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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1881)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , JULY 10 , 1881. THE DAILY BEE. OMAHA PUDLISHINQ CO. , PnOPRIETORS. DIO Hurnham , bet. Oth And 10th Street * . TEUMS OP SUIISCIUITION : opy 1 year , In odi once ( postink ! ) J10.W Jionthi " " 6.00 month ) " " 8.00 RAILWAY TIME TABLE. LKAV1NO OMAHA HAST OR BOUT1I 80CND. C. , 15. t Q. 6 a. in. 3:40 : p. m. G & N. W. . 0 , m. 3:40 : p. m. C. , It , 1. k r.'o a. in. 3:10 : p. m. K , 0. , St. J , & C. B. , 8 a. in. 3:40 : p. m. Arrhe at St. Louis at 0:25 : a. m. and 7:46 : a. m. WIQST OR SOU7I1WIUT8. H. ft M. In N'ch. , Through Kxpresi , 8:35 : a. rn. II. A XI. Lincoln Freight. 7:00 : p. m. i U. ! ExprcM , 1S:16 p. m. O. A II. V. for Lincoln , 10:20 : ft. m. O. & 11. V. for Osecola , 0.40 a. m U. I * , freight No. 6 , 6:30 : , in , U. I1 , fralght No. 9 , 8:16 : a. m. U. I * , freight No. 7 , 6:10 : p. in. emigrant. U. 1' . frclirht No. 11 8:2S : v. m. ARRinxo rnovi EAST AND otnn. C. H. & Q. , 6:00 a. m. 7:24 : p. m. C. & X. W. , 0:45 : a. in. 7:25 : p. m. C. It , I , & I' . , 0:45 : a. in. 0.05 p. 111. K. C. , St. Joe & C It. , 7:40 : a. m. 0:45 : p. m. W. , St. L. & I1. , 10 : a. m. 4:25 : p. ns. ARRIVING FROM Till WF8T AND BOUTIIWMT. O. & H. V. from Lincoln 12:12 : p. m. U. P. Kxprcis 3:25 : p. m. II & M. In Neb. , Through K rwo - 1:16 : p. m II. & M. Lincoln Freight S:3i : a. m , U. I1. Freight No. 10-1:40 : p. in. No. 0 4:25 : p. m. Emigrant. No. 8 10fO : p. m. No 12-11:35 : a. m. O. & H. V. mixed , ST. 4:35 : p. rn. NORTH. Nebraska DMslon ol the St. Paul & Sioux City Iload. No. 2 leaves Omhha 8 a. m. No. 4 leaves Omaha 1K ! p. m. No. 1 arrhc < at Omaliunt 4SO : p. m No. 3 arrhcs at Omaha at 10:46 : n. m. TRAINS HKTWKKN OMAHA ASB COUNCIL Lvaro Omaha nt 8:00 : , 0:00 and 11:00 : a. m. ! 1:00 , 2.00 , 3:00 : , 4:00 : , 6:00 : and 0:00 : p. m. Lea\o Council llltilT * at 825 : , 0:25 , 11:25 : a.m. ; 1:25 , 2:25 : , 3:25 , 4:25 : 6:25 : and 0:25 : p. ni. Sundays The dummy Icmcs Omaha at 0.00 and 11:00 : a. m. ; 2.00 , 4:00and : f > :00 : p. lu. Ica\es Council Bluffs at 0:26 : and 11:25 a. in. ; 2:25 , 4:25 : aud 6:25 . . : p. m. _ _ _ _ _ Opening and Closing of Malls. ROUTS. OrhN. CIX38K. a. m. p. m. n. m. p. in. _ . W 11.00 0:30 : 4:30 : 2:40 : Chicago , 11. I. & l'aclflc.n:00 0:00 : 4:30 : 2:40 : Chicago , U. & < i 11:00 : 0:00 : 4:30 : 2:40 : Walnih 12:30 4:30 : 2:40 : Sioux City anil I'aelflc. . 11:00 4:30 : Union Pacific 6:00 : 11140 Omaha & It. V. . , . . 4:00 : 11:40 : 1) . &M. Ill .Veb 4:00 : 8:10 : 5:30 : Omahi& Nortliwc tcrn. 4:30 : 7:30 : Local malls for SUtoof Iowa Icavo but once tt day , \lz : 4:30. : A Lincoln Mail d also opened at 10:30 : a. rn. Ollico open Sundays from 12 in. to 1 p. in. TIIOS. P HALL 1' . II. Business Directory. Art hmporlum. U. ROSE'S Art Empoiiimi , 1610 Dtxlgo Street , Steel Eiijiraxliijfs , Oil Paintings , Cliromos , Fancy Frames. Framing t > Specialty. Low Prlcca. UONJv'EH 130a Uourelaa Street. Good Styles. Abstract and Real Estate. JOHN L. JlcOAGUE , opposite Post Office. W. K. BAIITLETT 317 South 13th Street Architects. | DUFUENE & MENDELSSOHN , ARCHITECTS , 1 lloom 14. Crclghton lllcck. A. T. LAUOE Jr. . lloom 2. Ciclshton Block. Booti and Shoes. JAMES DKVINE & CO. , Fine Boots and Shoes. A Kood ossormcnt of homo work oil hanil , corner 12th and Harney , TIIOS. EIUCKSON , S E. cor. 16th mid Douglas. JOHN FOUTUNATUS , DOS 10th street , manufactures to order good work at fair prices. Repairing done. Ded Springs. J. F. LARRIMEIl Manufacturer. 5517 Douglas st. Books , News and Stationery. J. I. FUUEHAUF 1015 Farnham Street. Butter and Eggs. McSHANE & SCIIKOEDEIl. tlio oldest B. nnd E. ouse In Nebraska established 1S75 Omaha. OUNTRAL RESTAURANT , JIHS. A. UYAN , louthwcst corner ICthand Dodge. - Board for the Money. SUiufaUlon Guaranteed. Heals at all Hours. \ Board by the Day , Week or Month. ! Good Terms lor Cash. ) Furnished llnnmii Supplied. Road Wagons. R"M. SNYDEH , No. 131h 14th nnd Harney Streets' Civil Engineers nnd Surveyors. I ANDREW ROSr.WATEtl , Crclghton Block , OHM Sunc)8 , Grade and Bewcrago Systems a Jpeclalty. Commission Merchants. | JOHN G. WIL LIS.1414 Dodge Street. ) B BEEMEll. For details see largo nd\crtlso- Dent In Dailv and Weekly. j Cigars and Tobacco. ft'EST & FIHTSCI1KK. manufacturers of Cigars , Hid Wholciule Dealers In To accoa , 1305 Douglas. . V. LOHENZEN manufacturer 51410th Btreet. | Cornice Works. i'estorn Cornlco WorXs. Manufacturers Iron jornlco , Tin , Iron nnd dlato Roofling. Orders torn any locality promptly executed In the beat nanner. Factory anH Olt'co 1310 Dodge Street. lalianlzcd Iron Cornices. WlmVnv Caps , etc. , manufactured nnd jiut up In nny pirt of the ountry. T. BlNHOliU UOThlrtfentli troct Crockery , BONNEH 1309 Douglas struct. Good lino. I Clothing and Furnishing Goods. 1EO. II. PETERSON. Also Hats , Caps , Boots Ihoce , Notions nnd Cutlery , 604 S. 10th street. j Clothing Bought. JL SHAW will pay highest Cash prlco for second nnd clothing , Corner 10th and I'ftrnham. Dentists. K. PAUL , Williams' 1'lock , Cor. IBth & Dodgo. Drugs , Hal its and Oils. Z - - \ KUIIN & CO. , Fine Vuno ( ! )0h , Cor. 15th and rarmaclets Douirin ktrecU. J. WHITEIIOUf K , Wholesale & Retail , 16th st C. FIELD , 20'22 ' A < tb Sldo Cumin ) * Street I'ARIt , Dru gUt. lO'.tiAiid Howard BtrcoU. Dry Qooris Notions , Etc. JOHN II. F. tl'.aMANN & CO. , w York Dry Goods R/irc , 1310 and 131G Farn hara struct. C. EncwolJ also boots and tlioca , 7th i Pacific huruiture , F. GIIOSS , New and Second Hand Furnltur > 1 Sto\C9 , 1114 I > ouriM. Jllghutt cash prlco id for second hanu eoo/i . nON'.N'EK 1309 Doagu lit. Fine gooda , &c Fence Works. OMAHA FENOE CO. JST , FItlES & CO. , 1213 Haniey St. , Improve Ice lloxcn , Iron and Wood Kuicta , Otilc .lllnira , Countera of 1'ino anil Walnut. Florist. A. Dona'jhuc , plants , cut flowers , seeds , bonnet r N. W. cor , 16th an 1 Dous'las otrccU Foundry. UN WEARNE & SONS , cor. 14th h Jackson It Flour and Feed. VHA CITY MILLS , 6th aud Farnham SU. Uhans Ilroi. , .ropnctord. Grocers. } STEVENS , 21st hctwucn Curalng and Izard A. McSHANU , Corn. 23.1 and Cumlnff Streets. r Hatters. W. L. I'ARROTTE & CO. , Douglas Street , \\Tiolnalo Exclutlvcly Hardwaie , Iron and Steel. DLAN k LANOWOI1T1IY , Wholesale , 110 an \h etrtct. A. HOLMES comer ICUi aud California. Harness. Baddies , &c. 3.WE18T 2015th St. bet FareHarney Hat and Donnct Bltxehert. .iwllc * pet ymii Straw , Chip And Krlt lUtt done pi\t northwut comer Smcnttenth nj Capitol A rnuc. Wil. TJOVK Proprietor H-.tett. ANFIELDI10USEOej.OvnBclJ.Mh * Famhum DOKAN 1IOUSK , P. H. dry. 013 Kurnhiim St. SI.AVKN'3 HOTEI , , K Slavtn , 10th Street. Southern Hotel flu * , tilmtl , 9th A U renworth. , ron hencinj ; . The Western Cornlco Works , Apcnt for Iho Champion Iron Fence ftc , , ha\o on nml Ml Miuli ( Kkiicr Iron FCIICIS , Cresting * , Hn&xls , Railing * . Ic. 1310 tXxlKOtree. ftpl'i Intelligence Office. MRS. LIZZIK DKNT 217 ICth Street. oeweltert. JOHN BAUJIKIl 1SU Kurnham Street Junk. II. tmnTHOLD , lUn And M ! A | . Lumber , Lima and Cement , FOSTER & QUAY corner Cth * ml Douglas St . Lnmpi and Ulatiware. . DOKNKR 1309 Uoiutoa St. Oocxt V rlcty. Merchant Tailor * . 0. A. LINDQUEST. One ol our most popular Merchant Tailors t re ceding the latest designs for Spring mid Summer Good * for gentlemen s near , Stjllih , durable , ml Krlccs low as eicr 21K 13th bet. Dout.hFarn , Millinery. IRS. 0. A. R1KOEK , Wholrmto ami Retail , Fan- y Oooili In gn < \arlety , Zcphyr * , Card UoarJi , loslery , Qlotcs , Con > ets , &c. Cheapest IIou o In ho Went. Purchasers m\o 30 per cent. Order vMall. US Fifteenth Street. Phytlclnni an I Surceont. V. S. 01 BUS , M. D. , Uxnn No 4 , Crclghton Hock , Uth Street. 1' . S. LK1SEKU1NO , M. I ) . Masonic Block. C. L. HART , M. U. , Kyr and 1-ir , opp. poBtoAlvc DR. I * . n OHADUY , ) culltt nnd Aurlst , 8. Vt' IMh and Farnham Stn. 4."l | Photographers. QKO. HUYJf. PROP. , Grand Central Onllcrv , 212 Sixteenth Street , icar Masonic Hall , iirat-ciags Work and Prompt- icss guarantee ! ) . Plumbing , Qas and Steam Fitting. ' . VT. TARPV & CO. . 210 12th St. , bet. Farnham nd Douglas. Work promptly attended to. D. FITZl'ATRICK , 1409 Douslas Street. Painting and Paper Hanging , HF.NHY A. " STEHS. 1412 Dodge Street Planing Mill. A. MOVER , manufacturer of ash , doors , blinds , Holdings , new els , Musters , linml rails , furnishing croll ratting , &c. , cor. Dodge and 0th etructs. Pawnbrokers. . J. ROSENFELD , 322 lOt'i St. , bet. Far. & ! Iar. Relrlgcrator * , Cantleld's Patent , C. R GOODMAN llth St bet Farn. & Harney. Show Case Manufactory. , 0. J. WILDE , Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds of Show Cases , Upright Cases , a - . . 1317 Cue St. FRANK I , . annilAKD. proprietor Omaha ; ho\\- Case manufactory , SIS South lUth ttrcct , ) ct ccn I.cacnwvrth and Mnrcy. All goods Mirmntcd ( Irtt-clitsH. Staves ana mware. A. HURMESTER , Jcalcr In Stoves and Tinware , null Manufacturer of Tin Roofs and nil kinds ol liulldlng Work , Odil FelloW Illotk. J. BONNER. 1S09 Douslas St. Good nnd Cheap. Seeds. J. EVANS , Wholesale and RctAll Seed Drills nnd Cultivators , OJd Fellow * tlall. Shoe mores. 'hllllp Lang , 1320 Farnnam ( t. bet 13th & 14th. Second Hand Store. JERKINS : LEAR. 1410 Douglas St. . New nnd Second Hand Furniture , Hounc FurnUmng Goods , tc. , bought and sold on narrow mnn'lna. Saloons. HENRY HAUFMANN , n the new brick block on Douglas Struct , has just opened a moat elegant liccJ Hall. Hot Lunch from 10 to 12 ci cry day. FLANNERY , ) n Farnham , next to thn It. & M. headquarters , las re-opened a neat and complete ctnblishinent whichbarring FIRE.nnd MotherSlilpton'n Proph ecy , will bo opened lor thu uojs with Hot LunUi on and after present date. Caledonia " J. FALCONER. 071) ) 10th Street Undertakers. : HAS. R1EWE , lolK Farnham bet 10th & lltd P. PEMNCR , 303 } Tenth street , between Farn lain and Hartley. Docs good and cheap work. 00 Cent Stores. HENRY POIILSIAN. tors , notion ? , ptctuics lewclry , ic. , 61314th bet. Farnham and DouglaH P. G. 1IACKU8,1203 Farnham St. . Fancy Goods PROPOSALS For Furnishing Horses , Wagons , and Harness for the Indian service. Scaled proposals for furnUhlng eighty (60 ( ] tt'ork horses , t\\u (2) ( ) buggy lionet ) , fifty ( W ) wag ons , one (1) ) light spring wagon , fifty ( to ) sets double harncsa for the Indian service nt Otoo au'cncy , Ncli. , will bo rcccUed by the unJcrslifii cd nt Ilia elllec until live (5) ( ) o'clock p. in. Tncti day , July 20 , IhSl , nt which time lilds will bo opened and contracts auardcd. Tlio follonlng gpctlflcationa nnd conditions will bo observed , namely : Thouork homos must be botwccn the ngcK of four (4) ) nnd tcen (7) ( ) \ earn , not lean than Fourteen (14) ) hnndd high and to weigh not lens than nine hundred and fifty (059) ) pounds , broke to double harnesi , true to work and perfectly sound. The buggy team lll bo sub ject to the above condition" , nnd In addition must be good travelers All horses will bo sub jected to a thorough trial and Inspection before [ jclng recclrcd. They must bo weighed at the agency In the presence of the agent. Wagons to bo narrow track , tlirco (3) ( ) Inch thiinblca , epring seat , ton , tex , bows nnd covers covers to bo of tueho (12)ouncoduok ) Light wagon , tlirco (3) ( ) cnrings , wIth top. Har ness to bo plain , back Btrai > 3 and collara , full leather tug , complete. All the above to bo delivered at the ngcncy nt the expenea of the contractor , not later than September 1,1831 , unlcus there ehouM bo delay in the approval of the contract. . All bids must ha accompanied by n certified check or txU\alent | | on DOIIIO United States de pository , pajnhlo to the order of the agent for at least ( lie (5) ( per cunt of the- amount of the bid , whhh check uhall bo forfeited to the United States in case any bidder n-ccli Ing award uhall fall to execute promptly n contract with gooj , and lurllilent nureticH , uccordmg to the tcrnin of Ills bid , other * iiui to ho returned to the bidder ' Payment will bo made throiuh the Indian o flee , Washington , I ) . 0. , its BOOH u practicable after the delivery of Jlio gnodi. The right to reject any and nil bids i > reserved , Tld will bo rttcivtd for all or part of the nhotu , and should bo endorsed , "Proposals for FuruUhiiitf Horfccs , Waon , nwl luriuus , itu. , as the cato may bo , and oddrus od to the under signed at Oleo Agency , Dago touiijy , Neb. LEWKLLYN K. WOOKIN , U. H , Indian Agent. Otoo Agency , Nth. , Juno 31 , 1U81 NOTION. J. JI. Stnntnn ( lull nnme unknown ) Har riet Heim mul Mury Sliillock , iiinreHilcnl ! deffiiilaiita uill take notlcu thut ililU.j Ht'lulrix , nf the county of Diiu la I.IH , lu tliu Stale of Nuliruhkn , dill < i the 7th day of May , 1881 , tile hU petition in the District Court of the Htatu of Neliras- l--a' within nml for tliobaid county of Duug. lav , iiL-uinit the Baiil ) . M. Ktanton , Jfnr rii't liunii anil Miiry Khlllock , iiuplciulfi with fiotirffa Alills , Mntntle AlcUnrmlok , Joiiah H , McCormlck.MatthcwT I'atrick anil Jnhn N , 1'atrick dufciulants , tettinj , forth that by virtue of n < lecil ifuucxlby thu treatiurur of Haiti county , hu has an aluo Into title to the fcoutheatt ( inarter of the northwest quarter of the Houtlieawt rjuartur of section nine , (9) ( ) towm-hili fifteen (15) ( ) range thirteen (13) ( ) c , in b.iitl Iou la8 conn ty ; that yon and each of aiil dufenilanti claim to have > mo interest in tiald land and praying that ho mav ho adjudged t < liavo an indefeasible tito ! to n.ild iiremUeii but thut if hid title should bo held invalid he may IMJ decreed tohato a Hen on tail land , that it may bo sold to BatUfy thu kame , nnd th t yon and each of you be fore eer bo debarred from netting nn or assertinf any right or claim thereto. And the till < > . M Ktanton , Harriet Ifcnn and Alary Bhillock are hereby notified that they ar < re < inlred to am > car aud armwer Raid petl lion on or before the first day of Augnot 1881. MUTTON JIKNUHIX , Hy CLAKKHON & HUNT , hit attorneys. Dated Omaha , Juuu ? l 1881 THE SEVENTHJJAUCHTER. BY SH1R1KY IHIOWNK. "Tlio Bovcntli diuightcr of n seventh Inughtof 1 Stop a imnuto , pretty liuly , inly n iniiuito , niul let mo tell you uch ft fortune ns you never dreamed if 1 There's a letter coining from for- iign parts , and a bag of golden coins , ind a bravo , briuht wedding-ring in ioro for you , my pretty. " Alice Fairlnnda pansou , half in ter ror , half ! ! ! _ nsort _ of fascinntion , at ho rmlo stile in Uio woods , whore the erect figure oMho wonmn stood , with ( a scarlet clonk , its nut-brown face , ixnd the wild , gray hair blown about at ho capricious wilf of the winds. "You are an impoalorl" said slio with sudden momentary anger. "How laro j'ou attempt to impose upon my credulity ? " , ' 'An inipo3tor"repoatedtlioforhmo cllor , jerking the hood still farther > vor her face. "Do you call mo ftii mpostor ? I , that can read the secrets f the stars , and trace out your dcs- iny in the lines upon your pulni ? " And catching Alice's hand she bent 10 low over its pink palm that the jray coarse hair touched the girl's ' vrist. "A long life and riches ! " she snid. Oneo wedded and happily wedded , and death coming sudden at the last ! "A'ell-n-dny , woll-a-day , it will bo bet- or sol And , if you don't beliuvo mo , istcu and hear what I see : I see a nil young man with flaxen hair and lark eyes , who wears n Scottish plaid across the shoulder. You love him with an Land ho loves you with an A ! Aha , my pretty lady , that brings : ho roses to your bonny cheek. Am [ nil impostor now ? " Alice looked at the strange , out- andishly clad creature with a thrill of something not unlike terror. How did she know. Where had she giean- ed these facts ? For facts they wore facts that brought the Hush to the very roots of her hnir. As she stood looking the sun dropped down , a disk of cold , behind the woods , and the chill breo/.o shook the folds of the scurlot cloak. The SovonthD.uighter shuddered involuntarily. "J am cold , " slio said. "And I am hungry. You people hero are unim aginative. They don't believe in my Mysterious Crystal , and they won't have their fortunes told. Look ! this money is all that I have collected all day ! " She scornfully jingled the few silver coins in her hand. "I slept last night under a hay rick , " said she. "Hut the star light was chill and the wind made mo shiver. Couldn't I RO homo with you ? Any attic hole or unused chamber would do for mo 1" Alice Fsiirlnnds started a little at the proposition. But after all what was there so unnatural in it ? And why should she refuse shelter to the ; > oor old crone ? "Yes , " said .she. "Como homo with mo. It is only n little farm libuse on the edge of the swamp ; but , after all , that is better than Etho hay rick ! " The woman eyed her a little sus piciously. "Who lives there ? " said she. "I and my brother. I keep house for him. Ho is the village doctor , " Alioo answered. "But if you can penetrate the past Mid future so keen ly , .vhy do you ask these questions ? " she added , quickly. The woman laughed. ' have n fancy to test your truth , " said she. "Yes , yes , you have an swered correctly. Como , lot us make haste ; the air crows damp and chill. " It was a little cottage , with the bowery droop of elm branches above it , and a row of cinnamon-roso bushes under the window , all crimsoned over with their Juno blossoming. The little servant had kindled the fire ready for tea , and summer twilight though it was , the ruddy warmth was not unacceptable. The Seventh Daughter sat down before the blaxo with a sigh of gratification , und spread her hands above the coral shrine. Upon the floor there was a neatly woven rag-carpet , and the windows wore curtained with snow-whito muslin , edged with knitted lace. Books wore arranged on a home-made case of pine wood , stained to imitate mahogany , and a neat little wood- table stood near the window , while , in the middle of the room the table was sot for tea , with cold meat , snow white home-made bread and stowed rhubarb. And oven while the eager eyes of the Seventh Daughter took in these detailn , the door opened and Dr. Fnirlnnds himself came in il tall , middle aged man , with pleasant gray eyes , a silken board and an aquiline nose. nose."Eh ? " said ho , glancing around. "Company ? Who is this , Alice ? " "Tho seventh daughter of a sev enth daughter , at your service , Hir , " Raid the stranger , rising up and cour tesy ing , nut ungracefully. "Shall I read the book of the future for you sir ? " Dr. Fttirlands looked keenly at her. Becky , the little Horvant , stood glued to the kitchen floor , with a plate of honey in her hand , staring at the weird app.iritioi ! , and Alice , under pretense of helping her brother ofl with his light gr.iy overcoat , whisper ed to him : "A poor fortune-teller , houseless and homeless. I brought her hero to give her a night's shelter. Was ] wrong ? " Jlo shook his head. "Sit down , good woman , " said ho curtly. "Tin nrehont is all with which you and ] liavo to do. And take ofl' that gyp- syish hood and cloak. " " 1 never take it ofl' , " said ho for. tune teller , indiflorcnUy , "Then suppose \vo make this the first tiino , " said the doctor and , with a quick motion , of the hand lie swept aside the fadcdfolds of the scarlet - lot cloth , dragging with them a wig of coarse , gray hair , which left tin Seventh Daughter revealed a girl ol eighteen or twenty , with lovely braidu of glossy jot black hair , a complexion us clear as ivory , where the browi stain had not obscured its purity , am n pair of startled brown oyes. Hho stood "quite silent , with the crimsoi fush ) glowing through the brown dye , and her rose-lips apart. Alice Par- hinds hud uttered a little cry. The doctor stood shrewdly looking at the scene. "Ah , " said ho , "private theatricals eh ? " . "No | " cried the woman , in a uud den frenzy of passion and rage. "Star votion ! Necessity ! Want 1 You stare nt ino , all of you , as you might utaro n wild beast , but what wns one to lo ? 1 could get no work to do in the city. I tried"to sow { but how wns 1 o live , ixt three cents ft shirt ? I pencil n little school for1 children , for _ ! have been educatedlikO lady but 10 one came to mo. I painted photo graphs , and they cheated mo out of ny wretched pay so I bade farewell o civilization , and took to fortune- elling. " Dr. Fairlanda lookqd earnestly at icr. "Woll , " said ho , "and how does t pay ? " "I haven't ' started yet , " said the , itl , recklessly. "But it is among the lossibilitits that I may. I/hall nmko bravo struggle for it fust , though. \nd now , young lady , " with mi un- > orial motion of the head towards Mice , "if you think mo nn impostor > urn mo cut of doors. I mu ready to lo. " "Oh , no , no ! " cried Alice , oaccrlv. 'My poor child , why , youaro scarcely ildortliau I ntn. " "I am eighteen. " "My ago exactly , " said Alice. Why should I turn you out ? Stny vt nil events until you Imvo decided vlmt else to do. There is room for is all hero. " So Juliet Markham remained at the ittlo cottage , washed the brown stain > IF her round dimpled cheeks , threw lie gray wig into the swamp , and at Mice's suggestion entered an oppli- cation for the post of teacher in the district school. And , wonderful to relate , she suc ceeded in obtaining it. "But tell mo , " Alice _ whispered shyly to her that iirst evening , "how you know about Lionel , if you really are not the seventh daughter of the seventh daughter ? " "Does it seem so much like en chantments ? " said Juliet with the nelancholy smile which seemed to illuminate her face like the snd glory of moonlight. "Hut nil these ntys- : orics nro generally susceptible of ox- ) lanation if only one has n little pa- icnce. I chanced to bo lurking in hu dense woods near the little moun tain spring that very day when you not him there. I saw your shy , pleas ed blushes. I hoard you call him Lionel. I learned that your name wax Alico. And there in the simple , straightforward solution of your mystery teryJulia Julia Mnrkham staid on at the sol- tary farm house , insisting on scrupu- ously paying her little modicum of joard each week , helping Alice with .ho household tasks , and growing loarer to the solitary girl's heart with every day. But at the end of three nonths she caino homo one afternoon rum school with a troubled face and , ho traces of tears on her eyelashes. "Alico , " said she , "I must leave you ! " "Leavo ua , dearest ! " echoed the as tonished girl. "But why ? " Juliet turned her flushed face away. "Tho cottage is small , " said she , evasively. "And I feel that I have 10 riyht to usurp the place of others ! " "Others , Juliet ! " repeated puzzled Alico. "You are talking in riddles ! What can you possibly mean ? " "Must I say it out in so many words ? " said Juliet , as if resolutely forcing herselt to speak. "Well , then , the school trustees wore talkhurnmonjj themselves to-day nttho monthly ex amination. They mentioned , ns ; fact , that Dr. Fail-lands was content plating marriage ! Alice , Alice , tell me the truth. Is it BO ? " "But before Alice could gain her breath to answer. Dr. Fail-lands him self had come quietly in from the ad joining surgery whore ho had beer compounding some medicine , and stood before the Seventh Daughter. * "Yos , " Jio said calmly , "it is the truth. Ho is contemplating nuirriago . But isn't quite certain about it , unti ! ho has asked the lady of his love to consent. How is it , Juliet ? "Will you bo my wife ? " "I ! " she cried , covering her eyes with both hands. "I ! You asked mo this question ? " "You , Juliet , because it is you only for whoso heart of gold I caro. Once more I ask it , sweet Juliet will you bo mine ? " "Yes ! " she cried out , passionately ; "yes ! For I love you bettor than all the world ! " It was n strange , unique sort of wooing but Alison Fairlands and Juliet Mnrkham wore not exactly conventional people. And as they were very happy , perhaps that was all that was necessary. DOWN IN THE OPHIR MINE How Bob Ingorsoll Came Within An Aoo of Boixig Con verted. When Col. Robert Ingeraoll was n Virginia City , about four years ago , t couple of reporters , one of whom is now on The ban Francisco Chronicle , conceived the idea of giving thoinfido a hotter experience than he had , uj to that time , admitted the vilest sin ner would ever undergo , nven after laboring under the disadvantage o not being alive , The foreman of the Ophir mine was led into the secret ol the scheme , and , being n good Chris tian , nt once saw the practical utility of the plot. It was elected to descent the Ophir for the reason that the quality of whisky then kept in the Ophir visitors' dressing-rooms WUH superior to that of any other north- end mine. The Justice mine really had n finer brand of liquor , but the mine was down in the lower end oi Gold Hill , and ax the descent was to be made after the Colonel hud deliv ered hitt lecture one evening , it would be inconvenient to visit n mine very far from the International Hotel , where the Colonel and his family wife nnd two daughters were lodged. The matter of whisky is , unhappily , one of great consideration in n visit to a mine , for the reason that the ef fect of u descent upon n stranger is a strange weakness , which it is neces sary to overcome upon reaching the Hurfaco with stimulants , or a day's sickness is the inevitable Qonsecjiienco. After the lecture ino reporters call ed at the hotel and escorted the colonel nel nnd his family ( o the Ophir works. Ingersoll was in lively spirits. Ho had lectured to n largo crowded house ho had just received.nowa that ho hai been violently abused by San Fran cisco theologians , and was about to experience n novel sensation , and a delightful one , too , the reporters as sured him , and in reply to some hints that some portions of the mine inigh bo a little warm , replied : "Bring i m ; I nm not afraid ot any natural icftt , hero or hereafter. _ Trot on your owest levels , " The Indies were taken n charge nt the old hoisting works by lie wife of the colored ollico porter , ml supplied with minors' clothes in lie Indies' dressing-room. Tlio men iggod themselves out likewise in blue Ainu'l shirts and pantaloons and hob * ailed shoos. The entire party wore iven long oilcloth coats to wear going own on the cage as the vertical shaft vas wet , the dripping water pouring own on the visitors like rain. "All ot , " cried the foreman , and the aev- n persons packed in the cage wore Topped down to the 1-lin-foo ! , level tan uncomfortable rate to the visit- rs making the iirst descent. "Take ( T your coats hero , " said the fore- tan , ns they stopped out on the iron oor of the station , in the presence of i crowd of car boys nnd minors. The ndins demurred , but the colonel bo ng assured that it was the customary lung , that the ladies would bo lee vnrm with nnd greatly inconvenienced > y the coats , ho encouraged them. 'Why , certainly , girls , take ofl' your oats. Everybody takes them oflf .own . hero. That's all right , wife , toll ho girls to take Ihoir coats oil" ; thoro'n lolhing lo bo afraid of"nnd the young adies shyly emerged from their coats , .Hiking picturesque in Iheir rough iluo minors' suits. Nothing was over seen like the pints of the Colonel He danced a oublo shuttle on the iron switch plates o thu delight of thu miners , and cared the ladies with stories of gnomons and spirits. "Call this hut , h ? " he laughed to the foreman ; "oh , how me something warm , can't you ? ' 11 freeze hero. " The foreman wink- id solemnly tc the reporters nnd relied - > lied : "Woll , wo nin't got no very lot drafts here nowbut come this way ' 11 give you something a little warm er than this. " Then nil branched off rom the crosscut a little cant of the itation and walked north toward the ace of a drift being run toward the Union ground. Tin- air changed in- tantlj as they turned north. It was vnrmer ; it kept getting warmer an hey proceeded. It gut hot. The 'oremim led. IngurHoll followed , nf- er him the ladies , nnd in the rear came the reporters. "It is cool nlong ioro , " remarked the , "but t is n little warmer in the face of the Irift. " ingersoll wns pulling lake n torpoiso , but hu still seemed cheerful. 'Come on , girls ; this don't amount o much. Talk about your hot mines ; lon't see whore they como in. " When t became so hot that breathing stung .he lips and nostrils the reporters mur- , 'esled to the Indies , without attract- ng the Colonel's attention , that they md better not go any further. Jngeraoll pluokily plodded on , car ying his candle aslant nnd peering n 'ittlo nnxiously ahead until they met v miner with his head down rushing out of the drift. "Whore did you come from , my man ? " asked Ingeraoll , is the miner passed him. "Come ; rom the face of the drift , old HOII , " replied the miner , without stopping. Something in the manner of the man Interested Ingersoll , for ho yelled nf- lor him : "And where are you going ? " "Going to h1 to cool elf , " replied the minor , who evidently did not dis tinguish the ladies in their miners' costumes. Ingornoll halted and said to the foreman : "Perhaps wo had better not go any further ; I see the girls are not following. " As he came b.ick and met his wife he whisper ed huskily : "Ev.i , it I thought there really was a place hotter than this we'd go up nnd join n Methodist church this very night. " Then they wont down on the incline three hun dred feet further in the "girall' . " While the ladies wore being interest ed in the compressed air engine , the oxhuust-pipo of which formed ice in temperature almost hot enough to roast meat in , the foreman told Ingor soil ho had n curious natural phenom meiion he wanted to show him. Ingersoll followed him down an abandoned drift whore the air was HO hot the oldest miner would not work unless a fresh-air pipe iirst intro duced. When he came back he was shirtless , drenched with nerspirntion nnd scarcely able to walk. Every body was afraid ho would faint , and the party prepared to ascend. "Era , " said the Colonel to his wife , "I have boon to a place hotter than " "Robert ! " "Yes , dear ; I wns only going to re mark thnt it was hotter than " "All soil" said the foreman , inter rupting the infidel , as we scrambler into the giraff. Tlio foreman gave the boll rope throe slow pulls. "What docs ttiat mean ) " said the Colonel. "Tlmt ia the signal to hojst , " "Well , my friend , " g.ifipod the Colonel , "if you got us to the Bur- face uncooked 1 will write you an obituary that would make an angc ! turn green with envy , when I get to Chicago , " nnd he wink back in u dark corner of the girafl' , pale , exhausted and suliducd. No HumljiiK'uf5 | the Amorlcnu Poojilo , You can't humbug the Ainvilcan people wliL'ii they find u funnily tlml milts them they IIHU it und rvcoimriund it tii tlii'i friend * , .lust exactly tliu caiowith iil'HIM HLOXHOM , which IIUH becomu u ImuttulioU wonl all over tliu United StaU'H. Price- fit ) ci'iitx ; tilnl buttle.10 ) ccntx. A Great Eutorprlno. The Hop Bitters Manufacturing company ia one of Kochester'ngreatea business enterprises , Their Hop Jiit tors have reached u sale beyond nl precedent , having from their inlrinsi value found their way into alnios every household in the land , [ Graphic. jyi-15 FACTS THAT WE KNOW. If you are milloring from n severe cough , cold , asthma , lironcliitiH , con mimption , loss of voit-u , tickling ii the throat , or any affection of the throat or lungs , wo know that DII KINU'H NK\V DJHCOVKHY will give yoi immediate relief. We know of hun dreds of cases it has completely cured and that where all other medicines lind failed. No other remedy eai show one half as many permanen cures. Now to give you satisfactorj proof that Dr. KINO'H NKW Dincov KIIY will cure you of Asthma , Bron chilis , Hay Fever , Consumption , Severe vero Couglm and Col da , Hournunusn or any Throat or Lung Dineiso ; , if you will will at J. K. IHH & MO-MAHON' Drug Store you can got a trial bottl free of coat , or a regular size bottl for 81.00. jnnl01y(2) ( ) UNPRECEDENTED SDGGESS -OP THE- STORE ! 616 TENTH STREET. In order to meet the wants of our rapidly increasing business , wo have le.wd the adjoining store and will throw both into One , thus making the THK LARGEST West of Chicago , ( except Cruickshank & Co.'s. ' ) \ > show the people of Omaha how wo apprecialo their liberal support , wo have decided to give the public n GRAND BENEFIT SALE FOR THE NEXT SEVEN DAYS , The Entire Stock must be closed out in order to com mence extensive alterations soon ± 5. The stock is all now and fresh and will BE SOLD REGARDLESS OF COST ! ! An examination of Goods and comparison of prices will convince every one that this is NO HUMBUG SALE. This grand benefit sale will commence Saturday Evening , J'uly 9th , AND CONTINUE ONE WEEK ONLY. ALL ARE INVITED. P. G. IMLAH , Manager , Leader of Popular Prices. FEARON & COLE , Commission Merchants , 1121 Farnham St. , Omnha , Nob. ts made us 11 III rccclia ptnmptattention , llefetcnccn Tltkt Nat. Dank ami OmabnllRH THE OREAT WESTERN CLOTHING HOUSE. M. HELLMAN & CO , , j Suits ! AH Styles ! - " IMMENSEPSTOCKAT ? WHOLESALE AND RETAIL The Largest ( Ming louse lest of Chicago A Department for Children's Clothing. Wo have now an assortment of Clothing of all kinds , Gent's Furnishing Goods in great variety.and a heavy stock of Trunks , Valises , Hats , Caps , &o. Those goods are fresh , purchased from the manufacturers , and will bo sold at prices lower than ever before made. We Sell for Cash and Have but One Price. "A largo TAILORING ; FORCE is employed by us , and we make . . SUITS TO ORDER on very short notice. * 1301 and 1303 Farnham St. , cor. I3th O. H. BALLOU , DEALER IN Lath arid Shingles , Yard and Office 15th and Cumings Street , two blocks north of ST. PAUL AND OMAHA DEPOT. jyl-cod-3in. jylcod3in.WM. . F. STOETZEL , Dealer in JHardware > Stofe Eepairer , M Worker and Manufacturer Tenth and Jacksc" Ctcs Omaha , Neb. . /ti f. ' Tobacco from 25c. per pound upwards. Pipes from 26c. per dozen upwards. Oigarsfrom flS.OO per 1,000 upwards.