THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY. JULY 15. 1881. FINANCE AND COMMERCE , FINANCIAL. JIOXr.T AND STOCKS. NEW YOIIK. July 14. Money clo ed at 3tct \ cent. Exchange closed ste.idy at 8ISt4 . 80J. Governments closed firm , Currency Os 1 30 bid ; fours coup. 1103 ; 4js coup. 1 I4t | bid ; Oi continued , 1 02J. Pacific railroad bonds clo cd as follows : Lnion Pacific firtts , olfered at 1 OS ; land grants 11S\1 lOJi sinking funds , 1 2S © 1 21 ls Central's , 1 15 } < m ! } . STOCKS. The stock market was firm in early dealings , and price * advanced } to 13 per cent. , but this was followed by a weak tone , and the advance was almost entirely lost. Towards 1:80 : p. in. the market bu- came firm again , an i under brisk buying movement prices tteadily advanced to the close , when the highi-it quotations of the day vvcie current. The advance , compared with yesterday's closing , ranged from J to 3 } per cent , rxcent for Manhattan Kle- vatcd , which was J per cent lower. Man hattan Deach vv as exceptionally strong and advanced 0 per cent for the day. The following arc the closing bids : A & TII 531 M C 101J 1J& O 103 } M JjSAV. . . . OS 051 Northwestcni. 1279 C P ! ! ) } 1'rcfcircil. . . MOj U , V A 139 NYC' 141J D&Uio G..100J Nl'n 13 } K .t W (30 ( Prcf erred. . . . 81 ? Adami 12\p..l35 Panama . . . . . . .2tK ) W F Kxp 121 Quicksilver 20 American Kxp.1 81 111 141 U. S 70 Stl'aul 125 ll&St Joe. . . Preferred. . . . 131J Preferred Ill RtitDpfd 87 111 Cent 110 Tex Pac 01 ] K & T 47 UP 120 L.S 122J Wabit Pao. . . . 57 Mo Pac lO'.l ' } Pref'd 92 M L WUTel 02) ) MIMNO STOCKS. Follow ing arc the closing quotation * for mining stocks at the New York mining board : Nobelle Isle. . . . CO Preferred. . . . 73J Cons Virginia.210 1 Mail \ . . .r.0i Hibcrnia 58 Cent. Arizona. . 450 State Line 2it 'J. 175 CHICAGO MONEY MAIIKKT. CHIPAOO , July 11. Money continues in good demand and Hupei-p.bundant Hiipply nt 1@5 per cent on call , and 0 ( per cent on time. Orders for currency wet c model ate. Eastern ex change between city banks was emoted at 73 < ffMc ) discount per 81,000. The clear ings of the associated bauks were 87- JOO.OOO. Omnlin "Wliolcsnlo 'Mnrlcot. OrncK oi- Tin : OMAHA BEK , ) Thursday Evening , July 14 , 1SS1. J Li\o s-toek market unchanged ; \ery few wales are icpoitcd , outside of the local de mand. Grain steady ; wheat l ( ) lc per bushel higher than yesterday. Barley , rye , oats and corn steady and unchanged. In the provision market wo note a de cline of 25c for new potatoes , and a slight advance in the price of poultry. Kggs de clined Ic. Apple * declined 81.50 per ban el. Lemons htill going up , iniscd § 2.00 per bov to-day. No oranges in the maiket and not quotable. Blueberries made their appearance to-day and readily brought 80.00 per bushel. Itaspberrics were scarce and firm. Local Grain WHEAT. Cash No. 2 , 05 [ c Cash No. 3 , 88 ; rejected GOc. BAKU : Y. Ca h No. 2 , S7c ; No. 3 7lc. KYE. Cash , SL'c. COHN. Cash No. 2 , 33c. OATS. Cash. 30c. Livestock. Cattle We [ quote as follows : Dutch- cr's cows , S3 25@3 50 ; choice butchei.s' stecH , S3 75@4 00. Sheep Hood mutton in fair demand. S3 00i ; : 75. Hogs We quote as follows ; Light packers , $4 bO(7i15 ( 10 ; medium mixed packers , 55 00@5 25 ; extra choice heavv , $3 10@5 25. Provisions. FLOUT ! Spring wheat , straight grade , 52 80(5.3 ( 00 ; patent , S3 00@4 50 ; winter wheat straight grade , S3 00B3 ( 25 ; patent , 83 75@1 00 ; graham lye , S2 25 ; Wheat , $2 25. 25.KYE KYE FLOUIl S3 25. MlLLSTLTFFS-13raii , per cwt. 50c ; screenings ! , per cwt. 70@SOc ; shortH , per cwt.COc ; chopped feed , per cwt. 75c ; meal bolted , yellow , 80c ; white , SI 00. POTATOES New , SI 75 per bushel ; , old. 81 25. 1'OULTHY Live chickens per dozen , . $3 50 ; old , spring chickens , 83 GO. EGGS Shippers count , 14c : Candled , 15UTTE11 Choice/15 ; poor , no market ; creamery , 20c. APPLKS-Oood. Sound , 8550 per bbl. HONEY Extracted , iirbt-cl.i s Calif- oinia strained , 15c , LEMONS Good repacked per box , $14 00 ; best , 815 00. HASl'BEIUUES I'ercasc of 21 quarts . $ -1 00. HLUEBEKHIES-Sfl 00 per bushel. VEGETABLES All kinds bring good prices. BEESWAX Yellow , 18@20c. CIDEK Sweet. 20c per gallon. Grocers List. COFFEE. Klo , lair , 13tc ; lllo , gootj. 14c ; llio , iirimo to choice , 141c ; Old gov't Java ; 20'28Jc , Mocha , 20ic ; Arbuckle's , TEAS. Gunpowder , good , 45@5r c ; ROOll SUG AltS. Cut loaf , 11 ic ; Crushed , lljjc ; Gianulated , lUc ; Powdered , HAc ; Tine powileied , llgc ; Standard Coffee A i , HJc ; New York Confectioner's Standard A , 10'c ; Good A , lO c ; Praiiio Extra C , OJc , " "SYUUPS. Sugar house , bbls , 45c ; half bin , 47c ; kegs , I i gallons , 8230 ; choice table 3.-ic ; half hbls , 40c ; kegs , 81 85. SPICKS. Pepper , 1U4 ; Allspice , 20c ; Oloves , nOc ; Nutmegs , § 1 00 ; Cassia , 25e ; Mace 8100. SODA , Dwiglit's Ih papore , 83 00 ; Pe- laml do , § 2 DO ; Church' * , 82 UO ; Kc0scxla , er f , Pearl , 3Jr ; Silver Gloss , ror \ CtSc ; Coin Staich , 8jS,8Jc ( ; Escelmor Gloss , 0\c ; Corn , 7c , SALT. Dray loads , per bbl , 1 00 ; Ahh- ton , in backs , 3 50 ; bbla dairy 00 , 5s , 3 45 ; bbk dairy , 100 , 3s , 3 05. 1JUIE1) FHUITS Choice halves , peaches , new crop , 7c ; Evapoiutcd Apple.s , 00 Ib boxes , 'JifujlOc ; Michigan , OJc ; New York apples,5lcSt.Louin ; T\o.l,5c ; Prunes , olcl _ , _ ( ic . ; new _ . , 7.73c . . ( . . . ; Cunants , 7@7-Jc ; T 1l-1. ! "ti\ Blackberries , new , lOc. OHKKSE Full Cream , lOc ; Part Skim , ! ) c. WOODENWAKE-Two JlOOJl [ Jl lIIS | 1 Ki ; tin ee hooi ) pails. 2 10 ; No. I tubs , 0 00 ; No. 2 tubs , . 8 00 ; No. 3 tuba , 7 00 ; iiloneer washboards , 1 85 ; Double Crown- 2 75 ; Globe Waahboard,250 ; Wellbuckets , 350. A Ott ijuwi1 * ! * " ! * * * * w * . ) fuf ivflrj'Cl chain , and 5 ply , 20J@211 ; Colored cari > t chain , per Ib , 20 ; LKAD-Uor , 81 05. MATCHES Per caddie , 85c ; round cases , 87.35 ; square cases , 84.00. PROVISIONS Ureakfast bacon , lie. choice lard , lljcj dried beef , 13Jc ; Id ers , canvassed 7c ; hams , canvassed le ; bacon , sides , lOlc. NEW PICKLES Medium , in barrels , 87 50 ; do in half bbls , 4 23 ; jmalU , in bbl- , 1200 do , in half bbU. 050 ; gherkins , 'in -'U , 13 00 ; do , i half bbls , 7 00. VINEOAK Pure apple cxtr.v Ific ; pure njple. 13c ! Pmssing pure apple , 16c. HOMIN'Y-NCW , 8,1 M ) per bw. BEANS Medium , hand picked $3 00 cr bushel , HOl'K Sisal , J inch and larger , 0c ; 3 Inch. ! > fc : 1 inch , lOJc. SOAi'S-KlrkV Savon Imperial , 2S5 ; Kirk' * sterling. 2 40 ; Kirk's standard , 3 SO ; Kirk's white Russian , 4 50 : Kirk's Eutocn , 185 ! Kirk's PrairioO.iieen , (100 ( c.ikcs ) , 3 40 ; Kirk's magnolia , SKX CANDLES lloxes , 40 Ibs 1C oz , Ss 13cboxes ; 40 Ibs , 10 ois ( l.Toj boxrs'10 cts , lloz , , Ss , 12Jc ; half boxes , 20 sets II or. , 8s , 13c. LYF American , 3 35 ; Greenwich. 3 35 : Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 M ; Lewis' heI 00) ) Jewell lye , 275. POTASH Peimsjlvauia cans I do/ . , in case , 3 : r > ; Babbitt's Hall , 2 dor. in i-ase , I ! > 0 ; Anchor Ball 2 do * in cose , 1 M ) . SfinPlied clover , choice , now , , 85 I > 0 per bushel ; mammoth clover , new i % 8575 ; white clover , new , SI 100 ; alfalfa clover , new , 81250 ; al-ike , new , 813 00. Timothy , good , new , S2 50n 2 05 ; blue grass , extra clean , § 125 ; blue glass , clean , 81 15 ; orchard grass , 8200 ; rod top , choice , 05c ! millet , common or Mi < ouii , 81 25 ; millet. German , 81 2i ; to 81 50 ; Hungarian , 81 15. HKDGKSKKD-Osago orange , 1 to 5 bushels , 85 00 ; osage orange10 bushels or over , 8150 ; honey locust , per Ib. , 35c ; per 100 Ibs. 835 00. FISH Family white fish , ! )0 Ih hf bbls , S3 00 ; No. 1 white fish , PO Ih hf bbls , 0 30 ; No. 1 white fish , jn 10 Ib Kits , 1 00 ; family 10 Hi kits , 75c ; New Holland herring , per keg , 120 ; Ius { ixn sardines , 7oc ! C\tluu > - hin river salmon , per 100Ibs , 8 00 ; George's Bank codfish ( ic ; Gen. boneless codfish ; 8c ; boneless fish , 4ic. | MACKKUEI , HalfbbUmessinackcrcl , 100 Ibs , 81250 ; hfbl.l . No. 1 ex ehoro do , 100 Ibs , U 00 ; hf bbls , fat family do , 100 Ibs , II85 ; messmackeiel , 12 Ib kiln , 225 ; No. 1 c\ shore , 12 Ib do , 1 50 ; No. 1 shoiw , 12 Ib do , 1 00 ; fat family , 10 Ib do , 75c. CANNED GOODS-Oytert" , 2 Hi ( Field's ) , per case , $3 DO ; do 1 Hi ( Field's ) , per case , 2 50 ; do 2 Ib ( Standard ) , per case , 3 70 ; do 1 Ib ( standard ) , per c.ise , 2 40 ; do 2 It ) ( slack ) , per ca--e , 2 00 ; do 1 Ib ( black ) , per case , 185. Onions , 380. Salmon , 1 fb , per dozen , 1 00 ; do 2 Ib , per diuen 2 50. Sardines , small 1'sh ' , imported , _ unc- quaiter boxes per box , 13Jc ; Ameiican , quarter boxes per box , lie ; do half boxes per box , 2li . Lobsters , 1 Ib per dozen , 180. Tomatoes , 2 10 ; do 3 Ib per case , 235 ; Coin , 2 Ib ( Mountain ) per case , 3 40 ; soaked coin , 1 'JO ; do 2 Ib ( Yarmouth ) , per ca e , 350 ; string beans , per , 1 IH ) ; Lima beans per case , 2 00. Succotash per case , eas , common , pur case , 1 75 ; pea" , choice , per case , 150. Itlackbenies , 21b , per case , 210) ) strawbeirics , 2 Ib , per case , 3 00 ; raspberries , 2 Ib , per ca e , 275ii300. ( D.unaoiis , 2 Ib , per case , 2 25. Bartlett pears per cose , 30o@100. Wlioitlcber- ries per case , 2 50. Egg plums , 2 Ib per c.tso , 3 25 ; do , choice , 2 11) , per case.I 50. Green gagcs,2 Ib per can1 , 3 25 : do choice , 2 Ib per case , 1 50. Pine Apples , 2 Ib , per case , 300&520. Peaches , 2 II ) per case. 310 : do 3 Ib , case , 3 75@4 40 ; do , ( pie ) , 3 Ib , per case,275 ; do pie , 0 Ib , per do/en , 3 00. J.UCE Carolina , 01@7c ; Louisiana , f > J ( nOVc. PEANUTS Boasted , choice , red Ten nessee , 8Jcper Ib ; ( fancy white , DC per Ib ; raw white Virginia , 7@7c. Dry Goods. BUOWN COTTONS. Badger LL OJc ; Buckeye LL 0\c \ ; Cie.-cent LL O c ; Uticiv C 5lc ; Crescent C 7 c ; Crobcent B 7-c ( ; Crescent A 8c ; Wachusetts 8c | ; Indian Head SJc ; Gianitcvillo LL 0c ( ; Badger 151 ! , fine brown , 7Ac ; Badger X , do , 7c ; Portsmouth P , do , 5jo ; Winthrop L , do , 7"fc ; Continental C , 1 ilLKACIIED COTTONS Wamsntta 4-1 13c ; Fiuit 1-1 WHope \ ; 4-1 8\c \ ; Ballardvalo 4-1 0c ; Pocassett C 4-4 8\c \ ; AUoona 3-1 Oc ; Lonsdale No. 1 , cambric 13c ; No. 2 , ilo , 12Jc ; New Yoik Mills 4-1 13c ; Lousdalo 4-4 lOc : Fairmont Q4-4 0\c \ Aubiun A 1-4 8lc ; Batnard 2 Oc ; Dairy Cloth 5Jc , PUINTS. Allen's fancy , Oic ; Ameri can do , ( He : Arnold's do , 7c : Conestoga. do , ( ! c ; DmineU do , OJc ; Eddy.stone do ; 0\c \ ; Gloucester do , 5Vc ; Hamilton , OJc ? Harmony , Cc ; Hnrtelc ( ; Knickerbocker , Oc ; Manchester , 7c ; Pacific , 7c ; Spiagiie ; rc ; SouthbridgCjOc ; Mystic , r > ic ; Meiri- inack shillings , Oc ; Sin-ague do , JHc , Southbriclge do , Oc ; Itegatta do , 5jC ] ; Cochico robe , 7c ; Freeman robe , Oc ; Hamilton do , 7c ; Marlboro do , Oc ; South- bridge do. ( He ; Sprngnedo , ( He ; Ameiican tlo , 7c ; Pacific do , 7c ; Wiibhinglon oil colors , Op : Simpson's mourning , 7c ; Simp- " " black , 0\cBerlinsolid \ ; colors.lic. C'AMUIUCS , FLAT - Glazed , fijc ; high colors , OJc ; kid hnish , Oc ; high col ors , 7c : rolled , 7c ; high cnlorH. 8c. COUSET JEANS Ilockport , Sc ; Nanmkeag sattecn , He ; Androscoggiu do. , 'Jc ; I ockwood do. , 'Jc. ' TICKING Amokeag- . C. A. , 17jc ; Concbtoga , B. F. , I , fancy , 18c : Conestoga - toga , 4-1 , Gold Medal , lOc ; Conuhtoga , I , C. C. A , , 14c ; Conestoga , C. C. A. , fancy , lie ; Easton , B. , lOc ; Omego superior ex- " lal , ' 'oc ; Omega A 0 JUVIT , IO U , JllDlllll't'll , J/ . , XII , JAUI1II1 ton regular , 13 ; Hamilton H. , llic ; Cor- dis , B. B. , 'Jc ; Cordis A. C. E. , 18c ; Al- banv S. A. X. , Kijc. OlL CLOTH-5-4 wood , S3 00 ; 5-1 fancy marble , S3 00 ; 5-1 white mat hie , 83 25 ; 0 1 wood , SI 00 ; 0-4 fancy marble , 84 00 ; 0-1 white marble , 84 25 ; 5-4 mo- aic , 83 00 ; 0-4 mosaic , 81 00. DKNINS Amoskeag blue and brown , ICc ; Beaver Creek , A. A. , blue and brown , 14\c ; Beaver Cieek , B , and brown. 13J.c ; Beaver Creek , C. C. , blue and brown , 12Jc ; Evcictt D. D. , blue and blown , Ki ; Haymakers blue and brown , OcjOtis , A. X. A. , blue , 1-lJc ; Otis B. B. blue , 1IH ; Otis C. C. , blue , 12Jcs Pearl Bivcr blue and brown , IBJc. DUCKS Fall Biver , flic ; Ilamden O , O , , 10\c " \ ; Boston cheeky 13Jc ; Boston Btripe8"l3\c ; Dundee stripes , 18c ; Bismarck - marck stripe , 17Jc ; Arlington stripe , 18" ; Lion BhiP , l\c ; Boston XX , bro. , I''Ac ; Boston XX drab , 12Jc ; BostonXXX bro. , 13'.c ' ' ; Boston XXX drab , KHc ; Boston O. H.'bro. , lOJo STIUPUS Louisiana , 3x3 blue and brown , 8JcLouiHianaOx3 ; hltio and brown , S\c \ ; Ikock Jtiver , O.x3 blue and brown , 1'Jc ; A'Ubama , ( ix8 blue and brown , 8\e. COTTONADES Lewiston , 10 oz. , 25c ; A. Y. A. , 25c ; Angora , D. k T. , 25c ; New Yotk mills jiroof , 'Mo ; Biidgewater , 20c . ; Everett . . . .i . , 11 . heavy , , ni. 22c , . . . * ; * . Whittent . . /i-i. 10 n , . , . bleached , 25o ; do 10-1 bleached , ' . ' 7ic. Dru i , DUUGSAND CirUMICAIA-AcM , J/lltvia | . . . . . . - - ! _ , * salts , peril ) , Ic ; GlvceriiiP , pine , peril ) , 38@40c ; Lead , Acetate , perlb , 22c'ar © ib b , of Morphine , ] > er oz , . M < , oi ir , per Ib , 5c ; Strvchnine , ; > cr oz , JO. The market is brisk and all grades are selling well at a Blight advance in prices. The demand for good horses exceeds the supply considerably. Prices range M fol- Vine single drivers , 3150. to 300. ; Extra Utttii' $175. to 225. ; Common draft horses , $100. to 150. ; Extra farm horses , 8110 ' to 125. ; Common to good farm liorses , 890.'to 8100. ; Kxtra plugs , 800. to 75. ; Cominoniilus * . $20. tp$40. MULES.-15 to 15J bauds ( extra ) , § 12o. to 150. ; 14 $ to 1ft hands 8100. to 140. ; 14 to 14 i hands , $75 , to 100. ) 13i to 14 hands 800. to 7ft. Clear * nd Tobaccot. OIGABS. Heeds 815.00 ; ConnecUeut , $25.00 : Mixed , 835.00) ) Seed Havana , ? 50.00j Clear Havana , 875.00. TOBACCO VI.UO. Golden Kule , 2-1 Ib , f > 0c ; S | > olted Fawn , 7cj Our lt ? > po , 58c ; Star , pounds , 21 Ib , butts , fide ; Horse Shoo , iHiurnt * 21 Ib , butt * , f > ( V ; Puritv , 21 Ib. butts ' " * Mcen Bee , 21 Ib , butts'Kfc ! Gilt Edge , p i > ls , 21 Ib , butts 57 ; Arfny and Navy , pounds , 51c ; Bullion , | xmxds 55o ; 7iorlHani's Climax , pounds 5" ' . FINK CUT In palls-Hard to Beat , 75o ; Golden Thread , OOc- ; Fountain , 73o ; Favorite , 05e ; Itoeky Mountain , fi.V ; Fancy , JiOv ; Daisy , 4.VIn tin foil Catllns O. H. , 2 m packages B Ib boxes , per HI OOc ! 1/oiillard s Tiger , OOc. SMOKING -Allgr.uicfs-Common - - , 25to 33o. Granulated BlackwelU Durham , 111 or I lie ; Dukes Durham , 10 or , I5e ) Seal of North Catolina , 10 or , 40 ; Seal of Nebras ka , 10 or. 38e ; j/one Jack , 4 or , linen b.igs , per Ib , 81.35 ; Marburgs' Puck , 2 or , tin foil , Me ; Dog Tail. IVV. Lumber. FINISHING No. 1. finish 1 } , H and 2 Inch , 855 00 No. 1 finish 1 ineh S0 00 ; No. 2. linlsh 1J , 1 } and 2 ineh , 850 001 No. 2 finish , 1 inch , $15 00 ; No , 3 linlsh , 1 inch , $1000 ; O. 15. battens per 100 feet Hit. , $125 : well curbing , $3500 ; rough J and 2 Inch battous per 100 feet lin , , fiOc. STOCK 11OABDS A stock , S15 00 ; 11 810 00 ; C , 835 00 ; common stock , $25 00. FLOOlilNG No. 1 , WO 00 ; No. 2 , $35 00 ; No , 3 , 825 00 ; yellow pine , No. 1 , $1500. SIDING No. 1 , S-7 50 ; No. 2 , S'--lOO ; No. 3. 8'JO 00. SH IP LAP Plain , ? 25 00 ; 0. (5. No. 1 , $37 50 : No. 2. 825 00. OKI LING S'J7 riOfifSiri 00. LATH AND SUING I.KS-Astarbe ( t ) shingles 81 00 , No. 2 , $3 00 ; No. 3 , 82 60. Lath , 81 00. Building Material."r LIME Per bariel , 81 35 ; bulk per bu. , 35c. Cement , bbl , 82 50. Iowa plaster , bbl , 82 r.O. Hair per bu. 25c. Taiml felt 100 Ibs , 83 DO. Stiavv board , 81 00. The Leather Trade. Oak harness , 39 lie ; Pittsburgh selec ted , 40 ( < fll3c : hemlock harness , 37L'8'I ( ' ' ; skiitlng per Ib , fair , He ; black collar 14@ 21c ; fair do ; lSii.20c ( ; fair No. 2 , 10ffll8c ( ; hemlock tolo , Buffalo slaughter , per Ib , 80 fn31c ; hemlock sole , H. A. slaughter per lit , 23 ( 132c ; oak mile , IO I3a ; oak upior | per foot , 25c ; hemlock upper , 25e ; do No. 2 , 2c ! ! ; oak kip skins peril ) , SOcf S1.10 ; hemlock kip skins per Ib , 7f > c$1.00 ( ' ; Fii'iich kip , skins per Ib , 81.00tj1.85 ( ) ; oak-calf perlb , 81.20C81.25 : hemlock calf peril ) , SI. 10181.25 ! Fienchi-alf per Ib , tfl.25CnS2.10i : Simon Pieard goat per do/ , 83li.00 ( < r8l8.00 ; bootleg Moroeeo per foot , 30ij:35c ( ! : calf kid per foot , 35c ; loans per doz , S'J.OOC"-810.50 ; white and yellow liu- ings per dcu , 8S.OO ( $10.00 ; pink linings per doz , S7.00ci ( S'J.OO ; Kusselt linings , S7.- 00) ) blacksmiths' apions per dozen , S12.00 ® 814.00. PAPEll Straw paper , 3c ; Itnj ; iwper , Ic ; dry goods paper , 7c ; manila paper , lOc ; news paper , 8c. COAL Cumberland blacksmith. 812 ; Morris Bun BlcKshurg , 812 ; Whitebreasl lump , S ( > ; Whitebreo-st nut , $0 ; Iowa lump , SO ; Iowa nut , 80 ; Bock Spiings , § 8. Hides , Furs , Etc. HIDES-Green butcher's hide , OJ ; green cuicd hides , 8c ; green Kilt , part"cuicd hides , SfWfllc ; dry Hint , found , iii ; ( > ll Ic ; dry calf and kip , 12ci ( > 13c ; dry fait hides.Kiiund , ll12c ; given calf. wl. K to 15 Ibs. . 10d < > l Ic ; green calf , wt , nuclei 8 Ibs , per fckin , 50c ; gieen pelts , 81 COL ( 1 1" ! green lamb skins , Si 10@1 25 ; damaged hides , tvvo-thltd late , ( cut scored and one grub , two- thirds : rate , ) branded hides 10 per cent. oft. C'oon : skins , No. 1-Ific ; No. 2 , 'Me ; No. 3 , ' 'Oc ; No. I , lOo. Mink , No. 1 , 50c ; No. 2 , HOc ; No. 3 , Ific ; No. I , fie. Fox , No. 1 , OOc ; No. 2 , 25c. Skunk , No. I , black , 05c ; short fctiipe-lOc ; narrow stiipc , 'i > c ; broad stripe , lOc. Tallow , 5 } . Wool. Merino unwashed , light , 1 l ( < ? 10c ; heavy , 1315c : medium unwashed , light , 18 ( 20c ; tub-washed , choice , ! ! 'Jc ; f.iir , HOc ; clingy and w. , 2Sc ; buiiy , black and cotted wools 2@0c less. Shot. SHOT.-Shot , Sl.OO ; Buck shot , S2.15 ; Oiiental Powder , kegs , . 0.40 ; do. , half kegs , S3.4S"do. ; , juarter kegs 81.87 ; Blast , ing , kegs. 83.35 : Fuse. i > cr 100 feet 50c. Heavy Hardware List , lion , rates , 82 80 ; plow ttecl , cast , "ic ; cast tool do , 15 ( ? ? 0 wagon hpc > kes'Het , 2253 ( 00 ; hiioslpcr net , 1 23 ; felloes , unwed dry , 1 40 ; tongues , each , 75L'85c ( ; axles , each , 7oc ; Hiiuaio Hutu , i > er Ib , 7@llc ; washers , peril ) , 8@18c ; rivets , perlb , lie ; coil chain , per Ib , Ofe)12c ) ; malleable , 8.c | ; iron wedges , Oc ; ciowb.irs , Oc ; hariow teeth , 4c ; hoi-seshoes , per keg , 5 00 ; wpring steel , 7f i8c. NAILS 10 to 20d , 315 ; 8 to 10 , 310 ; ( id , 3 03 ; Id , 3 ! > 0 ; 3d , common , 4 05 : 3d , fine , 0 15 ! clinch , all sies , 4 'JO ; ( id , casing , 4 40 ; 8d casing , I 15 ; 10d casing , 3 'JO ; 10.1 finish , 4 40 ; 8d finish , 4 05 ; Oil finish , 4 'JO ; half kegs , lOc extra. Paints , Oils and Varnishes. PAINTS IN OIL White load , Omaha P. P. , 7c ; white lead , O. P. k C. Co.pure , Ou ; Marseilles giccn , 1 to fi Ib cans , 20c ; French zinc , green seal , 12c ; French zinc , red Heal , He ; , in varnish asst , 20c ; Fiench rince , in oil asst , 15c ; Bavv and burnt umber , 1 Ib cans 12c ; raw and burm Sienna , 13c : vandyke brown , 13c ; icfined lampblack , 12c ; coauh black , lOc ; ivory black , lOc ; drop black , lOc ; Prussian blue , 80c ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chrome green , L. M. & I ) . , Me ; blind and Hhuttcr green , L. M. & D. , lie ; Paris green. 18c ; Indian red , Ific ; Venetian red , 'Jc ; luscan led , 22c ; Ameiican Vermiliod , I , & ! ' . , 18c ; chrome yellow , L , , M. , O. & D. O. , 18c ; yellow ochre , ! lc ; golden ochre , 10 ; patent dryur , Cc ; graining colors : light oak , daik oak , walnut , chestnut and ash 12o Dr Pain i White lead , O c ; French zjnc. lOc ; Paris whitcing 2Jc ; whiting gilders , IJc ; whiting coml , lie ; lampblack Gcnnan- town , lie ; lampblack , ordinary , 8c ; Prus sian blue , 55c ; ultiamaiine , 18o ; Vandyke , brown , 8c ; nmlxjr , burnt , Ic ; uml > er , raw , Ic ; sienna , burnt , -Ic ; Kienna , law , -Ic ; Paris green genuine , 35c ; Palis gieen com' ! 25c ; chioino gieen , N. Y. ' 20e ; chrome green K. , 12c"ycrmilllon ; , , 70c ; vermillion - million , Atncric.i , 18c ; Indian red , )0c ) ; rime pink , lie ; Venetian lead , Cooksona , 2ccnetian ( red Am. , 1'jlc ; ii'il lead , 7Jc ; enroinoyellow , genuine , 20o ; chioino yel low , K , , J2e ; ochie , locholle , 3e ; ochre , l-'rench , 2/c / ; ochie , Ameiican , He ; Wintei'H mineral. 2Jc ; lehigh blown , 2Jo ; Hiianiuh brown , " \c \ ; Piincu'ti niineiid 3c ; VAltNISHES Biirrch per gallon. Furniture , uxta , $1 00 ; fumltuie , No. 1 , 'Me' furniture , U , 75c ; coach , extra , SI 25c ; Coach , No. 1 , SI 00) ) Daiuar , 81 25 ; Julian , 70c ; aHplmltiim , 70c ; shellac , 8350 ; hard oil finis , 81 : tO. OILS 110'carbon porgallon , llji150 ! ) * headlight , jier gallon , llijo ; 17.V he.idlight iicrgallon , lOc ; crystoline , per gallon , 20c llncecd , inw , per gallon , COc ; Liiuccd , bnil- iil , per gallon , Me ; lard , whiter ttr'd , per gallon , 88c No , 1 , 07c , No. 2 , 57c ; c.intor , , XXX , per gallon , DJC , No. 3 , 87c ; sweet j , pergaljon , 85c ; Hpenn , W. B. , per gallon , S ! 35 ; fiishjW.B , , jier gallon , OOc ; neiiUfoof , extra , per gallon , 75c , No. 1,05 ; lumber ! , eating , zero , per gallon , HOc , mnnmur , 15c ; golden nmehlne. No. 1 , per gallon , 35c , No. 2 , 28c ; Hpenn , nlgnal , ) ier gallon , 80c ; tur pentine , per gallon. fiSc ; napthu , 71 dej ; , per gallon 18o , 03 cleu' , 17c. Liquor , ALCOHOI. 187 prooh ? 2 10 > cr vvinu gallon , extra California ts , 187 proof at 118 jicr proof gallon triple refined spirit * . 187 proof , SI 10 ; JM.T proof gal ro-dlstllled whiskieg , 8100ail ( 50 5 iinu blended , 81 fX ) 2 W ) ; Kentucky bour bens , 8200@7 00 ; Kentucky and reunsyl- vania ryes , 82 00@7 00. 1,1 , tViin.'c T .i $ ( J 00@1COO- ) ; domefctio 1 40@4 00. ( JINS-Imixjrted , 4 50@0 00 ; domeatic , 140ff300. ( HUMS Iinjwrted C0@0 00 ; New England. 2 00&4 00 ; domettic. 1 50 < 53 ! 50 ; PEACH AND APPLE BHANDY- 1 75i ( > 4 00. CHAMPAGNES Imported per caw , 20 00g3l ( 00 ; American , per case , 12 00 ® 1800 , CLAlll'.TSPer case , 4 M > ( rf > 10 PO. WINES -llhincwiiiP , i > or < w , 00 ; CaUv\ \ , per case 4 OOCrf 7 ( X ) . MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH Council Blnffli Qonornl Market. t OUNCII. Bt.VtTS. July U , Wheat No. 2JKKfrSl3c. Corn Fair demand ; 25CTIS.V to * hippon. Hay- - Fair market , with pilotat ? * . Oats Market quiet ; No. 2. W. . Butter lOc. ECKS lOc. Cattle Ueof , S3M > @loO. Sheep -8,1 Mtti I M. . , Hogs - Light dcmancl , pncc > < < ! ; .V.i ' > 00. Potatoes -Now , 81 23 pel 1m ; KI , 75C l > cr bushel. Onions $200. Wood Market cpdel , with supply ; 87 50. Poultry Sl ilOc. lho-Xo. 2,80c. B.uley No. 2. We. _ Grnml Junction Mnrliot GlIANII .lll.NCTlON. In. , .luly 14. Eggs-He. Butter Fnnii Oc to lOc CliionRO Produce. ClIlC.MIi' . .Inly II , On 'Change the markets vvm- again strong and higher. The receipts of grain wcio 15,700 bushels by canal , .mil 821 rar loads by rail ; embracing " ' < t wheat , 02H of com , and 117 of o.ils , 1 , f iyu ami 3 of barley. Flour SU-ndv and firm ; jobbers buyiiiR sparingly ; common to ehmre vves. tern spiing , 4n5 " 75 ; do Mtmifsnt.i , I Wfa\ 0 23 ; lulents , ( i W ( 7 50. Wheat Spring No. 2 ruled active ami prices advanced all round , llmipts fall ing olT , toi'ether with the unfavm.dile tenor - "r of ad\iees ieceiv ed regardinx the crotis ' was the principal reason aclvniuecl for the improvement Local feeling v\is qiiltu bullish , and thcio was nu actiu' ilemimd from the ichort Mm kit openecl about Jo higher than the clc < ui ) ; tiguros lavt evening ; steadily nilviviiciHl , 'e addi tional , then lluctuatcd within a xmall tango and finally closed nt 1 PJi 1 12J for cash ; 1 12J for July ; 1 13J f.r , August ; 1 llj ! for Seitember ; 1 11J f"i October ; 1 Ollgdi 1 O' ' i for the year. X > 3 spring , in fair request , i > ; ) ( Ii)10l ) , accwiclnii'to looa- tion ; injected do. 7 iGf84. Corn -Good business wan li.uisactod and the feeling was firmer ; nroniipanicd with a mateiial aihnnco in piieiK , though outside figuivs worn not fully maintain ed. Iteceints were not quitf as huge , while the shipments weio moilei.ito. Spec ulative demand luisk , ami shipping inquiry active for all grades. 1'riees weio aiiviuiced ! j@Jcnbove the clo-in ligmes of yesterday , and finally closed with nhout year ; new high mied10 | ( IliJ ; now mixed , -13 ; rejected , -12. D.irloy DulIjJolferingH Inuiti'd and de mand : light ; No. 1 ! numinnlly 1 00 for cash ; 88 \ for September. 1'oikIn miidorato reiptc.ul ; f.iir busi ness transacted at an advance ul 10y ( 15c- ; ini'sH doted at 17 ( M ) ( .17 I > ,1 foi i-.ish , An- ( lint and September ; 1 1 25 for tlio ; 15 I2i .fiiiiiiary. Lard In brisk inquiry eailv in the day ami advancedlO@12.U- . lint tin- advance was not mnintniiied ; olfeiitigs fiw1 : elmed I'-'JOJor c.isb ; 11 ' .L'i@ll ! > . " for All- gu t : 11 70 for September ; 11 50 for October and the yeai. fliOnts Liberal ndvimec wan gained in prices for e.wli and August anil lur longei duiiveiiuH. Moderate improvement WAN also established. Upward Undone ) ' of piicenfor other ccicals and veiy good Biicculativo deiunnd created a Ktiongcr feeling , at tliu B.IIIIO times checking oiler- ings. Kmlyin the M.-IMOU ti.uling wan iputo brisk , but a more iuict m.irkut was cxpetiunccd toward tin close. No. 1 ! and No. 2 whit * closed at : il iL' ( WJ cash ; It'.ij for July ; 28J { for August ; J7i fm .Septem ber : 27 for October and the ycai. Uye Quiet and firm ; not uiiiih doing ; No. 2 , Mi for cash ; 111 fur July ; Kl for Au gust ; 80 for September. ISnlk Meats In good dcmanil ; firmer and higher uarly , but closed easy ; Hlioit libs 8)5foi ! ) JulyJ8tJ5 for August ; 8 ! ) rifer for September , Wliifky Steady at 1 10. UeceiptH Flour , 12,883 hbh ; . wheat , 02,478 bn ; coin , 270,2l > ! > Im ; oatn , 73- 13t bu ; rye , 840 bu ; barley , 1,200 bu. Shipments Flour , 20lW. > bhhi ; Wheat , 01,107 bu ; Com , 237.001) ) Im ; ? Oats 28,008 bu. ; rye , -100 bu. ; barley , l.OM ) bu. Iiivo Stoolc. OIHC.VCJO , July 1 1. 1 fogs Bcecipts 25,000 ; shipments fi ; 100 ; inaikct hteady and values ( inner for a time , but closing weaker ; mixed packing , U'05@0 ; choice heavy , ( ! I0@075 : light hogs , 01 , ' ! 0c ( > 0 00 , mainly at 0 f 0@0 BS ; jiigH and light Yorkers , ! i 00i/T. ( 05. Cattle JleceiptH , 7,000 ; hliinments , 3- , O ; very full offerings of nearly all kinds ; fat cattle. fi@10 cenU lowci ; exports , ( i 00 ( u 030 ; good to choice shipping , fi tQ@ ! > ' .15 ; common to medium , 4 Mji,5-10 ) ( ; native butchers' , ' 2 40@3 'JO ; HtoeU-iH and feeders , 2 50 ® 1 50 ; thiongh Texan" , of common to fair cptality dull nt 2 70fn3 00 ; good to choice , scarce and in very good demand at 330 ® I 25 ; Wyoming distillery cattle of common quality and 1,150 pounds weight , 4 00 ; thin grasii cattle very plenty and al most unsaleable , except at considerable le- dnction ; all desirable Block used at the de cline noted. Sheep Receipts , 1,400 ; shipments , 000 ; very active demand for all good sheep both on export and eastern shipping account ; inferior to fair , 300 < S(4 ( 50 ; good to choice , 5 00@5 40 ; extra , fi 005 H ) . Now York Produce- NKVV YOIIK July 11. Flour Moderate demand and steady. Wheat ifejic higher and moderately active ; spot sales of No. 2 red winter at 1 27 1 28) ) ; of No. 3 do at 113 ; of No. 1 white , 1 251 25i ; miuil winter , 127 ; No. 3 tipriiig , 115. Corn i@lc higher for Hiiot and slightly higher for options ; de-maud fair ; spot sales at5U60/c ( / ; No. 2 at 51 ; No , 3 , fi8c ; No. 2 white , r > 2e ; and 52c for tcamcr mixed. Oats Firmer and in moderate ieiucnt | ; No , 1 white , 4Uc ; No. ' 'do , 42Jc ; No. 2 mixed , -PJ J2Jc ; No , 'No , 41o JlyoNominal. . Barley Nominal. Pork Finn and hlglu-i ; demand moder ate ; mess for early delh.iy , lHOOil825. ( Laid Strong und in fair demand ; hpot sales of western bteam at 13 00 ; and city do , at 11 874. Beef Unchanged. Cut Meats " t. Louis Proiluoo. ST. I.OUIH , July II. No.'Ji-oii , 11105 foi i- h and July ; 1 Ifii for August ; 1 15'/lor ' / hcrpteinber ; 1 KIJ for October ; 1 15 for the year ; No. 3 , do , 1011. C'om HWit-r and f hly active ; -103 ® Kio for cimli : 45J for .luly ; 'lOJ for August ; Ki/ / for .September ; \ kfor October ; -12) ) for the year , Oatu Finn and hkhcr nt .Ti5'for : / cash ; 372 f"r August ; -i"o hid for Septem ber ; 27o for tlio yi-ar. llyo-Bcurco at 1 00. JJarluv < juiet No. ' ; - njirln nt 00. IJutter ( Juiet and uncliainjud. Kggs-CJuiet ut ( ifeHc WhlBkBV Steady at 1 03 , 1'oikUglier at 81775. Dry Salt Meats1'irm ami higher at 0 80@ ! ) 10 < , ! t 40 , liocoii Active , str"iig and higher at 7 25. l rd-12 25. Toledo Produce TOLEDO , July 14. Wheat-Firm ; No. 2 rrd , August , 1 ICIi ; September , 117 ; OctoK-r , 117j | ; year , 110 ; iiewNo.2red , i204hid. Cora Firm ; high mixed , 51c ; year , 40O401. Oatn-FinnjNo.-2.371c , S. P. MORSE & CO. , Cash Jobbers and Retailers of 1319 FARNHAM STREET. On Monday July llth , and During ; the Week , We invite attention to the greatest bargains it has been our good fortune to offer , We advise an early call and assure the public that nothing can be duplicated elsewhere for anything like the money , DRESS GOODS , 2700 yds. nil wool Huntings , 8c. . l > or yd. 1000 ! yds. Daw Goods , silk ami wool niul Kiiney Hrocndus , H > c. yd. LAWNS , OROANDIES , LINENS. ! 1000 yds , bust Lawns and Orguu- diun , (5c. ( | yd. All our Ijinon Lawns reduced to liic. 'JOOOyds. JJcst Dross fluid Oii'i- } hams & \c. \ MOO "yds. Widest I'orcnlus , light and dark , lOo. i000 ! ydii. Hunt Cheviot Shirtings , llUe. S. 1' . MORSE , t CO. CHEAPEST O 2E& 3E3 [ In the West. LADES , EMBROIDERIES , LACES. 1)200 ) yds. Linen Lnco , 1 ti ; II in. ( loop , lOo. yd. 000 yds. Vermicelli Lace , 2 inch ileop , lOo. yd. 500 yds. Dutchoss , I'nloni ; , Miro- cotirt Lace , lf > c. yd. 100 pieces KmbnmloricH , full inch deep , Op. yd. IfiOpiccus up to 2 inches , lOc. yd. L'OU pieces up to fi inches deep -fie. yil. 100 pieces up to ( I inches deup , li.'ic. yd. Tliesu uinbroiilorius cannot bo ] > ur chased in any otherntoru , castor west for double the monoy. Call early. S. MOHSK & CO. HOSIERY CORSETS MITTS . , , , 20 styles Indies' fancy seamless uud nilk-clouked lloso ut 'Joe. ; worth f > 0e. , to THc. 10 styles children's Hcamloss Hose , 2tc ! a pair ; 'orth f > 0c. to 80c. 100 dozen of our ladies seamless "Halbrigganlloso at 2fic. ; this huso is ntrong , line , durable , is controlled by our linn , and is not to be had else where. Fine summer Ualbriggan Hose $1.00 , $5.00 , 8.00 | ! dozen. 2f > dozen ladies' pure lisle thread seamless Hose , fast colors , silk em broidered fronts , JIOc. ; worth , 2.00 a pair. 20 dozen unbreakable hip 100-bono Corsets at 75c. ; woith § 1.25. ; 20 dozen silk Mitts , all col era , ex tra long , 75. ; worth § 1.25. S. l > . MOKSE , t CO. DOMESTIOS , DOMESTICS , PRINTS fiO pieces Genuine Lonsdalo Cambria 12e. HO pieces Fruit Lonsdalo and Hill Muslin , -Jo. 10 pieces' ) wide Sheeting , 20c a yard. HO pieces best Unbleached Muslin , 7lc a yard. Host Prints , 5c a yard. S. T. M011SF & CO. Western Agency for Celluloid Collars. Dealers Supplied. s. P. MOUSE & co. , PlttsburB OH Mnrlcot. I'lTTHIILItl ) , .luly 1 I , Oil markotopcneil weak with sides at 7 fie , declined to 73 ? , with heavy busiiiosH ; advanced and clewed with nnles at 7fic. Sham declines caused by reports fiom the Boyle well at llivhbuiv. The well was tor pedoed yesterday , and has been flowing since , reported doing over 100 buriols per day. Shipments yesteiday OH,72 ! bar- rels. Sales of Oil t'ily yesterday 800,000 banols , lefiiied at Nuw Vork Sc ; at Ant werp , lyj)1- ) , Flttnlinrp ; Llvo Stoolc , PlTTHIIlWII , . 'illy II. Cattle Sluvv and unehanged ; leceipts , 7IH head ; hhipmcnts , 1,581 head. Hogs I leceipts. 1,300 head ; ship ments. 1,000 head ; Pliiladulphlas , 0 70m ( 4 80 ; Yoikers , 0 f > 0a 0 00. Sheep Finn and unchanged ; receipts , 400 ; head ; shipments , 1,000. Philadelphia Proiluoo. Piui..viiii'JiiA ) : , .Inly II , Wheat 1 20 for cash ; 1 211 1 2IJ for .Fiily ; 1 212 for August. Coin Firm ; 55 55 for cash and July ; 55\ for August. OatsSteadyHife12 ; 'for cash ; I1 | for July ; 30 > j for August. Buffalo Llvo Stoolc. NKVV YOIIK , July II , Hogs Strong ; rc-celpts , 2.J ; shipments , H ; Yorkers wiling at 0 lOfeO 75 ; good me dium weights , 0 05S,0 ( 75. KowYorlcDry Goods. Niw : YOIIK , July II , Dry j'oocls business has been only mini- ernto with packing IIOIIHCH to-day , and quietness prevailed in moxt depart ments of tliu jobbing tiade. Packing buy ers nio constantly arriving fiom jointn in tliu west , Houthwest anil south , hut tliun far their operations havu been confiiic'd rompaiiiiively to full line goixlri. Hteoily demand for plain and colored cotton * by southern and southwestern buyers , whc have lately nriived in the maiket , und i fair buniness In this connection wan 10- ported by MIIIIU cominisdion housed ami leading jobbers , but the general demunc was only mcxlcratu , hiiw-giadu bleachec cottons arc flow of xaln and accmmilatini simiewhat , but medium ciualltieri aio ii light I supply , and fine makus uio closel ) hold up as a rule' , 1'ino and heavy fin brown I sheetings continue Hold ahead 01 many of the most ponular hiamlrf , am stocks of colored cottonx , Hands , etc , , ur in uxi-ellunt shape , bomu makes of thu hit ter bring sold up to October , Prices con titiuu firm and without quotable change. Cinoiuunti Proiluoo. CINCINNATI , July 13 , Pork -Mess , firm at 818 00. Lard Quiet ; priino steam , 12 M ) , Bulk Meats Steady ; clear sides , $ 'J 021 Bacon : Quiet ; clear Hides , 10 12& . Flour Firm ; family , fi 25& 5 IX ) . icat--Hosier ; No. 2 red , 1 13J. Corn StrongerNo. ; 2 mixed , 6 . Oats Dull ; No. 2 mixed , 3'J bid. Kyo Stionger ; No. 2 , at I 05 , Barley Nominal. Whisky Firmer at 1 03. Liverpool Produce. jjiveiii'OOL , July 14 , Flour American , Oil Odll Od. Wheat Winter , ld ) 4iKSUd lOd ; whit On3d@tM 7d ; iipriiig , IhnS'J * 4d ; club , 9t 7 Ulld. Coni MEN'S ' FURNISHIN& GOODS , In this department wo allow the luryoat iwBorlmont of Mou'a Collars , Sox , Shirts , Uudurwcar , in Omalm ; whoa wo muntiou RuamlcAs socks at Ific. n pair , very bust Gollnra , ouu owx niiAND , with hand-worked buttonholes - ton-holes l'2\a. each und beat - , , beatlply Linen Cull's at 25o ix pair , flnuzo Un- dorshirtH nt 15c. each , Linen Iltiiul- koreliiofs 8c. , lOc. , 25c. All of which on o.Viimimition will bo found uqtml to thoau others nsk double the price for. Men will know that ours is the plnco to spend their money : One piico , marked in plnin figures. Wo never duvinto. S. J' . MOUSE it Co. Chas. Shiverick. FURNITURE , BEDDING , Feathers , Window Shades , And Everything pertaining to the Furniture and Up holstery Trade. A Complete Assortment of 'New Goods at the Lowest Prices. GHiS. SHIVERICK , 1208 an 1210 Farn. St. ftir21 ; mon thait Baltimore Proiluoo. j BAI.TIMOIIK , July 11. Flour Quiet.- Wheat Hnulherii nctivo ; l'ult1 20if ( ) 25 ; Longberiy , 1 2I/)1 ( ) 28 : led winter , teady ut 1 2"Cc/l 25i for cash ; 1 251 ( 25J or July. Corn Whlto Southern firmer at OOc ; 'cllmv , nnmlnal at 5H ; mived western , 55i ( < i5rJ for c.-ish and July. StLoula Live Stoolc. Kr. I.OUIH , July II. Hog-Heceipls 7,100 ; slilpii.enU U,70fl ; easier ; Yorkers , 0 10 ( . 02. ) ; packing , 0 00 t',0 25 ; choice to fancy heavy , 0 25@0 45. i'S Axle Grease NEVER GUMS ! UBUU on1 nujuii'iilMlf < BiC'1' , Hcnpcru , Thrushon and Slill Jlaclilnury. U Is INVALIIAIIIKIU PAUM- KRM AMI TKAkiHTrus , H c.uru Kiratclas ami nil klmls ufuoruo on Ilurucs and HUjik , as uc.ll anon ini'M. ini'M.OLAEK & WISE , Manuf's , 305 Illinois Street , Chicago , /JTHKKI ) FOIt 1'UIUKH. Jo Zl-Cm-bu SIBBBTT & PULLER , ATTORNEYS AT LAW , DAVID CITY , NEB. Bpotlil attention gUtn tocolloctlon * In Ilutlor county. jjll mo-Cm BTKO.X HKKD , LKWIS EKKU BYRON REED & CO. IOLDVKT Ksriui-iuimu Eeal Estate Agency IN NEIlllAbKA. Keep a comiilctc alutract of title to all Ren Ebtato In O.iuh eaU Doud&ti county. > oa > t CHEAPEST O In the West. Business College , THE GREAT WESTERN QEO. R. RATHBUN , Principal. Creighton Block , OMAHA , . . NKIIHAKKA. f JTHend for Circular nov 20il vvt ( NetoashLand Agency DAVIS & SNYDER , ICOC Farnliam Gt. , . . . Omaha , Nebraska. 3tOOOOO k.CORX:23 Carefully iclcctul lain ! In listcrn Kubrabkafor halo ( Ireat Har alns In InipratcJ fariun , and Omaha tit ) property O. I' DAVIS. WKHSTEIt SNYUIUt. Late laud Com'r U. I * . II U. < lM l > tf Notloo to Contriictoi-s. SHAI.KI ) proposals for the erection and comple tion of thci now Grainl Central Hotel at Onu- ha , Nub.or Klulicn Jlro'a. ulll bo rocclicdat tlio Wlthiiell Mouse , Omaha , anil the 1'adflc Jlouuir Ht. Joseph , Jlo. , from July llth tot o'clock } ) , m. July 2.M , Ib81. riaim ami upotllH'atlona on view at Itoth of tlio ahav mcmtlonvtl hoiuvn. Tile rluht to reject any and all hUhi Urcwurvocl. 1XKKL& 11 ANN , SOCMB Architects. J. G. RUSSELL , M. D. , HOMCBPATHIO PHYSICIAN. DUoajo , of 'Children and Cluronlo Diseases k Specialty. Oflk'0 at Kealdence , 2009 COM btrett , Ifourt U to 10 a , tn. , 1 to 8 p. m. , aud Mter e u. m. aulOdlm John G. Jacobs , ( Formerly of Ql li 4 Jacob * , ) UNDERTAKER. No. UlTFarnhamBt. , Old Stand ol Jacob 01 * . HTOrden by Ttleir l > U Solicited. p27-ly ®