Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 03, 1881, Page 7, Image 8

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BIO rarnnam , bet , Oth and 10th Street *
opy 1 year , In advance ( postt.iIJ ) fld.OO
months " ' . . . . . 6 ' OC
.months < j'
TIMS CAKU Clltmoo , ST. Ml't , MIXXBiroLIS AND
, LtavcfOmiha No. 2 through p-wongcr , 11
j * rn. No. t , Oakland pa scngcr , SSOa. in.
, Arrive Omaha No. 1 , through passenger , 5
tn. No , 3 , Oakland passenger , 4:10 : p. m.
C. , B. k Q. 6 a. m. 3:40 : p. m.
C. k N. W. , 0 n. m. 3:40 : p. m.1
0. , It. I , k l0 n : m.-3:40 : p. m.
K. C. , St. J. k 0.11. , 3 a m.-l:30 : p. m. Arrl\o
t St. Louis at 0:25 : A. m , and 7:46 : a. m.
B. k M. In Nob. , Through nxprcss , 8:35 : n. ru.
11. k M. Lincoln Freight. 7:00 p. m.
V. P Kxiiress , 12:151 : > . m.
O. k ll. V. ( or Lincoln , 10:20 n. m.
O. k H. V. lor OsccoU , 9:40 : a. m
U. I * , freight No. B , 6:30 : n. m.
U. P. freight No. 9 , 8:15 : a. m.
U. P. freight No. 7 , 0:10 : p. m. emigrant.
U. P. freight No. 11 8:25 o. m.
C. n. & q. , 5:00 : a. rn. 7:25 : p. m.
C. k N. W. , 0:45 : a. m.-7:25 : p. m.
< X U. L&P.,9:46 : a. m. 9:06 : p. m.
K. C. , St. Joe &C II. , 7:40 : v m. 0:45 : p. tn.
W. , St. L. & P. , 10:55 a. m < T-4:25 : p. m.
O. & R. V. from Lincoln 12:12 : p. m.
U. P. Express 3:25 : p. m.
B k M. In Neb. , Through Express 1:15 p. m
B. t M. Lincoln Freight 8:35 a. in.
U. P. Freight No. 10-1:40 : p. m.
No. 6 4:25 : p. m. Emigrant.
No. s-10:60 : p. m.
No 12-11:35 : a. m.
O. k K. V. mixed , ar. 4:35 : p. m.
Nebraska Dhlalon of the St. Paul & Sioux City
No. 2 leaves Omhha 8 a. m.
No. 4 Ica\cs Onnlu 1:50 : p. m.
No. 1 arrive * at Omaha at 4:30 : p. m
No. 3 arri\cs at Omaha at 10:45 : a. m.
Lvave Omaha at 8:00 : , 0:00 : and 11:00 : a. m. ;
t:00 : , 2.00 , 3.00 , 4:00 : , 6:00 : wid 0:00 : p. m.
Lwuo Council Blufln at 8:25 , 0:25 : , 11:25 : a. m. ;
1:25 , 2:25 : , 3:25 : , 4:25 : 6:25 : ami 0:25 : p. in.
Sundays The dummy Ioa\cs Omaha at D:00
And 11:00 : a. m. ; 2:00 , 4:00 : and 6:00 : p. m. Lcarcs
Council IllutTs at 9:25 : and 11:25 a. m. ; 2:25 : , 4:25 :
nd 6:25 : p. m.
Opening and Closing of Malls.
a. m. p. m. a. m. p. tn.
Chlcnso&N. W. 11.00 9:30 4:30 : 2:40 :
Chicago , U. I. k Pacific. 11:00 0.00 4:30 : 2:40 :
Chicago , 11. k Q 11:00 : 9.00 4:30 : 2:40 :
Wftbash 12:30 : 4:30 : 2:40 :
fiioux City and Pacific. . 11:00 : 4:30 :
Union Pacific 6:00 : 11:40 :
Omaha & U. V 4:00 : 11:40 :
B.&JI. In Neb 4:00 : 8:40 : 6:30 :
Omaha k Nortlm cstcrn. 4:30 : 7:30 :
Local malls for Stnto of Iowa loa\o but oncoa
day , viz : 4:30. :
A Lincoln Mall Is alio opened at 10:30 : a. m.
Oillco OJKM Sundays from 12 m. to 1 p. m.
Business .TlirectoiT.
Art hmporlum.
U. ROSE'S Art Emporium , 1610 Dodge Street ,
Steel Engravings , Oil Paintings , Chromoa , Fancy
Frames. Framing n Specialty. Low Prices.
BONNER ISOfl Dounlas Street. Good Styles.
Abstract and Real Estate.
JOHN L. McCAOOE , opposite Post Offlec.
W. R. BARTLETT 317 South 13th Street.
Room 14. Crclghton Block.
A. T. LARGE Jr. , Room 2 , Ciclirhton Block.
Boots and Shoes.
JFino Boots and Shoes. A Rood ossorment of
homo work on hand , corner 12th and Harncy.
'HOS. ERICKSON , S E. cor. 10th and Douglas.
605 10th street , manufactures to order good work
at fair prices. Repairing done.
Bed Springs.
J. F. LARRIMER Manufacturer. 1517 Dourlasst.
Books , News and Stationery.
3.1. FRUEHAUF 1015 Farnham Street.
Butter and Eggj.
HcSIIANE & SCHUOEDER , the oldest n. and K.
uouce In Ncbraxka e&talilUhod 1875 Omahx
MflS. A. RYAN ,
oouthvrcst corner lOthand Dodge.
Best Board for the Monoy.
Satisfaction Guaranteed ,
Meals at all Hours.
Board by the Day , Week or Month.
Good Tcnns for Cash.
Furnlshnd Unom S'ippllod.
Carriage * and Road Wagons.
WM. 8NVDEU , No. 131h 14th and Harnoy Streets ]
Civil Engineers nnd Surveyors.
ANDREW ROSEWATER. Crclghton Block ,
Town Suncys , Grade and Sewerage Systems a
Liommliilon Merchants ,
JOHN 0. WIL LIS.1414 Dodge Street.
D B. DK KM EH. For detail ] eco largo advertise
ment In Dally and Weekly.
Cigars and Tobacco ,
WEST k FRITSCDER. manufacturers of Cigars ,
and Wholesale Dealers In Tonaccos. 1305 Doutrlas.
W. V. LORENZEN manufacturer 614 10th street.
Cornlco Works.
WesUrn Cornice Works , Manufacturers Iron
Cornlco , Tin , Iron and Slate Roofllng. Orders
from any locality promptly executed In the beet
manner. Factory and Ott'co ' 1810 Dodge Street.
Gahanlzed Iron Cornices. Window Caps , etc. ,
manufactured and put up in any part of the
country. T. S1NHOLU 410 Thirteenth street
Crockery ,
J , BONXER 1300 Douglas stroct. Good line.
Clothing and Furnishing Qoods.
OEO , II. PETERSON. Also Hats , Caps , Boots ,
Shots , Notions and Cutlery , 601 S. 10th street.
Clothing Bought.
0 .SHAW will pay highest Cash price ( or eccond
hand clothing. Corner ICth and Variihajn ,
DU. PAUL , Williams' Dlock , Cor. ICth & Dodge.
Drugs , Paints and Oils.
Pharmaclsts , Fine fane Uoolj , Cor. 15th and
Doueiin htrccts.
-VV. J , WIUTEHOUi \VholcsaIo tltetail , 10th st. .
C. C , FIELD , 022 N eth Side Coming Street.
\ M. PARR , Druggist , loin and Howard Streets.
Pry Qoods Notions , Etc.
JOHN H. F. Li ; MANN & CO. ,
t < cw York Dry Goods S.oro , 1310 and 1312 Fftrn- )
him strict.
L. C. Enewold alsa 'joots and shoes 7th & Pacific.
hurtmure ,
A F. OIIOSS , New ar.d Ssoond Hand Furniture
and Stoves , 1114 Douziu. Highest ciuJi price
paid for second hanu soov * .
J , BOXNER 1S09 Doufla t. Fine foods , ic.
Fence Works ,
OUST , FRIES 4 CO. . 1213 Harncy St. , Improve-
ad Ice Boxes , Iron and Wood Fences , Oflico
, Counters of Pine ami Walnut.
Florist ;
A Donaghue. plants , cut flowers , seeds , boquets ,
etc.A N. W. cor. 18th enl DoiwUs streets. t
rocindr/ . t
JOHN WEA11NE & SONS , cor. 14thA& Jackson ets
Hour and Feed. c
\r \
OIIAHA CITY MILLS , 8th n < l Fsrnhim fits , f
Welshans linn. , .ropnetors. (
Z. STEVENS , 2Ist between Cumlng and Irani. (
T. A. McSHANE , Corn. 23d and Cumin ? Streets.
Douglas street. Wholaale Eictushely ,
Harfiwaie , Iron and Steel.
OOLAN it LANOWOHTIIY , Wholesale , 110 and
I6th street.
A. HOLMES corner ICth and CullIornU.
Harneis. Buddies , Ac.
n. WKISTJO ISth St. bft Farn. A n tnv
Hat and Donnet Dle chers.
rjidln Ret yon l Straw , Chip and felt ll t. done
tip at northcewt corner Setcntrenth anj Capito
Avenue. WM. 00VK Proprietor
CANFIKLD HOUSE,0 J. Cannelc1,8th & F rnh\m
DORAN HOUSK , P. It. Gary , 913 Farnham St.
SUVVEN'S HOTEL , V. Sla cn , 10th Street ,
Southern Hotel Ous. lianiel , Oth k Lca\cn\vorth
ron heneing
The Wcsttrn Comlco Works , Afrcnts for the
Clmnpion Iron Fence Ar. , ha\o on titnd nil klnd <
of FancA * Iron Fences , Crestlnps , Finoals , Rallint
6tc , 1310 Dodce stre * . apli
Intelligence Office ,
MRS. I.1XX.IF. UKNT 217 16th Street.
Jewellers ,
JOHN IIAUMCR 1314 rnrnham Street.
Junk ,
It. DERTHOLD , IU s and Metal.
Lumber , Lime and Cement , & QUAY corner Uth and Douglas Sts.
Lamps and Ulastwaro ,
J. BONNER 1309 Daualas St. Good Variety.
Merchant Tailor * .
Ono of our most popular Merchant Tailors Is re-
cchlnff the latest designs for Spring and Summer
Goods for Bontlcmon's ' wear. Stylish , durable ,
and prices low us eier S1613th bet. DOUU. & Farn.
MRS. 0. A. UINOER , Wholewlo and Retail , Fan.
cy Goods In Rreatariety , Zephyrs , Card Uoardi ,
Hosiery , Glot cs , Cornets , kc. cheaiwst Homo In
the West. Purchasers save 30 per cont. Order
. . . _ _
t. * * Ifoll 1 1 t IMH .tV. Ll 4
Physicians nnl Surgeons.
W. S. OIBD3 , M. V. , Kjora No 4 , Crclghton
Illock , 16th Street.
P. S. LK1SENIUNO , M. D. Masonic Illock.
C. L. HAUT , M. D. , Kyr and Ear , opp. poitofllce
Oculist and Aurlst , S. W 16tli and Farnham Sta.
Grand Central Oallorv ,
212 Sixteenth Street ,
near Hastmc Hall. First-class Work and Prompt'
nous ( fiiarantccn.
Plumbing , Gas and Steam Fitting.
P. W. TAIU'Y k CO. . 210 12th St , bet. Farnham
and Douglas. WorK promptly attended to.
D. FITZPATRICK , 1409 Douglas Street.
Painting and Paper Hanging ,
HENRY V/1STKH3,1412 Doilgo Street.
Planing Mill.
A. MOVER , manufacturer of sash , doors , blinds ,
moldings , neels , alustcrs , hand rails , furnishing
scroll sawing , io. , cor. Dodge and Oth streets.
J. KOSENFELD , 822 10th St. , bet. Far. & liar ,
Refrigerators , Canfleld's Patent.
0. F. OOODMAN llth St. bet. Farn. & Harncy.
Show Case Manufactory. ,
0. J. WILDE ,
Manufacturer and Dealer In all kinds of Show
Cases , Upright Cases , A „ 1317 Cass St.
FUANK L. OKUHAKD , proprietor Onnha
Show Case manufactory , 818 South 10th struct ,
jctwccn Lcaeinrorth and Warcy. All goods
warranted first-class.
Stoves ana inwaro.
Dealer In Stoxcs and Tinware , and Manufacturer
of Tin Roofs and all kinds of Uulldlue Work ,
Odd Fellows' Block.
J. CONNER. 1300 Douelas St. Good and Cheap.
J. EVANS , Wholesale and Retail Seed Drills and
CultUators , Odd Fellows' Hall.
Shoo Stores.
Phillip Lansr , 1320 Famnam et. . bet ISth & 14th.
Second Hand Store.
PERKINS & LF.AR. 141U Douglas St. . New and
Second Hand Furniture , House Furnishing Good" ,
&c. , bouirhtand sold on narrow margins.
In the new brick block on Douglas Street , has
just opened n most elegant licet Hall.
Hot Lunch from 10 to 12
o\ cry day.
3n Farnham , next to the U. & M. headquarters ,
las re-opcncd a neat and complete establishment
which , barring FHlfc. and MotherShlpton's Proph
ecy , will bo opened tor the boys with Hot Lunch
on and after present date.
Caledonia " J. FALCONER. 670 10th Street.
! HAS , niEWE , 101 ! ! Karnham bet 10th & lltd.
P. PEMNER , 303J Tenth street , between Farn-
lam and lltmicv. Does good and cheap work.
00 Uent Stores.
HENRY POHLMAN. tors , notions , plctuios
OK dry , lie. , 61314th bet. Farnham anil Douglas
P. 0 BACKUS. 1205 Farnham St. . F nev neil
E. D. Ijinefull ( name unknown ) will tnko no
Ice that ho has been sued > > y Dudley M. Htccle ,
Samuel R. Johnson and Sanford . Spratlln , co-
> artners , doln ; ; Imslness under the firm name of
itecle , Johnson & Co. , In the District Court of
> ouglas county , Nebraska , to rcro > er $3,031.29 ,
ind Intermit from October If ) , 1SSO , due them on a
iroinlssory notu hearing datu April 20,1878. Also
.hat an attachment has been made on certain
unds In the First National hank of Omaha , No-
jraskn , belonging to J ou and lilch the said par-
lux ahot a named seek to obtain to apply In pay-
men tot their said claim.
You are required to answer said petition on or
before Monday , the 22d dayof Auuiut , A , D. 1W1.
ov-s t-4t. Attornnv for Plaintiff ,
In the district court , Douglas County.
ToSamuilC. Davis , Caroline Dmis , Elizabeth
1. TomlliiHon and the helm or devises ef Ifinry
T , Toinllnsoii , deceased w hoao real names are un-
tnowii , non-rc8llcnt defendants.
You are hereby notified that John T , Pmli ,
plalntlll and prcunt owner of the land hereinaft
er dcbcrlbcd , did on the 17th dayof June. A. 1) .
881 , tllo his petition tn the district co.irt in and
for Douglas county , Neb. , against jou as dcfen-
lants feottln ; , ' forth that on the 12th day of Janu
ary A , 1) . 1S)0 ) , the wld Henry T , Toiullnsoii ,
and Elizabeth II. , his ulfe , executed and deliver
ed to the sal'l Samuel C. Dat Is u deed of lands
ultuatud In t.ald county In which a portion of the
amis Intended to bo uomtnwl as by a rlurlcal
error erroneously described as the north 4 Instead
of the uu > t J uf the toutlmctt i of tec. No. 1 , In
township No. 14 north of raiin'eNn. 11 cakt ac of
cording to the true intent of the pattiru thereto ,
hhii deed 1 duly recorded In the olllcn of the
clerk of the count } of Douglas In book M of deeds
at page Ib2
The ohject and prayer of fald petition Is that
said error be corrected anil that Kilil ihcd hu i-on-
struedasconxeylngthouut J of the southwest of
quarter of kild teetlon Nn one , and that the title
.hereto ho adjudged ta ho In hald plalntlll or In
hose In w fully claiming under him the name as If
bald error had not licvn made and that 3011 and
each \ouheforeier excluded from nny Inter-
cst in said land on account of fcald error and for
such other to further relief ai ma ) bo lust ami
right In thopremlBes , And jour are and eauh of {
on i * hereby notitleil to apar ) and answer tald
Htitlon on or before the M day of Auyiut , A
Llb(5l ( ,
Dated June 23.1ES1. Plaintiff.
WM. K. MIU.KU Ills Attonicv. cv-wt-St
Master's Sale
In the Circuit Court of the United K tales for the
dUtrilt of Nebraska ,
Augustus S. Kldclcr )
vs. > In Chanccrj.
NcUon Fcautcau. J
Public notice U hereby given that In pursuance
of a decree entered In tlie above cauwon ( he litli
day of November , 16SO , I , Kills L. llcrlx ) > Mcr ,
Master In Chaneeo * In tal < ) court , will on the 29th
day of August , 18)11,01 ) the hour of U o'clock In
the afternoon of the ntld day at the u c t door of
tile United States court lioune and po tolllce
building In the city of Lincoln , Lancaster coun
ty , State and District of Nebraska , kell at public
auction the following described projierty , to-v\it :
Thonorthwctt quart' r of the northeast quarter ,
and lots X < n. three (3) and four (4) ( cf btvtlon No.
four (4) , township No. thirty-one (31) ( ) , range No.
(5) ) Cllst. Also the out half of the southwest
quarter and lot threc(3)and ) the northu est quar
ter of the southwest quarter of section No , Thir
ty-three , ( J3)jii township thirty-two , range No.
(5) ) five cast oont&lnlrg In all two hundred and
seventy-threoand 10-100(273 10-100) acres all In
Dlxon county. Nebraska.
HBOWX k CAurBKLt , Master in Chancery.
Solicitors for Complainant. ] y 20-w6t
Edward W. Simeral ,
The Serpent Bnnlnom'ln Now York
ThoDonthof a Votcrnn
New Vork Sun.
This annko season opens Inter tlinn
usual this year. Tlio weather in nil
parts of tlio world has boon so coltl
that t no attempts Imvo boon made to
gather the serpent crop. Late ad
vices received in tin's city , however ,
say that there is sonio activity in tlio
South American market , ad the
usual supply may bo expected hero
One of the leading city diwlors ex
pects Jii's first order of forty ntiacon-
das , assorted sizes , in about three
weeks. Prices rule about the same as
last year from 830 to § , ' 100 , accord
ing to length. Sixes very from 8 to
30 feet.
The trade will actively sot in about
. the 1st of April , and will continue
brisk until about Juno , when the
traveling shows will all boon the road.
For a short season during midsummer
there will be n lull in business , and
only n small a [ small stock will bo
carried over to replace snakes that
have died in shows. In the early fall
when the side-shows are getting ready
for the country fairs , the snake mer
chants again enjoy n prosperous trade.
The mcrchints are conservative in
ordering their goods , however , so as
not to bo compelled to carry a largo
stock through the winter. The late
Mr. Mooney hail only one snake , and
that a very small ono , to carry over
this winter.
The recent death of Patrick Mooney ,
the pioneer snake merchant of the
city , was n great loss to the trade , nnd
is mourned in the Fourth ward , in
which ho carried on business so many
years. Mr. Mooney was an Irishman
by birth , and started in the animal
nnd snake business in Nowry. Ireland ,
when a young man lie lived more
tlian a quarter of a century in this
country , most of the time in this city.
Ho traveled extensively in his early
life , nnd collected serpents in nearly
every part of the globe. As a rule ,
ho did not handle venomous reptiles ,
but the boas nnd anacondas sometimes
proved as dangerous. He bore ninny
teeth , and ho used to toll thrilling
stories ot his escape from the coil of
the monsters that wrapped around
liis body. Ho used frequently to take
i good sized anaconda from its box in
liis store and frighten spectators Ly
letting it coil around him. Ho always
took good care not to lot the snake
t a purchnso with its tail on any ad
jacent object , against which to squeeze
Slim ,
Ho had many a hearty laugh at the
( right of people at the reptiles. Ono
day n party of roystcring sailors got
rather demonstrative around the win
dow of his store , which was then on
FrQiit street , and a largo crowd col
lected. Mooney determinedto disperse
! t. Seizing
from its case ho swung it ovc n'3
shoulder and rushed out in'0 l °
crowd. The snake .w ! iett and coiled
Itself , thruottng its head out , nnd
opened his mouth in a way to terrify
the stoutest nerves. The crowd broke
nnd ran , the terror-stricken sailors
leading the flight , and not halting un
til they had put several blocks between
them and the snake. Moonoy's on
slaught was long the talk of the neigh-1
borliood , and the boys wore shy about
loitering around his door for months.
Moonoy's courage was undaunted.
Ho was a small , slender-built man , but
men of twice his size who Vnow him
did not cnro to incur his displcasuro.
Ono day last summer a tipsy 'long
shoreman of frifiantio stature made
some disturbance in his shop. The
follow showed fireht when ho reached
tie ) sidewalk , seix.ed an empty boor-
cog and hurled it at Moonoy's head.
The little snake merchant dodged suc
cessfully , but his wrath was up.
Stepping back into the shop ho seized
tn ax and renewed the attack. Tim
longshoreman had by that time
startod.for n pilo'pf loose pavint/jstones
jear by , but seeing Mooney with up-
iftod ax close upon him , ho took to
lis heel.
Mooney know all about snake pathology
elegy , and rarely lost any of his sor-
> ents from disease. It was rather
tnrtling to the nerves to stop into a
lis shop and see him holding open
and touching up canker apots , from
vhich the reptiles frequently stiller.
10 lost the slippery reptiles in other
vnys than by disease , however. In
pito of all precautions , they would
occasionally escape from captivity.
Mooney found one fine anaconda
lead one morning several blocks from
us store. An excited crowd had fol-
owed it and stoned it to death , not
cnowing whence it cntno.
On another occasion Mooney ar
rived at hia store and found that five
makes wore gone. After long search
hey were discovered coiled up hmido
n long stovepipe that lay in n rear
storeroom Tlio reptiles braced thorn-
selves nnd resisted nil efforts nt getting
horn out. As reptiles go without
food a month at a time , the prospect (
coaxinc them out was unpromising.
Finally , the rivets in the side of the
pipe were cut , and the reluctant snakes
tveio gotten out , a
Another snake once escaped , nnd
was missing for mx months. It was
ivoii u ] } as hopelessly lost. Ono day ,
11 removing nemo old rope and other
rubbish in the loft , the snake was
found , alive and well. How ho had
gotten suiliciont food to keep him
alive was n mystery. )
Two boas climbed from the lirsl
story to the r < ) of of the building one
night. In tlio morning one wa $ found
dead in the street , it evidently fallen
off The other was found coiled
around a chimney stack.
.Mr , Mooney had to keep his store
lieated to a tropical temperature to ft
keep his stock comfortable , In the
late cold spell ho was in the habit of
working in the superheated room and
then going out doors without an over
coat. He caught a severe cold , which
resulted in pneumonia and caused his
A Mine Seller ill Flue Street.
Kan Francisco Pott
Ho came down hero to sell a mine. a
Ho said it was a "well-confined" ledge
with prophyry for the hanging wall
nnd quartzite on the under aide , with
Hull' running in a straight
streak trom the foot of the canon ta
the summit of the hill. Ho had some
chuncks of the rock in his pockotn
which wore covered with HufT ft" '
tobacco dust. An old gentleman wh
had herded n stove in n Coinstock
saloon in 'GO , said the specks of tli
iluft'nnd tobacco wore sulphurcts :
Gorman gentleman who had passoi
throuah Freiberg while on the way tc
America , said they wore iroi
byrites , impregnated mit Bulphurot
of silver ; " a Comstock minor said the
chmmks entire were bird's-eye per
phyry. and n Pine street stock shnri
remarked that it looked like the rock
from the mine from the Oplnr when
the big cave showed np the ore the }
Backed and sent to London ,
"Is the mine for sale ? " asked nskoi
a man whoso coat would Imvo ' "f"
good material for soup in the > > hai
Cheer restaurant.
' ' ' " said the
/'That's / what on ,
mine owner.
.lust then Prof. Price , the well
known metallurgist , came along ant
pushed into the crowd ,
"Professor , what do you think o
thisstuin" said a man who could buy
two or three mines if ho wanted to.
"Grindstone , " replied the jolly pro
The crowd sadly adjourned , and the
minor said that this was no place for
an honest minor , nnd ho Iiopod _ hi
might bo "condemned" ( now version"
if ho didn't no to Now York , or Besting
ting ; or Philadelphia , where people
know something about mines anil
would tnko n nmn's word on a mine ,
porvidin' hu snowed up n map and ai
export's report.
A Suililon Demand That the Fac
tories Caunot < Moat Tlio Now
New York Enn , July J7.
Foreign papers report that , in op
position to the limp , lank skirt of the
esthete , the Parisian modists are
bringing forward the crinolot , whicl
is simply n revival of the hoop-skirt.
The shops in this city are again dis
playing hoop-skirts , and report n gooi
sale for them. At one time hoop
skirt manufactories were numerous ,
Mid a largo capital was engaged in tin
business. Since the hoop-akirt wcnl
out of fashion the factories ht > vo near
j. ly nil disappeared , and the capital has
[ { one into other enterprises. Mr.
said yoatcrday :
"I recollect the time when wo em
ployed 1,200 hands , and our producl
was 10,000 skirts a day. That was
during the war , but about 1808 tin
lioop-skirt wont out of fashion , and
the trade died out. There was n * " '
siont revival in 1870 , but it disuppwir-
od , and from that until now io hoopskirt -
skirt trade has been a very small part
of our business. Wo have always
continued the manufacture to some
extent , getting orders every now and
then , mostly * rmn tlio South nnd
West. Som" ladies Jiavo never given
"f the skirt at all but
up the us < > " hoop ;
they fmvu boon olil-fashioiiotl
poor"11 who like it because
o7'its comfort. Now , however , it is
n fashion again. The demand lias
sprung up so suddenly that it is Im
possible to moot it. For the last six
months there has been an increasing
clcm.uid , and in the last few weeks in
addition lo the local demand , wo have
boon constantly receiving orders by
from ' Pitts-
telegraph 'Philadelphia , -
burg , olid other cities , and are sold
iihoad vf production all the time. Tho' '
trouble is that the oldjoporativos have .
gono/nto other pursuits , and it is im-
possjulo to got hands enough. At
present wo are are turning out about
100 dozen a day.
' 'How do you account for the
change ? "
"Well , you know when fashion runs
into extremes there is likely to bo a
violent reaction. Hoop-skirts were
driven out of fashion because the style
was driven to extreme. Hoops got to
be four or five yards around in the
style known as 'tiltors. ' A lady could
hardly got into a church pew. When
she sat down her dress ballooned and
took up the whole side of a street car.
The papers all got to making fun of
the fashion , and there was n reaction ;
against hoop-skirts. Another thing
that had to do with it , I suppose , was '
the hard times. It took a great deal )
of fabric to cover these big skeleton
tents , and there was a Having in adopt
ing narrow skirts. Now tight dressus
have been pushed to an extreme , and
reaction toward fuller dresses and
the hoops is natural. "
"How does the now style compare
with the old ? " asked the reporter.
"Lookatthat"uaidMr. ! , point
ing to a hoop-skirt hanging from tlio
coiling. It was a great circular wire
cage yards around. "Now , look at
this ! " and ho held up n slim , graceful
skirt , with hoops secured by brond
tapes , nnd running about half way up ,
"The old hoops run up to 150 inches
in circumference. The present style
runs from lifty-fiyo to sixty-five inches.
Nu\v , if the niodistes'do not push the
hoop-skirt down to two yards in cir
cumference , it will romaiii in use. "
"Him there been much clmngo in
the munfactiiro of hoop-skirts ? "
"All the change in the world , It
was in 1857 that hoop-skirts iirstcnmo
into use , 1 remember the first articles
if the kind which were imported from
Euiope. They worn cumbrous affairs ,
thu hoops 'imdu of bamboo , cuiie , or
rattan. Iron was considered too licuvy
material. Kteol-hoops were intro
duced by American makers. It WHS u
long process to got the right ( jimlity
of steel. If made too hard thu stool
would snap , and if too soft the hoop
would bund in wear and lose its shape.
Now thu utuol is BO well tempered that
the hoop-skirt retains its shape and tithe
ho uuino time conforms to changes of
attitude in the wearer like a woven
fabric. The weight of a skirt like
that now coining into fashion 11 less
than ono-fourtli of that of thu old
style of skirt , and the now okirt wjll
wtmr four times an long as the old , "
At M 's the sale of hnuiiskirts
wo * reported to jo increasing , "About
year ago , " naid the reporter's in
formant , "hoopskirts came into some
demand in connection with a style of
sailor waist and gathered skills for
young girls , lint the ladies did not
adopt it , and the demand became
transient. Tho' indications now are
that the hoopskirt will become fash
ionable again. Thu bustle seemed to
have paved the way for it. The bustle -
tlo was gradually lengthened out from
hip picco until it extended the
length of the skirt , and was like a
hoopskirt bisected longitudinally , It
was a small change to make some of
thu lower hoops of the bustle complete [
circles about the form. Boon the gar
ment became half hoop and hulf bus
Ho , nlKiul ton sloth going completely
round , while llio ' remainder
ere short halfhoops , ciiiling at
t 10 Ijidu tapes , The hoojvs keep
the folds of the dross from falling in
ungraceful straight lines from the
' "I" ' , whore the ureas is spread out by
'In1 ' Inutlo. At present the article in
' ' it only half a hoopskirt , for the
Mods run only half way up in front ,
' "it the tonileiicy is toward complete
"Mils again. The demand comes
fri > m the best class of customers , and
"i the Inst month or sh weeks our
s.ili havq greatly increased. "
\t - 's the lady in cliargo of that
'li'p.-irtmont ' also reported nil inciTiis-
"it ; ( Irninml for hoopskirts by fashion-
> li < ladies. The skirt is called for as
in adjunct to the bustle , and is or-
ranqi'd with a lateral partition of
tapes , o as to throw out the roar half-
1 itvlo of hoops and support the drop *
ini s and ornaments of tlic back of the
Mmlnmo null the Gamliliup ;
Hell of Monte Cnrlo
Mine. IMixnc , of Monaco , has 5501111
tn rest. So said n cable dispatch of
M L'llnosday. Her husband preceded
her n few years since. In early life
M. lllniic and his spouse kept n small
dry-goods store in Paris in an obscure
street , near the depot of the Chun. in
de For du Nord. To them gambling
had irresistible charms. These charms
Mere enhanced by the fact that luck
was always in their favor. Money
linked in freely , and in .v short time
Monsieur and Madame Diane found
themselves at the head of the notori
ous gambling hell nt Monte Carlo ,
Monaco , tlio only den of the kind
now remaining in Europe. The sup
pression in 187of the green-cloth-
clail tables of the German watering-
places , followed by the bouncing ol
AI. Fiimn , an ox-priest , and now pro-
pi iotor of n Nice theatre , from the
"hell" nt Snxoii-Ies-Uniiis , Canton ,
Val.iis , Switzerland , on the 31st o !
December , 1870 , greatly strengthened
the position of the Jllanc family.
Lovers of roulot nnd rouge-et-noir from
all parts of the word repaired to Mona
co , and M. IManc departed this
life with the satisfaction of knowing
that his family was one of t/io / best
provided for in the Old World The
J llano family ii.t . only maintained
themselves on , tllo failings of others ,
but have boori'tho main supporters of
the smaljosf principality in the world ,
_ .VB > K > tj second to none in beauty ,
ic" I"13 f ° r n thousand years past
olninicd as its head a scion of the his
torical house of Grimaldi. Of the
dead nothing but cood. The benevo-
once of Madame Itlane was oxtraordi-
iary , not on the principloof the man
vho stole a new pair of shoes , and
; ave away his old ones "pour I'tunour
iu bon Iieu , " but because she cousid-
red it right to bn charitable. Many
fatuity may have been beggared in
lie Casino of Monte Carlo , many a
Jidda's grave may have been dug
licre ; but many anaching heart has
leon made glad , nijd many nn empty
tomach filled by the generosity of
Madame Blanc. She leaves threes
ihildren , the present M. lilanc , of
tlonto Carlo , whoso schemes for re-
upcrating the finances of the fnst-
ptting Ottoman Empire by the cstab-
ishment at Constantinople nnd in
Cgypt of gambling-tables similiar to
hose nt Monte Carlo , nnd of the
trotits of which the Sultan was to
lave n big share , is well known , nnd
.wo daughters , ono of whom is mar-
iod to Prince Rndziwill , son of the
olobratcd Austrian diplomat of that
lame , while the other wife of Roland
ionaparto , son of the notoriously
vayward Pierre Bonaparte. Although
each daughter received n dowry of
$4,000,000 $ and the son a huge fortune
> cforo the death of his parents ,
ladamo Blanc's treasury "was not
oplotod. She is said to have left a
abulous sum of money , no inconsider-
blo portion of which has come from
ho pockets of crazy Americans.
IL Baptist Mlnlator'a Experience.
I am n llapttat minixtcr , nnit Itcforo 1
vcn tliouijht of heinif ft clergyman , I
rmhmtc < l In medicine , but left a lucrative
iractlco for my prowent prnfcxslon , ten
'enrsnto. I wan" fur many yearo n sulfur-
r from quinsy ; "ThoiiiM Kclectrio Oil
uml me. " 1 was alxu troubled with
inarxcnexH , anil Tliomi ' Kc vctric Oil al-
vftvs relieved me. My wife and child had
liptheritt , nrid ThoinasV Kclcctrlc Oil
n red them , " and if taken In thnu It will
nro novel ! tlniuH out of ten. I am conlid-
nt it IH nemo for thu niout olwthmU ) cold
ir ciiijli , and If any imo will take n email
eaHpooii anil half fill It with the Oil , and
hen [ ilnco the end of tile npoon In ono no- *
ril and draw the Oil out of thu Hpnoii into
he head by Hiiilliiif , ' AH liunl iw they can ,
uitll tlm Oil falls over Jnto thu thront , and
irnctlce that twice a week , 1 don't caru
low oUVimivo their head maybe , It will
clean it out nnd euro their catarrh. T'nr
leafncHH and earavliu it has ilonu womlerx
D my certain knowledge. It in thu mil
nedicinu dul > K d patent medicine that 1
mvu ever felt like rvcoiiniieiidin , and 1
nm very nnxloim to HC i It in every place ,
or 1 tell you that I would not liu without
t In my IIOIIKO for nny coiiNlderiition. I
un now KulfciiiiK with a luin liku rlieu
I'litinm ' In my light linili , and nothing le
luveHinu like Tlionuw' Kcleelrio Oil ,
JJit. K. 1' . UIIANI : ,
niu'l-lw C'oiry , 1'n.
Buolcliu's Aruioa Salvo ,
The best salve in the world for outs ,
miiscs , BOICH , ulcers , salt rheum ,
foyer Bores , totter , cliapued hands ,
chillblains , corns and all kinds of
skin eruptions , This salvo is guar
anteed to give perfect satisfaction in
every case or money refunded , Price ,
25o per box , For sale by
IKK it MI'.MAIION , Omaha.
General Insurance Agent ,
IIOE.VIX ASSt'llANCECO. , f Ix > n-
ion , rabh assets , , . $5,107,12'
WIMTOIIEHTl'.II.N , V.i pital . 1 OW.OOO
fAI5 MERCHANTS , of Newark , N. J. , lOSttOM (
HIIAlinFlllK. Phllailuhilda , capital , l.OOQ.noc
FIHEMAN'H FUND , California , . . . , . . . fcOO.OW
NKWAUK Fllli : INH. CO. , oxsoU. . , . . ' 0,000
AMEIIICAN CENTRAL , ftw U , . . . , , bOO.OOO
Southeast Cor , of FifUentli and Farnham ht ,
ROUND TKIP , $19.00
First class and ( food through the > ear. AUo
New York. Iloston and all Eastern iKiIntii , at pro
KJrtloiiatuly low rates. On tialo ONLY at
Railroad Ticket Oltlee ,
Uinc-twlm boa Tviith bt. , Omaha
ux :
In order to make extensive alterations , and ; y
will re-open in a few days as the '
in Nebraska ( except Cruick- E
' l ! < w
shank & Co. ) , r
i , - , .IT. . -
P. G. IMLAH , Manager ,
Leader of Popular Prices.
' itt
. ,
Spring Suits ! All Styles !
_ _ _ _ _ _ i . , , Y
The Largest Olothing House lest of Chicago *
A Department for Children's Clothing. .
Wo have now an'assortmont of Clothing of all kinds , Gont's
Furnishing Qoods in great varietyan"d a heavy stock of Trunks.
Valises , Hats , Caps , &o. These goods are fresh , purchased from
the manufacturers , and will ho sold at prices lower than ever
before mado. : "
We Sell for Cash and Have , but One Price.
A large TAILORING FORCE is employed by us , and "We m V ,
SUITS TO ORDER on very short notice. .
1301 and I3Q3 Farn ham St. , cor. 13th
J. B. Detwiler's
The Largest Stock and Most Com
plete Assortment in
The West.
. .
' I : > tf
\i \
We Keep Everything in the Line of tfarpets , Oil- . - , . .
cloth's , Matting , Window-shades , Fixtures
and Lace Curtains. '
. ,
i < t r IK
1313 Farnham St. , Omaha.
Dealer in ( Hardware ,
Cooking Stoves
Stove Repairer , Job Worker and Manufacturer
Tenth and Jackso1"1 Omaha , Neb