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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 4, 1881)
THE OMAHA. DAILY BEE : THURSDAY AUGUST 4 , 1881. FROM OGDEN , Some of the Quaint and Expres sive Plirasos Usoil in the Broat West , , ftg f r * * Unusually Warm Weather v i During the Past Three or Pour Weeks. Colorado n Good Market for > Utah Wheat Mining Pro- { jrssinginUtah. Oilier Notes und Items of Interest- Corrf | M > mlcnco of Tlio Ilrr. OniiK.v , August 1 , 1881. Tlio great west has become noted for quaint and expressive phrases which has been coined by the rough clement of this coast men who have crossed the great plains and lived amid thu moun tains , have gene through hardships nnd privations and mot witli incidents well adapted for the production nf language an has become common among the masses. When in thu ear ly days of California some ono coined the expression "You hot , " ho did not suppose it would become BO common and bo spoken by so many people. The minor nnd prospector , as ho wan dered through the hills nnd followed the circuitous valleys and narrow passes , prefixed names to these places as "gulches" nnd ' 'canyons , " until al most every canyon and gulch had boon dubbed with some odd name , which forever afterwards will dcsiunato the locality. Tlio mountaineer after years of western lifo finds himself lost in M\ eastern metropolis , and fails to moot his engagement on prompt lime , but is not nt a loss to given decided reason for liis delay , because of "getting lost among the box canyons. " How ex- prcssivo of the ciicuitous streets of that city ? What n comfort it is to Bay to the bwro or blockhead , "You make mo tired , " or to the spinner of long nnd and pointless stories , "Print it , " or "You had bettor rent r. hall. " Torso and pointed remarks like that of thu man who said "I did not fight him , but had he come a atop farther the doctors would have thought when they dissected him that they had struck n now load mine , " are quite common among miners , llow expressive are the sayings. "He is a gashed vein nnd has pinched ; " Ho shows well on the surlaco but there is nothing in his lower levels ; ' or "llo don't assay worth anything. Ho who lacks courage is in western parlance devoid of "grit" and has no "sand. " Men ulio roughed in the early days on the Pacific coast are called "old- timers , " [ .and when they die it is not uncommon for their associates who used to while away the long hours of camp lifo with them in games , to speak of their taking oil' , ns their liavhig "passed in their checks. " These who i hnvo toiled through the snows nnd braved the dangers of crossing - ' sing great , mountain lidges have coined n style of expression upon the death of an old friend which to them is fuller of moaning than the plainsman can real ize. "He has gene over the range" sunurit nil up nnd lands the traveler in that bourne whence \ro nru nil traveling. "Wo planted him" having been coined in Nevada has boon usou by the rougher class nil over the west. Each state and territory on the Pacific alone has its pe culiar phrases , and there nro many common to nil the great. Utah has in USD some expressions never heard from any person who has not , resided thorp. It you pro told there was "quite a few" you are left with ns much doubt ns to the number ns it your question had never boon naked , nnd yet Utnh people insist in usin the expression almost constantly. It would take n volume of no small di mension to onumornto nil these odd nnd quaint sayings which nru so com mon that wo pay little notice of thorn. During the post three or four weeks wo have had very warm weather , in fact unusually warm for this' ' , valley. The bathing in Great Salt Lake has become so popular that thousands of people avail themselves of tlio cheap rates of transportation to thodiiToront bathing places along its shores. At Lake Shore , n place between Ogden nnd Salt Lake , the water registered the past few days a temperature of 98 ° , while the quantity of saline mutter in solu tion roaches over twenty per cent. This great briny lake is n source of great wealth , and becomes more important - portant each year in consequence of tlio increased demand for salt for mo n silver mills. ( Shipments in car load lota are being made almost utantly to various parts ol Utah , Idaho , Montana , Nevada , nnd Colorndo. Besides the twelve to twenty thousand tons drawn from that source the past year. There is several deposits of salt in the mountains in southern Utah , which yield largo quantities , it being quarried or mined for nso in silver 'mills. Alining is making considora- bio progress in Utah , nnd wo untici- 1 pate greater activity in this locnlity .aoon. A stamp mill will soon bo in operation on the Silver Chief mine , which ' promises well , nnd the success of that property will canso nil thu others to rapidly , fall in line na ore producers. Utah , fruits ' nnd vegetables HIM being bimt to mark'et at n rapid rate. Pota * toed , caboagos , onions nnd fruits nro sent awny from Ogden by the carload , I und the amount going ( a Denver , Leadvillo and other Colorado ciUea would indicate that Colorado is an ex cellent market , and produces n scanty supply for ita largo popula tion. Hundreds of carloads of Utah wheat find n market in Colorado , where it ia inauufactured into the boat of flour , while our local mill * ship Hour in cor load lots to thorn. Thu has become a prominent market for wool and hides , which nro shipped cost to bo manufactured. The I electric light has proved a , success for use in the stores and for street lamps , but Iho intended system of lighting thu entire city by lamps on a high tower was ao much of a failure that it has been abandoned , for the present nt least. The waterworks company have in nine thousand foot of piping and expect to tap Ogden river within the next ctyht days , nnd have water through n portion ol the city with n hend of two hundred feet. Ogden river is supplied by springs nnd streams from meltingsnows nnd hence the water is puio nnd cool , ami very suitable for supplying the , city. A franchise _ ha * bee n given for a street railway in our streets but nothing is being ttono to ward its coiiRlruction. Building in tltp city ia progressing favorably nlid this en on will show n good nggro- gnto footing , while the goncrnl busi > no1) of thii city is in cxce'ss of nny former soaaon. The Union Pncific has incieased the .rates of freight to .Montnna Homo two or three fold the nast few days , which amounts to pro hibition in shipments of eoitaincla sci of goods from hero to that territory , where Inrgo trndo has horotofoto been enjoyed by our merchants. St. Plcldnis. SpccKI CorrcfponJcnro of Tim l\r.r. \ . ST. PAUL , Nob. , August 2 , 188L Tlmt which interests people most just now is the securing of the har vest , which ia progressing finely with the favorable wenther wo nio hnving. The people of the Loup county nro reaping ono of the finest harvests we have over had. With few exceptions the crop of small grain is good , and the corn crop is first simply immense : With the fine crop of all kinds of grain , our people nro greatly oncour- ngcd nnd nil kinds of business is on the boom. Ono of the best signs of the prosperity of our farmers is that good auhstnnttal frame houses nnd barns , nro taking the places of sod structures of earlier days. Our villngo is getting quite a build ing boom , principally in the enlarge ment of our business houses to meet the wants of the increase in tr.ido. A small ripple of excitement wna caused by ono of Howard county's prominent citizens ( who , by the way , is n widower of n few weeks ) eloping with his second cousin. Last evening the happy couple : oturned , and to show that 'heir ' conduct was fully ap preciated , they were mot at tlio depot by the juveniles of the town with tin- pans , horns , cowbells nnd other like musical instruments , nnd escorted to the hotel. L. K. Hartmnnu , the Nihilist. Washington Special to Cincinnati Commercial. Your correspondent called upon the first assistant secretary of state for in formation relative to the possible ex tradition of Hartmann , the Jlussian nihilist. In answer to n question 113 to whether the agitator would bo given up if demanded by llussin , this gen tleman said : "Wo have no extradi tion treaty with llussin , but there is nn unwritten law of nations that pro hibits ono country's harboring n crim inal who hits committed an act which the world recognises n4 n crime nyninst society. One nation may consider an act n crime tlmt another docs not. For example , Spain might regard n man n criminal for an net against re ligious rites or customs which wo wouUtiiot , nnd we would not give him up if demanded. The allegation must first bo of a diameter that the nation whore ho lias taken refuge re gards ns punishable , and then it must bo clearly established. The de cision of a court in a foreign country is not enough , but the full recorder or the evidence must bo submitted ; nnd then it is in the discretion of our judi ciary to do what the facts warrant. After n criminal has been delivered ho must bo tried for just the misdemean or for which ho has boon taken , nnd fur no other. A man can not bo ap prehended for theft , for example , and then bo put on trinl for murder , with out first being allowed a month in which to leave the the country , it ho wants to. " "What is to hinder the authorities of a country doing what they please with & man when they once got pos session of him , "Self-interest is the only thing , but that is sufficient. Experience has shown so often that ono nation can not afford to do nn act ; against inter- tional law that n government hosi- tntes before doing anything to create the least jar. The interests are so far-reaching that no man is worth the violation of the usage of nations. Franco , the other day , wont into a very questionable proceeding in Tunis , nnd since it happened it lias been quoted no less than live times in coses that have come up , ns nn nrgu- mont to prove that Franco would not keep h r pledges. A nation can not afford to do things that will cast sus picion upon its honesty of purpose. " "Suppose , then , to como down to thu case in point , that llussia should demand llartnmnn's return ? " was asked , "llussia would hnvo to show very clearly tlmt this man had committed n ciimo nguinst society of such n charac ter ns is abhorred und punished the world over. It would hnvo to be shown very clo.uly indued tlmt this is the man , to secure the desired consid eration , " A Baptist Minister's Exporlouco. I am n llaptlit minister , and befpo | 1 oyen thcmu'ht of beiiii ? n ulergyinaii , I graduated la medicine , lint left n lucrative piautlco fur my prtveut pnife Ion , ten yearn ngo , I was for ninny yearn a suiter- t r float quinsy ; "TJjonm/Kdoctilo Oil cured me , " 1 wn * Mo troubled uitli hoanseneiw , unit Thomas' Ko'ectrio Oil al. wnya relieved inc. My wife and child liml tlipthoria . , and TliOHian'H Jlcluctrlo Oil curocl them , " nut ) If taken in time it will cure sumi timed ou of tea , I am confid ent it it nemo for the ujost o1 tiwite colder or cough , and if miv one will tnke a mull teaijioon and ImU fill U with the Oil , ftuJ then place the und uf the spoon in ono no.s- tril mij draw tlio Oil out of tlio HJHXW Into thoby smiling as hard as they can. until the Oil fulls over into the throat , anil practice that twice a week , I don't i-are how otftiishe their head may bo , It "ill clean it out and euro their catarrh. For ileafneju uiul earache it has ilonu wonders to jny certain know ledge. It la thu only medicine clubbed patent medicine that I have ever felt like recommending , and I um very anxious to Bee it in every iilace , for 1 tell you that 1 would not bo w fthout it til my IIOUBO for any consitleiatlon. I am uuw Huiferiuif with a naiii like rheu- luatUm In my right limb , urnl nothing re lieve * me like Thomas' Kclectric Oil. Dli. 13. F , GIIANK , CVrry , 1'a , WHAT PUEBLO NEEDS , The Necessity of a Railroad Con nection Between Southern Nebraska anil Colorado Clearly Shown , The Products of Southern No- braskn Could be Sold in Colorado as Well as in Chicago , And tlio Cost to ( the Shippers Wonlil bo the Snuno Corre'i'onJenco of The lie * . PiTKi'to , Col. , August 1 , 1831. Permit mo to call your attention to the relations of the ] 5. & M. railroad and southern Nebraska to Colorado. In looking over Ihc immense amount of produce shipped to this state over the Union Pacific and the Atchison , Topeka & Santa Fo railroads , one can but feel that Nebraska should have n better chnnco hero , As it is novy wo have no access to these splendid mar kets , but must ship everything to Chicago. The Denver & Rio Grande are putting three rails on their track so that It. & M. cars can run from Denver to this point. Now Denver and Pueblo seem to bo _ the gates to the minus great distributing points , and what wo want is to get nt thorn. Now the 11. & M. hns stopped in the Uo- publican vnlloy whore the business amounts to but little , let them push on to Denver , and they can load heavy trains with supplies. This would bo of great advantage to both sections of the country. Go out on to the streets nnd inquire the price of produce. Corn 80 to DO cents ; hny $18.00 to 82t.OO ; potatoes . ' 1 to 4 cents per pound. I shipped" from Califor nia nt that. The great staples nre from our-third to one-half higher nt these distributing points than nt Chic ago. Now it will cost no more to ship produce from Lincoln or Hastings to Denver , than it will to Chicago , so it is easy to HCO that southern Nebraska isloosing heavily by this delay , nnd this is not nil. Immense mines of coal of the finest quality nro now open ed , equal to the famous Wyoming coal , and I understand that immense beda of antracito Or hard conl have been discovered nt easy distances from Denver. This being tlio case , wo can have onr supplies from that point instead of going 1,000 miles east for it. Nor ia this all. There is a great tide of health nnd pleas ure seekers pouring into these resorts If there were n direct route visiting the Hookies would bo to western people - plo what visiting the Alps will bo to the d\vollers of the Atlantic coast and these pleasure resorts should be ns nccussnblo ns possible. Men nnd wo men of Nebraska are sadly overworked nnd need recreation. The mountains nro the nearest recruiting places , and the people nil along the 35. it M. must have direct communication. I believe it would pay the railro.xd company to bring Lincoln and Denver nearer to gether. Colorndo , with her immense wealth , is in her infancy. Her re sources are amazing. A wealth of coal nnd , iron beyond computation ; new mines nro opening every dny ; the rush of immigration is tremendous nnd it is duo Nebraska , with her fertile - tile fields nnd yast products , that she at least have the chnnco to bo neigh borly with her sister stale" C. S. HAHUISON. Kansas Alarmed. Special to the St. Louis Ilopubllcan. ATOHISON , KAN. , August 1. Pur suant to call , delegates from all parts of the State assembled nt Turner Hall in this city this morning to form a Gorman-American Immigration So ciety for Kansas. A permanent or ganization was effected by the election of Ilpbort Farbeggor , of Atchison , as President ; Alforu Meyer , John Wol- rulF. of Lawrence , nnd Gporgo Lanbor , of Topokn , Vice Presidents ; John Hoonschidt ; of Atchison , Secretary ; 0. F. Goodrich , Correspondent Secre tary ; Oscar Jansen , Treasurer , nnd August Helm , of Mnrysvillo ; Dr Do- hey , of Parsons ; F. Junkorman , of Wichita ; J. M. Rothonborgor , of Loavonworth , and Lambert Willsaedt , of Atchison , as Hoard of Directors. A platform waa ndopted declaring that the prohibition amendment hnu turned nil foreign immigration nwny from Kansas , to the serious injury of the growth nnd prosperity of the state ; that the agents of other states had used this fact to prejudice emi- grunts ngainst Kansas , nnd that this state offered unusual inducements in her neil , climate , cheap Innds nnd other advantages to industrious and economical people to obtain homes. The platform further pledges the society to assist emigrants to Kansas to obtain employment and homes nnd to protect them ngainst fraud. It de mands , in conclusion , a repeal of the constitutional amendment nnd the prohibition law. The delegates in attendance weio nil Germans nnd they ropiesonted a very large number of the counties of the state and great interest was mani fested. In the evening the Turners gave n complimentary concert to the delegates. The lioxt nnnnnl meeting of the so ciety is to be hold in Topeku ii ( Au gust of next year , , No Good Froncliiuc- ; No man can do a good job ofvork , , preach n good sermon , try u law suit well , doctor n patient , or wnto n good nrticle when ho feels miserable nnd dull , with sluggish brain nnd unsteady nerves , nnd none should make ( ho at tempt in such n condition when it can bo BO easily and cheaply removed by a little Hop Bitters. [ Albany Times. Geo. P. Bemis REAL ESTATE AGENCY , ISth an < l Dodge 8U. , Omaha. Neb. Tills agency Joes BtBicma brokerage builnru. Dot * uot iXCuUt ! < j , nJ thcrooi any bar alui on Iti book i ara Iniurcd to ) U patron * , in tc J ol belns ; i-obtloJ ui > by the a.'f ut Great German REMEDY ron NEURALGIA , ' SCIATICA , LUMBAGO , BACKACHE , C O U T , SORENESS orrnr CKI2ST , jjSORE THROAT , QUINSY , SWELLINGS SPRAINS , FROSTED FEET AID EARS. 13 XT XVIV 83 AfiD SCALDS , TOOTHEAR i ! < D HEADACHE , ASD All otkr Fains A.XD ACMES. . ' "o Preparation on cirlli niiils | t. JACOM OIL at a lArr , tuxr. . sIMrtr. unil cumKittrnnl Ilemtdy , A trl < l entAlli but tit * comp ratlrcl trifling uulUjr of M Ct.iii and itir/oni lunerliiKKlth palu cm ban chtt | > inJ I'Oiitlvi proufof U < claims. uiiirniova m U.KTFX IANOCARM. SOI.D BT All D3UOOISTS AND DUUttS IN MIDICIKI. A. VOGELER ft CO. Itnlthnnrr. Sid. , V. B.A , FEENEY & CONNOLLY , SLIP PER SI 0 ( o 'cry grade ami size at At Prices Heretofore Un heard of. They time tliU week adJcJ to their stock a cplcndldjiicw Jlot of Ladles and Misse's FINEST FRENCH KID SHOES Hccch cJ direct from the manufactory. I.aJlcs are respectfully Invited to call and gee them , Also their HAND-SEWED BOOTS AND SHOES IN T1IK CITY , AND Lowest Prices Guaranteed , STANDARD SCflHW KASTKNKD and ACIII.S'K 8K\ViU : from 81.25 up , Their OrCIl KIGi : OIIAI.N CHKKI ) . UAILWAY SllOis vre lelllng rapidly and thuy hate this nuuk added an tusoit- incut ofj ' ' ' ' 'HE liHPHMn'RF'HOflliQ UMJailJiLUM JjUUlb To tlili detriment , A Perfect Pit Guarantee ! or the Money Refunded , ONE PRICE ONLY I ALL COOPS MAltKKD IN PLAIN rUJUUKS. THKY. OAllKY A VVIiL LINK 01' FARMERS' -SUPPLIES , at prices beyond competition. 512 Sixteenth Street , Betuccn Calltcr. ula and Cots street * Win. Ocntlemaii't tore. EXCUBSIOIf TICKETS OHIOABO S ± O.OO ROUND TRIP , $19,00 Flnt-ilau and good throinjb thuear. . AUo York. Uojton and all Ea.tcrn PoIiiU.atpro- x.rthm , . , ) , , OW - " " , - * Uallroad Ticket Offloe. Uuie i im bOtf Tenth bt. , OuuOal M .1.0 llobcrtson , ritt 1 > nr , , > , 1'n. , writer , "I wiMilTcrlnif from Kfiernl iltl.ilin , ant ol np | > illtc , coii tatloti ( | , ctu , so tlmt life a < ft hur ilcn , nftcr inliirf ltiiri1H.k fllool I'.lttcr * 1 felt bet' tor tlmn forjiaM. I latmot Jimlse jourliltkrs too n.ucli " 11 , Ollilrt , of nuffnlo , N. Y , writes : "Your Durdotk lllood llltttr , In chronic ill et M of tlio Mood , lUcr nnd MdnMS , hi o tiecu 8l'inllv markeil with IIICIVK. llmo need them ui ) cll lth ljc t rrsnlU , for torpMltj of the H\urnnil In cMoot a friend of mlno fufterlnif from drojuy , the clTcct "at man clous. llrucc Turner , ftochcstcr , N. Y. , rllei ! I lm\o been nubjcLt to serious dl'onlcr o ( the kliliiej . and unalilo to attend to lia liiei < ; llnnlock lllood Hitters n-llocil molieforo half n bottle \\aslncd , I fed confident that the } Mill lull rely Luru mo" E. Atcntlh Hall , lllnijhatnploti , N. Y. "I Hiiffcrcd nlth a ( lull lain throiiuli in ) left lung and klioulder. Ixnt in ) i'lrlt , appetite and color , and could wlthdiffknltj keep up all day. Took \our Ihirdotk lllood Hitters an illreUcilJ > inl hrnefelt no pain slnco lint \\eck after Using them. " Mr. Noah Batc't , Klmlm , N. Y , , rltc9 ! "About four 3 cart nt'o I hid an attack of lillllous fecr , and tiocr fullv reco\crcil. My illgeitlia organs wcro wcAkcncd , and I would he completely pros trated for da ) H. After iiiltutwo l ttlc < i of } our lltmlock lllood Hitters the inmrocmeiitinsno \Ulhlctlmt I wa ostonWicd. I enn now , though Oljcaraof age , do fair and reasonable clay's work. " C. Illackct Hoblii'on , proprietor of The Canada 1'rcibytcrlan , Toronto , Out. , writes : "For j ears 1 stiff ured prcatly from ott-ruciirrliii ; headache , t used } our llurdock Illnoil Hitters \\lth happiest result ! ! , and 1 now find nijsill In better healtl than for years past. " Mrs. Wallace , Ilttffalo , J . Y. , n rites : ' * Iha\o used Ilttrdock lllood Hitters for ncr ; oils and bit llous hondachcs , and can recommend It to an ) ono icqulrlni ; a euro tor bllllotuncss. " Mrs. Ira MtillholhnJ , Albany , N. Y , writes ; "Koroo\eralcari 1 hax o Huff crul f rein of t-recur rhu blllious hcadathes , djspeii la , and com < lilalnts peculiar to in ) seHinto u lng jour Hurdock lllood Dltters 1 am entliely rellcxcd. " Price , 31.00 per Dottle ; Trial Bottle * 10 Cts FOSTER , MILBURN , & Co , .Props . , BUFFALO , N. Y. Sold at wholesale liy Isli & MiMahon and C. F , Goodman. _ _ Jo 27 eod-me yjro f y i a g fqa/.oo TUc o i ci NE Mothers , Wives , Daughters , Sons , Fathers Ministers , Teachers , Business Men , Farm ers , Mechanics , ALL fchouM do Warned aralnsl u injr and Introduilng' Jnto their HOMES Nos trnnli nnd Alcoholic remedies. Ile no iirojudlca against , or fear of "Warner's Safi Jonlc Bitters. " Tlicj are what thev are clalmui to be harmless as milk , ami contain only inedi el riallrtiiCH. . Kxtratt of puru > cgetablcs nnlj , Tlie ) do not belon ; , ' tothatclass knomi as "Cure Alls , " but only profess to reach eases w here the ill eosc originates In debilitated frames 'and Im pure blood. A perfect Spring and Summe medicine. A Thorough Blood Purifier. A Tonic Appe tlzer. Pleasant to the taste , Imigoratlng to the body The mokt eminent physicians recommend then for their euratho properties. Once used ahva ) preferred. . For the Kidneys , Liver and Urinary organs , use nothlnir "WARNER'S SAFE KIDNEY and LIVER CURE. " It stands Unrivalled. Tlious. ands o u their health atid happlncas to It. 1'rlcc , i > cr little. Wo offer "Warner's Safe Tonic Hitters" with equal confidence. H. H. WARNER , Rochester. N. Y. fclO-tU-til. KXt-lV _ . * . MECHANICAL AND MININQ EN QIV.I at the Rensselear Polyteclv nlc Institute , Troy , N , Y. Iho oldest cn neer Ing school In America , Next term begins Scp tcmber 15th. The Iluglster for IbbO-Sl contains list of the graduates for the past 64 jcarj , v ill their positions ; also , coureo of study , require lueuU , exiwined , stc. Address DAVID M. GREENE , Ji Ii-deodaugl4 Director. SCOP . Xi PAPER WAREHOUSE. GRAHAM PAPER CO 217 and 210 North Main St. , St. Louu , WIIOLKSALK DEALXK3 IN- BOOK. ) DADPRQ JwnrriNGi NEWS , f rHr CnO 1 WUAITINO ENTELOl'ES , CARD COAUD AKU Printers Stock S3TC& h | > ald for Rags and Paper Stock , Sera ; Iron and Metals. 1'apor Stock Warehouse * li-Wto 1237 , North Sixth stront uvnox RKKD , BYRON REED & CO [ OLDSET MIABLlallt-D Real Estate Agency IX NEHBASKA ! Keep a compHto alxtract of title to all lira K.Jtati ; In Omahi and llou.'ln countxinat DexterL.Tlioiuas&Bro WILL BUY A\D FF.LL AND lib TRANSACTION COXXrCTUl TIIKBEU1TII. Pay Taxes , Rent Houses , Etc IK YOU VAST TO Bt ! ) OK 8U.Ii Call at Office. Itoom 8 , Crclghton lllock.'Onmha , - SIBBETT & FULLER , ATTORNEYS AT LAW DAVID CITY , NEB. flpeclil attention gUeii to collectioni In Dull county. j > It-mo Cm Oornell College. The Clmsllrul , 1'hllosophlcal , Sclentlfloand Civ. U Engineering Courses compare fa\ orally with the Lest colleges In the country. Special advantages aroKlteu in the Preparato ry aud Nonnal Dciurtmenta , and In the Comtn . storjof ihnlc. Twenty Professors and Teachers. Superior Uulltllnjs , Museum , laboratory and A ] > parutu < . expenses Low. Vail term opens Sept. IS. For catalogue * or other information , addrew PKM. WM. F. KINO. I ) . 1) . , Jy 18-di-v.-2iu Mt. Y rnon , low * . DEWEY & STONE , FURNITURE ORCHARD & BEAN , J. B. FRENCH & CO. , C A R P ET SI GROCERS ! TO ALL WHO HAVE WATCHES 'AND CLOCKS TO BE REPAIRED , : lsT Gh H .A. "V X OR While our Work is better , our Prices are Lower than all others. I received all of the SIX FIRST PREMIUMS offered for Competition in our line Over All Competitors ! For the Best Watch Work , Iftrthe Best Jewelry , ( own make. ) For the Best Engraving , For the Best Diamonds ( own importation ) FOR THE BEST DISPLAYED , ETC. Having lately enlarged my workshops and putting in now and improved ma chinery , I hope to still more improve the quality and finish of our work and fill orders with more promptness than is usual. O TJTIOICT ! My Motto has always been and always will'bo ; "First to gain superior f.icili- ties nnd then advertise the fact not before no wild advertisements. Some unprincipled dealers being in the habit of copying my announcements , I would beg you , the reader of this , to draw a line between such copied advertisements and these of Yours , very truly , A. B. HUBERMANN , The Reliable Jeweler , Omaha , Neb. , Sign of the Striking Town Clock. O. H. BALLOU , DEALER IN Lath and Shingles , Yard and Office 15th and Cumings Street , two blocks north of 1ST. PAUL AND OMAHA DEPOT. jrl ood-3m , Max Meyer & Go. GunsAmmunitionSporting Goods PISHING TACKLE , BASH BALLS , and a FULL LINE OF NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS. MAX MEYER & CO. , Omaha , Ne