ft TITO OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY JULY 25. Iftftl. THE LODGES. Masonic. Charity The Odd Follows. Tlio RtiboluUi DORTOO Mliool- lonoon * Notes. MABONIO CHARITY. The charge is brought against Amer ican Masons by thoirEnglish brothrcn that tlioy nro paying lota attention to fraternal charity than to tlio founding nnd erecting of costly temples and the display of glittering regalia and bril liant parades. The charge is not on whole well founded. American Ma sonry is loss ostentatcous perhaps than that in England , bul not less effect ive. Its charities nro dispensed in silence and its ministrations to the sick and dcslituto unrecorded nnd un published. Jinny of our oldest lodges possess special charity funds which are used for the purpose of relieving w.uit nmong their brethren. While this is BO , Masonic congratulations will bo ex tended to our English brethren over the magnificent showing of their bo- Mjlent funds nt the end of tlio lost year. The Grand Ledge reported their fund nt $225,000. The income of three Masonic Charitable Institutions of England , for the year , is given as follows : Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , 14,880 2s. fid. ; Koynl Masonic Institution for Girls , 13 , * 800 Is. 8d. ; lloyal JIasonic Institu tion for Lojs , 12 250. The Benevolent - lent Institution has some 400 annuln tnnts on its books. Tlio other two clothes , maintains and educates 220 boys and 200 girls. GOAT IIAIUS. All quiet in Omaha Masonic circles. The Grand Commander of 1C T. , of Illinois , has forbidden the conferring of the commandory degrees for less than $40. The Grand Ledge of Scotland opirnl poses the practice of holding lotteries for fairs to raise funds. The Grand Ledge of Indiana is working hard to liftlts debt ; 814,333 were paid last year , leaving nn indobtdlui cdnosB of 880,000 , of which , it is ] thought , $20,000 will bo paid this year. THE ODD FELLOWB. THE BEE had hoped to publish the names of the oflicors of the various Omaha lodges and encampments but the promised lists hayu failed to roach us from the secretary. THE HEDEKAH DEOIIEE. The question frequently arises , "Who nro entitled to the Degree of RobokaM" John H. White , P. G. M. , of Now York , the compiler of the Digest , answers said question as follows : "All Degree of Truth mom- bora , their wives ; unmarried daughThii tors , eighteen years of ago nnd over ; unmarried sisters , widowed sisters , divorced sisters and legally adopted dauiditcrs , agCs as above ; also widows of Degree of Truth , of. Scarlet Degree members ; widows of members of any degree , at option of Ledge ; unmarried daughters of deceased members of Degree of Truth , of Scarlet Degree members. The Degree can bo conthai forrcd by , any subordinate Ledge of the Order , but regular Decree Lodges can only bo visited by those who arc members of a Degree Lodgo. This last clause lias militated much against the prosperity of the Degree , as there nro but few localities where Degree Lodges can bo successfully maintained nnd there nro but little incentive to work the Degree in the country , if when those in the interior visit the cities they are debarred from visiting the regular Ledge , J.TNKH. Tlio many now orders that have ' sprung up within the past few years of < lo not retard the constant onward in progress of American Odd Fellowship. On the contrary , reports from all . parts of the national jurisdiction show that the status of the order is excel lent , and it was never so wealthy ns at the present time. Some of the older members do not take much interest in the so-called "now work , " but they do not relinquish their interest in the order or its mission. I In the Now England States , On tario , and several of the western states , the number of admissions have Loon unusually largo. Jloro or less work is being continually done in the California Loduos. A. B. Grosh , ot Washington City , of notwithstanding his seventy-eight years has just completed a lovision of his well-known "Jlnnunl , " making it conform to the now work. President Garfield is and has boon is for many years nn active 'and zealous I Odd Fellow. Some attention on the I part of the fraternity expressive of gratitude for his recovery is said to bo on foot. A NEW 1IVHTIO OllDElt. The St. Louis 11 jpublicnn announces that a now order , originating in St. Louis , has boon organized by some of the prominent citizens , mnrchantsand others for benevolent and beneficiary objects. It is founded upon a sign , or ancient hieroglyphic , more ancient than history itself. It lias boon found engraved upon rocks , earchopagis , ob elisks and pyramids. It is also found among the prehistoric symbols of Chi- i.r na , Japan , Hindostan , and particular ly in Egypt. Pythagoras , .Mato , Ly rf' ' curgus , in their visits among the Egyptians , all saw the symbol , ami brought it back with them on their return to Greece. Upon this hoi boon founded the order which wil : shortly become an organizaiioi among the mystic orders of the human race. There nro throe 10e grees in the order. The work has been gotten up by n citizen of St. Louis. None except persons of the highest moral character will bo admitted into the order. When an applicant is pro posed for membership his name is submitted to a committee of o , who give liis character and standiw in the comunity a rigid and thorough examination , and wjieii the name Ii presented to the "Camp , " oven though : a thousand men are present , one black Jball will reject. A hall has been engaged and eleven member * liavo passed through the first degree. " The originator of the now order has spent five years ui the preparation and elucidation of the work , lie lias cor ' in responded with Bomo twenty scholars learned in the languages in order to got a true explanation nnd verification of the symbols nnd they nil agree in corroborating the testimony of famous Jesuit travellers in China nnd Oriental Innds nnd the learned Bible commentator tater , Dr. Adam Clark , respecting the meaning of the symbol , which fur nishes the ground work of the now secret order. MIHCELI-ANEOUS. The G. A. H. paid out 808,507.38 , for relief during 1800. The Kniiflita and Ladies of Honor report 18,000 members in their organ- 5ation. - A member of n fraternal society re cently "worked his way" through his front door with n latchkey , but when ho arrived nt his bed-room door gave several raps in n peculiar manner. A whito-roued figure presenting itself , ho gave n password. ' 'Yes , " said his wife , ( for it was that individual ) , "you have given the alarm and the pass word , and now I'll ' give you the alarm nnd shako. * ' And she grippled him by the hair and shook him until ho realized that ho was not the Supreme Oriental Duke of the Temple , but n . _ _ > . -.i M.-i- - - mere ordinary mortnl subordinate. ARIZONA WONDERS. Grandeur of Yoaomito Excelled by Cataract Canyon. Tlio' Village of the Suul Indinn Tribes Walled In by Prool- ploos Over UOOO Foot High IlagttixIT , A. T. , Cor , Han Francisco Kxamlncr. Last , evening wo reached this heroic spot , where the first American Hag thai floated over the Pacific coast soil was unfurled from the top of the tall limbless ] pine tree that has stood the . ntorms of thirty-five years to attest the patriotic pride of John 0. Fre mont , who lived to icalizo the hope Of that hour. Gen. Fremont , in his transcontinental trip of 1815-0 , was 80 much elated on finding a "volun tcet spring" ( an Arizona term for a natural spring , in contradistinction to underground streams tapped by digging ) in the midst of a forest , that he pronounced the place a fit spot for is unfurling , the stars and stripes , and naming it Undo Sam's country , which , indeed , proved prophetic. \Vo are at the base of Fremont Peak , from the summit of which the general also floated the national banner , and from that day to this , the peak , the most prominent of the San Francisco mountains , has berne his name , whilu the beautiful little green valley below was called FngstafT. But I will go back on my tour ton days , and give some details of what I saw and hoard while in CATARACT CANYON. This canyon , evidently tlio work of an earthquake , courses its winding way northward , opening into the great canyon of the Dig Colorado rive . While it traces nearly 100 miles , the wonderful portion , varying in depth ' from 2,500 to 3,500 foot , hedged by precipitous walls , only ex tends * about twenty miles , portions of of which is BO completely protected thai frosts aio never known , yuttho sun does not shine more than an average of seven hours a day the .beautiful twilight lasting two hours. Addition al interest is aroused when wn consider side that hundreds of acres of this doop-bodded plain , for such it is , boar marks of continual cultivation for ages , ana that it is now the homo of over : 400 Indians , known ai the Mai- n lipi-Supi tribe : Mnllipi ( poor ground ) In and Supi ( your countty ) would indicate cati that these Indians possessed a poor country ; but from observation I must say that they are the most inde pendent tribe I have any knowledge , and while their territory is limited ngricultuial capacity , I have never soon a more productive spot , nor farm ing lands bettor cared for. They are To blessed with an abundance of water , and their gardens are as well pulver ized as the most skilful farmer's onion bod. Fine peaches , berries , water ft melons and pumpkins are produced in mo great abundance , and are most deli cious in flavor. The largest sunflowers son have over seen are grown by them , the floral base of tlio full-growth a measuring more than twelve inches my across , with most luxuriantly develop ed seed , which is utilized in the fol ing > lowing compound : One part pulver ized sunflower seed , one part pumpkin as seed , and one part sujurra ( a species cactus that grows in the form of a cabbage-head , which they roast ) . This they pestle well and pound together , then spread upon a lar o flat stone and dry in the sun. This preparation often used as a substitute for bread. vnl can attest to its palatable quality , as ate of it as well as of many other of their curious comcounda. Till' BUM 1ND1A.NH nro quito liospitublo and friendly to of tlio atrangor who iittnnda stiictly to to ia own biiBincaa. They informed towh Thu Examiner ropioaontativo that his enl mrty coining to their villngos waa a ing narkod ovunt , as the nppoarunco of n the Btrnngor among tlioin was ot niru oo- jini cuirenco. They told of a visit in 1852 , ck-i by the famous explorer , Capt. Glnrlco. wit and two or three ethers sincu that time , outside of which they have hud ole very little to do with the whites. ovt Tlioy are perfectly independent , ns it I would bo impossible ) to forcu an entrance - on trance to their stronghold or rout tin thorn except by a system of bombard wa ment , which , in any event , would bo riv exceedingly cruel , ns they am as harm alii less as doves and aa docile as lambs. via They are medium in stature , comely art in form and features , modest in their Jin habits , and dross with more neatness wn than the other Indians of Arizona. wnme Bomo few of their number have learn in ed a smattering of Spanish , and at in inpr. tervals they Bond a delegation to nu Prescott t for supplies. ! Their hunting lit ground lies southeast , and abounds in ro door , antelope , wild turkeys and bear. th They live in huts built by combining in mud with sticlta , willow or cottouwood , he and cultivate every kind of cereal. At an the lower end of their gardens I notic of ed that vegetable beds and fruit trees fix are coateu with a beautiful stalactite fixwi formation , making in appearance pot ri- lis fjod gardens , in hue as varied , from the thu reflection of the rays of thu sun , tai as u rainbow. Tlioy utilize the uator taiPi that rises in the canyon , some miles in abovii their habitations , by unitlnj ; it nor conduits and irrigating their lands ; fa hence , wo at first supposed that thu ill stalactite-covered bucls nnd trees were the immediate offspring of this use of the water , which carried n strong per centage of bicarbonate of lime , but the moro plansiblo theory would seem to bo that the stalactite formation BO comely and beautifully dispersed Upon the ground , tree , sprig nnd bud nlike is the bicarbonate of lime , dislodged in the ( spray , and gathering liken mist upon ; every possible form. Tins view is further sustained by the numerous stnlnctito forms clinging hero nnd thorn , even to the higher wnlls of the canyon ) nnd to the variableness of the reflection , from , those wonder inspiring mirrors , the surrounding ewe much of their engaging beauty. The water * of the Cataract canyon gather below the village nnd bound over thrco successive sire falls of from 100 to 300 feet per pendicular in less than ono milo Viewed ' from below the falls , the rain bow circle mist curls from side to side nsit mounts the opening 3,5000 feet nbovo , while the broad sheet of water is lost in spray , but on reaching the bottom quietly gathered in the . MILLIONS , O ? SPAUKL1NO tILOIJULES , And glides as placidly down the deep- bedded channel from turn to turn us if but the offspring of nn April shower Thopictuiesquo beauty of this craggy- bound rock-walled canyon is intensified led ( by the varied salnctitcs hanging here and theroj throwing bick spectrum trun beauties , challenging the wild est imagination i in form nnd splendor of tint. And the romance is redoubled who wo consider that for gen eration after generation , yes , century nfto : century , these self-doomed exiles have feasted upon the dolighttul products duel of this heaven of rest , nnd drank in the grandeur of the natural scenery while the bounding , surging wntois have hurled headlong from the pre cipice into a vanishing cataract. The latest mining excitement hero was prompted from n trace of sulphu- rots of silver below the villages , nnd in dolomite ( , which can bo traced 1- , 000 fcot in the wnlls perpendicular. The 'next strata nbovo is Potsdam sandstone , 400 feet , also perpendicu lar. Above this is red sandstone , 1- 000 foot perpendicular , carrying peroxide of iron and gypsum , giving great beauty. The next covering strain is GOO fcot of gray sandstone , and cuts perpendicular. Covering nil carboniferous , limo carrying walls , 500 fcot , bring us to the surface again. When it is considered that wo have passed along the winding ( course of those wnlls of solid stone , with sel dom moro than n path margin of three feet which has bcud cut into the rinirnNi > icui.Aii FACE or THK UOCK Your appreciation for the seclusion of these self-doomed hermits will bo greatly augmented , particularly so when I ossuro you that there is no other means of ingress nnd egress. In thu light of tke day once again , wo speed our wny in the direction of the San Francisco mountains , 130 miles to the southeast. Hearing to the cast , wo traverse a grassy plain slightly un dulating , void of water , however , and wo nru obliged to make n dry camp the first night. Throe days' march , It with little to excite interest except our eager efforts to secure water toward It the close of each day , and wo nro at the foot of Fremont's peak. Sur rounded by heavy forests nnd oncour- No ngod by frequent sights of antelope , which keep well nt n distance , how ever , wo strike camp near the San Francisco ranch , owned by 0. T. llodgurs , who , with the quickness of thought , brought down n beautiful antelope fawn with his Winchester rifle and invited us injto sup and lodgu with him. On the following day I surveyed the surroundings and found beautiful though not extensive hike. the i noifhborhood largo herds of cattle were crazing , the jpiss being especially luxuriant. At this point our part choose to divide , some going around thu mountain , while _ others wont over. I choosu to go with the latter , nnd wo began the ascent , arriving at the summit , where , about noon : I enjoyed n magnificent view. Tel the northwest was a panorama of the country wo had Leon traversing during the last thrco days , skirted hero and thuro with cudar nnd juniper over grassy plain scarcely undulating moro than sufficient for drainage. Wo and were 13,000 foot above the level of the the , and 0,000 feet above the most elevated of the plateaus below , giving view rare and comprehensive. To loft wns Floyd mountain , nnd on for the right O'Lenry's ' peak , while cours B far beyond was thu break of the Colorado canyon ranging east and west far as the eye could command. In the fnr-off northwest loomed up the Sierra Nevada , and northeast the for Wasatch range , with spurs to the south. To thu west , by the Mineral wlt park region , looming up in strong relief liuf from thu undulating hills itnd I valleys ! between. Fifty miles west begins the SAN H11ANCI8CO FOUKST Which is on unbroken pinery , extend ing 300 miles houthwost by an average fifty miles wide , and may bo said 7 , cover thu Mogollon mountains , which , from this view. I pronounce only to bo an elevated plain , undulat to the southwest and northeast , forestry broken occasionally by a jiniino valley. In the far south I clearly discern thu Bradslmw range with its spurs and craggy peaks , Pros- oot is nestled near the top with her elegant , buildings in contrast with the evergreen pino. In the far-off south can i BOO the winding course of the CJila as marked by the parallel chains through which it glides its refreshing way. Eastward every appearance of river or rill is shut out by the over shadowing forest , which closes the vision in remoteness of extent. Wo now 200 foot nbovo the timber Jino , and begin to descend to the eastward - ward , Passing the summit of the mountain wo find broad beds of snow the shaded place , and as wo approach preach . the timber line the air becomes ' juito refreshing. Now wo nro on a ( little prominence , and by looking di in rectly < down wu recognize the now and tee thriving town of Flagstaff , situated a beautiful valley surrounded by heavy forestry. A few hours moro cd and wo ro rhoro , drinking draughts and pure sparkling water as it ( Ions the from the hidden veins that connect with the snow beds above , while wu listen to the tales of yore , concerning history of this region. The moun tain wo hao just crossed was named Fremont's peak , and boars the name honor of Arizona's present gover , Gen. John 0. Fremont , whoso father-in-law ! , Thomas H. Uonton , the illustrious statesman , said of the rail- road that now finds nt its base , "Let her course bo westward turned ; the empire of state westward moves. " And these were the words that lit the nnibitjon of the youth , who , with un flinching energy nnd perseverance penetrated the unknown forests nnd crossed the unsurvoycd mountains in search of n route for this far-reaching civilizcr , which is now , thirty-five years later , winding its iron-bound track around the base of this historic landmark. FLAO STAFF will bonn important point on the At lantic nnd Pacific railroad line , nnd claims prestige now , being the only established line enst of Brighnm City , nnd nbout half wny between the latter and Prcscott. In honor of the historic event that gave the place a name , the citizens have trimmed the1 limbs from a tall pine tree nearest the spot.whoro the old relic stands , nnd hoisted n ( lag bearing the " ' ' inscription , "Flagstnlt , which floats upon the breeze , carrying to the mind of every observer n fan ciful review of the past , CAUFOKNIAN. HONORED AND BLEST. When n board of eminent physi cians and chemists announced the dis covery that by combining some well known vnhiablo remedies , the most wondeiful medicine was produced , which would euro such a wide range of diseases that most all other reme dies could bo dispensed with , many were skeptical ; but proof of its merits by actual trial has dispelled nil daubt , and to-day the discoverers of that i/i cat mcdicinv , Hop Bitters , are honored nnd blessed by nil ns bcnofac- tots. [ Domocrnt. JylG-nugl DYING 1)1' INCHES. Very otton wo see 11 person suffer ing from some form of kidney com- pl.iint and is gradually dying by inches. This no longer need to bo so , for Electric Bitters will positively euro Bright's disease , or any disease of the kidneys or uriniary organs. They nro especially adapted to this class of diseases , acting directly on the Stomach and Liver at the same time , nnd will speedily euro where evoiy other remedy has failed. Sold at fifty cents n bottle , by Ish & Mc- Mahon. (3 ( DE VEAUX'S WASHING MACHINE The Only Machine that Will Do just as is Advertised. It Will Wash Faster , It Will Wash Oleaner , It WiU Wash Easier , It Will repire no Rubbing , It will do a large family Washing in 30 Minutes. WiU ( Wash Equally wolll with Hard or Soft Wntor- doci away with wash boilers and wash boards , anil will pay for Itself In full and the near of clothes In a moiili. ( team In the kitchen. A child 10 Kara ol can do the wa lilnf ( aster than any woman can , wring ana hanirout the clothes- IM ? 1 > AK. SULLIVAN & hONS' , dim 1410 Farnham Street , Agents. SIBBETl1 & FULLER , ATTORNEYS AT LAW , DAVID CITY , NEB. Spof lal attention gl ten to collection ! In Duller counry. J.vlJ'ino Cm A COLLIXli : AND UKAMMAIl SCHOOI , THE BEST SCHOOL I BOYS For terms Address Dr. Stevens Parker , warden of Eacine College , Bacino. Wis. jy 22-lm Bishop Simpson addressing the ttudcnts of the Katlonil fchool of Elocution and Orator ) * ' "The law of culture mllrnlile to thn human \oko as to the hand , ft the hand should be trained liv not much thoolto. . " The National School of Elocution and Oratory , established In 1873 , chartered In 187I > , ntlonla the moot ample fadHtitti for such culture. Nineteen Teachers and Lecturers , specialists In their sot eral departments , Sum mer Term , July C , Fall term , Oct. 3. Send Catalguo and 1'roniiectun to 4th&3dw J. II. Bi:0ITiti : ! : , Secretary , 1410 and 1418 Chestnut St. , Philadelphia. SEALED PROPOSALS. For the Constiuctlon of Sidewalks. SEALED proposals IU bo rccehed by thaun' dcrtU'iiid until August let , at 12 o'cloik noon , tlio construction of rldowalkti In front of and adjoining the following described prcmbi. to- : I/U SO. 27 and SO 111 block 64 on west tl Jo of 17th strict. Lot 11 , 4,6,20 and 21 In bloik 8 , w est ildoof 17th strcvt. Ixit 1 In block 8 , Swcczcy's addition. Lot 1 In block , Heed's lit addition. Ix > U 1 ami 10 In block 7 , Heed's Kt addition. l.ot 111 and ecuth i of lot 1 , block U , Itced's lit addition. Lots on the south side of Cass In block 303. LoU 1,2. 3 and 4 on south sldu ol Cess In block Suouzo ) s addition , j. j. L. c. JEWUTT , Jy S2 dSt on s-n ? . of PAPER WAREHOUSE , GRAHAM PAPER GO. 17 and 219 North Main 8t , St. Louu , WUOtlUAlH DALXR W t PAPERS ENVELOPES , CAUP BOAUD AND Printers Stock. fsrcanh paid for Ilatn and Paper Stock , Scrap Iron and Metals. raj- ' block Warehouse * 1K9 to 1S37 , North Sixth ctreH PROPOSALS FOB SPRINKLING DOUGLAS STREET. BFALED PROPOSALS Will be received by the undersigned until the 2SI i day July 18S1 , at 12 o'clock noon , for the sprinkling of Douglas trcct romlStlito 10th ftroet , the contract to c-eoso when the water works company inppl ) w-aterln such dUtrlc-t. Bald bids to be opened by the committee on ttrccta and grades. Md coinnilt- No. reserves the rlfht to reject any and all bids. Slid bids mint be accompanied by tlio name ol a proposed surety , under the usual condition * . En velope * containing &ild proposals shall be mark- ' 'Proposals for SprlnKUnff Uoujlas strett , " delivered to the undenUued.aot latcr.than time above 'P _ . JEWCTr , Oiiulia , Jult 81. l&81-8t Clt > Clerk. BOGGS & HILL , REAL ESTATE BROKERS. No. 1508 Faruluun Street , _ - - JXTJEK El Ornci-Nortli il Jo , ooo Grand Central Hotel. W WASHBURN , CROSBY & CO. , Proprietors. AGGREGATE DAILY CAPACITY , 6,5000 Bbl These mills are known wherever the art of milling has extended , The Flours they pro duce are peculiarly adapted to Family use and consumers will find it by far the hest and most economical now offered to the puhlic , Owing to the latest improven.ents in Mill Machinery , this Flour , by a scientific test has pro the duced country. a larger yield of Dough to the barrel and a finer quality of Bread than any other Flour in EXCELLING ALL OTHERS IN COLOR , STRENGTH AND UNIFORMITY. TAKES THE LEAD IN THE MARKETS OF THE WORLD. W j0vM Bfc B n Bfl Ml MS * SV . H > M.K Hl & MM ! Km MHMiV ksiiW f Ask your Grocer or lour and Feed Ion for a Barrel. PAXTON & GALLAGHER , Wholesale Grocers , Sole Agentb for Omaha and West , 15th and Farnham Sts. , Omaha. Neb. The Oldest Ustar-ushed 3ANEONG HOUSE IN NEBRASKA. Saldwell , Hamilton & Co , , Dullness transacted same as that ot an Incor- orated oank. poroA Accounts < krpt In currency or fold subject to lent cluck without notlm slrhCc Certificates of deposit i suc < l p able In three , Ix ami tu ch o months , bearing : interest , or on cinanilltliout Interest. dcmAi Alliances nude to customers on approved socu- ritlc at market rotes of Intercut. ritlcBi Buy and sell gold , bills ot exchange , govern- aeiit , etato , count- and city bond * . Draw sl nt drifts on England , Ireland , Scot- land , and all parts of Kuropo. Sell European passage tickets. COLLECTIONS < PKOMPTIjY MADE. auclJt | DexterL.Tliomas&Bro , WILL BUY AND SELL fjf.fl . / % . * W- AMP ALL TRANSACTION cojtiECTro Tiiitnrwrrn. Pay Taxes , Rent Houses , Etc. IT YOU WA.NT TO BUT OR SB LI , f at Office , lloom 8 , Creighton niock.'Onmha. apfid Geo. I P. Bern is REAL ESTATE AGENCY , IGth and Dodge Sts. , Omaha , Neb , Thii agency does BTRICTLTH brokerage builncss. Does not sjKeulate , and thcreloro any bargain ! Its books are Injured to Its jutrons , Instead brlmr rabbled nn bv thoa/ent BROWNELL HALL. YOUNG LADIES' ' SEMINARY OMAHA , NED. Rev , EDOHBETYMAMBeotor , , Asilitcd by ail able corps of teachers In English , 8cience and Fine Arts , THE NINETEENTH YEAR WILL IIEQIN 0X1ZHX7 , particulars , apply to la si.ood.2iu THE nEcrron. John G , Jacobs , ( Formerly of dish & Jacobi , ) UNDERTAKER. . KlTFarnliamSt. , Old Stand of Jacob Oil CTOrders by Tclficraph Solicited. ap37-lr J. G. RUSSELL , M. D. , HOMODPATHIO PHYSICIAN Diseases of Children and Charonlo Diseases a Specialty. Offlco at Hculdence , 2003 Cass itreet. Hour * U to 10 . iii. , 1 to 9 p. ui. . and after C ) nl6.Umm d.H FLIEGEL Successor to 3 , II. Thlele , MERCHANT TAILOR No. 230 Douxloi Street Omsha Neb. Business College , THE GREAT WESTERN CEO. R. RATHBUN , Principal. Creighton Block , MAHA , - - NEB11ASKA. S3 Sem\ for Circular. nov.20 < ! Jttttf MRS. LOUISE MOHR , raduato o ! the St. Lou 8 School of Mldwli cs , at 503 California Street , Between Fifteenth and Sixteenth , orth side , where calls will he promptly respond. d to at an ) hour during the day or ninrht. nil'dS IO , V , . DOtSK. A. C. CAMTKXLL DOANE& CAMPBELL , Attorneys-at-Law , 8f. . COn. 16TH & DOUGLAS STS. , Sl'tf OMAHA , NED. L W , MOT , Dentist , OricR Jacoluj' lilock , corner Capitol avccuo ml Fifteenth tre't. Omaha N.ih If etoaskLaM Agency DAVIS & SNYDER , 60S Farnham St . Omaha , Nebraska. 100 , Carefully selected land In Eastern Nebraska for sale. Ortnt Hargains In Improved farms , and Omaha tit ) property. O. P. DAVIS. WEBSTOl 8SYDER. a o Und fom'r U. P. 11. U _ 4fthtf LEGAL NOTICE. In the district court , Douglas County. To Sa iiucl C. Dai U , Caroline Dai Is , Kllzabcth 1. Tomllnson and the heirs or devises nf Ifvnry T. Tomlinson , ducamd w Jicwu real iiaincn are un- inounnon resident difendants. You are hmbj notlflcd that John T. Dai U , ilalntlff and present owner of the land lierclnolt- r described , did on the 17th day of June , A. D. SSI. nio his petition In the diitrltt court in and or Douglas count ) , I , b .BKalnst ) ou as defui- dants Bcttlnjf forth that on the 12th da ) ot Janu ary A. U. IBM ) , the said Henry T.'Iomllnson , md Hliabeth II. , his wife , executed and dclher. : d to the nolil Bamuel U. Da\U a ileed of lauds Ituatodtn said county In which a portion of the ands Intended to be Wincjwl was by a clerical error erroneously described as the north J Instead oi the ucst ) of the uoutliwot i of HOC. No , 1 , In townihlp No. 14 north of nuiio No 11 east ac cording to the true tntont of the ] iartlts thereto , which deed Is duly recorded In the otHc of the clerk of Uio county ot Douglas lu book U of deeds * The object and pracr of said petition Is that Bald error be torrecUd and that said deed 1 * con- ttrued as conveying the Meat } of the southnent quarter of said section No , one , and that the title thereto bo adjudged ta be In said plainUR or In those law fully claiming under him the uuio as II said error haQ not been mode and that jou and ichofoubofore erexcludcdfrom an ) Interest - est In aald land on account of said error and for such other to further relief as may be lust and right In the premises. And ) our are ana each ol joii lahcreb ) notified to appear and answer sale petition oil or before the 1st da ) of August , A 1881 | > JOHN T.DAVIS. Dated Juno 23,18S1. I'lalntlff. WM. K. JIiur his Attorneeveat ! 8t Notice to Non-Reslclont DofendaaU J3. D. Lone ( full name unknown ) ill take no tico that ho Ima been sued by Dudley U. Stetlo baiuucl It. Johnson and banford Vf. Hpratllu , co mrtncM , doing butlncss under the flnu name o btede , Johnson & Co , In the Dlktrlct Court o Dou/las county , Nebraska , tortcour $3,031.29 and fntc'rast from October 18 , IBaO , due them on a promUkOO * note bearing date April 20 , Ib7i Also that an attachment lias licen ruactu on ccrtaia funds In the First National bank of Onuba , Ko broska , bUonglng to } ou and HhUh the sold par tits abo\ named itetk to obtain to apply In pa ) mentof Lbelrnid claim. Ypu are required to unsucr said petition on o before Monday , the 22d da ) ol Auu-uit. A. D. IbSl WAIUIKK SWIT2LEII , ei t-it AttonioT for 1'Ulutlff , D.T. MOUNT , MAHUPACT0RHR AND DEALFtt IN SADDLES AND HARNESS. 1412 Farn. St. Omaha , Neb. I AOKMT FOR TI1R CEt-FIIRATrD CONCORD HARNESS Two Medals and a Diploma of Honor , " Hh the ery highest an ard the Jml.'es could bestow was awarded this harness at the Centennial Exhlbl- Ion. Ion.Common Common , also Ranchmen's and Ladles' SAD DLES. Wo Iccp the largtst stock In the \ \ tst , and Invite all who cannot examine to trnd for prices ap9t M. R , RISDON , General Insurance Agent. REPRESENTS : HOENIX ASSUltANCE CO. , of Lon don , cosh assets $5,107,127 VESTOII ESTEIl. N. Y. , capital 1,000,000 TAEMEHCHANTS , of Newark , N. J. . 1,090,000 IIUAUP KIKE. 1'hlladclphla , capital. 1,000,000 FlltEMAN'S ' FUND , California , , . . . . . 800,000 N'OUTHWESTKUN NATlO.VAL.caplt'l 000,003 IlIUTlSIf AMEl'.ICA AS8UHANCE Co 1,200,000 NKWAHK FHlt INS. CO. , assets BrO,000 A1IEI1ICAN CKNTUAL , aHUits SOO.OOO Bouthcast Cor , of Fifteenth and I'arnliain St. OlIAIIA NED. W , J. CONNELL , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. Omen Front Ilooma ( up stairs ) In Hanscom's new brick bullillng , N.V. . corner Fftecnth nil famham Streets. A. G , TROUP , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. Ornci In Hanscomb's Block , with George E. i'rlchett , 1206 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb. J.P.ENGLISH , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW , 810 South Thirteenth Street , with J. M. Wool worth. D. S. BENTON , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW AnUACII BLOCK , Cor. Dou las and 16th Sts. Omaha Neb. C. F. Manderson , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 812 Farnham St. , Omaha Keb , Edward W. Simeral , ATTORNEY - AT -