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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1881)
THE OJMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , AUUUST J. 1881. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. riNANCIAI. . JIONF.Y AND STOrKs. NEW YORK. August 3. Money closed nt 2J@3 jttr cent. Kxchangc close < l steady at $1 8 : % 4 85. Governments closed firm. Currency ( ! , 1 30 bid ; fours coup. 1 101 bid ; IJs do. 1 14J ; 5i continued , 1 02 ; Texas do , I 02fs PaclKc railroad bonds easier , firt 1 18J to 1 1 ! ; land . , -nnts 110 to 1 20sinkimfunds ; , , 1 2SJ tn 130 ; central * . 1 15 ? to 1 lOj. STOCKS. Stock market was quiet in tone and fclioued a tendency to advance ; railroad stocks strong and linn at the and i i * , i , _ _ u. . . . . opening . : v-- . . . T _ . Almost every stock advanced from 5 to 1 ier cent , thine allowing the greatest Im- jtorveinent falling considerably , lunv- ever. Later calls to a great extent was brokers' market and outsiders were not prominent. The afternoon dealings * how4 cd a general falling elf from the mornlngV advance but the closing price * of active .stocks were i to 2\ per cent alxive the opening prices. The continued rumors of the trunk line meeting had little effect , The following are the closing bids : A & T 50 L , NA&C. . . 95 Preferred . . . . 05 MO 1011 CCitlC 22J Mol'uc 1OT C S 0(1 ( ML8&OW. . M\ \ O & A 140 Northwestern. . 10G > C P 03 * Preferred. . . . 139 C 0 C k I. . . . 113J XJ C ! > 7 | O F 25 NY 0 14IJ 124 ? NPa 40j D& lUo . . . .10l5 ! Preferred. . . . 81 Eric . 44J OC 28 } do preferred. . 5(1 ( Oiegon Xav..UV1 Preferred . . . . 8(5 ( PPCar Co . . .140 K & W . 50J Kock Island. . . . 138 Adams Kxp..KC > St P 115 WKKxp . 12(1 ( HtL&sr 50 American K\p. 831 Preferred. . . . 75 U. S . 08 1st pfd 108 21. It St.T . 1131 StP&D 38 Pref'd . 1151 , Preferred. . . . 87 II k T . ! > 7 HPM&.M..101 III Cent . 1373 UP 1'2\ ( ! IBirW . 57 \\'k V K k T 442 Wab , t Ppfd. L. S 125jf W U Tel. . . . . . . MINING STOCKH. Following are the _ closmjj imitations for . * . mining stocks at the New Vork mining board : ' Amie. . . . 43 Ot M 53 Moulder 20 U Elephant. . . . 20 Bull Domingo. . 180 Cons Vir UK ) C Arizona 'JOO XStnndarJ. . . . 14 California ! K > Imperial 13 liibcrnia lit Hibernla. . . . . . . (52 ( Leadville 140 Stnndanl 23J Iron Silver 225 NnMijo 70 Uunkin ( iO rnadillu 8 Little Chief..150 Arizona 2 ClllUAdO JIO.VKY MAHKKT. C'iiic.\no , August 3. Demand for money was fair and rates shade easier nt 5 per cent on call and < iIf ( 7 per cent on time' Loanable funds in good Mupnly. Eastern exchange between rity banks was pretty steady nt 75cdiscount on 51,000. The dealing of the a wciated banks were ? H,100,000. Oalcr.s for cur rency were rather Jight. Omaha "Wholo.salo Marieot. OITICK OF TIIK OMAHA lHr : , 1 WetlncsJaj * Evening , Angiiit 3,1881. J Grain market firm ; advanced \ 2c ; corn advanced le , oats advanced Ic ; barley and rye unchanged. Live stock quiet and unchanged. Provisions bteady ; butter ndvanced 2ffit 5c ; eggs are quoted 2\c \ higher than yes- tenlay. Apples declined 1 00 per bid. ; blackberries - berries , scarce nnd ad\anced 25c. _ . ,1'otatijeJ , scarce , but price unchanged. , } Lemons , ' ; we.ik'ouotatio'ns ivmaiiuthe t - at * . . , , ' * v j- \ name as yesterday. ' * Dry goods , groceries , Imrdwaie , lumber , < lrugs , paints , oils , &c. ruled firm and un changed. Flour firm and slightly higher. -KYK. CaBh-70c. " CORN. Cash No. 2 , 373e. 1 OATS.-Cash.3lc. Livestock. Cattle Wo quote ns follown : I'utcli- er's cows , S3 25(2:3 ( : 50 ; choice hutchem , * teers , S3 75@4 00. Sheep CIIMM ! mutton in fair demand. S3 503 ; 75. Hoga We quote as follows ; Light packera , $4 70(5,5 ( 50 ; medium mixed packers , S5 00@5 25 ; extra choice heavv , 15 25@5 50. Provisions. FLOUll Spring wheat , straight grade , ? 275s300 ( ; patent , S3 C0@4 50 ; winter wheat straight grade , S3 50@3 73 ; patent , S4 00@4 50 ; graluim rye , § 2 23 ; Wheat , "JIYK FLOUR S3 25. MILLSTUFKS-liran , per cwt. 50c ; acreeninga. per cwt. 70@80c ; hortn , per cwt.GOc ; chojiped feed , per cwt. 75c ; meal bolted , yellow , SOc ; white , OOc. POTATOKS-New , SI 25 per bushel. POULTUY Live chickens per dozen , $3 50 ; old , spring chickeiiH , S.'t W ) . KGGS Shippers count , 12Ac. 1JUTTKU Choice , 1018 ; t > oor , no market - ket ; creamery , 25c. APPLKS-Good. hnnnd , SI 00 ( 4 50 per bbl. HONEY Extracted , fn-Ht-class Calif- crnin. Htrained , 15o. LEAIONS Goud repacked per box , $0 00 ; best , ? 10 00. BLACKUKKHIKS Per cnt-e. SI 00 , tomatoes , per bunhel. & 2 00 ; California pearw , per bux , S't 00 ; California plnnm , 32 75 ; California iieacheH , Sll 00 ; Call- fornia grapes , Rt OOfc'M 50 ; watermeliiuri , per 100 , 1C 00. 1SLUEHKK1UESPercase , ? 2'73. VEGETAHLKS kind * bring go , Vriceif. 11KKSWAX Yellow , lBT ( < 520i * . OXIOXS-Per bbl. 81 00. " Grocers List , COFFEE. Itio , lair , lll..c ' ; Kio , Koi 14c ; llio , prime to choice , f4lc ; Old gov , Java ; 2iii < < ! ; 2Jicl ( 'Mocha , 2Hlc.Aibiicklo's 17ic.TEAS. TEAS. Gunpowder , good , 45f f5."c Choice , ( ) © 75c ; Imperial , good , Choice , ( Wfe75c ; Young Jljvonood , j 50c ; choice , G.ic@l 00 ; Japan Nat Leaf 35e ; Jajian , choice , fiO&i7r ( c ; Oolong , go. 35@40 ; Oolong , choice , 40@/i5 ; Soucho good. 35rtiilOc ; choice. 35(5 ( } J.-c. SUOAHS. Cut loaf , lljc ; Cruhhed lljc ; Oronulatcil ; 10'c ; Powdered , llje I' ine iwwdered , 1J He ; Standard Colfeo A JO c ; New York Confectioner's Standan A , 10c ; OoiKl A , lOc ; Prairie Extra C 9 Jo SYRUPS.-Sugar house , bbls , 45c ; ha ! 47c ; kegs , \ \ gallons , S2 30 ; cholc la'fl' ' ; keg ,81 85 .PepiHr , 1'Jl ; Allspice , 20o Cloves , 45c : Nutine- , ' * , 00 : Cutnia , 25c > Mace 81 00. - IB > , ? 3 00 ; Clmrch'u , S1 ! 00 ; kejf sixla , STAKOJf.-Pearl , 3c ; Silver ( How , 7 | (28C ; Corn Starch , S Bic ; Kxi-elilof Glo8 * . Cjc ; Com. 7c. SALT. Dray load- , per bbl , 1 00 ; Adi- ton , in sackn , 3 50 ; bbln diilry ( X ) , 5s , 3 45 ; bbladaiir , 100,3 .3 C5. > UltlEU FJtUlTS-ChoJce halves , leaches , new crop , 7c ; E amiruUxl A ppW " 50 Jl buxiy , i\f \ ( i 12c ; Micldgan , Olc- New "Yorkapplci.CJcjSt.LoujBXo.ljSc ; Prunes old , lie ; new , 7iS7cj Currant. ! , 7@7Ao ; BlackbeiTio-i. new , lOc. OJIKKSJJ-Full Cream , lOc ; Part Skim , { lo. WOODEXWAHE-Two hoop pails- 1 85 ; three hooji \ > Mt , 2 10 ; Xo. I tub * y 00 ; Xo. 2 tub * , , 8 00 ; Xo. 3 tube , 7 00 ; nloiicor wftihliodttl * , 18 , " ! Double Crown- a 75 : Ulol o WnoWtn.wl.2fiO : Well buckets chain , And "tjily , ITOJ 'JIJ ; Coloretl cnri > et chain , i > cr II' , 2ti ; IiKAD-ltar , ? ! CM. MATCHKS 1'er eaAMt , S.c ; round " 1'KOVISIOXSUrcakfiwt bacon. 12 choice lartl , 13Jci tlrieil bee18Jc ; h iild , cil 8c ; , cnn\ii-Q * .l ll' c ; bacon. Mlo < 11 ] c XKW 1'irivLr.SMwlinm , In K-int-N , . 'OO ; ( lAinhnlf libls I ' > , ' MimlN , In bbN , l' 00i iln , In half hbk lir > 0 ! f-hcrkin * . in bblIS 00) ) do , In half bl-K 7 Ol ) . VINK(5AK 1'iire apple extra , Ific ; tiUro ajijtle. 13c : Vmi ! iip pure niple , Iftc. HOMINY v , S.t Po IHT bbl' UKAXH Mwlimii , haiul picked Si CO per Innliel. nOl'K Si al , j inch and larger , Ojc:3 1 S.1 * : Kirk's ,1'ralrlC Queen , (100 ( cakes ) , 3 -10 ; Kirk's magnolia , 3 00. ' ( . AXUI.KS lJnMM , 40 Ibs Ifi or. , Ss , .Tcjlmxci 40 Ibs. , 10 IMS. , ? > * . 13c ; boe40 ets , 14 oz. , 8t , I'-'Jc ; half boxes 'JO cets 14 or. , 8s , 1 C. LYK-Amencan , 3 35 : Orernwlch , 3 XV Western , S 75j North Star , 2 TiO ; Lewis' lye. 4 CO ; Jewell lye , 2 75. 1'OTASH I'cnuiylvaula cans 4 di . , In ciuic , 3 ' ! . * > ; Knbbitt'x Hall , 2 doz. in CAKC , 1 SIO ; Anchor 1U1I 2 tlor. in ca. e , 1 TiO. J'lKI.D SKKIlied cli.UT , choice , new , $530 l > er buslicl ; inainiuoth diner , now. 5.170 : white clo\er , new , $1400 ; al.alfi clnver , new , PILTO ; aloike , new , 313 00. Timothy , good , new , 82 fiO@2 05 ; blue grass extjn clean , 81 25 ; blue Kriw , L-le.-in , $1 15 ; orchanl gra , $200 ; ml top , choice , C5c ! millet , common or Missouri , SI 25 ; millet. Ccrman , $1 25 ; ' to $1 50 ; llumrarinn , Si 15. HKURKSKKD Osage ornnce , 1 to 5 lmliel , $5 00 ; o- < age orange , 10 uunhcls or oxer. $1 50 ; honey locust , per Ib. , 35c ; per 100 Ihs. . S2Ti 00. JU lit Kll , I * < , A VIV Jlllllibllll IIVIIIIIK , | > VI keg , 1 20 ; Unssliin oardincs , 75c ; Colui"- bin river salmon , per lOOlbsi , 8 01) ; CJeorge's Bank codfish , Oc ; ( icn. boneles-s codfish ; SJc ; boneless lish , 4 0. MACKEREL Half bbls messmackerel , 100 His , $12 50 ; hfbbl No. 1 ex shore do , 100 Ibs , 0 00 ; hf bbls , fat family tin , 100 Ibs , 3 85 ; mess mackeivl , 12 Hi kits , 2 25 ; No. 1 cv shine , 12 Hi do , 1 50 ; No. 1 shore , 12 Hi do , 1 00 ; fat family , 10 Hi do. 7 c. CANNED GOODS-Oyntcrs , 2 Ib ( Field's ) , , Jl 20 : do 1 11. . ( Field's ) , tier case , 2 50 ; do 2 Ib ( Standard ) , \wr case , 3 ! K ) ; do 1 Hi ( standard ) , per case , 2 40 ; do 2 Hi ( slack ) , per case , 2 75 ; do 1 Ib ( slack ) , ] > cr case , 200. Onions , 380. Salmon , 1 * , ] M > r dozen , 1 05 ; do 2 Jb , per do/en 50. Sanliili.'s , small I'tili ' , imported , ne- uaiter boxes j > er box , lljc ; American , inirtcr IHIXCS per bpx , lie ; do half lm\es , ier box , 2Uc. Lobsteix , 1 Hi per do/en , 80. Tomatoes , 2 10 ; do 3 Ib per a e , 250 ; Com , 2 Hi ( Mountain ) > er case , 3 40 ; soaked com , 1 00 ; do Ib ( Yarmouth ) , ) > er cans 350 ; tring beans , per c.-we , 1 00 ; Lima beans ier ctibu , 2 00. Succotash per cae , 2 10. Vas , common , pnr cae , 1 75 ; pea1' , choice , , 4 50. Blackberries , tlh ! , perc.i < .c , 0 ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per case , 3 70 : aspberries 2 Ib , per case , 275 ( 3K ) . ) amsoiis , 2 Ib , Jier case , 2 25. Uartlett ears per ca-e , 3 Oii I 00. Whortleber- ies jier case , 250. Egg [ ilums , 2 Ifi jicr Sfv , 3 25 ; do. choiee , 2 Hi , per cafe. 4 50. treen gages,2 Ib iier case , " 25 : do choice , 1 ! > per ea'-e , 1 50. Pine Apples , 2 Hi , perc.-i--e , ( iO ( 520. Peaches , 2 In per ease. 310 : lo 3 Hi , case , 5 00 < < f 5 50 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 ll > , per a e,325doiie ] , 0 Hi , per dorcii. 3 50. 15 ICE Carolina , ( i74c ; Luuioiana , 51f " ( OVc. I'KANUTS Roasted , choice , red Ten- shee , Sic per Ib ; fancy white , Oc per Ib ; aw white Virginia , 7 ( < L7Je. ; ' Dry Goods. BROWN COTTONS. Badger LL OJe ; tnckeye LL ( He ; Ores-cent LL ( He ; Utfcii ' 5'c ; C'rcfceiit C 71e : Crescent B 7Vc ; > escent A 8c : Wachnsetts 8fc ; iidian Head 8Ac ; ( iraniteville LL Jcf Badge1 Bit ; " fine brown , i. lgerXjlii ! , " 7c ; PortMimuth P , do , 5 io ] Wintlnop L , "do , 7 Continental C , io. Sc. BLKACHED COTTONS -Wammtti . -4 13c ; Fruit 4-4 10A ; Hope -1-4 Sic ; B.illardvalo 4-1 0-/c / ; Pocamctt T 4-1 8Jc ; Altoona 3J J Oc ; Lonsdalo S"o. 1 , cambric 13c ; No. 2 , i\ \ , 12Jc ; S'ew York Mills < l-4 > 13c ; Ixmsdale 41 1 lOc ; ? 'nirmont'Q 1-4 < Uc Aubuni A 4-1 8Jc ; Barnard Z Oc ; Daify.Cloth5ic , PRINTS. Allen's fancy , ( He : American - can ( In , O cjrArnold'Htdo , .7c ; . Coneatoga lo , Oc ; DuniieH do , Oic ; JCililybtone do ; Uc ; Gloucester do. uc ; Haiuiltoii , OAc ? ilannony. 5c ; Hartel , Oic ; Knickerbocker , jc ; Muncbester , 7c ; 1'acific , 7c ; Spragiie ] "ijc ; Southbridge.Cc ; M ystic , 5Jc ; Mcrri- naek Hhirtings , Oc ; Siimguc do , 5ic , onthbridgo do , Oc ; Regatta do , 51c ; Jochicn robe , 7c : Freeman robe , do ; Hamilton do , 7c ; Afarlboro do , flc ; South- iridge do. Oic : Snrague do , ( He ; Amcricai : : U > , 7u ; Pacific do , 7c ; W bhington oi colors , Oc ; Simpi-on'ii nionrniiiL' , 7c ; Simp- -em's solid black , Oic ; Berlin solid colors. ( > c CAMBRICS , FLAT Glazed , 5Jc liigh colors , ( He ; kid tmish , lie ; bigh col ors , 7c ; rolled 7c ; high colors , 8c. C'ORSET .lEANS-Kockport , 8c Naumkeag sattecn , Oc ; Androscoggin do. , ! c ; Tjockwood do. Oc TICKING Amoskeag. A. C. A. , 17ic foncstoga , B. F. , Z , fancy , 18c : ( 'ones toga , 41 1 , Gold Medal , lOc : Conestoga , i C. C. A. , 14c : Couestoga , ( I. C. A. , fancy llc-j Ea ton , B. , lOc ; Omego superior era \ , ra , 28c ; Omega medal , 25c ; Omega A C A , fancy stripe , 20c ; Omega A A , 13@10V Cpnentoga , R. C. , Red Stripe , 10'c ; She tucket , S. , Hie : Shetucket , E. K. 12ic ; Phetnckct , " S. F. S. , Mjc ; Pear River , 10'c ; Hamilton , ] ) . . 11' ; Hamil ton regular , 13 ; Hamilton 11. , flic ; Cor Us , 11. B. , Oc ; CordiH A. C. E. , fKc ; Al banv S. A. X. , 10'c. OIL CLOTH 5-4 wood , 3 00 ; fancy marble , S3 00 ; 5-1 white marble S3 25 ; ( i 4 wood , Jl 00 ; 0-4 fancy murblo SI 00 ; li-l white marble , SI 25 ; 5-4 mo wile , S3 00 ; IM mosaic , S > 00. DEXfXS Amoskeag blue and llic ; ItcHMT Cn-ek , A. A. , blue and brown VHc ; Deaver Creek , 1) ) . D.bluu undbiown lIHc ; Heaver Cu-ek , C. ( ! . , blue am brown , 12Jc ; E\erctt 1) . D. , blue am brown , li ( ; Haymaker * bine and brown ! lc ; Otis , A , X. A. , blue , 1 IJc ; Otin 11. U blue , M ; Otis ( ! . C. , blue , 12Jc ; Peat lllver lifuo and brown , 15Ic. lUCKS-Fall Hiver , flic ; Hamdcn O O. , IClc ; Ho. ton check * , l.'fjc ; Kostoi Htripea , 1'IJc ; Dundee htripcH , " IKc ; Hix marck htript * . 17'.c ' : Arlington Htripu , ] K > ! Lion Itluc , r AiI'oston ; XX , bro. . I''jc Jtoslon XX ilrab , 12lc ; 1'imUinXXX bro. lIUc ; Unstoii XXX diub , | yjc ; Uoston O. libro.,10jc STHlPIlSl.oulnlana , 3x3 blue am b own , tMcL ; < mihiaimlixt ; blue and brown Hk- : Hock Itiver , ( ix3 blue and brown , I'.lc Alabama , lixll blue nnd brown , KJc. COTI'OXADESLewinton , 10oz. , 25c A. Y. A. , 2ou ; Angora , D. & T. , 25e Xew York inlll > i proof , 22Jc ; JSrldgawater 20o ; Everett , heavy , 22"loj Whittent n lieavy , 22Jc ; Hell , 18c ; Chniter Oak , 18c Wlcklow , 18c ; Union Pacific , 18c ; Capitol 18c ; FannerV llilc ; Everett , medium , Ific checkx lit . 23c ; do 10-4 do , 20c | Pepperell'HO 22cjdo } 10-4 do , 25c ; Androscoggln , inch , bleached , 13o ; do 0-4 , bleached , do 10-1 , bleached , 2c ! ) : Peiincrell. bleached , 25c ; do-10-4 bli-uched , 27ic. DHFGS AXD OlIKMIdAI-S , Acid CarUilic , 50c ; Acid , Tartaric , 55o : " * salts , per Ib , 4c ; Olyceriie , pure , peril 38fiy40c ; U-ad , Acetate , IM * Ib , 22c ; Ca Uiiioil , 110' , itercollnii , IHc ; do 150 = lorphlne , - > cr oz , S3 75 ; .Sulphur flour , > er lit , 5c ; Strychnine , iter or. ? 1 IO ( < ? 1 00 Horsei And Mulct , The market is brisk nnd all grades are Him ; well at a slight ( uhnnco in fpricvs. 'ho demand for peed hordes pxceeds the ipply considerably. .Prices range as fol- Fine single driver * , 5150. to 300. : i\tra : raft hor-ies S175. to 225. ; Common draft > r e , $100. to 150. : 1'Ura fann horses , 110. to 125. : Common togooxl farm horses , K ) . to $100. : Extra plugs S < * 0. to 75. ; ommon plugs.JO. . to SIO. MULES. 15 to ir.j hands ( < ntraj , 3125. > KK.j III to 15 hands , ilOO. to HO. : t tit 11 } hands , $75. to 100. ; 131 to It inds , fctX ) . lo 75. Clears and Tobaccos , CIOA11S.Seeds. . $15.00 ; fonneclinit , 25.00 ; Mixed,835.00 ; Seed lliami. . $50.00 ; lear llaxaiia , $75.00. T01UCCO PliUa - Golden Hnle , 4 Ib , 5(5c ( ; Sotted Fawn , 57c ; Our Hope , Scj Star , -founds , 21 Ib , butts , 5 ( > c | llort-e hoe , pounds , 21 Ib , butt * , 5io ( ; Purity. 24 i. butts,52c ; Queen Hee , 2Mb , butts , 53c ! lit Edge , | Hiunds , 21 Ib , butts , 57 ; Army nl Navv , | touuds , 51c ; Hullion , pounds , ' cl 1/orillard'i1 Climax , iNMinds 5c. FINE CUT-In mlK-Hard to Heat , Vt ; Golden Threat ! , 0(5c ( ; Fountain , 73c ; 'a\orlte , ' 55c ; Hocky Mountain , "MC ; 'ancy , 50c : Daisy , 45c. In tin foil 'atllns O , S. , 2 oz mckages , 5 Ib boxcx , cr Hi ( Oc ; lAtrillard1 * ! Tiger , C0c. SMOKING All grades-Common , 25 to 3c. Granulated Hlackwcllfl Durham , 1(5 ( z 4 ( ' > c ; Dukes Durham , 18 oz , 45c : Seal of S'orth Carolina. 1(5 ( oz , 415 ; Senl of Xi-bras. a , 11 ! oz. 3Sc ; l oue .luck , 4 nr , linen bugs , MT Ib. $1.35 ; Marburgs' Puck , 2 oz , tin 55c ; Dog Tail , (55c. Lumber , FEXCIXC Xo. 1 , 12 to 20 ft , $25 00 ; S'o. 2 , 12 to 20 ft. , 23 00 ; sheeting dressed , S'o. 1 , 22 00 ; Xo. 2 , 20 00 ; common boards , ressed , 25 ( M ) . FHAM1XG ( ft. ami under , per M , 1 00 ; 10 ft. studding , 25 00 ; 22 ft. 2S 00 ; I ft. 2800. FINISHING No. 1. finish 1 } , 1J and Inch , $55 00 Xo. I finish 1 Inch 850 00 ; S'o. 2. finish 1 | , U nnd 2 Inch. $5000 : Xo. fiuiKli , 1 inch , $15 00 ; No , I ! finish , 1 in.-h , 1000 ; 0. U. battens per 100 feet lln. , 150 : well curbing , $35 00 ; rough J and 2 nch battuns tier 100 feet lln. , 50o. STOCK HO Al IDS-A stock , SI5 00 ; > 3 * 10 00 ; C , $35 00 ; common stock , $27 50. FLOOKIXO Xo. 1 , $42 50 ; No. 2 , 37 50 ; Xo , 3 , $27 50 ; yellow pirnXo. . 1 , = 1500. ' SIDING No. 1 , $2750 ; Xo. 2 , $2500 ; S'o. 3 , SJO 00. SKIP LAP-1'laln , S25 00 ; O. O. Xo. 1 , 37 50 ; No. 2 , $25 00. CEILTXO S30 OOWS15 00. LATH AND SHINGLES A starbo.t ( ) hingles. SJ 50 , Xo. 2 , $3 50 ; Xo. 3 , $2 W. ath , $1 25. Building Material. LIME Per barrel , $1 .15 ; bulk per bu. , I5c. Cement , bbl , $2 50. Iowa plaster. ibl , $2 50. Hair per bu , 35c. Tarred elt 100 Ibs , S3 50. Straw board , SI 00. The Leather Trade. Oak harness , S't-j ? Jlc ; Pittsburgh . . . . cd , 40@13c : hemlock hainesx , : t7(3)iloj ( ) ; ! kirting per Ib , fair , -He ; black collar 11 © Jlc ; fairdo18 ; < < I20c ; fairXo. 2 , liS)18o ( ( ) ; icmlook hole , Uuffalo slaughter , per Ifi , 30 ? 3le ; hemlock wile , 11. A. slaughter per li , 25(3 ( 32c ; oak wile , I0fiI3c ( ; oak upper ier foot , 25e ; hemlock upper , 25c ; do Xo. ' , 23c : oak kip skins per Ib , .S0c1.10 ( ! ; lemlock kip skins per Ib , Tflc&Sl.OO ; kip , skins per Ib , S1.00 ( ' $1.35 ; akcalf perlb , Sl.20giSl.25 ; hemlock calf > er Ib , 81.101 1.25 ! French calf pep Ib , < il.25l ( S2.10o Simon gout per do/ , < 3G.00@5il8.00 ; bootleg Morocco per foot , 0@35c ; calf kid i > cr foot , 35c ; roiuis per loz , $ ! ) .OOGiS10.50 ! ; white anil yellow lln. ngiitierdoz , SS.OOtfTSlO.OO ; pink linings wi do57.00 ( S.00" ! ) ; Hussett linings , $7. X ) ; blacksmiths' aprons per down , $12.00 ® 314.00. , . . PAl'KUStraw paper , "He ; Htg : paper , c ; dry goods paper , 7c ; mauila piipur , Oc ; news paper , 8c. COAL Cumlit-rland blackKtnitli , S12 ; loriis Hun Hlolmrg , S12 ; Whitebreast tiiijp , Sfl ; Whitub-east nut , $ ( i ; Inwii mrip , SO.Iowa'uut $0.llock ; Bin ings8 ; Anthracite , nil tiau , S1L50. ' , Hides , Furs , Etc. HIDES Green butcher' * hide , Oigrecr ; cured hiiles , 8jc ; green salt , jiart cntvi .ides , 8@s c ; drj- flint , HOiinil , 13cflMc ( ; dr\ alf and kip , 12@13c ; dry xalt hidessounil , l@12c ; grcfii calf , ut.8 tciinibs. . 10llu jreen calf , wt , under 8 Ibs , per skin , 50c , ; reen pelts , $1 00@115 ; green lamb * klns , il lOfel 25 ; damaged hides , two-third rate , cut scored and one grub , clawed two l.irds rale , ) branded hidcH 10 per cent. ' ' ! ) ' . r'lmii skins , No. 1 , 45c ; No. 2 , 30c ; No. 3 , ! 0. ; No. 4. lOc. Mink , No. 1. 50o ; No. 2 , 10c ; No. 3,15c ; No. 4 , 5o. Fox , No. 1 , GOc ; No. 2 , 25e. Skunk , No. 1 , black , > 5c ; short stripe , 40c ; narrow htiipo 'iic ircnd stripe , lOc. Tallow , 5.J. Wool. Alerino unwashed , light , 14@10c ; heavy 315c ; medium unwashed , light , lK(5)20c ( ) tub-waHhed , choice , 32c ; fair , 30c ; < 1ingy and w. , 28c ; burry , black and cotted wooli ? .Cc less Shot. SHOT. Shot , $1.75 ; Buck shot , $2.00 Drifiital Powder , kegs , $15.40 ; do. , hal < egs , 83.48"do. ; , quarter kegs , SI.87 ; Hl.-ist ng , kcutj , * 3.35 : 1'use. ner 100 feet Me. Heavy Hardware List. Iron , ratet ) , $300 ; plow steel , cast , 7. _ , cast tool do. 15(5,20 ( wagon spokes , net 2253 00lmlwiperset ; , 1 2. > ; felloes , hawet dry. 1 40 ; tongues , each , 75 ( & < 85c ; nxles each , 75c ; wiimiu imtn , per Ib , 7@llc wa herK , per Ib , 8@18c ; nvetn , per Ib , lie ; oil chain , per ll > , 0@12o ; malleable , 8i < : iron wedgf.s , ( tc ; crowbars , tic ; hario\\ teeth , 4n ; horHeuhoex , per keg , 5 00 ; 'iirin * , uteel , 7i ( > 8c. N-AILS-10 to 20,1 , 3 15 ; 8 Ui 10 , 3 JO HI , .1 II.i ; 111 , OJ , .Kl , UOIIIIIIIIII IV > : Ol line , 15151 clinch , all MZCH , 4 'M ; ( id , casing I 10 ; 8 < l casing , 4 15 ; lOd casing , 3 ! IO ; lOi liiiish , 1 40 ; d finish , 4 155 ; (5d ( Siiinh , I ! )0 ) lialf kegii , lOc extra. PnlnlB Oils and Varnlshei. I'AINTS IN Oil. Whitfl lead , Omaha P , P. , 7c ; white lead , O. P. k 0. Co.puro : ic ; Murnclllfd gicen , 1 to 5 Hi cans , 20o French /inc , fjrcun seal , 12c ; French /.inc ml , lie ; French zinc , in varnish nsst 'Oc ; French /ince , In oil axht , 15c ; law ! uul burnt umbi-r , 1 Hi cans 12c ; raw am iiinit Sienna , 13n : vnndyko brown , 13 i-ufiiifd l.impbluck , 12c ; coach Mud ; , 1'jc ivory black , Hie ; drop black , ] ( ! c ; PrusHiai liliii30c ; ultiamniino blue , ] 8c ; chrom green , \i. \ M. it D. , lie ; blind ami fehuttc r 'iTi--n , L. Al. k D. , lie ; 1'aiH gieen , 18c J'uliau red , ] 5c ; Vfiietian red , ! lc ; J uscai ml , 22oj American Vc-rmiliod , I. &P. , 18 ( , chiome yellow , L. , M. , O. k D. ( ) 18c yellow- ochre , Oc ; golden ochre , 10 ; p.iten dryer , lie ; graining culorH : light .ml : , darl oat , walnut , chestnut mid at-h 12c Dry Paints White lead , ( i'/c / ; French /.inc. lOc ; P.iri whitcing 2Ac ; whiting gilders , IJt \ililting comI , lie ; lamjiblauk ( jermun town , lie ; lampblack , ordinary , fie ; Pnw lilne , 55c ; ultramuriiie , IHc ; vtmdjke brown , He ; umber , Imint , 4c ; nmlier , raw Ic ; sienna , burnt , 4c ; Hlenna , raw , 4t Paris green genuine , 35c ; 1'nrln grfcn ttoiu 25o ; chrome green , N , Y.4 20c ; c-hrom green JC. , 12c ; veniiillloii , Eng. , 70c ; ver million , America , 18c ; Indian red. lOc rene pink , 14c ; venetiun roml , Cooknoiii Via : Venetian rwl Am. , lo ; red ) ead , 7J < chrome yellow , genuine , 20u ; chrome ye low , K , , 12c ; ochre , rochellc , He ; ochr ( Frum-h , ! iic ; ochre , American , { WlnUr'b mineral. 2Jc ; luhlgh brown. 2i o : Hpani h brown , 24c ; Prince'u mlncrul 3i VAHNISllES-HarrtLi per galloi n , I'nrniture , cxta , 51 00 ; funiltnre , No. 1 , 90cfunilture ; , U , 75c ; coach , extra , 81 25 c ; Coach , No. 1 , $100 ; Damar , 81 25 ; Jaiiai "t 70c ; asphaltum , 70c ; uht-llac , S3 50 ; liar oil finish , 81 30 , OILS-110carbon pfrgallon , Hie ; 150 ' b-iulllght , tier gallon , V.J'-o 17.V headllgh it iHirgalloii , HXIJ cryntollnc , j r sallon , itOo llnceed , raw , jier gallon , COc ; LliiM-ed , bol 11. od , > er gallon 53c lanl ' 11.vr | , ; , wmter htr'd , per ( ailon , 880 No. 1 , 07c , No. 2 , We : castor , XXX , per gallon , Die , No. 3 , 8c ; nweet , per ; gallon , WSo ; | * nii , W , 111 , er gallon , A > ; filsh.W.H. , ir gallon , COc ; ncatufoot , c.\tia , i rsallon , 75c , No. 1,00 , ; lumberi. Cftting , zero , per gallon , 30c , miunier , 1. > c golden machine1. No. 1 , itcrgalhm , T-c , Xo. 2 , 2ci"iorm , oignal , per gallon. SOc : ttir poiitinc , | H > r gallon , 55c : n.iptlu , "I | dpi ? , I e r gallon 1& . 03 dec. 17c. L quor. ALCOHOTi-187 prool , ? id per A inc. gallon , cxtrn CnlifnrniA spirits , 187 proof nt 1 18 iter pMof i-nllon tiiplo. refined Kp'rits. ' IS * 1'twf , jit. \ \ \ ; , , < , , . proof gal t-e-dlslilletl whlsklM , l 00(3" ( ! i > 0 ; line blended , $1 fiOCf.2 50 ; Kentucky liour- Urns $200 ( < ii7 00 ; Kentucky and r'enn yl- vnnln rvcs 1 ? ' OOf'17 00. IIUA'XIMKH Imported , $ ' . IXKfflliOO ; domectla 1 40 ( < ! I 00. 4 "lO .fi Oil . ItlNS-lmpoiled , , .lum-Mic , I 40 3 ( H ) . Kt'MS InilKirtvd , 4 W > fnr , 00 ; Now Kiivlnnd. 2 OOfti I ( X ) ; domestic , 1,0Sn 1 ( ; : ,0j 1'KAOll AXD AITLK ItliAXDV-- 175if { I 00. ClIAMl'AOXKa Tmwrtp.l | per ca o , ' . ' (100@JH ( OOs American , JH.T C-A.O , 1-J 00rf ( 18 00 , CIAlM-yrS Per CMC , 4 f-OCn Hi ( X ) . WIXKS llhlnouine.terra * . 00 < 4XX ( < ? 700. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. Council Bluff * General Market- COUNCIL Hum- * , August 3. Whent-No. 2 , Sl.OO ; No. 3 , sii ; rvjcclcd G7.Com Com No. 2 , 33 , rejected 31 , damaged , Hay Fair market , with piicraat S7. Oats Market I'ulet ; Xo. i ! , ' .Me , reject , ed 19. Uyo No. 2 , file. llutt.T 121c. Ktgn15c. . t'attloUeef , S3 Sheen S3 MXi ? , I M ) . HogUghtdemand , prices SI 7i/BT { > 00. Potatoes Xew , SI 00 pci lm. { old , "Oo per luinhcl. Oiiiorot S2 00. Wood Market quiet , with -nod supply ; 0 00 for soft ; < ! 50 for hard. Poultry .We. _ _ _ Crouton Marltnt CIIKSTON , T . . \iigust 3. Hnttor Ho KggH ! > o lr candled. Grand Junction Markot. Git.vNi > JUNCTION. In. , Auguit3. x 8c. llntter 8c. Chicago Produce. ClUCAHO. August 3. On 'Change the grain market * wore lesn active. 'J'lio receipts of grain wcio 10,800 bushels by canal an I ' , IJO caHoiulH by rail , embracing 11(5 ( of , 7,1"of corn , 32 of oatn , 13 of rye anil' ' of bailey. Flour Very quiet anil fiinily held ; trade unusually low nnd quotations un changed. Wheat Market \viw again quiet nnd price * subject to but uli'slit fluctuations. JSiit few outhidun wei-o reccil l and local operators during most of thcM-vloii turned their attentinn to other grain" . Karly in the day the feeling was shade Htrongcr nnd prices advanced about } | KT cent per biiHhel , mippo-ed to ba\ ) been iluu to re * potted rain in the iiurthwvxt lint with increased offering * prices n.tin nettled back go , fluctuated slight ! ) , anil firmly eloped the name to YC lower ; No. 2 sjiring , 1 10 ! for August ; 1 15 for September ; LllftuU. 1-lg for October ; 1 IL'A for the ; No. 3 spiing easier , 1 O.'tin 1 07 , ac cording to location ; rejected , 7ilf 78i > . Corn There \VJIH fair Imsimm transacted - ed and somewhat of an unsettled feeling again prevailed and fluctuations \\eru within u ( smaller ningi > . l'nvsaro ad vanced c for Sontfinber and IJe for Oo tobcr , but weakened and finally closed about jii ( gu higher. No 2 and hlK'h mixed closed at 507 AiiKiist ; filj September ; 51J October ; BO for the year ; i ejected , 10. O.its In good demand for i-.i-li ; niaiket flnner. No. 2 new closed 31 ! } for AiiL'iiMt ; 31i for September ; 31 } Octuher ; 30 ; for the year ; nld rejected , 321 ; new , , ' 10. Kye l-'irm and higher , No. ' . ' , 81 for Sentcinbcr ; 81. } for October. IJarloy Steady ; oircringH Ili-ht ; No. 2 , JO for .September and October. I'ork In light demand , prices easier ; menu closed at 18 05 for Aiii'iint ; 18 00 September ; 17 .SO for Octobei ; 15 155 for the year. Lard Unusually , heavy , weak and low er ; 11 25(511 ( 274 for emli and Atigniit 11 33 for ScptemGor and October ; 10 7 ( for the year. JSulk Meutn In fairimiuiry ; short ribs , Hides ciwh U 22J for August ; ! i 2."i for Sej tcmber. Whisky Steady at 111. Ncceli.ts . Flour , 211,810 bbls ; wheat. 59,288 bu ; com , 4tJ2il7 ( Ini ; oats , 09,11-1 Chicago liivo Stock. Allgllut 3. 1 fnK Ttccciptw 22,001) ) head ; Hhlpmcnti 31,000 head ; the market .w steady early , but at the close was weak , and grass hogs , which were abundantly offered , sold slow ly at 5c decline ; common to good mixei packing , 0 00@.0 50 ; light hogs , ( i i5ci ! ( ( i 70 choice heavy. ( J 557 ( 00 ; pgn ! and throw outs , riOO@000. Cattle HecelptH C 00 head ; shlj incntH 2,300 head ; slow nnd weak on mi liven ; shipping cattle at lOa decline on al below best grades ; Bales of common to fall nt 4 75@5 25 ; flood to cliolcp , 5 50(5/ ( 1 ! 00 cattle camu in in liberal sii ] > ply and lOi lower ; cannerH sell fairly : it 2 75C" 3 00 foi common , and 3 20@3 60 for good steers no western , and natives dnl and ijnotublout 3 75 ,175 ; stockers am feeders , 2 76(5,1 ( 25 ; n.ilive stock , 2 2.r > C 1 00 , necording t < > ipiality Sheep Kcceipts , MX ) head ; hldpmenti , none ; very dull nnd weak at easier rates good sheep very no-am * and iiuotiilile a about I 00 © 1 50. St. IioniN Produce. ST. 1/mifl , August 3. Flour Unchanged. Wheat Lower ; No. 2 led 1 ll ! for casli 1 HI } for Augiiht ; 1 20f < il 202 for SiI tember ; 1 222 fur Octoln-r ; 1 2I'/ ' / fur Ni vember ; 1 IIIJU" ! ll ! | for the year. Corn Higher and uttive fur Angiihl 32J for September ; 32/f"32J ! / fop Octobci 35i@35for November ; I8J for the year Oatn Higher ; 3lr37 ! * for cash ; 327 fo August ; \V2\fu'\2l \ \ \ for September ; : < 2 ; ! fo the year. Ryu-Hotter nt HI A hid Lead Firm ot I 75. Eggs Unchanged. Whisky Steady at I Oil , Pork -Quintal lit 10. IteccIplMFlour , : iXlO Mil * ; wheat , 5:1 : , 000 bu. ; corn , 42,1001111. ; oatn , 115,000 Im. rye. 20,000 bu. ; barley. 10,000 Im , ShlpmcuU- Flour , 1.000 bbls ; whi-at 58,000 bu. ; com , 21,000 1m. ; out * , 5IKX , bu , ; rye , 2,000 bu harjttv , none. btLouiri Jjlvo Stock- ST. LOUIM , August 3. HogH - ( } ! ; Yorkem , ( I 40&jO ( M ; pack ing , U .Tii'li ( M ) ; choice to fancy heavy , li M ( uQ W ; rcceiptx , 1,100 licaif ; khlpmrntH 2,000 hewl. Liverpool Prodnoe. LiVKiii'Oot August 3. Flour American , ( Is ( Id@lln ( id. Whuat Winter , Hi5duHM ( led ; whlti 01 ld(3 ( DK 8d ; ttpring , W Oi 5d ; club , " " " lOri id. Com U11'.d. ' Pork 74 * . Lard 58s , , BaltiinoroJProauoo , HAI.TIIIOIIK , August : t. Kluiir Firm. Wheat -No. 2 red winter , iiuiet and easier 1 2-tit ( ; 1 2.1 for canli and Augutt. ( ! oni Yellow.nU-ady t 58 ; mixed wes tern , easy at 68f Poorln Produce. I'wmiA , Augnut 3 , I High at 1 W , Clnolnnivtl Produce. CtXCISNATI , I'ork Mes , utendy at 18 2.1. I nrd Kiuior ; current make , 11 2. " > . Hidk Ment Kinnj clear nlde10 00. ItaconOulet ! clear sides , 10 76@10 8 , " J. Klonr Firm ; f milv , 5 "offffi 00. Wheat Stronger : No. 2 , 1 111. Torn Stronger ; No , 2 , inixrd , SI. Oats Kaiier ; No. 2 , inhrd , 38. lye-lulU ! No. 2 , 83. llarlcyNominal. . WhlakyDull at 1 08. Esul Liberty Llvn Stoolc. KA T I.IIIKHTY , IM. , Augu t3. Catllo-Slow ! bext , ti 00ff ( f ! 2.i | fair to good , 5 oOfrfi ( 76 ; common , I frifii 5 25 ; re- rciptn , 501 head ; shipments 125 heivl. llogn Slow ; receipts , 1,200 : shii- | incntd , 800 ; Philadelphia * , 7 00f 7 10 ; Yorkero , U IDiJi 0 00. Sheep -Slow ; receipt * , 2,000 heads ship ment" , 5,000 head ; range sheep , 300tf3 ( 25. WlLMlsntox , A-ignst 3 , Spirits Turpentine Klrin at 38coft ; , 2W ; Virginia , 21H ) . Clovolnnd Market Ci.Kvn.ANi > , Angntt 3. PetroleumQuiet nnd steady ; standard white , 110 | test 7c. Toledo Produoo , Ang < i t 3. Wheat Weak ; No. 2 ml , August , 1 20 ; September , 121 i ; October , 1 23 bid : No. tember , 1 25. 0 > m Qtdet ; No. 2 , Septemlwr , 53 ; for this year , M ) . Oats -Hull : No. 3 spot , 3S ; year , 31 ; November , 3t bid , Phllndolphin Froduoo. rnil.AiiKi.riilA , An 'UKt 3. Wheat Klrmeral 12Uir ( > l2l- { for cash and August * I 2tli.i.l ! , ( 2iJ ( for September ; 1 28JG.01 28 for October. Corn Kilmer nt 57f'i67j } [ for cash nnd August ; 5HJi6l ( ! for SeptemlH-r. ( ) nts Firmer at-12 for cash ; 38J for Au gust. gust.Kyo 75 for now cash , BttlTulo Llvo Stoolc. HAHT UiiKr.M.o , August 3. Hogs Steady : tecelpts , 35 head ; p.hlti. meiiU , 2l ! head ; selling pigs and light Yorkei-M fold nt II lOtf ; 0 25 ; gra sers , 11 25 ; corn-fed Yoikerv , I ! " 5i5i 7 00good ; medium weights , 7 00i'7 ( IV5. Now York Dry Goods. NKJV YOIIK , August , ' ) . Tin ! ilry goisl bn iness was HKMlernto with commission houses , nave in the case of a few specialties , such as worntod dress poods , ginghams , cotton dress fabrics , &c. , in which there luvi been a fairly nctivo ino\ement. 1'riuts , irregular demand nt first hands. There wits a moderate de mand for staple cotton goods by package buyers. 13KD-BU(5S , ROACHES , ItntH , iniuo , nuts , Ilios vurniiu , 1110- Hnuitoos , insects , oto. , cluiirod out by "Jlonli on Jliits. " lee boxen ut (5) ( ) CONTI.NIT.3 TO Roar for Moore ( s ) Harness AND Saddlery. adoiitcil thu Mon an n Trailo Jlaik. anil all my pied llt ho BTASII'KI ) with thu LION nnil my NAMi : on thanania. NO .JOODS AtlK ( IKNUINK WITHOUT THU AIIOVK BI'AMl'S. The brut maturlat It tisvd and the moil nklllct' workmen arc cmplojtMl , nnd at thu lowu t awl prlro. An ) onu wishing'n pricii'llst of good will confer a fa * , or by Hundlni ; ( or onu. DAVID SMITH MOORE. DE VEAUX'S WASHING MACHINE The Only Machine that Will Do just as is Advertised. It Will Wash Faster , It Will Wash Gleaner , It Will Wash Easier , It Will repiro no Rubbing , It will do a large family Washing in 30 Minutes. It Will tWnnU Equally wall ] wltli Hard or Soft Wator- Jt iloi-t away with wa h liollvrn anil wash liruinln , nnil will jwj for Itucll In full mij tlio "enrol tlothcN Ina luoinli. No Htram In tlio klttlii-n. A i-lillil 10 } < Jiri < ol can ila thu uashln faster tliau any woman can wrlniruiia IIUIIL' out tlim-lntlien. DAN. HI'M.IVAN & KO.S'.S' , dim 1110 ruridiain htrcit , AKin United States Depository. NationalBank OF OMAHA , Cor. 13th and Farnam Sts. OLUKSX UANKINO ESTAIIMSIIMKNT IW 01IAIIA. 8UCOE88OR8 TO KOUNTZE DROTHCR8. ) bTAULIHIlrD IBM. CrgliilttJ u a National Hank Auguiit 20 , IbC3. CAl'lTAL AND I'ROKITH OVEIl MOO 000 OrriCKU ) AKD DIKKCTOIUI ; KOIINTIK , i'rislilcnt. ACUUHU'H Koi'MiK , Vlixj I'ruldent. II. W. YATK * . ( Janhlrr. A. J. 1'orri.KTuAttorney , JOHN A. < " F. II. IUVI5 , A 4. C&xlilcr , rctcUci iltjioKlti without rcarJ to iwounta. Iwuui lime cirtinmk'H hcarli'i ' ; Intcrett. DraMi ( IrallJi on Han Kmiclijcx ) ami i > rlnclnal dtlcvol the Unltwl Htatt * , al > o Ixjncion , Dutifin , Wlnlmrxli and , thu i > rlntl | > al cltlcu oi the conti nent ol hurope , Belli itubui'Ker tictcta ( or emigrant * by tlio In , m n lint. imv'J'.f ; 0 , R. CLiRKbOV. 0 , t , UU.XT , Glarkson & . Hunt , BucctBiOrs to Itlihanli k Hunt , ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW , S. UtbSUect. Qua ba Kcb , DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTELS. UOTKI.S. UNION PACIFIC HOTEL , NATIONAL HOTEL , COMMERCIAL HOTEL , GRAND CENTRAL HOTtL , LEWIS HOUSE , SUMMIT HOUSE , JUDKINS HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOTEL , PARK HOTEL , DURKE'S HOTEL , HEAD HOUSE , CHENEY'S UNION HOTEL , NEOLA HOTEL , CENTRAL HOUSE , EMERSON HOUSE , CROMWELL HOUSE , MARSH HOUSE , CENTRAL ULOCK HOTEL ARAPAHOE HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOUSE , MARKE. & SWODE , J. HARVEY , JAS. P 8WINNEY , E. D. COTTRELL , JOHN S. LEWIS. SWAN & DECKER , JUDKINS & DRO. , WM. LUTTON , W. J. OARVIN , E. R. OURKE , JOS. SHAW & CO. , CHENEY DRO8. , F. 8IEVERTZ S. P. ANDERSON , A. L. SHELDON , MRS. R. COCHRAN W. W. DROWNINQ , FRED , STADELMANN , L. CLUTE , T. M STONE , TOWNS. Council BlufTi , lowx Qtenwood , Iowa , Hamburg , Iowa. Nebratk.i City. Dow Cltr , Iowa. Creston , la. Red Oak , IA. Vllllicn , la. Cornlnp ; , IA. Carroll , la , JelTerion , la. Mo. Valley June. , Neola , l.i. Malvcrn , l . Emmerton , la. Cromwell , la. Drownvlle , Neb. Platttmouth , Net * Arapnhoe , Neb. Orleans Neb. * . M. II. , H. [ UKPU11LIOAN VALLEY. ] | WM. M. MILLER . Billiard Hull. F. M. RUHLKE , . Ilnnlwnn- , Stoves nnil Fnrnituro. H. I' . ROWLEY . DniL'gist. GEO. E. ORUM . GrtcoricFlour ami Feed. UEMI'OY * HENDERSON . Moat Mnrkct. R. J. FINCH . CSroceriea , Flnur nnd Feed , ,1. A. Ul'DOEON , . Real Estnlu and Lnw Ollicc. 0. F. RENNETT . Roniu-lt Honsu nnd Hurduniv Storo. L. OLUTE . Ariiiiixlioo Honso , Oenural M ds'o Storu & Liven * . OHARLES RROWN . .limticu of the 1'enou nnd Collection Agent WM. ELLIOTT , . Tinner. .1. N. RAXTER , . Rlnekdiuitli. A. L. 1WOWN . Liven * . H. A. GRAY , . Stntjiin Agent R. * M. FRED. E. ROEHNER . Ampnlioo Pioneer. D. V. CLARK , . Millinery iV lowing Jlnchinen. .1. .1. MORGAN . Phymcinu nnd Surucon. UR. JAMES II. CAIN . t'hysician. C. W. WOODWARD . . Postmaster mul Confectioner. . o. WHOLESALE GROCER , 1213 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb. H. S. UAIWTNOTON. K. P. NKWKLL. WESTERN POLISH CO. , ' ' ' % MAXI'l-'AITl'llintS Cl WESTERN STAR STOVE POLISH ! 1X0 BEAU BRUMMEL BOOT BLACKING , AIAO IIIAI.IUH : : IN COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Jyii-tf WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. ISH & McMAHON , 1406 DOUGLAS STREET OMAHA , , NEB. The [ Only Exclusive "Wholesale Drug1 House in Nebraska. SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO MAILORDERS. J.IBino Hellmuth Ladies' College. atroncti , H. n. H. PHINOESS LOUISE. Founder and President , The night Rev. I. HELL MUTH , D. D. , D. 0. L. , LORD DI8HOP OF HURON , * . Fall Term open * n Wednesday , September 2lit. lainlcomoand 8v\clo ] > is liiilldlntf-i. Iraiillfiilly ultnaicd In a mo t healthy loonllty , nliont ( nur'hoim iy rail Imtn NlfKnra KallNniidouonuci ( lliuirliic'l | | il tliroii li rontOH fictnien the Kast nnil West. j'liu ( IIIOUNDS conilirlnA 140 nvro. The aim of the totmilcT ol thin eolli-xo li to i > roIde tlie lilelmt ntelloitunl anil imi ill-ally tiHofnl ediiontloii. Tim w hole y.tcm U banod ujiou the Hoiindrnt PRO TESTANT principle , aa tlio ( inly nolldmi \ \ ( or the rl ht formation of clmnutcr. FRENCH In the miKtiajre nixikuii III the i-olli'ifo. MU8IO n Hpoilnlt.v- Iloanl , Ijtundn and Tuition K ' , IndiidliiK tin whole cnnrxo o ( KiiKllnh. the Ancient and Mod- ? rn Janguai ; < ' ; ClulllKtliciili-n , | ) ninlninnJ rivlntlnir. usu I'lano and Library ' lledli-al ntti-nd.inco.anil rd c-lno , 30D per niiiiiiin. A ruknctlan u ( ona-hnU ( or the ilmiitlitcr o ( Clonmrn. Kor"clni- lars " and lull particulars luUlri-iis 1II8H CLINTON , Uilj-rrliiL'l | il , llcllnuitli IJOIVH' | | Collejrc , I.OSDOS , ONTARIO , CANAUA. nioiilthura-ini FEARON & COLE , Commissson Merchants , 1121 Farnham St. , Omaha , Nob. Conn'Kninentn made tin will recolto ) ironiit | attention. Ke'crcncfa Klrtt Nat. Hank and Omaha llx EDHOLM & ERICK80N , WHOLKSALK AND UCTAIL MANUKACTUllINa JEWELERS. LAIldKBT STOCK OF GolandSilver latches and Jewelry lathe City Come and see our atock , M we w 111 -.leased to nhow good. . EDHOLM & ERICKSON ,