THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY JULY 29 1881. . . ASSASINAT1ON PLOTS Oon. Gnrflold' Peril In 1870 Washington Corrc pondcnce Clertlaml I sdcr. , It in notfjonorally known tlmt I'rca- idont Onrfiold was once before , in 1870 , in dntfKor of death by assnsinn- tibn , but such is said to have boon the cjwo. ' The electoral cominission , whicli decided the vexed presidential ques tion in 1870 , waa composed of five judges of the supreme court , five sen ators , and five members of the house of representatives , two of the latter being republicans , viz. : Hoar and 'GariiolL ' While the night so si6ns of .the commission wcro being hold nt the Capitol , n rumor spread among the republicans that an attempt would bo made to kill , kidnap , or disable ono of the two republican representatives. The commission stood seven demo crats , seven republican , and ono doubtful. If Hoar or Oar- field could bo removed , the house , ' being controlled by democrats , would not bo likely to sund another republican to fill the vacancy. Chief of Police llifchards , of Washington , liccaino acquainted with the plot , and ascertained that no democratic mem bers of tlio house wore concerned in it , but thnt the conspiracy had its origin in Now York , lie was unable to ob tain suflicicnt evidence to warrant the arrest of any parson , and any attempt - to do BO without strong proof would have been hooted at ; but it waa deemed prudent to Imvo Messrs. Gar- 'field and Hoar protected 'by n body ' guard of vigilant friends. This duty was undertaken by Representative Thorp , of Ashtabula county , Ohio , D. W. Wilson , assistant chief of th6 beau- rcau of engraving nnd printing' nnd Charles S. Draper , Into deputy sor- gcant-at-arms of the senate. Any of thuso gentlemen could verify these facts. * When the next evening session of the commission closed nnd Messrs. Grvrfiold and Hoar approached their carriage nt the north front ot the capitol - itol , a number of apparently idle spectators who wcro in the open space and in the colonnade front of the sen ate fririg advanced toward the two gentleman. Instantly the throe trusty friends , each armed with two conceal ed revolvers , faced the party , who halted. Two of the escort entered the carriage with Garfield and Hoar , and the other mounted the box with the driver , all keeping a brifjht lookout on the way homo , es pecially at Hoar's hotel and at Gnr- liold's house at Washington nvnnuo and I street ; but , though small groups of lookers-on appeared , no hostile dem onstrations wore njado. The next night another session wnn hold , nnd again the two congress men wcro guarded by the faithful friends , nnd the plot , if plot there was , fell to pieces. Draper wns since discharged by Sergeant - at - Arms Bright , after eighteen years' service. At that time , through fear of ridi cule , the fnctH were kept secret ; but , since the shooting of the president in a railroad depot , it is easily to realize that the desperate men who believe in "rule or rum" would have had no ' scruples against the killing of both Garnold and Hoar , if necessary for the accomplishment of the purpose , A Boor Marksman. DuCTalo lihtr Cor. London Mornlnir Post. I' had n long conversation to-day with n very intelligent specimen of n Boer , who forms in Nowcnstlo ono of the guard that accompanies the Boor lenders attending on , the commission. Ho spent the afternoon in my camp , and gave me n rehearsal of the differ ent modes of fighting among fho Boors. First of nil ho began by try ing his hand nt shooting at bottles , distant' 100 yards , with n fifteen Win- cheater repeater which I lent him for the purpose. With this weapon , * however , ho failed to accomplish any decided success , the bullets falling nil round , but the bottles remained un touched. "I can not shoot with your rillo , " ho observed , "but g ivo mo n Martini- Honryttnd 1 will pick off two bottles nt 200 yards. " I sent up to the camp for u Martini-Henry carbine , which the Boor laid hold of with a great deal more apparent confidence , and in the first two shots verified his boast , for the bottles were immediately shivered to atoms. Ho next proceeded to show mo the Boor mode of shooting from behind rocks and stones , "The great mistake your soldiers makeho ob served , "was to aim over the stone nt the enemy , but wo always fire round the corner. " Throwing himself flat on the ground ho .proceeded to put this remark into practice , and drag ging himself lightly' along , peered cautiously round the right-hand cor ner of a low atone thnt only just con cealed his forni from sight of the sup- posetl enemy , llomovimr his hat , ho raised it slowly aloft on the top of his ramrod nnd inuiuuuvred it so ns to cause it to linyo the appearance of n man's head cautiously taking note of the enemy. At. this hut an. English Boldier is supposed to have taken \ a pot'shpt , when the Boor suddenly ' , lot it"fall , and'brim-ing his body J roundptho corner , took steady aim and fired ut-o , black bottle some ICO yards distant , which in another moment was BinashiH ? tb atoms. Another method of shooting on horseback ho showed mo in n brilliant and effective manner. Mounting hm horne and uttering a loud cry he sent it galloping up n hill as hard as it could go. Suddenly , without n warning - ing the left foot was pressed to the . . . stirrup , the right leg thrown back f wards over the saddle , the man was on his feet and the home stopped install- taneously if spellbound. Standing erect the Boor aimed carefully / a distant bottle nnd knocked it over , then sj > ringing into the suddloho execu ted tlio saino maneuver in two 'oppo .sito.directions with signal and unerr ing aim and effect. This man was one of 180 wio first stormed and tool HajuW heights. . Ho says that Jou bert's only words were , "Fellows take that hill , " and they hastened tc obey. The reason why so few met advanced to the attack was bocaust Joubcrt anticipated and made sure tin English would endeavor aimultane ously to take the Nek , us well us sur priseAhem on their left ; and ho retained tainod men , to do/vnd the position mentioned. Finding , however , hi fears were groundless , he diapatchoi fresh moil to the assistance of jthei comrades , "but by the time they - nr rived the Majuba Hill had been taken The ninety-second , he informed mo were the first thoy'cficounlorcd , mid thiatCRiinont fought stoutly , but were driven back on tlio plitcnu towards the Fifty-cightli. Both bravely de fended the position until Collcy fell , when panic , lie affirms , Hoizcd our men , 1'ho' whole scenii was , however , so en veloped in smoke that ho could tnuko no accurate note of niiythitiK and con- 'usion prevailed everywhere. Sir 3corgo Uolloy ho declares to have been shot while in the net of tyiijg a white handkerchief to ft ramrod. The Jeers did not know at the time that his personage was Sir George. This a one of the few Uoor versions of ho Majuba fight that I have hoard rom men who actually took part in ho fight advance to storm the pin- cau. Each tale tallies similarly with ho other and I am inclined to think t is truthlully told. The Two Graven In Poker Valley. "It wns the curiouscst thing that jvor happened in the digging , said ho old limn , as lie slowly filled his ) ipo. "Nigh onto twenty years n o vas about the date , an' n hundred ere o of us minors hau squatted in Poker Valley. It wasn't much of n valley , an' thnr' wasn't nny too much poker , an' I know I put in six monthso * hard vork in than 'ere hole an * didn't el'ar ifly cents n day. Howsuinovor , that min't nutliin' to do with the story I ot out to tell , though it servos to ox- ilain why wo wore nil out o' temper > no arternoon , when n otrnnj/cr enter ed Poker Yalloy by the west trail an' ironfall his nkinny an' foot-sore mule o a halt in the center of our town. It war' nirly in the fall , an' the weather was downright mean. It had bin dm- /lin' all day long , nil' wo had cussed an * loafed around till every man was oady to answer n word witli blow , "Tho minit that stranger rode up vo nil rushed out to sou who lie wns and what ho wnntcd , Ho wns a light- voight chnp , muflled up to the cars to ; eop dry , nnd wo couldn't say what le could do with n pick-two or how lo'd back n friend in n light. Ho didn't > flor to git down from his mule but > cgnn to inquire artor n chap who wo ailed Sweet William. This William was n candy sort o' man. Ho seemed bit pious , had a soft voice , never ussod nor drank whisky , nn" wo .idn't 'znctly mate with him. Ton lays nforo this stranger rode up Sweet Yilliatn [ got out o'lus blankets ixt mid- light , eitjter asleep or in trouble , nn' ho poor cus.i took a walk ovcJ n bit o' HIP nbout fifty feet high , with n lot o' aggnd rocks to light on down below. -Vo - didn't tnko on very much , as ho md no partner an" wasn't one o' us , i * I menshuned before , but Wo gin lim a decent burial nn' sold his traps on the squar' to the highest bidder. "Wnal , now , that strnngor waa goin' on to ax about William , nn' I wna n say in' _ to myself that ho hnd the soft est voice of any limn in the diggiim , vhon fluthin' happened. Ole Ken tucky Bill and Deakon Joe hnd bin growlin' nt ench other fur nn hour or 10 , kinder acliin" fur n row , nn' nt ength they wont at it. Ole Kentuck ; in .Too n lifter on the jaw , nn' Joe lo | ) Ut with his popper an" fiacd Kontuek to kingdom come. No , ho didn't > ithor. The bullet "cut nwny n lock of iair nnd did its bloody work beyond. 1'ho stranger on the mule cot it plump ; hrough the heart an' ho waa dead nforo lie fell into my arms. Ho ? No , itrnngor 'twns n woman ! Suro's your ) orn it was n woman not over 25 pcars old , nnd witli a face as pretty ns , thousand dollar nugget. She was Ircssod sort o' man fushion , an' she was brayin" Injuns , b'nrs , storms nnd everything else for nn objcck. What was it ? Waal , I dunno. Wns Sweet iVillinm her lover or her husband ? Ind ho run nwny from her , or had ho urn thnr' to make a stake ? Must have ) in some powerful motive to have Rent .hat gal on such n trip , an1 wo talked t over nn' kinder concluded it was eve nn' nutliin' else. " 'Twns n terrible dual anyhow , nn1 : never think of it without feelin1 my icnrt grow big nn' my throat choke up. Vhon we diskivorcd that she wns a romnn wo sot around thar' like pegs 'or nbout half nn hour. Then wo m ip an * kicked them two fighterfi outer Ninip nn' dug n f-nivo 'longsido o' sweet Williafn's fur the poor ( tend gal , n1 they sleep thnr' to this dny. lough and cussed as wo war' in Poker Valley , wo had tears in our eyes ns wo nit that poor gal nm y , nn' I seed noro'n one old grizzly drop his chin vhon the Alabama elder stood at the lead of the graves an' said : " 'The Lord gave nnd the Lord hath alson away. May they be jinud to- 'other in Heaven. ' " * Fruit Cniming. Time for canning fruit is nt hand , linta upon this important household ipcrotion nro therefore seasonable , jood canned fruit in n stranger to tales - > les of thousands of farmers when it niglit as easily bo used. Fruit is often oft to Hpoi ) , though n slight oxpondi- uro would preserve it for winter. It hey can bo had , berries nro among he nicest of canned fruits , Peaches , ipplos , plums , apricots , and , indeed , .11 eatable fruits , are worth catmint ; . ) riod fruits can never wholly take the ilnco of canned fruits for family nso. Ilasa jura are preferred by most porous ous , nnd uro cheapest in the end. With euro they can be used many , 'oara , thouih ; new rubber bnndu must ) u procured when needed , In can- ling , migur shduld certainly bo used , and it ahnuld bo of the gran ulated white grades , ns poor sugar hurts the flavor of the fruit. The rule is to put ana quarter uf n pound of sugar with one pound of fruit , but this quantity may bo doubled if the fruit bo unusually icid. Some persons think that fruit is good when canned without sugar , but in that cose it loses color und'iirm- ness. The fruit used for canning is to be of the best quality , and us fresh ly jrickod ns possible. Well ripened fruit , not , however , dead ripe and aoft , is in every way preferable. In fact , n cannery should really bo locat ed near the orchards , for there is a manifest deterioration in the quality of the fruit between the time it ii picked and the time it is ready foi the cans. Coarse-grained market varieties seldom can BO v ell as the moro highly flavored kinds. When the fruit has boon peeled und pitted , place it in the preserving kettle and properly cook ; but if it is still boiling hot the cans nro to bo filled full , tc the very brim , and elastic put on , tin jur wiped , and the ton screwed dowi at- once , and tightened sovera times afterwards. As a writer ot the subject said recently ; "Qooc frnit , put boiling hot into the perfect cans , tilled full , and sealed up ntonce , will bo fresh nnd pure when opened , though years Inter. ' Simply pouring boiling wntcr over fruit dotano expel the nir. Partly filjed fruit jars will swnl. Canned-berries nro to bo put in a preserving kettle , with layers of sugnr , nnd boiled from five to fifteen minutes. The syrup can bo bottled up , some of it , for other uses. Some lorsons prefer to cook berries in the 1 , ! nra in which they nro to bo canned. In this case the jnrs , filled up with Fruit , nro Rot in n wash boiler , on wood- Mi slats , m > nn not to touch the bet tom. Cold wntcr is poured in until it coinos'closo to the rims of the jam , nnd heated until the fruit is well cook ed , when the fruit in one jar ia used to fill up the others , and they nro seal ed and put nwny. Wo may add that lass jnrs < f fruit should be tint in a 3ry , dark , nnd cool place , wiitretho tomperaluro is cqunblo throughout the season. The Great Wheat I'loldn People traveling to tlio north-west , will bo gratified nt leivriiinfr thnt the "Grunt ilock Island" Jlouto" opuna n now line from Chicago to Minnu.ipolis nnd Si. P.uil , July 17th , running two through dnily tr.iitis , le.ivina ; Chic.igo nt 12:05 : nnd OittO p. in. This now ino ia to bo known us tlio "Albort Nun Route , " nnd pusses through theory , -ory < oat Boctions of the States of [ llinois , Iowa nnd Minnesota , afford- ng tr.wulers n view of the great har vest Holds of our country , nnd a sec tion peopled by the most progressive and prosperous of our northwestern nhabitants. Wo understand that round trip ex cursion tickets to points in the great wheat region of the Red River of the lorth , nnd Missouri River valleys , will ) o itmnodiatoly put on sale , good for 40 days from date of issue. This will eimblo eastern farmers to visit the ; reatust wheat country on the globe , md sue harvesting done on tlio most ; igantic scale. Surely , no ono that really desires to see the west , will forego this oppor- unity to do so , by ticketing over any other than the "Albert Lea Route , " via West Liberty. The Great Rock 'stand depot is the most conlrnl of any n Chicago , being in the very heart of .ho city , close to the great hotels , post- ofllcc , nnd loading mercantile houses. Died of an Elglttoon-Yoars'-Old "Wound. Wilmington ( Del. ) Eiery Evening. July 22. The battle of Chancel- orsvillo , ono of the fiercest engage ments of tlio war , lasted from May 1 to May C , 18G3. Among these who were wounded , in the conflict was Shnrlcs B. Parry , of this city , a mem ber of the First Delaware regiment. The ballj from n Minio rifle , entered the pelvis and has never been found , though numerous operations for that purpose have been performed. The : onsequonco was n wound that never lualou , and caused the death of the victim at 8:30 : o'clock' last evening. Mr. Parry was of English descent , but a native of this. city , and son of Robert II. Parry. lie served with loner ar.d wns noted for his bravery , in the First Delaware , irom its cre ation to the time of receiving his wound. For the past two years ho tias boon crier of the United States district court , having boon appointed : o that position upon the death of John Curry. _ Ho is spoken of in terms of i the very highest uraiso by nil the officers of the court. Mr. Parry has > ccn an almost constant sufferer from ! io time the wound was received. Vftcr the war ho visited England , vhoro two unsuccessful orer.itions vero performed. Operations attended with like results wcro also performed n Now York and nt the University of Ponnsylvnnia. Wlulo the wound could bo kept open Mr. Parry would ullor but little , but when the dis charge closed his condition became oriwus. Mr. Parry was sv widower , md nbout forty years of ngo. Ho was v member of Du Pont 1'ost , No. 2 , G. V. R. , which has decided to attend his uneial in n body on Sunday next. Agonicn , Now nud Swoot. Veullaten UuirUtcr. It is quito the idea for n young lady o diivo about town in a "village cart , laturul wood finish , with russet har- iess to match. This signifies , "Young nan , I'll ' hold the ribbon , " and is not only utter , but awful for the young 11,111 to contemplate. It is quito the idea for n young lady : o wear n very broad brimmed shade mt , lined with black velvet and trim med with a white feather. This signi fies , "Thoro is a dark nnd a bright side to life , but the light is uppermost. " [ low deep , how very sweet. It is quito the idea for n young gen tleman to gently swing the hammock n which his "best girl" is enjoying icr siesta. This signified , "Rocks ihond" nnd presages matrimonialfelici- ; y. This isn't "quito , " but it is quito ntorcating. It is quite the idea for n young lady o have a very small mouth , .and is ust why the expression "too too" was nvented. It will bring a No. 7 mouth town to a No. 2j- size instantly. Try t , girls. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i Donf ni n Post. Mrs. W. J. Lang , llvtlmny , Out. , htates .hat fur lifteeu iiiuiitlid ulio wax troubled with a ilUctuo In tlio car , canning vntiiu leafiie 3. hi ten miiiuU'-i after uniui ; 1'llOMAH Kci.KOTlttu On. nho found relief. iinil in a short time elm \viu entliely unrtii mill hur henrhiK featured. j-l-l\v DYING 15V INCHES. Very often wo BOO n person sullbr- ing from some form of kidney complaint - plaint nnd is gradually dyin" by inches. This no longer need to bo so , for Electric Bitters will positively euro Bright's disease , or any disease of the kidneys or urininry organs. They uro especially adapted to this class of diseases , acting directly on the Stomach and Liver at the same time , and will speedily cure whcro ovoiy other remedy has failed. Sold at fifty cents a bottle , by Ish ' & Me- Million. (3 ( HBO. W. DOAhK. A.C. C DOANE& CAMPBELL , Attorneys-at-Law , 8 W COW. 15TII & DOUGLAS STS. , JvSl'tf OMAHA , NKU. A. G. TROUP , ATTORNEY , - AT - LAW. Orncs In lUnjcoinb's Uiock , with C.edrg E. rriciittt. lua Kuriduou St. , Omaha , Nclt , FEENEY & CONNOLLY , AND SLIPPERSI Ol o'ery grade and size at At Prices Heretofore Un heard of , They live IM ccli added to their stock a spkndld'nr * Jot ot I/idlis And Misfo'a FINEST FRENCHKID SHOES Hccclvcd dlrcit from the nnnnfaetory arc rcsiicrttully linlted to call and tee than , Also tlutr Side Lace , Polish , and Side Button , Pebble Goat & Grain KItOM $1.25 up. THEY HAVi : A FINE ASSOHTMENT OT AMERICAN KID SHOES Cldldrona' Shoes , Slippcra and Sandals In'enJless variety. MKNS' HAND-SKWKD BOOTS AND SHOL'S , ot all.kiniU a Sl'K IALTY. The BUST QUALITY OF HAND-SEWED BOOTS AND SHOES IN THE CITY , AND Lowest Prices Guaranteed , PTANDAni ) SCUEW FASTENED and MACHINK SEWED from 81.25 tip , Their SCOTCH KAOI.K ( JUAIN CHKED- ItAILWAY rai > ldty and tliey ) ia\u this uvek added an assort ment olj To this department. 1'oency t Connolly carefully study the requirements of their customer * , always having on Immlfl the leant thing asked fur , us their pricea ary acknowledged by everyone ono ns very modcrata , thcjr twdo is boom ing beyond their expectation. A Perfect Fit Guarantor ! or the Money Refunded. ONE PRICE ONLY I ALL COOKS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGUJSKS. TJIKY OA11HY A 1'ULL LINK OF FARMERS' SUPPLIES , at prices beyond competition. 512 Siztoontli Street , Between Califor nia and Cats street. Opposite Win. Gentleman's > opularlgrocery store. jy-in w United States Depository. OK OMAHA Cor. 13th and Farnam Sts. OLDEST BANKING KHTAHLIS1IMENT IN OMAIIA. SUCCESSORS TO KOUNTZE DROTHERS. ) STAHL1SIIK1I 1850. Organized as a National Ilank August 20,1803. CAPITAL AND PJIOK1T3 OVER . 300 000 OrriCERD AKU PIRKCTCJUI ! ou TtR , I'rcsldiriit. AuatHTtiH Koi'MZK , Vice rroldent. It. W. YATW , Oashlcr. A. J. 1'orrLirroi , Attorney. JOHN A , F. II. DAVIS , Asst. Cashier. This hank rocclvcs deposits w Ithout retard to kiHounU. luiies time certificates bearing Interest. DrauH drafU on San Francisco and principal titles of the United titattM , also I-omlon , Diimin , Kdint > urih and the principal cities of the conti nent of Kurope. Rolls passenger tlckeU for emigrants by the In * mm line niavliitt DE VEAUX'S ' WASHING MACHlilE The Only Machine that Will Do just as is Advertised. It Will Wasli Faster It Will Wasli Cleaner , It Will Wash Easier , It Will repire no Rubbing , It will do a large family Washing in 30 Minutes. It Will lWa U Equally well ! wltli Hard or Salt Water- It does away with wash boilers and wash boards , and Mill l > ay 'or lUelf in full anil the car of clothu In a mouti. No kteam In the kitchen. A child 10 J ( am ol can do the washing fatter than any womiu tan wrlngana luneout theuothes- PAN. BULUVAH & bONS' , dlui I10 > * * rnhitu Street , AgenU. Dexter L. Thomas , AT LAW ATTORNEY - - , Omaha , Ntbnui PURELY VEGETABLE Mothers , Wives , Daughters , Sons , Fathers , Ministers , Teachers , Business Men , Form er , Mechanics. ALL should lie warned niralnst using Mid liitrodiulnjf Into their HOMCO Nos trum * nnd Alcoholic rcmcilloi. lltx\o no mirli prejudice air-iinst , or fear of "Warner's Safe Tonic Bitters. " Thcrarohftt they nro claimed to bo hnrmlcsi ai milk , nnd contain only medi cinal tlrtiiuft. Kxtrait cf pure icvitatilcinnly. They do not licionjt to that clasi Kno n as ' 'Cure- All' , " Imt only proton to reach cases \vhcro the dlouau originates In dibllltitcd traini * anil Im- | mro lilood , A Jierfcit Spring and Summer medicine. A Thorough Dlood Purifier. A Tonic Appe tizer. 1'Icaunt to the taste , Uoratlnz to the body. The most eminent ph.lciin : recommend them for tliulrcurrvthe i > ropi tics. Onio used nl\va ) > jireforrcil. For the Kldnoys , Liver nnd Urinary organs , use nothing "WARNER'O SAFE KIDNEY nnd LIVER CURE. " ItBtamUUnrlvallcd. Thous- niidi one their health and hapnlncs ? to It. Price , tl.'Jjpcr liottle. Wo oiler "rtnrntr's Safe Tonle Hitters" w Ith equal confidence. H. H. WARNER , Rochester , N. Y. _ Sioux City & Pacific Am ) St. Paul & Sioux City RAILROADS. THE OLD RELIABLE SIOUX ROUTE : LOO MILKS SHORTER ROUTE 3.OO PROM COUNCIL BLUFFS TO ST. PAUL , MINNEAPOLIS , DULUTII OR BISMARCK , nJ Ml points In Northern Iowa , Minnesota and Dakota. This Una Is equipped wjth the Improi cd WcstlnghoUBo Automatic Air-brake and Miller Platform CouuloJ and Dudcr : and for SPEED. SAFCTY AND COMFORT la uniurpasBed. Elegant Drawing Room and Slicpln ? Can , owned and controlled by the com pany , run throUKh WITHOUT CHANGE between Union Pacific Transfer ucpot at Council Dlufls , and St. Paul. Trains len\e Union Taclfic Transfer depot at Council Bluffs at 6:15 : p. m. , reaching Sioux City at 10:20 : i m. and St. Paul at 11:05 : a. in. making TEN IIOUR3 IN ADVANCE OF ANY OTHER ROUTE. Returning , leave St. Paul at 8:30 p. m. , arriUng t Sioux City 4:46 : a. in. , and Union Pactllc Trans- > dei > ot , Council HlultB , at 0.60 a. m. Do sure t at your tickets ra d \ la "B. C. & P. II. R. " K. C. HILLS , Superintendent , T. E. ROBINSON , Missouri Valley , la. As t. OePos . Afrent. J. II. O'Uin AN , PowMucr Apcnt. _ "oiinrll Bluffs. Io i > KENNEDY'S EAST - INDIA ILER & CO. . Sole Manufacturers. OMAHA. J. G. RUSSELL , M. DM HOMQE3PATHIC PHYSICIAN. Dlccnej of Children and Charonlc Dlsea ( .9 Specialty. Olllcc at Ucsldenec , 2009 Cass street. HOUII 8 to 10 . iu. , 1 tf , 2 p. m. , and aftur C p CONTINUES TO Roar for Moores ( ) Harness AND Saddlery. I LOAO ailoptod the Lion as a Trade JIailc , and all my goods uill bo STAMPED with the LION ami my NAM K on the same. NO GOODS AllE GENUINE WITHOUT TUB AIIOVB blASIPS. The bcHt material Is used and the irotl tkillod workmen ore employed , and at the lowust n n price. Anono lahlnga price list of good will confer a faiur by bumlinir for one. DAVID SMITH MOORE. Establisliefl 11 Years , Assets Itviirexcntcd waiittnl. C. T. 'J'AYIXJK i : en litli fc Uouvlas LET IT BURN I My house and furniture b insured with 0 , T. TAYLOU & CO. , Cor 14th and Uourlas. A. W. mm , Dentist. Oryics Jncolw * Block , corner Qapltolcnuo nJ 1'ilu-cuth tre it , Omaha Nab DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTELS , HOTELS. UNION PACIFIC HOTEl. , NATIONAL HOTEL , DOMMEROIAL HOTEL , GRAND CENTRAL HOTtL , LEWIS HOUSE , SUMMIT HOUSE , JUDKIN8 HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOTEL , PARK HOTEL , DURKE-a HOTEL , HEAD HOUSE , CHENEY'S UNION HOTEL , NEOLA HOTEL , CENTRAL HOUSE , EMERSON HOUSE , CROMWELL HOUSE , MARSH HOUSE , CENTRAL BLOCK HOTEL MARKED & SWODE , J. HARVEY , JAS. P SWINNEY , E. D. COTTftELL , JOHN 8. LEWIS , SWAN & BECKER , JUDKINS& DRO. , WM. LUTTON. W , J. QARVIN , E. R. BURKE , JOS. SHAW & CO. , CHENEY DROS. , F. SltVERTZ 0. P. ANDERSON , A. L. SHELDON , MRS. R. COCHRAN W. W. DROWNING , FRED , STADELMANN , TOWS , Council DIufTf , Iowa. Qlenwood , low.i. Hamburg , town , Nebraska City. Dow City , Iowa , Creston , In. Red Onk , la. Vllllscn , la. Corning , la- Carroll , la. Jefferson , la , Mo. Valley June. , Neola , IA. Molvern , In. Emmenon , la. Cromwell , In. Drownvlle , Neb. PlntUmoulh , Neb . O. SALE © VU 1213 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb. B. S. HARRINGTON. E. 1' . NEWELL. WESTERN POLISH GO. , MANtlFAUTUUUltS Ol' WESTERN STAR STOVE POLISH ! AND BEAU BEUMMEL BOOT BLACKING , ALSO DEALEllS IN COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS- ISH & McMAHON , 1406 DOUGLAS STREET , OMAHA , NEB. The [ Only Exclusive "Wholesale Drug House in Nebraska. SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO MAILORDERS. Jy 18 mo Hellmuth Ladies' College. Patroness , H. R. H. PRINCESS LOUISE. Founder and President , The Right Rev. I. HELL- MUTH , D. D. , D. O. L. , LORD BISHOP OF HURON. . Fall Term opens Wednesday , September 21st. Handsome and spacious buildings , 1 camlfnlly situated in a most healthy locality , about ( our hours hy rail from Nligara Falls , nnd on one of Ilia principal through routes between the Ka't and Vost. The OUOUNDS comprise 140 acres. The aim of the founder of this college Is to pro > Ido the blithest Intellectual and practically useful education. The whole sy.tcmU based upon the soundest PRO TESTANT principle * , as the only nolld basis for the right formation of character. FRENCH is the language ppokcn in the college. MUSIC a siKclalty- Hoard , Laundry and Tuition Fees , including th w hole course of English , the Ancient and Mod ern lAnguasi ; ; Callisthenics , Drawing an ! Painting , use Phnoand Ubrarj Medical attendance , and Medcihc , 300 per annum. A rekuctlon of one-half for the daughters of Clonoincn. For "cini- lars" and lull particulars addrebS MISS CLINTON , Lady Prlnciiial , llcllmutli ladies' College , IX > NDO , ONTARIO , CANADA. mon&thun-2m FEARON & COLE , 1121 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb. Consignments made us will rccelic prompt attention , llcfcrcnccn First Nat. Tanh and Omaha DIE WIIOLISALi : AND UETAIL MANUFACTUniNO LAIldEST STOCK OF Gold and Silver latches and Jewelryinthe Oity Cotne and see our stock , as \ \ o 111 ho pleased to show goods. EDHOLM & ERICKSOH. WM.Dealer Dealer in ' .Hardware , Gookin TIILsT t Stove Repairer , Jitorker and Manufacturer Tenth and Jackse" Q * * Omaha , Neb Geo. P. Bemis REAL ESTATE AGENCY , I6th and Da < } ga Sti. , Omaha. Neb. TbU agency dotj STRICTLY * brokerage builnru. Does not ypeculat , ftfld therefore any bargain * on 1U booki mn > Insured to IU patrons , Initcad ol belug rabbled up by the & ? eo | HRIDGE NOTICE. ruOPOSALS uill he rrcihed InUo SEALED undersigned until Saturday , July 0 , ltd ) , at 3 o'clock it. m. lor building a 00 foot bridgu near Mnk' * ( arm In Mlllard precinct and a fifty foot brldjfo near Sthaab'n mill , atiJIllard. Spoil- Ideations tan be seen at Ihe county ckrkV olllce , and the right Urtxened to reject any or all bid * . lly order ol the Hoard of Comml ! onen. . o. . . . . JOHN " MANCHESTER. Jy 25-dM County Clerk.