 6

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Tor Supplying Itself Wit
Water ,
Some Interesting Facts fo
Growing Towns ,
A IllnstrftUnR the Way They a
ThhiRi In the Lnlicsldo City-
IMItor OrnMm Itcc.
For the benefit of thai portion <
your subscribers living in Counc
Bluffs , I beg you to reproduce th
cutting from tlio "Times : " "J
the city council of this city woul
abandon its idolatrous worship of tli
gentlemen from Now York , who com
I . to them with n flourish of trumpet :
" * * to spend millions in the erection (
trntcr works , for the benefit of th
city hoping for nothing :
cept the glory of being permitted. . i
squander their wealth in the oructio
if ) these water works , and devote tli
money of the citizens to the crcctio
( } of works which they would then r
i ; Chicago deus now own. It woul
" appear o the v-Titor thai they woul
be conserving the interest of the pet
plo who elected them to their ollicei
i < > a greater extent than the
present methods will do. Tli
r. artesian well sunk lately by M
B. Conrad Geisso , would scoin to tl
writer to indicate n way by which tl
citizens of this place could bo ollecti
ally , certainly and cheaply furnislu
xrith'an inoxhaustnblo supply of pit
ivntcr. Lot the council uovoto fi
, three years annually the amount <
money they will pay annually to tl
water works' ' company , for all time ,
the sinking of artesian well a of a larj
diameter and the laying of pipes , ar
I venture to say'at the end of the
three years this city will have a su
ply of water practicably inoxhaustibl
of the purest quality , entirely suf
cicnt for the need of the city for year
and have it all paid for with i
mortgage on the property of the ci
and its citizens. CILIZF.N
From the Chicago Times : ,
There is a demand for a high-pro
sure water service in the business po
tion of the city. This demand is thrc
fold the owners of water elevate
and other hydraulic machinery cor
plain that the city's water is not BUJ
plied in a sufficient head for their pu
purposes ; the fire department wan
the assistance that a separata wat
supply would afford , and the conve
ienco that a high-pressure eorvic
making every hydrant an engine '
considerable power , would supply ; tl
citizens generally complain that tl
largo volume of water used for watc
engines impairs the efficiency of tl
service in their homes and the
places of business.
The demand can bo supplied oith
by the city or by a private corpoi
tion authorized to supplement t !
municipal -water. The city engine
is preparing specifications and es
mates for the undertaking on the pa
of the city , and a corporation h
been formed and is now asking t !
city to bo allowed to do the woi
Which of the two shall do it ?
( The citizens of Chicago constitute
mutual water supply company. Tin
have invested nearly G.000.000 in tl
necessary plan ; more than naif of tli
thep have already paid , and near
$4,000,000 they utill owe. For tl
maintenance of the work , they assc
themselves such water rents as w
pay all the operating expenses , oxtoi
the works from year to year , keep tl
capital investment 'good , pay the i
tercst on the bonds , and redeem the
as they fall duo. Thn business of su
plying tlio city with water
AB the corporation does the work
organized on the mutual and not <
the stock plan , there are no dividon
to declare , but every member of tl
company gets his share of the prof
in a reduction of his water rents. .
present the earnings of the conco
are expended in extending the wor
and taking care of jlhu debt. If i
works wore not extended the pro ! )
-would bo distributed in the shape ol
reduction of the rents. After a f <
years the redemption of the bon
will leave the water oflico in posse
session of a largo surplus , unless t
rents are materially reduced , win
will , of course , bo done as that is t
only way in which the profits can
divided among the owners of t !
How profitable the water businc
is can readily bo soon from tho.last a
nual reports of the city engineer 01
the comptroller. The water rents f
1880 actually collected during th
year amounted to ? 823,103 18 ,
which sum is to bo added a balance
the credit of the water oflico at t !
"beginning of the year of over half
million , delinquent rents collect
and other sources of revenue , nmki :
a total income of § 1,425,239 55. 0
of this tlioro wore paid for oporatii
and oflico expons'cs , repairs , shops ai
stables 8200,33055. It will bo u
served that the
for the year and the cost of carryi
on the works was moru than 8G50,0 (
Uosldea the cost of carrying on I
works there was paid no less tli
9204,035 50 for the extension of I
works , thatis. . for pipe-laying , mote
hydrants , and stop-cocks. Furth
more , there was paid in interest
bonds $282,873 03and , $291,000 i
'expended in reducing the principal
the debt.
It must bo remembered that i
water office is wholly distinct fr
the other departments of the e
government so far as its finances
.concerned it takes nothing from
tax levy ; it pays its own way , ji
vides for its own interest , and ta
up iU own bonds. . As all its rovon
are collected from the water users ,
nil its promts are expended for
onefit of the Bamo class.
The balance to the credit of
water fund at the end of last year
$208,01200. Tljo July intoi
amounted to $170,000 , and after r
ing this the amount to the credit
the fund on Monday last was 3
000. council has docidoi
buy two now puinpinu-onginoa wit
capacity of fifteen million gallons a
each. No tax will bo collected
this purpose ) the engines will be pnl
for out of the earnings of the watc
ollice ; there is on lianaas _ just shown
nearly enough < o do this at once.
will take a couple of years to buil
the engines , and by that time th
earnings will have amounted t
enough to pay for them and leav
another largo accumulation on han
to bo nppfied to the still farther o >
tension of the works , or to the rcdu <
tion of the rents , as may then I
deemed best.
But there is one portion of th
water service that is
is jioun ruoriTAiiLn THAN TUB nnsi
A comparison of the water rents wit
the total amount of water supplic
last year shows that the city receive
on an average a little less than $4
for each million gallons of water d <
livcrcd. But for all water dolivcre
through meters the city gets $80 pi
million gallons. The meter systei
includes all water used for clevatoi
and other hydraulic engines , and fc
I all water served to hoteln. The mct (
system is to bo found mainly in tl
business portion of the city. Dunn
the twelve months ending last Apr
the city received for water deliverc
through meters in that portion of tli
South side that lies north of Va
Huron struct $114,000. There woi
at the end of last year 200 water eli
valors in the city , and the city r <
ceived during the year for water usi
in oporatirm thcso elevators § 271
150 70. In May last there were ! {
water elevators in that portion of tl
South side north of Von "Huron stree
and three elovat6rs wore usinc near
two million gallons of water dail
Water engines are rapidly increasing
and it is estimated that during t ]
coming year the city will receive fi
water used for mechanical purpos
in that part of the South side north
Van Duron street 8100JOOO.
The water service in the dowi
town portion of the city is the mo
profitable part of it , not only bccau
the city gets a higher price for tl
water , but because it ia obviously le
expensive to supply n billion galloi
in an area of one-half a square mi
than to supply the same amount >
water in an area of three square mile
The city has determined to add tv
pumping engines to the wcst-sii
water-works , to bo engaged mainly i
doing the least profitable part of tl
water business the supply of wati
in the residence part of the city , sea
tored over a largo area , and neceas
tating long pipe lines , for domost
the privilege of doing the most profi
able part of the work that of suppl ;
ing water for mechanical purposes i
the business portion of the city ?
As stated above , the city is no
supplying some two million gallons <
water daily for elevator alone on tl
south side north of Van Buron streo
As the use of these machines is it
creasing , it is within bonds to ossun
that during next year it will supp !
ch'ht hundred million gallons <
water for this purpose and in this di
trict. It is believed in the water o
fice that the rents of water for all in
chanical purposes in this district tl
coming year will amount to $100,00
which means 1,250,000,000 gallon
Eight hundred million gallons of wat
moans receipts at the water oilio
$04,000. The cost of the doliverii
water from the north-side works la
year was $3G8 per million gallon
This would make the cost to tlio cii
of supplying water for elevators 01
year in the district designated $4,54 ,
leaving the city a gross profit of $59
450. True , the cost given above
only the cost of operating the work
it does not include repairs , oflico o :
ponces , or debt charges. But so f.
as this particular service is concern )
the gross profit , for the city lias i
mams , and it must take care of thci
it must keep up the water oflico , koi
the engines in repair , pay the inture
on the same amount of bonds , and i
doom , ultimately , the same amount
debt. All that thogcity can saro 1
not furnishing this water is the
so that to put the whole thing in
nut shell , it comes to this ; If tl
city lots somebody else furnish th
water it will save $4,514 in oxponsi
and lose $04,000 , in receipts. Bi
thcso figures give only n general idi
of the efl'ucts on the finances of tl
water ollicu that tlio establishment
a private water company will 'Imv
for thorn is no reason why a man li
ing on the north side of the stro
should buniod it. The establishing
of private water works at a high prc
sure than the city's works ailbn
means that all water for mechanic
purposes is to bo supplied bythe pi
vato company , unless it is wanted
so remote n point that the priva
company can find no profit in suppl
ing it , and in that case the city wou
be permitted to do the work.
Iho high-pressure service is noodo
The use of water elevators is bccomii
very common , and would become st
more common if the water sorvi
wcro satisfactory , There is a goi
deal of light machinery that could 1
run with n water iiressure of six
pounds , and would bo run with
wore such a power available , th
abating in a great degree
But the pressure in the business pi
of the city is now only twenty-two
throe pounds , and there is great di
culty in operating hydraulic elevate
Lately several owners of buildii
have put tanks on the roof and in t
basement of their buildings , and w
steam pumps force the water to top
their buildings in order to got the i
qutsito head , In this way the clmi
for water is reduced because the sai
water ii used over and over aga
With a low pressure the power of t
elevator is low , and more trips have
bo made to do a given amount of wo
this consumes more water and
creases the nxppnse , It is pretty e
dent that the city can not retain 1
Tiusinoss of supplying the motive po\
for water elevators unless it furnisl
it at a higher pressure than at prcso
The gontloinon who are Booking
thority to establish private works
sist stronoously on this when they
told that the city ought not to abam
the most profitable part of the w <
it of Hupplymg water. They also ini
that the establishment of their wo :
will not reduce the income of the \
tor office BO much as the figures
ready given indicate. In this art !
the authorities for the estimates
jjivon , and if the figures are too h
ir for the present , they will certainly
far within the bounds in the ne.i
future. The precise amount of wati
now used for mechanical purposes i
not essential to a correct understam
ing of the question ; it is certain tlu
amount is largo ; that it is supplied
higher rato.of profit as compared wit
water supplied for general purpose !
and as compared with the actual coi
> f pumping the water , which is a
hat the city can save by withdrawal
voni the business , Hence it follov
'iat ' tlio withdrawal of the city froi
'rom this part of the water suppl
, 'ould reduce the receipts in a f :
realer degree than it would 'rcdui
in expenses , and hence it would
f the water olllco. On the othi
and , it may bo conceded that the :
hould bo the high-prcssuro servic
, nd that at present rates this sorvii
rould bo much less profitable than tl
ircscnt service , because it would co
great deal moro to give thoadditio :
ressuro , and because at the high prc
uro less water would bo needed tlu
s needed at the presnnt pressure ,
nay bo farther conceded to the pr
oscd water company that the ind
miidont supply and the high pressu
t'-mld materially increase the ellicic
sy of the fire department in conti
uncles that might arise.
With its present works the city ci
ot furnish this high-prcssuro suppl
iVith an average head of a huiidri
'cot or n little more , the pressu
lown town is but twenty-two or Hir
> Diimls , To give sixty pounds tl
icad would have to bo increased , f
11 the water served to the whole cit
learly threefold. If it costsin rom
numbers , $113,000 to raise the wat
o its present head it would cost soin
hing over $300,000 to give the i
quired head. But this is on ossuin
ion , which is not true , that the stan
lipus and machinery would need i
Iteration , and it ignores the scrio
matter of leakage. Leakage is simp
Heritable , and it is an element
omo magnitude. To increase the ho
if water threefold would bo to incrca
ho leakage through hundreds of mil
> f pipe ninefold. It is safe to s
hat the high-prcssuro scrvicocan on
10 rendered by
nd independent pipes. Thoquestii
! s narrowed down to the one wheth
ho city or a private corporation shou
iuild these works. Were the city n
Ircady in the water business ser
priori objection might bo made
he city's engaging in any kind
business. But the city is already
ho wrtor business ; it has a capital
learly $9,000,000 invested in it , ai
t has a bonded debt of nearly $4,00 (
XX ) to pay interest on , and ultimate
o redeem. To abandon the me
iroGtable part of the business to a
ither concern is to depreciate tl
'aluo of its own investment , unless
las got to go to a greater expense
etain this part of the business tin
ho profitableness of it warrants.
The high-prcssuro works would co
rom a quarter to half a million d <
ars. The advocates 6f the priva
: orporation say that it would requi
.ho . latter of those sums to put
iroper engines and large pipes ; ci
flicials who are in a position to spot
with authority say that adequn
works can bo put in for the form
sum. Allowing for the greater pi
portionato increased expanse of doi
work on a small scale , and for t
iroportionatoly increased expense
lumping water with a pressure
ixty instead of twenty-three poum
t will cost to pump water at the hi
pressure , say , four times what it ni
: osts to pump it , or $22 77 per inilli
gallons. The present price is $
per million gallons. Out-of the d
erenco would have to come all t
iffico and other expenses and the * ]
urn on the capital. A supply of tin
trillion gallons a day for thrco hu
drcd days in the yoir , would en
$72,000. aud cost for pumping $21
448 , leaving $51.552 for all" other t
lenses and profits. Allowing $15,5
'or repairs and general oxponsi
.hero . would bo loft aa the return
japital $30,000 , or 7.2 per cent.
dollars. The gentlemen who wn
' ; ho privilege of putting up wal
Yorks are careful business men , a
o beonthe'Rafe ' side they estinui
t much smaller demand for wal
rom their worku than nine linmlr
nillions gallons n year , and no prof
at all for a year or two. Doubtli
.hoy are right in underestimating i
itcad of overestimating the value
ho business they propose to uiul
ako. But if the city was roceivi
n May at the rate of $ J8,000 a yet
ir thereabouts , for water supplied I
ilovators idono , and siiiiply in t
district bounded by the river , t
"ako and Van Buron street , and tl
; oo , when the water service was u
satisfactory , the figures above giv
would bo realized in the near ftitu
The gentlemen who ro proposing
; o into the water supply business n
n communication with a manufi
turor who says he will coino to t !
city and establish a new business , a
take two million gallons of watoi
day , if he can got it at sixty pour
pressure , and at a * low rate. This
mentioned merely to show the po :
bilities of this business of supplyi
water ui a high pressure.
It was stated u little while ago tl
the question was narrowed down
whether the city or a private corpo
lion should build the proposed wor
Really the question is narrower tli
that. The promoters of the priv
water-works scheme says that the c
ought to do the work , but if the c
will not supply what is demand
private citizens should be allowed
do so. The question , therefore ,
narrowed down to
Of course no money can bo born
ed , for the constitutional limit of I
municipal debt has boon reached ;
spreading the cost of the works o
two or throe years the expense mi ;
bo provided for in the general app
nriation bills just as the cost of i
Bridgeport works was provided foi
the last appropriation bill. To
this money would have to bo tul
that is needed for other purposes ;
would pay Peter only by robb
1'nul , The thing can bo done , hi
over. But it is far from certain t
the expenses could not be mot fr
the earnings of the water ofiico.
is true that these earnings are already
charged with the cost of the two on-
gi cs it has been decided to add to
the west eido ptnnpiiijj-works. Tlio
water oflico has now to its credit the
sum of $313,000 , or very nearly
enough to pay for the two new engines
and tlio cost of enlarging the engine-
Inuse , and it will bo two years before
iio payment f f this. > yord will have
o bo completed. During tlicso Iwo
eara the earnings of the water oflico
fill go on accumulating. Last year
lie difference between the cost of
carrying on the water-works plus the
ntcrest payment i and the current
ovonuo of $920.000 , which d cs not
nchido the total receipts of the office ,
vas $432,000. For two years , not al-
owing for any increase , it would bo
" 801,000. True , this is not all net
refit , as thcro are somp other expon-
es to bo taken out of it , and not all
ho act of profit would bo available
or the erection of now works , as the
est of pipu extunlions is taken out of
ho earnings of the office. But it is
isrtainly close to the facts to say that
ho city might erect the high-pressure
pumping , works
n the water ollico , and pay for the twc
low Westsidu engines out of the carti
ngs of the cilice , available for that
mrposo , between the present time anil
ho time when those engine's go intc
It is assumed hero that the charge
'or high-pressure service would bo the
same that it now is for the relatively
"ow-prcssuro service ; but'if business
nun can afford to pay $80 per million
gallons for water at less than thirtj
) ounds pressure ( and thcro would be
10 complaint of the service wore il
lone at two or three pounds lessV
.hoy could afford to pay considerably
nero for water at the proposed preS'
sure of sixty pounds. The cost of tin
"ligh pressure service would bo mucli
jreator than than that of the present
Boryice. Water is cheaper hero thai :
t is anywhere else. While Chicagc
charges only 8 cents for a thousand
rations , Louisville and Cincinnati
ilmrgo 15 cents. Providence and Bos' '
.on charge 30 cents , and the average
charge made in forty cities in thii
country and Canada is.about 29 cents ,
3ut the fact that capitalists are willing
o do the work at the rates now
sharped by the city , besides giving
.ho . city as much water as the fire-on
; ines want , shows that the present lo\\
ates need not bo increased to maki
ho two ends meet.
As to the proposal of Messrs" Hale ,
Jowlea and Pike , to erect l\igh-pres'
sure pumping-works , give the city ai
ho water it wants in coses of lire ,
charges the same for their water thai
, ho city docs , and give the city thi
option of buying the works after t
loriod of years at a valuation , it may
) o said that if the city will not or can-
lot build these works itself , this plan
s probably the next best thing.
No Matter "What Happens
Yon may rest assured that you are safe ir
) cmg iipccilily cured by THOMAS' ECLEC ,
Tiuu OIL in all C.ISCH of rheumatism , ncu1
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Of all medicines advertised to cun
my affection of the Throat , Chest o :
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ommcnd so highly as Du. KING'S NEV
DiHcovEitr for Consumption Coughs
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medicine can show one-half so man ;
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already been effected by this trulj
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means give it a trial. Trial bottle ;
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There ore Martyrs to headache who might lj
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Tlio Btomich. until Its rvcirpvrath
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otlciiclcr , Tlio nso ol this a ] > crlent will earr
o ( naturally , and almost litiiurcuptllilv , the o
lending rausc. Thudutcato U remot ed and th
liead tuucs to ache , auiM
801,1) IIY AM. UUUfiOISTIt
To Nervous Sufferers
Dr. J. B. Simpson's Spocifl
It I ) & ponitnocuro lor Sparnmtorrhca , Semln :
WcoUirss. ImpotAiicy , nnd all dUeaaes resultln
Iron ) Ml-Ahusc , an Mental Anxiety , I-osa-
Memory , 1'alns In tlio llaek or Blilu , and disease
' that load t
Insanity an
Tim bpeclll
being use
w nh wonile
lul success.
sent Irte to all. Write lor them and get lull pu
tlcuhr * ,
I'rite , Specific , $1.00 per package , or lx pad
age * lor $3.00. AiUruss all orders to
Ko > . 104 and 100 Main KL llullalo , N. Y.
SoM In Omaha by 0. F. Qoodinan , J. W. Del
1 , K tub , and all ilruwliUoerywhcru.
* ' - " 'T
_ _ _ _ _
Business College ,
GEO. R. RATHDUN , Principal.
Creighton Block ,
X3"SenJ ( or Circular , nov 0l w
For terms Address Dr. Stevom
Parker , warden of Racine College
Racine , Wis. jy 22-liu
MRS. ,
Graduate o ! the St. L u I School ot Mtduirci , i
1508 California Street , Between Fifteen !
and Sixteenth , .
north tide , nherv call * Mill lie promptly rospotu
eil to at auy hour Uurin.1 the day or night.
Cash Jobbers and Retailers of
Lonsdale , Fruit Hill , and other well-known brands of Muslin at 8 l-2c a yard.
Best quality unbleached muslin , 7 l-2c. Pillow case muslins , lOc. Wide
sheeting muslins , at wholesale prices , Linen sheetings from.
from $1,00 to $1.50 per yard. .Very best prints , fast
colors , 5c , Very best ginghams , 8 l-2c.
Another Case Black Buntings , 8 l-2c. Thirty pieces new dress
goods , lOc.
In this lot will bo found all desirable colors in ALL SILK GRCS GRAIN , SATIN AND GROS GAIN , AND FINE
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No Such Ribbon Bargains were ever before Shown
fine Dress Buttons at lOc card two and throe dozen card , all sizes and over a thousand different
dozen on a
12,000 a JJ * vs * * * * l bvr uuitVt UAUV&VfAU
designs ; worth from from thirty to fifty cents a card.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fm
. . ,
1412 Farn. St.
Omaha , Neb.
Two Mcdala anil a Diploma ot Honor , with the
very highest award the Judges could bestow WM
awarded this harncM at the Centennial Exhibi
tion ,
Common , also Ranchmen's and Ladles' SAD
DLES. Wo Keep the largest stock In the wist ,
and Inrlto all who cannot examine to tend for
price * . apflt
In the Circuit Court ot the United Stntci , ( or the
the DUtriU ol Nebraska :
At n session of tlio Circuit Court o ! the United
States , tor the DUtrkt ol Nebraska , continued
nnd held pursuant to adjournment , at the United
States court room In the city ol Omaha , on the
16th day ol June , l&jl , the lion. Klnier H. iMimly
belli ; ; present and presiding in fcaid court ,
thu lollonln auioii other proieedlnj , were had
ami iloue , to-wit :
So. C3 0.
Sherman W. Knc\al8 , complainant , vs. Hdnord
Hill , Mcliln Kill , Auuea lllll , Ahin Hill , Flora
Hill , John lllll , guardian ol minor defendants.
In ehaneery , Order on absent diteiidanU.
And now , on thU 15th day ol Juno A. I ) . 1SS1 ,
belli'at ; the May term , A , 1) . 1831 , of the Mil
court. It hat In ; , ' been made to appear to the tat-
litactlon ol thu uuiil court , that this it a , mit
commence * ! ta enforce an omiitahlo claim upon
real property within the bald district , ami that
Kdnard Hill , Meltln lllll , Agnes lllll , AH 111
Hill , Flora. Hill , John Hill , KUardlan ol
minor defendants herein are not
Inhabitants of. and ha\o not been found within
the Bald dlntrUt. and line \oluHtarilyap- -
IH'arod In thUimlt , on motion of James M. Woolworth -
worth , r > ) . , Bolkltor ( or the tald complainant , It
U considered by the court and ordered that the
said defendants abe > o n&iugd bo and they are
hereby directed to appear and plead , answer , or
demur to the compUInant'ii bill ol complaint , on
or before the flint day ol Auirutt , 1881 , and that
In default thereof , an order be entered In
cause , taking the nald bill pro confciuo.
It Is further ordered by the court that
twenty d j U'foro the laid lint day el AC-
irust , 1SS1 , a copy ol thU order bo Ecr\ed upon
Kduard Hill , McUIn Hill. Agnes Hill , Alvln
L'lll , Flora lllll , John Hill , guardian ot
the Raid defendants. whenever found ,
II practicable , and also upon the per.
on or ) persons In poaseiulon or charge ol the
real property described In complainant's bill of
complaint. If any thcro be , and that a certified
cepyolthls order Vo published ( or ( our consccu-
th w e k In e "Ouuvlia Iteo.1
( Signed ) EU1EK S. DUNDY ,
I. Watson tt Smith , clerk o ( the Circuit court
ol the United States lor the district ol Nebraska ,
do hereby certify , that the above and lorcgolngls
a true cony ol an order entered upon the
Journal ol the proceeding ol tald court , In the
caube therein entitled : that I have compared the
same with tlu original entry ol eald order , and It
Is a true transcript therefrom , audol the whole
Witness , my official signature , and the
( SEALJ seal ol naUl court , at Onuha. In kald
Ui.trkt , this 16th darol June , A. o.'bl.
Je 29 It Solicitor for Plallntifl.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
the Oldest Wholesale and
Retail Jewelry House in
Omaha. Visitors can here
find all novelties in Silver
Ware , Clocks , Rich and
Stylish Jewelry , the La
test , Most Artistic , and
Choicest Selections in
Precious Stones , and all
descriptions of Fine
Watches at as Low Pri
ces as is compatible with
honorable dealers , Call
and see our Elegant New
Store , Tower Building ,
corner llth and Farn-
ham Streets
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
ra mm & EM ,
General Agents for the
Finest and Best Pianos and
Organs manufactured.
Our prices are as Low as
any Eastern Manufacturer
and Dealer.
Pianos and Organs sold
for cash or installments at
Bottom Prices.
A SPLENDID stock of
Steinway Pianos , Knabe
Pianos , Vose & Son's Pi
anos , and other makes.
Also Clough & Warreu ,
Sterling , Imperial , Smith
American Organs , &c. Do
not fail to see us before pur
- XKT -
Ladies' ' Suits , Cloaks , Ulsters , Circulars , Etc , ,
200 Handsome Suits , at $5.00 ; 300 Stylish Suits , $10.00 ; ,
75 Black Silk Suits , $17.00.
Wo have several lota of staple goods which will bo offered at
All ladies should avail themselves of this great sale ofj
Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings ,
A. L , STRANG , 205 Farnam St. , Omaha.