w . * OMAHA DAILY EE. . . . TT.IT.\rfiVNrrpw VT.AT ? on 1001 Houses , LOTS , FARMS , LANDS BEMIS JReal Estate EXCHANGE 16th & Douglas 'OMAHA , NEB. RESIDENCE LOTS ' 4000 100 to 32500 each. UOUSES AND LOTS , 8275 to $16,000 each " " " " . .500 - FARMS -200 ACRE3 LAND :900,000 -j o AHA ACUES IN DOUGLAS COUNTY < y A A A ACnES IN SARPY COUNTY LAUQE ASIOUN ,150 .Sutoban Property , UN ONE , TEN. TWENTY Oil FOnTY-ACRE LOTS , WITHIN ONE TO FIVE MILES FltOM POSTufFICE. $250,000 TO LOAN AT 8 Per Cent , r . ) HEW MAPS OF .OMAHA , 1 PUBLISHED BY TIJI3 AGENCY , 25c each ; Mounted , $1. I Houses Stores , Hotels , Farms , Lots , Lands , Offices , Rooms , etc. , etc , , TO RENT OR LEASE. Tares Paid , Rents Collected , Deeds , Mortgages , and all Kinds of Real Estate Documents Made Out at Short Notice. This agency does strictly a Brokerage business. Does not .speculate , and therefore any "biargains on its books are in sured to its patrons instead lei being gobbled up by the agent. Notary Public 'Always ' in Office. f = TCALL AND GET CIRCULARS nd FULL PARTICULARS t tBEMIS' BEMIS' Eeal Esate Exchange ; 15tu AND DOUatASSTS. , lOWil REPUBLICANS , A Large'finthnsiasfcic and Pood- Matured Orowd Assembled at M Hoinos , and Larraboo in the 4Load with HarJatt ns the Dark Hors6 , Iitifo YOUUR the Lending Cntididnto for the Iilontonimt- GoTornorsliip. Other Political News Spec ! l dlsiwtch to TIIR URB. DKH MOINKS , la. , Juno 28. An enormous crowd has filled DesMoines to-day , and packed all the hotels and boarding houses with a sweltering mass of delegates slid visitors to the republican state convention. The heat throughout the day has been melting , but has failed to disconcert the eager throng of politicians who , trom early morning , have boon indus triously canvassing the chances of their favorite candidates. A sharp , yet good natured contest has been waged all day , and waxes warmer to-night among the friends of Harlan and Campbell , the object baing to draw off all uninstructed delegates from Larrabeo and Sherman. Both of the leading candidates claim a clear majority on the first ballot , but a careful canvass this morning showed that the actual figures were : Larra bee 317 , Sherman 499 , Harlan 05 , Campbell 05. Owing to the exertions of the friends of Harlan and Campbell , Harlan'a fr'onds this evening claim 120 and Campbell 106. Larrabeo has lost during the day. It is evident that Harlan is the second choice of the convention. His friends , therefore , are doing their best to prevent the nomination of Sherman on the first or second ballot. If successful , Har- lan's chances will be good , for his friends are hard workers and Harlan is very popular throughout the state. A largo number of delegations in structed for either Sherman or Lar- rabce will bolt at the first available chaco for Harlan after casting their their vote for the candidate for whom they have received instructions. * There are no present indications as to the other officers. It is generally conceedcd that Senator Lafo Young , of Cass county , is 'tho leading candi date for the lieutenant govcrnship , and has the inside ) track for the nom ination. Whoever is successful the state superintendent of public instruc tion will go to the eastern part of thn state. "If Larrabeo is the nom inated party , Akcrs will bo the succcsssul candidate , if Sherman , the superintendent will bo Sabin of Clin ton. At the best , all is more specu lation. James F. Wilson is here and 'has his headquarters sandwiched between the gubernatorial candidates. Ho is industriously working his senatorial chances. The convention will re- aflirm the t prohibition plank of last ! year. National Associated Press. DBS MOINEH , la. , Juno 28. The city is crowded with politicians who are working hard for themselves or their candidates. The main contest is on the governorship. Harlan , Campbell , Sherman and Larrabeo are all candidates , and the friends of all feel confident. For the other offices the work is moro quiet. Senator Young will probably get the lieuten ant-governorship. James F. Wilson is working quietly for the United States sonatorship. Quito a number of delegations came instructed for John A. Kasson for the sonatorship. RICHMOND , Va. , Juno 28. The Republican Stat a Central Committee , which has been in secret session all this afternoon , has elected J. W. Cochrano chriruian. The committee resigned. A resolution 'was adopted for a mooting on the -1st , and agreed to hold a convention at Lynchling , August 10th , instead of at Slanton. Both sides claim a victorybutMahono men claim that'thoy ' luivo gained some points. A Heavy Defaulter. National A * xl tcJ 1'reoa. CHICAGO , Juno 28. There was a genuine sensation in banking circles this morning on learning that Albert J. Smith , who for the past twelve years has boon prominently connected with the Merchants Loan and Trust company bank , over which his uncle , the late Mr. Sol Smith , presided , had absconded , and was a defaulter to the amount at least of 831,000. It is not known at this time to what amount this sum will bo increased , but the accounts of the bank are being thoroughly overliaulrd and it is pre sumed that further irregularities will bo brought to light. Smith's father * iii-law wasaheavyucpositorinthobank , but kept no pass books. His custom was to send money to the bank by his son-in-law , who , it appears , put the money in Jiis own pocket , and made false entries on the bank ledger , oi which lit had charge , All the * ind | vidual books of the v dop&4t liave been. ' called ' < in * ufor comparison with tlo ; ledger. ; The irregularjties already discovered cover a period of three years. Mr. It. F. Baker , Smith's father-in-law , t\ denies all knowledge that the latter is | e n ( ] etultor , but , while confessing that Ills , on-in-law is traveling for his health , refuses to divulge his where abouts. WiuhtmA ton VI itod hy n Heavy Rainfall. Xttli l ASKX& * ' > 1 > rfM- \ \ Juno 28. Washing * ton was visitct ' tm s afternoon with a thunder storm * lf unusual severity and damat-o to'tho o.itont of many thous and "dollars wai sustained. There was a heavy ahoiu > r f 1" the southwest - west , about 3 1 > . in. , when a quarter- an inch i : of rain fell * ' 'thm fifteen min utos The clouds th , ' cleared away and at 8 p. in. artonn suddenly arose from > the northwest. I u seven minutes ntca after 8 o'clock the \ wind W "v hurricane , and rain fell torrents ; between 8:07 : and 8rfu tlu amount being - ing two I and throe-fourth ii. 'C'1C3 wind ! blow at a velocity < / ; iti l > cr hour , and the lightna 'K Hashed more terrifically than OT ' known here , ' , making sad Iwoc fcJ migliout the city. I The roof o ! the ci ty hall W 3 iilmo-jt comiilotely torn o I' ' and wne thrown into thestretfli. . Thu pension ofllco was struck by Egh tiling and the Heavy iron cornice wiuRth. w wn across Pennsylvania aveniM. . The medical wtwcum buiWiiiT , Tciv > ity church nniEuiany private edifiras w. ore also badly damaged. Tllo ? roof of Young's silfc house- was t rn odl'ni ul the stock dnaiogcd to the- amount of about $10,000 , EPITOMIZED REPORT- Ot Yesterday's Important Tel - | graphic Noi * , Condons d'ftoa I the Nntloanl Associated'- , Associated'0 The steamers 'Sctwcon Y.tnv Ci-uw th and Now Orleans have stoppodlruro- ng on account OIT quarantinw The ticket brokers at St. Liuisto day gave the general otlicora aisur"- prise by advertising a > 81.75 rats-fron * in here to Chicago. They did all. tlio & business by sweeping smngerfost tick ets. - EarlySunday morninga friondcallod' ' on Geo-rgo French , at his homo in De troit , Mich. , and asked him to go finh- ing. French told him ho guessodv he- bo would iwt go and then , turning tO'gp. to back to bed , ho fell dead on the Jlbon. . The boiler in tho-flouring iniiL'of ' Clark & Kendall at Mar-low Ills. , - , , ex-- of plodcd this morning , killing Engiiicotr Ho George Warns , Alexander Mason and Peter Reynolds. Portions of the boiler were fpund a quarter of a mila * from the building. At St. Louis , Mo. , Isaac Wise , at torney in a suit for the custody of a child , to-day told the court that from , the testimony taken the child was evidently a bastard. The child's mother , Mrs. Miner , meeting Wise , gave him a good dressing down with her . parasol. As Capt. Bonj-i EysteT , a commission sioi mercliantftwaa putting his buggy in the I bam in the rear of his house on to NorthMoridian : , Chicago , last evening , John Schumacher , a hackman , drove through the alloy and commanded Eyster . to got out of the way. A knock down fight ensued. Esytor went into the house , got a revolver and shot Schumacher in the neck , seven-ing the artery. Ho cannot live ho till morning. Ho is forty years old his and has a wife and five children. amA report is received from the county scat of St. Louis county .that General Grant has sold his farm on Graver's road , a few miles from the city to Jay Gould for 875.000. his his II. ] S. Smith , to be hanged at Cor inth , Miss. , is trying to .starve him to self to dentil. Ho has not eaton any thing for twelve days. to Last Sunday night grave robbers , at' Dayton , 0. , stole the body of George Fox , a man who committed suicide by hanging himself in his barn a few weeks ago , southwest of tin city. at Postofiloo Changes , In Nebraska during the week end ho ing Juno 25 , 1881 , furnished by Wm spr Wm. Van Vlcck , of the postoflico de partment : Established. Congdpn , Dawson county , Charles H. Davis , postmaster. Discontinued. Bortrand , Burt county ; Homestead , Burt county. Names changed.--Sac , Richardson mu county , to Preston. ' 'Postmasters appointed. Chapman , Morrick county , A. B. Cady ; 1'rank- lin , Franklin county , J. S , Hart ; Lo mu Grand , Salmo county , C. Shepherd ; ole Lena , Ouster county , G. P. Clayton ; Momenco , Fillmore county , Grace Mulholland ; SavannahButler county , to John Fitxsimmons ; Springdale , Val ley county , Dwight Pierce ; Willow Grove , Red Willow county ; Henry nig Church. not ho wal Accident on tha Boston & Lowell fra Road- National Associated 1'rear Boa LOWELL , Mass. , Juno 28. The mu White Mountain called clo express , so , in its trip to Boston over the Boston it Lowell road , mot with an accident hi this city this afternoon. The Cen tral Vermont mail car failed to take a the switch near the station and being thrown from the track took with it the car following it , which was the baggage car , The mail car struck a line of dump cars and was completely demolished as was also four of the dump cars. But ono person was hurt , a man named Morton of St. Al- bans , Arermont. His injuries are not serious. There were four cars in the train and all were heavily laden. Au Old Grudge Wiped Out. National Associated 1'ruu. CINCINNATI , Juno 28. William Groer waB shot and killed in Morgan county , Ky. , Thursday , by Doc Cock- oroll. The murder was the sequel of a story of five murders bno to avenge the other. Cockeroll had a son who killed three persons , and was himself killed by Greer uy six months ago. Since then Cockorell atvd all the women of the family have bo'eV ' going armed for Green , who neVer went out of the yard till to-day , when he ventured in the field and was shot dead while at work. FOREIGN EVENTS. A Horrible Murder Oommittofl in a Railway Carriage , Ho IRobs hia Victim and thou Throws the Body Into- a Tunnol. The Several Crows Practicing 1W the Coming Henley Rogottii. CONTINUATION OK , TUK IllOTH. LONDON , June 28. A dispatch from Homo aays that the demonstra tions ascuiimt thb French in Italy con tinue. The crowds atMarsala that wore inniBually dcinonntratiTo wuro dis persed by the police after numerous arrests had boun made. A tr.Tnn : ox viunAitom. Loxrox , Juno 28.Tlie Jiirl of Onxnvillo's letter to Secretory Dlaino on FcniiiiiiaiH i bohu ; drafted at tln > foreign wflico ai > d will probably ainvo in Washington about thu middle of July. ' TIIH tOMIKO HRNLKT 1UOTA1TA. lovDOjl , Jfmo : W ? TW crnva tak- ing'part in thoTTonloy regatta nru winvitig up at hanl practioo to-day. The general belief ioro f * thai Cor nell will bo ( Vifoatod , as noithurluvo style nor staying powers etuail tu their English oppononts. Al.tlMT TU ; . OAiraH. . . m Jirtio L 8 ; The tolopaph istoamc-tf " " hca ' "Farrady" spliced-a shwcfc nd new cable at > LandsEtd | audi is now pr3coodint' > , woatfard to-juiik uy- o New York suction MUllDEUtIK iil f.-nr v , iif KIAQE. „ „ . . , JUno : ta Flirtheirdiscl JD0 tides concerningtlw mnrioroo.'uiiiittiti n carriwo on tholino of > tlio > Eondbui AB , railrowlj are most sunsnr- tionn . The incidcnts-connootmliwitlij the murdojof Mr. Briggo-by ok Ger man nnned MUellop' ' were undo almost Bsmilaiv oir- circunistanaos ; MIT Briggsji ilr will rciiiombitfod , . wa * travding.'V.jvmil London , , andl cl\anco < l to'i-u-thor only occupant of thacarrmgo , tsxoopH Muellec , who killed hiin roubed.him. his hut anil some of. thcc clothing. made , hi > way. tt LivoigooL andi thence to tho- United 'States , whoaa liix was arrested i -while wearing tlio Imt of the murdorocSinan. Ho waB brwiglit , back to England ; , tried andl sa- cutci In tlio - OMOofi lastr night the facts tluia. fiar asscrtained artkthcso : AMrv. Gmdd ; who had been visiting .Brighton and was on i his waj.upto London * onitho London & Brighton rnilway llncj fwaa ' alone in the compartment of. ai f&'st ' class carriage- with n Ercnnlimen , whoso name v * < ' "HHjixjod ; bo 1 " Lefray. Immodiatoljy n tec' trains on , this , i a < l Sf leave Brighton they passthrwwrli several long and perfectly dark ton- ncls , which are cut througli. the high chalk hills , and. iti was whik gi ng througli ono of thcso plnoeii t ! ab Mr. Gould was munlorod. & apnejura tliat tlo struggled desperately fur. liis life. The carriage was Bpattuuud with blood. Two > Bulluls were found imbodiledi in tRe enr- riagi , and thorn weru other ovidonccB of a Iwmd-to-Uaiwl eontHct , but the murderer having completed work , and , asho believxjdi , robbed victim of n largo sum > S money , throw his body out'of ' the > window in tot ! tunnel. Thcro it was found some hours afterwards , aixit wsis neon tob stabbed in several places. The ty murderer came as Ear aa Crogdon , a station u few nrihw out of Ixmdon , near the Crystal Ualaco. Hero holoft train and with astonishing auda city called the police otliccrs on duty the I station to his aid. Hin face was wourfdod and bleeding and his clothing was torn. Ho said that lie had been on n little spree and tl at ho had drank too much and had injured himself by attempting to walk about in the carnage riap when the train was in auch rapid motion , The police kindly assisted the murderer to his homo but the bo next day when they heard of the § murder and went to look for him , lie hut ilod. No trace of him has since been discovered. Tlioro is but little doubt that .the murder was deliberately planned. The electric < alarm of the railway carriage was unused The atory of a third party being in tho'carriago is thought bo a myth. The evidence shown tha there was a bloody conflict flic , Lofray , before taking to flight , changed hia clothes and did call upon the doctor where ho said was going. A piece of Mr. Gould's watch chain was found in one of Lo- co fray's ; boots. The r uthorities at all Boaports are on the lookout for the murderer and every outgoiog vessel in closely watched. KMl'lim AUOUbTA HKKIOUHLV ILL. BEHLIN , Juho 28. ' The Empress Augusta is very 'ill , having undergone serious operation , Prince Bis marck is atill very bad. _ VIOTOIUOVH IlV TVWANKV. LONDON , Juno 28. A dispatch from Sophia aya that Prince Alexan i- der's victory in the "Bulgarian " elec tions are said to bo brought about by oppression and terrorism. A dispatch Bays that the relations between Franco and Turkey are very much strained , , ) A dispatch from St. Petersburg says that Russia has determined upon placing two vessels of war in Chinuso Waters , * . The press this morning generally approve pf Gladstone's motion urging prompt legislation ! ! tjio | and bill , DKTUOIT , Mich. , Juno 28Tjio | great greenback camp muuting at Lansing , which was to be addressed Weaypr , West , Ingalls , olon Chase , opened to-day with a beg > garly array of seventy empty tout * and not enough people to make ft group. It is Hat lizzie. The man agers expected 60,000 people , but OB b yet have have not had fifty , 11 WASHINGTON WAITS- OrKHATIONS tt > U T1IK KNT. WASUINOTO.V , Juno 28. Secretary KirkwKd having obtained the opin ion of the attorney general s to the Indian troubles on the Cho ? taw and Chichwaw lands , that it is thvtlttty of the dep rtinont and not of tho-liulmns to rom. vo the intruders from the lands , h ) telegraphed it to-ifey to Agent Tufts ut Muskogee , nnd in structed Him to give notice that the law will lit enforced but to sutpond the romoKilit tmtil further insiiuc- ( ions , TO T.W : A. FtKASUUK Till P. WASIIIXOTOM , .Juno 28. President Garlield , acrompiuiied by sovorvJ , [ members of the cabinet , will leave 014 | July first for a Now England trin , in * eluding Williams college , and will I i afacnt about ten day * . iniUlSU 1IAVW H1CAITOINT.MKXT4 WASIIIXIJTO.V , Juno i8. ! Thu presi- dtnt was waited on to-day by a largo PiiUburg delegation wccompauiod by Ch-M. Foster and candidate Richards , of bhe Ohio state ttoktt , who urged the reappointniunt of Thomas J. Davis as llecter nt Pittsburgh. CA1U.VKTMiun.n. : . Thure was u full att-endance at the cabinet meeting to-day , with the ex ception of Attornoy-Guncral MoYcagh whoii'still absent from-the city. The- cabinet meeting' to-day was c'evottd principally to t lk concerning - iiig derjartnient matte > appertaining tc , i ncac'tho close of the : liacal year. Si icrotaty Windom's success in ro- 'll ndingrwa.f made the snbjoct of a 'f'1 igratulatory ' comment by the prcsi- del it. ' S locrotary Kirkwood detailed the rco nit experience of frontier otlicers in t ho Choctnw and Chicliasaw land trou blesrand hoped for ailmppy issue oa L he bavis of the attornuy-general's ion. The only absentee was ral MeYoaqh , wlio will bo pros- out a t Friday's mooting. Secretary Wind om , after the adjournment , statoi I thalnho know of no departmpnt chan ; ed decided on. It is authorita tively statcilithat the president has no uorrw pondunco between himself and Goner al Grunt to make public. On tlvo sai no luithority it may l > e said that W hu t no intuntion of making any a in tiio cabinet. The rumor ridiculed bhis brother cabinet olli- Tlio'.Indian agent of the Ohoctaw " - - Clu ickasiw ugoncy has been in- structcc I to wiforco the Indian laud la.wft , oo cordiiig to the opinion of the attomojigonnr.il , published yontorday , gtmig tl itrty days notice for the exodus - odus of the intruders. If the intru ders , will not depart quietly , the no- force H wi'l be omployed- and if 'tltai pro 'cs insuflicient , tho&ervico of the milit tiryiil ] bo invoked. T tie n&oos nt tial I > U { Atcli t Tim IUK. ! LINCOLN , Nob. , Juno 2B. On ac- count of the weather the recc * were not large ! y attended. In the 2'i2 : class the race 'was won by Kiiinoy's-Colora- , takiii/ the second , third and fourth heatu. I lest time 2-10j : ; P ason'ii ] Iiiflloy HI icond ] Frants : SilaGarbor third. Ill tlio * running n\eo there wcao fouir eutrioB , M on by Jacob's Governess Crolla , Govornor-Garcolon of to second , C'nrpwiUr's ' MiinnohrdiA third ; time 1:50. : Three minute and half- mile race come-ou * to-ni orrow. In thu Bhooiaig niutcli bctwoon Pot and others , for thu Parker gun , E. Potty won. PACIFIG.COAS T NCCTES. National or SAN FiiANueco , J uno 28. Ezra Dcljarmo , a vratchinai i of thft'Hydrau- be claim , neao ; Vole ano , was mur dered by rohbora , who rifled uixty foot of the Hlutco box es , carrying off a large mmntityu < f ame.lgam. A fire in tlio Sobastorol inino nt of Grass Valloy.'lestroyod tW timbers HO that the siuJdug oE n new shaft will neccssarjy Tho. damsgo 'is about of 12,000. , I'Viur ' limn in the mine os- of cajied tlirou h a dru in tuuaul. VI HucccnJ6if'u ] pow dur-l.wusu at Tuc the exploded/ / Bjujiitancoua combus tion of touit powder laitmiyht. Two cars of EojjJish gun cotton , wid tonito for powder wojf * in tlio houi iat the timo. ling The explosion damaged nil the build ings in tlio-town , but V.Oloss of lifo occurrfldt , Damage cvor ? 100,000. Several poisons who were on guard were tiiktm to the hosytiol. SAN.FIMNCIHCO , Juuo 28. Sanlla- faol , oiulileon miles fraiu San Francis. , i < ciieitod by thoi oppearaneo J of M/iuul/Tamalpais , spu-ka being umit- ted fcouA the top lit irregular interval - Oil val mul the smoky atmosphere bov- oriuovor. . Specubtions as to the of cause i indulged in with some opin a ions. that a regular Wcano will bo de it veloped. \ > t. Wm. T. RoW , princir l of tluo ing boj-a' high school has boon oloctud der iireaidont of the university. Rev , J. . 0. Bonto , o3 Sacramento , elected secretary. I Important Chiutuo. the National A wcbted VreM. Ga Juno 08 , Aw i ATLANTA , > , n- portant chanito has beou made m iolicy of tho"lnternatioii l cotton ii- . dustrial exposition. Director Gen eral P. J. Kimball reached boum to day bringing heavy subscriptions , to it the exposition stock made by mer St. chants of Chicago , LouMvillo , St. it Louis aud other ctics. No Hop for UopA. Natloaa ) Associated I'IVM. KBW YOHK , Juuo 28. Information was received at the central office this ovuuing that J mes Hope , the bank burglar and futhor of Johnny Hope , who is now aorving a term of twenty " years in the state prison for robbing the Manlu\tan { bank of this city , lad been arrested in San Francisoo for burglary , and that ho will bo brought to thu city at an early date. ' THE ALBANY Ml'DOLE. ' Tto Monb'tony Roliewi by the IndiotniBiit of Senator Session * , VicoProaidout ? Arthur Fn Uaitin { on Dopow mid' ConkliDff. . , National'A ' oMistotl from. VEitv MTTI.I : ntxxni : . AI.IHNV , N. Y. , , luno 28Thu joint ( convention resumed its RTM ion nt 12oo&ok. ! Thu tint ballot i > .r n successor to Conkling rostittad : Conklin T'llO , Wheeler 42 , Laphanuli Crowley 2 , Cornell 4 , Uoach 1 , Fo3p j'j 1 Hogor.11 , P < > | tQP ( dum. ) 41) ) . _ Total , The j olhiii.J joint ! ballot fur a mi > bonscr ( to Plutt nnultcd : Depow fii\ 'Ktirnan 4D1.l > latt UiT , Lapham it , Cor * i nell ! ) , OmvlovMlj Tnomiiin 1 , iltiskin- ] , Whi'olor t , To M47. [ AUIANV , Ni Y- . , Juno 28. After tlto balloting-a resolution waa oflorod Unit when tiio" convention mljouri Saturday it Ve to meet * on Monday i Itichtlold Springs. Thu motion was declared out of onion. The hal ( breeds resolution oH'oreil yes toriluy for four Ballots dailj , was discussed- lungth. Oh ' Salt Alvard and othoni- favored it. . The ikinocratn opposed it. The stal > warts said it was foolislu continue balloting when ntv result could bo achieved. ErastusBrooks - ( doin. ] ; made a < long speech in .favor of an ad journment sine die. TliU' ' roll call on an aditmrninont until to-morrow ro- as 8ultouin78 ayes and 70imyrfy and the \ convention adjourned. ' AUUNV , Juno 28. Tfto-indictment [ > of Senator Sessions tlris-aftornoon by is the graml jury has varied'tho ' political excitomant ill Albany nnduiuvna , now subject to quarrel over. Tlio indict- incnt wava surprise. Tlioro lu.dboen rumors that Sessions would' b'o in dicted , but no ono bvlitivcd this ' and at midnight last ) nigfrt the otalwarts denied the rumor. This .o morning about 11 o'clock District- Attorney Herrick mot PeVkhaiuono of Session's counsel , and , without saying in : o many words , intimated that the grand jury might , during the day , bring in an indictment aenniHt Sea of sons Peckham'fl council expressed surprise , naid said that Besnoim would lie appear with counsel. apptSi ron Seasons appeared with onunsfil at theaftorno nBOssionof the count , when the district attorney ataUSdl tlint an indictment had been found b y the gmncl jury against Sessions , cluirging him with an attempt to bribe Assem blyman Bradley by giving him * $2,000 vote for Ohauncoy MT Dopow for Bonator- ' /ho indictment as it was handed up to tlio court waa > Uriof , con taining onlythb single churgo. Ses ers sions said tliat ho was ready to pro ceed with an immediate triall The district attoanoy replied that he would proceed with i the trial when. . Fxo was this ready. of The counsul nrotostod in a hot ler speech that thu > delay was a political A Hchomu and'calculated to prejudice IB the public mind. The diatriut-attor- lost. noy replied that ho would luit bo able try I the aso before the naxt term of court in October , and in the meantime - linn would insist that Sass'ium * be hold in bail ot $2,000. Bail waa fur nished and Sessions released. The grand jury have also , it is raid found oudictment against A. D. Barljorund . J. PhulpO- ) lobby fama. If is ex pected that others will ba indicted , BOO1 . Thocindictmout of > St-asions has destroyed all chances of. on im at mediate compromise of tlti- election adjournment , and I. , , are that th . aunatorial contest will iS indefinitely i continued. Sessions , , , ! ! ! an intorvinw to-night , fltatud tliat ,3o had boon treated very unfairly byj the grand jury ; , that ho intended to-tako only forum ! notice oft bribery charges , ami would not and present auy indictments ! , that ho The went bofdm the jury fortha purpose to making n coantoB charge . jwrjiuy againiti Bradley. K-I'KK1II > KNT AKT1III15. I. * AL11ANV. Vico-Pfesidont Artllur mrived in a cily to-day. Ho nayi that the quickest way to Bottle , tlu ) duadlock is the rowiblicans to.uuitu on Conk- had .andlRbpow. _ _ _ _ _ jiliiii largo JoacpltiA. * BonhanjKa < i , , the well- known fowyor , 117 , Soutla Seventh cioa street , , Philadelphia , , , ro latoa * liift experience ! . " -About two wooks-a $ > I was Huseodlwiih what the went doctors ( dulled muwmlan rheumatism and hunyvrikhtlog. The lo r below the rest knee woa swollen untill' ' wauld hardly Btandugx | > n it. I hadiMMii St. Jacobs advertised , andlsuiit to the drug store n ar my house , on the corner Nineteenth and'Mkutier ' streets , for botiBo of it. 1 rubl > c l my log with ; that night amfliti m short time the ) f pun seemed toftfiaivajr. Next morn the swelling- had shifted from un the nnklo tu.thoupper part of tlicr knee. I applied- * Oil again and : . swelling m , a ihort time wont douo jaway , leaving a. very slight paw. didn't use anjj uoro Oil , an I thoufjllb attack wiaver. . About a wwik later it npiwared again in the BJJIIB rJaco. The Iw'i swelled BO badly that wind after comiitj down town and walking several hquwei , ! gave cainplotolj out. For wont hoijuj intending to try eomo French nvjdicino , but I forgot tu go , and having n part of this Ixittlo o . Jacol-a Oil in the house yet , 1 trioi and again , bathing the limb thoroughly When 1 got up In * ho morning th N pain awl swelling were both ultnoa gene , naidiifteronii more anpliuation was UA well as urer , und fiom that time to this 1 hiueu't boon troubled. " at SntUfuotoryt Jlw. Wallace liuJUlo , N. Y. , 1 have uwd UruixicK HLOOU UIITKIW nenou umlllUoun Iwailaches , anil h vw roeoniuumdMi thorn to my fricuilHjI bollBVo them Buiiprlor t' > any other nivuiclne I have u d , mid can leooiiimciul them to ' anyone rtxiu'iiiiK ' a cmo for " 'anil I'iko 81.W , trial size 10 cent * , ing iMaxioo Matters. Prcxi. Cirv OF MKXICO , Juno 28. An oflicirxl ili.ijiatchrum the scene .of the Jlorclos raikoad accident places the number of killed at 1W > , There were 300 passengers' on board the train at the time of the disaster. The gov ernment investigation i * proceeding. Carles Pachcco w > sumed to-day the oOJco held by Goner * I Dim , who has resigned aim will go to Oaxaca , of which state lip will probably bo elected governor. Sinor FeiiuMides will go w gor rnor of the district vicePache - ao I.Miis change is the txiuse t > f some ronmrfc a Pachcco is rqiorjcd to bo intoreslt'd in the Morolo taijrosd.and in which other officials ntv involved. Tlio pap in are attacking the govern- montaiul doinmul lh.it the h'anio for the accident bo fixed whore it proper ly belongs. .It is thought tluU nothing will conio c4 the investigation. Con-tlntmtUiY National A < ioil.iDo' I Nnw YOHK , Jnno 2 ! > 3 a. m. Tho- publication of tbo rirclfttioii.i regarding ng tht t latest tysarch for A * T. Stow urt's Iwdy are cwiitiinwd tfiii moniL'ig , U , appears that the < loteotiv wlio had tltA.1 matior I ! in ditvrgo bocnnte aware that. u Hilton had Uml POV oral in- with the polfwaml had ar- to arrest histantly a ] ] parties ut ! , immediately upon thu taii Ification of iliu renminv The uravo robbers declined to > cr mpluto hi negotiation and lucllin - 'orniocl the dotcctivea tliat hither .hau submit th& body would o .destroyed. The1 duteotivo allenM' that Jiulgo Hilton > 8on6 the du- ectivuinstruutioiiH that Iw should et empVoymont in tlkominen \ and ihus IwuTi of the movenieiits 00 Mike Ivollo7 > This is as > for' ' as- known , it ivwv staiuli , and tliodcbeciivo illegcs < tlu\t theio is no possilMlity of the recovery of the body , Ulilosw * am- lo sectnrity for reward and immunity given to the grave robbers. Nation Awochtcxt rfu . NEW YOHK , June 28.KanknndhV the mnrdoror i of Mina Mullort in-the woods ntnr GutloKliorg N < J.nmdb'a- full confoMion to t.\o district attprnoy whom Iieirecited'nll the dciails > ofT Iio criinoKaukouvki saicil that lit * jecamo infatuated wiili'tho woman , . and for a long time- ncg'- ecto < l his family. for' ' her , . and that finally h became tlredi her and' tried to gvt rid of lien b'atr ihat she wonhl not Icnvo.hiuu Tiieni determined to kill her so that lie * could get bnck' to his wife and'-child- , and i that the taking of her watch , iiionoy and clothing was an 'after thought { , an ho. believed that he could' ' raine money on them to give to > hiv wife. Five Poron * Killed by ploalon of a Boiler. National AuoclnUfil Treat. MAYHVIMJ. , Ky. , Juno 28. Tft - steaiuur Rochester exploded-licr boil at 1:30 : p in. to-day , about tlrroo- fourths of a milo from this city. Engineer Caan Nailer , of Manchester- Samuel Ilignolds ( colored ) porter , of ? city , ancU.Tames Carr , deck hand,1 Majsville- and J'oauph Mil , dock-sweeper , worekilled. . ' passenger , whose name- not known , is also supposed to bi > - . Among the injurod1 are Letv Smitli , of Cincinnati ; Baaoont-Cooper , , Manchcstor ; Mr. M. MbCarthy , oh Chicago ; .lini Severs , llroman , fatally , John Conn , of Marietta ; imwt'of them.- * slightly. The boat isa comploto- wreck. A Hotel Thlof Dotootod. National Amoclntal TroBj ) . ST. LOIMKVTuno 28. Cbnsidbniblo- excitement LQH been caused.by thofta. . | the now Southern hotel. Diamonds 'i mends , jewelry and all sorts of val uables have boon taken from tho- rooms. Tills morning ttlo thief wasu discovered in the person o 'a colored" porter named Qrayson , wh'o was OJIIT- iiloyed in the drug store of A. M Mollior , on the first ifior of tliiv hotel building. A lot ofporfumery. fancy- goods were * rocovorod. jewomnro said to have been sent : Indianapolis. A Blackmailer AVrestod- NaUoiul Aiwoclatod I'nw * CIIIOAUO , Juno 28. Theodore Lange * reporter on the Gormuu.papers , wa& arrested .to-day , and held in 85,000. bondil ou a charge of blackmail. Ilo been writing lottera , . to Mrs. So- Scliiuidt , making her give hima sum or ho would , expose hen for- fraudiiluntly gottinu iusuranco poli- o , tholifo of her husband , Iliiiry bchnuiltfor 822,000) , ) , when ho , was. about dead with ccnsumption. She > by appointmonLto moot lomgo , had the dotcctivA-.iujar by to , ar Jtllla. A.Now Hampshire Hall Storm ; Nciloual AsBOcbtccl I'l . ANiMVKn , N. H. , Juno 28 A. erwliu hail Btoruupasaod over this ro- ion.Uii8 afternoon , djustroyinj. fields , corn , apple tfues , old buildings , , ilowing down fujicea andaeriouuly in uriug the croi)8. ) It lasted , abouU ittuuu minut'U aud was of greai. ucy. Considarnblt ) damage wna ab * . in Fnu'Jdyn. I t , WA iiiNOfloN , Juno 28 . For upper Mississippi Yalloyfaib woa mostly wuat , stationary or loWec ! teniDuratijro a d higher ; * biupmeter. ( i the lewor Missouri , coldejf/ xtly/ cloudy \ \ athtr , and liKtd rains fel-J lowed by clearing wtathor , wituM- , ' mostly uwrth , stationai-y tempanitura higher barometer. . : Tbo Faster Holding Fast. tto * i A CK-iatt l I'rixo. , Oucuno , Juno 28. Grucom fin ished the Slat day of his foatat noon , foyling weak aim languid and si cfunplaining of huugor. His weij noon was half a pound less tl yosteitlay , temperature 97J , pulse jj inspiration 13. ; hi-u xl THOJIAH' I'lctEgrriuo OitRjrl unw. has found nothiiii ; to equal it In i tlra win ami i'l > hur relief , f