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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1881)
OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , JULY 16 , 1881. IN THE FAR WEST. JRecollootions of Life on the Border. An Anociloto of "Slim Jim. " Lifo in the military posts of the far .west is not entirely bereft of enjoya ble features. True , the every day routine of soldier duty tlio roll-calls , guard mountings , drills , inspections , dress parades , etc. grows monoto nous nntl even hateful , and the harsh tones of the bugle grotos unpleasantly upon the oars doomed to listen to them year after year , yet for nil this thcro are .MANY SOUnOES Of EXJOYMEXT And pastime created by the officers nnd soldiers to drive away the dull monotony incident to a life on the frontier , almost without , the palo of civilization. Amonq soldiers , as among all classes of people , can 1)0 found the individual of a tlioatricalturn of mind , and thcro is scarcely a post on the border that cannot boast _ of its dra matic temple , usually built of pi no logs , in which are produced plays and variety exhibitions for the entertain ment of the denizens of the post. Many of the ollicers have their wives and daughters in Iho garrison , and the ladies apparently tnko a keen interest indisplajing what dramatic ability they may possess. Through the win ter thcso entertainments seasons especially are V tainments givenand I have seen talent displayed by amateurs that would do credit to many of the stock actors who have trod the stage for years. BASK HALL. This is a popular sport with the more athletic "boys inbluo"andsomo of the posts contain really excellent clubs. Match gamns between the sol diers and citizen clubs of the neigh boring towns are of frequent occur rence , and at those matches the west ern man's love for gambling causes largo amounts of money to change hands. Football , cricket , croquet , horse racing , foot rncinc , target shooting and even glass ball shoots are exten sively indulged in , and the great plenty of game induces tlio organiza tion of match hunting parties , the side bringing in the smallest amount of moat to forfeit their captures to their antagonists. There is a ready market for door , antelope , elk , moun tain slicop and bear meat , and the winners often realize a handsome sum when the wagers are paid and the game disposed of. HUNTING. The cavalry soldier enjoys greater facilities for hunting than docs his infantryman. At the majority of the posts it is a standing rule to allow a cavalryman a leave of absence of twelve hours after each turn of guard duty , with permission to take his horse and rillo and go wherever his fancy may lead him. Some of them hie away to an adjoining town , if stationed on the railway near a town , but the majority provide themselves with a liberal stock of ammunition and seett for sport in the chase. When the officers organize a limiting party they go in ambulances or army wagons , well supplied with tents and camp equipage , to the vicinity of some good hunting ground whore they locate their camp and form this as n base , making forays upon the lordly oik or fleet-footed antelope daily. They are attended by detach ments of cavalry , as escorts , and by their garrison cooks and servants , who are usually private soldiers de tailed for such duty. When not hunting the oflicors seek various modes of amuseiuent to while away the time that would otherwise hang heavily upon their hand . At ach post there is a saloon and billhrd hall , in which the clicking of the ivory balls can bo heard day and night , while nround the various card tables games of every known description are played. Gambling among the oilicora is never indulged in. PLAYINO TRICKS UPON .STltAKOEllS Is regarded as a rare sport by the sol diers , and unfortunate indeed is tlio "tenderfoot" who falls into their clutches. Tlio "Indian scare" is the favorite sport in this linotho innocent victim being induced to accompany a partv out from the post a short dis tance ostensibly to shoot antelope , When near somognlch or pile of rocks a howling troop of soldiers disguised as Indians dash at the huntorsJ ( liriiu blank cartridges and omitting the most hideous yells. Of course the soldiers in the hunting party fall as if wound ed and yell at the victim to run for his life , and then the fun begins. Such wild leaps as are usually dis played by the frightened "greeny , " who darts toward the garrison with every hair erect , forms so ludicrous a picture to those who arc in the joke that spasms of laughter at once sup plant the demoniac yells which but a moment betoro tortured the pure mountain air. When ho reaches the post the affrighted victim yell for the men to at once ily to the rescue of his wounded comrades , and then recites a story of a terrible combat with an overwhohning force of savages , in which ho displayed unwornted hero ism and fought like a demon. When the bogus Indians como in , doubled up with hysterical laughter , the dupe either acknowledges the sell nnd joins in the hilarity or sneaks crestfallen from the post and foots it to the nearest - est point. OAUOIIT A TAIITAH. Ono day while sitting in front of the headquarters at Ft Stcolo , convors ing with the lamented Maj. Thorn- burgh , thnn commandant of the post , I observed a long , lankroughly dress ed follow standing up near the post- trader's store surrounded by a group of soldiers. Ho were upon his cadav erous features an idiotic grin , and looked for all the world like a grad uate from an inland Missouri farm. CS * v Suggesting to the Major that there might bo something in store for us , wo wajked up to the crowd , and reached it just as ouo of the troopers asked ; "Do you like to hunt , pardy ? " "Hunt , wal I reckon I dou. Hack to hum I ustor be the best hunter in the neighborhood , an' ' could knock the delights outon a squirrel nearly every pop in the tops o1 the highest hickory trees. Oh ! I'm no small portators when it comes to huntin' ! " Here was such a victim as the fun loving soldiery seldom caught , and every heart beat high in anticipation of rare sport. The details were soon arranged , and a party organized to go out upon the chase. A short time bo * fore the hunters took their departure tlio "Indians" could bo seen sneaking away in the roar of thoqimrtcrmaster's store houses , and hastening toward n rocky gulch half a milo distant. De termined to sco the sport I joined the party of which our rural friend form ed a member , and wo sot forth telling him the most improbable stones of the quantity of game to be found , and posting him as to the use of his gun , which , by the way , contained a blank cartridge. When wo reached n point about fif ty j-ards distant from thn gulch the ' Indians" rose nnd poured in upon us a terrific volley of smoke-and then charged us yelling like demons. Every one of us but the stranger fell at the first fire , and in piteous tones wo beg ged him to run for his life and solid us help. Instead of doing so , how ever , ho stared at the attacking party in n dazed manner , givinit utterance to bilt the words : "WaL 1 swan to gosh ! " The firing party dashed right up to hini , blazing nway vigorously , but "greouy" never llinchod. When they got almost close enough to poke him with their guns ho said : "W'nt ' in the namno' common sense ails ye ? Air ye crazy , or hov yo oat somethin1 that kinder disorganizes yor innards an' crumps 'em up ? Yo act like a drunk lunatic asylum turn ed loose ! " With renewed yells the party inaden dash at him , when ho coolly laid down his old musket and reaching back un der his dilapidated coat tails produc ed a pair of vicious looking pistols of the bull dog patent and leveling them at the now disc&mfittcd "Indians" said : " .Now , you fellers hov made yor play nn' I'll make mine. Ground arms , every son-of-a-gun of ye , or I'll pump yo full of forty-four calibre bullets. Drap 'em lively ! " nnd hu cocked his murderous looking revolvers. The guns wont to the ground , and the squadron stood with blank dismay pictured on every face. "Now every dod-durned one o' yo stand on ycr heads ! " "Oh ! now , see hero , pardy , " said a soldier , "don't you know that were only jo " "tip with yo or ft streak o' daylight ' 11 follor a chunk o' lead through yer anatomy in a holy minute ! " . The troopers obvyed and in a mo ment and a half a dozen pairs of legs waved wildly in tlio air. Ho held them in this position for fully a minute , when ho permitted them to again as sume a natural position unon their foot. Then ho got his late companions in the line ( I had sneaked behind a largo rock ) and for fully an hourjio hold the entire crowd together , put ting them through the most LUDICROUS ACTS AND CONTORTIONS. Ho would make them turn somersaults , walk on their knees and on all fours , lay down and roll over , nuke ono of them hold up a stick and the others jump over it , like trained dogs ; in short , ho put them throrgh every evolution his brain could conjure up until obliged to ccaso through sheer xhaustion. Then ho told them to "Git for camp lively ! " and sent them flocinc ; toward the post. That night ho made it all up , app.v rontly , and vff > inveigled into a game of draw-poker with three of the best gamblers in the post. They played all night long , and when the lank stranger took the early train for llaw- lins ho carried with him over eight hundred dollars which ho had won. Just as the train started he scratched a few words on a slip of paper and handed it to ono of his victims. It read : "You never want to buy a watcr- mellon till you phi ; , ' it and BOO if it's ripe , or you're liable to got left. Good bye. "SUM Jm. " 'We then know that our late visitor was "Slim Jim , of Nevada , " the best Rambler , quickest shot and most dar ing desperado on the lines of the Pa cific roads. WYOMING KIT. UNHAPPY RUSSIA. Everybody Under SaRpioion Dis covery of Dynamite Plates- Uerlin Letter to The London Times. My Russian correspondent writes. "Tho reactionary Slavophile course of administration , or whatever else it may bo called , continues to make progress. Tlio discovery of another couple of charges of dynamite in the Catherine canal , almost at the same spot where a similar store of explosive matter was found about a month ago , will only strengthen the present gov ernment in its opinion that the revo lutionists were never so active and successful as during the quiet direction of affairs by Count Molikoff. Some wonder ad suspicion seems to have been attracted by the journey of the unfortunate ex-minister of thu interior to Geneva , and there is n report that some of the forty-six spies sent abroad , many of whom have lately boon recalled into native service from the retirement of comfortable pensioners , have already been put upon his track. Suspicion and mistrust have extended to oyery class , except , perhaps , the peasantry , and to this class of his sub jects the czar in return shows himself so particularly devoted that oilicials at court have been reported as observ ing that the peasants are now treated like nobles and the nobles like peas ants. It is said that Gen. BaranofF , the emperor's friend and prefect of St. Petersburg , when presenting va rious deputations of dirtbront classes to his majesty , soon after the accus eion to thb throne , placed the peas ants first in order. Thorn need bo no wonder , therefore , considering the cir cumstances , that even a former min ister should be unwarrantably HUB poctcd. "Tho endeavors of the present Sla- vophilo reactionists are to show that the pacification policy of the late min istry was an eminently dangerous ono , and in conformity with this viuw tlio opinion of the present tenants of pow er on the merits and demerits of Count Molikoff in expressed in u re mark attributed by many to the em. peror himself , giving to the count the credit of having a vast deal of intelli gence , but very little knowledge. As a set-off to this the other eido lias cir culated the idea that the reactionists ro making as much as they can , and a good deal more than is necesary , ol the danger that silently accumulated under Mekilofi ; and which the police under Baranofl' are now bringing to light , in order to frighten the count and strengthen their own position. The continual discovery ol ex plosive mines and important revolutionists by the agents of General M.iranoll , the ono really active and enterprising member of the now regime , shows how1 carefully and thoroughly planned in tlio very heart of the city was the assassination of the late emperor. Within a radius of loss than n mile , on all the roads much frequented by the czar , were thu carriers of bombs , the inino under Garden street , the four charges of dynamite in the Catherine canal un der thu stone bridge , and other infer nal preparations , which , it is confi dently believed , tlio police will short ly discover. Divers are still search , ing the Catharine canal under the Kazan and Jingara bridge , near the Winter palnco , whore it runs into the Neva , and navy boats have been _ or- dcred to pass through the canal daily. "Three small matters of liltlo im port in themselves , but highly instruc tive of the tendency of the time , are the wearing of beards in the army and tlio rcclotnin ; of the police , all in compliance with the wishes of the czar. Three privates wore recantly exhibited before his majesty in now uniforms , as yet , however , not very much altered from the old dress. It looks rather strange and uusoldierliko to see soldiers goinu' about with thu stubble growth of many w eks on their chins and the Cossack daily ad ding another mass of hair to his un kempt figure. Tlio uniform of the [ lolico is entirely now and Muscovite , : onsisting of a long , loose coat drawn in at thu waist , high boots , and a Hat sheep's wool cap Samples of the English constable's staff have [ boon Betit for in view of substituting it for the curved sabro slung from the shoulder. The coat of the policoollicer , made of cloth and edged with silver , where it folds transversely Across the breast from shoulder to waist , is not unbecoming , but as regards the new costume of the simple policeman , woven of coarse alufl'you only require to lot out the waist of the coat and raise somewhat the sheepskin cap to bring it as near as possible to thu na tive costume of the Tokke-Turcomaus now in St. Petersburg. Nothing more Asiatic could have boon devised. The now dress is being assumed by degrees and is the subject of no little curiosi ty and amusement With the now dross the police are to receive a con siderable increase of pay , which is much more calculated to augment the ofliciencyof the force than any change of uniform. The Results of the War. J. Itandolph Tucker nt Philadelphia The north triumphed anil the south was overwhelmed. The war and its consequent amendments decided : First. Against the right of seces sion as a constitutional ronuuly for any supposed ovil. Wo belong to "an indestructablo Union ot indestruct- able states. " Second : Slavery was abolished and is forever extinct. Third. The freed African has equal citizenship with the white race , and his race , color and previous con dition of servitude cannot and do not abate his equal right to life , liberty and property or to suffrage with the free i men of every other raco. To these decisions I bow with entire acquiescence. They are final and irrevocable , and I believe the universal South docs the same with honest and sincere purpose. It is the American decree that the Rtates cannot destroy the Union , and the Union must not destroy tlio states ! Faithful to the integrity of federal powers , wo must bo zealous for the conservation of state authority. Each is aupromo in its own constitu tional orbit of power. Of the todoral government says the present chief justice : "Within the scope of its powers as enumerated and defined , it is supreme and above the statosj but beyond it has no existence. * ' It is a government "of delegated powers alone. Its authority is defined and limited by the constitution. All powers not granted to it by that instrument arc reserved to the slates or to the people. " Tlio true friend to our Union must bo a triond to the liberty of the status and of the people , and of the individual man. The oneiny of the reserved rights of the states is a fee to their Union. Lot UH uphold the federal authority in all' its integrity to the full and legitimate extent of its dolgeated' powers , and preserve to the government and the people of the several states all their rights and powers for the maintenance of their autonomy , and for the pro motion of their local , distinct and pecular interests , BO that , with the common progress of all under the control of our federative system , each Btato may have its distinct and soperoto typo of civilization ; "distinct as the billows , ono as the son. " Lot us strictly and zealously sccuro to every citi/on his individual and pur soiml rights to life , liberty and self' ' development by the abolition of special privileges , and opening the gates ot enterprise to all as equal con testants for the prizes of life ; by the preservation intact of the sacred writ of habeas corpus , against military and civil power , by the supremacy of the civil authority oyor the military ; by a non-partisan judiciary ; by fair and impartial juries , as the palladium of frnodom , and by free elections , free from the force of military or civil oflicers , and from the fraud of government or citizens. Let us grant to governments the minimum of power , and secure to thu citizen the maximum of liberty con sistent with the order and safety ol society , K A. .scratch , ilriigt' ! " ' , JUithven , Out , write * ; "I have thu greatent cunfidence in your liuitijocK lirxxm UIITEIM. In ono cattu with , which I nut personally amualutcxl their Kiiccetui won almost incredible , Ono lady told me that half n bottle did her more fowl than Imndredu of dollar * ' worth ot iiu-dicino hu had previously taken.1 1'rico fl.OO ; trial size 10 cents. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ jylleodlw Almoit Crazy. JIow often do wo see the hardwork ing father straining every ncrvo and muscle , and doing hia utmost to sup port his family. Imagine his feelings whi'ii returning homo from a hard day' * labor , to find his family prostrate with disease , conscious of unpaid doc tors' bills and debta on every hand. It must bo enough to drive one almosi crazj' . All his unhapiiinoss could bo avoided by using Electric JJittera , which expel every disease from the system , bringing joy and happiness to thousands. Sold at fifty cunts a bottle tle by Ish & McMahon. (4) ( ) No Changing Cars OMAHA & CHICAGO , Whcro Uireet connection * nro nvvtc with Throuah 8I.KKPINO CAR LINKS for NEW VOIIK , I10STON , PHILADELPHIA , 11ALT1M011E , WASHINGTON AND ALL KASTEKN11KS. . The Short Line via. Peoria Kor INDIANAPOLIS , CINCINNATI , I.OU1S- VU.LE , nnd all | K > lnts In the TIlS HIST L1NB For ST. LOUIS , Where direct connection * nro m.vlc In tha Union Uciwt with the Through Hteciilnir Car Lines for AM , POINTS S3 O TCTO ? 3SC . NEW LINE'i'DES ' ' MOINES TUB KAVOUITK UOUTE KM Rock Island. Tha unon alcd Inducements olternd liy this line lo trnv elcrs and tourUU nro OH follows : The celebrated PULLMAN (10-uhrcl ( ) I'ALACE SLKEPINQ OAKS run only on thin line 0. , It. & 6. I'ALACK UllAWINU UOOM CAUS , with Itorton's Hccllntn ? Clnlrs. No cxtrvilmKo for neat ) In HccllnliiR Chain ) . Tha famoni C. , II. & Q. Palace Dining Cars. Gorgeous hiiioklnir Cars lilted Ith clcpmt hlh-hackcd ) rattan retohlni ; clmlra , for the exclusive use of ( Irst-ih n paiscn- . Steel Track Mul mipcrlor equipment comlitneil with their peat through ear nrnnjrcnietit , makes this , nboto all others , tlio ( a\orlto route to tlio Kast , South anil Southeast. Try It , anil jou will llnd traveling a Hxury In stead of n discomfort. Through tickets \ lo this cclcbrnteil line for Rale at all olllcci In the United State * nml Uin.idi. All Infonnatlon about rates of f.vrt , Sleeping Car accommodations , Titno Tallies , etc. , will be cheerfully gl\eii by applying to JAMES U. WOOD , General Pasmnircr Airent , Chicago. T. J. POTTEll , Onnnral Manai'cr ( 'hleao. 1880. SHORT LINE. 1880 , KANSAS CITY , St , Joe & Council Bluffs IB TIIR O.tLT Direct Line to ST. LOUIS AND THE EAST From Omaha and the West. No change- cars lictnccn Omaha anil St. uoul % and but ono between OMAHA and NEW YOHK. SI3E Daily PassengerTrains RKACMIXa ALb EASTKUN AND WIOTI'.HN CITIES with LESS UHAltaiS and IN ADVANCE of ALL OTIIiil : LINES. li.'k entire line is cqnipj > cd "Ith I'ullmnn'b Palate Sleeping Cnra , 1'al.ieu bay ( 'dailies , lllllcr's Hafctv rintfonn anil Coupler , nnd tlio celobrateil \Vcntlnislioiiso Alr-ljrakc. HSrSi-a that your ticket reaiU VIA ivANSAS CITV , ST. JOSEPH t COUNCIL IILUI'FS iu u- road , via St. Joseph nnd tit. lau\s. \ Tickets for eala at all camion stations In the West. J. I' . 11AHNAHD , A. C. DA WES , Oon. Hiipt. , St. Joseph , MoJ Gen. 1'ais. nnil Ticket Ajit. , St. Josvpli , JIo. W. C. HKAC.imr.Hr , Tieket AKent , 10 0 Karnlnin atrect. ANDT HOIIDKN , Pasxcujfcr Agent , A. II. BiiiNAlip > r > ral Audit , OMAHA , NKB. Sioux City & Pacific St , Paul & Sioux City EAJLROADS. THE OLD IIELIADLE SIOUX CITV HOUTE dLOO MILES SHOUTEIl ROUTE rnoH COUNOIL JBLUFFS TO ST. PAUL , MINNKAI'OLIS , DUI.UTII OH IUSMAUCK and Ml points In Northern lou a , Minnesota ant Dakota. Thin line U qulj > ] M > d wth the Iniproi ud Autoinatlo Alr-liruko and IJIIler Platfonn Couulej and IlulTcr ; and for BPKED. BAKCTY AND COMKOUT Is unsurjaHscJ. Klc nt Dra i' > K Itoom am SlocnlnK Can , owneil and rontrolliil by the coin iMiiy , run throuu ; ) ! WIT"OUT C'HANQK lictwcoi Union 1'ncltla Traiibfer ucmt at Council Ulutts and Kt , 1'aul. Trains Iea\o Union Tutlflo Transfer depot at Council Jllufls at 6:16 : li. in. , ruadilnir Sioux Ult ) at 10:20 : .in. and St. Paul at 11:05 : a. in , making TEN JIOUKS IN ADVANCE OF ANY OTIIE1I HOUTE. Itcturnlnir , Icato St. Paul at 8:30 : p. m.arrhlnK Sioux City 4:45 : a. in. , and Union Paclllo Traim r ileiHit , Council lilnlfa , nt V.'M a , in. lo nurd t at vour tickets road via "H. 11. it. I' . II. It. " K. C. HILLS , Sujierlntuiidcnt. T. E. noillNfciON , JlU url Valley , la. Aunt. Gei POM , Aient , J. II. O'JJIO AN , I'M uir .r Axmt. Oouncil Itluffi , Iowa. PROPOSALS Kor curlilnir ana KUttermi ; Dn < l < o trett , anc doing ; thu neceary Kradlnir , from thu uuit nid of 13th btrcct to suth HitLcl Kcalwl blda Mill ha ruivhol lo Iho midcriltfnu ( or two wciki from the ilate lirruof , for tlio curli In . K tt rliiK and the muiwary uradln ( { o led o trcit from the ci t kldv ft 13th ttrvet to 20th trtit , Plain anil | HX lilratluin ( .an lie MCI at the olllce of the ilty eii'hii | < .r Bald lildi thai vixelfy the ( irleo ixir culiluaril for vuth gnblliir | also khall * | Hxlfy : thu ] > rlcu Iniktall fornuclifiirh liiK and ( rutterlii , and shall IHI aeconiianlo ] > l hy the namuof ] > roi > oiivd turity unniler the u ua conditions , haid Mill to hu ojienud at the first regular inwjtlny of thu ilty louncil after Monday July 2Mh , IttSl , The C'ltyConndl retcrtea the rljilit to rcjeci any aid all bids. KnieloiiLn contalnlni ; * aM pro | > otiali shall h iwirkcd , 'Trojioiiali for curlilnif and KUtt rliiL Dcxlfe iitrect and dolnif the neu ) ary tmillng , and delharcd to thu uiulunltfiiixl not laUr thai July iii , 1881 , at 12 o'clock noon. J.J L.aJEWETT , Omalia. July llth , 16S1 d'w Cltv Clerk. M. R. RISDON , General Insurance Agent REPRESENTS : I'llOKKIX ASSUUANCK CO. , of Lou- iloiiuuh uuuU. . , . . , , , . , . . .fSI07,12T WKSTOIIKSTKIt. N. Y. , capital , 1,000,000 TAK MKIIl'IIANTS , of Newark , N. J. . 1,000,090 IJIIIAIINKIIIK. Philadelphia , capital. 1,000,000 yiHKMAN'S KIWI ) . California bOOOOO NOIITIIWKSTKHN KATIUNALuil > lfl WOO.OOT imrnsii AUKIUOA ABHIUANCE Co 1,200,000 NKWAI1K KIKK 1KB. CO. , aax-ta 600,000 AMKUICANCKNTIIAL , tu et bOO.OOO Houthi-Mt Cor. of Fifteenth anil rarnham tit. OlMAIIA NEU. Vent for lifinir the inont direct , quickest , ami mfcnt line ronniitliuT the ennt Mcttv | > o1l , CHI UAOOi Mul the Kwtiwx , \ < > RTII-KA < TKKV , SOUTH and Sotrtll'r.AHTrRS \\lililitoniiln.itotlicrc , Uth KAXMS CITV , I.MVKNWORTII , Arrutiiot , 'ot'scu Hu'rift nml OHAIU , the COMMKRCIAL CKNTKHA from \\hUh railiitto EVERY LINE OF ROAD Imt vicnctmtc * tlio Continent from the Mlmourl liver to the Pnrlflc Slope. Tlio CHICAGO HOCK ISLAND & PA CIFIC 11A1UVAY the only line from Chtraifo owning truck Into IMH.K , or tthhh , liy II * nun rn.ul , reaches the > olnt n1 > o\u ntmnl , Nmn\\n-Kux nv OiniiAnn' Co MINIMI roNNirnov * ) No hinlillln In 111 cut Ilikteil or unclean nun , a < cicrv ivvKcnircr Is carried In room ; , elean ntul UMitlhkxl i < o.uhp , i | > oii IVit KxiireM Trnlm. lUvClM of unrhnlitl miirntlU'cnro , VrttM\x 'AI.ACK SLKK.nsn UAK . ntut ouronmvorM t.umnu IIMMI OAKS , upon which meali nru < oriil of mi- urpa-weitvxceliimct , nttholaw mlu of Sitvr.sTY- 'INK CKNTH Kicillthniuplo tlmo for lionlthful iiloj inont , Tlinnuli C r < between Chicago , Poorh , Mil vnuU'O unit Missouri Hlvor 1'olnti ; nml time run- ectloiiint nil | Hlnt ot InternciUoiilth other uiN. Wo ticket ( ilo not forget thin ) itlrcctly to o\orv iheo of lniH | > rt < xnco In Kan w , Nclinvikn , llhck Illh , Vt'jomlnir , rt.ili , Klixho , Ncvml.A , CnllfornU , Inx'on , WiKhlnuUm Territory , Colorado , Arizona nil JfewJIuxleo , An llhiml nrraneeinont * rd.nvrtllnil > ! ipxi\ ; ( > < i.i uy other line , and mteiof fiuu nlwn ) * n , ow iw oinpotltoro , who furnlsli luila Uthuof the com- ort. ort.Iloir and tackle of sportsmen free. Ticket" , lu | > i nnd fulilcm at nil prlnclinl ticket Illcei In thu I'nlted SUitcx and Canada. U. H , CAlll.r. , K. ST. JOHN , Vko Pres't * ( Jen. Cell. Tkt ami Pasn'r A t. Mnn.iucr , ChlcaiCT. Chlcniro. YOU Alf > IX IIIMI joui\r ' . . .nn of lit 'onfdVtiioiarnluiif tcntrlllnitoTernii jour diitlcH ruolil ' ' k , to re Hllmiilft' ' and ui * > " Hop Dittors. lwuite7iii "Hap B. 1 f you are } oiinn nntl I dlm'ivUon r " 'J'l ' j Itloiii triou nronmp ' ' ' IKmrucnltli or laiiKtilxh f fi' 'lfi'/u UH ! ot tick iwm. nljr on Hop ! Dltturo. . . . Whiwrer ynunre. - ' Ttioxixnnilfi tlio nn ttlirni'tcr you f"'l , muillyf rom omo that ynur njfteiii form of Kldnoy lirtHln cleim lnitoii- ilt iiuo that nuitlit Inir or Ulnnilnl Jii > vol ; eiiiroienl l wio IIY a tliuoly Ukoof t a li o Hop HopBlttorB Blttore. priula , Ui1ntvG < D. I. O. In an altnoltito of lll lf < " 'l'IPA. ' nnd IrrealHlA- , no ? lilo e u r o for J ) iiTfn , Mood MierornowiJ urn * of opium , You will ho tolmcco , or cured If you line narcotics. Hop Ulttors RoldliydniR- vlr wenk niul ' .fitmltor LiimlrlUd.try it I It mny HUP nrrnna envoyour BTO CO. life. It hna , oavocl hun Itixhtttrr , 8. T. dred B. ATnrflnto. OnU KENNEDY'S EAST - INDIA S i s t-J c CTQ z i I < l ca o " a m BTB BT L L ILER & CO. . Sole Manufactnrors. OMAHA. A SURE SURERECIPE RECIPE For Fine Complexions. Positive relief nnd Immunity from comploxionnl bloniishcs may 1)0 ) found in Hagan's Mng- nolla Balm. A dollcnto and harmless article. Hold by druggists - gists everywhere. It Imparts tlio most brilliant and Ilfe-llko tints , and tlio clo sest scrutiny cannot detect its use. All unsightly dlscolorn- tlons , eruptloiiH , ring marks under the oycs,8allowncs8red ness , roughness , nnd the ( lush of fatigue and excitement are at once dispelled by the Mug uolia Balm. It is the ono Incomparable Cosmetic. SELTZER An overdose of Dinner often ileranj < e tha v tem , lirlriKD on flatnlanro and Ind colic , and Hill JutU th ( utlvnt to gruat bodily KUlftrlnt ; , A ilii ( 'le doiu of TAnnANT'8 eELTzen APERIENT , wll correct tlio acidity , carry oil the oftundln cau c , and nat u wiiiivtlinui a lei K " * of Hliiem ItHeirecluaruKiiitluand thorouxh. audit ) gen crul u u would iirocnt niual SOLO IIY ALL DIIUUniSTH WISE'S ' Axle Grease NEVER GUMS ! Uied ontWagonn , Ilu giei , Itca | > cri , Thrcslicm and Mill Machinery , It I < INVU"UI.KIO rttat rm AbU TCAUIITKKH. It cures bcrutihe and al kind * of ( orco on llorc * and Stock , on well an 01 men , OLARK ft WISE , Manuf's , 305 Illlnolt Street , Chicago. X2TSKND FOll 1-niUKS. Jo2lmbo i. f. NASOpentist Oiric * Jacolm' Dlock , corner Capitol aicau ftuJ Fifteenth itreit , Oniala N b. THIS JSfEW'ASm CORRECT MAP /l / * . . . I TCS beyond nny reasonable question that thn CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RY Js by till wlits tlio beat road for you to take when { ravelins In cither direction between f ' Chicago and all of iho Principal Points In tha West , North and Northwest. ' < Oarffullr examine this Map. Tim rrlnclpnl Cities of tlio Wwt nnrt Northmen nro Station tin tli\i \ TOM. Its . through Ualua inako close couucctlout with tlio trains of all ruilrouilsat Junction points. CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY. t t PULLMAN HOTEL DINING CARS.\ . . . CouJ'on ' Tlckot Aecut3 fu the UultcJl States uni Jtcincmlicr to ask for TlcfccU via tills road , bo sure they read over It. and take none other. , UNIX lll'GUirT.Geii'l Manager , Chicago , W. 1J. SIBNNETT , Gcu'l Pass. Apeut , Chlcapv IIAHIIY P. DUEL , Tlckot Asront C. A N. W. Ilnllway , Uth unit Fiunhim utrcoti. D. E. KI.MI1ALL , A litanl Ticket Aijont 0. A N.V. . hallway , Uth and Karnhaiu streets1 J. Iir.I.L. Ticket ARont 0. & N. w. Hallway , U. P. It. 11. DcxJt. | SAME3 T. CLA1IK General Aioiit. Chas. Shiverick. FURNITURE , BEDDING , Feathers , Window Shades , And Everything pertaining to the Furniture and Up- * " s. ' holstery Trade. A Complete Assortment of iNew Goods at the Lowest Prices , CHAS. SHIMICE , 1208 an ' 1210 Fara. St. npr24 tnon thut More Popular than Ever. THE GENUINE New FamilyVSewinglMachine. | The popular demand lor the OENUINK BINCIEII In 1870 exceeded that of ixny previous year during the quarter of n century In uhlch tlili "Old Itullalila'1 Maihtno hta lie n hcfora the public. In 1878 wo nold 360.422JIachlnj 1 1118711 wo sold 431,107 " Excousovcronj-p tin year mB74,735 " OUIl SALES LAST YKAH WEUK ATTIIE UATE OK OVER 1400 SEWING MACHINES A D/\Yj / H'or c\ cry Imslnens day In the year. . REMEMBER : THE " OLD RELIABLE" THAT UVEHY HEAL SINGER SINGER SEWING MACHINE HAS THIS IS TUB STRONGEST , SIMPLK THADK - JIAHK CAST INTO THE MOST DUIIAULE SEWING THE IllON STAND AND IM. MACHINE KVEIl VET CONJ IHCDDKD IN THE AUM OP STRUCTED. THE MACHINE. THE SINGER MANUFACTURING GO. Principal Office , 34 Union Square , N , T. ] , WX > Subordinate Ofllcci , In thu United States and Canada , and 8,000 offlceu In the Old World Ed uth America. uoplGd&Htf J. B. Detwiler's CARPET STORE. The Largest Stock and Most Complete - plete Assortment in The West. , ' -a. , We Keep Everything in the Line of Carpets , Oil- cioths , Matting , Window-shades , Fixture ' and' Lace Curtains. * WE HAVE GOODS TO PLEASE EVERYBODY. OEJi 1313 Farnham St. , Omaha.