Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 11, 1881, Page 8, Image 8

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Monday Morning , July 11.
PnUcwon sells coal ,
Get your hats nt Doane'g.
Drink Saxc's Permian Ucer.
Smoke Saxo's hand made lOo
4000 residence lots , Bemls , agent.
COO business loin. Call o Bern ! * ,
\ . W. Xwon , Dentist , Jacob's "block.
ETeryonfl drinks Sato's Cream Soda.
Bcmts1 new man of Omaha , 25 cents.
Hernia' real estate boom. First pago.
Natural Mineral Water on draught at
Kulm's drug store.
2uG houtes and lots. BcmU'agency.
For FI.VB Commercial Job Printing ,
nil at THK BriE Jot rooms. '
200 farms and 000,000 ncrca of land.
Bemls agtat.
The Lion continues to roar for Moore's
Harness and Saddlery.
VVhfppio , McMillan & .Co. , the jewel
< > rgtJrelrhton Block. ' o26-tf
Prescriptions a specialty , Opera Ilou e
Tlmrmacy , 211 S. IBth Street.
Safes , machinery , and all kinds of
u. lieavy hauling done 1 > y Brlsco & Co. , the
wife men. w&vtf
t i
The Tirst Methodist church will hold
n lawn Hociablo Tuesday evening at Sann
ol Hawvcr'g , JDnvcnporfc mid 1'iftccnth
Wo will close out our cntlro Block of
of straw hats cheaper than anyone In
town. Nlndcffc Krellc , ca t side of llth
fctrcet. 2t
* = -Another consignment of St. Louis
lirc sert' , brick has been received at the
opern Uouso nnd tho.Fiftecnth street wall
is consequently going up again.
A novel method of raining a safe to the
.fourth floor of the U ( f , headquarters wits
lined Saturday A tackle was rigged
-nnd fastened to n window , , nml the safe
was raJcduy"a ! ! windlass nltached to a
wagonIt was n rilther curious flight to
* co a heavy safe ttnnglitiK in mid air.
Mr. L. 17. Huntington , ono of the
oldest residents of the city died yesterday
-afternoon of consumption.
* , Sudden Boronvomoni.
It will bo remembered by their
many friends in this city tlmb Mr. and
.Mrs. 0. J. 33arhor started , ouTuosday
lout , for the sea coast-of Maine for the
improvement of the health of their
oldest child , Edith , n little Rirl of
about ten years of ago. It will bo
learned with sorrow that they returned
-Saturday bringing with them the
lifeless body of the beautiful little
.girl. They had gone on their journey
TVS far as Chicago , when the little girl
suddenly became worse .and died.
They immediately started on the re
turn journey to their homo in this
city. The - funeral took , place
"SJunday from the residence of the
parents , at 1215 California street , at 4
o'clock p-.nij , 7'-
The little child hod been Buffering
for about n year from an affection o f
the heart. Aa n last resovt the par
nts undertook a change of climate
Jioping itT would result favorably ,
The death of the little girl is a very
severe blow to the parents.
r * " * ' ' *
# ! !
- - t
TO , ' a L
Senator Van Wyck , was in the city
Hon. N. S , Howard , of Lincoln , is a
.guest at the Creighton house.
"W. I'ostcm , ol Kcamey , sptnt the
Sabbath at the Canfield house.
Oeo. Canfield , proprietor of the Canfield
Jioune , will Btart in n few days for a vaca
tion tip among Clio lak&H of Minnesota.
W. A. Porter , and M sucg 13. M. Porter ,
J. Porter and A. H. Porter , cotnpoHo a
liarty pfP Phlladelph'iaii ! ! , ' .who rdmain cd
at thpiVjthncll ovcrSuhday. ( '
Mrs , J , Morris , of this city , is quite
! ck.
Itov , Mobcs F , Shlnn was reported lout
Jiight as being In a .dying condition.
' : jdl plao d Confidence.
AVhat might have developed into n
scandal .of coniidorablp dimensions
was unearthed yesterday nf tornoon by
n BKK reporter. Tlio facts arc about
these : A well-known business man
of this city has bden on a rather in
timate terms with a married woman
for some time post. In order to have
the object of his affections near
liim the business man employed the
woman in his store at some light
"work. For two months and more post
lie lias boon missing -mqnoy , but did
not , for an instant , suspect the
woman to bo the thief.
Finally ho resolved to know for a cer
tainty who the guilty party was , and
lie put up a schema to catch the cul-
3 > rit. Yesterday , to his great sur
prise , lie found that it was the woman
ivho had boon robbing him. An ex
planation followed. It appears that
nbout two hundred dollars hud been
taken. The money was refunded and
_ nothing ( further will bo done in the |
Railroad to Atohlion. ,
Frank S , Hammond and J. II. Boo-
.son , two Atchison gentlemen , are ii
the city roistered at the Croightoi
JIouso. They have secured the con
tract for building the Missouri Pacific
road from this city to Atchison , ant
fire in Omaha to complete arrange
inonts to undertake the work. Tin
\4istanco , < tyotwopn the two , points is
, about one hundred oud.Huirty liillcj
The gentlemen Bay they expect to bo <
able to begin work about twenty , ys
Jionco , after which time it will bo <
pushed through as rapidly as possi
cut a costive
r I
Senator Hitchcock's Death at
His Homo Yesterday.
. Public Man's Career Sud
denly Come to a Close.
Causes Which'Brought About
I His Demise. f
, , ' , . .J { .
Skotoli of His Ll-fb nnd Ills Pnblio
Ex-United States Senator Thin-
eas W. Hitchcock died Sunday morn
ing at his residence onJTwcntieth and
Dodge fltroot after n brief illrjets ,
Mr. Hitchcock had been'in rather
poor health for the past two years.
Ho was afflicted with chronic pority
phlitis which assumed a malignant
form during-tho past week resulting
in an abscess in the right side. The
cause of hit ) sudden death wai the es
cape of pus into the pritorial cavity ,
which accident gcnerclly results in
speedy death.
A week ago last Thursday Mr.
Hitchcock had been pitching hay on
the grounds surroumling his residence.
Becoming overheated ho drank largo
quantities ot ice water. The next day
ho found himself prostralcd. How
ever , neither ho nor his friends re
garded his indisposition in a serious
light. Ho remained confined to his
room , but was "able to sit up and oven
move about a littlo. Friday afternoon
his sickness took an unfavorable turn
and his friends became alarmed.
Towards evening there was a
slight chaiiKu for the better. ' ,
Ho was no longer 'so ' restless and at
an early hour sunk into a deep sloop
from which'lio did iiot awako'Juntil
half past 2 o'clock on Saturday morn
ing. '
of affairs on Friday had given his
friends hope , but upon awakening it
was found that dangerous symptoms
liad developed. From1' that time
onward ho continued to sink rapidly.
On Saturday afternoon fooling that
his end was near ho made his will.
Ho continued to sink steadily until
10:30 : o'clock yesterday morning , when
, ho breathed his last. .For several
hours previous to his death hi ) had
boon totally oblivious of his surround
ings. The soul parted from the body
without a pcrcoptiblo struggle , and
these surrounding his bedside scarcely
realized when ho had breathed his
last. ' '
Tl\oro wcro present at his bedside
when , ho died-his two sons , G. M. and
J. G. Hitchfeockr Coir-Wftbul"
wife and Mrs. Peabody , the two ladies
being sisters of the senator ; Howard
Kennedy and wife ; J. H. and Ezra
Millard,1 Mr. and Mrs. Yost , John J.
Monoll , Will Wilbur , Miss Wilbur ,
Miss Gracie Wilbur , R. O.'Adams ,
arid 'the ' attending physicians , Dr.
Colliding and Dr. Pealjody. '
Phinoas W. Hitchcock was born at
Now Lebanon , N. Y. , November 30 ,
1831. After receiving a common
school education hojontcrcdVilliami
college , in Massachusetts , from which
institution ho was graduated , in 1855 ,
Among his classmates were James A.
Garficld and Senator Ingalls , of Kan
sas. In 1837 horemoved
to the then territory of Nebraska t ,
taking up his residence in Omaha ,
the capital. Soon after his
arrival ho opened a law and real es
tate oflico. In the following year ho
married Miss Annie M. Monoll ,
daughter of Dr. Gilbert 0. Monoll ,
then one ' of the .loading citizens of the
territory. Mr. Hitchcock , toolc an
active interest t , '
and ns pronounced f roe-soil republi
can. In I860 hd represented Nebras
ka in the national republican conven
tion at Chicago , which nominated
Lincoln for president. In 18G1 ho was
appointed UnitodStalosmarshalfor the
territory , which position ho held for
throe yours until his election as terri
torial delegate to congress. He was
elected after a very exciting canvass ,
defeating Dr. Goo. L. Miller the dem
ocratic candidate. Soon after the ex
piration of his term in congress ho
was appointed by President Johnson ,
survey-general of Iowa and Nebraska ,
with headquarters at Plattsmouth.
In 1808 ho was superseded by Gpn.
R. R. Livingstone , and returning
to Omaha opotiod an in
- surance and law oflico. In 1871 ho
was elected as successor of Gen , John
M. Thayer ,
for the term ending March 4,1877. In
the senate Mr. Hitchcock was a very
industrious worker. Ho served on
the committees on Indian affairs ,
Pacific railroads and territories. Dur
ing the last two years of his term he
was chairman of the committee on'.tur-
ritories , a position once hold by
. Stephen A. Douglas and Bon. Wade.
Mr. Hitchcock took quite an active in
trust in the senate in. the legislator
: tending to develop this state and for
- local improvements for various cities.
Ho secured appropriations to complete
the Omaha custom house and post
oflice , begun durinu General Tlmyor's
term , and pushed through the billlo
eating the United States court house
qnd neat o.fficp at Lincoln , and su-
qurod appropriations to bompleto the
structure. Among * the1 impor
tant measures that lie orig
inated was the Homesteaders
Timber Act which was de
- signed to encourage timber culture
west of the Missouri. As chairman1
ofthe committee .on territories lie
' - " " - ' * - - *
fromed'and--- -
oi the bill uujuug Cole
sUtosoftho Union. The admission
of Colorado in 1870 gave three elec
toral rotes to the republican candidate
and upon that as much as anything
else depended the election of Hayes.
Since the expiration of his term in
thoscnatoMr. Hitchcock had been
engaged chiefly aa contractor in rail
way construction and other enter
Mr. Hitchcock was very devoted to
his family. About seven years ago
ho located thorn in Dresden tor the
purpose of giving them a thorough ed
ucation in the German language.
Mrs. Hitchcock remained in Germany
with the children , while ho returned
to Washington. IVo yearn later ho
returned to Europe , and after an extensive -
tensive tour through the continent ho
came back to Omaha accompanied by
his family. In the winter of 1877
Mr. Hitchcock mot his
ill the death of his wife. This was
followed ton months ago by the death
of his only daughter , Gracie , a girl of
rare accomplishments and briqht
promise. She was but eighteen years
yf ago and upon her the father had
centered his affections. Her sudden
death was a blow from which Mr.
Hitchcock never fully recovered. The
mental depression under which ho
labored became vciy maikcd nnd
exercised an unfavorable effect upon
his system. From the beginning of
his last illness ho Bccmud dispirited
and indifferent ns to his recovery.
The announcement of Mr. Hitch
cock's death was received with uni
versal surprise and regret. Few pco-
pie in the city were awarp thai ho had
been sick and only his immediate
friends nnd relatives know of his dan
gerous illness. There was a general
sentiment of sorrow among all classes
of citizens nt the loss of a man who
was still in his prime and who had
been identified for nearly a quarter of
a century with the growth and pros
perity of Omaha.
Mr. Hitchcock leaves only two sons.
The oldest , Gilbert M. , recently grad
uated from the Ann Arlwr , Mich. ,
university , who has just opened a law
oflico in this city. Ho is about 21
years of ago. The other son , John
G. , is n youth of 10. It is generally
understood that Mr. Hitchcock left
nn estate which renders his family in
comfortable circumstances.
has been sot for five o'clock this even
ing. Mr. Hitchcock was a Mason , but
the /unenil will bo conducted by the
family. The remains will bo laid at
rest in Prospect Hill cemetery beside
those of his wife and daughter.
Pioneer hook and ladder company
No. 1 will meet in full uniform at 3
p. m. , to attend the funeral of our
late member , P. W. Hitchcock.
. CHAS. FISHER , Foreman.
ALBERT II. SA'NUER , Secretary.
Trinity Guild lee Mission-
The young ladies of Trinity Guild
will continue the ice mission which
was in successful operation last sum
mer. The object of this mission
supply ice during the hot weather to
all sick persons who are not able to
rocuro ittor UioliTSeivcaT-
.nown what a luxuiy , and often what
necessity ice is , during sickness in
ho summer. The member * of Trinity
uild intend that no sick person in
) maha shall bo without the comfort
, nd benefit of ice during the summer ,
f it is desired , and if the moans of
ho applicant are not sufficient to
rocuro it. Applications for ice
or the sick , may bo made by any of
heir friends or acquaintances to any
1 the committee of the Guild all of
vhoni are authorized to receive con-
ributions for the support of the ice
nission. The committee consists of
Mrs. M. 0. Hamilton , corner of St.
ifary's avenue and Twentieth strcot ,
Miss Popploton , North Sixteenth
treat , Miss Millard , northeast corner
if Nineteenth and Capitol avenue , and
kliss Doano , northwest corner of
LVonty-first and Chicago streets. A
nonthly rop6rt will bo made and pub-
islied of the number of pounds of
co distributed , of the mini-
tor of persons thus relieved and of
the contributions to the ice mission.
Coup's Circum.
In regard toCoup'H circus which soon
appears hero The Cincinnati Enquir
er says : "Mr. Coup treats the public
lono.itly , acts toward it as a largo
Drained , conscientious man would tea
a single Individual in personal dealing ,
and the result js confidence is egtab-
iahod , and money flows into his cof
fers in nn almost endless stream.
Svery attraction billed was seen by
lis tens of thousands of delighted
: > atronsand , after the first performance
: ho show advertised itself. No ono
went nwaygrumbling that lie did not
; ot his money's worth , This sort of
management pays , and Mr , Coup will
find that ho has sown n crop that will
reap n golden harvest. May ho como
again. "
Officer * Elected
The semi-annual meeting of the
Young People's Association of the
Luthorian church was hold last even
ing. The secretary reported the asso
ciation to bo increasing in member
ship , The treasurer announced the
finances to bo in a good condition. The
following ollicera were elected :
President A. Loisorincr.
Vice-President Miss 0. Koodor.
Secretary J. L. Itobinotto.
Ass't Soo'y Thomas Eayrea.
Treasurer E. Walker.
, The association 'expects to do con-
BJdorablo work for the church during
the coming six months ,
HANHCH Daughter of Anna and
Jngwer Hanson , July Oth , aged two
months. Funeral will take place from
Nineteenth street between Harnoy
and Howard Sunday'at'2 o'clock p. m.
The Daily Spread of the City's
Gossip ,
Happenings of Interest Across
the Rivor.
Personal Point * and Matter * in
The froqilont heavy rains nro doing
much damage to streets and will cause
a heavy expense to the city. The
only way to guard against this nnnoy-
anco and expense in the future is to
provide ample ways for the wnter to
3scapo without washing the streets ,
lie Hhnllow depressions at the sides
f the business streets can hardly bo
; allcd gutters , and yet in many in-
lances no other provision is made for
jurying off the immcnso quantities
f water sent dnwn from the higher
; rounds. To raise sidewalks , to grade
lid provide ample water-ways would
cquire considerable outlay , but
vould it in the end cost anything like
s much as the present nrranuemont ?
Only n few weeks ago a very largo
ivnshout was filled at the head of Oak-
and avenue and now it is much worse
Jinn before and will cost nearly twice
much to ronair. Streets with steep
grade like Oakland nvcmto should
lave the most exposed places pro
octcd by ample wooden or stone cul
verts or trunks. Two or three of
, hcso on Oakland nVeinio would prob
ably prevent the expensive washing.
Judicious outlay now would prevent
great expense in the future.
Dr. Maoral was called to Mills
county on Thursday to attend an inv
Dortant case.
A reward of 825 1ms been offered
'or the recovery of the gun recently
stolen from Mr. Epenotcr. The gun
tras a fine ono , valued at 8125.
To-morrow Coup's great show will
bo hero nnd there will bo a grand
trcet parade in the morning.
Rov. Father McMonomy left for
3olfax Springs on Saturday. Ho ex
pects to bo absent about ton days.
Finloy Burke , Jr. , arrived in town
Saturdaj from his northern homo
.ooking fresh and hearty. Ho is the
jucst of his father , Recorder Burko.
Judge Reed is enjoying a sliglit respite -
spite from his arduous court duties.
Judge Clinton was on the strcot
yesterday looking unusually well.
Ho is apparently good for many years
to come.
David Wilding is selling out his
property in Crescent City , and will
his future home.
Captain F. B. Hart has ono of the
finest turnouts in the city , and there
are some very fine ones , including Dr.
Macrae's , E. D. Edmonson's and sev
eral others.
F. M. Wolf , of Marysvillo.Mo. , for
merly of Harrison county , called nl
this oflico yesterday.
Col. John H. Kcatly is writing up
the war record of the army of the Po
tomac. The first volume , it is under
stood , is in the hands of the Apple-
In less than ton years there won'l
bo a vacant lot on Franklin avenue.
J. M. Palmer has sold to A. S. Bigg ,
conductor on the St. Louis and Wabash -
bash railroad , sovonty-fivo foot front
ing on Franklin avenue. Mr. Bigg
will at once commence building a very
fine residence on the property.
Two men emerged from the portico
of the city building Saturday morning
with now mowing gears on their backs ,
going to mow woods for the city.
Seven applications to enter the marriage
riago state were filed with the county
clerk Saturday. *
A gentleman was goino down Main
street yesterday , and When opposite
Mike Nolan's saloon & gust of wini
took his umbrella and carried it over
the fence into Mike's yard , whereupon
on the man passed through Shoppard's
apothecary shop in search of his prop
orty. Ho found it in possession o
Nolan's two bull dogs , who refused to
deliver it up without an order fron
their master , seeing the plight the
gentleman was in Mike came out am
rescued the umbrella and sent the
owner away happy.
Ignorance of the law is no cause for
man or beast , nnd horses nnd mules
should not bo permitted to run n
largo in the public streets. Two
mules en Avenue G came very nea :
killing some children playing there
yesterday morning.
The toll-bridge nuisance will b
swept away in n few years. The da
will como when there will bo free
carriage way between the two citioi
of Omaha and Council Bluffs ,
An amusing bceno occurred at the
city pork on last Friday night abou
eleven o'clock. A man apparent ! ;
pretty drunk was soon to enter th
park and proceed to the music stand
Ho wont up to thodoor , and bogai
knocking vigorously. That npt hav
ing the desired effect ho began to cal
with mingled prayer and imprecatioi
for his dear wife to got up and lot hin
in. .Tho observers after laugljinf
heartily over the ludicrous scene fin
ally informed the misguided individu
nl that that was not his domicile ant
directed him again to the street.
Nick Slmltz is book-keeper at Lin
der & Kiols.
Mr. S. J. Stewart's partner in th
law businhss has arrived in the citj
and settled down to business.
Only two law coses were commence *
in Pottawivttamio county in four wooki
Ex-MayorLyinan is qut of town on'
eliort business and pleasure trip. , '
Council Bluftajias a public library
1 ' . - . : . I
nd a science Association. Now , what
nero is needed to advance literary and
ciontific culture ? And yet for Rome
cason these things sccln to languish ,
hey lack encouragement and that
oarty support which they ought to
ommand , There are plenty of literary
> ooplo lioro , and the young people
iced literary culture. There should
> o n free library open every
ay in the week whore young'men
nd others can while away the heavy
ours and find pleasure and useful
nowlcdgo in books. A good , well
> atronized library wields n great
loral influence nt a community and
( Fords opportunities for gaining
tiowlcdgo and culture to many who
thcrwiso would bo without such op-
lortumtics. There are scientists here ,
'ho times , indeed , all things are
avorablo for scientific pursuits , cither
or pleasure or profit. Cannot the
ricnds of these enterprises organize
ml develop them into something that
ill bo both useful and creditable to
110 city.
The funeral of Bryan O'Brien took
ilaco on Saturdayaf ternoon under the
uspices of St. Patrick's Benevolent
ocioty. There was a very largo at-
Slock diinmonts are beginning in
ai nest for the season. The first ship-
nent of western cattle announced as
oceivcd at the stock vards recently
and comprising some COO head have
111 been shipped cast. On Saturday
hirty-two cars twenty-nine of cattle
iiul three of hogs wcro shipped east
jver the Rock Island. Seven more
: ar loads arrived yesterday over the
J. P. from Cheyenne. There is a
> rospcct of pretty heavy shipments
rom the west , notwithstanding the
rumored destruction of cattle by the
severe winter
Rev. Mr. Collin , of the Broadway
tl. E. church , preached a sermon of
hanksgiving for the preservation of
.ho government and the life of Presi-
lent Garfield yesterday morning.
.lor. Mr. Lemon , of the Baptist
church , lectured in the evening upon
'Tho signs nnd warnings of the times
as read in the attempted assassination
of President Garfiold. "
J. T. Stewart has gone to St. Louis
on business.
Mercury stood at 02 degrees at 4 p
n. yesterday. The day was close and
iultry and seemed hotter than it rcal-
y was ,
Johnson , the man who was shot in
ajoko , is recovering.
The Driving Park will bo ready for
msiness next week.
Council Bluffs may have a big
7ourth of July celebration yet if
? resident Garfield recovers. Such is
, ho talk. Well if it does have ono it
vill bo grand afi'air. As Council
Bluffs was second to none in her show
of love and respect and loyalty for the
ircsidpnt , so she will bo second to
lone in her rejoicings over his re
Very heavy rains provailedon Fri
day and Saturday nights , that on Sat
urday being much the heaviest , and
accompanied with much thunder rind
isditning. The streets on Saturday
were quite muddy.
Judge Reed's ' Feurth of July ora-
ion at Glenwood is highly spoken of
His allusions to the president wcro es
pecially well timed and eloquent and
" " 7ETCCeissd auiph , favorable comment -
ment from both people and the press.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ewing re
cently arrested for jumping n hotel
bill wcro tried in Justice Abbott's
court on Saturday nnd wore sentenced
to pay a fine of § 10 , or spend five
days in jail.
Regular meeting of the Board of
Trade this evening at 8 o'clock.
Somebody says the cemetery rests.
3o do waterworks The fact is there
is too much cemetery and too little
There was a little man with gray
whiskers and a drab coat around town
the other day who said ho wanted to
buy out the waterworks company.
Will bo sold at public auction , on
Wednesday , July 13th , 1881 , at 11
o'clock , a. m. , at the sheep rancho o ;
Chauncy Simmons , 0 miles northeasi
of Guide Rock , in Webster county ,
the following property :
277 high-grade Merino sheep , most
ly owes ; 47 lambs ; 10 Vermont regis
tered merino bucks ; and2gradobucks ,
22 stock hogs and pigs.
2 ponies ; 1 yearling colt.
3 cows ; C heifers ; 3 steers ; 1 bull.
1 wagon ; 1 set double harness ;
corn-shcllor ; 1 cook stove ; 1 largo
tank , iron pump and tubing ; 1 plow
lot of lumber , tools , kitchen furni
ture , etc.
12 bushels wheat.
Also the buildings , and lease of G40
acres of school land , the whole con
stituting said Simmons' ranqlto.
TKRMH : Cash , or thirty days' time
with approved security.
J. 0. WARNER ,
jy8-4t. Auctioneer.
"WINEOFCARDUI" four times a
day makes a. hnppy household.
At C. F. ( Joodmtn't
Henry Pundt , The Grocer. jJ-5 (
i EH from Now York auction salon
7A cents per yard , worth 25 cents per
yard , at the BOSTON STORK , on Tontl
atreot. jyC-2t
Parasols cheap at the Boston Store
on 10th street.
Heaps and piles of fruits nnd vcgo
tables nt ' BUFFETT'H
Can goods clap ut
W. R. BENNETT & Co.'s
On nnd after July 7th , 1881 , oxcur
slon tickets to § t. Paul nnd ruturn ,
will be sold at 817 , tickets Rood tc
return on or before October 31 , 1881
For further particulars inquire 0
J'H. Bryan , , Southwestern' Agon
Council Bluffs. i' '
' . . - . i !
IMMMSIl Hl-AUdllTnil.
iRKSS HOODS 1 I1RER.H 0001)8 !
tmnss nooua !
For the next thirty days , wo will
ell Dress Goods at ruinous prices to
mko room for fall stock. If you
vnnt a dress of any description buy
ow and save money , at the acknoicl *
ilgcil lending tsMlishmcnt of
Creighton Block , 10th St. ,
Near the Postofllce.
P. S. Call early , while stock is
omplcte , as wo mean business in this
L ( ml package ofBLACK-DRAUGHT"
rcc of charge.
C. F. ( loolimni.
s Cigars in Omalm for o cents ,
ry them ,
At W. R. BENNETT & Co.'s
Tea Store.
A Warning.
The discovery that unprincipled
liano tuners have worked to my det-
imont in tuning pianos of my selling ,
wisli my customers to understand
hat I will guarantee no instruments
mlcss tuned by the competent men
vhich I furnish. I send competent
liners and movers and charge no
nore than other houses.
9-2t A. HOSI-E.
The best meat , nnd prices lower
han over. P. BESEN.
Fulton Mnrket IGth Street. tf.
Henry Pundt , The Grocer. jO-5t
A house with eight rooms for rent ,
on St. Mary's Avenue. Enquire of
F. F. MORTON , Real Estate Agent.
NOTICE Adicrtlsement To Loan , For Sale ,
jest , Found , Wants , Doardlnir , &c. , will be In
icrtcd In these columns once for TEN CENTS
xirllne ; each Bubacquont Insertion , FlVECENTS
KI line. The first Insertion never lesa than
TO LOAN At 8'per centln
tercst In sums of 82,600 and
upwards , for 3 to 5 years , on first-class city and
farm pro | > erty. Bums KSAI , EaiAiK and
ioKNcr , 15th and Douulos Sts.
TO LOAN Call at Law Ollice of I ) .
MONEY Room 8. Crclzhton Block.
ANTED 25 can " ' 0" . Will pav the hlffh
cat WRKCS to good men. Apply to 1013
Tarnhain street. 3Q2-1S
WANTED llyajounj man , a pleasantly fur
nished room , In ( food location. Address
B. X. Bee olllce. 340-12
\T'ANTED-Smart , actUo boy at N Y. Hat
W Store. 3489
( -Two good girls at the Kmmctt
House. 345-9
WANTED Man to come mornings uiid'e\cn-
Ings to take care of home and vow and do
chores. Apply at eouthw cat corner of California
and -Ifit streets , about 7 y. in. 3GO-0
I Ono mtn m a county makes mo
ney selling our bprlngs for buggy shaft
. . .
ln itaui | > 9 fern pair , tqantl-Ilattler Safety Sprin
Coniuiiy,00 [ Itandolph Bt. , Chlcagqni-th-8aty-2i ]
WANTED A good girl for general house
work in a family of two. Apply N. E. cor.
13th and Jackson streets. ) 329-tf
A neat little cottage of 4 or 5
rooms within 5 blocks of 10th and Farn-
torn. Only two In family. Address with terms ,
"King" Bee office. 331-tf
WANTED Fifty more carpenters wanted 01
the new elevator now building in Omaha.
Highest wapes paid. Apply at the grounds
Those from country towns will bo transportd
home free after working one month.
/"tAlirENTKHS and cabinetmakers wanted
\j Wages from $2 to 93 per day. Inquire ncx
' f '
to Heo office' . , 888-t
WANTED Funding bridge and school bond :
H.T.Clark , Beilcvue. 20-tf
\T7JANTED A situation by a man of family
VV steady , Industrious and 'willing to be use
ful In any .bonomWo aapaclty. Compehsatlon ac
cording to capability. I'lcase address J. E. It.
cara of BKK oflice. 604-tf
"ANTED A partner or Lujer. Inquire a
W Philadelphia Coffee House , 10th , t ot.
tTTANTED A partner with about 82000 foi
Y V the manufacture of a genuine Ikigllsh ar
tlclo of large conHumptlon and certain to pa1
largely. Ercrr Information ghen by appljlng
to A.-B. P. . Albion , Neb- - , 8iM2
WAJ TKD A good felrl to do genera
liouso uork. Good wagcn , I31o uaven-
port street. 31o-tf
\TtrANTED-A No. 1 Barber can find a steady
YV rituatlon nj good pay by Inquiring at 6OT
( old nmnbor ) 16thstreet , Onuha.Niib. , of
297-U C. U. FJTCH.
WANTED Two boarders. Young men pre
ferrud. Addrwa "A. " Boo offlco. 140-t
Wholesale Clothing Houses In New York
City , for the coming fall tiado , ucpe-rienced sales
rnun , These ha > Ing experience and commanding
good trade 111 find this a first clas opportuui
ty. Apply at once , with'rcforenow to A. B. C.
Pout olllco box SOS , New Ycrk City.
WANTED A good dining room girl unmedl
alelyatthe Occidental hotel. 220-tf
WANTED Three good button-hole makprs
atllafrlson'i , lltl Faniham. 339-0
A girl and cook at French Corfu
WANTED 10th btrevt. 342-0
WANTED A girl to do general housework
'Apply 1718 'Farnhara Direct , northwesi
corner of 17th. 330-U
To buy a good skiff. Address 8
WANTED Bee ollko. 317-tf
- good competent girl. An Irish
girl preferred. Call at At. Barnabas lite
tory , wuthwut corner of 11HU and California
streets. 341-0
Two lint-class laundry women a
WANTED Laundry , on Douglas street
between ICth and 17th. 344-0
AIJ * AT MU8. K K. CLAHKK'8 No. 1 iloari
V > t K Houte , cor. 18th and Dodga St * . Jlco
In the cllf. 19-tf
FOH KENT Furnished front pdrlor. new
brick , 003 17t , J15-11
IlENT A furnished room , 809 Harnhim
Street , bet. lOtbaud 17th. 307-11
> KMIS- REAL ESTATE BOOU. fit > e lit page
riAO LET Two furnished or unfiu-nlshed roolns
J. Uufcrcnccs exchanged. 1712 Jackson street
I OIl KENT Cheap , two etoixw each ulth fou
I1 rooms at the bouthcaet corner 10th and Cap
Itclavenuu. < , 360-U
nOR IlENT Two'furnished roomsiultaWe to
J,1 two gentlemen. N , W. cor , 20Ui and CUM
KtreeU. 8iS-U
EOK HUNT Furnished ootUgo ol nvo rooms
alsosuitoof rooms suitable Jot light bouse
keeping * , also desirable furuUheU r room , on fln ,
lloor , t,21 Cttljfoyuia Streut.r 354-0
< i , v RENT With board , a nicely furnUheJ per
JL ncr room , on second flopr. la * t err darinbl
locality. Addrci - j'jIARTIN ;
3MJU ( lee Ottlce.
FOR SALtj-Four full-sited JoU in
8 ldea' fddlUon , < orWOO. . (
s-- -r'
iPKOIAL NOTIOES-Oontinuefl ,
710R RGNT-Nwitly furnished front room lit
J 1717 Cumlng ( trcet , bit. 17th and 18th tta.
J10H RKNTSA pnndsomo cottAfro with five
J rooms , $29 per month , 27th wii Cumlng St9.
[ T10HHUNT Tlirco fumlMiol room * to-
I ; rent , inquire at Carpenter sliopncxt tlie >
ieo ofllce.
.1OK HKNT-Ttto story brick house. W.
: M. Yatc * fii co < SIB-M
. \OR RENT Front rooms. Ucntlcnmn ntt
J lady preferred. Inquire 1711 Chicago St ,
. "TOUSES AND LAND Bemls rents houses.
.1. torc , hotels , farms , lotg , Uhds , offices'
oem , etc , Sec let page ,
RENI Nlctly fnrnlihcil linro room nnd
j plnno .S. W. corner 18th and Capital Arc.
"J10R RENT On first floor , fnrrtiihcd rooms ,
J southwest corner 19th and Davenport ,
\ . 769 tf
7\OR \ RKXT Furnished rooms. Inquire at 1818.
Chicago street. CM-tt
RENT 2 " fnrnlshcd roortis ovcr'McJ1-
FOR ' Exchange , N. E. cor. IGth and Doilgo
trcets. 2S9-H
B 1st pai0.
I Olt SAM * A good team of draft mtiloi ft
[ ' 3i ) 14 IIAURIS k K1SIIKUJ3.
. . Anil I'arasou repaired by IK
UMUIIKI.I.AS Mil Knnmm Us. 7Mtt
B KM1S' NEW C1TV MAI'SMc.-Sco 1st page-
F SALE A larfjo two story frnmo slilnglc.t
roof Hotel anil ono story Kitchen ; nlso one
tory frame , shingled roof , hull room for ten sets
o ( IMice , ami barn largo enough to hold twenty
cams- All situated on corner of llroail and 4th
trctt , Krcniont , Dodge Co. , Neb. For * further
nfonnatlon apply to C. 0. THOMPSON.
353-to 8-8 Fremont , Dodge Co , , Neb.
T710II SALE EO acres of the Joel A. GrlfTcn
JJ fann , fifty dollars per acre , on ten years.
hue at 8 per cent , or pay as 3 on please. And two
express harnesses for tialo chcnp. ,
323 0 L. It. CASE , on 13th St.
SALE A hotel business , flood location *
FOR Address "J. S."Ueoonicc.
212-July 15-cod
FOIl SALE Cheap , two hoinc * . Inquire ot
P J. Crccdon , Webster and 21et , southeast ,
corner. 334-tf f\
Tnotl SALE. A General Merchandise Store
JL drain House , and bailcs. Will sell cither
or both. Loratwl In ono of the best grain points
on the H. & M. railroad. Kor further prrtlculara
call or address J , U. LCNINOERVacrly Neb.
[ 71OU SAL.K A new house , built two j cars , full
_ ! } lot , \\clland e\ctj thing complete , on Uodgq-
etrcet , ; between 20th and 27th , No. 019. Ill-
lulrc on premises , 200-tt
71011 SALE A Fccond'hand leather top phac-
_ _ J ton and a good.sccpndhand.canopy top pony
ihacton. Also a new delivery wafcon , * " * "
Shop on 15th street , opposite Wlthlicll House- .
TTJOKSAtiK Good house with1 four roomi and.
Jj half lot , No. 2013 Dodge betwcoh 20th and
27th street. Good "ell and shade trees ; house In
; oed condition. Inquire on premises. ,221-tf
B 203-tf ESTAimoOK & .COE.
[ T10R SAi-E 81,500 cash , will buy the stock and
J ; fixtures of the cleanest little business In the
cltyT Address "Business , " care Carrier 9 , Omaha"
postofllcc. 210-tf
FOR SA'.E A small engine , B. W. 1'ayne 4r
Son'8 make. In perfect osder. Inquire ot II.
O. Clark & Co. 36-tt
SALE Lease and furmturo at a Urst-clata
FOR In a town of 1303 inhabitants , In Etato
of Nebraska ; has 21 beds ; the trat cling men's ro-
sort. Inquire at BEE olHcc. 218-tf
171011 bALE T\vo storj house and part lot , near
JL depot. Location good. John L. McCogue *
Opp I'ostOmce. 058-t ! .
SALE House and lot 33x132 ; suitable for
warehouse. Inquire of Peterson , 10th St.
TT1OK SALE 2 acres , ground In West Omaha.
JL1 Inquire of J. Henry , No. 110 10th. 873-t
bALE Maps of Douglas aiid Sarpy coun
FOR . A. 110SUWATER , IKOFarnham street
OhT A IetUr"CntaHriBtf-PhsK'graiih. !
addrcsscd to Benj. F. Troim Omaha , Neb.
Finder ill please return to this office and re
echo reward. 304-12
JLN iheUingNo1318 Farnham street will bo
rcecl\ed at thcolHcc of Dufrcno & Mendel , herc
plant and specifications may bo socn until July
15th. ( JC5-0) ) _ SAMUEL , BURNS.
ijTRAYED A dark Iron gray mare colt abontf-
O one jcar old. Information as to her
whereabouts may be left at Smith's grocery
store , corner of 13th and Ilarncy.
rpAKEN UP Ono sorrel mare and ono dark ,
L brown horse , about 9 orten jears Old. JIaro
has scar on hind bhank and star In forahcad. In
quire ot ED. KKEti-SMAK ,
30J-0 10th Street , near Depot.
rflAKEN UP Tno horscs.ono black ulth star-
_ L in forehead ; ono bay , shoes all around.
356-8 Near Deaf and Dumb Institute.
TRAYED 2 marcs' , ono cream color , one-
§ black with 3 white feet ; cream about 12 , and.
> black 5 > cars old. Information will bo liber
ally rewarded at Fred. Lang's grocery store , 13th *
and Jackson streets. 351-0
| OST On June llth , a bay mare , clgat years
JLj old. Her footlaps , had been cut oil the day
she was lost. LoctJrom the corner of Oth andi
Spruce. The Dnder 1H be rewarded by returnIng -
Ing to P. M. , Back Cth and.Spiuco 3i7-15codi
HREE or four jonng men can bo accommodft-
JL ted with board. Deferences exchanged. Ap
ply 2011 Cass street , 4th door west of 20th St. ,
or address Box 337 , postofllce. 348' ? f
QTRAYED A large bay horse , one white hlml
O too * , ring-boned , star la forehead. Weight
abont 1100 or 1200 pounds. JAS. N. SISSON ,
325-11 Chicago St , bet. 14th and 16th.
ONEY TO LOAN on real estate , at
290 eod-10 DEXTER L. THOMAS & BRO.
BEUIS lias rattling long lists of houses , lot * ,
lands and farms for cole. Cell and.get :
them.HM. . BROWN Corner 12th and Chlcftco.
. streeta , Is ready to bora or deepen well * ,
batisfaction guaranteed. C03U
niEAJIS Can be got at John Harr * ( table for-
JL all kinds of work at reasonable figurca , near
tor 13th and Leaen worth street * . 378-U
" ! FOKOET The successors of tbe Amer
ican House , on Douglas street , between Oth ,
and 10th , for board , lodging a J transient cu >
tomera. Itespectfully
Absolutely Pure.
Mad from Orape Cram T rUr. No other pro
arpatlon cuke * ucb light , Alky hot bnadf.t
uxurloui jxutry. Can be Uq by Pyipewtlo
without ( car ol the 111 * resulting from lieavy lodl