THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; MQSTDA ] AUGUST 1 , 1881. GENERAL NEWS. The Belief Prevalent that Hoi- land's Torpedo Ram was Manufactured for the Fenians , Sitting Bull nnd Pnrty , Num. . , boring 187 Indians , Taken - > ken toFortYatos. Eumors of Another Cut by " the Grand Trunk < Road. A Bell Boy Arrested in Chicago With $5,000 of Stolen Goods in Hio Pos session. Other Now * Note * Froin Vnrlotw Farts of tbo Country- Xlio Rnllrond Wnr- National Associated I'rcsi. KUMOHS OF A Hr.TTI.E\IKXT. Nr.w YOIIK , July 20 , 2UO : y , Hinnorn of an adjustment of railroad ratca are boiiigiiulustriouflly circulated tills afternoon , tliroiKli | telegrams rocrivod from Cincinnati and Chicago , hut no call liaabuun isuied for ftinout- iiif ; of the trunk line rcprcaentatiyca , mid Now York Central oflicials inti- inato that no clmnyo will bo inado for several wocks. XO rUUTHKIl ItEDOCTIO.V. Nr.w YOUK , July 20 No further cutting in western posBcnger rates to day. Yesterday's rates Has been main tained by the scalpora and regular of fices. ItUMOILH OH ANOTIir.Il CUT. CHICAOO , July 30. It ia reported this inoniing , though the minor can not bo traced to annulhoritivosourcc , that the Grand Trunk road intends making a five dollar pfisango rate from Chicago to Boston , on Monday next. The explanation of this intended no tion is that the nmna omcnt of thu Grand Trunk is dcsiroun of precipitat ing the end to the demoralization of rates. It wan with this object in view that the freight rate from Boston was so deeply cut on Wednesday hist. Sensational developments may bo looked for within the next -18 hours. The prevailing passenger rate this .morning by nil routes to Now York is § 15. A MvNtorlotiK Torpedo Bont- National Axsoehtoil l'rc . NBW YOUK , July 5)0. ) William Dickey , draughtsman and engineer , who knows .John Holland , the invent or of the mysterious torpedo ram , now lying in the bay hero , says that the Hiibnmiino boat was built for Holland in 1870. It was n success but was stored txway iivjho Passaic river. The monoyforilspurchaso was furnished by Jno. 15. Dvesiin , the 11:11110 : of n Fonian nkirmisher. Holland's torpedo ram , now hero , is much larger. A man could breathe air in it over rxud over ngain for an hour or two under the water by tin invention of Holland's ' for purify ing the air. There is a peculiar trap in the bottom of the boat through which it man can slide when at the bottom of the i ivor nnd 'walk on the river bed or on the deck of n sunken vessel. Holland has Hpucially con alrueted n diving unit for thin purpose nnd can leave his boat moored forty feet from nir nnd walk about with the nir tube to his boat. Many parsons believe Holland's ' mysterious boats were manufactured lor Fenians. , Failures. National Antedated Press. ' NEW YOHK , July 80. Itvnn re ported on the produce exchange that ili. Gross & Co. , grain Hhippors , had failed. Gross denies this , und says thu firm had simply withdrawn from business without owing n dollar in the city , Ho said they had given up business becauao it did not pay. In thu export business , ho aaict therowas no money now , and ho ventured to say that not iv single shipper in Now York could show any profits on his books for the Imsinus.H of the hist your. Ho said the option dealers had ruined the legitimate business , and thatovory " fnrmer oven , was n speculator , selling his grain for future delivery. Not Any Hounds. National Annoelatuil I'reu.f. , , ST. PAUI , , July 30. Advices re 1 , ceived this morning from Maple Sprint ; Camp 'deny ' the statement that eight Indian neouts nnd thirty blood hounds have joined thu search for thu Williams brothers in Kuu Gnllu woods , A scout calling himself Huflalo Char- 1"f Ho claimed day beforu yesterday that the dogs wuro only n fuw miles down the country , but ndthing has yet been BO on of them. The nllegod scout , who Booms very nnxious to get into thu -"f woods nlonu , has been placed under - 'surveillance. 4' The Dominion Population- . National Awochtvet I'rcsi. MONTUKAL , Jtlly JJO , TllO COIU- plated census totals for thu dominion hews n population of 4t)50ill ) , ) : ) , utrainst D,070-iD5 in 1871 , an increase of 080,408) ) about 10 iwr cent. EHUni ; Bull null Party. National Awoclateil I'reu. TOUT Huroi-n , Dixk. , July 80. Sit" ting Hull and party , numbering 187 Indians have been talten to Fort Yutes under command of dipt. Clifford , of the 7th cavalry. Bitting Dull remains ' Mr aullon nnd morose. Hotel Thief ArrostoiV National Associated 1'rcw. OIUOAQO , July 50 , Edwnrd Mitch , .oil , colored bell boy nt the Grand Pacific , was nrrosted last night nnd in his room was found over 5,000 worth of jowolrynnd clothing atolen from guests. Most of the complaints of robberies have been nmdo to thu pro prietors of thu hotel within the post thirty days. Bank Statement- , National Associated 1'rvs * . NEW YOUK , July 30. The bnnk statement to-day is unfavorable. The following arc thu changes : Loans de creased $5,000 , species decreased 8448,000 , legal tenders increased 8179 800 , deposit * decreased 8880,000 , circulation increased 827,000 , revenues decreased $47,075. An Outbreak Toured- National Amoditcd Preu. Cirv or MEXICO , July 30. Serious differences have arisen between the people nnd government of Vcra Cruz over matters connected with the nd- ministration ntld nn outbreak is feared. The central ( /ovoriiinont will interfere for pence. Liwlcr , wcrotnry of the treasury , baa gone to Vera Cruz to af fect a reconcilation. Train Wrooltcd. N&tlontl Awoclatoel I'raa CI.NCIX.VATI , July 30. A freight ti-niii on the Chicago Sandusky ifc Cleveland was wrecked nt lluntsvillo Ohio. The accident won caused by tlio bolt being out of the switch. The train was badly wrecked , tlio fireman killed , and thu engineer , Louis Mcnrs , badly injtncd. THE PRESIMENT Xltloral Amociakd 1'rcsj. WASHINGTON. D. C. , July 30. The presidents improvement was nmrkcd . General inoro to-day. Surgeon eral IJarnes Rays he believes ho can bo moved within ten clays. Dr. Heyburn places the time at two ccks. Mr. Hey n ton , Mrs. Garficld'B physi- ian , says ho has doubt of the prcsi- 'cut's recovery. The wound looks roll and discharges healthy. Dr. JJoynton believes thcro are no nero fragments in tlio wound and an- icipatcn no further serious drawbacks. At the evening examination pleas- a rc.iults were recorded in the bill- utin. The patient rested comfortably , looping moat of the time until 12 m. 'ulso , temperature and respiration icgun to subside before- the usual our. Anodyne was administered at ho midnight. Pulse below 100 , other ndications normal. Dr. llliss says the president ought o bo out in a few weeks. In answer o a question whether there was any anger of the president becoming rippled , lilies said : "Not in the least , lo will have full uao of his limbs when ho recovers. " A slight discharge ) is expected from lie wound for from three to ten lontha in consequence of the shat- ercd rib. SATURDAY'S BULLETIN. 01T1U1AL. WAHIMNOTON , July 30 7:20 : p. m. The president passed the day com- ortably , with no drawback or un- ( loasant nymptoniB , and has taken an , mplo amount of nourishment. This .fturnoou'H rise of temperature was uodorato and did not commence until ibout O o'clock. ' The discharge of pus ms been abundant and at the evening jxaniinatioii vas washed away freely rom deeper parts of tlio wound. At iresent his pulse is 101 , temperature 00.2 , respiration 20. ( Signed ) F. H. HAMILTON. D. HAYJH : AONEW , D. W. ] JLIHS , J.K. BARNES. J. J. EPITOMIZED REPORT. Of Yostonlny'f ) Important Tolo- graphla NOWR , ComTonnoel from the National ANsooiatod ProHH Dispatches. Attorney General MaoVcagh has re ovorod f loin nn indisposion und will esumo duties Jlonday. It w otlicially announced in Wash- nuton that Minister Berlin baa ru to take effect Aug. IDth. The secretary of war has designatei' en. W. S. Jlanccok , to commune .ho military Yorktowu ccntcnnia colebration. United States Secretary Hunt has ! ftspd a circular amending navy rogu iations BO as to prevent gambling on government vessels and in imv ; yards. The passenger war trunk lines fron Now York to the west continues. Scalpora sell tickets to Chicago for $7 ; Now York Central sells for § 20 , with rebate at the other end of 813.00. No decision will bo given in the Whittakor case until the record is re- yiowod by the judge advocate. Gen eral Swain who is in attendance upon the president and cannot attend to the matter at present. Chin Lan Pin , Chinese minister , called at the White llouso. It is re ported that ho and Yung Wing will bo recalled aa the Chinese intends to have only onp minister to each em bassy. Tlio Ehrot brewery in Now York was partially destroyed by ail explosion - plosion yesterday. The r of of the west wing was blown off and 15,000 bushels of malt damaged , The explosion - plosion was caused by ignition from an unknown cause of the fine dust in the elevator shaft. Total loss , $25,000 ; covered by insurance. Now Railroad- National Associated I'jew. NKW YOIIK , July 30. TIe | now BOO- lion of the Now York , Chicago & St. Louis railroad , between Chicago and Bull'alo is progressing rapidly. ' Fifty miles of track is laid. Goo. J , Henri , jr , ( one of the incorporators , states that the work is being pushed rapidly from Chicago to Ft. Wayne. Ono hundred and fifty tons of steel rails nro used daily , which covers nearly two miles , Thu trackway from Chicago cage tq Cleveland will soon bu com , plotod , nnd is expected to be finished from Cleveland to Buffalo before win ter. Five thousand men are employed. The company recently purchased prop , ortyin Cleveland to the amount of $1,300,000. for terminal facilities nnd depots , nnd work on the now buildings begins nt onco. Rails nro imported from England. Entiio estimate cost of road $15,000,000. , Arrest of Bond Robber * . National Auoclated I're-m. NEW YOUK , July 30. Thos. Row land , arrested hero two days ago. nt the instance of Pittsburg officials is in jail , awaiting a requisition from Gov. Hoyt. Ho ia said to have been en gaged in numerous largo robberies of bonds , and two of the 'same gang are under arrest in Pittsburg , where they tried to soil bonds. Rowland belongs to thu well known Foster gang , of this city. PUEBLO. Present and Future Prospects of the Town. A Lively Description of the City , Mines and People. Corrwrontlcnio of Th IJec. 1'ur.nix ) , Colo. , July 28th , 1881. Ono needs to visit this place to un derstand what a"boom"moans. Stand any day on the depot platform when five trains pour in their passengers , and A thousand people swarm the placo. You will then have some idea of the travel to and through this place. The Atchison , Topekn it Santa Fe railroad coming in from the cast brings im- incuse supplies , which are distributed by Hint busy narrow gauge , the Den ver t Kio Grande. This road , which host its ramifications through the state , docs nn immense amount of of work. The cars nnd engines nro built low and they will climb hills and turn corners ns no common gauge can. I have spent n week hero tryint ? to sco the cause of nil this rush nnd drive. The city , stretching each side of the Arkansas river , has now a population of ton to twelve thousand people. About two thousand of thcso live in tents : icnts are enormously high nnd thu amount of building going on is something astonishing. Tlio people ple hero seem to nwako to thu thought thntcnlth nnd business are thrust upon them , and they have no room for them. Every energy is strained to the utmost. In most of our west ern towns business is overdone , but litre it is undordonp. The machine shops cannot do n tithe of the work necessary to bo done. Tlio foundries nro inadequate to their task. Men enough cannot bo found for the build ing in progress. Bricklayers have § 5 > er day , nnd not enough of them at hat. Carpenters have $3 , nnd more ire wanted. Whichever way you ook , now buildings greet you on ivory hand. Everybody is busy , and 6mo are overworked. Though men lour in by thousands , yet there does tot seem enough , and , when the train iomos in you will see a man with n irond band on his hat , on /hich is printed : "Fifty men van ted , " und ho rushes to and fro n the greatest eagerness , and several hues he has looked uitli longing nt ny broad shoulders and stalwart 'rnme. It is said' that the Narrow Juago-tho D. et K. G. 11. 11. has lores men in its employ than the rliolo U. S. army. It is pushing lines 11 nil directions , climbing the brow of iliftH , winding through narrow gorges going to all the now towns which "iavo promise of pormanancp. Tlio 'ho causa of this boom for this point coins to bu thu development of the lining interests. The Colorado Coal nnd Iron com _ iany have invested two millions of dollars in massive works for the pur- ) OHO of manufacturing iron nnd steel : or rails nnd other purposes , und they > robibly ; contemplate thu making of mining mnchinury which is : used to inch u vast extent in the mines. I ivas qvor nt the works yesterday , they : ire n wonder of mnssivoncss nnd por- "ection , everything of first class order , Fho point for such nn enterprise is well chosen. Inoxhaustnblo mines of excellent coal nnd the finest of iron oies nro within easy distance. The iron oru is of great purity , yielding 80 to 00 per cent. , and many specimens seem ns pure nnd fine grained as tlio famous Superior mines. Pueblo is one of thu lowest points in Colorado und all these crude materials can come ! n on the down grade , and iron for engines , stamping mills and machinery must piny an important part in the mighty future which is only just open ed in this wonderful state. Our Nebraska towns take the boom when our ciops nro good , but the crops of Colorado nro nU'ected by no drouth or 'hopper raids ; her vast mines of coal nnd iron , gold , silver nnd lead nru not nilcctcd by climatic changes. Hero aru vast smelting works to which ores aru brought from numerous mines and the amount of bullion corded up day by day shows n constant nnd sure harvest. Fine ware houses nro rapidly going up and on the part of tlio business men there seems a determination to keep pace with the tunes , The moral condition is deplorable 100 saloons in full blast , fifty times as .much whisky ns religion. But this frontier stage will pass nwny , nnd oven business men will find that first-class schools and churches will hayo a more solid worth than tlio gains of n trnilio which leaves so much blight nnd misery in its wnko. iho business part of the town is in the valley , while the residences nro creeping up on the high lands on either side. South Pueblo has a line plateau sirotchiiit , ' nwny to the moun tains , on which fine residences nro rapidly going up. The town is now sullering for the lack of good water , that now used being loud in smell nnd terrible in taste , nnd much sickness rotults from it. This would bo n matter - tor of severest consuio wore it not that the water company nro bonding every energy to remedy thu evil , nnd the city , it is hoped , will soon hnvu plenty of pure water. Thu location of the town is not without its charms. Part of the'town is cosily nestled in the valley nnd part spread over the high lands. Before mo ns I write is u lofty raniio o { mountains overtopped by Pike's Peak , and nway to the left is the vast range of the Gun Horn , surmounted by Spanish punks which lift their collos- sal heads over 1,400 foot high. One here can but bo impressed with the solidity of the mining interests. The other day I saw a alouchy looking fel low hunting up a lawyer to draw up a deed of his mining claim , which ho wished to transfer for § 250,000. I to day met an acquaintance a poor fel low from York who was about Bollint ; a claim for $2,600 , When one sees the inrushing tides of immigration , the vast amount of wealth , the solidi ty of these towns and the mighty pos sibilities of the future , though at heart ho may bo a loyal and devoted Nobrnskian. yet ho is compelled to take oil'hia hat nnd make a respectful bow to Bister Colorado. 0 , S. HAUUISON. The Tire Record- atlonil AwocUt- ! Press DETROIT , Mich. , July 30. Five ill- ondiary firesVit Ionia. Mich. , within few weeks * have destroyed much nluablo property and greatly exasper- .ted the citizens. This morning the incendiary got in his work again by ring the Congregational church , hich wan totally destroyed. Dispatches from Whitehall. Mich , , important lumber manufacturing own of 2,000 inhabitants on White nke , nn arm of Lake Michigan , says hat n great fire is racing thiro The lows nro very mengro as yut , but , as ere nro ninny largo nulls , a box fac- iry , tannertc. . , it is feared that lie fire is n veiy disastrous one. i Suicided atlonr.l AModitwl I'reM. ST. Lofn , July 30. James M. "nllon cnmo hero n short time ago rom Now York. Ho was an expert i sugar grading , nnd expected to ot cork at the Belcher refinery. He died to get it and wns so disappointed iat ho took two ounces of laudanum ast night , nnd died n little before oou to-day. Ton Milo Race- 'atlonal Associated Press. NEW YOIIK. July 30. The ten milo ace for four hundred dollars between Charles Price , the ton milo champion unncr of America , and George Ha- ; ael , long distance runner of England , 'iis afternoon , wns won by the latter ; mo 53 minutes , 22 seconds. Price's ino , 55 minutes , 5 seconds. Mexican Matters. 'atlonal ' Associated Press. CITY OF Mexico , July 30. The ; ovurnmcnt will pay in railroad sub- ontions this year $45,175,000 , to meet rhich n tax list will bo revised , nnd axes on luxuries especially bo in- reased greatly. Machinery , until ow on the frco list , will also have to iay duty. Troops Ordered Out , itlonal Associated Press. LITTLE ROCK , Ark. , July 30. To- .ay Gov. Churchill ordered the Qua .aw guards to Perryvillo to protect ho citizens from desperadoes nnd reserve order. There is great excite- lont. Virtue Aclmo-nrlodgod- Mrs. Ira Mulhullaii'i , Albany , N. Y. , rites : "Fortevcral years I have suf- ere-d from oft-rccurrine ; Ij'ilioui hsadaches. pep-iia , and complaints peculiar to my ex. Since ttsin your Burdock Jllood Jitters I am entirely relie\ed. " Price 1.00 , trial sire 10 conts. nugl-lw DYING JL5Y INCHES. Very elton we see < i person sullcr ng from some form of kidney com- ilaint nnd is gradually dying by iches. This no longer need to be so , or Electric Hitters will positively uro Bright's disease , or any disease of ho kidneys or uriniary organs. They re especially adapted to this class of lisonses , acting directly on the jtomach and Liver nt the same time , md will speedily cure where every tlier remedy has failed. Sold at Ifty cents a bottle , by Ish et Mc- "lahon. f3 Axle Grease NEVER GUMS ! Used on Wat-ons , Uuyyics , Jleacrs ] , Threshers and -Mill Machinery. It Is iNVALt'AUI.r. TO FARJI KM A.VB TBAMbTKHS. It cures Scratehca and all LI nils of sorco on Horses and Stock , as w ell as on neu. CLAEK & WISE , Mantif's , 38G Illinois Street , Chicago. .KTSEND roil I'UICES. jo "J-Om-bo iidjiMt uii7y Rf = Fira * - - - ri nil - - - i r i1 i > ir Mothers , Wives , Daughters , Sons , Fathers , Ministers , Teachers , Business Men , Farmers - ers , Mechanics , ALL. should be warned atralnst wliiR and Introduclns Into their HOMES Nos- truins and Alcoholic remodlc * . llaNO no such prejudlco Against , or fear of "Warner's Safe Tonic Bitters , " They are what they are claimed to bo harmless M milk , and i-ontaln only medl- elnallrtucs. . i\tract : ol pure \ eKt-tables only. Thej do not l > clonif to that class known at "Cure- Alls , " but only profobs to reach rases where thu dlsc-aso originates In debilitated frames and Im pure blood. A ncifcct Spring n J Summer medicine , A Thorough Dlood Purifier. A Tonic Appe tizer , Pleasant to the taste , ln > Iterating to the body. The most eminent phjslmiu rwommcml them fortliclreurutUopropertio . Once useel alwajs preferred. . For the Kidneys , Liver and Urlnarv orrjans. u ) notlilni ; "WARNER'S SAFE KIDNEY and LIVCR CURE. " It btand Unrivalled. Tlious. nnd < oothdr health RnilhaiiiiliicMtott. I'rlce , S1.26 per bottle. We olfeT " arner'n Sale Tonle IUttvn"nltlii' < iualioiiAdvnce. H. H. WARNER , Rochester , N , Y. _ _ M. R. RISDON , General Insurance Agent , REPRESENTS : PHOENIX ASSURANCE CO. , of Lon- don. cash assets . . . $8,107,127 WESTOIIK81EII.N. Y.eapltal. . ; . . . . j.000,000 TAKMKIIUIIAM'S , of Newark , h. J. . 1,000,000 , aiKAlinnilK. l'hlladcli > hla , capital. 1,000,000 KIIIKMAN'S FlNl > . California . . . . 800,000 NOimiVVrOTKUNfoATIONAUcaplH 000,003 nUITlbll AMEUIOA ASSl'llANCE Co 1,200,000 NEWA11K KlllK INS. CO. , assets . SOO.OOO AMEltlCAN CENTBAL , asset * . . . . . , , 600,000 Southeast Cor. of Fifteenth wia tornhara St. Q MAllA M.ll. BRIDGE NOTICE. Q EALEI ) rfcthedliythe D un.lmlgnwl . until Saturday , July SO. 1681 , S o'clock t > .m. for builJIntf 80 foot triel o near Link1 * Farm In Mjltanl jprcdiiit nnil a fllty foot brldja near Selioab'n mill , t JlillareL Sped- IHcatlom can bo seen nt the county clerk < office. bld'- . MANCHESTER , , 85-elBt Rouutr Clerk OEO. w , Jk.O. DOANE& CAMPBELL , Attorneys-at-Law , B W COR. I5TII DOUGLAS STS. , Jy Sl'tf OMAHA , Great German REMEDY ron NEURALGIA , SCIATICA , LUMBAGO , BACKACHE , GOUT , SORENESS or TII s CHEST , SORE THROAT , QUINSY , SWELLINGS AM ) SPKAINS , FROSTED FEET AKD EARS , Jl.tD SCALDS , CntERAL TOOTH , EAR iID ! HEADACHE , 1KD All Gins ? Pains _ No I'rrartiou on eirtli cqutli ST. JICOB * OIL ai a urr. . tent , starts tiU ciiBir Ettcrnil liemcdjr A trial ] i hut the comparatlrely trilling outlay of 'a CfU , and ercrycnt itiflcrlngnlth pain can cttap and ( oiltlve prpof of Hi claims. uintmo.vs is SDI.O BY All DRUGGISTS AND BtAtttS IH MiniCIIIE. A. VOCELER & CO , lliillhnnrr. Mil. , V. O.A. Mrs. J. O. Robertson , rittsljiirjr , Pa. , writes , "I u as suncrln , . ' from general debility , want of ap petite , constipation , etc. , so that life was a liur- den ; niter u lnj Burdock fllooel Hitters 1 felt bet ter than for } tare. I cannot praise jour Hitters too inuili. " II. Olliln , of Buffalo. N. Y. . writes : "Your Burdock Illood Bitters , In elirome illsctuc * of the blood , liter and kleincjs , li.vo been sUnally imrkeduitlisiiccets. Ihaie usel them injself u 1th lic t result * , f or torpielit\ the llv cr , anil in casisof a friend of mine Buffering from ilropsy , thu cllcct wns man elous. Itruco Turner , Rochester , Jf. Y. , writes : I ha\e been snbjeet to serious disorder of the kidney * . and unable to attend to business ; Burdock Illood Hitters relict iil me bcf ore haUnbottloasuscd , I feel confident that they will intlrcly cure me" E. Ascjiith Hall , ninchampton , X. Y.ultca : "I Buffered with a dull pain through my left lunK and shoulder. Ixmt my spirits , appetite and color , und could wiUuliiricuUy keep up all daj. Took jourUurdocl ; Blood Bitters as dlrcctcd.jaml liavu felt nd pain 'elnco first n eek after using thuu. " SM1 N'oah TUfpjl. Whilnx. J. V , riHr > T About four years are ; I had an nttaek of blllloug fc\er , and jio > er fully reeotcicd. Jly dlgcitUo organs were w cakencu , and I would bo completely pros trated for daj s. After win ; ; tno bottle * of j'our Ilurdock Illood Hitters the Improvement was so \lsiblcthat I was astonished , lean now , though Ot years of oje , do a fair and reasonable daj 's ork. " C. Bhckct Robinson , proprietor of The Canada Prtsbyterhn , Toronto , Out. , writes : 'Tor J ears I Buffered frrcatly from oft-recurring headache. I used jour Ilunlock Illood Bitters with happiest result * , nnd I now find in J self In better health than for } cars past. " Mrs. Wallace , Buffalo , N. Y. , writes : ' -I have used Burdock Blood Bitters for ncn oils and bll- lious buvlache9.and can recommend it to an ) one' requiring a cure for billloubiioss. " Mrs. Ira Mullholland , Albany , N. Y , writes : "For tot crol j cars 1 1m o eullered from oft recurring - ring bllllous headaches , dj spuiisla , and complaints - plaints peculiar to my BOX. Since wing jour Ilurdock Blood Hitters I am entirely rdlu\cd. " Price , SI. 00 per Dottle ; Trial Dottles 10 Cts. FOSTER , MILBUEN , & Co , , Props , BUFFALO , N. Y. Sold at wholesale by Ish & McMahon ami C. F , Goodman. _ ] o 27 eod-me r < IVIL , MECHANICAL AND MININQ EN- \J QINEERINQ at the Rencselear Polytech nic Institute , Troy , N. Y. Tbo oldest inj necr- ln ( chool In America. Next term begins Sep tember 15th. The HcgUter for lbSO-81 contains a Hit of the ernduates for the past M jcars , with their positions ; also , coiirso of fetudy , require- uicnU , expenses , etc. Address DAVID M. GREENE , jl leodaiul4 Director. SEALED PROPOSALS. Tor the Constiuctlon of Sidewalks. SKALUD proposals will bo rcccltcd by tlio un' clcr l'iied until August 1stnt 12 o'clock noon , for the construction of ildcualksln front of and adjoining the following ; described premises to- wit : Lots SO , 27 nnd SO In block 54 on west tide of 17th street. Lots 1 , 4,5,20 and 21 In block 8 , west side of 17th street. Lot 1 In blok 8 , Snccioj's addition. Lot 1 In block B , Heed's 1st addition. Lots 1 ami 1U In bloek 7 , Herd's Ut addition. Ixit 10 and neuth i ot lot 1. block 0 , Heed's Ut addition. I < ots on the south eldo of C.iss In block 303 , Lots l , 2. 3 and 4 on bouth bide of COM In block 7 , isweeicys addition. EXOUESION TIOIETS cnioloo ROUND TRIP , $19.00 Klr t-class and gocxl through the \car , Also New York , HOSION and all Eastern poliiU , at pro- portlonatclj low rates. On rale ONLY at 110I1UIK HllOTHEllb1 Itailroad Tlekit Ollko , dmc-tulm BODIcnth t-t..Omaha SIBBETT & FDLLBB , ATTORNEYS AT LAW , DAVID CITY , NEB. Bpechl attention gUeu to collections In Butler county. JyU-uio-Om BROWNELL HALL. YOUNG LADIES' ' SEMINARY OMAHA , NED. Rev , EDOHBETYMAlEBotor , , Aulttcd by an able corps of teacher * In EnglUh Laufuagwj , Science * an J tint ) ArU. THE NINETEENTH YEAR WILL BEGIN Fur lurUcuUn. apply to _ , „ „ 1 Sl-eoJ-Srn THE RECTOR. DEWEY & STONE , FURNITURE ! ORCHARD & BEAN , J. B.FRENCH & CO , , CARPETS ! GROCERS ! THE GREAT WESTERM CLOTHIMO HOUSE. M. HELLMAN & CQfl Suits ! All Styles ! IMMENSE STOCK AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. The Largest Clothing House est of Chicago A Department for Children's Clothing. We have now an'assorbment of Clothing of all kinds , Gent'a Furnishing Goods in great varioty.and a heavy stock of Trunks , Valises , Hats , Caps , &c. These goods are fresh , purchased from the manufacturers , and will bo sold at prices lower than ever before made. We Sell for Cash and Have but One Price. A large TAILORING FORCE is employed by us , and we m SUITS TO ORDER on vary oliori , notice. Gj5 ± 3Cj j > . Tfi-OO JSESiEJ TITS. 1301 and 1303 Farnham St. , cor. 13th The I argest Stock and Most Com plete Assortment in The West. , It We Keep Everything in the Line of Carpets , Oil cloths , Matting , Window-shades , Fixtures and Lace Curtains , WE HAVE GOOBSTO PLEASE EVERYBODY. 1313 Farnham St. , Omaha. XXOXTBXUXl POWER AND HAND Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , MIKIKO UA.CUINKUY. BELTING , HOSE , BRASS AND IRON FITTINGS , PIPE , BTEAU PACKING , AT WHOLESALE AND HETAIL. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLS. A. L. STRANG , 206 Farnam St. , Omaha.