Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 29, 1881, Page 5, Image 5

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XEW YORK , June 2 .
Currency ll , 1 03 bid ; 4 < c-vn. . 1 173 bid :
4J ? , coup. 1 142.
Union 1'ncilic bond * rUnte | > ( I * follow * :
first * offered nt 1 : > H ; land
Tlifi hinrlset tiil ninriilntr. opened firm
nnd sMshtly holier , Imt nliiio-t imme
diately a wi-akneni ct in nnd tinder sharp
liressurc to Bell a decline of } to2ipcrccnt.
was recorded , the lowest quotation * of tlio
day being made in late dealing * Toward
tlie close , however , n firmer fi'dlng set in.
M.irlcS8 t . tl"c ( 'bowed come recovery.
I lie foUiming aie the clo itu ? bids :
A T 1 t . 03 Preferred . . . . & 12
I'referred . . . . 1KU NYC . 1 J5
& 0 yrtliwu , > tci n . . 12T ,
O P I > refened..l3 ? ; |
Cedar Falls . 31 NSW . GO
C \ A. . . . .138 O&M .
' 0& W . .
. . . . 'lOl O NnvK ! tton..l70
Krio . P Mail. ? . 51J
Prefeired. I'anaina . 275
Unnd W. . . „ Itock Island. . . 141
Adams K\ti , .13l
\ Heading . 58
w. F. & i'o. ' . . Stl'aiil . 124
Aincrican Kxii 8t Preferred. . . . ! M
U. S . . 71 San 1'ran . 50
HfcSt. .T . 1'fd . 77
Pieferied..ll4 1st pref. . .
1 Uk W Tc.\a * I'nc. . .
111 Cent Del & IK. . .
UP .
LXA& C. . . ill WnblVio . . .
M C . 101 Preferred . .
M LS &W. . . 5 ! ) W U Tel Kv.
Following aru the closing quotations for
mining blocks nt the New York mining
Loird :
Ainic 41 Honlder 49
Alice 723 Chrysolite . .575
Con V.i 410 Oriental & M..110
Duiikiu 50 Little Chief. . . . 170
Belle Isle , 33 Horn k Silver .1(50 (
Hibernian 03 Sntro 180
( trcntKastcin. . 27
y CniOAno. Juno 28.
Money is biisk , the demand principally
by the board of trade , and Hales firm at
4 ( "i on call lio.ird and C@7 on call.
Kastern exchange between banks was
quoted a : 7rigi ( > 0c.
Discount on thousand dollar orders for
cnncncv from country points were rather
large. The clearings of the ahsociated
banks were C.000,000.
Omalin "WTiolcsalo Market.
Tuehday Evening , June 28,1881. J
Very little change in the markets to
day. Drugs arc rejiortcd weak all around ,
but no decided chiuigu in the prices. Live
htock dull and unchanged , on account ol
the extreme warm weather.
Vegetable * and market stuff was rather
dull , with a slight decline in prices.
Eggs and butter firm at'yesterday's
tations ; old potatoes arc very scarce and
firm at prices quoted below.
Local Grain Dealings. No. 2 , 05 c Cash No
3 , 89 ; rejected GOc.
BARLEY. C.ash No. 2 , 85e ; No , 3 , 70c.
IIYE. Cash. 82c.
CORN. Cash No. 2 , Slfc.
OATS. Cash. 28JC.
Cattle We quote as follows : Choice
butchers' steer * , S3 50@3 75.
Sheep Good mutton in fair demand.
Sheared , S3 GO ; unsheared , § 4 25 per bun-
tired pounds.
Hogs We quote as follows ; Lighl
packers , 84 00@3 00 ; medium mixed
packers , 85 10@5 23 ; extra choice heavv ,
$3 00@5 23.
FLOUR Spring wheat , straight grade ,
82 80@3 00 ; patent , S3 C0@4 50 ; winter
wheat straight grade , S3 00@3 25 ; patent ,
S3 75@4 00 ; graham rye , 82 23 ; Wheat , § 2
MILLSTUFi'S Bran , per cwt. 50c ,
screenings , per cwt. 70@80c ; shorts , pei
cwt.UOc ; cluipped feed , per cwt. 75cj mea'
bolted , yellow , SOc ; white , 81 00.
POTATOES Per bushel , peach blows ,
SOc ; new , SI 75 per bushel.
POULTRY Live chickens per dozen ,
83 00 to S3 23 ; old , spring chickens , S3 00
to 83 75.
JiGGS Shippers count , 13c : Candled ,
BUTTER Choice , 12J ; poor , no market
creamery , 20c.
APPLES Baldwin's repacked , S3 00
per bbl.
HONEY Extracted , first-clata Calif ,
omia strained , 15c. '
ORANGES Ten-cuts repacked , per
box , SO 00 ; Prtlermo , per box , SO 60
MMnoB , per box , 87 00Iniperiale , per box ,
LKMONS Good repacked per box
$3 50 ; best , S7 00.
STRAWBERRIES Good shipping
Hcarce ; per cat > e. S3 00.
RASPBERRIES-Pcrcase of 21 quarts
S3 75.
GOOSEBERRIES-In light receipts
quotable at lOc licr qt.
VEGETABLES All kinds brin gooc
BEESWAX Yellow , 18@20c.
CIDER Sweet. 20c per gallon.
Grocers Llit.
COFFEE.-Rlo , fair. 13Jc : Rio , good
14cj Rio , prime to choice , 14jc ; Old gov"
Java ; 2GJ@28ic , focha , 20Jc ; Arbuckle's
17Jc.TEAS. . Piimpowder , good , 45@05c
Choice , C0@7ric ; Imperiftl , gooil , 40@45c
Clioice , G0i75c ( ; Young Hybon , good , 36(5 (
50c ; choice , Kic@9l 00 ; Japan Nat Leaf
3.ric ; Japan , choice , C0@75c ; Oolong , goud
35@40 ; Oolong , choice , < 055 ; Souchong
good , 35@10c ; choice , 35@-J5c.
SUGARS.-Cut loaf , llgc ;
lljc ; Granulated , llc ; Powdered , llgc
Fine jiowdercd , IHc ; Standard Coffee A
lllc ; New York Confectioner's Standarc
A , 10cj Good A , lOc ; Prairie Extra .O
SYRUPS. Sugar house , bbl * , 45c ; hal
bis , 47c ; kegs , 4 cnllons , 82 30 ; chotc
table syruj ) , 38c ; half bbls , 40c ; keg Sl'85
SPICES. Pepper , 17 $ ; Allrtjiice , 20c
Cloves , liOc ; Nutmeg , SI 00 ; Cassia , 25c |
Mace. 81 00.
SODA. Dwight's Ib papers , S3 10 ; De
land do , S3 00 ; Cliurch'rf , S3 00 ; Keg soda ,
STARCH. Pearl , 3Jc ; Silver Gloss , 7' }
GSc ; Corn Starch , 8jc ; KxceUior Ulo ,
slu/K-Dray loads , per bbl , 1 90 ; Afch-
ton , in backs , 3 ) ; bbls dairy , CO , 5s , J 45 ;
bblsdnirv , 100 , 3s , 305.
| DR1KD FRUITS Clioice . .halve ? ,
upllic ? , U1U , FlJ UIUO * u. I , v , - .MMfc-o ,
old , Cc ; new , G'i@,7c ; Currants , 7S,7ic ( ;
Blackberries , new , lOc.
if CHEESE Full Cream , lljc ; Part
Skim , lOc.
t ) 00
pion ,
2 75 ; Globe Washboard , 2 50 ; Wellbuckets ,
3 rQ
COTTON YARN Cotton yarns , 20 } ®
2U ; cheap , 0SMi medium , 9@10J ; No ,
1 St. Louis , 14 ; Candle wick , 23 ; Carpet
chain , and 5 ply , 20121J ; Colored carpet
chain , per Ib , 20 ;
LEAD-Bar , SI C5.
MATCHES-Per caddie , 82c.
PROVISIONS Breakfust Uoon. lie ;
choice lanl , lljc ; dried beef , 13Jc ; 'hould-
ere , canvasted 7cj hama , canvassed llic ;
bacon , sides , lOlc.
NEW PICKLES-Medium , in barrels ,
9 50 ; do in hivlf bbl , 5 2Tt ; nm lU , in bbl ,
200 ; dr > , in half bills , OCO ; phcrkln' , in
bid , 13 W ) ; do , Ju half bbls , 7 23.
VINEGAR Pure apple extra , ISc ;
Hire apple ' 13c ; Pniising pure apple , 15c.
HOMIN'Y-N W , M eo per bin.
UKANS Medium , h nd picked $300
* r bu hel.
ROPi-Si : al. J inch nd larger , lOc ; J
ich , lOJc ; J inch. lie.
SOAPS-Kirk's Savon Imperial , 2 835
Irk'H stcrlinir. 2 40 ; Kirk's nUndard , 3 30 ;
Cirk's white llu i iftii , 4 W ) : Kirk's Kutova ,
83 : Kirk's Prairie Queen , (100 ( cakes ) , 3
0 ; Kirk's magnolia , 3 IX ) .
CANDLES 13oxc , 40 Ib * , 10 or , 8s ,
3cjbC5C8 40 Ibs. , 113 oz. , f. . . 13c ( boxe" , 40
ets , 14 oz. . Jw , I'-Jc ; half boxes , 20 Mt ,
.4 02. , 8s , 13c.
LYE Am'.ricau , 3 33 : Greenwich , 3 35 ?
S'cstcrn 2 75 ; North Star , 2 50 ; LcwiV
S'6 , 4 (50 ( } Jewell lye , 275.
POTASH I'ennsylvauia cans ; t dor. , .
n case , 3 33 ; Babbitt's Ball , 2 dor. , in case ,
1 IK ) ; Anchor Ball 2 doz in cane , 1 50.
FIELD SKIN ) Red clover , choice ,
cw , S3 30 per bushel ; manunoth cloxcr ,
cw , S3 7o ; white clover , iow , 81100 ;
Ifalfa clo\er , new , $1250 ; alslko , new ,
13 00. Timothy , , new , S2 T)0fe2 ) 03 ;
ilue grass , extra clean , SI 25 ; blue gra s ,
lean , 81 15 ; nrclmnl gra > w , $2 00 ; red top ,
ilioice , U5c ; millet , common or Missouri ,
1 25 ; millet , German , SI 25 ; to SI 50 ;
lungarian , Si 15.
Hfil(5KSKKD-0 ( afe ornnce , I to 5
nitheli , S3 00 ; OKige orange , 10 bushels or
vcr , 8-1 50 ; honey locust , per Ib. , 33c ; per
.00 lb82. . - ! 00.
K1SH Family vhitc fi h , 00 Ib bf bbl
> 3 CiOi No. 1 white fish , SK ) Ib hf bbl , l ! 00 ;
S'o. 1 white fish , in 10 Ib kit. " , 1 00 ; family
0 Ib kits , 7i"c ; New Holland herring. PIT
; eg , 1 20 ; Russian sardines " " 'c ! Coluin-
) la rixcr salmon , ( > er lOOlbs , 8 00 ; George's
lank codfish , Oc ; ( Sen. boncle 4
ic ; boneless linhIVc. .
MACK Kit EL Half bbls moss mackerel ,
00 llx , 812 50 ; hf bbl No. 1 ex shoio do ,
00 Ib-i , 0 00 ; hf bbls , fat family do , 100
b , 3 83 ; mcxK mackerel , 12 Ib kiU , 2 25j
Vo. 1 ox phot e , 12 lb do , 1 50 ; No. 1 shore ,
2 lb do , 1 00 ; fat family , 10 Ib do , 750.
CANNED GOODS'-Oy tew , 2 lb
Field's ) , per case , S3 ! K ) ; do 1 lb ( Field's ) ,
icr case , 2 50 ; do 2 lb ( Standard ) , per case ,
75 ; do 1 lb ( standard ) , per cane , 2 40 ; do
lb ( slack ) , per cane , 2 CO ; do 1 lb ( slack ) ,
ier case , 1 8,1. Salmon , 1 lb , per dozen ,
00 ; do 2 lb , per dozen , 2 50. Sardines ,
mall I'sli ' , imported , half boxes per dozen ,
70 ; American , quarter boxes per dozen ,
40 ; do half boxes , per dozen , 210. . Lob-
tore , 1 lb per dozen , 180. Tomatoes ,
per cane , 2 23 ; do 3 lb per
JG5 ; Com , i ! lb ( Mountain )
icr cake , 3 40 ; soaked corn , 1 'JO ; do
2 lb Yarmouth ) , per case , 350 ;
triug beans , per , 1 HO ; Lima beans
ier case , 2 00. Succotash JH.T case , 2 10.
'eas , common , pur case , 1 75 ; peas , choice ,
ier case , 4 50. Blackberries , 2 lb , per case ,
10 ; strawberries , 2 lb , per case , 3 25jf ( 3
5 : raspberries , 2 lb , per c.ise , 27fi@300.
Jamtioiiti , 2 lb , per case , 2 23. Baitlctt
> ear per cane , 30o@lOO. Whortleber-
ies per case , 2 50. Egg plums , 2 lb per
-vse , 3 30 ; do , choice , 2 lb , per case. 4 50.
Srccn gages,2 lb per case , 3 30 : do choice , 2
li per cas < ; ,4 50. Pine Apples , 2 lb , per case ,
PEANUTS Roasted , choice , red Ten
nessee , 8Kc per lb ; fancy white , Uc per lb ;
, w white Virginia , 77Jc.
Dr Goods.
BROWN COTTONS Atlantic , C to
Ic ; Adriata , 7fc Atlantic , A , , 7\ ; Ashley ,
IJ ; Androscogfjin , 12 ; Ajipleton , G'f to 8 ;
iedford , It. , 5J ! Boott , M , family cotton ,
"J ; Bangor , F , 7A ' ; Capitol , A , 0 : Cone-
stogo , 27j ; Cones'togo , D , G } ; Dwight , X ,
i ; fruit of the loom , 22J ; Fruit of the loom ,
! 5 ; Fruit of the loom , 27J ; Farmers , No
. 4J ; Fanners , A , 7 ; Fanners. B. B. , GJ ;
ireat Falls , C'j to 7 $ } Indian orchard , A
A , 8 ; Indian orchard , honest width , 7 } ; In-
lian head , 7A ; Imlian head. 12J ; Lawn-nee ,
GS to 8 ; Lawrence , XXX , ! U ; Mystic
River ; 7 ; New York Mills , 27J ; I'epperell ,
E , 8 ; Pepperell , R , 7i : Pepperell , N , < y.
; in , A A , Gold medal , 10 ; Androscoggin ,
L , 9 ; BlackBtonc , 8Vto 'Jj" ; Blackburn , A
A , G ; Boott , R , 0 Boott , E , 7 ; tCubot , 12 ;
Cabot , 11s Cabot , 8J ; Dwight Anchor , I0 | ;
"mit of the loom. 104 ; Hills , OJ ; Loiibdale ,
i\ ; Lonsdale Cambric , 13Nassan ; , 0 | ; New
York mills , 13 ; New York milli' , water
wist. 14 : Pepperell , 11 ; Fciiperell , 12 ;
. 'eppcrcli , 27A ; Pocahontas. 9 ; Pocahontas ,
S ; Senotc , half blecchcd , 8A ; Utica : extra
icavy , 11 ; Wamsuttas , 13 ; Wam.sutta cam-
Tic. 13.
PRINTS Albion fancies. OJc ; Albion
lolid colors , G ; Albion indigo , blue an.l
vhite. 9 ; American , GJ ; Shirting , 15 ; Carle-
on , G ; Cochcco , 7 ; Cochcco shirtiiigs , G ;
? reeman.s robe , G ; Freeinan'n pink , G ;
freeman i ) block , W Hamilton f uicios , G ,
, 7 ; Richmond German ,
and red , Gl ; Regatta shilling , 5j [ ; Simp
son's mourning , 7 ; Simpson's alpaca finish ,
COTTON DUCK Boston X dyed
brown , net , 10\c ; Boston XX dyed brown
12iBoston ; , XXX dyed brown 12J ; Boston
9 oz dyed brown net , 0 : Boston 10 oz dyeil
brown , 10 ; Royal (8 ( oz ) 29 inch , 11 ; Stark ,
(8 ( oz ) , 13 : Stark , (10 ( ozj , 10j : Stark , (8 ( oz ) ,
colored , 144 ; Stark , (10 ( ozm. .
GING1LAMS Amoskeag , He ; Bates ,
OJ ; Bates minton dress styles , 11 J ; Earl
ston , 9 ; Glasgow checks nnd fancies , 10
lasgow royal dress styles , 11 } .
, 5 ; Garner , 5 ; Hooksett , 5 ; Keystone ,
glove finish , fij ; Red Cross , 6.
S. & Sons , G | ; High colors , 1 cent more.
DRILLS Adriatic , 8J ; Appleton , 8 ;
tVugiiHta. 7 $ ; Boott Bleached , t ) ; Pepper
ell : 8J ; Stark , A , 8J.
SILKSIAS-BIackburn , 9J ; Capitol , 15
Coin , 11 ; Lonsdale , 9.
WIGANS. BcrlinGic ; Garncr,7 ; Rose ,
i ; Caledonia , XX. , llj ; Caledonia , X. ,
11 ; Farinern' and Minein' , No. 7 , 114
Farmers' and Minen' , No. 10 , 1G ; Park
mills , 11 J ® 15J.
TICKINGS. Amoskeag , A C A , 17ic
moKkcag , A new , 1C ; Amoskeag , B new
15 ; Amoskeag , D new , 13 ; Amoskeag , 1-
new , 12J ; Amoskeng , H new , 10 } ; Atnoir
keag , 3t ! inch , 21 ; Clark's mills , GO in , 324
Coniis ; A C E , 174 ; Cordis , A A A , 1GJ
Conestoga , extra , 32 in , 15 } ; Falls compa
ny , 0 B O , 30 in , 20 ; Falls company , O J
0,32 in 174.
DKNIMS. Amoskcag , IGc } ; Amoskeai ,
9 or , 19. Beaver Creek , A A. 144 ; Beaver
CrcekC 0,12 } ; Franconla , XXX , 15 ; Fre
donin , B , 124 ; Old York , doubo | weight
10 ; Otis , 124(5)141 ( ) ; Palmer , 9.
OAKVIOTS. Amoskeag , llc ; Arasa
nh , 04 ; Knickerbocker , fit ; Prairie , 84
iteal California , CJM , { ) } Real Caiifor
nia , double weights , 12 ; Uncasville , II
Whittcnton , A A A , 104.
CRASH. Stevens. B , 8c ; Stevens , D
8 } ; Stevens , X , 9J ; Stevens , P. 10J ; Stc
vens ; if , 11 } ; Stevens. N N , 12 } ; Stevens
X X , IB ; Stevens , T F D , 11 } . Bleache
one cent higher ,
RUSSIA.-X X X , 14c ; X X , 13 : M
24 ; A ; 114 ; B , 11 ; D. 9 } ; E. 8J ; F , 7 } .
CARPET \VAR15S. Anchor , 20c
Broadway , 20 ; Cottage , 20 ; Golden Ball
ex fine , 23 ; Peerless , 11 ! ; Washington , 21
White Star , 21 ; White Star , cohred , 21 ,
TWEKDS. Allcn. Cubans A , 19 : Al
len , Cubans 11 , 10 ; Belgian , 20 ; Cochec <
55 ; Coventry , 31.
40c ; Abliotsford , 11J ; Agenoria , 274 , 'Bal
lean , 13 } ; Buckeye , 18 ; Bunker Hill , OJ
Calcutta , 184 ; French Tweed , 15 ; Golde
Fleece , 25 ; Hugo Doe , 30 ; Indian Creek
9 ; Mohican , IB ; Mixlel doe kin , 17j
North Adams , 27J , Tlmrlow , 15 ; Tab !
Rob Roy , 3-4 , 374c ; Afcsabet Rob Roy
G-4. ' 75 ; Asxabet French plaids. 50 ; Bin
- dalet. 32 ]
" ' I5cqua
Carlxilic , 50c ; Acid , Tartaric , 55c : Balsam
Copabia , pcrlb,70c ; Bark , Saiafras , i > e
Ib , 13c ; Calomel , per Ib , 75c ; Cinchomda ,
IKT oz , 85c ; Chloroform , per Ib. 95c
Dover's ] ioMden , per Ib , 81 40 ; Epsoi
nalta , per Ib , 4c ; Glycerine , pure , per Ib
3540ci Lead , Acetate , p Ib , 22c ; Car
bon oil , 110s , i > ercallon , 11 Jc ; do503 ,
ier pil. IS ci Oil , Castor , I\o. 1 , percal ,
l 00 ; Oil , Civtor , No. 2. nor gal , 90c { Oil ,
lorphine , j > br oz , 84 00 ; Sulphur flour ,
er Ib , 5c ; Strjchnlne , per or. , SI10 ® ! 00.
Horses And Mutts.
The market h brink and idl gnulci are
elling M ell nt n flight Advance in llrice * .
'he demand for good horses cxcc'.ds the
ipnly considerably , Prices range ai fob
OW !
Kino single driver' , S160. to . " .00. ! Extra
raft horse * . 8175. to 2iV Common draft
lort-ci" . S100. to 150. ; Extra fanu horse" ,
iilO. Ioi2i ) . : Common to good fann homes
W. to $100. : Extra plugs , SCO. to 7.V
'ommon iiliiiT" , 820. to 840.
MULES.- to 15J band * ( extra ) , $123.
l50. ; llj to 15 hands , 8100. to 140. !
4 to llj hands $75 , to 100. ; 13J to II
ands 800. to 73.
ClRAr * And Tobaccoi.
CIGARS. Heeds S15.00 : Connecticut ,
:23.00 : ; Mixed , 8 13.00 : SceiUla\atiaS30.00 ;
"lear Havana , 875.00.
TOBACCO PLUG. - Golden Rule ,
I Ib. 50c ; Spottctl Fawn , 57c ; Our Rope ,
iSc ; Star , ixnuids 2-1 Ib , b > itts , 50c ; Horse
Shoe , jwunds , 21 Ib , butts , 50c ; Purity. 21
b. butts , 52c : tjucoii Bee , 24 lb , butts. 53c !
tilt Kdgc , pounds , 21 lb , butts , 57 ; Army
ind Navv , pounds , Ale ; Bullion , | KHinds ,
"i5c : Iiorillard"rt ( . 'Umax , tmundi , 57e.
VINE CUT-In palls. Hard to Beat ,
' 5a ; Golden Thread , GGc ; Fountain , 73c ;
'nvorito , CMC ; Rocky Mountain , 55o ;
'alley , 50c ; Daisy , 45c. lu tin foil -
'atlins O. S. , 2 oz luckagcs , fi lb boves ,
tor lb GOc ; Irfirillard H Tiger , tXV.
SMOKING -AllKttiwIsi--Cominon , 23to
We. Gianulati-d-Blackwells Durham , 1(5 (
iz4Gc ; Dukes Duiliam , Hi oz , 43e ; Seal of
Vuttli Carolina. 10 oz , 4(1 ( ; Seal of Nebras
ka , 1(5 ( oz , 3Sc ; ( .one .lack , 4 o/ , linen b. g ,
icr lb , S1.35 ; Marburgs' Puck , 2 oz , tin
oil , 53c ; Dog Tail , l5c. !
FINISHING No. 1. fiui.h 11 , 1 } nud
2 inch , 855 00 No. 1 fint-h 1 Inch S..O . 00 ;
Vo. 2. nninh 1J , 1J and 2 Inch , 83000 : No.
J finish , 1 inch , 815 00 ; No , 3 nni h , 1 inch ,
< ! 4000 ; 0. G. battous per 100 feet lin. ,
" < 1 25 ; well curbing , 83300 ; tough i and 2
nch battous per 100 feet lin. , 50c.
STOCK BOARDS A stock , 815 00 ; B
< 510 00 ; C , 83000 ; common stock , 825 00.
FLOORING No. 1 , S40 00 ; No. 2 ,
W > 00 ; No , 3 , 825 00 ; yellow pine , No. 1 ,
SIDING No. 1 , $2300 ; No. 2 , 82300 ;
Vo. 3 , 820 00.
SHIP LAP-Plaiu , 83 00 ; 0. G. No. 1 ,
830 00 : No. 2 , S25 00.
CEILING-S25 00(0.815 ( 00.
LATH AN1)SHIN GLKS A starbest ( )
hiiujles. $3 75 , No. 2 , S3 00 ; No. 3 , 82 50.
-ath , § 100.
Building Material.
LIME Per barrel. SI Si ; bulk per bu. ,
I3c. Cement , bbl , S2 50. Iowa plaster.
jbl , 82 75. Hair per bu , 25c. Tarred
elt 100 Ibs 53 50. Straw board , SI 00.
The Leather Trade.
Oak harness , 39@llc ; Pittsburgh sclec
cd , 40@43c ; hemlock harness , 37(53'.lc ( ;
killing per lb , fair , 44c ; black collar 14 ©
21c ; fair do ; 18@20c ; fair No. 2 , li@lSc ( ;
icmlock sole , Buffalo slaughter , per lb , 30
5)31c ) ; hemlock sole , B. A. slaughter per
b , 25@32c ; oak sole , 40@43c ; oak upper
r foot , 25c ; hemlock upper , 25c ; do No.
, 23c ; oak kip skins per lb , SOc@Sl.10 ;
icmlock kip skins per lb , 75c@S1.00 ;
French kip , skins per lb , Sl.OOfiiSl.35 ;
> ak calf per lb , S1.20@S1.25 ; hemlock calf
> er lb , S1.10t1.25 ? Trench calf per lb ,
> 1.25ViS2.10c ( Simon Picartl goat per doz ,
< 3G.00@S48.00 ; Irootleg Morocco per foot ,
I0@35c ; calf kid per foot , 35c ; roans per
loz , 89.00@810.50 ; white and yellow fili
ngs per doz , 88.00810.00 ; pink linings
> er uoz , S7.pOn ( , $ . J.OO ; Russctt linings , 87.-
DO ; blacksmiths' aprons per dozen , 812.00 ®
PAPER Straw paper , 3Jc ; Rag paper ,
Ic ; dry goods paper , 7c ; manila paper ,
Oc ; news paper , 8c.
COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 812 ;
Morris Run Blossburg , 812 ; Whitebrcast
ump , SG ; Whitebreast nut , 80 ; Iowa
ump , SG ; Iowa nut , SO ; Rock Springs , 88.
o Hides , Furs , Etc.
HIDES Green butcher's hide , Cjgreen ;
cured hides , 7Jcj green salt , part cured
ddes , 8@fic { ; dry Hint , sound , 13@llc ; dry
calf aud kip , 13@14c ; dry salt hides , Hound ,
ll@12c ; green calf. wt. 8 to 15 Ibs.v 10@llc ;
; reen calf , wt , under 8 His , per skin , 50c ;
.jrecnpclts , SI 00@115 ; green lamb skins ,
Si 10@1 25 ; damaged hides , two-third rate ,
cut scored and one gnib , clashed two-
birds rale , ) branded hides 10 per cent. off.
Coon skins , No. 1. 45c ; No. 2 , SOc ; No. 3 ,
JOc ; No. 4 , lOc. Mink , No. 1 , 50c ; No. 2 ,
"iOc ; No. 3,15c ; No. 4 , 5c. Fox , No. 1 ,
GOc ; N. . . 2 , 23c. Skunk , No. 1 , black ,
15e ; short stripe , 40c ; narrow strijie , 25c ;
> road btripe , lOc. Tallow , 5 | .
Merino unwashed , light , H@lCc ; heavy
1315s ; medium unwashed , , light , 1820c ,
, ub-washed , choice , 32c ; fair , 30c ; dingy
\nd w. , 28c ; burry , black and catted woofs
2Go less.
ng , kegs , 83.35 : Fuse" per l6Vfeet50c.
Paints , Oils and Varnishes.
PAINTS IN OIL White lead , Omaha
P. P. , 7c ; white lead , O. P. & C. Co.pure ,
ic ; Marseilles green , 1 to 5 Ib cam , 20q
French zinc , green t-i'.il , 12c ; French zinc ,
red heal , lie ; French vine , in varnish usst ,
20c ; French zince , in oil est , 15c ; Knu
% nd bunit umber , 1 Ib cans 12c ; raw and
ljunit Sienna , 13c : Vandyke brown , 13c ;
refined lampblack. 12c ; coach black , lOc
ivory black , lOc ; drop black , ICc ; Prubuiai
blue , SOc ; ultrnmnrino bine , 18c ; chrome
green , L. M. & D. , 14c ; brind and hhutter
j'reen , L. M. & D. , 14c ; Paris green. 18c
Indian red , 15c ; Venetian red , lie ; Tuscni
red , 22c ; American Vtnniliod , I. &P. , 18c
chrome yellow , L. , M. , O. Ic D. O , , 18c
yellow ochre , 9c ; golden ochre , 10 ; patent
dryer , Go ; graining colors : light- ' oak , dark
oak , walnut , chestnut and OMI 12u ,
Heavy Hardware List.
Iron , rates , 82 80 ; plow steel , cast , 7c
cast tool do , 15g20 ( wagon K ] > okcs , d <
et , 3 00 ; hubs , par bet , 1 25 ; felloes , savvix
dry , 1 50 ; tongues , each , 75@85c ; axles
each , 75c ; wiuaru nnts , per Ib , 7 ( a tile
wanherH. j > er Ib , 8@18c ; rivetH , terlb , lie
coil chain , per Ib , ( i@12c ; malleable , 8c
iron wedges , Co ; crowbars , Oc ; hairow
teeth , 4o ; horecshoes , per keg , 500 ;
bteel , 7 ( .Rc.
NAILS-10 to 20d , 3 25T8 ; to 10 , 350
Gd , 3 75 ; 4d. 4 00 ; 3d , common , 4 75 ; 3d
fine , G 25 ! clinch , all xUcx , 5 00 ; Od , caning
4 50 ; &i casiiiL ' , , 4 25 ; lOd casing , 4 00 ; 1&
fin Wi , 4 50 ; 8d fiiiiuh , 4 70 ; M linisli , 5 00
half kegs , lOc extra.
Liquor ,
ALCOHOL 187 proof. ? 2 10 pei
wino gallon , extra California spirits
187 proof at 1 18 IH.T proof galloi
triple refined spirits. 187 proof , SI 10 ; pei
proof gal re-distilled whiskies , 81 OOfe'l ' 50
line blended , SI 5Xa2 . ' ; Kentucky bour
buns , S200&,700 ; Kentucky and IVmmyl
van la rvi * , 52 00(5)7 ( ) 00.
BltAttDIKS Imjiortcd , 50 00@1GOO
domestio 1 404 00.
( HNS Imported , 4 50@0 00 ; domc.tic
RUMS Imported Wlf 00 ; Now
England. 2 00(5,4 ( 00 ; domestic , 1 B0 ( ! ? < 3 50
175(5400. (
CHAMPAGNES Imported per case
20 00@31 00 ; American , per case , 12 OtXffl
1800 ,
CLARiTS Per case , 4 M@10 00.
WINES-lhinewine { , i > er case , 0 00@2
OOj Catawba , t > er case , 4 00@7 00.
Dry Paints.
White lead , OJc ; French zinc , lOc ; Pnri
whiteing 24c ; whiting gilders , lc
whiting com 1 , lie ; lampblack ( Jcnnan
town , 14c ; lamiiblack , ordinary , 8c ; Pruu
nian blue , 55c ; ultramarine , 18c ; vimdyke
brown , 8c ; umber , burnt , -Ic ; umber , raw
4c ; clenna , burnt , 4c ; bienna , raw , 4c
Paris green genuine , 35c ; Paris green com
25c ; chrome green , N , Y. ' 20c ; chroin
green K. , 12c ; vennillion , Eng. , 70c ; ver
million , America , IBc ; Indian red. lOc
ro e pink , 14c ; Venetian read , Cook son'
2jc : venetion red Am. , lie ; red lead , 7c
hrome yellow , pcnuinc , 20o ; chrome v clew
ow , K. , 12cs cchrc , rtKhcllo , 3c ; nchrv ,
Venth , 2Jc ; t < chn % American , ISc ;
Vinter's mineral , 2Jo ; lehigh brown. 2Jc :
t > ni h bni\vn , 2\cj \ Prince mineral 3c ;
VARNISHKS-BaiTeh per wllon'
'urniturc , e.xtn , 81 OOj furniture , No. 1 ,
Xc/iirnllurt\ ; l5c : conch , exit. * , ? 1 2.V ;
"each , No. 1 , 81 00 ; Iamar , St 23 ! Japan ,
Oc ; Mphaltum , 70c ; shellac 8350 ;
il finish , SI 30.
01LS-110'carbon perpnltmi , 11 0 ! 130 *
cndlight , i > cr gallon , 12o ; 17"i headlight
ergalloti , lOc } cry toline , per gallon , 'JOc
ncced , raw , peryallon , COo I.instHxl , boil ,
d. per gallon , Me : Inrdj v\inter str'd , per
niloii , 85o No. 1 , 70o , ? so. 'J , lIOo : CAi-tor ,
CXX < per gallon , 93c , No. 3 , S7c ; sweet ,
er gallon , 85c : sj > erni , W. B , per gallon ,
1 3.i ; liish , W.B. , per gallon , OOo : neAtifoot ,
xtra , per gallon , rK' * , No. 1,05 ; lumber ! .
ating , zetv , per gallon , S0\5 , Rimuwr , Iocs
olden mnchinOj 3So. 1 , i erp llon , 35c , Nn.
, 'J cjf'pcnn , oiKlial , per K ll"u , fcOo ; tui-
per gallon. 'o'5c : "naptlm ,
IT gallon 189 , 63 dec , 17c.
Council Bluffs Gonornl Market-
roli.SClLltl.Vttx , , line ( 2 $ .
Wheat-No. 2 , 92fe95c ; X. . . 3 , JCi Se ;
rejected , (15c. (
Com- Fair demand ; No. 2 , 33o ; re
eded , 28 ( 30 : damaged. 20o.
Oats Market ( | iilet ; No. 2 , SOc.
Itve-No. 2 , SOc.
Barley No. 2 , S.V.
Wood-Maikit quiet , with good supply ;
Hay -Fair market , with pi ices at SIC.
llogs-l.ightdemaud , priceSi 00u4 25.
Cattle Market well Mippla-d , with lit
tle activity ; prices , 83 500 ; 4 25.
Sheep 83 MX" 4 . ' .0.
Butter 12Jc.
Erg" lOc.
Potatoes Ntw , S3 00 per bblj old , SI 00
icr buKhcl ,
Onions-Si S0ji,2 ( 00.
Chicago Frodnoo ,
CHICAGO. , lune2S.
On 'Cnaugc tlie markets for grain were
weak and lower.
The receipts wvio 20,900 'by uinnl 'and
. ,921 car loads by rail , embracing 331 of
wheat , 1,411 of corn , 177 of onts , 1 of rye ,
and 1 of barley.
Flour Ruled light , aud market dull ;
inly an occasional lot was \\atitod for
ihipmeiit and local jobbeif , weio also
udiffcmit about buying beyond supplyIng -
Ing actual wants ; stock of dvsir.ihlo ship
ping grades light.
Wheat Wihter in only light irqnrat :
narkct quiet and jiriees lower. No. 2 ml
1 lH/l'il 21 , according to location. Spring
wheat ruled weak and lower ; clearing
veather in the west and northwest aud
arge receipts bi ought out free ollers and
a sharp decline followed ; the demand was
inly moderate and mainly from patties
who hnd sold at higher prices , and who
weiu covering at ft profit.
Corn Owing to the undue Influence
ind the warm weather of the
loithwest and continued liberal ru-
cipts and favorable advices from the de
fending markets ; specuhithe operators
vere more inclined to sell for future deliv
ery , and many concessions in prices were
granted ; recci\crs appeared to be favored
vith larger consignments than usual and
argp receipts of the past few days result-
ng in a consultation ; shipper * were fav-
orcd'with ' fair orders ; but in view cf the
arge offerings were indifferent about the
inrchases , except "t their own figures ;
trices declined ( [ ( "IJc per bu hel below
he closing figures on "change yesterday ,
and closed with about c of tlie ileclino tt-
covered ; No. 2 and high mixed 4ljcash
and .Tune ; 44J@44g for July ; 44J for Aug-
' " ' ' ' "
for Oc-
. . . , . rnived ,
44 ; new mixed , 4l42 , rojecti'd,40i@40i.
_ Oats In good demand and finn at a
slight advance ; offcringH fair , trading
nainly on speculative account ; No. 2 and
No. 2 white 38.M cash ; 39 .lunc ; 35g for
luly ; 28 for Sepembcr ; 20 ? for the year ;
rejected quiet at 31.
Rye Quiet ; demand light and -offeiing
imall ; deferred futures wi-ro a shade easier
n sympathy with the other maiket No. 2.
I2J ' cash ; 811 for July ; 81 for August ; SOJ
'or September.
Barley Firm ami better for high grades ;
No. 2 , 100 for cash ; 7'J ' for September ;
No. 3 , 84(5 ( Ki.
Pork Good ; demand for mess was
moderate and offerings light ; prices wcic
stronger early , hut declined back 5S.7J ( ;
closed tame ; cash quiet Hi 25@1G STit , ac
cording to quality ; 1G 30frir. 32J for July ;
10 40 ( 1G 42J for August ; 1G 50(2)10 ( ) 53 for
September ; 13 75 for the year.
Lard In good demand eaily in the day
and advanced 10(5(12 ( cents , Imt toward the
close a reaction set in , and fell off 15n ( 17i
cents , and closed at 11 25@11 30 for
cash ; 11 35 for Juno and July ; 1125 for
August ; 11 'J2J@11 93 for September ;
10 82J , for October.
Bnllc Meats In good demand ; offerings
fair and prices a shade higher ; shoulders ,
5 75(5 ( 5 85 ; short clear sides , 8 G5fe8 70 ;
short rib sides , 8 37i@8 10
Whiskey Firmer and highcifit SI 10.
Receipts Flour , 21,531 bbls ; Wheat ,
110,1201m ; Com , 705 < J 18bu ; Oats , 54-
488 bu ; rye , 2,3X ( ) bu ; barley , 4,000.
Shipments Flour , 10.IS3 bbls ; Wheat ,
121,032 buj com , 393,137 bu ; O.its ltt > , H7 ;
bufrye , 1,388 bu ; barley , 3,4C'J.
Since Januaiy 1st , the receipts at Chicago
cage inclupe 2,340,200 bbls of ( lour ; 5,4I4 ! ,
350 bushels of wheat ; 22llffl,398 bushels of
corn , 13,100,603 bushels of oats. 2,787,228
Inmhels of ( yu and 1,435,109 liufihels of
barley. The stock of grain in the Chicago
elevators is 'J,508,830 Tmhhels against 'J.-
274.383 Inmhels a week ngo and 0,390,758 , ,
busheU attliis period last year , '
Chicago Live Stoclf ,
CniCAfio. Juno 28.
Hogs ReceiptH , 20,000 headshipments. ;
5,700 ; ( pinlity inferior ; di-mand good and
market active at lOc advanced ; nideu :
poor to good mixed p acking , 5 G06 U5 ;
choice heavy , 00 ( 25 ; light Mat' fi 75 ®
C 10 ; culls and light Yorkers , 4 50(5,5 ( 50.
Cattle Receipts , 4.000 head ; shipments ,
1,200 ; market Blow but prices generally
firm ; export nominal at G@G 25 ; good to
choice miipplng , fi 700 ; poor to medium ,
4 205 50 ; butcher/ good quality strong
at37r@j-90 : poor to fat slow nt270@
3 CO ; rough grass Texans active but re
celpts sinull , 3 50Q.3 85 for 750 to 700 Ibs.
average ; stockerx and feeders quiet ami
eteady at 3 20g,5 20 ; yards pretty well
cleared ; distillery "cattle , 1330 Ibs , at 7 W.
heep Receipts , 200 ; shipments , none
demand good wit supiily hardly enough It
establish quotations ; local inquiry improv
ing and very good call fiom shippers ; salci
poor to medium , 3 CO& 1 ; good to choia
450(5,5. (
CinoLnnaii Produce.
ClN'CI.N.VATl , Juno 28.
Provisions Firmer.
Pork Mess held at iJlG374 ( , in.10hea\y ;
averages of city brands held at
ratis. '
Laid1040 < < ? ,1045. ,
Bacon -Shoulders , ( ! 75dri 87i ; thort
rilw. U 4CXJU 45 } clear ribs , U 75PO ' 774.
Flour Easier ; fitmily , 3 70.
Wheat Finn ; winter , 1 25 ,
Corn Sti onger.
Rye-Dull at 1 00.
Whitky Active at 1 03.
Plttiliurg Llvo Stock.
PinMiuwi | , June 28.
Cattle Dull and unchanged ; receipts
881 ; hhipimmtH , 1,150.
Hogs Very dull ; receipts. 2,000 head
bliipinentt. . , 2,900 head ; 1'hiliulelphius
0 15 < aG 30 ; Yorkers , 5 75&0.
Sheet * Fair aud higher ; receipts , 1,00 (
head ; ishipmenti , 310 heaJ.
Baltimore Produce.
BALTIMOIIE , Juno 28 ,
Flour Steady.
Wheat Firm ; future , 1 22@1 27 ca h
31 ; No/Sredwinte
caxhand June.
_ em te ly at CO ; yel
low fcteady at 60 } mixtd webttra quiet
S. P. MORSE & CO. ,
Cash Jobbers and Retailers of
Dress Goods ,
To-day wo oner fiO pieces of Silknml
Vool , nil wool , and Mulrnir Urots
3oods light HI id dark colors nt lOo n
iml ; not n yard of those cuulit bo
Knight at wholesale for loss ( linn 15 !
o -I0c. To pieces nil wool Hunting
lack nnd colors Ido n yard , worth at
vholosnlo 'JO ; 50 piooua best 2(5 ( incli ,
ill wool Hunting , nil colors nt l5c ! ,
imnutactnrora ask ! l-i for siuno iiuali *
y ; nil wool 4'J inch. " DolU'gos iiOo ,
worth liOcj all wool -112 inch Chuilda
2nfllnnerc8 50c , worth OOc.
\Vo import our own 48 inch black
? ( uhnimx'H and note as being special
iurgiuiiH. ut 75c and $1,00 qualities
hey being full } * equal to those Hold by
> thor houses nt $1.00 nnd $1.15. }
S. 1 . MOUSE tf CO.
Lawns , Percales ,
Liiuin L'xwns nt 20 nnd lic ? ( , superior
o thosu sold at 2i" > and -I0c olnowhoro.
lost cotton Lawns ISJic ; FronchOrgnn-
liosnt 'Joi' , ethers nsk"iruuid40cl.,400 ; ;
ards of Dross Plaid Gin hauiB nt lOo ;
vholesulo , jirico to-day 12Jc. Fiuo
ketch Clioviots from 15 to ! J7jc ;
Scotch Giiigluxins from 25o up.
Lace Department ,
75 styles Yaloiicionnoa Luces , ono
o2 | inches wide 25c doz ; 100 styles of
Vluncon 1'ahuiKa Vcnnieolli Laces 75c
o § 2.50 a do/ . Special mention is
undo of a Cream and n Black nil Silk
Spanish Lace U in. deep , ntii5u. 'U in.
leep , nt 50c , cannot bo duplicated
or 75o to § 1.00.
Meii'sFuriiisliingtioofls '
Men's four-ply Linen Collars very
best quality with hand nindo button
holes all sires , new styles , six for 7fic ,
others ask § 2.00 to ? fl.OO niloz. for no
bolter ( tualilicsi nt the iixto of § 2.00 a
doz , wo ollor n cnso of Seamless Bri
tish Sov , sold elsewhere for $ ! J.OO n
dox. nnd at $2.fiO dor. , wo soil a super-
line Itntish Sox of n quality never
sold in Omaha under Sl.OOndoz.
Mons1 Summer Ties tc ! , 8c , and lOo
each ; mono' Bilk nnd Satin Ties { 15 to
fiOo each ; minis' White Shirts with re
inforced bosom full nixed culls nnd
linen neck band Gc5 each nnd our cus
tom made best Shirt for $1.00 each.
Theio goods nnd prices cannot bo du
plicated elscwhoie.
Silks , Satins , Siiralis ,
No firm west of Chicago shows as
lar o a silk stock as ourn. 20 in. Black
Brocades 50 and 75o. , worth donblo ;
0 in. Black Satins , 75 nnd UOc. ; LM
in. Black Satins , $1 , § 1.25 , and § 1.50 ;
20 in. Surah Satins , black or colors ,
75 , 85 nnd ' .lOo. All Silk Snmhs nnd
Morvilloux , § 1.25 nnd § 1.50 ; 21 in.
French Gros Grain Silk nt 75c and § 1 ;
22 in. Cashmuro finish Silks , from
Ouiiiot , Girnnd , Bollons , Donut , and
ether well known niakora , § 1.50 ,
§ 1.05 , § 1.75 , § 2 , § 2 50 ; 21 in. at § 2 ,
§ 2.50 , § 2.75 , nnd § 3 ( the highoat
icofl here quoted nro for the host
nlitics. ) Our colored Silica range
from -10c. to § 1 for the boat , nnd em
brace all now shades ; 2-1 in. Brocaded
Silks nnd Satins , § 1.25 , § 2.75 , $2.25 ,
§ 2.50 and § 3.
Parasols ! Parasols ;
"Wo arc convinced that our Fnrosol
liusincss this season has been the
largest west of Chicago. To close out
A LI , that ] remain wo ollor the balance
at n discount of IJyj per cent from
usual retnil prices. Among the bar
gains hero shown are n largo size
Silk Umbrella paragon frnmo very quality Boivosillc at $ . ' ( .75 ; $15.00
hunsolH now $8.00 nnd $10.00 ,
$10.00 Parasols now $8.00 and $ ( ! .00 ,
mil $ f > .00 I'nrasols now $3.00 to
$ : . : to. s. i' . MOUSE * co.
This nnd next month wo sell all iho
uld sixes in Indios' , missen' , nnd chil
dren's hose that accnmulnto trom our
spring trade and bycalling hero before
purchasing you will save DIIJ to T > 0
per cent. In lace to ] ) lisle CSIoves wo
: xro olforing uno nt 40c and one at ! )0o )
oounl to any shown before or else
where for Too and $1.'J5. To-day wo
have in Stock the cheapest nnd best
stock of Indies Corsets in the west ,
prices fiOc , Tfio , ! )5c ) , $1.25 , $1.50 ,
$2.00 , $2.50 nnd $2.75.
We call the attention of economical
hotiHckcopors to our stock of 00 uiul
100 in. linen Shootings nt $1.00 ,
$1.25 , $1.00 , $1.75 nnd $2.00 a yard.
Our nil linen tnblo Damask nt 22c ,
Itfio , 45o , nnd 80c , nnd best double
satin damask at $1.00 , $1.25 and $1.50
a yard ; 3 linen Napkins 05c , 75o.
$1.00 , $1.25 , $1.50 , $1.75 , nnd $
Napkins nt $2.00 , $2.50 , $2.75 , $3.00
up to $12.00. These goods nro nil
purchased by us direct from Irish nnd
Scotch manufacturers nnd sold to our
customers without the jobbers profit
paid by nil Omahn retailers.
We solicit country orders , wholesale or retail , always
guaranteeing the LOWEST market prices ; the
most pQrfect system and care is used in fill
ing orders for goods or samples/
* fc "IE SF "l b 1 " " ft 1
S . P. MORSE & CO. ,
Now York Prodnoo-
XKW Yoiuc Juno 28.
Flour Generally heavy.
Wheat- Lower and loss active ; spot
ha'cs of No. 2 red winter at 1 28@1 294 ;
of No 3 do at 123Jfel ) 2U ; of No. I
white at 1 2GJSjl ( 27J , and of No. 2 spring
Corn In good demand and J ( < ? ) jc lower ;
spot sales at 5llJ@5iifor ( / No. 2 52'f@53.
Oats Higher and in good demand ; No.
1 white , 47 ; No. 2 do , 421@43J ; No. 2
nixed , 4 % 134 ; No. 3 do , II.
Rye Quiet and unchanged.
Barley Nominal.
Pork Fair demand and steady ; ordin
ary mess for early delivery , 17 00 for new ;
10 02J for old.
Lard Moderately active and strong.
PHtsburR Oil Haricot.
PiTTHiiuim. Juno 28.
Oil maiket opened at 78J bid , advanced
to 78 ? , declined to 77H , and closed at 77i
bid ; offered at 78J. Shipments yesterday ,
41,070 barrels ; charlcrH to-day , 50,597 brls ;
salehatOil City yesterday , 4t8,000brls ;
lefnied a ? N w York , 814 ; refined at Antwerp -
werp ,
Philadelphia Produce.
Piiii.ADKi.riiiA , Juno 28.
Wheat-Steady ; 1 24J@1 24J cash and
June ; 1 23@1 21 July.
Coin Steady ; 55u > 55J cash and June.
Oats Firm ; 40ioU ( for cash ; 40@40J
for June.
Rye-Quiet at 90c.
Wilmlncton Produce ,
Wn.MiNUTOK , Juno 2fl.
Spiiits Turpentine 4c ,
Peoria Produce.
PKOHIA , Juno 28.
Coni-Qiiiet ; high mixed , 451@45j ;
nixed , ! 5J ( 45lc.
Oats Dull ; No. 2 white at 3C@3r.Jc.
Rye Inactive ; No 2 at 1 00.
High Wines Firm at Jl 08J.
Liverpool Produce.
LiVKiirooL , Juno 28 ,
Flour-On < Ml@llB Od.
Wheat Winter , Os Od ( ,9s lOd ; whlto
iM llfct ( OJ : bpring , Ori 3ilS'Ji ( W ; club ,
Sis Odtjilki lid.
Com 5s 2d.
Lard-55s Id.
Toledo Frodnoo-
TOLFDO , Juno 28.
Wheat Weak ; No. 2 nil oash or June ,
1 20J ; July , 1 18 ; Angunt , 1 15 ; year
1 15 ; amber Sllchlgun,120J.
Corn Weak ; high mixed , 47'i ; No , 2
caMi IBJ ; year I4j ! .
Oats Quiet and unchimetd.
Cleveland Market-
Ci.KVKl.ANi ) , June 28.
Petioleum - Standard white at 110 ( 7 jc ,
Almott Orazy ,
How often do wo sco tlio liardwotk-
ing fathur atruininu every nerro and
niusclo , and doing IMH ntniost to mip-
port Ilia funiily. Jinai > ino Ilia feulinga
when returning homo from n haul
day'a labor , to find his family prostrate
witli disuusu , conscioiiH of unpaid doc-
torn * bills and dobta on every'hand.
It must bu enough to drivo'ono almoat
crazy. All his unhapnineas could bo
avoided by using Klyctrio Hitters ,
which expel every disease from tlie
Bvatein , bringing joy mid happincaa to
thouftaiido. Bold ntf fifty cunts bot-
To Be Closed Out Immediately Regardless of
We respectfully call your attention to tlio largo and varied
assortment of Boots and Shoos-includinfj some or the very best
grades in Ladies' and Gents' Hand ana Machine Sowed , from
several of the loading manufacturers in the Bast , which will be
sold at about
To Close Out. '
This is a rare chance for BARGAINS. Como Ono , Come All , nnd Shoo your
self at HALF PIIICE. Remember the Place ,
216 So. 16th St.Union Block , Bet. Farnham & Douglas ,
Consumption , Coughtt and Colds
AhUiiim , lironchitin , etc. , is given
uway in trial bottles free of coat to
the alllictcd. If you Imvu ir bad
cougli , cold , dilliculty of breathing ,
hoaraeiicBs or any affection of 'the '
throat or lungs by nil meana give thin
wonderful remedy n trial. As you
value your existcnco you cannot
afford to let this opportunity nUJS. ;
Wo could not afford , nnd woula not
giro this remedy away unlewa wo
knew it would accomplish what wo
claim for it. TliouBandu of hopeless
coses have already been completely
cured by it. There is no medicine in
the world that will cure one half the
canon that Dit. KiKu'tiNKwDlHcovEUY
will cure. For sale by
(0) ( ) Inn & MuMAiio.v , Oinolm ,
Dr , King's Now Discovery for Con
sumption is certainly the greatest
medical remedy ever placed within ( ho
reach of Buffering humanity. Thou-
handii of once helpless suflercm , now
loudly procliiim their praise for this
wondeiful discovery to which they
owe their lives. Not only does it posi
tively cure Consumption , but Coughs ,
Colds , Asthma , Droncliitis , liny
Fever , Hoarseness and all affections of
tlio Throat , Chest and Lungs yields
at once to its wonderful curative pow
er as if by magic. We do not ask you
to buy a large bottle unless you know
what you ase getting. Wo therefore
earnestly request you to call on your
druggists , IHH & MuMAiioN , and got a
trial bottle free of cost which Kill con
vince the most skeptical of its wonder
ful merits , and show you what a regu
lar ono dollar size bottle will do. ior
ale by lull & McMalion , (4) ( )
To Cora Klinfccr non-rosfilcnt of tlio Htato of No-
You are hereby notified that John Kllnkcr ,
your hiubaiul , < u * plaintiff , ) ia tommtmfd hu
action for a ( lUcino apilnfct you by filing In the
Dlltrlct Court , in and for Douglas county , Nc-
bmiilia , Juno ad , 18Slhlii | i .tltlon agalnHt you , the
object an p jiraver of wlikliBilil petition In to ob
tain a divorce from you on tlio ( jrouml of adult
ery , alleged to have been committed with ono
W , K. Vail ) , at Omalia , Neb. , on or about April
Otfi , Ibil , You are required to anvwcr ald peti
tion on or before the Hthtlay of Auiriist , 1S31 ,
| c-SOw4w Attorney for 1'IalntlfT ,
6'ijA ( . You Uoublc youi money. AddraM Dr.
Ghuo'i rrlntinit HOUM. Ann Arbor , tllcb
1313 Farnham St. , OMAHA , NEU.
Ilodv IlrusDclt , SI. 5 to $ I,7fi ; Tapcitry Ilrus-
wl * . 81.16 ton.35 ; 3 ply Carpet , * 1.25 to * l.40 ;
Hu < , l Uply Ingrain , $1.00 tol,16 ; Chiap2-ply
Ingrain , 40u to U5c.
Mattings , Oil Cloth and Yidow Shades
at Lowest Market Prices.
Largest Stock and Lowest Trices.
Samples furnished at yard-rates.
KOI ! SAF.K-Ono of tlio best forms In
tlio county , ItX ) acres , inllo and a hall from
Omaha city Limits. Terms to vult purchaser.
For lurtiuulara address \Ym. U. Alnsw orthOmalia.
( ( lliblc for the Younjr , "
BeiuK tlie etory cf the Ccripture * by Bar. Oeo.
Alcxandir Crook , D. D. . lit dtnplo uid Ur c-
tlve Uncuigo ( or old and youny. ProfUMly
lllaitr&ted. niklotf rue t iiitortitioff and im-
prcMlv jouth'i loitructor. Ktery parent wtU
ceure tbli work. Frtachtrv , jou ibould dr-
cul tel > . I-ilc HOO.
Btni * ( or elrculu * with txtr no * .
J , U , CUAUBKRB & CO. , bt. Lcult , Mo