Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 26, 1881, Image 7

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010 harnham , bet. Oth and loth Street * .
opy 1 year , In edt Mice ( postpaid ) J10.00
nfnttu " 6.00
month * " "
1IMK Mitt ) dllCUlO , BT. TAflUIN.1MfOI.lil
Lcnvo Dnntin No. 2 through ( vmongcr , 11
. m. No. 4 , OaUnml passcnKcr , S.SOa. in.
ArrUo Omaha -No 1 , tlirotiKli insncnger , 3 p.
m. No , 3 , Oaklnndia < ciigir ! , 4:10 : p. in.
. , 11. i6. 6 . tn.-S : < Of ) . m.
U. & N.V. . , 0 ( \ . M1.-8I40 p , m '
{ ? K- ! --l & ' ° l.-:40 : p. in.
K. C st. J. io. tt , , a . m.-3:40p. : m. Arrlxo
tst , :25 : a. 'm. BtlJ 7:45 : ft. { a.
OR lOtmlwnn.
n. & M. In Nch. , Through Express , 8:35 : a. m.
n. & II. Lincoln Freight. 7:00 f. ra.
U. P Kxpnw , 12:15p : , in.
o. & K. V. for Lincoln , 10:20 : n. ra.
o. & II. V. for Osccola , 0:40 : ft. m
U. P. freight No. B , 6:30 : a. m.
U. P. freight No , 9 , 8:16 : n. in.
u. r. freight No. 7 , 0:10t. : . in. emigrant ,
u. P. freight No. 11 8:25 : o. ra.
C. U. & O. , 5:00 : a. m. 7:25 p. m.
C. b N. W. , 9:46 a. ra. 7:25 : p. m.
a K. l.&l',9:45 : a. m. 9.05 p. ra.
K. 0. , fit Joe &C U. , 7:40 a. 111. 0:45 : p. m.
W. , St. L. k P. , 10W a. m. 4:25 : p. m.
O. ft R. V. from Lincoln 12:1 : ! ! p. ra.
U. P. Kxprcs * 3:25 : p. m.
H Si M. In Noh. , Through Eipress 1:16 : p. ra
B. & M. Lincoln Freight 8:35 : n. m.
U. P. Freight No. 10-1:40 : p. in.
No. ( V 4:25 : p. ill. Emigrant.
No 8 10:60 : p. m.
No 12 11:35 a. m.
0. t R. V. mixed , ar. 4:36 p. m. ]
Nebraska Division of the St , Paul ft Sioux CUy
No. 2 leave * Omhha 8 a. m.
No. 4 Icaxu ) Om&ha 1:60 : p. ra.
No. 1 arrl\c8 at Omaha ut 4:30 : p. m
Na 3 arrl\tsa at Omaha at 10:45 a. m.
Leave Omaha at 8:00 : , 8:00 : and 11:00 a. m. ;
1:00 , 2m 3.00 , 4:00 : , 6:00 : and 0.00 p. m.
LcateCouncil llluflsat 8:25 : , 0:25 : , 11:25 a.m. ;
IS8 , 2:25 , 3:25 : , 4:25 : 6:25 : and 0:25 p. m.
BunJayn The dummy leaves Omaha at 9.00
and 11:00 : a. m. ; 2.00 , 4:00 : and 6:00 : p. in. I.cares
Council Ulufla at 9:25 : and 11:25 : a. m. ; 2:25 : , 4:25 :
and 6:25 p. m.
_ _ _ _
Opening and doling of Mails.
a. m. p. in. a. m. p. m.
Chicago &N. W 11.00 0:30 : 4:30 : 2:40 :
Chicago , U. 1. & Pacific. 11:00 : 0:00 : 4:30 2:40 :
Chicago , B. & 0 11:00 : 0:00 : 4:30 2:40 :
Wabaeh 12:30 : 4:30 2:40 :
Bloux City and Paclflc. . 11:00 : 4:30
Union Pacific 6:00 11:40
Omaha&ll.V 4:00 : 11:40
B. til. in Neb 4:00 : 8:40 : :30
Omaha k Northwestern. 4:30 7:30
Local malli for State of Iowa leave but once a
day , viz : 4:30. :
A Lincoln Mall Is also opened at 10:30 : a , m.
Office open Sundaj H froni 12 m. to 1 p. m.
Business HirectorY.
Art bmporlum.
U. ROSE'S Art Enipoiium , 1510 Dodge Street ,
SUel KiifrnuinKi' , Oil Paintings , Cliroinos , Fancy
Framcu. FramiiiK c S | > ucialty. Low Prices.
BONNEIl 1TOJ IJouuIaa Street. Good Styles.
Abstract ar d Real Estate.
JOHN L. McCAQUE , opposite Post Office.
W. R. BAUTLKTT 317 South 13th Street.
Room It Crolghton DIcck.
A. T. LARQE Jr. , Room 2. Cicfchton Block.
Boots and Shoes.
Fine Boots ana Shoes. A Rood asaorment oi
home work on hand , corner 12th and llarncy.
TIIOS. KKICK80N , 8 E. cor. 10th and Douglas.
605 10th street , manufactures to order good work
at fair prices. Repairing done.
Bed Spring ! .
J. f. LARRIMER Manufacturer. 1517 Douritatt.
Books , News and Stationery.
J. I. PRUEHAUP 1015 Farrhatu Street.
Butter and Eggs.
UCSHANE4SCIIROEDER. the oldest B. and K.
hoato In Nebraska cstalillnhcJ 1876 Oniaba.
JIR3. A. 11YAN ,
eoathweot cernor lothand Uodgc.
Beat Board for the ilonay.
BttUfavtlon Quarantocd.
Board by the Day , Week or Month.
Good Terms for Cash.
Firnl ri l Pnnm Supplied.
Uarrlagej and Roaa W aeons.
WM. SKYDKIl , No. 131h 14th and Kamey Strsote ]
Civil Enclneers und Surveyors.
ANDREW ROSEWATEll , Crclchton Ulrxk
Town Surtcyt ) , Qnulo and Sewen o Syetcma o
Bpecialty. _
Commission Merchants.
JOHN O. WII1.18,1414 Dodge Street
D B BEEUER. For details see large advertise
ment In UolLv and Weekly ,
Clears and Tobacco.
WEST & FIUTSC'DER. manufacturers of Cigars
and WhoUualu Itoilcrd In Tontuxoi. IWGDouijLw.
W. P. LOUE.V/.KN manufacturer 614 lOthntrtot.
Cornice Vi/orks.
\ Weat m Cornloo Vorlin. Manufacturers Iron
\Conilce , Tin , lion and Ulato Rooftuig. OrJcra
from any locality promptly executed In the bout
liAimer. Factory and OUlco 1310 Dodge Street.
Olvanlzod Iron Cornlvcu. Window Capa , etc.
ux iufactured anil , put up In any fan of the
QQUitry. T. IJlKimi.l ) nOTIilrtMntli ttreet
J. IKffNER 1SOO Douglas stroet. Good line.
Clothlnc and KurnlshliiB Goods ,
OEO. U I'KTOIROV. Also HaU , Capa , BooU.
8ho 9t Notions and Cutlery , 804 S. 10th utroet.
Clothing Bought.
O .SHAW will pay highest Cash price for second
band clothln ; . Corner 10th and Farnhain.
Dentist * .
DR. PAUL , Williams' flock , Cor. Uth & Dodge.
Drugs , Pal it * ana ( Jill.
KU1IN ft CO.
Fine rAne ti. 9J , Cor. Uth and
W. J. WIIITEIIOUf K , Wlwlesalo 4 Retail , IflUi St.
C. 0. FIELD , 2022 W lh Side Cumlng Street.
M. PARR , DruggUt. IQto and Howard StreuU.
Dry Goods Notions , Etc.
JOHN II. F. L Kim ANN & CO ,
New York Dry Goods Sjoie , 1310 and 131E Fani
him itrvet.
L. C. EnewoU also boots and shoes 7th i Pfcclflc.
A F. GROSS , New and Hecond Hand Furniture
and Stovce , 1114 Iiouiria * . Illghout cash price
paid for Bocond liana eoo-j | .
J , I10NNKU 1309 iMucla st. Fine eoods , tie.
Fence Works.
GUST , FRIES & CO. , 1213 JlarneyBt. , Improve
od I c\ > Boxes , Iron and Wood Fences , Office
Rallints , Counter * of 1'ine and Walnut.
A. Donaghue , plants , cut flowers , ccods , boqueta
etc. M. W. cor. 16th ani Douglas streeto.
JOHN WEARNE & SONS. cor. llth & Jackson sta
Hour and Feed.
GHAIIA CITY MILLS , 6th and Farnham Sts. ,
\Vclshans Bnw. , .roprictors.
Z. STEVENS , Slit between Cumlng and Itard.
T. A. McSIIANE , Corn. Z3d aud Cumlny StrceU.
Hatter * .
1806 DouglM Street , Wbolaale Kxcluriitly.
Hardwaie , Iron end Steel.
DOLAN & LANG WORTHY , Wholesale , 110 and
Uth fettett.
Harness. Saddles , &c.
R. WK18T 20 13th St. l > * t KarnJt Hurncv ,
H t and Bonnet Dle.ichers ,
fcullngrtyoui Straw , Chip find Kelt Hats ilon <
\ni nt nortlKMiNt corner Socntrcnth and Caplto
A\cnuc. WM. UOVK Proprietor
DORAN HOUSE , I' II finry. 013 Farnham St
SLAVKN'S IIOTKIi. F. Slaicn , 10th 6tr t
Southern Hotel Cu. ! . I.inicl , Oth & Uiucimorth
ron hencmg ,
The Western Cornlro Works , Agents for tlx
Chimplon Iron Fcnrc Ac. , hi\u on hand all kliuli
of Fancy Iron Fences , Cresting , Fliicnls , ilalilii ) ; < ,
cU' . 1310 DcxlL'ostrco. npiv
Intelligence OfTlco.
MRS. I.IXXIE HKNT 517 ICth Street.
" " " Jewellers.
JOHN SAUMI'.H ; 1311 Karnham Street.
Junk ,
II. * . ' . ) ; * ( ' M u\i ,
Lumber , Lima tttd Cement.
fOSTER & GRAY corner tttit and Douglas St .
Lamps and Ulassware ,
J. BOXXER 1309 Douslis St. Good Variety ,
Merchant Tailors.
One of our most popular Merchant Tailors Is re
cclvlng the latest lU-nL'ns for Spring and Suminci
Uood ) for frcntlcincns wmr. Styliih , durable
and iirlcea low as e\cr 215 13th bet. Douv.&Parn
MRS. C. A. RINGER , Whole. ale and RctMl , Fan
cy floods In great tariety , iScphyrs , Canl Board *
lloslery , Ulcmw , CorsoU , Ac. Cheapest Homo It
: hoWc t. Purchasers na > o 30 per cent , Ordei
JY tlall. 115 Fifteenth S troct. _
Physicians an i Surgeons ,
W. S. ainiSS , M. D. , Rx > m No 4 , Crelghtoi
Block , 16th Street.
1' . S. LK1SENH1NO , A. D. llawnlc Block.
C. L. HART , U. D. . Kyr and Ear , opp. postofllo
Oculist and Aurist , S. W I tth and Farnham Sts
Grand Central Gallery.
212 Sixteenth Street ,
near Masonic Hall. Kirst-ciasa Work and Prompt
nesa guarantfcn. _
Plumbing , Gai and Steam Fitting.
P. W. TARPY & CO. . 216 12ih St. , bet. Farnhan
and Douglas. Worn promptly attended to.
D. F1TZPATRICK , 1400 Douvltu Street.
Painting and Paper Hanging.
HENRY A. ' ' "STERS. 1412 Dodge Street.
Planing Mill.
A. MOVER , manufacturer of sash , doors , bllndi
moldings , newels , alustcra , hand rails , furnlshln
scroll suwlng , Ac. , cor. Dodge and Dth strceta.
J. ROSENFELD. 322 10th St , bet. Far. 4Hai
Refrigerators , Canfleld's Patent.
C. F. GOODMAN llth St , lict. Farn. i Harnei
Showcase Manufactory. !
Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds cf Sho1
Cases , Upright Cases , a - . . 1317 Cist St.
FRANK L. GERHAKD , proprietor Omah
Show Case manufactory , 618 South ICtli stnc
between Loa > enworth and Marcy. All gooi !
warranted flrst-class.
Stoves ana mware.
DcnJor In Stoics and Tinware , nnd Manufactun
of Tin Roofs and all kind ! of Building Worl
O.I.1 Fellows' Block.
J. BONNER. 1309 Douslas St. Good and Chen )
J. EVANS , \Vholc8alo and Actall Seed Drills an
Cultitators , Odd Fellow M Hall.
Phillip Lang , 1320 Famnara at. , bet 13th A 14t !
Second Hand Store.
PERKINS & LEAR. 1416 Douulas St. , New ar
Second Hand Furniture. Housa Furnishing Good
tic. , bourht and eold on narrow marpins.
In the new brink block on Dougrliu Strrwjt , h :
Just opetud a most clrgant lt u Hall.
Hot Lunch from 10 to 12
o\ cry day.
On Farnham , next to tha I ! . & V. haulquartei
has re-opcncdo neat and complete cstablliAiMiei
which , barring Filth , and MothcrSlilpton's Prop
ccy , will bo opened tor the ooys with Hot I/um
on and after { iresent date.
" Calolonla " J. FALCONER. 679 16th Street.
CHAS. RIEWE , 101K Farnliam J > et. 10th It III
P. PEMNER , 303i Tenth street , between Fan
ham and Horncy. Docs good and cheap work.
00 Cent Stores.
HENRY POIILMAN , to it , notions , nlctuic
Jewelry , &c. , 613 14th bet. Farnham and boiifla
P (1. nACKIIH. lor Farnham St . Kunrv ( Inm
J. M , Sinnton ( lull name unknown ) Ha :
rlet Hennand Mary Sliillftck , noa-rosuter
defendants will take notice that Milto
Uendrix , of tlie county of Dougln
I.IH , In tlio State of Nelna ) kn , did on tti
7th day of May , 1881 , file hi * petition i
tha District Court of the State of Xchrai
ha' withiu und for thoKaid county of Doii (
las , nL-aiiu * the said J. M. Btanton. Hai
riet llcnn and Mary Shiilock , iinplradc
with Georea Mills , Ma { : ! o iSlcCoraiicl
Josiah S. JlcCormIckMatthewT Ifntiic
and John K , Patrick defendants , xetthi
forth tliattiy virtue of a deed leaned by tli
treasurer tif said county , Jie lias an nbsi
lute title to the southeast quarter nf th
northwot gnarter of the wnitheaHt quarte
of section r.ine. (0) ( ) township fifteen > (15 ( |
range thirteen (13) ( ) e , in wiij louilaH ODUI
ty ; that you and each of caid defendant
claim to lu-u-o Rome Intercut in ttaid Und
and praying that ho may } > e adjudged t
have an imkfea.slblo title to aid nrcniiset
but that if bis title tiliould bo lield Invalid
lie may IxMlecreed to have A Hen on tai
land , that it may bo Bold to gatlxfyth
Eninc , anil thtt you anil eack of yon beToi
eicrbedebarml fromcettinguporaHHcrtin
any right or claim thereto. And the wl
.1. M Stanton , Ifarriet ITenn and Mtr
Sliillock are htreby notified that they r.r
required to appear and answer naid puti
tioa on or before the first day of Ani ut
Ky CLABKHOK & HUNT , liU aAtorueyc.
Dated Omaha. Juce 23 1B81 w4t
For curbing ana guttering Dodge 4trcet , an
doing thu nwcHMiry gradmif , from Uic caat ld
of 13th etrvct to i.'OUl btrei-t.
Sealed ( /Iil4 will be nut'iiui ] by tlio underfelKKC
( or two viciks from tbtf date lureof , ( or the curl
Ing. guttering and Uiu ru'coonary gradlnK <
Dodgu Btrett fromtho cast tide of IStli otrcct t
20th Urcct. Plan and vpccillcations can bo wu
at tlio olllce of the dty rugliievr. Hald tMn alia
> i > eflfy thu price pt-r cubic ) ard ( or nucli gradlni
alko ihall iipodfy the price in detail formth turl
ing and guttering , anrl khill bu aucomuuilcd | b
the name of | Hoimiicvl kiirely unndir the li m
conditions , haul bid * to ho 0H'IH1 | 1 at tluilln
regular meeting of thu fIty council alter JI'xiJoj
JulJJtli.lsil. .
The L'ily Council re cnc the ri lit to rtjoc
any and all bills.
Kn\eloHs | ! containing tald pro | > oal Khali li
marked , ' 'ProposiaU ( or curbing and gutterin
Dodge strett and doing tha iiunuwary grading , '
and delltaredto the undcr lgnod not UUr tha
July 25 , l&SI , at 12 o'clock noon.
Omalia. Julv lltb. 1SS.Id2w Citv Clerk.
Notice to Contractors.
Healed proposals will bu received Iiy III
Hoard of County Commissioners of Douula
County , Nebnutka , until WediR- > diy , Jill
27th. A. 1) . , 1881at2 o'clock p.m. . for tli
erection of of u court liouso building a
Omaha , In suld county , In ticcorUancu lt
plain uiul Npi-clllratfuns mudo by K. 1
Mjeni , urchltcct of Dftroll , Michigan , an
now on file In tlio county clerk's olllcu il
Kach bid murt l > e accompanied by n goo. .
and milllclent bond In the sum of tt-n thmu
and dollars , ( ) , conditioned that th
bidders 111 enter Into a contract , und ulvu :
good and mifilclent bund , should the contrac
be awarded him.
A copy of tlio specifications bu for
warded upon application to the count
clerk at Omaha , > Vh. , und tn ull cast-i mu =
accompany projMsali ,
Thu lioard reseryt-s the right to reject an
or all bids.
lly order of the lioard of County Coinmls
sloner * .
OMAHA 1 Nvb. , June tli. l ai.
I . If 4 MI'lfW
iiY i : , n , J ,
The summer afternoon waned at
last ; the tlamiiij , ' sun declined toward
the horizon , and n cool , soft brcczo ,
ilinxpossibly delightful after the heat
of the day , began to blow.
Since early dawn Lizzie Dugout had
been toiling at her needle , but now
she throw down her work , and , leav
ing the old mill , stood on the rude
plank that crossed the niillraco and
looked ongorly over the fields.
"Ohhero ! can Dossy bo ? " she
cried. "Thai dreadful interest ,
which must bo cot ready by Saturday ,
has niado wo forgot her. I ought not
to have listened to grandpa. I am
sure something hns happened ( o her ,
She no.'or was away so long before. 1
' d'-ill never forgive myself. What ,
vhat , " sfid cried , suddenly clasping
icr hands , "if s ! . c should ho drown
ed ? " ' ,
Li ; io Duponl had not nlwuys won
a resident at the old mill , dependant
on her nccdlo for support. She had
once been , and that not so long ago ,
the petted daughter of a merchant
mnco in Now York. 13ut her father
lad failed , and died soon after , of a
jroken heart ; and Li.zio would have
starved , if it had not been for her
maternal grandfather. "Como to mo , "
lie lud written , "I am old and poor ;
jut wo will share our crusts together ;
f you have grown up to look like
y ur dear mother , you will bo the
ipplo of my eye. " So , ignored
jy her father's rich relations , had
found rcfugo in this secluded spot.
Refuge and peace , but , hardly hap
piness. In the days of her prosperity
the had bccamo acquainted with a
young Englishman , the son of a titled
Family , and had plighted her troth to
liim. Just before her lather's failure
Ross Devoroaux had sailed for Eng
land , intending , within six months , to
return and claim his bride. But , from
that day to this , had never
lieard a word about him.
At first she thought her letters had
miscarried , and in the faith and trust
of her young heart had continued
writing. But , at last , and after dis
covering the heartlcssncss of her
father's relatives , she began to bolioyo
that even lloss might be selfish also.
" 1 am poor now , and ho deserts mo , "
she said. "God help mo ! But it is , I
suppose , the way of the world. "
Lately a now trouble had come up
on her. Her grandfather had been
failing all winter , so that n man had
to bo hired to work the mill , and this
had brought them into dobt. Already
there was a mortgage on the mill , for
the grandfather hud never been a
prosperous man , and now the interest
had fallen in arrears for nearly a
twelve-month. The holder of the
mortgage was a cruel , avaricious man.
Ho had often threatened to turn out
the little family , if his interest was
not paid ; and two weeks before he
hud served a written notice that if the
arrears wcro not forthcoming by the
next Saturday , ho would bo as good
as his word. Every day since Lizzie
had risen by candle-light , and workcc
till bedtime. "If I can only got tint
embroidery done for Mrs. Watson , '
she said , "by that dreadful day , Imaj
raise part of the money , at least , and
perhaps then lie will wait for the rest. '
But this afternoon a now and great'
er trouble had coino. Dossy , her lit'
tlo pot sister , had been missing all day ,
The child often npent the morning !
playing in the woods , but invarinblj
returned to the noontide meal. Or
this occasion , however , she did nol
make her appearance. Lizzie wai
alarmed , and would have gone to seeli
her ; but the grandfather took it more
coolly : "She has stopped at some ol
the neighbors' , " ho said , "sho will bi
homo for Cupper ; don't fret dear.1
Lizzie , thinking of the coming Satur
day , had allowed herself to be persuaded
od that all was right , and .had gem
back to her work. But , as iho atter
noon were on and no Dossy came , slu
grow seriously alarmed. At last
throwing down her needle , < aho canu
out as wo have seen.
"Oh , Dosay , Dossy"sheoricd ! , wher
she had scrutinized the laitdHcapo vain
ly in every direction , "whooo are you' '
If God will only spare you , dear il
ho will give you back tomsulivo-J
will neverfopmo again at .anything. '
But where was DossyJ Was slu
really loatJ
To explain this , wo muetgo back tc
the afternoon before , and look at Dos
sy , as she sat in the old-fashioned
garden , swaying to and fro an a grapevine -
vine swing , puzzling over iho trouble *
of the family. She was watching t
bobolink iliat sung in the ihoart of a
lilup bush , .and talking to Jxjraolf tin
"What a Jiasty , ugly old nuan thai
landlord is , " " aho oaid ; "aud ho made
poor Lizzie fry so the other dey , when
ho was hero. Ho saya he'll .drive ne
from our ' homo. Why , then , " with
sudden conacioiiBnnss , "wo'll Lave nc
place to livp in , and I shall novei
hear you siug , birdie ; nor Jiavo my
flowers , or my kittens. Ou , JKO ! Oh ,
She sobbed * little , then shuok ofl
her pretty April tears and theu fell
to thinking in .earnest. If they only
had some money. What if the ould
got Bomo ! She puckered her brows
into a frown. Just then some market
carts rolled by , laden with produce on
their way to the neighboring little
town. On ( ho front seat of one at
an old woman with a basket of flowers
on her knee , A sudden thought
flashed on DoBsy and the puckered
little brotv cleared uji , Why couldn't
she sell flower * ? Her garden was full
of them , especially of pansjcs , nucli
panties as wcro not often seen.
She jumped from the swing RO
quickly that she landed in the grosses
below. But nothing daunted she re
gained her feet and began picking ofl
the golden-hearted pansiea and Eng
lish daisies by liandfuls. She would
do it ; yes , indeed she would , and
make ever so much money ; and they
wouldn't liavo to Inavo the mifl , and
grandpa and sisaie wouldn't cry any
more. She fell to work arranging her
bouijuets for the morrow , her eyes
fairly dancing with delfght. She put
them together quite tastefully , and by
the time the summer moon stood over
the pines uho had a long row sot up
amid the evergreens , that the dew
might keep 'them fresh. in the
morning as soon as breakfast was
over , shu would set oil' .
Dear , innocent Dossy ! She had not
the least doubt that she would auc-
cecd , and she slept but little that
night in her ezciUmcnt. Over and
T she rose fron her Mttlo bed , and
stole on tip-too to the window to lonk
down on her treasures.
The moirow dawned cloudlessly.
Breakfast over , Dossy ran do Ji to
the garden , crammed her posies into
Lizzie's market-basket , and taking il
on her chubby ami , trudged away ,
fortunately unnoticed. On she sped ,
past the long , long lines of fences , and
down into the very heart of the town.
Her checks were crimson , her breath
came in gasps , she almost stumbled
from fatigue ; but at last she reached
thu nmrkot-placo , and stopped in a
little corner , where the shadows fell ,
cool , and where an old blind woman
was selling laces. Hero , feeling a
scnao of safety and compiuumshiii ,
from the presence of Iho blind out
creature , shosat down and began with
deft hands to arrange her posies in
front of her. What n jncturo she
made in her white frock , with its short
pulled sleeves ; her eyea ablaze , her
amber ringlets , blown about by the
morning breeze , framed , as it wore , by
> Vvrd r of yellow daisies and golden-
iieartod pMistoS. At ino silvery call
> f horsweot bird-voice piping "Who'll
juy my pansiest" one and another pe
destrian looked back , a few smiled ,
ami some stopped and purchased.
Presently a farmer who had just such
a little one at home , bought one of her
nosegays , and paid for it with half a
dollar. Dossy was in raptures. Then
another gentleman came along , this
time a comparatively young one , but
Uxll and dark , and with a bronzed
face."Won't you buy a bunch of pansics
sir. please ? " said little Dossy.
The stranger had not noticed her
before , stopped and looked for the little
tlo piping voice.
'Tleaso sir , " said Dossy , holding
up a posy , "Only 25 cents. "
The young man Hashed a keen
glance at Dossy , and drew near , smil
ing."To bo sure I will , " said ho , pleas
antly , "if only for the sake of your
bright eyes ; 25 cents , you said , I
think , " and ho drew out his purse.
"Yes , " said Dossy , apologetically ,
imagining ho thought the price too
high. "You see I have to ask a good
deal , " and she shook her curly head
with a grave , important air , "for Liz
zie must have the money by Saturday ,
or wo shall bo turned out of our pretty
home. " As she finished she tendered
to her auditor the prettiest of her
posies , which she had just selected for
him out of her store.
The stranger , all this time , had
boon looking curiously at her. The
color wont and came on his face , his
lips trembled , and ho showed other
signs of emotion
"Toll mo , " ho cried , earnestly , "my
dear , what is your name ? "
Ho drew close to Dossy as ho spoke ,
and seemed to "bo looking in her face
as if for some half-remembered or half-
fancied likeness.
" " answered " Du-
"Dossy , she , "Dossy -
pont. "
His answer was to catch her in his
arms , and kiss her again and again ,
his voice trembling with excitement ,
oa he cried , "Dossy ! my little pot
Dossy , don't you know who I am ? "
But Dossy struggled from his cm
brace , smoothed her curls , and an
swcred haughtily :
"I asked you to buy my pansies ,
sir , and not to kiss mo. "
The stranger broke into a joyoui
laugh. "And I will buy them , "hi
replied , "every one of thorn. Bui
don't you really know mo , Dossy ? ]
am Ross Dovorcaux. Why , you have
sat on my knee many and many r
timo. "
Dossy , at this , stared at him curl
ously. Then she uttered a gloefu !
little shout and sprang into his arms.
"Oh ! I know , she cried. "I remember
member you. Won't Lizzie bo glad.
Won't aho stop crying now ! "
Ross Dovoroaux'a swarthy cheek
crimsoned. "Take mo to your homo , "
ho said , "to your sister. la she
hero ! "
"No , " answered Dossy , "wo live at
graudpap's , at the old mill , out ol
town , you know. "
"Let us { jo at once , then. No noct
to null pansics any longer , " cried Ilosi
Dcvercaux , eagerly , Hotting the chili
ou her feet.
Lizzy Dupont stood , as wo have
said , gazing across the meadows ,
heart-broken about Dossy's prolonged
absence. Suddenly two figures ap
poured , emerging from the woods beyond
yond , in the direction of the town ,
She gave a great cry of joy , for OIK
was certainly Dossy. But who was
the other ? Who was the tall hand'
sooiio man , who held DeB y by the
hand ? Could it bo no , it was im
possible and yet
At this moment , while nlto was stili
uncertain ; while her heart leaped into
lior throat , und then stopped noatingj
while she felt dizzy , and aliatit to fall ,
and had to clutok at the railing ,
DoB-sy's companion had dropped tin
child's hand , darted forward , for he
luvd recognized Lizzie , and ciuno hurry
ing over the meadow , waving his hat.
Ho reached the ) stilt ; , was oror it in a
bouud , and tlus next instaiit was at
Lime's side.
"Thank God I have found you at
last ! " ho cried , clatping her making
form , "Poor , timid , darluig ! Did
you think I hod deserted you } "
What Lizzie would havu replied , if
anything , wu do not know ; but lie
gave her no chance ; hurriedly , as if
lifo und death depended on fcit , he
went ou to tell his story.
' "Notoneof your lottoiH ever came
to hand , " ho said. "They were in-
torcoptet ] , as I discovered at last. I
wouldn't mention how , under other
circumstances ; but you , at leastought
to know the whole truth. The fact is ,
darling , that whilu my parents were
eager to welcome you as a daughter , I
hod a cousin , an ambitious girl , who
had always lived with us , and who , it
seems , wished to marry mo ; not , of
course , " ho said quickly , "that she
loved me , but merely to secure the
title and position. Well , to make a
long story short , she bribed the post
mistress at the villagoto give her your
letters , so that I never hoard u word
from you or about you , till at last , in
despair , I came over , before I intend
ed , to solve the mystery
'Como over ? " said Lizzie faintly
and guiltily , conscious how uho had
misjudged him.
"To bo sure , " repeated Ross Dover-
caux , frankly. "Ah ! little skeptic ,
you doubted mo , did you ? "
"Indeed , indeed began Luzio.
But ho stopped her with a kiss.
"Then it was , " ho went on , "that I
lieard for thu first timoof your father's
death. But no one could give mo
any information of v ur
I lid not know your relations in Now
York , but I found out their names ,
but it was some time , and one was at
Newport and another at Saratoga , and
a third At Yirginja Springs. Befoul 1
could do anything came the news
of my father's sudden death
and a summons home , for J
am , you know , his heir as tel
l > oth the titles and estates. When 1
had been at Dovcrcaux Hall fora week
or so , the postmistress canto up , trem
bling an'd pjnitoiit , for 1 was now Sir
Hess , and she had discovered by this
time that my cousin was not to bo
Lady Dovcrcaux. Then the vile plot
ivas revealed. Darlinu , over since 1
liavo been wild to discover you. Hut
for a long time 1 was foiled. Your
city cousins , on whom I had relied ,
could not tell mo where you had gone.
All they know and they told it with
evident confusion was that your
mother's father had sent for you , and
: hat ho lived in this state , and they
thought , in this part of it. So I liavo
visited every square mile in this and
four-other counties , imd only lighted
on Dossy by accident to-day. I
didn't oven know your grandfather's
name. "
Thcro was much more to toll , do-
nils with which wo will not tire the
reader , eager questions and as eager
replies. Lizzio could hardly credit nor
iiappincss. Dossy danced around ,
shouting in glee.
If you over visit England , aud
mould over go to the neighborhood of
Dovcrcaux Hall , you will hoar every
body talking of the beautiful Lady
Devcreaux , whom Sir Ross brought
lionie from America. Should you see
lior , you will recognize , as wo did , in
the gracious matron the Miller's
A Well Always Full of loo-
Ilrowmlllo ( lllmi. ] CoA-c'lwinlcni-u Ijk Crow *
About half a mile from thin place is
the natural ice well. On visiting it
wo found a shaft about twenty foot
deep , and we could plainly sou ice in
it. Wo then visited a shaft a few
foot distant , aud immediately upon
entering ita cloud of steam , caused
by the cold air coming in contact with
our heated bodies , rushed forth. This
shaft was excavated for the purpose of
ascertaining , if possible , the cause of
the ice forming in the well , some of
the inhabitants believing in the theory
of a largo cave being connected with
it. After reaching the depth of 100
foot without result , drifting was
abandoned. Before the Hhalt was
mudo it is claimed that the v ell filled
with ice to within six foot of the top.
A thermometer marked 30 degrees
Fahrenheit. About six feet back
from the mouth of the tunnel the tlooi
and sides are in many places covered
with ico. A strong current of air con
stantly flows from the excavation thai
is very perceptible ' 100 foot distant.
With the thermometer at DO degroct
an atmosphere below the freezing
point , is pleasant to contemplate , oven
though dangerous to investigate.
Salmon of the Pnolflo Coast-
From 1'opular Science Monthly ( or August.
Messrs. David S. Jordan and
Charles II. Gilbert , who have boon
engaged in the study of the fishes of
the Pacific coast , state in the abstract
of their report , which is published in
the "American Naturalist , " that they
have observed five species of salmon
( Oitcor/iynctis / ) in the waters of the
North Pacific. Those species may bo
called the quinnat or king-salmon ,
the blue-blauk salmon or red-fish , the
silver salmon , the dog salmon , and
the hump-back salmon ; and they are
known by many other and vernacular
names. The quinnat and blue-black
salmon habitually rim in the spring ,
the others in the fall , the two former
species having the greater economic
value. The spring running salmon
ascend only those rivers which are
fed by the melting snowa from the
mountains and which have sufficient
volume to send their waters well out
to sea , as the Sacramento , Rogue ,
Klamath , Columbia , and Frazor
Rivers. They are chiefly adults , but
their milt and spawn aru no more
developed in them when they go up
the rivers than they are at the same
time in others of the same species
which will not outer the streams until
fall. High water in any of thcso
rivers in the Bpring is always followed
by an increased run of fiHli. and it in
believed tint the disposition to run is
excited by contact with cold water.
The average weight of the quinnat in
the spring is twenty-two poundn in
the Columbia Rivnr , and about six
teen pounds in thu Sacramento Rivor.
Individuals weighiog from forty to
Bixty pounds uro frequently found in
both rivero , and some as heavy as
otility ; pounds , Fish that enter the
rivers in the spring continue to aocond
until death or spawning overtakes
them. Probably nonoof them return
to the ocean , und a largo proportion
foil to spawn. They are known to
ascend the Sacramento to its extreme
head waters , about tour hundred
miltyi , and the Columbia an far as the
Spokan Fulls , n distance of between
six and eight hundred miles.
EvlU to bo Avoided.
( her-fatlnj , ' lain OMU nemo UK iiroc'uctlvii
evil aa intfiiiiwninct ) ludrlnknu , ' . Avoid
both , anil kv | > the blood purified with
llruuocK lil.oon HITTKIIH , ami you will be
ruwanlwl with rolnmt health and an Invljr
irat xl xyxtoii , J'rico 91.00 , trial nizo 10
Ct'llt * . 21 Klll-lw
Hats , mice , ants , /lies / vurmin , mo-
miuitoes , insects , etc , , clearud out by
"llough on Ruto. " 15o boxes at
druggists , (5) ( )
Dr , King's Now Discovery for Con
sumption is certainly the groatcut
medical remedy ever placed within the
reach of Buffering humanity , Thou
sands of once helpless suli'orcru , now
loudly proclaim their praise for this
wonderful discovery to which they
owe their lives. Not only does l ( posi
tively euro Consumption , but Coughs ,
Colds , Asthma , Bronchitis , Hay
Fever , HoarBuneaa and all affections of
the Throat , Chest and Lungs yields
at once to ita wonderful curative pow
er as if by magic. Wo do not ask yon
to buy a largo boltlo unless you know
what you aso gutting. Wo therefore
cat neatly request you to call on your
druggists , IHH it MC-MAIION , and got a
irial bottlu free of cost which will con-
[ 41100 the most skeptical of ita wonder
ful merits , and show you what a regu
lar one dollar eizo bottle wi'l ' do. For
to by Ish & Mi Million. f-h
Omaha , A POLAHFCollins
Cheyenne , * W J l JCk , Colorado !
Spring and Summer
Hats , Caps , Trunks , Valises.
Satisfaction Guaranteed. Prices to Suit all !
U ill * -i '
'f"M IT * Inla pp- . , ,
Choice Cigars 1
Can bo oblmned at KUHN & CO.'S
by the box for LOBS Money than at
any wholesale tobacco house , for the
reason they tiull cigars in connection
with their clmi , ' business , without any
uxpoiiHo to the Cigars. THY THEM.
All Cigiirs not satisfactory exchanged
or inonuy refunded.
A 'lino ' lOo Cigar , long Havana filler , 5
for 25o. Never has there , bcon any
Cigar in Omaha equal to thorn for the
From 0.20 per hundred up.
"Atlantic" best lOc Oigar in Oity
. . . .
ff.ftf.-r x B = eT.TFi
Cor. Douglas and 13th Streets.
Jewelry , Silverware and Diamonds
We Guarantee the Boat Go' jds for the Looa't Money a21-Btt
Max Meyer & Go.
GunsAmmunitionSportmg Goods
BALLS , and a
MAX MEYER & CO. , Omaha , Ne
M. HELLMAN & CO , , '
Spring Suits ! All Styles !
The Largest Clothing House lost of Chicago
A Department for Children's Clothing ,
We liavo now an assortment of Clothing of all kinds , Qent'a
Furnishing Goods in great varietyand a heavy etc ok of Trunks ,
Valises , Hats , Caps , &o. These goods are fresh , purchased from
the manufacturers , and will be sold at prices lower than ever
before made.
We Sell for Cash and Have but One Price.
A largo TAILORING FORCE is employed by uspand we make
SUITS TO ORDER on very short notice.
G-A.Z * ! * k.XTX ) > SXIX1 ITS.
1301 and 1303 Farn ham Si , cor. 13th