t\ s * *
A Masonic Reunion Chicago
Masonry The Grand
The Triple Link-Knightly
There is n general desire among the
Masons of the world for n
moro closer union and fellow
ship .than ia now oujoycd by
tha brotherhood. In the clash of
conflicting systems and incongruous
work , with differing methods of rec
ognition and widely diverged methods
of work , the order as n universal
brotherhood loses much of its ofli-
cioncy , It is proposed to hold an in
ternational Masonic reunion nt
Borne , to include all the
grand lodges in the world ,
nnd the preliminary conference is to
bo hold at Milan during the coming
Italian national exhibition. A largo
number of Masonic grand bodies have
intimated their intention of participa
ting. It is to bo hoped that the Uni
ted States will bo represented by able
nnd wise brethren. Masonic work in
this country greatly lacks uniformity
in the several jurisdictions , and the
experience of the American Masons
will bo valuable , as showing the great
benefit to bo derived from world-wido
uniformity in Maionic work.
It is claimed by fanatics of , the
Blanchard typo that Chicago is a hot
bed of Masonry , and recents reports
published , go far to show that the
order is in a most nourishing condi-
tlion in the Garden City. Thirty-
eight Blue lodges of Masons are work
ing actively with full rolls of members
and plenty of work before thflm.
There are twelve chapters of the Royal
Arch , seven commanderios of the
Knights Templar , and six bodies of the
j Ancient and Accepted Scottish llito.
R. AND s. M.
Tlio Grand Council of Wisconsin ,
Royal and Select Masters , haa dis
solved its connection with the Grand
Chapter of that state , and ratified the
organization o the General Grand
Council of the United States. The
Grand Councils of Mnine , Georgia and
Kansas have also unanimously ratified
the General Grand Council otganiza-
tion. California has also just ratified
the General Grand CouffeSJ. Thus ,
from Maine to California , the Atlan
tic and Pacific clasp hands in the per
petuation of Cryptic Masonry in i a
integrity and beauty.
Omaha is n < } doubt ono of Hio boat
" .epresented cities in this country in
the matter of secret organizations.
All of the principal secret societies
.jiave ono or mo o lodges in good work
ing order hero , and still all move har
moniously sI3o by side , neither ono
jostling the other , all finding abun
dance of good material and plenty to
i do in .tho great and glorious work of
* . -r- fci * , . . . . , . . % T * .
" feting wherever Jouni If young
inon would spend flio time too often
wasted In folly o"r dissipation within
the ledge rooms of these noble fraternities
nities , taking part in the good work
and learning the morality there incul
cated fewer parents would mourn for
dissipated or lost sons.
The grand chapter of Royal Arch
Masons , according to the last report ,
contains twenty-one subordinate bodies
ies in the state , n gain of two over the
.previous year. Tlio total membership
is 841. Omaha chapter , No. 1 , the
largest in the state has 173 members.
The good harvests and prosperous
dimes _ foretell a prosperous winter's
work in the order throughout the
Brother Griggs , lately consul at
Ohomnitz , Germany , reports that the
signature of Grand Secretary 13owon
is known throughout Masonic Europe
.as the guarantee of excellent Masonic
Horary work , and that no reports are
bettor esteemed than these of the
grand ledge of Nebraska.
The Rev. Moses Howe , who was
not only ono of the oldest living cler
gymen , but ono 01 the oldest Masons ,
died at Cambridge Massachusetts , Sat-
The position of the Reformed
( Dutch ) church as to secret societies
is definitely stated in resolutions
passed at the recent mooting of the
general synod. It is a very simple
and unassailable ono. The church
will in no wise assume responsibility
for Free Masonry , nor encourage BO-
cret societies. Neither will it bo
drawn into a swooping condemnation
of tlio thing per so , nor into declaring
membership of such organizations to
bo necessarily incompatible with a
Christian profession' , any moro than
membership in a stock exchange.
Tlio Triple Link-
Installations have been the order of
the week throughout the state. In
Omaha the installations will not bo
completed until next week when wo
.shall publish a complete list of the
The grand ledge of Illinois has 41
subordinate lodges and 7 Rcbeccah
The order is taking firm hold in
Odd Fellowship is making excellent t
progress in Maine ,
The rituals in the French Ian guago
.aro now bomg completed.
White's "Now Digest of Laws" ts
said to bo now in the hands of the
Oddfollowship is realizing the beneficial
oficial effects of this revival of 1881 ,
which will bo a marked year ia the
order's history.
Prosperity seems to bo the passwoid 1
of the year in every lodge and en
campment in each jurisdiction. It is
gratifying to note such a result.
Lodges should require their Noble
Grands to visit the widows of the
lodge'onco a month and report any
relief ' { hat ; may bo needed.
Iowa liaa adapted the plan of
sessions of the Cjrand Ledge at differ
ent parti for the purpose of exempli
fying and conferring the G. L. decree -
cree , similar to the plan adopted 'by
Caliiorm'a in 1878.
Another old and honored member
has passed nway. Joel Taylor , for-
nftrfy Grand Secretary of Now
Hampshire , died recently at Manches
ter. Ho was ono of the early letter-
curriers of that city , which occupa
tion lie followed all of his life ,
The Now England states are trou <
bled with tramps representing them
selves to bo "brethren in distress. "
The now degree charts have been
delivered at Baltimore , Md. , andean
bp ordered through the various grand
At a regular mooting of Nebraska
lodge No. 1 , K. of P. , hold 6n Wed
nesday evening last , M. G. McCdon
and W. W. Briyham wore elected tlio
rcprfsontatives to the grand lodge ,
K. of P. , which will moot In Lincoln
in the month of October next. E. G.
Riley and J. P. Fairlio wcro elected
alternates. So Nebraska No. 1 will
bo well represented in the next grand
ledge session. This ledge is doing a
good work quietly and is constantly
selecting from tlio many applicants
for admission to ita mysteries only
the best and truest men ,
tV committee has been appointed to
act in regard to the ortr.umation of a
.state endowment rank of the Knights
of Pythias , composed as follows : L.
S. Ilurd , Dubuque : John Cameron ,
William Riustian , Davenport ; W. S.
Rico , Fairfield ; J. M. Ferris , Do-
Witt , nnd D. A. Magee , Sioux City.
San Francisco has organized n now
ledge of young men , composed of 100
Chicago has fourteen lodges of
Knights of Pythias , five uniform rank
divisions and five endowment sections.
Tito President's Domestic Relations
Chicago Tnbuno.
In all the anxiety and excitement
which have prevailed in Washington
since last Saturday , in the midsi of
all the grief that naturally prows ont _
of such calamity , undisturbed by his'
physical sufferings , the uncertainties
of hib condition , and his close contact
with death ) there is ono phase of the
president's character which stands out
conspicuously and that is his deep
nnd strong homo attachment. It did
not neou the assassin's bullet to bring
out this noble attribute of his nature
in such strong roliof. Ho has mani-
fofltod it from the first , ubd it has not
been a weak or morbid display of sen
timent , but an outgrowth of the high
est typo of manly character.
From the day that President Gnr-
field was nominated to the day ho en
countered the wretch Guiteau this
homo loyo has shone conspicuously.
There is no question that ho had a
laudnblo.ambition to bo president , but
that munition w&s no stronger than
the regret which ho , and especially
his wife , foHi > t the breaking up of
their quiet , happy , nnd unostentatious
homo me at Mentor. In that homo
they had been the best of lovers ,
friends , nnd comrades. By nature and
by culture skp was richly endowed ,
and she was his peer in scholarship ,
BO tliat in hia intellectual progress she
hod kept with him side by side. The
regret at breaking up the old homo
ho voiced in his parting speech to his
friends and neighbors with a pathos
that reminds one of Mr. Lincoln1 *
words upon a similar occasion , though
neither of them probably dreamed
that they would encounter assassina
tion , when the ceremony of inaugu
ration was completed , the first
act of Mr. Garficld was to
salute his acred mother in the presence
of the assembled multitude , an net
of chivalrous courtesy and filial dovo-
; ion worthy of the knights of old.
He entered upon the duties of his
oflicc. Ho was at once the victim of
sucli a horde of olTicesoekern as lias
rarely been seen in Washington. His
administration was plunged into con
fusion by the cabals of the spoils-sys-
: om faction which sought to usurp
: iia executive privilege of appointment ,
and threatened to destroy the party
if it was not allowed to dominate it.
In the midst of these now anxieties
and t responsibilities , pestered and
anuoyed by the hordes without and
threatened by his enemies within the
camp , Mrs Garfield was prostrated
with a fever and brought to tlio door
of death. In his emergency the old
liomo love was the strongest , and po
litical exigences had to wait ns of
secondary importance , while ho main
tained his vigil by her bedside night
after night and day after day , nursing
licr , and ministering to her
comfort < and inspiring lier with his
own sanguine hope and courage , until
the crisis had passed and she was en
abled to go away for recreation and
rest. At last the political pressure
upon him had so far relaxed that he
felt warranted in joining his wife and
enjoying the few days of rest which
ho so much needed. With the horrible
rible deed which interrupted that
journey to the public is familiar.
Struck down by n spoils-hunting
assassin's bullet , his first thought wac
of his wife , and his only concern was
for the effect it might have upon her ,
and so , with the tondorcst sohtudoho
ordered a dispatch sent to her of an
encouraging nature and convoying his
lovo. His next thought was for his
aged mother at the old homo , and ho
directed that no discouraging messages
should bo sent to her. In this fearfu'
emergency , Mrs. Garfield , though stil
weak from her illness , summoned al
her energy and fortitude and resolute
ly accented the situation. He luu
stood by her as a good am
faithful comrade in the Valley of tin
Shadow of Death , and she now enter
ed its gloom with invincible courage
with calm serenitywith loyo controlled
od by judgment , and with anxietj
kept out of sight , No ono will know
no one should know , what took plac <
in that interview when they stood together
gethor again in the presence of death
but ono can imagine that they mo
with equal courage , with equal hope
with equal resignation to the decree o
Providence whatever it might bo. He
friends , the cabinet officers , the doc
tors , have nil bero testimony to th
splendid qualities of this littlowonian
her heroic fortitude , her cheerful
hopeful demeanor in the sick roon
and out of it , her noblo-hcaredncss
her skillful assistance of the phyei
cians in tlioea duties which no on
cquld dp so welas die , andth
equanimity and paUoncoft \ \ \ whicl
she has borne both good and bad tid
ings from the sick chamber Noth
ing could bo more touching than th' '
chivolrouffdovotion of the president t
hia wife and her forgotfulncss ofw ]
in her ministrations to him ; the on
icoting her on every occasion with a
milo nnd having some cheery word
or her in the midst of nil his suffer-
igs , lest his condition should uros-
rate her anew and bring on a relapse ;
! io other , overcoming her physical
c.ikucss by her largeness of spirit
ml steeling'horsolf by n mighty effort
3 that no look or wort ! from her
liould have n discouraging effect up-
n her suffering comrade.
President Garfield has always on *
cared himself to his fellows by his
omnuleship and by his genial , wholo-
oulcd nature , and strong men have
ropt at the sight of him upon his bed
f Biifforhu ; , bill his chivalrous doviv
ion to his wife , his Another , nnd his
hildrcn , his constant thoughttulnpss
or them , nnd his manly love , which
vith him is no weak sentiment , but a
uality to bo proud of , will endear him
lore than over to .every American
ionic which is held together by lovo.
'heso are qualities which every man
ml woman can appreciate , and it is
irgoly owing to their manifestation
Imt every man of manly spirit and
very woman who holds love dear
eels as if n personal friend had been
ticken down , nnd is praying tor his
eccvory to health. It is not alone
lie political consequences which in-
pire the hone ho may recover ,
ut the lolly manliness of
ho man , his great heart nnd
iindly spiril , his love for his wife , his
nether , nnd his children. It is the
ombination of tliese qualities which ,
hould ho recover , will lift the clouds
if gloom amid such a thanksgiving to
leaven as this country has never
mown before. The homo and its in-
[ nonces are tlio ultimate safeguards of
jur liborly , and Iho first lady and
'ontloman of Iho republic , terms once
onvontional , now earned by right ,
mvo carried these homo influences
vith them where their light burns all
ho moro brightly by reason of its ox-
ilted position. The prayers from
housands of other homos nil otcr this
mead land will go up unceasingly
hat it may not bo extinguished.
Ho Conldn't
"No , I am nofc ono -of the old
otcrans of the war , " ho slowly re
lied to the inquiry , "but it is not
my fault. I wanted to bo there , but
omething always hold mo back. "
"That was too bad. "
"Yes , it was. When the war broke
out I offered to go , butj was in jail
n a six months' sentoTTCo and they
wouldn't take mo. I was innocent ,
ot course , but as I was in jail fii'o re
cruiting officer had to refuse mo.
jands ! but how I did ache to gb
down at the front and wade in gore ! "
"And when you ot out of jail ? "
"Yes , I got out , out just then my
nether died. I was en my way to
cnlistj when she died , ttfiU , of course
hat altered my plans. No one knows
low badly I wanted to bo down there
and wade arourid n blood and glory. "
"Well , you iliQn't have to mourn
ill through the war did you ? "
"Oh , no. Bloflb your sold , but
only mourned for thirty days , and
lien I started out to enlist in the ftr-
illorv. I was just athnit to writi ?
down my name when a constable
arrested mo for breach of promise
nd it was four months before I got
hrough with.thd suit. Ah ! sir , but
f you only know how I suffered at
foing hnM bnolt whoii othora wore
vinning glory on the field of carnage
rou would pity mo ! "
"But the suit was finally decided ? "
"Yes , finally , and within an hour
after the jury brought in a verdict I
tarted for Toledo to enlist in the cav
alry. "
"And you enlisted ? "
"Almost. I was being examined
> y the doctor- when I got a dispatch
.hat the old man had tumbled into
ho well , and of courto I had to go
lomo. I hadn't got the undertaker
laid before lightning struck the barn.
L'lion some ono sot fire to the cheese
'actory , end soon after that I hud
hreo ribs broken and was laid up for
i year. When I finally did get
iround to enlist the doctor rejected
no because I was coior-blina , near
sighted , lame and deaf. I toll you
lir , when I think cf the glory lost and
.ho gora I didn't shod , it breaks mo
right down and I don't ' oven care for
soda water. Hear the band ! Hang
ny hat , but why wasn't I born witli
egs long enough to kick myself over
nto Canada ? "
Sitting Boll's Appearance.
A correspondent of the Now York
ilerald thus describes Sitting Bull as
ip is now : An ordinary specimen ellis
lis nice a swarthy buck n littloabovo
, ho medium height , slightly stoopei
but not stupid ) , nnd sadly lacking a
: ommanding or impressive presence.
His appearance disappoints ono. Ho
neither looks the typical bravo o !
whom Fenimoro Cooper wrote , nor
lias ho the cut-throat demeanor as
cribed to him by the newspapers. The
Indian dash and vim are wanting , al
though these are tlio attributes of hall
a dozen of his councillors , company
with whom the wily savage does noi
appear to advantage. He has some
thing of a stolid look , and yet his
countenance is a frank and poacofu
one. Whatever ho suffers in .looks
howoyorho moro than counterbalance ;
by his other qualities his tact , hi ;
what wo Yankees would call 'cuteness
These make him the master mind o
the camp , whoso sovereignty none dari
dispute. True it is that many of hi
followers have disagreed with him , bu
their diflicnlitics did not disturb the
serenity of the camp ; ho curbed th
disturbing spirit or the discontontoi
lied for other fields instuntor. Hi
following had di-croased gradually an
steadily , until now but a handfull o
warriors and a horde of squaws , pa
pouscs , and old men remain. But o
these ho is king his word is law.
A Boar With a Strong Head.
Hot Kprlnt'a Evimlnt , ' Btar ;
An enterprising and good-nature
yisilor at Castle Park , a few days ago
in generosity of heart presented th
bear with a , bottle of boor , Bruii
ascended his throne , and , after un
corking the bottle , drank il , and ap
pcarod much refreshed and well sati
lied. This amused thd visitor to sue !
an extent that ho took a gloss himsol
and gave the bear another bottle. Th
performance lasted about two hours
tho. generous visitor drinking his glass
each time that his bearalup put a bol
tlo of Jhg "hop juico1' under his boll
At the expiration , of the two hours i
was found that bruin had Indulged i
nineteen bottles of boor , andhitfrion
h Kpttonjlunuelf ot } the outeido c
nineteen glasses ot flio foamy stuff
ho only difference to bo discovered
otwccn the two was that bruin wa.
uiet nnd docile , and walked to the
ml of his chain with his usual digni-
od tread , while the man imagined
at ho wasthoczarof allthollussiftiis ,
ml was momentarily expecting to
ear an explosive missile burst about
im. Ho wai finally convoyed homo
upon n shutter , " while thobear quiot-
' walked his boat and looked anxious-
for the appearance of another fun-
iving visitor who would "sot 'em up. "
Preserving Moat ,
w York Time * .
There i nocood reason why farmers
ml their famines should cat so much
alt pork , leaving nil the fresh meat
o the inhabitants of cities and vil-
.ges , when the following method will
cop meat fresh for weeks ovpu in the
armosl weather. 1 have tried it for
ovarnl years.
As soon as the animal heat is out of
lie meat , slice it up for cooking. Pro-
are n Inrgo jnr by scalding itoll
. -ith hot water and salt. Mix nail
ml pulverized saltpetre. Cover the
ottom of the jnr with a sprinkle of
ixlt and popper. Put down a layer of
teat , sprinkle with salt and popper
lie same as if it was just going to the
nble , nnd continue in this manner
ntil the jar is full. Fold a cloth or
owel , nnd wol it in strong salt and
valor in which a little of Iho saltpetre
s dissolved Press the cloth closely
vor the meat and not in a cool plnce.
) o sure and press the cloth in tightly
s each layer is removed , and your
icat will keep for months.
It is a good plan to let the meat re-
lain over night , after it is sliced , bo-
ore packing. Then drain off the
jlood that oozes from it. It will bo
iccessary to change the cloth occasion
lly , or take it off' and wash it first in
old water , then scald in s.xlt and wa-
or as at first. In this way farmers
/an have fresh meat all the year round.
have kept beef thai was killed on
ho eleventh of February till the
wonty-lirsl of Juno.
"Then I packed a largo jar of veal
n the same way during dog-days , nnd
L kept six weeks. This receipt alone
s worth the price of any newspaper in
ho land.
Found nt
What every one should ) m\c , nnd never
10 without , i THOMAS' KOI.KCTIUO On. . It
thorough ntul nfu in its effect * , imxluc-
ng the imut wondrous ciircn of rneiunn-
isni , neuralgia , bunts , bruscn ! and wound
if every kitul. jylleodlw
A Grant Enterprise.
The llop Bitlors Manufacturing
company is ono of Rochester's grealest
msiness enterprises. Their Hop Bit
ers have reached a sale beyond all
ircccdont , having from their intrimvc
akio found their way into almost
every household in Iho land.
"Graphic , jyl-15
Almost Crazy.
flow often do wo see the hardwork-
ng father straining every nerve nnd
nusclo , ami doing his utmmt to sup
> ort lu's family. Imagine his fcolingi
I'hen rdtuning homo from a hard
day's labor'to find hw fanuly prostrate
vini disease , conscious of "inpaid doc
ors' bills and debts on every hand.
t must bo enough to drive ono almost
crazy. All his unhappmo > s could bo
avoided by using Eloctiio Bfttora ,
vhich expel every disease from the
lystom , bringing joy and happiness to
Jiousands. Sold at fifty cents a hello
lo by Ish it McMahon. (4) ( )
droduato of the St. Ijouls School of JtlJnUes , i
508 California Street , Between Fifteenth
and Sixteenth ,
icrth side , whcro eilU will bo promptly respond
cd to at any hour during the day or night.
United States Depository ,
Cor. 13th and Farnam Sts.
DTAKLUliro 1660.
Organltcd as a National Hank August 20,1803 ,
AUGUSTUS KorvnK. Vice Prcxldont.
11.V. . Y TWI , Cashier.
A. J. 1'orri.irro.v , Attorney.
JOHN A. CiiKiauro.v.
F. II. DAVM , Anal. Cashier ,
Tills hank receives deposits w ithout regard tc
amount * .
Iiuuus time certificates hcarli'e interest.
Draws drafts on San Francisco and principal
cities of the United HUtca , also London , Dublin ,
lnburch and the principal cities of tin contl
nent of Kurojie.
Sells ) > ai > 8cngcr tickets ( or emigrants by the In
man line , lukvldtf
The Oldest Established
Caldwell , Hamilton & Co ,
Business transacted game M that of an Incorporated
porated i
Accounts Vept In currency or gold euhjcct to
ell-lit check without notlrn
Certificates of deposit issued parable In throe ,
six and twcho moiithi , tearing Interckt , or on
demand without Intercut.
Advances made to customers on approved secu
rities at inarktt rates ol Interest.
Duy and eel I gol'd , bills of exchange , govern
ment , state , county and city bonds.
Draw sight drafts on England , Ireland , Scot
land , and all parts of Ihirope ,
Sell European passage tickets.
Foundations of Success
The Uw i of trade , jegtl forms , how to trans
act business , > Juablo tables , soda ) etiquette.
larllaaienUuy usage , how to conduct public busi
ness ; In fact It U ft complete Outdo to Succcsj for '
all canes. A fcmlly necessity. Address for cir
culars and specie terms ANC'IIOU 1'UULUJIUNQ
CO. , Bt.Louis , lo.
J , Fj. Mackey ,
Cornet I6th at4 DougU * SU , Om h , N b ,
Price * Ueasooable. u23-8w
512 North Sixtoonfcli Street ,
( OjiX | > slt WltlUm flontlctmn's fojiuhr tlroccrj
Store. )
And will during the ensuing week offer
Special -Inducements
In all tliolr \ nrioin irnvlc * of summer ft ) Ics ot
ETC. , ETC. ,
ToiiuVoroomfortlii'Ir e tcii l\e f.\ll
A Reduction of 15 to 25
per cent on former
They rorr ) a lull Miortincnt ol i-\ory Klnil , nml
respectfully Im Itu their ( rU'iult to call.
si\vKi : > Hiorua KUOK
Railway Shoes ,
The } ' w III Rcll on the name terms ta the rvoliluo
ot their miimnvrihtock. ntul iwk railway
cinilojixa | ) to call anil cxiunliio them.
IJolweoii Cess and California.
All ftoodfe MarMin Plain Figures
Eev , OOHEETY.M . , AKecfcor , ,
Assisted liy an able corps of teacher * In Ktigllsh
l&ngu&gi.a , Scluncca an J Kino Art * .
For particulars apply to
| o 2l.foJ.2m TUP. ItKCTOU.
Bishop Simpson
nts of tlio National School ot
Klocntlon and Oratory said , "Tho law of culture
Is applicable to the human \olco oa to tlio hand ,
and if the hand should l > u trained why not iiiiah
the \olio. " The National Otliool of Elocution
and Oratory , established In 1873 , clmrtend In
1876 , alTonU this most aniplo fatllltici for Blah
culture. Nineteen Teachers and Luctunn ,
speclalltti In their set rral departments. Sum
mer Term , July G. Fall term , Oct. 3. Hend
for Catalogue and I'rmpeitu ) to
4th&adw | J. II. IIKC'MTKL , Secretary ,
1410 and 1418 Chestnut St. , I'hlladclphlx
If j on suffer from Djspcpsla , usu
If you are aflllited with IIIHousnosK , usu
If } on are prostrated with sick llcadaiho , take
If your Iloutlsaro disordered , rftfulato them with
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If jour Ulood Is linpurn , purify It with
IIUIIDOCK 111,001) liriTF.HS.
If jsiiliruo IndliUtlon , jou will nnd an antldotu
If \ onro troubled Ith Hprlnj , ' Complaints , er
adlrate them with IIUIIDOCK IILOOD llirnntS.
Iljour Uurlu torpla , restore It to health ) action
uitli IIUIIDOCK 111,001) IHTTKIIB.
If ) our Mi cr la affected , ) on n 111 find a sure ru-
storatltoln IIUIIDOCK 111,001) llirrKUB.
If jouhatoany epoclcsof Hninor or I'lmplo , fall
not to taku IIUIIDOCK UI.OOD Iim'KIIS.
If > ou ha o any sj mptoiiis of Ulcers or Scrofulous
Sorts , acuratliuremedyulll bu found in
For Imparting strength and \ltality totlioe-
tern , nothing can e < iual
KorNervouiandOcncral Debility , tone up the
system with WJHDOCK lIXOD ) lUTTKUa.
Price , I.OO per Dottle ; Trial Dottle * 10 Cts.
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Oooduiau. 8T eod w-ly.
the Oldest Wholesale and
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Watches , at as Low Pri
ces as is compatible with
honorable dealers. Call
and see our Elegant New
.Store , Tower Building ,
corner llth and Farn-
ham Streets
General Agents for the
Finest and Best Pianos and :
Organs manufactured.
Our prices are as Low as
any Eastern JVIanufacturer
and Dealer.
Pianos and Organs sold
for cash installments . at
Bottom Prices.
A SPLENDID stock of
Steinway Pianos , Knabe
Pianos , Vose & Son's Pi
anos , and other makes ,
AlsoClough. & Warreu ,
Sterling , Imperial , Smith
American Organs , &c. Da
not fail to see us before pnr-
chasine- .
Come and too our stock , aa o will bo pleased to show goods.
Lath , Shingles , Pickets ,
Near Union Pacific Depot , OMAHA , NEB
Hellmuth Ladies' College.
Patroness , H. R. H. PRINCESS LOUISE. Founder and President , The Right Rev. I. HELU
MUTH , O. D. , D. O , L , LORD BISHOP OF HURON ; . Fnll Term opens
Wednesday , September 21st.
Handsome and spacious buildings , t cautlfully situated In a most healthy locality , about" ! four ( hours.
TESTAtyT principles , as the oiily solid basis for the right formation ol character. FRENCH U tha
language spoken In the college. MU8IO n specialty-
lioard , Laundry and Tuition JVei , Including th * u hole course of English , the Ancient and MoJ-
eni Languages ; Callisthenics , Drawing and I'alntlny , uw i'iano uid Library * Modlc * ! attendanceami
Modclne , 300 per annum. A rckuctlon ofjoue-half 'for | iho daughters ot Clergymen. For "clru-
lar . " and full particular * aJJtCM HISy CLINTON , Lady 1'tlnclpal , HcUmutU Ladies' CoUcjc , LONWXV.
O.MAKI9 , CAMVA , tugulthuriia ; ' ; il