THE OMATIA DAILY CBB : TUESDAY JULX KO , THE TRAIN ROBBERS. terasting Pacts and Inci dents , Oonnectod with the nt Outrage , From Frank Vriter Indi- - Jatnos ° 'ho \ 'ons for , eating Hia the mi and The J mBora' Where The T were Re- oentlyt Corrc-pondfnee of the Ilepiilil * * " ' KANSAS CITV , July 2. - _ - . - respondent arrived in Km " * City on i , Holiday last , the 18th , fo r l1.10 Vur" ot 1 pose of prosecuting nn inv ugniion , th not concerning the p.irticuln rs "If10 ! sit recent train robbery nt Winst. < ) 'l ' | M.1' th souri , but to discoi er. if possib lt ! w" ° th the outlaws Hero , where they cntno ( ifl from , uhithcr tlioy uont nnd lie w * ' ' " tin nuthorittca prosucutod the soarcl * - * no am glad to say that my eflbi ts 1 V\v ° tli , not bi'cn without results , ns wil " ° lav scon in the summing up which f olloi Tfl ! I am prepared to st.ito , with -ircut a" by stintialp0sitiveno3s , that Frank Jmiu * VM and Jim Cummings were the j nrlio ' . fur who planned , nnd with the i d ol $ ci their confreres , executed the rol bery wh nt Winston , nnd that the proof may for not bo waiting the following BOA * crn' ' Fn facts nro recited : i nil r' A few wooko ngo I received n lo tt ° r I'll from Frank Jnmos acknowledging the sec receipt of n copy of my late publi ca rai'J ' tion : "Border Outlaws , " which I si " ' wlr to him by n relative. Thia letter h con ntrcatly been published. Sliort Jiti : after its receipt this same rolativi enl ; * ho ifl known to bo in communrcallo lien , ? with Prank Jnmos , visited St. Lee ! sue ! i and nj.iSii - ' ' ' confldeittially conferred will out niy _ publisher upon the ton 1 which wo inigit inutnally reap by a sudden VTT stimulation Ill the sale ot ( Border Outlaws/ ' for which ho was SniVBOtlinff M "BC"1 * IIi8 P Io iUoii embraced a statement timt Frank Ho . * ' Cura 'fe' were nt timt time m 3Ii oouri planning n omipaign ; tha.t a largo- robbery would Don' soon bo consul nated , attended with cr flonio atnrthng- laults , All thcso fncts crii ' Ho ngrccd to funiwh. u with the Tory iiiotnont the .robbeitj ehould bo pro < omplotcd , O3iijiprising the names fttri yes ot thoSS cmg-fjeiC and how bee * Uny had ( Ranizod , where nov \Ujnomblod , v _ ao for their acts , oto. , don would RIVO him provided my publisher spot n certain BUI a of monoy. The incon- Ife tito on our part to comply with his his nropoiitioti was in Hccuriug this reliable - tion blo information , which might bo ad lyin ded til au appendix to a now addition ii o ! "Border Outlaws , " and issued contemporaneously slat tomporaneously with the first nows- roj < pauor reports , thereby creating a large flll ( ly increased demand for the book. Of dir , course there appeared so mush douba q a s ' involved in this singular proffer that " I'it roioctod with little coustdorta- Y" was - aid probability of u robbery of the d tion tii declared about to take such as was placo. At this time , however , the assertions made nssuino an intcr- sertions then the much light upon the throws cst-which Til - y Trob- "Who committed the ; - nroblom , I'CK " WryT1 wh But this is not all the ovidonci T Pi1 am in possession of concerning ' kit latest defamation of Missouri's _ lie ' name. In pursuing my investiga' , ho Olatho Kansas , trtreuty I have visited , ' sen miles south ot Knnsaa City , ant'i tlneco toe found n gontloinan , well kii'ovnv in. toewi that town , who had mot Franlk Jlwica -walking on the south side ofk Qljvtlw's - - well armed , cm iho 10th public square , sat : robbery daysbeforo-tho - inst. , or only five allan occtirrod. It was n t a , uxistakeu bory an ' ' identity for the gontloninn . tu question cit : i r - - the , was raised in fourmiloa o present bo residence of the James Uvya' parents , < terms of the I" for m and was years lute greatest social intimacy with thorn , to attending the saiuo school , participa ting in the same sports , ud in later T 11 : meeting with tbetn as old no- years ia . well acquainted ' quumtaucOB. Uuir.R ii myself In Olatho , I can positively iiia i regarding iatl state that this information tl the presence of Frank James in the town referred to is true beyond nil ' doubt. But what his business was , or when ho loft I could not ascertain. Mrs. Samuels , mother of the James Ixjys , waa in Kansas City on yesterday ami also on Tuesday , presumably to discover what effort was being made by Jackson cou ity authorities to up probond the gang. She was very positive itivo in her declarations that both Frank and Jesse were dead , going so far in her assertions as to say that Frank died three years ago of con sumption , in Toxns , What she hoped 1 to gain by ( i claim so Busily disproved it is difllcult to conjecture. The rendezvous Of Frank James many know is in the Indian nationon Uus headwaters of the Sillily river , near Atoka. A well known gentleman ' of St. Louis , whuso business for the laxt several months has kept him in the nation , informed me some days ago that ho had seen Fr.uik James and Bovoral of his confederates more than fifty times during the present year , and always within u hundred miles or less of Atoka. This section of the nation is distinguished for the lawless characters that infest it , mur der and robbery being the chief occu pation of nearly every ono in that particular section of country , It in , in fact , ulmost impossible for a gentleman - " tloman to pass through tlio district without a largo and well united escort. In such haunts the James boys feel Bccuro from ollic'ml interference. From the boat evidence attainable. I f the gang who robbed the Hook Island & Pacific train , among whom wore ' Frank Jauica , Ed Miller , Jim Cum minga and Diok Little , after leaviit } the train mounted their horses am rode northward until they reached tin outskirts of Cameron when they turn cd and took to the brush again , ntak ing directly for the Missouri rivet Just where tlioy made a crossing it i impossible to state , but on the follow ing , evening the 10th , they cortninl passed through Sni-a-bar township i Jackson county , and , taking u soutl vicatwnrdly course , continued on I : the Indian territory. The put ; lipwevor , did not remain intact , hi divided up into couples , so as to d btroy the trail which BO lurgo u nui her as seven riders would liayo nut , ? , cxijutpicuous. They wuro at no tin r i. so fur opart , though , but thutapr ' arranged signal w ould huvc conccnti ted tlio outlaws. Such a force dis ciplined in desperation and schooled so well in the USD of arms would bo capable of repelling any altnclt liable to bo made by a sheriffs posse. Without intending any invidious re flections upon the oflicors who pretend to have been searching for the out laws , candor nnd earnestness incite the belief that these pursuers enter tained no real desire to corral the robbers ; it has been with the possess much like the experience of an am- ntcur hunter in search of a grizzly ; very anxious until the game is in sight orTun to cover , when nnxioty degen erates into doubtful propriety. It is n singular fact that with all the atrocious crimes credited to the James boys nnd their confederates , there is not so much as ono dollar of a reward offered for their capture , although atone ono time the rewards offered by stale , r.iilroad and express cumptnicH nggio- gated $75,000. During Gov. llanlin's dniinistrntion nearly all the rewards "orod by the state were withdrawn. 1 the private corporations that had ir' , . "Hi flo seriously at tlio hands of o be lld k"1'18 . ' o ( tll ° roul : withdrew „ : „ jonlives they had advertised , , , _ "A 'iich OoV. Phelps wiped out B few fiR'iroi re.'nainhiff , so that w thort ' " no ruwnr slandin for 3 npprot " " " Ul " / " "l ° out- \proposii ion is now being di some of K a" " " < % ludl" ° t - is looking to "I0 " 'rmntion f " id by priv. lto subscription say ) ,000 , thonm. nt not considered on raised to IK ' offered as a reward the productio " Vf thu 1h. ( > dlS9 ot ink James , Jew -Jamo - , Jim Cum- uga and Dick Uv ll ° . dead or ahvo. is , sum , it ia thowht , , can bo easily urod ' 8 to by nppolii . Iroad and exp o companios. to icli " ' ' ° ftlldld subscriptions \ .Iributioiift from nW\ \iolavr.loviiig \ xtswof Missouri. 1 ho idea is not . y oxcellfliit , but undtu 'btcdly ' prac- blor and by pattim * , lnto.1uirft h a pecuniary foMo "tV ) lo 'border laws" would sunly BO " > bo cx' ninnlod , root nnd braiicIV . WEAI.THVOO OXWA w Ho Struck n btrooU aA 1fi 1 fi After HhriLWo-'Ic.iuitlt * Mountain-- ' ver Corrcjpomlenco S * . lul Olibwl lc" ' ° - it , 'It's a remarkable fct , " siutl R ' ininont cili/cm of Denver t < i l no torday , "that nearly all the rii ' " kcs in the minus of Colorado. 111 , ° n made by ropublicanst I caanovLI r recall nn instance in , wliicli. a locra ms r n . ikor was himself a republican , ondl nrod that ho might bobiasixl im jucUjnient by his political cou no- in , BO I laid the mutton before * ; u c -eyed democrat tor explanation * . ' ITour republican friend does nnt' o the case correctly , " was winder. ' 'I think the record -wjjlll Bm i\v that as many minost hayo becm UQJ covered in this state by cloiuocmto , Ir by republicans within the last liv. iv s. tlw irs , but somehow , whenever it nocrat makes a big strike , ho sud.- agf ily blossoms out as a. ropubli can. hai en ho buys a newspaper.and burins wis set up the pins for aiiiolcctio n to use ' hit i United States sonatci Now thuro's. bor. Why , Tabor used to h e as- dri democrat . anybody but- Ta ) d n as. ; - ' in Little da ; on 'ho cleared a million Ltsburg ho became the stand lost coi id of iv republican , was elected alwl \ uulis < lark wl utenant-govornor , : nowa wlwl ' wl Senator Teller's rso in the nice foe it. lie's pretty upb ) o get the place , kn > , for \\hvn ho goes , in , ho goes in to , to " nn T , rhis ringing in of Tabor's name in . { " ) iut of every well regulated convor- J ion in Colorado , but moro cipeci- . y in Denver , where the building * , § d banks attest his greatness : md th do r/ens nil sing his praises. The Trv- ex ir block , on Sixteenth street , is the BU ido of tlio city , nnd the Tabor opera * ho i > use , which will bo opened on eeg ov nibor nth , jiromisoa to surp.m uny of lini ; of the kind n cst of Chicago. . ' ho Tabor inansion , in the suburb , J j regarded as a palace by the aduils- ig nutivoH , and the Tabor leal estate moro highly thought of in Denver inn the Astor acres or the Tiiuity 01E hurch property in Now York. E But if Tabor is great in Denver , ho Leadvillo where all in , s pre-eminent v < lis vast wealth was dug from the in towels of Fryer Hill. There his Ii tump-mills , and smelters , and oyora Iin < louse shine with a glory ( jinta un- viiown in lessor nltitudos. I had leard so much about Tabor's mines uid Tabor's buildings nnd Tabor's ichemes from the timu I crosipd the line which uoparutea toUl-abstincnco Kansas from drink-as-you-plcaso Colorado rado , I was quito anxious to moot the bonanza king face to face. My cuiiosity was amply gratified to day. By the comtosy of Gov. Pitkin I occupied a placu on the balcony of the stale house while thu uplundid military companies of Denver ntul Loadvillu passed ill loviow under the executive eye. A number o ( the state ollicurn assisted the governor , and among thuin was Lieut-Uovernor Tabor , ai rayed in tlio uniform of the Tabor Guards , his strong , bony head surmounted by a little skull cap , ap.mmtly ; two skcs too small. His wauuc&t admirers would not call Mr , Tabor either handsome > r graceful , Ho it apparently about > 5 years old , Inn hair is black and as coarse as nn Indian's ' , and his lanru mouth is covered , rather than orna- muatacho which ia muntcdby a heavy , slightly tinged with gr.xy , his urms seemed made of wood nnd his joints or iron , and it is very evident that ho docs not feel at all at home in a mill- tary uniform , In conversation with this luckiest of uum ono soon forgets t hia peculiarities ot manner and i\p- ' is much straight- , poaranco. There so [ lorn nrdncss and stroii" common sense in what ho says that no ono who B kno\ him wonders that ho has become - como one ot' the gic.vtcst masters oi * the ( treat art of monoy-maUm ; . s His history is ono of the romance ! of mining. Twenty.two years ago " ' ' bust" fovo : y when the "Piko's 1'oak or > f was at its height , Tabor ami liii iwife left their hungry homo in Maim o to nook u fortune in the wild vest > ' , Tlioy didn't find it. For oightoei it weary years they wont up and dowi e > the foot-hills nnd mountains of Coloi n- ado , pursuing xho phantom gold ante to growing old ami discouraged in thoi 10 tiresome and bootless Bcurch , H o- was sober and she thrifty , but BOIIU a how they did not get on in the worh Now irlicn tlioy have more millions than tht'.y had hundreds then , Mrs Tabor delights in telling how "mo and Tabor" moved in an ox-team across the park from Denver to Ore City , where they stalled n little store for the sale of miners' suuplics. Ore City was a small camp nlvut two miles from where Loadvillo notv nourishes , nnd whcro tlio first discover ) ' of qanrta was made in Leadvillo. Tabor "gnib- staked" two prospccU/r * , Augnst Hiecho nnd ( Jeorgo Fryer , to search for ere , on tlio condition that ho should have half of all they should discover , Tlio first uro the found ran only eight ounces to the r nif but as they went down on "Litllo Vitts- burg" the quality steadily improved. About this titno Lcndvillc liad out- crown Ore City , nnd Tabor moved his store to the larger place. JIo came to Denver nnd bought a bill > f ccods amounting to 92,500 , and : ici having money enougli to settle , hs offered his shnro in the mine to the Denver firm , but they preferred to Lake their chances on getting their money b.ick when ho disposed of the Mros. Later ho bought § , ' ! ,700 tvorth of goods from another firm , and tctunlly succeeded in inducing theme o take his half of Little Piclsbtirg in > aymont. When ho reached homo , lon'ovor , ho received n letter from the inn asking him to take back liii mine , .s they had no desire to go into that : ind of business , nnd assuring him lint tlioy would trust him for thu bill. Veil they might , for within three lonthi ho had bought out both his artnors for about § 1CO,000 , paying Itnm out of the proceeds of the nnino , nd had in turn sold out to Clmfleo , loffnt it Co. for ? 1,000,000. In nil ho made about 31,300,000 on ho mi nA , witch wa. < t then stocked at 120,000,000 yioldgd some 85,000,000 0 its new purchasers , nnd ia now an mpty ruin BO far as appearances go- , 'housunds of people in all parts of ho country who bought this stock at nicy prices in the belief that they rould make 1,000 per cent , on the in- estinent now feel that they were db- oived nnd robbed by the clever mon clip manipulated the shares ; hue to a C ! isintcrcsted outsider it looks as if tho1 uplicity of the sellers would havo1 roved fruitless hut for the unhealthy reed of the buyers. So far as-1' ' now , Tabor had nothing to do with 10 stock , butChall'eo and Moffht , 'ho got the credit of engineering thnt igantio scheme , and are very heartily atcd for it in some places , are very 'calty and highly respected citiYos of lenvor. Since the Little Pittsburi ? trikcovery thing that Tabor has touch- 1 has turned to gold. His intorostaro : attored in every direction through * ut the state , and. if this whilomi ross-ronds storekeeper1 couldn't ' , nd enough to occupy his mind' in olorado , ho rushes oil' to Now York very now and then to have some fuiii illi the boys in Wall stroot. When > first turned up nb that centra o3 arp practice tlioy took him for 01 > pny who had icndo Ins money ily nnd would part with it roailily. . i other words , they "played hii n fern n ckpr , " and they will novcr l nako it kind of a mistr&o in his case ui i. He lias developed a talei it for ivi'ing ' vast amounts of in onoyv iclj' thn mirpris6s all but tliose who id to play 10-cont draw-poker witlu u in the old days. Ono of these , , iHRftl wi brov.'ii caiiTivs , speaki ng of bor"a luck and judgment , the -other y. said : "B oraco was the bewh 10 itpokor-plaj or in the camp. Ho vnys knoweU when to come in uii'l ion to stay out , wlun to blufl' anil ion to lay idown. When n mnn lows those th ings in draw , ho'jj nb\c hold his OWE , and make hia wm * ywhoro if ho over fjutfl a cha nccj 10 speaker o videntLy cither -didn't low "them t hings" or his c banco sn't como yi it. Tabor's * wealth is w variousl y estimated be twcen ,000,000 aii l § 10,000,000 , butiiis ubtful if oi'cn ho-could state its act figure. Notwithstanding his ddoii lean fTMiu poverty to in illiuns , is us plain , andapproach1 ibta/us or. His only soihaml heir in ono tlio lessees of the Windsor' hotel , id in said to bo a shrewd , kivol- mdod young miuu Mrs. T.ibir.tlo- ; hts in fine dotluts , tliamou ds , . and uw England gr-iramnr , and is * now i joying a tour of Europe. EscGov. outt , ox-Senator Chaffee , 'JIa.Jolin vans , Mr. D. IL.Houut , Senator N. . Hill , ami Mr. rainier , of tlftDon- jr and Ilio Grande ra'ilwaj ; , are , uxt to Gov. Tiber , tlio Leading mil- onaires of theithu Ccntv niiial State , L present.VLth tlio oxc-jttion ] of Ivans am\ Palmer , tlwso aion have 11 made iheijr vitst fortune'fcin-mining ritltin tbo i ast ten years. Evans and aimer inada their mou ey in milroad luildin , but if it we ro not for the nines their roads would uuvur have teen built. Colorado ia full of pr spoctivo nu'Jt ionniros , and one help being ; iniusod at times by thu buoyanthopa- iulnesa of mon who could not borrow 50 to nave them lro' < j.atarvation , nnd yet vow that thojr would not their mining prosjwcla for ? jO,000.-11 This extravagant hopefulness scums' ' ' to bo in the very air. Nobody uvor seems to despair in Colorado , and suicide is a cruno almost unknown hero. Now uud then a stranger shuf- llua oil' the mortal coil before tie air and sunshiuo of these highyr altitudes have hud time to euro the distemper in his blood , but the oldest , inhabi tant when pinched by hunger or piu- sued by poverty , just thinks of * * Tabor- , and Robinsons , and dial and Uouttn , mni\03 \ serenely nnd on , Nearly a Mlraolo , . Aetnlth Hall , lUnghanitnn , N. Y. , writes ; " 1 autlcruil for bo\onvl mnnths with n dull pain through left ImiK and hliuulilera. I lint my ppirlU , inipctito ntut color , and couM with ( lilliculty keep up all lay , My mother iirocuroilRoiuo lUuinocii BLOOII llirrnw ; I took them M tlirccted , ( iiul ha\o felt no jialn fiuou first wecknf. ter u iiiL' them , anit am now quite well. " I'ricc § 1.00 , trial fizo 10 c utH. ' . ' 3 i-oil Iw DVIN(5 ( IW INCHES. Very otten wo see u poison buffer ing from some form of kidney com plaint , and is gradually dying by inches. This no longer need to bo BO , fur Electiio letters will positively curt ) Hright's disease , or any disease o ! the kidneys or uriniary org.uis. Thoj aio especially adapted to this class o diseases , acting directly on tin Stomach nnd Li\ur nt thu snmo time and will speedily euro where uvur other lumudy has failed. Sold a fifty cents u bottle , by Ish & M ( Mahon , (3 ( PEENBY & CONNOLLY , SLIPPERSI Of c fery gn tic nnd lzc ot At Prices Haretofore Un heard of , They fi > l i < l < l f M their stock ft anil JIisios RMic.ST FRENCH Kll } SHOES ci dlrctl from tlio manuftcta ry Laillcs ro rciiiLctftilly iMllwl torallfti iteo them , .Mai > tliclr a'ido 7jace , Polinh1 , and SidsButton I ? ebble Goat & Grain KKO.I si.2' > up. niKY n fJ A PUN : Assoinaii'ST ' vs U\IERIOAN.KID \ SHX3KS WIdn inVSliocv bll'rcrn | nil BunilaJn Turicty. BBNt ! ' HANW-SKWEl ) HOOTS AvNJ > SHC > iS : , ot all kinds r. I'K IAMOT. T lie B5S'JB ] QUALITY OI' IN TJH : OITVAND iawe ; it Pirices Guaranteed' , RT. VNDAnn SCHEW FASTENED a l > .UACIIL N'K SR\VCO from et.2S p. Their acoi2ii IAUUJ : nitAiN CUBED- KAl LW'AY SHOES urc Bi-llinff n | ) MI > n' i they tmxc this etk nWoil nn Eiciitofj ( f V Vnn nn Ta this tlcpartincnt. Kecney & Oonno'Ijf. carcfi ly study the : qiiirtinentH of tluir ciiHtrvmem , alv/ayii aving on Imiuls tl s luagt thiag a-nVetl fur , B tluir prices nro acknowle'l 1 by el cry ne as XTV inoslorpis , thejr trade is boom- ig bojDiid theiir Oip.ctatiom. ) L Perfect Pi t 'luarartbed ' or the Money "Eefvtnded. DIVJE PRI < &EL ONLY 1 GOODS liLMtKKl- PLA.IX JTtC.UKKS. TJ1KY OAltUY A FL S' SUPPLIES , at pi-ices ! ocy > nd c'lujjctition. ISt ixtoont h Itreot , IU ! ien Callfor- in cntl CMS strict . OpjosltuVu > . Gentleman's jpiilar inoiir ; } M ore. SEAIJFD PROPOSALS. For tlio Consttu Uloii * t t-McwalVs. biAl.UDlirfiXsal : | . \ IU lie rttchnl Ii ) thoun' oml nwl u'ltfil Aiigiist Ut , ot 12 oVloik noon. turtlioconitriutlouot flilowilkn In Iront ol ami thu follifttns tlav.rlbul \ > n u\hc toW - W liti 0 , S'aiulSOlii blixk M cm vest Ue ! o ! ' .S.20 w U 21 In WocX 8 , wtit tUlcol Kill ktX' Jt'l In UVxl. 8. awwxej' * ad.lltloii. Lot 1 In Vhxk 8 , llwtl'n Ut aiMltlon. 1XU 1 ft i 10 1 J > 0 * ' 7 , KV M iMlJUIon. lit Itl anU koutU 1 ol lot 1 , t.loi-W 0 , Kicd' . UI Me ol t- In block 3C-X ' , 2. ' adUltlon. j \ a ? PURELY VCCSTABLE Mothers , Wives , Daughter * , Sons , Fathers , Ministers , Teachers , Business Men , Farm ers , Mechanics. ALUclionUI bo wftmtil fi''ilnst ii'liiu' anil liitroilnrlnK Into their HOMES No- tnnns nn < l Alcoholic n malic * , live no nucli prcjnillra n " In t , or fcxr of "Warner's Safe Tonic Bitters. " They are wlmt tlu > nrc chimed to be hirinlcHt M milk , niul lonlafn only incill- climllrtnc * . Kxtrait nf ) mrec ttnblc < enl > . Thcj ilo not lietoiii ; tothatclmi known as "Cure- All % " but only jirofc't to reach CIMCHW hero tlio ilUcaaorl'lnatoi In dcliilltntcil fntnci ami Impure - pure blood. A n'f'cct Spring and Summer medicine. A Thorough Blood Purifier. A Tonic Appe- tUer. I'lciMnt to the t * tc , lnvlioratln ? to the Imlj. Tlio most rmlncnt phj flclntu reconinicnd tlitm ( or their uirotlti propcitlcs. Once used nlnnja preferred _ _ _ _ _ _ _ For the Kidneys , Liver and Urinary organs , U o nothinsf "WARNER'S SAFE KIDNEY and LIVER CURE. " ItHtamN Unrivalled. Ilioun- nmli o e their health nnd InnplmiM to It. 1'rlce , $1.22 per bottle. We Oder "Warner's Sate Tonic Ultters" Ith c < iml innfldcncc. H. H. WARNER , Rochester , N. Y. felO tu thKiitl\ D.T. MOUNT . . , MAHC7ACTBI1RR ASD SADDLES AND HARNESS. 1412 Parn. St. Omaha , Neb. AOKXT FOR TIIR ClUXHXATED CONCORD HARNESS T TtoMedt tsnnil a Diploma of Honor , with the r'l f highest awnnl the jinlijes could bestow vii \ irJc3 till ) harness at the Centennial Exhlbl- 0 < immon , a 'so ' Ranchmen' * and Ladles' SAD- LIW. . Wu i > ccp the Krgest stook In the v 9t , id invite all vho canhot examine to tnn > l for tri > upOt toited i States Depository. a ii-Eas-ar ifationalBank C P OilAHA. Gor. 23th t'.nd FarEam Sta. inEOT BANKIN'O EaTADUBHMENT Ui a JIAIIA . ) U.CCESOB3 TO KOUNTZE DROTHER3. ) HTABIHIIXI > 1860. it $ Milzeil afl ft Ktttlcxial Hi nk August 20,1S03. AI ' 1TAL AND PIlOriTS OV EH - S300 000 OPTIC1KS AND PIRI CTOE > : , Presldtiit. Auui MUS Ko.T7K , Vice P resMmt ; II. W. YATfj" , Cashier. A. J. ropp-rrov , , Vttom yj JOHN A. CUKI . II. Dtvis , Asit. Cashier. . rccete3 deposits It'.wut regard to tc. unto. Ii 4UOS tlna ccrtlnc-itcs bcirll Inttrrxt. , llraus dnfta on S.iu Kroic . isi-o nnd principal tns of fia United State ? , nil o I/imloli , UubHii , dinbiirjhaiid thu prlucljial dtloof the conti- liiiliol Etropo. Belli ] ) &M < inger tkkcts for ci ilgracti 1'y ' the In- ivi Ilnu luavliltf 'JJb - Oldest l-al IN NEBEA SKA. Saidterell , Hami1 .ton & Co. , . tramtttol muo 9 as Ujat of an Incor- ora'J nank. Accoiinti ki-t4 In curroi icy ot- feM subject to ll'lit.uhcck vriutojt notlcn CcjUficntu ol deposit l wueilpajnbleln ttireo , Ix uid tw ltv inontlH'uuariHy inUriet , or oa icic _ < idwlthout Intcrckt , Adt oncta nvide to cu tc mere on approt cd sccu < Itlj at iiuuket rates ot ii i tore A. Euy atxl fll paid , bll' ' of axcliangc , go > ern. no : ) ' , tUto , i-ounty and city Lomln. Draw slgiH inft oo r.ntd ud , Ireland , Slot- _ d , and all jarU of Et rojvj. Bell Kuioptan luwnj ; ! tklcxts. COLT.KCTIONB I'llOMlTLY JIADE. oiwldt DexterL.TJiQinas&BrQ , WH.L B'JVAND SUL1 AND ALL TRAVfciCTlOX to ntKcrro TUWHKWITII. Pay Taxes , Rent Houses , 23-O. If TOU 1 ANtlTO BUT O _ BFLt Call at Olllce , Iloan f > CmL-hton Geo. P , Bemis REAL ESTATE AGENCY , IDtli and DodgeSts. , OmaKa. Neb. Thisasency i'e TKiqLTabro-ira : bmlnc s. Doon not svccu > Vj , and tlierttort any Iwrgaiiu on Its beaks arii Insured to IU patrons , Instead of helnir uu bv thu n.'eiit BRaWNELL HALL. YOUHG LADIES' SEMINARY OMAHA , NEP. EQT , BDOHERTYHA.Hector , . , by an able eorj o'teaclierijliiT.njlUV UIIL ; I.I , bcliiuw and Kino Arli THE NINETEENTH YEAH WIMj 11EQIN , LS-3Lj k. pj'l } to , . . -m-ni. tciUod-im Tilt UKCTOI. . f 1213 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb. 13. S. HA11RINGTON. E. PJEWELL. . WESTERN POLISH CO , MAmJKACTUKElLS'oF WESTERN STAR STOVE POLISH ! AND BEAU BRUMMEL BOOT' BLACKING , DE.VLEUS IN COUNCIL. BLUPFc ! , IOWA. ISH & McMAHON , 1406 DOUGLAS STREET , OMAHA , NEB. The [ Only Exclusive Wholesale Drug Houae in Nebraska. SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO MAIL ORDERS. J > - 18-mo Hellmuth Ladies' College. Patroness , H. R. H. PRINCESS-GUISE. Founder and Presldentr.TIne Right Rev. I. HEilL- MUTH , D. D. , D. C , U , LORD BISHOP OF HURON ; . FnlliTcrm opens Wednesday , September 21st. Ilaiv'fcmctnd ' upacioui buildings , IcauMfullj hltuaicdln n most healthy locality , about four'hours by rail from Mli ara Fulls , and on ana of thu principal through routes the Ea t and \Ve t. The OIIOUNDS comprise 140 acres. The aim of thu founder of this college la to proUile the hlelles * Intellectual and praitlcallj ubcftil education. Thouholo nttmU banal upon the soundest PRO TESTANT principle ! ! , as the ouh wild basis for tlio ri ht formation of ch&niter. FRENCH is the language fcpokcn in the college. tyUSIC a spuialt } - Hoard , Laundrj and Tuition FC-CH , Including th whole course of Kngllshv the Ancient and Mod ern Langua 'is : Calisthenics , Dr-iwris ; mid r.iintint : , use 1'iano and Llbrar.rf Medical attendincc.and Mcdelnu , 9300 per annum. A rckm.tlon oj one-half for the il-ujhters ff'Cltrt'jmtn. 1'or "cini- lars" anUiullKirltcularsaddrt83 ] MlbS CUNTOX , Ladj I'rluciinl , Ilellinutii ladles'College , IX ) OOA , ONTARIO , CANADA. inonitliuro ° in j EARON & OOLE , SSOI1 MUS , 1121 Farnham St. , Omaha , Nob. Consignments made us 111 reecho prompt attention Ilcteriiuci First Jfci. TnnK and Omaha E i A r * > * & E : WHOLESALE : ANU IIUTAIL MANUFACTUIUNO i * LAUQE&T bTUCK OK GolaandSilverfatclies and Jewelryiatlie Citr i Coma and ecu our block , &a u c IU lie pleased to chow good * . EDHOLM & J. A. SAM : AXD ISCTAIL DIIALLII IN Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH DOORS BUNDS MOLDINGS fiS , , , , LIME , GE IENT : AQEKT ron MILWAUKEE CEMENT COMI'.VK\ ' . r Near Union Pacific Depot , , OMAHA NEB