/ TrA IT A F A TT.V "T3T7T ? . A xr TTTT A' / > 1001 SEE DAILY BEE. OMAHA PUBLISHING CO. , PROPRIETORS. CIO Karnham , bet. Oth and 10th Streets. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION : MJl Jo i In fehancepostpaid ( ) $1000 . JlOllUlS .I spo months " ii . . . . . BOO RAILWAY TIME TABLE. OVAIIA HAST OR SOUTH BOC1D. C , B. & Q. 5 a. m. 8 10 n m. C. & N. \ \ . . 0 a M S-)0 p in. C , R. I. & I' 0 n in 3 10 ti m. h. C. , St. J. & C. n , 8 a. in3 10 p. m. AtrUo t St. LouU at 0 S5 a. m nJ 7:15 : ft. in. p. & M. In Neb , Through Kxprtm , 8 35 iv. m. 11. & M. Lincoln Frvlvht. 7.00 p. in. U. P. Ktprew , U15p m O. & II. V for Lincoln , 10 20 a. m. O. * H V for Oscoola , n.10 a ui U. P. frcUht No , 6 , 6 30 a. ni U. P. fr lsht No 9. S 15 s in. y. P. frel&rht & No. 7 , 6 10 p. m emigrant , U. P. froirbt No. 11 825 u. in. ARRIVING PROK KAJ8T AND POCTD. C. n k O , 8-00 a. m 7.25 p m. C. & X W , 9 45 a. m 7:25 : p. m. U U I &P.D45\ 005p.m. K. C. , St Joe & , C. 11 , 7:40 : t m. 0 45 p m. W. , St. L. & I1. , 10 55 a. m. 4:25 : p. m. ARRHLXJ FROM TIIR WKaT AXP SOUTHWEST. O. & U. V. from Lincoln 12:1'J : p. m. U. P , Exprcsw 3 2"i p in II k M. In Nob. , Through Express 4:15 : p. m II. & M. Lincoln Freight 8 35 i in. U. P. Freight No 10 1:40 : p m. No. 0 4 25 p. tn. Emigrant. No. 8 10 50 p ni. No 12 11.3j a m. O. & R , V. mixed , ar. 4.35 p. m. SORNI. Nebraska DhLston of the St. Paul & Sioux CItj IlOa l. No. S leaves Omhha S n m. No. 4 leaved Omaha I'M p m. No. 1 arrUciatOniahvftt 4'Wp. m No. 3 arrhes at Omaha at 10 45s in. DUMUT IRA18 BBTWEH.M OMAHA AND COOSCIt BL17P4. Icaxo Omaha nt 800 , 900 and 11:00 : a. m. ; 1:00 : , 2 00 , 3 00 , 4 00 , C 00 ntnl 0 00 p. in. Leiuo Council IllutT * it S.2J , 0 25 , 11:25 : a. m.j J ! 25 , 2 23 , 3 25 , 4:25 : 5'25 and 0 25 p m. Suti'laj h The elumniy lcaOmalia at 0 00 and ll'OO a. m. , 2 00 , 4 00 and 6 00 p. m. I.oaves Council Bluff * at 9 25 and 11:25 a. m. ; 2.25,4:25 : And 6 25 p. in. Opening and Closing of Malls. BOUTK. Orrl. CLOSK. a. m. p m. a. m. p in. Chlcayo&N.V 1100 - " " Chicago , R. I. A Pftdlle 11 00 Chicago , U. & Q 11 00 \Vabo4h Bloux Clt > and Pacific . Onion Pacltlc Omaha & R. V D fcM. In Neb Omiha & Northwcutem LOCA ! malls for btato of Ion a Icaro but once a day , Tin : 4 JO A Lincoln Mall Ii also ojKMicJ at 10 10 a. m. 0:11 : co open &untlayn from 12 in. to 1 p. in. TH03. F. HALL P. M. Business Directory , Art tmporleim. J. U. ROSE'S Art Emporium , 1510 Dodjro Street , Steel EnravinK9 : , Oil Paintings , Chromes , Fancy Frames. Framing a Specblty. Low Prices J. BONNER 1S09 Ooujas htrcct. Good Styles. Abstract and Real Estate , JOHN L. McCAOUE , opposite Pwt Offlco. W. R DAUTLETT 31T South 13th Street Architects. DUFUENE & MENDELSSOHN , ARCHITECTS , Room 14. Creighton Block. f A. T. LARGE Jr . Room 2 , Ciclahton Block. k Boots and Shoes. JAMES DIVINE & co , Fine Boots and Shoes. A oed assorment of home work on hand , corner 12th and Iliuncj. TH03. ERICKSON , S E cor. 10th and Douglas JOHN FORTUNATUS , 05 10th street , manufactures to order good work at fair prices. Repairing done. Bed Springs. J. F. LARRiMER Manufacturer. J517 Books , News and Stationery. J. I. rilUEHAUF 1015 FarnlniK Street. Butter and Eggs. McSHANE & SCIIIiGEDER. the oldest B. and E. bouse in Nebraska cstahlinheJ 1875 Omaha PC on " CENTRAL RESTAURANT , MUS A. RYAN , < uth est corner lOthand Docile. Best UoarJ for the Money. Satisfaction Ouarantced. Mcala at all Hours Board bj the Day , Week or Month. Good Terms for Cash. Furnished Room : Supplied. Carriages and end Wagons. I' WM. SNVDER , No. 131h llth and Harnej StrectaJ Civil Engineers nnd Surveyors. ANDREW HOSKWATEU , CreU'hton Block , Town Surveys , Grade and beuera a bj stems a Speeialty. Commission Merchants. JOHN 0.VIL LIS.1411 Uode Street. D B BREVIER. For details sco largo adxcrtlse- mcnt In Dally and Vi eekly. Cigars and Tobacco. WEST & FRITSCI'ER. ' manufacturer * of Cljars , auclholesalo Dealers In Toniccos , 1J05 Douglas. W. F. LOREN/UN manufacturer D14 lOtlihtrea. Cornice Works. Western Cornice Worts. Manufacturers Iron ons Cornice , Tin , Iron and Ulato Hoofiin , ; . Orders from an > locality prompU ) cxuntul In the licat / manner , Factor ) and O'ticu 1310 Dodjo Street. ed da\ Cal\anlzod Iron Cornices. Window Caps , etc. , ] ( manufactured nnd put up In any part of tint country. T. tirNHOLD. 41U Thirteenth btreet. n Crockery , J , BONNER 1309 Doucl a Btr.-ct. Good lino. to Clothing and Furnishing Qoods. jeet GEO. II. PCTERSON. Also Hats , Caps , Boots , Bhoca , Notions and Cutler } , 604 S. 10th Direct. Clothing Bought. C. SHAW will pax hlghcat Cash prlca for second band clothing. Corner 10th and Farnham. Dei tlsts. DR. PAUL , Wlllhms' Plock , Cor , 15th & Dodgo. ncm Drugs , Ha nts and Oils. nt KUHK & co. , Pharmacists , Flno v r.nods , Cor. 16th _ and Doiifli * ktrccto. W.J. WHITKHOUf v ornloi. Retail , 16th st C. FIELD , 2022 K < th Side Cunilni Street. . PARR , Dru 'lst , 10'Ji nnd HowarJ Streets. fall Dry Gonrt Notions , Etc. und JOHN H. F. L < MMANN & CO. , bU .New York Dry Goods Swre , 1310 and 1310 bamctrect lice iL. C. Knew old also boots and shoes , 7th i. Pacific. i t-uruiiure. A F , GROSS , Kow and 3acond Hand Furniture And Stores , till boiuriu. Highest cub prlcu an paid for second hanu voo n J , BONNER 1309 Dotuti&s st. Fine goods , &c. Fence Works , OMAHA rENCE CO. OUST , FRIES & CO. , 1213 Harney St , Impro\e f l Ice lioxcs , Iron and \\ood FLIICCS. Ollico Ilailinjrs , Counters of Pine and Walnut. until Florist. ' A. Donajhuc , plants , cut flowers , seals , boqueta gcr. etc. N. W. cor , 10th an i Douglas streets * Imali Foundry , ami and JOHN WEARNE & SONS , cor. 14th & Jackson et of Flour and Feed. pro / OHAHACITV MILLS , 8th and Farcham EU later Welshans Bro ) , .roprictors. and Qroeers. Z. STEVENS , 21it bctuecn Cumlng nd Iiard. T , A. McSHANE , Corn , 3d and Cumlni ; Streets Hatters. W , L , PARROTTB & CO. , DIBO.X JS06 Street , WTiokale Eicluslicly. Hordwaie , Iron and Steel. DOLAN & LANQWORTHY , Wholesale , 110 and 15th ttrect. A. HOLMES corner ICth ind CaUtorrJa. Harness. Saddles , 4c. _ D. WKIST SO ISth bt. , Ut Farn < Eitatu nt and Bonnet Dleachers , Straw , Chip and Kflt Hals done upat horthnut cornrr So\Nitc < > nth and Capitol A enue. > \ M. l)0K Pro ) rlctor. Hotels. CANFIELP HOUSE , CM. Canflcld.9th It Farnham DORAN HOUSE , P , It. Gary , 913 Firnham St. SCA\EN'S HOTEL , F Slaicn , lOUi Street. Southern Hotel Gus lUincI , th & Lcarcnwotth. ron hencing. The Western Cornleoorkt , Accnt * for the Chimpton Iron Fence ic. , IIATO on hand nil Kinds f Fiutcj Iron Fcneco , CrMtJnirs , Flnrals , Rollings etc. _ 13IO Uctiiro dtree. _ , . . - , Intelligence Office , MRS LIZZIE DENT E17 18th Street. Jewellers. JOHN BAUMKR 1314 Farnham Street. Junk , H. BERTHOLD , RAW and Metal. Lumber , Lima and Cement , FOSTF.R A. OKAY corner Oth and lkra tas SU. Lamps and Ulassware , J. nONNEIl 1309 DoualM bt. Good Variety Merchant Tailors , O. A. LI.VDQUEST , One ot our most popuKr Merchant Tailors Is re * nhlng the latest ilmlijns for Spring nnd Summer Goods for gentlemen's "e.ir. btjllth , dnrablc , and nrlcin low M e\or 21 fi 13th bet. Millinery. MRS. C. A. RINGER , Nholewlonnd Rcu ll , Fan- > Goods In gruat larittj , X.cph\n , Card lioardu , osiery , Glovexi , CorrcU , Ac. Clivapoflt Hou o In hoitit. . Pnrchvcra m > e SO per cent. Order \ Mall 115 nitt tilth Street. Physicians an J Surgeons. \V. S. atlins , M. D , com No. 4 , Crclghton lilock , 15th Street. A , S , I.KISK.VIU.NO , M. I ) . Masonic Block. C. L. 1IAUV , M. D , KC and Enr , opp postolllce Il L. H OUADDY , Oculist and Aurlit , S. W ISth and Farnham Ste otogrAphers. OEO. HEYN. PROP. , Grand Central Gallon , 212 Sixteenth Street , near Masonic Hall. First-class \ > ork and Prompt' ' ness giiaranticn. Plumbing , Gas and Steam Fitting , P. W. T.MIPY A. CO. . 210 12th St. , bet , Farnham and Douglas , \\orx proiuptlj attciuli'd to. D. F1TZPATIUCK , 1100 Douglas Street Painting and Paper Hanging , HENRY A. ' ' "SfEl'.S. 1412 Dodge btrcot. Planing Mill. A. MOYER , manufacturer of sash , doors , btlndi , moldings , ncnels , aluatcrshandrailsfurnlahlng scroll KIM Ing , Ac , cor. DodKoand 9th strcuta. Pawnbrokers , J. ROSENFELD , 322 10th St , hot. Far. & Har. | Refrigerators , Canfleld' * Patent. i C. F. GOODMAN llth St. bet. Farn. & Hartley. | Chow Oaso Manufactory. ! O. J. WILDE , Manufacturer and Dealer ) In nil kinds of Show Cases , UprUht Cases , a . , 1317 Cuw bt. FRANK L. OKItHAKD , proprietor Omiha _ iow Case manufactory , 818 houtli lOUi street , between Lca\enworth and Marc ) . All goods warranted first eliai Stoves > na I inware. A. BURMESTER , Dealer In Sto\cs and Tinware , nnd Manufacturer of Tin Roofs and all kinds of Building Work , Odd Fellows'Block. J. BONNER. 1309 Douglas St. Good and Cheap Seeds. J. EVANS , Wholesale and Retail Seed Drills and I CultUators , Odd Fellows' Jlnll. Shoa Otores. Phillip Ung , 1320 Farnntm st , bet. ISth & 14th. Second Hand Store. PERKINS & LEAR. 1410 Doughs St. , New and Second Hand Furniture , House Furnishing Goods , . bou.'ht and sold on narrow inaivlns Saloons. HENRY h AUFMANN , In the new brick block on Douglas Strict , has Just opened a moit elegant I < C < M Hall. Hot Lunch from 10 to 12 oicrj daj. FLAHNERY , On Farnham , next to the B & . SI. hoailquartcn , hai re opetieil a neat and cnmpleto iMUibllsliirient uhichbarring tilth nnd Mothtrbblpton's I'roph- > , will bo opcneU tor the uojs with Hot Luneli and after present date. raleilonK " J. FAI TONER. C7f > Idth Street. Undertakers. CHAS RIEWE , 101-J Farnham bet , 10th 4 , lltil. P. PEMVER , 30JJ Tenth street , between Farn ham and HariicMi. Docs good and cheap work. 00 Cent Stores. HENRY POHLMAN , ton , notions , plctuios Jewclr ) , & .c , 13 llth bet. Fnrnham and Dou.-los . 0. HACKtlB. 1201 ; Knrnbain t. Kauri fJnn In BOGGS & HILL , a REAL ESTATE BROKERS. No , 1508 Faruhnm Street , , - - DKTX33B. OFKICB North side. OOP Grand Tontial Hotel. PROPOSALS Furnishing Horces , Wagons , and Harness for the Indian finite. Scaled proposal * for furnUhln , ; cl ht > ( SO ) I work hortes , two(2)bn ( ) j liomcs , llftj ( M\\ag- an , one (1) ( ) lln'lit fpriri ) ; wnn'on , ( ) ( ( > ( f < U ) bets do.ihlo harness for the Indian Hertlco nt ( Hoe a/uiu. Neb. , will bo received litho iinikn-iKn " at his oillee until IhuCi ) o'clock p.m. 'incs < daJulj 2U , IHsl , at which tlmu bids will bo CM.neiI nml cmitrieU auanlcd The ( ollowin g epcclfliatlons anil conditions \\lll bu obiencil , namelj : 'llioworl. tiorttJ ninst l o between thu ciof four(4)and ( ) cicn (7)cur ( ) * , not \ti \ thin fourteen (14) ( ) hiindii hln'b and to weljfb not lean yo than nine hundred ami flft ) (059) ( ) pounds , broku in double liarntij , truu to work and perfeetl > HOUHd. The bujfgy team \\lll bu mib strI tn thu abe > o condltioiiB , and In nddlt on miiet bo 'ood tra\eeM ! All horsea ulllboHllb jceteil to a tlioroiuli trial ami lnn ] > cetlon before ovt iiclnreeelcd. . 1hc > iniixt busef00itil at the- agcniy In tlicjiriseiico of the u.'int. Uavoiu to bo narrow track , three (3) inch thlinblca , | irlnn- Bc-.it , top , box , bowit ami co\cra eo\LMjto bo of tweno (12)omuu ( ) duek Ll0'lit wa on , threu (1) ) fprlnpi , with top. llur- tn bo phln , baek btrupn and eollaru , full leutber tn/H , eompletc. I All the aliotc to I * delhercd at the ntbo ( ciH.nso | of thu ewitractor , not later thin September 1,1SS1 , nnlcKS there should bodclav inthoujiprotal of tlio eontruet. gur All bids must bu nuomptnlutl b > a ecrttfled cheek orcqiitalent | on toino United Htaten do ponltorj , ) n > ablu to the order of thu n uit for at an ( ' ) r centof the amountof tlio bid , which elieek falull bu forfeited to thu Uplted n htatcs In eiao nn > bidder reeeMnjf nwnrd Khali to txeeuto prompt ! ) u enntMet with good , BUIHelcnt 8iiretli > , aeenrdin to the terms of hid , otbcrw IHU to bu returned to thu bidder od Paununt will be mule throiu-li the Indian of , NftihlniTton , I ) C , an soon ai practicable ter thu ( kill en of Jic fOfAt gn The ri.-ht to reject urn ami all hid * In rcfccn ed. Tlin will IK ) retched for all or part of the' out. aboie , and houd | bo endorsed , "ProjiokaU for FurnUhln Hornet , Masons , and barnaas , ite , thu ea u inu ) bu , and ndilru sod to the under- > d sL-ntd at Otou A.'enc ) , ( ij.-e count ) . Neb as LKELLVNj : . \\OOI)1.V , I' S , Indian Agent. Otoo Asencj , Neb. , June 31 , PROPOSALS ForCit ) Scat maer I ? Prora | rls will bo recehcd by the undcr < Urnc < . out hat U rda\ , the Oth di ) of Julj , 1SJI , at 12 o'clock noon , lit iloimrthu duties aielt > nea en . Said prox ] > sals mut > t haupciittetl lint o prliui to bc charged ( ortbo remotalofall dead an arha e and fllthnf w hate * tr klml ornature mint bo accomianled | bj the names of gocxJ tultlclent iiiretj for thu faithful performanc the duties required. Kin elopes enclosing nulJ you | > ohals thall bu marked , "I'rojiosals Clt ) Sca\ cn/ar. " anddtlUcred to the underinud not than thu timoabo\u pecltlt > d. Clt > Council resents the right to reject an ) all bids. at Bids to ho opened t the regular meeting of the council , Julj 12th , , J J. L. C. JEWETT , SU fit ) Clerk. hit .tvv . BKZD. tmH8 RKKP. BYRON REED & CO , , of Eeal Estate Agency six to IN NEJIIIASICA I' in Keep _ a orojiJete abstract of tlllo to all Ruol ' 8W In Oiiuh and Dou.-Ud countr , tna > ti tend THE SPOOPENDYKES. Mr. S. nnd Hi * SpotiRO Undortnko n Flnhlnft Exournloii , | Jrookl ) n Kn , my dcnr , " siid Mr Spooponn9 with n social sort of ft grin , f would you like to go fishing ? " "Wouldn't thnt bo perfectly love- [ y1" squealed Mrs. Poopendyko. " 1 never wns fishing in my life , nnd I nlwnrs wnntod to try it. Where can rte go ! " "Well , there arc lots of places around Brookljn. Last summer 1 saw bojs cateh n good many fish oF ! the dock at the foot of Stnto street. Wo miglit go there. " "Just the place , " conceded Mrs. Spoopondyko. "Peihaps wo c.in catch some snrdinci. I'll bet n spool if thrcnd 1 I irot the first sli.ul' ' " and inter icr glee Mn. Spoopcndyko walt/cd across the loom nnd back again. Mr. Spoopendjko smiled pleasantly upon his wife , and started out into the yard to got some worms , wlnlo Mrs. Spoopondyko rigged hetself up for the pending o\cur mn , "Got any I'mn sticks ! " she uskcd , ns Mr. Spoopondyko rotmncd , rather warm from hia exorcise. "I'\o got Bomo fishing rodsif that's what yon mean , " replied Mr. Spoop- cndykc , "but 1 could only find four worms. " "C.in't we break em in two ? " in quired Mrs. Spoopundyke , anxiously. "Could if wo had ft bu// saw , " grunted Mr. Spoopondyko. "Como along , if you'ro coming , ' nnd thor- ouglily equipped for Ifiu expedition Mr and Mrs. Spoopondy Bet out foi the State street pier. "How long befovo tljoy bito"nskod ? Mrs. Spoopendjko , hoiHting her hook out of the water and examining the point of a worm her husband hud iiu paled theicon. "They'll probably bite at that iuJ soon n3 they can bonow-astep-hiddor , " retorted Mr. Spoopcndyko , eyeing the dangling hook. "If you calculate ) to i ( ot nny hsh , you'd better lot that thing down in the water. " "Oh ! " said Mra. Spoopcudyko , drpping the hook. "Do you think I could catch n gold fish ) " she inquired , after ( a pause. "Hi ! hold on there , I lost him ! ejaculated Sir. Sdoopendyko , tiring his hook up toward the Heights. "So did H" chimed Mrs. Spoon- dyke ] , as aho fell over backwtfru am' shot her sinker into Mr. Spoondykor'fl cat , "I declare wo both lost him ! " "What yo doing ? " demanded Mr Spoondyko , "what did you lose" when I'm pulling in fish , you just sil still ] , will jo ? Think my head's f fish-pond ? Drop it , I tell j'o ! droj it in the water. There ! Now sil still ! and fish. Another time I'm pill ling in a Spnish mackerel , you Icl things alone. You mad mo lose tliv ; fisl . " , "You outrht to have caught him , ' said Mta. Spoopendyko , soothingly "j-ou fished splendidly for him. " "I understand the business , " re joined Mr. Spoopcndyko somowhnl mollified , 'Ion sco lie didn't over get the belt , big as ho was. " "I'm glad of that , because we've only got three worms left. How IV like to catch an oj-atei. Do you know I " "Hist ! Sh-h-h ! Quiet , now ! I'\o got him ! See mo play mini Now I'll fetch him ! " nnd Mr. Spoopondyko reeled in until ho landed an old boot , "I didn't know that fish had buir.i on , like n chestnut , " said Mra. Spoopcndyko , quivering with excite ment. "Oracle him and let's see what hois. " "Ciack j-our grandmother ! " snortci Mr. Spoopondyke , shicing the boot up the pier. "He wasn't good to eat anyway. I'll got something " "What's the matter with mjr stick' ' Let go , j-ou nasty thing ! Hcio's another one ! Quick ! " "Pull him in , can't yo ? You've got bito. Haul up ! " cried Mr. Spoopon dyke , trying to untangle himself from Inu line and help his wife. "Lift liin out of the water ! " "Ho won't let mo , " squeaked Mrs. Spoopendyko , holding both arms at full length. "Take him oil' ! Scat Go "wnjf , you monster ! " "Lift your polo straight in the air ! ' shouted Mis. Spoopondyko. "Hoist tlio dod gnstcd thing right up ! " Mrs. f-pookendyko exerted herself nnd < disclosed nn eel , dangling. "It's a r nttlosnnko ! " HIO ! j'olled. "Don't go near him ! File ! file ! mur dot ! police ! polico-o-o ! " "Hold youryawp , will j'o ? " bawled Mr Spoopendyke. "Get him o\er the dock , so I can catch him ! What holding him out there for ? Wait ing for him to < lry ? Stick that polo straight up in the air , I tell jo. " MM. Spoopondyko throw the polo over her shoulder , and flopped the ee" into Mr. Spoopondyko'u countonnnco "Dod gust the monslj' eel ! " ho howled , ns ho spat it out. "Stop waving tlmt slam blasted lightning- rod like n flag , will yo ? Hold it still , say. Think j'ou'ro n Iron ? " "Don't touch him ! Throw hin overboard ! Ho'll sting j'on to dcnthi' led Mrs. Spoopondyko , and for gottingjthnt the polo still exercised influence over tlio eel , she gave jerk , nnd it sjippcd through Mr , Spoopondyko's fini'ors. That gentle , man made n spring foi it , und swnsh into tlio water. "Hou ! brab ! baa ! waggle ! gin , hie , , gaggie ! " sputtered Mr. Spoopon dyke , < na some lightermen fished hin out."Did "Did you catch cold , deal ? " inquir Mra. Spoopondyko , with Bolicitudi they mndo their wuy homo. "If I did ' , Ilandedit.'V'iowlodMr , Spoopcndyko , blowing'mud like the exhnust of u tug. "Anyway , I caught an eel , clidn' 'th " asked Mrs. Spoopondyko , carrying the woman's idea of comforting i man with thu only thing ho didn" want to hear about , no "Oh ! you caught it ! " ripped Mr , Spoopendyko , "You'io a fish-womai arc. All you want now is glass aides and some bubblou i wining of through you to bo an aquarium. An other time wo both go fishing you stay homo. You hear ? " And with thia novel mathcmntica U ia suggestion { , Mr. Spoopendyko hunted himself to his domicile and took n ruin of went. Vennor'i Gaati For July. of With July I commenced a roviui are my weather forecasts for the laa months of the year 1881. To hoh a prediction made for twolro months' in advance , would , at the present stage of weather prognostication , only to ] make the whole attempt liuic one tloui. The test these i > rodictioiisun- ilergo for the tint six months is nlono n severe one , although it H my firm comictiun that this space of tjtno ciu oco\ercd , and that with contulerablo accuracy , by an intelligent obsenanco of \ the lending princii > len c < mnected with the moterology of mir country. . J believe that the present summer s one in n triad of aiuular summers , irolmbly ' the middle pm > It is likely to. : resoluble ' in its chief features thnt of.J : 1880 , nnd to dill'er in some of its uinor details. ' The npjiroaching mont'inf .July nill enter cool and wet , nnd IM | < n great deal of min generally tn or a large per ion of the I nited States and Canada , , \hilo iin Great IJiitnin the weathei , \ill in nil probability l.e likewise ilormy nnd wet. The st. . rmsof wind , .hunder and lightning itu likely to ) rove severe and fit ( tiont. The le.u lest sains for Now urk and \i- cinity I would locate shortly aftei the L'Olh , proKibly the 21st or 'JIM. Ho- tween the 1'Jtli and L'Oth an o\ccssivo lint term is jirobablo thr-nighout both Canada and the United States , with additional severe storms in western Within n few days ol the close of Inly , likely in the neighborhood of the 27th nnd USth dajs , a cool to cold wnvo inny occur , c.nrjmg frost in Canada and cool woatlu-r gonoinlj1 , with storms of wind , hut and rain , over the United Stntes.Vhorotitoims hiivo been soverelj' felt m westotnnnd southwestern states dmnii ; Junothoio again will the severest Mniim of July beioxperiencedjnoth\Mtlitaiitliii.Tho\v- ! over , these frequent and novero storms of July , frequent alternations of line , hot weather will probably counteract to n great extent in the damage done to grain and other eropi in L'onurnl in tho'west. The entry of July as ibnvo sketched it likely to bo cool nml sliowory jn. both Canada and tlio Tinted States , nnd stormy ffcathor w ith a return of sultriness is probable in proximity to the Fourth in most sections. HKVRY C YENNOR. DIGGER INDIANS. An Expiring Rnoo A Novel Danoo in n Balto Oven from a California LetU r. ' "Would you like to attend the Indians ! " said n gentleman to a friend and myself , as wo loitered in one of the small towns in northern Califor nia. Now , having been informed of the dance during the afternoon by 110 less a personage than the chief of the rnnchcrin , wo determined to stop over night for the purpose of witnessing the same , and rii lit happily wore wo joined by a gentleman who was thor oughly familiar with every point of interest in the neighborhood , and who was well known to many of the In diana themselves. "Tho Diggers are a strange race , " said he , as we trudged along after nightfall to the place where the "fan dango" was to bo hold. "They are generally conceded to be the lowest specimens of humanity on the contin ent of America , and it is doubtful whether the old woild can show a people ple more degraded. 'Although lopeat- ed oilorts have been mndo to ciili.e them , yet these have been of little a\ail , and thework of thophilnntlnop- ist has been like the good seed which fell upon stony places and which spiting up , but having no root , soon withered away. Woida nnd nrgu ments seem to bo poericas to cifcctn change in their condition ; and , since the time of the mission fathers , nil at tempts nt the improvement of the in tellectual and apiiitunl welfaie have been abandonpd. The Diirger Indian may bo taught to pick hops , plow , chop wood , and perform many other kinds of outdoor work. Ho may bo taught to chew und smoke and chink like n white man ; to wash his face and wear decent clothing ; but civili/ntion can go little farther. At the fust im pulse he retinns to his vagabond life of idleness , to his acorn diet and 'wickiup' of boughs , the same untam ed und untamable sungo. "Yes , " continued our fi lend , us wo passed beyond n ticu wheio a half- breed once had been lynched , "theie is something pathetic in the histoiy of the Digger race. In the days of Kit Carnoii and other famous scouts they swnuned through every valley in' the state ; and even down to the time of the pioncois ofI ! ) they thtongea the sheets of the frontier towns , and their ranchciias were so densely popu lated that the baiest neccHsniios of iifo were with difficulty obtained. Hut during the last twenty years they have disappeared moio rapidly than ever befoie ; and before many years have passed not a vestige of this once pow erful race will remain , What is the can HO of this decline , you link. Un doubtodly it has bucii war , pentilence and the contact of civilisation. In early days the dlllorent tribes were lighting unceasingly among them selves , while the Americans und Mex icans aided largely m decreasing the number of their common enemy. In Trinity county , thirty years ugo , a party of whites sunoundetl a raneliu- riu , und during a night u whole tribe wns doatioyed. .Similar butcheries have occurred in other parts of the state. Nc t long since I rend in Mono- n fee's History of Sonoma county about K the raBges of the choloia among the si Indians in 18't : ) , In one ranchoiin in the Sacramento Ynlloy over UOO died di within the space of four days , One l'I ' little girl nlono escaped the frightful 01 disease , and when she was rescued the 01wi ground was literally covered with the ai bodies of her dead companions. "Tho contact of civilisation , " said til the gentleman , , an wo approached the hi innelieria , "has been more potent in el the extinction of the Diggers than poatilonco or the sword. The game is piwl longer abundant in the mountains , n and there ia a scarcity of fish in the nn interior streams , and without fiah nnd of game the Indiana are put to all soils Bt shifts to keep body and soul to- m gethor. When they aio hungry it tl mutters little what sort of food in. of fo fered , for they will oat any thing which | 8U digestible. Their bread is made generally from acorns or the kernels the pinonut and buckeye , and Of worms and edible roots are t'leirmeat ' and vegetables. Grasshoppers are one their favorite dishes , wbilo snakes said to bu eaten w ith a relish. Detvreon the two evils starvation or work there is not much diHorenco the average Digger's mind , and in % escaping both the grand end of exist tFt ence ia obtaitied. JJut hero we are at of the largest rancherias in the 1 lOo stnte , nnd of the hnbits and customs of this strange people nn excellent opportunlly is now afforded to judge for yourselves. Don't bo fastidious , don't mnko nnj' 0110 angry ; keep j'our mouth shut nnd jour ojes nnd ears open , nnd joii will witness n porfnr mnnce to-niyht more curious thananj j-ou hnvo yet seen in California. Wo shall soon bo sitisfted , but make up your mind to remain here until the dance iio\or. " Kroir the barking of the dogs and : ho wniling of n squaw we knew that ivowere now in tlio midst of the uncheria ; and Indians forms Hitting about the " " "sweat-house" Informed us whom the "fandango" was to bo hold This homo had been built of sluing poles and branches ingeniously fasten ed together , nnd was tn the shape of an inverted bowl , being about forty feet in diameter nt the bottom and tapering to the sieve of n centei-polo nt the top. The outside being covoi- ed w ith earth to prevent the esc.tpo of the heat , nnd there being neither windows nor doors , tlio nppenranco of the whole was like that of nn old fash ioned bako-ov en and the slmilo wns not inappropriate , ns wo afterwords lenrnod. Under the escort of Captain Jnck , to whom wo were each rcqmied to pay 50 cents , wo crawled rnthor than walked through tlie small npoituro on one side , and having gained the in terior wo wore assigned a bench nn mediately in fiott of the tire. It was now nbout 10 o'clock , but the dnnciug was not yet begun. About lf > 0 In- ( liana the malcsand fomnlesmi.\odin- discriminntolv weio lounging at ound the edge of tlio house , nnd snvu the bench upon which wo wore seated not n single niticlo of furmUno wns seen. Upon hooks piojccting from the walls were blankets , bendwork , bows nnd nrrowa , enne-i , slippers and other coil- ttnn fanov Arliolca , while the various costumes to bo timid in the dances : ftVo the ttliolu tile niijiearanco of a well-stocked barnaf. Tlio only light of the place emanated from the huge , good tire which burned on the ground near the center of the house , and during the entire evening n de crepit old Indian , who had been de tailed for the [ impose , kept piling on fuel until the spectator on the bench nml ' the Indians thomsehea were well high roasted. It wns nhondy Into when the danc ing began. The orchestra was com posed of about a do/on braves , .Mid these , with their instalments of tor ture , huddled together near the pole in tjlfo center. In the book , "Uotweou the Gates , " n Chinese orchestra is de scribed as n combination of ticks nnd chicks , and jingles nnd squeaks , in terlude and emaciated fiddlers with n ronr of gongs nnd n clnsh of cymbals added ; while elsewhere the music of the Digger Indians is described ns u deafening uproar like that produced by a thousand cross-cut SAW a tiled bj- steam power , or iinnu- merablo pigs caught under n gnto , or n multitude of tom cats lashed together and Hung o\er n clothes line ! But neither ot the above descriptions will do justice to the music which broke upon our ears as the signal was given , for soon were distinguished notes nnd pauses in nccoulanco with the figuies. Each member of the orchestra con- tiibuted his shnro of the noise by striking n split piece of wood ngainnt his nrm or knee ; nnd this was accom panied bj-n plaintive wail , now low and subdued , nj/nin forcible , as the occasion demanded. Simultaneously with the commence ment of tbo music the dancing begun. A ilo/ou or more squaws glided bare footed into the ling , nnd after ending the tire on tiptoe , glided ; n\uy ns uii- ceromonioUHlj' ns thojcame. . Proba lily ) the second ana lust dunces weio the best of tlio evening , nnd nshoit description of each is herewith ap pended. Previous to the commence ment of the second dance , which nn Indian : infoimcd us in broken English was a "squaw dance , " the ten squaw a changed their apparel nnd donned their costumes in plnin view of the audience nssembled , nnd then formed a line between tin nnd the ( ire , The diesses must have been owned by the community ( in gonoinl , for they wore exactly alike in ovciy respect , nnd when ! the dnncowiis concluded each wns ; icturned to the hook from which it had been taken. itbl The body of each < lioss wttH mndo of black calico , with rod nnd white scol lops below the waist nnd also nt the bottom. An nbalono belt fitted tight li mound the waist , und four long st from the back nnd brenst wnved to nnd fro with the body. On the head wns n cap , which in almpo \vna not unlike n huge cub ; nnd start ing from the top of this wns another streamer , which extended even to the ground , Each of the squaw a held n homo-tail in the right bund , nnd four had peculiar wooden whistles in their mouths. The dnncois varied in ago from the young giil in her teens to the grandmother of the tube , nml n stoical indifl'eienco to pleasure or np- plnuso was manifested on overj fnco , During the dnnco the feet wore never wholly lifted ftom the gioundnnd the motion waa a aoit of ahullling "hob- hlodoh ) > y" the dancers now aupport ing themselves on the huel , now on the toes , now tinning around nnd around , now fo.low ing the leader with nrK Biiail-hko pace mound the firo. Every fo.v minutes , without the least sign ] , tlio bunting oi tlio sticks nnd thu humming of thu musicians would mid denly utop , nnd then , by wny of up pluuso , the old Indian by the fire nnd one or two others would utter n Bound was n wiit of cross between n groan and n jell. After the dnnco had continued some time nnd the squaw H had well nigh ox Initiated themselves nnd everybody else ; , they darted off suddenly into the pnssngo , lending to the npertuio by which wo hud entered , nnd thereupon single i brave , with his face painted nnd almost nuked , nppenrod in front the nudienco , Holding a drumstick - stick ; in ( ach hand und n whistle in hin mouth , ho danced to the snot w hoi em thosquawH : wore assembledund these , following him , vveiu dismissed totlieir BoutH , and the aqii > v dimco w ns over. It Hendu tbo all cither preparation.- iiieiliclncri. In cnneri of iiaiuea , lienilaehu , dizzinetig or ir- ruh'tiluritlen of tlio tiyntcui , JJi'imocK ' lij.ooi ) JtmritK bive no equal. They uuvcr fall In atfuidinc imiuuiUato elie'l. DON'T DIE IN THE HOUSE , Ask druggists lor "Houghon lints. " clears out rate , mice , bod-bugn , roaches , vermin , flies , ants , inaocts. per box ( a ) Omaha , A Collins PftT.AfiTT , Cheyenne , " JTV.ll.tt.l-MX , Colorado. Spring and Summer CLOTHING ! ! LATE AND NOBBY STYLES FOR MEN , BOYS AND CHILDREN. Hats , Caps , Trunks , Valises. TO IX THE LATEST STYLES. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Prices to Suit all ! 1322 FARNHAM STREET , NEAR FOURTEENTH. A. B. HUBERMANN , -rr.-rt-r.-r - = . Ar * r.tn JEWELER ! Cor. Douglas and 13th Streets , GIVES GttKAT BARGAINS IN LADIHS' AND CENTS' AMERICANIGOLD ANDSILVER WATCHES. ALL KINDS OF Jewelry , Silverware and Diamonds Wo Guarantee the Best Goods for the Least Money. aSl-att THE GREAT WESTERN CLOTHING HOUSE. M. HELLMAN & CO , , Spring Suits ! All Styles ! IMMENSE STOCfTAT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Tlie Largest Clothing House lest of Chicago , 'A ' Department for Children's Clothing. Wo have now an'assortment of Clothing1 of all kinds , Gent's Furnishing Goods in great variety.and a heavy stock of Trunks , Valises , Hats , Caps , &c. These goods are fresh , purchased from the manufacturers , and will bo sold at prices lower than , ever before made. jWe Sell for Cash and Have but One Price. 'A largo TAILORING FORCE is employed by us , and wo make SUITS TO ORDER on very short notice. O.&JC.X. .ZffJD JSEIXI TTCE. 1301 and 1303 Farn ham St. , cor. 13th Max Meyer & Go. GunsAmmunitionSporting Goods PISHING TACKLE , BA'SB BALLS , and a FULL LINE OF NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS. SXIXCTD FOX * . X > XCXO33-X.XSV. MAX MEYER & CO. . Omaha , Ne WM. F. STOETZEL , Dealer in Hardware , , * Cooking Stoves TiztsT "w A-iRiEL Stove Repairer , Job Worker and Manufacturer XTDS OF Tenth and Jackso" CfcOmaha , Neb. J. A. WAKEFIELD , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IK Lath , Shingles , Pickets , SASH , DOORS , BLINDS , MOLDINGS , LIME , CEMENT , oaoro. AGENT FOK MILWAUKEE CEMENT COMPANY. Union Pacific Depot , OMAHA , NEB