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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1881)
i ' I THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY JULY 1C , 1881. UTAH'S CAPITAL. Important News Concornic Rival Railroads. Description of a Enlt Lai DuFt Storm , Oorro pondcnco of The Ike. SAW LAKE CITY , U. T. , July 1 1881. The excitement of the fir few days following the attempt o.i tl lifo of our honored president linsbec followed by a cnlm. Not , liowovc the calm of inaction , but that dcnrt of news which arises when cvcrybod is too busy to attend ( o anything bv but their own immediate bu.sincBi when there is no time to get up ej citoments , to quarrel , or to fen projects of weight nnd moment thn attract undivided attention or distur the public quiet. Such is the CMC i ; Utah just now , the husbandman i overwhelmed with his ripening crop the trader is busy in his store , nm the artizan finds all that his hand can do. Rntlroad matters alone con tinuo to attract general attention ; ol thcni , for want of other items , I must write. The articles of incorporation of the Utah and Wyoming railroad have been filed with the territorial auditor. This road is a rival to the U. P. brancli Tunning northwest from Granger , and it is asserted is backed by the 0. , 13. & Q. road. Itisincorporatcdnt8-l,200,000 HU line of route will bo from some point on the Central Pacific at or near Corinnp , through the grain and cattle producing valleys of northern Utah , into Wyoming , most probably down the valley of J3oar river. Sotno high times nro expected during the con- Rtruction between it and the Union Pacific , as both lines pass through Homo of the most difficult defiles and ravines in the country , whore the room is not abundant for 0110 line , much less tor two. The three consolidated roads , the Utah Central , Southern and Southern Extension , have organized , with Sidney - noy Dillon as president and John Sharp as vice president and general manager. It is business with this consolidation that brings S. If. II. Clark , Esq. , to this city. These lines , or this consolidated line , is virtually n branch of the Union Pacific. The now line , running westward , lately incorporated under thu immo of the Salt Lake it Western , will be under the same management , aa amongst its directors appear the names of Dillon , Amos , Clark and Dodd- ridge , whilst its resident directors arc Jjo Grande Young , thoU. P. attorney in this city , A. Doremus , railroad surveyor , nnd W. W. Peter , manage : h. of the Utah tt Nevada. This now road starts from Lohi , an agricultural settlement on the Utah Central , about twonty-fivo miles south of this place , and will run westward into Califor nia , connecting in Nevada with the road of the same name , lately incor porated in that state. Meanwhile the U. P. is crowding its northern branch , that runs from Wyoming to Oregon. It is said that 3,000 laborers are now employed in the work of con struction. The public health in this city is some what below par. The number of deaths of ladies in the prime of lifo is still noticeable ; a most unusual thing , as Utah is considered exceedingly healthy for all except yory young children. Certainly the number of very old people to bo found in the Territory is far above the average. Notwithstanding the prognostications f our numerous weather prophets to the contrary , July is cooler than Juno. The delightful , refreshing breezes of evening , that make summer lifo so enjoyable in this region have return ed. But , oh the dust I No rain , every thing , except moistened by artificial irrigation , is drying up and our broad avenues are a sea of pulveriz ed granite and sandstone , which the least wind disturbs and .Bonds rolling heavenward , penetrating every nook and crevice , and making outdoor lifo the antipode of enjoy ment. A dust storm in Salt Lake City is a terror to strangers unaccus tomed to its peculiarities It rolls up from the west or south like the hot simoon. It is heralded by n suffocat ing breeze , then follow the clouds of heavy dust , accumulating as they tear at hurricane snood through the streets. Btrotchinp high into the upper air \t \ dimming the light of the sun , and covering overything'with n pall of nl- kali dust , sand , and rdad dirt. The trees sway and bond before the force of the gale , nnd things movable take rapid llight , independent of the wishes of their owners , wliilo hero and there a column - umn of sand , the counterpart of the water spout of the ocean , courses across the valley , raising above all surrounding objects , whatever of n portable nature it finds in its path. As a rule these storms last less than an hour in their violence , and the in. jury done by the wind is usually tri vial , but the heat , the suffocation and the dust are almost unbearable : whilst their oflect on the general health is considered by many to bo very pernicious. CONNUBIALITIES , A negro aged 110 has Just been married in Ueorgia , and thu i > nj > era are wuhin hhu -x long mid happy life , Wedding nhnea of white satin nro laced up the Inside and fmlahcd at the tops with a delicata frill of rich lace. Mr. Sleeper and illiw Drowuoy were married in Montgomery last wrote , Thu union will tiu doubt i > rove a nappy one. John Momfort marr'ed a widow at liuena Vista , ( Jo. , and on the day after the wedding undertook to whip hi * uteiwon , The bride Helzcd her husband and held him fast , while the boy killed him withalctiifu , i The MarquU de MacMuhon , ion of the ex-1'rehldtnt. Lax Juat been married in 1'arU to Mil * . Marthe de It * . "Voi'iie , daughter of the Count de Vogue , forwerly 1 rench Amkuuador at Vienna. The Buffalo Kxjireaa gently chides a bride of that city who gut married in a mir of Blockings valuud at S16U. Oue hundred and forty-nine dollar * ' worth of bonnet and 81 worth of Blockings would have made moro dhow. A Chicago girl refuted \ marry her lovn vnleai lie performed BOW a heroic feat. After hearing him tell her mother that ho ' thought a inou who would let ftU old woman run hi houne w de crvinp of i letter ffttc , chc told htm to get the liccn- llhode lolond U no longer n port of Orel ; Green where people can mnrry in hai to repent at Itwire. The new marmi law requiring a certificate , which in on pranled after ft ctrict examination as iMith nf the eontrnctlne parties , went in ojieratinn on tha l t init , He flood twirling hU hat in hii hand : the hallway. It wan about time for tl morning tnr to lRi'n their nong top-tthe "Well , nnd he moved one nlep nearer tl door. "Well. " fhe replied M die ntepp < to the door , also. "Well , 1 I mint 1 going. If- " "'d right. John , U nnd nhe leaned her head on liln nhmilde "If If yon have any conundrums- to auk nnk them now. " Ho wMinca 11 red for a hat nnd a pair of kid gloves tl tame day. On lastjWednciday morning at 9 o'cloc . . ncpliew'of one of our most prondner real estate agents was married nt Si I'atilim Hi man Catholic church , where largo assembly had gathered tnwitncm tl ceremony. L'rcxloui to the marriage tli young man had liven engaged to a rcspoi tahle , wrlMichatcd young girl , the neic of a wclMo-do brewer of this city. Th young lady , hearing of the contemplate union of another with the one who hn pledged her faith , cnllti ! ujion Father Kci nciling with the engagement ringandothc evidences of the cnnrttlilp , under the nn prcsiion that llio Hainan Cuthnllc chnrc dlil not allow parties matrimonial ) ; Inclined to hreak their contract unlcM b ; consent of both. Hut as everything Inv lieen prepared for the occasion , the Hev ] ' 'cmcdlng rcftincd to Interfere Thu mat rlngo was n double one , the young man' ulster and her groom being the other con trading parties. When the pmccHsloi entered the church edifice , the mistrcatci young lady nrone from one of the pewn and with the ring in ono hand and th fcttcru of the young man the proofs o his nnfaitlifulncni lu the other , h marched , amid the excitement of th lookcrn-on , at the head of the bridal pai lies toward thn altar. The father of th groom , seeing the disagreeable position i which hi * on WOH placed , Kteppud up t < the young lady , nnd whispering a fcv wordH , then and there ( so scemlnglv well rounded rumor has It ) bought her claim o : Lho young mau'ii future for a handxom iiim of money. [ Cincinnati ( iiuettc. PEPPERMINT DROPS. A KniinnH cyclone blow n man bald leaded. The wij ; wai a new one and in i lotaj loM. Tiio western Ratno lnwn novep interfen with draw poker. If they did there wouli lot bo any game lawn. Green cucumbcra arc not connected witl my Becrct nociety , but they can teach yet nanygrlpH amlfcighln'H. Qlaflu cycH for horses are now made witl mch pcifcctfon tlmt even the anitnal .hcmselves cannot see through the dccep , ion. , Ice croamdcnlon feel resentful nnd lool igly when nny adverxo conunentH an > ascd on the weather in their hearing ICvery man to hit ) trade , The only Ohio man who died muldcnl ; lant week wan a chap who wan trying t : > ccupy two catn in n pa H ncr coacl ivhilo four women were utanding up. Dew owners in Detroit evade the law bj ttftcliing brati beer chcckfl to their def collarj ) . These cheukH cannot be told fron license tagx , except on cluso iiiHpcctinn. A practical man rcc nvly ndvertiHcd foi country boatd at n farm wheru there wai no clniruing dine. When axkcd for hii reaton he replied tlmt ho did not like nkini milk. Tea purlieu nro all the rajjo In New Mcx Icn. jimt now. Tliey always end mi wit ! i BliuotiiiK match , with the host for tin target , anil liostn are growing ncarce at tin rate of a mile a minute. A clrciiH acrobit uhocan tie himticlf it i knot and hide away in a corner of hi. iroHt pocket receivcn only § 30 a wrck nal iry. This ithould diHcourago n larije clasi .if politiclaiiK , but probably won't. There are not more than 3,000 , p'ofca < lnnnl burglara In America , nnd yet tc keep them out of our lu'incn we pay 8.V 100,000 a yea' for lockti. boltxand foHtenuni , Ten thotiHand ilollarn apiece a. . year wouli Ijiio them to bu gaod. ' * ' Comet or no comet , thin year HtnrtH in ight to becomu famous for mnrdercrx , iHsaKfllnatioiiB , Bhipwreckn , tornadoes , con- lafjrntlona , tlood , scandals nnd other Hen- atioiiH. Deviltry RccmH to move with the peed of nn express train , Elegant diamond Bhlrt-ntudn do not "al ways make a man luppyfo have known , man to wear a thousand dollar * ' worth f Bhirt-otudfl at the rnceB and yet Huller ,11 , day becaUKo his rear collar button made f bone , got down hia back. "father of the Girl" Your best plan ifl o Btart to co to bud the next time George MH , the Hiitno an usual. Lot your bixits roi > no he * 111 bo mire to hear them. Then : OCK yourself up In an arm chair with : i iltcher of lemonade , and wait. The beat low of the comet in to bo about 2 a. m. It that hour walk quietly out on the front > orch. George will try to hustle the girl ff hit knee. You don't want to let ou hat you notice this at all , but juxt Bay hat jou have long noticed their affection or each other , and while Marry had nl- /ayg been thofamily pet you know that ome time she must lonvo the old home- toad , nnd never the tien that bind her to motherV love and n father'u watch- til caro. If the young man can BUCCCBH- ully gut nway after tLU kind of a talk , : t him go. Ho la certain to become n irate , or something like that , and you oulda't want him in the family. RELIGIOUS. Italy linn 138 Prntestantii churcliCH and bout 150 ministers anil ovangollstii. A woman haa liccuine'the regular pantor f the Bftptlot church t Whcaton , 1111. ola. ola.Dial Dial ) op Foster ta to preach the opening irimm at tlio Ocean Grove Camp mvatiitg f 1881. In a recent actual canvaAi of BO towns i Connecticut , fX,000 people wcro found ho never attend church , It is reported that within n radius of M'enty.fivo nillea from Woxhain , Nortli ValciHovunW l'ie ' Homan Cutlwlio liistl- utldiin expelluil from Franco havu vatub- Ithcd thoinielvea. IlUliop Sltnpion anil P ck have arrlvtxl n JCnuliuul on their way to thu Kcumcnt > ixl coiifercnco. UUhop 1'cck will make a rip thtnuuh Ireland aiul Scotland before j ; lib labors on the continent. The lipUcopal Dloccso of Io\vn , under A icw uonvtltutinn , pernilts wonirn to vote it vestry nicotiu . In KiiKland a feinalu Church Wanlen hau been cluwtn inthe mrUh of ISccrforJ , of which Cunon Trevor s rector. At the firnt Trt'ahyteriun churuli in le ) Moinm last Sunday a collection was taken ip to purchana a now uupply of liblen. ! A ; oniregation of 5000 coiurihuted the innt'- ilflcent mini of 'J ' 15 , IncluilliiL' u counter * relt 53 bill. Two younu Indiana have been ordained iy llislioii llmitini.'ton , of central N tv Kork , to tlio olUco of deacon in thu jopal church. They were taken prisoners it St. Augustine , Fla , , three yearn nh' ° , ind will go back to their tribes us mission- iries. It it estimated that at the present time ho Old Catholics In the liermau Kinjiirc ncludo at loftht forty-five clergymen anil 15,000 lay members , under ono bUhoj ) , Fho largest coiire atlons are those ni Munich , Cologne und lircalau , nunib rinj ( ibout 3000 ] > emonii each. "rifty years ago , " ald Dr. S'aiku , cl ha MetliodUt church , in ! | U emi > ccnteu < ual di courto , "I never saw n written emion in our church , Now , our jireaclien ; enerally go into the jmlplt with eenuont vritten or with full notes. " It wan rioted hut the Moderators and Northern awl Southern assemblies delivered their nor noiw without n note , and at a public gathering held lately In ono of our cltic at which a number of ministers and other * | Xke , the only pcraons who read the ! upeechcn were a lawyer and n MeUimili preacher. 1 The wealthy Jewish synagogno of Ne\ York , of whicli Dr. Kolilcr li Kabbl , ha decided to hold regular fervlcef hcrcftftc on Sunday. The congregation was cqnall ; divided on the subject. The change wa brought about by members who desired t do.budiness on Saturday , Tlio late general assembly of th Presbyterian Church ruled that thcreaftc the vacant churcheiofa presbytery hal procure their suppllci as far as | > osiibl from the unemployed minister * of tha presbytery. No cjcrpyman shall be ex pectca to preach without compensation , The capacity of the largest church build ing in the world is ai follows : St. PeterV Homo , frl.OOO persons1 Milan Cathedral 37,000 ; St. Paul's , I/nidon , .T , OCO ! S' Sophia's. Con tatitinoplo , 23,000 : Nort Dame , Paris. 21,000) ) Pisa Cathedral , 13 , 000) ) St. Mnrk'n , VVnlctTOOOj Spiirgeon1 Tabcniacle , 7000) ) Tnlmage's Tabernacle Jlrooklyn , 'J500. I'llgrims to the number of 1,300 recently arrived in Vienna on their way to Home They came front Oallcia. Bolicinin , mu Moravia , and many of them are priests Kach nationality has a clerical leader o itx own. Many Poles arc from Itu > filat Poland , while the representation fron Prussian Poland is aluo large. Doth wcai a red cross on n white ground fastened t < the left sida of the breast. POETRY OP THE TIMES , Took tlio Chanced. Mnry lind n vnceino cnb Upon her nnow > whlto nnn , Hlic wixniud her IICMI to tlil.H cffuct For feivr heM ila it hann. But when they cnmo to part thai night She ( , ' ! ve n mighty grab , Anil whlniierril , "Hugino awful tight , And never mind the scab ! " Slipped lior Cnl > lo. She tripped nlnng the crowded Rtrect , With innny n winsonicfluttcr Upon her fftco a mnilu nH sweet AH prime New JcrHcy ripple-butter ; Itut nh ! that smile like n mimmcr dreum , Did vnninh , nnd wnrdo cxorcr.iblu Cnino from her lpn ! In endless wtroain , When she felt her bustle Blip ito cnblo , A Prolilom. Pho young limn OCH tOFCohiagirl , And then , \rhat does ho do ? Huvundcrri if SO a weclc IB money enough for two. Soronndod. There it n young girl in PasBaip. Who entH too much.pudding mm caio ; When nonio musical wight Serenades her at night She shouts "Oo ahead , I'm awaicl" | Picture Gallery. ProsslnK His Salt. See the lawyer as ho utands Moving jawH and waving hand * , Telling lies he underatiuidH Pruitiing of hiu unit. Fco tha tailor , with a zest , Llko nil tailors poorly dressed , Ironing coatx , ptiita anil vent Pruning of hia unit. Mark the lover while ho kneels ; Tell the thrilling throb ho feels ; Hear the n nsonso he reveals Pressing of hiu unit. Lawyer's mils may be amended , Tailor's suits may lie n-incndcd , I over's suits may ho aim ended When the units don't suit. -H. [ C. Dodge. Emorsnn Notes. Corrcnwndcnro | of Tux HKK. EMKIUSOX , Iowa , July 15. Miss Mary Knowlua died July 13 and wns buried thu following day , from the Prcsbytorinu church. Until within a few months aho had boon in good lioaltli , but consumption faatonod upon lior and in a short time nccoinplislied Its work. John Coryoll and Nancy Donhaus n-oro married the 14th , as n matter of military necessity. Ed. Lewis , with the help of his brother , Win. Lewis , gave Julius Pnrmlpy anU Samuel Bodyfot aaovoro poundiug at Hondorsou July llth. ( 'ho latter parties had so estranged Ed. Lowis' wife from him that she liaa taken lior two children and left lioino. The legal stops taken may prove moro than is healthy for Parm- ey and Uodyfot. The community ? ivoB its sympathy to Mr. Lewis , It is boiling hot in thcso parts , the Jiurmomotur ranging from 91 to 100 in the shade. Harvesting has begun. Wheat is a i > oor crop , not moro than half what it mould bo to pay dividends. Everybody rejoices in the recovery if President darfiold. The readers of TUB BKB at this place nro well pleased with its' manly JIterances on all public questions. TJurivalod : Vs being a certain euro for the worst forms > f dynpeisia. ] indgu ! tioii , constipation , im- ntrity of bloixl , torpid liver , dlsoitlercd ddncys , etc. , and as n inedidno for eradi- ; ating every Hpecies of humor , from an military plmjile to the worst ulcer , Hull- : > OCK liuxi I ) DITTKIIH stand unrivaled. L'rico $1.00 ; trial ulzo 10 cents. jylleotllw A Bloated Body lees not rtl\vays belong to nn inobii- ito. Kidnu } ' troubles will cuuso loat , but Warner's Safe Kidney and jiver euro has never failed to ro- uovo it. cod-lw [ Jnited States Depository. NationalBank - OF OMAHA , - Cor. 13th and Favuam Sts. 3LDE3T 11AXKINQ E3TAUUS1IMENT IN OMAHA. SUCCESSORS TO KOUNTZE BROTHERS. ) bTilUUUED ISdO. Organized M a National Ilank Aujpist SO , 1SC3. CAI'lTAL AND PUOFITS OVEll 9300000 KOUNTZK , President. AuoraTfa Koi'NTK , Vteo Trceldent. II. W. YATIU. fcashlsr. A , J. I'omrroN , Attorney , JOUN A. K. II. Dim , AiuL Cuhler. Thtiuank rocul\ei JupoalU without regard to iiuount * . IHUCI time rtrtlflcatu lM riri ; Intcrmt. Dram drafti ou Han Fru d co and principal Ma of the United Statci , alw London , Dublin , bMlnbiUKh and the prlncl | < al cltle * of th ( coiitl- ncut of Europe. Sell * | > u ng r tlckcU for ctul nuiU by the In * iuaa line , FEENEY & CONNOLLY AT THEIR NEWSTOR1 512 North Sixteenth Street , William Oentlemin' * Popular Orocci Store. ) And will during ( ho ensuing week oflc Special 'Induoeieit ' ! In all tholr various grailca of summer stjlcj of BOOTS AND SHOES ETC. , ETC. , To make room for their extensive fall purchase A. Reduction of 15 to 21 per cent on former Prices. tlicycnrryn full a ortmciit of every kind , rct , ] > uctfully imlto their friends to call. TIU'.Y HAVE ALSO JTT2ST i consignment of FINE HAND AND MACIUNI SEWED SCOTCH EDGE "CREEDMORE' Railway Shoes , fliey n 111 sell on the same tcrmi at tho" realdui of tliclrsumtiKT block , ami ask ralluay tnii > locca to call and cxnmlnu them. FHEY'RE A BARGAIN REMEMBER THE PLACE ! StT jsfc-j.- Between Casa and Cnlifoniia. Ill Goods Marked in Plain Pigures > 9-m-w-s PROPOSALS FOR BEEF. DUPAIITSIENT OF TIIK INTEUIOn , Office of Indian Attain , \VaBhi ) , 'ton , Juno 16 , $ ! . Scaled iroi ) Hal8 , Indorued "I'roixwalu for kof , " and illrvctod to the Coinmlsatoncr of In Inn Affairs , WttKlilngton , D. C.\\lll bo rccclveO iiltll 11 oMofl ; n , in. , Wednesday , July 20th 1SS1 , 3r furiiUhliig for the Indian ten Ice , 14,250,000 otmcld Itvcf nn the hoof. Ulilj must be mailo out on flovcrnmcnt blanks. Scheduleuliou'lni ; the quantities to bo deliver- dnt each Atrency , tojjctlurwith blank irox > 3ala nd form of contracts and bond , comntloni to oohsunol by hMtlers , time nnd place of Jollv. ry , and all other ncccxsary Instructions nlllbo jrnishcd UJMII aiiiillcatlon to the Indian Otllce t Wftihlniflon I ) . V , or Not. 5 ami 4T Woosttr trect , Now York ; \V , II. Lyon 4K ) Ilroaduay New 'crlc , nml to Omimlsiurlcn o ! Subsistence , U. H. i. at Saint Loulx. Chliwro , Saint r.tul , Lcaen - orth , Onuha , Clie > 011110 , and Yank ton. and the 'ostmaster ' at Sioux City , Illdi will bo opened at the hour and day above uxtvd , and bidden are In I to bo present nt the { Mining. CERTIMRO 0 IECKS. .11 lull must bu accompalncil by certified cbccl > n ] wn iiomu Urdtnl state ! ) Dqxialtory or Aulstant n urcr , foratl v t flropcrccnt of the amount I the proposal. JI. I'ltlUK. ConunUsloiicr The Oldest EstatUahed 3ANK1NG HOUSE IN NEBRASKA. Ualdwell , Hamilton & Co. , nu lno4s treiircvttj wuio M that of oil lncor < orated lunk , Acuoiinti kept In currency or gold subject to It-lit check without notic * Certificates of depoult leaned parable In Uirce , Ix and tuelvo uionUn , boarlut' interest , or on cinan J without Intercut. Advances nuila to cuntomcrs on ftpproveJ eccu < itlei at uiarkit ritt-i of Interest. Uuy and x.11 gold , bills of cxchanyc , gocrn > icii * , , , county &nd city boiula. I > raw tight ilntU on England , Ireland , Scot' tnd , and all parta of Curop . Svll Kuropcan passage ticket * . COLLECTIONS PUOMITLY MADE. aurldtBOGGS & HILL , 1EAL ESTATE BROKERS. No. 1508 Fanduun Street , OmcB-North dJe , cyp. Orand Central Hotel. Burdock. BITTERS II J on suiter from Dyspepsia , use iiuitDocK It you arc adlktcd with Blllouinciu , nso 11U11DOCK 11LOOI ) BITTERS 1 ( } ou ore prostrated Ith sick Headache , take iiunDocK HLOOD DITTKIIJ It your lionets are disordered , rrpilato them wit BU11DOCK 111,001) DITTWtS If your Blood U Impure , purify It wllh UUHUOCK I1LOOI ) IHTTEIIS Ilytuhavc Indigestion , you will flmlnn nntldot In nuilDOCK IlLOOD lUTTERE If Vou are troubled with Spring Complaint * , ci adlcate them with DUItUOCK I1LOOD 1UTTEIU If your Liter la torpid , restore It to healthy octlo with 11UHDOCK 1ILOOU IIITTKHS If your Liter Is affected , you will nnd a euro r < storatltc In UUllbOCK BLOOI ) IHTTEKS If jouhavcanyppedciof Humor' or rimrlc , M not to take BUHDOCK HLOOl ) UtTTEllS If you hat o any symptoms of Ulcers or Scrofulou Bores , a curatUo remedy \\tll bo found In HUllDOCIv BLOOD HITTERS For Imparting strength and vitality totliosji tern , nothing can c > | ual I1UHDOCK BLOOD HITTERS KorNcr\ousnndtcncral Debility , tone up th system with BUIinoCK BLOOI ) HITTERS Price , SI.OO per Bottle ; Trial Dottles 10 Cts FOSTER , MILBURN. . & Co , .Props . BUFFALO , N. Y. Sold at wholesale by Ish k McMahon and C. F Goodman. _ e 27 cod -wlv. ' LEGAL NOTICE. In the district court , Douglas County. To Samuel C. Datls , Caroline Da\Is , Ellzabctl II. TotnllnBon and the heirs or del isci of Henri T. Tomlliibon , deceased w hose real names nro un known , non-resident defendants. You are hereby notified that John T. DaIs | ) lalntlft and present owner of the land hcrclnaft er described , did on the 17th day of June , A. U I8&1 , flic his petition In the district court In am 'or Douglas county , Neb. , nralnst jou as dcfen dants setting forth that on the 12th dav of Jami ary A. D. IfcOO , the wild Henry T. Tomllnson and Elizabeth II. , hli wife , executed and deliver cd to the Bald Samuel 0. DaIs a deed of land ! situated In said comity In which a portion of tht amis Intended to be was by a clerical error erroneously described as the north J Instead of the wcbt J of the southwest t of see. No. 1 , In township > io. 14 north of range No. 11 cast ao > cording to the true Intent of the parties thereto , which deed Is duly recorded In the ottlie of the clerk of the county of Douglas lu book Jl of deeds atpago 182 The object and prajcr of said petition Is that said error bo corrected and that said deed bo con- trued us come ) Ing the west J of the southwest quarter of said section No. one , and that the title hereto bo adjudged ta be in said plalntllf or In hose lawfully claiming under him the same as if Bald error had not been made and that \ou and each of you be forcxer excluded from any Inter- t in fcaid land on account of said trror and for uch other to further relief us may bo hut and Ight In the premises. And your are and each of on Is hereby notlflcd to appear and answer said wtltion on or before thu 1st day of August , A ft t 1831 JOHN T. DAVIS , Dated Juno 23. 1SS1. 1'latntifl. VM. K. MIU.KR hU Attorney : ev-nat-St SPECIAL ORDINANCE NO. 204. 1'or levying a special taK for the construction and repairing of sidewalks. Bo It orlaincd by the City Council of the City of Omaha : SKCTIOX 1. That the set era ! films sums ret op- > 0iltoto the following described premises , to- West CO feet of E13 feet of lot 2 , Capitol Addl- Ion , Omaha , S'l 00. J. A. llorliacli , lot 4 , block 4 , Horbach's addi. ion , Omaha , $13 80. 1' . Foust , lot 5 block 4 , Ilorbaih's addition , Omaha , 813 80. 1 > . I'oust , lot | 0 block 4 , Horbath'd adJitlon , Omaha , 811 27. John II. Dctnilcr. K.O feet of lot 5 , block 15 , Omaha , 82 10. Lyman lllchardson W C4 feet of lot B , block 1C. Omaha , 876 CO. lx > t 8 , block 70 , Omaha , 850 f.7. Lot 7 , block " 0 , Omaha , 850 57. A. II. Slcclc , lot 1 , block 03 , Omaha , 807 00. A. & II. Kountz , lot 1 , block 1 , Kountz & Ruth's addition , Omaha , $14 CO. Belinda Curtis , lot 8 , block 33 , Omaha , S17 01. M. E. Itoebllng , E J lot 2 , block 1. Kountz & Ruth's addition , Omaha , $2 00. Fred. Bcttcrolf , W j lot ' . ' , Kountze & Kuth's ndilitlon , Omaha , $2 00. Being the cost and expenses approved by the ity council for the construction and repairing : ie sidewalks In front of and adjoining raid pro- nlses by Charles Gardiner In pursuance of n con- ract entered Into by the city of Omaha , with ho said Charles Oardlncr , and after the failure f the owner thereof , to do the name after duo lotlcc , bo and the same are hereby respectively c\ led and assessed against each of nald lots , parts f lots and premises , pajable to the city treuur- r within thirty (30) ( ) ifaj t from this date. HKC. 2. This ordinance shall take cfTtltandbe n force from and alter Its tKUwagu , w. i. HAKin : , i'resldcnt of City Council , pro tcm. J , J. L. C. JKWKTT , City Clerk. fa-wed July tth , 1831) ) Approved July 8th , 18S1.JAMES JAMES K. 110YD , The above tax becomes delinquent on the 8th ay of August , 1681 , after which date 10 per cent. oualty and Interest at thu rate of one j > cr cunt. K.T month In ndtancc , will bo added. s. a. MALLKTTK. IvlS-Bt Cltv Treasurer , D.T. MOUNT . . , DEALER IN SADDLES AND HARNESS , 1412 Parn. St. Omaha , Neb. 10K.NT TOR TUX CKLtBRATKD CONCORD HARNESS Two Medals and a Diploma of Honor , with the cry hlpliot award the Judges eould bestow was warded this hornet * at the Centennial Exhlli- on , , Common , also Ranchmen's and Indies' SAD DLES. Wo keep the Urgnt stock In the w ' , , nd Intlto all who cannot examine to mini for rlcca. pOt Geo. P. Bemis IEAL ESTATE AGENCY , ICtli ami Dodge 8ts. , Omaha , Neb. Thin tKencydooairaiCTLTa brokerage builneas , toe * not spucuUVj , and therefore any bargains n lu books are ln un-d to iU patrone , i f btine robblcd up by Uic arent. A. B. HUBERMANN , JEWELER Cor. Douglas and 13th Streets. GIVES GREAT BARGAINS IX LADIES' AND CENTS' AMERICAN GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES. ALL KINDS OF Jewelry , Silverware and Diamonds- We Guarantee the Best Goods for the Least Money. a21-stt Omaha , A PHT A f TT Collins , Cheyenne , * vJU.ra.Vr.nL , Colorado. Spring and Summer CLOTHING ! ! / I ' * LATE AND NOBBY STYLES FOR MEN , BOYS AND CHILDREN. Hats , Caps , Trunks , Valises. ivr/vois TO IN THE LATEST STYLES. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Prices to Suit all ! 1322 FARNHAM STREET , NEAR FOURTEENTH. J. A. WAKEFIELD , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MOLDINGS , LIME , CEMENT , 3E X. ASM. ' JJ JK. , 3BTCJ. * 2TSTATE AGENT FOR MILWAUKEE CEMENT COMPANY. Union Pacific OMAHA NEB Near Depot , - - - , POWER AND HAND Steam Pumps , Engine Trimmings , HININO MACHINERY , BELTING , HOSE , BRASS AN1) IRON FITTINGS , PIPE , STEAM PACKING , AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , CHURCH AND SCHOOL BELLS. A. L. STRANG , 205 Farnam St. , Omaha. B1. o. : MoRGi--A.cT : WHOLESALE GROCER , 1213 Farnham St. , . Omaha , Neb. Max Meyer & Co. 3unsAmmunitionSporting Goods PISHING- TACKLE , BASH BALLS , and a FULL LINE OF NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS. & CO. Omaha Ne VIAX MEYER . , , Hellmuth Ladies' College. > atronei , H. R. H. PnifiCESS LOUIS * . Founder and Pretldent , The Right Rev. I. HELL. / \ MUTH , D. D. , D. O. U , LORD BISHOP OF HURONJ. Fall Term opens V Wednesday , September 2ltt. [ anilnomo nd paclou buildings. 1 eaul If ully situated In a moit healthy locality. bouf four fhoura y rail from Nliipn KalU , und on ono oj the principal through routes between the East and Wi-j . ho GHUUNDH couiuiUo 140 ovrea. The niin of the founder of thla college | a to provide thu hlehrat . . iitcllectual and practically useful education. Tlio whole ny.UmU twutd uponui wiundut PRO. ' 'ESTANT prlnclpln , u the only Mild ba li for the right formation of charaitqr. FRENCH U tht inguage apokcn in the college. MU8IQ a cpecUlty * Hoard , Laundn-and Tuition rvcn , Includhig thi whole course of EnglUh , the Ancient and Mod. rn language * ; CallUthcnlcg , Draw Ing and PKlntlngus Piano and Library' Jledicol attendance , and ledcinr , 300 per annum. A reduction of one-half 'for the daughters of Clcrgmen. t'or"dru iro" Mid lull jurtlcular * addread MISS CLLSTON , Udy 1'riiidpol , flellicutli Udito' College , laxWK. I.Minio , CAMTi , ' mon4thurt-2m