Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 12, 1881, Image 1

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Telegraphed From the White
Sick Boom
The President's Fever Increas
es in the Afternoon But
Finally Disappears.
Dr. Bliss Expresses an Opin
ion As to Where the
Bullet is.
Several More Crazy Individ
uals Arrested in Wash
'George Franols Train "Write ! a
Xiotter io Gaitoau Offering
Hla Services an Comuel-
WASHINGTON , July 11. The success
achieved by the refrigerating apparatus
insures the uniform temperature of
the sick room and adds another fea
ture to _ the favorable circumstances
surrounding the cose. By moans of a
steam fan , air is blown ever tons of
ice , and the air comes immediately
into the room , and it is possible to re
duce the de
temperature to fifty-four
grees. This morning ii is at seventy-
five degrees , and the doctors have or
dered the engine to run slower , as the
room is cool njwouuh. ; None of the
other appliances will bo used ,
WASHINGTON , July 11. The doc
tors are free to say to-day that the
danger from secondary Hemorrhage ,
if not quito past' , is now very slight.
Indeed , only some unforsoon accident
is likely to precipitate that trouble.
The doctors have the very best anti
septic dressing at hand and
the most improved instruments
of all kinds for any emergen
cy. They do not expect pyemia as a
direct result of the wound since the
channel made by the ball is so isolated
by nature as to forofond tiiat complica
tion. The pus corpuscles are too largo
for absorption into the virus , hence
-only an accident will produce trouble
from that quarter. Thus it will bo
seen that the immediate danger of tha
presidents condition is virtually past.
Tlio healing process is progressing as
far as the ureljminary inflammation is
concerned and all the patient needs is
Aa have his system kept up to an im-
,1' proving standard , and havo' close ,
watch kept on every symptom and
bo made as comfortable as possible.
His nourishment ia continued in grad
ually increased quantities. Ono or
more of the physicfan's is constantly
near him and no efforts have been
spared to add to his comfort. This
thorough system will bo continu-
* 4ed indefinitely and its effect in
If the opinion of tho. doctors will
bo the patients final recovery.
WASHINGTON , July 11. The name
< < cranks" is having a national ventila
tion lately. They are showing up at
the capital promiscuously. The latest
-arrival is Matilda Bascomb ( colored ) ,
who was arrested on the square front
ing the White Housp tris morning.
She had been lumping around the
White House grounds for some time ,
acting strangely and talking wildly.
She was taken to the police headquar
ters , where she declared herself asa
-a warm personal friend of ex-Prosi-
nent Hayes. The latter , she main
tained , was still president. Her busi
ness with him was to collect the in
terest every week on money loaned
Mr. Hayes by her shortly after ho
entered upon liis administration ,
Gen. Garfiold's wound , she claimsj
vas by no moans as represented. It
was only a flesh wound , but the phy
sicians had exaggerated the case to
make political capital. She was Bent
to the insane asylum.
Another of the same kind , Hannah
D. Klungor , came to the police head
quarters and inquired for directions
as to how she could find the attorney'
general. The woman , whonquostion
cd , said that she had been swindled
by lawyers out of all her property in
Bay City , Mich. , and that sno had
name hero to BOO the attorney-general
to * compel him to have it restored ,
.Sho said she know ho would do it
because President Garfield had refused
od to do what was right and had boon
punished and that the same would be
fall officials who would not listen to
the cry of a distressed people.
A letter to President Garfield was
found amongst her baggage , which
contained the clause ; "I kindly ask
you to send seine Christian preachers
to look after the wicked town of' Buy
City , Michigan , and rofdrm its ainful
citizens , The rest of the story was
composed of attacks on Attorney-Gen-
oral McVoagh and President Garfield ,
and threats against them , mixed with
mourning over the sinful lawyers of
Bay City.
A still moro peculiar specimen was
a late caller on the police to-day , This
man was a well-dressed negro and
docs not wish to assassinate anybody.
The tables have been turned in this
case , and the poor negro fears ) that
,1 certain white man named Webb in
tends to assassinate him for express
ing his admiration of the president
y > aud his hopes for his recovery. The
"crank" remarked from his cell : " !
don't want the man to bo hung or
imprisoned , but I merely want to bi
allowed to say what 1 please in regard
to the president without being in dan
ger of my life. "
Tlio physicians in jtho president's
case seem to leave most of the talking
to Dr. Bliss , but they "agree with hin
iu its general aspect and almost ever }
particular. His latest remarks on the
special features of the case havo'beei
in regard to the location of the ball
llo ays tlioro arc now certain indications -
cations which tnnko it probable that
they can rmnovo the ball without dan-
. "At " the doctor
for. present , says ,
"wo doom it prudent to withhold
thqm , but they are such as tu make it
clear that the track of the ball was
rightly stated in the first diagnosis.
Wo know where the ball entered Iho
body. Wo have felt and developed
the course of the ball so far. Where
It wont wo do not definitely know ,
but from the direction of three inches
of the course , which has boon ascer
tained , it is certain that it must hare
llied the liver and probably passed en
tirely through the abdomnal cavity
and it in lodged in the interior wall of
the abdomen. That ia where I think
it it now , in the interior wall of the
abdomen and not in the abdominal
cavity. The ball entering the body
where it did , and passing inward
thrco inches , must of neces
sity pass through a portion
tion of the livor. At that
point of the body the liror lies close
nlongsido of the ribs and a ball could
not penetrate the body at that point
and enter so great a distance ami
atriko the livor. The liver is there
and must have boon hit. Even if the
ball dropped downward aftorwardSt
must have grazed the liver in its
lownward course , but , as I saidj the
ndications of which wo have private
y advised Drs. Agnotv and- Hamilton
> y letter , arc that the ball went
.hrough . tlio liver to the abdomina ) '
cavity and is lodged in the interior
wall of the abdomen , as at first sup-
rased , and it will bo easy , when , the
ime comes , to remove it- from that
mint without danger.
During the afternoon the urcsident
las had considerable fever-but it has
> eon the outgrowth of tho''inflaming
> recess.of heating the preliminaries
if which has boon noticeable for
wonty-four hours , and is consequently
lot of an alarming nature. It had an
ncroasing affect on the pulsation ,
respiration and temperature , but it
vas accompanied by no un-
avorablo symptoms , and caused
no alarm to his physicians.
: t subsided a little towards night und' '
oft no bad traces. This fever was
caused partially by the experiment
under which the president labored
while the cold air apparatus was bo-
nsj brought into his room. Ho notic
ed the noise of the pipes and was an
noyed by it. It was for a long time
hought that it would bo noceasarjr to
; ivo up the whole plan of ventilation
) ut a remedy was discovered and the
irosidont became calm. Dr. Bliss
aid to-night that when ( a patient's
mlso had boon up to 1GG
10 called it a very small
natter to bo worried about the pulse
when it waa 108 , and as to the torn-
poraturo , ho1 should , not bo alarmed
until it roachVd 103 , and then only
unless it was accompanied byvthcr
unfavorable symptoms , such aa fluctu
ations. No changes wcro to bo or-
iccted in the case , and wcro riot to b&
'eared. Dr. Woodward was asked in
regard to the president's outward
symptoms. Ho said : "Wo can tell
letter to-morrow what this increase
neans , if indeed it bo one. Wo are
in hopes it will prove only a local in
crease , " Such , too , proved to > bo the
case. The president fell asleep soon
after the examination , and it was
deemed to bo inadvisable to Wait to
take the temperature. Later , how
ever , if.was taken , and showed
a perceptible decreao. It fell
about three-tenths in half an hour
and the pulsation dropped to 100 in
; ho same time. The conclusion was
; heroforo reached that the increase
lad been temporary and had no seri
ous significance. While this anxiety
was at its heicht the cabinet and
; heir < wives happened to bo at
: ho White House. After the second
iost of temperature they all _ wont
lomo in good spirits and continued
lope. Dr. Woodward's attention was
called to the fact that the pulse of
ho nation fluctuated with that of the
president , as indicated on the bulletins
ind that continued high state of
; omporaturo axd pulse was the occa
sion of much unfavorable comment.
Nation * ! Asnocktod I'reu.
WASHINGTON , July 11. 9 a. m.
The president ) says ho feels bettor
to-day und thinks ho is getting well.
Dr. Bliss sayn the president is right.
July 11 ! ) a. m. The official bul
letin just issued gives the president's
condition at 8 a. m. as follows : The
president has passed a comfortable
night and his condition shows an im
provement over that of yesterday.
Pulse 08 , temperature 09 , respiration
[ Signed. ] Dr. Buss ,
Dr. J. K. BAHNES ,
Dr. J. J. WooDWAim.
July 11 , 8 p. m. The president has
had rather more foyer this afternoon.
In other respects his condition < is un
changed , liis pulse is 108 , temperature
turo 102 , respiration 24.
[ Signed. ] D. W. BLISS ,
1 J. K. BAHNES ,
July 11 , lip. m. The president's
temperature has boon reduced to
102 5-10 , and pulsation to 100. All
the doctors say there is no cauao for
the relinquishment of hopn in any de
July 12. 1 a. in. At this hour the
preiident is rostidg quietly. No
change in his condition smco the last
This morning District Attorney
Corkhill received "in his care a postal
card dated Madison Square , New
York , July Oth , addressed to the
"Citizen assassin , " reading as follows
"Citizen Assassin : Having aavee
the party cabinet and Star routes
smashed' atalwartism , 'kill ) d the democrats
ocrats , immprtalized Garfield ; smothered
orod Grant , Arthur and Conklingistn
collapsed Dopew , brought tears'to tin
whitOjhouso , obtained a quarter of i
million gift for the family of the
president , ho should pardon you as
His friend. In the name of Zion , for
quoting three columns of the bible
before the revision to save Woodhul
from Bccchor , declared of unsound
mihd , thoiight harmless by the high
est medical experts , iu no ono seems
your fricndjttrill you accept my ser
vice M counnel. Success guaranteed
in advance.W *
( Signed ) JgGKo. FRANCIS TRAIN ,
Aa Interview "With OXenrjr.
h'ntlon.l AMocktod freM.
NEW YORK , July 11. Dan O'Loary ,
the veteran pedestrian , arrived in this
city to-day by the steamer Arizona ,
[ rein Liverpool , Mr. O'Leary made
liis trip for the purpose of witnessing
the match between llowell and Wos-
: on. It was not much of a match ,
10 said , for it was all one-sided ,
llowoll was so far ahead of Weston
after the third day , when the latter
gave up , that the walk was discoii ;
imiod. \
"To what do you attribute Woston's
ailuro. "
"Ho waa troubled with dizziness in
.ho head , a disorder of winch his
laughter , who accompanied him , also
complained. "
"Did interest
yoifofesorvo any great
est in the match on the part of the
London people. " " "
"Takihg'into consideration that the
milding .OUnhan was fully four
iiilos frpin. London Imdgo , there was
; rcat interest Ynamfcstod from the
irst night. "When you consider that
, hOrd were only two men in the race ,
[ was surprised'that tho.match was so
wall attended , but _ from our ox-
) orienco iu 'this country , the match
vas a dooidodfailure. " . '
' 'To whit iM you attribute the do-
cliilo of public interest in walking
natchest'Si '
' /IllnoaSTtbf Veston and lack of
irdpor nccbnioaation for the pnblio. "
k'Havo you' any engagements on.
land in' the pedestrian line just
/ "None whatever. I leave for Chicago
" ' ' * '
cage , tomorroW.
\ The chanipion was evidently much
mprov d-by 'his trip , having gained
ourteen pounds in weight.
A Bin Storm Thrtmgbont Iowa.
DBS MOINES , Iowa. , July 11. A
erritic rain , storni passed over this
city and vicinity early this morning.
3 rent damage was done to the North
western road , ! washing out several
lundred yards of road bed and
> ridgos. The 'Dos Moines river hero
s at flood i tide to-day. . The
storm waa a 'regular ' water 'apput.
At Marshalltown the water raised
over some flat' cars standing on the
track. At Colfax the water is run-
ling over the track on the Rock Is-
and road * The train which loft hero i
at noon otf the Rock .Island for the
east got only to Kellogg and returned
loro. From -Kellogg to Wilton Jiinc-
ionljha. track i * badly washed , but no
mdgoa'gorio In control Iowa the
wires , ace down badly and it is im
possible to go particulars.
Beaten to Death Bjr Her Htul > an&
NKW Y6RK , July 11. The dead
jody of Mrs. Margaret Johnson , aged
22 , was found by a policeman in ono
of her rooms in Brooklyn yesterday.
Soar it were the woman's two chil
dren. Her sister eaid her husband
choked and boat his wife to death
over a quarrel for money to buy
iquor. It appears that the couple
wore both intemperate.
Twenty Case * of Sunstroke at Cin
cinnati. s
Jatlonil Anoctatcd Vrcu. '
CINCINNATI , O. , July 11. Twenty
cases of sunstroke have boon reported
o-day , which proved fatal and the
actual numbers is probably much
arger. Nearly fifty cases which did
not provo fatal , nro also reported.
Amonc the fatal cases were John 0.
Molcnhoff , merchant , Clement Os-
Icamp , jeweler , and Col. Williamson * .
Nation * ! AuocUteil I'rua.
LONDON , July 10. Should the land
bill pass a convention will bo hold for
the object of concerted measures to
wards the operation of the bill and its
A dispatch from Calcutta says that
Ayoob Khan's prospects are moro
hopeful. Ho has left hero with a
largo force and it is supposed ho is
moving on Cabul , A struggle is expected
pected soon.
The Standard's Constantinople cor
respondent learns that the sultan wil !
certainly pardon Midhat Pasha fan"
other parties , but will banish them to
some remote comer of the country.
It is expected that the sultan will give
to Turkey a now constitution.
LONDON , July 11. A dispatch fron
Algiers says there was a desperate
fight between the Bcnobuali and Bon-
ibupasha tribes in Arabia , in which
ICO were killed.
A dispatch from Tunis says the
Arabs are assembling largely in coas
districts of Tunis and a serious
disturbance is imminent. 2,00 (
French troops arrived at Monolja.
surus Pasha , the Turkish ambassador
at London has telegraphed the sultan
that a bad impression prevails in En
gland regarding the trial of the murderers
dorers of ox-Sultan Abdul Ansiz ant
implores the withdrawal of the sentence
tence of capital punishment ,
ROME , July 11. French pilgrimage
has been postponed for fear of hostile
demonstrations by Italians against
the pilgrims ,
VIENNA , July 11. The Austriai
harvest promises to bo fully up to th
LONDON , July 1 1. There was quite
a sensation in the Wilbprforco libu
cose to-day. The plaintiffs counse
announced his retirement from al
connection with it in consequence o
the receipt of letters disproving the
pluintiiTs statements. Those letter
were from Senator Morton , of Indian
apolis , and from Dr. Sandwich , and i
brother of Gay , a correspondent o
The Daily Telegraph.
The Stalwarts IBSUO a Memor
ial Stating Their Reasons
For Not Attending the
Which Was That Two Vacan
clos Would bo Created
in Congress.
Chairman of the Caucus
Committee Thinks Anoth
er Caucus Would Raise
Now Complications ,
Kumora Again Current That
Conkling Will With
3nt Hi * Friends Most Enphtvtlc-
dljr Deny Snob to be tlio Cose ,
AI.IUNY , July 11 , The joint con-
ontiou resumed ita session at noon
o-day. No compromise has yet been
effected between the half broods and
talwarts. The joint ballot for a suc
cessor to Conkling resulted : Conk
ing' 38 ; Laplmm , t50j Cornell , 10 ;
Hamilton Fish , 1 ; Potter , 48. Total ,
138. '
The joint ballot on ft successor to
. 'latt ' resulted : Miller , 01 : Wheeler ,
-8 ; Rogers , 3 ; Adams , 3 ; Fish , 2 ;
Chapman , 2 ; Staron , 1 ; Kornan ,
Dom. ) 48 ; Evarts , 1. Total , 138.
'hiswas , within nine votes of cloc-
, ion. The convention adjourned till
noon to-morrow , ,
AtiiANV , July 11. The information
omds that the stalwarts to-day in
truded a special committao of tivo to
ssuo a memorial to the caucus com
mittees of the senate and assembly ,
fating tlio reasons for which the stal
warts insisted upon a full and regular
caucus. The memorial states the exact -
act position assumed by the stalwarts ,
mainly , that the election of Lnpham
and Miller to the sonatorship
would create two vacancies in
ho house of representatives ,
hits giving the ' democrats
i majority , or Ut the very best afford-
ng the democratic clerk of the house
an opportunity to onsuro'tho organiza-
ion of the house by his party friohda
hrough the simple niothoU of rcfus-
ng to recognize any successors to ,
and Miller , who may bo
ihoiou by election on the 8th dayt
Sbvemberj the firat\dayr \ upon whtclt
am election . can "bo hold. The
memorial is brief , cites -a sum
mary of the laws equitable to the cose.
in point , and qrgos Iho caucus coin-
mitteus to unite on a call for a gen
eral republican caucus , promising to
abide by the result. Senator Me
Carty , half breed , chairman of the
caucus committee , issued n reply
sfating that the conference or caucus
at which Lapham and Miller were
nominated for senators was celled
over the signatures of sixty republi
can members of the legislature and
was amended by sixty-six members
and no formal complaint had been
made of irregularity. Furthermore ,
; hat sixty-eight members com
prised two-thirds of the ro-
Dublicans in the legislature and the
call of another caucus would do-
velopo ' complications heretofore
avoided , and hence it was deomud unadvisable -
advisable to open a question decided
liy so larqo a majority. Rumors aru
current to-night that Mr. Conkling
lias withdrawn from the contest.
They cannot bo traced to a reliable
source. Conklin 's friends deny that
ho has issued any letter of withdrawal
and that no concessions will bo mad .
NEW YOBK , July 11.Tho only
caller ox-Senator Conkling admitted
to his room at the Fifth avenue hotel
last evening was Mr. Louis Palmer of
Brooklyn. All other cards were re
tained mil a stooruotypo return mes
sage was sent : "Room No. 38 is not
in. " Those who are supposed to bo
close to the stalwarts ex-senator , de
ny in the most emphatic terms that
Mr. Conklinir has written a letter
witlidrawingTiis nimo from the can
vass at Albany. They agree that if
such a stop was contemplated it
would bn only on condition
that Conkling should name hU suc
cessor with a further agreement thut
his colleague should bo a man in every
way acceptable to him and developed
in a caucus called in the regular way.
It appears to bo a Bottled fact that
neither ox-sonator Conkliug nor Vice
President Arthur will return to
Albany , the management of the
canvass being left to Jacob M. Pat
terson and Jacob Hesi , who will _ receive -
coivo instructions from time to time
by wire or special messenger. Mean
time Conkling will remain in Now
_ _
National AmocUted
SAN FjiANciuc'O , July 11. Kdward
Bowers , an old citizen of Mariposa ,
quarreled with D , K. Pitzor , a neiyli
bor , about a line fence , and attempted
to shoothim , but was overpowered ,
The next day , PiUor drew a revolver
when they mot and shot Bowers
'thrqugh the heart.
A quarrel about a pawned watch lot
to the death of John A , Noyes in Ne
vada , Francis E , Johnson shot him
through the heart , after being van
quished in a fist fight.
James Gannon , Jr. , on of a well-
known politician , accidentally killoc
Wliito Hunting , near Duncan Mill
Bin Fire.
JoLiETTEy Quebec , July 11. A fire
broke out yesterday which at ono time
threatened the destruction of thowhoh
town. It was not chocked before li
valuable buildings were consumed ,
Loss $100,000.
The Show at Red Oak.
l | lchto Tim-nmi.
USD OAK , la. , July 11. Red Oak
ii to-day a surging mass of people.
Such acrowd , was never scon before
in this town. Coup's ahow is the at
traction. Barnum's exhibition is
eclipsed , for without doubt this is the
greatest of all shows. Eight pick
pockets have been arrested to-day
nhilo operating on the streets and in
the tent.
Neon From Hong Konir.
XiUoual AnoctatMt I'rrw.
steamer Oceanic , from Hong Konp ,
brings tlntoi up to Juno 14th. It h
now stated that the wild rumors lately
current in regard to the dangerous
illness of the young emperor are the
L-rossost exaggeration. The emperor
has recovered from the attack of
smallpox , and the western empress is
very much bettor. Fresh attacks
are ( ii i made upon Li Huing Chang , the
viceroy \ of Kgypt , who holds the keys
of the eastern part of the ompirci , A
cabal , which it is" boUovod * ho will
overcome , has boon instituted by the
pahco party against him.
SnbficripUann to the Oarfleld Fund-
National AuorUtotl Trow.
Nrw YOUK , July 11. Additional
subscriptions , amounting to $5,009 ,
were rucoitod to-day for the benefit of
the wife and family of President Garfield -
field , making the total received to
date , 9122,755.
The Obsequies of Senator
Hitchcock Yesterday.
Remains Followed to the Grave
By Many Friends.
The funeral of the late Hon. P. W.
Hitchcock took , place last evening at
live o'clock. The remains , hand
somely encased in a rosewood casket ,
rested in ono of the parlors of the
family residence at Twentieth and
Dodge streets. Religious services
were hold at the house , which was
filled for an hour before the funeral
by many of the best known citizens
of Omaha , and quito a number from
abroad. Aftoran opening prayer by Rov.
W. \ Harsha.'tho anthem , " 0 , Para
dise , " was. rendered by a choir con
sisting of Mrs. M. Latoy , Miss Maul ,
Sir. Frank Smith and Mr. J. L.
Smith. After another brief prayer
Ilov. Mr. Shorrill said that it was
hardly the time nor the occasion for
nn extended address on the lifo and
tublic services of ) the deceased. Other
lands would pen the worda ot eulogy
, nd other lips speak the praises which
vould bo road and hoard over the
whole country. In a community
where Mr. Hitchcock was so well-
mown and respected , with whoso in
orcsta ho had been so prominently
dontified and in a state for whoso
welfare ho had striven so long and so
earnestly any studied address
would bo superfluous. It would
only bo appropriate , said the
speaker , to call attention to a few
of the prominent characteristics of the
deceased. Chief of these was his
practicality. Ho was eminently a
practical man , devoting much time to
work , and little to moro talking. If
10 had boon identified with the church
10 would have boon found among the
workers and not among the talkors.
His strong devotion to friends
was another prominojit trait
of the deceased , but nbovo
all was his strong affection
for homo and family. It was a com
mon remark among his friends that ho
died of a broken heart. The death ol
a wife whom ho loved with tender
affection , and of a daughter of when
lie was proudly fond , had woighet
upon his spirits and seriously impaired
od his healtli % . After referring to Mr
Hitchcock's services to the city am
state , Mr , Shorrill closed with u beau
tiful prayer of consolation. '
After another hymn , "Tho Pity ol
the Lord , " having boon sung by the
choir , benediction was pronounced by
Rov. W. J. Harsha , after which ai
opportunity was given to everybody
to view the remains.
The body rested in a casket , whicl
was placed in the center of the room
The casket was of rosewood , olegantl ,
mounted in silver. Immediately in th
contro of the lid was placed i
silver plate boaringtho simple iimcrip
On the casket were laid a wrcatl
and an anchor of evergreens am
immortelles. The face of the ( lea
senator looked perfectly natural , an
it was a subject of general roniar
that his Hovero illness had caused s
little apparent change. After th
friends had ( ill taken tlioi
last view , the lid was fastene
down and the remains transferred t
the hoarse , The pull bearers were J
II. Millard , J , N. H. Patrick , P. L
Porrino , L , P. Konnard , J. T. Slice
ley , W. J , Konnoday , Chauncy Wiltso
0. E. Yost , O. A , Abbott and O. I
Davis. The remains wore followed t
their last resting place in Prospoc
Hill cemetery by a largo number
In Trinity on the President's
Recovery Sunday.
When wo were gathered together
icro in God's homo on Sunday lost ,
awe struck , and alarmed by an awful
criino and an impending peril , little
lared wo hope that light would begin
o soon to dawn upon our darkness.
And as wo tried then , as Christian
looplc , to take our stand upon the
vorlosting hills of God's righteous-
101 * , notwithstanding wo were sur
rounded by the mysterious depth of
is great judgement , so now nny wo
o-day comfort ourselves by the
tightness that already tinges the
louds that overhang us.
Though our special prayers of
lianksgiving to-day are for the begin-
ng of the recovery of Jho . , preai-
0 ' if * * . i rwwi ' * ' . * * wV - * * . ) - -
out , and for the hope that
God has given us , that a
ifo precious and 'valuable to the
ation , and to the world , is , after all ,
o bo spared and saved. This is T > y
0 means all wo are to bo thankful
or in connection with the events and
icidonts of the past week. What a
rand and magnificent spectacle has
oun vouchsafe ! to us of human
nipathy , and of.tho God-likeness of
10 nature that lie boars. A spectacle
liat but for the great calamity our
ision might never have boon blessed
vith. and our minds could never
ave conceived of it. A whole nation
1 tears , a whole wide world moved
ith Bincerest compassion. "Tho
iost far-rc&cliing and wonderful mani-
ostation of national brotherhood and
eve that the world has over wit-
ossod. " Is thi not something to bo
linnkful for ?
All discordant voices , over the whole
and , husho'din the presence of a great
ational sorrow ; all the turbulent
raves of party strife dying away in
lence at the foot of a prostrate ruler ;
11 the genial , tender , holier feelings
I men's hearts ro ossorting thom-
slvca in spite of post aninositios , nro
like touched by the sight of Buffering
nd the thought of death. For all
IOBO manifestations of a nature , that
ith all its feobloncss is yet allied by
10 incarnation to what is still divine.
Vo thank Thee to-day , Oh ! God and
Bather of all.
Moro still is tlieru in the history of
ho post week to call for our thanks-
iving. What a week of earliest , anx-
DUS , incessant prayer it has boon to
ho ono only Power that can control
and order all things , ' What an oxid
ation it has been of'th6 religion and
ho faith of the nation , in the faca of
ho fact that brilliant blasphemers
vould have us belieVe that the idea of
itn over-ruling God is tast fading from
ho consciousness of mankind. How
nanyhundrods and thousands of men ,
rein the Atlantic to the Pacific , whoso
/oicus are seldom raised in prayer ,
lave in the past week cried out in
heir hearts , if not with their lips , as
hey wont to their work , or walked by
ho way , or sat in the silence of their
saddened homes , "Oh ! God save him
and spara him ; . " thus recognizing in
heir distress an Omnipotence. Bluss-
ng themselves by the very act of sup-
ication and holpnu' in some inscruta-
) lo way that wo tlo not now inider-
tand , to move the very springs of n
livino providence.
For this unmistakable recognition ,
> y a stricken people , of a God above
who can hear and answer our prayers.
We may well bo thankful to-dayi And
lioro is another thought that wo may
commend to the consideration of the
devout and boloiving mind. Was
hero over a man BO prayed for since
, lie world began , or was tlioro over a
rescue from tha very grasp of death seiko
iko a miracle ? Can wo not say here
s an evident and direct answer to
grayer that ought to biing convic
tion to every heart and silence forovo
the cavils of every doubter. For tin
evidence ot the truth of what wo believe
lievo all Christian people should be
But perhaps you may say : Suppos
the prosidont'n lifo should not be
spared after all these numcroui
supplications in hla behalf , what be
comes of your theory of the ellicacy ol
prayer ? " Why ! I should ttill cling to
the thought of God's everlasting
righteousness , and hold that the buna
fits that the calamity brought to us al
in the special calling to the front o
the devout traits of our nature ; in th
tlio wonderful display of political an
public trust in God ; in the calinin
down of the wars of parties and fac
tions ; in the still ana silent resolve ;
of an imperiled poojilp for moro elevated
od and patriotic public lifo , were compensations
ponsations sufficient for the few yean
that illicit yet have lonminod of th
lifo of the president. I should stil
hold that in all these ways God hai
answered our prayers in the manner
that was best for us , oven'though ho
still allow the bullet to do a fatal
I believe that God can arrest the
evil efl'ects of tlio man's insanity and
violence in a thousand other ways than
by a visible interposition that would
say :
"Touch not mine anointed and do
my chosen servants no liium , " There
fore , whilst our present prayer is thut
( jed will ruiso uj the president from
his bed of suiioring and grunt him a
longer life among us , wo must not let
go the thought thut even should ho
ordain otherwise , there will bo lessons
of discipline , of warning , of human
brotherhood and loving sympathy of
individual and of national chastening ,
and of elevation in this sad event
that will be of use to us as long as wo
live and as long as the nation lives.
Nor should wo distress ourselves
needlessly as to how wo shall bo able
to bear any disaster , personal or civil ,
that may yet bo in tlio future. Wo
have the gracious promise to rest on :
"As thy day thy strength shall bo. "
You romcmbcr the beautiful
story of Dean Stanley , told him
by a rough spa-faring man : "Ono of
the few survivors of a great wreck ,
which took place a few years ago ,
when a crowded steamship foundered
on tlio stormy waters of the Bay of
Biscay. Aa soon as these who had
escaped from the sinking vessel found ,
themselves in a small boat on
the racing sea. they discovered
that their chief danger came
not from the marine twcop of the
mighty waters , but from the short
and angry waves which dccondcd upon
them from time to time and against
which every eye and hand had t
watch with unabated attention. An
the shades of evening grow on , tlio
sailor said that his heart sank within
him , at the thought that in the dark
ness of the night , it would bo impos
sible to BOO the murderous breakers ,
and that sooner or later the boat ,
would bo engulfed by them. But
with the darkness there came a corresponding
pending safety. Everyone of thos
dangerous wavoa as it rolled toward *
thomwaa crested with phosphorous
light which showed its coming and
enabled the seaman to guard against
it as carefully as if they had been ia
full daylight. The spirits of the little
company revived &s the unlookcd , for
corru&cations guided them through
the night , and m the early dawn they
caught a view of the distant vessel that
at last saved them. "
This crest of phosphorus light on
the top of these breaking billows was
as the light of dtvino grace , the com
pensating power of Providpnco in the
darkness of this mortal night on the
waves of this troublesome world.
The perplexity , the danger and the
grief often brings with it its own re
medy and Its own blessing.
At each bunting wave of disappoint
ment and anxiety there is a crown of
heavenly light , which reveals the past
and shows the way and guides un ,
through the storm. Out of douot
comes faith , out of grief cornea hope ,
and to the desponding there cometh
up hope in daruness. Thus has it over
been to those whoso trust is stayed on
God , and thus it shall bo witli us in
the day of darkness and of sadness.
Elder Sklnn' * SloVnau-
Rumors wore generally circulated
throughout the city yestoraay to >
the effect that Elder Moses F. Slunn.
was dead. For a long time it was
believed that they had some founda
tion in fact , but an investigation
proved their falsity. Elder Shinn has.
boon , and still is , seriously ill. At
noon to-day , however , ho was muck
better , and , there are still hopes that
lie may jive for ypors.
FrlghtAxiLOM of Llfo by the
ingof a BCothodi t
CITV OK MEXICO , July 10. , The
details received hero nro very meagre-
regarding the falling in the roof of ft.
church at San Matteo , on the Oaxaca.
district. Reports received here two
days ago advanced the killing of 59
worshipers , but later dispatches say
the number killed will probably ba
much larger , Fourteen bodies have
been taken from the ruins. Tha
church was in an uncomploto state and
workmen were on the roof putting ;
the finishing touches to the structure
when the frail supports upon which
they were working broke and the roof
fell into the body ot the church ,
where , unfortunately , a number of
persons had congregated to attend tha
afternoon services which usually begin -
gin about 5:30 : o'clock. Tha
congregation consisted mostly o
women , many of whom were
killed and wounded. Twenty of
the workmen were instantly killed
and the rest badly wounded. Tim
accident occurred at 5 o'clock and had
it occurred half an hour later , when ,
tlio services which are generally larpo-
ly attended , were being conducted , a >
terrible calamity would have been the
result. Further details are anxiously
Dispatches received at the govern
ment palace to-day states that
n number of Indians of
the Chihuahua tribe escaped
from the reservation and at
tached surveying party on the Mexi
can Central railway now in course of
construction in the neighborhood o
the reservation , killing two engineers
and four workmen. Then they attacked
a diligence which was going to Chi
huahua , killing seven passengers , and
burned the mail and coach. Tha
government troops are in pursuit o
tlio marauders.
TJio government lias closed a con
tract with an English fain , for sup
plying the city with iron water pipes.
Frightful Railroad Collliion.
ST. PAUI , Minn , , July 11. A.
frightful railroad collision occurred
yesterday near Hudson , Wisconsin.
The roar portion of a freight train ,
consisting of fourteen heavily loaded
cars broke loose at the summit of a ,
stoop grade , and ran back toward
Hudson with incredible rapidity.
Standing on the main track at tha
station was another Jroight train of
foity-fivo care drawn by two Iscomp-
tives. All on the train jumped ii
time to save themselves , except En
gineer Geo. Tredor who appeared too/
dazed to move in time , and was in
stantly Killed in attempting to jump
out of the cab window. Tlio track
was rooted up for a distance of ona
hundred lods. The amount of tha
wreckage is enormous , nearly every
car being ruined. Both engines and
several cars were driven back several
rods , und broke through a trestle.
Fred. AHUM , Tyler street , Rochester ,
writes : "Your Si'iUNQ llLOasoM U won
derful ; I never uied auythlugthat acted o
w ell on the bowel * , and at the tuuue tiinu ,
wan m > free from the drastic | in" "t' F
intxllcfiieH usually' sold for the r .t-
I'rJcc 60 ccnUj trial buttles lOccuU.