* r I It * THE OMAMA DAIL BEE ELEVENTH YEAR. OMAHA , MONDAY MO UN ING , AUGUST ! , 1881 , NO. 35 I REAL ESTET BARGAINS AT AGENCY , FIEIEEME AND DOUGLAS SIS , I _ No 1 IM on Hrirney street , ncr new cout house , $2500. No 2 Lot on Coai street near 22J , $2fOO. No 3 I-ot on CMfortiln ftroot near 22il , 81BOO No 6 Ix > t on ilarcy street near U. 1 * . depot J1200. NoG } Mock In Shlnn's 3d ( ulJItlon near Con cnt , JSW. No 8 TwoloU on Decatur near Campbell St. t'OO. t'OO.No :0 Slots on Cotfax street near Ilatiscon Turk , at reasonable prices , 100 choice residence lots In Crcillt Fancier nn < OrntuU low additions a short distance southeast o U , 1 * . and U. & II. depots , prices from $100i \ \ nardit. 18 lots on 21st. 22d , 23d and Saundcrs streets north of nnd adjoining E. V , Smith's addition (400 ; terms en * ) No 09 Full corner lot on Douglas street noa 10th , $2500. No 70 Corner 60x110 feet lot on Douglas nca near llth street , S3100. No. 71 Three Iota In OUc's addition ncarSnun Ucrs street , $1000 7& Lot on Decatur street , near Ircno Shlnn1 2d addition 8116. No. " 5 82x00 ( cct on I'aclflo street near U. P and D. & HI. depots , &J000. No. 70 Splendid warehouse lot 77x132 feet Oil street near Jones , 83500. No 78 3 lota on Harney street near 10th,82000 No SI Lot In Disc's addition near SaunJcr s'reet , $500. N6. 82 Lot In discs' addition near Saundcr street. $300. No 83 2 lota on 10th near Pacific and Kt\ Works , $1500. No 80 Lot on Charles street near Saundws J500.No87 No87 Lot on Lca\onworth near 16th , 81,100 No 88 LotonCaldncll street near Saundcrs two : No 80 Lot on Chicago neat 22d street. 81600. No 00 Lot on Dion Jo near Campbell street 75. 31 lots In Mlllards & Cal Jwell'g addition , Slier mnniuenuo , ICtli street , Spring , Saratoga am Florence streets , $700 and upwards. No 122 2 lots on ISth street , near Poppleton'i now residence , $1000. No 123 Lot 71x310 feet on Sherman tu cnuc 10th street , 81100 No 124 8 lots on Dollcvue street , near eho < tower , 850 to $75'cach. No 125 Full block on Clinton street , ncai ehat ton cr , $50 to $7F > each. No 12tt Lot on Ibth street , nog white leat works , $525 , No 127 2 lots , 31 acres near head o ( St. Mary'i avenue , on road to Park , $2500. No 129 Lo on California near Crelghton Col CRO , $375. No 130 I lots near new govemmgnt corral , 82j x207i acres each , 8300. i No 101 Lot In Ulso'fl addition on Cameron St , near Saundcr * , make an offer. No. ICO Lot In Glee's addition on Casslus St. , near State , make an odor. No 102 Lot In Qiao's addition on Casslus ncai Saundcrs , make an offer. No 103 1 block In liojd's addition addition near Omaha Rirracks , make an olTcr. No 101 7 lota in Henry & Shclton'8 addition near high cihool , price from $1250 upward. 170 Lot on 1'acitlc street , near 15th , make an offer. offer.No No 171 2 lots on Webster street , near 21st , both&SCO or 82000 for corner and $ lSOO.for in < dc. . No 173 i lot on Cass near 14th street. 81000 No 175 Lot 011 Sherman avenue 10th Btrccl near Irani , 44x132 , $1400. No 177 3 lot * In Orandvlow. maVo an offer. no 180 Lnt in Shinr'a oaaiuou ou pi j.t , near end street car track , coio. No 181 Two lots In Nelson's addition , 1 or Idaho street , 1 on Center strict , near Cumlng , 8300 each. No 183 Two gilt edge lota on Casa street ncai 21st. on a corner , fcCOOO. No 185 Lot on Sew ard street , utar Saundcrs , make u offer. No 180 3 lots on Sen ard street , near Irene , make an oiler No IbOJ , lot'on Davenport near 25th , S500. No 1874 , lot on DIUsIon near Cuming st , $200. No ISSJ , block In Boj d'u addition , near Omaha barracks , 8400. Nol8'JJ , J lot on Plcrco near Cth street , $550. No 19U ) , i lot on llth near Farnham , $2100 No 101 J , 2 beautiful lots In Shlnn's addition , Sl'200. No 192 } , 2 lots on ISth ( street near hlto lead works , jflDW. No 19JJ , lot on 20th street near Sherman , 8400 , No 10H , 2 lots on 22d street , near Clark , 000 , No 100J , 3 beautiful lota on fcaundcra st. near street car turn table , $1275. No 109 ] , lot on 15th near PlcJco st. $500. No 201 Ixit In Olso's addition on Cameron St. , near Saunders , $500. No 202 Lot on Cameron street near Saundcrs. $900. $900.No 203 Lot In Shlnn'a addition on Saundcrs street , near street car tuni table , $850. No 2U1 Beautiful lot In Nelson's addition , on Dh Islon ttrcet near Cumlntr , $860. No. 205 Two lots on Castcllar street , near 10th $150. $150.No No 200 Two Iota on Sixteenth street , near the neil works , 81600. No 208 One-half lot on California street near 21st , 8700. No,209 Lot on 18th street near Nicholas , $ COO. Na 210 Lot on Capitol aienuo near 23d , $1600. Na 212-Lot 148x500 feet on CoHax strtet , nu * Ilaiccom Park , with Improvements , $2700. No 213 Two acres on CurnlnLutrect , $1000. No 216 One-half acre on California , near Ken nedy street , $350. No 210 Beautiful lot on Hamilton street near street car turn taulc , $1000. No 217 Lot on 23d street , near Clark. 8500. A few acre lots only remain unsold In "Park Place" little vest of Crelghton Collcgt , prices ranging fiom 8275 to $300 each and on cany terms. Lots in Horbach'a 1st and 2d additions ; also loU In Parkcr'nShinnV Nclson'i , Terrace's , E. V. Smith's , llodick't , and all the other additions at any prtco and at any terms , Ten acres In the city limits on the road to the barracks at $376 per acre. Feur brautllul residence lots In front of Crelghton College ; will cut them up to eult. Nine residence Iota north ol Crelghton College groundi , from $700 to$1000 each. Thirty resident lots In Parker's addition , six blocks north of thojund ol the trees car track on Saundcrs street , $300 each , $10 down , balance to suit , at 8 per tent intcreit. A few lots left In Terrace addition on the road to the Park , near head ol St. Mar > 's avcnue,87VO each. To these w ho w 111 build a 1200 residence , 7 ) cars time at 8 p r cent Intercut. LoU In Lake's addition at 8360 to $ S&0 each , 10 yearn time at 0 iirr cent Interest , to those who build. 'lheoldTousley40 acre tract with house and all Improvement * , adjoining race course and fair grounds' for fSOOO. Tractsof 6,10,15,20,40 or 80 acres , \\lthbnll' dings and other Improvements and adjoining the cit ) , it all prices. 3500 of the best residence lots in the city ! Omaha any location Jon desire north , cant , south or west , and at bud rock prices. MO choice business lota In all the principal but- inoss ktrecta in Omaha varying frem 8500 to * 7 < X each. Two hundred houses and loU ranging from COO to 816,000 , and located In every part of the city. city.Large number of excellent arms In Douglas , Barpy , Saundern , Dodge , \Vaihington , Hurt , and other good counties In cas'ern Nebraska. 12 < 000 acres beat land * In Douglas , 7000 acres best lands hi Barpy county , and largo tracts In ( .11 the eastern tier of counties , Over 1)00,000 acres of the best land In the Ne braska for bale by this agency , Vcrj Urge amounts of suburban property In one to ten , tw enty arul f my acre pieces , located within one to three , tourer five miles of the jKMtolBco some very cheap pieces. NcwUajwof Omaha , published by George I' Ikmls plain , unmounted maps 60 tcnU each ; mounted , colored and with cloth back , $1.60 cvth. cvth.Housca.storcs , hotels , farms , lots , ! ands. offices. roorai , etc. . to rent or lease. Taxes paid , renU collected , deeds , mortgages , and all Undj of real estate documents made out en thort notice. GEO , P Eeal Estate Exchange 16th and Douglas | Street , OMAHA , - - NEB. THE PROSPECTS BRIGHTEfr Dr. Bliss Opines that the Pros ! flout Will be Out in a Few Lays , WWlo it is the General Opinioi of all Attending Physicians That a Speedy Recov ery is Probable. Ho Passes Sunday Very Com fortably , Relishes His Nourishment , and is Hourly Improving. The LociOltjr > r Uio Boll Has Boot FountU ; nncl if .Nooos.snvy XVlilljo'Ont Out. " V / ' WASHINOTON , July 31. There hav ( boon no three kbullutins in any one day of tlio president's sickness BO ant isfnctory rvndroas'sliringns tlioao of to day , fn Tlio incruasod jnourishinont taken ia hailed as a good flign , so much more so , that physicians say it is amply suf ficient to moot the demands of the patient's increasing strongth. The raising o'f the president to a Boini- sitting posture- several hours during tlio day is proving a good factor in the case. It improves the heart notion nnd has good effect liia.gonoral condition , bcsidcargivingtho patient needed rest ; the physicians also recognizing evidences' bf * heating in the SncrcasodTendoiia of the pa tient's body which1 Ifas boon most ser iously affected by1'inflammation. The president has asked several times re cently , nnd requested the physicians to bo careful in dressing his wound as it hurt him to havo'his lloah handled. All the physicians ngrco thjxt this is a favorable indication. Under tlieao circumstances the president was some what nervous at the dressing of the wound , and to this cause Dr. Bliss at tributes the increase in pulse to-night. This afternoon the fever wns very slight , as indicated by his tempera ture and respiration. Both these had fallen to a normal1 , condition by 9 p. in. , and his pulse to U ! ) degrees. Bu- twecn that time nnd midnight the president passed as comfortable an hour as any ho has oxyerionced since receiving the wound. The members of the cabinet called at the White House during the oven- ing. Drs. Agnew and Bliss conversed freely with them on the situation. Expressions vrero full of hope and at the same time reminded anxious ones that it might , bo many -months before the wound will bo entirely healed. In fact , the proisdent might bo able to movoSbout ind travel long before the wound Lt o como- entirely well. well.Dr. Dr. Bliss stated that the experiment would bo made to-morrow with n view of definitely locating the ball. Last evening the experiment was made by Professor Boll , with Professor Hughes and the balance . of the attending physicians , and Dr. Agnew and Hamilton being present. A balance was passed over the abdo men carefully , just after the evening dressing of thn wound and when the plato came immediately over the spot which wns black nnd blue for some days after the shooting there was no ticed n slight sensation in the indica tor. The indication was not sufti- c'ently ' decided ns to admit of n defi nite conclusion that the bull had been found , but Biifliciently so as to en- courngo further experiments. Prof. Hughes invention is warranted to detect about two inches below the skin. Prof. Bell claims to have so perfected n balance that metal will bo indicated five inches in the body with this improved balance. An experi ment is to bo tried to-morrow. If success crowns the effort nnd the ball is where it is very strongly suspected to bo , the original diagnosis of the wound will bo uphold. The spot where a faint indication was caused ia about four and ono-lmlf inches below andto | the right of the naval , justnbovo jroin. Should the ball bo thus located it has been decided to cut it out. By BO doing a continuous chan nel could bo made through the presi dent's body , but it is not doomed necessary to effect this. The location of tlio ball once established th 3 physi cians will feel still more forearmed , but will make no eflort to extract it at present unless it should bo found to bo doing mischief. The president is passing n good night , Bleeping well ind comfortably. The afternoon febrile rise has entirely subsided. The following dispatch was sent from the White House to-night at 1 p , m. : To Lowell , minister , Lon don The president is slowly improv ing and I shall henceforth omit my daily telegrams. Not hearing from mo you may infer that all hits gone- well. ( Signed ) BLAINK , Sec'y. SUNDAY'S BULLETINS. WAHIUNOTON , July 81. Official bulletin : Executive Mansion , 0UO : n. in. The official bulletin just is sued , gives the condition of the presi dent ns follows : Tlio president slept well during the night nnd awoke re freshed this morning , The after noon fever subsided earlier than the night before nnd had ( juito disap peared by 10 p , m. His appearance uid expression this morning indicate continued improvement. At present liis pulse is 01 , temperature 08,4 , res piration 18. ( Signed ) D. W. Buss , J. W , lUltNKH , J. J. WOODWARD , R. IlEYliUltK D , Hayes Agnow. WAHHNKQTOK , July 81 , 7 p. m The president has passed an excellent day from just after morning dressing till about U p. m. He lias had his head and shoulders erected by a frame beneath the mattress. Ho has taken and relished an ample supply of nour ishment and continues to improve in general condition. The aw > enrnnc < of the wound nt this evening s dressing ing was in every viy satisfactory. Tin afternoon rise of temperature ha : been insignificant. At present hii pulse is MM ; temperature l)9j ) rcspirn tion 20. ( Signed ) D. W. Buss , J. N. BAHNES , J. J. WoomvAiti ) , Hour. KKYOUIIX. H. II. HAMILTON. FIRE RECORD. Nutlotil Associated I'ITSI AT WHITEHALL , MICH. WHITEHALL , Mich. , July 31. Th < big lira of Saturday morning startec about 2 o'clock in T. 11. Sturtevanl'i livery stnblo , where ho lost clovei horses and n full equipment of buggioi nnd carriages. The heaviest losses nix Morrla Cohn , dry goods , $14,000 ; 11 M. Uusglefl , druggist , $10,000 ; D.vvit Poster's estate. SS/,000 ; Covillo&Co. , ' $ GOOOj | L. Bret ? , $11,000 ; Coamopol' tnn hotel , 85,000 ; E. T. Slocum , 814 , . 000 ; nnd some twenty other firms , in < chitting nearly every business place it the city ) Total loss , § 125,000 ; insur- nnco nbout $50,000. No mills or fac- torioa. wore burnod. The tunnel through the town occupied by 'the railroad wna destroyed. Several fam ilies nro homeless ° nnd the iown pre sents it most dnsolato appearance. AT I'AXTOX , ILL. PAXTON , 111. , July 31. The eleva tor nnd warehouse of E. Rico burned last night , with contents. Loss , $10- 000. THE INFERNAL MACHINE. A Partner of O'Donovan ' Eossa Homo's to the Front , They are1 Manufactured in Peoria , 111. , From tliQ Funds of the Skirm ishing Fund. PEOUU , 111. , July 30. ThoroJ is no ongor any doubt that the machines that wore lately seized in England in barrels of plaslor-of-paris were made in this city. There is residing here Mr. P. W. Crowo a well known mem- jor of the band of United Irishman and n partner of O'Donovan llossa. bio is one of the committee appointed vt the Into convention in Philadelphia o look up the skirmishing fund , and ind out whore it was and what was joing done with it. Mr. Crowo do- ilarcd to n Journal reporter this ovon- ngthat all the machines lately seized n England wcro made in Peoria , and out of the funds of skirmishing fund. Bach machine weighs forty-five pounds. The outside is made of iron within is a zinc receptacle containing a clock orrauuement. After rjinnins Kisirhownr .tyo.it-ojpck liberates a hammer that strikes a nip- > lo and explodes a percussion cap. This sots fire to the charge at once , and a half-pound of fulminate of mercury nnd a pound nnd n half of dynamite , sullicient to blow up the urgcat block of buildings in the world. A man takes ono of these ma chines in his hand and starts by the jlock of buildings that it has been do- ; ermined to destroy. At a convenient place ho deposits it , in an open stair- vay or by the aide of the building. Jnco placed , all ho then has to do is , o walk away and provide for his own escape. Ho has six hours to do it in , and , in that lime , ho can bo out of ho reaoh of pursuit. Mr. Crowo says that there arc a largo number of these machines in thin city and that they will bo Bout out n few at a time mtil people aio afraid to patronize Jritish ships or hvo in a British hvelling. Ho talks of the amount of destruction that they will do ns calmly ns n man would reckon the contents of n field of onta. Ho says that war is always cruel but that the moat cruel and surest way is the best , and that .hoy . intend to keep up this until they mvo forced Enuland to concede the ibaratinn of Ireland. There is no doubt that Mr. Crowo is very much n earnest and that ho means every- hing that ho says. Ho stands very ligh in this community and ia the urthorcst removed from a blather- kite. Ho IB moreover a strictly tom- Hirato man and honest and industnoui. To is hand in glove with O'Donovan * ossa , who ho regards as the real lib- irator of Ireland. Ho nays that Eng- and has taken away from the Irish > ooplo all other weapons but tlioso , nnd with these they must fight. Change of Superintendent * National AswxIuUJ 1'riuw. iNDIAJfAl'OLIH , July 31. 0. P. Murphy , for the past few years supor- ntondont of the Indianapolis , Peru t Chicago road , has boon appointed uporintondont of the Indianapolis division of the AVabash roads in this tate , which includes the I. , 0 , & 0. railroad , recently purcha L-d by the Yabash , the Eel Uivor , iho Detroit , Butler & St. Louis , and the Toledo & Ann Arbor , making moro than ono mndrnd milea under ono control. His leadquartprs will bo at Peru. E. M , lawloy will bo the assistant Bupcrin- I'lidont of the Indianapolis division , and Charles Light of the Chicago di vision. Trouble in tlio Indian Nation- National Associated i'rua. VAN BUJJKN , fArk. , July 31. Indian - dian authorities have attached nearly all the BOW mills in Cherokee nation , claiming that they were being run in violation of the Clierokeo law without a permit or license , contrary to United States statutes. At ono mill over GOO valuable logs were seized. The roubles are extending from Choctaw o Clierokeo nation , and eorious rouble is anticipated , Drought iu Texas- I'itlotial Assodatcd 1'rew. AUSTIN , Texas , July 29. A torn- > lo drought has prevailed in the fron- iur counties and crops in Boyler , > osby and other counties are a total ailtiro , Hangers report gross and water exceedingly acarco. FOREIGN EVENTS , Fenian Artisans Sent to Lonflor to Manufaoturo Explosives , M. Gambottu Donlos the Existence - istonco of an Alliance Between Franco and Germany. A Prolmhlo Mediation. Hotwcoi : tlio Amoor and Ajroob KiiUn. National Awoclatol 1'res * . A HBUOlpUS UOW. GMMILOW ; July 30. The Orthodox and liberal wings of the free clmrcli iiro involved in n ibittor quarrel over points of fiiith , in ixnd the proposed revision of the standard of ( lie church. Thu liberals { propose nbQitfcm of mod ification of doctrines ; in tfijct dnuiim- lion , election , predestination in con fession of fnith mid Westminster cato- chisin. At the church synod , HOVl Datliol Mocaskill nnd Laughlin McAr- thur como to blows. Latter almost choked to iiiBoimibility. X \VAUNINO TO IRELAND. LONDON , .Tuly 30. The Obgorvor warns Ireland not to accept the land bill passed by the house of COIHIUOIIH , but gives warning in the future agita tion to the tiso of the infernal machines - chines which will antagonize needed sympathy and support. The Observer says : "Ei'glnnd can't bo coerced into concessions inconsistent \\ith the safety and welfare of tlio kingdom , and porsovoronco of the brosent course homo rulers , and cannot tut ultimately lead to a trial of physical strength bo- Iwcon England and Ireland. ANTI-KENT jumiTioi. LONDON , July 30.-The [ anti-rent agitation has reached England. The farmers upon the citato of Mr. Mac- Nanuirn , Bedfordshire , received letters threatening death if payment. Mac- Nnmara is also thrcatoiied. FRANCE'S CLAIJIK. PAHIH , July 30. Franco claims TO in Spain thirty million francs for damages sustained by puraons of French nationality during civil war in Cuba. . s LONDON , July 30 At dispatch from Tunis says the boy intends trying to raise a loan of 50,000 to cover tlio expenses of an expedition to the in- , orior. w A dispatch from St. Petersburg Hays the czar was enthusiastically wel comed ut Moscow. AN ENVOY HIIOM THE AMHKII. LONDON , July 30. An envoy from the ameor reached Jnmrud via Simla. Ho is behoved to bo the bcnrer of n letter from the ameor asking the aid of the English to resist the further advance of Ayoob Kliati. LoNDoir-July 30. AjA Vjnantity of dynamite was discovered to-day in the stool works'of Messrs. Hollands , at Glasgow. The dynamite was sufli- cient to destroy the establishment if in condition to oxplodo. The duke of Argyle is to bo married , o a daughter of the bishop of Albans. MANUl'ACTUUK OF KXPLOHIVES. . Livi'.iu'OOL , July 31. Advices siato ; lmt a number of Fenian artcsians will bo sent from the United States to con duct the secret manufacture of explo sives in London. A D1SNIAL. LONDON , July 31. A dispatch from Paris gives an interview with M. Jambottn , who denies the existence of a Franco-Gorman alliance , or that franco has any alliance with Russia. : Io says the policy of Franco is to CCOD her hands fiec. A MEDIATION. LONDON , July 31. It is reported .hat . the government has instructed ho viceroy of India to offer to mccti- ito between the ameer and Ayoob Chan , on a basis of the ameer coding to Ayoob Khan the whole of eastern Afghanistan. MCORATJI IN A I1OX. LONDON , July 31. A inomorahda was found on the person of McGrath , ano of the prisoners indicted by the ? rand jury for attempting to blow up ho town hall in Liverpool on'tho 9th 9f Juno , winch gave a list of articles oming from the United States. It is upposod that tlio first hints OB to the oncealod dynamite found lost week was derived from this list. Crop Frospoota. National AwsoclatcU I'reu. CIIICAOO , July 31. The Morning lerald to-morrow will publish a crop ummary for the northwest from which ho following is the concluding para graph : The winter wheat harvest > ended and the crop is estimated to bo rom -10 to 50 per cent. , below the crop of last year , In localities where vheat failed wholly this year corn and other grains were put in , and fair ro- aults may bu expected. In a portion of Iowa and in southern Minnesota tlio sprint ? wheat crop is below the average , jut in Nebraska and Wisconsin , north- > rn Minnesota and Dakota the weather or three weeks has boon exceptionally nvoroblo and the promise for n good Mold is excellent. The corn crop , vhich was backward and unpromising at the boginding of July , has made wonderful progress during the remain- lor of the month. If there should jo an unseasonable visitation of frost ho auality and quantity of the crop will bo fully up to the average , because - cause the increased acrcago will more han make good any failures in locali ses by reason of floods or drouth. Da the whole , therefore , the outlook 'or the farmer in the northwest and .ho whole range of business interests dependent upon him is an exceedingly encouraging one. Arrest of a Scoat. MENOMINBK , Wis. , July 31. Buf- 'alo Charlie's fellow scouts and blood- ipunds failing to come to time and iis movements taking a rather suspi cious turn , ho was put undorarrost by Captain Boolittlu yesterday at Camp Cody. Charlie now says tlio blood hounds have not left Fort Lincoln yo and the other ncoutalmvogono to tlia point. Ho says ho is known out wes by tlio names of Buffalo Charlie Charlie Lewis and Ycllowstono Cli.u lie. Ho Rent telegrams to Fred Sol oncyst , Portage , Wisconsin , nnd Lieu tenant Wnllnco of the 7th cavalry , Ft Snolling , Minnesota , asking for idcn tilication. Unless this idontificatioi comes and is fully satisfactory it wil bohard to restrain the troopers fron dealing summarily with the nllcgoc scout , who is strongly suspected o complicity with Williams brothers , ti whose assistance hois believed to havi cwnio as a spy. Adjutant General Hryant , by orde : of Governor Smith , has recalled tin Lnddington uturds from the pursui of the Williams brothels. Genera Bryant docs not believe the outlaw ! are in the woods , but have crossed over to civilization. Sheriff Doolittlo , however , will con < tinno the pursuit , believing ho has tin game bagged. A TRIO OF FIENDS. Spring Crook Camp Capturoc by Three Desperate Characters. Iii\\vlo snoss t\ud Crime of the Moil ITiiprovolioil and Inhuman Character. CHiiinlsan Ncug-Democrat , Ono of the most unprovoked nnd devilish outrages Hint have blotted the records of Colorado , occurred at the Spring creek mining camp on Tnuraday night last. Tlio news of it was brought to thia city late on Satur day night , nnd it is hoped that the rutlians who fignrod in it have boon by this time captured and will be brought to justice. It will bo remembered by the read ers of the Nowa-Democrat that Oov. Pitkin offered n reward of $ fiOO for Lho capture of n man namod/Turnbull. Incited by this promised reward , three moil from Buonn Vista , or thereabouts , started out on Thurs day last in search of Trumbull. 'i'hoy were , I. N. Barrett , who at ono time lield the ollico of city marshal in liuona Vista , n mam named Buzzard , who lives at Old Man's ranch on the 3ottonwood road , and n man named Porgu.son , of whom but little in iiiown. They had , ft appears , re ceived information in some way that Turnbull was nt ono time n partner of a minor named Hughes , who now ives at Spring crook. Mounting their lorscs , the trio rode to Spring creek nnd knocked at the door of Hughes' cabin Npon allowing himself Hughes was covered with throe six shooters and was naked to deliver up his friend Turnbull. Ho replied that ho know nothing of the murderer's whereabouts 'Tho h 1 you don't ! " shouted Bar- roU , striking the poor inun n terrible blow over the head with the butt of liis pistol. Hughes was then dragged from his house , and being securely hound was locked up in a small cabin. Having accomplished this work the three rufllana entered the nearest sa loon nnd drank themselves into a frenzied condition. They then re turned the cabin where they had loft their helpless prisoner , and again demanded information of Turn- bull. The poor man who was suffer ing severely from the blow ho re ceived protested piteously that ho know nothing of the murderer. His denial only served to increase the drunken fury of his captors , who thereupon proceeded to bent him un til ho wna insensible. Leaving him , they then entered a near-by saloon , and knocking down the barkeeper secured two kegs of liquor , which : hey carried into a restaurant across iho street , compelling the proprietor , o tap the kcga ami deal out the liquor , o them. By this time the whole .own Boomed to have boon seized with a panic. Ono or two citizens mndo an effort to resist the lawlosH- icsa of the trio , but were prompt- y knocked down and kicked nto submission. Presently from the door of the saloon the riillimns discov- > rod Col. J. B. Stone , who was ontor- ng the camp on horseback. They mmodiatoly pointed their pistols at lim and compelled him to halt. Just at this moment an old man who car ried the mail to Spring crook came in sight with the mail-bags ( lung ovorhia aliouldor. Forsaking Col. Stone , the rio halted the mail carrier , and Uik- ng from him the small Backs proceed ed to riilo it , putting fliich letters aa hey choao into their pockets , and In-owing the others into the street I'lioy then compelled the terrified car- ior to hold the letters by the corners above his head while hey ahot ut them with their re- olvera. Not satisfied with thia cruelty , Barrett seized the poor man > y his long white beard and beat him nercilessly about the head. It being mpossiblo for dovilishncss to go to ; reator length , the men then mounted heir horses nnd galloped out of the camp. A short distance beyond the units of the town they met Mr. Bon Jecson , who wna approaching from ho opposite aide of the town with a cam of pack mules. Ho was prompt- y "hold up. " Finding that ho had 10 money the sufliana compelled him o dimnount and crawl on his hands and knees in the road. What other cruelties they might have practiced ipon him , it ia impossible to nay , had tot the appearance of another ravoler , whom they mistook or the sheriff , caused them to boat a uisty retreat down the road. Mr. UcoBon , after learning the particulars of their outrage at the camp , has- cnod to this place with the news. Several special deputies , including Mr. Booson , were promptly sworn and n pursuing party waa sent in search of the desperadoes. It is boliuved ; hut they will bo captured to-day , and it is very probable that if on attempt is made to bring them to Qunnison jy the way of Spring crook , they will nouor roach hero nlivo , for the people of the latter place are , as may bo imagined , worked up to a fovci heat in regard to the affair. Davenport' * New Bishop. AxxoclMod I'rc.M. HAVENI-OUT , July 30. Bishop Me Mullen , the newly consecrated bisho ] of Davenport , was mot nl the dopol on his nrrivnl thia evening by n large crowd of people. The party won driven to St. Marguerites church where Mayor Henry dolivorcd an ad dress of welcome on the pnrt of UK city. This was responded to on tlu part of the clergy by Mr.V. . V. CJan non. AHor thcso services n banquoi was served ntlho Kimball House. Tin now bishop preaches his first sermoi to-nunrow ntSt. Mnrguoiik-a church , Another Cnt in Itntos. Nivtloml Aiwoimlrtl I'rcM. KANSAS CITT , July ! ' ! . Ordorahnv been received here to begin to-morrow on the basis of the local rnto fron Kansas City to Chicago , added to tlu latest ndvortiscd rate from the losl named point. A Suiulny Bproo National . \ cicliUol I'lran. Nr.w YOIIK , July 'H.Klijnh I Tutllo shot nnd killed George S Fiflher at the Germania Garden noai this city , to-day in a qunrrol over i woman. Both particshnd been drink ing freoly. Tuttle waa arrested am is now in custody. Indication * ' National Atuoclatcil 1'resn. WAHHixnrotf , July .11. For tin upper lake region , upper Mississijip and lower Missouri valleys : Fan weather , winds mostly south , lowoi barometer , stationary or higher tonv pornturo. Tnlco * Possession. faUonal Aittoctatotl I'mm. NRW YOUK , July 00. Collector Robertson took possession of the cus tom house to-day. Crary Frealc. An unfortunate fellow who is con- sidcred light-headed made a spectacle of himself Saturday , by walking the ength of the street car track along Pnrnhnm street , bearing nloft in ono mnd a tjroon twig nnd in the other a jright horse shoo. Ho made his way x > the ollico of the county clerk and depositing both on the lloor near the door , started forth again without n word. Some ono in passing through , ho ollico a short time afterward hand ed around the cigars and the clerk nt once ascribed their good luck to the irosenco of the horse Mioo. It will be copt aa n rolic. SAVING TIME By Lopping Off Six Miles oi the O. & St. P. Road. Mr. .Tamos P. Viiic6iit wh6 lia"n charge of the work of straightening out what i known as the Floronca cut off on the Omaha & St. Paul road , vna in the city Saturdny. In conversa tion ho said that the work would oc cupy from now until December 1 at east. By the now route the din- anco between Florence and Calhoun vill bo seven miles instead of thirteen as by the old routo. The work on ho now route was bognn nbout two nilea beyond Florence nnd will con- inct again with the present road two nilca this side of Calhoun. Thu men ire just now engaged in n half mile ut , tlio npox of which is about sovon- y-throo foot , and the average icight thiity-tliroo foot. Beyond this a another cut , the average of wliioh ia bout twenty foot. The principal rork of loading is now done by mon , ) ut machinery IB being put up for that mrposo. Ono of the principal reasons or doing away with tho'cutoff ia that or n considerable distance the grade uns about ono hundred and twenty cot to the mile ; by the now routa it will bo only sixty foot to the mile. A > ow Convent. Two iiuna of the Sacred Heart will rrivo in thia city about the middle of ho present week to mnko arrange- nonts for founding a convent of their rdor horo. The order already owna onsidorablo property within the city mils not far from the water works , t is expected that iho educational es- ablisliiuont will bo up to the high tandard maintained by the order. Prof , 0. 0. Duplosa'm of the Chiea- o Gymnasium , Bays ; Wo recommend 5t , Jacobs Oil most warmly ; the ro- iof it gives ia certainly remarkable. All summer hats of felt nnd straw educed ut Nindoll & Kroll lower than ivor. 14th street , sign of the gold lUt. Fresh butter , eggs and vegetables llwaj'B on hand at 0 W Sohloip'n , ilorrison & Co.'a old aland , llthst. tUVth : MARKED DOWN SHOES. Wo have n largo stock of broken- izcd lots that wo have marked down ogardlflBB of coat , to close thorn out. ilvory pair will give the wearer na ; oed Borvico as if sold at full price. Down go the prices , Come and oo. P. BKSEN , Fulton Market IGth Street. tf Largo job lot of ladies' Shoos which vill bo sold at prices that will buy hem. Sure to ploaao you. Call and see them at Fullriodo's , Douglas Street ) no Price Shoo Store , Bot. llith and 14th. Now Wall Pockets tit U'Jc. atoro , LADIES' LAND LEAGUE. It Was Organized in This City Yesterday , A mooting of the Catholic young ladies of the city waa hold ycstorday afternoon in the rooms of the Catholic library association in Croighton block. There waa n very line attendance. The ob ject of the meeting wna to attempt the organization of n ladies' land league. The object wns effected by the election of Miss Sarah Bronnan as temporary president. The other temporary olllcera elected were Miss Slncia Crowley , nocretnry ; Miss Anna Kichol , treasurer ; Miss lloao Smith , Miss Dungan and Miss Ella Kennedy , vice presidents. It wns decided to hold nnothor mooting at the library rooms to-morrow evening for permanent or- gnnization. The date of the picnic which the ladies decided to hold on August 27) wns changed to n week enrlior , or August 520 , owing to the fact that a circus will bo in the city on the day first solectod. The price of admission to the grounds , including dinner for adults waa fixed nt fifty cents ; for children , twenty-five centa. Several male members of the land league were present , including M. Donovan , John Hush and Olios. Han- ley. The Indies' league starts out with favornblo auspices nnd no doubt it will bo nn unqualified success. The Car Line Pro'oot- "I am finding some difficulty in securing - curing the $ .1,500 required by Capt. Marsh to run his street car line to the park , " said Mr. A. J. Hanscom to n Biu reporter yesterday. "However , I am still hopeful , and will push the thing through vigorously tin's week. The lartjo property holders are not doing aa well aa I expected as n rule , but the smaller ones aro. However , if I can raise within n tow hundred dollars of the amount , I will make up tlio balance besides my contribution of $1F > 00. Last year I found no par ticular difficulty in raising $4,500 for the same purpose , nnd 1 shouldn't have much in securing $3,600 this year. " Stealing Newspapers. A six-year-old boy wna before Judge Bonoko on Saturday on the charge of stealing newspapers lo t nt the doors , of private residences. Some newspaper - per patrons hnvo been considerably annoyed in this respect , but owing to the extreme youthfulness of the cul- pril the court * decided' to lot him go after a severe lecture and a promise that ho would not do so again. A LONG JOURNEY. That Some Pine Cattle are Making. There passed through the city yes- , ordy , westward bound , novon an fine cattle nn have over been seen in Oma- m. The cattle are of the Polled brood and were being shipped through from Scotland to the Sandwich Is lands. They ware in charge of a man named Furguson , who cwncd them. Ho ia the proprietor of a much in the Sandwich Islands , and intends to breed pure blooded cattlo. Each of the seven ia valued at $1,000. They have already been six months on the road , having been quarantined over 5 months of the time in Boston. The animals present n very beautiful appearance. They are extremely mus cular , without horns nnd nro covered with n heavy coat of glossy black hair. Pure-blooded cattle of this breed readily soil for § 1,000 nnd over. They mvo frequently taken the champion at English cattle shows. * Their beef 'etches more than that of Shot-Horns or Horcforda , nnd the animals nro tardier and cosier kept. CARD OF WAN11ING. I warn the public of this city and state against two young men who for .lie past few weeks liavo canvassed .liis city for copies , pretending they vero in my employ. Both parties nro joao swindlers and impostors. I do not nt present , nor have at any time , employed agents. GKOIIOE HEYN , 2t Prop'r Grand Central Gallery. "SALE EXTRAORDINARY" at "CumingB1 Mammoth Auction House , " 1405 Douglass St. , will bo sold this evening , July 30th , and con tinue from day to day , the finest line of Gold and Silver American Watches , Diamonds and Jewelry , &o. , &o.t &o , , that has over been offered in the west. Sale positive nnd without reserve , and all goods warranted exactly as repre sented. The Now City Directory BOOH to bo issued will bo the moat thorough and complete of any directory ivor isBued for Omaha. People who liavo recently como to the city , or those who have recently changed their residence or boarding place , should send their now address at once tq J. M. Wolfe , 120 S. Fourteenth street , corner Douglas , BO that their names will appear m thn now directory cor rect when issued. jy30d3w Try "Tho Fullriodp Boot , " French Calf homo made , None in the market to beat it in price or quality , j