Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 11, 1881, Page 6, Image 6

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JF.W YOIIK , July 9.
Money dreed at 2J(3.3 ( per cent ,
Exchange closed dull nt 54 84J@1 80J.
Governments clo cd steady.
"Union Pacific bonds clo ed as follows !
Union 1'Aclfic flirt * , 1173118i ; land
anfc , 1 181 10j | j sinking funds , 128 ®
130anfc ; Centra's , llUld.
Currency Gs , 1 30 bid ; fours coup. 11GJ
bid : 4Js coup. 114J bid ; Gs continued ,
1 02J bid ; 61 continued , 102J.
Market to-day was dull nnd and
priceclofcd ) generally i@13 l > er cent.
Jowcr than yMtcrday. Dealing * were
cvoid of intcrc'it. ' The most
Tallowing nro the closing miitatioiH foi
I * mining stocks at the Now York mining
board :
Quicksilver 20 Standard 22 ;
i\ \ Pref'd 72 Starmont 2J
Pitts. . Sntro
Itoch . . 4JJ llj
Silver Cliff. . . . 5 LUtlo Chief. . . . 125
Albion . . . . . . .100 Catalpln 175
Con'd Virglnia.210 Miner Boy 475
Orlcn Miller..105 Uig Pitta. ' . 250
JJvvlHUi " * f * ' 'Mlfl- Iron Silver 200
California 80 Little Pitt . . . . .275
Cliictvoo , .Tuly 0.
Money In good demand and mif ply at
" 1@ ? l"r ! cent on call , andG@7 per cuit on
iim'ci eastern1' exchange between bank *
- ' ' qudted at7f © 80cjdlc0unt on 81 000. Clear-
' .ings of associated l > nnkn . < J7300,000. ,
V. Omnliix "WTiolosnlo Marlcot.
V.fl OFKICT. or1 Tim OMAHA EEE , )
1 Saturday Evening , July 0,1881. f
fl "Markets to-day liave been very fillet
Grain firm. Wheat about the same an
yesterday. Corn declined a fraction. OaU
declined 4c. 13arlcy nnd rye ejnict and
Live stock dull. Uutchers' cows dcclliw
cd lOc. Hogs , weak and Blight decllnn in
prices. , r
Provisions quiit , butter declined } c.
now potatoes advanced' 2jc per bushel ,
Strawberries scarce and unchanged. N
" cffange of importaucu note In other
Omalia "Wooltly &ovlow >
Saturday Evening , July 0 , J
Business circles in this city for the past
week have been pervaded by an activity
quite the game as during , the several im
mediately preceding it , The volume of
traffic * glnco the beginning of warm weath
er and the removal of snow and'water
blockades hat flowed in an uninterrupted
-stream ; much freer than a year ago which
was ahead of anything known until Blinded
by the present season. The irapid 8cttlo
jnont of the country north and west look'
' ing this way for a market , together wltli
the vtry general pronperity "of the whole
ceuntrj are doubtless tha leading cause
for this tcttro state of alfalrs. In lumber
trade wat moro active than during tin
' 'procedlnglwcekk * There was no changes o
cbntcqucuco In the price lists and dealer
< ' 1Y - f ipi'oscd to adhere closely to pub
ihcd r ' ; ( jB. prices are firm and by som
D- AH advance is predicted to occu
the not distant future.
Live stock waa generally dull and vcr
little doing. There was no call for cattl
to apeak'of besides the call for local user
Xjutf hen declined IQo during the weel
II/ r . lo a.jvero.iu very good demand for pacli
. . ing , ' and ranging at about last week
prices ; sheep were not offered in snfllcicn
numbers at all times to fully meet the h
< juiry for homo use , and prices closed
uhado stronger than the week before
General " merchandise was going out wit
steady "uniformity in prices au well as \
amounts and in cither respect a very satli
factory state of Affairs existed ,
rSuch"Bt'aples as dry goods , grocerio'i
Ixxits and shoes , ready made clothlng.ctc
Luilding materials of nil kinds , were i
very good request , prices being ntcudj
Btaplo groceries were generally firm at fn
. ( . prices ,
J f | In ( lntg , trade groatlv o ceeds tlmt <
. ' " ' the * corresponding week last year , th
only change of moment being 25a dcclin
for sulphate of morphine.
i f Tlie craiu market has been very hteail
' 'during the week. Wheat declined 2
Corn shows a slight advance , linrlc
rye and oata closed at last Saturdays pr
Ilarilwaro trade itlroportcd as being be
tcr than ever before. Wo note a decline
10o on nails during the week , a slight d
, cllnp is also noted in wagon spokes , fc [
loca aud tongues.
In paints , oils and varntsho
trad * has been unusually brill
Xiard oil declined 3 cents , an advance
,1I ( Sc la noted in turpentine ,
The pricw obtained for bcq1c4 an
freen stuff througli the week have couth
ned quite steady considering the pcrlal
- ble ' nature of the articles , The weathi
ivai'uot unsultcd to this line of buuines
and there was nearly the saino amoui
offering each day , The stuff w.-yi usual ]
pretty frell cleared off each day , and c
, tbowbole the market WM characterized L
few losses on , account of over supplies ar
decaying stocks.
There was some improvement In tl
condition of the butter market , a ellgl
'appreciation havlngljeen obtained In pric
amounting to 1@2 cents per pound.
3'i'ga were also bearing " some higher qu
tatlorui. $ * i ' '
* JTrt I * " * * * * * ' * . * - *
a loir |
this week , and the quality of hotna grown
circling WM tcry good. It It noticed how
ever , th largest proportion of this week's
receipt * were of smaller ftizc than lait
Keek , clearly indicating that the reason Is
rapidly drawing to n close.
JUspbcrriea nro now arriving freely ,
they nro in reasonably gocnl condition ,
sales co far the present rcaion ranging
from $3.00 to 84.00 per case.
1'otatooi have been ecarco dnring the
week , Ncw , | bringing naflilgli as $2.00 per
bushel. Very few old potatoes In the
Local Grain Dealing ! .
. -Canh No. 2 , 02o Ca h No.
3 , 8J ; rejected G4c.
1JAULEY. CiwhNo. 2 , 87c ; No , 3 , 73c.
- ,82c. . No. 2 , 32io.
OATS.-Cash , 2 < Jc.
Llvo Stock ,
Cattle Wo [ quote nt follows : Butch ,
or's cow * , 83 2. " > @ 3 60 ; choice
accri , § 3 78 © J 00 ,
Shceii Good mutton In fair demand.
$3 50j3 75.
Hogs Wo quota as follows ; Light
packers , $4 Mg5 ) ( 10 ; medium mixc <
packers , 85 005 23 ; extra choice hcavv ,
85 10@5 25.
FLOUR Spring wheat , straight grade ,
8280@300 ; patent , 83 GO ® I 60 ; winter
wheat straight grade , S3 00 ( > 3 25 ; patent ,
83 75 ® 1 00 ; graham rye , 82 25 ; Wheat , § 2
IlYE FLOUR-83 25.
MILLSTUFFS Bran , tier cwt. COc
screening * , per cwt. 70@80c ; short * , pc
owt.GOc ; chopped feed , per cwt. 75c ; mea
bolted , yellow , 80c ; white , 81 00.
POTATOES New , 8175 per bushel
old , 81 00.
POULTRY Llvo chickens per dozen
S3 00 ; old , spring chickens , 83 60.
EGGS Shlpi > cr8 count , 15o : Candled
BUTTER Choice , 13J , ; poor , no market
creamery. 20c.
APl'LES Baldwin's repacked , 85 0 (
per bill ,
HONEY Extracted , first-class Calif
ornla strained , 15c.
ORANGES Tcrrcntu repacked , pe
box , SO 00 ; Palermo , per box , $0 60
Mixinof , t > cr box , 87 00Impcrals ; ! , per box
LBMONS Good repacked per box
$5 60 ; beat , 87 00.
STRAWBERRIES Cowl shipping
scarce ; per case. 84 00.
RASPBERRIES-Percase of 21 quarts
8350(51100. ( '
GOOSEBERRIES Quotable at 12o pe
VEGETABLES All kinds bring ROO (
BEESWAX Yellow , 18@20c :
CIDEll Sweet. 20c per callon.
Grocers List.
COFFEE. Kio , fair. 13Jc : Rio , go < x'
14c ; Ulo , prime to choice , lUc ; Old gov'
Java ; 2Gi@2Sc } , , Mocha , 2GJc ; ArbuckleV
TEAS. Gunpowder , good , 4fin)5"c ( )
Choice , C0@75c ; Imperial , good , 40fel5c ;
Choice , C0@75c ; Young Hyson , good , 3G@
60c ; choice , G5c 81 00 ; Japan If at Loaf ,
35c ; Japan , choice , G0@7 < * c ; Oolong , goud ,
35@40 ; Oolong , choice , 4055 ; Souchong ,
Rood , 35i ( 10o : choice , 35 © JDc. '
SUGAKS. Cut -loaf , Jlgc ; Crushed ,
lljc ; Granulated , life ; Powdered , llgc ;
Fine powdered , ll'jc ; Standard Colfee A.
lljc ; New York ; Confectioner's Standaiu
A. 10'Jc ; Good A , lOc ; Prairie Extra 0 ,
O/o' .
SYRUPS.-Sugar house , bbl * , 45c ; half
bis , 47c ; kegs , 44 gallons , 82 . ' (0 ( ; choice
table syrup , ; (8c ( ; nalfbblH , lOc ; keKs,8185. {
SPICEH.-Popper , 174 ; Allspice , 20c ;
Cloves , TiOo ; Nutmotr * , 8100 ; Cassia , 2Ec ;
Mace , SI 00.
SODA. Dwight's It ) papers , 83 10 ; De-
i land do , 83 00 ; Church' * , 83 00 ; Keg soda ,
'AUCIL ' 1'wrtt , Sto Silver Gla-e , 7j
Corn Starch , 8Jc ; Excelsior Glenn ,
Gfc ; Corn , 7'c.
SALT. Dray loads , per bbl , 1 00 ; Ash-
ton , in sacks , 3 60 ; bbli dairy GO , 5s , 3 45 ;
bbls dairy , 100 , 3s , 3 05.
DRIED FHUITS-Choico halves ,
peaches , now crop , 7Jc ; i\nporated : Apnlcn ,
50 Ib boxes. 5)Jc ) ; Michigan , 5jc ; Now"York
apples , 5Jc ; St. Louis No. 1 , 5c ; Prunes ,
Id , Oc ; new , t ! @ 7c ; Currants , 7@74c ;
Blackberries , now , lOc.
CHEESE Full Cream , HJc ; Part
Skim , lOc.
WOODENWARE Two hoop IpaiN ,
1 8. ) ; three boon palls , 2 10 ; No. I tubs ,
00 ; No. 2 tubs,1 8 00 ; No. . ' ! tubn. 7 00 ;
pioneer wosliboardivl K > ; iJoublu Grown-
2 75 ; Globe Washboard,2CO ; Wellbuckets ,
' COTTON YAHN-f'otton yams , 20i@
2U ; cheap , 0@0i ; medium , S10H ) ; No.
1 St. Louin , It ; Candle wick , 2. " > ; Carpet
chain , and 5 ply , 20i@21ij Colored carpet
33 : chain , per Ib , 20 ;
33r , LEAD Bar , 81 G5.
MATCHES-Pcr caddie , 82c.
10of PROVISIONS Breakfowt bacon , lie
of choice Innl , lljc ; dried beef , 13jic ; hhould-
rs ors , canvassed "c ; hanirt , uanvastied lljc
rsb bacon , sides , 10c.
bno NEW PIOKLKS-Mcdlum , in barrels ,
no 89 50 ; do in half bbls , 5 2T ; smidlH , in bbls
ur 1200 ; do , in half bbls. 050 ; gherkins , in
bbls , 13 50 ; do , In half hbln , 7 2."i.
VINEGAR Pure npplu extrn , 18oj
; pure . , 16c ; Pmssing pure apple , 15o.
Lie 1 lOMINY Now , S3 80 per hbl.
BEANS Medium , hand pit-led (83 ( 00
< per biiHhel.
ROPE-Slsal. g inch nnd larger , lOc ; 9
llt- Inch , lOjc ; J incli , lie. . ' , ,
ks SOAPS-JKirk' * SavonImperial , ' 285
nt Klrk'H sterling. 2 40 ; Kirk's standard , 3 30
In. Kirk's white Russian , 4 f.O . : Kirk'j Eutoco.
: ! 85 : Kirk's Prairie Queen , (100 ( calces ) , S
n 40 ; Klrk'H magnolia , 3 PO. '
re. CANDLES Boxes , 40 Ibs , 1G oz , B *
Jcboxes ; 40 Ibs. , 10 oI'n. . 13c ; liox'es , 4C
sets , 14 oz. , 8s , 12Jtc ; half boxes , 20 eeU
Uoz. , 8s , 13c.
Is. LYE American ; 3 35 : Greenwich , 3 35
Western , 2 75 ; North Star , 2 60 ; .Lewis
.1 1 e.4COJewolllytV27fi. ;
, POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 do * .
. , in ciise , S 35 ; Babbitt's B.dl , 2 doz. In case
In 1 DO : Anchor Ball 2 doz in case , 1 60.
FIELD SEED Red clover , .choice
iyull now , 85 30 per bushel ; mammoth clover
ull now. 85 75 ; white clover , new , 811 00
alfalfa clover , new , 81260 ; nltlko , new
of : 813 09. , Timothy , good , nuw , 82 602 G5
hone bljio \ giass. extra qlcan , $1.2.1 ; blue grohs ;
clean , 81 15 ; orchard grans , 82 00 ; reii top t
no choice , G5c : millet , common or Misso uri
812. " ) ; millet , German , 8125 ; to 8160
Humauian. 8115.
IIKDG ESEED 0ago orange , 1 to (
bushcln , 85 00 ; osage or.uige , 10 bushels 01
over , 81 60 ; hoiioy locu t , iter
100 lls. . 82. " ) 00.
FISH Family white fish , 80 Ib hf bbln
$3 CO ; No. 1 wliito i\n\\fW \ \ \ ) \ \ > hf hbla , 0 00
No. 1 white fish. In 10 Ib kits , 1 00 ; famllj
i 10 Ib kits , 76c ; New Holliind herring , pe
keg , 120Rubslan ; H.II dines , 75c ; Colini'
bia river halmon , per lOOlbs , K ( K ) ; Georgo'
el- Bank c < xlfUh , Oc } Gen , bonelcsa cixltish
7ic ; boneless lish , 4 jc ,
MACKEREIy HalfbblsmcBsnmckcrel
bhoro do
100 llw , 0 00 ; hf bbls , fat family do , 10
11)4 , 3 b5 ; met * mackerel , 12 II ) kit * , 2 25
No. 1 ex shore , 12 Ib do , ! 50 ; No , 1 shore
12 Ib do , 1 00 ; fat family , 10 Ib do , 75o.
CANNED GOODS-Oyntcrs , 2 11
( Field's ) , ujr case , 83 00 ; do 1II. ( Field's )
iier case , 2 50 : do 2 Ib ( Standard ) , j > er cas
bcr 3 76 ; do 1 ID ( standard ) , per case , 2 40 ; d
2 tb ( slack ) , per cose , 2 GO ; do 1 It. ( slack 0 ]
per awe , 1 85. balinou , 1 Id , per dozen '
Binall j'sli , imported , half boxes per dozen
on 1 70 ; American , quarter boxes per dozen
by l.'JOdol'.alf.lx)3i'J8.l ! > < ; * * 'lozS . - . . Lol
tnd stew , 1 Ib per dozen , 160. Tomntoci
Ib per case. 225 ; do 3 Iti i > c
case , 2C5 ; Com , 2 Ib ( Mountain
the per case,340 , ; soaked com , 11)0 ) ; d
Sht 2 lu ( Yarmouth ) , i > cr case , 3 K
trmg beana , per cae. 1 'JO ; Lima bean
ces per case , tt 00. Succotash per caae , 2 K
l'ea , common , pur case , 1 70 ; peas , cholc <
uo- per ca e , 4 60. Blackberries , 2 ll , per cast
210 ; strawberries. 2Jt > , t > er case , 3 25 ®
75) ) raspberrieg , 2 Ib , per case , 3 7fi(53 ( ; CK
ily | Damsons , 2 Ib.vper case , 2' ' 23 ; ' liiirtlel
pears per ct e , 3 0f 1 00. Whortleber
ties per CM * , 2f,0. , Ife plums 2 > per
hiM/3 30 ! do , fch"icc , ! 4 IK K "
Orcon g ! ge ,2 lb I10' c'vc' 3 < Wi. ! °
I , per ca.e,4V-0. Ano AmJ , 2 Upercae ,
3 fX > @ 4 50. rent-In- c , 3 10 :
J choice red Ten-
rjwui. . - > i "nii , ,
nonce , 8c per Ib ; fancy white , Uc per Ib ;
raw white Virginia , 7@71c.
Dry Qoodi.
Buckeye LL GJc ; Cre ccnt LL CJc ; Ltica
C 5Jc ; ; Crescent C 7'c : Credent B 7c ;
Ore-cent A Re : Wathu ctts 81c ;
Indian Head 8jc ; Granltcvillo JJj
Glc ; Badger RH , fine brown , < } c ;
Badger X , do , 7c ; Portsmouth P , do , 5Jc ;
Winthrop L , do , 7c ; Continental C ,
Fndt 1-1 Hope 4-1
1-1 13c ; - 10J ;
( Uc ; llallnnlvalo 4-1 Gc ; Poca jolt
. ( J 1-4 8jc ; Altoona 3-1 Oc ; Lonsdalo
No. 1 1 cambric 13c ; No , 2n. \ . 12)c ) ;
Xcw ork MilH 1-1 13c ; I/iiiHlalo 1-4 lOc ;
Fairmont Q-1-1 .f'lo Attburn A M Sic ;
Harnnnl 3 Ite ; Hairy Cloth 5'c ,
I'JtlNTS. Allcn'H fancy , CJc : Anicri.
can do , Oic ; < Arnold' * do , 7c ; Concstoo.i
do , Cc ; Dtmncll do , Olc ; Kddystono do ;
G\c \ ; Gloucester do , fife ; Hamilton , r.c ?
Hntinony. fie ; Hnrtcl , tijc ; Knickerbocker ,
Gc ; Manchester , 7c ; Pacific , 7c ; Sprnguc ,
r > Jc ; Southlirlilgc.flc ; Mystic , ' > \r \ ; Merrl-
mack shirting * ! "c ! SiiMgno do , "ic ;
Southbridgo do , Go ; Regatta do , Sic ;
Cochico lot ) ? , 7cj Freeman robe , lie ;
Hamilton do , 7e ; Marlboro do , Gc ; South-
bildgodo. OJcj Sliraguodo.MiJo : American
do. 7c ; Pacific do , 7e ; Wnshington oil
colors , ! c ; Simpson's mourning , 7c : .Simp-
son's solid black , G'IC ; Berlin solid colorto. (
CAMBRICS , PLAT - Glared , r.Jc
high colors. OJc : kid finish , Gc ; high col
or.s , 7c : rolled , 7c : high colors. 8c.
CORSET JEANS Itockport , 8c ;
Naumkcag pattccn , 'Jo ; Androscoggin do. ,
Oc ; Ixjckwood do. , 'Jc ,
TICKING Amoskeag- . C. A. , 17ic ;
Concstopa , B. F. , 2 , fancy , ISc : Cones-
toca , 4-1 , Gold Medal , IGc ; Concstoga , | ,
C. C. A. , He ; Concitoga , C. C. A. , fancy ,
lie ; Easton , B. , 10cJ Omego superior extra
28c medal 2."jc Omega A C
tra , ; Omega , ;
. ' _ _ . . _ . . .
f ! .inr \ * 4 l'l/T7Mlll.
12ic ; Phctnckct , S. F. S. ,
Rfver , lOJc ; Hamilton , D. , Ill ; Hamil
ton regular , 13 ; Hamilton II. , Iljc ; Cor-
dii , B. B. , He ; Cordls A. C. E. , 18c ; Albany -
bany S. A. X. , lOJc.
OIL CLOTJI-T..J wood , 83 00 ; 5-1
fancy marble , 83 00 ; 5-4 white marble ,
83 25 ; li 4 wood , 81 00 ; 0-1 fancy marble ,
81 00 ; 0-4 white marble , 81 25 ; 5-1 mo-
aic , 83 00 ; 0-4 mosaic , 81 00.
DENINS AnioskeaK blue and brown ,
ICc ; Beaver Creek-A. A. , blue nnd brown ,
14Jc ; Beaver Creek , B. andbrown ,
13Jc ; Beaver Creek , C. C. , blue am
brown7l2ic ; Everett D. D. , blue and
brown , 10 ; Haymakers blue and brown ,
OcjOtis , A. X. A. , hlue , Hie ; Otis B. B.
blue , 131 ; Otis O. 0. , blue , 12Jc ; Pearl
River blue and brown , 15Jc.
DUCKS Fall Hivcr , llic ; Ilnmden O.
O. , lOJc ; Boston checks. 13ic ; Boston
stripe" , IJIJc ; Dundee tripos , 18c ; Bis-
13jcj Boston XXX ttrab , 13U- ; Boston 0.
STRIPES t ouismna , 3x3 blue and
brown , 8JcLonlsianaOx3 ; blue and brown ,
8Jo ; Rock River , 0\3 blue and brown , 1'Jc ;
Ali'hnnia , 0x3 liluu and broun , 8\c. \
COTTONADES Le\vi8ton , 10 07. , 25c ;
A. Y. A. , 25c ; Angora , D. & T. , 25c
New York mills proof , 22ta ; Bridgewatcr ,
20c ; Everett , heavy , 22ic ; Whittent n ,
heavy , 22JcBell ; , Ibc ; Charter Onk , 18c
Wicklow , 18c ; Union Pacific , 18c ; Capitol ,
18c ; Tanner's 10\c ; Everett , medium , 15c
York , lisht weight , 12c ; New York mills
checks. 10.
SHEETINGS AiHlroscogBin.O-lbrown
23c ; do 10-1 do , 20c ; Peppereli's ! ) ! brown
221c ; do 10-1 do , 25c ; Androsenggin , 4(5 (
Inch , bleached , 13c : do0-4 , bleached , 2Gc
do 10-1 , bleached , 2c ! ) ; Pcpporell , 9-J
bleached , 25c ; do 10-1 bleached , 271c.
Carbolic , 50c ; Acid , Tartaric , 65o : Balsam
Copabia , per Ib , 70c ; Bark , Sassafras , per
Ib , 13c ; Calomel , per Ib , 75c ; Cinchonidia
per oz , 85c ; Chloroform , IH.T Ib. 95o
Dover's powders , jier Ib , 81 40 ; Epsom
salts , per Ib , 4c ; Glycerine , pure , per Ib
3S@40c ; Lead , Acetate , per Ib , 22c ; Car
bon oil , 110 ° , per gallon , 11 He ; do 150 °
per gal , 13.Jc ; Ol | , Ca tor , No. 1 , per pal
1 00 ; Oil , Castor , | No. 3. pcr gal , 'JOc ; Oil
82 , 50 ; Salacin , per oz , 35c ; Sulphate o
Morphine , per oz , 83 75 ; Sulphur flour
pur Ib , ficj Strvchninc , per oz , 8140@1 CO
Horses and Mules.
The market is briik and all grades an
belling ell nt a slight advance In prices
The demand for xood horxus oxcocdi thi
supply considerably. Prices range as fol
lows :
; Fine single drivcm , 8150. to 300. ; E\tn
- draft borne * , 8175. to 225. ; Common dr.if
; bonsus , 8100. to 160. ; Extra farm horse
8110. tol2.rv. ; Common to good farm homes ! .
8X ! ) . tu 8100. ; Extra plugs , 800. to 75.
, Common plugs , 820. to 310.
MULES. 15 to 15J hands ( extra ) , S125
to 160. ; llj to 15 hands , 8100. to 140.
14 to Hi hands , 875. to 100. ; 13J to 1
. hand * , 80t ) . to 75.
and Tobaccos.
OIGAR8-Seedg ; , 816,00 ; Connecticut
$25.00 ; Mixed , 835.00 ; Seed Havana , 850.00
Clear Havana , 876.00.
'TOBACCO PLUG. Golden Rule
] 24 Ib , 60c ; Spqtted Fawn , 57c ; Our Rope
] Bfcj Star , pounds , 24 Ib , butts , 5Gc ; Hors
. Shoo , pounds , ' 2-1 Ib , butts. 50c ; Purity , 2
rui jjuuiutiii n viiuiiiA. , ,
FINE CUT Snails.-lard to Boat
76o ; Golden Thfawl , Cfjc ; Fountain , 73c
: Favoiltc , C5c ; Rocky Mountain , 55c
Fancy , 60oDaisy ; , 450. ' InUin foil-
Cntllim O. J3. , 2 04 packages , O'lbbo\ci
, per Ib'COc ; Ixrillanra Tk'or , OOc'
, SMOKING All uraiuls Common , 25t
33e. Granulated Blackwells Durham , 1
, oz4GcJukes ; Durham , 1(107 ( , 15o ; Seali <
, North Carolina , II ! oz , 10 ; Seal of Nebiat
ka , 10 oz , 38c ; l ono Jack , 4 o/ , linen bagt
per Hi , 81.35 ; Marburg * ' Puck , 2 nz , ti
foil , 55c ; Dog Tail , G5c.
Lumber ,
, FINISHINO-No. 1. finish Ik U an
2 inch , 855 00 No. 1 finish 1 inch S.X ) OC
No. 2 , finish l | , H and 2 inch. 8.'iOOO : Ni
2 finhii , 1 inch , 815 00 ; No , 3 finish , 1 incl
81000 ; 0. G. battoiu pur 100 feet lin
8125 ; well curbing , 83500 ; louijh J ami
inch buttons per 100 feet lin. , 50c.
STOCK BOARDS A stock , 815 00 ;
$10 00 ; 0 , 835 00 ; common stock , 825 X (
FLOORING-NO , i , sio oo ; NO.
835 00 ; No , 3 , 820 00 ; > ellow pine , No. 1
SIDING No. 1 , 82760 ; No. 2 , 825 ( W
No. 3 , 82000.
SHIP LAP Plain , 825 00 ; 0. G. No.
837 50 : No. 2 , 825 00.
CEILING 827 60 < ? 815 00.
shingles , 81 00 , No. 2 , 83 00 ; No. 3 , 82 51
; Lath , 81 00.
, Building Material ,
LIME Per barrel , 81 35 ; bulk per bu
Ib 85c. Cement , bbl , 82 60. Iowa plaste
) , bbl , 82 60. Hair per bu. 25c. Tarre
. felt 100 Ibs , 83 60. Straw board , 81 00.
The Leather Trade.
, Oak harnosD , 39 ® He ; Pittsburgh sele
, ted , 4043o ; hemlock harness , 37@3U
, skirting per Ib , fair , 44c ; black collar 14 I (
, 21c ; fair ( io ; 18@20c ; fair No. 2 , IGfojW
hemlock sole , .Buffalo slaughter , per Ib , i
, © 3lo ; hemlock sole , B. A. slaughter pi [
cr Ib , 25@32o ; oak sole , 4043c ; oak up } l >
) jier foot , 25c ; hemlock upper , 25o ; do Ni
do 2 , 23c ; oak kip skins perlb ,
; hemlock kip skins per Ib , 7Cc@S1.0i
French kip , skins per Ib , 91.00@81. 35
. oak calf i > r Ib. $1.20$1.25 ; hemlock ca
per Ib. 8L10t 81.25J French calf Wr.ll
81.28@82.10o Simon Plcanl goat peHdo
$ mOO@l8.00 ; bootleg Monaco per. fi5o
) . 30@3. ' > c ; calf kid per foot , 35c ; roans " > <
sttldoz , 8Q.OO@ 10.50 ; white and yellow lit
ingi tier doz , $ $ .00@$10.00 ; pink linings
per < ioz. S7.00@$9.00 ; Husaett lining , 87.-
00 ; blacksmiths' aprons per dozen , $12.00 ®
PAPER Slruw paper , Sic ; Hag paper ,
4c ; dry goo < li paper , 7c ; manlla jiaper ,
lOc ; news paper , 8c.
tOAI/ ; Cumberland blacksmith , $12 ;
Morris llun Blo burg , 812 ; Whttebrofint
lumjt , SG ; Whltebrcast nut , S'G ; InVva
lump , 80 ; Iowa nut , ? C ; llock Springs , 88.
Hldet , Fur , Etc.
HIDES Green butcher's hide , GJ ; green
- - . . v. . . .Bound ,
ll@12c ; ( jrecn calf. wt.S to 15Ibs. . 10@llc ;
Rrccn calf , wt , under 8 Hw , per ckln , COc ;
L-recn pelts SI 00@115 ; green lamb skins ,
8110(0,1 ( 25 ; damaged hide" , two-third rate ,
( cut scored and one grub , classed two-
thirds rate , ) branded hides 10 per cent , off ,
Coon skln , No. 1 , 45C ; No. 2 , 30c ; No. 3 ,
20c ; No , 4 , lOc. Mink , No. 1 , 50c ; No. 2 ,
30c ; No. 3 , 15c ; No. 4 , 5o. Fox , No. 1 ,
COc ; No. 2,25c. Skunk , No. 1 , black ,
C5c ; short 8trlje , 40c ; narrow stripe , 23c ;
broad stripe , lOc. Tallow , 5J.
Merino unwashed , light , 14lCc ; heavy ,
1315c ; medium uiwn lied , light , 18@20c ;
tub-wa < < hcd , choice , 32cj fair , SOc ; dingy
nnd w , , 28c ; butry , black nnd cotted wools
2 < &Cc less.
SHOT.-Shot , 81.00 ; Buck shot , $2.15i
Oriental Powder , kegs $0.40 ; do. , hall
kegs 83.48Mo. ; , quarter kegs $1.67 ; Blast
ing , kegs , $3.35 : Fuse , tier 100 feet 50c.
Heavy Hardware Lut.
Iron , rates 52 80 ; plow steel , cast , 7Jc ;
o cast * * 7 tool n r\n. l..i.l do , 15@20 , . . _ -i. wagon * o * . e 11 Hpokensct . ? . ,
washers , per Ib. 818c ! rivets , per Ib , llcj
cell chain , jicr Ib , 0@12c ; malleable , SJcf
Iron wedge * , Cc ; crowbars , Oc ; barrow
teeth , -lc ; horseshoes , per keg , 5 00 ; spring
sUcl ,
NAILS 10 to 20d. 3 15 ; 8 to 10 , 3-10 ;
fid , 3 ( VJ ; 4d , 3 00 ; 3d , common , 4 05 : 3d ,
line , li 15 ! clinch , all sires , 4 UO ; Cd , casing.
4 10 ; 8d casing , 15 ; lOd casing , 3 00 ; lOd
finixli , 4 40 ; 8d finish , 4 Co ; Cd finish , J 00 ;
half kegs , lOc extra.
Paints , Oils nnd Varnlihcs.
PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omaha
P. P. , 7cvhito ; lead , O. P. & C. Co.pure ,
Cc ; Marseilles green , 1 to " > Ib can * , 20c ;
I'rench zbic , green seal. 12c ; French zinc ,
red seal , lie ; French zinc , In varnish asst ,
20c ; I'rench zlnce , In oil nsst , 15c ; Haw
nnd burnt timber , 1 Ib cans 12c raw and
burnt Sienna , 13c : vandyke browi , 13c ;
refined lampblack , 12c ; coach black , ICc ;
ivory black , ICc ; drop black , IGc ; Prussian
blue , SOc ; ultramarine blue , 18c ; chrome
green , L , 31 , & D. , 14c ; blind and fchutter
green , L , SI. & D. , 14c : Paris green. 18c
Indian red , 15c ; "Venetian red , ! lc ; Tuscai :
red , 22c ; American Vermillod , I. &P. , 18c.
chrome yellow , L. , SI. , O. & D. O. , ISc ;
yellow ochre , Oc ; golden ochre , 1C ; patent
tlrycr , Gc ; graining colors : light''oak , dark
oak , \\alnut , chestnut and ash 12c.
Dry Paints.
White lead , CJc ; French zinc. lOc ; Paris
whlteing 2Jc ; whiting gilders , IJc ;
whiting com ] , lie ; lampblack Germantown -
town , 14c ; lampblack , ordinary , 8c ; Prus
sian blue , 55c ; ultrnmariue , ISc ; vandyke ,
brown , Be ; umber , burnt , 4c ; umber , raw ,
tc ; sienna , burnt , 4c ; Bicnna , raw , 4c
Paris green genuine , 35c ; Pari ? green comr
2oc ; cliioino green , _ N. Y. ' 20c ; chrome
green 1C. , 12c ; vennillion , Ivng. , 70c ; ver-
inillion , America , 18c ; Indian red. 30c ;
rose pink , lie ; Venetian read , Cookscras ,
2Jccnctian : rctl Am. , I'Jc ' ; red lead , Tie ;
chromo yellow , penuine , 20c ; chrome yel
; low , 1C. , 12c ; ochie , rochelle , 3c ; ochre ,
French , 2jc ; ; ochre , American , Itc ;
Winter's mineral , 2Jc ; lehigh bro vn , 2jc :
; Spanish brown , 2\c \ ; "Prince's mineral 3c ;
VARNISHES-Barrch per gallon.
; Furniture , e\ti , SI 00 ; furniture , No. 1 ,
OOc ; furniture , TJ , TJC : coach , extra , Sl2."c ;
Coach , No. 1 , SI 00 ; Damar , SI 2o ; Japan ,
, 70c ; osphaltum , 70c ; shellac , S3 50 ; hard
oil finish , SI 30.
OILS 110carbon pcrgallon , lljc ; liiO *
; headlight , per gallon , 12Jo ; 175' headlight
pcrgalloii , lOc ; crystpline , per gallon , 20c
, galloi
XXX. per gallon , 9 jc , No. 3 , 87c ; sweet
per gallon , 85c ; sperm , W. B. , per gallon
; SI & 5 ; fiish.W.B. , per gallon , GOc ; neatsfoot
| extra , per gallon , 75c , No. 1 , Go ; lumber- !
eating , zero , per gallon , 30c , summer , lee
, golden machine. No. 1 , per gallon , 35c , No.
2 , 28c ; spenn , signal , ] ) er gallon , 0c ; tur-
, per gallon , 5Sc ; naptha , 74 deg
, per gallon 18o , 63dci ( , 17c.
, Liquor.
ALCOHOL 187 proof , 82 1C pel
wine gallpn , extra California spirit"
187 pioof at 118 per proof gallon
triple refined spi'its , 187 'proof , 8110 ; pel
I1 proof gal re-distilled whiskies , 8100@1 50
tine blended , 81 50(7,2 ( CO ; Kentucky bourbons
bens , 8200@7 00 ; Kentucky and Pennsyl.
ro vania rvex , 82 007 00.
H. BRANDIES Imported , ea > 00@lGOO
lie domestic 140@4 00.
)1SINS Imported , 4 50@G 00 ; domestic
1 10@3 00.
ra 4 00 New
RUMS-Imported , 50@G ;
ifti Eiisland. 2 00 ® 1 00 ; domestic , 1 503 50
, 175 © 100.
. ;
CHAMPAGNES Imported per case
S. 20 00@31 00 ; Amciican , per case , 12 00S (
. ; 1800 ,
14 CLAIETS-Per case , 4 50@1G 00.
WINES Rhinewlne , jer cane , 0 00@2f
00 ; Catawba , per case 4 007 00.
e , Council BlnfTs Gonornl Mnrlcot-
fc' Wheat No. 2 , 00@l)3c. )
Corn Fair demand ; 2o@30o to shipper *
; Hay Fair market , with prices at $12.
Oats Market quiet ; No. 2 , 30c.
Butter 12Jc.
J't'gs lOc.
; Cattle Beef , _ S : } A04 25-
Sheep S3MX&4W ) .
Hogs Light demand , prices 81 750 00
, Potatoes. New , SI 23 per bu.j old , 75
to per Iji
10 Onions 8200.
Wood Market quiet , with good supply
S7 CO , ' / r * f '
* , ' Biiultrx O tOc. '
] { ye-No. 2 , 80c.
Barley No. 2. Sfio.
nd Grand function Mnrliot
) ; GiuNi ) Ju.Ncfio.v. la. , July 9.
1'ggs DC. .
Butter From Oo to 13c
KB Chicago Produce.
B ] On 'Change the markets were moderatolj
) . active.
The receipts of grain were 21,800 bus ! ;
els by canal , and 1,005 carloads by rail
embracing 100 of wheat , 807 of corn , SI
; of oats , 1 of rye and 2 of barley.
Flour Firm and in good bhipping r"
1 1 ,
) .
50. Wheat Spring No. 2 , was fairly activt
and ttrongcr. Its finnncsa was attiibutec
to the continued hot weather throughou !
. , the northwest. The jnarket for No. '
erl opcneii about g\iyaw higher , ruled stront
red and a < lvancod a tritlo more ; then weakeuei
and fell off Sc , ralleil Jc , and finally closet
at 1 OS@l Oil for July ; 1 102 for Angust
10pl@l 10forScpt uber107S ; forthoyear
ec- No. 3 in more demand at OS@1 03 , acord' '
; ing tojlocation ; rojectetl , quotably 7GCg821i
© on same .
Corn Steady and fair business trans
30 acted ; prices remain nearly unchanged , ex
er cept for low r grades ; weather throughout
er the northwett remains \ery favorable foi
Co. growing croiw ; No. 2 and high
; closed at 40@1GJ cashl 48 July ; 46@
; 40j August ; 4GJ faVjptembcr ; 40 ! October
; > S year : now Jilgh mlxetl 44J44J ; new
All mixed 4' } q i reJectelH2. ' " . . . *
0 Ufe k. . uJ nu jihohnrf :
, ta
, 1"
05 forj caih ; 01 for July ; 81 for August ;
80 for September.
Barley Entirely neglected ) prices nom
inally 1 00 for cosh ; 8S for September ; No.
3 , 83(3.83. (
Pork In light demand ; pm ll offering !
prices trifle steadier ; ! mew closed at 17 10
( & 1712J for cash ; 17 07Jfc'17 ' 10 for August ;
17 20 for September ; otter options inac
Lard In fair inquiry ; quotations nom
inally unchanged ; 11 60(511 ( * G5 cash and
July ; 11 62J11 65 for August ; 11 20 ©
11 22J for September.
Bulk Meats In moderate demand ; of
ferings fair , prices steady ; fhort rib side ? ,
8 Ci'th S G7J.
Whisky-Quiet at 110.
Receipts Flour , 22,130 bbls ; wheat ,
G5.778 bus corn , 420,091 bu ; oats , 81-
731 bu ; rye , 1,353 bti ; barley , -00 bu.
Shipments Flour , 20,315 bbls ; Wheat ,
102,022 bu ; Corn , 552,009 bn ; Oats 31,255
mi. ; rye , 440 ; barley. 4.0.
Cbicntro Llvo Stoclt ,
( iuiCAoo , July 0.
Hogg Receipts 13,000 ; shlpn.ents G.300
quietly fairjgoodimiuiry | , cspeclallyfor lard
hog . IVor to good packing slow at 5 00
(3030 ( ; light , active and 6 cents higher ,
0 SofeG U. ) for good and G OdgG ( 20 for
common ; sales of choice heavy at G 35 ®
G 05 ; culls light porkers 5 00@5 00.
Cattle Receipt' , 3,000 : ulUpment * . 3-
800 steady ; exiorts G@25J good to choice
shipping 0 C5 ( & " G 00 ; common to 'fair ' 4 C0@
6 46 ; butchers1" I 00@ 1 25 ; first arrivals of
western cattle , thirteen cars Wyo
ming TcxnuslbO ; 405 ; one car
cclpts through Texas 52 cars ; shlppini'
grade ? , strong at 4 35(3,1 ( GO ; canning cattle
weak at 3 10@ 1 75 ; native stockerq and
feeders very dull and weak at 2 50(3,4 ( 60.
Sheet ) Receipts , 100 ; ( shipments , 700 ;
steady ; common to fair 3 25S,4 ( 40 ; good to
choice 4 C0@5 20.
Now York Produce.
Flour Dull and unchanged. Southern
flour fair demand at unchanged prices.
Wheat Generally higher nnd fairly ac
tive ; spot sa es of No. 2 red winter at
120(5)127 ( ) ; of No. 3 do , 122@1224 : of
No. 1 white , 1 25@1 25. } , and of No. 2
spring at 1 20J.
Corn Spot quiet : options in fair re
quest nnd shade higher ; spot sales at
65@554o for No. / ' ; 4Jl@10jc for No. 3 ;
52c for steamer mixed.
Oats Shade lower and moderately ac
tive ; No. 1hlic , 4GJ@4GVo ; No 2 do ,
42i@43 > c ; No. 2 mixed , 42fel3J ; No. 3
ilo , 12cT _
Rye Nominal.
Barley Nominal ,
Pork Steady and in moderate demand ;
ordinary mess for early delivery , 17 25@
17 50.
Lard Quiet but flrm ; sales of western
steam at 11 8512 00 ; city do , at-11 50.
Beef Unchanged. .
Cut Meats Unchanged ,
Whiskey Nominal.
Cotton Spot firm ; middlings , 11 3-10 ;
futures steady.
Cincinnati Produce.
Pork Firm at 817.
Lard Steady ; prime Bteam , 11 7G-
Bulk Meath Steady ; clear sides § 'J 40 ©
045.Bacon Steady ; clear ribs 10 20@10 25.
Flour Dull ; family , 5 2J@G CO.
Wheat Finn ; No. 2 ted , 1 19 bid.
Corn Weak ; No. 2 mixed , 40 bid.
Oats Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 4iJ offered.
Rye Quiet ; No. 2 , at 1 01.
Barley Nominal.
Whisky Finn at 1 08.
Philadelphia Prodnco.
Wheat Steady : 121@1 24 J for cash
1 22J for July. -
Com Finn5Ji@54J ; forcabh and July
55JS,55 ( | for August.
Oats Firm ; 41 j for ca-0i ; 40J@41J fo
July ,
llye Quiet , at 90 for cash.
PittsTj-nre Live Stoclt-
t'jTTUcuno , , T < jly 0
Cattle Nothing doing ; receipts , 1,088
shipments , none.
Hogs Active : receipts , 2SOO head ; ship
, menta , 1,100 ; Philadelphia ! ! 0 70@C SO
, Yorkers , G 40SC ( CO.
- Sheei > Nothing doing ; receipts , 2CK
; head ; shipments , 2,000 head.
- Toledo Produce
TOLEDO , July 9.
Wheat Quiet ; No. 2 red , August , ! 13.J
September , ! 131 ; year 112 j.
Corn Quiet ; > io. 2 cash , 48 , year ,
, Oats Nominal.
; Liverpool Produce.
laVEnrooL , July 9.
. Flour American , 9 * Cd@lls Cd ,
Wheat Winter , 9 4d@9a lOd ; white
; 9s 3d@9s7d ; spring , 9s9d 4d ; club , 9j 7d
@ 9s lid ,
, Corn-753.
Lard 57i > @Gd.
Pork 74s.
Poorlft Produce.
PconiA , July 0.
, Corn Steady ; high mixed , 4Gi@4Gi ;
mixed , 4G@4G4c.
Oats Inactive ; No. 2 white , 37@37ic.
Rye Nominal nt 1 00.
St. Louln Produce-
ST. Louis , July 9.
, Flour Unchanged.
Wheat Higher : No 2 red , 1 14J@
115 cash ; 1 13I114 , July ; 1 14J ®
1148 , August ; 112J@1 13 , September ;
1 131 , October ; 1 llg@l 12J for the year ;
No. 3 , do 1 08.
Corn Lower ; 14lc for cash ; 45J for
July ; 45 ? for Angutt ; 40J for Septem
ber ; 41 J@42c for the year.
Oats Cash , hipher ; options , lower ; 3G@
37i for cash ; 31 for July ; SliJ for Au
Rye-Slow ; 95 bid.
Ecrgs Dull at 8i@9c.
, Whiskey Steady , at 1 OS.
( Pork Firm nt S17 25.
Dry Salt Meats-Steady at 0 25@9 10.
Bacon Strong at 7 25&U 37JfelO 00.
, ; Lard Nominal at 11 GO.
St. Louis Live Stoclt-
ST. l oris , July 9.
I to s Active and better ; Yorkers , 0 30
@G 40 ; mixed packing , G 00ffii30 ( ; choice
to fancy heavy , li 30&G 50. Itcceipts ,
2,500 head ; shipments , 1,500 head.
FOP Fine Complexions ,
Positive rollci'nnd immunity
from comploxioiinl blemishes
may bo fonud in Hasan's Mag
nolia Bnlrn. A dolicnto uud
harmless nrtlclo. Sold I > y drug
gists everywhere.
It imparts the most brilliant
ami lifo-llko tints , and the clo
sest scrutiny cannot detect its
use. All unsightly discolorations -
tions , eruptions , ring marks
nudertho oyessailowncs3red
ness , roughness , and the flash
of i'atiguB and excitement are
at once dispelled by the Mag
nolia Balni.
It Is the one incomparabie
Tlie Date is Unalterably Fixed
This is the show that has
and who receives moro salary than nny lady artist living.
Positively Coming With Four Great Rings ,
In Glittering , Mighty and Incomparable combination with
Z2-m"VAL CIRCUSES unable to compete iti opou opposition with Coup's
Monster Shows and Hipyodrom , nro following this gigantic exhibition , ( ixa
ilmrka follow in the wako o the nollo ship ) , and circulating anonymous pub-
ications , " and advertisements cither without dates t > r with false dates ,
n a fruitless effort to deceive the public about the coming of other shows or
; ho not coming of this great show. These communications bear the imprint
if falsehood and deception , and the public are warned to brand them with
, he infamy they deserve.
BEAR CONSTANTLY IN MIND , that this mammoth exhibition , which
jauses them to quake with fear and become sick with jealousy , will positive-
y bo hero ON THE DAY ADVERTISED , rain or ahino , without failj and as ,
sure as the day arrives. Look out and you may hear little dogs bark.
Omaha , Thursday , duly 14th.
CIRCUS with Three Circus Companies.
MUSEUM with Marvelous Wonders.
tot "irons and Hippodrome Rings ! I
Ml Circns and Hippodrome Companies
A ROMAN OE TRACK , 40 feet wide , and nearly a half milo round.
Exhibiting at every performance in all the largo cities to an audience of 10,000 peoplr ,
Thousands turned away from the doors. A mammoth tent , covering eight ,
acres of ground. Seats for 1-1,000 ; standing room for 2000.
ONE PRICE of admission to this Entire Confederation of
Exciting Hurdle Races ,
Thrilling : Roman Chariot Races
Two | Four Horse Standing Races ,
Terrific Steeple Chasing.
in InnneasureaWe and Paralyzing Flood ot
- _ _ SIZE ! NOVELTY !
' "W d7ttJ - Combined with the most matni-
Ss3iiiPt'"JZ "cnt l arlslan entertainmentaud
1 A5 iC racing Carnhal. making one vast ,
" "ri r tf' ' Bt"Pendous and gorgeous icpre-
vlF"2Sri Mutation of all the ( .ports , past-
frlSySilne3' , "iverslon-i and recreations of
U ancient and modern times.
; The intensely thrilling European
rM fcenatiwn
Sl.ix.-cj'Xa-oz . '
A human being terrifically hurled
through the air from a huge iron
Catapult , attaining an altitude !
of ninety feet , and descend ,
ing a semi-circle of nearly
r200 feet. A daring and
blood-curdling aet , nev
er before accomplished
ISi'lffiT !
L If J1 ; ' ' Priiicess Amazula & Suits
( , V | i ) Daugliterfof KingGetawayo ,
Watch ifor the Great FreelStreo
Pageant of Oriental Splendor.
Two Exhibitions Daily I
Admission only 50 Cts.
Children under 0 years , 25 Cents
K " V * * J I JC1 \ 1 % ' f
i U' 4I - w.HiAfA\- \ * IFor the Slultltude.
Don't Forget the Date ) !
Tboae wiihlntr o aTold'Sthe crowd'at tin Ticket wagon can procure tlcketa'at
EDHOLM fr KRIOKSONU on the clay of exhibition at a slight
Rod dakIowaJuly | ; ! H Council Bluffa , July 12 ; Plattsmouth. July 13 } Omaha , July
14jJLtncoln , July 15 ; Nebraska City July 16.