TlllS OMAHA DALLY BEE : MONDAY , A ( JOUST I , 1881. ON fHE Y/ING , Ranger Pays a Visit to Imliaiiola Some of the Sights Ho There. Three hundred nnd cloven miles from Onmlin , two hundred nnd seven ty-two miles from Denver , seventy-five miles south of North Flntto mid six teen miles north of the Kansas state line , lies the town of Indianola , the f tituro headquarters of the "Republican Valley division of the U. AJI. . rail road and the present western terminus of that great railway system. Yottr correspondent last week trav eled over the hitherto extremely pro ductive prairies of western Iowa and eastern Nebraska and grieved to KCO and hear of the very poor crops that this year gives , but here all this is changed. For nine years there has never been such a heavy yield of small grain or such abundant promise of a heavy crop of corn. True , the chinch bug has been hero , and the heat of last week scorched some spots of corn , but this will not be sutlicient to mate rially reduce the glorious result. Rod NVillow county , of which In dianola ia the seat , will give nn aver age of twelve bushels to the ncro on wheat , but the best crop is corn uhich promises an average of forty bushels to the aero , as a very moderate estimate. I have seen millet that was five feet , eleven and one-half inches tall. Oats that wont sixty bushels to the acre , wheat with a yield of twenty-two bushels , rye that went twenty-live to the acre and timothy that stoood forty-two inches above the ground Tulk about your big pumpkins , but this county will beat them all on cucumbers and boots. A cucumber that measures five feet in length and a beet that weighs five pounds and three ounces are among the products of this prolifis region. Wo haven't scon cither cu cumber or beet but they are vouched for by Joe Bergen , Iko Starbuck and Tom Scott throe of the best men in lied Willow county ] and they prom ise to see that they are forthcoming at the state fair. Tho'moneyed interest of this county and the county west of this point is live stock , and with not a spear of hay or an ear of corn , fully one hundred and fifty thousand of horned cattle. located on the Republican and its tributaries , stood last winter , the severest over known , with a loss of not over five per cent. , and the average - ago loss is figured on the northern valleys at eight to twelve per cent. , acccording to location. Prof. Aughoy says that the compo sition of the soil of this valley is an exact counterpart of the Rhino re gion , and certain it is that the grapes that grow wild hero are superior to the same found elsewhere. No doubt in time this will bo a wine producing district. The railroad prospects here are gilt- edged. Located nearer to the moun tains than to the Missouri valley , with a great and increasing demand for produce at high figures in the former locality , this county , when the road is completed to Denver or mayhap San Francisco , will find its farm products worth much more than the localities farther east. The division headquarters will bring machine shops.round house and a host of employes Indianola is now growing rapidly and is pluming its wings for still higher flights. The cow boys frequent this town , but not for blood or whisky , but to find wives ; at least wo are so informed by the men who deal in weddings. Certain it is that those wo saw seemed to have a wonderful profusion of gilt lace on their hats , shinoy spurs on their heels and a heavy coat of poma tum on their hair However , the stock of marriagcalbo women is well nigh exhausted and the New England anti-old maid society should make n note of it. IN TUB WAY OF NEWS , the latest is the arrest of O. P. Jones , for horse stealing. Ho will bo taken to North Platte for .the trial , and J. J. Starbuck , attorney will try and push his prosecutors oft" the track , which notwithstanding his acknowledged legal ability , will bo very doubtful business , if what wo hear should prove true at the trial. The contractors are about to com mence operations on the 3 $ . & JI. line to Denver. They will complete the road by twenty milo sections , ironing as they go. They arc bound to boat Gould's ' Central Branch Kansas road that wants to gobble a canyon on which they claim some kind of a preemption right. This town is now the great cattle shipping point of the valley , and it is expected that double the number of cattle shipped last year will got through tickets for Chicago during the coming fall. As an item to show the business done hero there are thrco lightning jorkers at the Indianola depot. 1USTOUY. Indianola sprang into lifo eight years ago , Joe Bergen , wet nurse nnd J. J. Starbuck , godjfathor , ( Both the attendants on that occasion , are still ulivo and well , with ability to care for any quantity of such lively infants. One year ugo the railroad caino a dashing beau , pleading for the hand of the Indianola maiden. The old folks asked him if ho had money enough to support a wife , nnd when satisfied that ho was all hunk then the wedding promptly took place , at least the rail road entered the town and the old folks canio down with a handsome sum to set them up housekeeping. For business directory of Indianola , see sixth page. RANGKR. ThonEYuit Trade at New Orleans. New Orleans Times , The lost steamer of the Mediterran ean fleet having coma in and dis charged her cargo , it is now possible to give some details of the season's business. There wore sixteen steam ships , bringing each an average of 20,000 boxes of oranges and lenions , making a total rf 320.000 boxes bj steamcrs.added to what came by sail , footing up a grand total of n 10.000 boxes. The receipts the year before were six steamers and three sailing ships bringing about 140,000 boxes , so that the present year's lecoipts show an increase of 20,000 boxes , while the Dartios conducting the business ox poet for the coming season , which wil open about Nov. 1. a further In' crease of 250,000 boxes. In addition to these oranges and lemons , which are all from Italian ports , there are considerable recciuts of Spanish fruits from Malaya and Ahnurin , THE LODGES. Masonic Courtesy-Dr. A. Q- . Mnckay. The Triple Link-Knightly Py- thiaus Miscellaneous. A l'LV.VSA : > T OCCASION . Recently a new Masonic Lodge was instituted in Detroit , Michigan , and named Palestine , No. 1)57 ) , in honor of Palestine Conunaiidery of Now York City. Recognizing the compliment , the latter body , by a committee , visit ed No. 35" , and presented it with an elegant Bible , bound in Turkey Morocco , a gavel made of wood frou the Mount of Olives ( mounted in sil ver ) , also a solid silver square and compasses , and 24-inch silver gauge. I'ho occasion was an interesting one. im. JIACKAY. A reader writes for a short sketch of the lifo of Dr. A. G. Mackay : Al jcrt G. Mackoy was born in Charles- ion , S. 0. , March 12 , 1807 , graduated it the Medical college in that city in L832 , practiced medicine until 1854 , when ho began his masonic writings , io which afterwards ho gave his entire attention. Ho was made a mason in St. Andruw's lodge , No. 41 , same city , in 1841 , was grand secretary of the jurisdiction in 1842 , and held the ollico for twenty-five years. After ho removed to Washington City , D. 0. , ho affiliated with Lafayette lodge , Lafayette - fayetto Chapter , and Washington com- mandcry. Ho was buried in Glen- wood cemetery , Washington City , on Juno 28 , 1881.GOAT GOAT 1IAIKH. There is a general suspension of work in all the Omaha lodges for the summer season. Grand Secretary Bowen is busily engaged in preparing the annual re port of the grand lodge of Master Masons. Reports from northern Nebraska indicate a constant growth of the order in that secion of the state. THE TRIPPJOE LINK MISSOURI OD1) FELLOWS. In Missouri there are 339 Odd Fol- ow lodges , with n membership of L4B75. These lodges have a revenue 'ully aggregating § 104,287.05 Sta- istics show that for the year ending March 31 , 1881 , there were initiated into the order in Missouri , 1770 per sons , admitted by card , 391 , rein stated , 288 ; withdrew by card , 371j suspended , 798 ; expelled , 35 ; < lie < l , L25. During the year the Odd Fel- ows of Missouri paid § 5,483.30 for jurying the dead ; § 4,887.95 for the education of orphans ; § 10.499.45 to wHowed families , and § 21,315.85 to ; ho relief of members. This does not include that paid by the Mutual Aid association in cases of death. LINKS. The Soverign Grand Lodge declares that "actionin regard to the intorvisit- vtion between the members of the or der and the 'Manchester Unity' is at ; his time impracticable. " In the United States there are 7,007 subordinate lodges , 58 grand lodges , 350 Robekah Degree lodges , and 1- 312 encampments. The total revenue of all amounts to § 4,391,215.35. The Manchester Unity reports 543- , 4b5 members. The last report of the Sovereign 3rand Lodge of American Odd Fol- owship , and counting those under the jurisdiction of the German empire , Australia and Now Zealand , January L , 1880 , gives the membership as 405- 4GO. 4GO.Ontario Ontario lodges give an annuity ol § 30 to the widows of their deceased numbers. The following , from an exchange , nay bo a little sarcastic , but contains nuch that is sensible : "If n P. G. las been once to the grand lodge as opresontativo , never Bond him again ; 10 may become useful in that body , uid represent your lodge intelligont- y. Spend the money on some Junior L' , G. who has never been there , though of courseit ia a waste of funds , but it shows your disapproval of mon opoly. The young P. G. will Jmve n jood time ; the session , no doubt , ho will avoid , finding it very dull , very tot , nnd far too ] uninteresting for his iltention : ho can iot ; nil the materials 10 wants for a report from the 0. F. > apors ; what's the use of his bothor- ng nnd sweltering in the G. L. room ? [ t is fur more pleasant to go round uid bca the sights. " KXIOHTii OF I'VTllIAS. Tito three lodges of this young nnd rapidly growing order , now in this city , are thriving well ; nnd will bo ully represented in the grand lodge icxt October. Last Thursday night Omaha Lodge , U. D , had work in the third degree , and made n Knight of their thoesnuire , \lr \ , Frank Bettuch , after which the Cnights went in n body to where a icat nnd plentiful luncheon had been > rovided by their newly dubbed irother ; where they enjoyed nn hour of social cheer , and then parted to meet again at their Castle hall , next Thursday night. Omaha has had work in its Castle Jail almost every meeting night since ts organization last winter. Our lodges have boon honored by Isits during the lost two weeks from 3ros , J. B. Williams , P , 0. of Ft. Du Juesno Lodge , PHtsburf , Pn. , and A. S. Monucz , S , D. G. C , at largo for ho state of Iowa. The organization of a now American ongo is on the tajna , and the Ameri can Knights arc determined their Gorman brothers shall not out num ber them , if it c.ln bo prevented. A , O. U. W. Supreme Recorder Sacketl's report shows that on Juno 1 , 1880 , the num ber of Master Workmen in good stand ing was 9,5r ! ) > 0. During Juno the Supreme Lodge paid out § 21,000 for t\j elvo deaths , live of which were from Kentucky and three from Ohio. Ken tucky paid in during the month , § 3- 005 , nnd received 88,000. From February 1 to August 1 , LSS1. the number of new members admitted in California will bn about 1,800. The amount of money paid by the Order for deaths in May , wns § 12(5 ( , 041.00. The death rate in Ohio still con tinues to bo beyond its fnirproportion. Out of the ten deaths that aroenumer ated in the assessment of the Supreme Lodge for July , six nro from Ohio. KMdllTs OF 1IO.NOK. The Reporter , in opposing the insti tution of Gvrinnn lodges snya : "Su premo Reporter Plmumer irivos the follow mi ; statistics : Up to January , 1881 , tlioro were sovcnty-fourGorman Lodges , with n membership of 0.301 ; in all other lodges , ! UltSI5 , niomltora. Up to this date , 18i ( I de.Uhs were re ported ; 2 , ' ! 1 from the German lodges , 1,025 in all other , giving a proportion of one death to every 20.o ( > in Gor man , and one death in every 57.03 in other lodges ! or more than double the death rate in the former. The supreme lodge has decided that n lodge cannot , by vote at n regular , meeting , call a apodal meet ing , but that the latter , to bo local , must bo called by the dictator , on the written request of seven members. Five hundred dollars is offered by the supreme lodge for the best ritual of the order presented at its next ses sion. sion.The The Supreme dictator intimates that it is the fault of the Supreme re porter that death benotits are not paid moro promptly. The latter official says it is because half of the Subordi nate Lodges are in arrears over sixty days. Asa Ledge not paying prompt ly is liable to suspension , jeopardizing the certificates of all of its members , this statement from the authorities shows n neglect of duty somewhere , nnd a great injustice to those Lodges which do pay their assessments , ns it makes the latter responsible for deaths which may occur in Lodges which , ac cording to the Supreme reporter's ac count , ought to be , but arc not , sus pended. The immense territory to report to one head cannot bo handled so easily and promptly as when each jurisdiction has exclusive charge of its own Lodges , and this must bo taken into consideration , also. The number of a quorum in a Sub ordinate has been reduced to five. Grand Dictator Travers , accompa nied by several of the Grand ofticers , proposes an official tour to the Lodges. POLITE PERSONALTIES. Will R. Rcdeck has returned from Lake Minnotonka. Mrs. Elizabeth Popplcton left yes terday for a visit to friends in Boston. Mr. George Darrows is spending a short recreation in Colorado. Harry Deuol is home again from Minnesota. Mr. Lewis S. Rood is seeking health nnd pleasure in the mountains. Fred Nash , accompanied his wife , her sister and the Misses Sadie and Mary Nash , have gone to Canada for recuperation. Mr. Jno. A. Horback , his wife and family are recreating nt Lake Minno tonka. Mr. P. L. Pcrine with his niece , Miss Lizzio Sharp , left yesterday for an eastern trip of a month's dura tion. Brother Gardner on Sympathy. From Proceedings of the Lime-Kiln Club. "Am dis a sympathetic kentry , or am wo a race of inconsistents ? " asked the old man as ho slowly unfolded his leys and stood erect. "As soon as a murderer am sentenced to be hung n sheer of do public begin to weep an1 snufllo an" wipe doir eyes an' potishun fur his pardon , entirely forgittin' do widdor an' chill'en of do victim. What do you call dat ? Grant had two terms , a big salary , nn' a good show , un' while 10,000 orfuns in America wnnt- od bread , 'public sympathy' raised n quarter of n millyon of dollar * fur n man already rollin" in wealth. "What do you call dat ? A ginernl who nober won n battle am presented wid § 2,000 worf of silvorwar' frow sympathy , while 20,000 private sojers , maimed an * wounded fur lifo , have to fight do hull kontry fur a paltry ponshun , What do you cull dat ? A good husband nn' n kind father nm killed obery hour in do day in dis kentry , an' n man would have a hard day's work to collect n fund of two dollars to bury him. A president am wounded , nn' nmii tum ble over each odder in do struggle to make up a purse of 8250,000. What do you call dat ? If Vnnderbilt or Gould war to bo smashed up tomorrow row- , somebody would suggest n testimonial menial of a millyon dollars , If twen ty honest but poor men war smashed up nox1 day it would bo nip-nn'-tuck to raise a fund largo 'null' to pay fur do collin. We nm fust horrified nt n murder , nn' den turn nroun' an' weep obor do murderer. Wo son' men to prison to punish 'em 'an do judge 'an jury turn aroun' and sign n petishun fur pardon. Wo make lawn ono day , an * seek to upset 'em do npx' . Do man who com- mils a grcnt crime to-day am spsken of as a frion1 to-morror. Arter sleepin * on it ono night wo call him n lunatic an' fin' excuses for him. Public sym pathy has abolished do gall us , nn' yet it will nllow women mm children to starve and freeze to death. Men rob our banks an * am pursued , not to bo punished , but to bo given commissions m doir stcalins. Public sympathy , ns [ see it , am a sort o' jar filled wid but- .orniilk , bones , hash , buttons , scrap- ron , boor , slops and wilted bouquets. [ doan1 want any of it. If I break do aw I want do panalty enforced. If I nept with miafortuno I want to berry - ry instead of beg. If I die I want no eulogies on my yarchuea or criticisms on my failin's. " A Baptist Minister' * Experience. 1 .1111 n lUiiti't minister , nt > I , f , ro I ex en tlioMxlit f l inic ft c'1 ' * > n , I l m uutlicine , tint left \ , i , r.tttie for lay vrejent prod i , n , ten . 1 wn * for many yoni - i MifTc r- er from ii tiii y ; "Tliom.i < ' IMMric nil cured inc. " I"M hlo Iron1 .id with hoarnoiieM , nnd TliotnaV Kccctm Oil nl- wftyn relieved inc. My wife ftli. ' ohiM linil < ll | > theriinml "Tlionms's I'.rlr. trio Oil cured them , " and if taken In turn it will euro seven time * out nf ten. I am e mtul- ent it l ft euro for the most oKituuto colder or cough , and If anyone will tnko a uimll te.v > i > eon nnd half till it with tlie i ni , niul then ylace the end f the MWOH in .me nm. tril ami draw tlio Oil out of tne i u into the head hy ( milling ns h rd n tlicy can. until the Oil full * over into tlie tin oat , nnd liractico that twice a week , 1 . care how oil iwlve their hcftd may Kit \\ill clean It out anil euro their cntnuli Tor deafness nnd enroclio it IMM doiu'iidcr * to my certain knowledge. It l ( ! only medicine dub' tnl | mtcnt medium tint 1 hn\oou-r felt like rccomniendliu. and 1 am \ oi v nuvlotit to neo It in < \ i ry ulncv. for 1 tell you Hint 1 would not 1 > without it in my liomo for nny coimMt niton , t am now NiinViiiirt with a i > am lik.rlu'ii . - nintlMii in my tljjlit limb , nnd n ttiltiK i-o- - like Thomas' Kclectiii- . 1)11. ) K. F. < 'I\M : , ' ' "irVn. . BoVlso will Hi i > l r If you will stop nil your ctrii.iiit and wrong notions in docturinu' yourself - self and families with o.\p"iisn-o doc tors or hunibiit ; euro-all , < ! harm always , nnd use only nntuiv'H simple remedies for nil your ailments you will bo wise , . well nnd h.ippy , mid save great expense. The ijrcntoat remedy f r this , the grcntHonnd good will toll you , is Hup Hitters rely on it , [ I' al-slo lI8B\sr.S , like rl\crs , prIiiR from causes The roaring rl\cr may not in easily ill- \ortctl from Us cournr , nor the ncglei twl dltenso from Its ( Icstruethu work. 'I'akciiln time , illsoasa which U incrclv nil liiterrupteil fnin linn , nmy bo nurtcil by the mo of nature's rcniciU , Tarrnnt's Seltzer Asporlcut. It coinhliics the inuillclml properties ) of the best mineral waters In the world. SOLI ) 1IY ALL DUUnqiSTU West for being the most direct , quickest , nnd safest line cenncctlng the great Mctroiolls , CHI- CAOO , nnd the EASTERN , NottTii-EAsimix , SOUTH and SouTii-KABTKns LINKS , which tcnnlnnto there , with KA.\HAS CITY , LKAVKSWOHTII , ATCIIISON , COUNCIL IlLurrs and OMAHA , the COMUKHCIAL CR.STHRS from which radiate EVERY LINE OF ROAD that penetrates the Continent from the Missouri Hlcr to the Pacific Slopo. The CHICAGO HOOK ISLAND & PA CIFIC RAILWAY Is the only line from Chicago owning track Into Kansas , or which , by Its own road , reaches the points above named. No TRANsrr.iiH nr CAnnunn I NO MISBIStl CONSKCTIONSl NO hlldjllllf- 111- ventilated or unclean cam , ns o\ cry lutuenKcr la carried In roomy , clean and vcntllauHl coaches , upon Faet Express Trains. DAT CAKSol unrhalcdimai ilflccnce , I'CU.VAN PALACR SLKKPIMJ CARH. ainl ourownworlJ-fainoue DININO CAILS , utx > n which meals are nerved of un < surpassed excellence , at the low rate of SKVK.NTT. KINK CKNTD EACH , with ample tluiu for healthful enjoyment. TliroiiKh Cars between Chicago , Peorla , Mil waukee and Missouri Khur I'oinU : and close con nections at all points of Intcrsoction with othci roads. \Vo ticket ( do not forget thlH ) directly to every . _ .Kirtanco In Kansas. Nebraska Illatk w * | | | | | IU | ufciibu III Iti.lim. Al viilu itu , i.t Lix Hills , \V\oinlng , Utah , Idaho , NcMula , California , Oregon , Waahliijjton Ttrrltory , Colorado , Arizona and New Mexico. As liberal arrangements regarding bagintgo as any other line , nnd rates of Uru always aul ow an coii'iictltors , w ho furnish but a tlthu of the com fort Dogs and tackle of sportsmen free. Tickets , mai and folders at nil principal ticket oHlcc ! In the United states and Canada. H. U. CAIILi ; , E. ST. JOHN , Vice 1'rcs't & Oen. Octi. Tkt and I'oiB'r Agt , Manager. Chlcniro Clilouro. 1880. SHORTJ.INE. 1880 , KANSAS CITY , St , Joe & Council Bluffs , IB Til R OM.T Direct Line to ST. LOUIS AND TIIK KABT Prom Omaha and the West. No change of car * IxUtcn Omaha anil nt. ixmls , and but onu lutwucn OMAHA anil NEW YOIIK. S3C2VC DailyPassengerTrains UKACIUNO AU EASTERN AND WESTKUN CITIK9 with LESS CJIAKUia anil IN ADVANX'K of ALL MNES. Tills cntlro line i-i ( vUi | > ix > il with I'lillinan's I'alaio 1'alaco I'ay Coaches ' Wiiopln Carn , , Mlllcr'i Safety riatlonn ari'l ' Coujilur , anil tlio cclclmtcil Wcitliighonso Alr-liral . - > o. XaTSi.0 that your lltkct roails VIA ixANSAB CITi' , HT. JOSKl'H i : COUNCIL HLUfFS Hall- roailla St. Jobi > ) < h ami bt. I/ouU. TlckuW for uale at all couinn Htitlong In the West. J. I' . DAHNAIUJ , A. 0. DAWKS , Oiti. Siipt. , St. Josei.h.Mo ) Urn. 1'a.aa , anil TUU-t Agl. , St. Joseph , 11 o , ANPT IIORUf.N , Ticket Affcnt , EB KWO Fariiliani strcot. A. U. IlARXiun Uciicral Atcnt , _ OMAHA. NED , Sioux City & Pacific St. Paul & Sioux City RAILROADS. THE OLD 11KUAUI.K HIOUX ICITYJ UOUTE MILES HIIOKTEH UOUTK 3LOO KKOH COUNCIL BLUFFS TO ST. I'AUL , MIN.NKAl'OLIS , UULUTII OHIDISMAIICK , and til point * In Northern Iowa. Mlmicuota and Dakota. This line In uiulixxl ] ] vv tli thu linproi od WiBtliiKhoujjo Automatic Alr-brako and Miller I'Utfonu Couvlu ami Uuffcr ; and for SPEED. SAFETY AND COMFORT I ) uniurpasgcd , Elegant DrawliiR Hoom and Sleeping Can , ouned and controlled by the com- ijany , run throiv'i ' WIT"OUT CIIANOK Ixitwoen Union 1'acUlc Triutlcr uejot at Council liluffn , and Bt. I'aul. Trains leave Union I'acmo Tranifor depot at Council IJIutN at 6:16 : ] > . in. , re&chlns ; Sioux City at 10:20 . . m. and Bt. Paul at 11:02 a. m. making TEN IIOUKS IN ADVANCE OK ANY OTHEH HOUTE. Returning , lauo Bt. Paul at 8:80 : p. m. , arrhlng at Sioux City 1:46 : a. in. , and Union Pacific Train- r dciiot , Council lllulf , at 9W a.m. Do ure t at your tickets road la "S. 0. & 1 * . H. H. ' f. 0. 1I1LLH , Superintendent , T. E. ROBINSON , Ulwouri Valley , Ia. AwtGn l'au. Agent. ) . II. O'Bin AN , 1'oJ ofer Agent. Council ttlufli , Iowa , ; * ' * > v * . > J T No Changing Cars BRTWXK.S OMAHA & CHICAGO , Whcro direct connection * nro invloUtli Tlirotiiih SLKKPIXG I'All LINKS for XEW Yd UK , BOSTON , WAStUNOTON AND AI.I. KASTKIIN ITIKS. The Short Line via. Peoria Kor l.N'DIAXAI'Ol.IS , CINCINNATI , LOUIS- Vll.l.K , linil nil | HlliU In thu run tiui UNI For ST. LOUIS , Whrro direct cnmiccttfltii arc invlo In the Union Dcixt with the Through Slot'iilm ; Cnr Umor AI.I. 1'OINTd S O TTO ? 3BC . NEW UNF'-DES ' MGIMES TIII : F.vvoimr. UOUTI : ron Rock Island. The unoqMilnl Imlnccim'tita oflrreil liy thla line to tm piers ami tourists nro na tollorvs : The cclclirnto.1 PULLMAN ( Id-wheel ) PALACE SLKKI'IN'U CAItS run onlv on this line 0. , 11. k ( J. PALAUi : DIUWINOl UOOit CARS , with llorton's ItccllnliiK- Chain ) . No vxtm charge for scats In Itoclliitnc Ohalra. The ( nmous U. , II. & Q. I'.ihco Dlnliiff Ours. Gorgeous Smoking Cnra llttcil Ith elegant lilttli'lvvckeil nxttiui rotolvlng clmlra , lot the uxcluino usool llrst-cliws jmaon * trcra. trcra.Steel Track ivntl superior equipment conililnol with their gjont through cnr ixmngumciit , nmkcn thin , nbcno nil other * , the ( a\orlto route to the Knit , South ami Southuiut. Try It , ami j ou will Hml traveling n I'lxury In * staxil of n discomfort. Through tickets \\a \ tlil cclohrotcil line for Kxlo nt nil oilier i In the Unlteil Utatcn nml Omuul.i. All Information nliout ratcx of fare , Hleciiliig Cnr nccoiiimoilatlons , Tlmo Tables , etc. , will lie cheerfully given by npplj Ing to 1'EllCr.VAI. LOWELL , General ragsaiurur Agent , Chicago. T. J. I'OTTKIl , flnncrnl Mnimrcr Chleniro. 1 f you ( ire n man 1 lit you are a of hiulnvMWKk i r iiimi cf lit- onr-d by tlio itrnln of trnitolllimovrrml jour ilutlr * nrcilil lilslit work , to rc tlmulnnHiknil u o Hop Qittors. jtranU' , uno Hop B > If you arc jounu and I , rfromnny In- dlicrctlon or ilF iliixl | Itlon i It jouaronmr- Mini or ilngUt. old or L I younir , BUlrrrInn from poorlicAltli ur lanonilMi I llnu on n IMH ! ot nick UOM , ruly on H opl Blttoro. WhMTcrjBUnn- . - TliouMnilmlln annually - whcncTcr you fi-el nually from tame that ijitem ' form ot Kid nay your ncod cloaiwlnij. toil-1 'ilbcnMO tlmt inlKlit Ing or rtlmumtlnir , ulthouKnloTlcol" I liyu tlinoly umof take Hop HopBlttors Dlttoro. fvnlii , Milnryil D.'l. O. or urina ry coinf Is an nUnoluto tho'omac * , nntt Irrrfllnta- ot ( omac . HOP hln euro for Uvcrornmttt ImMlt , Mood. , ilraiilicnnoaR , leu ot opium , You will bo ; obnocO | or curcdltyoiiuso twixtlca. Hop Bittern BoIdliyilrnR. plr w c n k mill rlst . hcniltur lowfiilrltcil.try NEVER Circular. it I It may onvo your lifo. Ittian FAIL BTO CO. , snvod liun iMtnlrr , If. T. droils. .V Toronto. Qal. Do yon want a pure , bloom- iug Complexion { If BO , a few applications of llagnn's BIAGNOLIA BALM will grat ify you to your heart's con tent. It docs away with Sul- lowncss , Iledncsg , Pimples , Blotches , and all diseases and imperfections of the skin. It OTorcomos the Unshed appearance - anco of heat , fatigue and ex citement. It makes a lady of THIRTY appear but TWEN TY ; and so natural , gradual , and perfect are its ell'ects. that it is impossible to detect its application , PAPER WAREHOUSE , 217 and 210 North Main St. , St. Louli , UIIOLKXAl.K DKAI.KRU IK- HOOK , i nnnCDG J WHITING ; NEWS , f rAHtnb IWRAI-PINO , ENVELOPES , CARD HOARD AND Printers Stock. < TCasli paid for Raga and I'a | > cr Stock , Strap Iron and llitaUi. PaiK r block Warehouse * 1229 to 1237 , North Sixth btru-t btrutKENNEDY'S EAST - INDIA O s t = i S3 i I s s I $ S to ca * n ca o " BITTERS ILER & CO. , Sole Manufacturers. OMAHA. A. . MSON , Dentist. OryicB Jacobs' Dlock , co ncr Capitol avenue auJ Filtccutb trcit , Ouita N ) ; THIS NI7W AND CORR3GCT MAP Vrntw. jcyond nny rcason.iblo question tlwttrm GHICAGiO & NORTH-WESTERN ffY Is hy nil odd * the lw > st rend for yeti to take when Jr.ivcllns In nllhcr direction tatocor ( Chicago and all of the Principal Polnls In the West , North and Northwest , OftrpfnUycjfimlnojhIO'nn. Tlio rrlnclral CltlMof HioWcitnnA Nortliwc t nro 8tMoni ! U < ! ' 3' couiicctiom wllh lliotralniof > uliiiilr , , ; THE CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY , A" PULLMAH HOTEL Colll' * > n Ticket ; Agoiiu'l . . Tlckc" vla * " ' 'roAd.bosuro they rcml over Itnml talconono other. ' HlUUUT.Gcii'l Manager , ChlcaRO. 1.V. . U. SrEXXEir.Ocn'll'ass. Agent , Chicago. IIAIIHY P. IUKL. Tlclict Aircnt a & N. W. Ilallwny. 14th nml K.unlnm street. D. i : . KtMllALL , A-nUlant Ticket Agent C. & N. W. lUllwny , 14th nml Fnrnham streets J. 11HLL. Ticket Agent 0 , & N. W , Hallway , U. 1 * . lU 11. Uotit. SA.M1ST. CLAHK Gcncrnl Agent Dealer in [ Hardware , Stove BepaJrer , Job Worker aid laniifauturer O3E" Tenth and Jackso" Q + ( S - - - - Omaha , Neb Choice Cigars I Gun bo obtiiinotl at KUHNifcOO.'S by the box for Less Money than nfc any wholotmlo tobacco liouso , for the rouaon they Hull cigura in connection with tlioir dru biiHinosa , uitliout any oxioii80 lo tlio Cigars. TRY THEM. All Cigars nut nntisfactory exchanged or nioiiuy rufundud. 'ig " 3S3E1JSI3C' . A line lOc Cigar , long Havana filler , D for 25c. Never has there boon any Ci ar in Omaha uiial tothoiu for the inonoy. FINE KEY WEST OIQARS , From § 0.25 per hundred up. "Atlantic" bust lOo Oigar in City , . , J' ! ! FURNITURE , BEDDING , riJFeathers , Window Shades , And Everything pertaining to the Furniture and Up holstery Trade , A Complete Assortment of r New Goods at the Lowest Prices , CIAS. SHTOTK , 1208 anl 1210 Earn. St. aprSi nion thut O. H. BALLOU , DEALER , IN- Lath and Shingles , i Yard and Office 15th and Cumings Street , two blocks north of ST. PAUL. AND OMAHA DEPOT. jyl-ood-Sm,1