Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 02, 1881, Page 8, Image 8

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Tuesday Morning , August 2 ,
Frederick , Lending Hnttcr. l.lf
Pftttenon tells cosl.
Got yonr haU nt Donne's.
Nlndell k Krclle. Tr ctlc l Halter * .
Elegant Pockct-BooltB nt Saxc's.
Don't fall to ! rlnk SAXK' ntxla.
A. W. Nason , Dcntlut , Jacob's block.
Upholstering of all kinds ilonc nt .T03
North IBth street. tA
Natural Mineral Water on draught at
Kuhn'g dnig store.
For riNB Commercial Job Printing ,
all nt THE DEC Job rooms.
The Lion continues to roar for Moore's
Harness and Saddlery ,
Prescriptions a specialty , Opera House
Pharmacy , 211 8. 15th Street.
Forcpaugh's circus in billed to exhibit
in Omaha Aug. 27th.
Fresh aiipply of Imported Key West
and Domestic Cigara at .
Dress Goods nre going fast ( it Atkin
son & CO.'H. Low prices will tell. He-
mcml > erve hare Jitintlng in all col ore.
Safes , machinery , and all lunih of
heavy hauling done by Brisco & Co. , the
nafo men.
Any ono having uork for n type writer
can ho accommodated by telephoning Tin :
BKK office. If
The waterworks company are laying a
main on Douglas Hired from Fifteenth to
Nineteenth street.
The remaining part of the old Viwclicr
block is being "blocked tip" preparatory to
being moved off.
The annual meeting of the United
States Btcnographer's association will beheld
hold in San Francisco in September.
A new sidewalk which IH greatly needed -
ed Li bong ! laid upon the Twelfth Htrect
front of the Metropolitan hotel.
Ten pereonB appeared before Judge
lienoke yesterday to answer charges of
drunkenncus. Six of the party were Rent
to jail.
The work of grading about the location
for the new court house hai been com
menced again. The commissioners threat
ened to take away the contract unless
work WM resumed at once.
At Wlsner , last Friday , a fatal acci
dent occurred. Mr. P. Larcon was driving
a team hitched to a large lumber wagon
Mid was accompanied by his son , a boy
about eighteen years old. The boy fell out
of the wagon , and was run over and almost
instantly killed. The parents of the boy
are almost crazy with grief , as ho was a
bright and promising child.
Capt. Hustin went west yesterday.
Miss Nellie Landagan left yesterday
for Ltirnmic , 'Wyominp.
llev. A ; K Shcrrill Htarted on a trip to
Denver and the mountains ycacerday.
Goo. K. Mann , of St. Joe , ono of the
Grand Central architects , is In the city.
DrvBlack and M. L. White , of 1'latts-
mouth , ftro reglHtcred nt the Crvlghton
N. J. Luhrcr , wife and child , of San
lranci co , dined at the Creighton hound
yesterday afternoon.
William Taylor , editor nnd publisher
ofTho , Woodstock ( N. Y. ) Jlcglstpr , was
1n ho city yesterday. He Is going on to
Yankton , Dakota.
T. 1" . Lyons left last night for Iowa.
l''rom there , in company with his ulster ,
ho will proceed to Ohio. Ho will bo absent
about tlireo weeks.
AI. DIakclcc , a conductor on the TJ. 1 * .
went east yesterday to Wisconsin on a tour
of recreation. Ho has been running stcadl
ly for a number of years and this Is his
first vacation. His friends liopo he will
enjoy himself.
Col. Koyall , U. S. A. , arrived homo yesterday -
terday afternoon from Salt Lake.
Joseph Opelt. formerly proprietor of the
Arlington , at Lincoln , Is at the Metro-
K. 1' . Slosson , manager of the Ameri
can Union Telegraph office at Lincoln ,
reached the city yesterday ,
fc lion. William Dally , ex-Unltcd States
inawlial of Nebraska , and wife , arrived In
the city yesterday from their home In
Pennsylvania , and are nunrted at the
Capt , N. 8. Scott , city engineer ol
JJncoln , is in the city. He has accepted
position In the engineering department ol
the Union Pacific railroad , and leavei to
day for his work on the Omnha , Nlobrars
and Black Hills railroad.
J. U. Stowull has severed his connection
with Tim HKK , nnd will btart In a fov
daya to visit hi * home In New York state
If he again engages In the profession In
will accept n position ottered him on th
Buffalo Express- published in ImtTalc
N. Y. _ - _
Still in Auoyauco-
The mcutiiiu of the county com
inisaionora yesterday afternoon de
velopcd nothing now BO far as hn
been' disclosed , llr. Myers , the a :
chitoct of the building , arrived froi
Detroit yestoi day and was in consn
lation with the commissionoro durii
the afternoon. Commissioner Frei
Drexel is absent from the city , ai
this fact probably htis something
do with the failure of the coun
board in reaching any definite concl
sion with regard to letting any co
tract under the vstimates furnishi
by the different bidders ,
Treaolioroa * Memory.
A man went rushing into the ci
marshal's ollico in a high state of c
citemeut yesterday , lie said 1
room liad been entered during t
night and ho had been robbed of § 1
Some time otter ward the man v
seen on the street smiling and hop ]
Ho had found the money in the in
trees of his bed where ho had p
viously placed it , and forgotten abc
cheeks and clear complexions.
At C. F. Goodman1-
Especially That Connected
With The M. B. Church.
How The Evangelizing Work in Ac
Sunday morning Mrs. M. J.
Shclloy , the conference secretary , de
livered a discourse in the South Oma
ha M. E. church. There was n largo
and fashionable attendance. In the
course of hnr exhaustive address Mrs.
Shelley Raid the missionary work they
were undertaking was far nioro
momentous than was popularly
imagined. It meant carrying the glad
tidings to millions of unconverted
human beings. There were at pres
ent thousands , even millions dying
without a knowledge of the Lamb of
Oed who caino into the world to redeem
doom souls. Tim Women's Foreign
Missionary society 1ms a grand work
to accomplish. This society was in
stituted to carry out certain mission
ary work which could not bo cllectual-
ly done by men. Those acquainted
with the lawn of caste will know that
no man is ever' allowed to enter the
zenanas except the husband. No wo
man is allowed to BOO a man except her
husband , The women even of the
highest caste are kept in the
greatest ignorance , and exclusion and
they therefore can bo reached only
by women. It is admitted by all
travelers nnd others , that it is the
wives of India that are the chief pro
pagators nnd supporters of idolatry.
Missionary men nave said , "you nro
right : wo must educate our girls. Wo
have lost our influence among the
nations of the earth , because our sons
hnvo no mothers. " Human society
depends upon women for its moral
elevation. If you want to raise a
nation of infidels , you cannot do bet
tor than place them under infidel
teachers. This is exactly the plan
the Women's Foreign Missionary
Society have pursued all over the
world , to christianize the mothers of
these Indian homes. When thin is
done the future of that people is fixed ;
they will bo made Christian people.
The women have felt that they have
been called by Oed to undertake this
work , and they have nobly responded
to the call.
This work requires workers at homo
and workers abroad. Some have
thought that all that is required to
carry out missionary work was to bo
willing to leave homo nnd friends and
go to distant lands. But there is a
good deal of missionary work to bo
done at homo. The foreign mis
sionary work requires its workers to bo
cultivated and well trained ; and hence
the society has been sending out
young girls who have spent a number
of years qualifying themselves for
such positions. They have gone out
relinquishing everything , their homos ,
their friends , the society of Christian
assocations to consort with those de
graded and uncivilized people. Out
of fifty-two girls , not ono have over
proved a failure , not ono has been
unwisely chosen. All have proved
eflicient and strong , and when the
ranks have been thinned the vacan
cies have soon boon filled up. This
worknoods | homo workers , nnd they are
just as sacred in the Master's sight ns
those who go abroad. The sacrifice
and the solf-donial that these
workers endure cannot bo esti
mated. Homo workers project
the plan that workers abroad
carry out. Homo workers provide
the moans for carrying out the work
abroad. Doth missions are ono in.
spirit nnd ono in labor , that is to evan
gelize the whole world. Some of the
results of this work have boon mar
velous. Since the institution of this
society in 18I5 ! > it has done some glo
rious work. It has two thousand five
liundrgd and seventy-eight auxiliary
societies , sixty-live thousand six hun
dred and sixty-two members in the M.
E. church , 3(52l , ! life members. It
sustains eleven American missionaries
in China , nine in India , four in South
America , seven in Japan , five in Mexico
ice and two in Africa. It support *
over two hundredBible
women and native teachers ;
six hospitah and dispensaries. It hai
likewise lifteon boarding schools with
ever seven hundred pupils , about r
hundred and twenty-five day uchoph
with nearly three thousand pupils
three oi-phanagcs with about four hundred
drod orphans ; two homes for friendless
loss women. More than a thousum
Honanas are regularly visited. Ti
sustain and carry on all this worl
8107,032.45 have boon appropriated
Between May , 1880 , and May , 1881
8524.1H8 have boon appropriated
Some of the girls have studied medicine
cine anil these medical girls are doin
the grandest work , the heathen we
men not being nllo\ved to see
male physician. The girls liav
great oppwrtunitios of milking thei
way into the homes by means of thoi
medical schools Sumo of the nutiv
girls have passed medical oxamini
lions and these are doing a grun
work. The funds nro all colloctc
in in small sums , 1'urt of the funds ai
derived from the sale of paper ragi
An interesting fact in regard to th
society is that none of the women co nectod with this work ( jet ono cent
id pay ; there is not tv single salarii
to omcor except the girls who woi
ty Mrs. Shelley concluded that it w
a grand work nnd there was yet
great deal to bo accomplished. Th
must pray to Oed to incrcoso tin
zeal and strength to carry it on.
i '
Jumped the Track.
ity At ton o'clock yesterday the
> x- B. & Q. train after crossing the V
liis bash road half a mile from the U.
ho depot at Council. Blutls , jumped t
35. truck , a switch being slightly opt
ros jolted and allowed the engine , bagg :
car and ono coach to leave the tra
at- The engineer and fireman apranir fr
re- the engine and were unhurt. 'J
> ut engine ploughed into the earth ul (
the track and at prenont stands d
in soft earth at nil unglo of 45 degn
Some of the ties am broken and tu
cd out of place , and BOIUO of the r
bent. The coaches that remained on
the track were pulled back by another
engine and switched onto the Wabash -
bash track. None of the passengers
or officials were injured.
Smn.ll Flro-
There wnn nn nlarm of fire nbout
noon yesterday thatftontthofirodcpart-
mont down Farnham street at a lively
pace. The cause of the nlarm was
the breaking out of n fire in n small
frame building near the U. P. bridge.
It originated through some
children playing with matches.
The fire was pretty well under way
when the nnginos arrived. The carriage -
riago of No. 2 secured an attachment
witli the U. P. tank , nnd got a stream
of water to playing. The building
wes damaged nbout $1,000 worth. All
household goods were saved. The
house was occupied by a man named
Lawrence Barrett.
Of Mrs. H. B. Puller , the City
The last thrco months have been
broken in upon by sickness , and ex
cessive heat , yet I have visited or
worked 411 hours.
In my last report I spoke about a
"Homo for the Friendless , " nnd the
necessity for this has been fully , de
monstrated since then. I think it
was the very evening that the report
was rend , that n woman caino to mo
bogging to stay ever night , with tears
aho pleaded , "You won't turn mo
into the streets will you ? " without
friends , nnd without money , what was
she to do ? If our doors are closed
against such as Bho , they scok refuge
whcro alone they can find it , in houses
of sin. Wo dcom that this unfits
thorn thereafter for decent , Christian
homes ; shall wo stand acquitted nt the
judgment ?
Shortly after a bnby W.IH loft on my
hands for a week , for whom I was
trying to find n homo by adoption.
Then a girl was brought to mo who
wnntod a place to work for her board ,
until she could go to her mother in
the south. I fear she was n , iraud ,
however , na the girl disappeared while
I was trying to find a situation for
Next came a woman from the west ,
with four little children , desiring to >
go to St. Joe to her husband who was-
sick. As ho is n railroad employesho
had no doubt she could got to-hor des
tination , but her trunk was held at the
hotel , as Bho had not the means-to pay
her night's lodging , neither hod she
dinner for herself or children. The-
funds for this wore furnished through
the kindness of friends.
A woman also wanted to find place- -
for her two little girls , undi aged
mother , saying it was impossible for
her longer to support thorn.
And lastly the case of n young girl
of considerable notoriety who. was nt
the time in the city prison ,
for drunkenness , was brought to my
notice. She expressed an earnest de
sire to reform and-1 thank Oodi there
wore tound men true and bravo enough ,
to come to her aid. ono of them saying
"Some man wrought her ruin , shall
not another help in the rcscuo ? " Butr
meantime , she had to bo kept in the
city prison , ( and this of her own free
will ) to save her from the demons who
were prowling around her , knowing ;
that only by holdihg to her lips tlio
poisoned cup , which aho might not
have strength to resist , could she bo
brought within their power. A Chrisr
tian homo was opened to her , nnd
whether she shall bo saved or notthoy
who have tried to do t.his . , may bo
blessed by the consciousness that tioy
have done wliat they could.
Instances like this have occurocl be
fore , nnd these cases wh rc some tem
porary home is needed , are constantly
on the increase. Whoi is to ba done
with thoml The question presses it-
aolf upon every Christian and every
friend of humanity. Who is to net in
this ? If nothing is done who is to bo
responsible ? On inv sick list , is a lit
tle boy eight years old , who Las been
in bed for two yeara. IIU homo ia
miserably poor , and ho is such n patient -
tiont , winsome little follow , th t 3
think if the children who enjoy thu
luxury of toys , could BOO him , they
would bo glad to divide with him.
Ono of our mission schools Eddie
Miller died a week or two since ; and
another a colored boy lies appear
cntly nt the point of death. Unliki
many of his class , ho has been quiol
and attentive in school , nnd ho ex
presses his willingness to go nnd meet
the Snviour ; nnd was tolling mo oni
night when I watched with hun , nbou
the friends who were waiting for hi
coming on "tho other sido. " 1
through the influence of the school
this ono soul is saved , they who hnvi
labored in it , through nil these weary
discouraging years , need not fool tha
it haa been in vain.
Sprinkling Hatter * .
The indications now nro that som
street sprinkling will bo done an
that very shortly. Mr. Thomas Swil
wna mot yesterdayonnsolicitingtourt
Douglas street. Ho said ho \\i
meeting with considerable success. II
as does not intend to bother nbout ci
toring into a contract with the coui
ay cil , but will deal with the tenants cl
roctly. Another gentleman who hi
nn interest in the sprinkling of S
Louis , was engaged in soliciting nloi
Farnham street yesterday nlso.
ComBiiuloiior * , Ueotlng *
1 . At the mooting of the county coi
.he missiouura held on Saturday , t
MI , county treasurer was allowed to cam
igo the personal tax of Harry H. Kirl
ck. there having boon a double asso :
mont. It was decided not to establi
? ho county ro d No. 175. The follow !
> ng proposals to build a fifty foot brid
uop near Millard wore opened ; Win. Y
tea. Dohren , $534 ; Eli Johnson , $550 ;
rn- F. Parks , $085 , nnd Missouri Yall
nils Dridyo and Iron Works , $075.
Things of Interest Transpiring
in That City.
The Colored Men's Big Day
Another Largo Establishment
to bo Built.
Maay Thing * Found "Worthy of
The grand colored celebration an
nounced in Tun HER to take place
yesterday was opened nt nn early hour
with n Baluto from the Independent
artillery company of this city , under
the command of Capt. W. S. llicc ,
assisted by Abbott , with Harris nnd
Spanlding as gunners. All the colored
men in the city were making themselves -
selves conspicuous on horseback and
in carriages long before the proces
sion started. The right honorable
chief niatshal of the day , Allen
Forbes , announced that on account
of the unavoidable delay of
the morning train from Omaha the
procession would not move before 11
o'clock , at which hour the colored
troops began to form on Broadway ,
the right resting on Pearl street. At
precisely 11 o'clock the cavnlcade
moved up Broadway in the following
order : Omaha "Coach Whip Band , "
.7. Wardellloador ; Hon. Allen Forbes ,
chief marshal , assisted by Charley
Wnmor ; Hon. .7. H. Kcatly nnd Hon.
0. R. Scott , orators of th * day , in
carriages , followed by n con
course of colored people fronn this city
and Omaha. On account of the de
lay as stated the line of march fixed
upon was abandoned entirely- The
procession marched up Broadway to
Glen avcnna and thence to the picnic
grounds in tflendalo. On arriving nt
the grand stand Charley Warner
called the assemblage to ordorand
announced "inuaic by the Conch
Whip band. " Aa the last strains
died away Col. J. II. Keatlyand Hon.
C' R. Scott stepped upon the speak
ers' platform escorted by the Hon. A.
H. Willis. Mr. Willis made a fisw
remarks appropriate to the occasian
which had called them together and
then introduced ISon. J. H. Keatley.
Mr. Keatloy spok briefly but elo
quently , giving lib audience an idea
of what slavery w&s > and what freedom
to them means. Ho concluded fcj >
paying a beautiful tribute to the inn ? '
Jyr Abraham Lincoln. Mr. Keatlcy.
in 'the ' course of his remarks
waa loudly applauded. After My.
Keatly retired , tile Council Blun
Colored Glee clubledby Mr. Painoj.
sang a touching ballad entitled "I am
glad the country ia iee. " When this
piece was concluded , Mr. Willis in
troduced Hon. C. R. Scott. Ms. ,
Scott was received ? with n storm
applause , and bristly outlined the
duties of the whitea-to- the blacks now.
that tlio war had made them
frco nnd equal , under the law- .
During Mr. Scott's- remarks JVlrj
WelJes discovered. Judge Reed in
the crowd , ordoiatl a chair brought
and placed upon tha platform nnd invited -
vitod the judge to take a scat. After
the speaking there- was singing , daac-
Lug , swinging and beer in abundance.
The fun was kept ivp until Aunt Han
nah , who weigli * somewhere in the
neighborhood of 400 pounds , caino
down out of the woods and said ' 'tlat
Jo sun had wcat down an' it were
about time dat do meotin' was coiir
An alarm of tec was sent in yastor-
ilay about nooiii from Box 4. The
firemen were out in their usual prompt
manner and at work subduing the
fl.unos. It was , found that Rev. T.
II. Ololand's house , on Sovonthtstrcot ,
was in flames. The firemen were not
long in chocking the fire and finally
succeeded in letting it out. The fire
originated from an overhea'.ad ' steve
in the kitchen , whore they had been
ironing. ThU is the third time this
year that this house has caught iiro.
The firemen desurve n graivt deal of
praise for tbeir prompt aeiiimand ufii-
cient management of this.firo-tliQ first
that has occurred in this ( ity for ; some
Alien , who assaulted Mr. Brownold
Saturday in front of Bell < fc llall'i
store on upper Broadway , wasnrrestci
and taken before Judjpj Burke yeater
day morning. After tearing the cas <
the judge fined him 8U.B5 , includuij
costs. Mr. Browuold tiled n com
plaint in Justice Baird'a court charg
mg young Allen , who assaulted hiii
Saturday when he confronted bin
with the Bamo cliargo , breaking nni
entering his ( Brownold s ) house am
stealing money nnd other valuable !
Justice Baird issuc a warrant nn
placed it in the hands of Constabl
Gaitnr , who is now on the track c
A drunken man , named Van Dine
wna arrested yesterday by Tim Tonoi
and lodged in the calaboose , for pasi
ing himself off as n detective. ]
seems that Van Dine came to Counc
Bluffs and claimed to bo in search of
man who had robbed a bank Bom <
whore , Ho went to police headqua
tors and reported that ho had foun
his man and wanted assistance to a
rest him. Ho said the man ho wi
after was working for Oborfolder
lie Newman , on Broadway. Tim Ton
went to Oborfeldor's store with tl
' ) * supposed defective , who pointed o
! '
to him amannamodO'Rouke.ataUc
ISah working at that establiahmoi
ah '
whereupon Tine arrested O'Roo
and took him to the station. It tui
go ed out that the whole proceeding v
a farce and ihnt Van Dine was um
ouB. the influence of liuuor. The jut
B.oy ordered O'Rourko discharged at on
oy nnd committed Van Dine until he
berod off , when ho will be led to I
bar nnd asked to give nn account of
James Johnson , instead of emula
ting his colored brothers in leaving
liquor nlono got so crazy drunk tunt
ho went howling up to the recorder's
oflico declaring that unless ho was
locked up ho would tnko somebody's
life. They w. > ro not long in granting
his wish , and when in the morning ho
has to help replenish the school fund
to the tune of about $5 nnd cost * he'll
wish that ho had not got quite so
much ofFJiis baso.
During the fire yesterday and near
the premises there wia quite a riot.
Four boys engaged in n general knock
down. They were arrested and
locked up in the calaboose.
Ninoty-fivo car loads of cattle won ?
shipped cast over the "Old Reliable"
0. , B. it Q. route yottorday.
Goo. K. Steal , advance ngont for
Adam Foropaugh'a circus , arrived in
the city yesterday.
The picnic at Plameis' grove Sunday
was a decided success. There was
good music and some fine dancing.
There was also scnuo very line singing
by Brown's "Male Quartette , " nutdo
up of the following members : J. Ach-
ter , tenor ; F. Brownold , boas ; Win.
Sytho , second bass ; Mr. Riley , con
The County teachers' institute mot
yesterday morning in the now Bloom
er school building. About fifty teach
ers were present. Prof. Fnrnum , of
this city , addressed tltcm on the Am
oral subject of education.
Judge Peak , ox-roprcscntativo to
the stnto eenercl assembly , came So
Council Bluffs last weak on a- visit ) ,
and the result is that after looking
over the city ho has decided to lor.atct
bore. The judge says there ia no >
power .on earth to pro-pent Council !
Blufla from boinp a large oity , and at'
no distant day , cither.
Channcey Tucker called at' ' Titu Bnn
oflico and subscribed.
Why H it that the south end of > In--
tlian creek bridge is not opened > up so
people can cross with teams nt that
point ?
There waa n grand boat moo-on Big.
Lnko Saturday afternoon lost ; The
contest was- between ono -of the now
bo.-vfcSj. recently purchased by. Air.
Skipper Mock , and a boat belonging
to tUo Council Bluffs boating olub , fern
n purse of-$60b. The race wo aniox-
citing ono aiul was witness-all by a
large : number of citizens. "Undo"
Mack's- craft won by several leng'ths
W-S ; Pottsbono has sold his ex
press business to the son-irulaw of
Judge- Peak , o-fi Onawa , an exxrcpre-
sontatu-o to tl a general assembly of
Sovcnty-fivo- of cattle were re
ceived last nighb at the stock yyjtds.
GeorgosR "Wniyht , of the Sian of
Wright- . & Baldwin , yesterdays after
noon completed tbo purchase of five
thousaiul dollars ' worth of land&n the
vicinity ofttho-atackyardsin thiacity.
Upon those grounds will bo immedi
ately construe ted ; a mammoth hoof nnd
pork paik-ing. catablishmont , tha like
of which > in. capacity has novsc.been
'constructedlwest oi Chicago.
Arthuir-Cowlea ) . ono of the Sarm of
Hnrle , Jit-Cuiio & Co. , of thio-city ,
leaves to-dny , OVQO the Wabash-'iroad
on nn osstondod businesstrip * - Mr.
Cowlcs saj-a-ho-fmcLj TUB BEK.aiiCTcry
hotel he atops-at-
Mart Hixrdin , , t&e genial sfcreet su
pervisor , was tifty ivo years ckLat 11
o'clock yesterday.
A. W. Stoadraon was in this city
yesterday on. business.
The Rescues' w.tnt to th&fibp yes
terday andi for fih to take ihoir en
gine , but it has. been so long" , since
there has been a. fire they can. . . bo ex
The following , real c state transfers
were filed , in thoeounty rccovdor's of
fice. as reported , by the title , aibetract ,
real estato-and. Iban ollico o& > J. W.
Squiru.ifcG. , , Council Bluffs : .
H. JoaningB- A. Hoogoawaninp ,
lot f ) | in. sub ci lot 2 of O * 3 > . of n A
nw 10,7.730j 1 0.
C. , R..E it P. railroad coaipany to
Honriclv. Meiiicra , no ne-i G-70-42
J B Hriodto W. Barilcit , nj nw
and sw. 7.0'-42 ; and part wAji35-77-42 ,
Counnil. Bluffs savings bank to Gco.
Br.iaafwldv of sw fraational , 30-
7.7.-32 , § 350.
L. A Parsons to Geo-i.Blrassfiold ,
so 80 2343. .
Hojt Sherman to A. . Harris , lots
7. , 8 * Jt , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 auditin blk
19 , Avvoca , § 15 0.
0. R. L. fcP. railroad ! company t- >
W. Ji. Oiwa , wfractbnftl.jnw 0-77-
41 , ,
It "Was Held afc South
Park Yesterday.
This was the cctorod man's day out
Ou both aides oi the river there wan
emancipation celebration. EurlyUii
morning the tv.o , colored banddUii ,
Couch Whip nudLowia' , paradidith
streets of the eity , tlto former n-ani
nation proceodiug ; to Council fluffs
In the afternoon Prof. Lewi :
band after tendering several oompl
mentary seieua-doa , started foa Soul
Omaha park , whore the d y wrs
spent in tiio utmost jollity. The BJ !
ebration was gotten up un&c the aui
pices of the Young Men's Baaotlo Ei
torpriBe. The society committee wl
it were designated by n white reset
itil ila with a gold star , consisted of Chnrli
a Mason , W. H. Monaon , Count
ar - Blutfs ; T. Ashford , James Tunic
rid Matthew P. Hale , H. D. Bogers ai
rla Jojin Thorn , of Omivha. The citizoi
la oni mitteo , 'designated by a re
& white and blue badges with a silv
lie star consisted of R. D. Curry , W.
ut Payton , John Vlanigan , Smith Coft
John Travis , W. R. Gamble , Joke
ko Lewis , P. King , Gran. Thompson a
ken Henry Curry. The general manaj
ras was A. Travis and the floor mana |
lor Chas Alexander. The speakers wi
Ige co. Mayor Boyd , ex-Mayor Chase , R
BO W. T. Butler of Indiana , Dr. Stoph
the BOH , E. R. Overall and Capt , W ,
Harmon of Lincoln. The programme
of exercises consisted of reading of the
emancipation proclamation , Sunday
school march , sack race nnd wheel
barrow race , followed by nn evening
promenade nnd concert nnd fireworks
nnd ball.
The COSB Street School Under
Other Items of General Inter
I The bo.iit $ ot education Itwld n rcg-
nlar niceties ; last evening. K. H.
Jrf > ng presided ! , There woia- present
Messrs. Pcrgimni , McShaney Conno-
ycv and Thrnlli
The recommendation of tko com *
mit&eo on fmamo that the srvlury ol
the jwcrotary of bh board bo > placed
at ? 00 , was adepted. It was eiboided
to ntbsrtiso in rno morning atxUono
evening paper fco'bid * to luriiisJjjfuol
and weed for the ensuing year. A1 * ! * ) '
quest finm the county Buporintcndonb
asking fur the useof. . the high school
for readings of th v Douglas County
Institute ; , was road nnd granted.
Mr. Ferguson msvod that the Cw -
street building , as c3ctod , bo adoptad'
by the boned. Ho pointed out thato
additional ichool rooms- were abso |
lutely nocsHsary in the Fifth ward. .
Last wintoritho roora.'j'weiro in such tv >
condition thnt the children sufTorcd.
{ much from -sold. Mv ; . Briscoll had
! > > cen appointed by the ? board for the
ijmrposo of scMiig tliotyrh was prop-
isrly carried cut accordiujj bo plans and
. jyecilications , and ho liodi written the
fallowing lottot , dated AUtjisst 1 :
Clentlenion , I have socatuined the
(13x88 street s iool budding roport-
cdl finished by youn contractor
Mk Connsinanrand find theoamo com
pleted accordinsr to plane- and specifl-
catioiis except Mich char.jss as were
by the building committee ,
laterials used in tho'ionotruction
qualities r. called foa by plans
j * cification . According to con
tract ? the plan oJi the wodi must bo
aczopted by the Iward oi education.
Mr , Connoycri said ho did not put
m-johi faith in architccti-and ho did
nci > ihonk the laiilding was-properly
coaatructed. M * . Shane pointed out
thit- the northwest corner , had sunk
soniowhat. Mr.-Thrall s id ! that do-
fett-Jiad been reinodied. The motion
wa finally Itat. Mn. Furgu-
soi > moved that av special
cocimitteo be appointed to < examine
thc-building and thb following gontlo-
inon-flvtwo chosen Large , Dufrene ,
JohaiWithnell , H . H. Visscher and
Shr.wIt was decided tilat thu
amounb duo to Mias > Saattoti < bo paid
to the county judge. Tlv ; meeting
Ab"bud 8 o'clock yesterday a five-
year-old' son of M-ia. . GriiSth , who
livea-ttb the southecat.cornwrrtof Twen
tieth untl Cuming streets- wondered
awayxfrcoi his hoiud nd < haauot since
becna heard from. Ho ifc of light
complexion , with lighb liair. " and blue
eyes.Ho were a ligib pain-of panta
loocaj < wjth a ginghaiutijaakoi.
"WINE OF CARDUI" cur 8 Irrcgu-
lar.jjiin ul , or ttilliculninienztauntion
NOTIUU Adtertisenicnii To-IiMii , For Sale ,
Loet < Found. Wants , liottJJnar. . ta ) will be In-
uri U.iin. these columnsonoe foa TEN CENTS
pe lln i ooeh sub9equentrtn rtion > yiVECENTS
per. lino. The first Inwrtion loss thar.
. A A T J3onint item 8 to
' .Ul' cent' onicpol rcaj
1-82 nW'Ifernham street ,
'to LOAN At B per cent In.
. terv tiin. iuMof 2,600 uid
upviarcls.for 3 to 6 yaoxvpii tlcil-clasa city and
fum juoperty. BKMIS HIAL. EiTXTK and LOAK
AVXNCT. 16tli and Dotu-lUi-Stfl.
TO LOAN Call at Law Ortice U D.
m I * Thomas Ilooin 8. Cro' hton Illock.
JMBY TO LOAN onrouli tstat * . t
\\'ANTEn-A tread1 dlliniff room Rt. * t the
VV St. Charles llJtU ; ; 560-E
'ANTED 1 o.jirafc Xrench CofTi , Hoiise ,
lOtli Blrect. 5 < 0-tf
Onijar bvne8' * ' " ' RcrwaouM
WAMfED It tnUca's > natuuront , tilth ainl
Jnuk n streets. " M'- ! *
A jpod * . Oood * + ge Kn
WANTKIt * th nd Howard sta
517-tf O. W. IIOIULANI1 ! .
JBtaW inan in pmato favil
WANTFP at BOiittittut comer ol.Sth and How
\T7"ANTKI > A firBttlas * meat wx > k topo.fc
W UrainU-liity. Apply firrf door w t < o
Ukhorn ValU-wlIoiise , Dodge 8k 01U-1.
contmttoT to An fcMill JoJ
WANTElvlBrltk teen at JOlil Fariham SI
& 3Gal
i- -\TirANTU > -A No. Iwonu-ji cook. Aj > ! ) ly
L T V JUCoy VovH'leton Btrwl , near ( UIITJIUMB
corral , \Vag s , * 45 u montl ! 537- * *
A good M > li uan to hiHu
WAN1E1V and mrjiv vales ft * the \Vheul
cr & WiUou Manulaituring Co , Nuio but ton :
petcnt > 4e and those .lit Ing coed ! refvrcncc
need un' " < \ . Call oa or nldrosi Whtnlvr k Wi
son Mauifsx-turlnir Co. No. 1X1 VAh ttrwt , Jl
cobs , lltot-k. BlO-tf
WANTED Twogcod girls at the Sauidlnai
Un Hotel , lltujtrctt , between Jones an
Lcaxtinworth. 67-20
r ANNTED A peed ntuuly girl. Oennn
prcferrtxl. Omaha lUkvry , S10 Tenth S
id ia autr 1
ANTGD-CiAk and dining room girl at tl
W Doran Ilcwua , npy | < lte line o fee. 616- !
\"t7-ANTKl ) Kilty Utiua * t upper retertol
or YV 3.Wivrfday. A.H. liOEU
I ) . 620 aug 7
lo , \X7ANTKD-Scr > iint girt Will pay well f
Im V \ good cert lew- Apply at IA vt otllco of Q n
k Montgou-.L-rj , uter Omaha National Utnk. I '
nd 52M !
; er ' AOIrl to do genera ) housuwoi
WA'tiTED Harney street. 410-tl
; er
uro \TTANTED A good blacUmith. Apply at
VY M.TrtU'tt , southeast coiner ol Wli a
BV. llarncy ttrctt. 471-t
en \\TANTEJJ Competent cook and second s
enH W at 1818 Chicago itrott. Gwd agc ,
H , 400-tt
TfTANTTTD" pool utiTtTo rcnfjwitli prki-
YV lego of purchasing. State price.
AiTdrcM E i. INMAX ,
_ 451-tf _ Yall , ' CrOT tora Co. , loy . *
TNFORMATION wanted o'l MlrtuicTttMcnm
1 mediately bj hit mother , Margaret Duryer ,
Omaha ; Neb , , bctuccn Cth and "til on SUrcy St. ,
care of Patrick Hotfan , Western r p r J ! RWO
copv. _ 4ft3-tf i
ANTEIl I One mm in a county msiket mo
W ney sclllns our springs 'or brvgy shaft
coupling ! . Scml stamp } or tcrnn ami cat or tr.-
In stamp * fora ) > lr , toantMlattlor Safety Sprit * .
C'oni | rtnj ,00 Iahclof ! | * at. , Chlcago.m-th-tatly.2 ;
Hv man ami wife , board nrt room
WANTED iamilI'refcr plixcp where-thcnr
are no other boarder ? . Address S. Alice c > ll > o.
Fnndlntr bridge nnd school \tontr \ ,
WANTED Clnrk , Bclli-rat. 20-tf
-A partner ft tmrcr. Inquire .
WASTED Codec Heir * , 10th street.
ANTED Two boarders. YoiinR men pro- '
'cmd. Aildiv i "A. " B 8 ortlcc. UO-tf
A'P MUM. II. K. UI.AKKK'H Mo. 1 Hoard
Ing Ilonsr , cor. 13th and IMdge sts. Host
In the city. fiin-tt
) " Information of tlw VffrenralxjuU
WANTKr ' - .lolitnna Itamli , vhty tired In
Omalia. Neb. , front ISfiT till 1601 , ml InM. Jo-
Hepli , llo. , ( ix Mr" . HhiiUz ) In UV : Informa
tion n more furtlrniarl.v ileslrod of her two
tons , Julius ind ( .tonru Uausli , ( at It trill bet
t their lntcro. 6) ) . by their father , ! h HUcna.
Itlmifitio. A liberal ctmuicnxatlon ill' Ho pilate
to any one assl'tiliif in obtnlniii ) ; thn
) UK T StrailUHiiiinow room In MAwnfe
Fll . Inciulro .ttiK. John ijewliiR Mnehlni <
10K HUNT Uotifi'iif * 'f\e ' roonii on
1 Itth fat I'.Uli. Ini | tire ntt
CT I'twiflc utrctt. - > > < " 2. '
11KNT Ftrnlhliwl roniuH Riiitablo"
fiirhousckt'eiitBg- > r. 18th and Clark ,
trottti , . 4)0- ! ) { -
rniCHVIlT Howl firRKliixKinnin , eultablb Mpr
JJ OBO ortftoiicrHons.Cr'it ho'Jw nortliofitti -
fniOHUKXT House , nrmenof lUlimul I'nclflW
1.1 } atnotn Inquire at Utttnioiir * near the U. lJ'
( lapaii MO tf
tlTlOll K3NT A nicely fjmhhittl front room for
U ono tntwoKcntlenienrak-liiU'lo enl street ;
T71011 HSNT New > iouM > 'U % in ort and IHKj
' U Btroctsi J. Joluison. HHianit > 'arnhain st .
QTAllLK-lfOU UF.NT-On10tlii St. , bet ee
$5 ' Harn j < aj l Howard Stti. * 9. IJBIIMAN.
, _ .J IlKNT A honst of wv n room * on Sout
_ _ a\cnup.iittit \Vool\v-iit3i\t-EtsiJcncc , J
JthriMn/lUU.and Farnham , 499-tt
1J1OK UKM1' y lurnlBhCMl roonm o\ur Mm-
Jf chants' KachanKC.N. E. oar. lUth and Doilgo-
atrtein. 289-tI
. , 01UHAIJRSIIKAP Thcn'AlrtH.of the 14th
P street. M U)3tarkct. Ainiyf > ii-th premises.
M4-0 HAlUUfisllVldllLK.
Fflll SADE Slxtct-uhuniml ilCOO >
SIIEEH ed'U ] vc ant four j/vwr oIU Mothers.
( Jail btior.aJilaOHISON fcMl COM 11.
5. t4. CambrldgivllujiM. Oo. Neb.
THtWl SALE ffour 8 It ; 1' . cnirlno , t o IB IP
I * ' I' , englnts , ono 18 II. P. voaiuol. boiler , ono
81II1' . , .one 10' It ! ' . nnd t 15 M..H. horizontal
bailer , , all ntvt. By Onmha Foundry and Ma-
chliio Company Omaha , Nob. mw475-a23
ii SALR A first-clasa milk , dairy. Inquire
ntthlsoKke. OlT-aug 27
TflOH.SALB black' poney , Knatloatid In goad.
_ C < ; ondiUon.a tU3tomed to sirv-iv hanicsa and
Blue Barn , Idrti > Bircet , ornt
17011' ' SATBTo'lIEAP The only rroti-1 in North
Jt ? ' Lcup AtUiy County , Neb. . IHnnllss from St.
1'auliHS inllcK ftcm Ord. Good loaatiwi , good
tra&vfind lnw ovinjr. For parilwJir * write A.
J. a.JIorth Lciv boxO. _ sn-augll
, farasois repw rU uy U *
s SOU LTJi" IDth anil Faniaro r.U. 780tf
1,11 > U M ALUA , Urj'e two ntor > frrma
Jj ' roof .Hotliml ono torli.tihn ( . l o one
story f ramo , shingled roof , hall loomifcf ten sets
to dwico/andiuaaD largo unougln to heM twenty
turns. AH sUuoted on comer i-ilroad and 4th
gimVFremaatt. Bodge Co. , NiU Vat further
lotorniatlon apily to U. C. THOMPSON.
Freinont. Dodfttgt ( > > , Neb.
TTlonSAUK-Qood house with four , reonn and.
U'hilf Ioti\xi2fil3 Iodze l iwc n 20th and
Llthistreut. Oooi ) vtell and ahniutrixu ; hoUHo in
tnqillro on pr ! iilw > . 221it
HICK. Jt-h.lI.E.
naiall tnina , II ; W. 1'ayno tt
In perfect OIMOTJ Incjairi ; ol II.
J. CiorUOO - . 86-tf
. bc scaiidfurnftu ol a irst | < la i
' hotel I'Vib town of 1303 I jliaUtanfc. , in tat <
31 Nebraska ; lit 24 beds ; the tnn cling men's ro
3ert.i Incjuke-atflEEolHce. 218-tf
ll'SAJ t ! Two- tory hou nua' ' part lot. n"
E depot. Location good. JJlm L. 3ltCoi'1Q
Opp PosfaOHUo.
T7 0R SALE a acres ground > ia W t
< 4 * ' lilaulre of J. Henry. Sc 11U IDtft. 873-tT ?
hraon SALE Maps of DoutVisatid'SM' . ' ' coun-
! ] > ties. A. KOt EWATEUlMOParnlnJirtrce
jTHAVBlJJrora 2415 atqi aeprctJuly 2 *
le cow , f / ar i.nL. br'inded ' on ,
Jiivjithtaettcir"0. " Haa MXUO whltelBpota oar
hro sho-ia
) tr. . . Infcwutlftii
r rcluni her wi evvoedcd
61'l tf AUK. CI.Altlv. .
NY ONE haUnK work ia ; mt > V f/ /
_ be.oaxii aiiodatcdbj-t < ileplliii Ji
ifiii. f
Y iailT.VJWO-J. J , 5'jbUn b * Bttll In tno
iLUlBhtnlnijIlod bufcl-ww , wheteui lo an a ro-
tolh Kodhjiit up or re fftimll in iViort la'Acv.
Ordcr J > y.n nHnrother'ifsowillln jl\B wrap *
dttention. Sutisf&ction ; < ja antn l.i Call etcaU-
Axe 101J Saundera itr > itu ,
? ( ) ! / / | ' t'-h , gold ia.h 'nd nusgfttU'
'nUu.-il. aheabovu v-11 'be paid ou re-
huiiDltou tch to 1IUGU ficCAFKIlEY.
if-fifHREB or four yoirfl tnon.eauLi be accwmnoda'
Jl tu4i iUi board. lejenuucxchni < : xl. Ap-
'ply ' SpajVan trect , tjta iliarwebt / of ! 3)th ) fit , ,
337. ystclUio. SI3-I
'Tl ' M. UKOWN-Oonws 12th ami Clilctiao
1 Li. * ttiwts , II n * ly. U. biire or dttpen wills.
'fcaUknaUon ' ituaraiiwxl. -
, n-W W18-Can be cpti John llarr utahle f or
ij allUmtsof wjik ! 4. itoiwnnlilB figures , ne r
| jr ISthand LeaxnnH rth ; btrcctn. 378-tt
ONT FOItaiDV-Tlxt luccossora ol the Amec > l > etjj'la street , between 9th
10th , for btiuulilk J//iiig and transient cut
iD. Keepiutfuuv
k. Absolutely Pure.
Mule from Grape Cream Tartar. No other pr
T.nd unction makes such light , tlaVy hot bread * , o
nd uiurioiu putn- . Can botatenliy y > ) Ptl0.
without fior of * he Ills rveultlng from heavy In H
lrt uvetlble iood. Sol4 only In cans , by all Oroters.
New York ,