Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 30, 1881, Image 1

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    'M. - .M.
Xo 1 Lot on Hnrncy street , near now court
< hausc , { 2500.
No 2 Lot on Cuss street near 22J , 92(00.
No 3 Lot on Cnlfornla street near ! 2J , $1600.
No 6 Lot on Matey street near U. 1' . ilcK | > t ,
No 0 } block In Slilnn's 3J addition near Con-
cnt , * 8M.
No 8 Two lots on Decatur near Campbell St. ,
$700.No 10 8 lota on Cotfax street near Ilanseom
1'nrk , nt reasonable prices.
100 cholco ruilclcnco lots In Credit Tonclcr and
ClmiKhlow additions a short dlsUnco southeast o {
U , 1 * . and 1) & 11 , depots , prices from $100 up
13 lots on 21st , 22d , 23d and Saiindors streets ,
north of and adjoining K. V , Smith's addition ,
$400 ; terms v y.
No 09 full corner lot on Douglas street near
10th , $2500.
No 70 Corner COxllO feet lot on Douglas near
tioar llth street , $3100.
No. 71 Tlireo lots In Olio's addition near Saun-
tiers street , 31000
73 Lot on Uccatur street , near Irene Shtnn's
2d addition $115. .
No. 76 82x00 feet on Pacific street near U. P.
and B. & M. depots , fcJOOj.
No. 70 Splendid warehouse lot 77x182 ( cet Dth
( troct near Jones , $3(00. ,
No 78 3 lots on llarney street near 19th$2000.
No 81 Lot In Glso's addition near SaunJera
d'rcct , $500.
No. 83 Lot In Ulscs1 addition near Saunden
street , $300.
No 83 2 lots on 10th near 1'aclflc and Kail
"Works , $1500. '
No bG Lot on Chatlcs street near Baundeis ,
No 87 Lot on Lcaremvorth near 16tb , $1,100.
No 83 Lot on Caldwcll street near Saundcrs ,
. No 89 Lot on Chicago near 22d street , $1500.
No 00 Lot on Dlondo near Campbell street
31 lots InMlllards * Caldwcll's addition , Sher
man avenue , IGth street , Spring , Sarat6garand
Florence streets , $700 and upwards.
No 122 2 lots on ISth street , near Toppleton's
now residence , $1600.
No 123 Lot 71x310 feet on Shonman avenue ,
IGth street , $1100
No 121 8 lots on BcllcYua street , near shot
tower , $50 to 870'cath.
No 125 Full block on Clinton street , near
( hat tower , $50 to $76 each.
No 128 Lot on'lbth street , no 5 . white lead
works , $525
No ' .27 2 lota , SJ acres near head of St. Mary's
a\enue , on rood to Park , $2500.
No 129 Lo On California near Crctghton Col-
epc. $376.
No 130 4 lots near new gOTornmsnt corral , 82 }
X207J acres each. $300.
No 1(11 ( Lot In Ohio's addition on Cameron St.
ucnr Sounder * , mnko an Oder.
No. ICO Lot In Olso'H addition on CasslusSU ,
near State , inake an offer i '
No 102 Lotlndlse'saddltlon on CMslus near
Baunden , uiako an offer.
No 103 1 block In Boyd's addition addition
near Omaha Barracks , make an oftcr.
No 104 7 loU In Henry & Shclton't addition
Dear high school , price from $1260 upward.
170 Lot on Pacific street , near IGth , make an
offer. , , t
No 171 2 lots on Webster street , near 21st ,
both $33.0 or ? 2000 for corner and $1800 for In-
de.No 173 1 lot on. CaM near 14th street. $10,00
No 175 Lot on'Sncnnan avenue V10th street
ntarlzardU , 81400.
No 177 3 lots In OramlUov. male an offer.
No ISO Lot In Smnn'a addition on Pier St. ,
near end street ear track , $525.
No 181 THO lots In Nelson's addition , 1 on
Idaho street , 1 on Center street , near Cumlng ,
C3UU UUCII. - - iL. . . n .n
No Ih3 Two jrllt cd > fo lots on Cass street near
Slkt. on a corner , SOOUO.
Noltfi Lot on Howard street , near Eaundere ,
make an offer.
No Isii : ! loU on Seward street , near Irene ,
make an offer
No Ifeiil , lot on l.i > cnportncar 25th , $500.
No 187 , lot on Division near Cuinlnt ; St. , $200.
\ No 188 $ , Mock in Kojd'u addition , ntar Umaha
barracks. flOO.
NolbUl , I lot on I'lcrco near Oth street , $550.
No lOuj , J lot on 11th near 1'nrnham , $21 l
No 1'JlJ , 2 beautiful loU In Milnii'n addition ,
No 102) , 2 lots on 16th street near uhlto lead
works , cfuIiU.
No 1DJ ] , lot on 20th street near Sherman , 8400 ,
No IltlJ , i ! lots on 2A1 street , near Clark , $001) .
No iuUJ , 3 bcuutlful lots on taunderu bt. near
ttreet car turn table , gltt'S.
No 10'JJ , lot on 10th near Plcjce bt. $500.
No 201 Lot In UUo'd addition on Cameron Bt. ,
near Saunders , $500.
No iiOi Ixjt on Cameron street near Saundcra.
$000.No 203 Lot In Slilnn's addition on Saundcrs
'street , near street car turn table , $350.
No 2U4 Ilcuutiful lot In NcUon'tf addition , on
Division Htrcct near Cunilng , $360.
No. 2U5 Two lots on Caatellar street , near 10th
No 200 Two lots on Sixteenth street , near the
nail works , $1600.
No M One-half lot on California street near
21st , $700.
No.lit'O Lot on 18th street near Nicholas , $000.
No 210 Lot on Capitol avenue near 23dgl500 ,
Na 212 Lot 143x600 feet on Colfax street , near
Hanmom 1'ark , with Improvements , $2700.
No 213 Two acres on Cumin' ' street , $1000.
No 215 One-half aero on California , near Ken
nedy street , $ J50.
No : ! li Heautlful lot on Hamilton street near
street car turn taule , $1000.
No 217 Lot on 23d street , near Clark. $500.
A few aero lots only remain unsold In "Park
Place" little west of Crelghton Collect , prices
ranging fiom $276 to $300 each and on easy terms.
LoU in Horbach'H 1st and 2d additions ; also
lots in 1'arker'i.bhlnn'a ; Nelson's , Terrace's , E.
V. Smith's. Ucdick's , and all the other additions
at any price and atony terms.
Ten acres In the city limits on the road to the
barracks at $37& per acre.
Four brautlful reuldcnco lots In front of
Crelirhton College ; will cut them up to null.
Nine residence lots north of Crelfhton College
groumU , from $7UO tolWX ) each.
Thirty resident lots in Parker's addition , six
blocks north of tho.ond of the strees car track
on Haundcra street , ? JOO each , $10 down , balance
to suit , at U per cent Intercut.
A few lots left In Terrace addition on the road
iothe Park , near head of St. JUry's a\cnuo$720
each. To tlioso who will build a S1200 residence ,
7 J earn time at 8 mr ecnt Intcrcbt.
LoU In lake's addition at $ J5U to $850 each , 10
years time atO percent Intercut , to thote who
'IheoldTousIoylO-acro tratt with house and
all lmpro\cmi > ntH , adjoining race courboand fair
ground * ' for $ SuOO.
TracUof 6 , in , 15 , 20 , 40 or SO acres , with buil
dings and other luipro\ciuenU and adjoining the
city , at all prices.
3500 of the liebt residence loti in the city of
Omaha any location jou desire north , vast ,
south or west , and at bed rock prices.
250 choice business lots in all the principal bus
iness strecU In Omaha , \arjintf liom $500 to
7000each ,
Two hundred houses anil loU ranging from
600 to $15,000 , and located In ctery part of the
city ,
Largo number of excellent arms In Douglas ,
Earpy Haundcrs , Dodge , Washington. Hurt , and
other ioo < l comities in eastern Nebraska ,
12,000 acres beat land * In Douglas , JOOO acrca
Lest lands In Harpy county , and large tracts in
all the eastern tier of counties
Over 1)00,000 acres of the best land In the Ne
braska for sale by this age-ncy
Vcrj large amounts of suburban property In
one to ten , twenty anil f > rty acre pieces , located
within one to three , four or five miles of the
jKwtolllco borne v cry clicap pieces. .
New Maps of Omaha , published by George P
Heroin plain , unmounted maps 60 cents each ;
mounted , colored and with cloth back , $1.MJ
cuch.Money loaned on Improved farms also on
improved citj jrojicrty , ut the lowest rates
of Interest
House * , stores , hotels , farms , loU.l andi. offices
rooms , etc. . to rent or lease ,
Taxes paid , rents collected , deeds , mortgages ,
and all kinds of real estate document * made out
on short notice- .
Eeal Estate Exchange
16th and Douglas Street ,
OMAHA , - - NEB.
The President Still on the Road
to Eecovery ,
The Febrile 'Biso Uornos on
Later , But , is Not 80
Marked ( is the Day
The Midnight Bulletin Reports
the President as Resting
Quitoau , NotjBeing Allowed
to Converge , is Writiuj ;
His Autbiography.
Funeral of Secretary Buroh ,
of the UniteaStates Senate ,
Vorlous ItiB 3ef Interest From the
National AraocUttd I'tMV * , ,
VASIUNQTON , flTUly " 21) . By mid
night the prosidtint s fever subsided
and from that tiirjb ho rested comfort
ably , nwoko oarly7 was cheerful nnd
hungry. ,1113 breakfast consisted of
.b'eof tea and juicer from broiled steak ,
Tlitf ; prc'sidont ; has requested solid
foo'atJTliOw physicians will "mako
atoniKcfrtosta'and' dotcrmiuo whether
hia diofccahb ! : bhailse'd , . /
showed no fovpr. Tho' dressing of
the wound slioVcd a satisfactory flow
of healthy pus. The president slept
well most of the forenoon. ,
Among the callers 'wasiG6lIec or
Robertson , accompanied by Postmas
ter-General James.
declare that they do not intend at
present to search for the ball. Dr.
Agnew is taking special interest in
Prof. Bellas induction balance ap
It was nearly 0 o'clock when the pres
ident's physician noticed the first febrile -
brilo rise to-day. , . It was very slight ,
.however , and continued less than
'ttyreo hours. * " Neither the pulse or
tbmpdraturo rose over 100 and respiration -
ration only 20 , The fever i began to
subside boforb anodyrio .was adminis
tered. At 0:30 the * president took
beef tea. . Ho soon fell asleep , and is
not - at all restless. The president
aloops the greater part oi the night ,
fiom 8'p. hi.'to'fla. m. , but only takes
naps during the day. Ho keeps in
good spirits and talks , when allovrod ,
aforr wnr'dfi at"lp - iJme.Today _ he
asked Dr. Bliss if ho looked very sick.
The doctor said ho did not think ho
did. All the attondcnts agree that his
appearance is much improved.
All the members of the cabinet , ex
cept tlio attorney-general , called at
the 'Whito House this evening. Dr.
Hamilton assured thorn that the case
was progressing nicely and that no
danger was in sight.
WASHINGTON , July 29 9 a. m.
The oflicial bulletin just issued gives
the president's condition at 8)0 : ) a. m.
as follows : Immediately after the
evening dressing yesterday the presi
dent's afternoon fever began gradually
to subside. Ho slept well during the
night and this morning is frco from
fever , looks well and expresses him
self . No " " have
cheerfully. "rigors" oc
curred during the past twenty-four
hours , nor ended at any time since
the the 20th inst. A moderate rise in
temperature in the afternoon is to bo
anticipated for some days to como.
At present his pulse is i)2 ) , tempera
ture 98 4-10 , respiration 18.
[ Signed. ] D. W. Buss ,
July 29 , 12:30 : ' p. m. The presi
dent has slept 'well all the morning ,
Dr. Royourn says all is going well
with the paliont. Dr. Hamilton re
mains until to-morrow. Dr. Agnew
comes to-morrow evening. There is
no indication of the usual febrile rise
July 29-2 p. m. The president
rested well since noon and no fever
has appeared up to this hour. Gen
eral Swaim says ho is gaining strength
every hour.
m , The president was cheerful during
the day and had quito a nap since
the noon bulletin was issued. The
afternoon febrile came on later , but
was not so marked as yesterday. The
wound has boon discharging freely
and looks well. Pulse 98 , tempera
ture 100 , respiration 20.
( Signed ) D. W. Buss ,
KXECUTIVF. ( MANSION , July 29 8:30 :
p. m. The febrile rise has already
subsided. The president is sleeping
under the usual anodyne. All condi
tions are favorable to a comfortable
EXECUTIVF. MANSION , July 29 , 12 m
The president is passing a good
night. There has been no unfavorable
able- symptoms of return of fever since
the ollicial bulletin waa issued.
The following was sent from the
White House this evening ; Lowell ,
Minister , London The president's
afternoon fever is less to-day than
yesterday and at 11:30 : p. in. had
almost disappeared. Temperature
very nearly nominal , The wound is
in healthy condition and has been
doing well in all respects. Physicians
are greatly encouraged.
( Signed ) BLAINE , Secretary.
HEis wniTiNO ins ADTomoaiuvnv.
ililllullKJ Aowcmwu A i cm *
WASHINGTON , July 29. Cjuiteau
having been denied opportunities for
conversation , has taken up writing and
is at work on his autobiography which
he expects the newspapers will print.
llo says ho is anxious now that the
president shall live.
WASHINOTON. July 29 , Sitting Bull
and Indians , who surrendered at Fort
Iveosjh , will bo removed to Fort
Yale's , which will make the total of
prisoners at Fort Yates 3,000. They
will bo accorded only ordinary privi
leges. The law provides only for the
maintenance of 500 prisoners. Con
gress must make up the deliciency next
Adjutant-flonoral Drum says the
new military school at Fort Leaven-
worth , Kan. , will bo established Oc
tober 1st. Captain Marshall , assist
ant quarter master , has been ordered
to superintend the construction of the
buildingffor the school , which will bo
for tho/inst ruction in the cavalry and
infantry branches of the service and
similar ti > that of Fortress Monroo.
Attorney-General Blalfvoagh has
'mado a detail of spofifil uponts to as
sist in working alleged casoa of
dynamite exportationa to Europe.
The funeral ofjSocrotary Burch , of
the United States senate , took place
to-day. The pall boarorj wore Sona-
tora Jonps of Nevada , Blair of Now
Hampshire , Fugh of Alabama , Butler
of South Carolina , and Johnston of
West Virginia , Sergcant-at-anns
Bright , Colonel Puiton and Captain
Bassott. Tho'doath of the secretary
causes a discussion regarding the probable -
able deadlock of the senate over his
successor. The republicans claim that
with the two Now York senators they
can tnect with thocasting vote of the
vico-presidenl. The. democrats say
they can avert the deadlock by insist
ing upon a completion of the organi
zation before the credentials of the
Now Y&'rk senators are acted upon
Secretary Hltnfrhas .countormai
the detail of the flagship Trentoj"
dered to transporting descent
Lafayette to the YotktpTvn. cynpnhial.
The visitors will bo ft
portation on a mcrchili
Trenton has boon
town , however.
Tlio Train Robbo S
National Associated 1'r J.
_ JICANSA3 Crrrfluly 29. An Even
ing Star spcclp from ; Independence
says that a gentleman in ' that city
claiming to Co well acquainted with
Frank .lain/s asserts toe latter
entered thu City hotel hurriedly on
Monday night last , inquired for the
latest particulars regaiding the Win
ston train robbery , and went to liis
room , yllo loft the hotel at 4 o'clock
the next morning , displaying a largo
amount of money in paying hh bill.
The reported capture of Pope Wells ,
supposed to bo ono of the gang , is not
yet confirmed.
The Death Record
National Associated 1'rcna.
CINCINNATI , July 29. Hon. D.
Gano Hay , a member of the legisla
ture and a son of the author of n
school book series , died this morning.
Ho was a prominent lawyer and poli
NEW YOIIK , July 29. Mrs. Mo-
lindu Hamlin , the venerable wife of
the late Bishop L. U. Hamlin , of the
Methodist Episcopal church , died in
this city this morning. She was born
in Now York in 1801.
Failures tlio Past Woolc.
National Associated 1'rrai
NEW YOUK , July 29. There were
89 failures throughout the Jnited
States and Canada reported to Brad-
streets during the past week , 11 de
crease of three compared with the
record of the preceding week. In the
Now England states there were 17 ,
middle states 23 , southern states 5 ,
western states 25 , California 8 , Can
ada and provinces 11. Thu failures
were mainly among small traders ,
National Associated 1'rcna.
WASHINGTON , July 30. 1 a. in.
For the upper lake region ; Warm
er , fair weather , variable winds ,
mostly southerly , stationary or lower
barometer. For the upper Misiiss-
sippi and lower Missouri valley :
Slightly warmer , fair weather , winds
mostly southerly in the latter and cant
to south in the former districts mid
stationary or lower barometer.
Shipping News.
National Ansoclatixl 1'roiu.
NEW YOKK , July 29 , Sailed
Nurnborg , for Bremen.
Arrived Adriatic , from Liverpool ;
Italia , from Barrens.
BALTIMOUE , July 29. Arrived
Loinsig , from Bremen ,
bouxiiAMi'TON , July 29 , Arrived
Strassburg , from Baltimore for Bre
men ,
LIVEUI-OOL , July 20. Arrived
Toutonia , from Montreal.
Drought in IToxai.
National Associated 1'resa.
AUSTIN , Toxns , July 29-A terri-
bin drought has prevailed in the fron
tier counties and crops in Boylor ,
Crosby and other counties are a total
failure. Hangers report grass and
water exceedingly scarce ,
Embezzlement ,
National Associated I'rcu.
BOSTON , July 29. William D.
Washburn , a clerk of H. E. Burroughs
et Co. , has boon charged with having
embo/zlod 84,500. The embezzle-
inout will probably roach,815,000.
Passage of the Land Bill in
the House of Commons
Yesterday ,
Lord Ohurohill's Motion , De
nouncing the Bill , Dofontod.
Mr. Gladstone Thanks the Op
position for Not Support
ing the Motion.
And Mnkos No [ Ooucoalniout
of His Satisfaction at the
Succoso of the Measure.
The Exiled .Murderers of the
Ex-Sultnn Allowed to Take
Their Families With
Thorn' . !
The Ameer's Troops Badly Led
in the Fight With Ayoob
Kahn. .
The Boy's Regular * ' Troop * Re
ported to bo Deserting
National Associated 1'rdw. >
1'AR.SAaE OF THK LAND 1111.1. .
LONDON , July 20. The , Irish laud
bill caino up for the third read
ing and passage in-tho'hnuso ' of com
mons this nftornoon. The house was
jyoll filled. The scene was dramatic.
Lord Randolph Churchill moved u
resolution coudemning the bill and
made a long speech. Gladstone ro-
pliod-tluuUang the opposition for not
supporting'iJoTtU.Qhurchill'B ' motion.
Gladstone made no "oTtompt to conceal
his satisfaction at the success of the
LONDON , July 29. The third read
ing of the Irish land bill was carried
by a vote of 220 to 14 amid loud
cheering. When Gladstone left the
house ho was much applauded. Thor
mostly abstained from voting.
The house of lords met at 11 o'clock
last night and read the Irish land bill
f6r the < firab4iino without discussion.
t , July 29. Advices from
' 'Opit tlio climate is causing
moruttity nmpn the French 0 41 in large numbura
otu malaria Jovcr. "
Another dispatch says the Uoy's
regular troops uro -jyiitint ; 'liiiu nnd
the control of the cemntiy lffTpassing
into French hands.
LiVEiiroor , , July 29. The grand
jury to-day returned true bills agniiiBt
McGrnth and Mnckvitt , charged with
attempting to burn the Liverpool
town iiull and with intent to murder.
The jury also found a true bill n iiiint
McGrath oh the charge of attempting
to burn the police ollico in this city,1
which , as the building was occupied ,
would alone constitute arson.
There is a report from Calcutta that
heavy firing lius been heard near
Candalmr. The Ilritish forces nt
Quetta number six tliotisand men.
VIKNNA , July 20. The Cornell uni
versity crow arrived last night after a
vexatious detention on the Austrian
frontier by the customs oflicials , who
alleged that the boats contained em
broideries. The regatta committee
and members of the Yiunnu content
ing crow expected their arrival last
night and were indignant until an ex
planation was telegraphed. Cornell
welcomed the committees
was to-day by
tees and municipal consul and con
ducted to a hotel. They will
bog in training immediately. Thu
Vienna boat club placed a house at
their disposal. The Yiennas are dis
couraged at the physical proportions
of the Cornell crew , The betting in
5 to 10 against 1 in favor of the Cor
nell crow. The match hits been post
poned until August 11 , at the request
of the Americans in order to familiar-
ixo themselves with the course. The
distance is ono and ono-hult miles and
return. Two Vienna crown are con
testing to-night to decide which will
row the Cornell crow.
PAIIIS , July 2Tho ! clumber of
deputies closed to-day. Mr , Gam-
betta , in an nddreaa to the members ,
acknowledged their asHmtancu in con
ducting the business of the country ,
The otliuial announcemunt for an
election August 2nd , has been
promulgated. The press condemn the
early date.
CO > HTANTI.V01'U5 , fJsjly 29. The
sultan has decreed that all prisoners
exiled for the murder of Abdul A/u
can take with them their wives and
families. Midhat Pasha goes to
BT. PKTKIWIIUUO , July 29. The ap
pointment of ( irand Duke Michael .is
president of the imperial council wan
well received ,
LONDON , July 29. Advices from
the battle at Karefci Atta , states that
Gholam Hyder took the uggre.ssivo
and the battle lasted three hours. The
Ameer's troons were badly led and hia
whole Candalmr horau joined Ayoob
Khan Gholam Hyder fled along the
road to Cubul.
LONDON , July 29. The fine harvest
prospects have raised the price of Uus
am government Blocks.
LONDON , July 30 A dispatch fron
Tunis says the boy intends trying to
raise n loan of JL'fiO.OOO to cover tlio
expenses of an expedition to the in-
, orior.
A dispatch from St. 1'otorsburg
says the czar \vns onthusiasttcnlly wol >
coined at Moscow.
Suloltlo nt Rod Onlc
Sx-clAl | (1li < i < i\tcli to Tint Unit.
UKII OAK , In. , .Inly 2 ! ) . A Swcdo
lamed Storm committed suicide hero
iy hanging himself between ! 1 and 4
o'clock this nftornoon in a shod back
of his house. About 4 o'clock ho
naked ono of his children for n pillow ,
uid said ho uas going up in the loft
> f the shed to sloop. About f > o'clock
hey wont to call him and found him
mnging by a piece of rope about two
'cot long. Ho was a man of poor
loalth , and not being able to work
ormimotimo to support his family , is
supposed to bo the cnttsu of taking his
ifo. llo leaves a wife nnd three
children in poor circumstances. The
coroner's inquest returned n verdict
.hat ho came to his death through his
> wn hands by hanging.
National Amoclated from.
SAiiATOOA/.Tuly 29 The second race
'or n purse of 8 r)00 , for all ages , dist
ance ono mile and thruo-qunrtors , was
won by , Franklin second , Geta
way third. Time , : J:07A. :
The third nice , for A purse of $7fiO ,
naidons of all ages , was won by
lladiola , lien. Monroe second , llob
iloy third.
ruvr.iANi > HACKS.
CM'.VKLAND , O. , July 25) ) . There *
wore four starters in the llrst race to-
lay. Midnight won the first and second
end heats , Charlie Ford third , Mo-
3rcgor the fourth and Charlie Ford
the fifth and sixth. Time , 2liU : ,
J:19 : } , 2:20J : , 2:2l : > j , 2:2U : , 2:2U. : fn
ho 2:21 : class there were nine starters.
Troubador won the first three heats
u 2:20 , 2:20 ] , 2:22. Florence wan
second in the first heat , FunnioVith -
erspoon in the socnnd , Unalala third.
Tin : ( loonwoon IIVCKS ,
LONDON , July 29. Tim first race
,0-day at Goodwood was the Molo-
combe stakes. It uas won by Adraa-
us , with lialilo second , Forget-Me-
Not third.
The Goodwood Chesterfield cup waa
von by Victor Kmuiuu'l , Incendiary
second , Leviotdalo thiul.
UOSTON , July 29. Treys 10 , Uos-
toim 5.
I'noviDENUB , July 29. Worcesters
C , Providences 9
DKTUOIT , July 29. Detroits 9 ,
BulFalos a.
OIIICAOO , .luly 29. Chicagoa H ,
Cleveland ) ) 0.
NBW YOIIK , .fuly 20. Jlotropoll-
tans y , Veterans 0.
More About Infornnl Maolilnea-
S'ntluiul Aiuoclatud 1're'M.
NKW YOHK , July 29 W. H. Ilod-
; cr3 , the Fulton street mechanic of
, his city , whoso house manufactured
the Trinity clock , thinks ho made six
of the explosive machines recently
captuied in Liverpool. Two Irishmen
Bought BIX such machine from him
shveral weeks ago.
'fiorropont Edwards , Itritish con-
sulilias c.tlled on Collector Morritt to
isk Uio co-opomtion of the customs
lutliorities relative to the sliipinent of
iiferiml nmchines from this city to
A diAnatch from Peoria , Ills. , nays
t lias bpon discovered that the iufer-
lal maahines recently received in
jiverpocU were manufactured in that
city. \
To-Romovo lutruilori.
National Absfciatcd l'ru > M.
Lirru : lllooK , Ark , , July 29 A
mvatu telegram from Fort Smith ,
Ark. , says fhat penoral Pope has or
dered Lieut. Shoemaker , with a com-
) any of niuii from ForUSill , to report
, o United States Agent ufts for duty
n the Chocj.w nation. % . The troops
vill bo lined in removing intruders.
The Vl/o Rocoril-
iltlnnal Associated 1'riiM.ji
LnuiBViLLB , | Cy , , July 29 , A fire
his evening completely destroyed the
argo saddlery estaljlish ijnt ( of J. T.
Gothwight , 6n Main streohx Loss ,
$50,000. "
A fire at pTolFersonvillo , Inil. , de
stroyed a livery Btahle , several eotta-
; es and other buildings ,
Stabbed by Ills Wllo
t'ationul Aw < oclate < l l're * .
WiiSTriKM ) , MIIHR. July 29 , A
tarty of colored people danced , dranc )
uid becaniu intoxicated at three
/clock this morningnnd ninnn named
'latikliii assaulted his witoand one of
hognesU. The former turned on him
with a knife and stabbed him fatally.
Attempted I < yiiolilui >
National Anxociate-d I'row ,
I'AIIIH , Ky. , July 29. An attempt
was made to-day to lynch J.ia. OH'uit ,
who was brought hciu from Chicago
on u charge of murder , but a lire
ilarm was sounded and the mob din-
. With Rlilliig Letter *
National Awoclate-d 1'rcM.
CIUMAOO , Heal L. Cliannmrd , a
Froiichnum , aged 40 , was at rusted by
Inspector Spurlinir and held in
fcU.OOO bail to the JJOth by Cominis-
sionor Jloyno , charged with rilling
letters while acting as letter carrier ,
Nltro-Glycorino Explosion.
National Auodatcd I'lcan.
DETKOIT , July 29. A special to the
Evening News from Manjuotto states
that there was a nitro-glycerino cxplo-
mon yesterday ut the Cleveland iiiino ,
by which the niachinury of the iniiu
waa badly damaged and two ininon
The Prosiflont DOGS Hot Propose
to Die by tlio Hand of an
Assassin ,
Mr. 0. O. llookwoll , Brother-
iu-Law of the Proaidcnt , Ko-
turns from Washington.
Ho Says Thnt the Wotunls Will
Not Provo Fatnl-
St. l < nul < ( llolic-Pcmoorrit , July i"
Mr. C. 0. Hock well , the brother-
n-law of President d'arlield , haa ro-
urncd from NVanhington and rusnmed
UH duties with Udell , Schmiecling
Co. , 510 North Second street. The
'act of Mr. Rockwell's return was
loised about yesterday , and it was
; onorally believed that this indicated
\ decided improvement in the presi-
lent'n condition. In order to obtain
lircct news from the White House , a
reporter of The Globe-Democrat
called upon Mr. Hockwell in the after
noon and inquired the latest informa
tion from Washington. In reply the
gentlemen said :
"You may depend upon it the pros-
dent is in a satisfactory condition or
I would not have roturned. This af- '
ornoon I received the following tolo-
( ram ;
"WAHIIIMITON , D. D. , Exmrrm :
MANSION , July 27 , 11:30 : a. m. C. 0.
Hockwell , St. Louis , Mo. : Surgeon
says great improvement in the presi-
lont'a condition. Will relieve yuu of
locessity of coming on.
J. SrANi.ivI5nowN. "
"That , " said Mr. Hockwell , "is in
ronly to a telegram forwarded by mo ,
asking whether there had been any
natorml change , and whether there
vas n necessity for my roturn. "
'Havo you received any other in-
ormation to-day1' ?
"Yos , I have a loUor
KltOM IIAllllY OAlll'IKM ) ,
n which ho says : 'Father slept nine
lours naturally last night , and Dr.
Joynton says he is in better condition
ban at any time since ho was injured. '
tfow , I call that very satisfactory
news. "
"Do you think the president will
iimlly recover ! "
"I have never doubted it since the
irst day I reached the mansion , and 1
jeliuvo that Dr. lilisa has no doubt of
.ho president's recovery , although ho
s scarcely in a position to Hay as
uuch. "
" firm and undis-
"Why are you so -
.urbed in your belief ? "
"For several reasons. In the first
ilace , ovury piece of bono removed
uid every new incision has benefited
the sufferer perceptibly. In the next
place , bo ilcshcncd up considerably
leforo his last attack , and seems lobe
naturally prepared for every crisis.
Lie is of splendid physique and can
bear every nocossnry onurutitm. "
"How is Mrs. GiirlloIUr
"She lias entirely v recovered her
la-ilth , and is dojug noroic service in
ittending the president's bedside con
stantly , llo seems to bo l < nt without
IOE presence. Mr. Garlield has QH-
( inishod everybody by his cheerful-
less and Btrongth. Although ho sol-
loin smiltis himself , ho is always
miking cheerful nnd humorous re-
narks that tend ureatly to enliVen his
vntchorn. In fact , ho in the most
ileasant and agreeable invalid I over
iaw. "
"Is ho disturbed often by having
II'H wounds drcHsod and bed clothing
hanged ? "
"Tho mattress and clothing are
hanged every day , but he is scarcely
listurbod by it. Six of us would take
mid of a shoot and suspend the auf-
eror bodily in the air , while
voro being changed , then it waa an
usy matter to transfer the shoot and
light-fthcet. The dressing of the
vound only requires the president to
urn from his back to ono side. He
omplaina'HomotimoB of his legs and
> ack , and ono day ho said to mo ,
Cam , I want to utiuid up and HUO if
ny legs are all right. ' Vet lie moves
Hem about readily , and there is really
lothing thu mutter with them , but he
s HO unaccustomed to lying in bed
hut the restraint unnoyH him , "
"Havo the physicians tried u water
mittrcsfe ? "
"No. Ono was forwarded and re
ceived , but somebody insisted that
ou-nicknoss was liable to result from
IB nso , and so the water mattress pro-
ect wut abandoned , "
"Is the information transmitted by
ho bulletins rcliublo ? "
"Yes HO far as they go. I have
icon present on several occasions at
ho taking of the pulse , the rcspiru-
ion and temperature , and know that
ho result was bulletined correctly ,
hoii''h sometimes without comment.
Of course there may have boon many
changes between two given bulletins ,
nit the bulletins announced are al
ways correct and perfectly reliable. "
"If the president is progressing HO
encouragingly , why are Drs , Agnew
ind Hamilton Rent for so frequently ? "
"lieciUiHii the medical council has
jeen determined upon , and no new
novemojii can bo made except at the
suggestion and oil the advice of the
consulting physicians. Dr. HI ss doee
lot care to assume so much resnonsi-
rility. Even a casual and very natural
risis is always attended by the coun
cil , and tlio Bonding for Drs , Agnew
and Hamilton does not necessarily in
"Who is the Col. Hockwell win
sends out so many dispatches from the
Mansion ? "
'Ho is a personal friend of the
president's , who graduated from Yvil
Hums college with him. "
"Is ho a relation of the president ? '
"Nono whatever. "
"Will you return to Waslungtoi
this Bummer ? "
"Not unless there should bo unfo
vorublo mdicaUout. I firmly boliuv
lie president will recover , and every
ay ho lives makes it more certain
liat ho will bo restored to Ufa
nd health. I said to him ono day ,
Jim , do you think you willet
$ ot well ? ' Ho replied quickly
nd emphatically , 'I don't propose to
io like n dog nt the hands of a mur-
orer. With God's help I shall get
veil. ' This fooling has permeated
lint all the timo.vhonovora visitor
liters ha shakos hands cordially and
ivos a cheerful greeting. "
Mr. Hockwell , it is not generally
cnownK of the same religions belief
as the president , and is mipcrintcn-
ent of the Sunday school of the
Christian church at Twoiity-thinl
trcot and Washington avonuo.
SAN FRANCISCO , July 29. Twonty-
vo miles of track of the Atcliison ,
'opoka t Santa Fo railroad have
icon n ashed out near San Marcial.
'here ' is also a largo washout on the
outhorn Pacific roadncar Cam
Irando. The rainstorm lion
hauled , but there are ovi-
enccs of another fall mum , Suck
isitations are unheard of before ia
The Democratic state committed ban
appointed n committee to confer with
ho various conventions now in session ,
and Imrmoni/.o the differences so as to
iresont but ono ticket for municipal
illiees at tlio coming election. Mayor
valloch visited the two couventfona
> f workingmen , nnd spoke in favor of
mrmoiiy. Appearances indicate n.
inion of the workingmen and Demo
crats on ono ticket.
SAN FIUNOISCO , July 29 W. Wal-
iridgo , n sawyer in the Delmont mill ,
lutto county , was accidentally killed
> y n log falling ou him.
Thos. Scruggs was killed in the
Muck Dour iniurtz mine by a lot ; roll-
ng on him.
The Hessian Fly has made great
avagcs in the lower part of Napa
ounty , almost destroying the whole
heat crop.
Tlio Railroad Wnr- Atinooiatcd 1're'iu.
NKW YORK , July 29,2:30 p. in.
Uniiors of an adjustment of railroad
atcs are being industriously circulated
liis afternoon , through telegrams
eeeived from Cincinnati and Chicago ,
nit no call has been issued for a inoot-
ng of the trunk line representatives ,
ind Now York Central ofilcials inti-
nato that no change will bo made for
several weeks.
NKW YOKK , July 29 No further
cutting in western passenger rates to-
lay. Yesterday's rates.has been main
lined by the scalpers and regular of-
rlartmnnu , tlio Russian Nlhllist-
lationul Associated 1'rcm.
NKW YOHK , July 29. Leo Hart-
nann , the celebrated Russian nihilist ,
s now in the city. llo nays that as.
coon as circumstances will permit ho is.
'ully prepared to return to Russia to
gether with his comrades , lie means
o continue to the bitter end in his
truggles against despotism. Ho has
como to this country as a deh'gato oE
.ho executive committee of the Rus-
ian revolutionary party to the poo-
do of the United States. Nihilism.
Means political and social freedom for
ho people. As all means attaining-
his peacefully are taken from thorn
> y the government , violence bo-
omcs a necessity. The iiihiliHtic
evolutionary movement ii intended
o ameliorate the condition of the
lussian people.
National AMOclatcd I'resa.
NF.W YOIIK , July 29. Two cases of
yellow favor are now at quarantine.
Ono patient , Paul McDunncl , cuma
from at. Jago and the other is captain
of the Btcamor British Empire , from
A Kentucky Flond.
National Associated I'ruM.
PADUOAH , Ky , , July 29. A colored
man , who attempted rano on Miss
Ituth Smith , was arrested last night ,
bub escaped while on the way to jail.
A mob is in puriust , and if caught ha
will bo hanged.
Mr. J. M. Higgins , druggist , Ger-
inantown lload nnd Norris street ,
Philadelphia , says : "I can speak
from my own experience about thu
ollects of St. Jacobs Oil. A few nights
ago I hail an awful attack of rheuma
tism in the right knoo. It was HO bad
that I thought I would have to close
up my atoro. I remembered I had
been selling a good deal of St. Jacobs
Oil for rheumatism , and I got my
wife to bring mo a bottle. I lind it
applied with a Iliuinel cloth , saturat
ing it completely , and after a thor
ough rubbing I began to fool better ,
and next morning , as true as I am.
telling it , the pain was all gone , and
fiom that time to this I have had no >
Undoubtedly the best shirt In the
Jnited States is manufactured at the
Omaha Shirt Factory. The superiority
of material and workmanship , com-
> ined with their great improvomonta ,
hat is reinforced fronts , reinforced
> acks , and reinforced alcoves , makes
their shirt the nifst dtirablo and best
itting garment of the kind , ever
nanufactured at the moderate price of
51.50 , Every shirt of our make is
; uarantood first-class and will refund
.ho money if found necessary.
Wo make a specialty of all wool ,
Shaker , and Canton flannel , also
chomoi * underwear , mode up with a
view to comfort , warmth and durabil
ity. To invalids and weak-lunged
persons wo oiler special inducouwnta
in the manner these goods are made
: r their\i election ,
1807 yarnham St
Millions of rats , mice , cats , bedbugs -
bugs , roaches , lose their lives by col
lision with "Hough. > on Rata. " SoloX
by druggists , 15c , . 00