f i r * v 1' ! I ! ! ! ? * * * ELEYENTlf YEA'S * * / T < OMAHA , SATURD AY JULY 0 , 1881 , NO. 17 REAL ESTATE PIPIEEHTHAKD-LOUBLASSTS-j Jfn.l Lot on 'llatnoy qtrctt. near nowiQurt hfiiso , t W. Vft , > ' l > f" * Mb 3 Lot on Ccsi strccl'noar , E.M , ' 62100. - * Jfo3 I jton ( Mfnrnla ftrcct near 22d91COO. No 6 Lot on Murcfstrwt jicor Ui\V. ilojiot , 51200. j' „ ' No 0 1 block In Smnn'a 3,1 addition nur Con sent , tSW. , No 8 THO lots on Dctatur near Coiinibtlt St. , ? 7W. 7W.No 10 S loll on Colfax street near llAiiscom l"ark , at rcnTOtiablo pritfs ' 103 choice roHlilvnco lots In Credit Fonrlcr nnd Rrundt Itiw mlilitloiiB a short UitUiu-c toutlicist of U , I * , audit &M. iloputa , i > ilce train } 100 up- . 18 lots on 21U. 22 > 1 , 43d und SaTitiitcrs ulrcctK , northof nnil . Ijaimn ' B , V. Hmith' * addition , S400 ; tcinis j < j .No t full corner lot on Dougl.xs btrcct near 10th , * 25CO. HlNoTO UorncrCfltllO foot lot on Doughs near near llth iitritt , 1100. No. 71 Tliri.o lotuln Olsc'3 addition near Satin- dtra street , Sltxwj " * + ? ' 78 t.ot on Decatur street , near Irene Shinfir'a 2dmldiUouail5. , Ko. 7S S2xOO feet on IMclflc street near U ; P. and II. & M. dopotd , ? 3COJ , , No. "tl . .iiilcnilidarchou3Q lot 77x132 ( oct Otli street near Jones , 436CO. ' f } ' No 7 < 3 loU ) on Ilarney rtrcot ncur Ill1i-2rt00. ( No til Lot in CJls'-'a uddition near b' undcn s'rcet , 8iOO. No.62 Lot In Cl cH'mdditlon near Sailtidcrs Htrc-.t , V > W. < No b3i lot.r on 10th near I'aclllc and Nail Worke , . * HX)0. / - T- . ' No SO I/t on Charles street near Saundeis , 8SX ) . - . ' , . ' i No 87 Tx > t tin Lrovsuworth near 15th , § 1,100. -No 3d Lot on Cultlw ell fctrcot near Saun.l r , VNo' 80 totpnChICASO near , 22d street , S1COO. NoUD Lot on Blobdo near Campbell Btreet " 31 Ipti hi Xtilk-dJ 1 6ftld tira'mdTton ! ! , Shcr- inaua\cnuc , ItJth Ktreot. Spiliiff , Satatogiv und Florence strectVErw hn < l upnAhli " o 122-r-S lct on lijth Btre , ( , near I'oppleton's DOV. resilience , (1000. No 121 Lot "IvJlO.'i'ct on Sherman avenue , ICth Btreet , Slloa * > No 124 8 Jots on Bclluvue Btreet , neir shot tow erf $50 ( o ? 7C laih. No 125 Full block on Clinton street , "near shit towir , J./J to $75 inch. . .No 121 Lot on IBtli otrcet , ne whlt(51ead ( , No 127r lots , Zacrrincar hold ol St. Marj'a -ivMiuc , ' on roftd to IVrk , 82iOi. , > To 12a Lo ton California twjr Crelshton Col- oj.'f , JS. . , > . x s No ISO 1 ) ota ne.ir new KOtcuiment corral. 82J -xjiii ? ! acres cac ) | . S300 ' _ / tANo 101 Lot IntTlsu'u addition on Cameron bt. near SuundiH , nuike an otfii. No.XM \ Lot in C.UeV aJdition on Cosslm St. , near hl.itc , rcnko an otfer. NolC2 fx > t inOiso'saddltionon Caeaiun near tiaundcrtf , uuko an olfer. T 3 ' t NolpO 1 block in HoydVi twlditlpnft'Jilitfon . . No nil 7 loU 111 licnry t , SheltotiH addition near hin'h Htliool , price lrouiWi' < ( J pviril. 170 Lot on 1'acillc street , nrar l&th , uiaKu an offer. offer.No 171 S lots on Webster etrcot , near 21st , l)0th Si'i.O or ? 20UO ( or corner and ? 1800 for hi de. de.No 173 } lot on Cass near llth ttreit , S1000. No 175 Lot , on Snomun a\enuo 10th Rtreet near Jzaui , HxlW , $ UOU. , > , No 177 y Iota In ( Iramlvlov. luake an offer. No 180 lat In Shinn'8 addition on 1'ier St. , near end > .trcet car track , ? 525. No 1H1 Two lots in Nultoii'a addition , 1 on i tticet , 1 on Center jtrcct , ncjr Cuiain , No Io3 Two flit rfo lots on C&33 slrccfncar 21st. on a corner , . No l&D Lot on ird stccct , near S.iunJcrs , mike nil olTcr. No 18(3 3 lots on Senard street , near Irene , inakc an olTer No 201 Lot In Ulso's addition on Caniurcn St. , near baunden , ; 'W ) . No 20.J Lot on Cameron street near Sauixlers. JflOu.No No 203 Lot In Shinn'n ndilitlon on S.iuoders ttreet , riear btrcet tar turn taLlc , $ bf > 0. Noii'J IJeautifiil lot in Nt'lsoti'd adltionon ) Uixlaion ktri ct imr Cunilnn , rjsu. Na. 200 Two lots on C.istdlur street , near lOUi $150.No No 203 Two lots on Sixteenth street , ncur tlio nail works * 1BOO. No 20 * Onelmlflot pn California btrcct near 21st , ? 701) ) . No.209 Lot on ISth street near Nicholas. , fiOfl. No 210 Lot on Capitol atcnuu near 'AJil lMiU , Na21'J I/t 148iiUJ ( feet on Colfax street , near llanpcoiu Park , with lmproemert700. . No213 r oacrtnon Cumlni ; ttreet , $1000. No 215 One- half aero on Culifurnu , near Ken- ncdy street , ? 350. No 210 Iteautlful lot on Hamilton street neir otruet c.ir turn taDle , $1000. No 217 Lot on l3d street , near Clark. &SOO. A fc acre lots only remain unsold in " 1'arL 1'laeti" little went ol Creighton Oollcgt , l > ricc i n | iii ; doni fi7S to # 300 eaeh and on eatenas , LoU In llorbacn'a 1st and 2d iulditluji ; alee lots In I'arker'nhhinn'i ) : Nelson' * , , Terr ace's. K. V. .Smith's. Itedick'H , and'all the ottwr additions at any price and at any tcnns , Ten aerca In the city limits on the .road to tlio barracks at * M75 per acre Four beautiful rchidfnro lot ) ID front of Crelghton College ; will eut them up tq milt , Mnu rekideuio lots noitb ol CielglitoM Collc/e grounds , from 27UO to 1000 each. ( ti Thirty resident lots In J'arker's addition , six lilocks northof I he-jcnd of the utrecs c r traik on Saundrrs street , # i7C each , # 10 down , liaKineo to mil , at U per eent intercet. A fuw lots left In Tcrraeo atidltlon on tlo road to the 1'ark , near head of Ht. Mary's a > enue.C7xO each , To tlioju who | ll bulliia 1200 rosUeneu , 7 > cars time at b pr tout intcrott. Ixits in Luke's nil Jitlun at . ! ' ( ) to 83r,0 each , 10 years ) tlino ucl ( pirecnt lntort.t , to thosu wlio Imild. 'Iho old Tou lcy4n aero tract ulth lionw And nil IniproM mciua , adjoining raee e-ourte and /air L'rouniio' for w < K ) . 'Inetsrf 6 , HI , is , 20 , 10 or 60 teiut , wltlibvll- A\i\gi \ \ and otl.erlinprotemenU anj adjolnin Uio citj.atull prictrt. SidO of thu best rexUonco loti 111 the e-ltr cf Oiniha any locution jou ileniio por'.h , enil , tontli or wujt , and at btU rock prleej. 2.OeiOlcubuJnis ) lots Inull the prlne'lpil but ineii street ] In Omaha , aniiiK from ilQj to S7UOfleaeli , Two hundred IIOIMCH auJ lotj ranjfln ; from 500 to < 15,000 , and located In ever ) part of the tity. I irgo number of excellent ft ruis in Douglas. fiarpy.haaadtrd , DoJiu , W hlui'toii , Hurt , and other ( 'ood eonntioi In eastern Ntbra ka. 12,000 tiere * best laifd * In 'DouUs , " 7001 acres lit.t Iand < In harpjr county , and lirjo tracts in all the e-'iilenr t fur of umnllej OverWO.OOOnejeaof the be-itland In the No- liratka far bdle by thi a cncr VCQ 'arfc'u ' amciunts of suburban property In one to ten , twenty and foity aero pieces. Io < ated within ono to three , four or Ate mile * of the jioitoflleo tome \ cry dienp pieeoa. New Maps of Omana. published by Geoiyo P. Jiemi T-plaln. i nmountcU inaiw,60 < ctnU each ; mounted , Lolored and with eloth back , ? r,50 , Jlonpy loaned on Improved' farma also on improted clt > j ropeity , at the lowest rates of Interest. Houses , stores , hotels , farms , lotsl and j. otllcca rooms , etc. . to rent or lease. Taxes paid , rents rolloeted , doodrf , mortk'a-e ( , - and all kinds of reaj estate document ) uiado out on short notice. * GEO. P. BEMIS EealEstate xcknge PA lfca'- : ' * 15th arid Douglas Street , OMAHANEB. . RAPIDLY RECOVERING. The President , Though Hot Yet Out of 'Danger ' , Better Than at Afiiiaitt . " -'ii * * * i "Wsjp the Shooting. .Inoroaso' of the. | Etxv < iror DrJ * BHsa.Givotf < a DBtailod Ac count 01 the Profcasion- , al Treatment1 of ' } - , ttho Caeo. t i . - - u The Assassin Greatly Prp- v6kbd BOCAUSO thofe realfrl * * * ' 4.-rM'-fc ' * * V-r\ - dent Does Not Die. - . The Attornoy-QonernV-tind- Broolis Scent tie ttlca 'of ' , , . e JITM'A-T' } , . WASHINGTON , Jyj8 { 1 .a. in. Dr. Bibs sat down in jPrivato Sccro- tiiry Brown's room ' nt the White llouBo'ycstotclaj ilFfcQtiibon. ' and gave Dr , Boynton , ifre.lGhrfioi'd's .phyai- cian , a dotnilod aocoihiV'tKo ( jirofca- sioial | irontincut of Itlttij'caao , ' In tliu course of Jus nar 'ativaJicyitatcdniaiiy things ( nqt knp\m1 [ foroii'and gave thu best pi3sibic > j(15..VojliiH o\Vn opin ion. Ho'said ' cf bu nn'in the case \\itli the determination not to prcibo for the , jball jjiy oxpcncnco , m tlio army had taught laoitliat u\quph na thistitnypnld not do'to too miTcll. I took the aiiu Ud3tt kind of a probe and follo\vou thd course1 of the ball a-inchcsr Thovj.snhl Ijtha 's enough. Wi3 tlna { learned Jko'J ' Sirec- tipn of the ball. ' \ Yw. sbb ftho ' ball Ventin about tin t ( level lui'tl ntruckri fib und tbou Bworvcd ivilejlpction. " "Anil ii good one , { oo7"su"fgesled lr. ) Uoyn- tan. " "Y 8 , indocd'o6ntinucd ' Dr. Bliss , or what may & n paper wound 1 * * - * * - ' - - ' ? - dolluctiouj : diato vdnld luivo been "Yct ) , " aidDt. utesf" "WhcSi WQjfptAiB , " Dr. BliaB vent on , "thaiHic tfall hud gone iowr.nl the liver it was a inoru sciioua question what hariutthe ball hudldbno than where it must bo , therefore wo did not jirobo further.Vo don't think.it iaoni the livor.l Iy' opinion is th t it hopn fyund n , lodgmojit. in the1- interior AvalliwL ttiqii ) < itODia < : l Dr tflfm woli on . * tflioth * or theory that ho tried to exemplify in the case , was that such a paUent should not have too much n'uurhh- mpnt ; ho had learned that thoio who took too much nourishment in that condition had a greater shock when the end should come. Whui the president w.ia first taken homo he was given nothing but a swallow of ice water , and when ho bog.ni to grow hungry ho was fed with milk to keep it down. When ho needed something stronger , said the doctor , ho iwkod for it and yesterday hail chicken broth , with o g it it. Yestyrday morning ho wan asked what ho wanted to eat. and he said some toast , and being told it would not do , ho then wanted some oat meal , which wus concluded it would not hurt him. After the three first days vomiting cc.ised and now it is a pleasure to see him eat. Wo are careful ho does not have too much , but wo regard his ap petite as the encouraging feature of this caso. Another encouraging fea ture has been the gradual disappear ance of the groynosa of the cellular tissue within the wound. Much of it has boon absorbed and wp have hqpeu that his remarkable vitality will BOIVO to absorb much nerve. "I have de pended a great deal on his remarkable vitality , " said Dr.Boynton. And it isre- markablo , continued Dr. Bliss , "that orery few inont could have endured this sufferings ; " 'Now ' the first shock was enough to have put au immediate end to any man whoso lifo had not been free from taint. His vitality has shown itself in every possible way ; ho lias been talking a good dual and al- wayucheeifiillyjhosaidtomosoonafter the shooting : "Doctor , I want you to tell mo just what you think ; have I achnncu of recovery ; 1 told him , yes , ono. " "Well , " ' said hoand ho put his hand on my arm , "we'll take that ehanco " His wonderful vitality has allowed him to take it thus far. "Why , " said the doctor , "Ho oven began business to-day. " There woio faoino local affairs ho H.u'd ho ought to attend to. The appointment of commissioners of the district of Columbia was what he referred to. I told him ho had hotter think no moro of it just now. Ho said it was already on hU mind and ho wanted to get rid of it and that wui the only reason ho snoko of it , The president is a good patient , evoiything tell him to do ho doea without any trouble. . Another great factor in the oed progress of the case is the quiet , dignified and self- reliant character of Mrs. Garfiuld. She is certainly a wonderful woman. There has been none of the display o'f upon grief or despair , or loss of hope that would'bo madoby an ordinary woirian. She has always been confident ; she in athorough Christian womaii * , too. Her belief in God above has enabled her to bear this grief bravely. She was not alarmed oven uhen tfio president's pulse was up to 150. I toll you that waa pretty lively. Bye mid bye it DOan - [ an to go down. Danger from peri tonitis has gene by and every hour carries us , beyond sonto possible acci < dent. * ' What wo niost fear now in secondary hcmorrhago .and blood * * ' * * * poisoning ! ' * ' } -)8ocrpjiry | ; Blaine waatwith Jiiio , a * while yesterday "afternoon. Ho will re main in the city until the president is out of danger , He did not call at the White IIouso yesterday , but was in constant communication. OKTTUrtl BETTEft.At.1. THE TIMB. WAHHIKOTON , July 8. At seven o'clock this moniingiUr. Bliss reported the president's condition ns favorable. Ho awoke early , nftor A good night's sloop , and was greatly refreshed there from. The pain in the foot nnd legn troubled him eoin'o , but It finally \ttssed \ nwny. Tlio doctor considers hi9'i aUont better than fit any unib the shooting. WIIKOTON , July 88:15 : o. in.-- Hie MHcinl bulletin just issued ot the president's condition ) U r.s follows : The condition of the president con tinues favorable. Ho i moro com- Sfortftblo than any previous morning. 1'ulso 00 , tempomture 09 240 , respi- rati6u53. The wound is * beginning lo"disclmrgp laudable pus i [ Shj"od.J D.W. Buss , J. 1C. B.uiXES , J. J. Woonw.MU ) , Rom. HiiYiiciiN. July 8- S ) : SO a. m.--Tho preudcnt stood- dressing of wound bravtly and Is liow ntcoping. " ' ' July , 8 II n. m. 'Tho process of hun iiratlon proceeded /.xvorably and tlio president in not moro uncomforta ble tluiti could bo uxpo'otod. July -lliIJO a. m. The president 5s passintr a Very comfocUvblu day and 13 gaining strength. IIo in heartily enjoying the delightful change in the weather to-day nd iH doing nicely. MiKXTY OKHNK AT TI1K WHlTK IIOUSII. tThe 1 amount of wine , fruits , and stimulants nonl to the White House increase every day , and * the president is likely to have bis ice house full. None of these things arb of use to him in his condition , 'tod many of them , of course , will never bo used ; but silicon o ono Ims anything to say , of coiirsa thcy _ are stored u ay nnd accepted as evidences of the goodi will of 'tho people. I'.VIIINKT rAM.EUH. Postmast < ! r-Geheril Jdmcs , as usual , waa thu first tb call at tie | \Vhito HOUBO this morning. Ho WAS accompanied Ausiritant Postmastor-Gdn- panied bjf - - oral Elmer and Ohief Olerk Wormer , of the poatoflico 'depaftnihnt. Next calno Secretary Windom and son , lind after him Secrotr.ry Kirkwood They remained only long onongh 10 gain bHlcial uasuranco of the continuance of the good news and then proceeded to their departments. Lincoln Hunt and MaeVeagh also called at J ) o'clock this mbming , and ] VIrs. MacYeagli and Mrs. Lincoln remained a while . ( Jarllold. -A'N UNCOUUAOINO BIQN. There ia no increase of the fever and no unfavorable developments of any kind. The morning examination revealed the fact that suppuration was already established. Pus had begun to come in very small .quantities from the -wound. This the doctors hail a-i an encouraging sign. Such an issue was expected , and < is huch that no from. Its progresn can bo fully con trolled , ami if no accompanying com plications are working contrary to the doctors belief it will work good to the patient. BUSTING QUIUTLY. The Uth mot ning of the presidents sufferings findo him still improving , and the symptoms developing in full accordance with the theories of the doctors. About midnight the presi dent was restless but the cooler weather had a good ellect and ho soon fell to sleep naturally. Ho took : t' much nourishment as usual and re tamed it. The restlessness referred to did not require moro than one administration of morphine , and that a vorj' small quantity. Drs. Ruyburn and Wood ward were with him all night , and Dr. Bliss till 2 a. m. , after which lie remained within call. It was evident althrough the night that the presi dent's condition was improving an rapidly as could bo expected , and the morning examination developed such a condition of ailairs. The reaction of the pulse rate , temperature and respiration is a little moro than thut made on Wednesday niuht. The president's wound has boon dressed twice to-day , and ho endured the operation without serious annoy ! ance. July 8. 2:30 : p. m , No indications of secondary hemorrhage having yet appeared , the president's escape from thut danger is considered to be almost assured. I p. ni. The olllcial bulletin just issued giving the condition of the president at l'JMO : p in. , is as follows ; The progress of the president's case continues to bo favorable. Pulse 108 , temperature 174 7-10 , respiration 21. ( Signed ) . Buss , BAH.VES , WoOfJWAUI ) , VICE 1'llHHinKJ.TAllTllL'K W1U , IIWI.U.V IN WASUINtnOK. Vicp President Arthur remains to- lay with Senator Jones , who m quite unwell. The report that tlio vice president will leave the city tomorrow row if the bulletins continue favorable - blo to-night is entirely unfounded. Ho will htayhoro for several days , at the least , or until the president is do hied out of danger. e-lu ) ; p , in.-i-Tho oflicia ! bulletin just isMied ( jives thu condition of the resident at S p. ui. , tin follows ; "Tho resident's condition continues favor- iblo. Ho has passed a very cqi'nfoit- able afternoon and lias taken moio murishmont titan on previous days. Pnlso 108 , temperature 103 , respira tion 24. ( Signed. ) D. W. Buss , J. K. BAUNKH , J , J. WooUWAUDj IlOlJT. llEYIlV'tW , The presdont's condition continues so favorable that there will bo no 'urthpr bullolina until to-morrpw norning.WANT WANT , JI8 VJCTJM TO UJ13. Guiteau isf.provokiid hocuusa-his victim has not died , and is anxious 'or all possible notoriety. Day by day testimony is given by' these who luvo known Jiiiu jthat.ho is not insane. The substance of all these opinions ii summed up in that of Dr. [ Juck , of the London , Ontario , asy- "um. who believes Ouilouu to bo in full possession of his mental faculties , but is a moral idiot , incapable of any feeling of Affection and utterly desti tute of conscience , end should bo killed like n mad dog , ns ho in dangerous - gorous to bo at largo. There ore a few detectives who yet cling to thu theory of a conspiracy , but who can give no reasons for it. D01M NOT THINK IT A CONSHKWV. Tlio attorney general scouts the Jdca of a conspiracy , and sn docs Chief Brooks , of the secret abtvice. The district attorney , too , scouts thu conspiracy idea , but holds it his duly to nttciul and hivi'sllgnto ench and every hint and Biiggostion. His close and ocrutinous investigation und examination is for the purHMo | of vindicating the Viuties who have been suspected OH parties ti < the deed. He says that ho iff perfectly convinced that it is nn individually planned and an individually executed schema , and the only individ tl con nected with it won Qultoati , The opinion of the chief ot the secret her * vice was asked.today in rogar } ' ,1 the theory of a'c6n'spiracy. Major Brooks s.vid that the theory has bpi/u ex ploded. OUITKAtj's 1'AlT.llS. The papers found on GuitorkU have not all been made public yoi. The character of only n tow of th 5in are known , Onu ot them status that ho dcnir6s to have nil hia papow I printed in the newspapers as it wouldhnvo tlio effect of creating a sale for his book entitled "Truth. " auoitof an appendix to the biblo. .Another preface ia printedaccompanying | a document entitled "James A. Oar- field and W. .SsJluncocIc. " This ho ciuims to have written and afterward delivered as ft speech in several west ern towns. It f avoiml Gariiold's election and for this service ho claimed n con sulship in Austria. Other papers found in the p.ickago sot foi-th that the purpose inspiicd in him uf killing the president was to unite thu repub lican party. That it was a political necessity which wpuld bo recognised by all. Ho had but twenty cents on hlB jferson , two silver ton'ccnt pieces , which , with the pistol and papers , u'ore placed in the dniwor of Liout. PeckltuT desk" , and while that otlicor was absent from thu oflico to accompany the absassin lo the jail , Col. ( Jorkhill called at police head- quartcr.-i and took all the articles away with him. They have not oven been turned over to Iho property- clerk or tabled , an.il consequently there is no police record of them. The pistol was not taken from the assassin by Kearney , who first laid Imndti on him , but by Lieutenant KucklafT. It would seem 'that the proper way would have been to have entered them in the record book kept for that purpose and labeled. \ \ ho is there to identify the pistol' used by Guiteau ? Kearney c.n't do it. Nei ther can Lieut. KeoklolF , as bore wane no particular mark by whid/C j could -ur ir-in if. . _ I * Vscrii rjii . .Vcord s in thu police books 'ana tlij identifi cation will have to be left to the dis trict attorney. Surgeon-General Barnes , who has been the most despondent of the prosi- dent'H physicians , to-djty eajsthat the case is working \ > ell , and that there has been moro than a decided im provement in the last tncnty-four houTB. Ho says the case is still en vironed with dangers , and that the dangers are chiefly hidden as the ex act nature of the wound ami course of the ball ia not known. Dr. Woodward does not seem to fear much trouble. The danger from peritonitis hm passed and secondary hemorrhage is almost pafcsed. The pro cess of suppuration is progressing fav orably and all possible pro- c.iutionn are being taken again fit the expected danger of pym i. These were the only troubles which the doc tors feared. THE "LAUDAIII.K rus" aiArrai EX PLAINED. The noon bulletin regarding the "laudable pus" matter was explained by Dr. Woodward. Ho said tlio torni ' 'laudable pus , " as applied to the discharge from n wound , meant a healthy , natural discharge and was a Hiiro indication that the heatingnrocosa was well under way and that every thing wus gointc well with the president. There had boon a good deal of talk about the crisis and when they would occur and when there would bo fur ther danger from thorn. ( > The fact is , " suit ! tho. doctor , "that in n case like this there is no particular time for the crisis. From the nature of the wound , the dangerous symptoms are liable to manifest themselves at any time , from the first shock till the patient is entirely out of danger , whiyh latter gratifying phr.iBO of the case is not likely to occur for moro than a week yet. July -aO ! ; p. in. The president asked to have his wound drousod , so that ho cot. Id Bleep , and it has juat oeeii donu. Scandal Aftniust tlio St- Police 1'orco , NatlonM Aiwodixteil I'nm. ST. LOUIH , July 8 , There is a big flcandal against the police force hero. Officer Snow , eight years in the tor- vice , was asked to resign at the Just meeting of the police board. No reason was assigned , but it now comes out that ho was charged with robbing a drunken man ' of fu-o dollars. Inquiry develops the f.ict ninny complaints have previously been made against him but never proved. Meanwhile - while ho has put up sovoiul now build ings and boon invcatim ; in real us tat o. It was supposed that ho liadn't a cent when he wont on the force. Ho is thought to have done a 'roat deal of the same kind of work , National Asaoc.Tati.-a 1'teu. FoHTOiiiA , 0. , July 8. The most lisabtroua wind storm , accompanied l > y rain , known here for years. visited this city and vicinity last nigh't. " The roofs of the Union flouring mill , Hut- loway , Campbell A Co.'s jil'ining ' jnill and George Lomp's rc idoncoT.wero partially blown oil" . Shodo trees > voro : orn and twisted out of shape. ' , lle- , wrts from the country tell of the dis- ustrous ciTect upon standing crops. THE DEADLOCK 10,88 , UNLOCKED The Hnlf-Brooda Hokln Caucus and Nominate Two Cnudidatos , A Lottoi1 Is Read Prom Mr. Dopow , Wiihdrnwiug From the Couloat. Miller Nomluntcd for the Long and Lnulmiu for the Short Torm. Rttianrs Current Thai Conltllnu V/ill At.HANV , July 8. The joint con- vcutiun resumed its session at 12:10 : o'clock. The ballot for n successor to Conkling resulted ns follows : Total vote lf > U ; necessary to choice , 70 ; Colliding UL\ Wheeler . " 3 , Lipham 11 ! , Cornell 8 , llogors ( ! , Crowley H , Fol- gor 1. iJ The vote for I'latt's successor re- Bultoil : Totnl vote 150 ; Dopow 51 , Lapham 1 , Konmn 50 , Crowley 18 , Chapman 4 , Everts 1 , Cornell 20 , Fish 1 , Daniels 1 , Wheeler 1 , Tro- main 1 , North 1. ALII.VXV , July 8. The total second joint ballot for n successor to Conk- ling roaiiltuil : Wheeler 4'J ; Conkling 112 ; Potter HO ; Crowley 2 ; Cornell C > j Lapham 12 ; Folger 1 total vote 150. The total second joint ballot fora BucccRsor to Platt resulted : Dopow 51 ; Kornnn 50 ; Tulcolt 1 ; Laplmin 1 ; Chapman 4 ; Crowley 18 ; Cornell 19 ; North 1 ; Evnrta 1 ; Daniels 1 ; Fish 1 ; Whoulor 1 ; Trenmino I total vote , 150. 150.After After the second ballot the joint convention mljournod until to-morrow by a vote of 88 to10. . It fleams settled that the half-breed and feather-head caucus this after noon will select two caucus candidate. ! for the sanatoria ! vacancy , probably Dopow and another. If the stalwarts refuse to attend and hold out a d.iy or two longer , nn adjournment will probably ensue , but if the stalwarts go over there will bo an election. No stalwart will admit any invitation to attend the caucus. run UAUCUS. AI.IHSY , July 8. The half-broods' and feathorheadrt" caucus mot at 4:30 : p. m. No stalwarts present. It was decided to select ono senator from each fact'on. ' Senator Woodin re ceived a letter from Mr. Dopow , with drawing from the contest. It created Mirpvisc , but was received with faction , as Miller was then selected an the candidate for the long term nml E. G. Lapham for the short term. There are rumors that Colliding will withdraw. TllK WAlATA.&TX'AOT IN THIS OAHCa'R. NKW Youic , .Inly 8. A number of poliliciium were at the Fifth Avenue hotel in consultation with to-day ox- Senator Conkling ever the political complications in Albany. Win. B. Johnson , who is Conkling's constant companion , said that in no event would the stalwarts go into tlio republican - publican caucus unless Dopow was ex cluded as a candidate. A dispatch convoying this construction was sent to Ed. Carpenter and John F. Smith to-day. If no settlement is reached this week Mr. Conkling will return to Albany next week. A Torrlblo Tall. National AwoUatul I'rcn. Cnti'AOO , July ft. Patrick Conroy fell t'lom the eighth story of the P.il- mcr house last night. lie lirt.1 Htruck a line of telegraph wires , rebounded and struck an iron shutter with such force as to break it from its hinuc.s , and then fell to the ground. At last accounts ho was still alive , though bones were broken in all parts of the body , and he was nearly disem bowelled. RAILROAD NOTES. National Associated I'rtwi CHICAGO , July 8. Uy the provisions of an agreement intered into between thoAtchison , Topeka & Santa Fo , and the Southern Pacific and the Union Pacific railroads , regarding the through freight tarifl' to the Pacific coast over the Southern route , the Santa Fu is not to ' compute for , nor take any freight for Nevada points , and Utah and the Union 1'acilic is not to touch New Mexico and Arizona points. The meeting of the Southwestern railroad asRociution , which was post poned July ( ith , will l > u hold in this oily Wednesday , July 1'Hh. It is understood thut all the manugora will bo present If thin meeting fails to huimoni/.o the conflicting interests of the various lines , the Missouri Jliver pooling arrangement will bo ut an end. BAi/riMoiiu , July 8 , Mr. J. M. Hood , president of the Western Mary land railroad company , has declined the position of second vico-prusidon ! of the U.iltiinoio it Ohio railroad , tendered him by .President Garrott. Accidentally Shot HIM Sou. Natloml Abwicliilu ] I'rutu , AIWIAN , Mich , , July fl. Post- muster C. E , Carman , at Lyons , twen ty miles south of thiscity , accidentally shot and killed his fourteen year old son last night. The boy hud wandered out on the roof in a fit of somnambul ism and his father mistook him for a burglar , Tba Brightou Beach National Associated 1'resa. NKW YOUK , July 8. The races at Brighton Beach continued to-day. The weather was dull and the trade heavy. The first nice , milo and n half , for tlroo-year-olds ) , was won by Guvor- nous ; Buckor eecond. Time , 2iy- ; , The second race , ono milo , was won by Topsy ; Moscow second. Time , 147J. ; The third race , milo and n half , was won by Kitty Clark ; Jerry second. Tjino , JJ:40J. : The fourth race , milo and n half , over six hurdles , was won by Terror ; Miss Muilor second. Time , 25H , Moro Mormon * NKW YottK , July 8. Among the 2,500 emigrants arriving hero within the past twenty-four hours , eight humhedaro Mormons , six hundred and fifty of them being Scandina vians , and the remainder English , Scotch and Welsh. Forty-Second Dny- Xillonal AMoclttcil l'res . CIIIOAOO , July 8. flriflcom began on the foity-second day of his fast this noon , apjiarcntlv in excellent health and spirits. Ho took a short walk lliifl morning. Ho hat made out a lull ot faro , comttoaed of fmnrito dishes , principidly fruits and vegeta bles , with wliicli ho proposes to break lis fast next Tuesday nltcrunon. His weight is 151) ) , or n half pound less than yesterday. SulotAoilBocauso or the Attempted Amtisslnntioii. Ni\v YOUK , July 8. The suicide of Mrs. Pritehardin Asbury ParkjN. ! . , was said to have been prompted by \niuital \ anxiety for President GarlleUl'B condition. The attempted nssatbina- tion upset her mind. Alnoaudml' S'atlonnl Aiioclitenl 1'ri'st. Nr.w YOUK , July 8. Paul Siegcl , aged 23 , son of Uon. Siegel , it' is uleged liw : absconded with $1,200 Belonging to his employers. Ho is ilso suspected of other thefts. PACIFIC COAST NOTES. National < ' SAN FitANciHco , July 8. J. W. Giudiwilor , a milling sharen operator , has filed u petition of insolvency. Liabilities , 8520,000 ; assets of nil kinds , 5200,000. Alexander Kudon , an old resident > f Alamcda county , accidentally killed liimsolf while shooting birds in his or chard. SAN FiLVNi/ibcOj / July 8. Deles J. Howe , formmly editor of The K\ening Bulletin , died of apoplexy in Dayon , Outto county. Tlio Hhip Ann Iloykon has arilvod at Portland in thirly-foui d.iyB from Ifong Kong , with threa hnndicd and fifty Chinese. Juno I5th a riot broke out bccanuo the Chinese cdoku favored one gang of coolies more than anoth er. The parties about equally diided were armed with cordwood sticks , cap stan bans and belaying pins , with which they fought dcspuratoly up and down the Hhip , receiving terrible wounds about head and'body. ' Fear ing for the safety of > Uiu ship and finding pistol threats of no avail , Capt. Mason and crow began throwing catholic acid among tlio infmiatod Chinese , which soon" brought them to their ncnscn. Capt. Mason juaUfiOs this course from the fact thai it was impossible to quiuttho tumble riot in mid-ocean and nave the ship and. lives of himself and crow in any other wayi Had ho killed the ringleaders the Chinpso would have boon enraged boyoiul All hopTttt eblitnil. Mlii ot the severity of the struggle between the two gangs , 150 on each sidb , are plainly visible all ever the iihip , an are the marks made by the carbolic acid. The Cincinnati Fire. National Anhodatial I'ron. CINCINNATI , .Inly 8. The firemen worked all night at the ruins of the great fire and it in still smouldering and i'i too hot for the exact los.'i of life to bo ascertained. None but Ghas Poako are known to be killed , though it is feared that nthoni are under the ruins. Thu losses on the establishment burned are nn folloua : Marquis A ; Sons , $70,000 ; Cluster- man , $150,000 ; Mcader , 8250,000 ; KesorAs Co. , S'jr.0,000 ; Cabinet Jilnl- ore * union , Jj'JftQ.OOO. Simpson & Gould , $05,000 ; liussol Brock § 10,000 ; toUil ? 'J8l,000. Tt ia believed that/ / the loss on the other buildingu and prop erty injured und destroyed wih bring the amount up to ? 1,1300,000. ? The insiiranco is comparatively light , aa most of the propel ty was of a charac ter considered hazardous , and * the companies would not carry u heavy insurance on it. Mexican Matters. CITV or Mr.xico , July 8. Olapacn diapatches announce thu caving in of u church roof in Conwato , killing fifty- nine worshippers The government forces at Pueblo captured Anmdoo , thu mountain high , ttayman , and Iwo coinpaiiioim its they were in the aet of robbing. Aniudeo recently CKc.ipcd from priaon . by killing four men. A rewnid had been offered for him. A Oi'a Kutlonil Aiwoclatod I NKW YOUK , July 8. A woman who said her name was Mrs. Garlluld , end who claimed to bo thu wife of thu president has just been looking for her hurtband in Hrooklyn , Bho call ed at tliucity hall and although insane was not detained but allowed to wander - dor away. ' A Great Enterprise . The Hop Litteis Jlanufncliirinff company is ono of Rochester's greatest biidiness enterptibes. Their Hop liit- teis have reached a sale beyond all precedent , having from their intrinsic valno found their way into almost every household in the land. [ Graphic. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i _ jyl-10 Almost Crazy , How often do wo BOO the hardwork ing father straining every nerve and muscle , and doing his utmost to sup port his family. Inmqino his fculinga when ivtnnntig homo from n hard day's labor , to find his family prostrate with disease , conscious of unpaid doc tors' bills and debts on every hand. It must bo onougli to driv'o ono almost crazy. All his unhuppincss could bo avoided by using Electric lljttors , which expel every diqoaso from the system , bringing joy and luippincss to thousands. Sold at fifty cents a Lot' tlo by Ish & MoMnhon. (4) ( ) Largo stock of ahoos , slippers 'and ties good for summer wear at Full- riodo's now store , Douglas bol. 13th and 14th. FORBIO-N AFFAIRS. A FLOOR OIVRS WAY. LONDON , July 8. A dispatch from Paris nays that the flooring of the nilitary barracks nt Manburg-on- t\dnn suddenly gave way , mecipitat- ng about ono hundred soldiers some Iwcnly-fivp feet. So far ns known none > no was killed , but nbeut twenty were injured. MU. ( loi'ui's Mirnnr.nr.R rAitunnn. LONIHI.N , July 8. Lcfroy , tlio mur- lorerof 51 r. Gould , on the Urightoii lway , was to-day arrested nt S top- lenuy , whore he ho * lodged since rt'cdcsdny. Ho admiltcd lii * identity nit denies that ho committctl the i crime. Ho had shaved oil' his wins- curs and mustacho. Cat tlo Baviis Burned. 1'ri'HSi. lH'rp.M.o , July 8. The extensive cattle barns ot Ur. Firmenich's grape sugar works , at Kant Duft'.ilo ere to- lally destroyed by fire this afternoon. Fhrco hundred cows perished in tho. llamci. The buildln .s were * filled , overhead with hay , and the cattlo''x were fed with slops from thu works. largo number of milch cowa were kept to supply milk for the checso factory. The loss is estimated at ? i,000 ; ) , and is partially insured , A Gooil Showing1 S'ntlonnl Apsodntcil 1'rcM \VAHIItsiiTON , July 8. Commis sioner Ituum of the internal revenue .lepartmcnt has issued a statement of Lho total assessment on capital and lepositcs of the bank of thu United States for May , 1881 , which ohow .hat there has been an increase of 104 per cent , or ? 10,910,741 , over tlio as sessment of May , 1880. Militury Matters of Moment. Lieut. John A. Baldwin , Ninth in- 'nntry , is appointed judge advocate of ho general court martial to meet at Sidney. Capt.Ym. . C. Shannon , assistant surgeon general , now on duty nt Fort Russell , accompanies the escort to the Ute commission from Fort Ikidgcr to Jio Uinlah agency. Maj. Isaac D. Dolhissy , is granted leave of absence for n month oir'tho surgeon's coilificnto. Co. P. . Third cavalry , now at Fort Sandorn , W. T. , is removed to Fort 1) . A IliiBHoll. Col. A. G. Bracket , Third cavalry , commanding Port D. A. Russell , is appointed special inspsctor. Company A , Ninth infantry , is transferred from camp at Cheyenne depot to Fort McKinney , W. T. Capt. A. II. Bowman , Ninth in fantry , is relieved as judge advocate of the general court iriartial to con- ' vain at Tori S A Good Tliiio Auywny. The Standard Club had mndo every arrangement for a fin6 ntfiiirlast evening - ing in the way of n moonlight dancing party out at Ilanscom park. They were to leave tlio city at 7 o'clock , bufc nt that time the sky wna overcast with | dark clouds which threatened rain. ' The storm soon came , nml it wus evi dent that there would bo no purty at the park. Determined not to allow the all'air to bo n failure , they wont t < > Standard Hall , whore , with lefivnh- men la nml Sleinhnusor's orchestra , they enjoyed themselves by daiicint. ' , promenading and visiting while thu rain wua falling in.torrenta upon the city. At a late hour , after the storm subsided , they ordered carriages and went to their homes , natMcd with having hndn "good time anyway. " The wholesale * liquor establishment on the corner of Douglas and Four teenth streets , is getting to bo quite a popular icsort for men about town. Mcssni. Murphoy it Co. , the proprie tors , are new-comers in the city , Imt by attention tb bueinoss they have got quite a trade , in the jobbing lino. They handle the best quality of-liquors and cigars , and outside dealers would do well to call npou them. ni oj7-2t of Respect. HAM , or PIONKKUHOOK itLADDE OMAHA , July 5 , 1881. Bo it remembered that God , in hia inscriitnblo ways , has seen lit to take from this busy world our lamented pjoncor nnd friend , Doctor Benjamin Stickler. Therefore , be it HESQLVI : ! ) , by those pioneers hero assembled nnd many who are nbsont , that wo drape our hall and wear the usual mark of respect for the period of thirty days. Bo it further IlKHOLVKD.thatour hall forall time to come ohall bo honored with a truthful memento of him in remembrance of the many days and nights of duties performed wliilo with ua in our in fancy. _ That wo deeply sympathize with his fatherless and motherless daughters , relatives and friends. Buit IliisoLVKi ) , That our city papers , ono nnd nil , take notice of our action on this occasion , nnd thut a true copy of pur notion bo forwarded to his fam ily ut un early date.W. . W. J. KKNNEDV , CHAS. Fjhiir.it , D , S. MITCHELL , Committee. ALUEKT II. IUKUEU , Soc'yJ Capt. Paul Boyton , of Swimming - ming fame , in a , recent communication says : "Of. late J , parry a stock of St. Jacob's Oil in my boat , and I have but ) itte } trouble. Prom con stant oxpoauro Jmn somewhat subject to rhouinntio pains , . and nothing Would over benefit mo until I tot ; hold of this groat" German remedy , J ' ' \rould uo'onor bo without food for days than bo without this'roinedy for ono hctur. In fac I would not t- tempt a trip without it , wilieina.