* " 1'HH OMAHA DAILY BEE \ ELEVENTH YEAR OMAHA , SATURDAY MORNING , JULY 28 , 1881 , NO. 28 REAL ESTATE BARGAINS -AT AGENCY , MD OUBLAS SIS , , No 1 Lot on Harnoy street , ncnr new eour house , $2500 , No 2 Lot on Cns * street near 22d , ? 2M > 0. No 3 Lot on Calfornla street near 22J , $1600 No 6 Lot on Marcy ktrcct near U. V. depot (1200. No ft } block In Slilim's 3d addition near Con cnt , * 3 0. No. 8 Two lots on Dccatur near Campbell St. 8700. 8700.No 10 8 lots mi Colfax street near Hanscon 1'ark , nt reasonable prices. 100 choice resilience lots In Credit Fonclcr anc Grandi lew mlilltlons n short distance southeast o : U , P. and n & M. depots , prices from $100 up \\anls. 18 lots on 21 t , 211 , 23d and Saundcn streets nor til ol nnd adjoining U. V. Smith's addition (400 ; terms easy. No (10 Full corner lot on Douglas street noai 10th , 82500. No 70 Corner 00x110 feet lot on Douglas noai near llth street , § 3100. No. 71 Three loUln Disc's addition ncarSann dera street , $1000 73 Lot on Dccatur street , near Ircno Shlnn'f 2d addition 8115. No. 7S 82\00 feet on Pacific street near U. P. and U. & M. depots , $300i > . No. 70 Splendid warehouse lot 77x132 ( cct Otli Etrcct near Jones , $3500. No 78 3 lots on Ilarney street near 19th$2000. No 81 Lot tn Qlso's addition near Saundcn B'rcet , $500. No. 82 Lot In Discs' addition near Saundcn Street , 1300. No 83 2 lota on 10th near Pacific and Nat Works , 61500. No 80 Lot on Charles Etrcct near S.-umdcas , 8500.No No 87 Lot on Lcavcnnorth near ICth , $1,100 , No 83 Lot on Calducll street near founders , 5500. No 80 Lot on Chicago near 22d street , $1500. No 00 Lot on lilomlo near Campbell street $75. 31 lots InMlllards & Caldtvcll's addition , Slier mannmmc , loth street , Spring , Saratoga nut Florence streets , $700 and upwanls. No 122 2 lots on Itith street , near 1'opplcton'i new residence , $1000. No 123 Lot 71x310 feet on Sherman avenue 10th street , $1100 No 124 8 lots on Bcllevuo street , near shol tower , $50 to $76"eacli. No 125 I'ull block on Clinton street , neai shat tower , $50 to $75 each. . No 126 Lot on 18th ttrcct , no whltolcad \orks. $525 No (27 ( 2 lots , 3J acrcsncar head of St. Mary'f a\cnuc , on road to Park , $2500. No 129 Lo on California near Crclghton Col' ego , $376. No 130 1 lots near new government corral , 82j \207J acres each. $300. No 101 Lot In Glee's addition on Cameron St , ncnr Saundcrs , make an Oder. No. ICO Lot hi Glee's addition on CosslusSt. , near State , make an offer. No 102 Lot In Glsc's addition on Casslua ncai Saundcrs , make an offer. No 103 1 block1 In lioyd's addition addition near Omaha llarracks. make an odor. No 10J 7 lota In Henry & Shclton's addition near high school , price from $1250 upward. 170 Lot on Pacific street , near 16th , make or offer. offer.No 171 2 lots on Webster street , near 21st , both $3SjO or $2000 for corner and $1800 .tor ln < dc. dc.No 173 J lot on Cuts near lUh-strcet , 81000 No 176 Lot on Sherman nvenuo 16th street near Irani , 41K132 , $1400. No 177 3 lota In Qrandvicvr. make on offer. No ISO Lot In Shinn's addition on Pier St. , rfnt inirt trpot car track. 9S2i- No 181 Two lots In Nelsons audition , 1 on Jaaho street , 1 on Center street , near Cumlng , $300 each. No 183 Two gilt cdgo lots on Cass street ncai 21st. on a corner , $0000. No 185 Lot on Si. ward street , ucar Blunders , make an offer. No ISO 3 lots on Scward street , near Irene , make an offer No 1SOJ , lot'on rta cnportncar 25th , $500. No 1874 , lot on Division near Cumlng st , $200. No 1SSJ , block In ISO } J's addition , near Omaha barracks , $400. NolbOj , J lot on Plerco near Oth street , $550. No 19i& ( , j lot on llth near Farnham , $2100 No 101 { , 2 beautiful lots in Shinn's addition , $1200. No 102) ) , 2 lots on ISth ttrcct near will to lead works , 1U50. No 103J , lot on 20th street near Sherman , $400 , No 104) , ! ! lots on aid btrcct , near CUrk , tOOO. No lOOj , 3 beautiful lots on baundcra bt. near street car turn bible , $1275. No 109J , lot on 15th near Plcjco kt. $500. No 201 Lot In ( ilsu'a addition on Cameron et , near Sumdcrs , $500. No 0. ! Lot on Cameron street near Saundcrs. 8900. 8900.No 203 Lot In Shtnn's addition on Saundcru Etrcct , near street car turn table , $350. No 2U4 IJeuutlful lot In Nelson's addition , on DI\UIon street near Cumlng , & > 5U. No. 205 Two lots on Castcllar street , near 10th 8150. 8150.No 200 Two lots on Sixteenth street , near the nail workR , $16 < K ) . No SOS One-half lot on California street near 21nt , CTOO. No 2J9 Lot on ISth street near Nicholas , $000. No 210 Lot on Capitol avenue near 23d$1500. Na 212 Lot 148x500 feet on Colfax street , near Ilntiicom Park , with Improtemcnts , $2700. No 213 Two acres on Cumin ; ; street , $1000. No 216 One-half acre on California , near Ken nedy street , $350. No 210 Beautiful lot on Hamilton street near street car turn taolc , $1000. ' No 217 Lot on 23d street , near Clark. $500. A few aero lots only remain unsold In "Park Place" little est of Crelghton Collegt , prices ranging fiom $278 to $300 each and on cosy terms. Lots in llorbacn's 1st and 2A additions ; also lots In Parkcr'sShlnn's ; Nelson's , Terrace's , K. V. Smith's. Hcdlck's , and all the other additions at any price and at any terms. Ten acres In the city llmltn on the road to the barracks at $376 per acre. Feur beautiful residence lots In front of Crelghton College ; will cut them up to cult. Nine residence lots north of Creighton College grounds , from $700 toJIOOO each. Thirty resident lots In Parker's addition , six blocks north of thujcnd of the strecs car truck on Haundcrs street , $300 each , $10 down , balance to suit , at B per cent Interest. A few lots lift In Terrace addition on the road to the Park , near head of fct. Mary's nvcnuo.$7v0 ; oath. TothoHuwhowlllbiillda $1200 residence , 7 years time at 8 p-r cent Interest. Lots In Ukc's addition at * JV ) to $350 each , 10 years time at U per tent Interest , to thowt who build. 'lheoldTouslcy40acro tract with house and nil Improvements , adjoining taio course and fair grounds' forsSuOO. . Traits of 6 , in , 16 , 20. 40 or SO acres , with buil dings and other ImprounuiU and adjoining the cltj , at all prices. 3500 ol the but residence loti In the city of Omaha any location jou dculro north , cast , south or west , and at bedrock prices. 250 choice biulness lots In all the principal bus- mesa streets In Omaha , varjing irom 60jto 7000 each. Two hundred houses and lots ranging from 600 to $16,000 , and located lu c\ery part of the city , Large number of excellent arms In Douglas. Sarpy , baundcn , Dodge , Washington. Hurt , and other good counties In eastern Nebraska. 12,000 acres best land * In Douglas , 7000 acres best lands hi Sarpy county , and largo tracts in all the eastern tier of counties. . , Oi cr 1)00,000 acres of the best land.In . the No- brasKafor silo by this agency , > Ver ] large amounts of suburban 'property In one to ten , twenty and forty aero pieces , located within one to three , four or Iho miles of the jKwtoltH-o name \ cry cheap pieces. . New Maps of Onmha , published by Oeorgo P Bimls plain , unmounted imps 60 cents each ; mounted , colored and with cloth bock , 81.60 even. Money loaned on Improicd farmi also on irniiroMxl city rropcrty , at the lowest rates of Interest. Houses , stores , hotel ) , farms , Iotsl ands. otllccs rooiiu.cU. . , to rent or lease. Ta paid , tenU collected , dcedi , mortgages. and all klndi of real fjUto Documents uude out on short notice. GKO. P. BEMIS' Real Estate Exchange 15th and Douglas Street , OMAHA , - - - NEB , OONTINDED OONVALESOENOEi The Presiflontj's ' Condition Still Continues to Improve ; The San Francisco Mint to bo Investigated. How the News of Lapham's Election Wore Received in Washington. The Comments ! ( > 1 the CnMnot nnd Others. THE PRESIDENT , THE WOUND LOOKING WRI.L. WASHINGTON , July 22. At the morning dressing the president's TCoimd.whidi , is looking very well , discharged sovornl ounces of honlthy pus. A little solid fragment thai lloatcd out with the discharge , proved to consist of n thinscalo of Kino nboul ono-cighth of nil inch long , with n morsel of sloughing fibre. ! . WASHINGTON , July 22 The presi dent had a marked febrile rise this evening , his tcmpcraturo going to 100-2 , pulse 99 , mid respiration 19. The physscians attributed those symp toms to local oxcitonient. There was a free How 'from the wound , which is considered n good symptom. THe probabilities nro that the excitement was occasioned by the sensational reports of the election nt Now York nud Justice Clifford's illness. At midnight the temperature and accompanying indications had subsided. Minister Lowell called to day. There wes _ ajioto of condolence from Gladstone to-day and Blaine telegraphed a reply. WASHINGTON , 1J. 0. , July22 , On. in. The oflicial bulletin just arrived gives the president's condition nt 8:3C : n. m. The president rested well dur ing the night nnd is quite easy this morning. His pulse is 8 § , tempera ture 98-48 , respiration 17. ( Signed ) D. W Buss , J. J. WOODBUUN , JAMES BAHNES , ROUT. REYBUIIN. WASHINGTON , * July 22 , 7 p. m. The progress of tlio president's case continues without tinctorial change. At 1 p. in. his pulse waa 98 , temper ature 100.2 , respiration 18. At 7 p. m. his pulse was 98 , temperature 100.2 , respiration 19. ( Signed ) D. W. Buss , J , Vf , BAIINES , J. J. WOODWAKD , GUITEAtT. CllOHH Ajattl i VlKlL. . Guiteau remains secluded in his col at the jail. He is cross and pcovisl because ho can't have papers to rcac and converse with any ono. THE NEWS IN "WASHINGTON HOW IT WAS UEOEIVED THEHE VAUI- OUS COMMENTS. WASHINGTON , July 22. Announce ment of the election of E. G. Lap- ham to succeed Iloscoo Conkling in the senate occasions no surprise und very little comment , particularly since Conkling removed his personal ellccts from his old quarters heio. Tlio near approach of the end has been tully recognized and no ono hns seemed to expect that Conkling would bo returned. That Lapham would bo the man was so clearly indi cated by recent events at Albany that it would have been a surprise if any one else had been elected. Secretary Blaine , when approached on the subject , said : ' 'It will bo a source of universal satisfaction for tlio popple to know that Now York is again rop-eseiitcd in the senate , and that she has sent those pho chose to. " Attorney General McVeagh was too unwell to BCO any ono to-night. Secretary Lincoln merely said ho was glad the question was settled somehow. Secretory Kirkwood was asked what ho though of it : "Think of it , " said ho , "why that settles it , that's all there is to think. " Secretary Hunt said : "Tho end of the Albany light has boon to us too long apparent to cause any com ment , No\v \ no ono is surprised at it. " Colonel Rockwell said : "Another election in Albany. " The p'residont said : "Lapham ? " "Yes , " was the reply. "So that's the end of it , " remarked the president. Secretary Windom said , "I suppose this question was partially settled some days ago , but was not sure that the conference ) would not select some other candidate than Lapham. How ever , Now York has made her own selection and everybody ought to bo satisfied. " Postmaster-Genural James said : "This is no news beyond the formal result evident sometime ago. New York hns simply accepted the losigna- lions of Conkling nnd Plait and tilled tlio vacancy. Miller and Liplmni uro both good men. " THE CABINET. ' WASHINGTON , July 22. Secretary Windom returned from Doer Park to-day. Ho will remain in the city until Assistant Secretary Upton re turn from Europe , when , if the pres ident is out of danger , lie will take his family away for a month. Secretary Lincoln will take his fam ily to Rockaway Beach next week. Secretary Blaine is postponing his trip to Maine until the president is out of danger. Secretary Hunt is awaiting some announcement before making u tour of the navy yards. Other cabinet ollicers will remain all summer. THE SAN riUNCISCO MINT TO BE INVES TIGATED. Secretary Windon to-day appointed Hon. 0. JIaughton , of California , and Hon. Thomas L. Young , of Ohio , as agents of the treasury department to assist General Alexander Ramsey , ol Minnesota , in investigating the charges made by Representative Page , of California , against Superintendent Dodge , of the San Prancisco mint. All tlicso gentlemen nro now in Cali fornia , mm will begin the investiga tion next week. . * Drowned- SpcclM dl wtch to Tim Bsr : Rr.n OAK , Iowa , July 22. Frcddj White , aged 12 years , son of Hamil ton White , formerly n resident of this place , now a resident of Kvanston , Ills. , was drowned this afternoon in the Nishnabotna while bathing. His body was recovered shortly after wards. SUMMER SPORTS. THE TURF. MYHTIO 1'AHK. BOSTON , July 22. The races nt Mystic Pnrk were continued to-day. The 2:40 : class for h purse of $300 was won by Lady Sherman , inking second , third nnd fourth heats. Time , 22J : ; } , 2:31A : , 2:33j : , 232j. In the free -for-nll races , Robert Lee took the first nnd second heats , and Victor the next three and the race. Time , 2:23 : , 2:23 : $ , 2:24,2 : : 20 , THE DIAMOND. GAMES PLAYED YESTEKDAY. Tiiov , N. Y. , July 22. Providanco 4 , Treys 5. BUFFALO , July 22. Clovolands G , Buflalos 4. DETROIT , July 22. Chicagos 4 , Do- troits ( ! . WonciiESTon , July 22. Worcestors 3 , Bostons 4. Destructive Storms , National Associated Press CINCINNATI , 0. , July 22. The storm of last night nnd yesterday , did considerable damage throughout Northern Kentucky , Southern Ohio , and Indiana. At Laurely Ind. , the Methodist church was struck by light ning and damaged somewhat. Near Camden , fences and trees wore blown down nnd corn levelled for miles. JNear Belle Centre the storm was very severe. Alex Thompson's barn wns burned with all out-buildings nnd the entire wheat crop. Near Green ville , Ohio. Martin Tollman suffered some loss , all his out buildings and crops being destroyed. In Kentucky the storm was accom panied by largo hail At Sparta hail stones wore as largo as lion's eggs and did great damage to fruit and corn. In Centorvillo Mr. George Rambo was killed by lightning , while crossing a meadow. At Mporo's Hill Henry Woods' out-buildings , implements and nhcat crop was burned by fire from -lightning. - Thte.ctorm-or rnthca succession of storms' seemed to bo general all over this section. A Big Clique in Chicago. National Associated 1'rcss. CHICAGO , July 22. The Times this morning accounts for the present ex citement on 'Change ' and suddenly ap preciated prices through the entire list on the hypothesis that every staple on the market is cornered and put out of legitimate reach by some successful cliquo. Wheat is said to bo cornered by Phil Armour , of Chicago , nnd Hardy , of Cincinnati. Lard by Fowler ler Bro.'s and Phil Armour. Corn by John B. Lyon. Pork by McKeogh , ( jf Milwaukee , who is claimed to have joined hands with Armour. Oats by Aran Ingaragon nnd Hammill , pre sumably for Samuel Allerton and his associates , and rye by Baxter & Co. Serious Runaway. National Asgoclitcd 1'rcsa. NEW YOIIK , July 22. The horses attached to n box. wagon containing four women from Newark , wore frightened by n railroad train in Jersey City lost evening and ran away. Mrs. Moux nnd Henrietta Blitz , the latter agRod 19 , leaped out of the wagon , "Miss Blitz fell head foremost and died instantly with a crushed skull. Mrs. Moux was badly cut and bruised , and received internal injuries. The other two women remained in the wagon and the uninjured horses were stopped by n man after running half a mile. O. A Rat Gettysburg. National Associated I'rcs/j. GETTYSBUIIO , Pa. , July 22. The state departmon camp G. A. R. bo- [ ; ins at this place to-morrow , continu ing ono week. A car 'load of tents has arrived and are being erected by the Gettysburg post No. 9 , The visitors will cnm ] > on East Cemetery Hill , but will board in the town , preparations laving been made to provide for them it reasonable rates. All indications ) oint to a largo attendance. The Death Record. National Associated 1'rcss. NEW TOIIK , July 22. Tlio death is announced to-day of Win. S. Hud son , a ed 72 , nt Hulodon , N. J. Ho was one of the most noted locomotive ) engineers and inventors in the coun try Paddy Collins , aged 50 , dropped dead in the street to-day. Ho was a well known sport and know nearly every pugilist in the country. Train Wrecked- National Associated 1'itss. CHICAGO , July 22. Tho- heavy rain storm of yesterday caused a washout on the Chicago & Northwestern rail road a few miles south of Waukegan his morning , throwing n freight train rom the track , killing Edward lughcs , engineer , and seriously in uring the fireman and brakoman. [ 'ho oii'ino ( and seven cars were totally vrecked. Editor Aasatmiiiatod. National Ausoiiatt-d 1'rtu. BT , Louis , July 22. The Chronicle special says that Mr. Muthows , editor of The Purryvillo Times , was assassi- mted last night. Ho was standing in .ho door when an unknown assaesin fired sixteen buckshot into him. LUCKY LAPHAIYI. Ho is Eleotorl to Fill the Vacan cy Caused by the Resignation - tion of Oonkliiig , The Republicans Abide by the Caucus and Vote Solidly For Lapbam. The Loaders < tf Both Sides Make Spoeohos of Congrat ulation Upon the Settlement. Gonkling nnil Others nro Fotmtl lint Refuse to.bo Intel viowod. TItn JOINT CONVENTION. ALBANY , N. YM July 22. The joint convention melons Usual at noon. Previous to the mooting * of the con vention it lisa so far hold a daily morn ing caucus , anil the reports that were rife that n compromise of sonio sort had been agreed upon sfcempd to bo confirmed in the fact thnt the joint convention Snnnodintoly after one bal lot took a recess Mil 230 ; i > . in. The ballot resulted the snmo as yesterday , Lapham being no nearer election. It was as follows : Total vote , 132 ; necessary to choice , 07 $ Lapham 03 , ConklitiR 28 , Totter ( dem10 , ) , Wood- ford 1. ' inn nEPUDLic'AX ooJjrr.nr.xcE. The conference of the republicans was called to order by Judge Robertson - son immediately after the adjourn- incut of the joint convention , and Robertson nominated Senator McCarthy , half-brood , chairman. The latter thanked the mem bers. Assembly man1 Morgan moved tc adjourn , but withdrew thu motion. Judge Robertson said the object of the conference was to elect a candidate for senator upon whom all icpublicana could unite. Ho refused to answer the query if this was n caucus. The democrats hold n caucus with closed doors und it in reported decided upon an attempt to force nil adjourn ment in case the republicans did not complete nn election to-day. The joint convention reassembled , called the roll , and took a recess until 4 p. in. , when it is believed an election will bo inado. The republican conference , after n great deal of discussion and counter motions , adjourned till 3 o'clock this afternoon , whcn it is jixpcctcd both factions wUiUnito upon'a candidate. The half broods are very jubilant. ALBANY , July 22 , 5 p. in. The joint convention elected Laplmm , halfbrccd , to succeed Conkling. The following is the ballot : Lapham 02 , Potter ( Dem. ) 42 , absent and paired , 20. Njecowsaryto c''iiWj < 8. ALBANY , July 22. The election 01 E. G. Lapham as senator to succect Conkling was accomplished at 43 [ o'clock this afternoon. The republic ans voted solid in accordance with the caucus agreement. The caucus rcoS' scmblcd at 3 o'clock , in accordance with the adjournment , earlier in the day , it being well-known that the half- breeds were in th'o majority , and that the stalwarts hud retired from the contest , under the principle that ma jority rules , after having secured a caucus. During the caucus there wcro very many speeches pro and con and a great deal of dialling , but when the vote was taken it resulted aa follows : Lapham 01 , Conkling 27 , " \Voodford 1 , Evarts 1 This insured the election of Lapham , as the stal warts by attendance on caucus had pledged to abide by the result. The leaders on both sides made speeches of congratulation upon the settlement. The last ballot was : Laplmm 92 , Potter - tor ( democrat ) 42. The democrats taunted the republicans for their dif ferences and predicted democratic victories in the fall election. The republicans ] retorted with the asser tion that unity was now assured and that the democrats wcro surely beaten in any election that could take place. There was an immediate adjournment ofjtho joint convention with cheers for Garficld , Conkling and Lapham , and the "Old Cause , " and the democrats cheered for Potter. BEllENAUKD. The stalwart and half-brood clubs of this city serenaded United States Senators Miller and Lapham at thu Delavan house to-night. Both sena tors-elect , Assemblyman Hustod and others made speeches. COXKI.1NO. NEW Yoiuc , July 22. Senator Conkling was found alone this even ing by a reporter in his room at the Fifth avenue hotel. Ho had not re ceived any cullers since early in the afternoon. Ho appeared in usual spirits mid had been very busy for several hours attending to a , mass of 3orrespondonco. Ho declined to talk on the election of Lapham except that lie said it would relieve him from many cares and allow him to transact i largo amount of accumulated busi ness. "All I have to say at present , " lie added , "is stated in the following lispatch , " which he handed to the re- ; > ortor. lion , James Armstrong , Member Assembly , Albany , N. Y. The heroic : onstancy of the spartan band which to long has stood for principle and truth has my deepest gratitude and idmiration. Borne down by forbid- Ion and adherent forces , and agon- jies which never before had sway in ! ho Republican party , the memory of ihoir courage and manhood will long live in highest honor. The near fu ture will vindicate their wisdom and : rovvn thorn with approval. Please isk all for mo to receive my must grateful acknowledgment. ( Signed. ) Jloscou CONKLINM. . NEW YOIIK , July 22. Conkling re mains ut the Fifth avenue hotel. In : oiivorsation to-niglit-ho stated that lie was not surprised at Uio esult , but hat ho had nothing to.eay-boypnd the lispatch above quoted. VICK-l'HKHlDKNT AUTHUU. Yico-President Arthur was found at his residence on Ijcxington nvcnuc this evening. Ho refused to talk upon Mr , Lapham's election. Const Caxnaltio . SAN FHANCISCO , July 22. 0. S. Smith , of Arizona , while drinking in n saloon at Napa , shot himself in the head with a pistol and died instantly. James S. Murray fell ofFlho cars on the Dayton railroad. Washington Ter ritory and was tenibly mangled , John Dran attempted to stop n horse by placing his foot on the lialtot rope , and was c.utjjht by the noose , the horse became frightened and drag ged him two miles until life was ex tinct. tinct.Firo Fire on the Flint tract near llollis- tcr , destroyed two hundred acres of w heat. SAX FIIAXCISOO , July 22. Austin Sperry , proprietor of the Stockton ( louring mills , and an old pioneer of California , died to-day of cancer of thu throat. The man who committed suicide at Napa by shooting , is supnoaud to bo n defaulting bank clerk of San Francisco who registered under the name of 0. S. Smith , of Arizona , to avoid ro < cognition. A fire on Theobald ranch , Morcoi county , destroyed one-half of u foui hundred aero liold of wheat. FOREIGN FRAGMENTS National Associated 1'ross. A OKNKKAL QUIET IX TUNIS. PAUIS , July 22. The canturo ol Sfax by the French troops baa nn > duced n general quiet in Tunis. Ni steps will bo takonagainst Ben Amelia until autumn. Tin : LAND niLt. . LONDON , July 22. The land bill passed through its committee stage in the house of commons amid great cheering at 2 o'clock this morning. Mr. Gladstone was much cheered on leaving the house. NIHILISTS AIlUnSTKD. ST. PETKILSIIUKO , July 22. Tin police of this city has captured n ganj of nihilists concerned in some dangerous gorous plots. Failure. National Associate ; ! 1'rcKS , CHICAGO , July 22. .Failure of T M. Baxter it Co. , largo operators in grain and provisions in Chicago , and grain and stocks in Now York , was announced on change this morning , this linn is said to bo largely short 01 wheat , which has advanced eight conti within n week's liabilities unknown. CuiCAdo , July 22. The grain com mission house of Francis J. Ke'nnot & Co. , suspended to-day. The failure uro is attributed to a connection witl Jack Sturgis , of the Kcokuk elevator Liabilities 80,000. MIDDI.KTOWN , Ohio , July 22. A Hill & .Soil , paper manufacturing company , made an nssigiiinontr t'i Jos. E. Campbell , at Hamilton. Lia bilitics $125,000 ; assets nearly tin same. NKW YOIIK , July 22. The failure and assignment of John Baldwin Co. , importers , of Halifax , N , II. , if announced. Liabilities , § 100,000 assets , 10 or 15 per cent. of MoPhorsou's Statnc National AxHodatoi ) l'rt" CLYDE , Ohio , July 22. Ex-Prcsi dent Hayes , Gen. Sherman , Gov. Foster and other distinguished guests arrived this morning to attend tin unveiling of the McPhoraon menu ment. A salute was fired at sunrise and this morning was devoted to the reception of guests. Gen. Sherman came from Mansfield and ex-Presi dent Hayes and Gen. Force from Tifllaii. Most of McPherson's old stair are hero. At 1 p. in. the column moved to the cemetery , whore Gen. Sherman unveiled the statue and Gen. Force delivered an oration. The aged mother of Gen. McPherson , who lives within a few rods of the mound , was present on the platform with her daughter , Mrs. Vandorcoot , of An gola , Ind. , and her grandson , a son of Win. McPherson , and a brother of thoTJgonoral. These are the closest living relatives of Gen. McPhorson. The city is filled with people. Many ox-army officers are present. The city is beautifully decorated. Review of Trade. NEW YOIIK , July 22.--Brad- streets says : General trade through out the United States during the past week has not varied material ly from the preceding week. A slight recovery from thu stagnation caused by the late intense heat is noted in the Ohio valley , and at Chicago , Minneapolis , St. Paul and San Fran cisco. Considerable activity is noted from thirty-seven leading trade con- res , which indicate a fairly satisfacto ry distribution movement and good collection with few exceptions. The prospects for n brisk fall trade are favorable. The number of failures Jiroughout the United States und Canada reported during the past week was 02 , an increase of one over the record of the present week , National Educational Convention. National Ansociatul 1'ruu. AUOUHTA , Ga. , July 22. The last day of the National Teachers' coiivon- ion opened with prayer by Prof. joldon of St. Louis , Hon. J , P , iVickersham , of Pennsylvania , read a taper on "The loading characteristics f American systems of public oduca- ionj" W. T , Harris , of Missouri , on 'The lesson of the International Edu cational congress at Brussels ; " Hon. j. II. Thompson , of Nebraska , on 'Tho need of u system of special tech- lical schools , " Indications. National Associated 1'ruu. WASHINGTON , July 22. For the upper Mississippi and Ipwer Missouri valley fair weather , northerly winds , stationary barometer and stationary or higher temperature. Reports are nisaing from the Pacific coast , The rivers will continue stationary or fall slowly. NOOSE NEWS. Tlio Talbofct Boys Himg at Mary- villo , Mo , , Yosfcorflay fortlio Murder of Their Father , Thousands of People Prom the Surrounding Country Wit ness the Execution , An Afl'octiut ? Parting Scone at the Jail Between Mother and Sous. Wonctarftil Nerve Exhibited by the Brothers Before Their Exception , John "W. Patterson the Re cipient [ of a Ohoki ng Sen sation at Loosburg , Mo. Goo. Qroon , Colored. Served in n litlio Manner nt Greenwood , Ar leaning. Special Dlnrtntch to Tun Unit. MAIIYHVIU.K , July 22. At 12 o'clock Mrs. Thlbot , her daughter and Miss Lewis , thu girl that is en gaged to Albert , visited the boys in the jail remaining about half an hour , The scone waa very affecting. As Mrs. Talbot was leaving the jail she shrieked : "I hope you will bo satis fied when you have killed my boys. " Just as everything was ready to move to the scaflbld the boys called for their dinner , which was given them , both eating heartily. After eating they smoked cigars , after which the death sontonco4 was read in the jail by the sheriff. At 1:30 : the boys ciiino out of the jail , arm in arm , with their spiritual iulvisorf'both smoking cigars and bearing up wonderfully. They were taken to the scatfold in a 'buss. The procession reached the scatlbli' at 2 p. in. The priests nnd boys knelt in prayer on the scaffold. Al 2:15 the bolt was pulled by Shorill Toolson , and both died without n struggle. National Associated Truss. ST. Louis , July 22. The Talbo boys were hanged at Marysvillo to day for the murder of their father. They adhered to their last confession implicating several other parties Some weeks ago they made a confession sion that one of the boys killed the pld man because ho was beating the ! mother. Their friends were nil dis glisted nt their' difrbroul-'stories am no sympathy was felt for thorn. TJioi nto heartily and laughed and joket with the jail guards. The gallows ii cut on the siUo of the hill where nl creation can see and the whole popu lation of thu county was on hand. The boys bore up wonderfully wol this morning. The parting from their mother this afternoon was very affect ing. The procession started for the gallows at 1 o'clock. MAUVVII.LI : , Mo. , July 22. The Talbott boys went to bed about midnight and slept soundly. They were still hopeful this morning , Albert pro testing in a solemn manner thntWyatl had killed his father. Ho said ho did not fear death but hated to die for a crime ho did not commit. Both ate a hearty breakfast and took several still horns of whiskey thereafter. Edwnril allowed a barber to shave him but Al bert would not consent to such an oper ation , declining tohavohin hair coined. Shortly after ! ) o'clock suits of clothes for the condemned men wore brought in. Again Edward mnnifcitod n great indifference to personal appearance. While the boys wore dressing , their mother , throe sisters , Miss Lewis and i couple of old ladies came in drosssd in deep mourning , and wore given seats in the ante chamber of the jail. Fathers Anzolma and Ignatius , two bonodictivo fathers from St. Joseph , administered the last sacra ment. THK UALLOWH. The gallows wore erected on the side of a hill near thu jail in full view of he thousands who came from all parts of the county to witness the execution. At half-past twelve the condemned non wore allowed to bid their rola- ives farewell. The p rtinL' between notlier and sons was a very affecting scene , At 1 o'clock the procession started for the gallows , FROM TIIK JAIL TO THK hCAlTOLD. After the procession loft the Mary- villu jail the crowd was somewhat dis- > rdorly. The boys ascended the scaf- oid with a ( inn tread , being supported on each side by a Catholic priest , who spokn words of comfort. The broth ers then took a farewell of each other nnd shook hands with their spiritual advisers nnd the sheriff. They stopped on thu trap firmly , the black caps wore adjusted , the sheriff gave the sig- ml and the trap fell , Not a word was ipoken to the nublia by either one. Neither stuggled at all , but Albert ived thirty minutes , the rope not bo ng well adjusted. Charles Edward vus dead in twelve minutes. AT LKKSBUUG , MO. LEKSUUIUJ , Mo. , July 22. Jno. W. 'attcrson was hanged here this morn' ng for the murder of James O. Clark icar this place. Eight thousand poole - > le witnessed thu execution , After oligious services by Elder Pierce , the condemned thanked thu sheriff and ittornoys for kindness and shook muds with them , The sheriff then read the death warrant , pinioned his inns and tied his legs , und put the > lack cap on the prisoner. At 11:30 : ho sheriff with uplifted broadaxe aid : "John W. Patterson , may the word have mercy on your soul , " then cut the rope and the doomed man fas launched into space , Jeath ensued in thirteen minutes , L'to body was buried nt public expense. The crime which Patterson expiated was the murder of James O. Clark , n fanner , near Roscoe , St. Clair county , December 1. 1878. Ho was n teamster for Clark , and chop ped hia head open with a hatchet while driving through the country in a wagon , expecting to got a largo sum of money , Ho was captured and sub sequently cscapert from jail , changed his name to John 0. Williams , and was living in Illinois when n decoy letter in reference to his father's estate disclosed his identity. AT nnEKNWOOD , AUK. Lmu : HOCK. Ark. , July 22. Goo Green , colored ! , was executed at Greenwood at noon to-day for the murder of his wife August. 18 , 1880. XtovEdwixrd Cowloy , Xixtlonal Associated I'rcsn Nr.w YOHK , July 22. The com mittee appointed last January byllnv. IMshop Potter , of this city , to inquire Into certain rumors nnd accusations nlfecting the character of Ilov. Edward Cowloy , late superintendent of the Shepherds' Fold , published their report to-day. After carefully reviewing the evidence , the committee are compelled to refrain from present ing Ilov. Edward Cowloy for trial in the court of the church for the crimo. Suloldo or Murder ? National Associated Treat. DP.I MOINKS , la. , July 22. Mrs Helena Johnson was found hanging in the collar this morning dead. It is not known whether she suicided or was hung by her husband. She to- mainod nil night in the house with n three months babe. Her husband is in jail. Tournament Programme National An oclateil 1'rctn. CHICAOO , July 22. A programme ) was issued to-day for the eighth nn- mial convention and tuurnament of the Illinois State Sportsmen associa tion , which occurs hero August 2 , 3 , I , fi and 0. Ten thousand pigeons are on hand and $2,000 are olfurod in prir.es. The Railroad "War. National Associated 1'rem. Ni\v : YOUK. July 22. The railroad passenger warfare continues. Scalpers are selling tickets to Chicago for § 9. At the offices of the various railroads § 10. The offices of the scalpers are crowded with purchasers. Jallod for Poisoning His Wife. National Auocla'ol I'tcm. SULLIVAN , Ills. , , Tuly22. Henry J. Freeman was committed to jail to-day on the charge of poisoning his wife. Ho is supposed also to have killed his father about two years ago. Arrival of n Nihilist. National Associated 1'reas. NKW YOUK , July 22. Adam Hart- infln , said to bo the famous Russian nihilist of that name , arrived here July 14th as a steerage pwtsonger , but no one knows where Tie litf > goiid to or what has become of him. Ridiculously Romantic. Hpccinl to St. Louis Globe-Ucmocmt. YAZOO CUT , Miss. , July 20. The mail rider brings from liollsonia , Washington county , to-day , news of an affair tragic , romantic and some what amusing. Living near that place * is a family named Goroy , and amotuj other things it contains a daughter , whoso loveliness completely captured n neighbor named Hubbard. The latter visited the parents only to find them hard and unrea sonable , and without more ado ho wont homo for his gun , nnd returning attempted to shoot Mr. Goroy , who , by some accident , was standing behiild his wife. The latter was shot , but not dangerously. This happened last week , and on Monday Hubbard was arraigned for trial , hav ing boon under bail. The young lady concerned was n witness for the state , but when called on nho pleaded diffi dence and was allowed a little time , which she improved by going to a store near by , whore she met and was married to Hubbard by a magistrate. The announcement in the court room raised n storm , but at last accounts all parties wore becoming rapidly recon ciled. Visiting the east side of upper Now York n few days ago , the writer of this called at Mr. George Itinglor'a boor brewery on 02nd street. In con versation Mr. llinglor mentioned the following facts : Some months since I had an aggravated attack of rheu matism. The malady settled in my loft foot and totally incapacitated me 'or business. The pain was so great ; hut I was compelled to keep my room and I suffered untold tortures , being unable to press my foot to the leer fora long time. A friend told nn of St. Jacobs Oil. * I secured a mottle one day and applied it < > accord- ng to directions. So marvelously rapid was the relief that I was able to , valk down to business next day , and mvu not suffered an hour with rheu matism since. Undoubtedly the best shirt in the LJnited States is manufactured at the Omaha Shirt Factory. The superiority > f material and workmanship , com- ) inod with their great improvements , hat is reinforced fronts , reinforced jacks , and reinforced sleeves , makes heir shirt the most durable and best itting garment of the kind , over manufactured at the moderate prica of 1.50. Every shirt of our make is guaranteed first-class and will refund ho money if found necessary. Wo make a specialty of all wool , Shaker , and Canton flannel , also Jiomois underwear , made up with a iow to comfort , warmth and durabil- ty. To invalids nnd weak-lunged persons we offer special inducements n the manner those goods are made r lhch "prelection. Pii. GOTTHEIMEB , 1807 yarnham St "ROUGH ON HATS. " The thing desired found at last. \sk druggists for Rough on Itats. It tears out ruts , mice , roaches , flies , > od-bugs , 15c. boxes.