G THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY JULY 23 1881. THE ART OF COMPOSITION. How it in TntiRlit In the German Schools. 1 Oorrcspomlfnc * Ikislon Journal , In still another branch Imvo tlio Germans succeeded. Amoricnn tench- cm know to their sorrow the difficul ty encountered in educating scholars to bo easy writers -that is to write what is generally known to us ns essays or compositions. The fault lies hero just where it docs in all our other higher studies it is not begun early enough. Wp wait until wo think tlmt their minds nro n trillo inaluro nnd then como upon them with a wild rush of rhetoric , history nnd nil tlio frightful curriculum , German girls begin to write essays wlicn they nro about 0 yearn and con tinue to do it , not once n month or twice a quarter , but every week of the school year until they nro 10 or 18 years of nge. For tlio first year it takes the form merely of n dictation with an occasional original essay. Twelve Gorman poems are learned clurhtg the year and may nlso bo used ns material for compositions in prose. Entering the class above this , I found n method in progress , certainly very strnnga to the most American schools , Tlio teacher wna n contloman ; tlio girls were Ion years old on an avcrago. Standing out before the class , ho began to toll thorn the fable of the woman whoso hen laid for hnr daily a golden egg a story told so simply , every word of it weighed so carefully , every idea expressed , with tlio nemo of precision nnd nil in n voice so low nnd distinct thnt the class sat hushed na ho spokp , nnd moved not n muscle till ho finished. Ho then began it again , pausing this time nt the end of every sentence to talk it over with the school , asking what nouns , what verbs , what nujoctivos , they had noticed ns ho talked. In this mnn- ncr ho carried them through the fable to the end. Finally ho called upon ono littlp girl to repeat what she could of it. Where she failed others came in to help hor. Then another girl took up tno story and told it bettor , until , nftor ninny times told , the fable had entered all thcao little minds nnd become n fixed mental possession , nnd when the master asked : "Now , do you know it quite well ? " "Doch ! " "Dochl" "Jn , ja ! gowissl" went np in n shout from all parts of the room. "Well , write nil you know nbout it and bring it to mo Monday. " Tno Bnreo Ronto. Bnti Francisco Chronicle , July 3. The St. Loum papers note an im portant improvement which is now being made in the bai go system of grain transportation on the Mississippi which will give still greater advan tages to the river over the rail routes to the seaboard than those now possessed. This improvement is a perfect system of ventilation , which has been introduced by Capt. Lowrey , president of the St. Louis & Now Orleans Transportation Company , It consists of openings on each Hide of the barge , through which the air possess into and through a space between twoon the hull and exterior of the sides and bottom of the barge , and also a funnel box running from the dock to the grain room. A ntitl' current of air is passing through this intermural apace and through the funnel all the time , and keeps the corn or wheat fresh and dry ; so that a cargo of wheat in ono of these venti lated barges could remain all summer on the water without injury. As a matter -of fact the barge system has worked admirably without this im provement , Sot the instances nro very rare in which corn becomes heated on the passage to Now Orleans. The - , woighor'at Now Orleans , for example , "reports that of the 30,000 bushels of wheat recently shipped from St. Paul by way of Now Orleans for Liverpool , the pntiro loss , was only (50 ( 30-100 bushels , of which only 1A bushels were damaged in transit by barges * The loss from western points to Now York is Bnid to nvorago 1 per cent. The facts of actual experience demon , strato the groundlessness of the cry that wheat shipped by the river louto is liable to damage by becoming heated. But the novy improvement will , in connection with tno others already in. operation , give the .rivor route a.considerable a'dvantago over the railroads , in respect of its scour ing the grain from injury in transit ; ' for a perfect system of ventilation is already established at Now Orleans in connection with the elevators there , whereby the grain is thoroughly blown in the process of transfer. The boat practical testimony to the advantage ofthe" ! rivor. route for the shipment of'graln td the seaboard is 4ih6 reported , dotorifiitmtion of the Chicago and trunk .railroads to reduce the rates of grain from all points on .tho Mississippi to the river prices. But river prices nro capable , with in creased facilities and larger capital 'employed in the business of river transportation'of reduction to a point far below the actual cost of transpor tation , to , tlo | railroads , Hence it is quite certain that the contemplated action of the railroad companies. nvhilo it may temporarily delay , will not prevent the permanent establish ment of the river route , and that soon , ns the main outlet of grain exportation - tion for the states of the Mississippi "Valloy. One great obstacle to the rapid development of the river trallio is that most of the railroad Hues touching at river points nro nloiiK oastand west lines terminating at Chicago and intersecting the river 011 their way thither from the remote termini on the Western plains. Cbriitloxilty M Socially Practised Brooklyn Eagle. "How ' like the ' " d'yo now pa'son } asked Mrs. Bartlebon , asshe * rested "her chin on the fence , and eyed tin wash that 'Mrs. Spocklowiggin was busy lumping out. "Ho is very gifted , specially- pra'r , " replied Mrs , Bpocklowiggin taking a clothespin out of her mouth "We arq setter n Teat deal of ston by him. Have you hoard that ho wa very attractive to Minervy ? " "I Aboard tliat Minorvy uald so , ' $ igglod lira , Baftlbb'cn , "but the fact .jslie's droppui * in evpry night to sei hey my Sopjianisby'snoul is. go tin' 01 uho's a likelygal and if hois gospulin wound hero for a spare rib. ho can * do better than Sophanisby,1' "I KUOM that's so. " retorted ; Mothe Bpocklowiggin. "She's thin onougl und you can got along without her. 1 the pa'son is in want o' that kind i goods , you'vo got cm on draught. Minorvy is makin * some lambkins for his parlor winders. Coma in some time when yor hands nro clean and bok nt 'cm "Don't b'liovo I'll have time this week. Ho cornea to ton every night , and mo and Sophnnisby is gcttin up some now shirts and n book mark for the pulpit./ "Now that's " said , n good idcp , Mrs. Specklowiggin , with a grin. "I don't know about the book mark , but that pulpit needs some iiow shirts. For gracious sake make a long flap , so's to cover the communion table , 'cause-11 "Tho shirts are for the pa'son. " explained - plained Mrs. Bartlobcn , with flashing eyes. "Tho book mark is for the pulpit. But of cottrso folks who only goes to church to marry their darter would only consider the part that wears shirts. Beside that we're mak- in1 up some bed quilts for him. " "Then , for goodness sake , don't ' line 'em with paper. If thoros anythin1 that Minorvy can't stand its paper- lined quillfl and you know she 11 hov to sleep under anything you make for the pa'son. She said yesterday , ' 'Ma , everything I do for the dear pa'son will bo in blue , cause that suits his complexion , And so it does. She's getting up some lamp mats in blue this very minute. " "You don't toll , " snorted Mother Barllobon , "my Sophanisby was going to make some lamp mats , but the pa son said , 'Bisby , dear , ' ho calls nor Bisby : said ho , 'Bisby , dear , no lamp mats , please. If you must do some- thin' for the church , nmko mo some underclothing of red flannel. ' You know Sophanisby is very dark. That's why ho wanted "em rod. Then she is makin' n yellow footstool for him , and ho says ho will alway.s prize it 'cause it will remind him o' the sunsets in which ho sot around with hor. " "How beautiful his ideas flows ! " murmured Mrs. Specklowiggin , cast ing up her oyes. "That sunset is so poetical , nnd the yeller is so apt to re mind him of Sophanisby ! Always said ho was masterful in expressing things. Minorvy is making a grcon cushion for his cane bottom cliairand some time when wo ain't very busy , you might como to the winder and see it. " "If you expect him to sit on it , you'd better send it inter our house , nnd toll her to make it wide enough for two , or it'll never bo used , " quoted ftladam Bartlobon. "Grcon is a geed idea as representing how Minorvy will look when the koords como out for the wedding , Sophanisby is spinnin' a red fish line for him now. " "Wall , isn't that lucky ? I knowcd she'd do most anythin' to catch him , and told Minorvy so , and she's om- broiilurin' some claims for bait. " "That's like her " just ! exclaimed Mrs. Bartlobon , in admiration. "Sho knows what she's accustomed to bite at and she thinks he'll land her ! Isn't it a pity sho's so old and fat ? " "That a story ! " howled Mrs. Specklowiggin. "Causo she don't look like it bent hair pin , as Sophanisby does. You think she's fat. She's lost five pounds this week ! " "OhI goodness gracious mo ! Oh ! the brazen huzzy ! No woundor wo haven't seen her around 1 I always thought oh ! and she has boon tryin' to associate with my Spphanisby ! When is it going to bo baptized ? " But a shower of clothespins broke OIF the theological discussion , and the worthy Christians separated , neither understanding that the "pa'son was engaged to n widow up town. " The Premier of Birds. Five hundred dollars for n bird would seem to most people to bo high price to pay for any kind of tJiu feathered tribe , but that is the sum asked for a parrot. Ho is owned by Mr. George II. Holdon , of the Sixth avenue bird store. Now York , and wonderful statements are made of the sayings of this remarkable bird. Par rots llvo to bo a hundred yearg old. This follow is only five years old , and seems to bo in a fair way to entertain Homo wealthy family at the second centennial anniversary of America's independence. Ho in n purn African gray , very handsome , and has boon named "Jim Blaine , " as ho is looked up to as the premier of all birds. Mr. Holdon assures us that the bird is the best-trained ono in America ; that ho can whistle a jig , n French march , and sing n song with words. He crows , barks mews and cackles ; mimics a mocking bird , pops a champagne cork and imitates water bubbling. But the most wonderful entertaining accom plishments of this sc'ansorial bird in his talking powers , being able nt this time to distinctly enunciate over ono hundred and fifty sentences , and ho acquires now sayings every day. At this rate ho will make a fine conversa tionist by the time ho is 75 years old. Ho says ( wo have space for only a few sentences ) : Hello , Jim ! Look out , I will bite you ! Como over hero and wo will have some fun. How is your grandmother ? You wouldn't bite your uncle ! There's an old black dog. Poor old cat ' 11 have to go to bed. Bad Jittlo baby. What's the matter old cat ? Pook-a-boo ! how's that ? How do you do , old Yankee Doodle ? Whoa back ! what are you about ! How do you do ? Give us your flipper. Jim- nib's a real nice follow when he's mind to. Can't you give your uncle n good one ? ( Smacks for kisses. ) I will put a head on you and you will have to go to bed , and don't you forget it. Bow-wow-wow , there's n big dog. Poor old cat , Kitty , Kitty , Kitty , poor old cat. flood-by ! Good-Bye. Did you over hear two married women take leave of oaoh other at the gate on a mild evening ? This is how they doit ; "Good-bye ! " "Good-bye ! Como down and see us soon. " "I will. Good-byo ! " "Good-bye ! Don't forgot to como soon. " "No , I won't. Don't you forgot to como up. " "I won't. Be sure and brim/ Sarah Jane with you next time. " "I will. I'd have brought her up this time , but she wasn't very well. She wanted to como awfully. " " Did she now ? That was too bad ! Bo sure and bring her next time. " "I will ; and you bo sure and bring the baby. " "I will. I forgot to tell you that's he's cut another tooth. " "You don't ay ? How many has ho now ? " "Five , It makes him awfully cross , " I ware say it docs , this hot weather , Well , good-bye ! Don't you forgot to como dqwn , "No , I won't. Don't ypu forget to come up. Good-bye ! " they separate. EDUCATIONAL NOTES. every Urge * chonl in the crn 'Hates h Mid to be a inllllnry school , The cpccial toucher of music In the KjhooJH of Stockton , Cnl. , ii to lie dUucnsud with hereafter. Johns llojikltnVnlvorfHylmtl durlntf iti last Bcsclon ! " ( > enrolled students , tlic Inr - cr number of whom forty ktuilled chem istry. Twcnty.five utmluila took biology. Tlio rnlnrici of the tench eri in the school" ) of Worcester , M.W. , have nil been increaieclj the ncliool board of thnt enlight ened town IIIM discovered 5ti advnncu of other bQ.mli that tlie c are times of pros perity. Some of the Indian girls at Mr. Moody'g Xorthficld rchool re f < nid to be very jeal ous of their dignity. They arc the daugh ters of quite wealthy chiefs , und consider thcmsclvcH very nrUtocratic. They make rapid Improvement , The proposition to citaljli1 ! ! ! normal school In 'lexiii for the benefit of the ! aclicM of thnt Htate nucU with no favor K.TC. The teachers held n convention iccntty In which they went o far M to rotcKt against the notion of the Ht.ite lofird of Education in importing teachers 'rotn the 2forth "to tchch them how to 'Aclt. ' " Among the graduate1 * at the Ynlo Law chool the other day wni Peter Doyle , ex. ccrctary of Ht.ita of Wineoniin , who is : > w15 years old. Ueing conrcicmi of imc defect * In hta legal education , he Hcrinliiecl to remedy them at an age hen most men would not feel like "going a pchotil. " Ho workul hard while nt Law chool , was popular with students and rofcsHorH , and. onent least of the latter xpccU In see him n member of congress. The Chlncftc boys at Holyoke , 'Mass. , ho have been ro nllcd to China , have lit received ordcrx to return within two fcekti. There uro twenty In the vicinity who nre to go , three of the number being n Holyoko. They will be accompanied > y i\I. Yung , the Chinese tutor at the Inrtford education Institution. Mr. ing's father h.is just died , nnd the hlneso law CHtnpel * him to nbntaln trom ill public duties for three years. At Lascll Scmlnnryj for gtrlx , at An. mnulale , MasH , . nn excellent Kyntc'ii of clf-go > eminent in practised , Anystiulcnt fho nt the end of ono term Is regarded as worthy of mich trust Is enrolled on the 1st of "iielf-govcmed , " nnd thenceforward Iocs nn nho pleases so long nu she continued o idiow hernelf entitled to unlimited eonfi- ence. This Is the highest honor the chool hns to bestow .a recognition of real nwtworthlnesH of character. It is Hinted int his nyatcin has proved to boiccess - il. There has been a small revolution nc- omplished by the San rYanci co school uird. All the Hpocinl tcachefhof French , urinaii , music , drawing and book-keep- ng , ftevcntcen In number , have been ( lin- inrged , n Having of § 20,100 thus being IFected. The board nprienrn to bo trying D reduce expenses without touching the nlarics .of the primary nnd grammar cachoif. The Call wants to have the urao of thu high uchool altered. It com- ilnliiH that n great many Htudicri are taken p nnd pursued only n short time , leaving lie pumlrf with only a superficial kiiowl- ilgo of each and no thorough training in .nythlng. \t the recent meeting of the Kducation nciuty in Knglnnd n dixcuxnion on science- caching in intermediate schools ended In icso conclusions : That natural knowl- ilgo should ho taught not from books but rom things thein elveu ; that the lessons hotild not consist of infurmation commit- cd to memory hut of knowlcdgu acquired ) V the child'n own oW-rvntion and ex peri- nee ; that by such object-lessons he should > o led to observe the natural facts or pro- esscn around him nnd to exercise his pow- TH of comparison OH well OH of perception , nd limn arrive at Ymeh gcner.ilintions ns re within his capacity thnt after the lir.st nero general knowledge of the common .hings around him the child should bo led .long the hioad lines of interest to home nero npecial do [ lartmcntH of tcience. Chemnitz , the third largest town in Sn.xuny , lion ninny public technical schools. They nro cither state institutions or be- "ong to Bomo public body nnd nro under .he oversight of the Homo Minister. The ixpcnscs nre ehielly berne by the state. .ho fees of the pupils being only mifliclent .o pay A tenth of the expenses. Poor indents who nro worthy of Resistance can isunlly obtain remission of the fees ami ven help from the otnto. A peculiarly iscful system Is pursued with the teachers every year a number of them nro fur- lished with money for the purpose of M'S- ting during vacating Rome country , city r exhibition connected with their special irnnches. They thus keep themselves nc- [ iinlntcd with nil thnt Is new in science- ml Invention in ililferent counties. L'lio schools mo graded no that the pupil can pnniio a regular cminio to the highest 'echnlcnl institution in the kingdom. Thu Welopmcnt of mnnufncturerH In thu town f Chemnit/ during the past thirty years mentioned ns remarkable. RELIGIOUS. There are about ono hundred thousand liakerri in the United States. Over 500,000 copies of tin revised Now 'etitnnicnt Imvo been Bold In .Philadelphia. Mormon missionaries have established a ranch of the Latter-Day Saints inthe , imker city Pcro Ilynclntho. lender of the OldCntlio o movcmont in 1 ranoe , BaiU for thin conn , ry In September. The Irish Presbyterian ! have bandied rgana , violins and nil instruments of nmtiia rom their sanctuaries. Uwight L. bloody announces a second onvocatlon , to bo held at Northlield , Mann. , bcginnln ? August 3. The llercnn Baptist nre happy because lie latest return * nho\v that they miulo $10 iy their jug festival last week. It In uudomtood that the Jev. ! Brooke lercford of Chicago has declined thu call o thu pastorate of thu First Unitarian hurch of Cambridge , Mans. The Seventh-Day AdventUtn ate mak. nu arrangements for n granj btato camp- ncetlnjr. to occur on the old fair-ground in "Jattlo Creek , In a few weeks , The denomination known as the United Ircthren In Cliriutlms the Bishop * , 2.21' ! churches , and 100.000 members. The .otal membership of ila Sunday bchool U 11)0,000 ) , A Norwepl.xn Synod ( Lutheran ) In Iowa recently had the iniestiun before it whether t was proper for ono of its ministers to ac cent n nomination to the ] < ei'Ulature. Alter discussion , thu body unldj "Xo ! No polities in theirs. " , Friday , Auuui > t r , has been detonated as "a day of fiutinK and prayer to he ob served by all thu , AlvthoillsU of nil lands for the blessing of Coil to rc&t on the Kcuinenlcal Conference , " which meets in London in the fall. The JinptUU have now three cummer re- norts under their control , The oldebt of these ia nt Martha's Vineyard nndthenext oldest is ut Cluuitauqua Point , The new est resort is Hound Inlaiul Park , Itomul Island , St. Lawrence lUver , linglUU Congregatlonalists nre trying to raise a "Jubilee Jruml" with which to pay oil Chapel deVts , and at a late meeting tor the purpose , after one timid friend had BUgueited > ,000 a ) the amount to try to raise , Mr , 11. N. Hudsonuald Impatiently : "NonsemjO , I Intend to ( jlvo 20,000 my myself , " and at once subscribed tlmt sum. Another uuntlemun followed with .1,000. aua in nu half an hour 50,000 ( § 250,000) ) were raised "as a beginning. " BUhop Talltot , of Indiana , Haid last month nt a Uicceaian Convention , that "thu employment of nuislcluiu in choirs who are irreligious persons has a moat in jurious tendency , and ehould not bo en- couragutl. " He said also that ' 'In too many cases a wordly spirit liaa crept into the \ery worship of the church , involving prie U and people alike in its guilt and Its dangers. Brilliant Hcrwons more bril- lian Christian elaborate and cxpeniive nu ic , tliCKiio with no hucgcstions of the Inngirof nnbolic\ing fcouli no warning of the wrath to conic , " 1'roin the report of the itlatiUlcal were- nry , which was read nt the International Sutulav-tcliool convention at Toronto , it ippcnn that there are in the United ; tatc < $1,730 Sumlny.tchfM > ] < ; in Cnimdn , i-00 ! ; nnd In Xewfoundland , m.tking i total of ! K,370. The tcacliCH in tlic Jnited States number 0,820,1115 ! in Cnna- ia , 310,170 ! nnd in Newfoundland , 1,200 , making a total of 97" ' , ! ! ' " > ' . The Kcholars ire divided ns follows : United State' , ( " > , 20,83. ) ; Canadn , 3l'i,170j ' and Newfound- nml , llCOj ( making a total of 7.17 ,10. " ) , 'ho number of convert * added to the hurcliM in twenty-four states Mid terri- 01 lei was reported at 123,53' ' . A Friend Iti Ncotl. Time over nnd ngiin TIIOMAI' J CLECTmc tit , ban proved a calutnry friend to the 1'trciStril. As rt roH.lblc curative for cromi n children , sore throat and bronchial nf- cctionc , nnd as a positive cxtrrnM remedy or palu , it is ft never-failing nntldoto. jy7codlw Wlien n board of oininont physi- inns nnd clicmista mmpimcoiltlio dis- ovcry tlmt by combining some well mown vnlunblo remedies , the moat voiulorful incdicino was produced , vliich would euro such a wide range of diseases tlmt most all other romo- lies could bo dispensed with , many vuro skenticnl ; but proof of its merits > y actual trial lias dispelled all doubt , , nd to-day the discoverers of that rait medicine , Hop Uitters , are' lonorcd and blessed by nil as benofac- oro. [ Democrat. jylD-augl DE VEAUX'S WASHINGJ1ACHINE The Only Machine that Will Do just as is Advertised. t Will Wasli Faster , It Will Wash Cleaner , It Will Wash Easier , It Will require no Ruhhing , It will do a large family Washing in 30 Minutes. It Will IWasli Eqnally wolll with Hard or Soft Wntor- tilocinunyltli wa li Imllcrsnnd nsli hoards , iiiuli \ \ i y for Itsclt hi lull tuicl the ucar of clothcalna inon ) ! ) . to vtunm In the Kitchen , \chlld 10 jcnrs ol can do thu waililtig faster than any woman can , im liantr out the clothes- UAK. SULLIVAN & SONS' , dim 1410 Knrnham Street , Agents. JROPOSALS FOR SPRINKLING DOUGLAS STREET. SIAUD : rnorosAi.s win i < o rcccivcii i , > - the imlenlKiioil until the 25th Jay July Ii81 , nt 12 ' 'clock iionn , for the sprinkling o ( Douglas street rom 12th to 10th street , thu contract to cease \hcn the water works company supply water In n such district. Said bids to bo opened by the ommlttec on streets nnJ unidci. Said commit- ccrctcrvcs the right to reject any and nil bids. Said MUi must bo accompanied by the nnmo of a imposed surety , under the usual conditions. En- elopes containing said proposals shall ha mark ed "Proposals ! r S-prlnUlnif Douglas street , " and delivered to the undcrsigncdjnot.later.thna ha thno above specified. specified.J. . J. L. C. JEWOTT , Omaha , July 31 , 16Sl-3t City Clerk. Notice to Contractors. QEALED proposals for the erection and complc- 3 tlon of the new Grand Central Hotel at Oma m , Neb. , for Kitchen IWs. will be received at ho Wlthnrll Houio , Omalia , and the 1'aclflc House SU Joseph , Mo. , from July Hth to 4 o'clock p. n. July 22(1 , 1881. Plans and specifications on Ucw at both of the above mentioned houses. Tile right to reject any nd all bids Isrucned. ECKEI. & JIANN , 300-22 Architects. 3IPVOI TO I am Ascnt for COLOMBIA JIUTULS.U ! and OTTO I1IC VOLES. Send three cent stamp forCataloj.'uo nnd prleo list containing full Infonnatlon. N , I , D , SOLOMON , Paints , Oils and Gins 03IAHA , NEB SIBBBTT & POLLER , ATTORNEYS AT LAW , DAVID CITY , NEB. Spcflil attention ul.ien to colloctlom In Butler ounty. jy4 mo-Cm ACOLLUOEANl ) OHAMMAK SCHOOL THE BEST SCHOOL I BOYS For terms Address Dr. Stevens Parker , warden of Racine College , Racmo , Wis. jy 22-lni Bishop Simpson nddrcsilni ; the itiulcnts of the National Fchoot ol Elocution and Uratory taid , "Tliu law of cnlture illmblu to the human \olco as to the hand , and If the hand should be trained why not miiih the tolro. " The National School of Elocution and Oratory , establlnlieJ In 1873 , chartervd In 137fi , affonU iliu incwt ample facilities for nuch culture. Nineteen Teachers nnd Lecturers , specl.illts In thulrbeieral dvimrtnivnts. Sum mer Term , July 5. Fall term , Oct. 3 , Kent for Catalogue and Prospectus to Jth&ldw J. II. 1IKUI1TKL , Secretary , 1410 and 1418 Chestnut Bt. , I'hlladclphla. SEALED PROPOSALS. 1'or the Constitution of SUIewalKs. SKALl'.l' prowals | will bo received hy thoun iler.ltfnud until Aiikr t I > > t , at 12 o'clock noon for the construction ol tiduualks In front of am adjoining tlio follovtln described prcinlse * to \\lt * Ix > t Sfl , 27 and SO In bloc ) : 64 on wcttfcldoo ' , I.ot l , 4:0 and 21 In block B , west eldoof 1711 I t'l In block 8 , Swceicy's addition , lot 1 In block f , I'.ccd'h l t addition. Lots 1 nnd 10 In block 7 , Hrcd'n Ut addition. I ot 1U nnd uvuth 1 of lot 1 , block (1 , Heed's It addition. l.oUon the south kldoof Cass In bloikSG3. Ixit 1,3. a and 4 on toutli bide of Canti In block 7 , Swccxey * addition. J. J. L. C. JKWJHT , Jyt2.dSt PAPER WAREHOUSE. GRAHANIPAPER GO. 217 Mid 210 North Main BL , St. Louu , _ | 10I.E8iLX S , \ PAPERS ENVELOPES , CAUD BOARD AKD Printers Stock. / JTCash paid for Rags and Paper Stock , Scrap 'titter BU > vV'\Varchou e l 20to U8T , North SUth ttn-ct _ BOGGS & HILL , REAL ESTATE BROKERS No. l&OSFaruliam Street , Orrc North tide , CUP Grand Central Hotel. FEENEY & CONNOLLY , AT THEIR 512 North Sixteenth Street , ) iinoStWIUUm Oentlcman's I'opuUr Grocery iStorc. ) Vnd will during the ensuing week offer ipecial 'Indiicemeuts ' In nil tholr rarlousgradca ol summer stjlcs of BOOTS AND SHOES , ETC. , ETC. , 'omakc room for thclrcxtonslve _ fall Ipurchasctf A Reduction of 15 to 25 per cent on former Prices , 'hey carry a full assortment of every kind , and respectfully Im Ito their friend * to call. THEY HAVE ALSO consignment of FINE HAND AND MACHINE HEWED SCOTCH EDGE 'CREEDMORE" Railway Shoes , They will sell on the same terms 03 the' residue of their summer stock , and ask railway employees to call ana eianilne'.tliem. REMEMBER THE PLACE ! Between Cass nnd California. All GooflstoMin Plain Figures JyO-m-w-8 Mothers , Wives , Daughters , Sons , Fathers , Ministers , Teachers , Business Men , Farm' ers , Mechanics. ALL shoiUd bo Marncd avalnst lining and lntnxluelnjf Into their HOMES Nos trums and Alcoholic remedies. IU > o no such jirejudlco agaliikt , or fear of "Warner's Safe Tonic Bitters. " They are what they are claimed to bo tianiilcw as milk , and contain only modi- clnal tlrtucD. l'itract of pure u-Kctablesonly , They do not belong totlutiUvu known as "Cure- All , " but only jirofcsn to reach case * hero the dlccaeo originates In debilitated frames and Im pure blood. A ixrfcct Spring and Summer modldnc. AThoroueh Blood Purifier. A Tonic Appe tizer. I'lcatant to the tostc , invigorating to tlm body. Tlio mo t eminent plijtlclam recommend them for their curatl * c } > roixrtlcij. Once used always preferred.vxtrsr vxtrsr "Trrynpfivrj For the Kidneys , Liver nnd Urinary organs , me nothing "WARNER'S SAFE KIDNEY and LIVER CURE. " It ( UiidsUnrivalled. Thoua- and * OM o their health and hatmlnvui to It. Price , * 1.25ivr bottle. Wo offer "U aruer'n Sofa Tonic Ulttvn" with uiual couddencc. H. H. WARNER , Rochester , N. Y. je le-tu-th-tat-lv D. S. BENTON , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW AI1DACII HLOCK , Cor. Doa Vu and Uth SU. Umaba Neb. C. F. lYlandersorii ATTORNEY - LAW , 12 Firuhitu St. , Omaha. Neb , DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTELS. HOTELS. niorniKToiis. TOWXS. LEWIS HOUSE , JOHN S. LEWIS , Dow City , Iowa. HARTNGY HOUSE , W , P. HUNTER , West Side , Iowa. JIcHENRY HOUSE , T. W. BUTLER , Vail , Iowa. SUMMIT HOUSE , &WAN & BECKER , Creiton , la. JUDKIN8 HOUSE , JUDKIN8 & DRO. , Red Oak , la. MENDIN HOTEL , ADOLPHWUNDER , Mendln , la. THE CENTRAL HOUSE , JOSEPH 8ANKEY , Walnut , la. COMMERCIAL HOTEL , WM. LUTTOH , Vllllsca , la. PARK HOTEL , W.J. QARVIN , Corning , In. BELDEN HOTEL , A. W. BELDEN , Woodbine , la. . LUSK HOUSE , JA8. A. LUSK , Logan , la , GOMMERCIAL HOTEL , O. F. CA8SADY , Denlton , la , DURKE'8 HOTEL , E. R. BURKE , Carroll , la. GLIDDEN HOUSE , 8. M. LEWIS , Glldden , la. 6CRANTOH HOUSE , JOS. LUCRAFT , Scrnnton , la. ASHLEY HOUSE , DAN EMBRCE , Grand Junction , In HEAD HOUSE , JOS. SHAW & CO. , Jefferson , la. MERCHANTS' HOTEL , CHENEY & CO. , Sioux City , la. CHENEY'S UNION HOTEL , CHENEY BROS. , Mo. Valley June. , CITY RESTAURANT , J. JTUCK , Dunlap , la. CHAPMAN'S 8ESTAURANT , T. O. CHAPMAN , Stanton , la. NEOLA HOTEL , F. SIEVERT2 Neola , In. WOODWORTH HOUSE , W. A. WOODWORTH , Atlantic , la. CENTRAL HOUSE , 8. P. ANDERSON , Malvcrn , la. EMERSON HOUSE , A. L. SHELDON , Emmorson , la. CROMWELL HOUSE , MRS. R. COCHRAN Cromwell , la. WALTON HOUSE , T. 0. WALTON , Onnwa , la , CITY HOTEL , CHENEY & CLARK , Blair , Neb. MARSH HOUSE , W. W. BROWN INO , Brownvllc , Neb , CENTRAL BLOCK HOTEL FRED , 8TADELMANN , PlatUmouth , Neb' [ 0. B. & Q. R. 11. , WESTERN IOWA. ] S. II. MALL011Y & CO. , . . - . Bankers. D. W. HIGBEE , . Attorney at Law. A. M. GUILDS . Attorney at Low. SWAN it BECKER . Summit House. A. M. GUILDS . . . Tromont Hiuso. G. M. BUTTS & CO . Hardware and Jewelry. B. F. HEINLY & BRO . Grocers. W. . KING , t . Grocer. D. II. 1'ORTER . Dry Goods , Clothing Etc. 0. F. WRIGHT . General Cash Store. J. W. ZIMMERMAN . Druggist. THOS. McGRATH . Boots and Shoes. S. P. PARDEY . Pardoy's Restaurant. HENRY BRUNS . Meat Market. MOONEY ELLIOTT . AVholesalo Butter and Egg Packers. BUOKMAN & CO _ Cruston Creamery , Egcs , Butter and Cream. JOHN O'KEEFE . Merchant Tailor. A. T. RUNYON . Manager Chicago Lumber Co. KLOOS , KEARNEY & CO . Pearl Flouring Mills. W. E. CUTLER . Photographic and Crayon Artist. STILES & NEWELL . Creston Iron Works. J. C..HARTMAN . Wagonmaker and Blacksmith. G. II. HURST . Carpenter and Builder. PARDUN & TAYLOR . Tonsorial Parlors. S. A. BREWSTER . Creston Weekly Advertiser. ALLEN & BUSH . Book Store , Agents DAILY BIK. : BRADFIELD & ALLEN . Pine Street Livery Stable. JOHN CONWAY . Liquor Store. A. J. RUSSELL , General Merchandise. F. A. NYE Glonwood Hotel. C. H. TOWSLEE , Bakery , Confectionery and Fancy Groceries. MACK HALE Groceries and Produce. M. G. EDWARDS Drugs , Paints , Oils and Glass. W. H. PARSONS Physician and Surgeon. DAILY JOURNAL : 1213 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb. B. S. HARRINGTON. E. P. NEWELL. WESTERN POLISH CO. , MANUFACTUKE11S OF WESTERN STAR STOVE POLISH ! AND BEAU BRUMMEL BOOT BLACKING , "ALSO DEALEHS IN E3 Z3LiO3SJSE < X3-T&3KTXL .TSr COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. Jy 2i-tf ISH & McMAHON , 1406 DOUGLAS STREET , OMAHA , NEB. The LOnly Exclusive Wholesale Drug House in Nebraska. SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO MAILORDERS. ] y IS-mc Heljmuth Ladies' College. Patroness , H. R. H. PRINCESS LOUISE. Founder and President , The Right Rev , I. HELL- MUTH , O. D. , ' O. O. L. , LORD BISHOP OF HURON. . Fall Term opens Wednesday , September 21st. Handsome oiul ipoclous buildings , I cautUully situated In n most healthy locality , about lour 'hours ' by rail ( rora Niagara Falli , anil on ono of the principal thron 'i routes between the liist und West. Tlio OUOUNUB comprise 140 aero. The nlni of the founder of this college Is to provide tlic Muhest Intellectual ami praalcally useful education. The whole sj > tcin Is based upon the soundest PRO TESTANT principles , as the only solid Ijasls for the right formation of character. FRENCH Is the language. eixjUcn In the eollciro. MU6IO a Bjwclalty- Hoard , Laundry and Tuition 1'ceB , Including th uholocourcoof EnglUli. the Ancient and Mod ern LanguagesCallisthenics ; , Drawing and 1'alntlnir. use 1'iano and Library Jleillcal attendanceand Mcdcinc , WOO iwr annum. A rckuctlon of one-half for the daiitthtcrs of Clergj men. ror"clru- hrs" and lull particular * addrcsj JIIKS CLINTON , Lady 1'riiiclpal , llellnmth LadlfH * College , LONDON , . ONTARIO , CANADA. nionitliurd-'iu FEARON & COLE , Commissson Merchants , 1121 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb , Consignments madoustt 111 rccehc jroniit | attention. Itefcrences First Not. Dank and Omaha HUB M'DONALD AND HARRISON , F-AJEt. JTIFT / % TVi : ' ' ' ARE NOW OFFERING FOll ONE MONTH ONLY DECIDED BARGAINS mar Ladies' ' Suits , Cloaks , Ulsters , Circulars , Etc. , A.TT COST1. 200 Handsome Suits , at $5.00 ; 300 Stylish Suits , $10.00 : 75 Black Silk Suits , $17.OO. Wo have several lots of staple goo ls which will bo offered at SEVENTY-FIVE GENTS ON THE DOLLAR. All ladies should avail themselves of this great sale of J CORSETS AND UNDERWEAE , 'LINEN AND -MOHAIR ULSTERSj SILK AND LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS , LAWN SUITS AND SACQUES. j , < , .u MCDONALD & HARRISON.