Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 29, 1881, Page 8, Image 8

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"Wednesday Morning , Juno 2
1'nttcrson fells co l.
"Frederick. Hntter.--
Get your hats at Doane'a.
Sraoko Snxe's hixnil made 10o ,
"Kate Cliwton" to-night !
Drink SIUC'B Peruvian Beer.
1000 residence lots , BemK Agent.
COO buRlno.ii lots. Call on Bern ! * ,
Krcrj-one drinks Saxe'n Cream Sodf
Demts1 new map of Omaha , 23 ccnti
Bemls' real citato boom. First pag <
, 2oChou c3 and lots. Bemts' agency.
Buy cheap Hammocks at FrederickV
The board of equalization will fmlel
their work on Thursday next ,
For FINK Commercial Job Printing
nil at Titc BEB Job rooms.
200 farms and 000,000 , acres of land
Bcmis , agent ,
The Lion continues to roar for Mooro'i
Harness and S.vlillcry.
Just received a large Int of finest
cigaw in Omaha , at Kuhii's Drug Store.
Whipple , McMillan & Co. , the jewel-
era , Crclfhton Block. o20-lf
Manager Halliert uill make special
cfTort to-night to have the Academy of
Music kept as cool ai possible.
The Oreattit Uari/aint in Halt are the
Jlanlrttpt Stock at half price , at Frederick's
Hat Emporium , tllw
On the 3rd and Fourth of July only a
fiingle fare will bo charged between given
point * and return , on the Council ! lltiiTa ) ;
St. Joe it Kansas City road.
The rushlait cvciiingat the Ice Cream
Parlors of B. G. Matins , on Dodge street ,
shows that hii parlors are becoming the
most iKipular in the city.
Such attraction "Kate "
an an Claxton"
in the ' 'Two Orphans" comes only rarely.
Don't fall to occure a scat or you will liavo
to uland.
The Emmet Monument Association
will give n srrancl ball at Clark's hall Mon
day evening July 4th. Tickets one dollar.
First-clasi music has been engaged.
, The first annual re treat of the Catholic
clergymen of the Omaha dloccdo will be
gin at Creishton College ntffi p. in. on July
20th , i nd will close on Thursday morning
of the folio wing week. The second retreat
will begin on Thursday , August llth.
The Lewis Excelsior brass band will
given festival for the benefit of the organi
zation , on July 24th. Dancing will begin nt
12 o'clock. The president of the band is
John Lewis nnd the secretary , Charley
The coming ball of the Emmet Monument
ment Association , to be held at Clark'u
liall on the evening of' July 4th , is being
looked forward to with many anticipations
of pleasure. The association ii noted for
its pleasant balls.
The excursion in aid of the boot-black's
association got ofl in good uhapc from the
3) . & M. dciwt yesterday. The U. P.
band accompanied the party , which was
quite large , on their trip to Bellovuc.
Every arrangement had been mode for
upending a pleasant time.
The only place in the city wJioro
Jos. Schlilz's Milwaukee boor is found
on draught is the Merchants Ex
change , cor. 10th and Dodge street.
Mrs. Trainer went through' to Ogden yen-
Lyman McCarty , general wcbtcrn pas
senger agent of the U. & 0 , U in the city.
Mins Fees , ono of the city 'teachers ,
went east over thoWabafih yesterday.
John Bcenna'ker , of Wahoo , passed
through the city yesterday on his way to St.
T. II. Leavltt , recently secretary of the
land department at Lincoln , has been up-
jwlnted asHlntant auditor of the U. Sc M.
* ' '
road. >
Killing the Cars.
The police hayo apparently paid lit
tie attention to the.dogs recently. The
consequence lias boon tliat the untng
god animals increased daily upon the
ntrcots. / O'flicors McCunoWd Gorman
turned tlioir attention in this direc
tion Tuesday , and notwithstanding the
intense heat of the early .morning
hours did some very lively work. JJy
9 o'clock twontyrono ours which had
the temerity to walk forth' without
the regulation badge , wore lit subjects
for the rendering company.
Fun for the Little Folks
Ono of the jolliest looking parties
of young folks that lias been soon in
Omaha was that which gathered at
the Omaha Mission yesterday. It
had boon decided to treat the boys
and girls to a picnic at Hanscom's
park yesterday , and the delightful
anticipations of the youngsters
was something cheering to bo
hold. The party got off at
about 10 o'clock , well loaded down
wjth provisions and delicacies. About
ton toaius liad boon kindly loaned for
the occasion to carry the little people
to the park , and as about five of thorn
consisted of four-horso vehicles , the
procession had somewhat the air of a
pageant as it marched up Farnham
etrcot. AH the young folk scorned'
delighted with the prospects of a day
out and were in a proper mood to enjoy
joy Something 'of ' the kind. ' *
To the Frontier ,
A passenger coach containing
ty-throo solders ( ijiassod through teA
Cheyenne Tuesday attached to the reg
ular U , P. train. The men were in
chju-goofjLJput , Rockwell ! of thov5th'
cavalryi'wid.aadboori ' igniJdto duiy *
iii the 3d cavjOry All
from Jefferson barracks Tiear
Louli ? brer , the W&bufi road.
They Assemble Again to Die
cuss the Situation. ,
A mooting of the sidewalk clul ;
hold last o von ing developed the foe
that a great deal of interest is enter
tninod by its members on the final ro
suit of the present struggle nt Albany
It WAS unanimously agreed tha
Platt would never again bo able to so
foot in the aonato ns n molnbor , nm
that Conkling's clinncea were vor
Mr. Hobbs , by reason of his superiority
riority in point of ago , opened tin
mooting , " Gentlemen , " ho ob
served , "wo have seen byTup.BKf
this evening that the fight at Albany
itill goes on , nnd that it is impossible
.o foroaco how the matter will end.
flio legislature lias not materially
changed its manner of voting and the
relative strength of each candidate
remains practically in slain 171/0.
Therefore , my friends , wo can easily
imagine that the imperial lloscoo
must feel uneasy and troubled in hU
mind for between the necessity of
his manufacturing various kinds of
tafty with which to feed his stalwart
friends in order to brnco thorn up ,
and the onerous work of fighting bed
bugs at night , his lifo must indeed
Im.vo become a burden. Khould wo
not , on this account , have a little
sympathy for him.
"No sir ! " said Mr. Bobbs excitedly
I think not. Wu should have n6 pity
for nny man that has acted an Conk-
ling hn.s. Ho had n good tiling and
ought to have kept. Why it makes
mo mad when I think _ what an ass ho
was. Then ho was ono of the high
llyors of the senate. Ho put on more
jtylo than anybody , wearing n rod
nock-tio and n round-about jacket
juch as boys of fourteen oiid fifteen
wear ; and then ho was the pride of all
the ladies. Ho was the man who had
the proud satisfaction of being the
? amo in a big hunting expedition that
: ook place'in Rhode Island some time
igo ; which the papers talked so much
ibout. To talk nbout pity for such a
nan BOOHIS to mo is absurd. "
"I believe , " said Mr. Dobbs , "that
ill thcso Huccensos , turned his head ,
md ho got to thinking ho was a big-
; or man than old Grant and could do
is ho pleased. I think ho realizes the
'act at present that ho isn't n bigger
nan than old drant , for the logisla-
uro is going back on him right along.
Che old regulars have raised n cry
ibout money , corruption and that ,
mtit won't work. It's transparent
ind people laugh at it. Well , Cond-
ing still has the satisfaction of his
ed neck-tie nnd round-about , but in
ny opinion ho will Jmvo to wear thorn
mtsido of the sonnto of the U. S. Red
lock-tio statesmen are now of a past
igo. "
What further conversation would
lave boon had had the mooting boon
inintorruptod is not known , for at
his juncture Mr. Dobbs hastily fled
.round . the corner. It appears that
10 had caught sight * of his .vifo com-
ng down the street , nnd it is appnr-
mt ho wished to avoid her. This is
ho inlluonco of wives lelt upon the
; reatcst inon ,
. ' , \THEFOURTfl ,
FJho Great Colouration Oma
ha's Invitation.
$ ,000 in Prizes. $ 2,000 in Prkcs.
Room for all Nebraska and Iowa.
H Omaha there will this year bo
given the best celebration that
money can produce.
3y .tile-fastest horses in the State , of
The Kansas City base ballists nro
Hatched to play the B. t M. nine.
ight from the plains have boon on-
[ aged to aid the celebration with their
vild dances , furious games and savage
yill bo given , and the contestwill bo
ingugod in by a host of exports.
A hundred minor sports such as
'oot racing , greased pig , sack racinir ,
lancing , etc. , will kooptho fun pjoing ,
At five o'clock J. II , Pierce will
scend in his
Ranger , " a vast hydrogen gas balloon
hat will soar to the clouds and niako
i voyage through space. Everyone
s invited.
Room for oil Nebraska and all of
owa too ,
U. P. special excursion train from
JolmnbusjNpb. .
"Excursion rates on all trains ,
Racing begins on Saturday , July
'nd ' and ends with a grand time on
ho glorious -Uli. ,
Special trains will bo run froimcity
0" ho grounds every hour , 25o , r < 5una
rip , f , J- J.JE. BOYDJ Pros.J
T. J , BROW.V , Troas.
B. B , WOOD , See.
Tlio boy Dopuo wlio was killed by
lie kick of a horao on the Bellevue
? adj3undayyns iiilurrod fnProapoct
Uli cemetery ye.terdayU * JJ > ' ll > ' . ' . ' f
A small chjld . f Jau niot , of
'meeriUi and acific "slR'ets. was
Some of Those up Before Judg <
Benoko Yesuerday.
There was a rather listless ali'a'OU '
Judge Bonoko'a subjects 0.1 they stt\ "
pod into the police court ycstordAy ,
All of thorn accmod to bo Buffering
from the boat.
Wlion the judge called "Wm. May
or , " a thick-sot , under-sized man with
a sorrel complexion , and dark halt
stopped forward.
"Your are charged with being n
tramp , William , " said the judge cam-
ing down upon him.
"I plead guilty , " Baid William ,
"Ton days , " said the court.
Jane Lyons stepped before the court
showing n complexion of a raw beef
shade. She had evidently boon sun
ning horaolf yesterday with the ther
mometer at 01. The charge against
ilano was that she was a tramp. She
got ton days in the county jail.
John Schmidt was charged with dis
turbing the poaco.
"You were somewhat intoxicated
weren't you John ? " asked tlio court.
"No moro than i am this morning. "
"It took two nion to bring him up
lioro , " said tlio marshal. "Ho was
nourishing a kmfo about the St.
Elmo. "
"I don't think I was drunk , " said
John. "I guess I'd bettor have n
trial. "
The trial was accordingly sot for 0
> 'obck.
John Loary had the look of a buc
janoor of high seas as ho stopped for
.yard. . Ho had a close cropped full
joard , bristly hair , and a forehead
; hat began and ended at his eyebrows.
"I wasnllected by the sunif it plcaso
iho court , " ho said.
"What time was ho arrested ? " asked
; ho judgo.
"Early'this morning. "
"Weren't you moro affected by
Irink ? " asked Judge Bonoko.
"I was not. "
The marshal said it had required
'our men to assist him to the station ,
md ho was fined $10 and costs.
J. O'Connor received a similar fine.
[ n Which an Omaha Man is
Apparently Engaged.
To what extremes nit inordinate ap
> otito for liquor will lead a man is
veil illustrated by an incident which
ictually occurred in Omaha .n day or
wo since.
A man whoso name will not bo men-
ioned , but who is well known in
) maha as n person of intelligence and
sducation and who at ono time bore a
; oed moral character in this commu
nity , entered a prominent saloon on
? iftoonth street somewhat the worse
or liquor. Ho proposed a game of
nlliards which was accepted by a por-
on in the room. After playing u
; amo or two they quit and
ho table was taken by other persons
vaiting to play. When ready to com-
nenco the ganio the last mentioned
[ ontlomon discovered that there were
inly three balls on the table. As it
akes four to pay the ordinary game ,
hey began looking for the missing
) all. The barkeeper was interrogated
to its whereabouts , and ho said that
ill the balls had boon given the first
) layors. The barkeeper immediately
inspected that the gentleman hero ro-
erred to had made away with it , and
iskod him whether ho had done BO.
Ho loudly protested his innocence
jut nevertheless appeared somowlmt
ibashod. Soon after ho was soon to
50 to the roar door of the saloon , and
it the same time something was heard
o drop on the ground outside. Upon
; o5ng there the barkeeper found the
Hissing ball near the roar door , and
vas satisfied that the man had just
Iropped it thoro.
The barkeeper says that a sot of
very billiard balls are worth from § 25
o $40 , and that they can readily bo
mwned for$15or $20. Ho saysit was
ho evident purpose of this man to go
iround to different places and steal
inough balls to make a sot nnd then
tawn or sell them.
Pure cider vinegar at Julius Treit-
chko'a. 2A-Ct ,
Nice Peach Blow and new Potatos
it Wm. Gentleman's. 27-Ct.
Hammocks at O'J cent store.
_ J23.wd-tf
Pure cider vinegar at Julius TroitjJ
dike's. 24-Ct.
Parasols cheap at the Boston Store
m 10th street.
The "Boston Storo"
man is making
hings lively ; look at his now odvor-
iscmont on first page.
- *
Choice Fresh Butter and Eggs nt
Vm. Gentleman's. 27-Ot.
Just received , ladie * cold sots am }
> ar-rings at Edholm & Erickson'o ,
i * i -
Bargains in all departments at Bush-
nan's not equaled elsewhere.
itill loft nt Bushman's. All that have
een them have pronounced thorn the
* at and cheapest in Omaha , Wo
lake no extravagant assertions in our
dvertiscments , Call and sec us. 2t
A Day's Doings in the City o
Council Bluffs.
Decided Business Boom Prevailing
vailing There ,
Notoa and Chats About Mei
and Things ,
"With n tCnroral Rovlew of Loon
Occurrence * .
TUB no.tKt-
The school board * * *
meeting selected the foi'low 'K ' schoc
officers nnd teachers ;
Superintendent , G. L.'arnlinm
principal of high school , Alias LA
Webster ; first assistant , Miss Ro.'vcn
Noy ; second assistant , Mies Ai.n ;
Sn uiros ; teacher of primary , LilU
Grammar school Miss Kwely
Flickingor , principal ; B grammar ,
Helena Hewitt ; C grammar , Miss Z >
S. llubbard ,
D. Grammar Miss M. Mnuguin ,
nnd Miss Annie Dalo. 0 nnd D
Grammar Miss Cora Brooks.
Gunn School-Miss Eflio Patton.
Clark School G. L. Jacobs.
Curtin Miss Agnes Foray th , Miss
Mary Reese , Miss Delia Thrall.
Strcotavillo School Miss Stella
Graves , Miss Emma Slyter.
Court street Miss 'May Baker ,
Miss Lou ma Swan.
Mill school Miss M. Maugum ,
Miss Mary'J. Thompson , Miss Mary
Micholson , Miss Kato Blaxim ,
Stutsman street Miss Cora Flom-
ming , Miss Stone , Miss Lottie Honn ,
Miss Alice Mottas.
Pierce street - Miss Vcrme Rey
nolds , Miss Hattie Gardiner.
Center street Miss I. Fairman ,
Miss Lillian Borgcr , Miss Agnes Foil-
Ion , Miss Parthunia Jcfferios.
Woodbury school Miss Viola Cof
Bloomer school MissF. M. Wright
Miss Ida Street , Miss Clara Barker
Miss Lizzie Knabo , Mrs. B Brown
Miss Jennie Fish.
Janitors High school , Geo. Lees
Bloomer , O. P. Murphy ; Mill school
rno. E. Hill ; Stutsman street , Mrs !
Schindol ; Pierce street , Mrs. Blank
3ourt street , Mrs. B. Zipp ; Streets
rillo , Mrs. Margaret Evans ; Curtin
itroot , Mrs. Jane Drake ; Center
itroot , Ida Millnr ; Woodbury , Horace
Pool ; Gunn school , Levi Gunn ; Clark ,
jr. L. Jacobs.
A ruoroHiTiox.
Mr. H. A. Turner , manager of the
Jhribault wind mill manufacturing
iompany , has ntado the following
> reposition to the city through the
> oard of trade :
If the city will donate to his com-
mny , or their successors , the site of
ho power company , with the interest
if the Council Bluffs agricultural
forks , and three additional lots in
ho northeast corner of the same
ilock , making the donaticn a full nnd
omplcto block , together with the im-
irovompnts thoron , that ho will ro-
novo his works from Faribault , Min-
icsota , to Council Bluffs ; the work of
omoral to be begun as soon as this
reposition is accepted. Ho also
greos to bring a company with $100.-
100 capital stock with nt least 50 nor
ont. of the capital paid in , nnd that
10 will bind himself and his company
o keep and employ not less than
hirty (30) ( ) men continuously ,
rom year to yaar , so long
s the works nro maintained.
Jonsidernblo of this amount had boon
aisod ut seven o'clock last evening
. 'ith the assurance that the entire
mount would bo promptly secured ,
'his prompt action. shows the temper
f the board of trade and loading citi-
ons , and indicates that the people
ro in dead earnest about that maim-
( icturing boom.
About April first an Ohio ma'n , no-
nmpanied by his wife and six chil-
ron , reached this city , bound for
Irogon. Ho had 8500 clean cosh in
is pocket , nnd wns buoyant over the
lowing prospects in that far oft El-
orado. About ono month later the
fimbman rcnchod this city again ,
isgustod with Oregon , weary , sick ,
ishcartencd and out of
lonoy. Ho started to return
) Ohio , but hud only money enough
a buy tickets to this point , and
ould go no farther. Within twenty-
iur hours from the time of their
rrival here the family were placed in
amfortablo quartan , the man had
jcurod permanent employment nt
oed wages , and is now doing well.
Tuesday night was the first really
ot night of tlio season , There was
good deal of growling among these
hose sleeping arrangements were
itorfored with.
THE BEK already has a largo sub-
: ription list in the city , and it is
midly increasing.
> V. K. Hoagland & Co. , dealers in
jricultural implements , who but
icontly licatod hero , already have
toro business than they can handle
nd will bo obliged to increase their
icilitioa soon. They now have an ox-
msivo warehouse on South Maine
; roi.t.
A project is on foot to establish an
: adomy and business school at Coun-
11 Bluffs , Its design will bo primnri-
r to prepare boys and young men for
ithor the university or active busi-
oas lifo. Iti course will embrace
10 practical branches , such as
immercialj science , surveying ,
vil cngmooring and mining.
f the project receives the proper on-
niragpmont capital will bo put into
nnd it will doubtless bo made a
iccess , A school somewhat similar
as started in Indiana a few years ago
nd although strongly opposed by the
; gular cello < ' 03 , is now ono of the
irgcst schools in the United States ,
urolling about 2,000 pupils. At the
roper time further particulars will
B given.
Mynster it Adams have had their
lice renovated and are now ready to
jcoivo their friends i. e. clients.
Tha High School Alumni nssocia-
on hold its annual reunion last oven-
ig. There was quite a brilliant us-
miblago present , and an enjoyable
me was had.
Some citizens sported both umbrel
las Mid fans on the streets ycslcrdaj
Smith , the Juan who was nrrcstci
for counterfeiting , had n hearing before
fore United Stages Commissioner Gee
F. Wright on Saturday , and was hcli
to appear before the United State
grand jury. In do/ault of bail ho wn
Ono drunk was disposed of at th
police court yesterday. Another ma
lay across the street in fnJ.nt of th
Fifth Street House , but for ffOOio reason
son did not get robbed
The degree of D. D. has boon conferred
forred upon Roy. T. H. Cloland. pas
tor of the First Presbyterian churcl
of this city by the "YVooster , Ohio
University. THE B E congratulate !
Mr. Cloland upon this distinguishing
The thermometer registered 100' ii
the shade yesterday at 3 p. m.
The delegates to the state
convention Appointed from tliii
city have already doparlot
for DCS Moints. They are Hon. W
F. Sapp , Geo. F. Wright
T. J. Evans , John Limit , J. T. Bald
win , 0. M. Brown , \ \ . Lyman , W. S ,
Mayno nnd Jacob Sims. They .wil
probably have n warm time.
All will rejoice to see the Power1 !
jn.'I ' < ling ruins turned into n bustlint
Tins iidies who applied to Mayoi
"Vaughn fo iwo barrels of nice , cool
drinking- water placed upon the streets
have JMceK'cd the assurance that the
matter will bo promptly laid before
the city council n' its next meeting.
Public Rontimon I appears to bo much
in favor of the luTnngoinont , and the
council will probab'l , " ot hesitate to
adojit n measure tlu t will afford so
much comfort at such t.'Ding cost.
The work onPaxton'si.'ackinghouse
is being vigorously pushed with all
the help that can bo obtnineJ-
Tlio bt. Francis academy w.'ill hold
its ninth annual coniinenceinei.'t to
morrow , beginning at 9:30 : n. innt
the academy building.
Yesterday morning William Jones
iv brcakman on the Northwestern rai
roadj while endeavoring to board i
moving switch onpino at the North
ivestorn depot , missed his footing am
fell under the engine , sustaining serf
jus injuries. Ho will probably b
ill right in a few days.
Biff Upward Jump Taken by
the Mercury.
It scorned to afford the average per
ion a great deal of solid satisfactioi
o remark to n passing friend , "It's
lot. " And the friend seemed to on-
oy replying"Don't ' mention it ! "bot
'or life , " or some other equally np
iropriato phroso. As far as can bo
earned there were v fewer
unstrokcs yesterday than miglit
10 expected from the upward tendon-
y of the thermometer. Only man
mploycd at the now opera house was
bligcd to give up work. A man
amed Peterson , living on Jackson
troot near Tenth , was twice ovor-
omo by the heat yesterday , and
j now confined to his homo. A little
irl , whoso family do not wish to
ave her name mentioned , had a sun-
troko Monday. She is now out of
The highest range reached by the
ignal oflico thermometer Monday
ras 94 degrees in the shade. At
axo's drug store it registered 98
egrecs. At 5:45 : o'clock yesterday
ig the signal oflico thermometer in
icatod 82 degrees ; at 7 o'clock , 80
egrees ; at 9 o'clock , 90 degrees ; at 2
. m. , 90 degrees ; and at 2:15 : p. m. ,
7 degrees. Thermometers nt other
oints indicated over 100 degrees.
Of every grade in Summer Clothing
nd Underwear for Men , Boys nnd
LOTHINU HOUSE 1001 Farnham , cor.
'until ' street.
CiiEAMEiiv BUTTER in one nnd two
aund cans nt J. B. French & Co , ' a.
Take "BLACK-QRAUGHT" nnd you
'ill uovitr be bilious.
At C. F. Goodman's
The one price bout and shoe store is
P. L. Kidd'a in Jacob's block , OH Fif
'tnth street , lowestjiriccs
All t kinds of surgical instruments
t J. 0. Pnntor'tt Co. 's drugstore ,
jrnor of Douglas and Twolftli fits.
orresjondonco from country pliysi-
ans solicited nnd prices guaranteed
low St. Louis.
j as _ je29-2t
Just received n new lot of Pnrasols ,
awns , Dotted Swiss * ! , Laces , Ties ,
ans , Gloves , Hosiery , Collars , Cuifc ,
-nil at greatly reduced prices. It will
ay you to-seo them. _ 2t
trol package of "BUCK-DRAUGHT"
ee of charge. '
AtC , P. Ooodmau'4.
OKKAMKKY BuTTKii in ono and two
Dund cans at J. B. French & Co.'s.
Ladies' low cut Newport ties nnd
iw button nt reduced prices , for this
cek. Just the thing for this hot
eathor. liuy a pair.A. .
Fourteenth nnd Farnham.
Ladia toft a/iow/yr iendtrfeet at If.
. Kidd't new shoe store in Jacob's
och , on Fifteenth street ,
"Xho Doctor * tald
would never lea\o ; my bed. Thai
tree months ago , and now 1 weigh
)0 ) pounds. cannot write . half of
hat ] I want to say , but Warner's
ifo Kidney and Layer Cure did it all.
H. 0. I OUKK , Rahwoy , N. J.
CREAMERY BUTTER in ono and tw
pound cans at J. B. French & Co.'i
If you wnnt a good clock go to Ed
helm & Erickson's.
Band music , ice cream And "heaps'
of fun nt the lawn sociable , corno
17th street and Capitol nrenuoThurs
day evening.
TONS , of the best mnkcs. Prices lov
to close them out. A. D. MOK.HE ,
Fourteenth nnd Farnham ,
Go ( o Kidd's new boot and shoe ston
m Jacob's block , on Fifteenth street , fo\ \
bat-gains. All goods marled low , am
ne price only. Five j > cr cent , discount
o ministers and teachers ,
r BUTTER in ono nnd tw <
pound cans at J. B. French & Co.'s ,
For the finest ice cream in the city ,
go to Mnu's parlors , 1518 Dodge
street between loth nnd IGtli. It
Reduced p'ridOi 111 nprlng nnd sum
mer goods at G. A. iludquest's , the
merchant tailor , on 10th , * ? oar Favnlinm ,
II. G. Clark & Co. are prepared to
renovate any'kind of dried fruits.
No hcad-nchc or linck-nclio for ladies
who drink "WINE OF CARDUI. "
At C F. Clnodmau'i.
Black and colored all wool Bunt
ings at 121 cents , never before such
raluo offered in Omaha ; advertised by
> thors cheap at 20c.
500 yards Black Grenadine also
L2ic ; fonnorprico , 25c to OOc. Anoth-
sr lot of choice Plaid Ginghams at lOc ,
icing advertised elsewhere at llic.
50 dozen pure Silk Handkerchiefs
tssorted at 50c each , sold in the city
it 81.00.
A. C. & Co. were never in a bettor
> osition to servo their patrons than
o-day , receiving daily job lots to
lese from Eastern manufacturers , nil
icio and fresh goods , at 33Jc below
larly purctiasos. Ladies will please
emombor we make no exaggerated
tatements in our advertisements.
Ill Roods marked in plain figures and
vorytliing as represented.
For first class watch work go to Ed-
elm & Erickson'a.
CREAMERY BUTTER in ono and two
ound cans at J. B. French & Co.'s.
riUiiUh Au\urusemunc To lioan , tor Sale ,
est , Found , Wants , Hoarding , &c. , will be In-
rted In these columns once for TEN CENTS
: r line ; each subsequent Insertion , FIVE CENTS
: r lino. The first Insertion ne\er less than
TO LOAN-At 8 per ccntln-
terost In sums of J2.HX ) and
iwarda , for 3 to 6 yaars , on first-class tlty and
.rm property. BKMIS RKAU ESTATK and LOAN
OK.NCY. 15th and Douglas Sts.
U.ONEV , TO LOAN Call at Low Ottlce of D.
rU. L. Thomas IlooiuS. Crelirhton Block.
TTANTED Two good unfurnished rooms
rV within 3 or four blocks of Hth and Farn-
tin , Address J. C. , Bee otllce. 270-23
Tt7"ANTKD A partner or bu\er. Iniiulro at
r V Philadelphia Coffee Houke , loth ttrcet.
rANTI'.l ) Good tfirl. Apply 1071 north
JSthbtrcct. f273-30
T7"ANTEU To Purchase , a jjooil nnd cheap
rV pony and second hand butiry AddrchuX
, Dec otttcc. 276-C9
TTANTED Immediately. , Two Rood brick-
'V Ujers Inquire of Oniaha Shot Co. or Col :
is ii 1'ctty. 278 tf
TfANTKD-A cool , nicely furnished room tl
'V ' "Hhin three blocka ot tliepostoillcc. Ad- \
ess "F. S. " Uco olllco. 209-2i J
SLANTED Office boy at thu Emmet House.
'V ' 283-J } !
XTANTKD-A cowl Rlrl In n mniiH lainlly.
' V Constant employment will bo given to
Kood ( tlrl. Apply at I6ii Welistvr stret-t ,
irANTKD A lrl for general liousuwork.
'V ' Apply at JOHN ( i. WIU.IS1 , 14H
ixlge street. 272-tf
JfTANTKO Girl for general housework , S. E.
' V corner ICth and Harney street.
203-2J JlltS. C1IAS. 11AI.11ACH.
XTANTED A Harbor. Louis Fal t.
'V ' 'trcct , first door west of 1'ostofrlce.
\rANTEI > -A cook and kitchen htlpattho
V 1'aclBe House. 271-29eod
XTANTKD A thoroiiKhly competent girl with
V good reference , tlooj WI OH. pmtinwrt
ect , 2nd door rast ot llth , north sldo. 259-tf
I7"ANTED OooU glri for general housework
'V ' In sm.ll family. Apply 131U Web.ter. bet.
th and 17th. 208-23
XTANTfil ) I Ono mm In a county makes moT -
T ney selling our springs for bugg ; shaft
upllngs. Send stamp jor terms and cut or OOp
stamps fora pair , to anti-Rattler Safety Spring
) ,90 Randolph St. , Chicajo.m-th-iaty-27 )
RANTED To rent , B house of 6 or six rooms.
'V ' Clvo answer at
TOU8K WANTKD A ilHellliiK house
containing not le.vs than eluht rooms.
r. tiuininers , Kort Oinnhii , Keh.
IOUBK WANTED-A cotttigo contalnliiB
not le&itliiiii six rooms. Address Dr.
irnett , 1'ort Onuilm , Neb. 2IO-t (
ITANTKI ) A NO. ono hrooiu-inaker ut
Y Ni'bniskn liroom factory , Dodcu
reel. August Itandow. 2I7-2S
ITANTEU T o boarders. Young men pro-
> ferrtxl. Address "A. " Bio ortlce. lio-tf
( /"ANTED To rent a house of 4 to 0 rooms
V ulthinCorT blocks of the postotm c [ Ad-
ess J , L.Green , OmahaJ Neb. 212 tt
I/ANTED A good dining room girl immecll-
V HclyattheOeciaentaThoteL 2iO-tf
< ALL AT MRS. B. E. CLARKE'S No. 1 Hoard
/ ing House , cor. ISth and Dodge gts. Ue t
th * city. 19 til
( ARPENTER8 and cablnrtmaken wanted.
/ Wages from S2 to t3 per day. Inquire next
Ue office. ' -
WNTEDKnmlln ? hrldgoand school bonds.
Jll. T. Clfttk , Hellenic. 20-M
ANTKD A ltu.\llon by a m n of family ,
tily , Industrious and willing to ta use
ful In ftny honorable oarnclty. Componntlnn e <
cording to ciinblllty. I'lcosc adircM J. K. H. ,
care of But ofllco. COt-U
GKM nKNT With lioard , newly furnl < h l
_ J front room lib alcove. Good term * to two
young men , Address I'ostonicc liox 37 , city.
T710H KENT Front rooinT Ocntlcnun AHd
JU Ivly preferred , tnqttlro 1711 Chicago fct.
TJIOn I1KNT A fumhhcd room fora gentleman
I ; nt 3u9 Karnham street , bet. loth and 17th.
TJlOlt HUNT I.nrco nlry room southwest
L1 corner 18th and Capitol n\ciiup , suitable
for two or three Kctttlcmcii. z'o-few-st
"P10H ItKXT To pcntlcmaii and wtfon suite of
P ntifiirnWiced roonuwltli Ur e closet , In new
brick house. Atnily nt 1013 Chicago street.
Ti OU HENT Homo ol six rooms with cistern
J ; nnd Rtnblo , oncacrc lot , with fruit , , ono and
a half tulle wmt frcm iiostotllco. $15 per month.
Inquire at 1M2 Daienport ntroct2I1'J3
RENT To small family , furnished cot
tage , Capitol Hill Address "U. " Ike offlcc.
. 240-2S
tOH ItK.VT-XIcoly fnrnUhrd room , suitable
C for ono or two gentlemen , 1013 Cnpltola\c-
nue , south sldo.
f Oil ituKr. Tin : AND MOST-
s li-mMsoUTH.-Ilils bfnutlfiil new
store Is 22 tcot by 100 tect , with liirco show
lUiHUWx , llttoil \\ltlialltlieliitestiiioilern
mprovemeiits. It Is situated In the com-
nerclal center of. Alain street , jinil Is iiosl-
Ivi'ly the most choice business location In
town. For terms npply to the owner , l.evl
( loUIIng , 1'latl.simmtli , Nebraska. 2oJyi !
FOR RENT Room and board for One ortwo
gentlemencast side 20th , between Chicago
and Cuss. 233-2 ; )
TnJ.1 RENT Neatly furnished front room at
J ; 17rTCuniltiLr8trctt ! , bet. 17th and 18thsts.
A.YD ; .AND-Ucmls rents houses ,
HOUSES , hotel ) , xarms , lots , lands , olllcesf
rooms , etc , See 1st ftff ,
RENT Nicely fumts.'ied large room and
FOR .S. W. corner ISU'i and Capital A\e.
RENT On first floor , fiu-rUbed rooms ,
FOR corner 10th and Davenport.
> 769-tf
FOR RENT Furnished rooms. Inquire at 1813
Chicago street. C9C-M
RENT 2"furnished rooms o\er Mer
chants' Exchange , N. E. cor. 10th and Jodge
POK 8ALK Second - handed pool-table ,
complete , verv low Itaire for cash.
Oh. BUANDKS , 317 l\nrnli ; m.
FOR SALE A Rood horse. Add row "IJ. F.
H. " care lice Ottlce , 277J > 2
| jHR bALE A new house , built two j ears , fun
[ } lot , well and etetvthlnir complete , on Dodge
trcet , ; between 2Ctli and 27th , No. 2019. In-
Hire on premises. 260-tf
[ T10R SALE A hotel business. Good location.
L ; Full house. Address "J. S."lleeoffice.
212-july 15-cod
710R SALE CHEAP Ono acre ground , noutli
J end 10th street. House of four rooms , bam ,
stern , small fruit , etc. Terms roaoonablo En
title )717 Cuinlngs struct , between 17th and 18th
erects 09-tf cod
71OR SALE A second-hand
- leather topphae-
J ton and a good second-hand canopy top pony
liaeton. Also a newdell\erwa ' on.
Shop on 15th street , opposite Withncll House.
710R SALE Good house with four rooms and
* half lot , No. 2013 Dod e between 20th and
'th street. Good well and shade trc s ; houie la
jed condition. Inquire on premises. 22t-tf
nOR SALE 81,500 cash Mill buy the stock and
! ftxturci of the cleanest little business in thu
ty. Address "Iiusinos , " care Carrier 9 , Omaha
mtofflco. 210-tf
[ Wit SALE A .Mills portable engine o 10
! horse power. Very economical of fuel and
itcr. Jacketed with wood and covered with
issla Iron , brass bound In locomothe st > le , oil
> i crnor , automatic valves , brass boxes , oil cups ,
MS wnter puago , steam force pumps and Han-
ck patent Inspirator. Complete , in good order
id nearly new. Reason for selling , o wish to
t lid raw from business outside of our regular
uiufocturing. Write to Greenwich Manufac-
ririKCo. Greenwich , Ohio. D4m
[ 10R SALE A small engine , B. W. Payne &
Son's make. In perfect osdcr. Inquire of II.
Clark & Co. S0-tf
1011 SALE Lcoso and furmturo of a first-class
hotel In a town of 1300 Inhabitants , in state
Nebraska ; has 24 beds ; tha traveling men's ro-
rt. Inquire at BEE oltlco. 218-tf
10R SALE Two-story house and part lot , neat
depot. Location good. John L. SIcCoguc ,
ip 1'obt Olilce. 058-tf
1011 SALE House and lot 33x132 ; suitable ( or
warehouse. Inquire of Peterson. 10th St.
1OR SALE 2 acres ground In Went Omaha.
Inquire ot J. Henry , No. 110 10th. 873-tf
1OR tiALE Slatm of Douglas and bany coun
ties. A. RObtWATER , 1620 Farnham street
IEMIS has rattling long lists of houses , lots ,
) lands and farms for sale. Call and yet
OHT A bunch of keys. Finder will ptcaso
j leave at this otllce and receive reward.
! 57-27
OST White cow and calf from Chicago and
i 13th street. The tinder will bo rewarded by
turning the name. M. CAKR1OAN.
rilBRELLAS And l-arosois repaired by it.
J SC1IUTT llth and Farnam sts. 7bOtf
. BROWN Corner 12th and Chicago
. streets. Is ready to bore or deepen wells.
ilsfactlon guarontoeil. M3tt
IEAMS Can be cot-at John llarr a stable for
all kinds of work at reasonable tl uren , near
1 13th and L < reiiHorth streets. 378-tf
VONT FORGET The successors of the Ainer.
1 lean House , on Douglas street , between Oth
1 10th , for board , lodging and transient cus-
ncrs. Respectfully
Absolutely Pure.
lade from Grape Cream Tartar. No other pro
ation makes such light , flaky hot bread * , or
urloui pastry. Can be eaten by Dtspeptlct
hout fear of the Ills resulting from hta y fndl.
tible ( ood. Sold only In cans. Ur all 0 rocers.
New York.