Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 07, 1881, Image 1
V ff 8 Ml OMAHA DAILY BEE. ELEVENTH YEAR. OMAHA , THURSDAY MORN HSTG , JULY 7 , 1881 , NO , 15 ; REAL ESTATE BARGAINS AT BEMIS AGENCY , FIFTEENTH AND DOUGLAS STS , , No 1 Lot on IlMncy street , near new court house , 82500. No 2 Lot on CMS street near 22d , 12600. No 3 Lot on Calfornla [ street near 22d,81COO. No 6 Lot on JIarcy street ficajr U. 1' . depot , $1200 , No 0 1 block In Shlnn's 3d addition near Con- Nont.'fSSO. . ' ' , \ No -Twolota onDccatur near Campbell St , No fO 8 lota on Colfax street near llanscom Park , nt reasonable prices. 100 choice residence lota In Credit Fonder and O ranch low additions a short dlstanca southeast of i U. P. and I ) . & M. depot * , prices from 9100 up wards. 13 lota on 21st , Jd , 23d and Saundcra streets , north of and adjoining H , V. Smith's addition , (400 ; Urms cony , No C9-Full corner lot on Douglas street near 10th , 250U. No 70 Corner 00x110 feet lot near' lltli street , $3100. , ' * ' * No. 71 Three lots In Disc's addition ricarSaun- tiers street , $1400. 73 l < ot on Decatur street , near Irene Shlnn'a 2d addition S115. No. 76 82x60 feet on Pacific street near U. P. and B. & M. depots , S300U. * No. 70 Splendid warehouse lot 77x132 feet 9th street near Jones , { 3500. , No 7S 3 lots un llarne ) street near 19th$2000 No Sf-rLot In piss's addition near Sauudera 8'rcet , 8500. No. 82 Lot In ( Uses' addition near Saunders 'Street , 300. ' No b3 2 lots on 10th near Pacific and ; Nall Works , 81600. No 8 < J Lot on Charloa street- near SaunJcJS , 9500.No No 87 Lot on Lcatenworth near 15th , 91,100. No 83 Lot on Caldw ell street near Saunden ) ; 350Q.No . No 30 Lot on Chicago near 22d street , S1DOO. No 00 Lot on Blondo' near1 Campbell street 87f. , ' 31 lota In Mllltrds & Catd oil's addition , Shcr- > man tucnuc , 10ti ! street , Spring , Saratoga and Florcnco streets8700 and upwards. ' No 122 2 lots on 18th street , near Poppleton's new residence , $1000. No 123 Lot 71x310 ( cct on Sherman avenue , 10th street , # 1100 No 124 8 lots en Dcllcruo street , near shot tower , 150 to 876 each. ' No 125 Full block on Clinton'street , near 'shat tower , $50 876 each/ ' No 126 Lot on ISth street , near \\lil to. lead \\orks , JJ525. No 127 2 lots , 31 acres near head of St. Mary's acnuc , on road to I'ark , 5:2500. No 123 Lot on California near Crelghton Col- oge , 8375. No 130 t lots near new government corral , 32 } 12071 acres each. 8300. No 100 Lot In Disc's addition on Cameron St. near Maunder * , make an oflcr. No. ICO Lot In else's addition on Casslus St. , near State , make an oflcr . . No IM Lot in Olse's addition on Casslus near Saunders , make an oflcr. No 103 1 block In Bojd's addition addition near Omaha Barracks , make an offer. No lot 7JnM-lti Hunt } " * UhelWn's addition near high school , price from 81250upward. 170 Lot on Pacific street , near 16th'iuako an titter. titter.No No 171 2 lots on Webster street , near 21st , both S38v,0 or 82000 for corner and 81800 .for In- No 173 | lot on Cass near 14th street , $1900. No 176 Lot on Shcnnnn a\enuc10th street nearlzard , 44x132,81400. No 177 3 lots In Grandvlow. make an offer. No 1 0 Lot In Shinn'a addition on" Pier St. , near cud street car track , 8525. No 181 Two lots in Nelson's addition , 1 on Idaho htrcct , 1 on Center street , near Cuming , 9300 each. No 183 Two gilt edge lots on Cass street near 21st. on a corner , 86000. No 185 Lot on Svw ard street , ue r Saundcrs , make an offer. No 180 3 lots on Sou ard street , near Irene , make an offer No 201 Lot In CIse'a addition on Cameron St. , near Saunders , $500. No 202 Lot on Cameron street near Saunders. $900. $900.No No 203 Lot In Shlnn's addition on Saunders street , near street car turn table , 8350. No 2U4 Beautiful lot In Nelson's addition , on Dii Islon street near Cumins , 8850. No. 205 Two lots on Castcllar street , near 10th 6150.No No 200 Two lots on Sixteenth street , near the hail works , 81500. No 203 One-half lot on California street near TZlst , 4700. No 209 Lot on 18th street near Nicholas , $000. No 210 Lot on Capitol avenue near 2Jd,81500. Na 212 Lot 143x500 fuct on Colfax street , near Ilanscom Park , with Improieinents , * 2700. No 213 Two acres on Cumlng street , 81000. No 215 One-half aero on California , near Ken nedy street , 8350. No 216 Beautiful lot on Hamilton street near street car turn taolo , 81000. ' No 217 Lot on 23d street , near Clark8500. . A few aero lots only remain unsold In "I'ark Place" little.west of Crelghton Collect , prices ranjflnjr fiom 8275 to 8300 each and on easy tcnm. LoUIn Horbacn's 1st and 2d additions ; also lots In I'arkcr'iiShlnn'e ; NelaonV , Tcrrocu's , K. V. Smith's. Uedlck's , and all the other additions Vitany price and at anv terms. Ten acres In the city limits on the road to the barracks at 376 per aero. four beautiful residence lots In front of Crelghton College ; vill tut them up to suit. Nine rLBldcnca lots north of Crelghton College grounds , from 9700 to 81000. Thirty rcjUcnl lot * In Parker's addition , six Mocks north of the cm ! of the strocs car track on Sauudera street , r-75 each , 810 do n , balance fosutt , at 8 per cent Interest. * . A few lota left In Terrace addltloii on the road .to the Park , near head of.St. Mary's a\emio,8W ) ach. To those w ho w ill build a 1200 residence , 7 yearn time at 8 p'r cent Interest. Lots in Lake's addition at cM50 to 8350 each , 10 .yeirntlmo ntO ixrcent Interest , to those who tiulld. ' * 'lli'j'old TouslcylO-acre tract with .liouso and 11 Improvements , adjoinln , ; race course and fair ground * ' for 88000. TncUbf B.-1I ,1R , 50 , (0 or SO acres , with bull- dlii.'S and other ImproteioenU and adjoining tha city , at all prices. S5M ) of the best residence lotl In the illy of Xicalu any location ) ou Jeslrc nortli , ciist , south or o-t , and at bedrock prices. 250cholcol > uiiliieas lots In all tha principal 1ms- incss tticets In Omaha , tarIng from 50Q to 97000 each. Two hundred houses and lot * rftiixing from 8500 to (15,000 , and located In e\ cry I > art , of the 'citj , Lar o number of excellent farms In Douglas. Car ] ) ) Saundcrd , Uod e , Washington , Hurt , and otlur ( 'ood countici In eastern Nebraska , 12,000 acres best land In llouglati , 7000 acres best lunli In Sarpy county , and Urge tracts In all thu eastern tier of counties. ' 0er UOO.OOO acrts of the best land in the Nu- tiraaka for sale by thli agency. Vcrj large amounts of suburban 'property In one to ten , twenty and forty acre pieces , located within one to three , four or fUe milts of the jKMtotllce some > cry cheap pieces. New Maps of Omaha , published b ) George P. Bemla plain , unmounted maps 60 cents each ; mounted , colored and with tlqth back , $1.50 CElh. Money loaned on Improved1 farms also on improved city property , at theUowcat rates of Interest. - , ' Housej.'etores , hotels , farms , lotsl onds. offices Toonis , etc. , to rent or lease. Taxes paid , lents collected , docds , inortifajfcs , and all kinds of real estate documents made oul on short notice. GEO. P. BEMIS' Eeail Estate 'Exchange " 15th and Douglas Street , T i m * - f I * Y\ i ' t t - * OMAHA' ' . NEB , - - , STILL IMPROVING. The Condition of the President Hourly Brewing Koto Fa vorable , A Process or Ventilating the Sick Room Put to a Test With Succos- ful Results. Religious Doyotions Held in the Churchesat ! I \ j Washington1 ! Dr. Sundorland Gives a Graphic Account of the Shooting. Guiteau Denies the Language Credited to Him at the Time'bf the Shooting. Indisputable Proof That 1 < Did Not Try to Shoot Secretary | VI THINGS BEGINNING TO AB.HUMK T1IKI11 USUAL SUAl'K. HINOTON , ! July6. ; The loca } in- in" 'tho president s Condition , though not so intense , is atill keen , but other duties are no longer neglec ted in a desire to hear the latest facts In the case. There are not moro than a score of people at the1 White House gates this morning , Most of these hayo nothing else to do. . Ai copy of each bulletin is postoahbar thp zato , and people engaged in the neigh borhood rush around it on its appearance - anco and then go back. Bulletins nra also posted in each department and in few public places along iiH0 avenue. As the good news con ( tinue to como the hopes of the people begin to riso. ' No ono fails to make allowance for all possibilities , but the general impression acorns to bo that the crisis is passed. Thisiidoa is based , perhaps , on the wish of thoao who speak-rather than on otiloial reports - ports ; ; for the doctors in the case are : arefnl to makd'tio predictions. A . .GRAPHIC ACCOONT.OP THK-flUOOTING. * * Dr. Sundorland lastWoning ga'vp a graphic account of his intGi riew"witli ihoTroundod president'atr the depot. The doctor was , passing down Pennsyl vania avenue at the time of the shoot ing When ho was told the news ho ran to'iho depot and was permitted to talk with the president , < when 10 was taken td the upper room , . Kneeliftgiby his side Dr. Sundorland said : ' "Mr. President , you ore the servant of God ; you nro'm-ins hahda ; you have long trusted him , and I say to you , the heart of tliis great people will go out to God in prayer that you may bo spared. " The president calmly replied : "I know it doctor. I believe in God and ; rust myself in his hands. " The meetings will bo continued twice daily during the president's critical condition. Secretary Blaine says he rejoices to say that the president is improving every minute. Ho has not soon the president since Saturday , but hears : rom him almost constantly. HAYEKS BEING OFFERED IN THE CHURCHES. WASHINGTON , July 0. Prayer ser vices are being held twice each day at the Vermont avenue church , at 12 noon and 7p. . m. These exercises iavo boon freely participated in not only by the members of all Christian dcmoninat ionsy but by strangers in ; ho city. Among those in attendance was Revs. Dra. Butler , Sundorland , ind Revs. Morrick , Hobba , Scholl , Power and others. VENTILATING THE SICK ROOM. The physicians are still considcr- ng the proposed plan of adopting the 'ico process" for the ventilation of ho president's sick room , in the event of a long period of convalos- iciico. It is thought1 the patient's comfort would bo greatly enhanced by steady temperature 'in the room night and day. The advice of. several of the best physicians in the country ias boon asked on the sub ject , and a general consultation frill bo held betoro any stops are ' .aken. No uncomfortabloncss on the part of the , patient has prpmpto'd tlia ( movement , 4ho idea1 being merely to IOBO no possible opportunity to in crease the advantage the president now lias over his injury. When the physicians make the examination preparatory to the issuance of oflicial . bulletins , -no ono else is allowed in thp sick room except * -the professional nurse. In taking > the temperature the patient has not had to bo disturbed'and whenever . It is necessary to move him ho makes no complaint. Ho sometimes asks for the result immediately after the examination and often expresses his own opinion. When told this morn ; ing that his pulse was 90 , ho said : "That's about normal , isn't it ? " "Yes , " said ho doctor , and the patient " Bodmod satisfied. THH CAW.ERS TO-DAY , Among the callers to-day were Sir Edward Thornton and representa tives of the French and Austrian leg islations , and Senator Hen Harrison. General Sherman called to learn thu latest iiow.8 and consult in regard to military aftd police arrangements. The chief of polioo was also there , II was decided to pursue the prcaeiit reg ulations as long as the president's cpndition remains critical. AN BNCOUKAaiN.0 yjSATURB. Ono of the most encouraging 8B 8E features of the case is the president' ? B Increasing appetite. After the con c.Uflion'X ! > f the , last examination ! he aaid to Dr. Bliss : "Doctor , don'i "you" , think I could-manage to cat f Binixll piece of beef steak ? " The doe tor smiletl and said ho thoughl * no just at present. The presidents milec if ho thought ho was hungry enough to oat anything , but < \ compromise was cflected by giving him an egg with * supply of chicken broth. NOT CONStIEBFl ) ALARMING. WASHINGTON , July G. The rise in the president's pulse indicated in the oflicial bulletin at 12:30 : is by no menns considered alarming. The great heat of the day and the necessary moving about of the patient during the ux- amination , accounts for the slight increase - crease in pulsation and temperature. The following dispatch was sent by the surgeons to the consulting sur- gcon : July G 1 p. m. Since our telegram of yesterday the case linn continued to progress favorably ) The president was < iuito comfortable during the day and needed no morphine until bed time last liigljt. His mind was perfectly cleat1 but ho obeyed our injunction - tion to refrain from conycrsa- Lion. The afternoon exaggeration of symptoms heretofore observed daily ilid not occur. On the contrary , a slight diminution in the "pulso took placo. By 8:30 : p. m. it was 100 tompcraturo 100 , respiration 24. Dur ing the aftomoou ho had aoronil small solid natural evacuations from the bowels , the first since the acci dent. i They occurred without pain or discomfort , and contained no trace of blood ! During the early evening , trom 7 to 10 o'clock , lie was troubled occasional ly by acid eruction , but on suspending the .administration of nourishment for a time. , thia symptom disappeared. 10:30 : p. in Ono quarter of n grain of morphine was administered , being ; ho only morphine given since our telegram to you yesterday. Ho slept vary well during the night , and ox- ) ro83od'hinlsolf as feeling quito com- 'ottatilof ' thcfugh weaker this morning. At" ! .5:30 : p. m. his pulse was )8rtomperaturOj ) 08 ; respiration i 23. Che tenderness of the lower oxtr'omi- ies to the touch has considerably di minished. Ho is 'talc'insj' with 'rpliah every two hours'spintf chickonA"b'1rotli % aanTiibroWutrHious ; by the addi- tioii'ofVawpggs'Yilbumon ' ; at 12:30 : p. m. to-day his pulse was 100 , toitiper- aturo 99 J fbsp"irationC23. WIH'con - , inuo to.kdep yob advised of u tlic ' .pro gress of th'd case. . ' ' ' ' " D. W.BLfiS ; J.K. J.iJs Robta lloyburn. , ; u DR. , AotfEW , ' INTERVIEWED.1 ,1 PHILADELPHIA , July 'C. Dr. j D. IiCycsfA"gnow in cpnvorsatlorf. with ( reporter to.-day , said ' : , , _ ! think it safe to say' { hat'tflQ.rpresidont's chances of 'recovery have undergone a very/groaymp'rtfvora'ont since yes terday. " I iioverthought it at alHm- wssiblo from the naturo'of-tho wound .liatfKo should recover. , Numbers of wounds of I the same kind are received : rom time to " time an'd" perhaps a majority "of them" " pVoVo jfatal , Mt many are Successfully treated and : here has been no'particular reason why this should not bo. ' I al ways' ro- ; ardod the soreness of the feet as en- irely a reflox'incharactoTand ; duo tea a laceration of the nerves in the Uack. The subaidonce cannot bo ovor-csti- mated as a sign in the president's fa vor. A cessation of vomiting is also a very important advantage. The mncipal danger yet to bo approm londed is from peritonitis , and every tour that passes improves the prosiM tent's chance.4 of escaping it. If lie i over to-night without the ap- ioaranco of this inflammation lie ought o recover. No ono is with the president just low , 9:31 : p. m , but Mrs. Dr. Edson , who will sit up with him until mid- light. The physicians are within easy call. The president's symptoms are unchanged. All the cabinet ofti- 2ers and their ladies called nt the ox- cutivo mansion about 8 o'clock ind remained several hours. Most inf the foreign ministers called in time o receive n copy of the last oflicial bulletin and to cable the contents to heir respective governments. The Spanish , English and Japanese min sters ' have called in person sev eral times during the day. Justice Jarlan , of the supreme court , and Colonel Robert Ingorsoll , were also among the callers in the evening. ? o ono has boon admitted to the iresidcnt's room except the physicians ind the nurses. The president lias ) eon dissuaded from talking or dong - ng anything that would tend to disturb or excite him. The arrange ments for reducing the temperature of the president's room are only tem porary and will bo replaced in a day ) r two with the most pproved refrigerating apparatus , llioy have proved very satisfactory n maintaining n latent and uniform .omporaturo. A telegram haa boon sent to New York to-night for n pat ent cooling apparatus , which consists f porous cloths suspended from a urbino wheel and moistened in ice .auks. It is expected to bo ready for use to-morrow. TRYING TO LIE OUT OV IT. > Guitoau denied that after the shoot- ng ho said , "I am a stalwart and his makes Arthur president. " Officer Kearney , who made the arrest , was asked about the matter and replied : "If Guiteau says ho did not use the language , ho speaks a falsehood. " The oflicor further said that if it was nec essary ho was would go before a notary public and take an oath that Guiteau did UBO the languagoattributcd to him. DID NOT TRY TO KHOOT ELAINE. There is abundont evidence fo disprove - provo the story that has been circulated latod that after nhooting the prosidenl Guitoau turned his revolver towart Secretary Blaine , with the evident intention of shooting him also , bui was prevented by Benson , formerly of the secret service division. The , story is denied by Ticket Agents ) Smith and Parko and others , who saw Guiteau shoot the president. B They say that Benson instantly j grasped Guiteau by the throat and bore him to the ground. Mr. Purko Bays tlmt Guiteau made no resistenco whatever toward Secretary Blaine and further , that no man caught tin assassin by the throat and bore hin to the floor. Mr. Smith WAS asked whether ho sa the revolver turned toward Blaine "Did not " , , wns the reply ; "Tho man paid no.attention whatever to Secretory Blaino. " "No , " said Mr. Pnrko , "as soon as ho had fired the second shot lie attempted " to pass out. I saw distinctly Ms every movement. " Mr. Parker was the first to soiro ( lui- toau and ho says there was no man of Bensons description in the Indies' Vraitinct room at the time of the shoot ing. Smith confirms this statement. Thousand of persons have visited tjio scene of the shooting. The Indies' waiting room of the Baltimore .1 IV tomao depot will no doubt bo one of the places of interest to future visitors to the capitol , ns is the medical museum building on > Tenth street , formerly Ford's theatre , the scene of the assassination of Presi dent Lincoln. Already speculators have made offers to purchase the row of seats on which President Gnrfiold ont , intending to _ carry them from city to city on exhibition. All such oilers have been refused. VICE-l'RKSIUKNT ARTHUR UEMAI.Ns SE CLUDED. Vive-l'residcnt Arthur has sent lovcral messages of inquiry to the White House to-day utit has not called. Ho remains secluded at Sen ator Jono's resilience. NOT AT ALL DI8TUR11ED. The president was not at nil dia- ; urbod by the heavy thunder shower vhich has just passed over the city. [ Io lies nwako and notices the mo c- incut of the clouds. All the present tymptoms \favorablo for an easy Guiteau is getting quito used tu the ways of the fail. Ho cleans up his cell every morning as neatly to if ho a practical housekeeper. His cell is so situated AS to command n iew of the guards in the rotunda. Io spends most of the time lying on his cot , and docs not soein mich inclined to talk except to nmko enquires ( xbout thopresident.Ho nukes 10 complaints of the accommodation ) r the prisoners faro , and 54ooms to iavo no apprehensions of tho' result if his trial. The military guard is till on dutv , but there is no sentry tntioncd beside the cell. Mrs. TJredson and Mrs. GnrQold vorV with " the president wh'cn the cabinet otUcors and Drs. Barnes and Voodward wont homo , and soon after ho last oflicial bulletin Mrs. .Garfiold wont to bed , still full of confidence , and Mrs. Edson sat by the patient un- 11 midnight , when she was relieved > y Mr. Swain , with whom Col. Jlock- voll will keep company during the rest of the night. Drs. Bliss and Roy- > urn will bo near until morning. The ) resident never complains when it bo- somes neconsary to move him to ex amine . and dress his wounds. Ho as- tists in this operation to the bbst of Jfl ability and asks questions n | > out itB'cotidition. Even after , tfio assas sination ho askcd'.tho ' doctor to toll lim just how ho was. Dr. Bliss said ho had o've chance in n thousand and it is the general belief that the . ircsidont . will keep his word in taking ho chance. MORE ABOUT THAT NONEY ORDER. NKW YORK , July G. It was learned n Washington yesterday that the nonoy order for $25 was cashed at ho postoflico there on the 20th of larch by Ohos. J. Guitoau , in whoso aver it was issued to Clias. A. Bryan , > y the Now York postoflico on the > revious day. Mr. Bryan called on Postmaster ? oarson to-day to explain the matter aking with him his letters , all letters 10 had received from Guitoau being ocal agent for the insurance com- mnpany , ho has personally secured ho risk proposed to him by Mr. Gui- eau and a money order was in the commission letters. Hr. Bryan said ho had very little onfidoncu in Guiteau oven at the imo ho did business with him. BULLETINS , CONDITION OK THE 1'RESIDKNT AT VARIOUS HOURH. WAHHINGTON , July G-12Op. : ! ! in. fho president remains quiet and as comfortable as at the date of the last Dullotin. Ho takes his nourishment well. Pulse 100 , temperature 90 , [ Signed. ] D , W. Buss , J. K. BARNES , J. J. WOODWARD , Hour. HKYIIURN. 1:15 : p , m. After a exam- nation the president composed him self to Bleep , Pulse and temperature joth foil a little , so tlwt ho is now about tjli * same as indicated by the julletin issued at" 1:30 : a. m. 2 p. m. The president is sleeping calmly ; nor apparent change in any symptoms. 6:413 : p , m , A cabinet oflicor has just stated that the symptoms of the president' ) ] ultimate recovery are now more favorable than ever. (3:15 ( : p. m. The president is sleep ing ' quietly and his condition is un changed , 7:15 : p. m. The temporary cooling apparatus , suggested by parties in Chicago , Jms just been placed in the nick room of tlie president. The physicians think it will greatly lower the temperature. 7:20 : p. m. The condition of the president is unchanged. 8 p. m. Tlio president is still sleep ing Quietly , with no' apparent change in his condition. 10:15 : p. m , Latest reports from the sick room is to thu effect that the president is resting quietly with no particular change in Jus symptoms. llp.m. The president is resting quietly and every symptom is favora ble for a' good night's sleep. Ho com plained , some of the pressure of the heart. 11:45 : p , in. The president is still Bleeping qietly with no increase in his pulso. _ _ Ball- BUFFALO , July 0 , Buflaloa , 12 ; Treys , 5. NEW YORK , April 0 , Metropoli tans , 5 ; Albanys , 2 , LUNATICS LET LOOSE , The Oity of Washington Boseigod by Lunatics Bout on Assassination , Ono Looking for Vico-Proaidont Arthur for the Purpose of Killing Him , The Recovery of the President Now Almost Certain * Notional Anoclttat l'rc , ANOT1IKH LUNATIC' . WASHINGTON , July ( . 11 ojiortcir culated to the effect tlmt n lunntio hnd boon arrested for threatening to nlioct Secretary Blnino. Gen. Slier- man on some other great man wns ns highly exaggerated ns are most sensa tional stones nt n time liku this. The stranger nn uncouth Irish tramp and not u Virginian fanner as was ro- ported , turned up at police head qiiar tors of his OH n accord , aaid ho wished to see the chief police as ho desired to give him his views on the subject of Uuiteau accomplices. , He said he had como all the way from Philadelphia to ferret out the case , and dive down in to its true inwardness. Ho was in such a hurry to gut hero that ho had walked the entire way and thrown otf Ins collar to save the weight of extra baggago. His name is D.ui. C. McNamara. Ho says ho isa discharged soldier of the United States army. Ho has boon in the insane asylum in California and latterly in Philadelphia , and that ho is under the influence of spirits. Ho is in the habit of haying visions and trances. The spirit once tried to urge him to como to Washington to assassinate Grant when ho was presi dent , but Grant was his gononu and lio'could not do it. Ho did , however , como to Washington at once , but not to kill Grant. Ho believes Guiteau in under the same inlluonco , and ho de sires to go before the court investigat ing the case of Guiteau and explain liow Guitoau was impelled to do the aot and give his oxnorionco of the power of spirits. Having told his story ind eaten a lunch sot before him , ho was about to start out to hunt up Gen. Sherman on this assas sin business when Lieut. EckolhafF chocked him by calling him back and tolling him that there was an important oflicial , that ho would liavo to consult , belonging to the firm , whoso name was General Godding. The oflicor told him that Godding was to be found at a hand some hotel across the river where the government would bo glad to enter tain him while ho was in the city. The stranger jumped at this plan and was almost oblivious to the proceedings by which ho was jiidicioualycpmmit- ted to the asylum for the insane , whither ho was escorted and settled down in the full belief that the asy- lum was a hotel and jhnt Supt. God ding WAS the oflicial with whom ho should consult. AFTER VICE-PRESIDENT ARTHUR. WASHINGEON , July G. The police oflicials hero have boon called upon to investigate another CUHO of a supposed would-be assasin. Last night n tall , well dressed man called at a house in the vicinity of 14th and K streets , and enquired for n gentleman who did not reside thero. While conversing with the lady of the house ho said ho was n stranger hero hunting for Vice- President Arthur , from Now York , for the purpose of killing him , to oil- sot the killing of Garfiold. Ho was excited and spoke so fiercely of his sanuuinary intents , tlmt the lady slam med the door in his face , and the man disappeared. The case was reported to the superintendent of police whoso ollicors are now looking for the mtin. It has boon just learned that the district attorney has received from the Warden of the jail a letter from Guiteau directed to Vice- President Arthur. It nppcnrs that some ono informed GuiteaU that the president was dead , mid very shortly ho asked for writing materials. For an hour lie was engaged in writing. Ho tore several sheets of paper , while engaged with the composition of the documents , but finally complet ed hia task and directing it ho called a messenger to deliver it.Tho document was opened , and on being read it was founuj to bo a high-sound ing epistle congratulating Arthur on Ills ascension to thu presidency. The district attorney has filed it away for safe keeping , with some other of Guitoau's papers , and declines to make it public , HTILL ANOTHER LUNATIC. At the war department this evening a miserable , drunken follow found his way into the corridors and forced his way into the oflico of Adjutant-Gen eral Drum , and began talking about the danger the country was in and in gesticulating knocked down a ham\omo \ drop light. It was thought best to put him out , but ho kept all at defiance , and flourishing his arms , cried out ; "If Gat-field dies it will bo all right , for Arthur will die too , if I have to kill him myself. " The police were sent for and the follow was carried out. The Albany Agitation. National Annodatod I'reon. ALIIANY , July 5. Senator Astor , who , before the attempted assassination - tion , left Albany , intending not to return , having secured a pair until December 31st with Senator Forator , returned Sunday evening. Ho led elFin the balloting to-day by announc ing his vote in a clear voice for Uos- coo Conkling. The stalwarts all fol lowed him and stood for Conkling with a firmness in singular contrast to the subdued mid apparently embar rassed manner in which they an nounced their ballots for him on Sat urday and Monday. I'LATT RECEIVES ONE VOTE. The joint convention , on motion of Senator Stralian , stalwart , adjourned until noon to-morrow. The only vote for Platt was that of Assemblyman Trimble , a stalwart from ono of the New York districts. The democrats hnvo issued a call for a caucus to-day to adopt resolu tions relative to the attempted awasi- nation of the.president. ritO.Sl'KUT OK A IIREAK IN THE DEAD LOCK. The republican caucus call has now sixty-two signers. It is expected that three more will bo obtained , If they nro secured the caucus will bo pledged to vote solidly for two candi dates selected. This will , if accom plished , secure a final break in the deadlock. It is believed that it will result in the selection of Dopow and cither Cornell or Crowley ns his col league. They stalwarts nmy attend the cnucns , but will not be bound by their action , ALIIANY , July 0. The joint con vention met nt 12 o'clock. Thu first ballot for a successor to Conkling re sulted ns follows : Conkling 02 , Wheeler 45 , Cornell G , Crowley I ) , Lnphnm 11 , Rogers 4 , Folger 1 , Potter 'W. Total 155. AI.IHNY , July G. Total oflicial first joint ballot for successor { 04Platt : Kernan 51 ! , Dopow 53 , Conicll 18 , Crowley 10 , Chapman 4 , Evnrts 1 , 1'S Pish 1 , North 1 , WheulorU , Tromaino 1 , D.uiiels 1 , Lapham 1. Total 155. ALIIANY , July (5. ( After the ballot for Plait's successor , the convention adjourned until noon to-morrow. THK OAUUUH UAL I. HIONED. Previous to adjoiinimont the foath orhoads and half-breeds' caucus call , signed by sixty-five republicans , was read. The caucus will bo called this evening. The signers agree that any candidate who receives fifty-four votes in the caucus , sixty-five members voting ing , shall receive n solid vote of sixty- tivo in joint convention. The joint convention to-day adopted resolutions expressing sympathy with the president , hope for his recovery , and denouncing the asaassin. EPITOMIZED REPORT. Of Yeiterday'a Important Tele graphic Now * . Condensed from the National Associated Pro Dinpatoho . August Boonnoutlt , nineteen years ofago , was caught in a rapidly revolv ing shafting at Furst it Bnulloy's ' manufacturing establishment At Chicago cage , this morning , and dashed against a beam in the coiling and crushed into a shapeless mass. The assassination of Marshal-N , D. Pnttan and a deputy sheriff at Fayetteville - villo , Arkansas , has created the most iutcnso fooling against a notorious band of desperadoes. The deed grew out of a vendetta of some sixteen years standing , which lias already re sulted in the death of six persons , the Woody work of avenging the death being taken up by the nearest Rela tives. The governor has offered a re ward of 5J500 for the perpetrators of this latest outrage. . A dispatch from KoyaHon , "Vt.7 TO - _ nouncoa the accidental "drowning1 of Isca Jameson , fifteen years _ old , daughter of Judge Jamesonof Chicago , The Judge's family arovisiting at that place. The body of Peter Doutlor , who shot and killed his wifa at Chicago Sunday , was found on the prairie near hi.1 * homo to-day. After killing his wife ho wandered off and shot himself. PACIFIC COAST NOTES. SAN FRANCIWJO , July 0. A SCO- 000 lira at Sun Jose , which is belie ml to have boon caused by boys playing with fireworks , destroyed the opera house and twelve other buildings. N. Gonwiles mid wife have been arrested at Bnkorsfiold , the former on a charge of rex > and the latter as an accomplice. The victim is a girl about twelve years of ago named Maria Gonwdos , no relation , however , to the other parties. She claims that the woman Gonpalos hold her while the man outraged her. The girl is onciento. All the parties are Mexi cans. The woman lias given bail in $500. The man is still in custody. A destructive grain fire , resulting in the loss of 2,000 acres of wheat , took place yesterday on Glonnot Motgom- cry's rancho , fourteen miles above St. John. About fifteen stacks of hay were also destroyed. About four hundred mon fought the fire for hours. There war * no insurance. Yesterday afternoon u fire started from Iloboft Harlan's thioshor , near Blainfiold , destroying the thresher , engine , derrick , etc , also three set tings of wheat , a barn full of hay , an old house , UOO sacks of wheat and ( JO acres of standing wheat. Ono man was seriously injured while fighting the lire. The Talbott Bojra Make a Confes sion. National Amoclatod 1'ress. MARYVILLE , Mo. , July 0. Charles E. and Albert Talbott , Bontoiicod to bo hung July 22 , have nmdo a confes sion. Charles acknowledges that ho aliot his father whom ho found brutal ly maltreating hiii mother ; that Dr. T.ilbott realized that hia wounds were fatal and made the boys promise faith- fullj that they would deny the shoot ing in order to kpop the disgrace off the family ; that in order to carry this plan Ho made both boya equal distrib utes of the property and his wife executer - ocutor of the will. Albert Bays ho denied everything for his brother's eako. His only connection with thu affair was to knock a window light out with the butt end of n gun at his fathers request to convoy the idua that he had been assassinated by Bomo ono outside of the house. Murder aud Suicide , PiTTSiiURG , Pa. , July 0 , Katie Smith , a young and pretty girl , twen ty yearn of ago , accompanied Michael Presondorfor to a pionio on tha Fourth , where they Imd a quarrel. Since then Presondorfor called often. i ) This evening ho reproached her for being untrue to him and some words ensued. Ho drew a revolver and shot her through the heart and then placed the revolver , to his head aud fired , killing himself instantly. SUNDRY ITEMS FROM SIDNEY , The Fourth of July at Sidney Hugely Enjoyed. Another Dirty Trick Played by the Union Pacific Company. Correspondence of Tim Dim. SIHNBV , July 4. Sidney has al ways been noted for having n good time on the Fourth of July , but BID outdid herself thin year. The mili tary of Fort Sidney , the fire depart ment , juvenile fire brigade , the schools and citizens mtulo n splendid-appear im procession over half a mile long. The Declaration of Independence was rend by M. Sanders , and n most masterful oration wan delivered by W IL Michael , who , when ho can bo prevailed ! upon to speak , never fails to distinguish himself. The Sidney glco club and the Continental brass band furnished the ; misic , and nil pro nounced it good. The programme was ! closed by a fervent prayer for the nation by llov. Dr. Turner. The town was thrown into excite ment by a little boy twelve years of ago f.xlling under n train of cars at this point , by which his head was crushed into an unrecognizable mass. Ho was the son of a freighter hero named Thomson. His funeral occur red to-day. A tire broke out hero last night at 10 o'clock , which destroyed throe store houses , unoccupied , belonging : to II. T. Clark , of Bellevue , Nebras ka. It was the work of an incendi ary. ary.A A lady named Abbott , of Lincoln , while returning from Now Mexico , wliero she has been with her husband , stopped off hero last week to bury- the remains of her infant child , two- yearn old , which died in her nrm in the cara between hero and Cheyenne. The ladies of the town were kind and sympathetic in caring for the sorrow stricken lady. The U. P. company , through their division superintendent , Bob Law , brought to tins place yesterday thirty men , whom they had caused to bo arrested on the charge of procuring- money under false pretenses. The facts of the coso were that the men had been recruited ] in St. Louia and. Now York by an agent of the company to work on the Denver branch road. They were promised from $2.25 to & $ a day for this work , and board at $4 per wook. When they got out hero they wore politely told thatthoyjcould. liavo 81.75 a day , and that their board would bo ? 5 per week. The men. wouldn't '' that way , and 're- ' tusod to w6rk. They were arrested and broughtiiLn car to this place. Ton of the men the St. Louis lot- employed W. H. Michael to defend them. They were acquitted. The other ' lot were freighters and could not understand that they needed counsel. The justice of the peace before - fore whom they were tried wears the ? fcU fcb . P. collar , and when unrestrained by ; counsel , did the bidding of his master in the most unblushing man ner ( , and sent the defenseless men to > jail for ton days. It was one of the inostoutragcous judicial performances ever enacted in Sidney , and is de nounced by everybody. Men in the east should bo careful and got a writ ten contract before they como out hero to work for a soulless corpora tion. E. D. _ RAILROAD NOTES. Notional Associated 1'ieis. CHICAGO , July 0. The St. Louis & Now Orleans railroad have madis all arrangements to change the gauge of that road July 28th , from five feet to the standard gauge of four feet , eight and one-half inches. This is to obviate the change of tracks at Cairo , which has been a source of great delay. The meeting of the Southern rail road association , which was to have boon hold in this city to-day , has been , postponed to a day not yet named. The first effort was to have been made to-day to settle the Missouri river pool difficulties , which are now- still further complicated by the action of the managers in postponing tlm mooting. LOUISVILLE , Kv , July 0. A tele gram from Now York is published. hero this morning announcing the sale of the Louisville , Cincinnati & Lexington railroad to the Lquisvillo ifc Nashville road at 125 for common and preferred stock , on all offered. President Vroighlor of the L. 0. & L. emphatically denies any sale of the road as yet , but says that a prop osition was made seine days since to > the Louisville & Nashville , and which is atill open for acceptance. The terms of the proposition cannot bo learned just now. Gritoom Celebrates Hie 4Oth Day. CHIUAUO , July ( J , Griscom celebra ted iho foitioth day of his fast this , afternoon by a ton mile ride on the ; luke on an excursion boat. His weight at noon was 153& pounds , a , loss of ono pound within the post twenty-four hours. Pulse 53 , res piration 13 , temperature 07 j. Mr. F. Ilodcburg , of Grandviow , Ind. , lelates the following : I Buffered with rheumatism for over six yearst consulted many physicians and tried hundreds of remedies without avail. Having seen St. Jacobs Oil advertised I sent for a bottle and used is accord ing to diroctihns. The relief I felb was almost electrical got better at once , and now there is not a trace of rheumatism loft. A Single Stouo from a running brook slew the giant Qoliath , and millions of noble men since that time have died from a ' sin gle stone in the bladder' , which War ner's Safe Kidney 'and Liver Quro would' ' liaVb dissolved and' 'carried away. Jly7-ood-lw