THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , JULY 13 , 1881. * , U , D GDITEAU'S PUNISHMENT. ovornmont which trios to blond said that the land was excellent and and among _ other comments that nro POLITICAL , POINTS. OLJCAD I A MR Published every me only Monday m TERMS BY MAI Ono year S10.00 Slxlilonths , . . G.OO THI ; WHISKEY cry Wednesday. TKKMS POST P. Ono Year. $2.00 Six Months. . . . 1.00 cation ! ) relating t ° lew should bo mlJrc THE IJcn. BUSINESS LET letters nnd llcmltl dressed to THE OMAI TANT , OMAHA. Dro oflloo Order * to IK order of the Compan OMAHA PUBLISI E.ROSEW./1 John II. fierce la ntlon of TUB DAH to a 2 o'clock thin mor ia resting well , a change is anticipat CincAoo is ind ury of a cut in rates. Gtor.oi : services to Guitcan is evidently a wild ST. LOUIH is roaa inomotcr at 101 ° ii cage , for once , is n IK Hanscom Par into a cow pasturaj . at least reap the h THE weather h Douglas county already laying pipi paign. _ _ _ _ _ THE vice prcsid menace to the chit oral prominent jou ing itfl abolition. Tin : New York short hiittory of i'Blaino invented priated it ; Guitcan THE presidontia 8125,000 after t tions. It took tin General Grant's q THE excessive large increase in t throughout the c usual number of .stroke. A NUMIIEH Of E have announced tl ing in the rapid pi bill , and Mr. Glat' bo able to complet rogue parliament Miu AUPITOII I with the significa could find as ron mont on the railro eminent wide of tl . do as much damag tion. THE wheat hat now in progress , t reach us from tha unfavorable. Noi fall wheat area of I tral and Southern ago yield per acre i fall bolowono-thir the wheat harvest to good , but taki consideration , wil II expected ACCOUMNO to tl Tribune , Oononil ed for yws by tliut ho could nave would die by violi did , and nt liis more ho undertoo out of it , the wo would take hold e not until about si ho passed the ugo father died , that onod. TIIK Nebraska { tral committee wi coin next Tucsda ; to bo of moro thai in vioiv of the Weavorf the grei tial candidate dui campaign , is to re eamo day , on 1 vrlioro liu is billed at 2 p. m. on the Lincoln ior a spec iiig. ' , General \ \ atump sneaker , ai draw a crowd ovc days. If it wore any man to vital ! : iWcaver woul In view of the pi resident Garfield ion what punislim .orning , except Sunday , nllicl d under U lorning < dully. would-bo assassin , It is'nowconcodi II , : ) I Three Months.83.00 erionccd oxportn ) | 0no " . . 1-00 10 claascd ns n ano as nny oth r BliB , published cv- ias deliberately ilanned an assassin AII- ) : - ) | TlirccMnnUu. . W > var n deadly assaul 5 I One " . .20 out could bo punii aw as treason.PJ JXCH All Commtml' ursucd with the 'cws nnil Editorial mat- Vilkos Booth. Bi os'ctl to the Kwron or f the United Stat 11 crimes committ rriJUS All Business f Columbia , mal .Uncos ( hould he nd- jctwcon a dcadli ,11A rUBMHIIINfl COM- lifts , Check * and Pesto - irosidont or a pri o made payable to the GuilcauJJcannot ; mlic.monts any nv teals two horscn wico. It would b o expect that Gull 1TER , Editor. or every blow ho lent if instead of in 1 Charec of the Circu- im with a pistol h hY BKK. 'ho indictment vounding the prcsi .oinpt to kill him , bulletin received at that a pistol nhot : ning ; , the president ) lo\v with n club o md : no unfavorablu AB Ruch n blow nel ted. ono shot is froiiei | ntent of a man w lulging in the lux- with Pints or a cl nurduroiis as if ho eastward passenger liatol. Wo have > Juiteau can bu na TUAI.V ofTors hin Hovuroly ior woun it as counsel. George han for wo : 1 Train. licker , but thcro nw providing fern of this kit n cases sting with the ther- niblic boooi n the shade. Chi- man argot for disappo not envious. haractors of all so iocs his duty well k ! is to bo turned accept such .go , the city should hould BOO that ho 1 loncfit < of the rental. his iischargo ot dt No retroactive In uis no terrors for oui now , but his politicians j 'who are f 1'rcsidont Garfi o for next fall's cam- 10 n powerful urgu in act of Congress .o . kill n president ency ( is a standing .ho . United States ief executive. Sov- slmblu with death. urnals are advocat- THE COMING GERI Tribune gives this The elections fo > the word stxlwart : Heichstag will bo it ; Conkling appro- and the German n u spoiled it. ward to a contest' ind ficrcunesa will 1 xl fund has reached lias heretofore bee lour days' subscrip piro. The results i iroo months to raise tag were uusatisfa Itmrtor of a million * . uoncorned. Bisi chagrined over tin measures , and t heat is causini ; a and insignificain the rate of mortality which wore passed 3ountry and an mi- pot project of bi deaths from sun- quadrennial elcctii ing plans for tuxat the military tax conservative peers servo in the army heir intention of aid vote ; only OIK lassago of the Land rected against the ) dstono will probably received legislativi to his labors and pro- bill against dm by ! August. with that touching was disdainfully FJIKNCII has rotircii all , the loading n int throat that ho sion , on which Bi inunoralivo oinploy- heart as a aop to tli jada M on the gov compulsory insura .ho house. Ho can'l ' by the govornmi ge in his now posl and changed that fused to give it hit The shrewd tact rvest in Illinois is his endeavor to dii and the reports thai to prevent now pa it state are decidedly largely responsible one-half of the sarly - in the last session i the state is in Con- But if the govern Illinois. The nvor little the consorvi in that section will seem to have accoi rd. The quality of With the oxceptio ted is only from failing tanes who gained' ing all things into the appointment c ; grade bettor than an the minister of ( of the deputies re despondent and hi the Detroit Posl inm loss of authority Garfield was haunt people , occasioned the presentiment , slant assaults or shako off , that ho upoi national parlian .unco , as his father causes will coml ' father's age. The coming elections uk to reason himsull Bismarck , emartir Drso the improssio ] throw nil the we ! of him ; and it was and influence int ix years ago , whoi coming election i , * i4 , at which his , will bo made on t ! the impression weak progressive elomo schemes of the wi The Gorman greenback state con present constiti ill convene at Lin 307 members iy , The gathering i ly divided i in ordinary interest parties the ultrain fact that Genera and liberal , and lonbackor's proaidon are subdivided in ring the late nationa out the ultrumont each Lincoln on th bo the most powo his way to Wahoo their recent vie for a great speed munt of Herr von : 19th , returning t the natural allies ech on the name oven and form the Con Voaver ifl a rattlin ] tano conservative ) nd ho will doubtjou the last session in on in these aultry do | of 177 out 9f the wit'hin tlio p6wer o tra-consorvativoa izo a dead issue , Gen roscntattvcs of I ild bo equal to th raoy and choi the ultrauioutunoi wobabio recovery 01 ocuiar and spimun , it becomes a quos- roe conservatives icnt can or will bo land on a policy ho law npo'1 ' tno gainst frco trade , Guitorui. < c admirers of Bisn led by the most ox- wo conservative wi Hint Giiiteau cannot bout 120 , and the lunatic. 1 Ho is as era. era.Tho iicr murderer who The liberal streni and maliciously otca , divided int nation. In time of amcly : 80 nationa ill upon the prcsi- ressists and 20 sec ishcd under martini rdinary circunif This was the course an count on 0 accomplices of ocial democr ut the criminal cede mall indepcndcn to , which governs luu it will bo BI cd < in the District rals unite and. cc ikes no distinction wcnty-fivo now se y assault upon n ilcctionn they will ivato citizen. ority in the noxtH bo 1 tried upon two his will bo done 01 lore than n man who irely upon the abil can bo indicted rnrty to heal the > o just as reasonable- auks. loan could bo tried Bismarck has had 1 given the prosi- n popularity throu attempting to kill ? ho continued dept 10 had used n club , inucs , notwithstnn will not bo for axes , which has nc lidont , but for an nt lition of the mass II linn boon hold indorstand that Bi is i difibront from n compulsory insim } r the fist , inasmuch lololy to take the Idem kills , whereas ails of the socia intly fatal. But the icasants and farm vho attacks another over the taxes laid 1 tub may bo just as of lifo , the nianufa j was armed with n .rial classes'aro tin no law whereby axes and amendir u punished moro while the whole co iding the president the fact that behin > unding n rag tersoirof the Gern is i no doubt that n lower which does severe punishment ort to the most vi ind is needed , A ; ain it's ends. mos moro or loss a An anti-govornm jinted and vicious ising throughout rts , especially if ho ho liberals , quollir II , "Wo invite him nidst unite and cai n position and wo ions German BOH is protected in thu ' 'ost itself in the in uties. express itself in tl aw can touch Gui- deliberation by t nttumpt i on the lifo .inguishcd Gcruia ield will doubtless or to the Now "i iimeiit in favor of o which wo are inc B making an attempter says : If united , tl or vice president of ry the next olcotio a j capital crime pun- .hcso prove a victo .ho chancellor , his i. . ove'rnniont and vorBt form aro'dor , ho Gorman pco > ELECTIONS IN in the managomoi MANY- affairs , it is mati r ; the next German sufTer a dictator , ai held 1 in September , schemes and cravi lation is looking for- a turning point of which in bitterness opment ; and just tial election in 185 Hurpass any which last victory was tin on hold in the em- ultimate defeat in of the hist lloichs liticul campaign wi to all better and clearer 1 ictory parties nmrck is seriously to defeat of his pe IT is ono of the , the small number of monopoly organ ice of the laws between railroads 1. The chancellor's the corporations ionnial < sessions amiens and that the inn ions and all the lead protects both the tion were defeated Experience has pi on < those unable to The latest instance received but a sin- of the Atchison , 10 of all the bills di road , which has or merchants exchange mont with the Soi re sanction , and the tral Pacific unkonncss , together cific roads re g trade regulations freight traffic o' rojected. Above route to the Pn measure of the BOS agreement specific ) iamarck had sot his Pacific shall not cc ho socialists , viz. , the to Now Mexico ai inicu of workingmoi while the Atchison lent , was so altorcc Fo agrees not to tt the chancellor re Utah and Nevada s assent. can compote for Ci itica of Bismarck ii coast business , bui lines will be stillly issolvo party ties am f irty : formations are present oxhorbitai ofor his ill-success arrangement it of the Reichstag , shippers are doprr nnont accomplishes fits of competition ativcs and liberal any advantages ar miplishod oven loss is still practical 3ii of the ultramon route to the Pacifi a ' decided victory ii agreement will bo 1 of Herr von Gosslo anybody and wil public worship , al course of the Paci oturn homo rathoi ally. The now ro iiimiliatod over thoi : and direct route fc in the eyes of tin Arizona , and bus ; by Bismarck's con those Territories n m the dignity of the it just as the Utal nont. All thus naturally inheres t ibino to render ti As far as the Pacil unusually oxcithig corned , the U ng under defeat , wil sull'er but little ight of his positioi competition as , to the scales in th it will get me and a strong ell'or Incss , except tin ; the part of the libon forum. A * equal I jut to counteract th California will j Hey chancellor. cific , as it takes tv time to ship froig lleichstag , na n ; tutod , consists o Pacific than over i which tire broad It is by such an producers of the into three grea j iiontano , consorvativ the benefits of log ; each of those partio in order to incfe nto wings. At pros giqantic corporate tanes may bo said t watered stocks. irful party , owing t tory in the Appoint TUB gigantic lai Gossler They ar Herman Disston i , , of the conservative noticed a few dayi itro of the ultramon minis , promises , if i party , which durin projectors qro real laintaiuod a majort ! ; towards the sottlii 307 yotea. The ul pf the waste plac are mostly r cording to the odil the landed aristoo published at TalLi lorfully nido'.wit ! purchase comprisf , as well'aa'.with an of the entire ate .n. 1 M iiuorcsiB. JLIIU ncrea strong man chiefly tftko their rants. All the tr of protection as row there , and the and are onthusios- o perfection witho narck's policy. The anas and cassavas ings have together nd the soil was fin i Centre 100 incm- rowth of vegetal inmigrants , ho sai isctli numbers 140 argoly from the to three groups , omo extent \Miborals , 40 pro England elates , cessionists. Under rouble with the istanstnncos they amo with vision ID poles , 9 nd not caring to t rats , and a ras getting her slin it liberal faction , ut not as much as icen'that if the lib- or of the stale was onquor twenty or vith railroad facili eats in the coming ntorscct the recent have n clear ma- 'hiladelphians , an loichstag. Whether lulf the Atlantic , r not depends on- nd Sputh. Wher ility of the liberal rhich have also bci dissensions i in its 'hiladelphia capit d valuable by drai lost enormously co Lake , and jghout the empire , ugar , corn , rice rossionof trade con- ruits , they would nding the raising of ions offered by the ot changed thn con- nonts which won sea. The socialists ended into all thai isumrck'fl scheme of an co was intended TIIK attempt of wind out of the nindcd females of -democrats. . The ort the position iors are indignant hose who carry on the necessaries hould handle the iicturiiitr and indus- : idedly lame. Wo rcateiied with now act that ministc nonts of the tariff Uakors [ , cripples iiintry is aroused to orty-fivo years ol ul the throne in"tho are exempt from n nan chancellor ia a s true as to mini not scruple to ro cripples , who form iolent measures to able portion of country. Men o\ uontal inovomont is ild are cxc the empire. Should draft , but all ng all strife in their oven to the irry the next elce are expected to sc ntimont will inani- nilitia. But oven ext Reichstag and five were exempt ho measures under ice , their fitness that body. Adis- _ cal duties cannot nn writer , in n let- The great body Vork Evening Post , other hand , would 1 dobtod for our facts , ; ion for political d ho liberals will car- voters , simply bees : ons. 'But , whether iroviously stated , > ry or a defeat for ' functiona efforts at personal 'rcquent imperialism in its are burdened with omed. Awkward as Strong-minded fe plo ; still may bo in that condition ats of its political bo worth while uro enough not to md to thwart his political system fo > ings. Wo stand at oQt. The fact t our political dovol- male sox fired a ro as in prcsidon your Garfield is no I 50 the slave-holders 10 forerunner of their woman's suffrage t 11800 , our next po plot to asnassinati ; ill bo the dawn of a Russia was conceii day : a woman. favorite statements THE time was w us that compotitioi brook was a moi is ruinous alike to physical athlete , and : their patrons dear Rosewater , " aintonanco of rates reached the st ; roads and shippers , Shakespeare dcscr roved the contrary. . the slippery pant 0 in point is the case second childhood , Topeka & Sant F < cnt point in his oil [ ntorod into an agree to furnish him ext : uthorn Pacific , Con encounter with th and i Union Pa taught such a for ogarding througl the equality of the ivor the Bouthcn very distinct reco acific coast. This six or BOVO ) s ! that the Unior General Estabrook ompoto for business having pouudcd a. . ml Arizona points near Jofibrson si , Topeka and Santa sassed him. Wo f ako any business to distinctly that o points. Both routes that the assailant California and Pacifii himself before tli it the rates by botl fore the woman 1 maintained at their and thus escaped \ nt figures. By this The exact date of will bo soon that name of the assaul ivod of all the bone within iinmcdiak , and that so far as sump if wo had tin ro concerned , there newspaper files T Uy ] but n single Gsnerals memory. lo coast. The now of little benefit to WHAT has becor .11 not change the sewer engineers ific business mated mtu is the natura planned a now sys Omaha ? There sc or Now Mexico am too much delay a lincss for points ii sewer scheme. 0 naturally belongs to h and Nevada trafli money for comp Omaha at sewer to the Union Pacific , it strikes us that i ifio coast trade is con effort was made to Jnion Pacific wil of that sewer. It t from the [ no\ what system of st . with equal rate adopt the south L , est of the bus substitute for tli at for southern Cali necessity , The : rates , shippers that th prefer the Union Pa span be rebuilt at an wo or three days les ht over the Unioi would bo economy and replace these the southern route that will form par rangemonts that th anything is to bo West are robbed o itiinato compotitioi tion during the pi bo done very soon DOSO the earnings o ions and dividends o THE national el last fiscal year , $ S largest on record I md purchase of Mr 1101,001,010 was ; of Philadelphia on the national di a ugo in these co ] $10,308,912 , , is the plans of it' what it was at tin ilizod , to bo a sto 160,077,098. , ing and dovelopmon cos of Florida. Ac itor of the Fluridian The Vice aliasseo thisimmons The Washingt , 2d very natural es about one-eight ' nonce in the pu'bl ate of Florida , II vice-president of iccmoiun 10 imiiu- complaints that fruits would epical < this oflico is often le pincapplo came and hastily , and w jut attention Ba- consideration the i grow in profusion , data for the disc nely adapted to the which , in the ov the president , will blcs and melons , oral circumstances id , wcro coming in bo considered in thi southwest , and to plowho have witi from 1 the Now ceeding of a nati either republican o but the great not bo informed tl sin was that they of the death of the is of orange groves , is rarely ontortainci till : the soil. Florida ed in 1870 that M might not live out are of , immigration , fear or belief had i Texas. The inter- nomination of Mr. .s to bo improved president. Gen , iitics which would man in the world bio to such a fato. t purchases by the nomination gencr id < give outlet to the physical vitality and also the North , und leaves it an n the Everglades , friends of any man to the people or ion purchased by the the yico-presidenc talisls , wcro render- stances in which wi ining the Okcecho- glo to have 01 were cultivated for second oflico were the two and the tropical Grant was nomina need the accomoda- doncy. At Chicag 3 railroad improve- loting was between nld gradually bo exit - with a result in fa' and in 1872. at P it country. between Colfax ai result in favor of ono of the strong- not unusual to giv cy to some man or Omaha to contro- " "balance the tickei of Tim BEE that 1804 , when Mr. P the cartridge box nateel to conciliate s ballot box , is do- the elcmocracy , am same when Ai year to the 0 are pointed nominated as a c era of the gospel , Union element 6f and persons over war democracy ol Id of the male BOX doubt if the time v a national convent nilitary duty. This on a vice preside * istors. quakers and time and attention 1 a very inconsidor- have if the nomine the voters of the the presidency. 'I cuinstanccs of sucl vor forty-five years favor the contemn empt from a tingcncies. To tli ablo-bodicd men , nominating convoi ago of sixty , ted as nt present , will bo put through crvo in the home and the selection i if men past forty- largely with a view from , military sor- section or element for i all other politi- presidency. bo called in question. Wo are constan that no vice-prcsi . of women , on the president without never bo in condi- party. " This is lutics ns jurors or but oven if it were instance in which ause , as wo have has become preside they nro subject teal warrant nny gener al derangements and subject. The mo i the cares of family , is that Andrew umales may not bo speaking of him an seem to forget the but it would hardly ho was nominated to revolutionize our publican althougl r ; their special ben in a republican co that : a demon of the ed by republican union democrat , jvolver at President president , thu war better argument for was over , and n m than the fact that thee up ono not undei the year before as to o Emperor of of the southern ived and planned by He adopted ono " adopted another , v are fresh in the m vhon General Esta- body believes that had become presid mtal as well as a and 1873 ho would His epistle "to my to the democracy shows i him to have Wilson would hai ago : of lifo which become president 1877. The cases ribos ns the ago of name became n syi taloon , bordering on treachery and Fi The only portin cd his stanchest fri Fusion is the request fugitive slave law , act data nbout his sidcred hero. Ai the man general ) 10 female that political apostate i rciblo lesson about have shown tha sexes. Wo havoa really professed th ollcction that accused of repudia The nomination n : years ago eff Chicago was an k was reported Grant men. It w woman somewhere the logical and n iquaro because slip Grant's defeat. boon selected soin also romeni.b.or very ativo of the Grant Dur reporter stated been. It is a mist had complained of selection entirely , ho police court bo- Mr. Conkling. ft had reached tlioro , consulted on the si cess taken after wjth a , nominal fiifo. Garfield , declined the encounter and ion , or to exert a iltod party are not recognized Arthu course mid was reach but wo pro , ' see the honor conf me to' ransack our ho did not exert h wo could refresh theme at all. Mr. Arth very easily , and it ed his choice was t have been made , mo of those eminent larity did much t that were to have though Now York tire charge of the i stem of sewerage for although others coins to bo altogether the credit , wo thin ibout the proposed ted by these who hnaha has voted the the inside facts the State of doting the South the presidency least in part , and been lost to it is high time some party. No man i oward the extension thur believes hii position of any , does not matter republican party , .oworago wo finally tempted once , wl Omaha sewer AS n abused'by the Ha lie present creek is a and when inforim that his room w rickety old bridges in the company r mt crock must tion , but ho hold f early day , and it lived to see himso ] y to close the crook onemius. brielgos | > y culverts The vice-preside rt of this canal. If mont , is not treate done in this direc- or looked itpon country with tin irosont it must year , should attach to it u. of as any part whereas , in fact , lobt paid off in the second only to thu sin vico-president $101,573,483 , , is the officer ; ho is dn since 1870 , when the people , while i paid. The interest Ho should preside lobt as it now stands , when tlio presiden bo consulted on al less than one-half - policy , and in g close of the . war. recognized as som figure-head for pr < ate. By olovatinj bo easy to find the Pretldonoy , dates for it. At j Ion tragedy of July is not sought by lly calls into proiw- ability , and jt is o lie mind the ofiico of it is Riven to any ; the United States , ing credit to it , t i fi < I n ( t e i ' ! ! v ; ; < \ : ; ! > : ' . ; i : \ . i i i i y ; y UBSLttl MilIU five republican papers , f San } 'ranci eo have clilnke for mayor , and FOR SALE. sheriff. Cameron , rcadjtutcr Tier of Virgin ! * , lias 1,000,000 Acres canvas * . 'lhs ! week , , ithweitern counties of -OF THE- i Mi sl sippi. salt ! In a : for I , Mis * . ; "When IB is strong enough to s detrimental to her FINEST LAND nettled on the BOGGS & HILL. New York , while his CAI 17 A Kood an acsirablo res My understanding of OMLC dcnco property , $4000. e are all from the same BOGUS i HILL. k. " This Iowa Slier- 1C HESIDENCE Not in the market mentations made by his ACIM Owcr will sell for $0.500. lit to the old stock. He BOUGS & HILL. dier wounded , severely CflD CAI C 4 f00'1 ? ' lour Shlnn'a 3d ml at the battle-field at rUn OMLC dition S1CO cacli. eil after a long and BOGGS & HILL He is a skillful and A very flno residence lot , to ias been on the bench SALE , . . . . Homo i irty desiring to build let the auditor of the a line houie , $2,200. I10UGS & HILL. About 200 lota In Kountzo & FOR SALE lluth'a addition , Just south per in Nevada- of tit. llnry'a avenue , fIBO to SSOO. These lots are near business , surrounded by fine Itnprmo it wet seasons , like incnta and are 40 per cent cheaper than any othu sr and spring , though lota In thu market. Save money by buying the lols. I10GGS i HILL. cd beneficial to the O AI C 10 Iota , suitable for flno rest sts of the state are , OMLC dence , on I'aik-Wild avenue ir tlio iiropagation of 3 blocks 8. E. of itqwt , all co\crcd tvitli line larg crickets than dry trees. I'rico extremely low. 600 to $700. , HOGGS & HILL. 3cording to reports and SALE Some very cheap lots In an , grasshoppers Lake's addition. numerous in Nevada HOGGS & HILL. Tom Wayto nnd Cheap corner lot , corner mountains twenty SALE Uouzlas and Jefferson Sta. town "black with BOGCS & HILL. liable at any time C AI C 93 lota on 26th , 27th. 2Sth , OMLC 20th and 30th Sta. , between rsion on the grain Farnham , Douglas , ami the proposed extension ot tion. H. 0. Maker Dadifo street. Prices rangu from 200 to $400. We haxoconcluded togl\omen of email moans , oppors nro making ono moro chance to secure a homo and will build on Uig Meadows , honsos on these lots on small payments , and n Ul quitg numerous in eell lota on monthly paj mente.noons noons & HILL. past few days , In icy have already do- CAI C lco rcs , 0 miles ( rom city , OHLC nbout30 acres > cry choice red acres of gram on > alley , with running uater ; balance gently rolling \vor ranch , and are prririe. only 3 miles fjom rallooad , 10 iwr acie. BOGUS & HILL. taranco on his upper LVO also cleaned out CAI C 400 acres In one tract twclr ' OHLC milts from iltyj 40 acres cu loy on James Byrne's thated. Living Hprlngof Hater , some nice va commenced on Mr. ] c ] s. The land U all hrot-cliuu rich pralrlo. 1'rio 10 per acra. 110GUS A. HILL. ranch. At Wash o swarming by mil- CAI C 720 acres In one hotly , 7 mllca OHLC west of rrcmont , Is nllle\el five or six mowers land , producing hoa > r growth * f gross. In high crop if it becomes \allcy , rich soil and } mlet from to it from their vide track , In good bcttlenient and no bettor Ian save can be found. BOOGS & HILL. yrno'a crop is said to CAI C A highly Improved farm of cd , and ono of My- OHLC 240 acres , 3 miles from city. ils looks as if it had rinu Improvements on this land , ou tier not a mi other parts of thu practical farmer , determined to sell , A good oiienlnc : for some man ot means. 10 that the grusshop- means.BOGGS & HILL. iilculablo damage. In CAI C 2,000 acres of land near Jill. loy have devastated OHLC land Station , 3MO near Elk. grain and land horn , $3 to $10 ; 4,000 acre * In north part of coun grass , ty , $7 to $10 , 3,000 acres 2 to 8 miles from Flor 10 farming valleys of ence , J5 to 810 ; 6,000 acres \\e tof the Klkhorn , uro nearly as bad , $1 to tlO ; 10,000 acres scattered through the county SO to $10 , ty , villo , in Ilonoy Lake 'Hie abo\o landi lie near and adjoin nearly ofl'uct that crickets e\cry farm In thu county , and ean mostly bo told destroyed grain and on small cash jiaj incut , with the balance In ! - ; ! 4 a nd 6 > ear's time. BOGUS & HILL. but eaten up every QAI C Several fine resmenccs prop tiou in the northern OHLC crtlui ncter belt-re olrercd lounty. Farmers at- and not known in tha market as I olng for talo. ranco of the pests in Ix > eatloiia will only bo made known 'o purchasers lacunlar biulnu * . BOGGS iHILL. . lumbers to tlio mild , , it seems , was more IMPROVED FARMS development of their Improt e farms around Omaha , and In all parbi of dry winters. Douglai , Sarpy and Washington counties. Also farm * Ju Joua. F r description and prices call on us. BOGGS & HILL. IV INCHES. Business Lots for Sale on Karnaraand Doug. see n person sutler- m Us streets , from fca.OOO to gd.&oo. orni of kidney com- BOGGS & HILL. radunlly dying by EFOR SALE 8 business lot * next west longer need to bo so of Masonic Temple price , 2,000 each. BOGGS & HILL tors will positively ' rnn 'CAI IT 3 business lota west of 0.1-J disease of aso , or any rUll OMLC Fellow g block , K CM each. iniary organs. They BOGGS & HILL. iptea to this class of CAI C 2 busln ) Iota south Me directly on the OHLC Uouglu street , between lith or at the same time , and 13th , 3COO each. BOGGS & HILL. euro where every CAI C ias failed. Sold at OMLC timber ; Ihlng vater , ur ttlo , by Ish & Mo- rounded by Improved nns , only 7 tni.a tnni cit . Cbcajxtt Und ochand. ochand.BOQQS BOQQS & HILL.