THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; FRIDAY JULY lo 1881. CELESTIAL FOWLS , Chinese Chicken Markets and How They are Supplied. tn o Heathen Seller nml Pnrclinscr of Fowls Mroterlm of Undor- Rronntl CMchoii Mnrltets- San Francisco Chronicle. Tlio tender white meat of young pellets , as well na the tougher nuts cles of ngcd .American barnyard chanticleers , have years ago ingrafted n taste upon Mongolian pnllates which is sought to bo gratified oven in death ; for the poorest Chinaman is Tioveried without being accompanied on his trip across the Slyx by the sinewy framework of what might have been a fowl , if it had been fefl. THE IIEATHKN CIIII'KEtf THIEF. This peculiar love for poultry has educated John to bo tlio most expert chicken thief of the ago. Ho may with perfect safety ami largo odds bo pitted ni'ainst any chicken thief that ver jumped a barnyard fence in the sunny south. Long practice has taught the Chinese chicken thief a .grip wliich allows the most loudly mouthed hen but ono short and sti fled cluck before boiir < consigned to the sack , where the partners of her joys and sorrows has preceded her , never again to welcome tlio rising disc of the morning with his defiant crow. Chicken stealing is n profession with the Mongolians , There is scarcely a citizen finding delight in growing his own Eaitor eggs whoso hen roost has not suffered irom the depredations of those people. Wash ington alloy furnishes a ready market for nil the roosters , liens and chickens which may bo brought thero. They nro sold for food only , nnd woo to any finely bred or fancy fowl which finds its way into this market , for though to breeders it may bo worth dollars , to the Chinamen it is of value only in proportion to corpulency. Economy of space is thu first rule in the chicken trade as in nil other domestic or com mercial arrangements of the Chinese. The chicken coops nro piled ia halls , balconies , cellars , .under tlio sidewalk , in fact , in every place except whore their exposed condition might tempt the ubiquitous thief to steal for a second time the booty of n suburban hen-robbing excursion. The Chinese chicken market pres ents a busy scene nt times. Early in the morning the country dealers nr- rive , the customary two baskets slung over the polo. There is nothing to in dicate that these baskets contain chick ens , as their tops nro always covered. A good many of the vegetable ped dlers have the confirmed habit of nab bing a lonely chicken whenever they can , which is quietly hidden under the sprouts and cabbage. Tlio trader of course knows his men , mid makes his own prices Ono after another these follows sneak in nnd drag one or two lions from under the covering , after which the burden is shouldered again , nnd with ono hand tightly clasping the money , they amble at a jog trot out of the alloy at the opposite end. When an American visitor enters these prccinctx , not knowing what particular trade is carried on in its .dark recesses , ho is npfc to bo much startled on henrinj ; thtf lusty crow oi Bomo cock ponotrnto' through the Egyptian darkness of the 'Chinese Topkories ; n crow , too , which never fails to awaken n lively remembrance of green fields and the blessed sun which sheds its daylight everywhere except upon Chinatown. Tender hearted souls it may ( ill with sad pity for the p9or rooster , who is cooped up in a dark recess to line the fat stomach of some rich Mongol in the near fu ture. And oven the most dofiint "kickorikco" appears to fall tinged with despair upon the human ear. ruNr.iur , MKATS. People with anti-Cliinoso proclivi ties nro apt to conclude that oliickona nro not made to bo oaten by China men. Chickens , fowls and roosters of nil breeds nnd of all conditions may bo found on Washington alloy , The old hens are kept solely for fu neral sacrifices , the heathen's practi cal materialism outweighing oven his reverence nnd sorrow for departed kinship. The purchase of such chicken is nevertheless carried oul with the same calculating shrewdness regarding quantity nnd quality as ii the animal was to be eaten with the chopsticks , nnd if the dead is hon ored by but little chicken meat , ho is certainly honored by n vast nmounl of commercial shrewdness , which has "boon expanded in its purchase. The Chinaman appears to value this seri of sagacity tlio moro as it saves monov for him , and by BOIJIO kind of intri cate reasoning ho thinks tlio donil nlgo should fool gratified nttho intellectual triumph rather than at n post-mortom .gastronomic treat. The days immodi ntoly preceding the Chinese now year of course are the busiest for the Chi nese chicken dealer and thief alike , ior chicken meat on this occasion it what mince pies nro for the Now Englanders - landers on thanksgiving. On thosi days the Mongol oven sinks some ol the habitual gravity which accompa nies him always in mercantile trans actions. The chicken in the coops nro never at rest then. Ono after an other they are matched out , woighoi1 and handled , and cither put back or consigned with tied f opt to tho.capa cious alcoves of the buyer's tunic. FEEDINO THE FOWLS. Individual preferences here i else where hold full sway , and the oh rooster rejected b } ' ono is sure to be taken nnd found answering by tin next comer. The food of the chiokci while under John's tender care is nat urolly confined to the minimum , excepting copting , perhaps , BOIIIO particular ! ; fine birds which nro fattened for th rich Mongols of Commercial and Uac ramonto streets. The Chinese principle plo of economy evidently teacho that anything that oats and is itsel to bo oaten , had better bo eatei quickly to save any unnecessary double conversion of alimentary mole cules. The trade , of course , 'is no confined to chickens only. Geese ducks , turtles and many other livinj and crawling things hero find a road market. In BOIIIO of the dark an dingy rocosscs of Chinatown poculia avocations ore carried on , ono of whic ia that of raising chickens , not for th Chinese market only , but that of th white man as well. The industry o the thiffonitr is entirely in thp htnd of tlia. Ohiiiamau in'San Francisco and they are even moro thor ou li in picking up everything vlrich inny Imvo nny imaginable value than tlicir celebrated Parisian confreres. The ronnmnls of food vliich nro gathered up by Ihrso scav engers and which nro too far gone to ) o used as human food furnish the ncans of raising hundreds of chick ens. Underground where no ray of ho sun over penetrates , in passages vhcrooveii Ohinameii will not stretch ho mats which form their beds , these chickens are ranched in coops. They are the sickliest examples of poultry hat can bo imagined. The roosters lover crow , the liens don't cluck , they can hardly aland , and the total dark ness winch always surrounds them has nhnost made them blind. These hickons fatten , nevertheless , in remarkably - markably quick time , as the food is usually rich and abundant. They find a ready market in Chinatown , as well is in our regular markets. Whenever heso the regular sources of the Chi nese chicken supply , arc inadequate to fill the demand , the chicken vender is ompelled to have resource to the reg- ilar avenues of the poultry trade. The rjuantity obtained in this manner is cry small , however , as the prices ) are usually so high that they leave but a mall margin of profit. California Crojin. an Fraiulnco Chronicle , July D. The reports from various districts of lie state are of a more favorable char- ctnr than the anticipations of a few ecka ago , although bad enough in omparison with those of last year , lie favorable turn in conditions ngri- ultural during the two or three weeks ireccoding tbo harvest time put n inch improved face on affairs. The reatcst shrinkage is in the San Jov uin valley where , along the vast tract known as the West Side , lear from the upper part of llamcda county to the Mussel Slough ountry in Tulitro , the crop falls IF from 40 to f > 0 per cent from that f last year. In the Sacramento vnl- oy also , especially in the great wheat ountics of Buttu and Coltisa , the crop s only about half that of last year , further north the reports are better , omo of the counties showing better Imn usual oven in good yours. Santa jln.rn , Napn and Sonoma , which are very year becoming moro and more rchard and vineyard sections and loss lovoted to cereals , make a very light hewing in grain , but moro thancom- toiisate for it in other products. The eports from the extreme southern ountit's are of iv moro encouraging omplexion , although their crop of and honey is light. Aside rom tlio northern counties , San Jciiito and Monterey give the best ac- , ount of thoinsolves in the way of vhcat. Contra Costa , Solano and itanislaus Imvo yielded very poorly. Merced keeps up her yield by reason of increased acreage. It is worthy of remark that the reports from all sec- , ions agree that the wheat produced ; his year is a marked improvement in pjality over that of preceding years , Jio fullness and plumpness of the furry largely oH'sctting the compara- , ivo falling oft' in quantity of the field. On the whole , the reports are encouraging , showing that the harvest will considerably exceed the unticipa- jens of u few weeks ago. GOV. HUBBARD'S DAUGHTER , How the Girl Who Elopoil With n Coachman if ) Getting Along. lartforil filler. , The romntio story of the elopement of Miss Nellie Hubbard , daughter of ox-UoV. Ilubbard , with the family coachman , Frank Shepard , which wont the rounds of the press two years aijo , should bo supplemented now by , ho true story of the lifo of the young narried couple , in order that they may mvo the benefit , rather than that it iliould go abroad that Shonard him self was , indeed , so shiftless a fellow that ho could not provide for the sup port of a wife. Soon after the marriage Shepard and his wife went to board with his : > rothor in this city , and Nellie occa sionally went to her father's to see her mother and sisters'but ; it was under stood that under no consideration would her husband over bo allowed to darken the doors of the Ilubbard man sion. Meantime Shepard obtained employment as a Dalesman in n retail foot and shoo house , and there ho re mained for about three months , and then both himself and wife disappear ed and nil sorts of rumors became current as to their whereabouts. Ono was that Nellie Imd left him and was tomg to Europe with her father m aistors , and that she had left her hus band for good. None of those stories rose above the dignity of pure inven tion. , Shepard has au undo living in Mid dlotown , this state , named John Wil liniuH , who has for many years been connected with a nourishing maim Facturing concern and has made ! argo amount of money , which ho has carefully salted nway. Ho is worth certainly n clean § 100.000. Moreover , lie married a rich maiden lady n fo\\ \ years ago , who has enough to take ; are of herself for many long years if death should remoyo her husband and all his cash. Williams became inter ested in Shepard after the elopement to a much greater extent than over , being a-good dual put out by the Bto < ries that Fred was not good onouuli for the young lady , and to ehow thai his sympathy was practical ho made i tender of financial support. Shopart then set about to finding business ti suit him , and found that ho couh form a copartnership with a well cs tablishod livery establishment in Now Haven , and at once the ready unch at Middle town made the necessary do poail and the ' business relation WHS formed and still goes along prosper ISo ISr ously. It was this move which leu to Shopard's ' sudden departure froii Hartford after ho retired from the shoo busiuess. Not only is the former coachman do . ingyell in his business , but ho is con ducting himself like a man in otho ways , and his wife is reported to b ° happy. She is soon frequently driv ing in her phaeton through the shad dy city of alms , and it is understooi is kindly received by very many of he old friends llavon in Now , nmon I whom are BOIIIO of the first youn ladies in the place. Once in u whilt 1 oho conies to Hartford and is noticoi as being in perfect health and Uokiu jirettior than over , She keeps up thoroughly stylish appearance , and hu money enough from her huabuid t arrant it , all of which proves that she < j not "living in poverty , " as thou- ands of people ill over the country , vho have become interested in her rclfaro , will bo happy to learn. Kx-Gov. Ilubbard intend * going to Jurope with his family this summer , ut Nellie will enjoy herself at the atering places along the shore close o Now Haven , and possibly by-ami- y will accompany her husband when o gets rich enough to foreign lands. Vhon Uncle John dies and leaves hopard a fortune , the coachman ma } ' ko to travel as well as his his father- i-law. - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ AN ELK HUNXTN OREGON 'ho ' Exploit of Two Boyn Who Brought Down Tholr Gnmo. rom'tho Allmiy ( Oregon ) Democrat. Ono day last week T. P. MoKiiight , ropriotor of the pleasure rcsoit at xjwor Soda Springs , started out with is son Charley to hunt for elk across le Santiam from the springs. After oing a few miles they discovered an Ik , and Charley succeeded in killing They skinned it , and taking part [ the meat on their backs and cover- ng the remainder up , came homo. fter coming homo they thought some ild animal might carry away the icat they left behind before they otihl return to it next day , s < > Charley nd his little brother Clydo , taking leir blankets , guns and dog , .started ack , expecting to camp witli it. Soon Ftor arriving at their 'destination toy discovered a conplo of elk , and y ( dipping on them managed to kill oth. A few moments after their dog ommcnccd n. terrific racket n short istanco elf , and above the noise of its arking could bo heard the peculiar ounda made by the calf of the elk , 'ho boya rushed to the spot as soon possible and found a young elk alf , probably about two weeks old. Of course they feathered on that alf. no boy would lose such an op- ortunity to capture such n rare ani- nal. But they ore not to got it ithout n stugglc. Hearing n noise lose by , they glanced up and were Imcst petrified by seeing the old cow oming to the rescue of her younp. "ho was only about twenty or thirty .iot away and coming like n whirl- ind. With her head down and Jier air turned the wrong way , she was a ight to try the nerves of one of 10 old time hunters. No time was o bo lost ; a second's delay might ro- .tit in the death of both oys. ] Jut Charley was equal to occasion ; grasping his gun ho row sight on the terrible animal , and liooting when who vas actually only bout ten feet off , c.i'uscd her to turn linost a summersault , and lay at their cot dead. Them was an exploit qual to the many that our readers nvo hoard told around their firesides f some of the old hunters of the reat west , for bo it remembered that Jharloy is 15 years old , and small of is nge , and Clydo is only 13. The oys dressed their game , camped out 11 night , and the next day they took lieir captive elk and went homo and old their story. Their father has eon packing meat out on horseback vor since , and judges that they will aye about 1,000 pounds , the elk voighing from 300 to COO each. They out us down a few streaks , and wo o not wish to sot our teeth into ! iny- hing moro luscious. Elovatlou of the Whole Pooplo. ndlanapolli Journal ( Hop. ) The statement that President Gar- iold has never done better service to ho Nation than since howas stricken lown is ono that will meet an "amen" n every heart. The Christian forti- tulo , the perfect submission , the iproic desire to live if possible , but to lie bravely and resignedly if ho must , ho chivalric devotion to and careful bought for his wife and children and nether , Imvo given the country an cx- ubition of high manhood and nobili- y of character most salutary. The illect wjllnot bo ephemeral. General j.idicld on his bed of death , as it iromiscd to bo , has elevated the Amor- can pooplo. They will not soon for- ; et the lessons ho has taught. Found nt JLnat , What every ono should have , and never ) o without , in THOMAS' Koi.Kcraio OIL. It s thorough mill mifo In its effects , marine iij ? the most wondrous cures of rneuina ixtij , nimruk'in , bunm , bruises nml wound- ) if uvery kind. jyllendlw No Hospital Needed. No palatial hospital needed for Hop [ Jitters' patients , nor largo-salaried alontod pullers to tell what Hop Dit- lors will do or euro , as they toll their own story by their certain and ribso lute cures at homo. [ Now York In dependent. _ July 1-15 DON'T rniTiN THE'HOUSE. sk druggists for "Rough on lints. ' [ t clears out ratsj mice , bed-bugs , roaches , vermin , Hies , ants , insects. ICe per box (3) ( ) To Nervous Sufferers THE GREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Dr. J. B. Simpson's Specific It li a | Kst | > Mcuro for Spermatorrhcn , Srmlnn iVrokiirw , Inipot.incy , mill nil dlseasea resulting roiu Self-.Mmbo , a * .Mental Anxiety , l.o-j ilunory , 1'alim In the Ihih or Side , 'nml " " - tliit lead to Contiiiinptloi Insanity am iuivarl'iin\i The hVdfl Mcdldnu Iwliiif use. nltli uoiulir 1 . , . . * r. . . . . . - . . - lul I'aunihlcti. siuicm. cut free < o all. Write for thorn and git full mr tlculam , Trice , Specific , 81.00 per imckngc , or tw far ti.OO , Aildrciii nil ordtra to II. DIMbON MKUIC1KE CO. K09. lot nnd 100 Main St. Dutlala , N , Y , Sold In Oiuahft by 0. F. Goodman , J. W. Hell J , 1C lull , and all drtnrgUUtH cry v , here. Notice toNou-Koslilcut Dofomlnnt K. I ) . Ij ioull ( nami ) unknoun ) will take no tlco that ho lias hc n tiled liy Dudley SI. Btcvk Kamucl 11. Johnson and B.uiord ( , Hpratlln , co iwrtnem , doing bubliieiu under tlio llr'm numo of bteclo , Johnson & Co. , In the Dl.trlct Court of Douglas county , KvbrubLa , to recover 63,031.20 , and Interact from October 18 , IbbO , due thorn on a iiromUkory note bearing date April - 0,1B78. Also that an attachment lias bocu ni.iJu on certain fundf hi the First National .bank of Omaha , No- broska , bclonyln ) ; to ) ou and htch the said j > ar tliwaliovo named teek to obtain to apply In pay ment of their kilddnlm. You are required to answer mid petition on or before Monday , the JUd davr Auirust. A , li. 18 1. Attorney lor Plaintiff. a. j. Clarkson & . Hunt , Successor * to nlchardi & Hunt , ATTORNEYS - AT - LAW S. UthStrcct , Om ha Neb. ' Atlantic & Gulf Coast BANAL Aim OKEECHOEEE LAND COMPANY , OF FLORIDA. bartered liy Speclilida of Flor ida , 1SS1 CAPITAL. . 810,000,000. OFFICERS : Wm. S. STOKELEY , Prcs't. HAMILTON DISSTON , Trow .pplicntiorH will lc received on Thurs- < lay , July 1 ) th , and clwe on Monday , July 18th , for the l uc of $1,000- 000 of Stock In 100.000 Slmrei of$10ISSfiiATPAll. : k'ith bonus of $1,000,000 of Land Ccrtifi- catcs bearing * ! * percent. Interest , re deemable from cnlci of Innd by drawings from time to time , or convertible nt option of holder Into land nt the Company's regular prices. inch subscriber for olinres of tlio company will , in addition to Ills .stuck , receive as n boniH a land certificate equal to thu ninimnt of liU sub- ( crlptlon. . TKHMS OlFrAYMKNT ! $ .00 per slinro on niijillc.itioii , 5.00 per slmre on delivery of Bhnre.s nnd Land C'crtilicates. meet : Third and Chestnut Sts. , Phil. Jacksonville , Florida. Thii compnny have n contract with the ioard of Interim ! Iinprovementof Florida or the construction of a canal to provide n outlet for Lake Okeechobee , nnd there- y rcclaiinlng from periodical overflow the nmln lyim ? Miuth of towiiHhii ) twenty-four nd castofPeacc Creek , the areix contain- upwanh of 8,000,000 acres. The ntato cH to this company one-half of the liuuU s fast ns reclaimed. This company aluo own the franchise of ic Atlantic Coact Steamboat Canal mid niproveinent companj' , for the construe- 'on of n canal connecting the inlets alone 10 cast coast of Florida , and wliich will ivo cxchuivc control of 330 mile ? of in- nud HtcAin navigation through : v country nsuri > aH8cil for fertility of Boll and ilubrity of climate. In nid of the con traction of this canal the compnny will ecelvo a land grant of 3,810 ncrcs per lilc of canal constructed , which will give ho company about -100,000 ncrcs of lands nmediatcly adjoining the canal. The machinery for excavating thccnnnls long the ! Knf > t Coast and into Lnko ikcechobec is now being built , and both ncsof canal aio expected to bo com- letcd by September. 188'J. The State of Florida alters greater nd- antagea for tlie investment of capital in iinstruction of lines of transportation , 10 purchoHu nnd imiirnveincnt of land" , f nuy st.ate in tlie Union by reason of its oographicnl poiition , climate and fertility f soij , adapted to the cultivation of crops overing the widest t-cope , embracing nil f thu grains , fruits and vegetables of tbo ortli , middle and boutliein states , besides i-opical nnd semi-tropicnl fruits nml brous nlnnts In great vaiiety , and mattu- tg to that dcgiee of perfection developed t no other point within theUnitedStates. 1'roHpectus nnd detailed reports on np- lication nt the ollico of the company. jyl'-Mtmu lothcrs , Wives , Daughters , Cons , Fathers , Ministers , Teachers , Ouslness Men , Farm ers , Mechanics , ALL should bonrncil niaiiibt mil ) ; ; nnd Iiitroiliaiii/ into their HOMES Nos- rums and Altoliolle remedies. Have no tuch irejudlco against , or fear of "Warner's Gnfo Tonic Bitters. " They are what they are claimed o ho harmless M milk , and contain only mcdl- Inalirtnes. . IXtrait of \cKetalilcsonly. . liey do not belong to that class known as "Cure- ills , " but only profess to reach cases w lure the Ucctso originates In debilitated frames and Im- Hire blood. A perfect Spring and Summer iicdiclno. A Thorough Blood Purifier. A Tonic Appc. tlzer , 'Icasant to the tft'tto , iinlL'orntlng to the body , 'hu most eminent physicians recommend them or their curatli o properties. Once used always ircterri'd. For the Kidneys , Liver and Urinary organs , iso nnthlnK-'WARNErra SAFE KIDNE'Tand LIVER CURE. " It blonds Unrivalled. Thous. andsowe their health and happiness to It. Price , 81,25 per liottlo. Wo offer "Warncr'e Safe Tonic Uitters" with eiiial | eonlldenie. H. H. WARNER , Rochester , N. Y. jo lO-tu-th-tat-ly PROPOSALS FOR BEEF. T\EPAUTMKNT OK THE iNTEiuon , omcc \J of Indian A Hairs , Washington , Juno ID , S5l. Kcalttl proposals , Indorsed "I'ropotala for llccl , " and inrcitcd to the Commissioner of In Han Attaint , Washington , 1 > , C.H11 | bo received until 11 o'clock a. in. , Wednesday , July 20th 18S1 , lor lurnlshliitf for thu Indian ncrtlcu , 14,260,000 > ouiils ! lieu ! on the hoof. lliiU must ho made out on Government hlanks. Sihctlulciiiliouln , . ' the ijuantltlcsi to I'Oilelhcr. ' cdat f.uh Agency , together 1th blank proposals tnd form of comnuU and bond , conditlo'ia to booWnul by bidden , time and place of deliv ery , and all other ncm < sary liibtructlons u III bo 'uriilahed ' upon application to the Indian Ollico at Washington I ) , c , or Nos. (15 ( ami 47 Wooster Ktrccc , Kew VorK ; W. 11,1.yon 4Sl : llroadway New York , niul to CoiumUsarleB of RuhsUtcnm , U. B. A , nt K.Unt l.onN , CMi uic , Kalnt I'aul ,\L n. \\oith , Omaha , Chou'iiuo , and Vankton , and the I'ootinastcr nt Sioux I'ltv , iiiN will hu oprnnl at t'lojimir and day nbo\o U'il , and bidden are hi' ' to bo present at thi opening , CrBTIFIKD * 3 IKCkS. All Mill must hi. aivonp.ilncd by certified chocks iponsoiuu United Static Uciwsitury or AsslstAn Trwwurt'r , for at lca t llvoiur cent of thonmouir of the proposal. H , 1'IIIUE , ConmilMoncr Notice to Coiiti-aotors. Oiualm , In salil rouiity , In iiccnrilaueu will plans anil hH'clilciifnis | inailu liy K. K > Iyor < , iiri'liltcct o ( Dt-trolt , Sllchlgan , siiu now int flli ) la tlio county clerk's oillcu 11 Omulm. Kadi bhl must bo accninpanloil liy a good nnd MUlldiMit bund In tliu niu of ten Hums uiul dollars , ( $10.000) ) , roiulltloucil that the bldilrr will i-iiti'r Into ; i conlnict , nml KNUI ! good anil bulllclent bond , should thu contrite bo awarded him , A coiiy ol the sin'clflcatlons will bo for vvanlcif upon apiilloatlim to tliu count clerk iit Onmha , Ni-b. , and 1 all cases inus ucconipaiiy propoMtls , rlKhtto reject nn or all bids. liy order of the Hoard of County Commls sUmi'rs. OMAiiA.Neb. , Juno 25tli , 1881. . . JOHN It. MANOIIESTBU. lillio'7-U County Clerk. D. S. BENTON , ATTORNEY - AT - LAW AUUACH BLOCK , Cor , Dougtaa and 15th Eta. Omaha Neb. DON'T ' YOU MGET IT WHEN IN NEED OF BOOTS\SHOES \ To examine the stock of BASWITZ & WELLS , louse 1422 Douglas St. , near 15th s largo and always the lowest prices. cScoJ-Om FEENEY & CONNOLLY , AT THEIR NEWSTOEE 512 North Sixteenth Street , Opjxjslt William Gentleman's Popular Grocery Store. ) \\\A. will during the ensuing week offer Ipecial 'Inducements ' In all their \ariousgradcs of summer si } lea of ETC. , ETC. , omako room for their extensive fall purchases. A Reduction of 15 to 25 per cent on former Prices. Theycarry.i full assortment of c\cry kind , anil respectfully iiu He their frlcndj to tall. THEY HAVE ALSO consignment of FINK HAND AND MACHINE CREEDMORE" Railway Shoes , liey lll sell on the same terms as thej roilduo of their summer blade , and ask rallnay employees to call and examine them , THEY'RE A BARGAIN REMEMBER THE PLACE ! Botwcen Cos3 and California. All Boofls'Markflil ' in Plain Fipros CONTINUES TO Roar for Moore ( s ) Harness AND Saddlery. Iha\e adopted the IJonasaTraJo Maik , anu all my cooda 1H ba STAMPED with the LION and my NAME on the umo. NO GOOD3 AR ] CENUINE WITHOUT THE ABOVE STAMPS The best material la used and the tco l skillet workmen are employed , and at the lowut cut prico. Anyone \\Uhlnif a prlco-lUt of good ut confer a fa\or by ecudin ; for one. DAVID SMITH MOORE , DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTELS. HOTELS. LEWIS HOUSE , HARTNEY HOUSE , McHENRY HOUSE , SUMMIT HOUSE , JUDKINS HOUSE , MENDIN HOTEL , THE CENTRAL HOUSE , COMMERCIAL HOTEL , PARK HOTEL , DELDEN HOTEL , LUSK HOUDE , COMMERCIAL HOTEL , BURKE'8 HOTEL , QLIDDEN HOUSE , 8CRANTON HOUSE , ASHLEY HOUSE , HEAD HOUSE , MERCHANTS' HOTEL , CHENEY'S UNION HOTEL , CITY RESTAURANT , CHAPMAN'S SESTAURANT , NEOLA HOTEL , WOODWORTH HOUSE , CENTRAL HOUSE , EMERSON HOUSE , CROMWELL HOUSE , WALTON HOUSE , CITY HOTEL , MARSH HOUSE , CENTRAL BLOCK HOTEL PROPR1RTORS. JOHN S , LEWIS , W. P. HUNTER , T. W. BUTLER , ' SWAN & BECKER , JUDKINS &BRO. , ADOLPHWUNOER , JOSEPH SANKEY , WM. LUTTON , W. d. QARVIN , A.W. BE'LDEN , JAS. A. LUSK , O. F. CASSADY , E. R. DURKE , 8. M. LEWIS , dOS. LUCRAFT , DAN EMBREE , JOS. SHAW & CO. , CHENEY & CO. , CHENEY BROS , , J.JTUCK , T. O. CHAPMAN , F. SIEVERTZ W. A. WOODWORTH , S. P. ANDERSON , A. L. SHELDON , MRS. R. COCHRAN T. C. WALTON , CHENEY & CLARK , W. W. BROWNING , FRED , STADELMANN , TOWNS. Dow City , Iowa , West Side , Iowa. Vail , Iowa , Creston , In. Red Onk , la. Mendln , la. Walnut , la. Vlllltca , la. Corning , la , Woodbine , la. Logan , la , Denlson , la. Carroll , In , Qlldden , la , Scranton , la. Grand Junction , In. Jefferson , la. Sioux City , la. Mo. Valley June. , Dunlap , la. Stanton , la. Ncoln , la. Atlantic , la. Malvern , la. Emmerson , la. Cromwell , la , Onawa , la , Blair , Neb. Brownvlle , Neb. Plattsmouth , Neb' Hellmuth Ladies' College. Patroness , H. R. H. PRINCESS LOUISE. Founder and President , The Right Rev. t. HELL- MUTH , D. D. , D. C. L. , LORD BISHOP OF HURONJ. Fall Term opens Wednesday , September 21st. I&mlaomc uul spacloin bulldlujrs , cautlfully Itunted In a most healthy locality , about * four Ihours iv ' rail from Nlujjara Jails , , nnd on ono of the principal through routes between the Ea t and West , 'ho (1UOUNDS comprise 140 acres. The aim of the founder of this college U to provide the hlshcst ntcllcctiial nnd practically useful education. The whole s } > tcii ) Is based upon the soundest PRO TESTANT principles , us the only solid basis for the right formation of character. FRENCH Is the- anguaKO pK > kcti hi the college. MUSIC a Rpcclalty. I loan ) , Laundry and Tuition Fees , Includliii ; \\holecoursoof KiiRlUh. the Ancient and Mod- rn LtuiKunffrti ; Callisthenics , Drawing nnd I'ftlntlrtfr.two 1'fcuionnil Library1 Mod leal attendance , anil IcJcIne , 300 per annum. A rekuctlonofJono-lmlf'forlthe daughters of ClerzMni'ii. For "clm > ars" nnd lull particulars address MISS CUNTON , Lady Principal , Hellmuth Ladies' Collojre , LOMIOX , ONTARIO , CANADA. inontthurs-2m.-u A. POLACK Collins , . , Colorado. Spring and Summer H LATE AND : NOBBY STYLES FOR MEN , BOYS AND CHILDREN. IN THE LATEST STYLES. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Prices to Suit all ! 1322 FARNHAM STREET , NEAR FOURTEENTH. A TT.TF1 Tobacco from 25c. per pound upwards. Pipes from 25c. per dozen upwards. Cigarsfrom $15.00 per 1,000 upwards. WM. F. STOETZEL , Dealer in { Hardware , TZIsT tB Stove Bepaw , Jol ] Worker and lanufacturer O3CJjfl .3C X 3SC3CKT3 J O3E * G b-'XTSS. Tenth and Jackso" Ctc Omaha , Neb. O ' dnSit WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALEIl IN f Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MOLDINGS , LIME , CEMENT OTSTATE AGENT FOK MILWAUKEE CEMENT COMPANY. Near Union Pacific Depot , OMAHA , NEB . O. WHOLESALE GROCER , 1213 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb.