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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1881)
TTTTC OATATTA DAILY TVRESATTTimAY .TTTTY 1ft. 1881. FINANCE AND COMMERCE , FINANCIAL. HO.VET AND STOCKS. NEW YoitK. July 15. Money clewed at 2J | > cr cent. Exchange closed steady at ? l 84J@4 SCJ. ( toveniments closed hrm. Currency I ! ' , 1 30 bid ; fours coup. 11CJ ; 4 } * , coup. 1 HJ bid ; Gj continued , 1 02 $ . fis conttmied , 1 02J. . Pacific railroad liond * clo ed as follows : Union Pacific firsts , 1 17l 18 ; land grant * . 1 18i@l Wi ; finking funds , 1 28J @ 1 2-4 ; Central Vl 10 bid. STOCKS. Market to-day opened firm and higher : Under a considerable pre Mire to pell , prices t declined sharply. The low est quotation * of the day being generally current at tlio second call. D. K A. 1. ranged firm at J@33 per cent. Injtmctiou granted by Judge Barnard on complaint of Jenkins Vauscbnck , restraining the Western Union company , paying a divi dend on the fifteen million dollar. * In new utock , also restraining the transfer of the name , caused a dcelinc In Western Union and a depressing elfect on the rest of the market. Tlio general stock market con tinued weak , but near the close there. was a rccovcrv of . } © ! $ per cent. In final dealing this partly wai hut. The decline for the day ranged from J to 24 p r cent in the general list , while Oregon Nav igation declined 4J ( percent. The following are the closing bids : D&lUo G..lf'51 ' Mo 1'ac . 110J Krlo . 4'2i North western. . I'AIJ Preferred. . . Preferred. . . . 139 OU&Went. . . . CO NP 42J Adams ! p..130 | Preferred. . . . 83 American Kxp s ; NYC 143J W F Exp Panama 20 U. S 70 PMail 475 Hit St Joe. . . . 2 III 139 Preferred Ill Tex & Pac. . . . f.2 111 Cent 137 UP 12 ! ) H&T 40 Wab&Pao. . . . 60J Lake Eric 121 Pref'd 01S M C 100 WUTel OOJ HIM NO STOCKS. Following are the closing mntatlons for mining stocks at the New York mining board : Alto 100 Cent. Arizona. , 4 lluckeye 8 Com , O & Mil. , 04 IHglmm 275 No. Standart. . , 09 Great Eastern. . 21 Sierra Nov. . . . .082 . CHICAGO MONF.V MAHKET. CHICAGO , July 1C. Money ruled strong and ctcady to-day nt 43 ( ? per cent on call and CSi7 ( per cent on time. Supply continues good. East- urn exchange between e ty banks firm nt a" @ 80o discount on 81,000. Clearings of associated banks were 87,000,000. Or ders for currency wcie moderate. A divi dend of S30 shares was declared by thu Chicago provision , grain and stock ex change on the 25th ultimo , anil to-day tlio treasury commenced paying the 805 mem bers , § 50 in gold each. Omn.Ua "WliolosalcBMarlcot. OKKICB ov THE OMAHA BnE , ) F riday Evening , July 15 , 1881. J Live stock market dull and unchanged. Grain quiet , oats a fraction lower than yesterday. Corn advanced lc , Barley , rye , and com steady at former prices. Provisions quiet and mostly unchanged. Spring-wheat flour declined Iflo per lOOlbs ; white bolted meal declined lOc. We note n decline of 2flc for new potatoes , no old potatoes on the market. Butter advanced lc per Ib. Apples 50c per barrel less than yesterday. Itaspbcrries declined 25c per case. Other branches firm and unchanged. Local Grain Dealings. WHEAT. Cash No. 2 , 95c Cosh No. 3 , 87 ; rejected GGc. BAULEY. Cash No. 2 , 87c ; No. 3 74c. 11YE. Cash , 82c. CORN. Cash No. 2 , 34c. OATS. Cash. 31c. Livestock. Cattle Wo [ quote a follows : Butch- cr'H cows , 83 25@3 50 ; choice butchers' fiteers , 53 75g4 ( 00. Sheep Good mutton in fair demand. S3 503 ; 75. Hogg We quote as follows ; Ljglit packers , 84 80@5 10 ; medium mixed packers , 85 00@5 25 ; extra choice heavv , 85 10@5 25. Provisions. FLOUR Spring wlieat , straight grade , S270@2l)0 ) ; patent , S3 G0@4 50 ; winter wheat btraight gmde , ? 3 00@3 25 ; patent , S3 75@4 00 ; graham rye , 82 25 ; Wheat , 82 'ilYE FLOUR 83 25. MILLSTUFFS Bran , I > er cwt. 50c ; Bcreenings , per cwt. 70@80c ; shorts , per cwt.GOc ; chojiped feed , per cwt. 75c ; meal bolted , yellow. 80c ; wliite , OOc. I'OTATOES New , 8150 per bushel. POULTRY Live chickens per dozen , 83 50 ; old , spring chickens , 83 50. EGGS Shippers count , 14c : 1JUTTER Choice , 1C ; poor , no market ; creamery. 20c. APPLES Good , bound , 8500 per bbl. HONEY Extracted , fint-class California - ornia strained , 15c. LEMONS Good repacked per box , $14 00 ; best , 815 00. RASPBE KltlKS Percase of 21 quarts S3 75. ULUEBEHKIES-12ic per quart. VEGETABLKS-All kinds bring good prices. BKESWAX Yellow , 18@20c. CIDEll Sweet. 20c er gallon. Grocers Lilt. COFFEE. Kio , fair. 13jc : Hio , good , 14c ; Hio , prime to choice , 14Jc " ; Old gov't Java ; 2Gi@2Sic , Mocha , 20ic" ; Arbuckle'j , TEAS. Gunpowder , good , 45@55c ; Choice , 00@7Cc ; Imperial , good , 40@45c ; Choice , 00jij7Cc ( ; Young Hyson , good , 3i@ ( 50c ; choice , 05c@81 00 ; Japan Nat Leaf , 35c : .rnpan , choice , CO@7Ccj Oolong , gojd , 35@IO ; Oolong , choice , 40i55 ( ; Souchong , goo < l , 35 © IOc ; choice. 35 ( 145c. SUGAKS. Cut loaf , lljc ; Crushed , lljjc ; Granulated , 11 Ac ; Pondered , lljc ; Fine jiawdcrcd , HSc ; Standard CoUeo A , llic ; New York Confectioner's Standard A , lOJc ; Good A , 10jc , ; Prairie Extra C , SYRUPS. Sugar house , bbls , 45c ; half bis , 47c ; kegs , 4J gallons , 8230 ; choice table nynii ) . 38c ; half bbls , iOc : 85. SPICJES. Pepper , 1H ! ; Allspice , 20c ; Cloves , 50c ; Nutmetfe , 81 00 ; Cassia , 25c : JIiuxi 81 00. SODA. DwiL'ht'g Ib papers , 83 00 ; Do- laud do , 82 00 ; Church' * , 82 1)0 ) ; Keg soda , STARCH.-Fearl , 3c : Silver Gloss , 7 ? ( ® 8c ; Corn Starch , 8.J8ic ; Excelsior Gloss , G\e ; Corn , 7c. SALT. Dray loads , per bbl , 1 90 ; Ash- ton , In sacks , 3 50 ; bbls dairy GO , 5s , 3 45 ; bbls dairy , 100 , 3j , a 05. DRIED FRUITS-Cholce halves , old , Cc ; new , 7@71c ; Currants , 7@7i IMackberrles , new , IOc. OHEESE-Full Cream , IOc ; Part Skim , Oo. WOODENWARK-Two hoop r M. , 1 85 ; three hoot ) palls , 2 10 ; No , I tubs , 9 00 ; No. 2 tubs , . 8 00 ; No. 3 tubs , J 00 ) ; pioneer washboard * , 1 85 ; Double Crown- 8 75 ; Globe Wwhboard,250 ; Well buckets , 3 50 COTTON YARN Cotton yarns , 20J@ , 21 * ; cheap , t9 ) * ; medium , 0@10i ; No. 1 St. Loiiix , 14 ; Candle wick , 25 ; Carpet chain , and 5 ply , 20J@21J ; Colored carpet chain , per Ib , 2G ; LEAD Bar , 81 G5. MATCHES Per caddie , 85c ; round cases , 87.35 ; square ciwen , $1,00. PROVISIONS-Breakfast bacou , He. choice lanl , lljc ; dried beef , 13Jc ; khould- en , canvad etl 7c ; hauu ) , caavaiuod HJc ; bacon , sides , 10c. IdH NEW PIOKLES-Medlum , In barrels , S7 50 ; do in half bbls , 4 25 ; smalls , in bbU , 1200 ; do. in half bbla. 050 ; gherkin * , lu bbls , 13 00 ; do , iu half bbU , 7 00. VINEGAR Pure npplo extra , IGc ; pure Riiplf ; 13c ; Pruwing pure apple , 15c. HO.SllNY-New , SasOiwrbU. 31EANS Medium , liamt picked $3 00 or bushel. ROPE Sl < 1 , i inch and larger , Ji c ; i Inch , We ; 1 inch , lOJc. SOAPS-Klrk'aSa\on Imperial , 285 ; Kirk's ( .torllmr. 2 40 ; Kirk's ulandanl , 3 30 ; Kirk's white Riicflan , 4 50 : Kirk's Ktttocn , 1 a * > : Kirk's Pralrio IJiieen , (100 ( cakes ) , 3 40 ; Kirk's magnolia , : i 'JO. OANDLES-Bo\c , 40 HH , If , oz , 8s , IScjlHixcs 40 lb . , 10 oz. , 0 < . 13c ; boxes , 40 sets , 14 oz. . 8s , 12Jc ; halt boxes , 20 sets , 14 oz. , 8 < , 13c. LYE American , 3 3T ! Greenwich. 3 35 ! Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 50 ; Lewis' lyr. 4 00 ; Jewell lye , 2 7fi. POTASH Pennsylvania can's 4 do * . , In case , 3 a * > ; Itahbilt'a Ball , 2 doz. in p n , I 00 : Anchor Ball 2 doz in case , 1 TO. Fir.M ) SEED Red clover , choice , new , 8530 per bushel ; mammoth cloxr , new. 85 75 ; white clover , new , 81 1 00 , alfalfa clo\er , new , 81250 ; alsikc , new , 81300. Timothy , Rood , new , $2 MX ? 2 05 ; blue grass , extra clean , 81 25 ; blue Brass , clean , 81 15 ; orchanl grass , 82 00 ; red top , choice , G5c ; millet , common or Missouri , 812. ' ) ; millet , German , 8125 ; to 8100 ; Hungarian. 81 15. HEIWESEED Osage orange , 1 to 5 bushels , $5 00 ; o ago orange , lO'lmshels or over , § 4 60 ; honey locust , per Ib. , 35c ; per 100 Ibs. . $25 00. FISH Family white fish , 00 Ib hf bbls , S3 00 ; No. 1 white full , UO Ib lif bbls , 0 30 , No. 1 white fish. In 10 Ib kit , 1 00 ; far.iily 10 Ib kit * , 75c ; New Holland herring , per keg , 120 ; sardines , 76c : Colum bia river salmon , per 10011 * , 8 00 ; George' * Bank codfish , Oc ; ( Jen. bom-lens eodlii > li ; 8ic ; boneless ( ish , 4Jc. MACKEUEL Halfbbkmcssnwxckcrel , 100 Ibs , 812 60 ; hf bbl No 1 ex shore do , 100 Ibs , 0 00 ; hf bbls , fat family do , 100 Ibs , 3 85 ; mess mackerel , 12 Ib kits , 2 25 ; No. 1 ex shore , 12 Ib dp , 1 60 ; No. 1 shore , 12 Ib do , 1 00 : fat family , 10 Ib do , 75c. CANNED GOOlU-Oysterx , 2 Ib ( Field's ) , per case , 83 90 ; ilo I Ib ( Field' * ) , per case , 2 60 ; do 2 Ib ( Standard ) , per cnse , 3 70 ; do 1 Ib ( standard ) , per case , 2 40 ; do 2 Ib ( slack ) , ] > er cnse , 2 00 ; do 1 Ib ( slack ) , per case , 1 85. Onions , 380. Salmon , ! Ib , per dozen , 1 CO ; do 2 Ib , per dozen 2 CO. Sardines , small f'sh , imported , one- quarter boxes per box , 13Jo ; American , quarter boxes per box , lie ; do half boxes , per box , 2Hc. Lobiters , 1 Ib per dozen , 180. Tomatoes , 210 ; do 3 Ib per case , 235 : Corn , 2 Ib ( Mountain ) per case , 3 40 ; soaked com , 190 ; do 1 ! Ib ( Yarmouth ) , per cae , 360 ; Hiring bean * , per case , 1 IK ) ; Lima beans per case , 2 00. Succotash per case , 2 10. Peas , common , imr case , 1 75 ; peas , choice , per case , 4 CO. Blackberries , 2 Ib , per case , 210 ; strawberries , 2 Ib , per case , 3 00 ; raspberries , 2 Ib , per cose , 2 76(53 ( ! 00. Damsons , 2 Iti , per case , 2 25. Bartlett pears per case , 3 Oo@-l 00. Whortleber ll > per cvso,4 60. Pine Apples , 2 Ib , per case , 3 00@5 20. Peaches , 2 ID per case , 3 10 : do 3 Ib , case , 3 754 40 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 Ib , per case,275 ; do pie , 0 Ib , per iloren , 3 00. 11ICE Carolina , Gi@7c ; Louisiana , CJ " 'PEANUTS Roasted , choice , red Ten nessee , Stoperlb ; fancy white , 9o per Ib ; raw white Virginia , 7@7ic. Dry Goods. BBOWN COTTONS. Badger LL G\c ; Buckeye LL GJc ; Crescent LL ( He ; Utica C Cc | ; Crescent C 74.c : Crescent B 7/c / ; Crescent A 8c ; Waclmsetts 8c { ; Indian Head 8jc ; Graiiiteville LL GJc ; Badger KB , fine brown , 7Jc ; BadgerJC , do , 7c ; Portsmouth P , do , 5\c ; Winthrop L , do , 7 c ; Continental C , do , 8c. BLEACHED COTTONS WmnsutU 4-4 13c ; Fruit 4-4 10Ho ; e 4-4 8Jc ; Ballardvalo 4-1 Cc ; Pocassetl C 4-4 8Jc ; Altoona 3-t Oc : Lonsdalo No. 1 , cambric ,13c ; No. 2 , do , l'J\c ; New York Mills 4-4 13c ; Lon-sdalo 4-1 IOc ; Fainuont Q4-4 OJo Auburn A 4-4 8jc ] ; Barnanl i Oc ; Dairy Cloth 5Jc , PKINTS. Allen's fancy , GJc ; Ameri can do , G\c ; Aniold'.s do , 7c ; Conestoga do , Oc ; Duhnell do , ( He ; Etlilvs-tonu do ; 0\c \ ; Gloucester do , 5fc ; Hamilton , OJc. ' Harmony , Cc ; Hartcl. Ojc ; Knickerbocker , Oc ; Manchester , 7c ; Pacific , 7c ; Spragne ; CJc ; Southbridgc , Oc ; Mystic , 5Jc ; Merri- mack shirtings , Oc ; Sprjguu do , CJc , Southbridge do , Gc ; llegatta do , CJc ] ; Cochico robe , 7c ; Freeman robe , be ; Hamilton do , 7c ; Marlboro do , Cc ; South- bridge do. O c ; Sprague do , GJc ; American do , 7e ; Pacific do , 7c ; Washington oil colors , ! i'Uj Simpson's mourning , "c ; Simp- son's solid black , 0\cBerlinsolidcolors.Oc. ; CAMBHICS , FLAT Glazed , 0\c ; high colors. CJc ; kid hniah , Oc ; high col ors , 7c ; rolled , 7c ; high colors , 8c. COUSET JEANS llockport Sc ; Nnumkeag sattecn , 9c ; Androscoggin do. , 'Jci Ixickwixxl do. , ! ) c. TICKING Amoskcag- . C. A. , 17Jc ; Conestoga , B. F. , 2 , fancy , 18e : Conestoga - toga , 4-1 , Gold Medal , IOc : Conestoga , I , C. C. A. , 14c ; Conestoga , C. C. A , fancy , lie ; Eoston , B. , IOc ; Omego superior extra - tra , 28c ; Omega medal , 2Tic ; Omega A C A , fancy stripe , 20c ; Omega AA , 13@10J ; Conestoga , It. C. , Ited Stripe , ICie ; She- tucket , S. , lUc " : Shetuckct , E. E. , 12Jc ; Shetucket , B. F. S. , ISje ; Pearl Kiver , If.Jc ; Hamilton , 1) . , IU ; Hamil ton regular , 13 ; Hamilton H. , ll\e ; Cor- ills , B. B. , ! ) e ; Cordis A. C. E. , f8o ; Al bany S. A. X. , lJc. ( ! OIL CLOTH 5-1 wood. 83 00 ; 5-1 fancy marble , S3 00 ; 5-4 wiiite marble , S3 23 ; ( i1 i wood , $4 00 ; 0-4 fancy marble , $4 00 ; 0-4 white marble , 84 25 ; 5-1 mo saic , , 83" 00 ; ( M mosaic , § 1 00. DENINS Amosla-ag blue and brown , IGc ; Beaver Creek. A. A. , blue and brown , 14 Jc ; Beaver Creek , B , B.bluu and brown , 13jc ; Beaver Cieek , C. C. , blue and brown , 12ic ; Everett D , D. , blue and brown , 1G ; Haymakers blue and brown , Uc0tin ; , A. X. A. , blue , lljc ; Otis B. B. blue , 13J ; Otis C. C. , blue , 12ic ; Pearl Itiver blue and brown , IMo. DUCKS-Fall Itiver , fljc ; Hamden O. O. , lOlc " ; Boston checks ( ISJc ; Bottxn- Btripe , "lHjc ; Dundee slnpes , 18c ; JJM. | 13lc ; Boston XXX drab , 13ic ; Boatgn O. ' .IL'ljro. , lOJc ST1HPESIiuisiana , 3x3 lluo and brown , 8ioLousianaGx3 ; ! blue and brown , 8Jc ; UocC Itiver , 0x3 blue nml brown , 19o ; "lubaina l , 0x3 blue and brown. SJc. COTTONADES Le\dston , Uf or. , 2.5c ; ' New York mills proof , 22lc ; Bridge water , 20c ; Everett , heavy , tajc ; Whittent n , heavy , 22io ; Bell , 18o ; Charter Oak , 18o ; Wicklow , 18c ; Union Pacific , 18c ; Capitol , 18e ; Farmer's Ifljoj Everett , medium , ICc ; York , light weight , 12c ; New Yojk mills checks , 11) . SHEETINGS AiidroBcogLjin.0-4 brown 23o ; do 10-1 do , 2Cc ; l'epiicrelI'sy-4 brown , 22\c \ ; do 10-4 do , 25c ; Androseoggin , 40 Inch , bleacheil , 13o ; do 0-4 , bleached , 20c ; do 10-1 , bleached , 2Dc ; Peppertlll ! ) , blcaehed , 25c ; do 10-4 bleached , itfjc. Oru t. , VND CHEMICATA-Acld , in ura a , per oc , 85c ; Chloroform , | n.-i > u , " ic ; Dover'u powder * , per Ib , 81 40 ; Epsom salts , per Ib , 4c : Glycerine , pure , perlb , 3840c ; Lead , Acetate , perlb , 82o ; Car > n oil , 110 ° , iicr gallon , lljc ; do 160 : , tergal , 13Jc ; Oil , Cantor , No , 1 , per gal . ; , 51 00 ; Oil , Castor , FNo. 3 , per gal , OOc ; Oil , Oil , Origanum , 40 i 'L'f ' Morphine , iier oz , 83 75 ; Sulphur flour , IK * Hi , 5c ; .Strychnine , | > roz , 81 40@1 00. Hortet end Mulct. Tlio market in brink and all graded arc Belling well at'u Blight advance in price * . The demand for R'iod honcii exc-eecM heel supply considerably. Vtice * range a * fol lows ; Fine single drivers' , 8150. to SOO.j Extra : draft horwow , 3175. to 225. ; Common draft hornet , $100 , to ICO. ; K tra farm honsw , $110. to 125. ; Common to good farm lioreen , 8W. to flOO.j Hxtra plugn , ? 00. to 75-5 Common plug * , 920. to $40. HULEB.-13 to 16J band * ( extra ) , $125. to 160 , ; 141 to 15 hands $100. to 140.1 14 to 14 i bond * , 75. to 100. ; 13J to 14 hands , $00. to 75. Clean and Tobacco * . CIOAnS. Seeds 515.00 : Connecticut , $25.00 ; Mixed$35.00 : Seed IU > anaiO.OO ; Clear Hat ana , 876.00. TOBACCO PLUG. Golden Itule , 24 A Ib , 60c ; Spotted Fawn , 57c ; Our Hoi > e , 6Pc ; Star , pouml . 24 Ib , butts 60cj Her e Shoo , ixwmls 24 Ib , butts , 6Gc ; Purity , 21 Ib , butts , 52c ; Queen Bee , 21 Ib , butt * . 63o ! Gilt Edge , | x > unds , 24 Ib , butts. 67 ; Ariny and Navv , pounds a'o ' ) Bullion , pouid * , 55c ; Ixirillard's Climax , pounds 67c. FINK CUT In iiallK. Hard to Beat , 75a ; Golden Thread , CCc ; Fountain , 73cj Favorite , 05c ) Kocky Mountain , r 5c ; Fancy , 60c ; Daisy , 45c. In tin foil - Catllns O , S. , 2 oz mckngcs 5 Ib boxes , pcrlbfiOc ; /irillards Tiger , OOc. SMOKING All KramU Common , 25to 33c. Granulated Blackwells Durham , 10 en 40c ; Dukes Durham , 10 oz , 45ct Seal of North Carolina ] 10 04 , 40 ; Seal of Nobms- foil , C5c ; Dog Tall , 05c : ' Lumber. FINISHING No. 1. finish 11 , 1J and 21N it ch , 855 00 No. 1 finish 1 inch S. > 0 00 ; Nr. ( 2 , finish 1J , 14 ami 2 Inch. 85000 ! No. 2 f nlsii , 1 inch , Sl , 00 ; No , 3 finish , 1 Inch , 8(000 ( ; O. G. battens per 100 feet lin. , M 25 ; well curbing , $35 00 ; rough J and 2 Hichbalton _ per 100 feet Jin. , COc. , . . . . . .00. SIDlNG-No. 1 , 82760 ; No. 2 , 82500 ; No. 3. S20 00. SHIP LAV-Vlain , $23 00 ; 0. G. No. 1 , $37 60 ; No. 2 , 825 00. OU1LING-827 50I5 ( 00. LAT1 1 AND SH I NO L1CS-A starfbtwt ) c. * 4 00 , No. 2 , § 3 00 ; No. 3 , $2 60. Lath , $ -1 00. Building Material. LIMK Per barrel , 81 33 ; bulk per 1m. , 3T c. Cement , bbl , $2 60. Iowa plivstcr , bbl , S2 60. Hair per bu. 26o. Tarretl felt 100 Ibs , $3 60. Straw board , $1 00. The Leather Trade. Oak harness , 39@41c ; Pittsburgh selcc- ted , 40@43c : hemlock harness , 37@39c ; skirting per Ib , fair , 44c : black collar 14 ® 21c ; fair do ; 1820c _ ; fair No. 2 , 10lSc ; hemlock sole , Buffalo slaughter , per Ib , 30 @ 31c : hemlock solo , B. A. slaughter per Flench kip , " skins per Ib , ' Sl.00@81.35 ; oak calf per Ib , Sl.20@81.2Ti : hemlock calf ner Ib , Sl.10lfyl.25 : Flench calf per Hi , Simon Picard goat per do/ , 830.00@I8.00 ; bootleg Morocco per foot , 30@35c ( ; calf kid per loot , 35c ; roans iier doz 8il.006iS10.COi ; white and yellow finnli ings pur doz , $8.00 ( < L810.00 ; pink linlnga Iier ilo ? , 6 > 7.00S'l.00 ( ) ; Jtussctt lining" , S7.- 00 ; bl.ickumitlm' anrous per doion , 812.00 © - S14.00. PAPER Straw paper , 3Jc ; Hag paper , 4c ; dry goods paper , 7c ; manila paper , lUC } 11CW8 pJlJ'LTj ' OC * 'COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 812 ; linn Blossburg , 812 ; Whitebrcast lump , SG ; Whitcbreast nut , $0 ; Iowa lump , 80 ; Iowa nut , 80 ; Bock Springs , 88. Hides , Furs , Etc. HIDES Green butcher's hide , CJ ; green cured hides , 8.Jc ; green salt , part" cured hides , 88jc ; dry flint , sound , 13@14c ; dry calf and kip , 12@13c ; dry salt hiilest > omul , ll@12c ; green calf , wl. 8 to 15 Ibs. , 10@llc ; green calf , wt , under B Ibs , per skin , COc ; green pelts , 81 00@11C ; green lamb skins , SI 101 25 ; damaged hides , two-third rate , ( cut scored mid one grub , classed two- thirds rale , ) branded hides 10 per cent. off. Coon skins , No. 1 , 45c ; No. 2 , 30c ; , No. 3 , 20c ; No. 4 , IOc. .Mink , No. 1 , 60c ; No. 2 , 30c ; No. 3 , ICc ; No. 4 , Oo. Fox , No. 1 , COc ; No. 2 , 25c. Skunk , No. 1 , black , G5c ; short stripe , 40c ; narrow stupe , 25c ; broad stripe , IOc. Tallow , 5J. Wool. Merino unwashed , light , 14lGc ; heavy , 1315c ( ; medium unwashed , light , 18@20c ; tub-washed , choice , 32c ; fair , 30c ; dingy and w. , 28c ; buiry , black and cotted wools Shot. SHOT. Shot , 81.90 ; BuoU- shot , 82.15 ; Heavy Hardware Uut. Iron , rates , 82 80 ; plow steel , cast , 7&c ; cost tool do , 15@20 wagon spokesVet , 225@3 OOjhiibs.lpcrsct , 1 25 ; felloes , sawed dry , 140 ; tongues , each , 7C@8Cc ; nxles , each , 75c ; square nuts , per Ib , 7@llc ; washers , per Ib , 8@8c ] ; rivets , iier Ib , lie ; coil chain , p r Ib , C@12c ; malleable , SJc ; iron wedges , Gc ; crowbarx , Oc ; liarrow teeth , 4c ; liorseshoes , per keg , 5 00 ; spring steel , 7@8c. NAILS 10 to 20d. 3 15 ; 8 to 10 , 3 40 ; Gil , 3 05 ; 4d. 3 90 ; 3d , common , 4 05 : 3d , fine , ( i 15 ! clinch , all sizes , 4 90 ; Oil , casing. 4 40 ; 8d casing , 4 1C ; lOd casing , 3 'JO ; lOd finish , 4 40 ; Sd finish , 4 05 ; Od finish , 4 90 ; half kegs , IOc extra. Paints , Oils and Varnishes. PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omaha P. P. , 7c ; white lead , O. P. & C. Co.pure , Oo ; Marseilles green , 1 to 5 Ib cans , 20c ; French zinc , green 12c ; French zinc , red seal , lie ; French zinc , in varnish nsst , 20c ; French zince , in oil asst , ICc ; Haw and burnt umber , 1 Ib cans 12c : raw and burnt Sienna , 13c : Vandyke brown , 13u ; refined lampblack , 12c ; coach black , JGc ; ivory black , IGc ; drop block , IGc ; Prussian blue , 30c ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chromo green , L. M. k D. , 14c ; blind and shutter green , L. M. ct D. , 14c ; Paris green , 18c ; Indian red , 15o ; Venetian red , Oc ; Tuscan red , 22c ; American Vermillod , I. &P. , 18c ; chromo yellow , L. , M. , O. & D. O , , 18c ; yellow ochre , Oc ; golden ochre , 10 ; patent dryer , Cc ; graining colors ; light oak , dark oak , walnut , chestnut and ash 12c , Dr Pain I AVlilte lead , C c ; French zinc. IOc ; Paris whiteing 2ie ; whiting gilder * . IJc ; whiting coml , lie ; lampblack Germantown - town , 14c ; lamiililack , ordinary , 80 ; Prus sian blue , 55c ; ultramarine , 18c ; Vandyke , brown , 80 ; uniljer , burnt , 4e ; uiiil > er , raw , " ' green K. , i2c"vennillion ; , Kng. , 70c ; vermillion - million , America , 18c ; Indian red , lOc ; rose pink , 14c ; Venetian rcatl , Cooksonn , 2Jo : Venetian red Am. , 19o ; red lead , 7ic ; chrome yellow , genuine , 20o : chromo yellow - low , K. , 12e ; ochre , rochelle , 3c ; ochre , French , U-jc ; ochre , American , lie ; Winter's mineral. 2Jo ; lehigh brown , 2Jc ; spanith bnmni , 2 c ; Prince's mineral 3c ; VAJINISHES Barrels p < > r gallon. ' Furniture , exta , $1 00 ; fumiture , No , 1 i'i OOc ; furniture , U , 75c : coach , extra , 81 25c ; Coach , No. 1 , SI 00 ; Damar , SI 25 ; Japan , 70c ; asphaltum , 70c ; ahellac , $3 CO ; hard oil finish , SI 30. OILS-110carbon peruallon , ! ! / > ; 160' headlight , per gallon , 12ol75 { ; * headlight iiergallon , lic ( ; crytillne / , per gallon , 20o linceud , raw , per gallon , 50s _ ; Lliwetd , boil ed , per gallon , C3u ; lanl , winter utr'd , per gallon , 880 No. 1 , 07c , No , 2 , C7c ; casUir , XXX. per gallon , ff > c , No. 3 , 87c ; nweot , per gallon , 85c ; wjienii , W , B. , per gallon , SI 35 ; filsh.W.B. , per gallon , COcjneatsfiyit , extra , per gallon , 75 * , No. J , 0.1 ; lumber- ! eating , zen > , tier gallon , 'Ma , summer , IC c ; golden machine. No. 1 , jier on , 350 , No , 2 , 'J8c ; sjienn , Mgnal , | > er gallon , 80c ; tur ? peiitine , jwr gallon. C8c ; naptha , 74 deg , per gallon 18o , 03 deir , 17c. Liquor , ALCOHOI * 187 pn > ot. f2 10 per wine gallon , extra California spirits , 187 proof at 118 per proof gallon triple refined spirits. 187 proof , 81 Ki ; per proof gal re-dUtllltd whiskies , 81 OO&l CO J line blendecl. SI MXa)2 ) CO ; Kehtuckybour ; bens , 8200@700 ; Kentucky and PtnniyJ. vnfa ryes. 82 00(5)7 ( ) 00. BKANDIES-Imported , * 0 00@1000 ; domestic 1 40 ® 1 00. GINS Imiwrted , 4 50@G 00 ; domestic , 140300. UUM8 Imported , 4 606 00 ; New England. 2 00 < )4 ) 00 ; domestic , 1 UX33 CO ? < 5 PEACH AND APPLE B11ANDY-- J 76 < § ,4 00. CHAMPAGNES Imported per owe , 2fl 00aj 00 ; American , j > er ca&e , 12 00 l@ 1800 , CLAHETS-Per CMC , 4 6001000. WINES llhlncwin * , per CMC , 0 00(320 ( - ' 400(3)700. ( ) MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH Council BlnfTi Oenoral Market COVNCII. IJifKri * , .Inly 15. Wlieat No. 2 , lKXa ( > 3c. Com Fair demand ! 2.y < ? 30c to hi | > pcr ! < . Hay Fair market , with price * at , . Oat Market quiet ; No. 2 , We. Uuttcr 1 IOc. Knr < IOc. Cattle Hcef , 83 r ® 4 60. Shcep-83 600M 60. HogM Light demand , prices 81 " 6M5 00. Potatoes New , 81 2o per bu. ; old , 76c poi bu hel , Onions $3 00. , Wcwxl Market quiet , with givd Mipjily ; 860. Poultrv ] SWf > 10c. Ityo-No. 2 , 80o. Uarley No. 2. We. i . . . . . - - Grnttil Juuctlon Mnrliot .IUNCTIO.V. la. , July \K. - . lluttcr From Oc to Oo Produce. iluly 15. On , "Change wheat was iricKiilar , coin and oats were higher. Thoveceipts of grain were 700 rarloads by rail , embracing 74 of wheat , 613 of corn , 77 of outs , 2 wf rye and 2 of barley , Flour IJuict but strong ; common to choice wcvtcni spring , 4 ( < i,6 " " > ; do Mln- osota , 4 000 ( ! 25 : patents , li 00ii.7 ( 60. Ityc flour 5 25(3)5 ( ) 50. Wheat Spring fairly ncti\o and the feeling somewhat unsettled , with prices eraging a shmlu lower. At the dcclln * tno simulative demand incre.i-i-il [ largely on outside account and with xnmllrc-ccilits. Hero prices were advanced j for sellers August , andIjj for sellcrsSopU'inber. Then receded a trillcIhictuated and iiua'ly ' clos- Hi about j ) lower for August ami > } higher fill September. No. 2 spring in moderate request and clo'ed at 1 12 for ca h ; 1 12 } for July ; 1 llj for August ; 111-J for Sep tember ; 1 11J for October. No. 3 spring , quietl ) ! ) ® ] . 04 , rejected 79&8I ; acc-oiilim- .to location , Corn Trading active , both on shipping and speculative , and a firmer feeling prevailed - va , accompanied with afintheradvance in prices. Prices were advanced Jo above the highest prices yesterday , nml finally closed 47J for Airil ] ; 48 for No. 2 and high mixed , cash ; 47 for July ; I'Uor August ; l7'f ( < F 178 for September ; 47 ? for October ; 45sfii45j for the year ; new tni\ed , 43 : } " .43J ; lejccted , active , demand 42 ® 1'J } . Oats Finner and higher advanced prices for ; cauli and July attributed to noti\o de mand ; from shorts , deferred futmes were also iufhwiiccd by this improvement and ruled higher. No. 2 and No. 2 wiiiti closed atAi 41 cash ; 41j41J ( for July ; 2ii for August ; U7J : for September and October. Uye Firm and stronger : No. L' , closed ill ! fur cash ; 03J for July ; 82J for August ; 81 for September. _ Barley Generally weak and inactive. No. 2 , 1 00 for cash ; 88 for September. Pork In good demand , but pi ires some what Irregular , offerings fair. Mess doted nt 17 0ii)17 70 for cash , July , and Au gust ; 17 05 September ; 1035 for the year. year.Lanl Active , unsettled nml higher , fluctuating widely , prtrtifiiilarly for August delivery. Closeil ut 12 95(5) ) 1M 00 for cash ; 12 GT. for July ; 12 0512 074 f' * August ; 11 C5 for September ; 11 37i for Octo ber and 11 42 for the year. Bulk Meats In fair demand ; firmer and higher especially on export cuts , short ribHsido 882J ; 8 92J for August. Whisky Steady at 1 10. Receipts Flour , 15,505 bbls ; wheat , 4,104 ! ) bu ; corn , 2(55,500 ( bu ; oats , 75- 02i ( bu ; rye , 430 bu ; barley , 500 bu. Shipments Flour , 10,309 bbls ; Wheat. 109,578 bu ; Corn , 579,450 bu ; Oats 163,010 bu. ; rye , 1,732 bu. ; bailey , 700. Chicago IiivoStooU. fliiicAoo , July 1C. Hogs Bcceipts 27,000 ; shipments 4,100 ; fairly active market for best ; but all poor stock prices generally Ti@10c lower ; ml\ed packing , ( i 20ffO ( 30 ; light hogs , 0 30 © 0 CO , choice heavy , 045 ( ,07C : culls and light Yorkers 00 5 90. Cattle lleccipts , 0,700 ; shipments , 4- 900 ; market at ( i@10c decline ; exports , 0 00@G30 ; good to choice shipping. 5 IH ) © C 90 ; common to fair , exceedingly dull and almost unsaleable at 4 70@6 30 ; na tive butcher's stock iJ3U ( 4 00 ; Htockem 2 ( W@4 00 ; through gross Texuns , 2 70 ® 3 05 ; cows , 2 40@3 00 ; 38 cars Nebraska Texmis , 9feO lb , 3 80@3 90. Sheep Heec-ipts , 1,800 ; shipments , 350 ; very good inquiry for superior sheep , at 5 OOta.5 CO ; fair to medium , 4 40 ( 1 7C ; common to fair , very dull and 16 ( < r20o lower at 3 00@4 25 ; lambs per head , 2 00 @ 300. St. Louis Produce- ST. Louis , July 15. Flour Firmer and unchanged. Wheat Opened lower and advanced ; No. 2 red , 1 ] iij@l 17 for cash ; 1 1GJ for July ; 115J@115 ! for Ancjubt ; 1 irJd/j 1 10 Jor Senteiubcr ; i KU@il 10 | for ( Ju- tobcr ; 1 143@1 15'/ ' / for tlio year. Corn-HcUcr inei.'iifor ' July ; 4M@ 47 for Anifittit ; 47 for Sejitember17io ; for October ; 421@42c fur the year. Oats Higher nt 'Ml for caah ; 3. " g@ 3T 1 for July ; 38J for AuguBt ; l7fc ! for September ; 271c for tlio year. Kyc-Bctter nt 1 02 bid. Hurley Koiniii 1. liuttt r Unchanged. I'ltTKu Unchanged. WhlHkoy Steady at 1 08. 1'ork fictter ; jobbing at $17 85. Dry Salt McatH Strong at (5 ( 40@0 10 @ 910. . Uacon-Strong nt 7 2. 7 12i@10 30 } . Lard-i Uglier ut 12 DO , St Louis Llvo Stoolt. Sr. Loum. July 15. Hogg Easier ; Yorkers , ( i 10(2,0 ( 25 ; packing , G 000 ( 26 ; choice to fancy heavy , G 25o ( 0 40. ItcceipU 5,700 ; uhlp- li.tnU 5,600. Baltimore Produce. B.u.TiuoiiK , July 1C , Flour Quiet. Wlicat Southern sleadyjatl 23@1 25J ; Ixmgberry , 1 23@1 27 ; No. 2 red winter , strong at 1 20J ; cash ; 1 2.11253 for .Inly ; Corn White Southern nominal at 50 ; mixed western , strong at C2i ( C2 | for cash mid July. Philadelphia Produce. 1'iiiuiiKi.i'iiiA , July 15. Wheat-Finn nt 1 20 for cah ; 1 2IJ ® 1 25J for July ; 1 22 © 1 2.'J for AuLMist. Corn Finn ; Hil\ \ for cash and July ; UaU Finn at 41J@42 for caxh ; 41J ni for July. lye ( Juiet , 00 ciiah. _ Buffalo Live Btoolr. NKW Yoitu , July 1C , I loirs Steady ; receipts , 27 ; tthlpment * I ; Yorkere nelfing ut G 70@0 80 ; for goixl m .dlum weights , Toledo Produce ToLino , July 1C. Wicat Firm ; No. 2 ed , 122i for cou 121 for July ; 1 Ib'H Autrubt ; L lfJ Kepte her ; 1 17i October ; 1 W\ for the year ; now No. 2 red. 112 ; Amber Michigan 122. Corn Quiet ; hifli mixed , Oljc , OaU Nothing doing. Cincinnati Produce. CINCINNATI , July 15. 1'ork MeBH. finii at 818 00. Lard Steady prime steam , 13 00. Hulk Meats Finn clear ribs , 0,25. llacon-Quiet ; clear rib J JW&IO 00. Flour-Strong , family , 0 30@5 CO. Corn No , 2 , 67. WlieatNo. 2 red , 1 17. OaU No. 2 , m'xoeUO. ' llyo-Hlaher , No. 2 , t 100. litrley Nominal. v Strong at 108. S. P. MORSE & CO , Cash Jobbers and Retailers of 1319 FARNHAM STREET. On Monday July llth , and During 'the Week , We invite attention to the greatest bargains it has been our good fortune to offer. We advise an early call and assure the public that nothing can be duplicated elsewhere for anything like the money , DRESS GOODS. 2700 yds. nil wool Huntings , 8J c. l > or yd. HUGO yds. Dross Goods , silk nml wool nml Fancy Hrocmlcs , lOc. yd , LAWNS , ORGANDIES , LINENS. ttOOO yds. best Lawns mid Organ- dies. 0c. yd. All our Linen Ltiwim reduced to loo. 21MX ) yds. Host Dress I'laid Ging hams 8ic. atiOO'yds. Widest Purcalos , light and dark , lOc. 2000 yds. Uest Cheviot Shirlings , 12Ao. S. P. MORSE & CO. LAOES , EMBROIDERIES , LAOES , : t ° ,00yila. Linen Luce , 1 ta 3 in. ' deep , IOc. yd. lIccl" UC ° " ' CHEAPEST do.7&Vc ' CHEAPEST BOO yds. Dittchess , Piilonzn , Mire- court Lnco , ir > o. yd. lOOpiocus Embroideries , full inch deep , Tic. yd. 150 pieces uji UOO pieces up to B inchua duop i.Tic. J' < 1. Ill the West , .J00 "ccc"'l ' ( > ( i inohofl ( ' ° ° i' ' ar' ° In the West. These embroideries cnnnot bo pur clmsud in any other store , oust or west , for double tlio money. Cull early. S. P. MOUSE & CO. HOSIERY , CORSETS , MITTS , 20 styles ladies' fancy seamless and silk-clocked Hose at 250. ; worth OOc. , to 7fic. 10 styles children's seamless Hose , 2ic ( a pair ; worth f 0c. to 80c. 100 dozen of our ladies seamless Ualbriggan I lose at 2fic. ; this hose is strong , line , durable , in controlled by our firm , and is not to bo had else where. Fine summer Italbriggan IIoso 84.00 , So.OO , SJ5.00 dozen. 25 do/.en ladies' pure Halo thread seamless Hose , fast colors , silk em broidered fronts , ! )0c. ) ; worth $2.00 a pair. 20 dozen unbrcakablo hip 100-bono Corsets at 75c. ; worth ? 1,25. ; 20 dozen ailk Mitts , all col ors , ex tra long , 75. : worth SI.25. S. T. MORSE .t CO. Now York Dry Goods- ' Niw : VOIIK , July 15. There IIIIH liven nil irregular demand nt first hands , lint there was 11 continued ac tive movement in staple cotton anil wonlcu goods , etc. lu the execution of Conner orders business was fairly satisfacloiy. Tlia limit of tliu market IiaH shown increas ed ambition. Thcro was Inquiry on pait of package buyers. Cotton goods Hcaieu and other fabiics adapted to fall trade. There \VHH a denianil for brown and blenched goods , cotton flannclH ; colored cottons , grain bugs etc. , at first ImiulK. Hest selections were mostly rutcrvcd to relatively small pal eels , aim a few largo transactions wcro reported. Medium bleacheil shirtings are in meagre supply , anil Androseoggiii bun been advanced to lOc. Liverpool Produce , jjivKiirooL , July 1C. Flour American , 9s GilfffUlH Gil. Wheat Winter , 9s 4il@9s lOd ; white ) s3il@9s Od ; spring , 9 @ 9s 4d ; club , 9s 7d " 50s lid. Corn ts. Lard 59s Cd. Feorin Produce. BKOHIA , July 15. Corn Active and steady ; high mixed , ( U@IG2 ; mixed , I51@40jc. Data Finn ; No. 2 white , 3737Zc. ? llye-Scarco ut 1 00 for No. 2. High WILC-Unchanged at 1 08i. SIBBETT & FULLER , ATTORNEYS AT LAW , DAVID CITY , NEB. 8 | > c-hl attrition Riven to collection * In Duller county. JyH mc-Uni A. G. TROUP , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW , Omen In Hwncoinu'i Illock , with Oeorgo K I'rlrliftt. 1MXI Karnliim Ht. . Omaha. Nob.l C. F. Manderson , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW S12 ftmham Bt. , Edward W. Simeral , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW Jtoom 0 Cndghton 1Mb and Douglai utrocl Dexter L. Thomas , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW Omaha , Kttinwka. j > plr8 MRS. LOUISE MOHR , Oraduato o ! the St. I > u H School of Mldwirui , ft 1500 California Street , Detwcen Flftccnt and Sixteenth , north tide , whcro call * will bo promptly ronpom td to ftt ny hour during thu day or nl lit. tnlTu Business College , THE GHEAT WESTERN r OEO. R. RATHBUN , Principal. Creighton Block , OilAIIA , - - . NKDItASKA. tftiend Circular. cor SOJiwtl DOMESTICS , DOMESTICS , PBIWS fiO pieces Oonnino Lonsdalo Cambric 12c. CO jiiecos Fruit Lonsdalo and Hill Muslin , -Ac , 10 pieces 0-4 wide Sheeting , 20c a yard. f > 0 pieces best Unbleached Muslin , 7 Aon yard. Host Prints , Co n yard. S. P. MOKSF & CO. HEN'S ' FURNISHING GOODS , In this department wo show the largest assortment of Men's Collars , So.x , Shirts , Underwear , in Oinulm ; when wo mention seamless socks at 15c. a pair , very best Collars , OUR OWN IIUANO , with hand-worked buttonholes ton-holes , 12Ac. each , and best -i-ply Linen Cuffs at 25c n pair , Gauze Un dershirts at 15c. each , Linen Ilund- korchicfH 8c. , ICc. , 25c. All of which on examination will bo found eqiml fco those others i\ak double the price for. Men will know that ours is the place to spend thuir money. One price , marked in plain figures Wo never deviate. S. P. MORSE & Co. Western Agency for Celluloid Collars. Dealers Supplied. s. P. MORSE & oo. , J.P.ENGLISH , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW , 310 South Thirteenth Street , uith J. M.Woolworth. W. J. CONN ELL , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW. Omen Front Rooms ( tin etnlrn ) In Hamoom'a owhrkk liiillilln , NV. . corner Kltccnthid 'arnhniii Ktrt'i'U. D. S. BENTON. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. - - . AUI1ACH I1I.OCK , Cor. nouElm and ICth 8t . Umaha If eh. BROWNELL HALL. YOUNG LADIES' SEMINARY OMAHA , NED. Rev , RDOHERTYM , , A , , Roofcor , Anslatwl hy an ablororpt of tcafheraln Knglleh i , Ktlciifcn and Firm Arts. THE NINETEENTH YEAR WIM. IJIXJ1.V "or i > artlcularn , apply to | o 21-ood-2m TIIK UECTOU. ' n i Au-cnt for COI.UiiniA amiorroiiiuyci.ra. Hem thrco cent Ktamp furCataloiii and price lint containing lu infonnatlon. K , I , D , SOLOMON , Pnlnts.Oils and Ola * OMAHA. NK1 . " " "BLACK-DRAUGHT" cures flia , indigestion and heartburn. a F John G. Jacobs , ( Fonncrlyof Gith& Jacobs , ) UNDERTAKER No. 1417 KarnhamSt. , Old Stand of Jacob 01 ra by Tclccraph Bollclted. upiT-lv NetaskaLand Agency DAVIS & SNYDER , IC05 Farnham St. , . . . Omaha , Nebraska < boo , CarcJiilly tuloctul land In liuU-ni KobnuLafo B.ilo , ( fruat llarifaliiK in iuijirovud fariun , am Onmlia city | iropcrty. 0. F , I1AVIS. WED8TE11 8.VVDEI Ute taml Oom'r U. P. 11 . II . t p fcutf J.H FLIEGEL Successor to J. H. Ttilelo , MERCHANT TAILOR No. 23) Douxlai Street Omab * Neb. J. G. RUSSELL , M , D. , HOMODPATHIO PHYSICIAN. Uiscnsci of 'Children and Chnronlc Dlwasis a wcialty. Olllco nt ItuHlileiiio , 2009 Cassktrcct. oun 8 to 10 . in. , 1 to 2 p. in. , nml after 6 p. i. nolfkllra ssrcr. x. PAPER WAREHOUSE. CRAHAWfPAPER CO. 217 and 210 North Main St. , St. Louis , WIIOirsAtK IIRALKIUI IN nooK , i DflnrpQ IWHITIXO ; NI\VB , f rMrtno i WIIAPI-INO , ENVELOPES , CAIID BOAIIB AND Printers Stock. jMTCiuli paid for Hag * and Paper Stock , Scrap roil anil Metal , , . I'nixir Stock Warehouse * 1229 to 1237 , North Ixth utrcfl. LEOAL NOTICE. ii the Circuit Court of the United States , for the the DUtrk-t of Nulraska : At a KU HOII ef the Circuit Court of thv Unltetl Stated , fur the DUtrlct of Kthnuika , oontlnuul and held punimnt to adjournment , at tlio Uultwl itatcn court room In thu city of Omaha , on the Mh clay of June , 18SI , the lion. Klmei K. Uiimlj- jfliilf pri'icnt'mid jirukldlni ; In | baltl court. hu fullowlnt ; uinoni ; othvr l'roc'etilliiiscro hail and done , to-wit : No. C3 0. Sherman W. Knet all , coini > latnant , VB. Eilward Hill. Mcltln Hill , Airiic-H lllll , Altln Hill , Flora Hill , John lllll , ciiardlan c > f minor defendants. In chancery. Order on nWnt ilclcndantu. And now , on thin IMh day of Juno A. 1) . 1681 , belnit nt the May term , A. 1 > . IbSl , of thotaUl court. It having licen nmdo to aiipcar to the tiat- Iifuctlon of thu ulil court , that thin la a nult commenced to enforce an uiultahlu claim upon real iiroperty within thu mm cllttrlet , and tliat KxlvMinl lllll , Mulvln lllll , Ajnes lllll , Alvln HID , Hora lllll , John llllluardUii ( of minor defendant * herein aru not Inhabitants ol. anil hn\o not been found within thetnld dlbtrlct. and ha\o \olunturll.v ap peared In till * milt , on motion of Jamm M , U'ool- worth , 1V | . , nollcltor for tlio told complainant , It It coixlderod hy the court and ordtrvd that the Bald defendant * atova iiamuil ha and they ru hereby directed to appear and plead , answer , or demur to the coimilafnant'ii till of complaint , on or hcfort ) the llr t day of AUffiut , IbSJ , and tliat In default thereof , an order to entered In thla cauku , takliif ; the uald hill pia uonfcuMi. U It further ordered hy the court that at least twenty dayubcforo tliu * ald Unit day ef Au- tu t , IbSl.a copy of UiU order bo wnecl uiwn IJdvtard HID , llihlii lllll , Afneu lllll , Alvlii I'lll , Flora lllll , John Hill , guardian ot the will defendant' . whorexncr found , If practicable , and aUo upon tlio per- tonorl ncntoni In posseksion or charge of the real property described In complainant' * 1)111 of complaint , If any thiro be , and tliat a certified cepyofthl * order 1 u publlihcd for four tcnsccu- thei ccli In thu "Omaha Hoc. " ( Bltfnixl ) KLMEU S , DUNDY , JuU | ; . TlIK U.MTKO SliTKS OF AWKUICi , 1 DlllTIIICTUr NrilUABKA. fM < I , \V'ut on I ) . Smith , clerk of the Circuit court of the United Staten for the dUtrlct of Nebrutka , da hereby certify , that thu alxno and farc oiii u a trua cony of an order entered upon the journal of the proceeding of taiil court , In the cause therein entitled : that I h\e compared the name with thu original entry of valet order , and it it a true traiwrlpt therefrom , autloftho whole thereof. Witnosa , my oltldal tffttmturo , anil the [ SEAL ] Real of nolil court , at Omaha , in eald dUtrlct , thUUthday el June , A. 1) . ' 61. WATSON B. BMlTil , 0 . JAMES U. WOOL.WOUT1I. . . J S wi t Solicitor for PlaUntlff.