Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 08, 1881, Image 1

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iul Jk , ,
t *
No 1 Ixit on llirncj street , near ncn court
house , J2SOO.
No ! ! Lot on Cass btrcct ncnr 22d , t2f.OO.
No 3 Lot on Calfonila 'street ncnr 22d , 81600.
No 6 Lot on Marc } street near U. 1' . depot ,
No 0 } block IQ Shlim'B 3 < 1 addition near Con-
\cnt , > 8io.
No S Two lots on Decatur near Caimibcll St. ,
No 10 S lots on CoUnx street near Hanscom
4'ark , nt reasonable prices
100 choice residence lots In Credit Koncler and
Ornnihlew nJilltioiiB a short dUUneo southeast of
U. 1' . and 11. & II. depots , l > rices ; rom $100 up
IS lots on Slst , S2d , 231 and Saumlcra "trccts ,
north of and adjulnini ; K. V. Smith's addition ,
$100 ; Units can }
No U3 Full corner lot on Douglas street iioar
10th , 8MOO. x " , .
MNo 70 Corner COxllO feet lot on Douglas near
taear llth fltixctJ100
No , 71- Three lob In Olse'a addition Hear Saun-
den street , $1000 ]
73 Lot on Decatur street , near Irene Sh inn's
Sd addition $11S . i t ' \
No , 75 S2xOO feet on Pacific street near u. P.
anil U. 1 M. depoU , fXX > a
No , 7(1 Splendid warehouse lot 77x132 fe t Oth
street near Jonen , WWX ) .
.Vo " ( J 3 lots on Ilarnc ) street near 19th$2000 . ' ,
No SI Lot In Olse'S'ftddltlon near Saundcn
'reet , $500.
No. 82 Lot In UlscV addition near Saundcra
Street , $300.
No SJ 2 lots on 19th near Pacific and Nail
Works , S1WX ) .
No SO Lot on Charles street near Saundcjs ,
NeST Lot on Lca cnworth near 15th , 81,100.
No S3 Lot on Caldwcll street near Saundcrs ,
No' 83 Lot on Chicago near 22d street , $1500.
I : Nc 3D Lot on Blonde near Campbell street
31 lots InMllltrd ] & . Caldivcll's addition , Slier-
mana > enue , IGth street , Spring , Haratoira and
Horencc strccUi , $700 and upwards.
No 122 2 lots on Ibth street , near Popplcton's
new residence , 81000.
Nol2J Lot 71x310 feet on Sherman a\cmie ,
10th street , 81100
No 124 S lots on Bcllcuie street , near shot
tower , 50 to 875 each.
No 125 Full block on Clinton street , near
uhat tower , $50 to V76 each ,
No 128 Lot on 18th street , ncJJ white lead
works. 852.1
No ' .27 2 lots , 31 itcrcsncar head of St , Marj's
\enue , on road to Park , 82500.
No 129 Lot on California near Crclghton Col-
* " " " * " "
eire , $ J73.
No 130 lots near new goxernmont corral , S2J
X207J acres each. ? 300. _
_ . .
T- *
- T * fu flla a
near State , make on offer.
No 162 Lei-inQlM'u addition ontCasalus near
Saundcn , make an oiler.
No 163 1 block In Bojd'e addition addition
netit Omalia Barracks , make an offer.
No 101 7 lots In Ilenrj & Shelton's .addition
near Ugh Bihool , price from 31250 upward.
.170 Lot on Patiflc street , near 16th , hiakjs an
No 171 2 lots on Wcbiter street , near 21st ,
both W3 0 or $2000 for corner and & 1SOO .for In-
No 173 1 lot on Cass near 14th btrect. flOOO.
No 175 Lot on Snennan m enuo 10th1 street
near Jzard , 44\132 , 81400.
'No 177 3 lots In Qrandview. make an offer.
No IbO Lot In Shinn's addition on 1'icr St. ,
near end street car track , $525.
No 1S1 Two lots In Nelson's addition , 1 on
Idaho street , 1 on Center street , near Cunilnu ,
* No 183 Two gUt odffe lots on Cass street near
Cist , on a corner , ) < COOO.
No 185 Lot on Sew ard street , ucar Baunderg ,
make an offer.
NolSC 3 lots on Sen ard street , near Irene ,
make an offer
No 201 Lot In Disc's addition on Cameron St. ,
near baundein , S500.
No IOJ Lot on Cameron street near Blunders.
$000.No >
No 203 Lot In Shinn's addition on Saundcrs
street , near street car turn table , & 350. *
No 2iH Bcuutlful lot In Nelson's addition , on
Division street near CumliiK , ? S5U.
No. 205 Two lota on Castular street , near lOUi
No 208 Two lots on Sixteenth street , near the
mil works , $1500 , .
No 20ft One half lot on California street near
jut , S700. ,
No 209 Lot on 18th street near Nicholas , ? 000.
2Ji210 * Lot on Cauitol avenue near SJd.81500.
Na 212 Lot 148x500 feet on Colfax street , near
Ilanscom Park , with Jmpro > emcnt , 82700.
I-1 No 213 Two acres on Cumin ? street , $1000.
I No 215 One half acre on California , near Ken-
No 210 beautiful lot on Hamilton street near
street car turn taolc , * 1000.
No 217-Lot on 23d street , pear Clark. 8500.
A few acre lots only remain unsold In "Park
Placo" little west of Crelghton Collcgt , prices
raniciru f torn $276 to $300 each and on easy terms.
Lots In Horbach's 1st and 2d additions ; also
lota in Parker'xShlnn's ; Nelson's , Terrace s , h.
V. Smith's , lledick's , and all the other additions
at an ) price and at any terms.
Ten acres In the clt > limits on the road to the
1 arratksatS375perairo.
Four beautiful residence lots In front ol
Crelghton College ; will cut them up to suit.
Nine renldenco lots north of Creiyhton Collcre
grounds , from 700 to 1000 each.
Thlrtx resident lots In Parker's addition , six
blocks north of thcjeml of the strecs car .track
on Bannders street , $278 each , 810 down , oalance
to suit , at 8i > ercentintcrekt.- „ '
A few loU lilt In Terrace addition on the road
to the Park , near head of St. Man's avcnue,8720
each. To those who Will build a Jl200/eaidencc ,
7 \ ears time at 8 p'r cent Interest. '
'Lots in Lake's addition at RiSQ to S3W each , 10
years tlmo at 8 JHT cent Interest , to those who
' 1 he oM Tousle } 40 acre tract vlth house and
all Improvement ! , adjolnlni ; race couruo and fair
grounds' forltWXW. . .
Tracts of 6 , 111 , 15 , 20 , 40 or 80 acres , w 1th bull-
Jingi and other improiincnti and adjoining the
cltat all prices.
3500 of the bent residence lot * In the city ot
Omaha any location > ou desire north , cast ,
coutli or vest , and at bedrock prices.
e50iholctibu > liic sIoUlnaU the principal bus-
ine streets In Omalra , varying Irani ? 50Q to
Two hundred homes and lota ranging ( roui
$ MO to 816,000 , mid located In e\ cry part ol the
citj.Large numlicr of excellent farms In Douglas.
Bar ) ' } i Baundern , lo < lgeVa hinrton. Hurt , and
-other ( food counties la cutern Nebraska ,
12,000 aircabuit land * In Douglas , 7000 acre *
best land * in Earpy county , and largo tracts In
all the eastern tliroj counties/1
Oi er 1)00,000 ) acres of the Iwt land In the No-
bnxski ( or ulo b > this agency
Ver ) largo ainounU ut nuuurban | iropcrt ) In
one to ten , tucntj and forty acre plecca. located
vlthln ouo to three , ( our or flic milc olthe
poitotDui some tri cheap piece * . heP.
Nt Jliiw o ( Omaha , publUhed by Ooorge .
Beiiia-pUin , uiinioniite'.l maps 60 ctnU each :
nioimtcJ , colored aud with cloth back , 81,60
Money loaned on lmpro\ed' ' farms also on
imnmicd city property , at the lowest rates
of mUrcst.
i IIouws , store ) , hotels , drmi.loti.l andi. offlcea
iooin , ct < - . , to rent or ka e. teaa
Taxes paid , rents collected , deeds , mortgage * ,
and all kmdiolruil e Ute docuincnta made out
.on thor uotlco. 4
' ,4
The Condition of the Pm&eiit
a Little Better than-l
Yesterday , J >
District Attorney CorkhityRo-
fosos to Make Public the
Contents of Quit * ! t
oau's Baiters , - * - * v
Pitz John Porter Writes aLet- *
tor Denouncing the
Secretary Blaine Denies That
Dr. Gross' Card Was
Not Honored.
Hundred * of Iiettori Roooivod
From the South Expressing
WASHINGTON , July 7. District At-
tprnoy Corkhill refuses to make pub
lic the contents of the message left by
Guiteau at the depot news stand
Saturday morning. Corkhill says the
loiter mentions1 , ! * person wlipin ho
knows hadtaajmorc knowledgoSof the
crime thnhv.tmbo unborn. Ho docs
.not think it p.opor. in the Wcsont
stale of "public' excitement t $ , make
them public/ r * " * 'i
That the president's physicians are
'more encouraged than nt any time
during the case is shown at their every
appearance from the sick room } Not
one of them , of course , tjiityks the
president is out of danger , but they
have very strong hopes of his ultimate
As an evidence of the number of
sympathetic letters which are con
stantly being received by the presi
dent , the Washington postoflice re
ports that the usual number of letters
have boon received during V ej presi
dent's sickness.
Fits ; John Porter writes , denounc
ing the assassin as a miserable lunatic ,
who has thrown the whole country
into mourning , and now the theories
uttermostjiro that eomo othjir half
crazy office seetcf will go and/do like0
. Thetyesident'B dm'ditkm
has improved .during the night. The
pulsationtandi temperature ) wro again
whore they were yesterday intfrnTug.
The danger of a 'relapse ' during the
night was very slight , and there is
nothing ; unfavorable in his symptoms
this morning.
The official bulletin issued at 0 a.
m. is as follows : The president pass
ed a comfortable night , and his con
dition steadily continues to improve.
Hois cheerful and'asks for additional
food. Pulse * 94 , temperature 09 , res
piration 23/ - J
10 a. m. The president' continues
as when the bulletin was issue'd. All
are moro hopeful tlian over.
[ Signed. ] D. W. BLISS ,
J. J. WoomvAUD ,
Hour. IlEVitun-v.
10:45 : a. m. The president has
more strcngh and vitality now than at
anytime since the shooting , and is
constantly gaining. His progress is
slow , but as long as no unfavorable -
favorable symptoms appear the
doctors say all is progressing
oven beyond thoir1 expectation.
With his increased pulse there was
no increased unfavorable 'new symp
toms. Every symptom was favorable
and all but the regular sick room at
tendants wont home in confidence.
The president slept well hot as the
night was , and suffered no great un
easiness. Ho took nourishment fre
quently , and a little more at a time
than on the proceeding night. He
talked but little simply because ho
know it was best ho should not.
His naps were short principally , but
now and then ho remained asleep for
a considerable length of timo. Miss
Dr. Edson , whoso watches at the bed
side were relieved by Cols. Rockwell
and Swain , left the mansion soon ater
daylight. She said to one who < met
her that the president was doing
nicely. His pulao has gene down
again and all symptoms are favorable.
Tlio doctors -came early and be
gan an examination at nine
o'clock. At 7:30 : , p. m. Gen
eral James , surnamed "tho hopeful , "
drove up and 'entered the mansion.
It took him but a few moments to
learn that the president was improved
and ho came down stairs radiant.
"That man is sure to get well , " said
he , "The people want him. Ono of
the best features of this whole affair
is the intenco fooling it has developed
in the South. It is so very gratify
ing to all. The president may not
change his condition much for some
time , " continued Gen. James , "but
ho will pull through all right. "
Dr. Boynton , who loft Mrs. Garfield
at Long Branch , on receipt of the news
of the death of the president's undo in
Ohio , returned to-day. Ho reached
the White House at 9 a. in. and was
much encouraged at the president's
11.10 a. in. The cooling- apparatus
in thp presidents room works nicely
and ho enjoys the effect very much.
The president awoke at 11 and asked
for more nourishment. This appetite
is looked upon as ono of hia most , fa
vorable symptoms , 'i y
J : 12:30 : a. m. Tlio physicians find the
president's condjtion ab ut the same
and are consulting as to treatment.
Dr. Bliss says tho' president's
. hi
blhan rorjwIdliat
prcwea f avprably. i imtU M
the 'greatest' ' danger will be1 passed.
3 p. m. The president's pulse is
going down again and orcry symptom
is increasing in favornblonoss.
WASHINGTON , July , 8. ' Public
anxiety- , certainly on the move hero ,
but public interest is by no moans
loss. i People talk of nothing else. At
the same time all is but hope , for the
doctors oven dare not have confidence.
Dr.Keyburn said to-day that his hope
was grounded firmer now oven than
ycstcrdaypvhon ho could sep that the
family were confident , and if ho know
any reason why they should not bo ho
would certainly try to guard against a
dangerous disappointment.
Secretary Windom has received
from.tho Union Loasuo club , of Chicago
cage , through its president , copies of
the resolutions of sympathy for the
president and wishes for his quick re
Secretary Blaine spout almost the
entire morning at the .stnto department -
ment , not calling at the White Ilouso
until noon. Ho thinks the president
will recover. Secretary Blaine denies
that the card of the eminent surgeon ,
jh . Gross , of Philadelphia , was not
honored at the White House.
The president has refrained almost
entirely from conversation to-day. Dr.
Woodward said to him , "Tho course
0S the bullet is past tlio diaphragm
to < or through the liver. Every word
you utter moves the diaphragm and
disturbs the liver. " The president
recognized the situation and said that
ho would not speak.
The president was removed to-day
from the bed ho has been on to a nar
row 0110 secured for the purpose , BO
that his attendants can moro easily
attend to his wants. In all probabil
ity lie will bo moved again this after
itt . A patent hospital cot was sent
to Dr. Bliss from Boston , and was
brought to the White Houso. It will
allow the president to move about and
change position without much exor-
tion. Ho was moved from ono bed to
another without discomfort , and
another moving is not likely to pro
duce any harm. J
* | TJio following was sent to the widow
of Gen. George H.Thomas : Dear Mrs.
Thomas Your letter of the 5th inst.
is just at hand. It awakens associa
tions and feelings that I can't find ex
pression for in words. I am glad to
be able to add that the president is do-j
ing nicely , gaining strength every
hour and every hour increasing in
hope. ( Signed. )
8:30 : p. m. The favorable condition
ol the president continues. Pulse
10G , temperature 100 , acspiration 23.
( Signed. ) ' D. W. Buss ,
9 p. m. The president is composed
for a night's rest. Temperature and
pulsation the same as at 8 o'clock ,
No change in any symptoms.
0:30 : p : m. District Attoruey.Cork-
hill who has just loft the president ,
says that ho is resting nicely , and
that the storm which is now raging
has added to the temperature in the
room and that the president feels
more comfortable.
8 p. m. The president is still rest
ing well. No change. „ ,
The following" dispatch was sent by
the surgeons in charge to the two con
sulting surgeons :
m. During the past twouty-four
hours the president has continued to
improve slowly as was anticipated. A
slight rise of temperature ana a slight
increase in the frequency of the pulse
occurred during the afternoon and
evening. At 8:110 : p. m. the pulse was
104 , temperature IOC , respira
tion 23. But in accordance
with tin's and diurnal movement ,
Both pulsoft and temperature were
again diminished this morning , .mid
showed some improvement over yes
terday at the same hour. At 9 a. m.
the pulse was 94 , temperature 99J ,
respiration 23. Lost evening at 9:30 :
p. m. a quarter of a grain of morphiao
sulphate was administered hypodermically -
mically , and the president
slept very well during tljo
night. In addition to chicken
broth and albumen , ho had yesterday
evening a small quantity of scraped
beef tenderloin which , however , ho
did not relish very much. This morn
ing ho is taking oat-meal gruel and
milk at intervals of two hours , with
Yollowishnoss of the skin , so com
mon after u wound of the liver , de
veloped to a slight degree during yes
terday , but is not moro marked
this morning. Vfo do not attach
a great deal of importance except so
far t > s to confirm the opinion already
formed of the nature of the wound.
Wo feel that the patient has done as
well as could have reasonably been
expected up to the present time , and
our hopes of his ultimate recovery
are strengthened by the events of the
lost four days.
[ Signed. ] D. W. Buys ,
llobt. lloyburn.
9:30 p. m. The president's condi
tion at present accords with the hopa
of hia physicians that this night will
bo as comfortable and progressive as
last night.
WAHHINOTON , July ? . The shooting
of the president has developed a won
derful fooling of sympathy in the
south' Ex-Senator Bruce , register of
the treasury , has received hundreds
of letters and telegrams from Missis
sippi from rpiidonts of all classes ,
color and politics , deeply deploring
the attempted assassination , denounc
ing the deed and expressing their sin
cere hopa of the president s recovery.
The letters- and telegrams cam'o to
Register Bruce from both white and
colored people , democrats and repub
Quito a'raystery hangs about the
whereabouts of the first bullet fired by
the assassin at the president. The
first report was that it lodged in
hia arm , This proved incorrect. It
merely struck tlio sleeve , hut \ hat
became of it nf torward is n mystery.
It could not possibly hare passed out
of the room , nnd yet both the walls
have boon carefully examined. There
is no mark of the bullet upon them.
The room was carefully searched yet
no traces of the ball , nnd the clothing
of thoprosidont , Was closely cxamimod ,
but still oo trnco could bo found of it ,
The president's bloc'dlng was large
ly exaggerated. The newspapers
throughout the land were replete with
accounts of how the clothing of hit
excellency was smeared vfkli blood
and the iloor of the depot made
slipjjory with it. Oddly enough , the
president shed no biood. At all appearances
pearances there was a single spot of
crimson dye on the inside of his
vest. The wound did not bleed.
Ono of the executive clerks is preparing -
paring scrap books for newspaper c-
counts of the shooting , anil of the
dangerous illness. Different iccounts
are cut up and pasted in Mark
Twain's scrap book. Editorial re
marks and comments are put in along
side of telegraphic reports. Acounts
of public meetings hold are also
preserved. The literature oT this char-
act cr vill make a btg 'volume , which
will'tako the president some time to
pcruso after ho ia able to rcid. The
telegrams of sympathy which have
boon received , will also bo preserved.
They will make a big collection. Tele
grams of foreign .govornnunln and
rulers were nearly all addressed to
Secretary Blaino. . Those' will bo
, kept Jn the records of the state do-
> artinoiit. Those received at the
White House will be put in porno convenient -
veniont form that will < io readily
accessible to the reader.
The storehouses of the whole coun
try arojj open to the president.
Largo packages containing fine wines
and' liquors are received every day *
Everybody who has some very old
wine , whisky or brandy ig sending it
tc the White House for the use of
the president. Some port wine
fifty : years old arrived this morning.
One gentleman , In sending his contri
bution of aid wines , said he had been
temperate and tlio wino had been
placed ' ill the family c ° llar thirty
years his father , and liad never
boenJtouchod. Ho hoped the presi
dent , would accept it and iind it bone-
cial. Largo quantities of patent med
icines are received with their healing
qualities fully sot forth m the accom
panying circulars. Mrs. Parfiold has
received largb' numbers of beautiful
bouquets apd [ some ono sent a largo
box of outjflo rorsjjy express to-dayi
'While "tho idea is unauthorized the
people harp * made up , their minds
that the president is jraphcally out
of ( danger and Hio bCBtJiiflicatiim o
this is the general exodus from the
city : of the newspaporLcorreBpoiidontn ,
a lan'o force who were on the loading
journals ' of the country to send
i'tl special account of the shootiug and
the result , and the departure from
the city ot a number of telegraph
operators who were called hero from
the several companies of Now York ,
Pluladoluhia nnd Baltimore. The
amount : of work done by journalists
and : operators was enormous. The
officials in charge of the tclopragh
offices hero say that the number of
words sor.t from Washington , includ
ing nress and private messages , was
10:30 : p. in. Dr. Boyburn says
that the president's pulse has begun
to decline again , and last night's fav
orable events seem likely to bo re
peated. < -
Died From His "Wound * .
Special tliiuatch to Tim lr.K
LiNLXrtN ; Neb , , July 7. Frank
Cokley , proprietor of the St. Charles
hotel who was stabbed with a bowie
knife by James Dunham July 4th ,
died to-da'y at 10 o'clock. Donham is
now in jail waiting renult of the stub
bing under $2,000 bonds ,
TorriMo Wind Storm , !
National Associated Press.
Sioux CITY , July 7. A terrible
windstorm passed over this Kcction last
night. At Perry Valley , seven miles
north , the house of a fanner naqiod
Coo was entirely demolished and his
wife and two children seriously injur
ed. The house of Geo. W. Cliambor-
lin , was also wrecked and the occu
pants fatally injured. The storm
moved eastward. Its path was but n
hundred paces wide.
Arrested for Torelng Tloliota.
National Asaotiatod Press.
CIIIOAOO , July 7. Kaymond A.
Potter , recently employed by the
Goodrich Steamship company , was ar
rested to-day , charged with forging
transportation tickets of the company ,
The amount involved is believed to bo
quite large. Potter's parents reside
at St. Joe , Mich. , and iiro said to bo
very respectable people ,
Boie Ball-
National AuocUted Prixtf.
Cmi'Aao , July 7. - Ohicagoos , C ;
Bostons , 4 ,
CLEVELAND , July 7. Clovelonds , 2 ;
Providence , 0.
DBTUOIT , July 7.Worcestors , 3 ;
Dotroits , 7.
NEW YOHK , July 7. Metropolitans -
tans , 5 ; Albanys , 1.
.The Wreck of the Alpeaa ZMseov-
National Auoclatrd 1'rcsa.
DKTKOIT , July 7 A report IB
received by the Evening News is
morning , saying that the wreck of the
steamer Alpona had been discovered
in six hundred feet of water idm
Holland , Mich. , about two miles from
A Dastardly Murder.
National Auodated Prww.
TIPTON , Ind. , July 7. Erastus
Nordyko was drawing a reaper in a
' ' ' '
Vaneinra ibindort ; 'slipped I tyi .aiid
stabbed . .him. to death. Thg murderer-
escaped ,
The American Plan Meets with
Great Favor at the Paris
Monetary Conference ,
Midhnt Pasha's Sentence of
Death Commuted to
Franco Prolong * Her Troatfra of
Commerce With
and Other Powora.
LONDON , July 7. It ia stated that
Franco and other countries of the
Latin union and probably Holland will
undertake to bo bimetallic. The pro-
' by America to coin annually an
amount of gold and silver equal to
the annual product moots with great )
favor in the conference at Paris. "
tciico of de.ith paasocl on Midhal
Pasha and othere , for , the murder of
ox-Sultan Abdul been com
muted to exile in Arabia at a place
near Mecca.
July 7. The chamber of
deputies have prolonged the treaties
of commerce with England and other
poncra to February of next year.
. CorKNHAnKN , July 7. The tower
house has been disnolvud , the king
having failed to obtain the ways and
means for the coming year.
BKRLIK , July 7. The emperor is
most deeply atlcctod by the news of
the avtomitcd assassination of Pros- ! '
dent Garticld.
Lo.v ojr , July 7. The despatch
boat , Faeke , will leave Wolhelm's
Haven to-day to join in the search
for the missing hteamor Yandalia.
This will make four vessels that have
been sent out to find the missfng
National Associated Prcai.
SAN FnAi fisco , July 8. Yester
day Professor W. H. Daily , the swim
mer , saved John Do Wolf , at Santa
Cruz , from drowning in the surf. The
rollers were unusually high , and Do
Wolf getting exhuastcd and scared ,
went under , when Daily swam out
and brought him ashore. This makes
the twenty-seventh man Daily has
saved. ,
t v
The Albions' petition of interven
tion was stricken out in the first suit.
This is considered a staggering blo.w
to the Albion. The Richmond folks
are elated and the , Albion people are
correspondingly depressed.
Similar to tlio President's Wound *
National Associated I'reH.i.
NEW YOUK , July 7. Jacob Court-
wright ( colored ) shot three times at
his \\ifo Susan on the 29th of April
last , two of the balls taking cllbct.
For some weeks her life was in dan
ger. Her husband pleaded guilty to
assault with intent to kill , and was
sentenced to state prison for six years
by'Judgo Cowint who remarked that
shooting was becoming iv dangerous
habit. A memorandum from Dr.
Scale was submitted to the iudgo , to
the oflect that Mrs. Couitwright's
wounds were very serious and were
similar to those of President Garfield.
Dr. Coles , of Newark , N. J. , says
that ho recalls the canon of two men
who rccovoiod from wounds resem
bling the president's. One that of
Theodore Sauerbier 12 years ace , and
the other that of Augustus Dickoraon ,
D years ago.
Dr. Young , also of No ark , says
that ho saw a patient ut Bollvuo hos
pital with a bullet wound in the
liver tlio ball having passed through
thtt organ and right lung. The man
A Dooompoiotl Body Found.
National Assodated 1'rcss.
SAVANNAH , Ga. , July 7. The de
composed body of Stephen Topola , an
Italian fruit peddler , was found yea-
torday in a largo ice chest in a Btoro
on State street near Drayton , where
it has lain for the past three months ,
the store having boon unoccupied
and locked for that length of time.
The crime is conclusively fastened on
two Maltese men , who carried on a
fruit business at , that place , but who
suddenly loft the country throe
months ago. They told their land
lord they would bo book a month ago.
They paid the rent for the stare in
advance and BO the place was not
opened until yesterday. Topola is
known to liavo had some 82,000 in
cash when last seen , and it ia thought
ho was murdered for his money.
. , i >
GrUoant'i Fort-flwt Day.
National Amoclatod I'rcu.
CHICAGO , July 7. The forty-first
day of Griacom'a fast terminated at
1 o'clock to-day , At that hour his
weight was 153 pounds , B loss of half
a pound ainco yesterday and 44 $
pounds the beginning , Pulse D4 , res
piration 14 , temperature 1)8. ) Ho still
sloops his regular HOVOII hours at night
and is in good spirits. No unpleasant
symptoms are yet manifest. Ho took
a short walk this afternoon.
Further Particulars of the Mas
National Associated i'rcM.
SANTA Fu , July 7. Further information
mation from , Pas del Norto confirms
the report of the massacre of a sur
veying party of thirteen men in tlio
employ of the Mexican Control rail
road. The bodioq were discovered by
Col. J. T , Bonnoltand party , of Den
ver. Three of the bodies were burned
beyond recognition. N.OIIO of them
have , boon Identified. There is no
doubt but that the massacre was ho
work of Apache Indiana.
Not Enonfth to Hold a Cnnotn.
AMIANT , July ( . The conference
of republican legislators oppoRcd to the
re-election of Cpnklinn and I'latt , was
called to order in the assembly cham
ber at 8:30 : by Assemblyman Phillip * .
McCarthy , of Syracuse , half breed ,
naa made chairman. The roll being
called , showed fourteen senators and
forty-nine assemblymen present. AB
by _ thoterms < vf the call
nothing binding cmild bo dona
in the wav of nominations.
unless sixty-five wow present , on
motion of a stalwart hntf-toccd an ad
journment wan taken until to-morrow
evening. An amendment nan provi
ded to include n resolution that the
call bo read in joint convention to
morrow , coupled with an invitation
to all members to join in the move
ment . to elect two sonatora , a half-
breed and a stalwart , \\llo will sup
port President Garfiold's policy.
AI.IIAN'V , July 7. The joint con
vention resumed session at m > onT Sen
ator Hobcrtnon presiding. The ballot
for a successor to Conklinjj' resulted :
Conklinjj 31 , Wficclor 43 , Cornell 5 ,
Crowley 4 , Lnphniu 11 , Kogora < fij Tbt-
ter 51. Total 150.
The joint ballot for a Biieoosnor to
'l'C resulted : Dopow 51 , Human 51 ,
Cornell 18. Crowley 18 , rest scatter'
ii np. Total 150.
Total joint nocond ballot for a sue--
oossorto Conklitif resulted : Whoolbr
4iC 014i , Conkhug HO , Potter 52 , Cornell 3 ,
Crowley 4 , Lapham 11 , Ilogcrs Ci
Total 148.
Ollicial flccoiul joint ballotti for' ' m
HucoesBor to Platt resulted. Dftpow
49 | lEimcr 52 , Crowley 10. Lapham 1" " ,
North 1 , Evarta lDanieis 1 , Tromaino
1 , Cornell 17 , Chapman 4 , Fish' V ,
WhooIerS. Total 148.
At" 12 p. m. on motion of Brooka
convention adjourned until to-mor-1
Cincinnati Visited by a Very ?
Disastrous Firo.
Dcdtrntrtion of S2.OOO.QOO "Worth1
of Property and Iioaa of Life. .
CINCINNATI , July 7' At throe-
o'clock tliis afternoon fire broke out
in a mill room on the first floor of
P. J. .Mnrquas & Sons' carriage fac
tory , at'tho corner of Smith andAu- ,
L'ltstn slcoetc , and spread with won
derful rapidity to all parts of the
largo si story brick building. About
1)0 ) inoiii and girls were omplovodiin
the factony. Most of them escaped
unhurt , , bat about a dozen were
obliged toijumt ) out of the window. .
Bart Sohicft foil into a collarway , and
has not sine * ) been soon. James Rus
sell was.killed , and those who were
badly injured wore : H. Botal , Geci
Burchcs , Mauling .Carman , Tho9r
Oscar , Harry Browne-Nut. Brown/
Gus .Tones , Earnest Schultt ,
and Mathows. The girls all
escaped. Before the fire department
had time to nrrivu the fire had 'spread
to Moadora' furniture factory , a-six
story brick , situated about ton feet1
south'of Margnas , and to Clostornians'- ,
six story chair and parlor furniture
factory on. the east side of Smith
street. Tlio fire burned so fiercely
and was. so hot that all
the fireman could do waste
to endeavor to keep it from spreading ,
but in this they were hot successful.
The furniture factory of the cabinet
makers' union , which consists * ofa _
BOVOII story brick warehouse , and a six
story brick factory , was soon in
flames and about n dozen
tenement houses , dwellings and sa
loons in the immediate neighborhood
were g vcn up for lost. Rozior'sstova
foundry , situated on the south side of
Second street , was the next building
to take fire , and a largo portion
oE the building was destroyed.
J. A. Fay's factory was at
ouo time on fire and the Phoenix f ur-
nituro factory and Mitchell's immense
buildings were in imminent danger , '
but the department bout all their
efforts to save them , and after a ter '
rific fight for over on hour in ono of '
the hottest places that human beings
were ever called upon to stand , suc
ceeded in chocking the flames and
succeeded in saving these buildings on
the cost , but the Iiro meantime wns-
spoading north among tlio dwelling
houses , and west into ono of the
largest lumber yards , in the city andl
it was not until nearly , all these hugp
piles of lumber were consumed t'livfc '
the flames were chunked. The fico
continued to burnj however , until
late j at night. but was.
confined to toe west nart
to the lumber and email building-near
by. Hesor , who luul 10,000 stovesin
the building bunacd , estimated , his
loss at $1,000,000 , . Meador'sloss , was
about 875,000 ; Closoman SLOOiOOQ ;
Marques 800,000 ; Cabinetmakers'
Union 875,000 ; , Straub Mill Co. $10-
000 , and the loss , of the lumbuD yard ,
dwellings , tenement houses , saloon ,
etc. , of which there were twenty
burned , will bring the totul up to
about 82,000,000. Meador'a factory
was only partially insured , but tlio in
surance will nearly cover tha loss of
the other factories. There , was but
little insurance on the dwellings.
Building Notes.
Ezra Millard's brick block on Har
tley street has reached tho. first floor ,
and a largo forcd of brick layers are
now engaged on the walls. Tier's
building just pppomte. is up to the
third story , and will bo a. handsome
structure when completed.
Strang's iron front block is up to ,
the fourth sloryund will soon inclosed.
This buiding | will bo the hnudsonu t
business block in town.
Kostor's building on Fourteenth
street , between Dodge and Dowlas
streets , is up to tlio second otory and >
will bo an ornament to the city when
Boyd'a Opera House , tjio most nota-
bio structure now in process of orco-
tion , ia up. to the second story , Mr. [
Boyd U pushing the building its Ii
ly as possible , and hopes to have
rly in , Bcptotnbor.
Teachers Elected for the Eln-
School Year.
A meriting of the Ixmrd ot cthien-
tion wo * held last ovenmgat the room *
in Williams' block.
The treasurer's report showing a.
balance of $12M8.80 in tJio gonosal
fund and 80,130 in the linking wtv
rend and filod.
A request wa * received from
Andrews asking to bo allowed to usir
a room in the central school during ;
vacation. Tho' request was granted.
The resignation ! of Miss PoppletoiL
as a member of the examining coin-
miltco was accepted.
A motion that an order bo made-
out to pay over the money owed by
the board to MissStiatton to * the-
county judge , was loat.
The committee on claims reported ,
in favor of paying claims amounting ;
to 832 ! ) . 15. Tlio report was accepted.
The next order of business was the
election of touchers. The following
were elected : Misses Shipley , McCar
thy , White , Lowe , Morse , Hale ,
McClioano , Binghani , Cishman , John
son , Andrews , Rollinson , Mrs. Boy-
dfli ) . Misses Fannie \Vooil , llusaoll ,
Berlin , Similar , Mianio * Wood ,
McCoguoj Whitmoro Smith , Hurl-
ibut , Bnggs , Wade , Van Kuran ,
'Buttorfiold ' , Kate Fees , Minnie Wil
son , Gladstone , Libbio Wood , Jacobs ,
AJUUI Wilson , D. y , Shiuloy , McCoy ,
Sclioonmakor , Porter , Truland , Crow-
lav. Mrs. Gish , Miss Nkhol , Miss-
Wilbur , Dora 1 * . Clay , Miss A. E.
' McChcano , Miss M. . Quaokonbush ,
'Misa L. M. McCoslin , Miss M. E.
Thompson , Mrs. Elliott , , and Miss.
JCanuo Schallor.
The principals elected were C. E.
Him * , high school ; assistant Miss-
North school , James B. Bruner ,
East school , Miss Anna Fdos.
South school , Miss H. L. Stanard.
. West school , Miss Harnoy.
Ifuitman school , Mrs. Champlin.
Old Cass street school , Mis * A. M.
Jackson school , Miss Kullio P.
, Hoakell school , Miss Redfield.
Central school , Nelson 'Le'med , aa-
piataut principal.
AYwarrant was issued for * $2)505 to >
pay\ interest .on $30,000 school'bonds ,
up > to August 1st.
Prof. Gco. B. Line was. reflected ,
superintendent of city schools com *
phmout which that gentleman well do- ,
Bool Estate Tronnf * - -
-The-following transfers woro-rocord-
od'at tbo county clerk's oSico-yester
day , as reported for this payer by Jolm
L. . MbCaguo , real estata. . agent and ,
conveyancer :
Willuvm J. Koirstoad and wife to
Henry H. Browning , w $ lot 5 , in
Roedtitadd , . w. d. 87"0-
W. N. McCandlish and'wifo toJ. ,
P. IL. Boyd , lot 18 in McCandlislu
place , , w. d. $300.
James Banner and wife to Geoj Wj
Gmy , 1st 2 in block 71 , Omalia , w. d.
Andrew Rpsowator to Mrs. J. E.
House , lot 4 in block w.Shinn's add. ,
m d. $250.
K. K. Peycko , ot al to Robert K.
TAW , parcel in soctioivlO , township
Iff ) B-Augo 13 , east w. dr$3,800. .
Geo. H. Guy , to William N. Noaon.
lota 8 > 9 , 11 , 13 , 14 , inMover's Tilr
dun's and Richard's add. SliorUTa.
dood. $52,50.
Mra. Susan Abralnun , to Lydia. C.
Anderson , lots 32 and 35 , Grifiin and.
Ikuic'sadd. w. d.2,700. .
Elizabeth Cunningham to Madison.
Cunningham , 130 acres in sec. , 35 ,
'town 15 , range I'- . east w. d. $5.
C. Perkins to JiM. L. Wolahausr
'lot 1 , block 2 , sub * div. , of lot 5 , . .
'Cupitol add. , w. d. $800.
Far owoll.rSlooop tlon .
A pleasant allab occurred last OYonr-
ang at the resideimo of Rov.DD. | Jame
son , at 1009 California ntrcot. Ib.
was a farewell pasty given to Mr. andi
Mrs. Jameson , in view oE , the facU
that they are coon to remove , to SagVr-
naw , Mioh. TJko afTuir was gotten > u *
by members ot the Baptist ) church and !
society , and was partici ted in bya. .
largo numbec'of the ftjuiuls of , tlu >
worthy coup ) * from oth r , denomina
tions. Tlio luLkUso and ycjda worofillQ < I
with a mercy throng uutil a Jatftlwur ,
Refreshments were sejyed amL.aj delightful -
lightful visiLjvvaa enjoyed byaU.rca- ] )
ent , although there , was an. , uiwlor
current o-i regret luaiiifeatndl that
the former pastor ai dlhi wi&tw < yro so
soon to foavo for Uojuo.
The Ctoorgla la SM-
Nations ) AwocIatcJ Pcttii.
AwtANTA , G ! . , , Ju' < n7. . The
Gee ia legislature is iiii saaaiion with
a full attondacct and will : last two ,
mouths. The most iaiiioetant mer <
saws will bo t < 4 build waw' $1,000,000
cajiitol , a lun-Uia asylum , aud to paes.
& -law retrictbg the fuJoiof liquor odd
uuuind the present pujiiitntiury sys
tem.Near Bflbol , Ga. , Mrs. Al.
Mitchell , ( white ) was. fcrutallv- out
raged and murdtced : within fifteen
stops of the highway , yesterday , A.
man imiuad Still is suspected *
Mrs , Maria Roinhard , Poughkpop-
sio , N. Y. , writes : St , Jacob's Oil U
an excellent remedy. My sen fre-
nuoutly suffered with theuiuatism.
Sinoo ho used the oil the attacks bo-
cauta lesa frequent nud thu ailment
h&s now loft hut ) altogether. Neigh *
borand friutuL ' | to mhorn I have rec-
ominpnde'd , the report
same excellent