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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1881)
f I THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY JULY 16 1881. 1 ' * It I THE PACIFIC SLOPE. A -Cowboy1 Murderer Ilnngod li Special 8 n Frandnco Chronicle. TUCSON , A. T. , July 8. The execution - cution of Thomas Hnrpor for tlio mur der of John Tolliday on tlio l"Ui ol last September took plnco in Tucson to-dny. The scaffold wis erected in the extreme west end of the jnilynrd , About sixty persona were ndmittod inside the jnilynrd. A Inivo number of people endeavored to gain n view from the housetop * in the vicinity of the jixil , but the sheriff had taken the precaution to inclosn all sides except that fronting toward the jail with canvas , shutting off n vidw. At 230 ; Jlarpcr appeared , supported by Father Antonio , accompaicnd by the sheriff , under sheriff nnd chief of police. Harper wai a man about BIX foot in height , with a dark mustache nnd dark hair. Ho was clad in black clothes , black necktie , vrhito shirt and carpet slip pers. and wore a black hat , His steps up the stairs were quiet and linn. Ho nnd Father Antonio were seated on chairs close to the trap. Ho refused to sny ntiything publicly , but spoke privately to Father Antonio. The sheriff read the death warrant , when the prisoner called Policeman Martin , who came to the scaffold and was requested - quested to inform his relatives of his untimely end. Ho then asked for n glasi of water , nnd taking off his hat , naid : "Gentlemen * hero's hoping you'll BCO better times. " Ho then rose nnd took his place on the trap , nnd said , "Gooil-byo to the United States. " Father Antonio then offered prayer nnd bade the prisoner good-bye. Harper insisted on put ting the rope on his own neck , lifter \\hich the sheriff adjusted it , when ho said ; "Uoys , hero goes ! " The spring wan touched and ho fell heavily. Ho wns born in Hickory county , Mo. , emigrated to Texas with his parents when 2 years old , and had always lived on the border. Ho was a fair representative of the cowboy clement in Arizona. Ho was 28 years old last October , Ho made confcs- fiion , but wrote a touching letter to Curloy Bill , the well known despera do , admonishing him to take warning from him nnd not to be too handy with his pistol , and to "stand n heap from n man before you kill him. " BUFFALO "NAT. " Why Ho Was Opposed to Education I.Ullo Hock Gazette. Old Nat , whoso peculiarly shaped nliouldora gives him the name ot Buffalo Nat , operates a small planta tion near Little Rock. Some time ngo he wont around milking education al Hpceclics , but now ho is so bitterly opposed to education that several days ugo ho went to n district school-house , claimed the log which he had con tributed toward its erection , split it up and burned it in the presence of the Trustees. "Why are you so opposed to educa tion , Nat ? " asked the Superintendent of Public Instruction. "I has a cause , salt. 'Foro I could read I had dp best cotton nnd do biggest com in do neighborhood. Now , look at mo ? Got no cotton , an' my hogs is n porishin' fur do want of corn. " "What part did education play in your agricultural boroavomoiH/ / " "Sail ? " "I say , how was education instru mental in inducing your agricultural tnjudiciousnoss ? " "Two of 'em at once an1 widput warnin' , " said the old man , rubbing his head with a troubled air ; "doan1 - gin mo ony moan ob dat , Cap'n , my blood's outen order. Dem words < nl'ers did net mo on edge ; but en you'u axed mo I'll tell yer. Education mi' industry doan travel but n short dis tance togcdder. Da go togeddcr to 'do ' fence. Dar education stops tin' industry goes on an' works do Ian" " . Uut T ain't done yit. Las' year , thinkin' dat I'd 'spnso my noighbora , an' habin' in do meantime lamed tor read , I 'scribed for a lot ob deso heah agricultural papers. Dun I thought I had do thing down fine. I sot in do Bhado roadiu * . My wife tolo mo dat it was time tor go tor work , but I laughed in my sleeves an' rattled dc paper what I was rendin1. I know'd dat dom editors was bosses , an 1 was 'tortnin tor road , Do season wanced , but I 'tinned ter read , knowin * dat dom men know'd more 'bout farmin * don I did. Do loaf turned ynller an' do cotton stork hardened , but I kop on readin' my paper. Do win's got chilly and I seed folks toatin' ' do hamper baskets of cotton , but I turned tor my agricultural papers an1 'tinned tor read. My wife called my 'tention tor do fust bale ob cotton what wont past do house on its way tor town , liut I turned obor do paper and 'tinuod ter read. Uut finally do eye-teeth ob 'sporienco cut through do gums ob humbuggory. I went put and aood dat dp papers hadn't rained no crop. Do jimpson weed growod whar de cotton stalk uuuhter 1mb bloomed , De rag weed had possession ob do com lull. De ob destruction had burrowed under de cabbage plant. Don I summed hit up. 'Fore I could road 1 nebber had a agricultural papoi in the houao. Fore I had one in dc IIOURO I nebber sot all day in do shade , Fore I sot in do 'shade I alters luu good craps. Don my eon lamed t ( write. Ho forged a neat an da pu him in de penitentiary. Doan an ; school ter mo. 1'ao n hosa fly an' in ; vines is ( t foot long , Lemmy tali do line frum under de mar'a talc * Now she' all right. Good day , sail. Tout * BoauUos. Plumpness , nuch as would bo coi fiidored exuberant in the cold an critical North of Europe , constituti the popular ideal of female beauty i the Itegoncy of Tunis. Amor the marriageable young ladies of tin province , glenderness of form ai delicacy of proportion are regardt with justifiable aversion , as disqual fication for the wedded atuto. Tl fatter a maiden the better is h chance of making n good and oar match , To bo abnormally obese is bo certain of drawing a prize in tl matrimonial market , and the lovclic lithonosB remains unwoood , whi homely corpulance can pick ai chopso from among a throng of t'li iblo suitors. How deep a root tl predilection for capacious cliarms h struck in the Tunisian manly bosc may bo gathered from the fapt tli vjuq\vor , desirous to marry ngai should they happily , moved by famil ; brjJecnniary considerations , select ) bride whoso dimensions are roportci to fall'something short of those t < which Iheir previous experiences lint accustomed them , nro wonl to sent the dear departed s girdle and bracclol to the parents of tlioir too , oxigiiqiif betrothed. On receipt t > f tliisc articles , conveying n delicate hint thai it might bo expedient to make up foi Nature's shortcomings by some judic ious treatment , the bride's papa and mamma proceed to fatten nor witli assiduity and dispatch. For some weeks she leads the life of a Strnsburg goose ; and when she has attained the necessary goodly proportions her nupitals nro celebrated to the entire satisfaction of everybody concerned in them. London Tolograhh. GOINQ FOR GOULD- Tlio Bonnuzn Ring Propose Dab- tiling ill tlio ToloRrnpli Busi > lies * on nil Exten sive Sonlo. lloston Spcchl to St. I.otili Ololio-Dcmocrat. Jay Gould's ' supicmacy in the tele graph world promiscH to be of short duration if the projected scheme of what is known as the IJonanai King is carried out. As is well known , Gould lias squeezed many millions out of n rir.g made up of Kcono , Flood , Mack- ay and their followers , and Iheso plucked birds now propose to fight Lhcir mhcraary with a network of telegraph * through the country , not ( less extensive than the Western Union Company head- id by the combination named. Ft has quietly organized hero luring the present week , and the ivork of building will bo commenced it once. It is intended within a year ; 0havo an extensive aervico establish- jdin | all the principal paying points in the United States. All branches of busi ness now performed by the Western Union will bo carried on by the now ! iianagoment , but under n different jrganiaition. One special feature of Lho general commercial nnd telegraph .lep.irlment will bo a system of receiv ing and transmiting night messages , which will bo dropped in the post of fice as soon ai received , and for which unparalleled low rates will bo charged. Another department will bo gold and itock reporting lines between differ- jiit cities nnd there ft ill ilso bo the inevitable con- itruction and maintenance company. Due of the evidences that the combi nation means business is the purchase within a day or two of a factory at Ansonia , Conn. , which is known as compound wire. They have also pur chased recent inventions for rapid tel egraphy mndo by Ehsha Gray of Oki- cago. and also patents which provide for the quick transmission of tin exact - act duplicate or fac simile of nny mes sage or drawing. The public has had quite a surfeit of opposition tolo- ijr.iphs , all of which have ended in consolidation and the eventual strengthening of the monopoly. It is not impossible that this may bo the upshot of this enterprise , but the com munity will bo treated to a brief pe riod of cheap rates , nt all events. Bronlt-Dowii in Rates- Chicago 'I line * . "Passenger rates have nil gone to pieces , " was the lamentation of n rail way oflicial on yesterday. This ex pression was perhaps none too extrav agant for the occanum. The demoral ization in west-bound rates from Now England points is ascribed by tailway nllicinla to the joint action of the Pennsylvania nnd Baltimore & Ohio companies in directing their New En gland traflic over the Now York and New England railroad , and insisting that the through rate from Boston to thewestshall bo the some via that route as via Albany and Troy and the Cana dian linei , which are shorter. On July li the Hostonand Albany amlFitchburg roadsrodiifced the through rate to Chic.i- vo , via Albany nnd Troy , for limited tickets from 8-1 to $17 , and to other points in like proportion. On yester day tolocr.ims wore received at the ofticos in Chicago conveying the an nouncement of t\n additional reduc tion to $1(1 ( via the American , and § 14 via the Canadian routes. This will doubtless bo followed by n reduction from Now York , Philadelphia and Baltimore. The irregularity nnd de moralization are oven moro marked in east-bound rates from Chicago , St. Louis , Kansas City and Milwaukee. From Chicago the rale for lirst-clasa tratlin to the seaboard has been lluctu- nting from 820 downward to 812. A person unfamiliar with the situation ofi affairs would bo charged taritl price for his ticket. An intoml ing traveller , with an inkling ol things as they are , can secure paasaqi nt his own price. In fact , the ourrenl niton in all the Chicago odlccs corres pond to the amount of money that t man can afford to pay for a faro , bo il little or much. A general ollicer salt yesterday tlmt ho believed the price 6 a faro to Now York will drop to ? ( before the tariff is again restored The opinion was advanced by soveni that n general warefaro on passer igo rates , both ways , is now unavoidable ml that the competition will be car led to extremes never reached in pro ious struggles between the trim' ' inea. The earnings of nil the castor : iiics are beginning to bo seriousl affected by the irregularity in' ' th charges. Garllold'n Drlulr. > Springfield. UcpujilUaii , Koomis , the formontnl milk ordoi ed for the president , is frequent ! prescribed now by physicians and readily pioparod. It is kept by son of our local dairymen. The llussin original WAS of mare's milk , whic contains more juimr than cow's mill To make it of cow's milk , ordinoi boorbottlesithpatent stoppers n : tilled with fresh milk , and in each one a tea-spoonful of pug and another pf yeast is pu They aie then stopped and loftinsut mer heat. In a day or two a cu will mo filling halt of the bottle , b at n subsequent stage the whey m the curd coalesce again , nnd the mi turo resumes the appearance in a we of ordinary milk charged with ct bonioacid. When the bottles n opened , the contents nro the mi furious ot all corked stuff , nnd it w bohardly safe tonttempt it in the Wh House , if it contains nny works of a The bottle must bo turned neck do- - into the pitcher , the top cover tightly vfith a u pkiu , and thm tli stopper loosened by passing the IK hand into the pitcher , Otherwise. will bo nil over the clothing , wall pa per , nnd other objects of interest. The drink itself is n pnlataabld ncid , covered \\itli n fine froth like beaten egg. It is n kindof champagne milk , nnd is ( very favorable to persons who need an acid but nutritious beverage. IOWA Floods. Slotit City Journal , July H. The storms which have prevailed throughout almost the entire state during the past week or so have ex ceeded in severity and volume of water anything of the kind in history. Perhaps in a few isolated cases thoto may have been storms which equaled , or even exceeded , in violence those to which wo allude , but no such n deluge of water in the same length of time was ever before experienced in thh latitude since itn settlement by white men. The storm nrca extended through the c ° ntral portion of the state nnd clear to the Missis sippi river , and thence in Wisconsin. The damage to growing crops has been immense , uut railroads have suffered most. On Tuesday DCS Moincs was without rail connection east , nnd every road centering there wns badly demoralized. Small streams wore swollen to dimensions of largo rivers , the low hinds were Hooded , bridges nnd culverts washed out , and large portions of the track of all the roads in that portion of the state completely ruined , the roadbed in some eases being almost completely obliterated. The city of Des Moincs suffeied tombly. The south pait of the town , which is washed on one side by the Ilaccoon , and on the other by the DCS Monica river , wns covered with water to the deptn of several feet , and that portion of the city wns in dnnger of being swept away by the breaking of the levee. Tlio Raccoon river Hooded its banks for n long distance , and the raging torrent \\as covered with debris of nil kinds put-houses , fences , lumber , valuable timber , and all sorts of movable property. The dumiiyo must have been immense , but no estimate can bo made , as it is almost impossible to get any details owing to the prostra tion ot telegraph lines and difficulty of travel. McGregor , Marshalltown nnd ether places report such n deluge as was never known before , every thing being literally covered with water , and the inhabitants unable to do anything but gaze through windows nt the destruction going on in the dooryards - yards and streota. Llmo Kiln ClnTj. WJIO AUK INHANKf "What I war1 going to remark , " be gan Brother Gardner as the hour nr- rived nnd the triangle sounded , "am to ask who among you nm insane ? I should like to make out a list as soon as possible , an * T hope dat no lunatic will feel backward about handin' in his name. "You look surprised , " continued the old man , ns he walked up nnd down in front of his desk , "but I am quite satisfied dat wo have at least n dozen lunatics amonz us. De man who shot de president could read law an' plead it ; ho could cheat , lie , swindle , bilk hotels , buy an' sell , come nn' go , push his claims fur ollico an' go on long journey , nn1 yet he nm decla'ed to bo crazy. No one eber knowed it 'till ' ho became un assassin. If ho hadn't tried , to commit murder ho would still bo looked upon ns n dead-beat instead of tv lunatic. Now I pruposo to tak * time by de 4-lock and make a list of de lunatics in our club f-nr do benefit of do purleece. Let each assasnin stan' up as his r.amo is called by do seekrotary. " The secretary went through the roll. in hu usual sing-song way , and not a member stood up. "Worry well , " said the ijresident , "let do scckrotnry make a note of dis. You have nil plead guilty to bein' peu- feckly sane , an' you mus' tnko do on- Dequeues. If nry one of you walk out of a grocery wid n codfish under your coat , or nm oborhaulod by do puileuce wid n bag of chickens on your back , dwin' try to shirk do con sequences by pleading insanity : " Sounililo Moil. Mr. Hubert Simpson , foreman High land iroui foundry company , Boston , MIIRS. , recently related the following : . We have used St. Jacob Oil in our foundry , nnd have never seen any thing to etnial it. Many cures of bruises , sprains , etc.havoleen effect ed by it ; and one of our mtm was cured of A. severe case of rheumatism by the use of the remedy. It cau be highly recommended. Every time a man gets hurt now ho purchases St. Jacobs Oil and of course uses it with prime success. _ Found nt Last , What every ono tihould have , muj never \\itlumt , is THOMAS' KCI.KCTHIU Otu It in thorough mid fnfo in iU vlfectM , imxluc- iiiK the moat wondrous ciuva of theiiuui- timu , neurnUrta , burns , tiriiUux nmlwrmmU of u\cry kiml , jylUotllw DON'TDIE i Ask druggists for "Hough on lints. " It clears out rats , miceUnlbugB , , machos , vermin , ihes , nuts , insects. 15o per box (3) ( ) .103. R. CLAKKB01. O , 1. Clarkson & Hunt , Succeuora to lUclmrJj & Hunt , ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW 8. HthStreet. Om lit Neh. Cornell College Thp CUstllcal. l'iilo | 0.hUul | , Scientific ant ] Civ II Kiiuliifcrlntr Courm.ii uniuirn | ( Morally wit ! tlio t > u t lot logon In tliu Kiuntiy , Bpcclaltuttimtaueiiari ) given In the Preparatc ry ami Normal Ikumrtnicnta , ami in tlm Coiisen utory ol Miuic. Twenty Profetiors and Teacher * . Sujxirlor IJulldlni ; * , Jhucuin. laboratory an bxpenses Low , Kail tenn open * 6q > t. 16 , For catalogue * or othur Information , ajJrcBj I'aiu. WM. H. KINO , 1) . 1) . , jy IS il&n-Jm Mt , Vcnion , Iowa. Takou ' * A BAY Marc , with halter on , weighing aboi POO iwiinJi , nuall nltu IXH In tlio forvlu- : na * taken up Juno 17 , by John btuhvn , hall ml w okt ( rum Uie dva ! anJ iluuiU u \ lum , 'J tic on IT can obtain the MIIIU by prai inir property ai jaalnjr cxi > n a ot U-vplni ; anil adu rating , AGENTS WANTED FOR FAirrsr U.IMI Loons oriiiKAoRt Foundations of Succes BUSINESS AND SOCIAL FOUMS. Theauio ) tnulo. ItgM toriuf , how to tnu act tUittU'M , laluablo tablm , wclal ctl < iuet parliamentary uiagv , hem to ivniluct 1'ubllo bu iient ; In lutt ( t U a i-ouipUto Ouldo to buwvsj I re all fcuit. A family nccuMltv' , Aildrvaa for c CTiUrt anJ Diiocial t .riu ANCllOlt I'UHUSUU it CO , , V-.LouU , Mo. Great German REMEDY ron RHEUE1ISH , NEURALGIA , SCIATICA , LUMBAGO , BACKACHE , GOUT , SORENESS or TIIK CHEST , SORE THROAT , QUINSY , SWELLINGS SPRAINS , FROSTED FEET JLXtt EARS , 33TJXS.3WS JND SCALDS , TOOTH , EAR ISO HEADACHE , 1HD All other Pains AND _ _ _ _ ACHES. Ka I'nriration on cartli e'ii li ST. JACOM On i lirx , SUIIK , lllirtr. and CIICAIinorn : l Ittn.tJr. A trltl cntalli but tlio cornparitlrely trilling outUr of CO CI.MM. oa nryon unlTerlng with ralu caa Iilr cb p ud | 'oiltlreroafof | Iticlilini. uiutnio.Mi 1.1 EWTEI oulr3. ; SCI.O DT All DIUQQISTS AM DEAURS IN MEtlCIHt. A. VOGELER & GO. Jloltlmnre. 3M. , U.S.A. Atlantic & Gulf Coast OANAL AND OKEEOflOBEE OF FLORIDA. Chartered by Spothl Act ol Legislature ol Flor ida , 1831. CAPITAI , . - 810,000,000. OFFICERS : Win. STOKELEY , Pros't. HAMILTON DISSTON. Trcas- Application will lie received on Thun * day , July 14th , ami close on Monday , July 18th , for the issue of Sl,00t\- 000 of Stock in 100,000 Shares of 510 ISSUED ATPAK. With bonus of 81,000,000 of Land Certifi cates benringuix per cent , interest , re deemable from pales of land by drawing from time to time , or convertible at option of holder into land nt the Company's regular prices. Each subscriber for shares ot the company will , inadditlon to hU ntock , receive an a. boiHH a landi curtificate equal to the amount of his sub- KCiiption. TEKMS OF 'i > cr fhare on ajilic.ition. . § . " .00 per share on delivery of shares and Land Certificate * . Offices : Third nnd Chestnut Bis. , Phil. Jacksonville , Florida. This company have a contract with the Hoard of Internal Improvement of Florida for tlio construction ot n caunl to provide an outlet for Lake Okcechitbte , and theie- by reclaiming from pcriodlcil overflow the lands lyiui ; south of townnliu > twenty-four and east of Peace Creek , tlio area contain- iiiB upwanli of 8,000,000 acres. The state cedes to this company one-half of the lands as faht as reclaimed. This company also own. the franchise of the AtUntic Coast Steaml > oiit Canal and ImpiDvement company , for. th * omstruc- tion of 3. canal connecting tlm inlets nloiiL' the east coast of Florida , ami which win liivo exclusive control of HIM , miles of in- IJuidbteuin navigation tliionrjk a rnuntry iiiHiirpakned _ for fertility of w > il and salubrity of climate. In aid of the con struction of tbla canal the compuny will icceivo a land grant of 3yH-iO acres' per milu of canal constructedwhicu will give Uui company about 400,0KlMcrp of lauds immediately ad joining the oonaL 'Iho nmchinery for excaviatintj the canals al/mg the 1'ast Coast and into Lake Okeeclmbte is now being built , and both lioesof canal are txpectud to bo com- pluted by September , 183t' The State of Florltla cifera greater nil- vautageo for the investment of capital in construction of lines of tramportatlon , the purchase and impntvjuiunt of landn , oC any state in the Unitiir by reason of it- co raphieid position , dinuitoind fertility cf neil , adapted to the cultivation of crop ; covering the widest scope , embracing al ! of tlio grains , fruits nivli vegetables of th < uorth , middle and Houtlu'nLataten , bealdei tropical and 8emi-t > picol fruits aiu tilirous plants in great vnriuty , and matur ing to that degree of norfeutSon developcii at no other point within tho- United State. l'ron | > ctU8 and dc&iiled. nportn o n ap ilication at the ollici of tlu company. jy 12t mo AND STILL THE LlOfl CONTINUES TO Roar for Moores ) Harness AND Saddlery 03 O Ihaxe adopted the Lion a Tr a Mult. . all my good * lit be STAMPED with the LK ami my NAME on thosuue. NO GOODS AI OKNU1NE WITHOUT THE AUOVK HfAMl The best material U used and the icott aklll workmen are omiiloyod , and at thalo utt o > price. Anjonewisliiniraprlco-lUtoJ good v confer a lav or by ton Jlnj lor one. DAVID SMITH MOORE , DexterL.Tliflmas&Bri VilLl , BUY AND SELU AXD ALL . Pay Taxes , Kent Houses , Et ir VOD WANT10 Bl'T OH f IU. Call at Office , Koom 8. Cwl tea iaock0m ap5- < DE VEAUX'S WASHING MACHINE The Only Machine that WilDe Do just as is Advertised. It Will Wash Faster , It Will Wasli Oleaner , . It Will Wash Easier , It Will require no Rubbing , It will do a large family Washing in 30 Minutes. It Will IWnsli Equally -wolll witli Hard or Soft Wntor- , iloe * awny with vaih liollcrs ami washboards nnd mil pay lor lt cl ( In full and the wear of clothes In a monjli. No fttcnm In the kitchen. A child 10 jcars old cAn do the uix hlnf ; tft'tcr than any woman can uringnna hane out the clothes- PAN' . feUfLl\'AN &fcONS' , dim 1410 Karnhnm Street , Agents. EIOUfiSION TICKETS ROUHD TRIP , $19.00 Me C , B , & 0 , E , R , First-class anil pooil tlirouijli the Alto > "eu' Vork , Ilostonlniid all Knstern iiolnts , at pro- iKiitloiiatciy Ion rates. On sale ON'I.V at iioiiuti : nnoTHEiiv Itnllroad Ticket Ulllco , ilmc-&wlm Son Tenth M. , ( Jinahi. CD CD H I BI I 1 P 1I I i M 0 o 0ri ri riN 53 0 i o CDm § * DOi'TIOUIOEGETl WHEN IN : JEED OF BOOTS i SHOES To examine 4Ho stock of M.SWITZ & WELLS , EJUSO 1422 Dou iis St. , OTTXC. 2n largo and always the lowest , prices 3coJ-8m Mothers. Wive * , DamMcn , 8on , Father Ministers , Teachers. Butlness Meat , Farr crt. Mechanics , ALUkhouhl be nrnol airaln usin wjil Introducing Into their HOMES truuu and Alcoliolk reuicdlci. Ham no vui VKJudlce aK'alnkt. or ( uar ol "Warner's Ba Tonic Bitters. " Tbernratthat ther are claiim to be liarmloia as uillk , arid contutn only mo clnal virtue * . Kxlrait ot jnirek etablcu enl They do not belong to tliat Llaiu Luon n as "Cui Alls , " but only juulusa to reaili rase * w hero tl ilisciso oriKlnatei In debilitated Irainca and li l > uro blood. A perfect Spring and Summ medicine. A Thorough Blood Purifier. A Tonic App tlier. I'ieasant to the taste , Iterating to the boil Tlio moat eminent | > hy > Uun > rocouunend th ( for their curatix D properties. Once used alw < prclerrul. For the Kidneys. Liver and Urinary orcar usu noUilov "WARNER'S SAFE KIDNEY a LJVER CURE. " It stands Unrivalled. Thoi and * o e their health and happiness to It. I'rl J1.S3 per bottle. We oHer "Warner's Safe Toi " itli conndtnctf. UUU > T4" equsl H. Hi WARNER , Rochester , N. Y ] e 10 tu-th-gat 1 > DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTELS , J HOTELS. LEWIS HOUSE , HARTNEY HOUSE , McHENRY HOUSE , SUMMIT HOUSE , JUDKIN3 HOUSE , MENDIN HOTEL , THE CENTRAL HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOTEL , PARK HOTEL , DELDEN HOTEL , LU8K HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOTEL , DURKE'8 HOTEL , OLIDDEN HOUSE , 8CRANTON HOUSE , ASHLEY HOUSE , HEAD HOUSE , MERCHANTS' HOTEL , CHENEY'S UNION HOTEL , CITY RESTAURANT , CHAPMAN'S SE8TAURANT , NEOLA HOTEL , WOODWORTH HOUSE , CENTRAL HOUSE , EMERSON HOUSE , CROMWELL HOUSE , WALTON HOUSE , CITY HOTEL , MARSH HOUSE , CENTRAL BLOCK HOTEL I'JROPMETOnS. JOHN S. LEWIS , W. P. HUNTER , Ti W. DUTLER , SWAN & DECKER , JUDKINS & DRO. , ADOLPH WUNDER , JOSEPH SANKEY , WM. LUTTON. , W. J. CARVIN , A. W. DELDEN , JAS. A. LUSK , O. F. CASSADY , E. R. DUKKE , S. M. LEWIS , JOS. LUCRAFT , DAN EMDREE , JOS. SHAW & CO. , CHENEY & CO. , CHENEY BROS. , J. J TUCK , T. O. CHAPMAN , F. EIEVCRTZ W. A. WOODWORTH , S. P. ANDERSON , A. L. SHELDON , MRS. R. COCHRAN T. 0. WALTON , CHENEY & CLARK , W. W. BROWNING ) , FRED , STADELMANN , TOH'XS. Dow City , Iowa. West Side , Iowa. Vnll , IOWA. Creiton , la. Red Oak , la. Mcndln , la. Walnut , la. Vllllsca , la. Corning , la. Woodbine , la , Logan , la. Dentson , la. Carroll , la. Qlldden , la , Scranton , la. Grand Junction , la Jefferson , la. Sioux City , la. Mo , Volley June. , Dunlap , la. Stanton , la , Ncola , la. Atlantic , la. Malvcrn , In. Cmmerson , la , Cromwell , la , Onawa , la. Dlalr , Neb. Brownvllc , Neb , Plattsmouth , Neb' EDHOLM. & ERIOKSON , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL JIANUFACTUniNQ LARGEST STOCK OF GoldandSilwIatcliesanclJewelryintlieCity Como ivnd see our stock , as w oill bo pleased to show goods. o ? * " EDHOLM & ERICKSON. 3E * . AllE NOW OFFERING FOIl ONE JIONTII ONLY - 3CKT - Laflies1 Suits , Gloats , Ulsters , Circulars , Etc , 200 Handsome Suits , at $5.00 ; 300 Stylish Suits , $10.00 ; 75 Black Silk Suits , $17.OO. Wo have several lots of staple goods which will bo offered at SEVENTY-FiVE GENTS ON THE DOLLAR. All ladica should avail themselves of this great snlo of CORSETS AND UNDEEWEAE , T.INEW . AND MOHAIR ULSTERS , SILK AND LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS , LAWN SUITS AND SACQUES. MCDONALD & HARRISON. MAX MEYER & BRO. , the Oldest Wholesaleand Retail Jewelry House in Omaha. Visitors canhere find allnovelties in Silver Ware > Clocks , Rich and Stylish Jewelry , the Latest - test > Most Artistic , and Choicest Selections in Precious' Stones , and all descriptions of Fine Watches , at as Low Pri ces as is compatible with honorable dealers. Call and see our Elegant New Store , Tower Building , corner llth and Farn- ham Streets MAX MEYER & BRO. BVBOS BEU ) . LKV18 RKKD BYRON REED & . CO. IOLMET ujTiELiaiir-D Eeal Estate Agency IN NEDDASKA. Keep a compltto abntract ol title to all Real fttate la Omaha ana Uou.-lw couuty , mat tl MAI MEYER & BED , , O THE LEADING MUSIC HOUSE IN THE WEST 1 General Agents for the Finest and Best Pianos and Organs manufactured , Our prices are as Low as any Eastern Manufacturer and Dealer. Pianos and Organs sold for cash or installments at Bottom Prices. A SPLENDID stock of Steinway Pianos , Knabe : Pianos , Vose & Son's Pi anos , and other makes. Also Clough & Warreu , \ Sterling , Imperial , Smith v\ \ American &c. Do Organs , . i not fail to see us before pnr- ! chasing. Notice to Coittraotora- SEALED propoaali for the troction and coinplo- tlon of Iho ncu Grand Central Hotel at Ouia ha , Neb. , for KlUlicn ] ) ro'ii. ulll bo rexclicdat the Witlincll House , Omaha , and the Pacific HOUMJ Et. Joseph , Mo. , from July llth to 4 o'clock p. ni. July 2il , lbl. l'lau and | KxItH-atIona on \ lew at both of the aboM mentioned hoiuu. Tlio right to reject any and all bid41 rtsin til. ECK EL t M ANN , 800-22 ArclutctU.