Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 23, 1881, Page 8, Image 8

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    1 \
Saturday Morning , July 23 ,
Fnttorson cll coal.
Get your h.iUnt DoAtio's ,
Klndell & Krcllo , Jxiiuling Hottcw.
Wegant 1'ockct-Boolcii nt S.ixo's ,
Don't fnil to drlnlc SAXF. ' * crcnm dodn.
A. W. Xnson , Dentist , Jacob's WocJe.
Lcmis' real estate boom. Tint page.
Natural Jllncral Water on draught nt
Kuhn's drug store.
For n.NB Commercial Job Printing ,
all nt'TiiK BEE Job rooms.
The Lion continue ! to roar for Moore's
Harness and Saddlery.
AVhlpple , McMillan & Co. , the jewel-
cm , CreU-hton Block. o2Uf (
Prescriptions n , specialty , Opera House
riiannacy , 211 S. 15th Street.
Dress GootU arc going fast at Atkin
son & Co.'s. Low prices will toll. He-
member we liaro Btmtini ; in all colon ! .
Safcu , machinery , nnd all kind * of
licavy hauliag done by Urlsco & Co. , the
safe men. w&s-tf
Sheriff Guy in company with a warb
ling assistant , disposed of a largo ninn-
Ircrof ntovcfl at slicrilT'o saloon Thirteenth
trect yestcnlay.
Thou. II. IJurkc , a Washington coun
ty fanner , was nrrcHlcd Tuesday for
ilrunkenncRA nnd cntelty to nnitnatx , the
latter charge having been preferred on ac
count of having knocked an eye out of n
mule he IVM driving. Burke \vn fined
910 for drunkenness and $30 for cruelty to
animals , which with the coots , will foot up
n bill of SIT ) , lie will pay the amount.
To-day Is the last of the time given
for securing bids for dining hall and warm
meal privileges on the fair i/rounds during
the coming state fair.
Quito a little excitement was * created
in Tivoll Garden last evening. Oneof the
lions wan , after considerable difficulty , removed -
moved from the cage to the platform and
placed on exhibition. It was n very diffi
cult task.
"Who Lost Thorn ?
Judge Bonoko has in his possession
a couple of ivory billiard balls , tnkoii
some tiino ago from two colored boys
who were arrested while attempting
to sell them. Since the discharge of
the boys no one has called to claim
the property. Anybody having lost
this property may aocuro it by calling
npon Judge Jionoko.
f A. C. Smith left for Ogdcn ycstenlay. ]
Assistant Civil Engineer Way cnmo it :
from tjio west yestciday afternoon.
J , P. Johnston arrived in thoclty , direc
from Quincy , Illsycstenlay. .
Dr. ' Itidcr , of Chicago arrived In town
Gen. WIllinmK , of Fort Omaha , left or
the western bound noon train for For
JJridger yesterday.
Mra. A. Polnck and \ Meyer
left yestenlay for lake MInnctonkn. TJioy
will visit the Atlantic coast resorts before
returning ,
John McCltiro , western traveling ngent
for the Ohio & Mississippi railroad , went
westward yesterday ,
Wm. Pickering , western traveling ngent
for the Central of Iowa , took passage on
the westward bound express yesterday.
Col. 15.15. .Kdwardu , secretary of the
Ijincoln Board of Tradowasintho cityycs-
tcrday ou his way homo from atrip through
Kentucky , Illinois and Iowa. u . , ,
W. 13. Annin , associate editor of Tun
UEK Ktnrtcd yesterday for n short visit
to Chicago. Hu will thcro meet his brother
who will accompany him to Omaha , Air.
Annin combines buslnca with pleasure
during his stay in the city by the
Misg Eiutlce , of this city , started on an
eastern trip yesterday afternoon.
Ex-Gov. Lovelond , of Colorado , passed
through the city yestcnlay afternoon on
Ills vriy east.
i 8. R. Ream , of this city , manager of the
Wentern Union telegraph company , left
yestenlay over the Northwestern road for
a i lilt among old.fricuds in Cedar Ilapids ,
Jowa ,
For the next thirty days , wo will
sell Dress Goods nt ruinoua pncos to
inuko room for fall stock. If you
want n dross of any description buy
now and save money , at the nc/noid- /
tdntd leadiwiestulliiluncnt of
Creighton Block , 10th St. ,
Near the 1'ostoiHco.
N. B. Call early , while stock is
complete , as wo mean business in this
Down go the prices , Como nnd
* oo. p. BKSEN.
Fulton Market ICth Street. tf
Ladles' and Gents' Gold and Silver
"Watches in great variety ' at Whipplo ,
ilcMillen & Co.'s , jlS-ood-tf
The beat butter and Hour at the
lowest cash price. W. M. YATBH.
Information wanted regarding the
vrhereabouts.of Hugh D. Heagy. Hie
daughter at Knoxyillo , 111. , is very
low. Anyone giving information ol
him to D. 31 McKnight , Omaha , 01
H. W. Heagy , Knoxville , 111. , will bi
rewarded i with the thanks of his fain
ily , July
Bremner'a Cream Soda Crackers
Brunei. ' ' ' jlCt&slw
"Water Waves , the best yet , nt
20 4t _ , .vlf , OAIITEU'S.
BirdjCJagos Rj8po store. tt
Inducements offered in every do
parfment of Summer Clothing loud
Underwear , at ELQUTTKH'S Mummotl
Clothing House , 1001 Faniham , > thr.
aoth street ! 4 j ' jy22-2t
Children's' drcBBes at 99 cent store
Why it is Not Begun at Once.
General inquiry is again being made
as to why nothing is done in the mat
ter of street sprinkling. It will bo
romcmbarcd.that the defective petition
presented by the Douglas street pro
perty holders caused the ifirst hitch in
the matter of sprinkling. This peti
tion made reference only to Doug
las street without saying anything in
regard to the intersecting streets , as
was done in the Farnham street peti
tion. Going upon this basis a bid
was made to do the work and accepted
by the committee , but a misunder
standing arose when the contractor
refused to sprinkle Douglas street to
the parallel alloys. It was consequently
quently thought advisable to refer
the matter back to the coun
cil. At the lost meeting - . '
ing the Farnham street petit on was
decided to bo in proper condition and
proposals were again advertised for.
It was necessary to advertise the mat
ter for three days nnd , therefore , the
bids will bo opened till some time
to-day. Up to 2 o'clock yesterday
the city clerk had not received a
single bid to do the work. It is un
derstood that Mr. Swift still claims
that ho has the contract for doing the
work. What the harvest -will bo may
develop in a day or two.
U. O-1 < - A. Sooinblo.
The ice cream sociable at the room *
of the Union Catholic Library Asso
ciation , losfc night , was largely at
tended by members and friends of the
society. It was the occasion of a
general and friendly mooting of ac
quaintances who had not gathered to
gether in many months , and to whom
had boon denied the pleasure of re
calling memories of the long ago ,
especially where the pleasure of the
recollection could bo heightened by
the accompaniments of delicious re
freshments with the added attractions
of readings and of Hong. The musi
cal part of the exorcises was rendered
by Misses Murphy , Ray , Swift , Ken
nedy and McNamara and Mr W. 0.
Sanders , while the literary features
were rendered by Mrs. Elliott and
Mr. Turtle , and Mr. McDonagh. All
of the exercises were finely executed ,
and most warmly appreciated. The
magnificent piano of the association
was universally praised , its pure ,
strong and sweet tones , its easy action ,
fairly impelling the fair performers to
their most brilliant efforts. A month
hence the next sociable will be hold at
the same placo.
and see n great curiosity. I am for
sale only at Bitslmmns. The Eighmio
Patent Shirt , the finest , cheapest and
best dress shirt made in the world.
is the best in the world. Try ono
once , you will never use any other.
Sold only at Bushman's. jly9-tf
Road Kurtz's advertisement all
For nice fresh meat co to GUII.D'H
Meat Market on Tenth street , near
the U. P. depot. tf
Eggs 12Jo at BUFFKTT'H. 2t
Frederick , the Leading Hatter , never
adeertifc * in July and August , but , as
he has patt of the Jlunkntpt Stock left ,
he trill seH them so cheap that any one
needing a second Straw Hat for summer
eanc < o > ie/orLus.sTHANiALV MUCH
cool Jiamboo Hats going fast ,
who drink "WINE OF OARDUI. "
At C. F. Oixxlmin' ) .
Cheap rent , quick sales and small
proflls. W. M , YATJSS ,
Cash Urocer.
Water Waves , the best yet , at
204t CARTER'S.
The best meat and prices lower
than over. P. BENSEN.
Fulton Market , 10th Stroot. tf
WANTED , a good strong boy. Brown
A Co's Grocery , Cumnnng's St. , be
tween /O and 21st.
Hotels , boarding houses and ice
cream men furnished first class ovrgs
candied , at Boomer's Egg Packing
Warehouse , cor , 13 and Douglas.
Bromnor's Cream Soda Crackers at
Fleming's. jlCUts4w
A. S , Billing , dentist , opposite
postoflico. lm-ov-sat
- -
. .
Lots of second-hand furniture and
stoves good as now , at Perkins ALvar ,
1410 Douglas St.
you will use no other. I will do as I
agree. I'll stand by you like a broth
er , Not a wrinkle you will soo. The
Eighmio Patent Shirt , sold only at
Bushman's. jly9-tf
Do your shopping at Kurtz's. 100
ladies Dressing Sacqucs at 81 , 81.25 10y
$1.75 , $2 to 93.50. They are very
7D Linen Ulsters 81 , 81.50 , 82.00 ,
82.60 and 83. The Best Bargains offered -
has sent us CO Feather Plumes , 100
Feather Tips , at ono half price.
. 300 pieces Shaded llibbona at very
low prices. Every body invited tc
cull and. see these goods as the price :
. will sell them. KURTZ'S Store , ,
Crmhton block. wed-fri
The Bee Hive tcmpcranco society
held its closing meeting for the sea
son last evening , Rev. Mr. Graham ,
of the United Presbyterian church , of
this city , was present and delivered
the address. In closing ho gave n
brief history of the organization of
the society and a review of the work.
The society was organized dur
ing the month of February
last and since that tiino lias
actively engaged in promoting the
cause of temperance , holding meet
ings regularly ] every wcok in the
chapel of the Omahu city mission , lo
cated on Tenth street , between Cap
itol avenue and [ Dodge streets The
exercises last evening were rendered
especially interesting by the music
which wai furnished by Miss Banner
at the instrument and Mrs. Oharlton
in several vocal selections. The soci
ety closes its meetings only for th
heated term and will commence them
again in the fall.
< i '
Klokod "by a Homo-
A little boy about ten years old ,
who resides on Tenth street , between
Farnham and Harnoy streets , was
kicked by a horse in front of Steven
son's livery stables last evening. The
horse was hitched to a post , and the
boy in passing close to his heels
frightened the animal so that ho
kicked the little follow with both foot.
The boy was picked up , and after a
short time was able to walk to his
homo. Ho was not injured seriously.
Oono to Fort Brldgor.
In accordance with an army order
Col. Robert Williams , assistant
adjutant-general , has started for Fort
Bridgor. During his absence his
duties will bo performed by Capt.
Leonard Hey , of the Ninth infantry.
Shipped to Michigan-
The body of Mrs. Trcmain , a notice
of whoso death appeared in THE BEE
to-day , was shipped yesterday
by Undertaker Jacobs to Lawton ,
Michigan. Mrs. Tromain had boon
married only two months at the time
of her death.
A now meat market will bo opened
to-morrow morning on Tenth street ,
near the Union Pacific depot , by the
enterprising grocery merchant of that
street , David Guild. The increased
convenience to a good meat market
afforded the people of South Omaha
in this now enterprise , will bo highly
appreciated. The building is the ono
formerly occupied ns a saloon , romnd-
elnd , painted , rcpaporod and provided
with a haudsomo rack , counter , block
and all the necessary fixtures for a
first-class , well-kept market. The
market will bo in chari'o of Joe Bath ,
an experienced butcher , who has
served throe years as a carving artist
for Shcoloy Bros. , the popular meat
men of Douglas street. Mr. Guild
himself will retain active
charge of the grocery store ,
in which will bo found a variety of
staple and fancy groceries. Mr.
Guild is among the energetic and suc
cessful young merchants of Omaha
and well deserves a liberal patronage
from his portion of the city ; and the
people are sure to find as good porter
ihouso steak at his shop as can bo
found anywhere in the city.
i '
Bromnor'B Cream Soda Crackers at
Weimer's. jylGtits4w
Green corn by the wagon load and
cheap at BUFFKTT'H.
Try Bromnor's Cream Soda Crack
ers. jlCUfcslw
Watch repairing a specialty , at
Whipplo , McMillcn & Co.
a specialty at EDHOLM & EIUCKKOH'H.
Another largo arrival of these 25c
summer coats ut POLACK'H.
Lemons COo per dozen at
Tabln dolocacios at Fleming's.
If you want a nice mixed drink call
at the Board of Trade , cor. Kith and
Dodge Sts. tucsitsut.
Canary nnd Mocking Birds for sale
at the Board of Trade , cor. 10th anc
Dodgo. tucsAsat.
"BLACK-DRAUGHT" makes chills
nnd fuver 1
At C. f , Onodmau'j ,
Very otten wo see a person sutler
ing from some form of kidney com
plaint and is gradually dying bj
inches. This no longer need to uo so
for Electric Bitters , will positive ! ;
euro Bright's disease , or any disease u
the kidneys oruriniary organs , The ;
are especially adapted to this class o
diseases , acting directly on th
Stomach and Liver at the same time
and will speedily cure where evoi
other remedy has failed. Sold i.
fifty cents a bottle , by Ish & Me
Mahon. (3 (
Of all medicines advertised to cur
any affection of the Throat , Chest o
Lungs , wo know of none wo can recommend
ommond so highly as Dn. KINO'S NE\
DISOOVEUY for Consumption , Coughs
Colds , Asthma , Bronchitis Hay Fever
vor , Hoarseness , Tickling in th
Throat , loss of voice , otc. This mctl
icino does positively euro , and that
where everything ulso has failed. No
medicine can show one-half so many
positive and permanent cures as lure
already been effected by this truly
) wonderful loniody. For Asthma and
Bronchitis it is a perfect specific , cur
ing the very worst cases in the short-
f-sl time possible. Wo say by all 1
means give it a trial. Trial bottles
freo. Regular size 81.00. Forsaloby
8lly ( ) Ibii & McMAHON , Omaha.
Occurrences of Moment in that
A. D. Lovelace Shoots Himself
Through the Heart ,
riio tTsml Bntoh of Other Interest
ing Matter-
This community was shocked about
0:30 : o'clock Thursday night on hear-
ng the sad intelligence that n young
nad had committed self-destruction
in the sidewalk in front of Barney
ilcSorloy's Wabash house , situate
lircctly cast of the Wa-
> ash depot on Baldwin street ,
' Faul noti-
'oroncr was immediately -
led and ho together with Constable
losccr.intz repaired to the scuno of
ho suicide. Mr. Faul summoned a
ury consisting of the following named
itizcns J. J. Laydon , J. Elliott and
T. H. McAvon as jurors. The witnesses
xamined were L. Laughlin , P.
iloran , I. Troupe and Barney
klcSorley. Mr. Laughlin was
irst called and testified that
10 was sitting on the platform of
ho Wabash depot when ho heard n
listol shot. Ho called to his com
rades , saying , "I think the old man
las shot himself ; lot us go over and
co. " Thereupon ho , together
with the others , started
n the direction. As they were going
hey hoard something fall , which
> rovcd on examination to bo the body
of A. D. Lovcland. Ho had fallen
off the sidewalk at the northeast
corner of the hotel and dropped the
) istol on the platform. When found
.ho pistol was cocked. Without nny
'urther testimony the jury returned a
verdict that A. D. Loveland came to
: iis death by a pistol shot fired by his
own hand.
From the appearance ot the wound
t was plain that ho had opened his
ihirt and placed the uistol close to his
jreast , about ono and , a quarter in
ches below the loft nipple ,
fiovcland was SO years of agoHo
lad been a number of years in the
employ of the St. Louis & Pacific
road. A diary was found , containing
the following account of himself ,
written under date of July 20 :
"Have not written anything since
; ho 10th ; nothing to write about , and
: eel too bad. I cut my mouth a few
days ago and liked to bleed to death.
[ t bleeds often now. I can't stop it.
feel very bad and if there is no
aiiL'o shall end my checkered career.
IVho roads this please write to H. 0.
Liovcland , Joplin , Jasper county.
Missouri , and toll him. Ho is my
( Signed ) A. D. LOVELAND.
Coroner Faul delivered the body to
; ho undertaker , who will notify his
'fiends immediately.
John T. Baldwin has done a great
deal for Council Bluffs , probably as
much as any ono man. Possibly the
city would to-day bo without street
car accommodations of any descrip-
: ion had it not boon for him.
Now , put aside all personal
'riovancus , and in the matter ol
: lie street railway treat him
lim fairly and with the consideration
always due to a man who has the
city's welfare at heart. If the people
demand that the road bo planked foi
Ihoir convenience ) at particular points ,
' .hero . is no doubt Mr. Baldwin will BOO
that their wishes are complied with.
A woman was thrown from a wagoi
on Missouri avenue yesterday fore
noon and came very near receiving
severe injuries. She escaped without
a severe bruise , although she was
: > rotty well shaken up. There is quite
i dangerous place at the point whore
the lady was thrown out.
The Unitarian aooioty are to have anew
now minister before the end of tin
The Union Pacific hotel has con ;
structod a very largo and substantia
store-room for storage of provisions
Back of this they hayo an extensive
ico-houso , on the Chicago improvct
Capt. F. B. Hart , when ho gets the
lots east of him enclosed and soddod ,
will havea homo nut excelled any
where in Pottawamio county.
N. P. Dodge is making extensive
repairs to his property on Bankcroft
Mr. Boyd , superintendent at the
stock yards , reports the receipts ol
cattle Thursday and Friday , as fol
lows : Nineteen cars of Pratt it Farris -
ris , Pine Bluffs , Colorado , and thir
teen cars of Croighton & Co. , same
J. M. Phillips loft for a short picas
uro trip through Colorado , U > ah am
California yestorday.
Mr. Clark , brother-in-law of J. W.
Squire , formerly of this city , but now
of Hoobco , Arkansas , called at this
oflico yestorday. Mr , Clark used tc
bo engaged quite extensively hero ii
thii real ostotp business. Ho will re
main in the city about six weeks a
his old homo on Bluffs street.
Col. H , H. Tromber , of Bloomfield ,
Iowa , was an Ogden guest yesterday
L , T. Lindsoy has gone to Boston on
A sister of Mrs. W. M. Bushnell
Miss Anna Hard , received a dispatcl
Thursday that her mother was vor
ill , she left immediately for Peoria
111. , where the family reside.
J , W , Squire has moved from th
Clark houuo into his now homo nea
the residence of Gen. G. M. Dodge
Mr. Squire intends at some future
time to orcct a largo brick house wit
stone trimmings on the corner of hi
lot west of his present residence. Hi ;
liouso has been elegantly furnishot
Ono of Council Bluffs' "angels o
, the dark alley , " Miss Laura Sheldon
( so she said , ) complained yesterda ;
before- Judge Burke that anothe
\\oman had assaulted her with u pisto
and threatened to end her career. Lau
really believed that her life was in
oopardy at the hands of Jennie and
'cmandcd that the court put her
nder bonds to keep the peace. The
udgo , after hearing both sides , con-
hided to dismiss the case.
C. M. Harlo returned homo ycstcr-
lay from a short pleasure.and busi-
icss trip to Minnesota.
Judge McLean , of Fond du Lac ,
Vis. , is in the city , visiting Col. John
V. Chapman ,
Col. Babbitt , ox-city marshal , has
ocated at Beebce , Ark.
The council mot in regular session
ast evening. A report will bo preen -
en ted Monday.
Mayor Vaughan has disposed of
iart of lots 19 and 18 , in Purplo's
ub-division , to Dr. D. S. Star. Thn
onsidcration is seventeen hundred
L. Schwartz and H. Harris , of
Chicago , At Q. Smith , of Burlington ,
Gco. W. Tliorno of Now York , T. L.
'aino of Boone , and Gee , E. Renfor
f St. Louis , were at the Ogdcn yes-
A. M. Hough of Chicago , Mrs.
laria Nicholson of Mt. Pleasant , L.
f. Rcinhard of Davenport , and H.
itono of Toronto , Canada , wcro at the
Mrs. J. A. Gray and sister of Mis-
ouri Valley , W. D. Sisloy , C. W.
Vhitnoy , and T. G , Paine of Chicago ,
Tore at the Revere.
E. L. Davis of Hamburg , G J.
' of Cedar Rapids ) and G , Hill
f Chicago , wore at the Metropolitan.
Healthy Financial Condition-
The Ft. OniDha , "Board of Trade , "
if which Adjutant Foolo is an ener
getic member , is , according to the
ccretary's last report in fine condi-
ion. Their expenses and present
mancial condition is summed up in
his way by the secretary : " For
ono lamp , $3 ; six packs of cards ,
§ 3.00 ; rum , § 15 ; leaving a balance on
mud of GO cents , nearly a gallon of
rum , several packs of cards , and no
outstanding debts. "
The motto of the organization is
'In hoc vincos. "
signo Col. Stanton
s president of the board , and among
.he members may bo mentioned Col.
W. B. Royall , Col. M. J. Lidington ,
3apt. Barnett and Lieut. Foote.
Grand Control Bids.
The bids for the building of the
Jraiul Central hotel wcro not opened
cstcrday as annou'iced they would
jo. Mr. Kitchen informed TIIE BEE
oportcr last evening that they would
lot now bo opened until the 30th of
his month , ono week from to-day.
Pho cause of the delay was the failure
o secure the services ot the man they
selected to examine and pass upon the
) ids received. _ The plans of the
> uilding are at the Withnoll , Mr.
Maim , of the firm of Ecklcs & Mann ,
of Chicago , the architects who drew
the plans , has boon at the Withnell ,
jut left last evening.
Two Deaths-
Tile funeral of Mathias Barbara
will take place to-daya 2 o'clock
in the afternoon , from the residence
of Horace Jones , corner of Hamilton
and Campbell streets in Shinn's addi
tion. Mr. Barboro was eighty-four
years old. Friends of the family are
invited to attend the funeral.
John Anderson died at St. Joseph's
liospital Thursday in his sovcntccth
year. His funeral took place at 11
o'clock yesterday.
He that is surety for n stranger , filial
Binart for it. Hut ho that trustcth in
Sl'ltlKO BLOSSOM for curing liver , kidney ,
and complaints of n like tendency , nhal !
never be disappointed. 1'rice JiO centH ,
trial bottles 10 cents. jylTeodlw
On and after July 7th , 1881 , excur
sion tickets to St. Paul and return ,
will bo sold at § 17 , tickets good to
return on or before October 131,1881.
For further particulars inquire oj
J. II. Bryan , Southwestern Agent ,
Council Bluffs.
.For Soft Shoes for tender feet , noise-
lea , vxll-jiiting , eleqant , at reasonable
prices , go to W. L , Kidd't , 15th street ,
Jacob's lilock.
A good variety of fruits at Fleming's
For great bargains in Dry Goods ,
call at once at the Boston store on lOtli
street. The store will soon bo closed
for alterations and the stock must bo
sold , so call at once and lay in a sup
ply of Dry Goods , cheap. Now is
the time to sava your money ,
The only place in the city where
Jos. Schlitz s Milwaukee boor is found
on draught is the Merchants Ex
change , cor. ICth and Dodge
Forty years' trial tuprovwi "BLACK-
DRAUGHT" the best liver medicine in
the world.
At C. F Goo jnnu's ,
'For ten years my wife was confin
cd to her bed with such acomplicatioi
of ailments that no doctor could tel !
what was the matter or euro her , anc
I used upa small in humbup
stuff. Six months ago I saw a U. S.
flag with Hop Bitters on it , and ]
thought I would bo a fool once more
I tried it , but my folly proved to be
wisdom Two bottles cured her , she
is now as well and strong as any man's
wife , and it cost mo only two dollars
Such folly pays. H. W. , Detroit
Mich. Free Press.
On and after July llth , 1881 , th
Sioux City & Pacific train will leave
the U. P. tramfer at 7:15 : p. m.
running through to St. Paul , via Sioux
City route.
Ask druggists for "RpughonRats. "
It clears out rats , mice , bed-bugs ,
roaches , vermin , flics , ants , insects.
15o per box (3) ( )
NOTICE Adi crttetncnt To Lmn , For Ssle ,
Lo t , Found , Wiinti , Uoanllne. &c. . trill Ic In-
crtccl In these column * once for TEN CENTS
TCI line ; each subsequent Insertion , FIVECENT3
r lino. The Ont Insertion nc cr less than
O LOAN At 8 per cent In-
tcnot In sinus of 82W , > 0 and
pw&nls , ( or 3 toSj.iars. on first-ell's city and
arm projwrty. HRMIS URAL ESIATK and LOAX
or.scr , 16th and Uoiietu Sta.
ONEV TO LOAN-Callat UwOttlceof D.
M L. Thonm Itoom 8 , Crctahton Illock.
Machine lian < H at Omaha Shirt
Factory. Work for all wlntir to irood
lands. 477-H4
PANTED Two Klrls at the French Coffee
Home , loth street. 470-tf
WANTED Woman to do housework. Must
bo coal cook , wiuhcr and Ironcr. Rood
wages ; iiortluajt cor. llth and Hnrtioy. 4bO-23
WANTED-Olrl at the lomer of JOth .and
and IJodjfc
WANTED A flood laundress at the St.
Charles Hotel. 404-22
WVNTKD Cook , man or woman ; also ( lining
roomclrl. Apply at Fred. Lang's Grocery
tore , cor. 13th and Jackson Sts. 460-27
. . : Attho Philadelphia Coflco
House , on Saturday , at lu oVIock a. m. ,
strttt , neat Dodge. 472 22
- good blacksmith. Apply at T.
JI.Trc\ctt. 471-tf
Itoard for a gentleman In a prl-
Mite family , pleasant room , not to ex-
ccccl & 5a ucek. Address "II. " 1111 Farnham
Street. 408-23
W ANTED A good laundress at the Occdcn ! <
tat Hotel. 453 tf
WANTED Competent cook and second tlrl ;
at 1818 Chicago itrect. Good wages.
WANTED A pool table to rent ; with prill
lege of purchasing. State price.
Address GEU 1NMAN ,
451-tf Vail , Crawford Co. , Iowa.
.NFOH.MAT.UN wanted of Michael Dwjcr Im-
JL mediately l > y his mother , Margaret Dwjer ,
Omaha ; Neb. , between Cth and 7th on Marcy St. ,
care of Patrick llojan. Western papers please
copy. 453-tfll
WANTED Ily man and wife , boanl and room
In mil ate family. Prefer place where there
are no other boarders. Address S. A- Bee olflcc.
w AMJ-K 25 carpenters. Apply at 1U13
Farnham vtrcct. 442-23
"TTrANTED A good girl lor general house-
VV work. Apply 141U Jackson streetbetween
14th and 15th. MltS. A. MU.U'HY.
I One men in a county makes money
ney Belling our springs for buggy i-haft
couplings. Send stamp jor terms and cut or We
: n ktamps fora pilr , toantl Italtlcr Safety Sprlne
Joiii | any,00 Itandolpli St. , th-saty-2 | ;
Funding bridge and sthool bonds.
II. T.Clark , Udle.ue. 20-tf
WANTED A partner or bujcr. Inquire at
Philadelphia CoUee Haute , 10th street.
" 1T7 ANTED Two boarders. Young men pro
VV fcrred. AildrLss "A. " Bee olhce. 140-tf
WANTED A good dining room girl immecli
atcly at tlio Oixldoiital hotel. 220-tf
WANTED A girl to do general housework.
Applv 1710 Farnham ttrect , northwest
comer of 17th. 330-tf
To buy a good skiff. Address S.
WANTED Bee olllce. 3J7-H
/"I ALL AT MIIS. IS. E. CLAUKE'S No. 1 Board
\J Ing House , cor. 13th and Dodge Sis. Best
In the city. 10-tf
FOR RENT Nicely furnished room , with first-
class board for two gentlemen. Prliatc
family. Terms reasonable. Address "North
Omaha , " DUE Office. 407-22
niOU RENT Pleasant unfurnished room , 309
F F-irnham , bet. 10th and 17th. 463-22
FOH HKNT Two unfurnished rooms to let ,
$10 monthly ; no children. 1712 Jackeon St.
4 CO 23
T710K HENT Furnished or unfurnished , one or
1 } two front rooms , pleasantly located on first
floor , No. 315 north 14th street , cast side. bit.
Daienport and Chicago. Apply on premises.
HfcNT House near 1. S. Hascall'ii. In
quire of John G. Jacobs 414-tf
11ENT Two fnnilshcd rooms on Jackson
street ; between 10th and 17th , third houee
from the northeast coiner of 17th. 370-tf
A few clay boarders M anted , 1608 California
street. 300-tf
EOH ItENT Nliily furnished large room and
piano .8. W. corner 18th and Capital Ate.
UENl' " furnished room * o\cr Jlej-
UinnU' KxihangcN , E. cor. ICth and Dodge
street * 280-tf
71011 SALE A young horse , 7 years old. gooc
_ ' stepper , city broke , warranted sound , and
safe for , ladles' drlilng. Has never been
tracked and can show three minute gait to buggy.
Can be bought for $500. Address S. It. Chatfleid ,
Glcnnood , Iowa , 478-28
Foil HALK-Stock of Hardware In onoofthe
best tow ns In Nebraska , Population of town
2&00. No better opening ( or the business In the
Mate. Only one other hardware store In the
town. Stock In good thaiw and worth about
tSOOO. For particulars call on or address.
401-20 Omaha. Neb.
SALE The Southern Hotel. New building
ing 30x40 , three stories high , built In 1881.
For sale on account of sickness. Will sell one
half Interest to the rlghti < arty without children ,
Good trade , all transient. For terms apply on
the premises or to lock box 210 , Vlllltoa , Iowa.
HALE A new house , built two years , lull
Foil , well and et en thing complete , on Dodge
street , between 2Uth and ZTOi , No. 2010. In
quire on premltca. iiitt42523
171011 SALE A good itmng lamll ) horse and
Jj buggy. Inquire of E. D. Smith , 1403 Chica
go street , bet. llth and 15th. 439-23
10H SALE House of 6 good rooms and lot 20
xlOO feet , and only 7 or 8 sq-j from U P.
shops. Price 8I.05U , John L , M ague , agent ,
opposite postolHce. 331-tt
T7IOR SALE CHEAP TUo only hotel in North
J ; Loup , Valley County , Neb , . 30 miles from St.
1-aul , 15 miles fiom Qrd. Good location , good
trude and improilng , For particulars write A.
. . Ancl I'arasois rvnuired by M ,
UMllHKI.I.Ab and Farnam it * . 7Ktf )
nnoil BALK A large two story frame ( hingleJ
Jj root Hotel and one story kitchen ; also one
tor } ' frame , shingled r > of , hall room for ten nets
to dance , and barn large enough to hold twenty
teams- All situated on comer of Uroad and 4tli
ttrcct , Fremont , Dodge Co. , Neb. For further
Information apply to 0. C. THOMPSON.
358-to 8 Fremont , Dodge Co , , Neb ,
BALE flood house with four roouw anc
IlOlt 1 lot , No , 013 Dodge between 20th and
27th street. Hood wvll and shade trees ; house Ir
good condition. Inquire ou premise * . 221-tf
) K SA'.E-A mull enslue. 11. W. .
_ Son'i make. In iwrfect oadcr. Inquire of H ,
. Clark & Co. 56-U
OU faALK LAOIO anil furniture of a lint-clau
Jj hotel In a to * not 1300 Inhabitants , In state
of Ncbnuka ; ha * 24 bed > ; the travclloif inen'i re
tort. Inquire at UEE orBce. 218-U
.ilOlt SALE T toryhou e and put lot , nia
_ t ) dcpet. Location food. John U UcCopie
Oj.p I'ott Office. BM-tt
TTUWHALE 4 acret ground In Wett Omaha.
± ' luoulre.of J. Henry , No. 110 18th. 873-tf
OK bAI.E Mara of Uouclavand barpj coun
tie * . A. ROJ > EWATEll , ISMFariibauj street
J. UcLalu It stllTTn tm
J.J Lljjhtnliii.-lloJ bu liu d , wholcaalo and re
tail. Itod put up or repaired on short notice
OrJc-M by uiall or otherUo will recthe iiromp
atUutlon. batltfikctlou i-uarantceJ. Call or ad
dreoa 1011 Kaunders etreet.
f OST AUrt-o pillow bctnccn the lice Mho
U pvlicry and IJaumin s llrcn cry. The Hinder
rill be rewarded by Icatlng It at tlic lice hhe
allcry. 470-23
On July Uth , a tny mire ten ycart
J old , hs saddle marks on the back and white
Jnd foot. Weighs about ten hundred. Inform-
Ion resulting In recoicry of the came will be
> ald for by 0. A , llubbard , residing In South
Omaha , foot of llth ttrect , south. 470-23
JUKE.V UP A red and white spotted cow
. about 0 J cars old , rlgfit cnr cropped , nt lie-
gnn'g sddltlon , north Onmha.
430-23 L. llENNENtlOrEU.
KA KEWA1U ) Ix > t , Rolcl hunting case ttop.
OU natch , gold rope ilmlti and iiiittgct at-
ached. Theaboto renurd will lie paid on ro-
urnof the watch to HUGH McCArTHEY ,
SS4-t ( 16th and Douglas streets.
TTIIREK or four joung men can bo accommtxla-
J , toO with board. Kcfcrcncwexchanged. Ap-
ily MilCass ttrect , 4th door west of 20th St. ,
rfulclrc s Uox 33 * , pontolllco. 343 f I
ON Y TO LOAN on real estate , at
M1 290-cod-10 DEXTKll L. THOMAS & 11110.
. IlKOWN-COnicr 12th and Chiuiiro
. streets , Is renly to bore or deepen w ells.
Satisfaction Kmraritccd. C03tf
mEAMS Can be Rot at John Ilirr s stable for
J all kinds of work at rcasomblo figures , near
txir 13th and Lcatcnnorth streets. 878 tf
pvONT FOHQET The successors of the Amor-
L/ lean House , on Dottglas street , between Oth
ml loth , for board , lodging and transient cus
emcrs. Hcspectfullv
riiAIKl : > 1'1101'OSAI.S will bo recoiled by the
j undcrslpiiil until Saturday , July 23d , 1S81 ,
at S o'clock p. m. for Kradlng six thousand fGOOO )
t rils on first hill w est of the corporate limns on
Cumlnit street extension. Cut to bo 30 feet lit
\lclth and down to established'radc ( ,
Ily order ol the Hoard of Commtfnloncni , July
410-22 Oountv Clerk.
Absolutely Pure.
Made from Grape Cream Tartar. No other prc
nrpatlon makes such lif'ht , llaly hot breads ,
uxurlous pastry. Can bo eaten by Dyspeptic
without fear of the Ills resulting from hui\y Indl
ucstiblc food. Sold only In emit , bv nil Grocers.
New York
. . ,
1412 Parn. St.
Omaha , Neb.
Two Medali and a Diploma of Honor , with the
icryhiehcstaward the Juclec < could bejtow was
auariled thl harness at the Centennial Kxblbl-
Common , also Banchmcn'B and Ladles' BAB-
PLES. We keep the Uncett stock In the nest ,
and luilte all who cannot examine tow-nilror
price * > p9t
General Insurance Agent.
WESTCIIE3TEII. K/Y.'capital. / . ' . . . . 1,000,000
TAKMEUCHANTS , ot Newark , N. J. . 1,030,030
OlRABll FIHE. Miuadeli.hl , rapltal. 1,000,000
FIIIEMAN'S FUND. California SS'25
AMEKIt'ANCENTKAI. , OSM.U . . . 800,000
Southeast Cor , ol Fifteenth and Jarnnam fat.