Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 14, 1881, Image 8

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THUKSDAif , JULY 14 , 1381 ,
Thursday 'Morning ' , July 14.
Fattenon sells coal.
Get your hats nt Donne' * .
Drink Snxo's Peruvian Beer.
Smolco Saxo's hand made lOo
A. W. Jsuson , Dentist , Jacob's block.
Everyone drinks Saxo's Cream Soda.
Natural Mineral Wntcr on draught at
Kuhn'fl drug store.
For me Commercial Job Printing ,
all at THK BKK Job rooms.
Great rush for Drew Goods nt At-
IcinsonV ; low prices will tell. jy2-tf
The Lion continues to roar for Moore's
HarncRfl and Saddlery.
Wliipple , McMillan & , Co. , the jewel-
era , Crcti'hton Block. o2G-tf
Irc crltoii8 ] ! a specialty , Opwn House
Pharmacy , 211 S. Ifith Street.
Safes , machinery , nnd all kinds of
heavy hauling done by Brleco & Co , , the
wife men. w&s-lf
Look out for sneak thieves nnd pickpockets -
pockets during the circus parade to-day
About forty oar loads of cnttlo passed
through the city from the west Tuesday ,
trills business is just now very brisk.
At 2 o'clock yesterday the thcr.
inometcr indicated nix ml 00 degrees in the
i Faniham street.
Albert Thomas residing nt 1421 How
ard street wan overcome by the heat yes
terday and In compelled to keep to his bed
for li wcscnt.
Leslie Egan , wlioYM so badly injured
on the Fourth that it was thought ho
would lose his eyesight , In recovering. His
eye will not ho permanently Injured.
The rules nnd regulations of the Water
"Works company have been printed nnd nre
now being distributed. Applications will
now bo received from those desiring water
in their houses.
A picnic will bo given by the Bohemi
an gymnastic club nt South Omaha-park
next Sunday. It will bo preceded by *
street parade , participated In by the
Turners nnd other societies nnd followed in
the evening by n ball in Bohemian hall.
The express from the wont ever the
TT. P. yesterday was well loaded with pas-
Hcngerw. There were three sleeping coaches
-with every birth occupied , thirty of them
being taken nt Denver.
There is n good deal of fault being
found over the fact that an old frame
building on Harnoy street and another one
on Eleventh street nro allowed to blockade
these thoroughfares.
Officer Gorman found a man on the
fltrccts last night In a helpless condition
-who said lie was following and betting on
-the Omaha racer "Wild Irishman. " Ho
proved to bo u drunken tramp and did not
even know the naino of the city.
The trial of "CrankoylJlll.tho fellow
who Hhot at people on Douglas street night
"before last , wns not held last evening ns
announced , but was postponed until .Sat
urday next , when the district attorney
will bo nt homo. In the meantime
"Crankcy Uill" languishes in the county
jail for nafo keeping. The officers say the
only insanity lie was affected with was
II. A. Doud , of Nebraska city , arrived
in town yesterday.
Gen. Maudcrson has returned from lake
Minnctonkn. , '
L. II : Stiles , of Sandwich Ills. , is nt
the Metropolitan ,
C. C. White , of Vali < araiso , was "among
yesterday's nrrivals in Omaha.
Hon. C. T. Williams of Wahoo , is regis-
tcred at the Creighton house ,
Kev. Geo. L. Dorsoy , of Parkinsburj. ' ,
Iowa , Is btaying nt the Canflcld house.
.Tosepji Hell , ticket ngent r.t the U. P. ,
depot left 'yesterday on n trip to Lead ,
Prof. Samuel Aughey , of the State Uni
versity at Lincoln , is utaying In the city
for n few dayu.
W , J. Johnson , arrived In the city to
day from Chicago and put up at the
Huntington Brown , of Mansfield , 0. ,
arrivedIntho city ycaertdayand registered
At the Creighton.
W. W. W. Jonen , of Lincoln , state
superintendent of imblio schools , is amoiig
the guest * nt the Crcighton. .
0. W , Wheeler , of Brownsville , afflx-
cdhls signature- the Creighton house
Tegister yesterday.
W. C. Coup the showman , accompanied
by liU wife and child , are staying at the
Will 11. llcdick , loft yesterday for
lake Mtnnetonka , where ho will spend his
vocation , returning about August 1st ,
Frank Gclse , a well known lawyer of
York , Pa. , lias bem in the city for several
days a guest of Coroner Jacobs. Ho left
yesterday for Denver.
Chas. 8. Pfeiffer , of St. Joe , who has
a contract for furnishing ouch vtono as is
iieccHsaryln the construction of Doyd'a
opera hoiuo , is stopping nt the Crolgh-
Mrs. Jameson , wife of Dr. Jameson of
this city , accompanied by her non left the
city to day for n visit among her friend *
nt Decatur , Ills. Dr. Jameson joins his
family the first of August , and enters Into
his new field of labor , at Sayinaw city ,
Frank Parks , the present "city editor of
the Lincoln Globe , nnd Will Plckett , foreman -
man of the Globe newsroom , are in the
the city , visiting Kugeno Montgomery.
They are on their way tolakuMinuvtoiika ,
Harry Hall , transportation agent of the
"Vaudalia , goes south this morning.
J , P. Lindsay , of Indlanola , Iowa , [ a in
the city. lie Is staying at the Withnell.
Nath. Brown , of St. Louii , western pa * .
> > enger agent of the O , B , & Q. , is at pres
ent in the city.
Ceo , N. Clayton , of Kansas City , gen
eral western passenger agent of tlio Wa-
hash , Is in the city.
Joh'n High , general passenger agent of
the GreatWestern ; and Canada Southern ,
lias arrived in the cityi
Mrs. Smith , a relative of the late Mra.
Morrow , arrived yesterday afternoon from
Carbon , Wyoming , for the purpoee of ac
I companying the remains back to Pcunvyl
How Ho Improves Each Shin
ing Hour.
And Gathers Honey Wlion the
Weather Is Pino.
A reporter visited Mr. Theodore L.
Von Dorn'fl npinry tlio other day nnd
in n conversation with him elicited
some information which will no doubt
prove of interest to the readers of
Tin : Bun.
Mr. Von Dorn 1ms given the sub
ject of bee culture considerable atten
tion , Ho considers that there is plenty
of room for more nniarics in Omaha ,
nnd that there is n fine opening for n
profitable business to bo done in sup
plying honey. As things nroho Bays ,
the demand is far greater than the
At the present time Mr. Von Dorn
has thirty-fh'o colonies but ho fully
expects to Imvo forty-five before the
end of the season. Each colony con
tains an average population of thirty
thousand no that at present Mr.
Von Doni is the guardian
of no loss a number than ono million
and fifty thousand little bocs Proba
bly ho. has more ns ho says some colonies
nies will average forty thousand or
oven fifty thousand bocs. A bco has
not como to maturity until it has
reached its twenty-first day. The boo
shows a good deal of tact in dealing with
foreign intruders. If they como load
ed they are welcomed into the hive , hut
unhappy is the invader who comes
empty-handed , all lie will got is stings.
The boo will lot any honey making
material enter the hive but nothing
can bo taken out. Great deference is
shown to the queen bco. The other
bees will watch ever her nnd feed her
continually. Occasionally the queen
will take u short vacation but will
always return to her hive unless she
happens to meet with n fatal mis
adventure. A good quo'jn
will lay no less than
twenty-five hundred eggs a day. Some
queens have been known to lay ns
many as four thousand eggs per day
and that continuously tor a month.
The average price of n good queen is
three dollars. The bees rarely extract
from flowers close to their hives. They
prefer to go sumo distance , and fre
quently they will go several
lilos to got what they require ,
ecs are sold by weight early in the
uason they fetch § 2.DO per pound ,
ie price now is ono dollar per pound ,
'ho ' weather has a great influence on
lie bees ; if it is wet or damp'but ht-
lohonoymaybo oxpected. In the
inter too , they don't do any work ,
'rom the first of May till the end of
uno is tliu tinio they produce the
ices and during Juno to
ho first of July the most honey ,
rom October till April , if warm
catlior , they will fly occasionally.
They never lay any eggs in frosty
veathor. During the winter months
hey lie in a dormant state and con-
iumo the honey they Imvo stored in
ho summer. The boo has two
tomachb. In the first they carry the
loney to the hive , and the second
tomach is used for digesting their
boil. When n boo has any honey to
leposit in a cell ho contracts the mus
ics of his first stomach and forces the
onoy out. It would pay farmers
; enorally to hoop bocs. Darwin says :
'No bees , no seed ; no seed , no in-
ireiiso of the flower. " IIo saya that
.wonty . heads of white clover visited
iy boos produced 21)90 ) seeds , while
.wonty . heads so protected that boos
; ould not visit them produced not ono
The Italian bco is considered the
st. Mr. Von Dorn has como which
voro brought straight from sunny
[ taly. A very good price is often
jivon for n good quoon. The boo ,
tike everything that is mundane , has
Ills onomiea , It suflbrs more or loss
.nnoyanco from the boo hawk , the
boo louse , lachina , mice , spiders and
flics ,
Mr. Von Darn's opinion was tlm
, hcro is quito a field hero about foi
profitable boo culture.
Delinquent * ! Pay Up.
County Treasurer Hoins yes-
; ordny began to "whoop 'om up' '
'or the delinquent tax-payers of th
present and former years. The sub
oct of back taxes has become quito r
serious problem. Under the law th
amount ot delinquent taxes comes ou
of the treasurer's salary unless h
nnko affidavit that ho tried to levy or
the goods of persons not paying uj
and was unable to raise the money.
No Cnro for Snoring.
To the Editor of The lieu.
A recent number of THK BKE contained
tainod an article copied from The Nov
York Sun , in which a prominor
physician gave it as his opinion tlm
snoring was caused by broathin
through the nostrils and mouth at th
same timn during sleep , and that
themouthwaskopt resolutely shut , thai
horrifying , sloop destroying soun
would bo vanished.
Now , I can nllinn to my grief , after
an experience which has cost mo many
hours of sloop , that the reverse is
equally true. My room-mate possesses
olfactories of'40-horso wind power ,
with an equal capacity for producing
a continuous gurgling sound not tinliko
the distant rumbling of thunder. I have
argued and persuaded oren to exas
peration , but it only increased his
dulcet treble more and more. When
I read tbo above mentioned article I
thought relief was near , and laid my
plans to plug his nose or mouth and
thus obtain hours of unbroken re
pose. They failed to bring mo the
much-needed relief. I have hold his
jaws tightly together and scaled his
mouth with my hand , but to my horror
ror nnd amazement ho struck n higher
key and continued his blood-curdling
snore. When I cried out in ngony ,
"Will you let up on that snore ? " the
answer came to mo in echoes , "Never
more , nevermore , " I despair of relief
now , unless I shut oil' his wind entire
ly , in which event not only myself ,
but the neighbors , would bo greatly
Look Out for Tliom.
The advance guard of sneaks nnd
potty thieves that usually follow in
the wake nnd with n circus company
has arrived in Omaha in anticipation
of Coup's display to-morrow. THE
BF.F. would suggest that silver ware
and trinkets be not left around too
loosely for the next few days.
They Hold an Important Ses
sion Last Evening.
A mooting of the land league was
hold last evening in Clark's hall , Mr.
Gray , the president , was in the chair.
Mr. Donovan informed the meeting
that ho had forwarded to the Irish
World 8300. The president an
nounced that at n meeting held at the
Croighton House last Monday the ox-
ccutivo committee decided that a
meeting will bo hold on Sunday after
noon next nt the Catholic union li
brary at 3 o'clock. Mr. John Hush
said that last week ho was presented
with n cnrd of membership in the
Red Oak , lown , land league. This
card was a masterpiece in design , and
had some very suggestive inscriptions
upon it. Ho thought it would bo a
good thing if the Omaha land league
had similar cards. On paying the
initiation fee (25 ( cents ) a member
should bo presented with a card ,
lie called the attention of the moot
ing to the important fact announced
in The Irish World , that many of the
Irish constabulary were resigning.
A resolution was then proposed and
carried that the executive committee
bo instructed to order 300 cards from
The Irish World. Mr. Rush then
read the following resolution , which
was carried unanimously :
"WiiEUEAs , The Evening Telegram
f the Oth instant published a com-
lunicntion over the nom do plume
'Nappor ' Tandy , ' criticising THE
MAHA BEU and its editor , Mr. E.
losowator , for an alleged insult to
10 Irish American leaguers of this
ity , andthatsaid correspondent wrote
s if ho expressed the sentiments of
ho Irish people ; therefore
REHOLVEII , That the Omaha Irish
Land League hereby deny any con
oction whatever with said communi-
iation and that as far as wo know it
as not been written or caused to bo
. 'ritton by any member of this orgnn-
A lively discussion then took place
u the subject of the arrangement of
10 forthcoming picnic. It was ro
olvod that the picnic bo hold in
logors1 park and to bo held on u Sat-
The mooting adjourned till next
His Little Game is Discovered
and Ho is Looked up.
Officer Vanouso late last night nr
osted n man named Walker who has
eon playing a crooked uamo for some
imo. Ho just got out of jail a few
days ago and at once started in. . "His
iatno is to go into a store and make a
mall purchase , say amounting to
n nickel's worth. In payment ho'toiv
dors u ton dollar bill. When he
receives the change ho goner'
ally discovers that ho has a nicke
about him , and so informs the shop
man returning a five dollar bill urn
the nickel , and asking for his ton clol
lar bill in exchange. His endeavor i
to confuse the denier nnd in this wa ;
cheat him out of $4.05. Ho has go
liia game down to a scientific basis an
it requires a steady head to circum
vent him. Ho attempted to play hi
game in several places and was sue
cessful in two or throe instances. Th
police were at once notified of th
business and were on the lookout fo
him when Oillcor Vanouso made th
Real Estate Transfer * .
The following transfers were recorded
corded at the county , clerk's oflic
yesterday , as reported for this paper
by John L. McCaguo , real estate
agent and conveyancer :
Byron nnd Louis Rood to Marie E.
Burmostor , parcel of Market street ,
and lots 8 , t ) , 10 , in block 2491 ,
Omaha. W. D 82,000.
Ida P. Drake , et nl. , to Win.
Hudson , lot 4 , block 11 , Heed's first
addition. W. D.-8500.
Peter Johnson and wife to Hans
Rohwor , sw J section 10 , Tp. 15 , R.
12 oast. W , D. 83,000.
Peter Faust to John A. Harbnch ,
lota 14 and 12 in block U , Horbach's
second addition. Q. 0. D. 840.00.
John I. Redick and wife to Mary
J. Rose , parcel in lot 0 , Capital add.
W. D.-8COO.
0. P. Harford ot al. , to Rodick &
Connell , w i , lot 3 , block 147 , Omaha
Q. 0. D.-81.000.
Isaac S. Hascall to Henry Fingals ,
parcel in BOO. 31 , ti > . 15. range 13 I.
oast. W , D. ? 100.
What is Transpiring Over the
Paragraphs of Personal and
General Interest.
The mercury staid up in the nttic
nil night on Tuesday , much to the an-
noynnco of would-bo sleepers
Yesterday's BEE announced the ar
rival of twenty-one car loads of Mor
mons nt Council Bluffs , on roulo'for
Utah. Seven hundred nnd seventy-
five more have recently nrrived nt
Now York nnd are now on their wny
wcstwnrd , bound nlso for Utah. They
nro Scnttdnnavians , English , Welsh
and Scotch. More are expected.
The gns company are putting down
now pipes on First street.
A force of men are nt work on lower
Washington avenue , putting every
thing in good shape.
There is no doubt that n manufac
turing boom has been begun in Coun
cil Bluffs in earnest. Every now en
terprise of this kind carries the city
forward in the right direction. But
there is no enterprise so important to
Council Bluffs as waterworks. Even
the certain assurance that waterworks
would bo built within a specified time
would greatly stimulate nil branches
of business.
People of Council Bluffs in eomo
respects nro like the crow who were
lost at the mouth of the Amazon nnd
were out of water. They did not
now they were sailing in fresh water ,
nd soiiio of them died before they
iscovorcd the important fact. Thcro
s with a mile and n quarter of Coun-
il Bluffs a spring equal if not superior
Colfax water. This spring is lo-
ated near the residence of Maria
W. A. Mynstorwcnt ever to Omaha
estcrday on business connected with
is law firm.
Three drunks and two pickpockets
oolod their issues in Judge Burko's
ourt yesterday.
Council Bluffs has a broom manu-
actory , and it is in a prosperous con-
ition under the clfcctivomanagomcnt
f P. T. Mayno.
A of business has arrived in
own , nnd says he thinks a store on
10 north side of the creek near the
our mill would pay. There are sov-
H thousand people there.
It is understood that parties are ne
otiating for the Mynstor lot , next to
110 Second ward school building , and
ontomplato the erection of a fine
rick residence very soon.
Dr. Hart is placing a now brick
idcwalk in front of his office on
VorthMain street.
Ono thousand teams were counted
iioving on Broadway nnd Main streets
yesterday and there was no tournn-
nont or circus cither.
A little boy fell into the deep cut
undo by the recent heavy rains on
Oakland avenue. Ho was resound by
omo other boys.
A gentleman at the U. P. Transfer
lepot was heard to remark : "What a
ity these people put their graveyard
hero ! It spoils the looks of the city
ind certainly must bo unhealthy. "
'ho man's name was not C. H. Scott.
A horse got loose on Pearl street
estorday forenoon and walked down
o the hydrant , nnd finding the water
111 out ho begun to eat the ice.
A sack of flour is produced every
ninuto in Council Bluffs.
J. B. Corbaloy , living near Cresconl
City , thinks crops will fall u little
short in Pottawattnimio county this
Mrs' . Ira Platner will not build the
wall in front of her city residence as
ligh as the old ono nnd will cap i
with stone , which will give the wntoi
a chance to run ever and prevent i
tumbling down in case of another
lioavy rain.
There is an old stump loft bv the
men who commenced to grade Cap
tain Henry's lot , on Oakland avenue
standing in the centre of the avenue
that measures eight foot in heigh
and five feet in width , It has remained
mainod there since last fall nnd UIUF
far no citizen has boon injured.
This column is for the purpose o
building up Council Bluffs , nnd if you
know anything that will have thu
tendency lot it bo known and it shal
go in where it will bo read froi
Maine to Oregon.
Mra. Dr. Osborn is having n vor ,
fine American granite monumon
placed ever her late luisband's grave
It is rumored that the street rail
road company nro to tear up their ol
track nnd replace the snmo with fla
iron ; a much needed improvement , ns
the present raised track impedes carriage
riago travel very much.
A number of the leading citizen
nro becoming interested lit the matte
of a tunnel under the Big Mudd )
mentioned in this column the otho
morning. The more it is thought o
and talked about the more feasible i
Omaha and Council Bluffs ought t
shako hands across the Big Mudd
and pull together ,
An eloctrio light thrown from
tower fifty foot high on the top o
Mount Lincoln would muko the cit
as light as day the year round.
Mayor Voughan has just received
over the Wnbash railroad three car
loads of extra oak lumber , to bo used
in the construction of sidewalks.
, It is understood that to Mayor
Yaughan is duo the credit of stopping
the emigrant train which was supposed
to Imvo on board the seeds of that
fatal sfcourgo Biualljwx at Pacific
Junction , nnd ho remained out nearly
all night to accomplish it.
Some citizens nro taking stops to.
procure estimates of the probable cost
of the suggested tunnel under the
Missouri river , concerning which TUB
BEB hopes to bo tiblo to publish some
interesting facta in the ncnr future.
P. C. DoVol is receiving nnd soiling
largo quantities of barbed wire every
Clay Plainer , salesman for Orono-
wcg A Schoentgon , came homo last
Saturday from n prosperous business
L. A. Casper shipped n very largo
quantity of vegetables on the various
railroads yojtorday. Anything n man
may go into in Council Bluffs pays.
Stewart Bros. , wholesale grocers on
Main street , report a very largo in-
crcaso thus far this year over last in
their business.
M. D. Fozler. traveling ngcnt for
Stewart Bros. , has recently returned
from a twenty-four days trip in No-
brodka. IIo speaks well of the coun
try. Evidences of enterprise nnd
thrift nppear on every hand. Ho re
ports nlso that Stewart Bros , have a
large nnd increasing business in Ne
braska , their sales having doubled
within n few months on his routo.
Mr. Fczlor is a wido-nwako salesman ,
Ben Rogers , proprietor of the Ele
phant Livery stable , on Main street ,
opposite the post office , is ono of the
oldest livery men in Council BlufTs.
Ho has been in the livery business
continuously for twenty-seven years.
W. Q. Morris1 carriage manufactory
on Broadway reports n fine run of
business , which is constantly increas
ing. Ho commands a largo share of
homo patronage. Mr. Morris makes
a specialty of light buggies. The suc
cess of these homo manufactories
shows what can bo done hero.
Two Boys Hurt , Ono Perhaps
Two little boys named Charley
rry and Joe O'Hearn wore standing
n Eleventh and Cass streets watcli-
ng n train of cars being shored about ,
hen ono of Motz's beer wagons hap-
'oned ' to coino along. The boys were
o intent upon watching the engine
.hat . they never noticed the vehicle
intil it was upon them , and
10 driver did not discover the
icril they wore in until it
ras too late. Both boys wore knocked
own by the wagon. Young 0'IIearn
cas merely struck upon the cheek
, nd slightly bruised , but otherwise
iscapod uninjured. The other boy ,
.owover , was less fortunate. Ono of
ho fore wheels of the wagon passed
ertically along his stomach to near
ho breast bone. The wagon was
eavily loaded with beer barrels , and
.ho . only wonder is that the boy was
not killed outright. The wagon was
topped as soon as the accident was
.iscovored , and the body lifted from
; nder the wheel. Ho was carried to
.ho residence of his parents , at 1112 ,
Ihicago street , and Dr. CofTman
ummonod. The little follow was
bund to bo very badly bruised and
o is probably internally injured. His
ecovory is doubtful.
t Strenuously Objects to
Odorous Garbage Carts.
A nuisance which requires iminedi-
.to abatement isthat of an oponslop and
'efuso ' wagon which frequently wends
is way through South Omaha to the
ity limits. The route along which it
lasses is thickly settled and
ho vehicle leaves in its
tvako a penetrating odor of the
most able-bodied character. People
ivingdown that way would just as
soon go through a little plague as to
oo that wagon lumbering along. The
odor penetrates into all corners of the
louses along the route which the
wagon passes and it requires hours of
ubor to got rid of it. Following the
ivagon is an army of scavenger ilies ,
of a slimy green variety , which dis
tribute themselves along the
route and make lifo a burden to the
inhabitants. Attention will proba
bly bo called to the matter at the nest
meeting of the council when an effort
will bo made to either liavo the gar
bage removed before it is thoroughly
decomposed , or , if it is absolutely
necessary to wait until it is in that
condition , then to have it cartoi
to its destination in an nir-tighi
Arrested fer Tlioft
Officer O'Donoghuo yesterday
arrested Hugh Richmond on charge c
stealing a fifty dollars sot of harness
from Tlios. Murray. The alleged
theft was committed in October , bu
Richmond has boon out of town since
The harness was made for Murray by
Richardson and only used a fov
times. Richardson is now locked up
A. F. & A. M.
There will bo a special communica
tion of St. John's Lodge , No. 25 ,
this ( Thursday ) evening , for work
in the F. 0. degree. Visiting breth
ren are cordially invited.
JAM EH B. BKUNKH , Master.
Mn.rrln.go Ceremony.
Cards have been issued for the
marriage of Mr. Ashbol Patterson and
Miss Annie 0. Hayden , both of whom
nro well known in social circles of
this city. The cpremony will bo per
formed on next Tuesday at 12 o'clock
in Trinity cathedral.
Why it may Probably not DO
Done After all.
The dust will soon bccoino n prob
lem again , nnd llioro is no menus nt
hands of laying it. The misunder
standing between Thomas Swift nnd
the council committee on streets nnd
grades is still unsettled nnd tlioro
seems to bo no immediate prospect of
settlement. Mr. Swift says ho is per
fectly willing to carry out the contract
ns signed by him , but if it is
desired that additional sprinkling bo
done on the alleys to either aide of
Douglas street , a proportionately
larger sum must bo paid. The com
mittee docs not seem disposed to do
this , nnd Sir. Swift , for his part , says
ho will not knuckle under. The pros
pect of having the streets generally
sprinkled is growing beautifully in
definite. Should Mr. Swift's contract
bo cancelled it will probably bo neces
sary to go through the same routine in
council nnd being advertised by the
clerk. Meanwhile it said that two
sprinkling carts have been hired , one
by Max Meyer to sprinkle Farnham
street between Tenth nnd Eleventh
nnd the other by Dewey & Stone to
sprinkle the next square west. It is to
bo hoped that the matter of generally
sprinkling the streets will not bo al-
wcd to fall through.
Watch repairing a specialty , at
Vhipplo , McMillon&Co. jy3-4t.
cures Irregu-
ar , pninful , or dillicult menstruation.
At c. F
Spectacles at EDUOLM & EUICKSON.
' i -
Napoleon did not succeed in con-
[ iiering the world , but W. II. Rob-
rtson , the blacksmith , did , not by
ar , but by natural genius. His Lit-
lo World , the greatest mechanical
ender known , is on exhibition at
219 Farnham street. Don't fail to
co it.
Ladies' and Gents' Gold and Silver
tVatches in I'rcat variety , at Whipple ,
-IcMillcn - & Go's. Jy 13-4t
Parasols cheap at the Boston Store
m 10th street.
Beauty , health , nnd happiness for Indies
At C. F. Goodman's ,
Sealed bids will bo received at 1418
Howard street , Omaha , up to
o'clock p. m. , July 18th ,
'or the renting of the entire Booth
irivileges during the holding of the
State Fair , commencing September
2th , to the 17th , inclusive , at
Omaha , for the entire dining
mil. AVarm meals privilogs and also
ho entire Booth stand privileges.
Parties bidding can bid on one or both ,
I reservoiag the right to reject any or
,11 , bids. C. HAKTMAN ,
Treasurer State Board of Agriculture.
jyii-rit .
No head-ache or hack-ache for ladies
who drink "WINE OF CARDUI. "
At C , F. Goodman's.
NOTICE Advertisement To Loan , For Sale ,
.oat . , Found , Wants , Uoardlntr , &c , , will bu In
nortec ! In these columns once for TEN GENTS
r line ; each subsequent Insertion , FIVE CENTS
wr line. The Unit Insertion never loss than
TO LOAN At 8 per cent In-
tcrcst in sums of 82,600 and
upwards , for 3 to 5 ynars , on lint-class city and
farm property. LlKMia KKAL KSTATK and
AOKXCV , nth and Douulaa Sts.
TO LOAN-Call at Law Olnco of D.
MONCV lloouiS , Urelchton IIloclc.
" \Tr,7"ANTEI > A good reliable man to work by
YV the month. Must underatand the care of
hones , cows and garden. W. J , UONNELL ,
392-15 1604 Farnham Street.
WANTED A irood girl at 1512 Davenport St ,
Good njcs paid. 309-15
- steady girl as dlshwakher ,
WANTED-A restaurant , 13th and Jackson
itruet. 400-16
A competent fir' ' 'or
WANTED , to whom itood wages will bo
[ > ad ! ; northwest corner of 2Jrd and Hurt Hts.
VTTANTED-A thoroughly competent cook
W Wages , 820 per month. MHS. 0. W
AMBROSE , Karnhaiu St. 3 5-tf
T buy a well located and estab
WANTED Ice cream , fruit and confectionery
buslncs * . Parties having euch for bale chca ]
may adrfrets balance of this week , E. M. A. , Oi ! '
cldcnUl hotel , Omaha , Neb. 397-li
ITirANTKD-Fiir Hewers , at lllchter-n , oppo
W eltc jxwtofflce. 3S9-H
- good ( 'lrl. Wsges liberal. 211
WANTKD-A htreet , bet. 2Ut and 22d streets
Uy a rcsi > cct ble girl , a place U
WANTKD the w cck as ancanibtruM. Addrvs
M. D. , 210 IStll etrtet. 33S-11
Day boarders , eouthwcst conic
WANTED Nicholas streets , $3.M per week
Competent took , food ogres.
WANTED 1618 Chicago St. 385-13
'ANTED-A Hrst-clatg cook , Ajply at
W E , corner of 10th and Davenport. 388-1
WANTED A first-class cook and stewar
W inimvUlutuly , at the Occidental hotel
An exnerlenced , lady tyi >
WANTKD . U.O. liUN&CO ! 374-U
AXfANTED-Gocxl lutliers. Apply ' S. W
W Cor. 18th mid Izard. UAl'M : WIL
UAMS. aro-u
About 100 jards of dirt at toutl
WANTED SUt and Webster.
303-13 1' . J. CHEEDON.
IAfcTKW A boy 16 or 16 ycac old , at Oma
W ha Shirt Foctorv and Laundry. 333-13
. - Milker. None but an cxpcr
WANTF.D-A baud ueed apply. Palace ma
ket , 375-13
\ T7ANTEDoodiIrl for housework. Inquire
W at 700 south 10th street , between St. Mary
aeuue aud Lcaveuw orth. 370-13
, -1TANTED-25 o rrent rs. Will pay th high ;
> V e taircsto eood men. Apply to 1613.
arnham atrcct. .nt
ANTKD Funding bridge and school ItfndS.
W H. T. Clark , n lle\ue. 20-tl
. -ir Apsrtnor or biitr. Inquire at
W Philadelphia ColTce lou ! o , 10th street.
A No. 1 n.irl > crcn find a steady
VV i situation and ( rood pay l > y Inquiring utttS )
oM number ) 16th street , OnuhaNel > . , of
297-tf C. H. FITCir.
GD Twobonrdcre. YoiinR men pre
Addruss "A. " Dee office. 140-tt
WANTHD-IIV Clothing Houses In New York
Sty , for the coming fall Undo , experienced snloo
icn. These hfi\lnc experience and coiiiniandlnir
good trade will flnj this a first tlw opportunl-
y. Apply at once , with references to A. H. C. ,
W olllio box 308 , New Ycik City.
iTTANTEl ) A good dining room gltl immcdl-
W ntclyat tlic OccldenUlhotcl. 220-tl
[ TrANTKD A girl to do general housework.
W Apply 1710 F&rnham street , northwest
corner ol 17th. 330-tf
"tTTANTED To buy ft good eUlfl. Addrcu S >
' & M. , llco ollito. 347-tf
j AT MIIS. n. E. OfjAKKK'8 No. 1 Board
j \ng \ House , cor. 13th and Dodge Sts. Best
i th city. 10-tf
. 'T 'lVo furnished , roonis on Jaeksoa
_ street ; hct ccnlOth and 17th , third house
rom the north test comer nf 17th. 370-tf
LET With Ixiard a largo furnlihcd room.
TIO A few day boardcrswantcd , 1B03 California
ircet. 390-tf
ITlOll KKNT Cheap , tno stores each with four
[ ; rooms at the southeast corner 10th nnd Cap *
ol ax'cnue. 3CO-14
SALE Four full-sized lots In Isaacs
FOR ' addition , for $400.
I71OH HUNT Three furnished rooms to
J rent. Inqulro lit Carpenter sliop next the
ice olllce. 3lG-tt
KENT Nicely furnished largo room anil
piano .S. W. comer 18th and Capital Avv.
KENT Furnished rooms. Inquire at 1818
Foil street. 606-tt
" "
FOR 11ENT 2 "furnished rooms o > cr ilcJ-
chants' Exchangc.N , K. cor. 10th and Dodge
trccts. 2S9-M
rpOH SALE A good span of mules. Innutro
L1 of 10th street Meat Market. 390-10
SALE IIouso of 5 Rood rooms and lot 20
x.100 feet , and only 7 or 8 squares from U. P.
hop ? . Price 81,050. John L , MtCogue. agent ,
ppositcpostoincc. 3Sl-tf
neil SALE CHEAP The only hotel In North
L ; Loup , Valley County , Neb. , 30 miles from St.
'atil , 16 miles from Ord. Good location , good
rode and Improving. For particulars write A.
C. . North Loup , box 0 , 371-augll
EOH SALE A good horse and buggy. Ad
dress 13. F. B. , care Itee oHlce. 373-10
1 . Oil SALE A good team of draft mules a
rTllUHELlAb Ana farasois repaired uy M.
U SCHCTT llth and Farnftiu sts. 780tf
MOIl SALE A largo two story frame shitifrlc.1
I ; roof Hotel and one story Kitchen ; aha ono
lory frame , shingled roof , hall room for ten sets
o dance , and barn largo enough to hold'tucnty
rams- All situated on corner of Broad and 4ti )
trcet , Fremont , Podgo Co. , Neb. For further
nfonnatlon apply to C. C. THOMPSON ,
358-to s-8 Fremont , DoJgo Co , , Neb.
BALK. A General Merchandise Store
Grain House , and Scales. Will hull cither
or both. Located In ono of the best grain points
on the I ) . & II. railroad. For further prrticulart )
call or address J , B. LUN1NGEU , Wa\erly Neb.
"I710K 8AI.C ft. new house , hullt two years , full
JL lot , \\ellnnd ctctythlnir complete , on Uoil Q
street , ; hctwcen 20th and 27th , No. 2019. Inquire -
quire on promUcs. 200-tf
Foil SALE A second-hand leather top phae
ton and a good second-hand canopy top jwiiy
ilueton. Also a nondelivery wag-on ,
Shop on 15th street , opposite Withnell House.
TTIOIISALE Good housa with four rooms and
J ; half lot , No. 2013 Vod'fo betueen 2Gth and
27th street. Good well and shade trees ; house In
rood condition. Inquire on premises. 221-tf
) 203-tf KSTAHROOK & COE.
[ TlOlt SAi.E W1.600 cash will buy the btock and
j flxtures of the cleanest llttlo business In the
city. Address "Uuslnoss , " care Carrier 0 , Omaha
- 210-tl
FOll SATCA Bmall engine. B. W. Payne &
Son's mike. In perfect osdcr. Innulrc of H.
U. Clark & Co. 30-tf
SAIiELcoso and furniture of a Orst-clasa
hotel in a tow not 1300 Inhabitants , in btato
of Nebraska ; has 21 beds ; the tra\ cling inen'n ro-
Bort. Inqulro at HUE olllcc. 218-tf
I71OH SALE Tvvo-btory house and part lot , near
L1 depot. Location good. John L. McCoguc ,
Opp PostOfllte. 058-tt
710K SALE House and lot 33x132 ; suitable for
warehouse. Inquire of Peterson , 10th St.
801-tf 1. > oereH irround In West Omaha.
Inquire of J. Henry , No. 110 10th. 873-tf
[ J10K iSALE Maiw of DOUKI&H ami Knriiy coun *
U ties. A. HObEWATEnir.20Farnham street
T OSTBlack silver mounted cnnc benrlinr
11 the name of I > . J. Seldcn. Finder will
please return to this ofllco. 7-11
LOST Bunch of < or 6 keys , near postothco.
Lea\esaino'and rocolve reward at Bee olllcc.
HEWAUD Lost , gold hunting case stop ,
natch , gold ropa chain and nugget at-
ached. The abet o reward will bo laid on re
turn of the watch to HUGH HcCAFFKKV ,
3 4-tf ISth and Douglas streets.
or four > oung men can be accommcxla-
THREE board. Keferenieiexchanged. Ap
ply 2011 Cass htrcct , 4th door west of 2uthSt. ,
oradilrcgH tlox 337. pohtofllcc. 343" f
ONlV ' ' 1O LOA on renl tuUto , at
M' 290-eod-10 DB.XTEII L. THOMAS & 1)110. )
r M. BllOWN-Corner 12th and Chicago
O. . streets , Is ready to bore or deepen wells.
Satisfaction guaranteed. KI3tf
rpEAMS Qan bo got at John Uarr B stable for
.1. all kinds of work at reasonable figures , near
u > r jUh : ami L < a\cnworth streets. 378-tf
FOltUET The succussorii of the Amer
ican House , on Douglas street , between Oth
and 10th , for board , lodging and transient cus
tomers. Hespcctfully
" * mm * X
Absolutely Pure.
Made from Grapu Cream Tartar. No other pro
arpation makes such light , flaky hot breads. ' )
uxurlous pastry. Can bu eaten by D > tpcptio
without fear of thrills resulting from hca\y Indl
Ke tlblo food. Soli ! only In cans , by all Grocers.
New York.