Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 09, 1881, Page 2, Image 2
f k. THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY JULY 9 , 1881. AT DEATH'S ' DOOR. The Crisis not yet Over , Opinions of Eminent Surgeons About President Gar- Hold's Condition. Washington Special Globo-I > cmocr l. It begins to look as if wo wcro pass ing out of tlio shadow of the dark val- loy. President Garficld awoke re freshed , and ho had not boon long awake when ho said to his worn mm faithful attendants , "I am tired of this wishy-washy stuff and appon vic tuals that the iloetoi a arc giving mo. I want something to cat. Can't ' I have a beefsteak ? " The doctor thought ho had better nothavo beefsteak just at present , and gave him some chick en broth and an egg. "Tho truth is , " said one of 'the physicians , "tho pres ident is a little cross , and that is n most excellent sign. A dying man is never cross. Wo have largo hopes. Of course there is danger , ( hero m great danger. There will continue to bo danger until the wound has healed. ' "And how long before that will happen ? " was asked. "It may be two months , " was the roply. "JJut the president 1ms passed the first great danger period , wo think , and wo are justified in thinking that the danger from inflammation of the poritoroum , or peritonitis , is passed. It should have appeared before this if it was to corno There was some inflammation , an was to bo expected. It is necessary that there should bo , in order that the wound may heal , but there has boon no dangerous inflam mation , and wo liuvo earnest hopes that there will not bo. ANOTHKK CniSJH TIME will bo next Friday and Saturday , and these danger periods will return at certain well-known medical intervals until the wound is fully healed. Gun , Garfluld , with his remarkable will , is emphasizing his declaration that 'I will take that chance , ' but of cpumo the people ought not to bo misled. The hopeful indications do not of ne cessity mean that the president will got well. They mean that ho nan n chance for life , n favorable chance , a hopeful chance , and that ho is deter mined to make the most of it. " WJI\T AHOTIIKR PHYSICIAN HA H. Another physician , who has care fully studied the casp , Hays the indica tions nro relatively in his favor , but only relatively for the vast majority of men with wounded livers do not live , and that his liver is wounded there can bo no question. The direc tion which the ball took , as indicated by the examination by Surgeon Gen eral Wales' finger , fully shows that it passed through the lower part of it. f hero is luck in medicine , and wo are now largely hopeful on account of Gen. Garficld's ' wonderful luck. Ho certainly docs not propose to die. His dear , good wife dons not intend to lot him. A distinguished anatomist of Washington has boon studying the case in connection with the medical reports , and has made a careful an atomical diagram , and has indicated the probable position , in his judg ment , of the bullot. Ho baa submit ted the diagram to some of the at tending * physicians , and thuy uvo in clined to Rgnio with him. The bul- lutao-rjr < iiiic-to"tliia [ ilfcjgram , entered near the kidney , as is well known , passed through the lower portjon jof the liver , struck the b'ohy'ii bstuncu adjacent to the spinal column , but did not pierce the marrow of that column , and is lodged there. This bony formation , in a man of the size and strength of Gat-field , that anat omist says , is as largo as a good-sized fist. If the ball is lodged there it will bo much easier io remove the pus by means of tubes when the sloughing of the wound shall como. The slight rise in the pulse , which was noticed about noon , was duo to the fact that the bed of the patient was changed in order to make him more comfortable. Ho has retained all the food upon his stomach. This afternoon , notwith standing the bout grow more intense , his pulse began to fall , which was regarded gardod as an especially favorable sign Even accepting TUB FAVOllADLR SYMPTOMS sot forth in tiio ofllcial bulletins , there are eminent surgeons who say there are several phases of suffering througl which the oatient has yet to pass either of which may prove fatal though not necessarily fatal in their character. Weeks may elapse before some of those phases shall bo devol opod. The medical history of gun shot wounds gives months ratltor than days or weeks for the final develop merit when the patient may bo regarded gardod as absolutely cured and free trom the dangerous consequences o the gunshot wounds situated similarly to that in the body of Mr. Garfiold. The president has Buffered alines1 incessantly since Saturday noon. His feet and lower part of his logs have been at times swathed in rags soakoc in paregoric. The pain that has beoi referred to as a nervous twitching i > in fact , moat excruciating. Fora time ho found relief in having his foe squeezed and beaten by slaps of th hand. This ollico was performed bj Mr , Crump , who had the president" feet in his powerful grasp and gav him much relief. Dr. Hamilton , in the published interview torviow with him on his return t Now York , carefully declined to giv his porsonal.opinion as to the prospect of the president's recovery , which I to bo expected , but in his privat conversations hero ho was not so re served , and indicated a decidedly d apondont view. It is understood tlm there > vos a proposal to call in Dr Hamilton , of New York , but it was not carried out , because of the pro feaaional antagonism and jealousy o aome of those already employed in th case. It may bo remarked * that over day since the attempted assussiimtio his condition haa scorned comparative ly favorable , and every evening then lias seemed to be a ch'ango for th worse , although this waa not marko last night. When the president waa first shot , and before ho was takei from the railway station , ho sold very little , butONE ONE Or IIIS vraa : "I have received my deat wound. " This feeling ho had all da ; and his despondency was not jroliovec unti ( after the arrival of Mrs. Oar field 'aiidhia meeting with her H 'tTesT' The picnic will bo * ' gust 24th. Ladies will be in the wards to make prcparat n since Ihon showed wonderful ncn-o and oxcrciso of will , and this , ouplcd with hi oxccodlnuly vigoroiu ihysinuo , has enabled him to weather ho crisis better than would otherwise wvo boon the case , nnd ho lias boon uito cheerful for the last two days. Medical men nay that it is possible hat ho may continue in thosamo com- mrativo condition days , or oven weeks , dthout showing any radical change or the bottoror worse ; that rccupor- tion under the most favorable cir- umstances will necessarily bo ajow nd tedious and that the peculiarity of such cases is that while every ymntom may bo apparently oncour- ging to the highest degree , a sudden caction may como and death onauo in a few hours. The surgeons are able o prevent inflammation at the orifice f the wound by the application of co , but aa they cannot roach the pot where the bullet is 'imbedded , no inflammation cannot bo stopped hero. AMONG TUB OKAVE DAXOEHS. Aii eminent eurgcoa who has been iving close attention to the presi- unt'fl case , Bays that there are agtcat natty crisis times with gunshot wounds nd that the next important crisis will omo on Saturday. Possibly , owing o the intense heat , this crisis may do- clop earlier. The imminent danger will uo in connection with the slough- tig of the wound in the abdomen , for ho surgeons nro now understood to > o agreed that the ball is imbedded in ho fiver anil that there is a wound in ho wall of the abdomen. Whether the mllet is in the latter place or not. The toughing of this wall in the abdomen will occur in two conditions , . "irst , the putrid matter may break through the outer vail of the abdomen , in which case a great danger will bo averted , and there vill again bo strong hopes of contin ued improvement until a furthorcriti- al period shall bo reached. Second , ho wound may slough off into the avity of the belly , which is moio trob.iblo , and which is greatly to bo oared. Then there will bo great and mmincnt danger from blood poison rom the pus. It will bo imperatively icccssary that the pus shall bo re- novod within as few minutes as nos- ible , as it would take but a short iinu for it to poison the > lood of the entire system , in vhich event death would bo very likely o ensue in a few hours There is no way known by which that pus can bo emovod except by an instant incision f the abdomen , and by a successful > pcration in removing it. It is possi- ) lo that upon those two successful cts a prompt incision of the abdo- icn anu the removal of the pus the fo of the president will depend. This Latomont may servo to show the still fravo danger of the president's wound , otwithstanding the very favorable ymptoms. EUROPEAN IMMIGRATION. Statistic * of the Unprecedented Flood of Now Citizens Wo Are Receiving- inclmmtl Gazette. NEW YOUK , July 1. Although lioro has boon n decrease in immipni- ion in the last ton days fully 30 per out. as compared with the first ton ays of Juno , the total arrivals for tie month were 01,043 , an increase vor Juno 1880 , of 19,010. The total irriyals since January 1 have been 243,1)25. ) 03 compared with 177,343 in he &anw > period lapt year. The reo- iril , of the nationalities of the arrivals Up to-3uhor30 'is'ol pllowfl ; "Gor- uany L'4,142 ; Irclaifd'9,771 ; Swcaen 7.09 ; England 5,000 , Austria 3,000 ; Norway 2,995 ; Scotland 2,007 ; Swit zerland 1,405 , , Italy 1,239 ; Denmark . ,159 ; Holland 1,135 ; Poland 021 ; lussia 004 ; Bohemia 519. Franco 300 ; Hunpary 305 ; Belgium 130 ; iVales85 ; Spain 27 ; ether countries 03. 03.Tho The arrivals during the six months ending yesterday , were as follows : Month. 188' ) . 1881. Increase. JaMinry 0,077 8,082 2.403 February 7,904 9,753 1,819 March 21,091 27,708 C.COJ April 46r)78 59,718 14,170 May 61,705 70,791 ± 2,080 Juno 42,027 59,410 17,889 Totals .170,085 211,498 W.543 From January 1 to the present time employment has been provided through the Labor bureau at Castle garden for 240,570 immigrants , 118- 905 being men and boys , and 5,905 women and girls. Of the men 2,011 were skilled operatives , as were also 144 women. Among the employed were 8GO families , comprising 2,020 persons Among the Gorman immi grants in Juno were technologists , civi engineers , mechanical engineers , ma- chuiosts and carpenters. Many Swedes also are skilled workmen , bui the Irish are mostly common laborers. A laborer who comes to this country readily obtains ? 'J a day in the west. Agents nro now hero from Colorado to obtain 500 farm laborers , with prom ise of plenty of work nnd good wages. The demand for form and ether labor ers is greater than over before , farm owners fooling that as they now ob tain better prices for their produce and are otherwise prosperous they can afford to employ moro labor. Fully 50 per cent of the German immigrants will aottlo woatot the Mis sissippi river. Great efforts are being made by Jay Gould and others interested ostod in the Texas railways to encourage ago emigration to Texas. Circulars have boeit issued to ocean steamshi ] lines and booking agents , both lion and in Europe , nuthuii/ing the selling , of tickets to immigrants desiring t ( Bottle in Texas , from Now York to nn > point in Texas , at the uniform rate o $25 , with a 10 per cent commission to the agents. There is n marked change in the destination of Irish immigrants , aa i greater percentage is settling in Mia sour ! and Arkansas than formerly , A Jarf-o number of Italians uio going to Ohio , and special efforts ate bei made to attract them to Florida capitalists who have purchased larg' tracts of land in that state , The Scandinavians are going to the north west , but not BO far as in former Tears , a majority of them settling ji Nebraska and Minnesota , Never too I > ate to Mead , Thus , J. AjdenWilliam street , Buffalo writes : "Your SJ-JUKQ ULOKSQM haa workw on ins splendid , I had 110 awiotlte ; unx td deep hartly and get unto tie inumlng u&refreahea ; my breath was \ ery offenslv and I Buttered from uevero headache ; fine u lng your SraiHo BLOSBOH all the * jinptonu Uvo vnuinhed , end I fctl quit well , " Price 00 wnt . trial bottla. 1 cent * . eodlw , POETRY OF THE TIMES. Over the Goto- ) rer tlio Imnlitcr bcmln n face , D rlingly nweet and beguiling ; Somebody eUmln in cnrelcsi gr ce Ami watches the picture trailing. Over the bnntatcr noft hands fair Jinith hi * chock Ilka n feather ; Jrluht brown trcs e and dusky h lr Meet aud mingle together , licro'n a question ( vsked , there's a sweet carenu , She has flown like a bird from the hall way ; Jut over the hanlrter dropi a Yes , That shall brighten the world for him alway. -Colicky 1'oct. 3ver the garden-gate bends a man , Giving a maiden tniTy ; ionieboity'ft getting an mad an he can - 'TU her sire Cornelius Mahaffy. ) ver his hunioned feet , ham-like hands Are pulling his hootft on quickly ; Still at the fjanlen-gato Odcar stands Soon will ilia mnilo be sickly. Micro's whizzing Bound and n smothered cry ; She' * alone like a house thnt in haunted ; hit happily for him there's a doctor nigh , Who will put arnica just whcro it la wanted , Consumptive ) Lomonado. Ho loitered at the festival , A goblet in his fiat , _ A winhy-wasy fluid brimmed The marge his lipUts kinseil. Quoth he : "I wish that I could get A pair of trousers made For Hummer wcnr nH thin as this Consumptive lemonade. " [ Yonkora Cia/cttc. PEPPERMINT DROPS. A cent'd worth of hnncit apples is al- nest sure to return $15 worth tit colic. A between a toy pistol and a Galling gun , give us the Untling gun. It ta the afest as a pnrlor ornninent , [ Newllavcn iegintor. It maken 800 full-Moun roses to make a .nbU'Hpoonful of perfume , while tun cents worth of cooked onions will tcent a whole neighborhood. Wltcn you hear a man abusing lager icor as coarse ntuff , only fit for a fat ) utchman to drink , it is a sign that he lias Horn off for a week. "Thero is always an as ? in every legisla- urc , " remarks an Albany paper. An ass ? Veil , that'H letting the forty or fifty other ollowfl down mighty e iy. A war between Frauco and Italy would iot bo a bad thing. That In , It wouldn't ncreace the number of organ-grinders iu his country to any extent. Two or three hairs properly arranged on plato of butter will save it longer and make it go farther than eight pounds of ilcomargarlne. Dinghatnton Republican. Lightning struck a cow near Medina , ) . , and turned her jet black in the twink- ing of an eye. That's why Ohio women rawl under the bed when the thunder be gins to roll. The onion id strong enough to defend it- elf generally , but when it comoa to ana - a nizing it odor with that of poorwhisky t is too much , although the onion does its test to reacent the insult. "I will thank you for that pie , " said n ollow-boarder. "I was thinking who was Cing of .Kimlnml when this old pie was > aked , and it made me feel bad to know low long he nan been dead. " An article in an agricultural paper is called "How to Eat Strawberries. " A nan who doesn't kuow how to cat Btraw- wrrlos should be compelled to live on dried apples and fait mackerel. [ Norristown Llerald , The family was gathercdon the veranda. ? rosenUy a robin alighted on the lawn. 'What beautiful plumage ! " exclaimed ono of the ladies. "What a sweetvoice ! " said another. "How lightly ho trips over the { rttKs ! " remarked a third. "Pat ! " was the aconlc observation of thu fathurof the family. Said the small boy , "He'd make a boss pie ! " Yesterday morning wo requested the Boston * to boat the Detroit * , so that wo could slur the Free Press man. What did ; hey do ? They went and got walloped in lovely style. And now when the Free I'roj.s man rlsus up to slur us and asks us why we don't make that gang of Egypti mummies , automatic clotlies plnn , Hwa angels , backwoods farmers and air butch ers change the name of their crowd , BO as not to disgrace Koston by toting its name around and dragging it in the mire of de feat , wo shall have nothing to Hay. What iu blazes can we eay ! [ Boston Post. An eminent geologist is firm iu the be lief that the so-called meteoric stones from time to time cast upon the surface of our globe are thrown from other planets by volcanic eruptions. If this theory is true , then it muit bo accepted aa a fact that these planets are not inhabited. Bool jacks , shaving mugs , chunks of coal , porter ter bottles , and other mlssiU would also bo cast upon our earth if life van the name there as here. When a man heaves a booi jack at a cat ho infuses enough titreugth Into his arm to nencl the inUsilu into neighboring planet , and Mars must o thickly strewn with mich things. [ Nor ristown Herald. NATURAL CURIOSITIES. Whlto ants destroyed the woodwork ot a house in New South Wales , and it cost over SL',000 to repair it. A throe-legged kitten Is a curiosity be longing to Dr. A. 11 , Enmry , of Opelika Ala. It is perfect in every other respect , find the shoulder blade is perfect anil natural. The parent of a mocking bird captured at Queen Creek , Arizona , after falling in every effort to liberate him , brought re lief in the shape of a poisonous borr/ , and the little prisoner died. Crows are the natural enemies of the singing bird. They pounce upon the m of the lark end plover , nnd rob robins . their vounif. They are Bald to be exter minating these birds in Now England. A Colorado horaa belonging to H , C. Gill walked into a lake , and wading iu the ahallow water a 100 vards from shore lay down and drowned himself in water bul two feet deep. A clear case of Hulclde , A bald eagle was caught near the Dela wnro western railroad bridge at SVlluiiiv. ton , Del. At the time of the capture it was engaged In combat with a largo Now- foundlaud dog , which it was endoavoriiiL to carry off. A Heading , Pa. , eagle lives exclusively on rati , but they must bo iu prime condi t ion or he will not touch them. The rata are thrown Into the eagle alive ; he grabs them by the back aud pierces them throuKl the vitals. The dog of a fanner at Klckajwo , III. , dug into a gravel and sand bank for a rkunk , throwing the dirt behind him. After he had caught and killed the skunk ho found himself Imprisoned. When ho emerged , nix teen days afterward , he was v ery lean dog A Uoltnos , Cal. , man ay that ho put two hens In a bag to prevent them setting , and hung it across the clothes line , lie thought uo more of it end the bag was lefl there. When it was taken down Iwtl hens were found olive , but aa destitute ol feiUhora as if they had been boiled , and in the bag vk ere nineteen eggs. The movement of introducing migratory ijuail from Europe appears to be succeed ing , A ( lock of thoae quill * were recently seen at West Brighton , N , Y. , aud seven mlns ol them were known to bavo bra hut 6 atou uud reared Urge families. S v eral thouiaud were liberated iu Maine l&s year , and ther have returned from the ' couth UiU In thy neighborhood of Turaklnt , New an army of caterpillars bevera inndrodi of thousand * strong , was march * ng across the railway track , bound for Anew now field of oats , when the train rumbled 'long. ' Suddenly it came to a dead , top , On examination it was found that the vhecl * had become co greasy that they ccpt on revolving without advancing they ould not grip the railg. .Tho guard and ho engine-driver procured 'sand and trewed It on tlio rall/i / , nnd the train made t frcoh start , but it WM found that during ho itonpago thousands of caterpillars had rawled all over the engine , and all over ho carriages , inside and out. The crew of the steamer Centennial cap- urcd on St. Simon'H ' inland beach a huge urtlc. weighing WO pounds , ami her nest. ontaialn > { UK ) eggs. When he was killed .bout half huimcl of soft eufjs were taken rom her. A largo logger-head tuitle , vcighlng alrautCOO pounds , was caught on 'ynee beach on Sunday night , and was iroucht to the city on the steamer Plant csterday morning. [ Savannah News. Captain do Abortiz , of the Spanish bark ) dula ! , ha.1 a tame walrus that ho cap- ured thirteen years ago , when it was a ) up. When caught It weighed 19 pounds , jut it now turns the scales atill } pounds , ia two enormous tusks , measures six feet hreo inches at the girth , and is eight feet our inches long. In ( bright weather it leepa it/tho sun on deck. During heavy jlowH it resorts to a kennel , but when tlio weather ia calm it leaps overboard nnd ports about the fdiip for hours , catching md eating fish. When tired of swimming t is hauled on board in a great iron banket. ) n ono occomon , off the Capo of Good "lope , a great shark tackled it , laying hold if one of Its pawH and biting off two of its oes ; but the walrus dived and , coming up under the shark , killed and devoured him \ ith cries of delight. Tncob 0. Schnffer , a machinist of lloch- istor , N , Y , , is the owner of a white cat hreo years old that has lately developed a acuity of which the natural historians make no mention as an attribute of the 'cline race , A few days ago Mr. SchafTcr was eating his dinner , when his attention was attracted by n noise ax of a bird In distress. Ho went intu the yard to loam the caunc , and there Raw his cat stretched on the ground , its body drawn out to nn inusUal length , and from Its the creature waa emitting sounds closely re sembling the call of a robin. A short dis- : anco from the cat a robin \ os on the lawn moving toward her , and apparently faeci- mtcd. The cat itself was so intent upon ts purpose that it was not distracted by , ho approach of Mr. Schalfcr , who alarmed the bird and saved its llfo. Mrs. jchaffer Htatcs that the cat ban captured , wo robins to her knowledge by the pro cess described above. RELIGIOUS. Leo XIII i studying English. Cardinal Nowmau is In his 82d year. The Methodist church has forty-five colleges and theological seminaries in this country. Spurgcon has determined to take a iournoy to the Nile , l vo of. his deacons vill go with him. Congregationalism seems to flourish in he west as well as in New England. Thirty-two churches have been organized 'n Michigan in the last two years. Statistics from eleven states show that vhllo there are in them 749 vacant Pros- jytorlan churches , there are only 351 min sters without congregations. The United Presbyterian church in this country contains 704 ministers. Thcr ire 814 congregations , with a total mem- icrship of 82,037. Last year 818 members oined the church. The contributions lost rear amounted to 8853,541 , an average of $10 $ 74 for each member. According to a correspondent of The No- lonal Baptist , there are more than 700- XX ) colored members of Baptist churches n thoJJnited States. In South Carolina , Georgia and Eastern Texas three of the Sunday School missionaries of the Baptist Publication Bociety report that 152 Sunday schools were organized last year. There are eighteen Methodist churches in Cincinnati , with a membership of near ly 4,000.Jfco aggregate amount paid last year by/jAiese churches for minis terial Ift iterl , Xlnoludintr their proportion " of | the salaries of two presiding ciders , whoso districts about equally divide the city , and exclusive of house lent , was 25Ob'J,70. The highest Ralary was 32,500 , and the lowest was 8585 , the average being 8,427.10. Bishop Llttlejohn , of Brooklyn , who , during liis btay in England spent much of his time with eminent dignitaries of the English church , gays that the separation of church and state in England in further off thnn it was ten years ago. While ha regards the'iellginus condition of the con tinent of Europe as anything but prosper- OUH , he sees a large gain to godliness in the condition of the Church of England. He believes that this is proved by the expen diture , within the last thirty years , of over 3200.000,000 in building and repair ing churches and cathedrals , and in spend ing 830,000,090 in eleven years , in the es- tablhhmcnt and maintenance of church echooh. J Nauralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago , Bacfaoho , Soreness of the Chest , Gout , Quinsy , Sore Throat , Swell- inns and Sprains , Burns and Z Scalds , General Bodily Pains , Ifooffi , Ear and Haadacho , Frosted Foot and Ears , and all other Pains and Achos. Kt Preparation en wrth * qu l Br , JIOOM Oil n * taff , jirrr , limjilf od rheap Extuui. ttimedr. A trill tntilU tut th ( Jompcratlrtl/ Utllog ojll cf 60 Cenli , nd tittj on ufJ r- fan Ttb r Uu can bT cliup end foiltlT * croof cf IU cUlnu. t/,6 Plrxtloni la B TOO InfU j * * f KID B Y ALL DRUGGISTS AND DE1LEM IN WEDIOINE. A. VOGZXER 4P CO. , A , f , NASON , Dentist , OmcE Junta1 Plock , corner Capitol venui and Fifteenth itrett. Omaha Nab. ninl/m CO I am Agent ( or COLUUDIj DluiuLCO * and OTTO BICn'CtES. Send thru * cent sUmp ( or CataJogu nd Price " * ' conUinlujf lofonnatlon. K , I , D , SOLOMON , PUata.OU * * xa& GLua OMAHA , NKB , AND STILL THE LION CONTINUES TO Roar for Moore ( s ) Harness AND Saddlery.o I CQ adopted the I.Ion M a Tnvtt Matk , and 11 my goods will bo STAMPED with the LION nd my NAME on the lame. NO GOODS AHE KNIJINE WITHOUT TUB ADOVE 8TJtMl > 3. The best material Is used and thomott tVlllod rorkmcn are employed , and at the lowtatcash rice. An ) onorhhWn price-list of good > vlll ooner a ( aror hy sending for one. DAVID SMITH MOORE. NOTICE. 0 llbort Wesson will take notice that on the 30th ay of April , A. D. 1881 , the County Judjro of ) ougl&s County , Nebnukn , Iwucd an order of ttachmcnt for the sum of 820 In rvn action iicntl- ng before him , n herein Arthur A. Parker Is lalntlff , and ( lllbcrt Wesson , defendant ; thit iroperty , te-wlt : Fundsha\o been attached un > cr mid order. Said cnuso was continued to the th day of July , 18S1 , nt 0 o'clock a. m. AHTHUK A. PAIIKEU , I'lalntlff. Jim ,1881 c\rrthitMl1w PROPOSALS FOR BEEP. r-vEPAHTMENT OP THE INTEIUOn. Ofllco \J \ of Indian Affaire , Washington , June 15 , Mill. Scaled propoanlR , Indorsed "Proposals for Iccf , " and directed to the Conimlteloncr of In Ian Affalra , Washington , n. C. , will bo received until 11 o'clock a. m. , Wednesday , July > 0th 18S1 , or furnishing for the Indian service , 14,250,000 omuls Ueet on tlio hoot , Ulds must bu made out on Got eminent blnnki. Uchudulcii showing the quantities to bo deliver * dat each Agency , together with blank proposals nd fonn 'of contracts and bond , conditions to. joobscncA by bidders , time and place of Jcllv- ry , and all other necessary Instructions will bo umtshcd upon i application to the Indian Olllcc tWuhlnirton D. O , orNou. 65 and 47 Woosttr Street , New York ; W. II. I.yon 483 Uroodway Now fork , and to Commissaries of Subfllntonce , U. 8. A. at Saint Louis. Chicago , Saint Paul , Lcaen - worth , Omaha , Cheyenne , and Yankton , and the 'oetmaator at Sioux City , Dldj will bo opened at tho.bour and day above tutcd , and bidders ere In * tobaprcsvttitattho penlnjr. Cmnriio SIBCKS. . ill bids mutt be aecompilned by certified chocks ipon Boino United States Depository or Assistant Treasurer , for at least five per cent of the amount f thofropoeal. II. PRICE , , CommlMloncr. Notice to Contractors. Scaled proposals will lie received by the lonrd ot County Commissioners of Douglas County , Nebraska , until Wcdnosilay , July ? 7tli , A. IX , 1881 , at 2 o'clock p. in. , for the rcctlon of ot a court house building at Jinaha , In said county , In accordance ! with Inns and specifications made by K. B. 'I ' > ers , architect of Detroit , Michigan , and tow on fllo In the county clerk's ofllco at Omaha. Kach bid must bo accompanied by a good ml sufficient bond In the sum of ten tlious- ml dollars , ( $10.000) ) , conditioned that the Iddcr will cuter Into a contract , and give a oed and miniclent bond , should the contract o awarded him. A copy of the specifications ulll ho for- vanlcu upon application to the county Icrk at Omaha , Neb. , and In all cases must accompany proposals , The board reserves the right to reject any IT all bids. Hy orJer of the Hoard of County Commls- loncrs. OMAHA , Neb. , June 23th , 1881. JOHN It. JlANCi. Juno 27-tf ( County Clerk. W. J. CONNELL , TORiN&Y - AT'L OFFICE Front Rooms ( up stairs ) in Hanscom's now brick building , N. vv. corner Kltccnth nd "arnham Streets. LEGAL NOTICE. n the Circuit Court of the United States , ( or the the District o ! Nebraska : At a teialon ef the Circuit Court ol the United States , ( or the District of Nebraska , continued and held pursuant to adjournment , at the United Stated court room lu the uity of Omaha , on the 15th day of June , 1831 , the lion. Klmor S. Dundy iclnj ; prcacnt 'and presiding In ( eald court , ho following among other proceedings were had and done. to-\rit : No. 030. Sherman W. Knov&ls , complainant , vs. Edvtard Hill , McHIn Hill , Agnes Hill , Ah In Hill , Flora Hill , John Hill , guardian of minor dofondanU. In chancery. Order on absent defendant * . And now , on this Uth day of June A. I ) . 1631. being-at the Hay term , A. D. 1881 , ot the said court. It hating been m&do to appear to the sat isfaction of the said court , that this is a suit commenced to enforce an onuitable claim upon real property within the nald district , and that Eduard Hill , Mclvln Hill , Anes Hill , Ah in Hill , Horn Hill , John Hill , guardian of minor defendants heroin are not Inhabitants of , and hare not been found within the Bald district , and have not voluntarily ap peared In thtatu't. on motion ot Jauu * H. Woolworth - worth , E * ] , , solicitor ( or the Bald complainant , it la considered by the court and ordered that the said defendants abo\u named be and they are hereby directed to appear and plead , answer , or demur to the complainant's bill of complaint , on or before the firet Jay of August , 1831 , and that In default thereof , an order bo entered In this cause , taking the said bill pro confotwo. It Is further ordered by the court that at least twenty days before the bald first day e ( Au gust , 1SS1 , a copy of this order bo served upon Edward Hill , Melvin Ulll , Agnes Hill , Ah in I'll ) , Flora Hill , John HIM. guardian ot the raid defendants. uhcrcctcr found , If practicable , and also upon the per son or | persons In possession or charge of the real property described In complainant's bill ol complaint , If any there bo , and that a certified copy of this ordur bo published ( or four consccu. tlio weeks In the "Oiualia Il e. " ( Signed ) ELMEK S. DUNDY , Judge. THE UMTRD Rnvrs OF AIICUICA , ) Dimmer or NBUKAHKA. f I , Watson I ) . Smith , clerk of the Circuit court of the United .States ( or the district of Nibnuka , do hereby certify , that the above and foregoing la a tnio copy of an order cntcrul upon the journal of trio proceeding of said court , In the cause therein entitled ; that I ha\o compared the Mine with the original entry of said order , and It Is a true transcript therefrom , and of the xrlrole thereof. \Vltncss , my ofllcial signature , and the [ SEAL ] seal of cold court , at Omalia. In bald district , this IMh clay of June , A. I61. WATSON II. SMITH , Clerk. JAMES M. WOOLWOUTH. Jotwit Solicitor ( or 1'lailntlfT. To Nervous Sufferers THE GREAT EUROPEAN REMEDY. Dr. J. B , Simpson's Specific It Is a poiith ocuro ( or Spermatorrhca , Semln * vYeokness , Impotancy , anil all diseases resulting from Self-Abuse , M Mental Anxiety , Lon Mimory , 1'ftlni In tlio Back or bide , and disease * thit lead to Consumption Insanity aud an early grave Tlio Specific Medicine li being used with wonder ful ( uccte * . , _ 1 Pamphlet * lent tree to ill. Write for thua nd get full par < tlcuUn. 1'rlce , Specific , $1.00 per package , or tlx pack. M ( or 85.00. Addrow all orders to B. aiMSON MEDICINE CO. Not. 104 and 106 Main EC Buffalo , N. T. Sold In Onuhk by 0. V. Goodman , J. W. Dell , . K lib , Mid til drultevery whore. MRS. LOUISE MOHB , Graduate of the St. LuU School ot Uldwlro * . at IS03 California Street , Between Fintenth and eixteonth , north ld , where cell * will t > promptly respond d to al any hour durinj the day B. HUBERMANN A. . , T T.T1 JEWELER Cor. Douglas and 13th Streets , GIVES GREAT BARGAINS IN LADIES' AND CENTS' AMERICAN5GOLD ANKSILVER WATCHES. ALL KINDS OF Jewelry , Silverware and Diamonds We Guarantee the Best Goods for the Least Money , aSl-att TO THE LADIES OF OMAHA ! We take the liberty to call your attention to the fact that we have just secured the EXCLUSIVE MANUFACTURE AND SALE OF THE ONLY First-iClass Summer Stove IN EXISTENCE , Sonio of its many advantages are that under no o millions trill it PRODUCE SMOKE , DIET OR ODOR , The furniture from any other stove can bo used on thorn , including any sized WASH BOILER The work required of any wood or coal coek stove , can be done on them , being per fect in each department. Cooking , Baking , Washing & Ironing They can be used out in the wind as well as in doors. They can only bo appreciated AFTER A FAIR TRIAL. In purchasing n summer stove , you will have cause for regret if you don't inspect and give these stoves a fair and impartial trial. For Sale Only by DAN SULLIVAN & SON'S , jo U-ood-lm 1410 Farnham St. , Omaha , Neb. M'DONALD AND HARRISON , ARE NOW OFFERING FOR ONE MONTH ONLY ' DECIDED BARGAINS 3CKT Ladies' ' Suits , Cloaks , Ulsters , Circulars , Etc. , 200 Handsome Suite , at $5.00 ; 300 Stylish Suits , $10.00 : 75 Black Silk Suits , $17.OO. Wo have several lota of staple goods which will bo offered at T SEVENTY-FIVE GENTS ON THE DOLLAR. , . All ladies should avail themselves of this great sale of CORSETS AND UNDERWEAR , 'LINEN AND MOHAIR ULSTERS , SILK AND LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS , LAWNStJITS AND SACQDES. . jo 20-cod.u MCDONALD & HARRISON. THIS SPACE BELONGS TO THE BOSTON STORE. LOOK OUT FOR New Advertisement Soon , WM. F. STOETZEL , Dealer in 'Hardware ' , Cooking Stoves TIItsT Stove fiepairer , Jol ) Worker and Manufacturer ov jucax. jKxxnom ox * Tenth and Jackscm < tp - . . Omaha , Neb.