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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1881)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , JQLY 1C , 1881. THE DAILY BEE. Saturday Evening , July 16. LOCAL BREVITIES. rutterson sclN coal. Get your hits nt Doano'a. Drink Snxe' Peruvian Uoer. Smoke Saxe's hand made lOc A. W. Nason , Dentist , .Tncoli'u hlock. Everyone drinks Saxo's Cream Sotln. Natural Mineral Water on draught nt Ktthn's drug store. Straw hats for cost ) price and cheaper l Kih-lell & Krellc. fr-2t For FISB Commercial Job Printing , all t Tun UKB Job rooms. N'inclcll k Krellc , leading Hatters. frirlm Orrnl null for Dresi Goods at At- kln'on'a ; low prices 111 tell. ) y2-tf The Lion continues to roar for Moore's n rnc and Saddlery. Whipple , McMillan k .Co. , the Jewel- crs , Crcifhton Block. oSIUf Prescriptions a specialty , Opera House Pharmacy , 211 3. Ifith Street. Safoi , machinery , nnd oil kinds of heavy hauling done by Jlrisco & Co. , the safe men. w&ictf Gns was lighted for the first time on St. Mary's , avenue , as far up an Twenty , third street Thursday night. \Ve will close out all our Bummer hats at cost , to make room for fall trade. KIndell & Krelle , nign the Gold Hat. fr-2t Ono hundred and forty land Hcttlcrs were passenger * pn the west-bound U. P. train yesterday afternoon. They nil in tend to locate in different portions of this State. Geoi-go Wilson , a Kansas City print er , arrived in the city Thursday o\cnlng , was arrcstwl two hours later for vagrancy , pleaded Rtillty yesterday morning , nnd wan Hent to jail for ten days and fined a dollar. Tin ee gentlemen with enlarged crani- urns visited Judge Benoko's court yesterday morning. They had been drunk Thurs day. The party wan sent to the county jail , beinir unable to pay their fines. Hereafter the dummy train on the bridge division of the U. P. railroad will leave the depot on this Hide of the river at 0 o'clock and leave the transfer depot to return at 0:45. : Thin additional trip is made in order to connect with the Sioux City & St. Paul train. The 0:15 : train will leave for the transfer at the usual time , A lively runaway occurred on Tenth utrcct In the vicinity of the U. P. depot , yesterday. A team belonging to McNama ra , the wholesale lltjuor merchant , became frightened at n flock of ithccp which were being driven nlong the street , nnd ran away breaking the wagon nnd harness although they were caught bcfoio they had gone far. The U. & M. and the U. P. nine will play n game of ] base ball this afternoon , ' beginning nt 3 o'clock. Bernard Ash died at St. Joseph's hos pital yesterday. Ho was about twenty- four yearn of age. Hin funeral uill take place this morning at 11 o'clock , from St. Philomena'H cathedral. A couple of Holdlcrs of the regular ar my were brought in yesterday on the U P. express from the west IM prisoners They were In charge of n couple of ollicerf and wore heavily shackled. An ambu. lance was waiting for them nnd they were taken directly to 1'iirt Omaha. The Governor's Staff. Gov. Nnnco 1ms selected his staff. It is composed of the following gon- tlomcn : Sniniiol J. Alexander , adju tant general nnd chief of stuff , will ) the rank of brigadier gonornl ; Cyrus N. Baird , quartermaster general , with the rank oi colonel ; Melville W. Stone , M. D. , Burgeon gononil , with the rank of colonel ; L. P. llichnrda , commissary general , with the same rank ; Edward P. Roggon , nosistiuil adjutant general , with the rank o | lieutenant colonel ; Franklin Sweet , major general , with the rank of major , nnd 8. S. LoIIew , adjutant general , with the rank of captain. PERSQNALS. Herbert F. Dent of Canton , China , it registered at the Witlmull. Col. Stanton , paymaster U. S. Anny , went weAtward yesterday afternoon. HonTliod. Keunard , of Lincoln , arrived iu the city yesterday staying al the Canlleld , house. Geo. A. Balloy. of Gleuwood , Iowa , no companlecl by his wife and two children , in staying at the Witlmell. Rev. J. 1) . Max field , pastor of the rirnt MctluxlUt church , was tmmmoiied bj telegram to the home of hln aged inothei in Ohio , He took hU departure there 01 Tuesday afternoon , Wednesday forenooi intelligence reached hU family of th death of tile old lady buforo Mr. Maxfieli had time to get to hcr'bodilde. Rev. Mi Young , of the east , will preach from Mi Maxlield'n pulpit Sunday morning next K 10:30 o'clock. J. H , Kellogg , of Rockford , 111. , ia i the Metropolitan , Mr , and Mrs. Quo , Canlield will utii for Lake Minnetonka Monday morning , W. G. Wanhbuni , of Heatrlce , arrlv < in the city yesterday afternoon and is guest nt the Metropolitan , Oranges and lemons for sale by tl Eitii & DUQUETTE , JulyU-3t Council Bluffs. ' * I' , The only place in the city who Jos. Schlitz's Alilwaukoe boor is foui on draught is the Merchants E oluinge , cor , IGth and Dodge street. tt I / . ' / T/ie / Coolest Hat ! Tfa ItomDoo/ / / , Juiffecehed ly Fre lendHatterJi / 13 liggs 15o at J , I. NICJIOL'S. D utwouer Boor for family use. 1 aalo by Julius Truitfichko , j2 ! Children's dresses at 09 cent ute J12.ti IN A QUANDARY. Dogs lhat Doligbt to Bark and Bite. And the Question ot How to Got Bid of Thorn. Every tiny in the week complaints are made to Judge Bonoko some vicious cur or ether haa severely bitten n child. As the hot weather continues the complaints become more numerous , find it is now quito n problem M to what is to bo done in the matter. If the ordin ances nro to be strictly obeyed , the worthless curs nro not to bo eliminated from the world below by means of poison. A short time ago u resolution was passed in the council instructing the city mar- tdml to enforce the ordinance provid ing for the shooting of such dogs ns might bo found wandering about tin- tagged during the summer solstice. The police were sot to work immedi ately upon the adoption of this resolution , and for a few days matters were ( inito brisk among liio canine population. The raid against the untaggcd curs was kept up for a few days , nnd the way in which the worthless dogs dis appeared from creation alarmed people ple of humanitarian proclivities. About a score of the dogs were shot in ono day , and although it was some what unpleasant to see their remains festering in the genial sunshine , many people voted it n good rid dance. However , pcoplo who thought differently got in their work on the council and the result -wai the passage of another resolution prohibit ing the shooting of dogs. The consequence quence is that there lias been no way since of getting rid cf this troublesome - some element of the population. They are permitted to rave about the streets nt will unmolested , and it docs not make the least diU'oronco whether they are tagged or not. With the thermometer fluttering about nt 100 degrees in the shade the outlook is not entirely cheerful. Sev eral children have already been bitten by curs , nnd should n case of hydro phobia occur all talk about inhumanity to the dogs will probably cease This is n matter that calls for some imme diate consideration at the hands of the council , and should bo brought up at the meeting next Tuesday. "Woll Known Actor In Omalia. Willie Edouin , proprietor of "Dreams , or Fun in a Photograph Gallery , " which has had n wonderful run for the past two seasons , arrived in the city yesterday afternoon nnd , , registered at the Withncll. Mr. Edouin is accompanied by his wife , . Alice Athorton , ono of the most popu lar actresses in her line of business on the stngo. They came direct from Salt Lake City , where they just closed their season nnd nre on their wny cast to spend n short vacation bofoio the opening of the next theatrical season. They remained ovofin Omaha BO that ono of their children , who was taken seriously ill on the way , might receive piopor medical treatment. Trying to Keep Warm- A letter received by a gentleman in this city floin ono of the U. P. sur veying party now in Utah , would in dicate that they hare struck up an ac quaintance with old Boreas again. The letter slates that when they awake in the morning they find the water covered with thin ice. Apparently , however , the members of the party do not enjoy this prospect any moro than the residents of Omaha do the intense heat. People hero cannot help feel ing a little bit envious though when they read of ice being naturally form ed nt this season. A Change of Timo. The passenger train which has here tofore left on the 0. B. , S. J. & K. 0 , railway Saturday mornings will aftoi the 17th of July leave Sunday morn ings , and instead of the ono hcrotofon arriving Monday mornings there wil w n regular passenger train nrrivin ; n every Sunday evening. Oranges and lemons for sale by tin box. EHII & DUQUETTE , Julyl4-3t Council Bluffs. ' DOWN ! DOWN ! ! DOWN ! ! ! 1x1 Down go the prices Dushnian'a ALL WOOL Huntings at Be. Our Silks nt Dress Goods and Hosiery around hiiv boon ALL SUMMER THE CHEAPEST i OMAHA. tf "WINEOFCARDUI" four times ho day inakud a luippy household. At 0. F. OooJimuV Now | x > tatoes at atW. W. M. YATEH & Co , . The best meat and prices low < n than over , P. BE.VSEN- , "x" Fulton Market , IGth Street. tf Bulwoisor Beer tor family use. F < / sale by Julius Treitsohko. J12-I Furniture for sale 'cheap , at tli l l-Ot corner of Ninth and Afason streets. TA11LEDELICACIES AT FLEfi For j6-2t -5t Clnldrens High Cut Slippers , fo and five straps 60c. a pair , at ro , FULLUIEIIE'S , f Ono block [ from Vi8scher'8 w\d \ bloc Birthday Party. Miss Pauline Goldsmith entertained her young friends superbly with n birthday party at her residence on Dodge street Thursday. In the even ing the grounds were brilliantly lighted , Music , songs , nnd games , closing with n lunch , wan the pro gramme. Among these present were the Misses Fannie nnd Bell Wilson , Hossio Putmnti , Mabel Hollmnn , May Her , Bessie and Jennie Yatcs , All is Crnickshank , Kitty Stobbins , Mar- garat Brown , Nellie Newman , May Burns , Nottio Johnson , Mnltio Stone , Stella MountGracio DotweilerBcrtha Meyer , Ncllio Ilosowntcr , Lottie Hongland , nnd Masters John McCormick - mick , Harry Sharp , Guy Koss , Wickio nnd Freddie Ilustin , IIoxSo Clark , Fred nnd George Thrall , Bobbie Nicklos , George nnd Walter Minor , Harry Latoy , Freddie Lake , Willie iVndorson , Mark Holler and Charlie llosowater. THERMAL TOPICS. The Hottest Day of the Glad New Year. Tendency of the Mercury Still Upward. Yesterday was probably the hottest day that haa been experienced in Oma ha the present season. The fact that thera was very little air stirring ron- dttrcd the heat more than usually op pressive. Very few persons showed ambition to over-exert themselves and those who could do so lot their business jog on as it might. In aomo portions of the city unexposed ther mometers indicated in the neighbor hood of 100 degrees early in the after noon. At about 12:30 : a thermometer in the neighborhood of the U. 1 * . depot chowcd 08 degrees. At the signal service headquarters , which nre gener ally considered to bo about four de grees cooler than in the streets , the thermometer at C o'clock in the morn ing allowed 82 degrees in the shade. At 0:45 : o'clock it had jumped up to 02 degrees nnd at 1:45 o'clock in the afternoon , when the last observation was made , it hadcreptup to OC degrees and was still creeping. Max Meyer's thermometer , which is placed in front of the store , shaded by an awning , indicated ! )7i ) degrees at 2 o'clock. Both man and beast suffered much from the unusual caloric yesterday , especially those compelled to work or exorcise in the sun. This might bo a good time to impress upon pcoplo the absolute necessity of careful diet. The best medical authorities advise that all stimulants bo avoided. The habit of drinking much iced drinks should ho ovorconvj , as in stead of reducing the temperature they injure the stomach. Avoid all ex citements , bathe frequently and cat plenty of fruit. This is about all the advice that occurs to TUG Bin : just now , but should anything further bethought thought of , it will bo given later in the week. Frank Inglis , n civil engineer by profession , was overcome by the heat yesterday nnd so badly prostrated that ho was scarcely expected to live through the night. Inglis came to this city about two weeks since from Salt Lake City. Ho was employed by the parties having the contract to build the Missouri Pacific road between hero and Atchisoii to make the preliminary surveys. He had employed quite a force of men tc do the rough work of the expedition , nnd yesterday was at Hanscom parli giving them the necessary instruc tions. Late iu the afternoon ho felt the effect of the heat , and was obligee to.dosiat from work. Ho was carricc to the Croighton house , when ho is staying. When ho arrived there ho was utterly pros trated , and finally his cast took aucli a serious turn that Dr Chadwick was telephoned for. Tin doctor worked with the man for quiti a time , butnt a late hour last night hi > o was still in a precarious condition. Ono of the employes in the U. P K car shops was overcome by the hea yesterday nnd rendered unable t work. His luinto was not learned. Runaway. A somewhat exciting runawa ; occurred on Capitol avenue last even 9. ing. A two horse team belonging t a Mr. Morrison , ran away , strowin the top of the carriage and pieces c oil cloth along the nvenuo. Tli nnimals wore finally caught on Sovei teonth nnd Douglas streets. Tli carriage was badly smashed. Oranges and lemons for sale by tl box. Enw & DOQUKTTE , Julyl4-3t Council Blulla. er "BLACK-DRAUGHT" mukea chill and fever impossible. At 0. V , Goodman' * , or Eggs 15o at J , I , NICHOL'S. 5t A. S. Billings , dentist , opposi oil postoflico. Ini-ov-Biit Down go the prices , Como at il- BOO. P. BKSEN , Fulton Market 10th Street. tf TABLE DELTOAOIES AT FLE ! ING'S. j 15-21 Eggs 15o at J.I , NICUOL'S , THE BLUFFS' BUDGET. Usual Supply of Crisp Read ing Matter , Happenings Among the Swelt ering People Over the Way. ABOUT THE TUNNEL. Another company toll bridge be tween Omaha ant ! Council Bluffs would not help pcoplo hero much , so far as the cost of transfer is concerned. There would undoubtedly bo a pool ing of interests or some other arrange ment by winch prices would bo kept up. Whether a bridge or tunnel is built it should be built by and under the control of the two cities. In no other way can tolls , if any , bo ar ranged so as to best servo the interests of the people. By any means of transfer the rates should bo adequate but not extortionate. The present rates are an embargo upon travel and commerce. It ought not cost moro than twice as much to cross the Mis souri than it does to cross Now York bay or the Delaware river. ELKirrmu LIGHT ASSURED. The proposition to light the city by electric lipht from Mount Washington is taking form rapidly. The names of those who are interested in the scheme nro at present withheld , but in duo time will bo given to the public. Akron , Ohio , is successfully lighted by electricity , and why should not the metropolis of Iowa bo ? \ \ hy would it not bo a line advertisement , as well as a matter of economy ? Akron's electric light has advertised her all over the world. GRADUATED WITH HONORS. Edgar H. Scott , son of Hon. C. R. Scott , of this city , recently graduated at Grincll College , Iowa , with high honors , receiving the diploma of Master - tor of Science : Young Mr. Scott en tered Grincll College three years ago at the ago of sixteen and made his college course in thrco years , thus doing the work of four yeais in three. His graduating oration on the subject of "Tho Higher Aims of Culture , " evinces a grasp of mind , a cultivation of intellect , voice and gesture not often found * in ono so young. Ho demonstrated that by natur al gift and acquired mental culture , ho was able to and did com prehend and understand the elements and prerequisites of the higher planes of scholastic attainments and oratory. This is alike creditable to him , and an evidence of the cflicioncy and thoroughness of that celebrated in stitution of learning. His friends feel a just pride in his success. Mr. Scott is no iv at homo and will spend 1 the coming season in general reading and recreation. In September he will enter upon a final course of training at the law college of Ann Arbor University , Michigan , the law being his chosen profession. POLICE COUllT CASES. W. H. Button and E. R. Button , two lads formerly in the employ of Stevenson , stable-keeper in Omaha , were arrested near the American ex press oflico on Main street by Oflicor Barhyte , on complaint of William Ayres , rcharging them with robbing him of his watch and chain and thirty dollars in cash , while the trio were putting in a cheap night's lodging in the Union Pacific depot , Thursdaj the 14th instant. On arriving at the police station the suspicious looking Buttons did not deny that they had Ayres' watch but claimed to have i lion on the property for money ad vanced to Ayres to redeem it fron some broker in Omaha , where lu , had made a raise and left it as collateral. They bay if Aycn lost any money some ono else has it Chief Field examined both men thor oughly and found concealed weapon ! enough to condemn thorn should com plaint bo made for that offense. Judge Burke claimed jurisdiction in the cast and after hearing the parties in thoii own behalf * discharged them , deem ing the testimony insufficient to war o rant u conviction. Chief Field , how ever , not liking the idea of men co ing through the country with tw < Smith and Wesson revolvers and several oral daggers under their coats made complaint and they immedi ately pleaded guilty to the charge o carrying con'cenled weapons. Judgi Burku tavo them some wholcsom udvico , and imposed the 1 it'll t line o , five dollars , including costs. Tin .o Buttons buttoned up their coats , um loft the court room seemingly ploasci witli the result. Ayers loft for Omn of ha. Ho received Ins watch however. 10 While the examination of the Bui II- ton boys was progressing Tim Tone II10 hustlodin another suspicious charactoi who called himself Charles Hathaway Although no complaint had boo lodged against him for any crime , h lie had on Ins person a billy and about dozen silver spoons. A complair was lodged against him by the oflicc for carrying concealed weapons. I ] pleaded guilty to the charge , and tl Is court imposed a light fine. Omaha is clamoring to have IK streets sprinkled. Council Bluffs fortunate and happy in that respec While the tax levy of Omaha is i mills on the dollar , and that of D < ito Moincs , St. Joe and other cities > equal size about the same , the tt levy of Council Bluffs is only 24 mil nd on the dollar , including special luvi for Indian crook and other importai improvements. This showing ougl to prove very satisfactory to tax pa era , and demonstrates that the ci council lias duo regard to economy administering the affairs of the cit The work of repairing stieetB ai sidewalks ia now progressing rnp'idl A large force of men are nt work in T nrious parts of the city. If the matter bo favorable , the city will soon bo in excellent condition n nin. Mayor Ynughan is full of life nnd nativity. He don't let the grass grow under his feet. E. Fellows arrived last evening from Fremont , Nob. Ho reports the crop prospects in that section decided' ly good. Ho will leave for Colorado to-day. Mr. J. II. Stewart tolls of nromark- nblo see no witnessed in the country near this plnco sometime ago. Work men were gathering corn , ploughing for corn , planting corn nnd cultivnt- ing corn nil in the snmo field. This was the result of the crabbed winter and tha late spring. A Swcodp , name * not given , was overcome with the heat yesterday , in front of Central beer hall , on middle Broadway. Ho fell on the sidewalk. Ho was taken up and carried into the beer lull and revived. Hon. B. F. Montgomery , formerly of Council Bluffs , now ono of the wealthy citizens of Silver Clilf , Colorado rado , is in the city , n guest of the Pa cific. Mr. Montgomery will visit lu's farm in the vicinity of Park's mill , and to-morrow v ill proceed to Chicn. ' go on important mining business. Quito a company of notables took possession of the coo ) shade that the back porch of the court house afforded yesterday forenoon. Among them wcro Hon. B. F. Montgomery , Col. Thomas Bowman , of Maine ; J. N. Cnssady , W. S. Arnon of this city , nnd Perry Keel , sheriff of Pott.iwottamio county. Hon. C. R. Scott has returned from n short visit cast. Ho says there is no plnco like homo , nftcr nil. B. AV. Hight is reported quite sick nt his father's residence on Bancroft1 street. J. J. Franey , justice , haa removed his oflico to ovorLeindor & Kiel's , on Main street. Mrs. Dr. Osborn is having her cemetery lot capped with granite. John Hammer ia in charge of the work. A petition will soon be presented to the city council praying for the opening and grading of Market street from Wasli'iigton ' avenue to Avenue G. , which runs parallel with the cemetery to Oakland nvenuo. This would make n splendidly cool and picturesque drive , nnd can bo put in condition with very littlu expense. There is talk of starting n Now England society hero , with Ueo. F. Wright , csq. , as president. Mrs. Geo. Gould , of Omaha , is in the city , visiting her parents , Mr. and Mrs. A. Ward. Mr. A. Ward , of this city , has just returned from a month's trip on the B. & M. road in Nebraska.- Mrs. S. M. Williamson has gene to Hamilton , Ohio , whore aho will spend the summer. A mail recently arrived at Council Bluffs from Chicago , which had boon seven days on the way. Cause , wash outs. outs.Mrs. Mrs. Fred Loutzingor and her daughter Lucy have gone to Loveland on a visit. Miss Lucy will remain for some timo. Tree trimming is now in order throughout the city. There is an or dinance requiring it. What Caused It- To the Editor of The Tee r OMAHA , July 15. I desire , through the columns of your paper , to refute certain statements made in a late issue of The Republican in regard to "bru tal treatment of a child" which "pro duced insanity , " Ac. The facts in the case are brielly those : The boywho is apparently deranged , and lias been for years , is a rather danger ous playmate among smaller children , nnd on this occasion ho , without any provocation , knocked a little boy of six years off a fence with a stick , stunning him and bruising him severely. The little fellow's mother angered beyond endurance , caught the boy , bated him and sent him homo. But the statement that lie was brutally pounded , kicked , &c. , causing his "noso to bleed" is entire ly false. The child's parents are a worthless family , who obtain their living almost entirely through their children's begging which they follow regularly as a business. As to the child's insanity being caus ed by the boxing , that is simply ridiculous. The boy lias been considered n fit subject for some asy lum for years by all who know him. The brutal treatment ho receives con stantly at homo has perhaps produced r his present deplorable condition , as his parents were in the constant habit of lighting and beating each other and their children while they lived in the old Commercial hotel , as the entire community are painfulfy aware , mak ing themselves a nuisance to the whole neighborhood. In future the reporter of The Republican had bettor bo more careful to ascertain facts. A NEIOHIJOU. f Sloouml ) JJrvw in Sarpy Couuty. o They are testing the constitutional d ity of the Slocumb law in Sarpj county also. Col. Smytho returnee r , from Papillion , the county seat , yes t- terday , where his services have beei tsr sr secured in the trial of a of n liquor srr r , uor dealer for violation of the law After a short and bitter tight the casi was adjourned until next week tha 10 10a certain additional facts might bo do nt yolopod. cr lo Oranges and lemons for sale by th 10 box. EHB & DUQUETTE , Julyl43t Council Bluffs. If you wish to avoid great dango nnd trouble , besides a no small biil c expense , at this season of the yeai you should tuko prompt steps to keo disease from your household. Tli system should bo cleansed , blood puri lied , stomach and bowels regulated and prevent and euro diseases arisin from spring malaria. Wo know c nothing that will so perfectly an surely do this as Elcctrio Bitters , an at the triilng cost of fifty cents a bol tie. [ Exchange. Sold By Iuh & McMahon. (1) ( ) A REFORMER. Ho Stops in Omaha on His Way West. George Washington Riley Cuthirth , president and qonoral superintendent of the Independent Grand Order of the United States Cooperative Devel oping National Union , passed through Omaha yesterday on his way from Now York to San Francisco. Mr. Ctitbirth was the first candi date for mayor of San Francisco on the workingmon's ticket nine years ago. Tro object of the society of which ho is the president , is "to pro tect the Independent Grand Order of the United States Co-operative De veloping National Union , in it3 dis coveries , working in manufacturing , milling , mining , deep tunneling for gold , silver and nil ether minerals , oils , nnd valuable substances of what ever character ; also the riqht of wny nnd appropriations , utc. , for rail roads nnd building the snmo in the public land generally , and throughout the United States , in opposition to exten sive monopolies ; for running free mails ; placing the government in con trol of fifly-ono per cent , of all rail road interests , and four-fifths of nil the mineral wealth that may bo locat ed hereafter ; giving the discoverer at least one-fifth of all valuable miner als , lodes , ledges , oils , and nil valuable substances whatever , ns well as any business trade by him or them discovered ; n reduction of freights and faros fully one-half ; the placing of mineral wealth in vaults , like unto grain , to find its lovcl or value , that the revenue arising from our productions , etc. , exported may moro than support the nation. Tomporanoo Boo Hlvo. The Bee Hive Temperance associa tion held its regular meeting in the City Mission chapel last evening , nnd in spite of the extremely wnrm weather thcro was a gcod attendance. Rev. W. J. Harsha had boon announced oa the speaker of the occasion , but for some reason was not .nblo to bo present. However , the exercises were interesting and consisted in recitations , songs and addresses by Edmund McClure - Cluro nnd others. Oranges nnd lemons for sale by the box. Eun it DUQUETTE , Julyl4-3t Council Bluffs. . - < - ' Call and see our Immense Stock of Watches , Clocks , Jewelry and Silver ware. EDIIOLM & EKICKSOK. Eg s , Chickens and Green Corn at BufleU's. jy5-3t (1)A Spring chickens at 14-31 WM. GENTLEMAN'S , "BLACK-DRAUGHT" cures costiveness - ness and Sick-Ucadachc. At ( J. F. Ooodman'j. No Hospital Nooilod. No hospihil needed for Hop Bitters' patients , nor large-salaried talented puffers to tell what Hop Bitters - tors will do or cure , ns they tell their own story by their certain nnd abso lute euros at home. [ Now York In dependent. Julyl-15 SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE Ad\ertlscmeiit To Loan , For bale , Lost , Found. Wants. Uoardln ? . &c. , will be In serted In these columns once for TEN CENTS per line ; each subsequent Insertion , FIVECENTS per line. The flrst Insertion never leas than TWENTY-FIVE CENTS TO LOAN-MONEY. CSOKA AAATO LOAN At 8 per centln- 5 > JiOU.UUU terest In Bums of 2WO and upwards , for 3 tofi yaara , on first-class city and farm property. Hums KKAL EUIATK and LOAN AOFACV. 15th and Doiulas Sts. ONEY TO LOAN-Call at Law Office of D. L. Thomas Room 8. Crelirhton Block. HELP WANTED. To rent , a house with thrco or WANTED . Must bo neat , clon , conven ient and cheap. Address , stating terms and lo cation , D. J. , this olllco. Moulders to go to I'ueblo , Colorado WANTED the Colorado Coal and Iron to. ! Wages 83 and 83,25 per day. Write to 1) . N. Jones , general superintendent South Pueblo , for full particulars. < 15-12 YITANTKD Situation tending bar or working VV in grocery or meat market. Can g o ) ' referees. Address "K. It. W. " 114 S. 10th street. 41S.17 - Olrl to do general house orlt. WANTKIJ-A . 410-tf Two Dining room irirU ; mint bo WANTKIl ; for such good wajres will bo mid. CITY HOTEL , 411-17 10th and Harnoy. "ANTKD A girl to do ircncral housework , , , Hood reteronrcn required. Apply south , cast cor. Kith and lianiey. 400 tf C. DAL11ACK. oed Danl h girl. Omiha Ilakcry , WANTED btrcct. 40.MU Man and lfo or girl , ( or lam WANTED AlMil ) immediately at It. 0. Ktcul i Johnston' * . 407-15 \TrANTEI > Situations ( or Uxjounu tlrU Jus YY arrived ( rom HHltierland. Onlj ultmtlon ; In respectable tirltatu families loolixl ( or , Ad drctM No. 20713th struct , between Karnham am Doujjlus. COMMENZ1MJ&MKYEU. 40S-t ( A good reliable nnntoworkbj WANTED . Mutt understand the care o horses , covm and garden. W. J , CONNELL , a-J-5 | 1504 Farnham Street. 10 I ANTED A oed jrirl at 1512 Datennort St W Good \vagcjj paid. 3DM5 A steady girl u dishwasher WANTED ' restaurant , 13th and Jicktoi itrcet. . 40016 A coiu | > tent girl Jor t'cncra WANTED , to whom seed wage * 111 1 * paid ; north * cat corner ol 2Jrd and Hurt Stu. 331-161 A thoroughly competent cook WANTED . $20 per month. MILS. 0. W AMIIROSE. 1924 Farnliam bt. , between 10th am 20th. SM-K WANTEW T buy * well located and cUu lUlicdlco irvam , fruit and confectioner ; business. Partlc * hating tuch ( or talc chcaj may address balance o ( tun week , E. Al. A. , Oc cidental hotel , Omaha , l.'eb. 397-11 I Ono tutm in a county uiaket mo WANTED our iprinr * lor buggy shaf coupling ! . Bend itauipjor U nun and cut or 60 Iu tump * 'or * pair , toanti llattler Safety Sprint Conijiany.UO llaudolph bt. , Chicago.m th-6at-2' | SPEUIAL NOTIOES-OontiniiBfl , ANTKD-A llMt-cl.weook nml Mritt < W linmetlliitely , nt the Occidental lintel. 372-11 WANTEDairpcntcrn. ! ! ' . Will | xw ths htrn- ( cst \ > ajos to good men , Apply to 1013 Farnhum street , 302-16 AM ED Ftindliic bridge and school l > otid . W II. T. Cliirk , Hellenic. zo-tl WWANTED WANTED A imtncr or hujcr. Inquire t Philadelphia Codec House , 10th street. _ 2SO-Jj 23 \TrANTED A No. 1 Uarbcr can flml a steady YY situation an J good jwj liy Inquiring nt&'JU ( oM number ) IBth Btreet , OinahiNib. , of 297-tf C. II. FITCH. . " 17 ANTED T o honrdcm. Young men pro- VV ferrcd. Addr "A. " nee otllco. 140 tf IV ONK OF THE LARGEST r WholcNklo Clothing Mouses In New York ty , for the coming fall tindc , nates icn , TTKWO lmInjf experience and commandlm ; peed trade n 111 find this a dint Oas opportmil. y. Apply nt once , with references to A. 11. C. , . 'ost oillco box 303 , New Ytrk City. NTEl ) A srood dmlns room girl iinmcdl- ntrlynttht OeOilentafhotel. 220 tf ITTAKTED A girl to do general hoii c ork. VV Apply 1710 Karnhatn ttrcct. northwest en. . } 17th. .l-tll tf lir Tohuy ngood sklft. Ailtre .s S. W & M. , Uco oflice. 347-H AT MRS. IX E. CLARKE'S No. 1 GALL ; House , cor. 13th and Uodgo Sl . Ilcst the city. 19-tf FOR RENT-HOUSES AND LAND. n 11KNT lloitso'ncar I. 8. Hast-oll's. li.- X1 quire of John 0. Jacobs. t414-tf 171011 HUNT loonaor , large _ L1 ( nrnlihed front room , 2d lloor , new home- , "rst-cla9 neighborhood. Jefcn.m-c.i ! exchanged 400-10 "J. U W. ncu" HENT r o furnished rooms on JnckHon FOR ; between Mil and 17th , third hoi BO rom the northeast cottier of ITtli. 370 tf ) LET With boinl n hrgo ( urnlshcil room. Til A fen * day boarders wanted , ISO3 CallfornK itrict. 31H1 tf .1OH HUNT Three ftirnlshcd rooms to _ rent. Inquire at Cnrpcntvr shop next the Jco olllce. . 310-tf OU 11IOT Nicely furnished largo room and JU piano .3. W. comer Ihtli and Capital Ai e. 033-tt "J10H KENT Furnished rooms. Inquire nt 1818 JU Chicago street. 690-tf RENT 2 furnUTied Teem oicr McJ- FOR chants' Exchange , N. E. cor. 10th and Dodge -trccU. 2S9 tf FOR SALE. TJlOUSAtiK A good leather top second-hand 11 buggy , nt 2123 Wclistcr street. 404-10 FOR SALE A good nnn of inuUs , Inqul of 10th street Meat Market. 390 1(1 ( SALE Hoti o of 5 good rooms arid lot 20 I1UH 1 \100 feet , ana only 7 or 8 squares from U. 1' . ihopi. Price 31,050. John L , ilcCaguc. agent , PlK ltepostQinec. 331-tf Foil SAU : CHK.U'-Tue only hot-t In North Loup , Valley County , Neb. . 30 miles from ht. 'aul , IS miles from Ord. Uood location , ( food rode and IniproUn ; ; . For particulars write A. . C. . North Loup , box 9. 371-au ll T10R SALE A good horse and bt < 0'gy. AU- J diess II. K. B. , earo lice otlice. 373-10 70n SALE A liotcl business. Good location. } Full house. Address "J. S. " lice olllco. 212-july 16-cod rTlinnELLAS Ana I'anuois rcpUred oy M. U SCIIUTT llth iml Fnrnim its. 7SOM SALE A largo Uo story frame roof Hotel and ono story MtUicn ; also ono V itory frame , shingled rjof , hall room for ten sets to dance , and barn largo enough to hold tucnty teams- All situated on corner of Broid and 1th itrcet , Fremont , Dodge Co. , Neb. For further nfortnatlon apply to 0. C. THOJU'SON. 358-to 8-8 Fremont , Dod e Co , , Neb. " 710R SALE A new house , built two j earn , full J lot , \\uHiiml c\et\thim ; complete , on Dod o reet : , ; between 20th and 27th , No. 2011) . In- imlruon premises. 2tXtf OIISALK Good house with four rooms and half lot , No. 2013 Uod o between 2 < ith and 27th street. Good well and uh.ido trees ; house In ' 00d condition. Inquire on premises. 221-tf kUICK FOR SALE. > 203-tf ESTAIJUOOK & COE. I7IOII SAi.E < Jl,60f > cash w ill buy the stock and JJ fixtures of tliu ( .leanest little limitless In tlic city. Address 44Uu lnob"caio ! ) , Carrier 9 , Omaha xwtollice. 210 tf SAI.C A Bruall cnjlnc , U. W. P yne & FOR ' mike. In perfect osdtr. Innnlro of H. O. Clark & Co. BO-tf SALH Lease and furniture of a ilrst-clua FOR hotel In a town of 1303 inhabitants , In state of Nebraska ; has 24 beds ; the tra\ cling men's re- sort. Inquire at 1IKK QlIU e. 218 U OK SALE T\\o story IIQUJO ana partial , mar P depot. Location good. John L. McCogue , Opp 1'Obt Office. 058-tt 1.1UK SALE llounc and lot ajxl J. ; suitable for JD warehouse. Inquirc of Pctcrton , 10th St. 901-tf TriORSALE 2 acres ground in West Omaha. JL ? Inquire of J. lltnri , No. 11U 10th. 873-tf K SALE Jl.ips of Dou/la * and barpy coun il ties. A. UOstWATEIl , 1520 Farnham street 320 tf MISCELLANEOUS. LAWYEHS AND OTIIKCS A rapid ttcn- TO ographer desires occasional or permanent employment. Has had 83 cars experience. Terms moderate. Address "Stc-no , " 1421 Howard St. 113-21 T OST On June 11 th , a bay mare , oljrat jcara JLj old. Her foot laps , had been cut oil the day she was lost. I/oxt Iroin the corner ol lith and Spruce. The finder will bo rewarded by return- 'iig to P. JL , Hack Oth and Spiuco 357-lSeoJ HEW AH D Lost , gold liuntlritf case htop _ . . watch , gold rope chain and nuirgctat- ached. The above reward will bo mid on re- .urnof the watch to 1IUOII McCAFKIIEV , 3S4-tf 15th and UoUjlas streets. .TTIIItEG or four > ounj , ' men can Lo actominodi- ,1 , ted w 1th board. l < efurcnccsexchaii'oil. ) A | > - ) ly 2011 Cass street , 4th door west of 20th bt. , or address Uox 337 , i > otolllcc. 31,1-1 IONKY TO LOAN on real estate , at M1 200-00(1-10 UE.YTKH U THOMAS & IlltO. . 11ROWN Corner 12th and Chluniro . BtrccU , Is rixuly to bore or deepen wclu. ilactlon k'uanuitoed. & 03tl rilKAMS Cnn bo cot at Jonn liarr uutahlo lor JL all kind ) of work at reasonable figures , near o > r IStli and UweiiworthbtrecU. 878-tf ' HJIIOhT Trio suttcssora ol tliu Amer ican Hoime , on Douirlai street , between Oth and 10th , lor hoard , lodging and transient cus toiners. lUwpuctfuIly M4-tf JULIUS t LOUIBF. ROSS. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Made ( rom 0 rape Cream Tartar. No other pi e arpatlon luaiea tuch light , flaky hot breads , o uxurloui pastry. Can be eaten by I ) ) nwptlc without fear of thellli resulting ( rom heavy Indl ucsUble food. Sold only In conn , by all Grocers. UOVAL U A KINO t'OWDEIl CO New York.