THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY JULY 14 , 188L Th Prtwltlont'iiVonndWliBro is the Bullet ? New York HmM , July 0 _ Evcrj * day of satisfactory progress dds to the confidence w ith which we hnvo regarded the hopefulness of the president's prospects , nnd ix days have now gene by without n discourag ing or alarming sigiu As suppuration is now in progress wo have reached the period of possible secondary hemorrhage , for it is the process of suppuration nnd sloughing that opens the blood vessels , if nny ho Hear to the line of tissue bruised nnd killed by the passage of thb bullot. Wo shall soon know , therefore , the ex tent of this danger ; but wo do not believe - liovo it is very great , for wo have no faith whato\cr in the theory tlint the bullet has gene in a direction uhorc it could give much trouble in that way. Wo are astonished to hear ono of the constant attendants at Iho president's bedside reported ns saying that "ho is most of the time under the influence of opiates. " What is that for ? Wo hnd supposed that the judi cious advice of lrn. ) Hamilton nnd Apncwlmd stopped thin fo6llsh d sing with morphine , which has many a time done more harm than n wound. With infinite satisfaction the people of this country have scon the presi dent pass through three stages of dan ger with far loss implication of the great functions of lifo than wns appre hended by everybody. The collapse that threatens immodialely in nil great injuries was of little moment with him ; thcro was no grnvo internal hemorrhage - orrhago , nnd no such dilfusod inllam- mation of the peritoneum ns wns looked for. Headers of The Hornld may have obsoivcd that wo have in- turprelod nil this ns the evidence tlmt the man was less seriously hurt than had been apprehended , for wo were more disposed to believe that n sur geon was nt fault in his diagnosis than that the ordinary oiipralionsof naluro wore set aside for this occasion , Yet some surgeons persist in their gloomy prosnostic.itions thnl though the pros- dent has p.usod tnrough grave crises graver ones nro to como , nnd they mention suppuration , sopliciumia , ex haustion , secondary hemorrhage , and even nrguo thnl the poritnitUin may bo tlipro , thoiiL'h you cannot find U. All tliis is possibly Into ; yel if Our view of the leasous why Iho symptoms Imvo been so sliuht hitherto is accurate these are more lnt-ilbrioim forebodings without n basis in roanon. If the ball has not gene where it was so hastily assumed it had goiiOj then there will not bo mich sopticiemia , exhaus tion , secondary hemorrhage nnd dif fused inflammation nn wo nro told to expect , nor nny but r. natural and hoallhy suppuralion , and wo may ns Avell eonlemplulo Iho case from one nido ns another. Apparently Iho ono fact which con clusively determined the filst judg ment that this ball wns in the liver 13 that Iho liver is ppposilo that point nt which the ball hit the body. It wont in here the liver is there , therefore the liver is hit. That was the ratio cination ; nnd a hasty , incompetent examination salisfiod men of the truth of what they nlroady believed. This theory kept out of Bight all the posai- bilitins of resistance nnd deflection. If the ball had gene on in the direction noted al the mouth of the wound it might have hit the livor. 33ut did it so go on ? Some considerations of the obstacles encountered will help us to judge this , nnd considerations like this nro the only help wo have. Am brose Pare had a man's head brought from n prison and drove a splinter in to his eye , that ho might thereupon observe precisely what "injuries had boon caused by the splinter that waa nt thai moment in Iho eye of Iho king of l'rauco. ] Jut nn oxperimonl- nl study of that sort is perhaps be yond Iho resources of our criminal jurisprudence , nnd wo must content ourselves with Iho logic of Iho caso. An onumcralion of the obstacles to n bullet which touches the body at the point involved will indicate nt least the more impiobabilitics of ponolrn- tion. First to bo pierced wore the garments worn -n coal , n waiatcoat , and perhaps the waistband of his pan taloons nnd the thickness of two shirts. It may bo oven thai n bullon on Iho panlaloons had lo bo smashed. Noxl comes the skin , which derives the power of resistance duo to elastici ty from the adipose tissue immediate ly benealh il. All llieso pierced the bullet would como upon the wide nponeurotic expansion of the latis- minus dorsi muscle. It must not be supposed thai the resistance .Hhoro was merely the resistance of ordinari ly muscular lissuo.'The missile did not touch rod meat , but ralhor a malorial like what in popular language would bo called whitbloalhor n lough , dense , londinous , librous tissue , capable of great resistance. Immediately beneath lliis Ho Iho uacro-lumbulis , longissimus dorsi and around each of these nt this well pro tected part of the human body is n uhoalh of fascia far tougher than the muscle itself. Next como the two in tercostal muscles ; nnd the resistance hero must bo counted as much in creased by contacl with the eleventh rib , the edge of which was chipped. Inside the rib the obstacles mo the quadratus lumborum muscle , the psons magnus muscle nnd Iho pillar of the diaphragm : those or the nponouro- tic attachments of ono or Iho other , us well as Iho very lough lumbo cosla- lis ligaments. Now , Iho lotal thickness of Iho ab dominal wall nt this point is much Creator than it is at any other part of thu body , In un * ordinary man the thickness of the wall nt this point in n straight line is about three inches ; in a man of Air. Ourfiold's structure it is at loaat four inches , lint if the direction of penetration is obliqued from the point of impact toward the uninal column nnd there is evidence .that in this case it was the bullet must pass through from five to six inches of a mass of combined muscle and facia before it could roach the liver , and then might only reach il by reflection or "carrom" from the lateral - al aspect of the spinal column. It lias boon said that n Burgeon had pass ed n Jittlo linger into the wound to n point where it could touch the liver. We would like to have the measurement - ment of Iho little finger with which this was done ; and a cast of il should certainly bo pul in some surgical mu seum. Another point of very material interest - terest as to the resistance presented would turn upon the precise attitude in which the president wnslieh ho WM hit. Since he was on his way to the cam , and walking , it is possible tliat liii right fqot was lUtod at thnl very instnht. If i&wns tlmt tact ftlont would imtfiocliatrjljf' dfiliblo the chancoi in fnvoVof 'iho ' safety m Iris liver , This turns upon tlio circumstance thai iho psoas inngnun muscle is nn extremely - tromoly Important partof lhomnchine < ry for bringing tlio thigh ( on ward nnd lifting'it toward tlio a1 > dnmon. At nn"pBinl in Iho act pi walking that inuaclo is important it : tliifl connection , for if tlio foot was down nnd behind that muscle wiu fllrotbhcd and , like n leather band , held close behind it nil the tissues in tlioyny of the ball ; but if the footwn lifted tlmt muscle was in n contracted state , hard nnd firm and doubly iin > ponotmblo by its increased thickness , Moreover , us this muscle dr.ins from the last dorsal vertebra to the thigli biino ) and thus from behind forward ucrcm the abdominal cavity , tlu tciulonoy of its contmction in this cast was to inovo nil the viscera in front ol it out of the sphere of danger. Thai muscle was the last guarantee of tin livor. Its action in contiation onlarg' od the fluid of safety , nnd when the ball got us fnrna that muscle its forct was then nearly spent , nnd the tough fibrous posterior surface was suf ficient to turn the missile up' on n now courso. It probably fol lowed the downward direction of the fibres of that muscle ip neat the place of its inferior insertion at the trochnntor minor , nnd now lica buried in the muscular faBc.cuhu on that course , in direct relation with the sciatic nerve , which it has injured. II may nome day bo cut out of the inside of the thigh , nnd until it is the presi dent may not have nn entirely com fortable foot. Indeed , the whereabouts of n ball that has passedout of sight ia to be judged with rational reference to nny recognized disturbance the beginning of which is coincident with the injury. If the hidnuya did not operate we might suppose it was there ; if there were hupatic derangement wo could imagine it in the liver ; if the stomach hud failed that would toll the latest news of the bullet , But what fnno > tion is dor.inu'od in the president's system ? Only the function of thogrcat Roiatie nerve. Mr. Garlield'a eloquent foot lias been crying out for several days that the ball is on the sciatic nerve , and the dull surgeons are maun dering about his livor. BEHIND THE BARS. HCoT7 tlio"Woultl-Io Murderer Ftvsi- os-His Time iu Washington Spoclnl to Tlio Cincinnati Enquirer. Gen. J. S. Crocker , warden of the jail in which Quitonu is confined , wns visited by representative of The En quirer with n view to learning addi tional fads relative to the prisonor'a ' actions since his confinement. The general was rc.idy and willing to con- yoiso nbout his charge , nnd his story in substance was that for two or three days nftcr his arrest the prisoner wr.s very restless , but lately nnd quieted down nnd was now regarded as ono of the most unconcerned prisoners in the jnil. In reply to n question ns to the movements of the prisoner during the day Gunoral1 Crockur said : Ho usual ly rises about 0 o'clock in the morn ing , nnd occupies the tinio till break fast is served in clearing up-hia coll. At 8 o'clock his breakfast is served. and ho shows a. good appetite and digestion , nlways returning his plates empty. Between breakfast and dinner - nor ho spends his time lolling on the c6t , reading a Bible. lie says ho in tends to rend the Bible in sections , commencing nt Genesis. This is the only reading matter athis , disposal , as the HBO of newspapers is positively prohibited For the first three days of his confinement - finomont ho frequently inquired of the guards for news of the president's condition. They had , however , boon instructed not to give any information on this subject , nnd Guitonu has not oakod any for the past four days , After dinner Guitcau walks around the cell for exercise , but quickly 10- turns to a perusal of the Bible. lie says it diverts his mind from what has occurred , nnd gives him roliof. lie was asked on ono occasion how ho pronounced his name , nnd replied "as it 'Goto.1' though was spoiled . _ The prisoner is confined in a cell eight foot long , five foot wide , nnd ton foot high. , It looks out upon a corridor eighteen feet wide , nnd 1ms ono window eighteen inoies ) wide and four foot high. ! Five bunj run porpon- diculnrly , nnd nro crossed by three parallel bars , making the opening between - twoon each space nbout five inches by ten The cell was last occupied by Bnbp Bedford , executed hist Noyom- bbr , nnd before him by Percy Brown , n grnvo rubber nnd blackmailer , who is now serving u term for the latter oHbnso. Jlrown took pains to decorate Ins cell with pictures from illustrated [ wpora. nnd four of these clippings arc iho only decorations of the bare atonu walls. They uro just nbovo the colon which the prisoner sloops nnd nro ns follows : At the top of the cell outs of Washington and his wife ; undor- nenth is a itirgo-aizod picture of Prosi' dent Garfield , nnd beneath this is cartoon from I'uelc , representing the president in the not of placing his cabinet in n tnlly-ho coach. Tno fourth nnd last picture is also from I'uck , and is entitled. "English Lords and American Loons. " On the cot ia ft straw mattress , two blankets nnd u pillow. No shoots nro allowed. Every prisoner ia-rcquirod to tidy up his cell as BOOH as ho gota up , nnd Guitoau ia generally ono of thu first at work. Gultoaii is not nllowod to como out of his cell , except to moot ollicots of the government , nnd oven then ( ho interviews nr > carried on in thu pri vate oilico of thb warden. This after noon ho requested leave to take n bath , and was taken down to the bath-room in elwrgo of Captain Coleman - man , ono of the guards. The latter stated tlmt the prisoner stripped well , nnd characterized him us n big little man , very compactly built , especially across the chest. The prisoner enjoyed the bath very much , mid after boiiiL' put in his cell ngain said ; "inni going to banish the nrosidont and politics from my mind now , and road my ' J Bible.1 pin'toau lias discarded all his cloth ing except n shirt nnd pair of panta loons , nnd goes nbout his cell baro- footodand bareheaded. His under clothing was tnkcnaway after the bath and ho was supplied with a now outfit from the prison supply. His cell is BO Bituated that the guard on duty on the first floor can see every movement of the occupant. The prisoner lias only complained of fooling unwell once since his incarcorntioii. Ho wft * ex amined bylDr. Ifoblo Young , the jail physician- , who found , that ha wet slightly costive , ntul ' gave him the proper remedy. r A week has elapsed since Guitcau f arrest , nnd ho is apparently deter mined to make the best of the situa tion. " Ho docs not look so wild aboul the dyes , but his faco' appears n trillc sallow. The only persons who have soon tlio prisoner thus far have boon DistHct Attorney Corkhill and ollici government officials , the photogninlic ; who took his picture Monday , nnd liif brother-in-law Scovillo ol - - , George , Chicago. _ liy the Apnoliov. Cincinnati F.nqulrfr , Mr. Win. E. Pugh , of this citj , undo of Thomas Pugh , the youiifj Cincinnatian , who is now supposed tc bo n prisoner in the hands of the Apache Indians , in Mexico , received alottor yesterday. The loiter Was written by n friend of young Pugh , and is in substance nbout ns follows' ' Thomas Pugh when in Californin became very intimate with General Hosecrans , nnd in connection with him became interested in the purchase of a largo much in Mexico. Last January no catno east , having in his possession n written option to pur chase the ranch nt n fixed price. Ho visited Now York city several times , nnd employed n broker by the name of Henry Alttnanto negotiate the sale of the land. Mr. PiiRli's portion was about $05,000 , 815,000 of which waste to have boon paid Mr. Altman for his services. Early last Juno Mr. Pugh wont to El Pnso , Texas , nnd thcro ho found Mr. Allman , Iho Now York broker , whom ho had em ployed endeavoring lo make negotia tions with the owner of the ranch by which ho ( Pugh ) would bo loft out of the transaction entirely. A serious quarrel look place bohvren Mr. Brewer nnd Pugh , and the former , in company with the owner of the ranch , started out to visit the proper ty in n private conveyance. Young Pugh took n stage to follow thorn to Chihtahua , n city two hundred miles southerly , and below the loca tion of the property in Moxica. On Sunday morning. July U , nt nbout y o'clock , a party of Apache Indian at tacked the coach , nnd killed nil of the passengers except Pugh , whom they took prisoner. The attack was made nbout seventy-five mile i from below Pass Del Norto , on the Chihuahua stage route. A gontlcmnn by the name of S. C. Slodo , of El Paso , came up the road , nnd found n little note in the dust. The following is a copy : "McNnnus : Pay lo bearer § 100. Draw on State National Bank , El Paso , Toxnx. I nm n prisoner. Tuos. KKV PUOH. " "Apaches have got mo. Hurry nftor mo. "Pucm. " "Sunday morning , July 3 , nt nbout 3 o'clock n. in. " The authorities of Mexico nnd the United States have sent troops nftoi the Indians , nnd every effort will bo made" to save poor Pugh if ho is still nlivo. Pugh had n presentment that some thing dreadful was nbout to occurand , said BO. Just before ho started ho put all of his letters nnd telegrams in care of the writer of the letter , in case any thing should happen. Senator Pondloton and Judge Mat thews have interested themselves ii the rescue of Mr. Pugh. Gon. W. T , Sherman lologmphs Hint ho has nc power to order soldiers into Mexico , but that ho will exert every effort in Pugh's ' behalf. Ho feara the worst , as ho says "tho Apaches never take prisoners. " Judging from the character - tor of this tribe of Indians , their fierce and bloodthirsty reputation , the pro > babilitics nro tlmt ore this Mr. Pugh has boon murdered. The fact that young Pugh wrolo the note when Iho Indians wore engaged in murdoriiu' and pillaging Iho rest of Iho passengers , is evidence that ho is possessed of nny amount of courage nnd determination. If still n priso ner , his pluck will bo n groal help in securing hia release. _ Unrivaled AH bcini * n certain cure for the worut forms of dyspepsia , indigestion , coiiHtlpatiou. impurity - purity of blood , torpid liver , disordered kidneys , etc. , and as a medicine for eradi cating every opecies of humor , Irom UN ordinary pimple to the worst ulcer , Hint- DOOK JlLOo i ) UiTTKiis Htand uurivaled. I'rico ? l.OO ; trial slzu 10 cciiU. _ jylleodlw A Bloated Body , does not nlways belong to nn inobn- nlo. Kidney troubles will cnusc bloat , but Warner's Snfo Kidney and Liver euro has never failed to re move it. ood-lw- Great German REMEDY ron mmm , NEURALGIA , SCIATICA , LUMBAGO , BACKACHE , GOUT , SORENESS onus L uiaiiiuiiiiniipiip CHEST , SORE THROAT , QUINSY , SWELLINGS 1ND SPRAINS , FflOSTf D FEET JND EARS , SCALDS , OEXERAI. BODILY PIS , TOOTHEAR ISO HEADACHE , 4KD All other Pains IMP ACHES. tit J'ttp r lwu OQ urth cnuilt Sr. Jicou UlL * lire , ii-ui. siurLZ and cuiip tutcruil Knuidr. A trul iDHUi bu tt eoiar tiillT ljr trlttlof oulUy of SO Ctsrt , tad mjr u luBfrinf witn i ia ua fcir cLop mj pcKiUvt r wf ef iu clilmi. UlULCTIONa IK CLKTEM tlNCriGtS. ( DID II All CRUOOItTJ AND DIAUIS IN NfOICIHt. A. VOOELER . CO. UaMmort , Sid. , U , S.J. . AND STILL THE LION CONTINUES TO Roar for Moores ( ) Harness AND Saddlery. I TA\O adopted the I.lon M a Tndo Maik , ajn ! all my poods will bo 8TAMPKH with the LION nndtny NAMK on thonmc. NO (1OOD3 Altn OENI/INK WITHOUT TUB A110VK BfAMl'S. The best mtcrlal Is used and the iroil skilled workmen are emplotcd , and at the lowest awn price. Anyone wishing a price-list of good will confer a faor by sending for one. DAVID SMITH MOORE. BOGGS & HILL , REAL ESTATE BROKERS , No. 1508 Fnrnlinm Street , Omen North ldo. OUP , Grand Central Hotel. If etashLand Agency DAVIS & SNYDER , IGOGFarnlmm St. , . . . Omaha , Nebraska. 3:00,000 ur3L.O3Et3ElS Carefully telectcil hnd In r.ntcrn Nebraska for mlo. Great llargalns In Improved fjrn'.s , and > projicrty , 0 F. DAVIS. WKUSTEU SNYDUIl. Late. Lan.l Com'r U. IVjt U. _ 4 fcliU AQENT3 WANTED FOR FASTEST SBLU > O HOOKS or TIIK Aon 1 Founclations of Success BUSINESS AND SOCIAL FORMS. The laws of trade , legal forms , how to trans- net business , \alunblo tables , social etiquette , parliamentary usage , how to conduct public busi ness ; In fact ft Is a complete Guide to SuiccsJ for all COSUH. A family necessity. Address for cir culars and special terms ANCHOH PUBLISHING CO. , St. Louis , Mo. _ To Nervous Sufferers THE GREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Dr. J. B. Simpson's Specific It Is a posjtl\ cure for Spcnnatorrhcn , Scmlna Wcokness , Impotancy , and all diseases resulting from Self-Abuse , as Anxletj , Loss Memory , Pains In the Pack or Side , fand diseases that lend to Consumption Insanity and an carl } grate The Specific Medicine U being uscil n Ith w oniter- ( ul success. _ _ Famphlcta sent frco to all. Write for them and get full par ticulars. 1'rlcc , Specific , 81.00 per package , or six pack agca for ? S 00. Address all orders to B. BIMSIIN MEDICINE CO. Nos. 104 and lOUMotn St. IlulTalo , N. Y. Sold In Oniahi by C. K. Ooodman , J. W. Bell J. K Hb , and all uruggistao cry where. nct)23-dtwlT H EH EHH I NOTICE. ' ! ' * stau | ° ( ' " " nnnie unknown ) Knr- ilet Hcini and Mary .Shilldck , non-reHldent iJefeiHlniiU will take notice that Milton Heiidrix , of tlio county of Douglas ' , the , 'ato of Nil'raika , did on the 7th day of Jlay , 1881 , fe | his petition In the Dutrlct C < ) int tjf the Stfcto of Nt-bras. Uithiii and for tlio said county of Doug. Ian njaliibt the taid J M. stantou. Ha ? . lietlleiiii and Mary ShillCk , impleiuJed with GtHiyo JhlU , iia a McCormick , Joalalj S. McConiuck.MftttlicwT Patrick and John JS. I'atntk defendants , setting forth Umt by > irtuo of a deed is uetlby tie ! twahurer of Mid count ) , ] , „ Jaa an abso- Into title to tlio southeast quarter oftlie northwest quarter of the koutlieast quarter of fcection nine. ( U ) towu lilp fifteen (15) ( ) , jantto thirteen (13) ( ) o , in wid Douglas corn/ ty ; that you and each of kaid defendants claim to jwobome intere.t in said land , ami jiroyluK tlmt he may bo adjudged to ha\e an iiulefcMible title to said premises ; but that if his title bhouM be held Invalid. he may be decreed toha\e a lien on said land , that it may be gold to satisfy the Hixiue , and that yeAi and each of you be f or- everbedebarrtxtfi-omBettinguji or asserting any right or claim thereto. And the kald J. 51 Stanton , Harriet H mi and Mary Shillock are hereby natifiwl that they are reiuired to upiicar and answer eaid peti- i on or before the fir t dav of August , ° . * > n4jiu > juvnu i.\ , liy CLAHKSON & HCNT , hu attomeyi. Datixl Oumlia , June 23 1SS1 - wUttl Burdock V & ' mmmm fm UlT'Tf lS * f * JilTIElS II jonsuHcrtrom lytpcpja | , nso K nuxm utrrKus ttou ( ire nnilctctl ultli Biliousness < > 'c llt'llDOCK BLOOD DITTKUg IIouarc prostrated with sick Headache , take nuiiuocK ULooi ) uirmis If > our How els arc disordered , tt % uhte them w 111 liUHDOCK 1II.OOU WTTKH5 If } our Dlood Is Impure , purlfj It Ith IIUIIOOCK I1I.OOI ) IHTTF.ltS lfulia\c Indigestion , joti nil ) nndnti nntldot 111 11UUUOCK IlLOODllITTEUS If > ou are troubled with Spring Complaint * , or adli-atc them with 11UUDOCK DLOOI ) miTEIlS If jour U\erls torpid , restore Itto healthy actloi th llUnUOCK HLOOI ) IllTTKllS If jour Mrer Is aflectcd , jou will find a sure re storatlieln UUltUOCK I1LOOU 111171:113 : If j on Imcnny species of Humor or Pimple , ( A ! not to take 11UUDOCK DLOOD IIHTEHS tf } ou ha\o nny symptoms of Ulcers or Scrofulou Sores , a vuratlte rented ) will lie found In 1IU11DOCK UI.OODI1ITTEUS For Imparting strength and Utility totlio js tern , nothing win equal Ilt'IinOCK DLOOD DITTEUS Kor Xenons and Ocncrnl Debility , tone tip tin 8 } stem \\lth 1JUKDOCK IlI.OOp 1IITTKUS Price , SI. 00 per Dottle ; Trial Bottles 10 Cts FOSTER , IILBURN. . & Co , .Props . , BUFFALO , N. Y. Sold at whole-sale by Ish k McMahon and C. K Goodman. c 27 coil Iv. LEGAL NOTICE. Tn the district court , Doui-lM Countv. ToBanuilU. UaIs , Caroline Da\is , 'Ulzabotli 11. TomllnROn and thu heira or det Itcs fit IlenM T Tomllnson , deceased w hose real mines are uii. knn\uinun'ri.sidcntdi.femlantq You are hereby notified tint John T. PiU , plalntllT and present owner of the land liirclnatt. crdtsmbcd , did on tlio 17th day of June , A. 1) , 1831 , nie his petition In the district court In anil for Doiutlas county , Neb. , aminst j oil as defen dants sitting forth tlmt on the 12th dav of .lanu arj A I ) It-CO , the said Henry T. Tonillnson , and Kllzabtth I ! , his \\\le \ , executed nnd deliver ed tothesalil Samuel C. la\is ) a deed of lands situated in wild count ; , in which n portion of the lands Intended to hciomeM-d was ! > } a Ocrlcal error erroneously descrlbeiim the north J Instead of the west Jof the southwest \ of cc. No 1 , in township No. 14 north of ruijje N'o. 11 cast ac- cordlnu to the true Intent of the parties thereto , which deed isdulyrteorded In the ollieo of the clerk of the county of Douglas lu book M of ilccd : at page 1S2 ThoohJcLtnndpnjcr of raid petition Is that said error be i-orructtd and that bald dceil be con < Htrucdasi-omejini' thevist J of the ( southwest quarter of iild otition No one , nnd that the title thereto be adjudged ta be In said plalntllf or In those lawfnllihlminj , ' under him the same as II bald error hail not been made and that ) ou anil lacb \oubcfore\cr excluded from any Inter cst in biid land on account of Bald error nnd foi sucli other to further relief ns maj be Just am1 rlRht In the premises w\nd > our are ami each o : > ou Is hereby notlllcd to appear and answer salt petition on or before the 1st d J of August , A D.,1831. , ' JOHNT. DAVIS , D-vtcd Juno 23. 1831. Plaintiff. Vr'H. K. MiLLfR hisAttornev. c\-sat-5t NOTICE. Gilbert \Vcs on will take notice that on thi ISth daj of June , ISljl. Luther 11. Wright , ft jus tlco of the pcaic in and for Douglas county , Nc braska , Issued nn order of attachment for tin sum of 60 and Interest f rom January 1 , 18SO , it an action pcndliur before him wherein Richard II Darrow Is plalntitland Gilbert Wesson defendant that prppcrtj to-wit : Funds belonging tffjoi have been attached umk r said ordci. Said causi wan continued to the 10th da } of August , IbSl at 0 o'clock n. in. IUOHARD II. DAKnOW , Plilntlir. Dated Omaha , July 0. 18S1. j0c < \\-3t United States Depository NationalBank 1 OMAHA. Cor. 13th and Farnam Sts. OLDEST BANKING ESTABLISHMENT tl OMAHA. SUCCESSORS TO TcoUNTZE BROTHERS. BTiBLISIIKD 1850. Organized as a National Bank August 20,1603 CAPITAL AND PROFITS OVEK S300 OOt OTFICEE8 AND DlRVCTORa : IlKRHAh KOU.NTZK , I'rcsldeiit. Al'ODSTi'S KOJNTZX. Vlto President. II. AV. YATKS , CoshicrJ ' A. J. I'orrLETON , Attorney. JOHN A. CKKIQIITO.H. F. II. Dxria , Asst. Cashier Tills lank receives deposits Ithout regard K aniounU. limes time ccrtlflcatco licaripp Interest. Draw s drafU on Ban Francisco and princlpn cities of the United btatcs , also London , Dublin Kdinburch and the prlntljial cities of the contl nent of Kurojie , 8UU pna cnger tickets for emigrants by the In man line mmlJtt The Oldest Established BANKING HOUSE IN NEBRASK-A. Caldwell , Hamilton & Co , , Business transacted tame M that of an lncor < | X > ratcd Dink. Accounts keiit In currency or gold subject to slflit chuck without notion Certificates of deposit issued | j able In three , ilx and tueho months , boarlinr Interest , or on lemaiidtt Ithout Interest. Adi anccs inodo to customers on approt cd secu * Itlen at market rate of Inttrest. Buy and sell gold , hills of cxcliange , povorn- nent , sUtc , county and city bonds. Draw sight t'ntta on Enghnd , Ireland , Scot' and , and nil { tarts ol Europe. Sell European passage tlcktts. COLLECTIONS I'HOMITLV MADE , aui'ldt SELTZER \n overdose of Dinner olti'ii denuigcs the tri. cm , brlii on flatuUni-o and u 1ml colic , and sub nets the jutlcnt to treat bodily nuHcriiis. A sin. ; 1 dose ot TARRANT'S SELTZER APERIENT , \ 11 correct the aUdlty , carry OH tlio offcndln- aiiw , and H O sometimes a lorg sjx.ll of Hints/ ' ts iflocts are ircntlo and thorough , and Us yen' ml USDt ould | < rc\cut niuixl mrtcrlnj. SOLD UY ALL DKUG01ST11. Omaha , A TMVT A flT Collins , Cheyenne , JrUJjAUJXi Colorado. Spring and Summer LATE AND' NOBBY STYLES FOR MEN , BOYS AND CHILDREN , Hats , Caps , Trunks , Valises. tvr A TfcTFiOPO IN THE LATEST STYLES. Satisfaction Guaranteed , Prices to Suit all ! 1322 FARNHAM STREET , NEAR FOURTEENTH. Tobacco from 25c. per pound upwards. Pipes from 25c. per dozen upwards , Cigarsfrom $15.00 per 1,000 upwards. M. HELLMAN & GO , , Ipring Suits ! AH Styles ! ' " "IMMENSEnSTOCKBAT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL The'largest CMMng House West of Chicago A Department for Children's Clothing. We have no\7 an'assortment of Clothing of all kinds , Gent's Furnishing Goods in great variety , and a heavy stock of Trunks , Valises , Hats , Caps , &c. These goods are fresh , purchased from the manufacturers , and will be sold at prices lower than ever before made. We Sell for Cash and Have but One Price. gA Ifu-ge TAILORING FORCE is employed by us , and we make SUITS TO ORDER on very short notice. J CS.A.X.X. Loxrno szaxs TTS. 1301 and 1303 Farnham Si , cor. ISth O. H. BALLOU , DEALER IN Lath and Shingles , Yard and Office 15th and Cumings Street , two blocks north of ST. PAUL AND OMAHA DEPOT. jyl-eod-3m. Max Meyer & Go. GunsAmmunitionSporting Goods FISHING TACKLE , BASE BALLS , and a FULL LINE OF NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS. SXIlXrD POXC. X 3ECXCZI-3C.XSOr * . MAX MEYER & CO. , Omaha , Ne J. A. WAEEPIELD , WHOLESALE AND KETAIL DEALER IN Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MOLDINGS , LIME , CEMENT , FT. / % SOrBIt , , OEJTG. /ta-STATE / AGENT FOR MILWAUKEE CEMENT COMPANY. Near Union Pacific Depot , - - - OMAHA , NEB