THE OMAHA DAIL BEE : WEDNESDAY , JUNE j 29 > 1881 .4 . The Omaha D lislicil every > nominpexcciil The only Monday moniing daily. TERMS DY MAIL- Onc veixr. S10.00 I Three Mnn t3U Months. , . 5.00 | Ono " THK WKKLY BEK , publ cry \Vednc d y. TEIIMSPOST 1'AID : One Yeftr. $2.00 I HireeMoni Six Month 1.00 I One " -An c catlotm rclnUnj to Kcxvs nnd Editi ten fliould be addrcnbd to iho ! THE Bra. BUSIXKSS LETTKllS-All Lctten and llcmltUnccs ( houl to THE OMAHA FVIIUHIU OMAHA. Drnftn , Checks i office Onlcrn to IKS mode iwynl crdcr of Ure Comjiany. -OMAHA PUBLISHING CO , , E. ROSEWATEU , Edil John 11. Picrco Is In C&nrge of t atiou of Tin : DAILY Uii3. : VANDF.HIILT wctrn ill-fitd acody-looking clothes , lie i to. w YOIIK tvcrkinginon iw& .o dcmr.nd a liatf holiday > oa. day. hns M di ZMau'd S will ooi have tol3ool < lier'liurcls. ' Jty Govilc ] lias purchased Ivotis bridgr . St. Loni'-ians i ly to find it a bridge if'sighs. The Dicnha Gas company 'consult'their alnianaoa moro u ' The darkest nights itro too * o ! "ones in * hich the chy is uulii FHAXI : HiscocK rf Now Y Congrefsman Kiefcr , of Ohio , leading republican candidate spcakarship of the next lioiu Tcsontctivos. TflL , qucBtioirliow is who in the everlasting , gratitude of ti for discovering Iho comet. 0 already half n dozen cltumani the hock counties still to her. 'Ix ia not all unanimous 'Moines. The preferred rai Jor governor arc each confidot walk away , but it may take "many ballots 'before ' a notcini i reached. THE editorial columns i of I 1 > uli < xw for the past week luvv 'devoted very largely to fi. Lane. The Repnlkaitfma struck the long Lane whicli sc Uiavo no turning. IOWA republicans hold the * convention to-day at DOS Mo Jiominato'canttida'tcs for Alto 'ship , lieutenant governorship , . intondcnt of , public instructl „ judge of tliO'Bcprom o oonrt. THK Prussian govornnceat come tlioroic Lly nlarmed o\ emigration from that country .jjtvon ordorrt all provincial i ties U forwril dotailrid.'iiifo of-the extent Aid causes icf tlio ' ! F the Pftsmna canAliaoa fiol -venture as that cn Ustlunus of Sue * , , M. 'do BLesa OIAVO cause 'to jcongratulato i ! 3"Le Suez cmialdast yonivcnni . 8,000,000 gross tand wc .net. < TJIAT eminent iiaan Jim'Wilson.w on Moines pulling the-various-ctri oionjinato eomo onotfor govwrnt yviUholp-to | pull.hisvnonatorul * n uts uufofthofiro.'i 'Wilsoa accomplislioA acrobut , wire-puller. IT > is wportod that MI anji -nvill bo asked for JCfltrauung tl Council from sprinkling Btroeta. It ia to 'bo hoped thi "Attempt lo keep Omaha choke "blinded wilu dust during the - -iU Uo abaudonod. It would TuuruUgated'outragooumir pc < , . * TUB are caloro Apaches , it i "are gQtting very bad , owing * rnsyu in southern .Now ] Slaving been depleted by dota the Ute country. " Ponsibli aiescalcro Apaehos are Jianl fter a Jock of hair from the aci their now ngcmt , Llewellyn. Tl heard from Llewellyn ho was 1 < for an agency doctor which inc ho is getting ready for nn 01 ment. FRANCE knows how to handle opoliea. In Paris there is o ; | BH * riglo gas company which fun gas to private consumers at $1.7 1000 feet. The city only pays , that amount for public uses. ' nsceipta last year \\oto 817,2 ( aad the expenditures 99,809,022 m-t profit was $7,451,953 , of - e y kJS BO.OOOof its i tnorflthanpaying -Us gas bill leaving a neat little margin in i NORTHERN NEBRASKA. The rialto"nror , ninnin course almost cast and west the center of Nebraska , divit to two geographical section inonly known as North ant 1'latte. Although , by far thi portion of the stale is locate of the Platte , the South IMatt try Is moro densely populate cording to the census of 186 thirds of the population of J was located south of the Jlr Fifteen years ago nino-tontl population of Nebraska was tier of river counties , beginni Richardson county on the border , and running north county then known as "L'l Court , " now designated m county on the Dakota uoundai the railroad era a marked cha : place in the distribution of pc and the development of tr ! lly the energy and ent'jrp played by the Burlington & Hivor railway conian.y , the immigration turned sn south southwestern Nebraska andsv fertile section whi'Ji had laid was opened up to Bottkmc years ago the western tcrmin Burlington & Missouri mv Saline cquntj , mtd all the : conutry duo. west nnd BC scarcely in/iabitcd. .Now , Uk Clay , Oago and Adams densely populated Uvm Doul ly , and Bottlenientii tretch cl ( Uio Republican vulloy to the Border. The marked j Tponderaiic | < lation in the South I'latto can readily bo Accounted i principal nc-out in bh'rgii thin insrvoJlous change 'Burlington .ft ; Miaswiri railroad coippwjy md itlio and flyttomfttio'eirort8" f its in advertising thofrcscurct South Platte < : oun'irya d pu aalcs of tlioir landn. .Had tl Pacific , wiWi ita nutjjiiifict grairt , pureuad niiQiu , ! ly li icy , thoroiis no d oubtthat Nebraska would have kept Tha fliu"arc co inthq7-KlicieB two companies iu thxr.nmnag thoirlanll ilopa rtmonla , wai ural outcome i n th j-olicy ol orr.mont'in grn nting them i The Union Pac ific > \ 3 endow princely rnonoytsd sribsidy w abled them to coinjilato thoii put millions in iho pockel Credit Mobelit ir buUIors. 1 time when thi tir road was c Lo nconnoction. wiUi iko Contt in 1800 it hail tbouaionopol mtiro ovarian d trade and its i KOTO supreme ly iadfllront al .raflic. STho ] 3urli ton roa < Jthor hand , h aviogiro mon < ) j * na ifoxccd to lock to I krnllio ifor i is onniings n rccognizod th o fact ( that the * > got in pi iyiu , Uocal tn t buildmp tl 10 country throti it passed. T lie outcome has tSieir , sagacity and 3forlhoni' IIAS been.tho h > ser fcyitho shoi md nelfisk pollicyof iho Unioi A now era is dawning , upon theinegl ectcd ojul yet i gjoii nortli of the Pintle. "NN | ) ast five years Iialf a dozen 'uvo ' been projected c.nd are lorgouig tronstructaou thro uarthorn vnlloya. Timw road Lhe Union Pacific , ibtting di Tec their auppoit uponjlacal ti x/wpellod jin great men jxtrt all their influojiccs juilding > the counliy tvhichiUioy imsa. Already we most gratifying improvcaiiaits i jut .Northern Nebraska. TJi of Wirifty inctnigrants are ti md buying tlo most avajlobli ng ilanda. ThousaiuLi , IDO : loubiloBS folia w ns soon > aa 'antics of .Northern N brw omes generally known U > ri ho.cant. Now towns are , aj ip in every dlrettion , , and wj ixcqptions' the old towns AI iig and ( urosporoue. AVithoiutdiepara ini ; in th io SoutV Platte Country , ruthfullytay that many of i > ra north .of the PJaiio , ns ye watlvcly sparsely settled iatchlcss for beauty and fc ho Elkhorn river and its tril atom country which ii in eve legfudoa spot of Nebraska Uley of thu Logan in u twct g ipablo of a liigher grade-of c on than any portion of the UnoU nnd Iowa not ox < l o Klkhoru ilsolf affords > wor that would turn 0 mills that will 1 needed for manufacturinj lioat of the valley into flour , t' ' wool into cloth or its lla iicn and oil. The counties ol ig , A , lolopo , Madison , Stantt icrco are destined to match in lion and wealth the most poj unties south of the Platte. unties of Howard , Greoloy , d Valley are rapidly being pi th a class of settlers who will o most of their excellent natui ntages. The Niobrara valley mirablo grazing facilities a til stocked with large herds of lilo the timber in that scctioi made available both for fuo llding purposes , The voile ; > Platte on the north aide"o eris destined to become a grainary. Its nutritious grasses arc ' not only fed to thoiuand supoi sands of cattle , but exported states nnd territories west. A : producing country it has no si Wo have made no mention of n Nebraska as a fruit producing try , but the day is not far when all these counties vnYj equal of Douglas , Sarpy , V/ni and Hurt counties , who'j0 ox county and state fairs have source of pride to nl Nel All * ho have giv on ti0 Inaj thought nro confident wo havt upon n new cm Of growth mi pority , vj'hioh , by the tinio t censu 1 , b.'Kuti , will place 1 Nobrwkix neck to neck in we population with the South country. OUR GLASS INDUST ; In the year 17)0 ! a sinjj\o \ | tory was in operation * m th States. The last census rej with H capital of. Ti'motccn tm millions cuvploying nearh workmen , with an nnnual ( 821,013,404 , , It is u curious Cue first subsidy naked from was to aid in the lUJiinton glafn factory iu lha XJnitci In the debate which ensued , proposition to loan $8,000 treasury to John P. n history of Iho rice a gross of this .g < mtl email's in establishing un American tory was given. Thu fac founded in 3775 and 2CK workiwen wore birought ovc couiitrj to rtarh the uni Mr Amolung exjxjuded over before 'ho Ixicnjno onibiitr ; was loompilUcd to ask of t loaniif $ lojOOO or 820,000 luir. to proceed with his Althoughitho committee to-v Amolung's ' appeal was rcf < ported fwrorab ly to a loan i cojigreaa-necat ivcd the rcpor < rf the iinomb jrs doubted t of congress to subsidize omdortaTdngs. . Others obje on account of ustablishing j\ \ ccdent , while still others the such orsistaricu should bo rei n state govo riuncnt with u : priof-y than by tlio iiAtioiuil Andnso Mr. Amelung was c to lido over his difficulty as coulU , and the glass industry into oxistoaico without any d from the government. Mr. Weeks , special agent coiuus , has lately published report upon the glass industr United States , from which th ing interesting and suggostiv tics nro taken. ffho total number of establ in the United States cngagei manufacture of glass and gla JLO , of which G manufactu glass , 50 window glass , 50 q\i nd 82 glassware. The ontir iirrostod in those establishi 810,415,599 , the value of i 87,991,303 , and the total \ .products . $21,013,401. Then iurnaccs , using 2,815 pots ; ploying 23,822 men at an am cfor wages of over nine million Jars. These figures do not the furnaces that niado no < ttho census year , nnd these ei monts , numbering in all thii with a capital stock of S20C having an exhibit of three 1 and sixty-nino pots , are g ; another table , as are also BOUK ty-fivo establishments with r. . f W2.t,100 , with an exhibit hundred and thirty-eight pats were building nnd not compl the cenaus year. Indiana and1 Missouri ha1 throe moat cutonsivo plato-gli tabliBhmouts , having a capital 292,500 , employing 803 p using 8411,038 worth of m paying 8280,850 in wages , and * total product of $831,400 Hhor two states Kentucky an mchusottfl , have three ostablisl ivith a capital of 8295,000 , o IUT 03 hands , using 820,799 wi naterial , paying 811,403 in uid liaving a total product" of ! 55. The window glass manu us scorn to bo distributed much ridoly , and the 81,873,155 of < invested in Pennsylvania , oraoy , Now York , Ohio , Mar llinois ; Indiana , Massachi lichigan , Missouri and Iowa. , ylvonia stands firstwith 82,259 , lie $1,873,155 oi the capital inv nd the other states following ii rder given. In the manufactu lasswaro , Pennsylvania stands ith thirty-nino of the uighty-tw iblishmonts , and moro than on ' the total capital ; Now York s < id Massachusetts third. Of Fty green grass manufactories h capital of $4,700,100 , Now J is fourteen , Pennsylvania tv id , with those of Now York , i ; il of $3 , < )2C,1GO ; the balance , blishmonts is distribulod m entucky , fMissouri , Ohio , Illi idiana , Miissachusotta , Mar ; d California , with n capital oi 0,000. ONE of the moat incpccusable i ions is the collection of fifty i mi every jiassen e that crosses issouri river at this poTiit unloj ye his bridge ticket at the coi ' oftice. Not ono traveler i .liouuand knows about this swindle until after he is victimized at dents of Omaha frequently purchase the bridge ticket , cither have not time to buy tli or in their hurry In checking or taking leave from friends , f mrchaao it. Such an impos iracticcd in no otlior place inion , would not bo tolerat where and should not bo subm icro. Book Notice. "Nnna's Daughter" is dcsti make a deep sensation amoii ) 'cadcrs. It is n sequel to Zola'i amous"Nana"butin many rei superior to that great work. N prominent pcrsonaco in the sti > ccupics n moro olovntod pit /ola assigns to her. Her daugh Ireo ia a direct contrast t Abandoned in infancy by her she is adopted nnd ' up by tho. Navicls , nn upr' ' ' belonging to the work' Nan\find8 her and Btriv " : setslon of her , her cffor ' 's..1 " slnplo of the story , t "j" fed time nnd again an without number , bv her parents by ado herletrothcfLi ; cien's courtsVtir . ° * vu-iuyi8 ten. All t no characters BkotchcJj. t\10 plot ia 0 , strength r m d merit , nnd the composir io n is vigorous at At m inibliahed in square d nodcciino voluino , t r , Pn cr , 75 cents , in unifi "l I'cturson's editions e M * s1,1- nnd "Henry Grovill. . ' < * w ill bo found for aalo bj sol' or * and news ugcnts , ai rf 'ilrond tniiiis , or copies of i 8'jn * , to any one , to any placi -on remitting 75 centa in a tlio publishers , T. B. Pe Urotliers , Philadelphia , Pa. l Wr Pilot. The long drawn howl of opoly papers of tha state ia concontrntctl upon the effort up the railroads in their i make the Doano law odiou people and damaging to the cial interests of the state. ' of action is to bo expected i railroad companies as n poin defense , but that any ono wh to bo a friend to the mtiss of i and consumers of the stnt take eucli a course is an anc least. In the Omaha Repu the 19th inst. , appears a con , tion from ono Blanchard , foi Fremont , now post trader Ridge agency , containing aloof of alleged facts and eacTi an ono of which refutes the very sought to bo established. stress is laid upon the imagn tinction between just and un crimination , and it is stated t ] laws of Nebraska , make void of competition , " also , that "tl of Nebraska , direct and indi account of the Doano law , T full million of dollars , " and " kawill bo likely to loose trado.with the Black Hills. " as wo understand it does not obligatory on the railroads to price of all transportation ur highest notch. If before the of this law they could with pr criminate in favor of certain or towns , why can they not ently reduce the price to th were not thus favored. Or j concede that the railroads i rates to pots and favorite loca n loss to themselves , and < higher rates to others to maki If so , then the operations of t must bo most salutary , bee opens up a competition on a let , basis and precludes the possil any advantage in freight rai there is n loosnn why the U. . cannot carry Black lliils frc cheaply to Sidnoy"now , as bof pvss.igo : of this law , there mu been something rotten in its sf discrimination. If it could by a system of reduction , . through freight to the Black winch otherwise might have liveried to the Sioux City ; here is no sound reason why i ntercst should not prompt it educe all freights to'this ' name ird , thereby retaining the radp. If it could make a pi lealing out special favors to a j if ita patrons , why not increi rado by holding out the same ii nents to all , thereby retain ! reat a profit. If it ia true th raska will loose n million yearl rould like to know just whore ) ss will strike the people , and h ill affect them. It is just pc iat in this case what is "ono > ss will bo another man's gain , ioksas though when the fa les loose their grip on the cai ado , through the workingi us law , that others not vored will stand a fair c the business. Mr. Blanchard rt-ithput special rates there wou > freighting on this lino" ( S ute to the Black Hills. ) If , as itemonfc would imply , tho" U. I .s been paying a bonus to partite o wills to bring their goods iy , somebody must have lit iko-uptho deficiency aud iti i no ono but these other ahii io did not get special rates. 'J no sense , reason or justice in a o that makes it incumbent oh s ? of shippers on any road to extra rate , or moro properly a the purpose of maintaining a isful compqtition against n id. As well might freight i icago to Omaha be diverted frc ect line to the route via Now us , and the local shippers along ito bo taxed to pay the extra co nsportation. This is a fair illui u as showing how a road can I a heavy competing trade at these so of its local shippers. Nobn > s not want to save a million doi luully iu that ivay , and her leg o has wisely enacted that the ; ds shall sell their stock-iu-tradi purchasers at the aamo price , roads may kick and their atril Y continue to howl and when t all the * atisfaction they can in ' tlruy will moat likely reduce tl is as a matter of protection aca ipeting lines - If vthey'-i in holding them up to ie t notch the railroads ' suffer moro than th ° b c. tition will , soono' - P or ter , i that matter ; but competition i crimination arc former is her " ° wfty8 ftlllc and beneficial Jthful m its mi latter benefit to lno public , w of the * the few at the i many os the key , nnd Mr. Blanchar the Doan"o 0 vrhcn ho say vorstoa . ! < " ? 'you can „ . . same s' /town or individual ur steadf 'iall bo given to all. " 1 petit' * l "making void the law mat"n > .places it upon its enl ; basis as applied to indivii Crop Prospects , llcnry Clow's circular of Jur says : The really weak point future of the market lies in tl proapccts. It is generally < x that our wheat harvest canno that of last yuar. Winter \ which coiwtitutcs the larger 1 that crop has suffered very BC BO much so that the states of 1 ' Michigan nnd Indiana whic year gnvo 123,000,000 bushel not bo expected to- give mud than half the crop ot 1880. , ing to the report of the deparlt Agriculture , the condition of wheat docs not equal that of IAI although the acreage may bo what larger. Taking the situa a whole , \\ouldat present sci siblo that the deficiency in win compared with 1880 , may nine an important percentage of oi exportable surplus. It is also taken into account that foreiy vices indicate , on the wholegoc prospects , and claim for Ilussi chief competitor , the largest yi wheat known for twenty yoarsi the European demand for An : wheat may shownn important dei The bearing of such a harvest pcct are not to bo overlooked. Biurgcat the questions firsthov may the movement of stufi's to the seaboard bo dimi ; as compared with the last two se and next , how far may a mater duction of this important item exports change the late oxtraort current of the precious metals ? at present , impossible to answer questions with any dcfmitencsa they are of too important a natu bo lost sight of , and may at a period become very important ii relation to the market for seen AU The ) Rngo. Solomon's water white dcodc IlEAULidjix OIL is now all the The leading families of the city adopted its use as giving a suj light and no smoke or odor. It longer than common kerosene , never explodes. This oil ia man tured expressly for N. I. D. SOL of Omaha , who has over 300 con customers , among whom are numl the U. S. officers at thq barracks the hospital. It is the best oil ki for use in oil stoves. It's flam largo nnd easily concentrated , am victuals cooked over it rcceivi taint or odor therefrom. Died. MAINE At Omaha Jnno Emma , wife of Charles L. Mi aged 31 years , 11 months and 22 c Funeral Wednesday , June 29th 10 o'clock , from residence Sev6nte < and California slreets. Friendt the family invited. To the many friends of thelatol Maine this notice of her death bring a pang of sorrow. She cnda herself to all by her lovely disposit estimable character , and the patii .vith which she bore the suffering ! i severe and protracted illness , icr loss will bo greatly felt in the ended circle in which she moved , if which she was a parfc. Mrs. M : : amo to Omaha nearly two years vith her husband , who occupic losition in the Union Pacific telegr lopartment. The sincere comlolor f many friends in Omaha will bo ended to him in this , his deep afl ion. Building Notes. Mr. Kurn , of the U. P. shops , taking quite extensive improvome : n his property , corner of Thirtoei id Davenport streets. The dwell ! Inch occupied the corner lias b < smoved to the rear of the lot to ma iom for a two story brick hoi hich Mr. Kurn intends soon to en lore. James Croiahton is erecting a tory \ ory frame dwelling house on Dave > rt street , between Twelfth ai nrtoonth streets. W. F. Sweesy is preparing to on o two-story and basement bri iiises on Dodge , corner of Eighteen : cot. Another Attempt. Early Tuesdamorning Harry Spitj ido another attempt at self-destru n. His friends had early notifu > druggists not to sell the youi n any poisonous compound , bt had procured some before the not ilion was given. Dr. W. S. Gibbi s called and found the young ma t'oring from an opium poisoi tli proper treatment the young ma i restored to consciousness and tc ' at noon was out of danger. Disagreed. i ho jury in the case of Georg serwhois charged with danger ly shooting John Uckstrom laa > ruaryrotiredMondayabout5o'cloc ] u. They returned late yesterday ning when the foreman iiifonnci yo Savage that the jury had fount upossiblo to agree upon n verdict. y were consequently discharged , Teachers Examination. ! io examination of teachers was bo- : onducted yesterday in the Central ling. Mr. Simoon Bloom had go of the examinations on Jrday and to-day ; while Mr. John i will conduct those on the two wing days. Miss Popploton was ile to act upon the committee. Burdoc PLOO Iljonsuflcrfrom Djpcp ! ; i , tsj HL'HUOCK DLOOD It J mi nrc afflicted with Ililo\nncs ! , us I1UKDOCK 111,001) . f } ouorc prostrated with jlck llcadach I1UIIDOCK DLOOD 1 ( } our Ikurcls arc ill ordcre < l , rcgulnto nuiiDocK W.OOD i f jour niooU Is Impure- , purity It with IJUllDOCK 11L001) 1 f joulituc Indigestion , jou lll flmlni m.ooi > i f ) mi arc troubled with Spring Compl dliatc them with HUnUOCK I1LOOO I Ij-our I.Uerls torpid , restore Ute Jicnlt Ith llCUnociv HI.OOD I I jour U\cr U aHectcd , jou will flnd i torathcln UUUDOCK IJLOOI ) 11 'jouhavcanyspccieioMIumor ' or Pli at to take HUUDOCK I1LOOU 11 } on hic any mptom > i of Ulcers or Si 3rcsaciiratlNercincdyvtlll be found : HUUDOCK 1IL001) 111 ar Imparting strength and Utalitj to in , nothing ran cijual UUUDOCK HI.OOD 11 JrNcnous ami General Dcblllt > , tone stem with 11UKUOCK 111.001) lil Ice , SI.OO per Bottle ; Trial Bottles OSTERMILBUEN&OoMI , BUTFALO , N. Y. Sold nt wholesale by Ish t Jlt.Mahon ai odman. jc 27 COl | PROPOSALS r Furnishing Horsoi , Wagons , and Har the Indian ecrkc. . ! e lcd proposals for furnishing clgli rk liorscs , two (2) bugKj. , ' .ono O ) light ( .jiring wagon , nttj ( ible harncNi for the Indian scrUee i : ncy. Neb. , will bertcchcd by the urn ithlsomcountlin\c(5) o'eloclv p. in , , July 20 , 1881 , nt which time \jtds ncd and contracts awarded , The fo' tlflcatlons anil conditions will be ob ucl > : The work horsca must bo bctwe s of four (4) ( ) and even (7) j cirs , not le rtecii (14) hands high anA to weigh i n nine hundred and fifty (959) ixiundi double harness , true to work 'cctly sound. The buggy team will i to the abo\c conditions , and In n , ! tbeKoodtra\elcrs All horses will 1 cd to n thorough trial and Inspection ig reccUcd. They must be weighed ricy in the presence of the agent. airons to be narrow track , three ( ! iiblcs , spring scat , top , box , bow : rs co\er , to bo of twcUo (12) ounce lit w agon , three (3) tprings , w ith top. i to be plain , back straps and collin her tug , complete. 11 theaboxeto be dcll\ered at the t 1 L * xP nsf ' < he contractor , r than September 1 , 1S81 , unless there E clay lntlieappro\al of the contract. I bids must be avcompanicd by a cc k orc < iui\alcnt on home United Staler -or } ' , iwjable to the order of the agent ; fl\e(6)pcr cent of the amount of tli h check shall be forfeited to the I lalnciwe any bidder receiving award 0 execute prompt ! } a contract with lutllclcnt surctltn , according to the tci IU , othereUe to be rctunicd to the bli ! rnicnt will be made through the India Wash ngton , D. C. , as soon as practl the delhcrv of Jhe gooda. a right to reject anv and all bids is rose cs will be reccUed for all or part o c and should be endowed , "I'ropoea Ishlng Horses , Wagons , and harnass e case may be , and addrci * > d to the u u at Otoo Agency , Oaga couiCj , Neb LEWILI.YN \VOODI > . U. S , Indian Age > c Agencj , Neb. , June 34 , 1881. ENRY WARD BEEGHE isslng the students of the National Sch itlon and Oratorj , said , "Wo are Ihinij fthoso genius , who o history , whose im tmlncntly demand orator } . ' Tlic Natl ° , f Elocution and Oratory was c I 1 In 1S74 , to supply this demand. Char It , .Nlnetee" Teachers and Lectu lalists In their departincnts. Sun- i , July 5 , Fall Term , October 3. rcular to J. II. BECHTEL , Secretary I ? 1118cllC ! > tlintstr < 'Ct ' , I'lillndelph ESTRAY. en up by the undersigned on Slav 1 m my farm at Elkhorn Cit } ' Neb. , one p ° n.y.,3 < ? , rt old/ bran < lcd 'th a staroi . . p , tall bobbed of square , 2 white himl ur marks , OMASWIUTNE 32w6t _ _ - O.NK OF THU LARO Wholesale Clothing Houses In New 1 orthe coming fall Undo , experienced PI /no.60 " " ' " ' i Itrlcnccandcomuiani trade will Hnd this a lint clas oimort pply at once , with references to A. B lice box 303 , Xew Vcrk City. JotoNon-RosldontDofondn ] , Lane ( full name unknown ) will take "he / > * been sued 'b } Umlley M. btc I H. , JohiiBoii and Sanford W. Spratlln , s , doing business under the firm iiami Johnson * Co. , hi the District four , i county , Nebraska , to reco\er 83031 frast from October 18 , ISbO.due them o tory note bearing date April 20 , 1878. A i attachment has been made on cert itheHrtt National , bank of Omaha ] belonging to } ou and which the hald V isssss B WAHHKNhWITCI.E , _ 4t- Attorne } for I'lalntlft MININQ E ' "RINQ nt the Rensselear Polytec fltute Troy , N. Y. The oldest engine' lLn Ailcr'ca' JfeLt < nn begins Kt th < , Tll ° "Ulster for IbbO 81 eontalni He graduates for thu twt M } car.wl witions ; also , cours of btudy , rcouli uiiwibes , stc. Address DAVID M. QREENE , Director. A. G. TROUP , 'ORNEY-AT-LA\B ' REMOVAL , t .NTIQUARIAN BOOK STOR ] ? rf&n 14S ! 'J"Bl Street , bctwce 16th ( Opn Rtihman'e ) id Bceond Hand books bought , * sold an : tiuci ADAMI.4V HCvMtt . . .cuto Corn Sellers , Horsepowers , Wind Mills , Cultivator ! 4 Corn Stilk Cutttrs. Marseilles M'fe Ca , CHEAP LAND FOR SALE , 1,000,000 Acres , , - OP THE - FINEST LAND , - IN - EASTERN NEBRASKA. . SELECTED IN AX EA . ROAD LAND , BUT LAND OWNED nr NONRESIDENTS - RESIDENTS vmc Ann TIRED PATINO TAXES INI ) AUR OFFERING THEIB LAND3 AT TUB. LOW rillOK Of SO , $8 , AND $10 TEB ACRE , ' , ) N LONG TIMU AND EASY TERMS. WE ALSO OFFEU FOR SALE IMPROVED FARMS ix louglas , Sarpy and Washington ALSO , AN IMMENSE LIST OF ImahCityRealEstate' ' Inc,1 udfcs E1 ° 5ant Residences , Business. , , id Kcs dcnce Lots , Cheap Houses and 1 11/1 ! / laree , nul ] > er of Lota in most of IQ Additions of Omaha. Also , Small Tracts ot 5 , 10 and 20 acrce * and near the city. We hae good oppor- imties for making Loans , and in allcasea itsonally examine titles and take every ccantion to insure safety of money so \esteci , Ue ow wo offer a email list of SPECIAL BOGGS & HILL , leal Estate Br okersf 14OS orth Side of Farnham Sjtreet , . Opp. Grand Central Hotel , OMAHA , NBB. ) R SAI F A beautiful residence lot on. tnmornlabctwc " 22nd and- strcetS , SlcooT BOGOS & HILL. IR SAI P Vcr > ' nice house and lot III WMLC on ath and Webster streets i barn , coal house , well cistern , bhade nncf ' - A desirabi ° eo. / ir'1010A GS & HIIX. iR SAI F sPcntl"l ) buslnes loteS. E. 'II ' UnUK. corner of luth and Capltoll " " " BOGGS & HILL. R SAI F no { " ° nnd ! ° tcorncrChcago. ! II UflLb and 21st Btrocte , S5000. BOGGS & HILL. R 3AI F L rB ° . house on Da\onporfc a3 i6trqc bct cn ! th and 12th. location for boarding houkc. Owner willow - ow BOGGS& HILL. RSAI F p o new houses on full lot _ . * " t In Kountze & Ruth's add ! . This property will bo sold % cr "cheap BOGGS 11ILL. n SALE A top pheaton. Enquire of Jas. Stcphcnson. m RSAI F c ° rncro' ' two choice lots In UnLC Shlnn's Addition , request to- 10 submit beet cosh offer. offer.BOGGS & HlLEw. F A B ° oa n" uesirable ros' RSAI . . dcnce property , 84000. BOGGS i : HILL. FINE JjESIDENCE-Not In the market rillt Owcr will sell for Sfl.DOO. BOCGS & HILL. J SALE drn , affn , > a3d'ad BOGCS & IIILC A > crJ'nno residence lot , tai 80ni ° i SALE AuM'itn ' ? jssi Marj's axcnue , $450 to { SOO. These Tlote ar business , surrounds byflnc Imnrovcf and are 40 per cent eheapcj than any otho the market. BM o mone'y by b , | ? to BOGGS L HILL/ I SAI F 'O Iots ! sultablo for flno reel d.entc' on Pork-Wild aenuc . i * * ° ' dfll ° , tu ° ° > erc < l * tth fine lure Price extremely low. WO to $700 HOGGS & lilLE. ! SAI F ? ° m < ! > cr > ' che P lots lir CmuC Lake's addition. BOGGS & HILL. ! SAI F PT corncr lot. comei VlrtUC Douglas and Jefferson Sts BOGGS & HILL. SALF SS,1,08 ? n 2th27tn. . . " .20iK1ittn < 1 30th * . > * * > * M , T . , ' SrUl the Vniaaed extension ot ' rit1 ! ? "fcr ° from * 100 ! to * < oo. .e concluded to ghe men of tmall mains re chante to seture a home and will build BOGOS & HILL. SAI F Jf ° crc > 1 0'nlw rom city , UrH.1. about 30 acres \cry choice wlthrunn ng water ; ) ) alante geutly rolling only S miles how rallaoad , 810 pet acle i BOGUS it HILU S A I F i0 ? aci8 ln ono tract twclv f11"- , Inllcs ' " " cl' } ! > wres cu r i - LiUnB Bprinifof water. me nlc * he land la all Ilr6t-clas rich prairie. Prie lcre- BOGtiS A. HILL. SAI F 720 acres In one I > o0y , 7 miles- ' r wcet ° ' Fwniont , is all level i i y T"10' ' in hi Lin , good n settlement d mltit'rom and no rol'roaU bcttcrlan and 3und' BOGGS & HILL. ' . " ' " I'tii'ivifc-u farm oJ % MI .i"B'"j VlriLCi 210 acres , 3 uilleg from city ipro eiuents on this' land , owner not a farmer , dclcrmlne-d to sell. A good for some man of means. means.DOaOS t. HILL. QA | P 2. ° ° ° Mrcs of land near Jill- kt Vf"-t land Station. 3.600 mar Kit. - . 'romFIor. ' " f wtto ( thcKlkho n Mniii' CS bcattcred I eh thocoun- HO. x > \e lands lie near and adjoin niarlv in In the county , and can mitly be 5 cwh pa ) merit , with the balance in 1. " 3 , cars time. BOGGS it HILL. Mj SAI F Se'oral , fllo iwwenccs prop. crticl ncx" btfcr ° otfcred ? , , nn\ , in thu fearjiy and Washlnzton countlM Alw > owa. ler description and prices call on BOGGS 4 ; HILL. ness Lots forSale on Farnamand Douir. .trccts , from 83,000 to 85,600 BodGS&HILL. SAI F 8b , > i8lnM9 lota ncxtwcsb 4SUbt ) , ° ' ua > "lc Temple price > I ,000 each. BOGGS & HILL SAI F ? bluln < : ? J lots west of Odd in IX Vellows block , 82 MO each. BOGGS & HILL. lAI F ? LbuncM ? ! IoU " " 'n ldo /MS1 * * , DouS1Mi > reet. between 12tb * J.600 each. BOGGS & HILL. lALF J.Wj 'WiOWMeowtnjoBiiB nLC tluiberj Ihlng w ttr , uj. ° > nn , only 7 mi.wi Item cnhmd. cnhmd.BOGGS & 1IILL.