O IIIE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY JFLY 26 , 1881. THE DAILY BEE. Tuesday Morniu , July 20. A Proposition. Wo will do the official advertising for the city of Omaha frco of charge for the next fiscal year , if the pro prietors of The Herald mid Kcpubh- can will publish n statement sworn to by their pressmen and business man agers covering the circulation of the daily and weekly editions of their pa pers for the month of Juno. 1881 , or the preceding six months with n de tailed exhibit showing the number of dailies delivered by carrier , the aggre gate number of dailies circulated to subscribers nnd the aggregate number of weekly papers mailed out of their oflices. This proposition will bo hold open for ton dnys from dnlo. .OMAHA FuiiMsiiiKO Co. Omaha July'23 , 1881. LOCAL BREVITIES. L'atterxon Bolls coal. , * Get your hat * ftt loano' . ' 1 Nimlell & Krcllo , Leading ir.ittcm. T.lcgant Pocket-Hooka at Sate' * . Don't fntl to drink SAXK'S cream aoda. A. W , N.on , Dentist , Jacob's block. Natural Mineral Water on draught at K uhn'H drug otorc , For riNte Commercial Job Printing , all at TUB BEE Job room * . Tlioroof of the U. P. telegraph office H being repaired. " The Lion continues to roar for Moore's U rncfln nnd Saddlery , ' ' . t -Whipplc'McMillan & Co. , the Jewel- cr % Crolchton Block. o20-tf Prescriptions a specialty , Opera Home Pharmacy , 211S. 15th Street. Drew Goods are going fast at Atkin- eon & CO.'H. Low price * will tell. Ho- member wo liavo Bunting In all colorx. Safes , machinery , and all kindi of heavy hauling done by Brisco & Co. , the safe men. w&s-tf Ono of the able-bodied young men who owns the lions on exhibition at the Tivoli , was bitten severely in the hand by ono of the animals yesterday. Vivo gentlemen in various Htagcs of dilapidation ranged themselves before Judge Bcncko yesterday to answer the charge of drunkcnncftB. They > all answered it by pleading guilty. As they had no money with which to pay the fines they went to jail. The woman Mary Jonas , who In al leged to be guilty of malpiacttco in caus ing the death of Mrs. Mary Tuma , was ar rested yesterday upon a warrant charging her with maiuilaughtcr. District Attorney Burnham thinks such a charge can bo sus tained in thi court It Is stated that an effort will be > nado to introduce the Davis ( tricycle coach Into this city. The tricycle is a thrco wheeled I coach , the body of which is similar in construction - struction to a street car , resting upon n low iwlo between two \vlieeln of the nizo of the average wagim wheel. It is balanced with a small wheel in front ( if and under the coach. It ia drawn by one horse and car- ricn eight PERSONALS : iy' r * . ' A. D. nMowo returned from the cait yesterday . " ' ' ' W , A. Iloiick , of Rochester , New York , i vin the city. Thomas W. Johnson of Pcorio , Illinois" is at the.Canfii'ld House. " " " "DrF Foofo and Sara 15oyd returned yesterday morning from the Chicago races. F. S. Clark and wife arrived In the city yeiterdoy direct from Ellcnvlllo , N. Y , II minim Imholl arrived in the city fiotn Lincoln yesterday and IH visiting old ttchool- Puter 1) . Great left the city yotcrday jor his Idaho mine * , In tha Wood .river country. \ ? ' gtjejoo , Tchon , of the Wahabh , leaves to-day for Montana on business con. nccted with the railroad. C. J. Ureeno went cast yesterday , Ifo , ylll shortly return Accompanied by his t 'wifewlui ha.4 beoif ruatlcatlmr there. James Crcighton , who was recently overcome by the heat , lias finally recover ed and is able to be about again. "J. 1) . Itobcrts , wifQ and children , J. E , Hildreth anil Miss Carrlo Clark fonn a 'Tekamah party now registered nt the Creighton House , * Mr * . Q. W. McCoy and her daughters May and Irene , left yesterday for Mt. Vernon , Iowa , where they will hpend a few weeks In Uniting relatives and friends. J , T. Allan , superintendent f tree planting for the U , P , railway , ban just returned from a trip to Dawdoti anil Buf falo complex , llo report * wheat , oats , barley < Aiid rye in fine condition , with all the farmers in good upirits , Alfred Blrn'o , of SpringfielJ , Mass. , in In the city , staying at the Withnell. ' Hon. fi. M. Lambertsou , clerk of Ihe United" States district court , arriyed from Lincoln yesterday , , ' J l ' Geo. IVrcival , of Central City , former editor of The Omaha Sunday Item , airlvuil in the city yesterday afternoon , Prof. Woodbury , of the State unlver sity at 1 Jncoln , after a % i It aiaong friend { ' inthii'cUy ktarted cult yesterday after * noon , Mr. ami Mrn. Oi > H , formerly fo tin Arlington hotel at Lincoln , * arrived in tbi city yesterday and are guests at the Met ropolitan , ' Mrs. trfcklaod , wife of the late ( Jen Strickland , has recently been employed ii the office of the clerk of the United .State N circuit court in this city. Col. J , M , Keldy , general supiiriiitcndcn of construction of tha TOXM Pacific rail f joad , accompanied by Mrs , Uddy , for ' ' 'merly of this city , arrived in Omaha yes ttrJayona brief visit. They lea\o in i , * hoi-t time for Lake MInnotouka. The only place in the city wiior Jos. Schlitz a Milwaukee boor ufouni on draught is the Merchants' Ex . clungo , cor , 10th and Dodge street.tt A NERVY THIEF. He Snatched a Gentleman's Pocket-Book , And Disappeared , But waa Finally Arrested. A daring robbery was committed in a passenger coach of the express from the west , while at the Union Pacific depot yesterday after noon. In ono of the Bleeping cars was Mr. Finch Hattman , a wealthy cattle dealer , who resides nt North Platto. Mr. Hattman recently nr- rived in this country from Europe and having invested largely in cattle was on his way back to that country for a visit during the remainder of the season - son , Between this city and North Platte ho fell into conversation with n fellow passenger , who gnvo his name as DtifTy and represented him self to bo an extensive fur dealer. During the conversation another rjen- tloman approached whom the pre tended fur dealer recognized as an old friend and Introduced to Mr. Halt- man as nn agent of the American Un ion express company. Among other documents which the stranger dis played conspicuously was a letter of endorsement stating that ho had pre viously boon in the employ of the Union Pacific railroad company. and.Bignod "C. 0. Nichols , division superintendent1 ' nnd en dorsed by "J. T. Clark , .general superintendent. " As , the , .initials of Mr. Nichols are P. J. , instead of 0. C. , anU as both names are signed in the same hand writing , it is thought that the letter is n forgery , but of this Mr. Hiittman had no suspicions at the time. While the train Was standing in the depot in this city , the stranger who had bcon out upon the platform , entered the car in haste and asked Mr. Hattman to cash a check for him as ho wanted to use some money and had no cash with him. Mr. Hattman Hays ho told him he had not a sufli- ciont amount of money to cash the chock , but as the fellow looked rather incredulous ho took from his pocket his purse for the purpose of showing him that ho had only $100 in cash. As ho did so the follow snatched the purse , made a rush for the door and started to escape. Mr. Hattman shouted "Stop thief , " and the crowd on the platform took up the cry and started in largo numbers in pursuit of the follow , who ran like a deer out of the depot to Tenth street , across the tracks , turning past down a side track among some freight cars to the plat form of the freight depot , and then diagonally across to Ninth street and down an alloy toward the river. Marshal | | Angoll , oflicer Donahue , and Jailer McOluro wcro nt the time passing up Tenth street in u car and seeing the chase , jumped out and joined in the pursuit. 1'ho follow was overtaken on Eighth between. Eleven- worth and Jones streets. Jailor Me- Cluro put his nippers on him and led him to the jail. Upon examination it was found that the fellow had in his pantaloon's pocket n dollar and sixty cents , and , tucked down 'the back of his neck under his shirt , a five dollar bill. It is stated that a lady passenger in the car ol.iims that aho saw him throw the purse out of tlio car window as ho ran through in making his escape , ami _ it is thought his accomplice was outside to receive it when thrown to him. Later in tl\o \ evening Oflicor Khif- lin , who was nt the depot in citizens' dross looking for the accomplice , saw a man who was evidently looking and waiting for some ono , walking about the depot , and as ho aniwered the description given by Mr. Huttman of the fellow introduced to .him . as the express agent , the otllcer arrested him nnd took him to jail also. Both ot them are well dressed , slick appearing fellows , but have the tronenu1 niipoaranco of being hard cases. Their trial will take place in the police court this forenoon , Mr. Huttman having stopped in thu city for the purpose of appearing against them , FOUND AT LAST.- ' Do Loska's Body Disooverod in the Missouri. Traces have nt last boon found ol B. DuLoslai , the employe of the U , P , freight auditing department , who dUnppoarod from his homo hero n week ago , while temporarily deranged , A telegram wua lecoived about J o'clock yesterday ut the lienihuiar tors from Pacific Junctiton , othoeirec that iho rcmuins of u mini answer ing to the published ilcaciiptions o DoLoska had been found in thu rive nt some distance from thu town i short time before , \Vordwas immediately diatoly sent in reply ' to care for tin body until ono of the U. P. clerk could reach .the spot. Mr. E. L Winslow at once started for Pucifi Junction. It will probably bo noccs nary to hold nu inquest over the re nmiiiB down thoro. Thu remains of Da Loska will no reach this city before this morning. Heavy Dnuiago Suit. . The Burlington and Misnoun rail road company in Nebraska lias bee : sued in the United States circuit coui of the btuto by the Keystone liridg Company of Philadelphia , tor dan : ages amounting to $31,770. The Kej stone liridgo company hail a contrtu with the B. A : M. railroad compan o for building four spans , each span 40 feet in length , of the bridge ucroi the Missouri river at PlattsmoutI I The plaintUf claims that according t the contract the railroad company wcro to furnish lhot > tccl for the bridge nt the rnto of sixty tons per week until the work was finished , nnd that the contract was violated in that the ma- tonal was not supplied nt that rate , causirg delay in the work which ren dered the completion of the bridge during low water season imposaiblo. Consequently a great part of it had to bo built in high water and the mode of building altered materially , thus causing the company to lose the amount of the judgment sued for. The necessary papers iiaro been filed nnd the suit commenced. TWO DEATHS. That of Bon Barrett and of Richard L. Ross. John M. Barrett , managing editor of the Herald , yesterday received a telegram from Warronsburg , Mo , an nouncing the death of his son , Bon. G. Barrett. The causa Of the death was cancer , from which he had been suffering a short timo. Mr. Barrett was about twenty-two years old and had himself boon identified with journalism. Ho had bcon at ono time upon , the reportorial - torial staff of The llocky Mountain Nows. Ho was ono of the three un fortunate Bates boys , who was sovorly injured in Denver last fall. After meeting that accident ho remained in Omaha for a couple of months , finally going to Excelsior Springs. Finding no relief there ho was removed to his father's old t homo in Warronsburg , whore ho died from the effects of a cancer. Ho was a young man of con siderable promise and of a whole- souled , genial disposition that won for him many friends. His loss will bo regretted by all who know him hero. Richard L. Ross , an employe of the B. & M. , died at 2:05 : o'clock yester day at his rcsidonco 723 North Seventeenth street. For the past tour months Mr. Ross had boon con fined to his homo with consumption , which was the cause of his death. Ho was thirty-five years old nnd leaves a wife and two children , a boy of eight and a girl of four year of ago. Work of an Incendiary. Last evening at about 10 o'clock the fire bolls rang the alarm of a fire in the vicinity of Fourteenth and Farnham streets. The engines were quickly out but before they could reach the scone the fire was extinguished. The fire was in an old frame building belong ing to a man by the name of Murry , and located on Fourteenth street bo- twcon Farnham and Harnoy streets. It was discovered be fore gaining much headway and put out with a few pails of water. It'waa ovidpntly the work of an incendiary - condiary , as there were found shav ings , kindling- wood and paper partial ly burned and charred , evidently so arranged as to sot the old building and its contents afire for the object of getting it out of the way. Real Estate Transfers. ' The following transfers wcro re corded at the county clerk's office yesterday , as reported for this paper by John L. McCaguo , real estate agent and conveyancer : Otto Frisoni to Mary Stinton parcel in n. o. . } sec. 27 , town 15 , range 13 o. 1 c. d. , ? 180. Frank Stinton and wife to Otto Frisoni parcel in n o | sec 27 town 15 ramie 13 o w d , $180. Wm. E. Swoesoy and wife to Losbia Clmso o i lot 4 in block 104 Omaha , w d , 8480. Wm. MoKoll and wife to Gcorgo W. Smith part w J lot 0 in block 120 Omaha , w d , 303. Jesse Drelly and wife to Alex. C. Popper parcel in s o | sec 34 town ID range 13 o , w d , $237.50. Aug. Kountzo ot nl to Mary Greene part lot 13 Kountzo's 2d add , w U , 1092.30 James G. McUoatto and wife to Chas. llomelins parcel in B o A aec 28 town 15 range 13 o , w d , $189 ! 1 A. ORUICKSHANK&.Co. , . Importers and Rotailcas. Special sale of RIBBONS , RIBBONS , RIBBONS , RIBBONS , RIBBONS , RIBBONS , RIBBONS , RIBBONS , RIBBONS. RIBBONS , RIBBONS by the MILE , RIBBONS by the PIECE , RIBBONS by the YARD. The cheapest lot of Ribbons ovei shown in Omaha , all new and FeesI goods in thu now aid ] desirable shade ; and "not the accumulation i\f \ < iu oil if Ifetail ScocA- . " They are all satii and grogrnin in No.'s 7 , 9 , and 12 at 10 cunts a yard , A. ORUIOKSHANK & Co , GREA.T CLEARING SALE. 1S1MKNSK SLAUQI1TKH. DUKSS GOODS ! DHESS GOODS I > UiS3 : GOODS 1 For the next thirty days , wo wil sell Dress Goods at ruinous prices ti inako room for fall stock. If yoi jyjint a dross of any description bu ; now and save money , at the ac/.vioid / / euriin./MUJbhVimciif ; / ( . of ATKINSON & CO. , Croighton Block , 15th St. , Near the Postoflico. N. B. Call onrly , while stopk i complete , as wo mean business in tin department. A. S. Billings , dentist , opposit postoflico , lm-ov-sat Down go the prices , Como an BOO. 1' . BESKK. Fulton Market ICth Street. tf "WINE OF CARDUI" cures irrcgu lar , painful , or dilliciilt menstruation , M C. V. GooJiaiu' COUNCIL BLUFFS. Ivents of Interest on the Iowa Side , he Occurrences of a [ .Single Day , Vrltton Up in Convenient Pnrn < * The Poltawftttamio county's teach- rs institute 10 bo held in Council luffs under the general direction of ounty Superintendent Cooper , com- noticing Monday , August 1st , prom os to bo n grand affair. Prof. Far- urn of this city will conduct the daily outino of business. The following ell known educators will bo in nt- endancb : Prof. John Ogden , of Ohio cntral Normal school , late of the Al- n Normal school , and Prof. Fellows , f Iowa State University , will deliver course of lectures during the third cck of the session. All exercises ill bo conducted in the now Bloomer chool building , on Willow avenue. Mrs. J. Anderson , who has boon .opping at the Cay house with her on , Mr. A. J. Anderson , and daugh- er , for a few days , loft yesterday .orning over the Union Pacific for acramonto. Mrs. Anderson is now ver CO years of ago , is well nnd enrty and has gone to visit ono of cr daughters , a Mrs. Oaks , who re des at Sacramento. A man who will whip his child in 10 public streets , as was clone in this ty a short time ago , should himself 0 publicly whipped. J. Tuly , of Chicago , mid F. M. Iyer , of Plattsville , are at thoMetro- _ ohtan. Constable llosccrantz , who has boon ut nt Crescent City working up the ate case , entitled State of Iowa vs. 'els. Swanson , returned , yesterday lorning. Ho says that there will bo evcloped on the trial of the case tos- mony sutliciont to convict. Jno. T. Bald winjis planking the rails 1 places along the route of the street ail way. All agree that a good , first-class op- ra house is needed in Council Bluffs , ut it does seem the t there ought to o some scheme devised different from mt proposed by Mr. Chapman. The lonoy can bo .raised right hero at oine. It is no giant undertaking , 'lie little town of Glonwood has a .ttlo gem of an opera housn. They lade no fuss about building it cither , lost people want to ace it go up but > 25 a ticket the first two nights is a irotty steep price to pay. t will not bo many years before apitalista will bo offering n premium or land on which to locate an opera louse hero. The same help extended o some capitalists would insure such MI opera house on Bancroft street near villn it Bennett's. It is generally understood that some Council Blulfs itizcns will erect an opera house in- ido of three years any way. The weeds near the bridge on north Main street should bo cut. W. A. Meynstcr was called into the ountry yesterday in the defense of n important criminal ease. lie will eturn to-morrow. The stacks of rye standing on Hon. ' ) . II. Scotts farm nt Scottswood are ilainly visible from the rcsidonco of t. 0. Uubbard in this city. Conrad Gciso's artesian well is a ociilod success. The water is as lear as crystal Stokes , who figured so conspicuous- y in the Fish-Mansfield affair a few oars ago , serving four years in "bing jing , " came into the city over the C. , 5. it Q. Saturday , and took the Jnion Pacific for the west. The colored people are to have a ; rand celebration in Glendale , this ity , in commemoration of the do- iveranco of their race from bondage. L'lio event will transpire about the 1st if August. There was quito n laugh created by L young woman from thu country yesterday in n city drug store. It iccms u physician had prescribed mod- cine , to bo taken in capsules by her ick mother. The daughter of the ick woman returned with the mem- jranous sacs all emptied of their con- onts nnd requested the druggist to fill up "them little bottle * again. " There is to bo erected in this city very soon n larco throe-story brick building on Fifth street that will , when completed , bo occupied by the FaribauU wind mill company. 11. V. Phillips , who has for Bomo years been engaged in linking nxo liamlloa , has built quite an extensive establishment on the corner of avenue A nnd Tenth street. Mrs. Osburn , widow of the late Dr. Osburn , will BOOH commence building a $7,000 brick residence on First avenue , As soon as arrangements can be made Tin : BBB will bo delivered much eailier than it now is , The mercury is doing splendidly now , Two young scamps heading for the penitentiary entered Harry Jiuno'a grocery store on South Main street Sunday night and helped themselves. They got into the utoro by urying open the cellar door. From there1 they made their way into the main store where they helped themselves bountifully to fruit nnd cigars , nol finding any money in the drawer. Oflicor J. W , Merso has his eye on the thieves. Ebon P. Nowhall returned Sundaj from a business trip east. Constable Rosocrantz has recovered almost entirely from the ollbcts of at injury received in I8C7. His lame ness is hardly porcoptablo. The telephone botwpon hero and tin Union stock yards somehow can't bi made to perform its duty. Mr. I. R. Berry has gone east 01 business connected with the Counci Bluffs Insurance Co. Mr. Berry will bo away from the city until about Sep tember 1. All who intend to erect a building on Broadway and Main street , had better hurry or there will bo no room. An unterprisidg capitalist from At lantic , Cass county , with an eye to business , hai commenced to clear away the old buildings that have dis graced Middle Broadway long enough. Ho will at once erect a very fiuo three story brick block , with stone trim mings. A man by the natno of Thomas , who had stood too long at the bung , was arrested by Oflicer Cusic for being in a beastly state of intoxication. Ho was taken before Judge Burke , who impose a light fine , which Thomas refused to pay , saying that ho would rather work all day bettering the con * dition of the streets , llo was given a shovel and an ofiiccrstaitud with him. When near the place of duty ho 'topped his shovel and took lug bail > r the transfer , whore ho took the ext dummy for Omaha. Chas. Payyung was taken in for ilfully disturbing the peace. H ' leaded guilty at once and promised > behave like a little man hereafter , 'he ' court fined him a few dollars , lich ho paid up ami was discharged. D. C. Farley , a printer , got mad in ourt because Judge Burke would not ot him drive on the street faster than 10 law allowed. Ho protested against fine , stating that the law was a hard- hip on him. But the court aaid that o was not a rcspcctor of persons nnd 'mt Farley must pay up or bo shut up. lo chose the latter nltornativo nnd as committed to jail , but came out ih morning , paid his fine and went iver to Omaha. Attorney John Lindt had a case bo- ere Justice Frainoy yesterday , and ishing a change of vcntio filed the sual affidavits. But somehow Lindt ad a choice between the other two usticcs and claimed that the case nust go to a certain ono. Justice JVainey remarked that the law would nku it to the nearest justice ualificd to try the case. Then Lindt orsiatcd that his justice was the carest. Frainoy protested , and to sot- lo.tho matter a proposition was made mt they go out and stop the distance nd have the question decided once 'or all. Tlr's was accordingly done. Henry Macourt , of Now York , N. V. Parrish , of Omaha , J. D. Dovero , f Chicago , Wm. U. Myers , of Indi- .napolis . , John llydell , of Chicago , , nd Geo. Shaw , of Sidney , wcro at " 10 Ogden yesterday. J. II. Ball and wife , of Missouri rralloy , A. E. Coggshall , of Omaha. 3. G. Grose , of Rivcrton , and W. A. Make , wife and daughter , of Glen- rood , were at the Pacific. Michael Loy offers his two-thirds iterest in the Old California house , ni lower BroadwayJnear the C. & N. Y. railway depot , for sale cheap and n easy terms. The house is in a do- irablo locution and can bo purchased t a bargain , as the health of Mrs. Ley will not permit , her husband to ontinuo longer in the business. 11KA.L ESTATE TllANSFEHS. The following real estate transfers yore filed in the county recorder's of- 'ce , as reported by the title , abstract , cal estate and loan office of J. W. Squire & Co. , Council Bluffs : Sheriff , Potta Co. , to W. G. Tits- rth : wA-nwandnA nw sw of 22 73'J. Con.-$1.321.80. H. S. Peterson to W. G. Tittsworth , t al.w : i nw and n inw sw 22 77 39. " - $2,000. J. C. Wilson to Rebecca Wilson : w nw 15 70 38. $1,000. J. L. and L. Howe to Daniel Bran- on : lot IB in block 28 Mulling sub ity. $475. Henry Dolonjr to Win. Dachtlerr art lot 5 block 1 Vorhiss add. , city. J400. _ _ Sense of Humor TJnni > jirccintcil. Anderson Boll , an undersized olorcd man , w.i < i in an hilarious mood Sunday night An ordinary , ouso was just l.irgo enough for him occupy , so ho drove his family out f doors at the point of a shot-gun. Indrow pirouetted .about to his heart's ontcnt , emitting occasionally a war- > lo that startled the neighborhood. A ard-heartcd policeman rambled down hat way , and not appreciating the oucert , cscortod'Androw to the city ail. Yesterday Boll's wife and hrco daughters appeared against him the police court. Ho thought it dvisablo to plead guilty , and did so. lis penalty was assessed at $10 and : osts. The Drug Store kept by J. 0. Pan- er & Co. , on the corner of Twelfth , iul Douglas , takes rank among the irst retail stores in the city. Anoth er largo consignment of goods was received to-day. The Htoru is now t supplied with an ssortment of the finest toilet articles , Tooth brushes , Hair Brushes , Nail Brushes , Tonsorial equipmentsFancy and Standard Toilet Soaps , Medicated Soaps , So'aps for special purposes , and all the popular Toilet Extracts. Also nn array of druggists' Sundries , such as would bo hard to duplicate else where , adorn the shelves and ehow cases Syringes , sponges , pads , truss bandages and all kinds of Medical and Surgical Instruments. The cigar case is always supplied \\ith the best brands of cigars , and this fact has made it a popular resort for these who enjoy the royal Hi- vana. Special carois taken in the de partment of pharmacy Physicians prescriptions nnd family receipts are carefully prepared. The English Gorman , Swede , Danish , Norwegian and Bohemian lanquages are spoke : fluently by the clerks in the store. Ii you want a nice mixed drink cal at the Board of Trade , cor. 16th am Dodge Sta. tucs&sat. Ladies' ' Silvo and Gents' Gold and Watches in great variety , at Whipplo McMillomt Co'a. jl8-cod-t Delicious apples , poaches , pears plums , lemons , and orangcsat Charlie's 1120i Farnham. Ot Bromnor's Cream Soda Crackers a Weimer's. jylOt&s4w "WINE OF OARDUI" innken roe , chcvka ami clear complexions. At 0. F , Goodmiu'i. OMMISSIONERS IN ( JOUNOIL , They Award the Contract for Cuming Street Grade. A full board of the county comniis- onors held a mooting on Saturday , 'ho ' treasurer was instructed to draw 3.50 from the general fund and do- oto the same to paying the personal ax of Samuel Forgoy for 1859 , The esignation of Frederick Stabrci , jns- ! co of the pcaco for Millard precinct , asaccepted. The treasurer was direct- d to reduce the valuation of the cast alf and northwest quarter , sections-i , 5 and 11 , from $510 to $280 or last year on account of 11 error of the assessor , 'ho ' following bids for grading the inning street extension were rccoiv- d : J. K. Saundcrs offered to do the ork at thirty-threo cents per ciibic ard ; James Duffy , for 29i cents ; An- row Daublc , for 30 cents ; 0. A. Jen- en , for 23 cents ; Dan Hanahan , for 5 cents and Luke McDermott for 22 onts. The latter gentleman having 10 lowest bid received the contract , ho clcik was instructed to advertise or scaled proposals to build ono ! )0 ) eot anil ono 50 fuel bridge near Mil an ! . The usual number of bills wcro rdcrcd to bo paid and the board then djourncd. I ' Funeral- < ona JJalug's - The funeral of Miss Lena Laing aughtcr of Rev. Robert Laing , took lace yesterday. The young lady died ate on Friday night. On Saturday er friends imagined they discovered armth in the body , and thinking her ot dead had some intention of post- oning the funeral until to-day , lowovcr , toward evening there was ndubitablo evidence of the lady's cath in the change her body under- rent and the funeral took place as nnouncod. The remains wore in- crrcd at Fairviow. Try Brcmnor's Cream Soda Crack- rs. jlCtitslw Watch repairing a specialty , at Vhipplo , McMillcn & Co. jyl8-cod-tf HONORED AND BLEST. When a board of eminent pliysi- ians and chemists announced the dis- every that by combining some well nown valuable remedies , the most ronderful medicine was produced , vhich would cure such a wide range f diseases that most all other rcmo- lies could bo dispensed with , many vcro skeptical ; but proof of its merits > y actual trial has dispelled all doubt , .nd to-day the discoverers of that real ; medicine , Hop Bitters , are lonored and blessed by all as benefnc- ors. [ Democrat. jylo-augl No head-ache or hnuk-.iclio for ladles vho drink "WINE OF CAnPUI. " At C. F. fJoodmi'n'H. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE Adicrtlsenient To Loan , For Sale , ost. Found , Wanti. Hoarding , , &e. , will be In- ertcd In these columns once for TI/N CENTS er line ; each subsequent Insertion , FIVECENTS > or lino. The llr > t Insertion no\or less than WCNTY-FIVE CENTS TO LOAN-MONEY. TO LOAN At 8 Jier ccntln- . . tent In * mm of JV-OO anj puarJs , fora to Byaars , on H t-tlas4 city and nun property. l ) > Mia KXAI. UurATB and LOAN UKNCV , IStli and Doiulan Sts. TO LOAN Call at LawOlllce of D. L. Thomas Uoom S. Crehrhton Itlock. TO LOAN. Clarkion & Hunt , 215 MONEV ] 14th street. 501-30 TO LOAN on real estate , at MONEY - DEXTKU L. THOMAS 4 I1RO. HELP WANTED. Information of the whereabouts WANTED . Johanna Kaiuh , who lived In Omahi , Neb. , from 1857 till 1801 , and In Pt. Jo- cph , llo , , ( as Mrs. Shultz ) In 180J. Informa- lon u more particularly desired of her two ons , Julius and Oeorgo Kaush , ( as It will be a their Interest ) by their father , In Helena. Inntana. A llhcr.il compcnuatlon Hill bi luld o any ono assisting In obtaining the required iformatlon. WiO-8 WANTED A good cook , roan or woman , at the Kmmett House. tOj-30 - IB or 10 > earsold at Omaha WANTED-Iloy ' Laundry , 603-27 Omaha Jlakcry , 61010th strca. 602 27 - girl. 15 to 17 j ears of age , In WANTED-A . 'Apply 082 north l th St. - room girl and kitchen girl. WANTED-Dlnlng at thu Pacific House. A ( food German girl In a German WANTED ; must he n Kood eook. Good wages > ald. Inquire pf Mr * . Dr. I * . Grosnnaini , H K. .orner 17th nnd Dodge ktrects , W5-25 A girl about 14 } IAU old , ftt WANTED House.- 4M 27 - girls tor genera nomework ; WANTED-2 reataunnt , 13th and Jacl.son < TAI1LK FOH UKNT-On 10th St. , between Harney and Howard Sts. B. LEHMAN. 4Ul-tf AOIrl to do general housewoik. WANTKD Harney ttreet. 410 tf A girl lor wentral hou u orl' WANTED * utrtct. \TTANTED Machine lianili at Omaha Bblrl YY h"a .tory. Work for nil winter to good hands. 477-21 - glrU at the French Coffee House , ll'th ' street. 470-tf Girl at the corner of 10th .and WANTED . 473-tf UltS. FUANK KKNNAIID- Cook , man or woman ; also illuln ; WvNTED . Apply at Fnsd. Lang' Grocer ) store , cor , Hthand Jackson Kts. 4CU-27 A 17ANTKD A good bUcUmlth. Apply at 'J' . ir Jl. Trctt. . QUthwct e-orncr of Kthand llamcy street. m-tf A food lauuJrew at the Oiilden * WANTKD . 1M tf -Competent eook and nccond sir ! WANTKD Chicago street , Good wajcs. 100 U - pool table to rcutnlth ; prlti- WANTKD-A . State prlev. AddrcMClEU. INMAN , 451-tt V ll , Craw ford Co. , Io x TKFuitMAl'lUK wanted of Michael D jcr 1m" J. mrdbtel ) b > hl mother , Margaret Dujer , OuuJia ; Neb. , Iwtween Oth and 7th on > Ure > bt. , c reef Patrick Hogan.Votern iaiH.rj ple e eopv. 453tfll SPECIAL HOTIOES-DontiiiUBfl Hv inin nnd wife , lie nl and room WANTED ate family. I'ro-cr place htro there re no other boarders. Address d. A * Dec ollicc. 4..2.tf I One m n in a county makes mo ney telling our rprlngs for buggy shaft couplings. Send stamp jor tcrnn and cut or 60 n tUmi * for a pair , toantl Itattlcr Safety Sprlmr Joniony,00 | llamlolph St. , Chlrao.tii-th-K > ty-2 | , ' ANTKD Funding bridge and school bond * . Wr If.T. ClarL.UcTletue. 20-tf \\r ANTKD A ( nrtticr or bujcr. Inquire at > Y Philadelphia ColTcc Home , 10th strwt. YT7 [ T7 ANTED T oboinlcrK. Younz men prc- > Y tcmil. AililrvM "A. " Bee otllce. 140-tf A food dinlnc room girl mmicill- WANTED i t th. Oroldentftl hotel. 220 tt A lrI to do general homework. WANTKD 171(1 Kurnham ttrctt , northucst corner ol 1Kb. 33011 IANTKD To Imy a good skiff. Address S. & M. , lice olllce. SIM riAt.k AT MUS. U. II OLAKKK'S .No. 1 U Ins ; House , tor. 13th and LMxIgc St < . Ucst Mtlie ilty. _ IStl FOR RENT-HOUSES AND LAND. 1,1 OK HUNT A home , 1201 Uodpo street : lie- L1 twccn 12th and 13th. KM 23 HUNT New house Ditcnpnrt and 11th Foil , J. Johnson , 14th nnd rnrnlmiii bts. BOOtf 1011 HUNT A fnrnWicil room , eor. IDtlinnd ' and Chicago streets. lll'.VT A honso nt seven room * on Soul T1011 ' , tic\t to Wooluorth'd roldcme , J olinson , 1 till and Karnham. 4'W tf moil Iir.NT Furnished rooms suitablu L for homckeenliii' , cor. 18th and Clark Streets. 490.JJ3 71OII Kf.N I1 Mouse nc.ir I. S. llascall'n. In- qulru ot John ( ! . Jacobs 4U-tf ' T ofiirnlsheil ranms on Jackson street ; botuccnlGth ami 17th , third house rom the northeast comer ot 17th. R70-tf " io"iKT A few ilay boirdcra wanted , 1803 California tnct. 390 U ISENT Xlctly funiMicil largo room and Foil .S. W. curnfcr IStli and Capital Ave. 083-tl KENT 2 furnished rooms oicr MCJ- FOK : Exchange , N. E. cor. 16th and Dodge trceta. 239-tf FOR SALE. SALE At StcphoiiBOii'n stable , corner FOR anil Harncy streets , a sorrel running mare 5 jcara old , kind and gentle In harness. 480-27 SAI.K A ccncml merchandise aloro with FOR attached , located In a thrhlnc rail- oad town within 25 miles of Lincoln. Oood pay- ng cash business. For particulars apply to Nave , IcCord & Brady , Omaha. 482-2K FOR SALE A yotinff horse , 7 jcars old , frooJ stepper , city broke , warranted sound , anil zte for ladles' drUIng. Has never been racked and can show three minute gait to bufrey. Can lie boupht for $300. Addrcs * S. K. Cliatficld , Olcnwood , Iowa. 47823 rjlOR SALE Four S U' , P. engines , two 15 HI U 1 * . engines , ono 18 H P. crticftl holler , ono i H. 1' . , one 10 U. V. and I IS 'I. 1' . horizontal oiler , all now. Ily Omaha Foundry anil Ma- hino Company Omaha , Neb. uiw 475-a23 BALK Stock of Hardnaro in one of the FOR towns In Nebraska , Population of town ! & 00. No better opening for the business in the State. Only ono other hardware store In the own. Stock In good shape and north about ioOOO. For particulars call on nr address. LEE , FBI ED & CO. . 401-20 Omaha , Neb. I710U SALE The Southern Hotel. New build- L1 Ing 30x40 , thrco stories high , built in 1831. 1 or talc on account of sickness. Will sell one- mlf interest to the right party without children , lood trade , all transient. For terms apply on he premises or to lock box 210 , Villlsca , Iowa. 460-23 71OR SAM : CHEAP The only hot-l In North _ J Loup , Valley County , Neb. . 30 miles from St. 'aul , 15 miles fioni Ord. Good location , good rade and iniproiing. For particulars write A. J. C. . North Loup , box 0. 371-augll IMIlUKI.LAb Aim rnrrwoin ri-piwrcil by M. U SCIIU'TT llth and Farnani sts. 780tf SALE A new house , built two years , full U1OH , u ell nnd een thing complete , on Dodge itrect , between 2ith and 27th , No. 2U1D. In- tiire on premises. inws-US-SO OK MALE A larnre two story Intmo KlilnglcJ roof Hotel and ono story l.itchcn ; nlso ono tory frame , Bhln led roof , hall room fur ten sets o dance , and barn largo enough to hold twenty cams- All situated on corner of Ilroad and 4th trcet , Fremont , Dodge Co. , Neb. For further nformation apply to C. C. TIIOMI'SON. 353-to 8 8 Fremont , Dodge Co , , Neb. Oood house with four roonu anil EOltSALU No. 2U13 DocUo between 2ith ( and .ITth btreit. Good well and shade trees ; house In goral condition. Inquliu on pnmUes. t21-tf ! HICK OK SALK. B 203-tf ESTAmtOOK k COF ITlOIt SAM5 A small engine , IS.V , I'ajlioil L1 Son's make. In perfect osder. Iniuire | of II. O. Chrt & Co. SO-tf SALE Lease ami tiirnituruul u 'irst-clava hotel in a town of 1SOO Inhabitants , In state if Nebraska ; hai 24 beds ; the traveling men'fl re- ort. InqulrontDKi : otllce. 218-tf [ 71OHSALE ' ! MO story house and part lot , nta ' depot. Location good. John L. McCogiio ) pp 1'ost Office. ! )5S-tf ) nOU SALE 2 acres ground In U'c t Omaha. L1 limuiro of J. Henry , No. 116 10th. H73-U I , \ < J | > dALK Maps of Douglas and Sarjiy coun- L1 ties. A. IlObLWATER , 1020 FarnhAin street 320-tf MISCELLANEOUS. having work fora typo writer inn ANYONE by telephoning the HKB - . J , ileUln H btlll In tno LKiHTMNU-J. buvlncss , wholesale and re- all. Hods put up or repaired on hort notice. ) rdcrs by mall or otherwise will rcteho prompt attention. Satisfaction guaranteed Call or ad dress 1011 Sauiulers strict. 4U4-a22 UUWAIID Lout , gold hunting ca ottop _ „ , _ . . uatch , gold rope chain and nugget at- ached. Tlio above rcnunl will bo paid on re- urn ol the watch to HUGH McOAmiUY. / 331-tf 1 ! ith and Douglaa BtrccU. / TIIIIIRE or four young men can bo accommcvV ted with board , hcferciieciicxchaiigul , If < ly 2011 Cass street , 4th door Kent of oth't. , oroihlrciM llox S3" , i fctolllee. 84lf t . IlltOWN-Corner 12th and HJ1. , Is ready to bore or deepen * ells hutlrtactlon guaranteed. fMEAMS Can ho cot at Jonn Ilarrsstible for J. all kinds of work at reasonable llgirrs , near 13th and Lx mi worth trrets. 378-tf FOUGET The Biiccetors of , the Ainer. DONT House , on Douglas street , Vetwecu Oth and 10th , for board , lodging and transient cus tome , llespcctfull ) N4-tf .II'MUS * U1ITIPF. R.RR. POWDER Absolutely Pure. ilade liom Crajie Cream Tartar. No other pn rtttion makes null light , Ilak } hot brindv , i usurious pastry. Can be eaten by Djiiiciitic without fear of tbollU naiultlug from heat ) imll l. Bold only In can * . ball Uroccri. HOYAL UAKIXO J'OW'DKU CO ' New YeHc ,