6 ITHE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY JUNE 29 1881. It ITEMS FROM IOWA. "Western Iowa as Soon by One of The BooXCorroa- pendents , Several Cities Visited , All Showing Signs of Prosperity. Gliding out of Carroll , bound , cast , your representative "glodo" into.Olid- don , and hero ho found the streets filled with teams and the stores filled with people. A grand Fourth of July affair is billed for celebration day. At Scranlon wo found just another such n town , full of life progress and business. Jefferson , Iowa , is probably the largest lown on the 0. & N. W. west of the divide. Fine brick blocks , massive public buildings nnd n beau tiful central square are the loading features. Tlio best fancy stock in lown is said to bo bred hero. Even thoquttor pica nnd the stray cows looked as if aristocratic blood was in tlteir veins. Dr. O. II. Grimniel owns the first premium yearling Jcrsoy of the St. Louis fair , and displays hun dreds of cuts of elegantly formed Jer sey cattle und Poland-China pigs. The barb wire monopoly has mot with n gibraltcr in Town in tlio shape of n , § 10,000 pony purse made up by tlio farmers to fight them with whenever the combination chooses tojock horns. At the present time some quite exten sive factories are running outside of the monopoly and selling at lower rates retailthan the monopoly charges to dealers at Chicago. Prominent ; among these manufacturers is Mabio "JJrns. A Co. , of Jefferson , Iowa. Grand Junction , Town , is n railroad and n butter and egg town. The C. & N. W. and the Ft. Dodge & DCS Moinoa roads como into juxtaposition at this point nud a little village in the north-cast part of town is devoted solely to the men who habitually smell butter and look at the blaze of a can dle through nn egg. From hero wo jumped to Dos Moincs and slopped long enough to hoar prohibition nnd anti-prohibition champions lunge and guard with th'oir tongues for about three solid hours. By thnt time their dry logic had created such n thirst among their auditors that n beer garden op posite was more attractive ) . Public opinion decided that the pro hibition preacher was the best talker. Temperance is discussed a good deal in Iowa nnd Ncal Dow'tho cold walor apostle from way down in Maine , . is hero with a full staff. Constitutional prohibition is the thing they nro con tending for , and if the churches can have the say it is this they will havo. On tlio 0. , R. I. & P. , wostwnrdj the first town of importance is Atlan tic. A burnt block was its last Christ mas gift nnd n now block of solid brick will be in its stocking on the coining Christinas , for n score of store7 walls nro now being erected. "Be tween DCS Moincs and Council Bluffs there is no town that compares with tliis , and its trade is continually increasing. Walnut lown , is also mnking good the rnvnges of a terrible fire. Nearly half of thu town vanished in smbko nnd ashes last winter , but now it is springing into now life with n vigor that tells of energy and wealth. Avoca is n largo town , but many of its business men complain of Ibsttrado from various causes and others nro preparing to try their fortunes in moro favored localities. Shelby is quiet but proporous. A little ruffle in the undercurrent of its daily life hoa been caused by tile wife of one of the leading business men "going off with "a handsomer man. ' " The truant'lady is n brunette , with winning ways , nnd the male elopist tis a photographer who once caught Shelby shadows. Ho "leaves n wife nnd children to wonder at man's in humanity. The deserted -husband Mr. A. E. Holcomb followed the fleeing couple for nine days , but haa just returned alone and to use hie own expression "all broken up. " G. W. Woods , the runaway photographoi 1 is registering the lady us Adah Wgodt but does not put wife on the hole ! books. A loading lawyer of a noighborinc town has been doing eharp work re" contly. Ho got n foe from the dofeiv dant in a bastardy suit , advised him to leave the country , then solicited and obtained a fee from the father oi his client's victim and advised * the poor man to send his daughter tc Aomp secluded retreat to pass tin coming months , thus avoiding scandal To this the father agreed , ontrustci his daughter to the lawyer's care , th < latter gentleman being a family man and presumed to bo honorable. No a hundred miles from he home a house oi shame was found and to this the lawyer took the gir and hero sought to still further dobas her by entreaties , money and throats Jiut the girl could not bo forced t take the second wrong step , and sh returned to her homo und exposed th lawyer's villainy. This is a recon aflair and the sequel remains to b scon. We have appointed others t watch the case , for the air is blue wit threats of vengeance. Neola , tho'flrst town east of. Gout f cil Bluffiys upw the liveliest little cit ' 'in Iowa. The Chicago and Milwaukc road has struck the town and struck hard. Such n rush at thestores , BUI ; crowds in the strcotBsuch whacking < hammers and ripping of saws roniiiu cdmeof Sidney during the Black Hil fever , I proceeded to do business or every man was ready with his yes i no , just as if I was in a inotropol . whore every minute was worth golden eagle to the tradesman. I w delighted with Nook and shall tal pleasure in meeting again her onto prising citizens. From Ncola to the Bluffs is 01 continuous camp where gradoi bridge builders and track layers ha' , their temporary abodes. Track lu already boon laid in many places , at : ere long the iron horse will como ' us direct from Milwaukee stable - , * The crops ore poor ; there is no u * 'in covering up the fact or talkii " ' around the question. Wheat w do well toroach a tw * * ' ' 'looks b 'Wrd crop. Corn healthy , it is small , Iftto and frightfully weedy. Hay nlono is rank nnd nbovo the nv- orago. No part of the country surpasses T. astern Iowa for bounteous harvests , hence it can well stand one poor sea son In a eng series of fruitful years. McLain , Harris and Erdman , of Omaha , are fellow-travelers. The goods they sold nnd the stories they told I'll not unfold , though both were worth n pile of gold. Mr. Erdman is working some now ideas on Mot- calf Bros.'s teas , and the fact is that othcrfollows in the tea "biz" stand no show where Erdman's goods they know. ' of these - For business directory lowns BOO sixth page of to-morrow's ' paper. Crvro oF Fruit Trees. U. P. Roc In ClirlitlMi Union , The fruit growur needs to bo over on the alert to fgunrd against the rav ages of destructive insects and the at tacks of disease. From the time the plants loaf out until the close of the growing season , close nnd careful watch should bo maintained in order to cope effectually with the troubles at the outset , For the past two or three years the currant worm has been very destructive in this section , and we have had considerable trouble In sav ing the crop. The" pest is the larva of the magpie moth nnd feeds upon the leaves of both the currant and gooseberry , often stripping the entire bush ol foliage. The caterpillar is of n pale , yellowish green , with black dots , nnd forms a loop in walking. Wo have tried many remedies for its de struction , and find nothing HO effect ual as syringing the bushes with white hellebore a heaping teaspoon- full to n gallon of water. This is a poison , nnd some persons object to it fbr this reason ; but I have never known of nny injurious effects from its uso. There yet remains , however the odious but certain remedy of re moving the worms by hand picking , which vfo employed one year very sat isfactorily , though it kept n boy pretty busy throughout the season. If hellebore is applied promptly on its first appearance I think the worms may bo easily overcome. Another worm very destructive to the foliage of fruit trees is the tent caterpillar. These appear in May and early in Juno in great numbers , nnd weave u sort of web or tent to live in. During the day they spread out over the tree and devour the leaves , but early in the morning , when clew is on the foli- tifjo , and in wet weather , they remain within their tent , nnd can then bo de stroyed either by crushing the web and all , witli the gloved hand , or by tioing some clothes on the end of a long polo , and with this removing the whole nest of thorn. It should bo done promptly on their first appear ance , or they will defoliate the entire troo. - In Ordinary Culture , too little im portance suoms to bo i ivon to > .tho practice'of mulching. Too few realize- its beneficial effects ; L have found thatf when property applied , it Jn-1 creases the crop fully one-third , adds greatly to tlio aizo of the fruit nnd 'if the season should provp dry , is nn effectual barrier to the , ill effects of drouth , It should bo applied when the soil is moist nnd cool. Salt hay. loaves , lawn rakings , tan bark , nnd all such materials should bc utilized as mulch , nnd n heavy covering must bo put on , if clone at all. An BOOH as the strawberry bed has been cleaned out and put in order for bearingit should 1/0. mulched at once. This also servos to keep the berries clean. The same applies to currants and gooseberries , raspberries and blackberries. Mulch keeps down the woods , keeps the fruit clean , and' ' retains moisture in the soil. Do not stint it , but apply liberally und when the i/round is moist. A plant cannot at the same time produce fruit nnd propagate1 itself with the bestresults , in each case. Therefore , to secure line raspberries hnd n largo yield , the suckers must bo treated as weeds nnd put out remorse lessly with the boo. On the same principle , when largo strawberries are desired , the plant uhould bo grown on what is termed the hill system , and the runners kept cut. Fraction ! Dairy Solioola , National Ufa Stock Journal. As dairying has become one of tliu largest nnd most important branchoi of ngriculturo , and as the profit derived - rived from dairying depends nlniosl wholly upon the skill with which it ii manaucd. the question natural arises , why is not so important a busi ness , dependent upon skill , not tough in practical schools , presided over bj the higher scientific and practical experts ports ? In Europe they have so higl aii opinion of the value of this knowl edge , that those schools are institute ! and supported by the governments I This is the case in Germany , Sweden Franco , England , and oven in Russia Wo know it is not popular in thi country to have too much done b ; governments ; ty smacks too much o the paternal to meet one's views Hero wo are accustomed to loav to individual or co-oporativ enterprise what there require the aid of the government Now , when wo take into account th largo number of dairymen in th United fltates , who iimko dairyin the principal part of their business- these amount to at least 500,000 th . -whole number of farmers interested i I dairying reaches not loss than 1,000 , 000. Is there no feasible way ii which thinkreat class Interested can cc operate ami ussuss itself from 25 to D cunts per capita , to establish nuch in portant training schools ? It may b said that the numbers are too grout t be reached , for to render co-oporatio possible ; but it is also truly said tin the dairy interest is bettor organize than any other agricultural intoros This organization must belittle < .sa little purpose if it has no coi a trol or iniluonco over the masses con as posing it. The factory ( system (0 made up of email association r- and these are as definitely located i the postoflicos of the country. Cnutl novo factory then not bo made the unit < center from which every patron nu vo be reached ? Not all dairymen pa us ronlzo factories or creameries , but' i id least two hundred thousand dalrymc to are patrons of factories. The patroi IS. of these factories can all bo reached IS.so easily as the patrons of a school di tnct. How easy for the owner \ manager of the factory to const o- them. A moro pittance from the pa out runs of the factories * of a state w raise n fund for n practical dairy school. Wo ] suggest this as the way in which such dairy pcliools may Ira sustained. It is at least worthy of consideration. The Wheat Crop of 1881. The millers oMho National Mil lers' Association , in session last week nt the Palmer House , Chicago , esti mated the wheat crop of 1881 to bo short 120,000,000 bushels. This estimate was not made without abun dant proof. Millers and buyers aio not wont to announce in advance that the wheat crop is short. They are generally on the other side of the bears. The best advices wo can obtain show good wheat in some localities and poor wheat in the majority of dis tricts. In this vicinity wheat has been greatly benefited by the Into rains. The crop has been doubled in premise , nnd fanners in southern Ohio may average two-thirds of n crop , if the weather h favorable from this until after threshing. Uust has made its nppcnranco since thu rains , but as yet it is only on the blades. It is now conceded that our last year's crop was greatly overestimated. The wants of Europe were underesti mated. The foreign demand will not fall much , if any , below that of last year. Chicago granaries are said to bu virtually empty , nnd the acreage of wheat tributary to them is no greater than Inst year , \vhile the promise of n good or oven fnir crop is not good. The great increase ot population of our country the past year is an cle ment not to bo neglected in estimat ing the probable futuio of wheat. None of the tens of thousands of im migrants are producers , or can bo for twelve months. The general pros perity of trade , too , is a factor that points to increased consumption of wheat amonc laborers. The prospect of cheaper transporta tion to the seaboard has its ullcct in stiffening prices. On the whole the farmer who has n good crop ofhuat this year has good reason to expect good pay for his work. Kill the Wood * . From Iowa Homestead nnd Farm Journal : There are thousands of ncrcs of good land uncultivated this season nil over the west , owine to the late spring andj hoilaek ofholp. If left in its present' condition , it will produce n largo crop of noxious weeds , that will seed thousands of other acres with these posts of the farm. Thcro is yet time to pu in millet ; Hungar ian grass , buckwheat or turnips. Thcso crops will pay far bolter than to lot the weeds grow. There nro in dications that all kinds of foliage will command good prices next winter , and now is the time to provide n sup ply. Plow up the weeds nnd put in some ouo of the crops ( ' lint will yet mature. 'Thoy'mny paV' bolter than wheat or corn , and in any event it will destroy the weeds. How often persons have been annoyed by burrs cliiitfiiw to their dress 01 dulliing , and liaw seldom 1m o they , when cleaning them , given it a thought that Burdock Knot in the wont valuable blood cleanser nuil purifier known , and U hold by every dniKgUt under the name of Hurdock lilooil Uitturs. m-ice 81.00. tiinlsize 10 cents. FLIES & MOSQUITOES. A loc box of "Hough on Kals" will keep n house free from flies , mosqui toes , rats and mice , the entire season Druggists sell it. (2) ( ) LEGAL NOTICE. In the Circuit Court of tlio United States , for the tlio District of Nebraska : At a nuiilon of tlio Circuit Court of tlio United Stall's , for the District ot Nebraska , continued and held puriiiaut to adjournment , at the United Statci loitrt room in the city of Omaha , on the Ifith day of June , 1831 , thu lion , r.hnvr .H. Dandy bcliiR pri'Miit 'awl prcsldlnc ? In ( said court , the following among other proieodln s wcro had and done , to-u It : No. ( U O. Sherman W. KnovalH , complainant , Edward Hill , Mchln Hill , AKIIOS tllll , Ah In Hill , Flora Hill , John Hill , ifuanllan ol minor defendant * . In ilunicry , Order on absent defendant * . And now , on thin lf > th chu ( Junu A. I ) . 1831. being nt thu May term , A. I ) . li > 81 , of tlieKthl court. It Im hif | been made to npx'ar ] tn the sat- libitum of the Nald court , that this U a unit comnii'mcd to enforce an viultalilc. ilalm upon roul property within the said district , and that riluard lllll , MelUn Hill , Aznc * Hill , Ah In Hill , Flora Hill , John Hill , guardian ol minor defendants herein nro not Inhabitant * of. and have not boon found within thu said UtttrU't. and litue \oluntarlh ap peared In this milt , on motion of James M. Wool- north , Kv > solicitor for the said complainant , It Is considered by the court and ordered that the ald defendants abm u named bu and they are hereby dlrettod to apptarand plead , answer , or demur to the complainant's bill of complaint , on orhcforothofltttuay of August , 1881 , and that In default thereof , an order bu intern ! In this cailw ) , taklnif thu said bill pro confeiito , It Is further ordend bj the court that atloait twenty iU ) t before thu ald > Ilr t iluj of Au < Kust , ISbl.a com ot this order \ia \ nenid upon Kilward lllll ct a' * . , the Mid defendants , where- over found , It practicable , and also upon the person or perrons In potaoMion or charge of the real property described In lomiilalnunt's bill ol complaint , II ny there ho , and that a cirtlllul uopj of this order be published for four consent tl\u weeks In the "Omaha Hev. " ( HUncd ) KLMEU B. DUNDV , Judge. Tint UHITKD Bmn.i OK AMKIUCA , ) , bmiRicr or NmuuKKA. 1 I , WaUon U. Kmlth , clerk of the Circuit omrl of the United Statin' for the district of Kobratka , do hoi eby certify , that the abova and foregoing ; I- a triu copy of an order entered upon tin journil of tno proceeding of ald court , in the cauna therein entitled : that 1 hat a compared tin name with the original entry ol Bald order , anil I In a true tniucrljit therefrom , and of the uholi thereof. Wltnow , my olllelnl tljrnatnro , and tin ISUAI' ] leiloftald court , at Omaha , In tuU district , thialMlulayof Juno , A. p. ' 81 WATSON II. SMITH , Clerk. JAMK8 M. WOOUVOIU U. Jo 2UU It Hollcltor [ or I'lallntlR. Steubenvllla ( Ohio ) Female Seminary. B : Yearn Siucci'AHdilKxperlonre. Hr t clasi Hihool Teiuitlow , Bend for catalogue , A. M. Hrm , I'll I ) . , I'rin. Notloa to Contractor * . urtTtlou of of u court IIIHISU luilhllin ; Omaha , In wild county , in uuconlimco win plans nnil HptfltlrutloMS Hindu by K. I' ' Mjor * . architect of Detroit , lllchlgiui , am IHIW on tlio lu thu county clerk's ofllci ) a Omaha. ICucli bill must lie uccoiupnnliiit by : i anil biinicloiit liiuul In thu HIIIII of ten Hums anil dolliirs , ( Sio.wo ) . rondltioned Unit th bidder u ill finer Into a contract , anil gl\ pod ami Huniclout bund , should tliucomr.u Co awarded him. A copy of thu gpeolllcatIons will ho foi arded upon application to thu count clerk nt Omaha , Noli , , nnd In all eiuoi nut ; 'llui lioinlix' : crM'silii ) rlKhtlo reject an or all bldt. 10 lly order of tliu Hoard ot County Commit loner * . OMUlA.Neli. , .lnilue.1th.lCRl. JOHN It. JUNciihsTKH. junogT-lf Coutit > Clerk. I am Airi-nt for COLUMHI . ndovromeycus. : sci three cvnt taiup lorOatalo. and prU lUt contaliiln.-Ii Information. N < ! l Dt SOLOMON .OlU aad Ola. OMAHA , ' IJEU. BOGCS & HILL , REAL ESTATE BROKERS. No. inOBFnrnlmnf Street , OrncB North aide , opp Oinnd Centra' Hotel. Business College , THE GREAT WESTERN QEO. R. RATH BUN , Principal. Creighton Block , OMAHA , . NKHltASKA. /3TScrid for Circular nov Geo. P. Bemis REAL ESTATE AGENCY , IGth nnd Dodge 6t . , Omaha , Neb Thl aironcy doci TRien.Ta ljrokcrae hii'lncw. Does not npcctilatc , ami therefore any haririlm on lt Ixxikt are In MI rod to 111 itttrom , Instead of lielnf cobbled up b ) the axclit. MrashLand Agency DAVIS & SNYDER , IGODFarnhnm Bt. , . . . Omaha , Nehrntka. 3 = 00,000 9L.cxe.xis Carefully fclcctod hnd In liwtcrn Nebraska for talc. . Great llartftlns In lmpro\cd faring , and Onnlia city propcrt\ o K DAVIS. wtnsTiii : : sNvntn. : Late Laml I'om'r I , I > . 11 U 4p fcbtf The Oldest Established BANKING HOUSE IN NEBRASKA. Caldwell , Hamilton & Co , , Dullness transacted same as that of an Incor porated rank. Account * kept In currency or gold subject to alcht check without notlr Certificate1) of deposit issued pcuablo in three , six and twcho months , bearing Interest , or on donund without Interest. Aihanccs made to customers on appro\cd BCCU- rltlcs at market rates of Interest. Iuy ! and sell KoW , bills of exchange , goxcrn- mcnt , state , county and city bonds. Draw sight drills on England , Ireland , Scot land , and all parts of Europe. Sell European jiasugo tickets. coLtEcrrioNs PUOMPTLY MADE. augldt United States Depository. NationalBank 1 OMAHA. Cor. 13th and Farnam Ste. OLDEST DANKING nSTABLISHMENT IN OMAHA. 8UCOE8BOR8 TO KOUNTZE BROTHERS. ) HTAI3L13IIKU 1SSO. Organlicd as a National Bank August 20,1SC3. CAPITAL AND PROFITsioVEU - 9300000 OlTlCltRS AND D1RKCTORS : HSRMAN Kou.vrzit , President. AuoL'sTi'F Koi'NTZX , Vice President. H. W. YATKH , Cftshk-r. Ji , J. 1'ori'LKTOi , Attorney. JOHN A. CllKIQIITOX. P. II. DAVIS , Asst. Cashier. This bank rccel\cs deposits w Ithout regard to amounts. Issues time certificates bearing Interest. Draus draftK on San rranclseo and principal cttios of the United States , also London , DubUn , Edinburgh and the principal cities of the conti nent of Kuropo. Sells passenger tickets for emigrants by the In- man line. mavldtt 02 H H M i I b ( f ) I i H i § to 8 s do d o I GEO. E. PAESELL , U. D Uooms In Jacob1 Block , up tUlrc , corner Can lUlatenue and Fifteenth tre t. ItejlJonce. Ii Sherman aenue. . May be consulted at rcildeu from 7 to U p. m. , except WeiiuinJay * . SpECUW-Oustctilcj and Wiwa c of Worn * Ollleo hour * , 0 to 11 a. ru. and S to i p. m. ; Sun l ) 6to7t ) . m. ml2-0m D , F. Manderson , ATTORNEY-AT-LAW - - 13 1'arubam St. , Omaha National School o ! E LOCUTION and l-hllidolphla , To. Nineteen Teachert and Lecturer * , pecl l t In thrfr denartinentt. Thorough and wiU matlo culture In Voice , Enunciation aud A < tlon In their oppllcatlou to Conver tlon.Reac Ing , Recitation , and Oratory. Cliartere March , 1S76. Or nU Diploma * . 8umme Ttrm , July B. Fall term , Oct. 3. bend Ic Ml nd 1118 Chwtuut St.l'Wlodeli > hla. SpecialAnnounceinent ! WM. FLEMING & GO , , Fancy Groceries \Vo have fldtlcd largely to our stock of TiSLE LUIURIES , And desire to drawaUontinn Jon num ber of nrticlca wo shall keep in stock I ml in firat-cl.iss-c.s- , on - . - . - tablislnnuntd only : Hucklns1 Soups , Okro & , Tomatoes Ollvos , Fnrolos , Tuscan Olives , Mottol Oil. LlmoJuIco , Can ton Clngor , Ross' Clngor Ale , Barley Food , Liquid Ronnott , Peak Fronn and Carlsbad Wafers , Tonytlm and Windsor ser Plcklos , Fronh and DovllodCrab Moats , Califor nia & French PcnsCrosso and Black- Well PIcU- los. Crosse and BlackwolCMalt Vin egar. Crosoo and Blackwoll Walnut Catsup. Crosse and Blackwoll Mushroom Catsup- French Prunes In Class. Crushed Indian and A. Cereals French Crystallized Fruits. Gulf Shrimps , Chowchow Sauce Onondago Roast Chickens. Pickled and Curried Oysters. Soho and John Bull Sauce- Broma , Cocoa and CocoaSholls Vanilla & Instantaneous Choco late. Orange Marmalade , French Capers Sea Moss , Farlno , Dupoo Hams. Flgsln Syrup , Creamery Buttor. Our Own Special Roast Java R. and R. Boneless Ham , " " " " Chicken Turkey 11 " " " Curried Fowl n " " Lunch Touguo 11 " " * ' " Ham 11 " " " " Chicken 11 ' " u . < u . . . . Turkey " " " " " Rolled Ox Tongue &c- Wo have also n good stock of such goods as are carried by all Fancy Grocers , in which \vo offer GOOD VALUE AND FAIR PEICES , Remember us when wishing any thing out of the ordinary in the line of groceries. Respectfully , WM. FLEMING & CO. , 14th and Douglas Streets. Bothers , Wives , Daughters , Soni , Fathers , Ministers , Teachers , Business Men , Farm- rs , Mechanics , ALL should hoiuneJ aealnst lng and Introducing Into their HOMES Nos- rums and Alcoholic rcmcdica. Have no such .irojiulico n alnst , or fear of "Warner's Safe Tonic Oltteri. " The v are what the\ are claimed o ho harmless as milk , and contain only inedl- ln&l > Irtuc8. Kxtract of jiure U' etables only. They do not belong to that clam known at "Cure- 'ilia , " but only profesi to reach cases hero the seaso originated In debilitated frames and Ira ni re blood. A perfect Spring and Summer mcdldnc. A Thorough Blood Purifier. A Tonic Appe tizer. rieaiant to the Usto , Invigorating to the body. The most eminent phclans ! recommend them "or their curatlt B properties. Once used alwajs ireforred. For the Kidneys. Liver and Urinary oruans , line nothiiiK "WARNER'S SAFE KIDNEY and LIVER CURE. " It stands Unrivalled. Thous andi ow a their health and hapiilncsi to It. I'rlce , .1.25 i ; r ( xjttle.Ve offer " \Varncr' \ 8afo Tonlo Illttcro"tlth equal contldenca. Hi H. WARNER , Rochester , N. Y , Jo lO-tu-th-sat-ly PROBATE NOTICE. State o ( Nebraska , Douglas County , M ; At a County Court , held at the County Couri Hoom , In and fornald County , May lltn , A. O , IBtil. Present , Howard It. Hmlth , County Judge , n the matter of the estate ot Thomas Placknon doctaneil : On reading and tiling the petition of Marzar * Blackmoro , prajlng that administration ot aaV estate may bo granted to Margaret Illackmore , I sdinlnt > tratix. ORDKKXD , That Juno 17th , A. P. 1831 , at 1 o'clock a. ni , . Is assigned tor hearing said petl tlon , M hen all iwr ona Interested In Bald matte may aiix-ar at a County Court to 1 > hold , In am lor Bald County , and haw cause why the proe of petitioner should not bo granted ; and that no tle of the iiendoncy of bald | > ctitloii and the hear Ing thereof , he gU en to all jwrsons Intero ted In Raid matter , by publishing a copy ot thU order I Tim OUAIU WKKKLT HKK , a newspaper printed I bald County , for three nucressUo weeks , prior t < cold day of hearing. IlOWAltD II. SMI1II , [ A true copy. ) County Judge. PROBATE NOTICE. State ol Kcbratka , Douglas County , ss : At a County Court , held at the County Court lloom , In and for said County , May IStli , A. D , ISSl. Present , Howard U. Smith , County Judge , In the matter ol the cutato of Mary Wbelan deceased. On reading and filing the petition ol Hjroi Heed , AdiulnUtor , ot the vetato ol thu till Mary \\Tielan , deceased , prajlng for the flnal ke tleuitnt ami allowance of hU flnal account as flic and for a discliarge from hid said trust : ORDEKCP , That July 1st , A. D. 1SS1 , at 1 o'clock a , in. , U OMhrncU for hearing said iwtltlon , when all jienons Interred In said matter may | > l > car at a County Court to be held , lu and lor said County , and show cause why the pnjer of petitioner should not be grautod ; and that notice of the iR'iideney of said ] > tltlon and the bearing thereof , be glen to all persons Intcrcttvd In tali ] matter , by publlahlng a copy of this order in the OMMU tkU tlxt , a new jioi > cr printed In mid County , < for tout succewhe weeks , prior to lalti day of hearing. UOWAUD k 8M1T1I , ( A t rue com , ] County J u die. DIRECTORY OF LEADING WESTERN HOTELS. HOTELS. PROPRIETORS. MARKEL & SWOBE , U. P. Transfer , UNION PACIFIC HOTEL , . Council DIufTj. LEWIS HOUSE , 06HN S. LEWI § , Dow 6lty , low * . . " West Side , IOWA. HARTNEY HOUSE , W. P. HUNTER" ) McHENRY HOUSE , T. W. BUTLER,1 Vail , Iowa. SUMMIT HOUSE , SWAN & DECKER , Creston , la. JUDKINS HOUSE , JUDKINS &BRO. , Red Oak , la. MENDIN HOTEL , ADOLPH WUNDER , Mcudln , la. THE CENTRAL HOUSE , JOSEPH SANKEY , Walnut , la. IVE8 HOUSE , O. T. IVES , Hastings , 1.1. COMMERCIAL HOTEL , WM. LUTTON , Vllllsca , la. PARK HOTEL , W. J. QARVIN , Corning , la. DELDEN HOTEL , A. W. DELDEN , Woodbine , la. LUSK HOUSE , JAS. A. LUSK , Logan , la. COMMERCIAL HOTEL , C. F.CA8SADY , Denlson , la. DURKE'8 HOTEL , E. R. BURKE , Carroll , In. QLIDDEN HOUSE , B. M LEWIS , Clldden , la , SCRANTON HOUSE , JOS. LUORAFT , ScrantoiJIi la- ASHLEY MOUSE , DAN EMBREE , Grand Junction , la HEAD HOUSE , JOS. S.HAW& CO. , Jefferson , la , MERCHANTS' HOTEL , CHENEV&CO. , Sioux City , In. CHENEY'S UNION HOTEL , CHENEY UROS. , Mo. Valley June. , f CITY RESTAURANT , J. J TUCK , Dunl.ip , la , CHAPMAN'S SESTAURANT , T. Q. CHAPV.'AN ( , Stanton , la. LAUQHMAN'S RESTAURANT , W. LAUGHMAH Shelby , la. NEOLA HOTEL , F. 8IEVERTZ Ncola , la , WOODWORTH HOUSE , j. n. CALKINS Atlantic , In. CENTRAL HOUSE , 8. P. ANDERSON , Malvcrn , la. EMERSON HOUSE , A. L. SHELDON , Cmmcrson , la , CROMWELL HOUSE , MRS. R. COCHRAN Cromwell , 11 , WALTON HOUSE , T. C. WALTON , Ormwa , la , CITY HOTEL , CHENEY & CLARK , Dlalr , Neb. MARSH HOUSE. W. W. BROWNING , Drownvlle , Neb , GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL , E. D. COTTRELL , Nebraska City , Neb. CENTRAL DLOCK HOTEL FRED , STADELMANN , PlatUmoutli , Neb1 LWax Meyer & Go. x 3unsAmmunitionSporting Goods FISHING TACKLE , BASE BALLS , and a FULL LINE OF NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS. S33ZO7D FOX * JPXUCOZ2-XJCSOL71. MAX MEYER & CO. , Omaha , Ne EDHOLM & EBIOKSON , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MANUFACTUniNa JEWELERS. LARGEST STOCK OP Gold andSilver latches and Jewelry in the City Como and BCO our stock , as we will be pleased to show goods. ciE1' : EDHOLM & ERICKSON. Omaha , A PftT.AnTT Collins , Cheyenne , * * * v JJ.tt\/.IVj Colorado. Spring and Summer CLOTHING ! ! LATE AND NOBBY STYLES FOR MEN , BOYS AND CHILDREN. Hats , Caps , Trunks , Valises. TO IN THE LATEST STYLES. Satisfaction Guaranteed , Prices tQ Suit all ! 1322 FARNHAM STREET , NEAR FOURTEENTH.